#fashion disaster multiverse
chzdavmpr · 11 months
Ok so I have read all of the manga Versus (The one by the author of One Punch Man) that is currently out, and this post will just be a collection of thoughts I have about it. Btw, if you haven't read it, I would definitely recommend reading it, or at least the first 2-3 chapters to see if it's your cup of tea. Go in completely blind tho. Trust me. Spoilers below for chapters up to 10a.
Firstly I gotta say, the concept is a very enjoyable one. One might say it's a little close to the multiverse concept, which many people are tired of at this point. But for me the idea is different enough here in execution that I feel it's still nice and fresh.
The worldbuilding is very fun. The way each of the 13 worlds (that we know of so far, I don't think they'll introduce more but who knows) look different visually, to where you can easily tell which one a character is from just by their clothes, or which world a location is from just based off looks, is just super satisfying.
I love how the concept is almost an inverse of One Punch Man and Mob Psycho. Where instead of the protagonists being overpowered beyond belief, it's every single enemy that's OP. It makes for a really fun dynamic, especially when written by One.
That being said, as of writing this, the most recent chapter is released is 10a, where Hallow is just about to fight Kiva, and I really really hope that they do not just have Hallow become strong enough to beat him. I feel that would defeat the point of the whole story. We saw a bit of that when Alio was able to somewhat hold his own against the giants and new humanity using a super ultra final technique, admittedly he still lost after like 20 seconds, but I think that for this story that's 20 seconds too long.
It takes a few chapters to just kinda introduce the premise, but once it got that out of the way I really liked the characters. They have very expressive designs, unique character traits, and work off each other very well even the nobodies just introduced in the giant mission to die have so much character (except the machine world ones, since they all have identical armor) it really makes you invested in them, and ups the stakes when the story shows that they do not have any plot armor and all of them can die.
Kayla is especially great. So far giving big neurodivergent vibes. Zaybi is another standout character.
The Natural Enemies are all pretty fun. Some of them seem pretty simple, like the giants, but others I want to know more about so much. Like what's the deal with Recreation Hell World? Couldn't they just go in there and start shooting the games? Do they like hypnotise you to force you to play? Or Misfortune World, do they just have kaiju or do they just have a lot of natural disasters? If it's the later how are they suppose to fight bad luck? Aren't the bandits of Lawless World definitely like the least of a threat since they are just humans? How is Mad God World going to fit into any of this, cause that one seems like a big deal? All of these questions and more are the kinds of things that keep me wanting to read more the most, it's such a fun setting.
Small note: WHERE ARE THE GAMERS? They literally appear in 2 panels (seen below). They are in the war room, they accidentally explain what their natural enemy is, and then they just aren't even in the background of any of the other panels of that room, or anywhere for that matter. Did they just walk home and no one stopped them?
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I love the fashion of New Humanity.
I do not like PanePane.
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onebizarrekai · 1 year
Hello, you used to do these things for ds characters a long time ago, like:
full name:
And other-
Could you do this for Error or Cross(or both) please? I need it for my friend and his project-
sorry it's been like 100 years since I got this but anyway I feel like those characters have become so inconsistent it's tricky to narrow them down. if you ask modern me their names are ellie [last name missing] and victoria crow respectively, both are she/her, and none of the characters have articulated sexualities anymore besides Not Straight for imaginative ease. or if you're asked me from 4 years ago they're just error and cross and they probably are still trapped in the undertale dark ages of men who wish they were fashion disaster enough to fit in jojo's bizarre adventure.
do you mean like you want the WHOLE thing? like the whole whole thing? I just searched back and found the text base. dreamswap has plot holes and changed so much around its later era in it that it's difficult to articulate the details, but I can TRY.
ds ellie (to differentiate from the fatal flaws universe) was raised in an ambiguous institution (in other words, an orphanage) and has no mentioned relationship to her parents nor where she lives, barring the implication that she lives in an underground city. ds vick was born… somewhere in the spectrum of the multiverse, in a chunk of real estate owned by the ds version of big bad xgaster and it wasn't established who her familial relations were in this version. half the characters in ds are also conveniently unemployed and this includes the entire meme squad. ellie and vick's phobias have yet to be articulated because it was never that important to the plot. in other, less jokey words, I would say phobias are much more severe and neurological than bad memories or unpleasant situations. I don't really wanna say that ellie has a phobia of human connection or that vick is has a phobia of defeat or something. they have bad things that remind them of bad things and may even be debilitating, but I haven't had a chance to articulate them in writing or even figure out entirely how to do that or how they might relate to any given story. I never decided whether they had any irrational fears either. same thing for the next inquiry; what their guilty pleasures might be. all I can come up with is that vick likes fighting, and it's not always the wholesome kind.
morality alignment. uhhhh. it's complicated. people are complicated. the whole next list of character traits that split everyone into one half of the chart or the other feel like they're not accounting for any hypothetical specifics. like, I could say ellie is agreeable, but she's capable of doing things that make her disagreeable to many others. vick could be disagreeable to the people she picks fights with but she's capable of being agreeable to others. either one of them could be more optimistic depending on the circumstances. vick's carefree attitude could be read as optimism or nihilism. some of them are more cut and dry (for example, I'm sure both of them are anxious messes, which is common for their age), but I feel like saying it doesn't really say as much as just reading the material that exists of the characters… and said material is already only semi-reliable at best.
basically, I have this image in my head of the complex potential of each ds character, but none of them have really grown into it. you get what I mean? there's a lot of character details that aren't very clear simply because the characters were created, but not wholly written. not wholly developed. I'm not saying I have contempt for them or something, or wish I had done more. they just have something they COULD be one day. more complete versions of themselves. versions of them that I started out imagining back in 2018, but the directions I was going in with what I was making resulted in those versions of them not being fully realized. a character can only go so far with bouts of lore and minimal continuity.
I dunno if any of that even matters. it's probably more useful for me to just give yes or no answers, but I just kinda felt like talking about ds and its characters and how they've aged. maybe they'll end up in some medium one day that focuses more on who they could be rather than just their backstories and they'll be more fleshed out then.
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sketchnskribbles · 1 year
TMNT Masterpost
My 🐢 AUs:
Komorebi AU  | [ AO3 ]
[ Komorebi Art ] [ Komorebi Memes ]
Casey Jones Jr. struggles to deal with the aftermath of his Masters’ decision. Struggling to deal with post war trauma and how to live in a time of peace. At least he has his family with him, even if he doesn’t quite see these new versions as his quite yet.
Kintsukuroi AU (A Separated Universe)  | [ AO3 ]
[ The Foot Apprentice ] 
The universe in which, the great Lou Jitsu was only able to save one turtle. His precious Orange Sunshine. The other three are lost and, presumably, dead.
It was his duty and privilege as a father to be there for the one child he managed to save. The only one that escaped the literal and metaphorical fire that swallowed up his past. The only thing that made it worth it to keep living.
Summary: Leo finds himself a new friend.
[ A Curious Encounter ] [ You’re Not From Around Here ] [ Ghosts? ]
[ Crossover ] [ A Reunion ]
Rise August 2023
[ 1. Mad Dogs ] [ 2. Disaster Twins ] [ 3. Dr. Delicate Touch ] [ 4. Yokai ]
[ 5. Mayhem ] [ 6. Todd ] [ 7. Jupiter Jim ] [ 8. Crossover ]
[ 9. Piedbald ] [ 10. Casey Jones ] [ 11. Senior Hueso ]
[ 12. Big Mama ] [ 13. Kimono ] [ 14. Pizza ] [ 15. Mud Dogs ]
[ 16. April O'Neil ] [ 17. Casey Jones Jr. ] [ 18. Cannonball ]
[ 19. Purple Dragons ] [ 20. Fashion ] [21. Invention] [22. Hidden City] [23. Warren Stone] [24. Lou Jitsu] [25. Snow Day] [27-31. Last Week]
Summary: A little orphan turtle heads out toward the Grand Line, in search of his separated family and... The One Piece!
[Donnie Zorro] [Mikey D Luffy] [Captain Raph Usopp] [Character Lineup]
Multiverse of Michelangelo fanart
[ A Dance I Forgot the Steps To ] [ Master Psychoangelo ]
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paragonrobits · 24 days
saw a video the other day about fashion in Pokemon and however well meant it was, it still annoyed me on a fundamental level and I think its probably because I don't much care for fashion on an industry level, and what SPECIFICALLY bothers me if the concept of how it seems to run on the idea that there are certain ways you ought to dress, and ways you should NOT be dressing because its not in fashion now
its a very transitory thing
fashions come and go; you should Dress a certain way NOW because that is the fashion, but it will not be the fashion in a few months and then you will need to wear something different because that is not the Fashion anymore and the entire concepts just BOTHERS ME A LOT
so, channeling that into writing.
one of the basic premises of my setting, especically the less overwhelming weird variants where the setting is technically post apocalyptic but stabilized enough to have things like organizations, trends and relevant here, fashions. The worlds where mortals dwell are separated into a number of different categories based on the political power of their dominant organizations, relative standards of living, organized use of magic and magitech, and stability. The most advanced and sophisticated ones (or who see themselves as sophisticated) are called the Heaven Worlds; closer to cyberpunk and solarpunk themes depending on local culture influences, these have the most well-to-do mortal worlds, with high standards of living and regard themselves as blessed or inherently better than the other worlds, with a big case of exceptionalism and a tendency to look down on the others, either maliciously or through unintentioonal condescending compassion
at the other of the scale are the explicitly post-apocalyptic Garbage Worlds, where my main characters are from. These have few, if any, established organizations, being in constant chaos and buffeted by destructive magical disasters all the time, but nonetheless are where most of the lost magitech designs and archives wound up after a previous cataclysm destroyed the original realm of mortals, and its debris literally fell down, forming the Garbage Worlds, which are the detritus of mortalkind, and are constantly plundered because that's where all the vital loot the heaven worlds rely upon to maintain their standards of living
their inhabitants are often regarded as lazy brutes, bloodthirsty warlords and brutal monsters lacking in civilization, and not coincidentally is often where the beings considered inferior or inhuman were tossed away; robots who became sapient, beast folk from less appealing animal varities like insects and scavengers, or even squatters occupying the treasures that 'rightfully and obviously belong to the sophisticates of the heaven worlds'. THey have access to the same treasures, but due to the necessary education and knowledge to make use of them being hoarded by the Heaven Worlders and deadly trial and error being the only real solution they have to figure it out, they don't have much opportunity to make use of it, and are often run off by the more aggressive or imperialistic organizations of the Heaven Worlds to loot their homes
so my characters more or less by default heavily resent the Heaven Worlders, and this brings us around to fashion; the Heaven Worlders can afford to indulge in things like that, while the Garbage Worlders don't, and REALLY fixate on the idea of high fashion in particular as something that they hate.
So, my main squad is likely to go up against Heaven World adventuring teams, who are professional rivals for the most part, as they engage in the same activities; hunting monsters, delving dungeons, recovering lost technology blueprints and magical lore, trying to build up enough power to carve out their own territory from the raw magic of the multiverse and just make their own homes. These rival teams come in roughly two different templates; bullying sophisticates looking down on them, and genuinely benign royal archetypes who lean towards the solarpunk side of things. They have similar aesthetics, including fashion, and my team is very likely to take out their seething resentment on both without much understanding of which ones are actually malicious, and commentary on how their clothing could be updated to modern fashion trends (whether well-meant, or genuinely insulted) is likely to set them off.
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shining-gem34 · 1 year
6. What is your favorite thing about writing your current muse? (Any of them!)
Munday Questions || Accepted @etherealguard
Dan Heng/ Imbibitor Lunae
I personally like writing their monologues (actually I like writing all of my muses monologues). I do imagine during their downtime, they tend to think a lot, and they tend to overthink it when it comes to their emotions.
Dan Heng, when not focused on his archive duties, tries to process his emotions as rationally as he can. This is very noticeable whenever he's overwhelmed and needs time to sort out what he's feeling. Though, whatever conclusion he came up with tends to be logical and in the correct path that is best for everyone including himself.
Others might say he is running away.
In the case of Imbibitor Lunae...
It's a bit more complicated, because he was reborn every few centuries to lead his people and strive to uphold the Xianzhou ideology by eliminating the Plague Author remnants. He has to put the needs of others before his own; raised to become the perfect High Elder just like his predecessors were.
Yes, IL has his rebellious moments of spurning the Preceptors away and does as he wishes out of spite.
So what does IL think about?
He thinks about the world outside of the four walls of his office, of his room, and of his garden fences. A world so vast that IL longs to see it once instead of reading stories about it.
But he is an High Elder, his duty is to the Luofu and not some wild adventurer.
Yet it all changes when he meets his friends and later they became known as the High Cloud Quintet.
A constant conflict between his own needs and the needs of his people. Whatever his own desire is, even by the inquiry of his friends (and lovers), he tends to answer what is best for everyone and not himself.
But the one time he was selfish, not as the High Elder, but as an individual, it nearly destroyed his homeworld.
IL has no regrets though.
Ah yes, the brat.
My favorite part of writing Scaramouche/Wanderer in general is that they are a menace to everyone he knows. Next after that, I just like writing scenarios wherever he's traveling, he's completely chill with it. But whenever he meets someone, or is running an errand, he will be the bitchest person in the room. Like absolutely moody af, but he still does the job.
Next after that, I do love writing the complications of Wanderer character where he's struggling to come to terms with his past. The truth he discovered will never erase his crimes, he accepted that after attempting to erase himself from history. He's not sure if he wants to face Ei, Yae Miko, or any other of the Inazumans especially the descendants that are closely entwined with his past.
But, Wanderer is aware and accepted the fact that eventually he'll have to face them even if they don't know the true history. After all, he is not looking to redeem himself, but he wants to accept retribution when it comes to him.
After he kills Dottore of course.
For Scaramouche specifically, not currently writing but hopefully in the future, I want to explore his role as the Sixth Fatui Harbinger (seen as the least favorite commander amongst the Fatui Harbingers) but also!!! I am interested in exploring how Scaramouche explores the Abyss for the Tsaritsa and his daily visits to Dottore just to be experimented on.
And that leaves him in a bad mood later on that he does take it out on his subordinates if they test his patience. Huhuhu.
Rook/Mallory (My OCs')
They are not my first OC's, but they are my favorite up to now!
Rook (who has a multiverse)- I just love writing how he doesn't give a damn about anything, but he definitely cares ALOT and he's willing to go so far for his friends! Also his horrible fashion sense like ew who wears that bright ass green jacket or that a magenta sweater that is blinding someone eye just by looking at it.
Mallory- Angst where the God of Misfortune can never be with anyone and he brings nothing but disasters to everyone and everything around him. But also I like writing myths/superstitions that came to be cause of Mallory intervention or people started making shit up. :DDD He does have some funny moments but he's usually doom and gloom and wants to be alone despite longing for company. Yet he knows it cannot happen no matter what (if he does fall in love with you, you're kind of screwed. You got a 50/50 chance that he learns not to be possessive/jealous/suffocating, or he does all three.)
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chaosmultiverse · 1 year
A man who looks like a fashion disaster truck ran him over comes strolling right up to Stanley, looking more than a bit panicked, really more than out of sorts, and really more than out place.
He has pale skin, long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, and mismatched eyes - one is brown, the other is green. His attire is just as mismatched as his eyes, if not more so. He wears a white shirt with black polka dots; a black and white checkered vest over it; black and white striped pants; and one white shoe alongside one black shoe. He rather looks like Beetlejuice had a child with a chess board, who then had a child with a dalmatian.
Without wasting any time, he says, "Excuse me, I beg your pardon, but I'm looking for a man named Stanley. He's- Well, he's about your height, light skin, messy black hair, dark eyes, wears glasses, looks like your stereotypical office nerd, sort of like- well, like you, actually. Might you have seen him about? It's urgent that I find him straight away."
Stanley may recognize this man's voice, if he has the same British Narrator that most other offices have.
Stanley juat stares, a little stunned as this... Trainwreck walked towards him. While he had been... Adjusting to the idea that people, actual real people were... Around, that he could bump into them in his or slimmer to hia office. It was an adjustment that still hadn't left him prepared for this.
Stanley was left even more dumbfounded as the man began his monolog, Stanley blinking a few times as he relized just how alike must have looked to... This other Stanley, that exists, somewhere... Not here, not right now anyways.
Stanley hesitantly raised his hands and started signing, hand movement janky, like he wasn't really sure what to say or if he'd be understood.
"I am a different Stanley, I think you are in the wrong office, do you know Doomsday or Cyrus?" Maybe if this guy knew them he'd be firmiler with the multiverse thing and Stanley could skip trying to explain that.
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spunkymaverick · 5 years
hey, can i have "human shield" with Void and Melon. i know you love this ship.
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Fandom: Undertale, Undertale AU, Fashion Disaster Multiverse
Characters: Melon (Error), Void (Nightmare), Archy (Cross), Sunspot (Dream)
Tags: @therandomskelekey
Prompt: Human Shield
Word Count: 759
Rated: T (because of death and cursing and Void hurting his hands trying to perform healing magic)
Notes: I spent too long procrastinating this but finally it's finally done. I love these two.
5/14/19 I went back and fixed some typos.
* * *
He rolls away from a downward swing and hops to his feet just in time to avoid some sort of tornado spin that makes Void wonder what sort of life he lives in that some kid can spin a giant knife like that. It looks so heavy. It must be right. This guy fights so well for someone filled with so much fear. Scared people usually either hesitate in their moved, or they move quickly and desperately. This guy doesn't do either of those.
Void can handle him though. He's dealt with so-called "prodigies" before. Void counters a slice with a swing from two of his tentacles. The knife-wielding guy goes flying back.
"Not so strong now, are you?" Void mocks. "Of course, I'm not going to die at the hands of--"
The sound of something swinging through the air, the sound of something slicing through bone. Which doesn't make sense because he hasn't exactly had easily accessible bone in a long while. Not to mention he didn't feel a thing. So what could have happened?
Void turns around to see someone he didn't want to see in a situation like this. He would have never hoped for this.
Melon stands there, arms outstretched and back towards him. Where did Melon even come from? Was he always there? Had Void simply not noticed the adorable glitch? No, that doesn't make any sense. Nothing is making sense.
Why would Melon jump in the way to save him anyways? Why would Melon sacrifice his own health -- his own life -- for Void? It doesn't fit his motives or his personality or feelings at all. Melon hates him.
So why would he do that? Unless he…
No. That's beside the point now. He's… Melon is going to die if he doesn't do something soon! No no no! He can't let that happen. He has to get Melon healed. Think. Think.
Sunspot is the first to come to mind. Sunspot knows how to heal others, and he knows how to inspire hope in others. He's been doing it for years now! But there's one fatal flaw in that plan. Sunspot hates him. Well, maybe hate is the wrong word. They had a falling out of sorts. Void pulled some stupid shit and Sunspot was understandably not happy.
Void doesn't know anyone else that knows healing magic, not anyone that could heal Melon quickly or efficiently enough.
Melon is… going to die. Melon is going to die. When outcodes die, they die forever. Even if Melon wasn't an outcode, he doesn't know where the guy came from.
This isn't fair. It's not fair. Maybe he could just…?
Void pushes Melon down to which the other struggles against him rather weakly. Void holds out his hands and desperately tries to summon healing magic. All he gets is his hands burning like they'd been placed in boiling water. He waits a couple minutes, enduring the pain, before cutting the magic off. His hands sting and burn from the attempted magic, which is notorious for its need of tranquility and gentleness. He wouldn't say he usually has either. As one may expect, those are more like Sunspot.
He can't heal Melon. He knew he couldn't, and he did himself more harm than good. He bares his teeth and looks down at Melon who's just looking up at him, some sort of thoughts going through his head if the minute changes in emotion are anything to go by.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Void finally asks, his voice low and just barely not cracking. He's certain he wouldn't be able to control himself if he spoke any louder.
Melon's eyelights focus in on him, rather than staring up like he's a dead body. Bad comparison. Bad comparison. Why would he think that in this situation? Stupid.
"I wasn't," Melon informs him, "but my SOUL urged me forward just then, you know?"
Void opens his mouth to speak, but he's not sure what he wanted to say. He's left a bit stunned after the somewhat cheesy answer. It sounds like something you'd read about in a fairy tale. But that's his entire life, isn't it? A big fucking fairy tale.
"It looked like you needed a hand, yeah?" Melon adds on quietly.
Void pulls Melon close and holds him, ignoring the weak protest. He just wants to hold Melon. Tears well up in his eye socket as he feel the very specific glitching of Melon's body against his chest. The tears don't fall just yet. They wouldn't until--
The weight of Melon's body leaning against him disappears.
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sleepyfan-blog · 6 years
“Dont let them see you cry” with fruitemies? (Cause we need more of this pair)
Someone already suggested this prompt, but I couldn’t resist writing these two ridiculous disasters anyways. :P
Fandom: Fashion Disaster Multiverse
Characters and pairing: Void, Melon, fruitemies
Warnings: Cursing, murder
Word count: 680
Summary: Melon bites off more than he can chew. Void steps in to help.
Frustration and despair built up within Melon. He was low on magic - having accidentally killed some shitty jerk with really cute, colorful clothing that he wanted… Who had apparently been a member of this Underground’s Royal guard. Normally he would have already dipped, but he’d been forced into a Fight by a dozen of these assholes, and every time that he’d gotten close to killing one of them, three more would attack him while the shitty healers in the back brought the mortal assholes back up to full health. Melon couldn’t flee the battle - no matter how he tried - because the Undyne had his soul trapped in Green magic.
Tears started to build up in his eyes, but a strangely familiar hand rested lightly on one of his shoulders, and quiet gasps of shock and horror were pulled from his enemies. Melon looked upwards when he felt something damp and sticky hit the top of his head, his eye lights widening in recognition as Void had appeared beside him. “Wh-what…?”
“Don’t let them see you cry, darling. It will only fuel their attacks. Now, I don’t know  how you managed to get into such a fight, but would you mind if I finished it?” The lord of negativity purred, startling the ever living hell out of Melon - and everyone else. The other sent him what seemed to be… an actual smile? What the actual fuck.
“… Don’t you hate me?” Melon spluttered, continuing to stare up at the other, utterly confused. “… But yes, I need some help. There are too many of these assholes for me to deal with. Fuckers keep breaking my strings somehow.”
“No, I don’t hate you, Melon. I never did.” Void responded, letting out a sigh that didn’t feel mocking for once. The other’s tentacles lashed out, smashing into a half-dozen of the guards’ souls, cracking them and turning their bodies into dust. His second attack was to hit them with a wave of pure negativity, heightening their feelings of fear and confusion, causing three of them to break down into inconsolable sobbing, and another four to collapse to the ground, rocking back and forth in primal fear. “Your turn.”
Melon turned a little and stared at Void, nearly missing his turn - though he was able to get his act together enough to kill three of the remaining idiots facing them “I… You… You don’t hate me? Th-then why do you…?”
The lord of negativity covered his face with a hand, sighing deeply as his tentacles blocked the weak and uncoordinated attacks of the guards, absorbing their collective damage as if it had done nothing to him. Overpowered immortal asshole. “Why do I what? Call you darling, along with other pet names? Oh stars above… I’m flirting with you, or trying to.”
“Oh… Wa-wait are you trying to manipulate me into being your minion or-or is it because you like me?” Melon stuttered out, terribly confused.
Void killed the remaining members of the royal guard - and the healers who had been trying to flee them because he didn’t want anyone left alive who would remember this ridiculous conversation. Why did he fall for such an oblivious idiot? “I like you, although stars knows why! Maybe because you are utterly unafraid of me! Maybe because of the way you pout when you’re mad - maybe I like the way you fight and your endearingly awful outfits!”
“I.. I… Oh… I-” What the hell was he supposed to say? Melon didn’t know what he felt most of the time, and this information was so new. “Erm… I… I’ll have to think about this?”
“Of course. I don’t plan on kidnapping you and trapping you aboard my yacht.” Void responded with a sigh, opening a portal and pausing “Do you need a lift to a neutral timeline, or can you summon the energy?”
“I can make my way to the antivoid.” Melon responded, waving the other off. As soon as the lord of negativity left he collapsed to the ground, in utter shock. What the hell was he going to do?
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anatthema-art · 2 years
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finally i have completed the full party art for my dnd game based off of psychonauts! we all collectively realized it would be REALLY FUN to go into our ocs minds like in psychonauts and so we decided to chuck in all our personal projects as one big ol multiverse and make some characters from our homebrew worlds to muck around with! 
separates under the cut!
Penny Synch, Psitaneum Dragonborn Chronurgy wizard! i couldnt resist making my character just the MOST blatant psychonauts oc i could. they’re an intern at this multidimensional station of the psychonauts, and are both eager to learn and also VERY tired
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Ilvana! Aasimar oath of the watchers paladin! absolute fashion disaster and dumb lil fangirl, she enjoys the blorbo from her shows
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Trinity! Halfling bard, and the unfortunate background character to a world of a bunch of heroes. it’s okay, she gets to be her protagonist in THIS multiverse, and also be a feral little gremlin who will stab your ankles
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Here’s Ashryn, half-elf half-dwarf reborn echo knight fighter! she’s from a grim horror universe with low technology and terrifying monsters. she’s a store thumb in our mess of colourful disasters and is experiencing a LOT of culture shock
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and here’s Junebug! they’re a 12 year old lil baby firefly fairy from essentially the multiverse’s equivalent of florida with all the magical chaos that implies. they were flung through the boundaries of their universe and came out the other end as a storm sorcerer, and also coincidentally are a ticking pipebomb waiting to explode at any moment. but mostly they just wanna play the games on your phone 
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and last but certainly not least we have Russel! he’s seemingly just a very pleasant normal human from a very low magic world :) pay no attention to the fact he’s a blood hunter :) who definitely has been dealing with eldritch horrors :) i’m sure it’s FINE
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god i absolutely LOVE this mess of a party. we probably won’t be able to start for quite a while considering that we’re waiting on seeing if DnD releases a book for the planescape setting, but hey, in the meantime i WILL brainrot over our gang of disasters and the psychic adventures theyll get up to!
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bratzydollz · 2 years
🌌✨ IVANKA'S COSMIC CHRONICLES: Shift Happens – Escapism or Elevation? 🌙💖 #ShiftingSlayage #IvankasMultiversalGossip
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December 5th, 2022
•—✧✷ XOXO, Upper East Shifters! Greetings, my mystical mavens and dreamy lovelies, it's Hana here, your mystical style icon, ready to dish out some otherworldly gossip that's juicier than the Met Gala after-party.
Imagine your shifting journey as the hottest cake in NYC's finest bakery. You're not just baking, honey; you're crafting a masterpiece that would make Marie Antoinette blush. But beware! If your mindset is as out of tune as Yeezy's fashion choices (sorry, Kanye!), your reality cake is destined to be a fashion faux pas.
—✧✷ Now, let's talk about escapism, my fellow reality shifters. It's like having a closet full of Gucci—some forms are chic, like reading a book or daydreaming, while others are a fashion disaster. And guess what? I'm giving you permission to treat shifting as the Chanel of escapism. Break the internet, girl, and let those online skeptics eat their hearts out!
—✧✷ Why the cosmic confusion, you ask? Blame it on the online drama, where they're spreading rumors that treating shifting as escapism is like wearing Crocs to a red carpet event. But here's the tea: the gatekeepers to your desired reality are belief and confidence. Strut your stuff, and let the universe know you're the Naomi Campbell of this catwalk.
—✧✷ Shoutout to the warriors fighting for a reality where love is love, racial equality reigns supreme, and financial freedom is the new black. It's not escapism; it's a multidimensional runway where you shine brighter than the Kardashians in a diamond store.
—✧✷ And to my rookie shifters, take notes like you're in a masterclass with the quantum Kardashians. Google your way through theta states, embrace the multiverse like it's the hottest trend on TikTok, and let the laws of attraction be your astral contour. The universe is your front row seat, sweetie.
•—✧✷ That's a wrap on today's celestial expose. If you're thirsting for more shifting secrets or in need for some quantum confidante, slide into my DMs or comment section down below. Until next time, keep it chic and dreamy, luvlies.
Xoxo, Ivanka. 💋💫
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junemo10 · 2 years
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Spotify AU Playlists
Wanted to make a master list of my universe playlists ✨ !! I am taking requests !! if you’re looking for something specific you can send me an ask and I can recommend
for fandom related playlists click this
for BBC Merlin related playlists click this
Space Pirates for the pirates in space au of your dreams
Space and Lovers and Star Catchers in outer space au
Pirates and Lovers and Mates of the Sea the pirates au
Cowboys and Lovers and the Wild Wild West the western au
Equestrians and Lovers and Racing Horses the equestrian, ranch au
Sports and Lovers and Competition the sports au
Musicians and Lovers and Dancers musicians x dancers academy au
Boybands and Lovers and Musical Soulmates the boyband au
Movie Stars and Lovers and Scripted Romance the actor au
Racers and Lovers and Speedy Cars the race car driver au
Need a Hand With That? the mechanic au
Military and Lovers and Soldiers the military au
Detectives and Lovers and Solving Crimes the detectives au
Criminals and Lovers and Heists the criminal au
Assassins and Lovers and Fashionable Murder the assassin au
Spies and Lovers and Partners in Crime the spy au
Superheroes and Lovers and The Multiverse the superhero au
Lover, Let’s Overthrow The Government the dystopian society au
Survivors and Lovers and Apocalyptic Worlds the apocalypse/sci-fi au
Crisis and Lovers and Natural Disasters the natural disaster au
Horror and Lovers and Spooky Tales the horror au
Don’t Trust Your Reflection mirror worlds au
Students and Lovers and High School Drama the high school au
Coming of Age Aesthetic coming of age au
Majors and Lovers and College Degrees the college au
International Love Story Meet Cute travel meet cute au
Confessions In The Rain climax moments
And They Were Soulmates soulmate au
Love At First Sight love at first sight au
Coffee Shop Au meet cute at coffee shop au
Fluff fluff au
Slowly Dancing With Them In Your Arms slow dancing au
Angsty Relationship angst au
Break Down - Running Away Montage emotional break down au
Whumptober whump au
Established Relationship established relationship au
Slow Burn slow burn au
Friends to Lovers friends to lovers au
Enemies to Lovers enemies to lovers au
Lovers to Enemies lovers to enemies au
FWB friends with benefits au
The goods smut au
Fake Dating the fake dating au
Love: a Poison So Sweet romeo and juliette au
Broken Pieces That Fall Back Together angst break up / finding the way back au
To love/be a Selfish Lover angsty coming of age character
Holding Your Lover As They Die In Your Arms main character death au
Time To Go main character death au (reverse perspective)
Immortal Lovers Missing Their Mortal Lovers there was only one immortal lover au
Digging Your Lover Out Of The Ground buried alive or back from dead au
End Of The World end of the world au
Arson a playlist to commit arson to
Time Period related:
1800s Love Story 1800s au
Lovers In The 1920s 1920s au
a 1940s Time Period Drama 1940s au
Dancing In a 1950s Diner 1950s au
1970s Disco Lovers 1970s au
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anon-star · 3 years
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Hello!, I just wanted to say that I am very sorry to take so many time to answer your questions such as your good wishes that you send me by chat and I will be honest, this year he has not treated me well and I have many things to think and to do and so little emotional stability and…ok what I mean is that it is not that I am not interested, it is just that I am very distracted and many times I do not know what to say because I do not know if it will be very old-fashioned or simple and I do not know, I am a very pleasant person but I love to draw and express myself with it and I will answer what I must, I promise!
For now I want to start with opal again, I left it very abandoned with my other aus within the undertale multiverse and now I also have one of deltarune inspired by the second chapter I have so many ideas, only since I’m a disaster I don’t know how to get them out right, for now this is still a little taste of the situations. thank you for your patience.
Sorry for write too much
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tilarileopard · 3 years
Undertale AU Sims 4 Part 1
I recently got back on my Sims bullshit after many years, and since I've been all-in on Undertale fanfic, I decided to make my favorite disasters in the game and let them loose.
Currently, I have the skellies from Undertale, Underfell, Dancetale, Underswap, and Underlust in the game living their best chaotic lives. I plan on adding Swapfell, Horrortale, Bad Sans Poly Crew, and a few others as I get settled in.
I'm compiling these random ass adventures and screenshots from my poly Discord server to make it easier to share around. :) I also just got set up with all of the expansions and will be adding mods soonish for even more fun. Later updates will have way more screenshots because I realized I should probably be doing that.
Without further adieu, let's get into these disasters.
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Tumblr, why is this pic upside down? You are as much of a disaster as this crew is. Leaving it like this because it is VERY FITTING.
The first family is Sans, Papyrus, Red, Edge, Annoying Dog, Doomfanger, and a raccoon named Trash Panda because Red would totally have that as a pet. Their characterizations are heavily drawn from Nilchance's Ain't This the Life and Kamari's Ebott is a Multiverse series.
Starting Their Adventures So far, Edge has made breakfast at 3 am, Trash Panda has been in the literal trash, Doomfanger has attacked a visitor, I have Red and Sans flirting b/c I need Kustard ASAP, also all the pets try to eat all of the food Papryus cooks.
Edge had to take Trash Panda to the vet b/c Trash Panda ate spoiled food, and the raccoon started picking fights in the office. Papyrus tries to clean up around the gremlins as best he can but it is CHALLENGING. The household bought a computer and Red stayed up until like 3 am playing video games
Doomfanger continues to attack literally every guest. Red then praises the cat.
THIS IS ALL SHIT THEY'RE DOING ON THEIR OWN. Very little of this chaos involves my input. I'm mostly the cleanup crew.
Doomfanger decided to run away for a bit, which made everyone in the house sad. Edge posted a lost pet alert and slept a lot and didn't even care that Fanger was filthy when he showed back up.
(Editor's note: This happens a metric shitton until I learn how to lock the doors for the cats. Doomfanger is just an independent soul who wants to terrorize the entire neighborhood.) Papyrus is just power cleaning with all of his might but between the pets and the Sanses, it's a lost cause.
Red decided that he wasn't going to eat the dinner that Papyrus LOVINGLY CREATED one night, so he went to cook tofu dogs on the grill in the backyard. It promptly caught on fire. This will not be the only time this happens. I have learned how to travel to other lots, so I will soon be unleashing their mayhem elsewhere. Red and Sans finally had their first kiss but, in true disaster queer, idiots to idiot lovers fashion, have not actually admitted their attraction to one another yet. Papyrus and Edge have started a garden in the back that was thankfully outside of the blast zone of the grill fire. I'm waiting to see how this goes sideways. Also, Annoying Dog literally will not shut up and barks about everything. Especially when the room's occupant is sleeping.
Red, This is Not How We Min-Max Our Career Progression
Trying to get Sans and Red to up their logic skills for their careers, but RED JUST GETS SUPER FLIRTY AROUND HIM NOW WHICH I FEEL LIKE IS A LITTLE BIT DISTRACTING. I tried to make them woohoo but SANS DECIDED TO JUST GO AND TAKE A FRIKKIN NAP.
So Red is trolling people on the internet now to channel his frustrations elsewhere.
Edge is unironically having lots of fun repairing the toilet. Red unironically refuses to flush the toilet.
Papyrus randomly keeps running out to the trail to say hi to the neighbors. We live by a park. I feel like I need to put a leash on Papyrus for him to get anything done in the house, but that would make this a completely different Sims 4 playthrough.
Annoying Dog Don't Be Creepy
Annoying Dog continues to live up to his name by peeing on Papyrus. Then it's time to bother the rest of the household. RED AND SANS ARE FINALLY FUCKING AND THE GODDAMN DOG IS IN THERE BARKING AT THEM JESUS CHRIST. EDGE IS STANDING IN THE HALLWAY OUTSIDE OF THE BEDROOM DOOR OH NO. ..he's doing situps outside of their door. Wat? I feel like this household needs to have some discussions about boundaries. Sans fell asleep right after and Red is outside playing post-coital chess by himself. Sure, why not?
I feel like Papyrus intentionally has a weekend work schedule when everyone else is home all day just to get some space.
Disasters Gonna Disaster It is once again 3 am. Edge is trying to repair the sink that Sans somehow broke by washing his hands. Red and Sans are boyfriends now but trying to get them to sleep in the same bed is like pulling teeth. Red keeps falling asleep on the couch. I gave the raccoon catnip and now it's chasing its tail in the litter box. Red's raccoon has shit like 5 times an hour. Edge is slowly going crazy trying to keep the litter boxes clean. He then managed to fill out daily reports so hard that the computer is sparking.
For some reason, Papyrus really loves making coffee and then taking it into the bath with him. I assume it's because that's a very efficient way of getting ready. Dateasters Sans and Red are on a date. It is a disaster. Sans keeps wandering off and when I got them both in a quiet corner, he managed to make his way back to the goddamn bar. RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF RED ASKING TO MAKE OUT. Sans refuses to leave the bar, so now Red is at a table with two strangers. OH FFS SANS IS TALKING TO A STRANGER AT THE BAR ABOUT HIS COMMITMENT ISSUES. Red has gone off down to the wharf to talk to a feral cat. Petting a wild cat is probably easier than trying to corner a cagey Sans right now. TFW getting them to travel back home is the most convoluted mess of menus and clicks. A MESS LIKE THEIR DATE. I later learned that there are much easier ways to manage that.
Sans immediately went for a depression nap. Red is sitting in Edge's room drinking coffee while Edge upgrades the bathroom sink. Red's raccoon has FINALLY stopped his chain shitting after leaving the lot and coming back.
Papyrii Doesn't Get Paid Enough For This Shit Papyrus got home from his catering shift, took one look around the house, said fuck that, and went to bed immediately. Someone in this house has a sense of self-preservation, look at that. Edge and Annoying Dog have been on a walk for the past three hours. Papyrii know how to clear out of a blast zone. Oh god, Sans woke up and has decided to grill himself a hamburger. DON'T YOU KNOW YOUR BROTHER COOKS FOR THE HOUSEHOLD WHEN HE GETS HOME AFTER A LONG SHIFT SO YOU DON'T GO SETTING SHIT ON FIRE!?!?!??! To no one's surprise, the grill catches on fire. Again. OMFG RED GOES TO THE GRILL RIGHT AFTER I REPLACE IT FROM SANS SETTING IT ON FIRE. I am shocked, somehow it didn't re-catch on fire. Which is good because I was not gonna replace that shit a third time. (Reader, this was a lie). Sans just standing in Edge's room talking to Doomfanger and ignoring the chaos.
Once again, Papyrus has woken up out of a dead sleep to make coffee and sit in the tub. He does not need a bath. I think he might be a tad stressed. I can't imagine why. Time for Underlust Because I am truly deficient when it comes to making reasonable buildings in any games (my Valheim creations were truly...something), MalaikaDream created Lust, Pink, and a truly lovely house.
It took two minutes after Mala left for shit to explode.
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Then Doomfanger got pissed off about a vet visit that bugged out so it lasted 14 hours and took off again (Doomfanger runaway counter: 3).
Everyone is sad, again and it's the weekend, so Papyrus is at work all night. To stop them from starving in depression, I order Zoomer delivery. SO THE DELIVERY LADY BRINGS IN THE FOOD BAG, AND I MOUSE OVER, AND SHE IS SAD AND IS IN THEIR HOUSE NOW. SANS AND RED ARE TRYING TO AWKWARDLY COMFORT THE DELIVERY DRIVER WHILE BEING VERY SAD ABOUT DOOMFANGER. Right now the delivery driver in our bathroom trying to pep-talk herself in the mirror, and Sans trying to cheer her up. SHE FINALLY LEFT AT LIKE 11 PM. LOOK WHAT WERE THEY SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT? NEITHER SANS NOR RED IS GONNA INSULT SOMEONE WILLING TO DELIVER FOOD TO THEM. DELIVERY DRIVERS ARE LIKE GODS ENABLING THEIR LAZINESS.
Doomfanger, What Do You Want From Me? For the like fourth time, Doomfanger has run away because she insists the 234234324 litter boxes available to her are dirty when they are, in fact, clean. (Doomfanger runaway counter: 4). The fridge broke after Edge went to work, and I didn't want anyone electrocuting themselves, so Papyrus called a repair person. He was depressed all over the repair person and had to excuse himself to his bedroom to cry twice during their conversation. Doomfanger you are tearing this family apart. Red is taking a depression nap in the new hot tub.
I had a suggestion that the delivery lady and repair guy are reader self-inserts and now that's my head canon.
Going to Grillby's
I downloaded a Grillby's lot to put in their neighborhood (I need to look up the specific one I added to give credit, will do that when I have the chance.)
The first visit didn't go so well.
Sans was miserable that night going in, and then Red decided to flirt with someone else in front of Sans. Trying to keep my favorite couple happy is trying.
Edge, surprisingly, had a great time, mostly because I made it a cat-friendly place so there were owned and stray cats all over the place and he was introducing himself to every. single. one. Crazy cat lady Edge is my favorite headcanon ever. Plus the only reason that Edge would willingly step foot into Grillby's is if he's there to feed the community cats. Welcome the Rarepair
Edge and Pink had a lovely date and thankfully the house wasn't on fire when he got back that night. I had him invite Pink to stay the night but tbh I don't actually know how that mechanic works specifically so we'll see how that ends up playing out. I've also been making Red be a complete asshole to the random people who like to show up to try and visit, which makes the wild Y/N headcanon even more hilarious.
And the repair dude who stayed all day because Papyrus introduced himself. Which I mean, it's Papyrus, so fair.
Dance Fuckers Dance
Mala also handled the Dancetale house build because, once again, I am as much of a disaster goblin as Sans and Red and can't be trusted with these things.
THE WELCOME WAGON OF GOBLINS HAS JUST ROLLED UP. Sans, Red, Lust, Pink, Papyrus have shown up to introduce themselves Papyrus needs to pee desperately but is too polite to leave the conversation without saying hi.
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HE STARTED MAKING EGGS AND TOAST AND THEN WALKED TO THE PARK TO LEAVE THE HALF-PREPARED EGGS AND TOAST. SANS WHAT THE FUCK 2.0? Pink left one bite of mac and cheese on the plate, Dance went and finished it. Suave is now finishing the eggs and toast that Sans started. Sans hates cooking, why did he start two meals. It has somehow managed to be excellent quality, b/c Suave.
Starting Up Burlesque - Dial-up Noises DANCE AND LUST HAVE FINALLY MET. Pink just sitting back and watching the spectator sport of awkward flirting. He literally had the popcorn thought bubble at one point.
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Mala was playing this round and frikkin speedrunning to their OTP. Lust had cooked a hamburger cake at some point. When? Who knows. From first kiss to boyfriends to woohoo - two days. They fucked in the observatory because Lust's fancy ass house (that towers over my disaster shack) has one of those.
The Disasters Never End
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Doomfanger is best cat when the little shit isn't driving everyone to depression when she runs away.
Papyrus works too hard and then passes out on the way to his bed sometimes. Once again, what is this game, even?
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Edge is upgrading the toilets so they're self-cleaning.
Red, Sans, and Edge finally got home at like 5 am. THANKFULLY THIS TIME RED WASN'T HITTING ON OTHER PEOPLE IN FRONT OF SANS. Okay nix that 5 AM thing. It's 7 am and they still haven't made the walk down the street. I TOLD THEM TO GO HOME AND THEY ARE JUST STANDING OUT FROM OF GRILLBYS.
The one other acceptable reader insert other than the delivery lady who is worshipped as a god is the crazy cat lady Katarina.
Edge and Pink are so adorable together but also Edge is still sitting there like oh our friendship and romance meters are basically maxed, but I'm too nervous to ask him to be my boyfriend I dunno if he likes me. BUT SERIOUSLY I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY FUCKED IN PAPYRUS' BED. Thankfully he was taking a bubble bath at the time of the fuckening.
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Papyrus in the back cleaning up and just happy everyone seems like they're getting along. Edge is gonna go guilty upgrade Papyrus' bed as penance.
The Game is Very Set On Us Having an Angst Arc Pink came over to hang out and I had Red tending the bar at the house to up his mixology skill. Sans came over and decided to flirt with Pink IN FRONT OF RED AND EDGE SO NOW MY FELL BOYS ARE VERY FUCKING SAD.
SANS THIS IS NOT HOW YOU GET BACK AT RED. Oh no Red gets a breakup prompt and holy shit their romance meter dropped to half. It was full. Okay, their romance meter is back at square one so IT'S TIME FOR THE ANGST ARC APPARENTLY. Cuz Red went and gave Sans the cold shoulder then insulted his woohoo techniques Poor Papyrus was at work during all of this and is, once again, going to come home to a disaster. Red is back to sleeping in his own room for now.
I'm Going to Leave a Bad Yelp Review
WHAT THE SHIT. I hired a maid service to give Papyrus a break. SHE GOT A COFFEE AND IS TAKING A BATH.
Edge is currently chatting with Pink LIKE AN ADULT about how he felt about the flirting. Sans is ignoring his problems by playing with the raccoon.
I am sending Edge next door and it pops the prompt to invite Sims along and like 75% of Edge's friends list are cats and dogs. Sans tried to have a suggestive conversation. Red had just got home from work and has immediately gone to throw his drink in Sans' face.
And well. No Sans. You really fucked up. OR MAYBE NOT. Red got happy when he got close to Sans so he didn't do the thing. Maybe this can go well. Unexpected.
I think Sans apologized. Then apparently went to take a nap. So Red is gonna wander down to Grillby's and antagonize more reader inserts to celebrate. He has invited everyone on his list that he hates, and then turns on the most annoying music on the jukebox - kids music.
Red invites Sans to Grillby's after his nap, and the first thing Sans does is start dancing to the kids music. Oh my god. Anyway, there are 5 more people on Red's hate list so this has been a very productive evening. Red has fallen asleep in his favorite booth.
Doomfanger Pls
Papyrus and Sans had a brotherly day out visiting a haunted museum. They made friends with a ghost dog.
RESET YOUR DOOMFANGER RUN AWAY COUNTERS (...6 I think?) Edge had to take the day off to take Annoying Dog to the vet, and now both Papyrus and Edge are pre-cleaning before the maid service arrives. This is a very Papyrii thing to do. ]I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT THE MAID IS HEATED. He has stopped cleaning and is now just sitting on the couch. Edge is coping with his Doomfanger sadness by going over to his crazy cat lady friend's house and feeding all the strays treats. ALSO, WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO THE TEA MAKER THAT IT EXPLODES EVERY 5 SECONDS The raccoon attacked the pizza delivery driver. The driver liked it.
Commitment-phobe Chaos
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I guess they're not over their fight yet.
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PAPYRUS CAN MAKE SACK LUNCHES NOW OMG. Truly the pinnacle of gaming.
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light-miracles · 4 years
Would it be okay to ask for a writing prompt with SuperBat? Maybe idk Kate’s been missing for ages and Kara has been looking for her non stop and she finally comes back and like visits Kara and Kara just basically breaks down because her best friend was missing and she missed having her worlds finest buddy by her side? I realise this is a long prompt but like I love them and we need more SuperBat fanfics.
Freakin finally, L
It was Ally's call what woke her up in the middle of the night, after spending more hours than what she should working in a report for the Senate she had to deliver in two days. Her niece was direct and clear, like all Danvers through the generations. Faintly behind her in the background noise, she could hear Nira Nal's voice telling someone to hold on, not to lose consciousness. Kara immediately stopped feeling any tiredness and got out of the bed. "What?"
"A woman dressed as a bat literally just fell from the sky. Her DNA links her to the Kane family, but she's obviously not Kitty, and her costume seems to be a relic. Aunt Kara, I think it's an accidental time traveler. I need you to-"
Kara ran out her house and in less than ten seconds she was already there.
At no point did Kate lose consciousness, but her pain was so intense that she wished she had. She had a vague understanding of everything that had just happened. Alice threatening to blow up the city, the building below her collapsing, she falling, falling, falling uncontrollably and with nowhere to shoot her hook, an excruciating light and then the her painful impact against a car.
Then there was two strange faces in front of her telling her to hold on. Confusing colors. Her mind clouded. At no point the relief of unconsciousness but the blinding torture of pain.
And when she regained her mental clarity, she was sitting in a shiny headquarters, with a couple of weird cables attached to her arm and three people talking around her. Someone had found her and helped her. A great relief washed over her when she recognized Kara. "Super."
"Hey," said Supergirl leaning in front of her. It was Kara. Beautiful, brave Kara. The others must have come to help when they heard of the disaster. Kate wasn't selfish enough not to admit that she was relieved, even if it meant owing Allen a favor. "The city... Alice ..."
"Don't worry, everything is fine," said her friend, putting her shaking hands on her shoulders. "Everything is fine."
"No, it's not okay, the bombs exploded." Kate tried to stand up, remove the cables from her arms, and go back outside where her city needed her. And where was Mary? Luke? Her father?
"Kate, no, don't move, please. You're not fully healed yet."
"I have to help them."
"There's no one to help Kate. Please don't move. Listen to me. Gotham is fine. Everyone is fine. And you have to sit back and let Daydream heal you. She's the best, it won't take long. "
That must be true, because as the seconds passed clearer the image around her became. The lab was very high-tech, bright and white, with things she hadn't seen in her life. The two women next to Kara were strangers and yet they looked familiar. Kara wasn't wearing her outfit but what clearly looked like pajamas, her short hair (short?) tousled like she'd just gotten out of bed.
She looked older. At least ten years older.
"This isn't real," murmured Kate without looking away from her pretty face.
Kara put both hands on her cheeks, holding her gaze. "It's real Kate. I'm here with you."
"Where am I?" she asked trying to control the growing (strange) panic. "What's going on?"
"It's the year 2300," replied Kara slowly. "You have been missing for 280 years."
The only thing that seemed real was Kara's hand holding hers firmly.
Kate thanked her training for her ability of remaining calmed at the face of the strange aspects of her life. It had been useful to her when the Multiverse died because a bald zombie in a robot suit was having a bad day, and it would be useful to her now. If Sara Lance and her team could, so could she. She just had to stick to the facts, evaluate the information, and focus on a way to fix it.
Kara's presence would make it easier.
The brown haired young woman explaining what they thought had happened. In 2020, when Kate fell from the building, somehow a wormhole opened that took her to 2300. For her it had been only seconds. For the rest of the world, centuries.
"Excuse me, what was your name?" asked Kate.
"Ally Danvers," the young woman replied. "I'm Kara's niece."
Kate looked at Kara to confirm, and she nodded. "Great great great something niece, but who counts these days?"
"And I'm Nira Nal, Daydream," the woman a little older than Ally said, stepping forward and bowing slightly. "I think that in your time they shook hands, but we don't do that anymore."
Evidently the little brunette who had been Kara's apprentice had also had a family. Kate nodded again.
"Everything must be very confusing for you, maybe we should give you a moment..."
"How do I come back to 2020?" Kate interrupted. "Someone put me in touch with the Legends. Hell, even Allen would be enough. I don't want to rest, I want to go home and stop Alice."
Ally cleared her throat a little. "It might be a bit more complicated than that. We need a little time to-"
"Look, Agent Danvers 9.0 or whatever, you may have all the time in the world but my city was literally falling apart just now. I have to go back and help my city, now."
It was Kara who answered. "It will take a while, Kate. Time travel isn't that easy anymore. But I'll take you home, I promise."
"This is the future," replied Kate, feeling a sudden rejection for the woman with Kara's face and Kara's voice but that wasn't her Kara. Not completely. "Don't you have loads of time machines and 200 mini Barrys with ridiculous names running around?"
"No, not anymore," Nira Nal replied. "Time travel was completely forbidden years ago. We can bring you home, but it's going to take us a couple of days to get a machine."
"Time travel is forbidden?"
"Yes, I forbade it," said Kara.
Kate turned to look at the blonde woman.
"I'm the President of Earth, Kate."
The bat woman blinked confusedly. "President..."
"Candidate for President of the Solar System next year!" said Nira cheerfully.
It was all too much, and Kate didn't want to show any sign of weakness but it was too much. Kara took her hands. "It's late. Come with me, please. I'll explain everything you want to know at my place, and tomorrow we'll start looking for a time machine. We'll fix it. But Ally and Nira have to go now, someone has to sleep tonight."
Kate still wasn't convinced that she shouldn't just turn around and get out of there.
"World finest, remember?" Kara asked with a small smile.
That helped her make her decision.
Kate thought that Kara would take her wherever she was going to take her flying. Instead, they both entered what would in the past have been described as a car but to Kate's eyes looked like a mini tank.
They didn't talk on the way, Kate intently looking at the incredible futuristic city around her, the glowing towers, the long, labyrinth-like streets, the flying vehicles in the sky, and the Kryptonian carefully staring at her at her side. Only Kara could not pay attention to the street at all and drive with absolute safety. Like everything else she did, she did it perfectly.
They left the city towards a two-story red house, which seemed totally mundane. And old, at least for what seemed to be the rest of the future. It had a porsche, two roofs and a small garden where Kate could see a lot of different flowers, dimly lit by the white light coming from the bright lamps.
"I thought you'd live in the White House."
"No, that's still only for the president of the country. I work in the embassy of the planet and live where I want. I use this house when I want to be near Ally and Nira."
"Always taking care of your family."
"You already know me."
Kate still wasn't totally convinced, but she nodded. "The city is not Gotham or National. Where exactly are we?"
"Unity City," replied Kara. "It was founded by Kal 150 years ago."
Still in her Batwoman outfit, Kate got out of the vehicle and rushed into the house, assuming no one was around to see her face or Kara would have said something, the little Bruce in her mind scolding her for having her face uncovered. But she was trying to focus on one problem at a time so she ignored her annoying imaginary cousin.
And it was when the door closed behind them that everything started to feel real.
The place looked so hideously normal that Kate wanted to snap her fingers to make sure no robot butler would come asking for her coat. Kate turned around and Kara was there, by the door, looking at her like she hadn't seen her in centuries and that look of hers broke her heart.
"I know it's only been a few hours for you," said the older-looking short haired Kara. "But I'm so happy to see you, Kate. I thought I'd never see you again. I never knew what happened to you. I thought-" Kara let out a sob.
Kate could never bear to see her sad, so she hugged her. It was the first time all day that she felt like herself. The only thing she felt familiar.
It was Kara. Older, with another hairstyle and almost imperceptible wrinkles around her eyes. But she smelled like Kara. Her hugs felt like Kara's. So Kate closed her eyes and returned her hug with all her strength.
After taking off her batsuit and laying it on a chair, Kate Kane took a quick shower in a bathroom that looked normal except for a small water fountain next to the toilet and the fact that the shower water floated around her instead of falling. After coming out, she dried off and put on a comfortable green pajama that seemed never to have been worn. Probably because it wasn't pink and she didn't imagine Kara's fashion tastes changing, ever.
Kate came out of the bathroom with her hair still wet, studying the house some more. Strangely, Kara no longer had photographs, when in the past she used to have many photos of her friends on her walls. The decor was less colorful too, more sober, fewer kitten figurines and more desks and books and strange objects that Luke would surely kill to use. Kate took one that looked like a remote control, pressed a button, and a small hologram of Saturn appeared in front of her eyes.
"That's a letter they sent me from Titan," said Kara entering the living room, having changed out of her old pajamas for a clean new set. "It turns out that on some of Saturn's moons there are favorable conditions for living. A group of explorers founded a colony fifty years ago."
"Sounds like something out of a bad movie."
"Nobody watches movies anymore, but you're right."
Kate put the remote control down on the table. "Nobody watches movies anymore?"
"Well, I suppose some people still do, but cinematography is considered an ancient art now. They're not as popular as they were in the early 21st century. They're hard to find too."
"Do you still watch movies?"
"You know me, Kate. I couldn't survive without my weekly dose of Frozen," she said smiling and turning away from the door. "Would you like to have dinner with me?"
She nodded and entered the deceptively plain-looking kitchen, all the while Kara staring at her as if she might disappear at any moment. Maybe she was going to do it. Maybe this time travel thing was only safe if you were a Flash or had a time machine. Perhaps at any moment the universe would simply erase her as if she had never been born.
The food on the white table in the kitchen looked magnificent. It was a stew with potatoes. Kate didn't know how hungry she was until she smelled it.
"All kosher, of course."
That moved her deeply, but she did not allow her face to show it.
They both sat silently, facing each other, smiled slightly and began to eat in silence, until Kate could no longer ignore her own nerves and looked up at Kara. The blonde looked at her with a smile on her face, as if patiently waiting for her to talk first.
"Sorry, it's all so..."
"Weird," said Kate. "I had lunch with you last week and now you're... older, and we're in the future."
"I remember that lunch very well. It was the last time I saw you," she said with a sad smile. "I ... never stopped looking for you, not even when you were declared legally dead years later. No one gave up. Sara and her team even asked Gideon to look for you through the timeline, but she couldn't find you. I don't understand why."
"Maybe the thing that brought me here was something different," said Kate rubbing her hands together. "I'll look into it when I get home, and I guess you will too."
Part of Kate wanted to ask her about the future, and another part of her wanted to know absolutely nothing. She knew very well that she could be influenced and change what was supposed to be her future. However, her future was Kara's past. Or at least this Kara's, who was similar enough to her friend to trust her and different enough not to let her guard down entirely.
"So, you're president of the planet now."
The blonde nodded. "Yes, for ten years now."
"And you banned time travel."
"I did, yeah," she said, looking away for the first time, using her dinner as an excuse. "Eventually we discovered that it was too dangerous and could have catastrophic consequences so we banned it. The Time Bureou was dismantled. Brainy had to go back to his own time immediately."
"Consequences like what?"
"The timeline is much more fragile than it seems. Also, for example, if two people from different times have a child, it can create a paradox that could swallow the universe. It was too risky and I had to ban it. That's why believe me when I tell you that take you back to 2020 is practically a global priority, and you will be back very soon."
Kate's instinct told her that there was something Kara wasn't telling her, but she decided not to press it right away. "Good. Meeting Mia was good, but there are also dangerous assholes like Reverse Flash. And I respect and appreciate Sara and Barry but..."
"They were like lemurs with machine guns?"
"Yeah, more or less," said Kara with a sad smile. Kate realized that she had spoken in the past tense about their friends.
"And... is there anyone left?"
Kara's gaze lit up, and she drank a glass of water before answering. "Kal is still in Metropolis, but he's taking some sabbatical years. He's not as active as before but if anyone deserves a break it's him. J'onn is still alive, but he's very old, and can't move as much as before. His children and I visit him very often."
"Children? Oh, good for him."
"Yes," Kara smiled. "He and M'gann were very nervous at first, no one had had yellow Martians in millennia."
"Children of green and white Martians."
"Sounds colorful. Anyone else?"
"Charlie, Sara's friend. She hasn't really changed. It's as if time hasn't passed for her. Andrea Rojas is also-"
"Fuck, your awful boss is still alive? What the hell?"
Kara laughed, smiling like old times and making Kate feel her heart flutter. "She's not been my boss in centuries, thank goodness. And it turned out she's half Jarhanpurian. That was a long time ago," she said leaning forward, as if she were going to tell her a secret. "Do you remember Gemma Cooper?"
"Walmart Karen?" said Kate, and they both shared a laugh as they remembered what they used to call the old hideous Obsidian North member.
"Well, Gemma was secretly part of this group of Jarhanpurians hidden in the planet, Leviathan. At that time we didn't know it but she was Andrea's mother."
"Ugh, so a jerk and with super powers."
"And one of them is to age as slowly as a Kryptonian," Kara drank water again. "She's on Titan now, sometimes she sends me letters."
"Then she must not be a jerk anymore," said Kate quietly. And she suddenly knew she had to change the subject before asking about who she really wanted to ask. Mary. Luke. Sophie. Her father.
Whenever she thought of her sister she only felt pain.
"I have to go home, Kara."
"I know. I'll do anything I can to make you come back safe and sound."
Kate sighed wearily. "Being here can't be good for the timeline."
"Don't worry about that, the timeline can fix itself when you come back to 2020." Kara reached out and cupped her hand on the table, gently stroking her knuckles. Kate wished she hadn't. She was still as intensely beautiful as she was when they first met, and Kate at the time was too tired to be careful not to do something stupid, like tell her she loved her and ask her to kiss her.
So she just smiled wearily. "World Finest?"
Kara's eyes gleamed. "Always."
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al-n-cartoons · 4 years
Character Notes for "The Multiverse in a Blender"
Some of these characters are fairly similar in personality and how they speak, so I've been trying to figure out each way their personalities divulge. Please add onto this if you come up with anything (it would be helpful!).
Ben Tennyson: Easy go lucky, cheery, a person-pleaser, has a bit of a vanity streak, is sporty, is dorky, is very overworked, gets bored easily (I'm writing him as having ADHD and OCD), is a fantastic actor/schemer/opertunist. Puts his work above his health. Has an eidetic memory. Is an Aroflux omnisexual. His fashion tastes are a blend of punk and sporty, but the former isn't very socially acceptable in most settings so he tends to keep it to himself.
Rex Salazar: Is sporty, funny, and a bit temperamental. Has a definit rebellious streak and is impulsive, but has a rock-solid understanding of right and wrong. Basically, he'd be the one to punch someone in the face if he felt they deserved it. Is a heterosexual.
Bubbles: Overly excitable, naive, loves life and everything in it. Isn't very book smart, but is a force on the battle field (brute force, like Rex and Buttercup). Is a follower. Loves animals and violence (gets along well with Rex). She's a bit fascinated with the darker aspects of life, but is so cheery that most people view her aggression on the battle field as being ditzy. Is family and friend oriented. Is an aromantic asexual.
Buttercup: Has clearer morals than Bubbles and, although she is a definite punk, is overall less violent than Bubbles. Is competitive (hello, Ben and Rex) and wants to be sporty ("Ben, HOW DO YOU PLAY SOCCER!?). Is a bit rebellious and rude, but does wind up doing as Blossom instructs. Admires Ben's prowess in battle, and is learning from him how to tone down her destructiveness (which is a trait nearly all of her siblings naturally possess per the nature of their powers). Has never thought of her sexuality, and doesn't care to label herself. If she likes a guy, gal, etcetera, she likes 'em.
Blossom: the Sadsap charged with keeping her haywire siblings in check. Loves books, romance novels, and baking. Tries to be nice, but is also a realist (That painting is very colorful, Bubbles, but maybe we should keep the red inside of the people, okay?). Is very interested in healthy eating and loves trying to incorporate healthy stuff into her experimental baked goods (she doesn't use sugar or lipids very much, so her cooking tends to flop per taste and failure to hold in moisture). Is quizzical, sharp, and an opportunist. Isn't afraid to pummel someone if she felt there was need enough ("either you give me the code to disarm the bomb, or I turn your face into pulp.") She is a complete gay-panic.
Bliss: The oldest and second to least emotionally mature sister of the bunch. She tries to lead, but doesn't really know what she's doing. Loves to fight and can access her powers easily, but can't keep them from blowing up on people. Is prone to emotional outbursts and, per the nature of her powers, this is to her detriment. Isn't sociable and hates crowded places. Loves her siblings to bits and loves to bring Bubbles pieces of her foes (rocks, scales, strips of metal that had impaled them) to commemorate her victories. Thinks Danny's the sweetest little thing ("You like space? We can go there, like, right this second. 1-2-3 *zooms away, leaving a confused Danny behind*"). Ace and aro.
Dexter: The adopted brother of Bliss, Buttercupe, Blossom, and Bubbles. Is short-tempered and tends to sulk. Is inventive and technical; a fantastic creator of weaponry and anything of the like. Has a one-sided crush on Ben, but denies so much as liking the guy. Loves coffee but doesn't like to eat much, going so far as creating nutrition pills so as to bypass the affair ("The activity which you are suggesting, Blossom, is a waste of time.") Is a homosexual.
Danny Phantom: Is snarky and has a sardonic personality. Is more serious than some of his cohorts (looking at you, Rex and Bubbles) but loves to wisecrack and is VERY sassy. Is also extremely platonic, loving and trusting his two best friends (Sam and Tucker) with his life. Has a dorky flair for astronomy, and can recognize essentially every constellation in the sky (as well as quite a few of their stories). Has a crush in a character from his hometown, Valerie. Would punch someone in the face as payback, then forgive them for whatever they'd done to upset him or someone else. Is a trans heterosexual (bicurious, perhaps biromantic, but is not bisexual). Has claustrophobia.
Zak Saturday: Exceedingly compassionate and family-oriented, as well as highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and strategizing. Is very ingenious. Enjoys teasing and joking around, but will also nag someone if he thinks they're being idiotic (this makes it so that he and Rex are a bit at odds with one another). Is also great at finding common ground/compromising. Basically, he'd be the one fixing someone's broken nose and explaining to them where they went wrong, then give them a lollipop. Is dating Ben (they started at age 12) and gets along great with Blossom. Is pansexual.
Connie Maheswaran: Is both people smart and book smart, but lacks quite a bit of street knowledge. Is a considerable combatant, and has a quick wit, but would rather focus on the task at hand than joke around (she calls Danny and Ben out over this). Is kind and understanding, but not a pushover. Has a good head in her shoulders, and is good with details. After their universes fuse, she may take her various skills (hand-to-hand combat, acute intellect, interest in outer space) and apply them to the Plumbers as a long-term career.
Dipper Pines: Family-oriented, not very sociable with people of his age group. Is insecure around the others listed here (baring Mabel, for obvious reasons); sees himself as inferior since he's an intellectual and is incapable on the actual battle field (his words, not mine). Is incredibly smart, a technical thinker, and has a fantastic memory. Is a bi disaster half the time. LOVES to strategize and plot out the how and why for any problem. Loves gaming. Bites off more than he can chew. Keeps Mabel from hurting herself more often than either of them are willing to admit ("Mabel, that's a garbage disposal, not a slide. Mabe-MABEL!!!?") is a panromantic heterosexual. Has a long-distance relationship with Pacifica, but both of them are equally supportive so it's worked out thus far.
Mabel Pines: Family and friend oriented, is a bi disaster. Is an obscene romantic, which tends to leave her with her heart crushed, but she bounces back after a day or two. Is considerably strong, considering the fact that she's entirely human with no combat training, and is learning how to use hand-held weapons. Isn't very intuitive, but is very interpersonally smart. Is an animal lover, owning a pet pig and cat ("Dipper, look, my babies are cuddling!") (I didn't add the cat in, guys; episode one).
Steven Universe: Is the human teddy bear. He is a pacifist, meaning that he refuses to start fights or violence but isn't afraid to save someone from another or themselves. Tries to fix every problem but his own. Is a compulsive overexplainer and apologizer. His best friend is a lion, so people tend not to mess with him. Also, Lion likes to just lie atop Steven's van when they go places. He is compassionate, caring, loving, trusting, and has mommy issues (and also slight daddy issues, but barely). Trauma baby who only wants his girlfriend to succeed and for her to be happy (preferably with him nearby, but he tries to give her a respectful distance). He is a panromantic asexual.
Is that everyone? I think that's everyone.
Edit: I forgot Steven, guys. Had to edit him in.
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The Life and Times of the Negaverse- part one
Back to Bright
Negaduck screamed as he was pulled down the universal drain. His hands gripped tightly the sloping sides of eternity and he struggled to escape the cake before it collapsed in on itself. He’d dealt with the multiverse collapsing in on itself before. Not a pretty picture. There was no way to note how much time was passing in non-existence before everything fixed itself and you woke up in your propper reality. ….. Yeah. He’d lied to Darkwing Dunce. Shocker. But the fact of the matter still remained that his beautiful Saint Canard was ruined . And now he had to deal with an actually competent team of super zeros. He managed to scramble out of the cake and jumped off. He hadn’t been launched out, which was a testament to how far gone it was. Pity. The slight concussion was always a nice warm welcome that said ‘hey honey, you’re home’. But for now….. Negaduck growled under his breath, standing back and watching as the cake twisted, turned, and finally folded into crimson light. Shit. He’d need to make another one of those soon. He left the back room to see. …. His beak curled back in disgust. Those preppy do gooders had cleaned the BAKERY! The absolute NERVE of some jokers. And there was no sign of LaunchPad or the Muddlefoots…...more importantly, Gos. When he found her he was gonna make her…..He blinked, trying to figure out what was wrong with his eyes as he left the building. But….the sun. How had they gotten rid of his precious smog clouds so quickly? He frowned, sensing the hand of someone much smarter than the ‘Featherbrained Four’ at work. Ugh. Grounded . That brat was GROUNDED the second he got his hands on her! Granted, Gos wasn’t the main problem here, but the main problem was a literal world away and right now he was tired and sore and didn’t feel like dealing with clawing his way back across interdimensional lines. They’d all show back up sooner or later. The heroes were too moronic to keep them for long. Instead of worrying he plotted as he stalked through the city.  The plants were flourishing thanks to that Buffon BushRoot. Liquidator the Lousy had made all the nice black water clean again. And worst of all MeekVolt had started the power everywhere. That’s probably what made the smog go. Uggghhhh, and the power being up meant that the disgusting dog was clearing all of the slime via the water filtration plant he’d never gotten around to blowing up. Time got a little weird with traveling through the fourth, fith, and sixth plane of existence. Let alone at the same time. It was kept stabilized by the cake, however that worked. It had been a ‘I’m too good for this world so notice me’ gift from Morgana. And it was probably the only spell she’d ever done right. But he was sure he could replicate it with science….and the right greased palm. Since the cake had gone funky near the end he could have been gone an hour, or a year.  He shouldn’t have been gone a year, but this looked like more damage than an hour. Then again, what had they called themselves ‘Darkwings Ducks’. Urgh. One was bad enough….and crepilly efficient. Four was going to be the ‘Pests of the night’. Joy. Just what he always wanted, bedbugs. The trip back home was mostly uneventful, and that was the most irritating thing he had to deal with. Rather than cower and hide, people looked at him on the street. Like they had any right to. Like they had any rights at all. He’d have to stop by the mayor’s office and put some good old fashioned fear back into the city. Annoying. All thanks to the four flies that had ripped apart his magnificent chaos. Luckily the people weren’t too far gone. He must not have been missing too long. No nimrods tried to stand up to him or evil forbid follow him. But they watched him, only scattering away when he sneered. He didn’t want them to scatter with a sneer. He WANTED the streets clear in terror of him ever WALKING them.  Fucking annoying . The door had been kicked open some time ago, and he’d know that bootprint anywhere. A wilted Rosebush was in pieces on the ground, along with a bag of toys. Hmmmm…..it had gotten ripped up and slashed so it hadn’t had water, but the flowers weren't so withered that he couldn’t tell what they’d been. He was gonna eyeball and say he’d been gone a week or two. Maybe a month. Not a year by the trepidation he was still treated to. No one had settled into foolish hope to snuff out. He checked the toybag for the amount of dust on it. Yeah, two weeks, at most a month. But hey, the kitchen was nice and filthy. She’d done a good job on that at least. He looked at the fridge but decided against it. Anything in there after this long wouldn’t be edible. He’d order something later. Not for the first time was he glad to have abandoned The lair on top of the bridge. It was nice and intimidating, but it didn’t have the space for a battered and overstuffed couch, which was where he flung himself. He didn’t have to worry. No one he trusted was stupid enough to end up seriously hurt by the idiots known as the Feable Four. But he on the other hand, was bruised. And not in the good way. Venomous green eyes slipped shut as he slipped into rest.
Negaduck wasn’t sure how much time had passed between when his eyes had closed and when he woke up. He didn’t know how much time he’d had an atual restful sleep, but he had gotten some actual rest. He registered the sounds of screams before his eyes slid open. With a deep breath he took a moment just to relish in them. Ohhhh, that was nice. A particularly pitchy scream of agony still had the sound of a cracking bone to accompany it.
“That eyebrow wiggle thing means you’re awake boss” Nega scowled slightly at his husband’s tone. Playful, but not ‘lets go cause some chaos’ playful, more ‘affectionate but still going to lecture you’. Hmmmm, maybe if he curled up further into the bed he found himself occupying? A heavy weight settled on the mattress. “You know the longer ya take before making me happy, the worse I’ll complain about it later.” Negaduck scowled and threw off the covers, sitting up abruptly to glare right into the amused smirk of one LaunchPad.
“How long?” The question had to fight through grit teeth.
“Did ya sleep? I got home about two hours ago so...longer than that. Were ya missing? A little over three weeks.” the larger duck let his hands tap absentmindedly on his own knees. “I held down tha fort fer ya, no worry on that ND, but….” And he made a sound. A sharp, short laugh forced through teeth grit with bitterness. “Little over three weeks.” Shit. Negaduck groaned.
“Ya know. If I’d known ya’d fuckin NAG me about her, I’da never picked up the fuckin brat.” That was a lie and both men knew it. The simple fact of the matter was that LaunchPad had been vocally against the twerp at first, but she’d been captured for almost a month of a far too quiet house and he was horribly worried, whereas NegaDuck had seen her less than an hour ago and so was significantly less worried. The stupid city was still standing….for now . Better calm down his husband. “Ya tracked her or do I have to do everything around here?” He snarled.  “Didn’t need to. They’re holded up in the Mayor’s office giving hopeful speeches near round the clock.” And to prove it, the Television was turned on. The Liquid Lunatic was warbling his way through a speech about the importance of clean water and how he was working together with BushRoot to make the air clearer. The redheaded ten year old sat just in view of the camera, kicking her legs slightly and smiling at everything. “Wonder how any of em have time to do anything.” Nega nodded with the information, absentmindedly thinking. Hmmm, she was kept on camera, which made things a bit more difficult. But those goody goodies probably had her on a bedtime. Night break in then. Or…..well, depending on what she was thinking they may be able to get a mole in. LaunchPad knew better than to storm their hideout without his husband, even for their daughter, but the big softy was anxious without her. Probably watched the news like crazy to make sure she was alright. “Alright. I’m gonna go grab that lil bitch and see if I’m better off letting her rot with hero scum, you get her room set up for if I let the little turncoat’s sorry ass back in here. LaunchPad rose, grateful for the order. By the set in his jaw that poor girl’s room had been cleaned and rearranged at least fifty times. He always got like this when she went missing. After a while, Nega just stopped letting her out of the house. This was the ‘nightmare scenario’. One of many. The longest she’d been missing before was two weeks. He grabbed LaunchPad by the wrist before he could leave the room, and pulled him backwards. The taller man understood and lowered his head so that Nega could grant one of his rare kisses to his temple. “Relax. You’re going to stress yourself out and die. Then I’ll have to marry Herb and neither of us wants that.” It works and the old and odd joke causes LaunchPad’s eyes to soften as a grin slits across his beak. Then he’s gone. Into Gosolyn’s room to arrange everything just so for her return. Negaduck pays full attention to the T.V. watching to see when they switch off or put her to bed. He can’t run in blind, not with them being smarter this time around.  He couldn’t let the Dimwit’s ducks know he was back yet, not till he had her back. Hopefully he’d been vicious enough to the idiots that had seen him on the way home that they didn’t go BLABBING.
See, Unlike the Morons. he could count . He had more people to work with, and he alone was smarter than them putting their heads together. They lose automatically. It was stupid of them to try, but even this single lucky victory grated on his NERVES.
Watching the news he’d noticed that only one of them was ever on at a time. And that they responded to disasters based on who specifically was best to solve them if the way Liquidator had runoff like a swimmer upon hearing about a fire. Gos was alone for almost a minute before QuackerJack had raced onto the scene. Some dead air time where she’d just read a book with a soft smile. Idiots the lot of them. Who freaked out if a ten year old was left alone for two minutes? While the WHOLE CITY was watching her? It was ridiculous and stupid, but it did give him a plan by the creeping light of dawn. Said plan was recorded in a notebook once LP came back in the room to settle into a restless sleep beside him. It was frustrating. Nega was tired. He had his favorite sound playlist of breaking bones and anguished screams, LaunchPad’s arm was heavy on his chest, almost crushing him. He had a great plan that only required the bareest amount of intelligence from his next door neighbours. AND he didn't have to deal with his BRAINLESS allies anymore. That being said, he felt the missing warmth from the spot where Gos usually would have fluttered her eyelashes to squirm into. He could feel LaunchPad’s erratic pulse every time the other man had a night terror about her. At the end of the day, his family was broken . This couldn’t happen again. He needed a way for LaunchPad to live AND for him to have fun while not letting her get taken. What kind of ‘princess of malice’ got STOLEN once a week!? The hints of a plan nudged at his brain, but he was too tired to fully acknowledge them.
“Excuse me?” BushRoot looked up at the studious looking boy at the gates. “Hello. I don’t know if you recognize or remember me.” “Of course I do!” BushRoot smiled brightly and the boy took a step backwards. “You’re Gos’ little friend . Oh I’d know you anywhere. You know come to think of it, we should’ve taken you too! Your family was awful. Are you here to see her?” Tank nodded with a slight smile.
“Yes actually. If that wouldn’t be too terribly horrid a thing to request?” He asked. BushRoot smiled down at the boy and ruffled his hair.
“Oh no it’s absolutely fine! We were just about to switch out her guard in fact. Megavolt was just going to run to do patrols.” Tank smiled happily as he was led through the hallways and to the center office, where the mayor had been before they vacated and left the city in the less than capable hands of NegaDuck. “That’s my report Dear Lovely Citizens” Megavolt smiled happily. “Please enjoy your new freedom as we continue to fix this town from the misery and suffering perpetrated by the evil known as NegaDuck.” He turned as the two came in, Bushroot waving at him. “TANK!!!!” Gosalyn jumped out of her chair and ran to her best friend as Quacker Jack took over the programming. The boy hugged her tightly for a moment before they both turned to BushRoot. 
“Um….Mister BushRoot sir. Would it be possible to get a different room? I mean. I haven’t spoken to Tank in sooooo long and we really shouldn’t do anything that interferes with the oh so necessary hope building Programs.” BushRoot smiled at her and thought about it. “Well….we didn’t want to leave you alone in case the awful LaunchPad came to try and capture you. But you’re absolutely right sweetheart! You and your friend should have some time time to talk to each other alone.” He paused to think again, before snapping his leaves. “we’ll just hide you someplace you won’t be found. And I know just the spot . Common kids.” Tank and Gosalyn followed as Tank checked the time. 3:50. Away from the cameras BushRoot spoke a bit more freely. “I’m going to put you in QuackerJack’s lab. He’s our leader! And his lab needs a secret code to get in so you’ll be extra safe there. Tank’s eyes sparkled. “A Whole Lab? Boy oh Boy, does Tank like those” Gosalyn volunteered. “He just loves science.” Tank blushed, but nodded as they were led down to a bunker. BushRoot typed in a code, uncaring if the two little sweethearts saw. After all, they were good kids. “Thanks So MUCH Mr. BushRoot” The Redhead smiled brightly as she and her best friend went to examine the lab, heavy steel door closing behind them. The kids looked at the playground or mechanical wonder before looking at each other and grinning. “Cool Beans. This place is perfect ”
At exactly 4:02 pm Honker and Binkie stood underneath the powerlines that connected the main grid to the city proper. At 4:00 every day-both morning and night, Megavolt had to recharge his batteries. Information gotten not from the few hours of programing, but from the alternate dimension. NegaDuck had only checked to make sure that the mouse was still as annoyingly predictable as he ever was. And Honker in particular had a bone to pick, having gotten shocked into oblivion on his birthday.  Mother and Son looked at each other to smile. Then the handy dandy bazukas they had were put to good use, blowing up the poles, and their attached wires. See, had Megavolt been inside the main grid. He wouldn’t have noticed the shut down. And if he was outside of the building, wherever he’d been sucking power from was now gone. The two stood side by side waiting to see if he’d come either from being called or to get juice. If he was already in. Well, normally they wore leather jackets and leather pants. Said articles of clothing had been replaced with rubber, so he wasn’t going to cause too many issues .
Outside as it turned out. Great guess on Lord Negaduck’s part, that as a ‘hero’ he would be too moral to use public property for private use or something like that. After ten minutes he arrived, stepping out of his car. He glared at Binkie, whom was waving her gun around and shooting in the air while laughing maniacally. “Stop right there vile Villain!” Surprisingly, she stopped and waved at the hero.  “Oh hello there!” She smiled. Megavolt, though confused, was polite. He waved back and nodded to her in greeting. “Do you remember me?” Binkie asked brightly. It caused the mouse to think for a bit before. “Um….no…..sorry. When did we meet?” She giggled. “Oh. I’m Binkie. We met at the bakery. It was my Baby Boy’s birthday! Remember! That whole thing with Darkwing? You shocked him so bad you sent him flying!” She giggled again. “He just wanted to say hi, same as me. Say ‘Hi’ Honker!” Well, evil had to have a few screws loose, but other than that she seemed fine. He turned with a smile to greet the villain he’d thwarted.
“Hi Hon-” That was as far as he got before a baseball bat of weighted glass was very violently introduced to his skull. He flailed and fell and that was all she wrote because Honker jumped off the car to follow him, swings as wild and crazy as his cackling.
QuakerJack looked at the alarm, dragging his eyes away from the camera, where he was giving the kiddos an informative after school message with the help of his trusty clown. Two alerts. One at the Water Processing Plant and another at the Botanical Gardens. It was only 4:30 but the frequency of the alerts was what was getting to him. He shook it off as he pressed the hidden buttons on the back of the clown, smiling brightly to the kids. Bud and Bushie would easily handle their areas and rush back to the other’s side. He didn’t like all of them being gone at once, but Mega had been recharging when the power cut. Luckily, the broadcast was still going on due to a generator, but the second someone else came in, he was going himself to check out what happened and how far the extent of the blackout went. The Liquidator didn’t know what he’d find at the scene of the crime, all he knew was that suddenly the alert had gone off for high amounts of Pollution entering the drinkable water supply. Quacks had sounded the blinking alarm- be careful . Approaching the building, everything seemed normal. No signs of a breakin. He opted for stealth, going back around the building to sink into one of the waterways that was being admitted for cleaning. As he slunk around he definitely sensed….a presence whatever it was, it was big. Liquidator peeked his head up to see……..a man. He blinked twice to see if it was in his internal catalogue of villains that had been showing up to try and take NegaDuck’s place. …..No. Just….a rather large ordinary man. He appeared to be grilling in a Water Filtration plant which was odd enough to ring an alarm bell. …..shame, he just, couldn’t figure it out more than that it was undoubtedly odd . The man opened one of his many coolers and tossed out something slimy and with a sickly greenish yellow color. Just…..just upended the WHOLE COOLER while he hummed lightly. He’d also been at this for a while from both being able to jam the system and the fact that there were only four coolers left.
“EXCUSE ME!” The man started as he turned around and as if the color and smell wern’t indicators of something foul going in, the man himself was wearing rubber gloves.
“Oh Hi there Neghberino!” He waved. “Fine day ta get ridda somma the stuff around da house init it?” A warm smile. Was this man…... evil or just very stupid? “Yeah I’ve had this hangin around since last year. That’s a thing wit rotten fish bait. After a while, ya just don’ know what ta do wit it.” He shook out the cooler, poisoning the water as he placed it back down. “But when da wife says it’s gotta go. Well ol Herb aint stupid now ishe? Nosirie bob. My Binkie says it goes I says, ‘whatever’ll make you happy honey bun’ ‘s how Ah keep a happy marriage ya know?” Stupid he decided. Very VERY stupid. “Sir.” The superhero crossed his arms. “You can’t stay or dump here. This is a water treatment plant. It holds about forty percent of the water for the Reservoir of this fine city!” The man blinked a few times, flabbergasted. “Oh?” He got up and went to his grill “And here I thought the place what was cleaning was da bes fer tossin. After all, Water’s gotta get dirty afore it’s clean don’t ya know. Oh well. I’ll just empty mah coals n leave ya to yer lonesome sir.”
“Absolutely not!” And to save the water, the Luididator left it, going to grab the grill before  ‘Herb’ could empty the coals. Poor Hero. He didn’t stop to wonder why one needed rubber gloves and as he touched the metal of the grill, the electricity surged through him, dissolving his form. Herb grinned as he looked down at the puddle and went for another cooler. Water absorbing powder solution. “Looks like you and me, we’s gonna be real good neighborinos. That is if anything’s lefta yous by tommara” He gave a slightly whistling ‘maniacal laugh’ as he cleaned up the Crimefighter.
BushRoot was aware that there was a problem when he got too close to the Botanical Garden. He could hear his children screaming in agony before their lives were cruelly snuffed out. He just didn’t know what they were screaming about. As he went inside he saw that the door had been kicked off its hinges. There was no sign of any of the scientists that worked there, and what’s more- there was enraged screaming coming from the same direction of the screams of his children. Scariest, it was the Rare plants division.He sniffed at the air. Whatever the odd smell, it was causing them discomfort. He needed to fix that first. He looked carefully at the lab portion of the garden as he raced over. It struck him how odd it was that there were a few open flames, but he dismissed it as the scientist having been scared away before they could extinguish.  He tried to keep to the sidelines so that he could see the problem as he entered where the cries for help were coming from.  He needed to evaluate,  figure out how best to handle the sit-
“YOU!!!!” BushRoot froze, feeling his stems shake. Upon entering the room it was just his luck that the problem was staring him down. And it was none other than a LIVID LaunchPad armed with a flamethrower. He had a weed killer in his hand and a shovel on his belt but the flamethrower was what really got him. All of the precious plants in here could be gone in an instant thanks to that Mad Man. A sinister smile crawled over the beak of the larger man. “You’re gonna tell me where Gos is. Else, all o ya kids….well. Longer I aint got mine. Worse off yours are gonna get. Capisce?”
“You are never going to harm that sweet little angel ever again!” BushRoot raised an arm and a tree near where the man stood swung down a heavy branch to club at him. LaunchPad barrel rolled away from the hit, but the tree picked up it’s roots and followed him. BushRoot got closer to his kids to better hear what they were screaming, but the smell was unbearable. He took a handy dandy water bottle as he let Susan handle the interloper. LaunchPad wasn’t as scary without his fearless leader. A little bit of water should handle the shiny looking nasty chemical on the leaves of his babies. As he gave a spritz he noticed that….it wasn’t coming off, almost arguing with the water. But the chemical was also by their precious roots. “HEY!” BushRoot looked up. He was on the second floor, by the roof. LaunchPad had a slightly manic grin. “Last chance freak. Tell me where Gos is, or alla ya kids are  mulch.”
“As far as I can see, You’re running away. And I’m NEVER letting that poor girl near the likes of your EVIL ever again. She’s MY new Eco warrior of justice!” LaunchPad let out a snort and lit the flamethrower. BushRoot scoffed at seeing the sprinklers activate. “What’d ya THINK that’d do right under the….” His words caught in his throat. While the first few seconds had been water, that nasty smelling chemical had hit the fire and ignited “GAS!!!!!! EVERYONE OUT!!!!!” How had he not recognised the smell . He grabbed the plants he could as he ran for the exit but…..
BushRoot shook as he saw it. It wasn’t just the room he’d been in. All the fire sprinklers had been filled with Gas. All of the plants. All of the research….. He took the few samples he could and sprinted for it, feeling his own legs becoming dried out from the intense and rising heat before he got out. He did manage to make it out...though he didn’t know how. His mind had been filled with fear and adrenaline as he desperately ran for safety. But he crawled away from the inferno. Him and the Children in his hands. Crawling until the point of collapse. And He collapsed right in front of a combat boot. “Did I say Mulch?” LaunchPad started Conversationally. “I meant Firewood. Opps, slip o the tongue. Coulda happened to anyone . Now. I turned the daycare into a crematorium, where’s Gos?” BushRoot shuddered. This wasn’t a man in front of him, smiling brightly and still holding unto the flamethrower.
“She….she’s at the Mayor’s office. C-City Hall” Right now all he wanted to do was cuddle up with Bud. He felt like literal crap turning the girl over to the likes of…. this. But….But he was the weakest link…..yeah…..yeah. The others would forgive him for what he was doing. He was scared. They…..They could get her back. NegaDuck was Gone. Darkwing had seen to that. They couldn’t give up after one little hiccup! “ WHERE ” And that Flamethrower was right in face as he scrambled away from the maniac and towards the conflagration. “ EXACTLY is she” BushRoot trembled. He was kneeling on the ground and begging for his life here. They could get the girl back later.
NegaDuck chanced a look at his cell. LaunchPad, Binkie and Herb had all called that their targets were neutralized. He let out a pleasant sigh. It was so nice dealing with people that were only mostly morons instead of COMPLETE Morons. Why didn’t he spend more time in his St. Canard? He pulled down the brim of his Fedora, closing his trenchcoat more tightly around himself as he walked up the stairs. Of course nothing could go right. At the top of the stairs the doors opened and two figures walked out, causing him to hide before he was spotted. “So He probably got them all already?” He knew that voice. That was her pouting voice. “And he’s just waiting at home. I know he’s grumpy, but that’s oh so very rude . He couldn’t even stage a kidnapping himself after I was gone almost a month!”
“Ah-Hem!” NegaDuck stepped out of the shadows, arms crossed. Gosolyn’s face brightened upon seeing him but he stopped her in his tracks with a single finger. “You are grounded. How grounded you are depends on your reasoning for this” He gestured around the still clean and bright once home. “DISGUSTING Mess.” “First, we haveta get away from City Hall. Too many nosy naughty cameras lurking around to spyie why.” As she spoke she hurried up, Nega falling into step behind her. “COMMEON  HURRY!!!” He groaned, but followed his charge as she raced to his hidden ‘civie’ car. …..WHAT it was fine and good being the Evil Overlord, but it came with Do gooders and sometimes he was just getting groceries! …… or kidnapping people to cook said groceries! Either way. “We gotta get home by five! Tanky, what time is it?” Tank showed her his watch. 4:45 And she gasped. “FUCK! We gotta get everyone home and in front of the TV! I’ll explain there.” NegaDuck scowled but aquissed to her crazy request, sending out a mass text and FLOORING it to get back home with his charges. She scrambled to get out the generator so that the T.V. would work. Excitedly plugging it in she started the crank. LaunchPad came down the stairs as he heard the enthusiastic pitter patter of malicious feet. Seeing her at the Generator he cracked a grin. “Shoo” The word was soft as he lightly tossed her away from the generator. He was bigger and stronger and so better at cranking the damn thing. Unfortunately, once QuackerJack went out to get his little boyfriend he’d undoubtedly fix all their hard work. But more importantly. His daughter was back for him to yell at. And possibly kill. He hadn't decided yet what he was going to do to her. “Well!” She started when the TV was up, playing the same old 24/7 Newscast of Hope.  “I had this plan for awhile. Just not any real way to put it into action until Darkwing Duck somehow showed up here! Luckily” And her voice went sing song, as it always did when she was particularly pleased about something. “I’m fucking fabulous!” Nega rolled his eyes, shooing Herb off of his coved space on the couch with just a glare. The large father of two relocated to the floor to his happy wife as she gave Honker another wep nap to clean his bat with. “But this, undoubtedly the BEST PLAN EVER is not truly my plan. I mean….I did all the thinking and hard shit. But a TRUE plot is always for the benefit of yourself. And this plan was created only half for me.” She shrugged as QuackerJack continued talking on screen. A cold smile grew on her face as the Jester themed Super got visibly nervous, checking his watch for the alerts to be handled. “The other half was for my dear Papa” “Me?” LaunchPad blinked uncertainty. With Gos there were only two options when she planned something catered exactly to you. Either she HATED you with every fiber of her being, or she was being nice in her own way. You’d know by weather or not you continued with your meaningless existence. “Oh yes. And it worked even BETTER than I thought.” She hopped up on the couch, snuggling into NegaDuck and patted the cushion next to her. LauchPad did a mental tally of who owed whom a near death attempt. He was pretty sure cyanide in the cake evened out livewires on the ground, so he took the chance to sit next to her. “I knew that there were Nasty lil wanna-be Heros trying to muck up Daddies city.” Herb and Binkie both flinched at the ‘sweet lil angel’ casually calling LORD NEGADUCK by such a title. Something so bright and sweet and cute and filthy. But she continued irregardless of their discomfort. Or perhaps, spurred by it. “I also know Daddy kept leaving to that other St.Canard. With their Other heroes to fight and their other Papa and their other GOSALYN” They weren't allowed to have nice things in the house, Gos ripping apart the seat cushion as she got angry.  Binkie flinched at such wondrous ferocity coming from well, a ‘sweet little girl’. Gos took a deep breath and a smile spread across her beak. “Darkwing taught them to be better Heros and in Daddie’s absence, they made St. Canard a better place. One of laughter, of light, overflowing with seeds of new hope!” Tank’s watch went off and the little girl pointed to the Television with unrestrained glee. “What’s that noise?” QuackerJack spoke from the TV. And then they heard it…..the recording-Gosalyn screaming for dear life. “Gos? Sweetie? Pumkin?” And as he ran to try and rescue her, the room started shaking. The camera fell to the floor, then there was an ENORMOUS multicolored explosion. Screams from an unseen QuakerJack and his pained face before an even LOUDER BOOM. Then the camera was destroyed and the broadcast finally stopped. “They think they can win now! Their own hope will keep them trying….and trying…..and stupidly trying.” A giggle. “Even more fun than going to some other world and ripping their hopes away? Snatching the faint hope that tries to grow like a revolting rosebush!” Another giggle ripped from her system. “They’ll see that broken dream of theirs and despair. Then the heroes will try to regroup because surely if they did it once they can do it again. And YOU” She snarled at NegaDuck. “Can play right here with Papa and ME!!!!” It was vicious and evil and well thought out and…..
“Awwweeeee. My sweet little MONSTER ”
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