#fat posivity
Happy Lesbian Day of Visibility to all the lovely lesbians out there!
I'm talking 'bout...
Cis lesbians, trans lesbians, and nonbinary lesbians
Bi lesbians, pan lesbians, ply lesbians, and omni lesbians
Old lesbians and young lesbians
Disabled, neurodivergent, and mentally ill lesbians
Lesbians of color
Fat lesbians
Questioning and closeted lesbians
Butch, stud, futch, stem/stemme, and fem/femme lesbians
Acespec and arospec lesbians
Lesbians who use they/them, he/him, neopronouns, nounself pronouns, and more
And all other lesbians! Y'all are wonderful, stunning people, and I love y'all so much! You make the lesbian community so diverse, and you are so important and vital to this community! I just wanna thank y'all for existing. You truly make the lesbian community and the overall queer community amazing! You make our communities and the world a better place. Y'all are truly a blessing to this earth ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 Have a an amazing LDOV, y'all!
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niiwa-angel · 2 years
Hey @ all fat activists who complain about doctor's. If you don't want to take their advice and actually do something for your health, stop going. I'm serious, since you all seem to think you know better then them anyway, stop going. Stop wasting their valuable time and resources and let them take care of the people who actually WANT help and who DO care about their health. You like Dr. Google so much, keep seeing him.
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starlighthh · 4 years
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lesbacon96-blog · 8 years
I’m sorry, but if you make a post just to target and berate fat people and tag it as ‘fat positivity’ you’re scum. Like the people who are against us aren’t going to be looking in our tag, you’re literally just doing it to be an asshole
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dhdhdh-archive · 7 years
trans girls are so pretty
black girls are so pretty
native girls are so pretty
hispanic and latina girls are so pretty
asian girls are so pretty
middle eastern girls are so pretty
fat girls are so pretty
lesbian girls are so pretty
bisexual girls are so pretty
pansexual girls are so pretty
girls are so pretty
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empressofdiamonds · 3 years
Body posivity and what isn't
Tw: body&health stuff related to weight.
Someone in my most recent post commented that they did agree with everything EXCEPT that they're accepting all bodies and didn't accept any body shaming.
The thing, I'll say it brutally, being fat or being skeleton thin is just NOT healthy. And this is saying the truth and it is not shaming.
Shaming is using derogatory language to bash down someone, it is using manners, voice, to induce a sense of shame and guilt in the other person.
I've been obese in the past, it caused a whole slew of health issues and I honestly think that if I would've carried on, I would've been in the hospital now. It caused me knee and joint pain, heart problems, being short of breath, acne, and induced in me a sense of feeling shitty and ill constantly. I thought it was just my knees being shit and it came with me at birth, but let's be honest, the extra weight wrecked havoc on them and exacerbated the pain. I know it because I've been there.
Promoting that being bigger is also being healthy is just so wrong. I am not talking 15 lbs above normal BMI, I am talking 40+ lbs, well outside overweight BMI. When the heart starts having a bit of trouble pumping blood into the tissues, causing stress on it. When the joints starts hurting, some mild arche. When you aren't able to run for one minute, even at slight jog, when you have difficulty finding clothes that fit you well and make you feel good... Something's wrong and that's not society's fault.
At the beginning, the body positivy was all about amputated people, people with physical deformities or oddities, etc. Those people that couldn't do anything about their body. Those people felt like shit about something they couldn't change at all, and the body posivity movement came in, to support those people through their body complexes related to that. It made their different bodies normalized in the eyes of everyone. The goal was to reduce the wrong eyes people cast on them, reduce the marginalization, and make those people feel better about themselves. All of which are noble goals.
Then morbidly obese people hopped into the body posivity to make themselves feel better about their body, allowing themselves to not guilty/uncomfortable about their unhealthy body. The movement wasn't for them at the beginning.
When there's something that's actively harmful to you, and that you blame everything else and excluding completely your own behaviour... it doesn't belongs in body posivity. Dot final.
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wenellyb · 3 years
Ugh, i just got reminded why i dislike the MCU fandom so damn much. I just saw this post body shaming Mackie. They went on to say "if you don't look like this (Evans,Stan & Russell) then you can't be Captain America" Of course it came from a Bucky stan. Mackie has a beautiful body. I am so sick of people calling him "fat" Mackie is toned in all the right places and thick in all the right places !!!!!
ooooh please tell me this is a joke...
Hi Anonlet us scream together!!! I can't even say I'm surprised, given the way this fandom has treated Phastos/Brian Tyree Henry...
Tumblr is all about inclusivity, body posivity and all but when it comes to the MCU fandom a lot of them are just superficial...Who even thinks about those kind of posts?
Anthony does have a beautiful body but that's not the most important and it's not what makes him a great Captain America, he can fight, he can fly, he's smart, and super tactical, he has so many quality making him the perfect Captain and looks shouldn't even come into consideration he's the whole package.
I would say to just block and move on, I'm already disgusted.
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sinfullartist-blog1 · 5 years
Im fat but:
-I don't encourage people about getting fat.
-I never said to anyone being obese/overweight/fat is okay.
-Ever insulted someone for calling me fat.
-Cried like a baby from someone criticizing my body.
-Said for them that they should eat everything they want.
-Ever lied about someone being fat.
-I worry about my weight and I stopped eating plastic food every week.
-I am eating heathier then in 2017 and 2018.
-I get grossed out at body posivity
-I dont encourage body posivity
If we don't encourage Anorexia why would we encourage obesity?
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niiwa-angel · 2 years
Fat Acceptance is the exact same as the anti vax movement.
Both think they know better than real doctors
Both spread their bullshit to the vulnerable like the poor or otherwise ill
Both have infiltrated celebrities and celebrity news
Both wave off the underlying risks of their poor choices and risks of the safer option
And both are often spouted by ignorant, entitled people who would rather avoid minor discomfort than benefit society.
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littlemissamericana · 5 years
I appreciate body posivity night so much and I firmly believe that everyone deserves to feel comfortable in their skin. I also believe that sometimes selfie nights like these can drown out the same voices they intend to uplift. Body posivity can be for everyone but it was started by fat black women who face both fatphobia and racism. It’s by fat people and for fat people.
Does that mean thin people can’t participate? No. It means we do have to check ourselves sometimes and think about what it means to uplift voices that may be more relevant to the subject matter.
That being said I, as a thin person, am not the best person to speak on this topic so I’d like to direct you to some interesting essays on body posivity. I also highly encourage everyone participating in selfie night to learn more about body posivity and fat acceptance.
“I’m body positive as long as you’re not obese”
Clarkisha Explains: Fat Like Me – On Rebel Wilson and Anti-Blackness in The Body Positive Movement
Why I’m Trading Body Positivity for Fat Acceptance
If you’re interested in more, I’d recommend yrfatfriend on Instagram. Read her FAQ in her stories where she talks about lived experience as a fat person, being an ally, and so much more. She also has good recommendations for fat body positive folks to follow
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laikenrichelle · 6 years
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The other day I got a DM from someone saying I can't use the term "body positive" because I'm not "fat" enough. (I've withheld from writing a post about this for about two weeks, but my PMS is on FIRE today & I'm ready🔥🌋) I love talking about body posivity, self love, sharing my journey with it and all the jazz and while it isn't, nor am I perfect, it's certainly something that needs to be spoken about more. There are so many posts and people out there talking about how to "lose belly fat" or "get a thigh gap" or a "huge ass" or whatever the heck, but I'm here to add something different to the table. A little bit of self acceptance at where you're at right now. While I'm all for chasing your goals, whatever they may be, it's also important to love yourself in the process of chasing these goals, rather than thinking you are not good enough until you achieve them or that if you skip the gym or a yoga class or eat too many cookies or have a donut, that you're lazy and unworthy, etc. ANYWAY If you google body positive, it'll say: "Body positivity is acceptance and appreciation of all human body types. It is a social movement rooted in the belief that all human beings should have a positive body image, and be accepting of their own bodies as well as the bodies of others." "Body positivity differs from fat acceptance in that it is all encompassing and inclusive of all body types and body shapes..." "The movement posits that neither fat-shaming nor skinny-shaming is okay, and that all body types can and should be celebrated." So, there you have it. I'm not sure why some people feel the need to attack people who are trying to spread a positive message, but apparently that's what people do. So don't let others try make you feel like you're not good enough. Again, I'm not perfect: I don't always speak to myself with kindness, I don't know everything, I don't always say the right thing. Just like life, self love is a journey and it's full of mistakes & learning so just do your best. You are beautiful and worthy of good things no matter how many times you've exercised this week, how much 🍫 you've had or how much you weigh or your clothing size ❤ (at Adelaide, South Australia)
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fatphobiabusters · 7 years
I really don't want to sound rude but, why are there so many fat posivity posts but only for women? I've never seen a single one of them for boys :/ and that makes me feel sad
I don't really have a definite answer, but some things to contribute to this are:1. Many fat positive blogs are run by women. I don't see ones run by men for men very often.2. Women are affected by the intersection of fatphobia and misogyny, which means that (all other things being equal) fatphobia can be far more difficult for women and can affect them more negatively. And this makes it crucial to focus on that intersection.3. Many male positivity posts are usually made as an attack on women instead of to build up men. I don't know if you have noticed this, but most posts I see for men have some kind of line in there like "take that feminists," "women have no idea how hard it is to be body shamed," "women aren't held to the high standards men are," "men have it just as hard as women if not worse," and that kind of thing. They also tend to lack intersectionality and don't always recognize fatphobia as a concept. It's like they think it's a product of women's shallowness rather than of society. All of this combined means the few blogs that do exist for men aren't always safe spaces.4. Many fat male positivity spaces are created by fat fetishers. Which, you know, isn't all that positive.I think there SHOULD be fetish free feminist spaces for fat men that are intersectional and focus on male issues. I really do. I hope people make some. Because men deserve that. But I think for that to happen, more men need to be willing to educate themselves on fat acceptance and feminism and make these spaces themselves. And I hope they do.Anon, if you can't find a space for you, make one. And if you can't make one, encourage othes to make one! Because we need this. The world needs this. Men deserve to feel good about their bodies without feeling fetishized or like they're being used as a tool against women. They deserve to feel like people value them and support them!-Mod Bella
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“Body Positive Movement”
I thought that doing a project about something I love would make me feel really happy, but such things isn’t happening.  For my sociology project I decided to talk about the “ Body Positive Movement” and I was really really happy about that because I love the way this new celebrities (like Ashley Graham, Gabi Gregg, Zenday Tara Lynn, Jenna, Frankie and so on... ), (this last names must be new to you but the thruth is they have helped me to feel better about my body) are trying to change the world by doing amazing things, by being themselfs and inspire others. But like everything in life there’s the good and the bad. While I was doing my research about this theme I came across with a lots of hate, stupid coments, memes and even stupid videos. I will give you some examples of what I read: “If we ofend fat people is to make them want to be healthier.”, “Fat people would help you in an Zombie Apocalypse bc then the zombies will get fat and can’t run ” or “Men’s like meat and not bones”  this doesn’t help at all! This will make people feel way worse!  Honestly I don’t know if I want to punch this idiot people or just ignore them and let them eat shit at breakfast .  To be honest, I cried a little bit because this hurts me a lot, since I'm a plus size girl, and believe me even if I wasn't it would still hurt me! I don't want body movement to be something just about plus size people, I want body posivity be about all bodies with no exception
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feminspire · 12 years
When I was a kid, like lots of other young girls, I watched Friends...The show ran from when I was six until I was sixteen, and although I wasn’t raised on TV, I watched it fairly regularly – it had a strong role in shaping what I believed adult women were supposed to act, live, and look like. Oh, and I was also fat. I was a chubby little kid watching a show about beautiful, thin women, and guys who dated beautiful, thin women. But then there was Fat Monica. See, beautiful, thin Monica (played by Courtney Cox) was apparently fat in high school and college. There were many jokes made about this in the present, but when we got flashback episodes – oh man. There are just many hilarious ways to point out how gross and undesirable she used to be! Fat Monica had obviously low self esteem, seemed to binge eat, and was desperate for attention that she only got as a joke or from begrudging guys. Even her future husband, Chandler, makes fun of her relentlessly and continually acts disgusted by her body. Somehow, she eventually manages to lose the weight, and turns into the beautiful, socially acceptable Monica we grow to know and love. She and Chandler fall in love and get married and somehow we’re supposed to find that cute. Friends was problematic in many ways (yes, Lena Dunham, they got called out for having an all-white cast too!) that step outside the scope of this article, and this is only one of many fat-woman-as-a-punchline examples in pop culture, but the one that stuck with me the most. Sitcoms and mainstream media have long ignored plus-size women, only bringing us out to laugh at us, remind us that we’re unsexy and undesirable, then tuck us away so we can again focus on thin women. Friends made me think as a child that I was unworthy of love, was going to be mocked relentlessly by my friends and family for my weight, and should never bother flirting because I would just disgust every man I looked at.
Emma Tarver, Fat Amy, Monica, And Plus Size Women In Modern Media on Feminspire.com
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niiwa-angel · 2 years
Pls keep tagging ur anti fat posts with fat acceptance. They need to be shamed into finally doing something about the obesity
Honestly, I really don't want to shame people. Shame has never gotten anyone anywhere. I will admit that I can come of as harsh but mostly when I'm mentally addressing idiots like Tess Holliday, Virgie Tovar, or Marissa from TikTok. I feel genuine sorrow for most of the people who have been roped into the FA community because most of them are suffering from mental illnesses and/or eating disorders, are young, have a dangerously low value for themselves, and have been preyed upon by a dangerous community.
I'm hoping that by tagging my anti fat Acceptance posts with the fat Acceptance tag that someone who hasn't finished drinking the metaphorical Kool aid yet might still be able to wake up and realize that they are being lied to. The Fat Acceptance community is very much like a cult and while I feel no sympathy for it's creators who have made their own bed, I feel sorry for their victims and if someone reached out to me for help on where to get started, I would gladly try my best to help them find resources and support in their journey to health.
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