#father i dont want to get married fanfic
fuyuu-chan · 4 months
For You I Would Sacrifice Anything...Even If It Cost My Life
Characters: Neuvillette, Kamisato Ayato, Jing Yuan, Loucha, Sunday, Vyn (??), Sung Jin Woo, Baek Yoon-Ho, Choi Jong-In, Megumi Fushiguro, Nanami Kento, Geto Suguru, Regis Adri Floyen, Shoto Todoroki (+ some characters you think fit)
Fuyuu-chan: I thought I already posted this but apparently not so here it is ✨
Genre: Angst to Fluff
Warning: Not Proofread, no scenario of what happened before the injury, mention of bleeding and blood
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"Why did you do that?" He said as he holds you in his arms, you're still bleeding and he was trying to make it stop until the medics arrive.
"Isn't it just the normal...thing to do?...To save someone you love away from the danger..." You trail off as you were finding it hard to talk and you were catching your breath.
"...besides I can't...just watch you get hurt in front of me..." You said as you cough up blood as you close one of your eyes.
"Hey hey don't close your eyes... well try not to" he says as he was getting more worried, panic is slowly getting to him which is rare since he's always the calm, collected person.
"You're also crazy to do that, promise me don't do it again" he said as he was tearing up a bit, guilty because this happened to you when he promised to protect you.
You chuckled a bit. "Don't blame me... This is what love do, also I can't promise anything". That's the last thing you said as you slowly closed your eyes because you can't keep it open anymore. At least before you close it you see people approaching the two of you and (his name) calling out to you but it faded as you lost your consciousness.
"(Name)! (Name)!" He called out to you as he slightly tapped your cheek and shake you while he was now crying and he was shaking, but to his dismay it didn't work you were unconscious.
You slowly open your eyes and see a ceiling but you closed your eyes immediately because of the light, you blinked a few times adjusting your eyes. After a few seconds you opened it fully and turned to your sides. Seems like you're in a hospital (or infirmary) as you turned to your left you saw him, he was sleeping.
You didn't want to disturb, so you try to sat up by yourself and get water as your throat is dry. But you should've think twice by doing so cause as you tried that your injury -stinged?? It hurts which made you make a noise and go back from your position when you wake up and by that you accidentally wake him up. So much for thinking you don't want to disturb his sleep.
He opened his eyes immediately as he heard a noise and he looks at you. Shocked but slightly relieved that it's just you.
"Oh you're awake, are you okay?" He said as he got up from the seat and goes closer to you.
"Ah I'm sorry for waking you up" you apologized as you looked away.
"No it's alright, does your body hurt?" He asked, you can tell he's worried.
"Umm yes when I tried to sat up it hurts probably my injury" you said as you looked at your bandaged injury.
He sighed. "Don't make any moves by yourself alright? Cause it will hurt, the doctors also told me that, do you need something though?"
"Yes...I want water my throat is a bit dry" you said as you looked at him.
He gave you water and he assist you. Also he bought you food since it's been two days since you were asleep so while feeding you he was giving you a lecture about what happened, you can really tell he's guilty especially he promised to protect you but you apologized to at least make him feel better. He teared up a bit while talking to you saying that you scared him to death because he thought you were gonna leave him and that he can't live without you.
It takes you a lot of time to comfort him with words to calm him and reassure him that you were fine and that you're still alive.
But to be fair no matter what happens you are ready to protect him, because you want your love ones to be safe. You know his capable on protecting himself but who can blame you? If you truly love someone you would do anything for them. Sacrifice even.
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Please do not copy, translate, repost to any other social media, Thank you
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isekai-dt · 6 months
In my first life, I was beautiful, yet it was not enough. In hers, too, she was beautiful... and still, it was not enough. I wonder, if without our beauty, would we then be enough?
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kitchenlittle · 1 year
I want to make a little PSA and warning about future content being posted to my page very soon. I will not stand for the slander of writers who choose to write about Miles Morales due to popularity of the movies. Let me make something clear since it seems there are many fake Marvel Fans out there who know nothing about the universes. THERE ARE UNIVERSES WHERE MILES IS ALREADY AN ADULT.
Earth-8 comes to mind where Miles is LITTERALY a full grown MAN MARRIED TO GWEN STACY and they have 2 CHILDREN TOGETHER. Their names are Charlotte and Max Morales. LOOK IT UP IF YOU DONT BELIEVE.
Every universe has a differing age/look from the Miles Morales we see in the movies and know why? BECAUSE THERE IS DARN NEAR THOUSAND IF NOT INFINITE universes of Miles. SO YES. There is a universe with events just like the movie with slight differences and Miles over the age of 18. So litteraly any story about about Miles would litteraly be cannon in someway!
Just like how we can have a Adult Peter Parkers like in the movie exist at the same time as underage Peter Parkers like Tom Holland's. Or should I say," -Dr. Strange and the little nerd on Earth 199999 (AKA Tom Holland)"~Miguel O'hara. And if you were paying attention to the movies you'd know that Miles cannonly exist in live-action human form. Uncle Aaron played by musician and actor childish gamebino mentions he has a nephew who wants to protect to Spiderman. You see that same prowler Childish Gambino Uncle Aaron captured in the new movie. He was captured by Hobie Brown and locked uo as anamoly needing to be sent back to his universe. Meaning that Adult Miles can exist at the same time as kid Miles!
NOT ONLY THAT. But here is some hyprocracy I have found. THE ANIME FANDOM. The most popular characters in the anime are 15- 16. FROM Deku and Bakugou FROM MY HERO, to Luffy FROM ONEPEICE, to Sukuna/Yuji from JUJITSU KAISEN and many many more. Most main characters are highschool age. HOW IS IT? That they can age up charecter that alot of times we will never see 18 or older and write a fanfic sometimes while the charecter in the story is still 15-16 and get a away with it. But Miles Morales authors go out their way to age him up before they even write it and litteraly aren't wrong since their are universe where he is older, are weirdos and pe***. I don't see some anime writers doing that? Make it make sense?
A message for my unsure authors out there.
~So for all my writers not their scared to post their fics. Label it Earth-8 Miles who is a father and husband to Gwen and say it's a headcannon of what ps happend he's 18-25 before he got married if you feel that weird about it.
Some of ya'll are fake fans who completely missed the point of the movie and it's implications. Don't come in my DMs telling me to take anything down because I'm not. You will be blocked and locked out of interacting with my page. And if you feel uncomfortable block me. Just know if you block you will be missing out of 50+ fics I've been working on 18+ characters for about a year now and will be posting starting in July. It's littersly an event I've been working on called the 'Lemon Fest', since it's my birthday month.
Once again every charcter I write about had a cannon adult version of them made by the creators or is already an adult. I was going to keep this a secret by I've gotta protect my fellow authors especially if they are being wrongly targeted. Wanna get mad? Wanna get angry at some authors? Get mad at the ones the ones that write about you favorite anime charecters that are likely 15-16 then ask them to delete it...oh wait...you won't.. because if done that would litteraly be deleting 3/4 of the fanfiction written on this site.
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maysrinn · 3 months
District AU headcanon: The officers who were there from the beginning think it was funny how he was disapproving any of his children dating when he was obsessed with Lucy Gray, even sneaking her in the barracks for some alone time. But no one says this to him to his face because the last idiot who did that had latrine cleaning duty for six months.
I remember this story surfacing after there was a fanfic about Coriolanus sneaking her into the barracks for some alone time. Coriolanus wouldn’t sneak her into the barracks; that would be far too reckless for his liking. Too much could go wrong. If he wanted some alone time, the backstage rooms of the Hob would suffice, or even the meadow...or Lucy Gray's broom closet of a room where a little stomach bug was made.
Besides He’s not out to ruin his kids' love lives or fun; he’s out to ruin Clementine’s love life and fun because, even he can see it, she is like him and that’s the problem. Coriolanus always had one rule: "Be like me, before I met your mother." Clementine is not like academy Coriolanus; she is games and post-games Coriolanus. Reckless and a bit unpredictable, unlike her brother Janus. The next in line for that spot is Rosie, but Rosie likes collecting snakes, which is a problem for another day.
Clementine: why am I not allowed to seek out… company? Mama told me U where younger than me when you started seeing her
Coriolanus: exactly, it‘s when my problems started, I don’t complain about them tho even one is nagging me ever since
Clementine: ah yes the mystery problem and WHEN was that dear father of mine?
Coriolanus: dependends on… how old are u?
Clementine: …you’re a cruel man Coriolanus Snow… U know u love me dad!
Coriolanus: Yes, yes I do which is why I said NO
Clementine: …what about Janus!?
Coriolanus: what about him, Janus is not seeing anyone
Clementine: HE DOES!!
Janus: it doesnt count if u dont get caught~
To the cadets he doesn’t have a wife or kids, yet youre not allowed to look at them either hes talking to Nathan specifically
If you're not one of the big four—Sejanus, Beanpole, Bug, or Smiley—you’re not even allowed to whisper their names. Everyone knows he’s married or bound to the sassy, gorgeous lead singer of the Covey. 🥀 It's the looks they give each other; even if you're new, you'll put the pieces together. He tries so hard tho XD
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mako-neexu · 3 months
[own interpretation/only for those who can forgive]
daddy kink jokes and getting "dad-zoned" aside, dantes does have a reasonable explanation for the behavior and stance. and maybe thats why i like writing it so much into my fanfics. i dont understand why people dislike this... (is it because of pseudo-incest??? age gap???) but i like it so ill make a post with my thoughts. cut below
because it does come back to the original novel, where when he was incarcerated, his betrothed was stolen away from him and married another bc of pressure, his father believed in him until the end but died without ever seeing his son again... and then there is the Abbe, whom was also his 'fate' and had treated him like a son. so i really get that Abbe Faria who was his light and guide during his time alive would be tremendous inspiration and hope to his heart that has tasted the bowels of despair. coupled with studying under the old man, there was no doubt he truly picked up a lot of things from the Abbe... but also as he is his own person, dantes became a demon of vengeance, one who is compassionate and understanding as well towards victims of circuimstance and highly advocates for determination and personal retribution when wronged.
now, towards fujimaru ritsuka - constantly told to us by the narrative to be the Avenger, Count of Monte Cristo's fate, star, light, accomplice, and "one and only" - his care for them is highly overprotective and selfless that it ultimately becomes selfish and "evil" because it is at the cost of someone else's blood spilled for their sake. he feels like an overprotective father because that is one of the roles he took upon himself... or rather, what you could consider as "canon" if you aren't including romantic implications. (after all, there is that significant age gap that leads many people to simply think that he is a "partner in crime" (platonic) / "older brother" or best friend / "dad" type if the romantic implication isn't preferred by the player....)
but because in prison tower, guda saved him by letting him be their "Abbe Faria" combined with how their soul is and just how guda thinks of him and treats him, the kind of love he has for Fujimaru Ritsuka, grown further overtime, is a kind of madness where you can call it "poisonous". both to him and guda... because if you also think about it, dantes is far more dangerous than any outer god trying to invade their body and destroy the world theyre living in considering dantes in the waste pit and the amount of things sakurai hinted...
one of the factors that also contribute to dantes "dad-zoning" (not really) guda is because guda's family was basically massacred so i think he wants to ease the pain a little bit by being the 'father' in the fake tokyo for them because he cant recreate people guda barely remembers/or isnt in the surface on the bleached earth considering everyone is inside chaldeas, but also being the vengeance demon FROM the book, he doesnt know how to act in any other way other than being the man that was thrown into prison, met the Abbe, and escaped alive. the novel is what the world remembers so those parts of himself that was the "Avenger" was engraved unto the world. in order to help guda, the only way he could do it was through an Avenger like him would. and the man who was saved that is Edmond Dantes's hope and fate- his inspiration is Abbe Faria, whom saw him as a son... and guided him like a light. because with that desire to guide as a light the same way dantes was saved, he put himself into the father role due to how strong his feelings are for fujimaru ritsuka.
even towards haydee, she was constantly referred to as a 'child' throughout the novel because of the age difference until haydee really pressed on and told dantes she loves him romantically. so even to haydee, he felt like a parental figure first even with the master-servant relationship (a time where he can finally have things in control and do what he must to protect those he loves) and to abbe faria, he felt like a friend and a son to the priest (a time where he needed guidance and knowledge) and combined with his personal experiences, he wants what is best for his accomplice.......so i think its really understandable why he would be so close to an "overprotective father" to guda.
its a tough kind of love, but also, so overwhelmingly sweet. where if you struggle and do your best, you will be greatly rewarded no matter what. but if there are factors beyond you that even you cant do, dantes, no matter how incomprehensible and unreasonable he may be, is there to be the fire that will pave your path clear. just as long as you yourself walk it and let him guide you through it. very much like a father...
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 months
Watching the Show Fanfic FMAB
@anastasian-dreamer suggested writing a big rambling post about the FMAB watches the future Au to get it off my chest and for me to offer people to send asks. You want a scene/me to explain how i’d handle something? Send it it!
 So how would this go?
First the background: 
First: Edward is a trans man. He's known from childhood. We dont have transphobia in Amestris or in this world. Envy is genderfluid and Father is literal shadows in a human form. Gender makes zero sense to them and they don't allow bigotry they'd be affected by.
 We’re going to give them testosterone but Ed isn't on it because 1) he doesn't want to take it while Al is in the armour (and that is a frequent discussion) and 2) he's not sure if he wants to. He's a fairly androgynous person and he is small chested. He’s one of the lucky assholes who have very light periods (Winry hates him for it) and its alright. He doesn't want to take it also because a part of him wants kids and he’s nervous it will lower his chances. He also knows adoption is still there so he is a bit torn. I honestly just want to explore this concept.
Second: this is also a soulmate AU. I'm thinking there are multiple types of soulmates: paternal/child, platonic, romantic and enemies. 
 Now, you're born with the paternal ones (and the parent gets their when the child is born) but the others happen later. You are five when you get your platonic and romantic; then you’re ten when you get the enemy one.
 Ed and Al are both born with a red salamander on their shoulders and the flamel Izumi has on her chest. I've read a few ‘your own mark is on your chest’ so we’re going with that. These marks tend to be something that can define you. Edward has the alchemy sign for human on his chest and Al has the helmet of his armour. 
 Hohenheim tries not to let it play on his mind. 
When they turn five, Edward gets a sword and the ouroboros on his arm, while Al gets a kunai. 
 The boys both get a silver gear which is Winry for platonic to. (how can they tell? Vibes. Literal vibes)
 When they're ten, Ed is so confused why they get more ouroboros marks. But he's busy with the transmutation. So big deal. We all know how that ends.
 But Ed also is surprised when he gets a mark when he’s eleven.
( “It kind of looks like the head of a long-haired dog?” 
 “It does. Weird.”)
Ling gets the sign for human and the ouroboros. As well he gains a silver blade for a friend (Lan Fan), the child mark of a long haired dog, and the enemy tattoos of ouroboros along with some family. (he also gains the panda friend mark of the heiress to the Chang family) 
 Greed has a sword and the sign for human, along with markings for all his Chimera buddies and the long haired dog for a child. 
Three: Roy starts off being very nervous about the kids. He sees Al and knows its his soul son. He would keep it quiet if he didn't know that his soulmate Maes would spill the beans. He tells the boys. Edward is so angry that of course it's his fuck up that defines his brother. 
 Roy and Ed keep the antagonism but it’s just their thing. They're like that. Al gets to have a cat that stays with Roy. 
 Also: three way bonds like Roy, Hughes and Gracia aren't uncommon. However due to the need for alchemists in the East Roy is based there. He has a house and makes trips bi weekly to see his soulmates. They also make trips bi weekly so they basically see each other each week.
Four: Various countries have different views on Soulmateds. Amestris believes that while there is a bond its a choice in the end. You don’t need to marry/befriend/whatever your bond is. While about 90% of the time it does happen, there's then 10% everyone knows. 
 Xing fully believes in them and soulmarks are a great honour. There's been a few times clans will join together as an heir will find their partner in another, making an iron clad bond. Soul children are precious and enemies are the utmost awfulness. 
Five: I’m tossing in a few OCs. One is named Amelia Cross. My original story for her is she is the brother’s elder sister from Hohenheim having a one night stand years ago. Theres a whole plot. But for here she's simply the Alchemist that helped make the soldiers into human chimeras before she quit the military. (and was let go because she did human transmutation)
 The other is Amelia’s soul daughter Elaine who is a chimera herself and Ishvalan. Its a whole thing. 
Lets go to the start.
 Now: I think this story would start right after Tucker makes Nina into a Chimera but before the boys see her. 
 And I kinda want to keep to my theme of ‘ah yes everyone sees it’ cause I can. How does this happen? Alchemy. A bunch of stones (some dropped by Hohenheim, some in the ground from Father) bonded together. An alchemist in the region was doing human transmutation to bring back their wife, the stones hijacked it (the alchemist lost their heart) and Truth went: you know why not. (does it make sense? No but I'm keeping it)
 So everyone in the world is watching now. And we don't start with the brothers.
 We start with Slave 23, speaking to the dwarf in the flask. We follow him as he walks to Xing, as he walks the world. We follow him to Trisha and the boys. We see him put pieces together and realize what happened to Xerxes will happen again. Of course we don't actually know YET. As far as anyone can tell he found signs of the Dwarf and went hunting.
 There's also the drama of Ling seeing the marks on Ed and Mei also seeing hers on Al. And like every other reaction to. (the Homunculi are fucking baffled that this kid somehow got a mark for one of them. Hohenheim is freaking out)
 We watch as he leaves. Then we cut to the boys fighting the Freezing Alchemist. 
Now 2003 FMA is really good at the build up so i'll probably borrow from them but I like the freezer beginning. So that's going on. And of course we learn Roy is the parental soulmate, and its all cute…
 And then we learn of the Taboo.
 I 100% think Bradley makes a bullshit claim he knew and decided since a CHILD was willing to join the military and all their trauma he let it slide. Its on the radio.
 Its all ‘aww poor little meow meows’ kind of stuff. Ed and Al hate it, go to Tucker and FUCK NINA?
 Course since Ed’s child mark is shown he claims its destiny. Ed kicks his ass, and then Nina gets to go to grandpa Roy’s place while Amelia gets contacted by one of the soldiers who is a chimera. 
 Which side note: when that happens on screen Ling is busy discussing how to murder Tucker with Lan Fan and Fu (and his clan cause that is their heir’s daughter) while Greed and the others are heading to kick some ass. 
But after the freezing alchemist we get more flashbacks to the boys in the first few years of military, and then so on.
Themes of the story: 
 -A theme there is the discussion of family. I really want the idea of family to play a huge part in this because Al and Ed’s story revolves around their relationship. So a lot of focus is on this. But also I would explore rejecting family. 
 Greed rejects his ‘siblings’. The boys reject Hohenheim because he isn't a bad person but he sure is a bad father (and yes he is. I saw one post defending it but lets be real, abandoning your family is abandoning them no matter what.) Ling rejects some of his siblings. 
 Family is important but it’s family of choice that matters. You can choose your family and many choose their blood family but they also reject it.
 -Romance is the next theme, and exploring what its like to have romantic soulmates. Like I really want some drama since Edward has been raised knowing he doesn't need to be with his romantics mixed with Greed ‘its all mine’ and Ling ‘destiny bound us’. Like they choose to be together of course but its a thing. 
 We have the themes of FMA though included.
Other notes:
 -I do know Ed keeps alchemy and both his automail parts. Not sure how but he does.
 -Mei throws herself into finding out how to free her soulmate. 
 -Mei and Xao Mei both arrive with Ling due to the alliance and that they are platonics.
 -I want to keep Ling being possessed but also I think Father actually is weirdly interested in the soul bond? I think his attempts at being perfect isn't just about like being a god but also being better then humans. And here is a being he's made having a soulmate. Two in fact. And a soul child! He's very invested. So he somehow has it that they can share the bond like they do in canon? I dunno. I'd need to work on it. 
 -Amelia is killed by Scar and it sparks a large subplot because her romantic is actually Kimblee. She visits him every year on his birthday and he's allowed out to her funeral where Elaine is. Amelia and Elaine had a falling out after some stuff but Elaine is pretty messed up. Elaine is also Kimblee’s soul child. Also Elaine is Winry’s romantic soulmate. Its a mess. 
 -I kinda think Ling having Ed as his soulmate puts him right at the top for heirs because ‘ah son of the Sage’ kind of thing mixed in with ‘the other soulmate is immortal’
 -Mrs. Bradley is actually in the know because Pride has her mark as a friend and Wrath couldn't lie to her. They never told Father until after the reveal of Greed’s soulmates but yeah she got told early on. She is subtly talking them away from the plans but it's slow going. (I kinda would want to set up Wrath in Greed’s place as a sacrifice)
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joulex · 4 months
Predictions for bridgerton s3 part 2 from someone who hasnt read the books but vaguegly knows what happens
- im kind of conflicted on lady w, cause it would make a change in the show if penelope were to quit as she does in the books, but given that penelope wont be as prevalent in the show moving foward, it leads me to believe that they would stick to it? Idk if thet would revele it, maybe they come to some agrement with the queen so that in order for her to not be like shamed in society, she will not tell everyone that penelope is lady w if she quits and they can move foward from there
-prudence (i think thats her name) will be revealed to be a lesbian or some kind of gay. she looks so sad whenever shes kissing her husband and shonda has talked about exploring queer stories and as much i would like it to be cressida and eloise i asume they would go that route
-i kind of want to see colin find out about lady w once hes already married to penelope maybe, i think it would be boring if they were to interrupt ANOTHER WEDDING
-cressida blackmailing penelope somehow with lady w as a revenge for lord debling maybe. And the stress of that, eloise, colin, etc, is what will make her pass out at the engament party (if im guessing correctly by the clips)
-Im basing this of a tiktok i saw about the actor being credited on part 2 buuut theo makes a comeback, maybe helping penelope in one last big lady w blast, or (most likely) after the queen does the reward for finding put who lady w is so maybe eloise tells cressida about the printer thing she discovered in s2 and cressida goes there and finds theo. Im going insane
-i personally believe benedict season is next bc it has been a long time and idk how much longer than they show him painting, fucking, etc, etc without getting repetitive, and this is my theory on how he meets sophie: theres the mascarede ball (if i remeber correctly that how he meets sophie) at the end of the season, after polin wedding, the woman he was fucking i dont remeber her name, stops talking to him or they get in a fight of some kind and benedict wants to get her back, so he goes to the ball and he thinks that its that woman and they somehow end up dancing and hes startruck bla bla you know the drill. The dance is over, sophie runs off and benedict, still beliving shes the other woman chases her BUT stops when he stumbles INTO THE WOMAN AND REALISES THAT THE GIRL HE WAS DANCING WITH IS SOMEONE ELSE, AND CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. This is more of a fanfic concept and theory rather than a prediction but i needed to share it. (I realize now that this theory does mot make sense given the speculative actress that is going to play sophie, but i took so much time writing that im going to left it here)
The other option is that the lady is sophies stepmother and she says that shes running out of money or something so she marries so that she doesnt go broke and breaks things off with benedict and he sees sophies father with the lady and bumps into sophie, whose there with her father, so to make the lady jealous dances with sophie but they end up getting along and benedict is starstruck but he asks for her name she runs off(? Bc of something idk im not that creative and bc this is taking place in a mascarade ball, benedict doesnt know neither her name or her face. So s4 will have benedict after a time jump of a year o more maybe (he forgot her voice idk) with a conflict between the lady, bc he genuenly liked her, and getting to know sophie and the strange memory of her in that dance.
- i think francesca will get engaged by the end of the season or will be very close to it.
Anyways i almost wrote a s4 script in this more than imagining what will happen in part 2 but oh well :)
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gojoluvs · 5 months
Please y/n for the love of God! Don’t give into him.
That white hair dick man isn’t worth the hassle! Leave him! Divorce his ass!
You married him for your father wish I know but I doubt he be mad at you once you tell him that Gojo was cheating on you with his ex while you were at the appointment and only to go to him for emotional support after supporting only then caught him on the act. I’m sure your dad will get best divorce lawyer that money can find and probably cancel the deal of giving your inheritance to Satoru.
As for your promise to Shoko well fuck her. Just give him a chance she says! Like hell I’m giving another chance! This marriage is a nightmare! This bipolar mess Satoru is inconsistent with his treatment and actions for y/n! One minute he act like she is super manipulate villain who stand in his way only to next act like he care about her and then fuck her only then to go back to despise her. I don’t if Jiyuu is clearly a gold digger and Satoru is blind to it or Jiyuu is the most toxic mess of person ever to exist and again Satoru is too stupid to see it. It his problem not y/n
Oh please Gojoluvs give y/n a man who is decent to her and put Satoru in his place. Any man will do. Weather it another jjk man or a different anime man heck even a Manwha man will do! Just give y/n a win for once😭
I hope y/n stop caring about this rat ( that right I’m not even calling him a man) and just act indifferent to him because that best thing to do to someone like Gojo. To have someone like y/n who try their best to get along with him and care for him only then to act indifferent to him. No more caring after him and trying to comfort him just leave him be to his own devices. Not out of hatred of course.
Because sometimes in life no matter how much you redeem yourself or try to make up with someone. Doesn’t mean they will forgive you and give you another chance because you changed yourself. Sometimes it too little too late and they want out and leave you for good and there nothing you can change about it.
Sorry for my long rant😭🙂‍↕️ this chapter got me really angry at Gojo and his hoe. I just want now Gojo to suffer as y/n has and y/n to be happy and away from this toxic mess of a relationship.
DONT APOLOGIZE!!! This was absolutely beautiful 😭😭🩷 Satoru is actually such a manipulative prick in this fanfic. Like this man is blinded by lust, the only reason why Jiyuu has him wrapped around his finger is because of their history together.
This man literally payed for Jiyuu’s apartment, like he bought the apartment and put it under her name.
The only reason why Y/N has any feelings towards that man is because she has no one in her life, Toji’s gone and no other man has the courage to talk to her. Shes really independent on her own, I know I haven’t really talked about her past that woman was her own boss. She was almost the same level as Toji in his company, its unfortunate that she has a fear of disappointing her father :(
Shes just attached to Satoru because of her vulnerability and the fear of being abandoned again. Im praying that someone comes along and treats her like how she deserves to be treated 😭🩷
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toxicyaoibeliever · 7 months
Idk i dont want to like, make a character or media analysis bc i do not think I'm smart enough for that but i do have thought that feel like i HAVE to share Falsettos is my favorite musical of all time and so of course i seek fanfic and fanart and fanworks in general of this piece of media. And while Modern!AU are not my thing i do like the occasional fanart. BUT
I just do not think that Mendel and Trina would be together in modern times. I do not believe they are the perfect pairing and i do not believe they are this super healthy super cute ship. I'm not even sure Trina truly loves the guy at first
I think, musical-wise, she was attracted to him, maybe she even liked him, but she married him because she felt like she had to.
Its literally spelled for us in Trina's song (reprise)
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And for doubts that I've been feeling, I'll ignore them when I can
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Loving our lives (Mendel) vs Liking our lives (Trina)
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Our hands were tied. My father cried "You'll marry!" We married! (abt Marvin)
It's hard to put my thoughts into words, especially bc English is not my first language. But what i want to say: Trina married the first time because she had to. She was maybe pregnant by then or had lost her virginity or something. Then, she was a single Jewish wife in 1788. Can you imagine how hard that probably was? not only that but her ex-husband is also gay. So the second time she also had to marry. She was raised to want the perfect life
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She was raised to want this. And so, when another man appeared, who wanted her despite being divorced, already having a child, and having STDs, why would she say no? Even if she didn't quite love him, even if she wasn't sure about the marriage, she knew chances like this would be hard to get again. So she left her feelings aside and said yes. What other choice did she have?
And sure, i do believe she learned to love Mendel. Maybe not the same way, i do think Mendel will always love her more, but i think she learned to be happy with what she got.
But i don't think is fair. I think in modern times she would either not have married Marvin, and if she had then i don't think she would have married Mendel, even less that quickly
I like to imagine modern Trina being happy single. Being a working woman, having friends she could confide with, being content with herself, and taking her time. And having good sex. Because my god, that woman deserves good sex. Not even in her second marriage did she get the sex she deserved
idk, this was a rant, obvs, and not a super well thought and shit. i just wish people would be more into Trina. I just feel like people think way more abt Marvin and Whizzer and leave the women to be basically their cheerleaders
Don't get me wrong, Whizzer is my fav character but... i just wish the fandom would at least put a little bit more thought into the women on the show
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lostdrarryfics · 11 months
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THE BIG FIND 2023: Day 4
The Big Find is a 10-day long Drarry fic-finding marathon to celebrate the blog’s anniversary. Below is the Day 4 compilation of lost fics, both old and new, that we’ve been unable to find. Our aim is to get as much attention to these lost fics as possible, to help people finally find their missing fics! Anyone can participate by reblogging, reading through each list, providing additional fic details, and informing us the title, author, or link of a fic, and their respective number in the comment section. Happy finding!
4.1 drarry fic in which only draco harry and lucius are in it. Draco has to act and dress like a girl. His father wants to marry draco off and then blackmail the person because they married a guy. Harry is some Kind of law official. Draco tries to flee at his coming of age Party but Harry thinks he is a thief (because draco still has some girl stuff on or in his hand) so he arrests him. there is no place in prison so harry takes him to his own home. Draco then lives with Harry as some form of probation. he has to help him look after his land. lucius says his daughter got kidnapped. Draco is the suspect so he flees. he can hide at Harry’s neighbour house and dresses as a girl again so harry doesn’t recognise him. at some point harry finds out and arrests him and he gets sentenced to death. he is in some cage hung over a Lake. before he dies harry gets him out (because he loves him). they get married and harry threatens draco’s dad back to make him leave them alone and then they live together
4.2 From what I remember older and an auror Harry time traveled to the time of when he and Cedric were out of the maze. He then went off to find the rat who’s disguising as Moody and everything went to shit. He asked for Draco’s help later on to make a club where students can help one another like a DA but more softcore and including Slytherin students.
4.3 looking for an Ao3 fic. It was kind of short. In it Harry was hit with a spell/curse that made him fall into a “deep sleep” and people thought the person tried to kill him. The thing is when Harry wakes up he find out the ministry framed Draco. I remember a line like “in that time they effectively manipulated and imprisoned Draco.” Or something along the lines. Again, it’s was short and didn’t go into much detail
4.4 I’m looking for drarry fiction on ao3 Draco was fighting in Hogwarts war. unknown spell was send to Harry direction. Draco jump in to protect Harry. that spell hit him and send him back in the past. Dumbledore knows what happened and helps him so Draco is disguised as a new professor. He gets to teach Harry and even teach his younger self. Harry suspect in Prof. Draco so he uses the map to spy on Draco. Then he found two Draco names on the map. I think that Ron is the one who cast a spell on Harry. It’s some part of a secret plan. That’s all i can remember so far.
FOUND! 4.5 looking for a fic where i think they are bonded or something but i specifically remember a scene when they are coming down the stairs at a big gala or event and they have to have their names announced and the first time (before feelings) harry has them read out dracos full name but the second after they liked eachother more he edits it so you don’t hear his dads name. sorry dont even know why thats the only scene i remember
4.6 The magical world is getting itself known to the muggle world, which causes problems and then when a representatives meeting between both sides was held, Harry was surprised to find Draco representing the muggle side after getting exiled from the magical world. I forgot if Draco lost his magic or not. I remember it being a very long one-shot. And I think its quite an old fanfic around 2012-2017s.
FOUND! 4.7 I have been trying to find this fic for years. It was coming out chapter by chapter anywhere from 10-15 years ago, and may have been left unfinished. It was centered around something evil (creatures? Old curses? I’m not quite sure anymore) happening down deep in the chamber of secrets, pretty sure post-war. Harry and Draco and several others joined together on kind of exploratory expedition to find and defeat whatever was happening down there. I think Bill was there lending his expertise. It had a very very dark tone, feel, and subject matter. I always want to find this fic again around halloween!
4.8 I’m not sure if I’m looking for a single fic, or if what I remember is from two different fics and I want to reread both. It’s definitely ao3, pretty sure rated M or E. In one, D works at a gay bar as a bartender and H is just coming to terms with his sexuality and D decides to show him how to have sex. I think it’s in rooms above the bar but not 100% sure. The second part I remember is one I’m not sure if it’s the same fic or a different one. Basically D goes to put a condom on H after he’s been really trying to drill home safe sex practices (I’m pretty sure part of the convo is because H is confused why they’re using a condom for oral sex and D gives him a lecture) and discovers a wart on H’s business and tells him he needs to go get checked for STDs. I’m pretty sure the fic (or both fics?) are more than a year old!
4.9 so it was harry deciding to raise teddy on his own post-dh, and when i say on his own, i mean it. like he wouldn’t accept help from anyone else and it all just kinda builds up bc he’s barely 18 and a war veteran and also a father. i think at one point either he and/or teddy are like super sick and harry just bursts into tears, idk if i made that up or not, BUT the important part is that draco comes thru the floo and makes harry accept his help. i think it was storming. afaik it was complete, but i’d be hard pressed to tell you whether or not it was a oneshot or a multichap fic.
4.10 looking for a fic where draco works at the ministry post-war and everyone hates him and he has no friends and narcissa is dead and lucius is in azkaban, he spends his whole life pining over harry who barely remembers he exists. then i’m pretty sure he’s at a pub? and he’s super depressed and then two men come and sit next to him and after a while he realizes they’re remus and sirius (who he, vaguely remembers) and it turns out he’s in an alternate no-war timeline and then sirius and remus helo set him up with harry? sorry this is so convoluted but i’m pretty sure it was multi chapter, completed + old-ish
4.11 Draco is drunk and Harry is carrying him up the stairs, Draco tells him he’s very handsome, Harry laughed and told draco that he will say on the ministry that firewhisky is better than veritaserum, I know that is a Alpha/beta/omega tag
4.12 I read it in AO3, maybe finished. Harry had died in the war and Voldemort reigned. Many died from the order and the armada. Hermione creates a plan to go back in time, the few living try to help Draco is among them. Running to a place some are killed, Ron and Luna (I think). Hermione says that Draco has to go back since there is only her left who knows the spell, he freaks out but with the commensals behind he is sent to the past to save harry and change the war.
4.13 they were at hogwarts and H was a prefect and was in love with D but D didn’t realise, D was pining so bad. In one scene D was being cornered by another student trying to kiss him and H stopped it and walked D to his room, D was swooning
4.14 looking for a fic I read on A03 which was about adult harry and draco being encouraged by hermione and pansy respectively to do online dating. This involves them passing anonymous letters/owls/emails? back and forth before meeting in a muggle cafe and being surprised but not repulsed at the idea of each other in a romantic way. Draco buys harry an extravagant fur coat I think. I’m pretty sure Seamus and Dean are dating and mentioned in the fic but not featured. Hermione encourages harry to sign up and Ron is doubtful. It begins with the golden trio in a pub. Ron and Hermione are together. It’s post-hogwarts, i’m not sure if H & D’s professions are mentioned.  Fic is not The Benefits of Anonymity by orphan_account
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love at first sight~chapter 4
|TW: not much, actually.|
summary: you see ur fam
word count: im-not-counting-every-single-word
you woke up, you and Vox were in the same position as always. you kept thinking of that day a week ago.
You haven’t been home in weeks. you decided to pay your family a visit.
“Vox, im going to see my family.” you got up and went to a private area to change.
“Let me come.” you knew he would have to come, since he wouldn’t take no for an answer. he changed his pants and put on a shirt.
“you have…normal clothes?” you were surprised since he usually wore suits to work.
“obviously. i don’t work all the time.”
you got in the passenger seat.
“i have no idea where your house is though, soo…”
you sighed. “i’ll drive then.”
you arrived. they must have been inside. you walked up the porch and hesitated to knock.
you took a deep breath, and knocked three times. your mother opened the door and greeted you with a disgusted face.
“ugh, finally. get in here, we have to discuss your marriage arrangements.” she dragged you inside, and Vox followed.
“change of plans, your getting married in two days.”
“What?! no! you can’t make me! I already have uhh…” you blushed. “him.”
Vox waved, shaking your mothers hand.
“Vox, CEO of a technology company. ever heard of VoxTech?”
“I don’t shop there. boy, how much money do you make?”
“I make an average of one million a year. it’s a very successful company.” he told her all about the company.
“hmm. i see. what do you see her as anyway? a toy? or just an employee?”
”no, no, no.” he chuckled. “a lover. and maybe a potential wife one day.”
your father came in. “well, that’s more than Mr. Rodger’s makes in a year. maybe we should let her choose?”
“No, don’t be ridiculous. the wedding is already planned, and it is happening in two days.”
you snuck out with Vox.
you were in the passenger seat now. you just stared out the window.
you sobbed on his shoulder at your house.
“darling, why don’t you want to get married to him instead?”
“because… he’s not you.” he put his arm around your shoulder.
“don’t worry your pretty little head, i have a plan.
sorry if you were expecting smt long, im busy and i have a rushed writing style. i also only posted since i dont wanna take forever like the other fanfic, we will meet again.
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my-maehem · 1 year
Ok 😅sorry . It's my fault . So rarely used word the taboo , i wrote wrongly . So , the Hogwarts Legacy now lot artists favorite now , painters/writers and i love it . Im reading a lot on AO3 and i dont understand why they why missing from every fanfiction the the "consequence of free love" . Realist , i know but would be huge turn in one story . Only Tamayula drawed Sebastian and Ominis as fathers . One guy shocked on me bec "they're minors" as he said.....yeah 😄they are who's kills , they do threesome or just traditionally (with MC) . They already wrote alrernative universes , same way they do everything...and there is the unspoken baby shield . The MC is a strong wich , only she can use anchient magic . Sebastian and Ominis too camed from strong / talented family . Their child could be more special , stronger bloodline . With the pregnancy whould came the interesting questions : Which one the father , when , how she'll hide from everyone in the 6th year, with illusion charm ? So thatswhy i asked ,why taboo the pregnancy subject for every artist if the "very detailed lovemaking" not shame ? 🥲
I never knew I couldn’t put community label on a ask… so… Warning: NSFW (talking smutty stuff)
You are perfectly fine! Thank you for more context, I think I understand your question more clearly now and oh boy— this is gonna be a long response
Now I wanna point out that I haven’t really read any actual full blown fanfics, at least ones that include underage smut as you’ve mentioned. The closet I’ve ever gotten was one shots and that’s it. I’m not a fanfic writer myself, I’ve only written some random head canons.
BUT! I have drawn somewhat naughty things, although not as smutty as what I’ve seen other artists do 👀 I do have a couple of… some… I guess you could call “teasing” artworks and I will do more but anyways that’s besides the point—
What I get from your ask is: Why don’t artists ever talk about the consequences after these smutty scenes? (Please correct me if I’m wrong)
Which is a fair question! You know if we are talking canon, this is late 1800’s we are talking about. They didn’t have a plan B or a healthy way to abort a pregnancy. But also there is the factor that there’s only a CHANCE you get pregnant. Now unless they’ve written in there fic like 6 smut scenes then yeah— it is a bit unrealistic unless the character is someone who actually can’t conceive any children (which would be so sad and angsty ngl)
Back then having intercourse before marriage was considered a sin, they believed that sex was gate kept by married people only. So… why not have one of the boys ask MC to marry her? Well you see… back then it was very common for young women and in this case girls to marry… but the man had to be 21 or older legally if they wanted to marry someone younger. So the boys can’t marry MC while they’re still in school.
Now, back to the question. Why don’t artists talk about the pregnancy? The truth is, it would probably impact the story in a negative way. Meaning that if MC has a child at 16, then she basically has a ball and chain on her ankle because she was seen as a widow (and many other words) which was seen as a HUGE red flag to others way back then. And the boys can’t do anything about her reputation… they basically just ruined it by making her pregnant before marriage.
““No sex before marriage!””
The thing is that back then it was taboo to talk about pregnancy and even sex for that matter. Specially when they’re young and not married. Those conversations were reserved for when they want to procreate.
Personally for me, I don’t think MC should be having a sex life at the age of 15 or 16. I mean don’t get me wrong, it can STILL happen, just because it wasn’t excepted back then doesn’t mean it never happened. I just don’t think teen mom really fits well with MC (or at least mine). Plus babies, although are cute, can be a huge pain in the ass while you are studying at Hogwarts while beating up poachers and killing trolls with the imperius curse
Now I do over analyze things you can thank my AP teach in hs for that. And this is only an opinion with a hint of research I did. You do not have to agree with me. As an artist I’m not ready to make that kind of content and this is just my way of thinking. I don’t speak for other artists, so if you want to write underage smut, and even a teen mom MC you do you! Don’t let my words dictate what’s right or wrong because in reality of it all, there is no right or wrong.
There can be other factors like:
Artists not feeling comfortable writing about pregnancy
Just wanting to write smut because they can
There might be hidden context that the artist is keeping secret until the right moment
They are literally writing in a AU where pregnancy can be avoided (modern AU for example)
We are talking about an AU where there are witches and wizards, there could easily be something that could prevent a pregnancy if you just make a HC
But I think it just all comes down to artists comfort level. I mean I’m comfortable with adults having kids because it makes sense… but at 15??? Unless they were married which is was very common for young females in the Victorian era, I don’t think MC having a child while still in school would be realistic in that time period. Honestly women going to school is unrealistic too but this is a different AU… things aren’t going to be realistic.
Just some random research I did because I love analyzing things: (this is based off of England)
A woman can get married at a very young age… BUT— the man has to be 21 or older if he wants to marry someone under the age of 21. Because in England of 1823, it was legal for a man and women to marry at the age of 21. Although it seems after 23 men could easily marry a female from 12 and up without parents consent (I know, sickening)
In the Victorian era, although it was common to see young women with older men, the average age a women would have a child is around the age 21-23
Females who got pregnant in their teens were actually punished for their “sins” and were actually forced to put their child up for adoption in some cases
It wasn’t common for people to have premarital sex until 1920
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sethdomain · 1 month
want my shipping takes that ill still probably get hanged for??? here we go. theyre basically all "everyone chill out" ...it seems like most people are just submitting ships theyd get cancelled for, not takes on shipping. ill do that after in case i completely misread what you were asking for
if ccbeeduo didnt want to get shipped they shouldnt have made their characters get married and have a son and fall in love. natural byproduct, really shouldve expected it. i still think ppl should have chilled fr but like, they both had plenty of examples of what fans were like, they shouldve taken that into account before making those character decisions.
cdapduo discourse was absolutely batshit insane and everyone who posted with a banner saying either "slime is quackity's son and if you ship them you're weird DNI" OR "they keep flirting, if you call slime quackity's son you're weird DNI" pissed me off. how about no one's weird because actually its a roleplay with lots of different perspectives and you can do whatever you want forever . obvs i understood people who were like "i believe this thing, dont fucking yell at me for it" but it sucks that people had to make banners for that fr.
in the same vein, the discourse with emeraldduo. though that one i dont/didnt see as much, i did still see those same banners. even as a family sbi fan, i never saw someone shipping emduo and thought "yeah let me go yell at them and tell them not to interact with me because i personally think theyre family-coded." the devotion is ambiguous but powerful.
Heat Waves was the funniest fic ive ever read because idgaf about either of those guys so it was just like 20 chapters of some guy crying and jacking off and then getting rejected.
i think rarepairs are based as fuck and mischaracterizing guys to fit your ship is fine do whatever you want forever!!!!!!!! people complained to hell and back about fanfics tagging characters and ships and them being ooc . WHO GIVE A FUCK THEY WROTE THAT SHIT FOR FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!! ALSO MANGOBALL'S MONSTER/CHEATER CHEATER WAS A MASTERPIECE
karlnapity was not perfect polyamory i see people glossing over the fact that when they first talked about polyamory quackity started attacking and biting when karl and sapnap kissed and thats fucking FUNNY i want to see more of THAT.
sorry for writing so much i have a lot of opinions
JESUS ANON, honestly idgaf bro i take any spicy opinion as long as its not going straight to 'i love pedophilia/incest' territory that my only rule man
For beeduo, idk if u mean the cc ship or the c ship cause honest to god i was a huge inniter back then and dont follow their stuff closelt that much, but im just gonna assume u mean the rpf cc shipping. Honestly, I don't really agree with ur take, its a bit victim blamey, both ranboo and tubbo were like young and in their naivety expect their fans to uphold their boundary to just not ship them in a rpf way and i think you should've respected their wishes man. You sometimes gotta be reminded that dsmp was just them guys having fun and if they want to rp as a husband then whatev man :p
I agree bruh, i think people were just sscared of a little doomed faggot in action
phil and techno doesn't even act like father/son in the dsmp canon anyway, they act like old bestie
imma be fr idgaf abt heatwaves but that sound awesome
sometime the back of my mind say that, but the evil demon that wants everything to be perfect take over anon.. its hard... I need to get mad at people...
no cucking is allowed in karlnapity... #lame
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vhagarswar · 11 months
It will likely be that whatever story wins will be my main focus to work on for right now.
Sandstorm: SandStorm is a reader or Oc x dark aemond. She is from House martell and is Dornish. She is to be married to a lord in the tierarcy for her father's ambitions. However she is allowed to go on vacation to the Seven Kingdoms first, as part of her reward for following her duties. But she won't ever return from her trip. Aemond, who has become redacted has a plan to conquer dorne and it involves our Mc/Reader. Possibly a one shot. (Request!)
Gasoline: Gasoline is reader in modern kingslanding who searches for her addict sister Dyana. After a tip she stumbles into the criminal lair of Aegon II targaryen and his sadistic "problemsolver" Aemond. After it turns her father has become vice president of the Seven kingdoms after a successful assassination attempt, Aemond nor aegon want to see her go. Lots of gore and blood. Possibly mini series.
Fire & Blood: Follows the story of reader or Brienne Beesbury. She lives in the Red Keep and is close friends with the boy she educates, Prince Aegon. After a while she and Aegon and Aemond begin a agreement where they have sex with her. After the usurping of the throne and the murder of her father things change for Brienne and sees the boys for who they truly are...Big series
Pillars of salt: Maella Targaryen is the twin of Jacaerys and After a message from her best friend Floris she flies to storm end, to be with her for her last moments. She is shocked to discover it was all a plot by Aemond to capture her. Big series
Snow falls: Willa or reader has been living her life sheltered in the Wyldecrest keep in the North. Since her illness she has been in the castle. Something saved her life years ago but no one knows what. Aemond Targaryen comes over to gain support for his brother and to force a marriage alliance. Willas father is not interested and Aemond takes offense. He murders Willas family and takes her as his own reward. Very dark bookish aemond. Big series
The death of duty: Y/N is a maid in the red keep and not a very good i might add. She runs from chickens, drops foods, steps on peoples toes and is in general unfit to be even near noble people. She and Aemond met in the library and he offers her to either become his special servant or to get thrown out of the red keep before morning comes. (This was a request but i love it lol) darkAemond centric, mini series
Ashes burn: Y/N is a bastard of a city that Aemond is planning to take. He takes her as his bedmate and commits war crimes and forces her to join him in this (feeding orphans to his dragon, stuff like that) Until one day a certain Prince of Dragonstone who has been left traumatised and one-handed after his battle comes to liberate the town. Except he plans to make YN/Mc suffer first. deeply. (Starts as dark!Aemond central but ends in Dark!Jacaerys central) Mini series? ((second most recent work)
The spare: The spare is about Vaella who is the daughter of Daemon and Rhaenyra. Her twin sister took Aemonds eye and after this he has been obessed with both of them and making them pay. After the Greens take Kingslanding, Vaella and her sister are taken hostage with the plan that Aemond marries Alyssa, her twin. but things dont go according to plan. (Dark!Aemond fanfic and dark!Aegon fanfic) ends with ?????????? (theyre both fucked up here) mini series
Whispers of dragons: Y/N is Neserya Waters, when our story starts a 9 years old orphan from the streets of Kings landing who did what few can claim: She found a wild dragon and claimed it. The Targaryens are worried for this child and plan to make her their ally. Aemond takes a interest in her (hes 10) and purposes a marriage. Once he has his own dragon he drops her as dirt and she vows revenge. (Aemond central fanfic, but due to mc being unhinged this aemond is not dark at all) mini series perhaps ((WHISPERS HAS A EARLY FANFIC PHASE WARNING!)
Queen of king’s landing: Y/N is a nameless crime leader in the city of kingslanding and needs to try to free her father from the prison of kings landing. Things dont go accoding to plan (do they ever in westeros) ((dark! (spoiler) Aemond) Mini series.
Lion brat: Leyonara Lannister/Yn is the best example of a spoiled brat. After insulting Aemond/Aegon (calling aemond a ''one-eyed charity project'' and aegon ''a good for nothing drunk'') ((where is the lie?) she gets visted by the two brothers during the hour of the owl and is taught a few lessons about respect (Brought back from the grave for my friend) ((while they are very domish in this story they are absolutely not dark) (aegon/aemond endgame??)
First night: Bessie was once a lady from a noble house and got kidnapped by dotraki. A boy of her age was her only friend during these terrifying times and after he became Khal, the two of them fell in love. After the fall and massacre of his Khalasar the two returned to Westeros. Now they have hosted a wedding and are ready to become one soul. A king and a prince show up at their wedding, arent pleased with bessies lies and decide to call back in a horrible tradition known as the first night. (????oc endgame) mini series
Here's my masterlist with almost all stories listed here in case you wanna read something before voting for it but its not like a need. You can vote on title, on pairing, on darkness, on plot, i dont mind xx
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hollowwish · 11 months
Now I come to talk fanfic!! So i had an idea for a empires season 1 fic! its gempulse and love triangle flower fwhimmy but also a bit arranged marriage because your idea gave me ideas (in a different direction tho) man view are probably fwhip and gem, maybe some chapters in the other views as well. Basically Gem is in love with impulse who is a member of the dwarfen kingdom located under and between rivendell and the crystal cliffs. (I imagine this kingdom isnt really royalty based and more like a working democracy with impulse as a member of the leaders. Other leaders are maybe other hermits or skizz. Anyways Story is that Rivendell and Crystal cliffs want scott and gem to marry because of their magic powers in hope that an unity of both could save the end (or similar) Problem is, Gem is in love with impulse and scott is in love with jimmy. both of them dont want to marry each other and try to find a way around it Meanwhile she is just telling her pain to her brother who is in love with scott and would love to take her place but due to his lack of magic and inability to, well, carry an offspring he is not considered for it. He will try to help gem tho, because he is trade partner with impulse for stuff and he is like helping gem wooing impulse, who is also in love with gem but both of them dont know about the mutual feelings. then theres Jimmy who is in love with fwhip and wants to be able to woo him, but their kingdoms are enemies and the twins father would never ever let them at each other. So he tries to get to fwhip over scott, and scott is so much in love he helps jimmy but it hurts him. fwhip agrees to meet up with jimmy because he loves scott so much. its a mess no one can properly talk; only gem and fwhip have good communication. total love drama.
Hehe im glad my ideas inspired you. I sure do love an arranged marriage!!!
The love triangle is such a mess oh my god. Then trying to pair each other up must hurt so much. I can just imagine all the miscommunication and mixed singals between them. Meanwhile i imagine gem and impulse are just being the cutest <3
I love fwhip being the best brother ever. If he can't be happy he can help his sister be happy! I can also imagine skizz and the other hermits all trying to be impulses wingman whwffw
I love how they're all involved in the political stuff someway and then jimmy seems to just. Be there lmaoo. He came here fwhip and he can't even have that
This sounds like such a fun idea and I'm so excited to see where it goes <33
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sofiaaaa36 · 1 year
promise me!🧡
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summary: being one of the best hunters in nevarro's bounty guild, you reminisce about your heavily-adventurous, and boundless past on getting to where you are today. walking into work, you dont expect what your next commission is but, it involves an "old friend" or how your boss says it, "buddy".
warnings: f!reader, tiny swearing, a pinch of violence, FYI: this is just the start, also it won't be a full fanfic for each episode. i just wanna write it as it is in my brain. THATS ALL🫶🤭
nevarro was your home. even though the rocky and volcanic planet wasn't anything comfortable, you never had anywhere else to go.
when you were too young to remember, your father was a ruler of a mandalorian clan on one of the two moons of the planet mandalore. your guardians told you of how powerful your father was. apparently, your mother, surprisingly wasnt mandalorian. you were told that her lesson was that anybody could love anyone, no matter how different you are from them.
when the horrific purge started, it affected your home aswell. you would never forget the day you walked outside to see the streets filled with laying bodies, the sounds of the bright explosions echoing throughout the quiet city, and the smell of smoke surrounding you. it was tragic. at such a incredibly young age, you had lost your innocence.
you were told from your guardians, that your parent's last wish was for you to escape safely, and to become great just like them. survivors of the purge brought you to the far planet of nevarro. there, they granted your mother and father's wish. with their best efforts, they raised you to have traits like being intelligent, resourceful, and compassionate.
now being compassionate meant you cared for every little thing. you would fawn over any creature, big or small. you loved to see babies and toddlers. whenever you were around one, it would always stop crying or, it would look up at you in wonder. if you saw someone having a bad day, you felt that too. being able to read emotions came in handy, especially with your job right now.
your guardians also trained you in the way of weapons. from the long, harsh weeks of you getting knocked out during training in hand combat, to finally beating your "teacher" in a sparring match using a staff. talk about improvement!
as you were getting closer to the age of saying the mandalorian creed, you had mixed feelings about it. on one side, you felt pressure on having to wear the helmet since your family was mandalorian royalty. surely you'd carry on the tradition.. right? not really.. another side of you didn't want to put it on. the fact that the armor would have to stay on for the rest of your life scared you. the thought of not being able to eat or drink infront of anyone, not having your first "real" kiss, and not seeing the world in all of its true features made you uncertain about this whole thing. also even more reasons like, not showing your real emotions to the world, not being able to show your face for long amounts of time to your own future children and husband, and to top it all off, you hated the feeling of being "trapped".
of course you talked to your guardians about this and they listened to everything you said. they gave you the most thoughtful answer stating that it was up to you, the creed was made for those who wanted to walk the way. and what they said lastly, really stood out to you. your mother's lesson: she wasnt mandalorian and she still married your father. you can be completely different than others, and still be a part of their lives.
you took their advice and never swore the creed. even-though there was always guilt and shame, you assured yourself with the thought of your mother.
getting to the age of independence, you joined the bounty guild. you definitely had what it takes, and you wanted those credits! the first day you got there, the stuffy cantina was filled with many people who seemed like they were judging you. they whispered to eachother nasty rumors on your abilities, and how you got here. it was an extremely miserable tough crowd..
lets just say you put a couple of those people in their place. just a few days after you joined the guild, you were just picking out one of the many bounty pucks. looking at the holograms, suddenly, you sensed someone was behind you. you were tapped on the shoulder by a twi'lek man, that looked like he had a little bit too much to drink, who was surrounded by an intimidating tall group of 4 others.
now facing you, the man started speaking, his words being slurred, "arent you.. wait a minute..! you're a pretty lady, why'd you be in this business? i think i know somethin' else you'd be good at.." he said smiling dumbly. "you girls always end up in here and we end up having to shoo you away.." "excuse me!?" you were completely shocked with your mouth wide open. "im capable of being a hunter, thank you, and no, im not gonna' sell my body!" you replied defensive, and still a little taken back from his comments. you then decided that you didn't want to deal with his drunken behavior. so, you quickly moved back. unexpectedly, you felt a hand tightening its grip around your arm. one of the man's friends in his group was holding onto you. the tall man, surpise-surprise, was also drunk. he had a certain accent and started to announce to his friends, "ha! this one's feisty, aint she!? sorry sweetie, its not too common for a lady like you to come n' this guild and think she rules the place. its not gonna happen' again, so why dont we take you back outside ay?"
a slight panic and confusion filled you, who the hell did they think they were?!before he could finish what he was saying, you pushed the mans arm to where it could be fractured. yelling, the man rapidly held onto his broken arm.
the group stopped laughing and all of them came running to you. ducking, and blocking, you managed to not get hit by their horrible aim. you punched one of them in the nose, another guy grabbed the collar of your shirt to which you grabbed his hands, pushed them down, and kneed him in his lower torso. one by one you knocked them all out. slight blood was showing on your knuckles where you punched one of them in the nose. with all of them down, you quickly fixed the messy strands of hair on your face while going back to pick up the bounty puck.
after collecting yourself from what just happened, you carefully walked over and around the men dizzily getting up. as you were walking out, you noticed eyes beaming on you. anxiety was forming as you passed through the cantina with everyone staring. it felt like all the noise was becoming inaudible and you felt like you were being pressured underneath water.
right as you were about to walk outside, you passed someone just a little bit taller then you, in a gray, shiny, mandalorian helmet with beat-down armour.
his modulated voice sounded young, he probably was around your age, about 17 or 18. "hey, nice fighting.." he said to you while nodding his head up. still extremely embarrassed and now flustered, you responded with a quiet, "oh! thanks.." you gave him a slight smile and walked outside. thank the maker that was over. you decided to not think about what just happened and decided to focus on the outside. the ashy smell of outdoors, and the sandy, beige buildings clustering eachother, welcomed you back. you could finally breathe.
that was years ago. soon after that happened, you proved with several tasks that you were one of the guild's most respected hunters along with some others, including mando, the same person who complimented you a long time ago.
even though you and mando never talked after that, you guys sure as hell respected each other. almost enough to work together..
it was a regular day. before walking into the guild, you wanted to take another route. it was a more beautiful day than usual, the sky was a sunny, beautiful blue instead of the normal gloomy, cloudy, gray sky. you even felt a warm breeze passing by you. you felt the sun beaming on your freckled face!
walking through the heavily-populated bazaar, you saw all of the many orange, red, and yellow spices displayed on the shaded stands. many native fruits hanged on strings above you. upon walking some more, you spotted a stand with many different colored bandanas and cloths.
the lady selling them asked you, smiling, "would you be interested in buying any? they're great for the riding through the desert! or you could buy the cloths to clean or polish that blaster of yours!" you looked down on your slightly stained gun, and you decided you should probably take some. you responded politely, "sure, i'll take two. a long cloth, and just a regular one. "any particular color?" "i'm fine with anything." "alright then, that'll be ten credits!" you took out your tiny black pouch and passed her the credits. she passes you the cloths. "have a great day." "thanks! you too."
you look at the cloths. she gave you a normal sized orange one, and a small blanket-like teal-green cloth. you look down on them, you would definitely put these to good use.
now as you were getting closer to the guild, all of the buildings surrounding you became more wore down, abandoned, and empty.
you went inside the dimly lit bar, and there was an extreme change in lighting. walking around, karga suddenly approached you seeming in a hurry. his face seemed urgent. also he rarely talks to you, whats going on?
"y/l/n! i need to talk to you. come on!" he whispered. he held your arm while guiding you to an empty table. "what happened?" "listen, i sent your buddy mando on a pretty difficult bounty." he paused to gather his words. "okay?.. congratulations?" "no! not congratulations! all the people i sent to that bounty havent came back. they've all died, and i can't afford letting our best hunter die too!" you stared at him blankly. "so.. you want me to make sure he doesnt get lost?" "y/n come on this is serious. just make sure he end up alive and gets the bounty. your the only one he likes around here, so im sure he'll accept your help." your eyes widened a bit and a flustered heat ran through you after he said you were the only he liked in the guild. was he trying to bribe you into doing this mission, or was he telling the truth? anyways, getting the thoughts out of your head, you responded, "okay, wait- what do i get out of this? whats my pay?" he pulls out a tracking device. "its my highest paying bounty, im sure you'll be fine splitting it up. besides, i'd say your doing pretty well in terms of money. you have the time." he says smugly. your pretty hesitant about this, you think about it for about a minute. "well i dont have all day!" he rushes you for an answer. "fine, i'll do it!" "alright. now theres no puck but all i can tell you from what i've heard is that the bounty is on the planet arvala-7, and it's fifty years old." he slides you the tracking fob across the smooth table. "you'll use this to track it. do not tell a soul about this. now, im sure you'll catch mando quickly, its a small planet. just work with him, bring back the bounty together, and then you go separate ways. got it?" he pulls out his hand to shake yours. you said smiling, "dont worry, i'll get him back." you shake his hand back.
now getting up to leave for your new mission, you picked up the device and walked out. nervousness filled you. sure, the bounty would be difficult- but other questions popped up. like, would he be annoyed that you have to "forcefully" stay by him? would he be upset that he had to split the bounty with you even though it was his? but, somewhat on the bright-side, you had different thoughts like: could you talk to eachother about your mandalorian roots? what did mando's voice sound like now? how would he treat you since you were his "favorite"? wait those last two ones are a little bit off... you get the point though! you were scared shitless on your partner, and not the mission?!
uh.. anyways! getting back to your place, you were packing your things and bringing it to your one seated starfighter left in an open space. it may not be the best ship, but it got you to point a, to point b. it still held a special place in your heart. why? because it was the first ship you bought with your own earned credits.
with everything settled and strapped in, you got inside the seat and closed the hardtop of the ship. turning on the starfighter, you pressed in the coordinates for the supposed planet where the bounty was.
pulling on the control lever, you were getting higher and higher off the ground. once the coast was clear, you tugged hard on the lever to make it to the further to the atmosphere. finding a way to make it hyperspace, you switched on more controls. then, you pulled up on another lever, forcing you down on your seat. it took you to an abyss of swirling clouds made up of all shades of blue.
whenever you went to hyperspace, you always thought that this part was the "calm before the storm" but now you werent so sure about it!
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