#fiber types and benefits
khulkarjiyo · 1 year
Lean biome Benefits - (Benefits of Leanbiome for weight lose)
LeanBiome Benefits: Hello friends, how are you, if you are having trouble losing weight and you want a method that really works for you, then you have come to the right place, we are telling you the benefits of Lean Biome. Which is a supplement that successfully helps you lose weight, people who could not lose weight even after exercising, This naturally made product can prove to be very helpful…
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digestive-health · 2 months
Why is Dietary Fiber Important for Your Digestive Health? 
Maintaining good digestive health is essential for overall well-being. One of the key components to achieving optimal digestive health is incorporating enough dietary fiber into your diet. Dietary fiber plays a crucial role in improving gut health, managing weight, and preventing a range of digestive issues. In this blog, we will explore what is dietary fiber, the types of dietary fiber, and why it is so important for your digestive system. 
What is Dietary Fiber? 
Dietary fiber refers to the indigestible parts of plant foods that pass through our digestive system relatively intact. Unlike other food components, such as fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, fiber is not broken down and absorbed by the body. Instead, it moves through the digestive tract, aiding in the process of digestion and improving gut health. 
Types of Dietary Fiber 
There are two main types of dietary fiber: soluble and insoluble. Each type plays a unique role in maintaining digestive health. 
Soluble dietary fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like substance. It can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Foods high in soluble fiber include oats, beans, apples, and citrus fruits. 
Insoluble dietary fiber does not dissolve in water and helps add bulk to the stool, promoting regular bowel movements. High sources of insoluble fiber include whole grains, nuts, and vegetables like cauliflower and potatoes. 
Health Benefits of Dietary Fiber 
The health benefits of dietary fiber are vast and varied, impacting several aspects of our well-being: 
Improves Gut Health: Fiber aids in the movement of food through the digestive system, reducing the risk of constipation and promoting a healthy gut microbiome. 
Prevents Digestive Problems: A diet high in fiber can help alleviate digestive problems symptoms such as bloating, gas, and constipation. It can also help with problems digesting foods by ensuring smoother digestion. 
Weight Management: High-fiber foods are more filling than low-fiber foods, which can help you eat less and stay satisfied longer. This is a key factor in effective weight management. 
Regulates Blood Sugar Levels: Soluble fiber slows the absorption of sugar, which can help improve blood sugar levels. 
Lowers Cholesterol Levels: Fiber can reduce cholesterol by binding to it in the digestive system and removing it from the body. 
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Dietary Fiber Intake 
To reap these benefits, it's important to consume the right amount of fiber daily. The recommended dietary fiber intake per day is about 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. Unfortunately, most people do not meet these recommendations. 
Increasing Dietary Fiber Intake 
Increasing your dietary fiber intake is easier than you might think. Here are some tips to help you get more fiber into your diet: 
Include Whole Grains: Choose whole grains over refined grains. Opt for whole wheat bread, brown rice, and oatmeal. 
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are high in both soluble and insoluble fiber. Try to include them in every meal. 
Add Legumes: Beans, lentils, and peas are excellent sources of fiber. 
Snack on Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds are not only high in fiber but also packed with healthy fats. 
Dietary Fiber Supplements 
If you're struggling to get enough fiber from your diet, dietary fiber supplements can help. These supplements can provide an easy way to boost your fiber intake and improve gut health. They come in various forms, including powders, capsules, and chewable tablets. 
Prebiotic Fiber 
Prebiotic fiber is a type of fiber that feeds the good bacteria in your gut. These beneficial bacteria are crucial for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Foods rich in prebiotic fiber include garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, and bananas. The health effects and sources of prebiotic dietary fibers are essential for sustaining a balanced gut microbiome. 
Understanding what is dietary fiber and the health benefits of dietary fiber can help you make better dietary choices to support your digestive health. Whether through high-fiber foods or dietary fiber supplements, increasing your fiber intake can alleviate digestive problems symptoms, aid in weight management, and improve overall stomach health. Remember, a healthy gut means a healthier you, so prioritize fiber in your diet and enjoy the benefits it brings to your digestive system. 
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herkonular · 11 months
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Iranian saffron, available at Seven Hills Shopping, offers a variety of health benefits that make it a valuable addition to any diet. This spice is known for its powerful antioxidant properties, which can help protect the body against oxidative stress and reduce inflammation. Additionally, saffron has been shown to improve mood and treat depressive symptoms, making it a potentially useful tool for managing mental health conditions. Studies have also suggested that saffron may have cancer-fighting properties, reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. With these benefits in mind, incorporating Iranian saffron into your cooking can be an easy and delicious way to support your overall health. Turkish nuts, such as almonds and pistachios, available at Seven Hills Shopping, are packed with nutrients that can benefit overall health. These nuts are rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious and satisfying snack. Almonds, for example, are a good source of vitamin E, which can help protect against heart disease and other chronic conditions. Pistachios have been shown to improve cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. By incorporating Turkish walnuts into your diet, you can enjoy a variety of nutritional benefits that support overall health and well-being. Turkish spices, such as cinnamon and chili, available at Seven Hills Shopping, offer a variety of health benefits beyond their delicious taste. Cinnamon, for example, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help combat chronic inflammation, a common factor in many chronic diseases. Chili peppers contain capsaicin, which has been shown to reduce appetite and aid loosing weight tea, as well as potentially reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. By incorporating Turkish spices into your cooking, you can add flavor and nutrition to your meals while reaping a variety of health benefits.
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ilovewrittingsmut · 19 days
Nanami as your work crush
Wc: 3406
Content: coworker nanami, I hate capitalism,co workers to lovers😩😩😩😩, FLUFF,confessing love, nanami being the best man on earth
A/n: pls don’t make it flop 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
Despite hating this job with every fiber of your being, you still find yourself waking up at 5 a.m., eager to get ready for work. Why? Because there's this one random blonde guy who makes your heart race more than it should, his mere presence glowing and shining like moonlight.
He often shows up in the most mundane clothes, his face lifeless, only smiling when he absolutely has to. Yet, on some mornings, he arrives with two coffees in hand—one for himself and one for you. You shamelessly admit to yourself that you enjoy this special treatment from him.
"I hate this job."
"Me too."
This is the usual exchange between the two of you, always ending with one of those faint smiles appearing on his handsome face, which inevitably does something to you.
"Actually, I don't hate it that much. There's still something good about this stupid work."
"Besides getting paid?" you ask jokingly, unsure of what he's trying to say.
"Hmm, yes?" He flashes that infuriatingly charming smile before walking away, returning to his work.
During lunch breaks, you, he, and other coworkers usually head out to grab a meal at the coffee shop. You try not to read too much into it, but it seems that whenever you're in a group, he always makes an effort to sit next to you, walk beside you, and engage with you the most. It’s like fuel for the fire, making you fall for him more and more, beyond your control.
"You like pasta?"
"Yep, why?"
"You always order it."
"Yep, I love pasta."
"Me too. You know what, I can cook the best pasta ever."
"I don’t believe you."
"I can cook it for you… if you want."
The idea of eating something your crush has made for you sends a swarm of butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"That’s an honor."
"How about tonight, at my place, if you don’t mind?"
Of course, you don’t mind at all, but the thought of being alone with your crush at his place tonight fills you with a nervous anticipation.
“That sounds great. “
“See you after work then.”
After that, your heart doesn't stop pounding against your ribs for even a second. You know you can’t focus on work now because your mind is too busy daydreaming about what might happen tonight, just you and him, alone, on a cute pasta date.
No, it’s not a date, you quickly remind yourself, trying to erase those fluffy thoughts and ground yourself in reality. You push through the rest of the day, working until 5. (with him as your only motivation)
"Let's leave."
It’s only 4:30, and he's already texted you with this message. You hate yourself a little for thinking that he’s as eager for tonight as you are, but you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. Normally, you’d overwork yourself and stay late, but today, you choose to be kind to yourself and call it a day earlier than usual.
"Great, I’ll pick you up, and we can walk to the parking lot together."
There are countless words you want to scream out of excitement right now, but all your fingers can manage to type is "ok."
And within a minute, he's right behind you, and you can feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, so scarlet, so bright. You can only hope he doesn’t notice.
"You’re red, are you sick?"
For god's sake, he never fails to make you flustered.
"I’m good," you reply with a smile and a forced giggle.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, let’s go," you say, your voice overly cheerful.
You try to keep everything seeming normal, as if you're not secretly dreaming about kissing his lips right at that moment.
"Is it too cold?" he asks as you settle into his car.
"No… not at all, everything is perfectly fine."
God, you sound like Mickey Mouse right now, trying so hard to conceal your nerves that it comes off as unnatural.
"Do I make you uncomfortable?"
No, not at all…not really. The word "uncomfortable" isn't the right fit, it's more like "nervous." He makes you so nervous.
"No, I’m okay, really. Please stop worrying."
"How can I not worry about you?" he murmurs, his voice soft as he throws his arm behind your seat to back up the car. You catch a glimpse of those veins, and WOW who could blame you for daydreaming about this big, gorgeous man?
"Why? What is it about me that makes you so worried?"
"You’re always so hard on yourself, working too much and doing OT almost every day," he says, and you’re genuinely flattered by his concern. Little does he know, the reason you stay late is just to spend more time in the workplace with him, the hardworking man who makes the long hours bearable. And yes, he's also right, you’re always so tough on yourself, trying to prove that you're good enough to be here, to be working there.
"You’re always overworking yourself too, Nanami," you reply, and little do you know that he does it for the same reason. He loves to watch you from afar while you’re absorbed in your work. He cherishes the midnight coffees with you, making even the harshest nights feel like a dream.
“I guess it would be best for us if we stopped overworking and had more homemade dinners like this,” he suggests. Is he asking you out?
“I hate seeing you drink five cups of coffee a day instead of having a proper meal. I can cook a lot, and I’m really good at it.”
“Are you talking a big game?” you tease him, his words always find the way to make you genuinely laugh.
“I can cook for you every day. You deserve to eat something good for your health and taste.”Now, your stomach is doing the thing,not the rumbling with hunger, but tickled with overwhelming butterflies. You feel like you might burst if you don’t get a handle on it soon.
“That’s really sweet. Thank you, Nanami.”
“How many times do I have to tell you? You can call me Kento.”
He’s older than you, and you hold a deep respect and admiration for him. Using just his name feels like it brings an intimacy you’re not sure you can handle, and you’re terrified that you might not be able to keep your feelings in check any longer.
"No, I can't."
"Yes, you can."
You try to resist, knowing you might actually die from blushing too hard.
"I prefer you to call me by my name.” “Kento Or Ken, your choice."
Your entire insides feel like they're about to explode. Why does he have to be so cute? You want to be the one who gets to call him "Ken," such an adorable name. And "Baby" or "Honey" would sound amazing on him too. You long to be the only one who gets the chance to call him those sweet names.
"Kento…" you whisper, so softly that you can barely hear your own voice. The only thing echoing in your ears is the sound of your racing heartbeat.
"That’s... I like that. It sounds great coming from you." Is he trying to kill you or something? You might actually get a heart attack if he keeps being this cute.
As you arrive at his house, you're greeted by a beautiful garden filled with flowers. The sight is so sweet, making you smile as you take it all in.
When you step inside, you immediately sense warmth and comfort. His home is impeccably organized and tidy, what an ideal man.
"Make yourself at home," he says, guiding you to the living room. You sit on the couch as he turns on the television for you. Then, he heads to the nearby kitchen and begins preparing the ingredients for your dinner. The whole scene feels surreal, like you’ve stepped into a dream where everything is just perfect.
"I can help," you say, getting up from the couch and following him into the kitchen.
"Let me, please. You have just one job is to sit, wait, and enjoy our dinner."
That's probably the hottest thing a man could say, and you can't help but feel greedy, wanting him all to yourself. The thought of anyone else having him makes you irrationally jealous. You can only hope that everything he’s doing is because he likes you too, at least half as much as you're falling for him.
"Can I watch?"
"You can," he replies with a smile.
You giggle a bit as he chops the vegetables. "Enjoy the view?," he adds.
Very much, you think, though you only say, "Probably..." with a playful smile lingering on your lips. You want to kiss him so badly right now.
Little do you know, he's doing his best to focus on the knife and the vegetables because it's nearly impossible for him to tear his eyes away from your pretty little face.
He needs to kiss your lips so badly, it can actually kill him.
After an hour of talking and exchanging glances filled with unspoken tension, the two plates of pasta are finally served. Yours is carbonara, and his is pomodoro, both look incredibly delicious.
He doesn’t stop watching you as you take your first big bite.
"How’s that?" His voice is filled with anticipation.
"Ummm," you murmur, savoring the taste. "I think this is the best pasta I’ve ever had in my entire life."
At your words, he smiles and laughs, as if he’s just won an Oscar. But to him, it’s not about the pasta…it’s about you. You’re bigger than any prize on earth.
As the hour passes, you find yourselves gossiping about coworkers, chit-chatting about random things, talking about work and food, and eventually landing on a more serious topic…
"Are you seeing anyone?" he asks, and your heart rate skyrockets.
"No," you reply, trying to stay composed, as if you’ve never dreamed of being asked this question by him.
"Are you interested in dating?" he continues.
Yes, yes, fuck yesssss only for you, you think, but instead, you ask, "Why do you ask? Are you trying to flirt with me or something?" You mean it as a joke, not really expecting an answer.
"What if I say yes?"
Your pupils widen at his response. "What?" You are so shocked, can’t really comprehend anything now.
"I'm sorry—"
"No, I think I heard you wrong."
"No, you didn’t… but if you’d rather stay just friends, I’ll understand and respect that."
“I think…no, I know I love you. I’m sorry if this ruins our friendship, but if you don’t feel the same way, just tell me, and we can go back to how things were.”
His gaze is so soft, unlike anything you’ve ever seen from him. He hesitates for a moment, licking his bottom lip quickly before speaking again.
“I love the way you always show up with a genuine smile, even though I know you hate working here. I love how you joke around just to make people laugh, how you make fun our boss, how incredibly smart and beautiful you are. I’m nothing compared to you.”
He pauses, searching your face, trying to read your expression. “You make me want to live like a normal salaryman. I’m on top of the world every time you say, ‘See you tomorrow’ because I’m the one who gets a chance to see you tomorrow and another tomorrow and every other single day. I want to come to work every day just to spend as much time as I can admiring you, being next to you. I want to be the one who takes care of you. You make my ordinary life feel so special, and I love you…most ardently.”
Is it the wine you’ve had? Are you dreaming, or is he really confessing his love to you?
“Are you drunk?” you ask, your voice trembling slightly, still in disbelief at what you’ve just heard.
He chuckles softly, shaking his head. “Hell no, I’m not,” he replies, his voice steady and sincere. His eyes lock onto yours, full of a quiet intensity that leaves no room for doubt.
“I truly love you.”
The words hang in the air between you, so heavy with meaning that it feels like the world has paused. You can feel your heart racing, pounding against your chest as you try to process everything. The warmth of the room, the soft glow of the lights, and the remnants of dinner, all of it fades into the background. All you can focus on is him, as he’s standing up from his chair and pouring his heart out in the most genuine way.
His expression is earnest, a mix of vulnerability and determination. This is the man who, just moments ago, was making you laugh with casual banter, and now he’s baring his soul to you, leaving himself completely exposed. You can see the slight tension in his posture, as if he’s bracing himself for whatever might come next, yet there’s also a softness in his gaze that you’ve never seen before.
He takes a step closer, reaching out as if he wants to touch you but stops himself, respecting your space. “I’ve thought about this for so long,” he continues, his voice dropping to a near whisper.
“Every day, I’ve held back, afraid of ruining what we have. But I can’t keep pretending that my feelings aren’t there. You’re all I think about, and I can’t stand the idea of not telling you how I feel. Even if it means risking everything.”
Your mind races, trying to catch up with the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside you as you can feel the way his breath hitches slightly as he waits for your response, the subtle tremor in your hands as you try to steady yourself.
This is real, you realize. He’s not joking, not exaggerating. He’s laying his heart at your feet, hoping you’ll pick it up and keep it safe. And in that moment, you know that this is a turning point, a moment that will change everything between you.
You swallow hard, trying to find your voice, trying to navigate through the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm you. “I…” you start, but the words catch in your throat, too tangled up in the disbelief and joy and fear all mingling together.
“I’m sorry, you must be so uncomfortable right now. Let me get you home… It’s already late, and I can’t let you go alone.”
No, he’s got it all wrong. You’re not uncomfortable you’re just too overwhelmed with joy that you can’t find any words to describe it . But he doesn’t give you a chance to explain, assuming the worst.
“Okay,” you respond, the word slipping out before you can stop it. Maybe it’s because a small part of you wonders if he’s actually drunk, that maybe he didn’t mean to say those things and now regrets it. Maybe he just wants to get you home and forget this ever happened.
But you can’t let it end like this. “You can walk me home. It’s 15 minutes from here, no need for a car,” you say, trying to break through the invisible barrier that’s suddenly risen between you. You’re lying it’s almost 45 minutes away but you just want to be with him a little longer, to figure out what’s really going on.
“Really,never know that you live around here.” Of course he doesn’t know. “Doesn’t matter let’s go.” he agrees, giving you a soft smile, though there’s a sigh that escapes him, as if he wants to say more but is holding back.
As you both step out into the cool night air, the silence between you is thick with unspoken words. He falls into step beside you, the warmth of his presence just a breath away. The tension from before lingers, but there’s also a tenderness in the quiet moments as you walk side by side, neither of you in a hurry to reach your destination.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable tonight. I just… I couldn’t keep it in anymore. But I’ll understand if you need time or if you want to pretend none of this happened.” Finally, he speaks again, his voice gentle but firm.
“No,” you blurt out, the word catching in your throat as you stare at him. “Ken…” His name falls from your lips, soft and gentle, as if it caresses his heart.
“Listen to me,” you continue, holding up a hand before he can respond. “Don’t say anything right now. Just… let me get this out.”
You take a deep breath, the weight of your emotions bubbling up inside you, and you decide the only way you can say this is through a story, a safe distance between you and the overwhelming truth. “I’m going to tell it in the third person, because saying it directly feels too embarrassing.”
He tilts his head slightly, waiting, but his eyes don’t leave yours. You press on.
“There’s a woman,” you begin softly, “the most ordinary woman. She got this job a year ago, and everything changed. She had to move away from her hometown, didn’t know anyone here, and for a while, she felt so alone.”
Your voice trembles slightly as you continue, but you push through. “Then she met this man. Just a regular, normal guy. He hated the job, just like she did, only doing it to pay his bills. But there was something about him…something about his smile, about how he always showed up when she needed someone. And that smile, no matter how much she tried to ignore it, never failed to drive her insane.”
You risk a glance at him, and his expression has softened, his eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart race. You swallow, continuing your story. “They became close, coworkers, friends. But she wanted more. She needed more. So she started working overtime, just to have a little extra time with him.”
“And today,” you say, your voice lowering, “it’s like a dream come true for her. The man she’s been in love with since she started working here…he feels the same way about her. But it’s so hard to believe, so good that it doesn’t even seem real. She doesn’t know what to say, so her silence makes him think she’s rejecting him, even though it’s the furthest thing from the truth.”
You finish, the last words hanging in the air between you, fragile but full of meaning. You look at him, your heart pounding in your chest, unsure of what he’ll say.
For a moment, there’s silence. Then, his lips curl into a gentle, knowing smile. “So… what happens next in this story?”
“I don’t know,” you murmur, turning your head just enough to avoid meeting his eyes. “You tell me.”
He gently reaches out, his hand warm as it grazes your knuckles, and slowly your fingers intertwine. “He takes her hand, just like this,” he says with a tenderness that makes your heart race. “And he realizes he's the luckiest man on earth.”
Your breath hitches as he continues, “He’s so happy, now that he gets to hold the hands of the girl he adores.”
You look up at him, his gaze filled with a warmth you’ve longed to see for so long. “What happens next?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
“He kisses her,” he says, leaning just a little closer before adding, “Only if she wants that.”
Your soft giggle fills the space between you. “Yes, she definitely wants that.”
He smiles, closing the remaining distance between you, his hand gently cupping your face as his lips meet yours in a tender, lingering kiss. The moment feels unreal, yet more vivid than anything you’ve ever known. The night seems to glow, not from the moon or stars, but from the way he makes your world brighter.
In his arms, love no longer feels like a distant mystery… it’s here, in the touch of his lips, in the warmth of his embrace, in the quiet joy that fills your heart. And suddenly, being a "normal" person in the ordinary grind of life seems more than enough because now, you have him.
How wonderful life is, even in the mundane, when it's shared with someone like him.
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columboscreens · 10 months
columbo is so gender to me but i dont think i could ever look like him</3
i think it's totally possible for anyone to embody his essence. you can even manage to rock something directly inspired by columbo without looking like you're cosplaying.
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if you have columbo's hair type, it's actually pretty easy to emulate his styles. i even know people who show pictures of columbo to hair stylists to get his look. my partner's hair in its natural state is very similar to columbo's--dark, wavy, tending to grow in spite of gravity rather than with it. whenever he gets his hair cut, he shows the stylist photos of late 60s/pilot episode peter falk, whose look is actually pretty on-trend for the current era. it works out pretty well.
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your swag may have aged well pilot columbo but you can't beat floof
failing that, getting any haircut that is natural, low-maintenance, and not too attention-grabbing captures the visual language all the same. for reference, natasha lyonne in poker face has her hair in natural-looking, messy waves that to me just exude columbo.
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how you present yourself to the world is up to you, but if you want to invoke columbo, there's a lot more you can do than buy a tan raincoat.
in an era of sharply-cut, wide-lapelled constructions, fat tie tuesdays, and gucci loafers, columbo stands out as classic comfort personified.
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his collar, tie, and lapels are slim, proportional, and unassuming; they'd look good in almost any era. his pants fit closely to his leg but not too wide or slim, and sit at or near the natural waist. though his suits, shirts, ties, shoes, socks, and even coats rotate, there is a consistent color palette keeping him "on model". he embraces earth tones: creams, forest greens, light browns, dark browns, stony grays, rusts, and roses. his clothing seems like an afterthought, but it's an extension of his personality--rumpled and unassuming at first, yet sharp and deliberate upon further inspection.
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amid the 1970s explosion of synthetic popularity, it says something that every stitch of textile on columbo's person is natural (aside from the raincoat, which is probably nylon or poly--he wears it without a lining and uses it as essentially an oversized windbreaker). his boots are leather with crepe latex soles; his tie is silk. his shirt is cotton, a bit boxy but comfortable and properly fitted. because the construction of his suits is roomy and unstructured, and because they're made of linen, they wrinkle easily.
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this is easily confused for appearing slovenly. actually, all things considered, his clothes fit him pretty damn well, it's just hard to avoid wrinkling natural fibers like linen and cotton, especially in hot weather. he's running around los angeles sweating up a storm, the man needs loose, breathable fabric.
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point is, columbo dresses very thoughtfully. since these clothes are workwear for him and he works a hell of a lot, it's imperative that he factors in the weather, his comfort, and proper fit when picking clothes. he wants to like and be comfortable in them while looking unassuming. so even though he sometimes ends up looking like an unmade bed, his choices are deliberate.
you could invoke these principles in your own appearance by picking earthy colors/jewel tones and comfortable, natural fabrics that you enjoy wearing, which has the added benefit of being better for you and the environment. consider also taking a few garments in to be altered. it's usually not that expensive, supports your local needlefolk, and makes even cheap clothes fit great.
as a last little aside, i think having a "signature" clothing item akin to columbo's raincoat would be a nice touch. a jacket, a pair of shoes, even a watch or necklace. something you always wear. if you really do want a raincoat like his, just make sure you're not buying a trench coat, because, repeat after me: columbo does not wear a trench coat.
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neverinsignificant · 4 months
How I Am Getting Myself Out of A Funk
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This past month, I’ve been in a very terrible funk that has left me with overwhelming stress, an unregulated nervous system, feelings of discomfort (hopelessness, worthlessness, etc…), bloating and a bad case of imposter syndrome. I realize I’ve been wallowing in my own self pity and not taking care of myself the way I should, so I am being honest and admitting that I am scared as to what road my life may take if I do not improve where I know I can by taking the necessary steps. Here’s how I’m getting myself out of this funk:
• Taking my iron medication
I was prescribed medication for my iron deficiency anemia years ago and I haven’t been taking them due to my fear of swallowing pills. I use to let them dissolve in orange juice, but I grew to hate the taste and realized I wasn’t getting the full benefits by doing it this way. I have a complicated history with pills and I would like to get over it by learning & possibly speaking with a specialist who can help me get over my fear as iron has many benefits that would be beneficial to my body.
• Growing comfortable with my therapist
I recently started therapy and as much as I like my therapist, it has been hard to open up to them as much as I’d like. I know it’s because this is a new experience, but once I grow the courage to discuss some of the things I really want, I know my stress levels will decrease and mental health improve because I won’t have to worry about them anymore.
• Cultivating gratitude
I complain…. A lot because if it ain’t one thing, it’s another but by cultivating gratitude, I can practice to be more thankful of what I have and lessen my desire for more and negative thoughts. It will also lead me back to the path of my spiritual journey, which I seem to have slightly abandoned.
• Consume more water
I made a Habits I’m Not Waiting Until January to Implement post back in December where I said this same thing and I wasn’t consistent, but it’s never too late to do so now.
• Working out with positive intentions
Usually when I workout it has been with the intention to develop a certain body type, which lead to me closely examining and prodding at my body in the mirror, but as someone that comes from a family with people who develop physical health issues as they age, it’s important for me to workout simply to remain healthy, especially as I am still young with an able body. Develop stronger knees; hip mobility; straight posture, strength building.
• Breathwork + thought-stopping
This will go hand in hand with meditation. Simply saying “stop” to negative thinking doesn’t usually work for me, but what does is reframing the thoughts I’m having by making a positive light out of it or actively listing solutions. I don’t tend to be consistent with this, but I’ll try.
• Focus on my gut health
Lymphatic drainage by dry brushing, drinking peppermint tea, eating cleaner based foods, consume more fiber-rich foods, cut out gluten, eating more with smaller portions.
• Say “Girl, fuck you”
To people, emotions, circumstances. Simply dismissing the issue has sometimes helped, especially if they’re minor. Living in delusion isn’t always bad.
I’m not a “clean,” health and wellness guru, goop using (whatever tf that is), green juice drinking everyday girl and that’s okay. This is fairly new to me and I didn’t notice the severity of my health until I felt a sharp pain in my chest from stressing. I won’t fully immerge myself in this “aesthetic” as it isn’t in my interest to do so, but I will incorporate some of the habits to my benefits.
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“Everyday the sun won’t shine, but that’s why I love tomorrow!” 🌟 -Glorilla
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5 Amazing Benefits Of Eating Nutritious Meals —
* Increased energy levels: Nutritious foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates that provide your body with sustained energy throughout the day.
* Improved weight management: Nutritious foods are generally lower in calories and unhealthy fats while being higher in fiber, which keeps you feeling fuller for longer and helps with weight management.
* Reduced risk of chronic diseases: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help lower your risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer.
* Stronger immune system: Essential vitamins and minerals found in nutritious foods help support your immune system, making you less susceptible to illnesses.
* Enhanced mood and cognitive function: Studies have shown that a nutritious diet can positively impact mood, reduce symptoms of depression, and improve cognitive function, including memory and focus.
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turquoisephoenix · 2 months
You mentioned that you think after Grubba gets out of jail he has an uneasy friendship with Prince Mush. Do you think you could elaborate on that some? Like what do their interactions look like? Just curious as to how you think a murderer and a revived victim of his would act as friends
Okay, this one might be a little long, takes a bit of setting up, and involves some headcanons.
And I will emphasize that the relationship is "uneasy" and they're not exactly inviting each other to watch movies or anything. Grubba should be thankful that Prince Mush even wants to speak to him and give him occasional updates on how the Glitz Pit is running, at his request, while he's sitting in jail and later under house arrest (albeit a cozy house arrest at his tacky rodeo clown of a home, but he has to do it all with an ankle monitor).
Prince Mush is just something of a saint, very mellow, and extremely forgiving. He's just a bit of a wide-eyed shonen protagonist fueled by the power of friendship.
To explain why Prince Mush is so understanding where Grubba was coming from with his most terrible actions, both Prince Mush and Grubba have similar backstories - they were originally from poor backgrounds but then climbed their way to the top to become champion fighters.
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This leads me to believe that Prince Mush grew up as a fan of Grubba. Especially since I made Grubba the type of fighter that had a LOT of merchandising and star appeal thanks to some rather aggressive contracts by his fight promoter/agent, who swooped in and saw a business opportunity. Prince Mush had secondhand toys of Grubba that they found in the local Rogueport goodwill because the store shelves were just flooded with them. Prince Mush bought some of his T-shirts and had a few of his toys.
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And Prince Mush and Grubba got along for a good several years! Prince Mush had a very cushy Champion's life and his family got to see all of his matches and he was very comfortable! Grubba made sure to NOT treat Prince Mush the way he was treated in the past. Prince Mush had health benefits and vacation plans. Everything was good! Grubba was a good maybe-a-father-figure, maybe-just-an-older-friend type of cool old dude.
Until, one night, Prince Mush alerted Grubba to a strange machine that he found underneath the Glitz Pit Arena while he was training late one night. After Grubba asked him if he told anyone else (Prince Mush thankfully said no, so no killing spree for Grub), Prince Mush lead him to the strange machine and asked him "who could do such a thing?"
Grubba responded by hitting him in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. They didn't even have an epic battle between champion and monster; instead Grubba panicked, acted like a cornered rat, and then immediately had to cover up the resulting disappearance.
Cut to a few more years later where Prince Mush is suddenly waking up in the Glitz Pit Arena and his own sister is telling him how he straight up died and his blood was on Grubba's hands, all while a little Italian plumber is waving at him and going "wahoo".
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So in short, Prince Mush doesn't remember his own death and has to get all of his information secondhand from other people who were way way more traumatized about the events.
And Mush, being Mush...can't bring himself to hate Grubba.
At least, not totally.
Jolene hates Grubba with every fiber of her being and is very much a "if I see you outside of prison, it's on sight, mfer" type of person. Rawk Hawk has really mixed feelings about Grubba and oscillates between rage-filled hatred and survivor's guilt where he second-guesses all the nice things Grubba ever did for him, knowing that he could've been drained and shoved in a dirty old attic. He even visited Grubba in jail and had a shouting match with him as both of them had to unpack a lot of mental baggage. Rawk Hawk's change of heart is fueled by the fact that Rawk Hawk has grown self-conscious and scared of becoming as lost as his mentor.
Prince Mush? When he pieces the story together - the young star exploited at a young age so afraid of aging, so afraid of giving up his own business, that he'll use a magic demon artifact to render himself immortal at the cost of his own humanity and becomes a paranoid monster that can't get close to anyone without hurting or killing them...
He just finds Grubba sad.
And when he tells Grubba to his face while he's sitting in the prison cell, Grubba wishes he got the anger instead.
Having his whole empire crumble and having to live with the consequences of his actions just renders him a pathetic, broken man. He needed wellness checks during his first week of prison just to make sure he didn't do anything drastic. (being away from the Crystal Star that made him young and strong for the first time in 40 years and realizing that he was gonna wither and turn into an old man made him just a touch suicidal for a little while)
On top of all of this, once it becomes more common knowledge that the Crystal Stars were connected to the Shadow Queen, Grubba isn't even sure how much of his actions were his own or if he was Corrupted By the Amulet. Everyone - including him - believes he was mostly in control, but it sure doesn't feel good either way having to second-guess just how much of the past few decades were of your own free will and how much of it was demonic influence and you were just Golluming your way into murder because the shiny rock needed more blood for the blood god.
TTYD is very much a game that ends on the idea of forgiveness for the villains. I'm not going to have Prince Mush stay with Grubba ala Vivian hanging out with her shitty sister Beldam, but Prince Mush seems like a cool enough dude to at least extend a hand and say "yeah you killed me, but now you're in a position where you can't harm anyone else ever again and since you're a paranoid and have like 60 mental illnesses, I'm not going to kick you while you're down and instead tell you that the Glitz Pit isn't on fire and that my sister Jolene is doing a GREAT job".
And eventually Grubba...feels more at peace with himself than he's been in over 40 years.
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TL;DR, Prince Mush forges a shaky relationship with his own murderer because his murderer's mental health was impacted by both demonic magic and the exploitation of Hollywood stardom but things are actually kinda looking up? Prince Mush actually wants Grubba to get better, Jolene wants Grubba to choke and perish, and Rawk Hawk is unsure whether he sides with Mush or Jolene.
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vermillioncrown · 6 months
ands snippet: fast and furious
Summary: Vivienne delivers on a promise and expected only the self-satisfaction of a “job well done.” His Dark Grace decides otherwise.
or tldr: the batmobile's first, official iteration gets its christening 😏 (making out + some d/s vibes) this is a write up of this post on how bruce (the batman, really) and vivienne "get together," originally written to entertain @rozaceous (and here's the link to the og concept) the gist is that it's pre-NYE party debacle, ros and vi are practically u-haul lesbians but it's no one's business (not even their authors') how involved they are with each other, and ros and bruce have not resolved their UST yet.
“—and there might be tolerance issues with the panels, but they should be resolved by next month.” Neel Singh, the Experimental Manufacturing lead, concludes his briefing and falls half a pace back.
“We’re not racing the clock, Neel.” Vivienne jots down her thoughts in her notepad, and adds, “The winter holidays are coming up. I don’t expect anything more until February, the earliest.”
“Y-Yes, of course.” After pressing him for continuous updates for the past few months, of course he’d feel discombobulated by the sudden release of the gas pedal, so to speak. Neel pulls out his phone to type a message. “Should I call anyone else to show you around, Vivienne? Someone from Facilities for the test track?”
Vivienne looks up and out past the glass, into the indoor test track where the subject of their discussion sits parked. All aerodynamic sleekness and curves, the diffused polish of a practical matte black coating, and the intuitive physical sense of power and nimbleness in its form…
Now that—that is her son, midwifed by the hardworking and circumspect members of her handpicked team.
A thought comes to mind. “We’re dealing with carbon fiber, yes? RTM process?”
Neel nods warily. “The team assessed it to be the best fit for purpose…”
“Let me see the molds. And I may have some thoughts on the trickier shapes.” At this point, it’s better to do things right than to play coy with knowledge. There aren’t any patents on the line, or papers to publish.
Bless Neel—he’s not the most inspirational team lead out there, but the man can get things done, keeps track of his flock, and does not put them in the line of fire if he can help it. It takes the entire hallway’s length to convince him that no, Vivienne isn’t here to take heads and draw blood. And yes, she does have some experience with composites. Thankfully, what she knows and has retained is relevant enough for their use case.
The setup tour and the technicians present are all of acceptable quality. There’s nothing wrong with their process, per se…
“I appreciate the team’s rationale in using vinyl ester. However, in application, the easier forming and mechanical properties with using epoxy should make it an appropriate trade-off,” she declares her verdict. No one is impolite enough to interrupt her (or they’re not green enough to), but the manufacturing team does exchange serious side eye among each other.
When dealing with technical experts, care must be taken to speak their language. Always acknowledge someone’s hard work, and give good faith that they’ve made their decision with good judgment behind it.
And, of course, one should give explicit reasoning when suggesting an alternative. “We won’t be seeing the same type of corrosion nor UV exposure on average, or most of the expected causes of catastrophic failure”—here, Vivienne meets their gazes directly, pausing deliberately so they get her gist— “will render long-term considerations, hm, superfluous.”
Various noises of scoffing and muffled chortles come from the team before her. “It’s likely to explode, GTA-style, before we care about actual sunlight in Gotham,” someone mutters. “Got it.”
Bonus: appeal to their good humor, show that you’re on their side. Show that if they work with you instead of against you, everyone benefits.
“Then, we’ll put the order in for epoxy instead?” Neel announces to the group.
“Let me liaison with the Testing guys, see which specific one they recommend,” one of the technicians answers while the others debate quietly between themselves. “And we need to check the MSDS for any changes needed.”
“Shouldn’t be much—I think we can relax some of the workflow, too,” another one calls out. “It’ll go a lot faster this round.”
Neel turns towards Vivienne, implicitly waiting for her approval.
“Go ahead,” she confirms. “No rush. You should have enough budget; if not, CC me on any requests.” She waits for Neel to nod before turning back to finish her notes.
One of the technicians whistles low and, undeterred by his coworker’s elbow to the gut, asks out loud, “How the hell are we getting the funding for this? It can’t be government.”
Vivienne pauses, looks up to raise an eyebrow at him. She gives it two seconds—enough to make it awkward but not enough to be aggressive—before answering nonchalantly, “Does it matter? As long as we can all go about our day without the mob brazenly shaking people down in public, or an attention-seeking wack job gassing the streets and locking down the expressway, I do not care.”
The emphasis nets her a “fair enough” gesture and no further questions, with the general atmosphere being one of jocular compliance and satisfaction.
Very good.
She turns to Neel, while announcing to the group at large, “That will be all. Everyone should make sure to confirm with my PA on their way out, so you all can receive your bonuses in a timely manner. Have a happy Thanksgiving.” Then, more directly at Neel: “I’ll meet with Facilities before closing the site for the holiday. Official half-day.”
He gets her unspoken “clear everyone out” order and turns to usher the technicians along, all while starting a phone call with other leads in the testing facility.
Vivienne takes the scenic route towards the direction of the Facilities Management suite, walking leisurely to keep her baby in her sights the entire time. She returns absent hums of acknowledgment to the people that greet her along her way, dismissing them when they try to ask if she needs anything, and eventually, the facility is empty.
Instead of turning into the Facilities suite, she goes to the nearby elevator to scan her card and wait.
The building lights dim to their low-occupancy standby state. Then, one of the shadows in the empty hallway distends into a vaguely humanoid form, stalking forward until there’s a glint of whited-out eyes.
Ever the dramatic. His Dark Grace’s penchant for positioning is comically perfect.
“I assume you’ve looped the cameras?” Vivienne tilts her head towards the Facilities suite.
The Batman gives a little, “Hm,” and continues towards her and the elevator.
Yes, duh. Vivienne doesn’t roll her eyes. It’d be wasted on this bat-shaped mime.
She instead flips her notepad to a later page, where she’s noted down the information received from Facilities via email a week ago. Meeting with them was entirely unnecessary. Her mind runs through what would be the most efficient loop of comprehensive testing—and if they waited until sunset, she could set up and open the outdoor portion of the track for “realistic conditions.”
It’s rather easy to ignore the looming shadow next to her—she’s had practice and more important things to think about. Normally, anyone impolite enough to look over her shoulder at her notes would be told to back off, but here she can hope that he’d absorb some proper methodology for fucking once. To be fair, any thought of “proper” leaves her head upon reaching the ground floor of the track.
The so-called “Batmobile” is gorgeous. If not in her heels, Vivienne would have sprinted over to him.
Her beautiful baby boy.
She tucks her notepad and pen away into her handbag, and loops the shoulder strap across her torso. All hands are needed for properly admiring this work of art.
“Ah—the slight ripples Neel mentioned,” she talks His Dark Grace through the visual inspection. “Project Lead Neel Singh,” she adds for clarification, letting him know who and what to satisfy his paranoia. “Yes, the matrix voids will be easier to mitigate with the modifications to their vacuum assistance setup, the tooling support, and of course, not using vinyl ester. More workable.”
She walks around the car, eyeing the front and back tires, noting the height of the chassis, and internally debates the optimum between aesthetics, performance, and practicality.
“Hm. This tire size is special order, but still commercial-off-the-shelf. The concern is that typical road conditions won’t allow for anything lower, but we need to balance the handling with the overall weight…especially since the chassis will be so lightweight.” She backs up and takes in the whole of the car’s form. “I…I’m actually a bit worried—we might not have the right balance between the aero and weight for the CG, being not for track purposes, so we can’t go as low as actual motorsport designs—”
“—then let’s test it,” Batman cuts through her fretting. He’s been following along with her inspection, practically hovering over her the entire time. The fingers of his gauntleted hand carefully trace where she was pointing out, trailing behind her hand’s path. “That’s why we’re here.”
Credit where credit is due—that’s true. At least he didn’t immediately demand to do so; his interjection is a polite ask, the bat and all things considered. And Vivienne wouldn’t have let him within a zip code of her new son if he wasn’t ready to handle. She can allow His Dark Grace some fun, for once.
She takes out the prototype key fob—slow enough to rile up the menacing furry next to her—and clicks. The doors unlock and pop slightly ajar before she dangles the fob in front of Batman.
He’s finally trained enough to be polite during their handovers; he takes the fob from her possession without force, and waits for her to situate herself in the passenger side before getting in himself.
“No helmets. Well, you better not get me killed,” Vivienne says blandly when Batman starts up the car. He purrs, lovely and smooth like a spoiled cat. “Or I won’t offer custom hubcaps. Ones with little bat decals.”
There’s a faint smirk on His Dark Grace’s face. “I’m better than that.” He teases with a brief revving of the engine.
The test track comes into hyperfocus in front of Vivienne; on a whim, she clicks an additional control up top near the rearview HUD of the car that opens up the gate to the outdoor track. She can recognize the adrenaline building up—it’s what follows a good challenge, either mental or physical, and she welcomes it with relish.
“Let’s see it, then,” she nods towards the gate, unable to help her toothy grin in return.
Her baby boy “handles,” is what Vivienne can say for now. She didn’t expect the response to be buttery smooth on first iteration, and for something experimental. The seeds of something are present—His Dark Grace pulled them into two hairpin turns in sequence—and coupled with the snappiness, she thinks they have an unpolished gem in their hands. The car is like having a barely tamed big cat, leashed up and ready to let loose on one’s orders.
It’s fucking exhilarating.
The stupid showoff figures out how to manage the car quickly enough. He pulls another turn that lets them slide perfectly against the side of the track into the bay that’s meant to be a small pit area. The uncovered half of his face is not as expressive as he pretends to be, day-to-day, but the expression present is full-on cocky as hell.
(Honestly, Vivienne can admit to liking it—or at least, this is much more tolerable than the public-facing himbo she needs to politely shake hands with whenever he deigns to muck around at the office.)
“Proven enough?” His typical growl is less forced, and more of a pleasant rumble that harmonizes nicely with the idling engine. In the full furry get-up, subtle side glances and all that aren't really possible. His Dark Grace turns to stare at her, goading for a response.
The cowl and the whited-out effect of the lenses are eerie up close, but dealing with the devil is much less intimidating when one has leverage. In Vivienne’s case—he knows she’s capable and motivated enough to possibly add something like a kill-switch to the car, just to fuck with him if he pisses her off. His Dark Grace wants her baby real bad, and with proof of concept she can probably get him to do anyt—
Hold up, Vi, say that again? Her inner Ros stops that train of thought.
“Differential adjustment shou—well. Acceptable,” she gives him the compliment, leaning back into the seat with a more relaxed posture. They never make the ergonomics of them fit for anyone of average height; her hairpin has slightly loosened from how the back of the seat rubbed against her updo, and she pulls the pin free to restyle her hair. She feels the Batman’s stare as he waits, and she keeps him waiting. “You’re competent and quick on the uptake. Adaptive.”
Wrangling the Batman was the equivalent of wrangling a division of egotistical engineers working at the cutting edge of everything—all very competent people that will step on each other’s toes, get in each other’s way, and are too used to being correct that they forget their purpose. The balance was slightly off here, becoming the classical joke of “one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses.”
But everyone has their leverage points, and all are susceptible to The Carrot versus The Stick in personalized ratios and applied judiciously. Vivienne didn’t aim to do anything as Machiavellian as put the Dark Knight of Gotham under her thumb, but that’s where he somehow ended up. She, by sheer grit, found the winning combo of getting him to listen to her—at least when it came to nonsensical designs—and actively soliciting her opinion. She’s not dumb enough to lose that leverage when she sees it in her hands. Maintaining it requires work: showing agreeableness to an extent, with the occasional reminder that he’s in her territory and he would do well to remember it. A little flick to the ego, occasionally.
It helps to put into perspective that, at the end of the day, Bruce Wayne the Batman is nearly five years younger than her. Engineers and technicians under her, the ones ranging from two to ten years younger, with a plethora of tertiary degrees between them—her mind can’t help flagging them as “children” until they temper themselves with a real project, from bid to deliverable.
So, of course her brain demoted the fucking CEO of her company and its parent conglomerate to being a “boy” as soon as he called her Lucius’s PA. She has found no evidence contrary to that ever since. With him neatly categorized, accounting for unique attributes and handling, Vivienne knows very well how to deal with “boys,” because she wouldn’t have gotten this far otherwise.
“Hah. If you had wrecked my shit, as with your typical M.O., maybe I could’ve gotten a nice dinner out of you tonight.” Her tone is intentionally sharper, diction and accent more crass with the habitual New Jersey attitude rather than her usual featureless cosmopolitan speech pattern. Dusk was here, steadily eating away the evening hours as autumn progressed. They’ve stayed later than she anticipated, but…
…for once, in a very long time, she was having fun. The evidence is on her teeth—she was grinning wide enough to catch some of her lipstick on her canines, which her tongue can clearly feel the slick of it.
“Well. We’re done here. Keep up with”—she gestures at the whole of him with a dismissive hand— “that well enough, don’t piss me off, and maybe you’ll earn your new toy by the end of next quarter.”
That whole posturing—after prolonged proximity and the hot-and-cold of seemingly hard-won praise versus snide dismissiveness—is supposed to make His Dark Grace harrumph and skulk away.
Today, he grabs her hand. It’s not violent or anything, but he doesn’t touch her. She’s lost her temper enough to jab her finger in his cowled face, and he’s been taken aback enough and in the position to let her. He’s never touched her.
That—that’s not in the script.
His Dark Grace continues to stare at her, his exposed jaw not quite clenched enough to denote a possible temper tantrum incoming. So, she minutely cocks her chin up, adding a slight challenging tilt to her expression with a raised eyebrow and the slight baring of her teeth in a sneering smile. What are you doing? Are you really—really?
He has her wrist with his left hand, and his full attention and facing is towards her. The right hand comes closer. And because he doesn’t pull her that she lets him, it’s so much closer until—of all fucking things—she feels the gauntlet leather past the corner of her mouth and pressure on her teeth.
The thumbpad has her lipstick stain on it from him wiping it away.
She scoffs, half-between a laugh and an incredulous squawk, and tries to tug her hand away. It doesn’t budge. “How badly do you want this car?” The tone isn’t right—wrong mix of scathing versus levity. And yet, it seems to draw him in closer, the tireless masochist that he is. “Didn’t I say ‘don’t piss me off’?”
“I’m hoping to do the opposite.” This close, he doesn’t bother with the growl at all. He’s almost inaudible over the engine. The lipstick-stained gauntlet cups her jaw, the thumb carefully avoiding her skin, and he leans in when she doesn’t resist.
What the fuck. What is happening. Did he bug the apartment, overhear the sleepover-bullshit talks with Ros?
It’s fascinating, clinically speaking. From what Vivienne’s heard of local gossip, especially among the secretary pool and their particular brand of romantic fantasizing, the Batman is expected to be rough. Wild. He’s supposed to fulfill all sorts of “tall, dark, and handsome” daydreams and lonely imaginings at night, along with fighting crime—what a busy guy.
So, to have him soft and insistent at her mouth, but more like asking for permission than forceful, is a fascinating gap between expectation and reality. He’s not a shabby kisser at all; the playboy types usually have something else going on that makes everyone else do the work for them, and they get to reap all the pleasure. That is apparently not the case here.
Eventually, he pulls back so they can breathe and reassess.
Vivienne looks. She really looks—his face may be mostly covered, he’s still staring, but he’s flushed, visibly steadying his breathing, and her lipstick stains his mouth in a viscerally appealing way that makes her want to lick her teeth. He’s paradoxically much more exposed than she is.
And with that, His Dark Grace is really such a pretty boy—something Vivienne has constantly lamented with Ros over for his pissy attitude. He’s perfectly amenable now, though.
“You really want this,” she says this again, her free hand coming down to pat the console between them and leaning closer.
He’s still a cheeky shit, though. “I want it,” and tilts his head again, ready to close the distance at her say-so.
She means the damn car, but— “Then you’ll have to work for it,” and she closes the distance herself.
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ovaruling · 8 months
mostly a vent but—how do so many adults not only know so completely zero about nourishing themselves properly, but also have zero curiosity about their nourishment on top of that? like how are basic nutritional facts and basic food nutritional profiles and the barest RDAs not known and not even wondered about
like i meet adults every single day who literally can’t grasp the concept of a meal that they know and understand the components of. like. they legitimately don’t know or care what they’re eating at any point of the day but have complaints of many solvable symptoms of nutrient deficiency or saturation
even a large number of people who cook all the time will seem to have this incredible blind spot for knowing anything about nourishment
like there are people who think you legitimately don’t get nutrients from anything but animal flesh and leafy greens and then i’m supposed to act surprised when their bloodwork is a mess
and when i suggest “oh you may need to include more things like orange juice and potatoes and bananas and pumpkin seeds and dried fruit for other quick sources of electrolytes that aren’t just shit tons of sodium” after friendly discussions of muscle cramping despite water and Gatorade consumption
and they’re like “oh my god you’re so smart…,” lmao no i’m fucking not!!! fr how can you have persistent muscle cramping every day and not even WONDER if it’s related to what you do or do not put into your body. that’s my FIRST thought every time i have a palpable issue—“maybe i’m getting too little or too much of something, let’s get curious and think critically about what i’m currently eating and drinking”
especially people with chronic illness like me!!!!! come on now!!!!! how can you not even deign to google what nutritional advice you might benefit from!!!!
i’ve fr had people be in awe of my casual recommendation of eating more fiber. and even more awe about what foods contain fiber. like. you cannot be serious that you didn’t know that about your human body. you cannot be fucking serious!!!!!!!
how can you go through your day—through your adult life—not knowing or caring if you’re meeting your individual nutritional needs and how can you not even be CURIOUS about that if you know that you don’t know. ppl act like you need regular bloodwork to be able to suspect anything abt your body enough to try the very risky risk of simply eating more of xyz type of food (usually a fruit or vegetable god forbid) or something to just see if it helps with your issue ykwim. like eat an apple and maybe your gums will stop bleeding, matey. oh no cap’n i can’t i would need sooo much bloodwork to know if it’s ok to try eating an apple!!! come on now
like. i know im not a genius to just be knowing Feeding Yourself Properly 101. my parents never taught me a damn thing about nutrition and i never even learned it at school. it’s not hard. i know it’s not. so everyone else must just be stupid as hell abt this or willfully ignorant
and maybe they are bc the average western diet has most ppl malnourished despite a very, very large daily intake of calories so idk man IDK!!!!!
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Looking ahead 20 years, many farmers will have to take land out of agriculture to comply with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), 2014 legislation that has required counties to implement groundwater management plans throughout California. As a result of SGMA, AFT estimates 4 percent, or 212,000 acres, of cropland in the San Joaquin Valley alone could be permanently retired and 27 percent intermittently fallow. Conservation groups hope to see some of that land become part of corridors for native plants, waterways, and wildlife, but farmers are also looking to agrivoltaics opportunities.
Agrivoltaics may also help conserve water. “The shade that is created by the solar panels, in areas that receive more sun than plants need for their photosynthesis, reduces the heat stress on those crops, makes them healthier, and makes them require less water,” Abou Najm said. “Agrivoltaics is more than just a dual production of food and energy on the same plot of land—it maximizes the synergy between the two.”
Agrivoltaics stand to assist Central Valley farms in myriad ways, said Dahlquist-Willard. Larger farms that adopt agrivoltaics could potentially benefit smaller ones by alleviating pressure ­on regional groundwater. At the same time, farmers with less land are more likely to consider agrivoltaics than converting entirely to solar. “For a small farm—say 10, 20, 30 acres—if you convert your whole farm to solar, you’re quitting farming. Nobody does that when farming is their only source of income,” she said.
Abou Najm published a theoretical study looking at how to grow crops—including lettuce, basil, and strawberries—under solar panels in a way that maximized productivity. He found that the blue part of the light spectrum is best filtered out to produce solar energy, while the red spectrum can be optimized to grow food; this requires a specific type of panel that’s less common but available. His follow-up research involves expanding the types of crops and conducting field trials.
U.C. Davis is filling a necessary gap in California research, though many other studies have been conducted nationally and internationally documenting crop yields under panels. Scientists have found agrivoltaics can improve the efficiency of the panels, and increase water-use efficiency, soil moisture content, and crop yields. In one cherry tomato study, production doubled under the panels and water-use efficiency was 65 percent greater.
Researchers from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo are also documenting the benefits of grazing under solar panels in California, supporting research worldwide. They are studying the benefits of sheep grazing on two solar installations, Gold Tree Farm and Topaz Solar Farm. There, they’ve found that the solar arrays can offer synergistic benefits for the sheep and the grasslands. Compared with pastures outside the solar panels, the shaded grasses have higher water content, greater nitrogen content, and lower non-digestible fiber.
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imjosienotjojosiwa · 19 days
I keep hearing how good chia seeds are!
here’s a chia seed pudding recipe!
when it comes to calories it really depends on brands ect. so depending on what you buy it WILL be different
1. Chia seeds (1/4 cup): Approximately
180 calories
2. Milk or plant milk (3/4 cup):
Approximately 60-90 calories (depending on the type of milk, e.g., whole milk vs. almond milk)
3. Honey or maple syrup (2 TBSP) :
Approximately 20 - 120 calories
(yes ik a huge cal difference but it’s bc of no sugar ones as-well! )
4. Vanilla extract (optional, 2 tsp):
Approximately 12 calories
5. Greek yogurt or thick coconut yogurt (1 cup) Approximately 100-150 calories (depending on the type of yogurt)
you also don’t need to have it as a pudding!! you can have just some water and lemon! but make sure to soak the chia seeds in water for at least 4 - 7 hours, dry chia seeds can and will clog your stomach!
here are the benefits!!
1. Rich in Nutrients: Chia seeds are full of essential nutrients, including fiber, protein, omega-3 acids, and various vitamins and minerals.
2. High in Fibre: They are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which can aid in digestion, promote feelings of fullness, and help regulate blood sugar levels. (meaning 💩 = flat stomach!!)
3. Omega-3 Acids: Chia seeds contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 acid that supports heart health and may reduce inflammation.
4. Antioxidants: They are rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the body from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
6. Weight Management: Due to their high fiber content, chia seeds can help with weight management by promoting satiety and reducing overall calorie intake.
7. Heart Health: The combination of fiber, omega-3 acids, and antioxidants can contribute to improved heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing inflammation.
8. Blood Sugar Control: Chia seeds may help stabilize blood sugar levels, making them beneficial for people with diabetes or those looking to manage their blood sugar.
9. Hydration: When soaked in liquid, chia seeds expand and form a gel-like consistency, which can help maintain hydration levels.
10. Makes you fuller: eating chia seeds honestly makes me full for the ENTIRE DAY.
remember that you are loved! (¯ ³¯)♡
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Grapes offer a variety of health benefits due to their rich nutritional profile:
Antioxidants: Grapes are packed with antioxidants, such as resveratrol and flavonoids, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Resveratrol has been linked to potential heart health benefits.
Heart Health: The antioxidants in grapes, along with their high fiber content, may help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. Resveratrol may also improve blood flow and reduce LDL cholesterol levels.
Digestive Health: Grapes contain dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and helps prevent constipation. Fiber can also support a healthy gut microbiome.
Immune Support: Grapes are a source of vitamin C, which is essential for a strong immune system. This vitamin can help your body fight off infections and boost overall health.
Skin Health: The antioxidants in grapes can contribute to healthy skin by reducing signs of aging, protecting against UV damage, and promoting collagen production.
Cognitive Function: Some studies suggest that resveratrol in grapes may have a positive impact on cognitive function and may help protect against age-related cognitive decline.
Weight Management: Grapes are relatively low in calories and can be a satisfying, healthy snack for those looking to manage their weight.
Hydration: Grapes have high water content, which helps keep you hydrated and contributes to overall well-being.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The antioxidants and polyphenols in grapes may have anti-inflammatory effects, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases related to inflammation.
Eye Health: Grapes contain compounds like lutein and zeaxanthin, which are associated with improved eye health and a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration.
Cancer Prevention: Some studies suggest that the antioxidants in grapes may help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, although more research is needed in this area.
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It's important to note that many of these health benefits are associated with consuming whole grapes, rather than grape juice or wine, as the processing of grapes can alter their nutritional content. Adding grapes to your diet as a snack or including them in salads and fruit bowls can be a delicious and nutritious way to enjoy these benefits.
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raineyana · 1 month
What is your normal grocery list? I’m about to be living at a dorm and I am looking for stuff to stock up on, I can’t really keep frozen foods though
i actually dont even cook all that much so i dont keep a lot of frozen foods either. this is my regular list when i go, usually weekly.
okay so youre probably like. raine you arent supposed to eat anything when you fast. hear me out bc this is how i consistently fast a 20-4 schedule everyday, with a lot less binges than before, AND getting all of the benefits of fasting. and yeah, i still binge from time to time, but my binges are far less because my stomach actually cannot handle being fed over 1000 calories anymore, especially not all at once.
these are my ESSENTIALS so theyre pretty much the only things i consistently buy weekly.
chicken broth (0cal kind)
seaweed snacks
pickled ginger
tea (any, but i like trying new flavors ! my favorite is lemon ginger because it helps digestion, and green tea because it speeds up your metabolism. also a lot healthier than diet coke with the same amount of caffeine, also less likely to spike your blood sugar and kick you out of ketosis- which will make your cravings for food much worse)
...dont get me wrong i couldnt live without diet coke. but sometimes ill go for the healthier option.
why i eat these foods while i fast
these are foods that have extremely low cals and carbs (like less than 2 grams per/serving) so they wont kick you out of ketosis (which is the major benefit to fasting, where your body burns fat at a higher rate). when youre in ketosis, your body stops sending you as many cravings, which is why sometimes it feels easier to fast 24 hours after you last ate as opposed to 3 hours.
because i spend the majority of my time fasting, (and i would never be able to do that without these foods) i go through these items pretty quick.
but otherwise i only have to buy other healthy foods on a biweekly or even monthly basis, because i wont eat them as fast ! heres some things i rotate through depending on how sick of them i am lol.
regular food
built bars - essential for me. tons of protein, less sugar than other bars, and relatively low cal.
somebody on here introduced me to these and im soo glad they did. i dont remember who but if youre seeing this ilysm.
tuna creations packets - rly good for on the go, tons of flavors, lots of protein so they're really filling for only being 70-90cals depending on the flavor
blueberries + apples - so hard to over eat these two items, plus fiber
rice cakes - self explanatory
pistachios or sunflower seeds - great for curbing hunger, but im a little sick of them rn
a low cal air popped popcorn - i forget which brand i have rn, but its pretty good and has a lot of fiber.
chobani yogurt + yogurt protein drinks (50cal) - the fact that these r 50cals amaze me for how good they taste. the yogurt drinks are my favorite bc theres actually a shit ton of protein and taste pretty good without actually having to make myself a protein shake. the cookies and cream and peaches and cream are my favorites ive tried. good for breaking a fast with.
thats all i can think of atm ! sry for the fucking essay i hope this was a little helpful at least.
typing this out manically made me realize im a little crazy. i cant say with my whole chest that you should listen to me and my d1sordered thoughts, but i think everyone on here knows that already so... uh
please be kind to yourselves. take ur vitamins (even while fasting) i genuinely love you all every one of you fucked up bitches like me.
goodnight <3
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breed-the-stars · 18 days
Hot writing tip to make your erotica so much better!
Your writing is going great. Things are steamy and hot. The story is reaching it's literal climax-
Hold up.
You have a character who's about to orgasm? Then consider the following;
There are many different ways to experience an orgasm, and not just in the way the orgasm is achieved.
Let's say you have Jean, who's having sex with Terry. Terry is a very energetic lover, and is hitting all of Jean's pleasure points very quickly one after the other. Jean experiences a very sudden orgasm that seizes their muscles entirely.
Once again you have Jean, but this time Jean is having sex with Drew. Drew takes their time, but Jean is enjoying themselves just as much as with Terry. When Jean does orgasm, it's one that's a slow build and a wonderful release.
How would you describe the physical effects of both of these orgasms? What muscles are moving, what body parts are reacting, how prominent is the sound of one's heartbeat? And so on.
(If you noticed that the names are gender neutral, it's because that yes both vaginas and penises can experience different types of orgasms. It's not exclusive to either.)
(And obviously if your character has something other than human genitalia *gestures to the monster fuckers* then that's your cue to really get into the nit and gritty!)
The word itself "orgasm" (and the other words that mean it) is a double edged sword. Your reader might look at it and think "Oh so it's [reader's idea of a standard orgasm]" and might not be able to imagine something that deviates from that idea, even if you then go on to describe the specifics. You have to be smart about when you use the word, and why.
You just spent [insert number here] words describing all that juicy buildup, don't shoot yourself in the foot by skimping out on your climax.
Need some spicy examples? Sure thing!
With an aching breath Trevor felt it, the unmistakable lurch as his body fought against the high. Just a little longer. He just had to hold on a little longer-
He screamed, nails hooking at flesh as he trembled, unable to stop as pulse after euphoric pulse echoed throughout his body. He couldn't stop it. He couldn't stop himself.
Here's an example without the word ever being used. If an orgasm implies even an ounce of pleasure, then it counteracts the main focus in this scene, so it's completely avoided for this one instance.
"More- please I need-!"
Zoey gasped as her body started singing, her heart rushing every drop of blood throughout her body, warming every fiber inside her the same way her dearest had done. Zoey barely registered her legs had found their new home, locked tightly around her lover's waist. She was too enthralled by how right it felt, offering her own body as a home for her love.
They chuckled, smiling at how doped up Zoey looked right about now, "I'm guessing you came?"
She blissfully nodded.
Here it's used for comedic effect, to under exaggerate what Zoey experienced. Whatever preconceived idea you might have about coming, it's probably not quite like what Zoey just felt.
Now that you've gotten that first climax described, you've given your reader something to think back on if you decide to have multiple orgasms in a single session.
From here you can use the term when appropriate, just remember the classic "show don't tell" rule. If something specific is happening during these other orgasms, let your ready in on those juicy details!
Ken came for the last time that night, feeling his balls struggling to release their final spurts.
But maybe you have a story where the first time someone orgasms isn't that important, like it's a blink and you miss it blowjob or something. The real climax is only much later, and it'll be one to pay attention to.
Then that's when the word is to your benefit!
As Monica psyched herself up for the day, she stepped past the shower curtain and thought about that lovely woman from last week. With her deft fingers it didn't take long to feel an orgasm wash through her, the shower cleaning away any evidence.
Much later, Monica thanked whatever gods had cared to listen. No longer was the woman from her thoughts trapped in her mind. She was here, pressed against Monica, cooing pleasantly. Unlike this morning, Monica wanted this to last. She could feel herself wanting to just cross that razor's edge, let herself go.
And she would.
Very soon.
And by God she did.
Hopefully this helps you out, or that you enjoyed reading through the example snippets.
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investmentassistant · 2 months
How to perk up without coffee
Coffee is the go-to beverage for many people seeking a quick energy boost. However, there are times when you might want to skip the caffeine or simply try other ways to stay alert. Whether you're trying to cut back on coffee or just looking for some alternatives, here are some effective ways to perk up without relying on your favorite cup of joe.
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Get moving
Physical activity is a fantastic way to wake up your body and mind. Even a short walk around the block can increase your energy levels. If you have more time, consider a quick workout session, stretching, or even a few minutes of jumping jacks. Exercise increases blood flow and releases endorphins, which can help you feel more awake and alert.
Regular exercise also has long-term benefits that can contribute to your overall energy levels. By incorporating activities like running, cycling, or yoga into your routine, you can improve your cardiovascular health, build muscle strength, and enhance your mental clarity. Morning exercise routines, such as a 30-minute jog or a session of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), can set a positive tone for the rest of your day, making you feel more energized and productive.
Stay hydrated
Dehydration can lead to feelings of fatigue and sluggishness. Start your day with a glass of water and continue drinking water throughout the day. Adding a slice of lemon or a splash of natural fruit juice can make your water more appealing and provide a slight energy boost.
Beyond just drinking water, you can stay hydrated by consuming foods with high water content, such as cucumbers, watermelon, and oranges. Herbal teas and coconut water are also excellent choices for maintaining hydration. Remember that your body loses water through various activities, including breathing, sweating, and digestion, so it's essential to replenish your fluids consistently. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day, and more if you are physically active or live in a hot climate.
Eat a healthy snack
Choosing the right foods can make a big difference in your energy levels. Opt for snacks that combine protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Nuts, yogurt with fruit, or a piece of whole-grain toast with avocado are excellent choices. These foods provide sustained energy rather than the quick spike and crash that sugary snacks often cause.
Additionally, consider incorporating complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal or quinoa, into your snacks and meals. These carbohydrates break down slowly in your body, providing a steady release of energy. Foods rich in antioxidants, like berries and dark chocolate, can also boost your energy levels by fighting inflammation and improving blood flow. Avoid highly processed snacks that are high in sugar and refined carbs, as they can lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar followed by a sharp drop, leaving you feeling even more tired.
Take deep breaths
Breathing exercises can help increase oxygen flow to your brain and body, making you feel more alert. Try taking a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. This simple practice can help clear your mind and boost your energy.
You can also try specific breathing techniques, such as the 4-7-8 method. To do this, inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of seven, and then exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of eight. Repeat this cycle several times to help reduce stress and increase mental clarity. Another effective technique is diaphragmatic breathing, where you focus on breathing deeply into your diaphragm rather than shallowly into your chest. This type of breathing can improve oxygen exchange and promote relaxation.
Get some sunlight
Natural light has a powerful effect on your body's internal clock and can help improve your mood and energy levels. Spend some time outside during the day, even if it's just for a few minutes. If you're stuck indoors, try sitting near a window or using a light therapy box.
Exposing yourself to natural light in the morning can help regulate your circadian rhythm, making you feel more awake during the day and sleepier at night. If you live in a region with limited sunlight, especially during the winter months, consider investing in a light therapy lamp. These lamps mimic natural sunlight and can help alleviate symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and improve your overall energy levels. Additionally, incorporating outdoor activities, such as gardening, hiking, or simply enjoying a meal outside, can provide you with a healthy dose of sunlight and fresh air.
Listen to uplifting music
Music can have a profound impact on your mood and energy. Create a playlist of your favorite upbeat songs and listen to them when you need a pick-me-up. Singing along or even dancing to the music can amplify the effect.
Studies have shown that listening to music can stimulate the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. Upbeat music with a fast tempo can increase your heart rate and make you feel more energized. Consider incorporating music into your daily routine, whether it's during your morning commute, while working, or during your exercise sessions. Singing along to your favorite tunes can also improve your mood and reduce stress, making you feel more awake and motivated.
Take a power nap
A short nap can do wonders for your energy and productivity. Aim for a nap of about 20 minutes; this is enough time to recharge without leaving you feeling groggy. Avoid napping for longer periods, as this can interfere with your nighttime sleep.
Power naps can help improve memory, boost creativity, and enhance cognitive function. If you have trouble falling asleep quickly, try creating a relaxing nap environment by dimming the lights, using a sleep mask, and playing soft, soothing music. Set an alarm to ensure you don't oversleep, and consider drinking a small amount of caffeine before your nap. The caffeine will start to take effect as you wake up, providing an additional energy boost.
Use aromatherapy
Certain scents, such as peppermint, citrus, and eucalyptus, are known to have invigorating effects. Use essential oils, candles, or diffusers to fill your space with these energizing aromas. A quick sniff of peppermint oil can be especially helpful in boosting your alertness.
In addition to peppermint, consider using essential oils like rosemary, lemon, and ginger, which are also known for their stimulating properties. You can apply a few drops of essential oil to your wrists, temples, or the back of your neck for an instant pick-me-up. Aromatherapy inhalers and rollerballs are convenient options for on-the-go use. Incorporating these scents into your daily routine, whether at home, in the office, or during your commute, can help keep you feeling refreshed and focused.
Stay engaged
Sometimes, boredom can make you feel more tired than you actually are. Keep your mind engaged by switching tasks, trying something new, or taking on a challenging project. Mental stimulation can be just as effective as physical activity in waking you up.
To stay engaged, consider taking short breaks to do something different, such as solving a puzzle, reading a book, or engaging in a creative activity like drawing or writing. Learning a new skill or hobby can also provide mental stimulation and keep your brain active. If you find yourself zoning out during work, try breaking your tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and setting short-term goals to maintain focus and motivation.
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