#fic rec | non ship
always---wrong · 4 months
ITS ANOTHER LIST OF HAZBIN HOTEL FIC RECOMMENDATIONS! Specifically Alastor fics. I don't really read anything else. Also yet again, Platonic/ Non Ship fics. (All on AO3)
For the Hotels Sake by ThatMissedBullet
Alastor is actually being a good friend to Angel after a bad night.
Soft and Platonic Angel and Al. Very fluffy with angst.
When the Morningstar Take Action by Charlie_W_Hawthorn
One of my favorite Alastor Angst writers! I love all their fics.
So, this one is kinda an AU of if Lucifer was a bad person and had a really big grudge against Alastor. He's a real jerk throughout the whole thing.
Everyone gets protective of Al and I love it even if he doesn't. I 100% recommend. There's a sequel that's still updating too.
Of romance and whatnot by DasIchigo
This is one about Al's Aroace-ness. Angel and Charlie ask if he and Rosie are dating. Spoiler Alert the answer is no.
Love, I'm Just A Sinner, I Can't Be A Savior by HellTeaAndBiscuits
This one is ANGSTY and has a lot of nonconsensual touching. Some of the gang learn about the deal Al made and how he's treated. BAD Lilith in this one.
Here's my first list:
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leqclerc · 1 year
Do you have some sebchal recs? I try to look on ao3 but I barely find any, so I imagine most of their fics are more old
Hello! ❤️
Interestingly, I find myself having the opposite problem. I feel like the fandom - and, by extension, the interest in Seb/Charles as a ship - has grown exponentially since 2020. I think there's like forty pages of published works on ao3 right now. Which might not seem like a lot, especially when compared to other juggernaut ships or fandoms, but considering the fact that there were maybe 3 when I first looked up the tag... 😳 Anyway, over time I've kind of figured out what I like and what I don't like in relation to the ship, so these days I tend to be more selective and pick through to find what really speaks to me, what really knocks my socks off, if that makes sense. 😂 We all have different tastes, both as readers and authors, so different people will gravitate toward different things. Not everything scratches the itch, basically. TL;DR: it really depends on what you're looking for and what you like. 👀
That being said, here are some of the fics that made an impression/that I find myself coming back to:
Canon/Canon Adjacent (aka still set somewhere in the realm of F1):
postcards from places that miss you by streetlightsky T | 15,108 words ↳ Seb wanted to leave quietly. That was the one thing he had asked above all else. Or, the one where Seb retires, but Charles refuses to let him disappear. -> I honestly recommend pretty much anything by this author ⭐ immortality on their faces, night at their back by wintrs E | 16,147 words ↳ Sebastian had always wondered about Charles—but maybe he’d known the truth all along, and he’d just never let himself acknowledge it. no flowers, no flashbulbs by superoxide E | 10,736 words ↳ Sebastian frowns, without thinking. They’d both ridiculed the idea of some kind of staged paparazzi friendliness when it had come up. He wonders what has turned Charles around on the idea so suddenly. (Charles has a plan to improve their image; Sebastian is less convinced.) see you falling by redpaint E | 3,653 words ↳ “I can’t— There are no words. No words. I just need to get this out of my head, okay? Before you go.” -> I honestly recommend pretty much anything by this author, especially the 'conflict resolution' series for that 2019 feel⭐ those who miss each other by sionisjaune E | 8,401 words ↳ Charles’s phone is burning a hole in his pocket. This is something he should be filming, but he doesn’t want to. He thinks he shouldn’t, for some reason. He thinks he can keep this encounter for himself. + bonus: (yes I'm sharing my own fic shhhh) been a long year by ssilverarrowss M | 7,123 words ↳ The days stubbornly march forward. Sometimes it feels agonisingly slow, and sometimes it feels like everything is moving too quickly, like Charles is going to blink and all the time he’s spent with Sebastian will be in the rearview, gone forever.
Alternate Universe:
scenes from an american artist by tetrapod M | 9,389 words ↳ Excerpt from an interview with Charles Leclerc. August 1974. Q: How did it all end? CL: The way all relationships end, I suppose. Inevitably. flesh of my flesh by charlotte_stant E | 4,749 words ↳ Sebastian, still smiling, tilts his head and looks at Charles speculatively. “Can I take you for a drive, Father?" he asks. "To continue our conversation. I find myself in need of… spiritual direction.” Charles ought to say no, but he doesn’t even consider it, not really. Sometimes falling is like that: as easy as opening your mouth and saying “Yes.” the language of another world by redpaint G | 2,568 words ↳ Charles is sent down from Oxford (drunkenness, absenteeism, behavior unbecoming of a Balliol man) and becomes the research assistant to a botanist who is doing fieldwork in the Shetland Islands. and VASI to guide you in by anonymous T | 1,375 words ↳ Nobody at the tiny Aeroporto di Maranello Enzo Ferrari can figure out why and how the runway lights manage to stay on through the night—long after curfew and long after the last worker has left the premises, taking the main ops key with them. However, newly promoted Captain Charles Leclerc of floundering charter airline Ferrari Air knows the answer to that question. He just won’t tell it to anyone. Ever. the tools to rebuild by astronomical_light T | 22,645 words ↳ After months of stagnating in his recovery following a high-speed crash, Charles gets referred to a specialist clinic tucked away in the Swiss mountainside that feels as much like a high-end wellness retreat as it does a physical rehabilitation program. He doesn’t have many expectations going into it, but he knows one thing for sure—he definitely wasn’t expecting Sebastian.
Seb/Charles feat. other pairings:
stringe il cuore della stella morente by partywitharichzombie E | 14,634 words ↳ The announcement is almost poetic in its sweet simplicity: a photo of Daniel, aged three, the cavallino rampante a stark contrast against the white of his oversized t-shirt, radiant grin as disarming then as it is now. No caption. None necessary. (Daniel signs with Ferrari for 2021 and beyond. He hopes he and Charles can avoid ending up in a scenario of assured mutual destruction.) high speed weekend survivor by babypapaya T | 18,608 words ↳ Formula Student is a student engineering competition held annually in the UK. Student teams from around the world design, build, test, and race a small-scale formula style racing car. (in) clover by tetrapod T | 5,895 words ↳ “I was thinking we could take the boat out,” Charles said. spacetime invariants by distressedgremlin M | 6,615 words ↳ Lewis arrived midway through the season of dust storms. Sebastian met him on a shabby starport that barely clung to the atmosphere of a frozen-over planet, the only one within forty light-days’ distance that the dust did not reach.
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simmonsized · 11 months
Idk about other people but I’m always a slut for that old man and I think you got amazing taste so pls rec anything you like anywhere
I think you will find that my taste is actually kind of garbage but like, in a fun way that makes you go "wow really???" rather than being so embarrassed for me that you can never look at me again. of course that would be fine too haha you know, don't yuck my yum etc but I will try to put together my unfuckable old man rec list right here, right now, and we can all just live with that
(mostly because titling a post makes me cringe it's too much attention, and I'm a stereotype)
These come from a section of my actual Fic Rec List, which is massive (by my standards), lives in a googly doc, and is much more embarrassing. this list generally won't include any ship stuff and if it does, i will say so. mind any and all tags.
This section is titled: The Redemption Narrative (lol)
1. Empty Nester - egomaniac (THE WHOLE REASON I MADE A NEW LIST. BRO AND NANNA!!!!!!!!!!!! also bro/grandpa, aka “he fucks that old man”, but not the most important part to me, because as good and tragic and hurtful as their relationship is in this fic, it is dwarfed, to me, by the kindness shared between Nanna and Bro, which once again, to me, is the Crown Jewel of the whole story. PLEASE read this please if u have time A++ endorsement)
2. dualshock desertbloom (the whole fucking series. i hardly need to say why, you should just know by now. i call dd dirkfic, because it is The Dirkfic, u know??)- geometrician (🔶)
3. sun’s angle - dellaluce (they can orphan it all they want but i never forget. very old, but never GETS old, u feel)
4. Hexadyne Meetings - Saesama (the rarity of bro and nanna fics could absolutely destroy me but i really like the interactions between all of the guardians in this one)
5. Flop, Flutter - cthchewy (technicality, big nasty soulless bro yikes sorry)
6. The Estrangement Thing - NoBrandHero (there’s a theme here listen to me don’t be doubtful it’s worth the trouble, there is brojohn in there, which is not my thing at all, but it is NOT relevant to what i like about this fic, and i think if u read it, u will realize that immediately lol (*i am not including second best even though that fic is literally my favorite ds fic ever because it is NOT bro centric))
7. cold front off the pacific - drow_sy (i actually read this bc geometrician bookmarked it lol but it punches down on u and i like that)
8. insect clockwork - SORD (aka, if it was written pre-2013, i’ve read it)
9. Flashing Lights and Raisins - RadioMoth (the strider manpain tag exists for a reason)
10. Hide - Plajus (OG post-sburb type shit. we love to see it)
11. Blackout - lantadyme (bro strider sick fic. Wrow. old shit. I don’t even know how i have held onto these for this many years.)
Things that don't quite fit into the category necessarily but It's MY List Not Yours:
12. signs at sundown - geometrician (I don't need to say it, do I? I think we understand, I do think that. Imagine being canon together with you favorite author. Imagine it. Wow.)
13. No Homo - Laurasauras (bro/dennis. yes, dennis from gamebro. yes, it's good i've said it before i'll say it again. i'm into it, i think you should be too.)
14. flash - problemsloth (this shit is just. absolute chef's kiss to me. i don't know how else to explain it. young bro. he's perfect, and perfectly dreadful)
15. play ball! - spacepuck (this is a johndave fic but it has this very stressful atmosphere around bro and dave that kinda fucks me up and also, delights me beyond reason. it tastes like summer to me. sandlot lookin ass. an old favorite)
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Famous/non-famous fics
One Direction fics in this genre I've enjoyed, updated as I find more. See also masterpost for more fic recs.
A fanperson's fantasy writ large
You you you by isthatyoularry
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wizardnuke · 1 year
okay for everyone who has asked bc it has been several of you i am currently working on a cr2 fic rec list.hold me to it
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lockwood-fic-recs · 4 months
yesterday we were just children
by JennaTalbot on ao3
Rating: E | Category: F/M | Relationship: Lockwood/Lucy
“Promise me he’ll live."
“Of course, darling,” Marissa purred. “I always keep my promises. Lockwood will live, if you say yes.”
“I’ll do it,” Lucy said softly.
He had thought that was the end. He’d been wrong. That had merely been the beginning, the necessary setup and context to the finale that had just played out in front of him while he lay against the cabinetry, helpless.
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kingofthering · 8 months
Hey! Can you maybe tag your writing that is about real people tag as such? It's not really something I like, but I love your blog and wouldn't want to unfollow you. This way I can block it from my timeline and still see all the other great content you make and reblog. Hope it's okay I asked, if not just ignore this please
Hi, I actually already tag my writing stuff as rpf (always in the first 5 tags because I’m no longer sure of how tumblr works around tags).
And if this refers to the latest posts of the day, the writing things that aren’t full fics are tagged writing stuff (and obviously all my writing is rpf since this is a sideblog dedicated to motorsports).
And every rpf content I reblog is tagged with fic.
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mneiai · 1 year
I've been reading some House of the Dragon fics, because while I outright hate some of the things that show has done with the plots/characterizations/etc there are also some interesting moments to be exploited (much like with GOT), and if you're looking for some interesting AUs, I'm enjoying these ones:
The Sons of the Dragon is an Aemond/Jace series with some great relationships between Jace and Rhaenys, Jace and Alicent, and Jace and Cole (who is his father, something I always enjoy lol). It starts out with a change to the infamous Driftmark episode and leads to the two boys fostering together, and from there the interesting changes keep happening. There's a lot of Rhaenyra and Daemon bashing, but the fic is HotD based, not just F&B based, and it works well in the verse.
The Fate of the Dowager Queen has Alicent time travel just far enough back to maybe avoid the worst of everything. It has a lot of her having to come to terms with what she did and didn't do in the life before and some very amusing parts where she realizes how much she didn't know or had made the wrong assumptions about things. It's got sweet Alicent & Rhaenyra and some well thought out changes that Alicent could do.
The Bitter Spring is another time travel AU, with Rhaenyra going back in time to just before her mother dies. It warns in the tags that it won't go the way readers are expecting and it really, really doesn't, but it's a fun divergence from the norm and the writer puts in lots of amusing nods to later history. It has a strong thread of past Daemon/Rhaenyra from the timeline before and that is also the endgame ship.
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yoshifawful64 · 2 years
for some reason sometimes i get into the mood to read gay shipfics specifically from (often bad) media i’m probably never gonna watch
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lilprincegoo · 2 years
see you through the screen by greyspace
Alternate Universe - Social Media, Online Friendship, Fluff, Angst, Slow Burn, Idol Jeon Jungkook, Idol/Fan, Secret Identity
126.6k words
rating: T
It started when kookie97 followed kimtaetae, a popular internet blogger and superfan of the famous Korean pop idol Jeon Jeongguk. Or: Taehyung befriends his favorite singer without even knowing it.
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somet-hingu-nique · 2 years
How did I miss this?? I’m all for Bang Season and I missed one!
The Cap Reverse Big Bang 2022 @capreversebb started dropping fics and i’m only just finding out now because I was boredom-scrolling tumblr?
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diapurple · 3 months
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Smaug Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Smaug Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Asexual Relationship, Russian Translation Available Summary:
This was what Bilbo noticed: for all that the dragon was a monstrous thing beyond Bilbo's imagination – it reminded Bilbo of the little lizards that would sometimes sunbathe on the rocks in his garden back home in the same sense that this mountain palace reminded him of those rocks – the dragon seemed prey to the same ordinary failing as any creature that thought rather too much of itself.
And that was, of course, its vanity.
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vent-stink · 3 days
Stink's Ultimate Ateez Rec List (1)
As of 18/5/24
🌟 = personal all-time favorite 🔥 = smut
OT8/Multiple Members
poly!Ateez/poly!ship name x reader = all members are in a relationship with each other
Ot8/shipname x reader = all members are after/share reader
Ateez/Member x reader = all members are after or have been/will be with reader individually
Circus [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Hybrid AU) by @lani-heart🔥🌟
Blinding Lights [ongoing] (poly!Seongjoong(?) x Reader | Mafia AU) by @kpoppers-anonymous 🔥🌟
Player 1117 [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Dark Fantasy Otome AU) by @peachesyeo 🌟
like the moon [ongoing] (poly!Ateez x Reader | Non-idol Clan(?) AU) by @sunmoonjune 🌟 no smut (yet?) but rated mature
pirate king [completed] (pirate!Hongjoong x Reader, pirate!Wooyoung x Reader) by @chaseatinydream 🌟
Cleopatra [ongoing] (Ot8(?) x pharaoh!Reader) by @thelargefrye 🔥🌟
Dragon From the Window [ongoing] (poly!dragon!Ateez x witch!Reader) by @thelargefrye 🔥
subtle variations of heartbreak [completed] (Ateez x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🔥🌟
Starring Role [completed] (San x Reader, Mingi x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🔥🌟
blurred lines and lies [completed] (Yeosang x Reader, Jongho x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @yuyusuyu
time of love [completed] (poly!Woosan x reader | Non-idol SMAU) by @desayunho 🔥🌟
this night together [ongoing] (alpha!yungi x omega!reader) by @honeyhotteoks 🔥🌟
Coffee House Diaries SERIES [6/8 completed | 2/8 ongoing] (Ateez x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @escapewriter
Misfits [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @tainsan 🌟 no smut yet but I think there will be
His to Take [completed] (Wooyoung x Reader, Yeosang x Reader | High-school AU) by @santheestallion 🔥
Gentle (owner!Seonghwa x bunny hybrid!reader x fox hybrid!wooyoung) by @cheollipop 🔥
Black Ocean SERIES [completed] (pirate!Ateez x Reader) by @bvidzsoo!
whichever way [ongoing] (poly!woosan x aro!reader) by @igbylicious poly might not be the best descriptor for this one but it's okay they all fuckin 🔥🌟
murphy's law [completed] (alien!poly(?)!Ot8(?) X Reader) by @atzfilm all members are soulmates but not all romantically involved 🔥
We Ransacked The City [completed] (rich snobs!Seongjoong x reader) by @tenelkadjowrites 🔥
sway with me [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Space AU) by @luvt0kki 🔥
Our Precious [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @xerotiny99 🔥
Seonghwa Fics
mr & mrs park. (Seonghwa x Reader | Mafia AU) by @baekhvuns 🔥🌟
you're the one that I want [completed] (bad boy!Seonghwa x Reader) by @ateezmakemeweep 🔥🌟
playing with fire [completed] (sugar daddy!Seonghwa x Reader) by @ateezmakemeweep 🔥🌟
The Way to His Heart [completed] (general!Seonghwa x Reader | Joseon Era Arranged Marriage AU) by @edenesth
amazing grace (churchboy(?)!Seonghwa x Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥
Take Me Home [completed] (faerie prince!Seonghwa x OC) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟
Compass of Our Hearts (pirate!Seonghwa x reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo
iced americano [completed] (Seonghwa x Reader | Non-idol SMAU) by @escapewriter
Hongjoong Fics
Wanbelyn [completed] (surgeon!single dad!Hongjoong x nurse!nanny!Reader| SMAU) by @songmingisthighs 🌟
marigold (frat boy!Hongjoong x best friend!Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3! 🔥
Blue Skies [completed] (producer!Hongjoong x single mom!Reader | SMAU) by @hanniiesuckle17
I'm the One (prince!Hongjoong x Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟
The Nightfury (pirate captain!Hongjoong x pirate captain!Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo
White Love (ice prince!Hongjoong x fire princess!Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic
Stitched Hearts [completed] (dressmaker!Hongjoong x noblewoman!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth
Yunho Fics
Music of the Heart [ongoing] (ex-childhood friend!Yunho x Reader | SMAU) by @noonaishere 🌟
The Cat and Dog Game [ongoing] (restaurant owner!Yunho x chef!Reader) by @makeitmingi
Project: Make You Love Me [completed] (Yunho x Reader ft. fboy!Seonghwa | Non-idol AU) by @hwaslayer 🔥🌟
killing me (frat boy!Yunho x Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥
Seeing Myself in You [completed] (idol!Yunho x idol!Reader | SMAU) by @hanniiesuckle17 🔥
Guerilla (serial killer!surgeon!Yunho x crime fiction author!Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟
Promise (prince!Yunho x princess!Reader | Arranged Marriage AU) by @sorryimananti-romantic
opposites attract (tutor!Yunho x popular!Reader) by @tainsan 🔥
the drill (Yunho x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @byuntrash101 🔥
summer's dive/summer's storm/summer's end (brother's best friend!Yunho x Reader) by @santheestallion 🔥
summer nights/summer's end (roommate!Yunho x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @honeyhotteoks 🔥
the fall (idol!Yunho x dancer!Reader) by @honeyhotteoks
dance for you [completed] (dancer!Yunho x dancer!Reader) by @santheestallion 🔥🌟
Irrevocable Love (pirate!Yunho x Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo 🌟
chai latte [ongoing] (Yunho x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter
Little Touch of Heaven [completed] (physician!Yunho x herbalist!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth
Yeosang Fics
Entropy (Yeosang x Reader | Mafia AU) by @in-san-ity 🔥🌟
lessons in intimacy (camboy!yeosang x reader) by @honeyhotteoks🔥🌟
Better (Yeosang x Reader | Mafia Rival AU) by @sorryimananti-romantic
Salty tears, agog whispers (pirate!Yeosang x reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo
matcha latte [completed] (Yeosang x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter
San Fics
back to you [completed] (badboy!San x Reader) by @ateezmakemeweep 🔥🌟
1024UB [completed] (San x Reader | Non-idol Fwb AU) by @bro-atz 🔥
champagne problems [ongoing] (trainee!San x heiress!Reader) by @mingigoo 🔥🌟 no smut yet tho
ceilings [completed] (gym teacher!San x single mom!Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥
Serendipity [completed] (San x Reader | College SMAU) by @staytinys
Mist (San x spirit medium(?)!Reader | High-school AU) by @sorryimananti-romantic
Horizon [completed] (faerieprince!San x OC) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟
An Imprisoned Nightingale (pirate!San x Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo
mocha [completed] (San x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter 🌟
Love to Hate You [ongoing] (royal secretary!San x female scholar!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth
u got it bad (baseball player!San x reporter!Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥
Perfidy (San x Reader | Mafia Au) by @in-san-ity 🔥
Mingi Fics
Cause Baby You're My Muse [completed] (idol!Mingi x producer!Reader) by @makeitmingi
Ditto (Mingi x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @sluttywoozi 🔥
Wave (teacher!Mingi x teacher!Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟
Fine Line of Our Worlds (pirate!Mingi x Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo
iced tea [completed] (Mingi x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter
Wooyoung Fics
tins without labels [discontinued] (Wooyoung x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🌟
Wooyoung's Playlist (Wooyoung x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🔥 spin-off from subtle variations of heartbreak
Midnight Kisses [completed] (best friend!Wooyoung x single mom!Reader ft. San) by @mingigoo 🔥
made for this (churchboy(?)!Wooyoung x Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥🌟
Good Lil Boy (prince!Wooyoung x Princess!reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🔥🌟
If Without You (best friend!Wooyoung x Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic
Heavy is the head that wears the crown (pirate!Wooyoung x princess!Reader | Black Ocean) by 🌟
cold brew [completed] (Wooyoung x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter
Take Me Away (investigator!Wooyoung x courtesan!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth
Jongho Fics
Zemblanity (Jongho x Reader | Mafia AU) by @in-san-ity 🔥🌟
Secret Garden [ongoing] (prince!Jongho x Reader | SMAU) by @staytinys
Time of Love (brother's best friend!Jongho x Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟
Lullaby of the seas (pirate!Jongho x siren!Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo
caramel macchiato [completed] (Jongho x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter
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aethon-recs · 9 months
Tomarrymort Recs by aethon 🐍
Hi! Thank you for your interest in this blog 🤍 This is a rec blog focused exclusively on Tomarrymort recs.
If you're looking for Tomarrymort rec lists, keep reading! I will keep this master list of links updated as I post more rec lists to this blog.
My standard list of rec list disclaimers:
• Please mind all tags and warnings on AO3 before reading (including CCNTW, explanation here). I strive to include a diverse range of fic genres and ratings in my rec lists, so you'll come across lighter fare such as fluff and crack fics, along with fics that may cover darker themes. • Recs are always listed in alphabetical order by title. • Because I'm reccing Tomarrymort ship fics (all ratings from G through E) rather than gen fics, I aim to find fics where both characters in the ship are a meaningful part of the story; there isn't significant focus dedicated to side ships for Harry or Tom before getting to the endgame ship; and the Tomarrymort ship is central to the story. • Finally, this blog is not a fic-finding blog, but please visit our friends at @findingtomarrymort if you're having trouble locating a specific fic!
Tomarrymort Recs Master List
I. Longfic Recs
(coming soon) Part 0 — Longfic Master List (56 fics) Part 1 — Tomarrymort Beginner Pack (10 fics) Part 2 — Intermediate Pack (16 fics) Part 3 — Advanced Pack (12 fics) Part 4 — 2024 Longfic Update Pack (8 fics)
II. Themed Rec Lists
Harry-Raises-Tom Riddle recs (14 fics) Voldemort-Raises-Harry recs (13 fics) Omega Tom Riddle | Voldemort recs (9 fics) Fem Tomarrymort (F/F) recs (15 fics) Part 1 — Dead Dove Tomarrymort recs — Non-Con/Dub-Con (30 fics) Part 2 — Dead Dove Tomarrymort recs — Incest / Chan (25 fics) Tomarrymort Recs by Horcrux (22 fics)
III. Answered Asks
Professor Potter recs (13 fics) Professor Riddle recs (12 fics) Tom & Harry Co-parenting recs (8 fics) Creature Fic (naga, vampire, mermaid, werewolf, veela) recs (25 fics) Unhinged/Dark Harry recs (13 fics) Independent/Strong-Willed Harry recs (10 fics) 1940s-era Tomarrymort recs (23 fics) Tomarrymort crack recs (34 fics) Tomarrymort casefic/mystery recs (15 fics) (coming soon) Snake-Like Voldemort recs
IV. Recs by Publication Date
24 Tomarrymort Recs for 2022 (24 fics) Jan 2023 recs (10 fics) Feb 2023 recs (30 fics) December 2023 HP Rec Fest (36 fics) 23 Tomarrymort Recs for 2023 — One-Shot Edition (23 fics) 23 Tomarrymort Recs for 2023 — Multi-Chaptered Fics (23 fics)
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hihimissamericanbi · 4 months
Ever since I got that lovely anon asking for the best smut I've ever read, it got me thinking about some of my favorite smut creators in general.
So here is a very non-exhaustive list of fan-fucking-tastic smut writers and artists I've come across in the HP fandom that weren't mentioned (shamefully) in my last batch. Feel free to add to the list! We must keep the people fed.
xoxo go take a sip of cold water girl
Lord Espooky came into this fandom guns a-blazing with their kink headcanon a day for Wolfstar and it has spiraled from there. They GET IT. He has a super well-organized masterlist pinned to his tumblr ft tons of different kinks, fic lengths, scenes, etc. Go. Now.
The definition of IYKYK. Daddy kink isn't super my thing, but Five makes me enjoy it. If you vibe with age gap daddy Remus and pretty boy Sirius, their Adore series is a must-read. They also have a stellar A/B/O Wolfstar fic plus podfic and write some Marvel too!
An absolute legend in this fandom. Wolfstar, Jeggy, Rosekiller. Gritty, chewy, embodied sex.
Emery writes sex the way some people breathe. Like it's just part of the narrative. It's SO punchy. And also she is the queen of Crack Smut.
Patron saint of Wolfstar hatefucks. mic drop.
We snagged MK over to Wolfstar from the clutches of Dramione. Her series "mk's kink exposé" could also be called "celine's kink exposé." I'll just leave that there.
Everything they create is magic, but they are especially known for rare pairs and Dronarry.
The queen of Lesbian Wolfstar. Both art and fic. Also queen of humiliation and pain kink and Walburga psychological trauma. ye be warned.
@upthehillnsfw / @upthehillart
I am afraid no one is ready for this art. Truly. Tons of different ships, positions, acts. I gasp every time. And their Pansmione fic is epic (which I have talked about before).
I highly recommend getting on Indi's Patreon so you can enjoy their NSFW drawings, mostly Wolfstar and Jegulus, occasional Rosekiller. Too many iconic moments to count.
The officially-sponsored artist of Five's Adore series. Look, their work is nothing short of indulgent. Shhhh don't worry about the physics just let it happen. And by It I mean Remus' big dick hands.
By beloved. The one. The only. Bosh's drawings are so ALIVE. They leap off the screen. Her Drarry is nothing less than iconic. She also dabbles in other characters/ships like Wolfstar and Blackcest. Siriusly, you can't go wrong.
OKAY, Drarry people. There are so so many excellent Drarry smut writers it is impossible to name them all. Here are but a tiny handful I have pulled from my bookmarks. I'm happy to rec specific fics if asked :)
@cavendishbutterfly, @bixgirl1, @l0vegl0wsinthedark, @shiftylinguini, @kbrick, @fluxweeed, @academicdisasterfic
I'm tagging those other creators from older asks because I can't put this list out there without them on it <3
@crushofdoves @we-are-swearwolves @tenthousandyearsx @theresthesnitch @lqtraintracks Quietlemonhush @cuddlebugsirius
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
As someone who accidentally achieved BNF status in two separate fandoms, I'll let you in on the secret cheat code (but beware being a bnf comes with a price and you won't know what it is until it's much too late)
It's commenting. And I don't just mean on the juggernaut fics or ships. Both times I came into a fandom in the first two years of their run. There were already a decent number of fics, lots of kudos (or favorites on ffn) but rare comments. Even the most popular fics, the ones ending up on rec lists, would have maybe 2-3 comments total.
I came from a fandom with a culture of commenting and I brought it with me. If I read a fic, it got a comment. Before anyone starts whinging nonsense about diluting the value of a comment, there is almost always something positive that you can find to comment on. I think back to my earliest writings and the way the elders and bnfs of my fandom encouraged my writing when I know from looking back on it, it wasn't great. But they found the seedlings of my strengths and they nurtured them through commenting. Encouraged the things that worked well in my stories, and yet somehow, rarely if ever offered concrite.
Everything I read gets a comment.
At the very least, the idea was creative enough for me to click into the story. Often there was a line or even a word choice that stuck with me and I would comment on. (and if six different people comment on how they liked "this bit" but no one comments on "that part" the authors are going to start realizing what worked and what didn't without anyone getting their feelings hurt)
After a few weeks, I was known for my comments. I had people replying to my comments about how excited they were: "yes! it's you! I got one!". And when I published my first work in the fandom, it seemed like everyone who had ever received a comment from me showed up to leave one for me.
I didn't set out to become a BNF. That was an unfortunate side effect and one I said I wouldn't repeat a few years later in my new fandom. (I did)
Turns out the fastest way to make friends is to hype their work. Reblog their work on tumblr and give a little non-spoilery shout out. Reply to reblogs and start conversations in the posts or in the tags.
A fandom lives and dies not only by the creative works made by the fans, but also by the response to that work.
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