#fic information
kabibblewrites · 4 months
Ask Questions
Is she going to stay YN or are you going to give her a name?
I'm going to give her a last name, but I'm really gonna try to write it such that [Y/N] or [Name] isn't explicitly used in abundance. That way everybody can feel like they're part of the story! I know a lot of people find the [YN] jarring as far as flow goes, and so I'm going to try to minimize it's use as much as possible.
There will definitely be some parts I'm sure where I'll need to use it, but for the sake of flow I'm going to try to make it as natural as possible.
As far as their last name...it's Tatsuma. Because that's the Family that Reader chose. <3
2. Can you share fun facts about her?
Reader attended her college program in America on a scholarship (so she's bilingual). She and Ryuko ended up video chatting at all kinds of weird hours thanks to the time difference. I like to imagine there was probably also a group chat that got inundated with all kinds of pictures and updates!
Her official job is in Risk Management with a focus on Pro Hero Liabilities, Damages, and Insurance. Essentially the liaison between agencies, Pro Hero's insurance policies, and she's the adjuster on claims for aforementioned damages (property or otherwise). The clerks can either work for third party insurance agencies or with a Hero Agency directly managing their insurance policies, payouts, and claims. As you can imagine, it's a lot of numbers.
Pro Hero chucks your car through a building? She's the one that manages that on behalf of the Pro Hero's Agency. Large agencies can usually afford to have their own dedicated Clerks and Adjusters, but smaller agencies contract out to 'Companies' that handle that sort of thing.
She got a bunch of vindictive pleasure of seeing All Might being active in America during her program. She was also known on her college campus for her Fiery Distaste of Pro Hero Endeavor when it came to discussing international rankings or Property Damage rates.
General Theory among the Risk Management course was that he blew up her car or something in collateral damages or something, but nobody was ever really sure.
Her Top 5 Favorite Heroes are: Ryukyu, All Might, Wild Wild Pussycats, Godzillo, and Present Mic (she likes his radio show).
3. What inspired you to create her?
There I was, sitting on my ass one snow-day like "Damn I wish Shouto had a better fucking family life--WAIT I CAN GIVE HIM ONE!"
Then I was like "I will also incorporate the Dabi is Touya Todoroki Theory" that was popular before the reveal.
I'm a sucker for family fix-it and Golden Route stories. Also I LIVE for found family and Characters who are now Dads to Gremlins. Dadzawa and Dadmight are my jams
As far as Reader's personality SPECIFICALLY...you'd need to have a pretty big fuckin' backbone to go against the Mountain of Horrible Temperament that is Enji Todoroki, so I started thinking about what may have caused him to be like that. I thought about what it might be like to have to constantly live with somebody with that Holier than Thou attitude, and what that must be like for somebody who wasn't as strong as he was. I admit that a LOT of fanfiction exploring Bakugou's bad attitude kind of steered how I figured Enji was raised. Bakugou was never told 'no' as a kid, and was always told he was going to be great...but lucked out that he ended up catching his mistakes in the Manga (eventually).
Enji Todoroki managed to make it to adulthood without Checking Himself before he Wrecked Himself, so I wrote Reader exploring that kind of childhood.
Also at the time I was a Teacher and I needed SOMETHING to do that wasn't stuffing my face with a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts every night due to stress so I picked up the super unstressful habit of WRITING /s
4. What's her relationship with All Might going to be like?
Until she knows him better/realizes he's her Super Hot Fence Hopping Neighbor, her relationship with All Might is going to be separated in the sense that most Fans are. Maybe with a little bit of personal umph in there because she wants SOMEBODY to keep putting Enji in his place and All Might is the most equipped to do it.
She also agrees with what he stands for, and helping others. It doesn't hurt that Shouto and Izuku are basically in love with the guy, so he's her favorite on principle because anything that makes Her Kids Happy makes her happy too.
It wouldn't matter if those kids were obsessed with Condiment King she'd buy all his merch if that was the case. It does come back to bite her in the ass when Touya smirks and asks for Midnight Merch and she side-eyes the fuck out of him because he's SUCH a little shit and he knows it
After she knows?
"I cannot bELIEVE you let me bad-mouth your Agency's handling of the last villain incident you listened to me BITCH ABOUT YOUR POLICY FOR HOURS--"
"I thought it was cute."
"I told you that you had a nice ass TO YOUR FACE!"
"That was also cute."
5. What's the relationship going to be like with her and her other niece and nephews?
***Natsuo: This boy has been stuck in the Middle for SO LONG. Between Touya having mental breakdowns at him, his parents fighting, and Fuyumi trying to constantly Fix the Family, he has not been allowed to Feel his Feelings for a long time. Co-conductor of the Endeavor Hate Train now that he is allowed to openly express his frustration with the previous family dynamic.
As far as his relationship with the Reader, he's on edge at first and keeps to himself. Definitely the 'Watch and Wait for the other shoe to drop' kind of situation. It takes a while before he's convinced that it's real and not just Endeavor Lite. He's quiet and easy going now that he's not under so much stress, and spends a lot of time being Very Interested in what Reader does for a living. He's interested in the Medical Field or Medical Warefare (according to the wiki), so he's interested in the non-spotlight hero work.
Definitely sits with Reader and popcorn going over old fight documentaries and pointing out the best ways to minimize damage, apply medical knowledge to combat situations, and treat casualties. Izuku fucking lives for these discussions and "Nerd Night" is a regular feature in the household (Fuyumi likes to watch her family be happy, Shouto is happy to discuss Pro Heros, and Touya just scrolls on his phone but he's THERE ok they're HIS nerds)
***Fuyumi: Eldest Daughter Syndrome (more like ONLY daughter syndrome) is going to be SO hard for Reader to break; but she's going to make damn sure that Fuyumi is able to have her own life outside of constantly trying to fix her family's problems! Out of all the siblings (aside from Shouto), Fuyumi is going to be the first one to warm up to Reader.
Reader makes sure to have Girls Night with Fuyumi either one-on-one or with Ryuko in attendance. It's important to have that dedicated time when you're surrounded by testosterone all the time! The fact that she wants to be a Teacher is touching and Reader is There For It and waving the biggest fucking embarrassing banner she can find at Graduation.
Fuyumi also gives The Stinkiest Side Eye whenever Reader just eats an entire box single-pack ramen noodles for dinner on late nights/busy seasons for work.
"Did you eat today?"
"Does 3 packages of Ramen count as eating--"
The TRAUMA with this one. Touya is going to be the kid that parents think of when they go "I hope you have a kid JUST LIKE YOU" only then Reader will shove her foot up their ass. He was raised just as brutally as Shouto was training wise, but then as soon as his Quirk started to show some drawbacks he was dropped like a sack of hot potatoes in favor of his literal baby brother.
This crushed his self-worth and he took it out on his Siblings (especially Shouto). Of all the siblings, Touya is going to be the one that holds out on Reader the longest. He just doesn't believe her when she tells him that it's ok to hurt, or that he's still worth something. There will be some INTENSE family therapy sessions with just the two of them, along with joint family therapy sessions to work through the trauma and abuse. Honestly that's not even going to cut it...and that's where Papa Yama has to step in and give him an outlet in the form of the Kickboxing Gym.
Sometimes you just have to punch a photo of your shitlord dad that your Aunt tapes to a punching bag for you to address your feelings.
Reader and Ryuko work together and find a quirk therapist to help Touya work through the drawbacks of his high-temperature fire, and one day he comes to Reader and asks if he can be a hero like he is with his flaws and all, and she doesn't even hesitate when she tells him "of fucking course you can, you are perfect just as you are."
He may have ended up dropping his cup and crying but then when it shows up in a display cabinet Kintsugi style...
"Oh shit? Am I the Kintsugi?"
"Yes you idiot you're my Kintsugi and I love you."
"You are a fucking sap"
"I am YOUR fucking sap get over here and give me a hug"
"Ew no fuck off--I SAID NO, STOP CRYING--goddamnit, fine."
Will low key (or maybe just high-key) eviscerate anybody who threatens Reader once he's older. That is HIS Emotional Support Aunt and he'll FIGHT YOU ABOUT IT. Also fiercely protective of his siblings (maybe Izuku and Shouto more so than the others, but this is Big Brother Privileges ok so fuck off)
Random Stranger: You Bitch!
Shouto and Natsuo: I got your flower, go kick their ass, Bro.
Izuku and Fuyumi: NO TOUYA NO--
Touya is also allowed to blast all the Punk Rock Emo shit he wants even if he's embarrassed that Reader knows ALL THE WORDS and sings them SO FUCKING LOUD when his friends are over. They think she's cool. He knows she's a dork.
5. Does she still do kickboxing or go to her dad's gym?
Yeah, she still shows up from time to time at the gym! She's never NOT going to be there; that was like her second home! Admittedly she's rusty as fuck, but there was No Way that Ryuko and Yama were going to let her just NOT know self defense!
She ended up spending a lot of her free time there growing up, so she's got a decent relationship with the entire gym staff and clientele. Yama has a soft spot for lost causes, so he works a lot with troubled youth programs, giving kids a productive outlet and working through their issues/providing a safe space and positive role model.
As a result most of the reformed thugs in the area and gym patrons are basically like her extended fucking bodyguard network, but she doesn't know it at all. Except when the more vocal ones offer to jump Endeavor, which she knows is a one way ticket to jail so she DOES discourage that.
Yagi thinks it's funny that about 10 high-school aged punks try to corner him one day at the combini after patrol threatening to fight him for Reader's honor. They don't know he's All Might
6. What's her mom like?
Keiko knows what it's like to have people judge you for appearances; girls in her time were supposed to be quiet, small, and demure. Keiko can pick up a fully loaded semi truck and chuck it through the 8th story of a 7-story building. So when Yama shows up, gruff as shit with a soft gooey inside?
She saw that big, burly dragon man and basically screamed "Dibs".
Keiko Tatsuma Does No harm but Takes No Shit. Keiko is the mom that makes homemade pancakes every Sunday, but if you so much as look at her kid wrong she'll break you with her bare hands. She's...a big inspiration to Reader and was the mother she always wanted.
Those are her New Grandkids and they will have UNBRIDLED LOVE AND AFFECTION.
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My fav part in Stayed Gone is when Al is bullying him, Vox tries to physically block Al's radio
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And then the next scene it shows that Vox didn't block shit and just recreated Alastor's radio on his TVs to rp himself doing literally anything to effect the situation meanwhile, in reality, nothing has actually changed.
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Which is??? Honestly???? So embarrassing for him. Why do you have Al's radio room saved like a fucking screensaver you absolute gay loser
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skylathescholar · 2 months
So I’m watching Danny Phantom for the first time and in S1 E27, the Fenton Menace (great name, btw) Youngblood makes his second appearance. When he first showed up I was like “oh my word this is a child who died, that’s so freaking sad” and like yeah, but that’s standard for the show. Now you’re telling me he only appears to kids? As in adults never see him? Never notice him?
That. That brings up some implications I really don’t wanna think about.
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strawbuddy-luv · 3 days
Thinking about Tim accidently adopting Maps the same way Bruce adopted him-
Like Maps showing up to save Tim's ass, because he's losing in a fight (that he should definitely be winning but "fOr sOmE rEaSoN" isn't). Afterwards Tim's like "Kid you cannot be out here", but Maps ends up following him around, as he tries to escape via rooftops, and after like 30 minutes of convincing, Tim is (partially forced) to bring her back to his house(/Nest) because "She has no where to sleep :(". And then two seconds after she lays down to nap Tim calls Jason in a panic
When Jason shows up Tim just opens the door to reveal a child sleeping on his couch.
Jason: ...You really are a Bruce mini, you're stealing children now Timbit?
Tim, slightly hysterical: No, no no, its worse than that. She showed up in the middle of a fight, that I was totally winning, saved my ass, revealed she knows who I am, demanded she become my protégé, claimed I was "a danger to myself and others" and I "Needed someone to ground me like Robin grounds Batman", and then she gaslit me into bringing her back to my house.
Jason: Oh my God she's just like you
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rainbow-nerdss · 2 months
Buck goes over to Tommy's place late one morning, coffees in hand. They agreed to go out today, maybe go for a walk in a nearby park or something, no solid plans for the day other than spending it together.
When Buck gets there, though, he feels something is wrong. The curtains are closed, for one thing. And when Buck knocks, he doesn't hear any immediate movement towards the door. Usually, Tommy opens the door before Buck even makes it up the drive.
But today, Buck knocks, and he waits.
Had Tommy gotten held late at work? Buck knows he had a shift that was supposed to end a few hours before, but maybe he got stuck with overtime and didn't have a chance to call or text. But his car is there, in the same place it always is, and there hasn't been anything on the news about any major disasters.
Buck knocks again and considers calling or texting when he finally hears shuffling on the other side of the door, then the jingle of keys before the door opens.
Tommy is... A mess, honestly.
His hair is sticking up in every direction, old sweatpants with a hole at the knee, and a worn out old hoodie which Tommy shoves his hands back into the pockets of when he sees Buck.
"Hey, Evan." He swallows, voice think with some heavy emotion. "I'm so sorry, I... I forgot we had plans today, I—" he's hunched into himself, and he looks smaller than Buck's ever seen him.
"Tommy," Buck reaches for him with the hand that isn't holding the coffee cups. "What happened? Are you okay?"
Tommy shrugs, hesitating before stepping aside to let Buck in. "Rough shift," he says after an extended silence. "Everyone... The team all made it out, but... We lost someone. I lost someone."
Buck sets the coffee cups down on the entrance table and pulls Tommy into a hug, tucking his head into his shoulder and holding him tight. Slowly, Tommy's hands raise enough to wrap around Buck's waist.
"I don't think I'm gonna be much company today," Tommy sniffs after a while. Buck can feel a wet patch on his shoulder, but doesn't mention it.
The fact that Tommy trusts him enough to be this vulnerable with feels like something sacred, something he's been searching desperately for. Up to now, Tommy has been the one adjusting to make space for what Buck needs, but it's time for Buck to step up, to be there for Tommy.
"I get it, but I'm here." Buck kisses Tommy's cheekbone, just below his eye and he tastes the salty tang of tears there. "If you'd rather be alone, I-I get it. I can go home, and we can reschedule this. But, Tommy, I don't care if all we do is sit on your couch in the dark, okay? Whatever you need, I'm here."
Tommy holds Buck tighter for a moment.
"Evan," he says, in the same way he always says it. Like it's a something precious and delicate and wonderful. Buck's not sure where it came from, but he adores it.
"What do you usually do after a bad shift?' Buck asks.
Tommy sniffs, and it takes a while to answer. "Usually..." He clears his throat. "Usually I curl up in bed or on the couch and watch a rom-com. I know, it's a little—"
"Don't you dare say it's embarrassing," Buck warns, cupping Tommy's jaw and running his thumb over the stubble there. "Go make yourself comfortable, drink your coffee, pick a movie. I'll make us some snacks and join you in a minute, okay?"
Half an hour later, Buck settles on the couch—the coffee table full of popcorn, chopped vegetables and dips to snack on.
Buck reclines against the arm, and pulls Tommy on top of him, head on his chest. It's a tight fit, but from the way Tommy settles into him, Buck knows it's what he needs.
Tommy hits play, and Buck smiles at the opening monologue. "Love Actually?" He asks.
Tommy makes a sound, a soft sort of hum. "It's... kind of my favourite," he admits.
Buck smiles and kisses the top of Tommy's head, then replaces his lips with his fingers, running them over Tommy's scalp.
"That's really cute."
Tommy nestles in closer to Buck's chest, and neither of them say anything else for a while.
"Thanks," Tommy says, when they're about halfway through the movie. "For staying."
Buck kisses his head again, and Tommy lifts himself up a little so he can turn and kiss Buck on the lips, instead before settling back against his chest.
"Thank you, for letting me stay. For letting me look after you."
The words are on the tip of his tongue as he looks down and watches Tommy turn his attention back to the movie, watches him mouth along to a handful of lines.
I love him, he thinks. He doesn't say it out loud, not yet, but the realisation is soft, and warming, and perfect. And he will say it, soon. When the time is right. And he hopes Tommy will say it back.
For now though, Tommy is like a weighted blanket on his chest, comforting and warm, and Buck's content to just stay here for as long as he can.
They'll put on another movie, finish the snacks, maybe order takeout for dinner later, and Tommy will smile again, will laugh again, will kiss Buck the same way he says his name.
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piratefishmama · 11 months
I think yall are seriously underutilizing the actual "will help u without judgement" hero of the show when it comes to these sexuality discussions in fanfic.
Mr Clarke.
Like, I bet, without hesitation, Scott Clarke would help a bitch through figuring out their sexuality in a calm and safe environment.
He'd talk you through it, give you the facts, explain the differences between sexualities, and he's a man of science, he'd KNOW about them all, probably got curious one day and curiosity voyaged himself into being the actual gay yoda of Hawkins, whether he's gay or not, he just knows about it. It's just another thing he knows he can help kids with, knows he can help them feel safe and accepted.
Let's be real all the party kids have been in middle school. He'd KNOW them all, including Robin, Steve, and Eddie
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My entry for a prompt week we organized on the SatoSho Discord Server. The prompt was Soft Touches
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bluegiragi · 3 months
hi i love ur stuff espc ghostprice... u don't have to but i'd looooove if u made a textpost or smth rlly going into ur perception of their dynamic & stuff cause i think u get them...
waaah thank you so much anon, i've been wanting to go on a long rant about these two again!! it's all under the cut, so that i'm not making y'all scroll for ages <3
one of my patrons really nailed it when they said that ghost and price love each other, but they're not in love with each other. I kind of always see their relationship as a means to an end, which isn't a bad thing at all! they both genuinely care for each other, and i just think that they're the type of people to become what the other needs out of sincere affection.
price, as ghost's captain, represents the authority figure he needs in his life (*cough cough* daddy issues *cOUGH*) which is to say he's someone that ghost trusts implicitly. The loyalty he has to price means almost more to him than it does to the man in question, because it's reliable and consistent, which is what Simon values most. The sky is blue, grass is green and Simon Riley will follow Captain John Price until the end.
But he's also not a blind follower - they butt heads often, especially now that they've grown to respect each other more and can have those discussions without fear of damaging their working relationship. Simon's independence is attractive to Price, as well as how good he is at his job. Simon's loyalty means more when he knows that he's more than capable on his own. It means that, when thing's are really in the shit, Simon on some level trusts Price more than himself.
But in saying all this - i don't think they're built to be anything more than lifelong friends who have casual sex together. And also, I don't think either of them want to be more than that, really. They're both extremely competent, extremely sharp, violent men who care for each other and need an outlet sometimes. Neither of them are capable of fully lifting the other out of the hole, but they can at least make it comfortable down there.
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prettyboytsum · 5 months
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ tying a tie I nanami kento pairings: nanami x reader tags: slice of life series (potentially?), fluff wc: 354
8:04 AM "darling, i know how to tie a tie."
"just—give me a second alright," you shush, hand on your hip and the other on the tie as you focus on the video tutorial playing. your brow furrowed in concentration as you repeat the steps to yourself.
"i loop this over this," you whisper, an amused look on nanami's face as you try to replicate the practiced steps he does every morning before work. "then i tighten—i tighten this?" "mhm, not quite," he responds jokingly, which earns a glare from you. nanami has always been capable of tying a tie. he's done it every day for more than a decade—to work, to dates, to ensuring that gojo dresses presentably when needed. but during your movie binge the other night, you had come to the (mundane) conclusion that you have never had a moment of tying a tie for him before he's off to work. "it's a cliché in every movie we've seen," you whined then as you were both getting ready for bed. nanami was already settled on his side while you lifted the shared blanket to tuck yourself in. "how are we supposed to tell our kids we fell in love!" "are we not?" "clearly, not! if i've never even tied a tie—" you grumble to yourself as turn the lampshade off with a pout. which leads you to now and your very poor attempt at getting nanami dressed for a long day at work. "there!" you say, pleased with yourself. nanami, in all his efforts, has to bite back a smile when he sees how crooked and loose the fabric is. he's been standing in the living room with his briefcase and cup of coffee in hand for the past 20 minutes while humoring you. "are we in love now?" nanami pokes, the amusement dripping over. "yes, very in love," you nod, clearly satisfied as you give him his usual goodbye kiss and a pat on the chest. his heart stutters. nanami kento, a man of routine and perfection, has his coworkers wondering why he started the day with a lovestruck smile and hastily tied tie.
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author's note: head in hands...nanami my beloved...honestly thinking of making a slice of life series for him because in some universe, this man deserves a break T__T ⓒ prettyboytsum 2024. all works are posted under this account on tumblr.com and are protected by copyright laws. do not plagiarise these works on any other platform or account.
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brimay · 4 months
Sometimes I feel normal and then I remember that Peeta is canonically the only person Katniss found truly attractive. And she married him.
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dazesanddoodles · 1 year
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crazy how they’re actually dating in canon right now
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savvylittlecoxswain · 2 months
Characters Bios for The Boys in the Boat
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gallusrostromegalus · 29 days
Is Sakura Kinomoto in AEIWAM because I didn’t think I’d ever see your take on her but if Clow is there then the Best Girl might be there too
Yeah, but she's two grades behind Yuzu and Karin so they haven't seen her in person since they started middle school. Yuzu was closer friends with Tomoyo because of their mutual interest in fiber craft and cute stuff, but still follows her elementary school's Facebook page and shows Karin any time she appears in a sports photo. Karin hopes Sakura is going to their middle school next year because the girls soccer team REALLY needs a new Center Midfielder and Sakura would be GREAT.
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itsnobodysproblem · 3 months
So like
What very specific ao3 tag do you go absolutely balls to the walls crazy for?
Like i don't mean fluff or hurt/comfort or even stuff like sharing a bed. I mean something that might be in less than 1% of the fics you're interested in. Something that might elicit the response "wait, that's a tag? I mean i guess but-" from your friends, or at least create general confusion and/ or concern.
I'll go first
Mine's hypothermia
Absolutely insane for that shit. I check ao3 for new hypothermia fics in my favourite fandoms like every 2 or 3 months. I... Ok It's cuddling to save a life, what's not to like? It's a way of having your characters in danger of death but have them be basically fine the next day.
(I mean yea I'm aware that irl moderate to severe hypothermia can have lasting effects but-)
And I mean unless it's real bad and they lose some fingers it's pretty chill on the physical consequences (ha, chill!) so that's a plus
The contrast between the frozen one being like "actually I've stopped shivering so ig I'm doing better. I'm even warm" and the rescuer knowing those are you're-at-death's-doorstep symptoms??? DISGUSTING I LOVE IT
GAH!! Just-
Yea man, I'm so normal about this
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idyllcy · 10 months
couple tiktoks with the robins
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Word count: ~ 700
Summary: cheesy tiktok trends with the robins :3
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𓅫. "Heard you're looking for a boyfriend" - Tim Drake
"'kay, just," you show Tim the tiktok, fingers laced together, practically begging him to do the tiktok with you. Tim grimaces, but it's minimal effort, so he listens. He stands to the side as the audio plays from your shared airpods, waiting for you to move the camera to the side. He hates to admit it, but as he steps next to you to lean on the mirror, raising a brow with a mask on and your eyes light up, his breath catches in his throat. You're always so pretty— too pretty. You're always so pretty. And god, if doing couple trends meant that you'd stare at him like that, then he'd do all of them with you. (Though, he has to make sure none of his friends finds out about them. The embarrassment would eat him alive) Tim waits for you to stop recording, the noise going off in his ear as he steps next to you, staring at the tiktok. He looks just as lovesick as you. "Aww, you're supposed to look a little intimidating." You mumble quietly. "You're looking at me too cheesily" "You look too excited too." Tim sticks his tongue out at you, pointing at the way your pupils were blown wide. "Maybe we're both just lovesick fools." Tim doesn't see a problem with that.
𓅫. "she is the best thing that's ever been mine" - Jason Todd
"I know this is a trend for sapphics but please please please PLEASE—" You beg. "The only photos I'd be able to put are the ugly ones of you." Jason rolls his eyes. "No." "But you have a whole album of—" "No." You pout, jutting out your bottom lip at Jason as he wavers slightly. He doesn't even have capcut downloaded. He doesn't want to download it. It's just a silly tiktok trend, and sure you're obsessed with showing him off on your private social media, but there was no way he was posting you on his accounts. You grumble, going back to scrolling through your phone, typing on it, and Jason assumes that you're complaining to your friends about how he won't do the trend. He goes back to his own phone, putting his airpod back on, a video playing. You could complain all you want— He wasn't doing it. Yet, the recently deleted app on his phone and the newly downloaded video on his hidden album suggest anything but. Stupid. It's in his drafts. (Not that he'd tell you.)
𓅫. "Oh, I can't stop singing" - Damian Wayne
"Stay still." You set your phone on the table as you squish onto Damian's lap, and he raises a brow at you, setting his pencil down. He notices your phone recording, and you pull out your lipstick. Damian pauses. He knows this audio. He's pretty sure one of his classmates was showing him it a while ago. You draw half a heart onto your cheek, pressing your cheek to his affectionately, warmth pressed to Damian's cheeks, leaving the mark of a heart... no you drew the half the wrong way. You pause, the mistake registering in your head as the audio continues playing. "Habibbti, I don't think—" You burst into laughter at the accident, hiding your face in his collar, kicking your legs in embarrassment. Damian purses his lips in amusement with you, running his hand down your back soothingly while shaking slightly. That was funny. "Sorry for messing up and making you pause." You stop laughing after a while. Damian smiles, shaking his head, reaching for a wet wipe on his desk. "Would you like to try again?" Who are you to say no?
𓅫. "stay with me, I don't want you to leave" -Dick Grayson
"Okay, so—" "I'm in." Dick gives you two thumbs up. "I recognize this audio." "I really can't surprise you with any couple trend, huh?" You laugh. "Sweetheart, I'm on Tiktok more than you." Dick smiles, handing you your lipstick. You pout, taking it anyway, peppering Dick's face with kisses before the lipstick dries, smudging some of the kisses, letting the others look fine on their own on others. Dick presses kisses back to your skin while you reapply the lipstick, some of the red on his lips getting on yours, causing you to pout. He was getting you red too. You finish, eventually. (Dick's face is practically a red mess from both you and the lipstick) You step to the side to wipe the lipstick he got onto your face, setting up your phone and starting the tiktok. Dick stares at you the whole time, eyes gentle, sick with an affection reserved for only you, lips pulled into a foolish smile. You pout when you ruin your lipstick, only for Dick to reach for your chin, the phone panning to his face, a mess of red on his face, a stupid smile on his face, eyes crinkled, holding all of the love in the world for you and only you. (and god do you melt at the sight)
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whoever this beloved anon was I am so touched by your kindness! You definitely didn’t have to do this but I am so happy you enjoy this idea and I will happily expand upon it for you!
this is just a collection of word vomit bullet points for the time being but I will happily answer any and all questions about this pair!!
warnings: violence, angst, child death (Sarah Miller), foul language, the same warnings that apply to tlou, reader is Sarah's mom and described as having similar features to her. 
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So the general Idea is that you and Joel are happily married before the outbreak. 
You had been Sarah's mother, his high school sweetheart he got pregnant when neither of you were old enough to have any reaction to the pregnancy test other than a fucking panic attack in one another’s arms. but you made it work 
you both worked but made time for one another and your sweet girl, going to museums every other weekend and joel insisting on swooping you off for a date every now and then 
nothing special. He knows you’re more of a diner gal than anything too fancy that makes you both feel out of place. 
On his birthday in 2003, you had planned to tell him that you were pregnant again. But the memories of your own fears of motherhood from all those years ago begin to swirl through your head again and you get cold feel. deciding to tell him the morning after
it is his birthday afterall, you want to focus on him. 
but when you’re woken up in the middle of the night because tommy needs to get bailed out, Joel kisses you sweetly one last time before promising he’ll be back and you can’t shake the feeling that something bad is happening. 
its you that shakes sarah awake that night. shouting at her to put on her shoes when she’s still rubbing the sleep from her eyes because you’ve been listening to the radio for the past two hours, calling joel again and again and again praying for him to fucking pick up but to no avail. 
Sarah, bless your little girl’s bleeding heart is the one who insists you check on the adler’s against your better suspicions and when you find the eldest looming over her daughter, blood and sinew dripping from her mouth, you grab your daughter hand and burst into a full sprint until something slams into your back and sends you tumbling onto their front lawn
its how joel finds you, struggling to keep the once sweet old woman, whose now nothing more than dead eyes and gnashing teeth straining to snap at your pulse point as you push against her while sarah shrieks before your husband runs forward and cracks her skull with a wrench. 
there’s hardly a moment of pause, just enough for him to pull you up and into his arms before he’s ushering you both into the car with an urgency. 
when the truck crashes, you get separated from them. Perhaps at Tommy’s side when the flames rise and create a wall, separating you from your husband, or maybe pulled into the mob of chaos when trying to escape from those already infected-
all joel knows is that you promise you’ll find him: just get sarah to safety and you’ll meet him at the river
Poor thing is already so frightened, held in her father’s arms with tears streaming down her face insisting they can’t leave you they just can’t but her father kisses her forehead and reassures her its going to be okay 
“we just need to be brave, okay babygirl? Your mama’s real tough, she’s gonna be alright.” 
he isn’t sure if he’s saying it to his daughter or himself. 
but when he comes to the river you aren’t there. Only a soldier who points a gun at the scared little girl in his arms and then he loses everything
its when the light is gone from his daughter’s eyes that he realizes. His voice cracked and raw from sobbing that he looks around to see his brother with drawn in shoulders and tears in his eyes but his wife is nowhere to be found. 
Tommy says you got lost in the chaos. Everything was so loud, so sudden that he turned around and suddenly you weren’t there. 
Joel wants to go back but its Tommy that stops him, that dulls the red in his vision to a sad faded pink because his brother points at the orange horizon not too far from them, so much of the city is already in flames. 
“We’re gonna find her, but not there.” 
So Joel searches. for the first year spent in the world post-outbreak its all he did. 
He became a smuggler because of it. 
Information came at a price and he needed to be able to fucking pay it, whether it be in blood or ration cards. He was willing to do anything to find you or any thin thread that lead your way. 
But it’s Tommy that asks him to give up. Not in those words of course. 
The youngest Miller knows better than to say something so cruel that would make his brother, the only person he has in this world turn on him. 
But his voice is worried when he asks him one night in Boston when he hasn’t even had the chance to wash the blood from his knuckles 
“You think she would have wanted this for you?” 
the fight that followed his words was brutal. Vicious insults and scarred fists slamming against each brother until they're both too tired and bloody to continue. Each leaning against a wall for support and Tommy’s wavering voice breaking the silence. 
“I don’t know where she is, Joel. But I do know you're gonna get yourself killed if you keep lookin’ for her.” 
All he can do is nod. 
It’s a few days later when he meets Tess. Who has heard plenty of stories about the elder miller’s brutality and wants him to put that muscle to good use for some extra profit. 
It begins his new life. One that empty and cold but one he can live. 
Until of course, Ellie comes along. The sweet and incredibly opinionated girl that makes him become something akin to the man he thought died twenty years ago. 
its when he’s traveling with Ellie, that it happens. When a warm familiarity has settled between the two because so much blood and pain has been shared he can’t help but see her as something close, something bright even though all he can force himself to utter in her reference is “cargo” 
when theyre traveling through the woods as Ellie chatters away, probing his memory about a movie that may or may not have existed thirty years ago because her descriptions of the plot are incredibly odd he hears a voice shout for them to stop and finds himself staring at a man- no, a boy- pointing a gun at them. 
Ellie stills, but Joel can see enough to know that from the lanky figure and dimpled face that he’s young. Maybe twenty, twenty-two at the oldest, but his eyes dart from Joel to Ellie with a pinprick of fear that allows Joel the time to charge forward and slam him to the ground before wrestling the gun from his hands. 
He has enough to time to tuck it under the stranger’s chin before he hears the sound of the safety being turned off and finds himself looking up and seeing a gun just inches from his face. 
Joel’s head whips around when Ellie’s voice calls out his name in fear, he turns to see another stranger holding her a gun point, shoulders drawn back and a shadow cast over their face by the had obstructing their identity. 
“You hurt one of mine, I hurt one of yours. That a fair deal?” 
Its takes him a moment to recognize you. It’s been so long since he’s heard your voice, the sweet tease when you would poke at him each time he woke up late despite the fact that you reminded him to set his alarm the night before, the times you’d chide him with a harsh “Joel Miller!” whispered in public anytime he was able to grab you a bit too passionately to be appropriate in public but the laughter in your voice let him know you were never truly mad at him. You didn’t know how to be. 
But that sweetness is buried under a cold rasp that cuts through the air as you point a rifle at the scared little girl in front of you.
“You think I won’t?” You’re older now, skin covered in scars from a life he didn’t know you got the chance to live and your eyes are cold as they regard your husband. “Put the gun down and get the fuck off of him, I won’t repeat myself.” 
Joel mumbles your name in awe. The woman he loved, the woman he mourned the one he fought so hard to find stands before him like some sort of hallucination and suddenly the world feels like its spinning until you bark orders at him again. 
“You’ve got five seconds Joel, make a fucking choice before I make it for you.” 
He looks down and realizes the boy under him, the one with the bleeding nose and snarling face has your eyes and his dimples. 
The one above him has Sarah’s hair. Soft brown curls that shine under the sun. 
Wait. No, they both do.
Twins. Jesus fucking Christ you had twins. 
Joel holds the rifle up above his head and the one boy standing snatches it from his grasp, tossing it to the ground and kicking it far from his reach. He slowly stands, allowing your son- dear god your son- to scramble to his feet. 
Your voice softens just for a moment. “You okay, Duke?” 
Blood stains the bottom half of his face from where Joel slammed his fist into the boy’s nose just moments before, but he nods nonetheless. 
Now, they both stand on one side of you and he can see the resemblance clear as day the same way he would whenever Sarah was by your side.
When you order him to hand over his bag, he does so without question before telling Ellie to do the same. 
She watches him with wide eyes, her hands still up in the air but gaping at her companion as if he had grown a second head. 
“Joel!” “Just do it, alright?”
He doesn’t miss the way you watch their interaction with narrowed eyes until she tosses her bag to you and you slowly lower your gun. 
“Now, you want to tell me what the fuck you think you’re doin’ at my home?” 
#joel miller x reader#joel miller x you#i had an idea of something similar for tommy but on outbreak night he uh. abandons you instead of getting separated from you#because. angst :D#people say nice things#this was incredibly generous of you anon thank you so so much!#i may get myself a little starbucks drink this week now because I havent had starbucks since like january 1st lol#joel reeling from taking in all this information and also realizing he suckerpunched HIS OWN KID#id like to apologize for all the grammatical issues with this. this is just a bulletpoint word vomit to get my thoughts on the page before-#-beginning the actual fic. also I have to do a midterm tonight and this is my treat to myself hehe#but yes. joel getting separated from his wife on outbreak night and having to accept that shes probably dead#meanwhile youve lived this entire life without him because you think HES dead ad raising your boys all on your own#which just- further digs into his insecurities about failing in his role as a protector#he couldn't save sarah. he can't save ellie and he couldn't even save you#he thinks about you pregnant and alone. fending for yourself in a world full of infected and raiders and his chest grows tight again#this is all followed by Ellie going >:O 'you KNOW THIS PSYCHO?'and then joel immediately snapping at her to WATCH HER MOUTH#because that kid has no filter and he has to explain that youre his wife#anyways joels wife is a badass mfer who also maybe has a little garden and some chickens that you and your boys take care of <3 yeah .#reunion tag#ill be using that for this specific couple because I dont have a fic title yet but if anybody has suggestions!
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