#fighting off art block with memes
bloo-the-dragon · 2 years
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POV: You’re a tired tech who has to wrangle the local jester robots out of a vent after they were told they had to go to parts and service for maintenance
(Inspired by this)
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howtofightwrite · 10 months
Speaking of martial competence, do you have any examples of characters that are actually written with this in mind?
Loads. Some actually even make good on that.
So, there's different kinds of martial competence. There are characters who are proficient in combat directly, there are well written strategists, there are characters who excel at military leadership, and when they're written well, you can actuallylearn some things from them.
I'm going to give some examples, and at least one cautionary example.
For, just, raw combat prowess, I still go back to Robert E. Howard's Conan short stories. It's easy to meme on the character, especially 90 years after the fact, with the cultural persona that's grown around him, but Howard's original writing is excellent. The character would not have survived Howard's early (and, frankly, tragic) death if it was just the one note gag you might expect, if your only exposure to the character was through cultural osmosis and the films.
Howard's fight scenes were shockingly well written. To the point that it is still absolutely worth reading if you want to write a fantasy fighter.
For strategists, three characters come to mind, but only two are literary, and all are Science Fiction.
Grand Admiral Thrawn is probably one of the best villains Star Wars has ever produced, it's part of why he's one of the few characters that's migrated from the original EU to the Disney era. My personal take is, as a character, he's lost a lot over the years, but the original incarnation from the early 90s novels is a very solid model for a strategist. Particularly in how he takes time to understand his opponents while looking for potential weak points to exploit.
His practice of studying a culture's art to understand their psychology might sound a bit goofy, but the concept does have a real basis. (At least, until it metastasized into a superpower, in later adaptations of the character.) Being able to psychologically assess your foe is an incredibly valuable element of strategy, and one that you probably want to consider when you're writing a character who is supposed to be a “strategic genius.”
When writing fiction, you want to consider all of your characters as if they were people, rather than as hollow, plastic toys. And, yes, the obnoxious villain who knows exactly what your heroes will do because of authorial fiat is going to be a more compelling character than the ambulatory goldfish villain who exists as a prelude for your heroes showing off how badass you think they are.
Granted, even in Heir to the EmpireThrawn was already drawing strategic insights that strained credibility, but understanding your foe is an element of strategic thinking that is often forgotten in literature. So, even as a villain in a tie-in novel (we're not done with tie-in fiction yet), he is worth looking at. At least when written by Timothy Zhan, Thrawn was a well written character, and even if he bordered on a Mary Sue at times, he escaped a lot of that stigma by justifying his competence.
It's also probably worth mentioning in passing that he's one of the few Imperial leaders in Star Wars who isn't also criminally incompetent.
The non-literary example of a strategist would be John Sheridan from Babylon 5. Unlike Thrawn, Sheridan's main strategic focus is on situational exploitation. A little of that comes from his knowledge of enemy procedures and psychology, but at lot of it comes from a rather ruthless approach to technical limitations. An alien race is using technology that blocks human targeting systems? Set up a nuclear mine and then send out a fake distress single to lure them in. Need to deal with a significantly larger, more dangerous ship? Lure them into a gas giant and and let the planet's gravity well drag them past crush depth. Bruce Boxleitner's performance helped sell the character, but Sheridan is a really solid science fiction strategist, who really exemplifies how technical limitations can have enormous strategic considerations.
I'm not citing Sheridan as an excellent example of a leader per se,it's certainly there, but it is harder to unpack from Boxleitner's performance. It does have some good payoffs much later in the series when he starts making some orders that cause his subordinates to sit up and stop what they're doing. And that is a consistent theme even back to his introduction, but, it's a tangible consequence to an intangible cause.
The last example is a negative example, both for strategy and leadership. And, as much as it pains me to say this, at least Orson Scott Card understood that Ender was a bad leader. At least in the original novel. To be blunt, Ender is a mediocre strategist at best. His highlights in the book involve, “inventing armor,” and creative movement in micrograv. That's setting the bar exceptionally low, and while it is reasonably within the range of what you could expect from a pre-teen, that's not much of a justification.
Again, I'm not a fan of Card, and I'm reallynot recommending Ender's Gameto anyone. However, if I didn't mention it, you know there'd be a reblog going for twelve hundred words about how Andrew Wiggin is the best strategist in literature, which, yeah, no.
Do you want a goofy, tie-in fiction, literary suggestion for the best leader in sci-fi? Too bad, because I'm pretty sure Ciaphas Cain is not that person. The Ciaphas Cain novels by Sandy Mitchell are unusual as leadership recommendations, because of how much Cain internally processes the social manipulation involved in military leadership. He's not a great leader, but he is exceptionallygood at explaining to the reader how he's creating that illusion to motivate the soldiers around him. In fairness, some of that is an intrinsic character flaw, he is incredibly insecure, and desperately trying to hide that fact. And the difference between being a great leader, and effectively creating a comprehensive illusion of a great leader is: There is no difference. As a serious complement, it is one of the few times I've seen an author treat leadership as an actual skill, and not simply an extension of a character's charisma. Which is why I'm singling this one out. It might sound like a joke inclusion initially, and the books are quite funny in a Warhammer 40k kind of way, but there is quite a bit of  value to be had.
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mariii1 · 2 years
♤Future Sexual Encounter + Who♤
¡18+ Only¡
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Yayy I'm back to the long pacs again!🥳 I rushed because I'm gonna make content for Juneteenth but I'm glad this is out! I decided to go with a dark theme for this one, because I wanted to show my love for non conventional art and artists. I was gonna do memes but I've done enough for mow. I hope you check out their pages, I really like all of their work. This pac is for everyone including poly and open folx, regardless of whether you have no partners or multiple. Also, because this reading is so big, feel free to choose multiple piles if you're drawn to.
CW: sexual themes, explicit language
Song Theme:
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1° I don't think you'll have any qualms about doing it. Its giving extreme hornyness. Although when you get in to it you might be confused tho. You could struggle to orgasm. Its giving enthusiastic virgin who doesn't understand what they're getting into/doing. This could be with a friend or someone you know but I feel you guys won't work out well during sex. It's weird, they may not be open to suggestions or maybe you feel they aren't. They may be very stubborn and convinced they're doing something right. I'm not getting you won't enjoy it, but you may not orgasm or even feel that good because they think they know everything.
Who• They may change in appearance a lot, you may go through different cycles/situations with this person. May come quick. Idk if they'll be able to keep going after that though.😕 They could be someone that already has multiple partners (if you slut shame you're getting blocked, I don't need you here) Yeah im not getting much they could be in and out of your life a lot. Although you may be friends, you might not know each other very well, more like coworker you hookup with (i don't endorse workplace situationships/romance btw)
2° Could be an orgy/ or someone is watching/ getting cucked. "We ain't gonna get no sleep", it's a song by Janet Jackson and J Cole i think. There's an air of indifference but it's wanted. You might be very selfish during this encounter and there could be two or three people on you. You're not gonna get a break/ be able to rest during it. Maybe there will be a lot of false stops, as in the encounter never truly ends until everyone is exhausted. I don't know if you know these people that well. A few of you are sex workers. A lot will be happening at once.
Who• They may also be self- focused but not necessarily focused. It's like they're prioritizing they're own needs while also making sure everyone else is comfortable. They could all go to the same college/school as you.
3° you might have various scenarios or options to choose from. This person could be a romantic interest, or they have a crush on you. They could ask you out after and for a few of you, this is your (future) partner and they wanna propose after this. This person could be a bit immature and might even be younger than you. But the sex and leading up to it won't be toxic, this could happen after a fight. For a lot of you this will be with a future partner. It's good might be very vanilla, but some of your might find out about a kink you didn't know you had or find out the untapped potential of certain places (aka finding out new erogenous zones or whatever they're called)
Who• someone with a lot of options, doesn't have to be romantic. Might be hung, horse cock, that shit is veiny, even if it's a strap. they could like ribbed condoms a lot. Lol if you like big balls this your person lmfao wtf. That's all I'm getting LMAOO
4° Damn its a story yall. This could be a romantic interest or someone you take interest in. You fuck, you realize some things about them. You cut them off or they ghost you and now you're left to wander the wastelands of Tinder (or just dating in general) on your own in search of a true partner. Anywhom, this might not happen for all of you. During the encounter you might've overhyped them or put them on a pedestal and you're going to realize you shouldn't have. LOL this person might do something or have something (doesn't have to be infection maybe they got a confederate flag in they room HAHAHA) that makes you dry/limp asf. If you decide to give them a chance, you're gonna be disappointed, you might not enjoy the encounter that much or you might not even do much before they orgasm and quit it. If you don't give them a chance, you'll probably try to find another hookup right after.
Who• Other people hype them up for some reason, probably because of their own insecurities or maybe they have some sort of privilege. They could also see themselves as the shit with no real reason as to why. Like they didn't accomplish/do nothing they themselves would be extremely proud of yet. But it's the people around them that really enable and perpetuate this attitude. For some of you they could be randomly hard all the time or wet. They might have more discharge than the average person(i didn't want to fucking know that either, but you have to suffer with me😮‍💨) Um for a few of you they do in fact have bad hygiene, this reminds me of a clip from when Katya went on Ziwe.
5° So you could be feeling drained for two very different reasons: either the sex itself was exhausting or the person you're with is exhausting. Even if this is more than one person, one person in particular was difficult to deal with. If this is a dom or a power play situation and they have control, they most definitely will order you around a lot. This person could be very demanding in bed in general. It's weird there's a big emphasis on a power struggle but for most of you, this wasn't planned. By the end you might feel you won or got what you wanted out of this person (this doesn't allude/refer to an abusive or coercive situation) This could be a potential future partner, even if you know who this is already.
Who• this is someone you may feel bound to. Some of you don't really like them like their personality, so maybe you are bored when you do this. (And were whenever you did it in the past) You stay talking to them because you're comfortable enough and not in the mood to look for other options. They could be considered chubby or they have a bigger stomach. They're kind of annoying. I feel like they talk a lot or complain often. They might try to control other people in a non-sexual way. They may victimize themselves and might not always understand that their actions impact other people.
6° this is interesting energy. You could have waited in line to fuck this person or people. This also could've been planned ahead due to various other obligations. I'm getting distracted a lot while doing your reading. You might actually have to cut this encounter short because something came up. It will be exhausting in a good way, getting all your pent up energy out. This could be an orgy and y'all might actually fight in some way. Or like a sex party and something happens.
Who• this person could be romantically interested in you or the ask you out after this. They're kind of fickle with romantic interests tho they might even ghost you after. Lmaooo they could've initiated the fight.
7° Heavy committed vibes from many of you could be married. This is worth someone who deeply cares about you. You could be the more mature one in the relationship or just more experienced with life but you both are quite mature. You could be older than your partner. This could happen after a fight or much needed break in the relationship. I think your person will approach you first for sex. They could have a big dick and they may be creative sexually. I feel they need a lot in order to be stimulated. This could do with temperature play, food, or wax. This person may worship you a bit or put you on a pedestal and they do it in bed too. They just really like doing stuff to you, for a few they are almost overly romantic. They maybe a kissing fiend as in they like kissing your body a lot. For some of you they love giving you head but they're still in control. For some this is future partner and an encounter you'll have before being committed to each other.
Who• They're very nice.  They're very sweet. But they do get a lot of respect, they could also work in an academic institution or want to work in one. Could like philosophy. They're just lovely, whatever that means to you.
8° you could be connected to pile 5. Ooooh this is the "its your call" group. If course for all groups is all like tht but for this one its very much up in the air. This could come after you reach a certain financial goal, or this is related to finances in some way.  For some its sugar baby-esque energy, someone sees you working hard and wants to take you out. Splurge on a few gifts and go back to their hotel room. Nothing creepy though. (If it is, run) Its really all up to you some of y'all have things you want to try out, others got people wrapped around their fingers. It's very much your call. Some of you don't care about sex,  particularly currently, amd you'll acknowledge that and move on with your life.
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slashrkiss · 16 days
"Codename: Prismatic!" Smiling Critters College + Magical Girl AU - Masterpost
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"Not all shooting stars grant wishes. Some are scornful." ••••• What happens when a friend group of 8 critters in college get selected by the divines to stop a great evil darkness that's uncovering and slowly spreading across Poppy Creek Heights? Heroic hell, that's what. After the fall of Prototype happened centuries ago, when the universe was created, allegedly. The tale is as old as time and is not believed to be nothing but a myth...but when 8 stars are uncovered one night by exactly 8 critters, things changed. Those very critters have been witnessing oddity that weren't there before and it's slowly getting worse...yet no one in the city believes them cause they all haven't seen it with their own eyes. Someone needs to do something and the stars know exactly who needs to do it: The (self-proclaimed) Prismatic Critters! Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on which of The Prismatic Critters you ask), this mission comes with fighting shadows, arguing amongst who can be trusted, partying, a ton of both magical and college drama and of course, love! Catnap is the primary culprit to that one...but...Catnap is acting strange even outside of that.
‼️⚠️ Content Warnings!! Feel free to block/ignore me if any of this makes you uncomfortable!! ⚠️‼️
- Blood
- Violence
- Strong Language/Swearing
- Sexual themes (no NSFW within the main comic itself, only suggestive themes)
- Alcohol use
- Manipulative behavior/Manipulation
- Relationship/Friendship struggles
IMPORTANT!!! - ALL of the Smiling Critters are over 18 in this AU! In their early 20s to be more specific, this AU isn't based within the canon game at all. With that in mind, you will NOT find toxic/abusive Dogday x Catnap content in this AU.
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Codename: Prismatic!: Act 1
🌈⚔️ • Working on it! • Release Date: pending...
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💫 References! 💫
• Catnap (pending...)
• Dogday
• Craftycorn (pending...)
• Bobby Bearhug (pending...)
• Kickin' Chicken (pending...)
• Hoppy Hopscotch (pending...)
• Bubba Bubbaphant (pending...)
• Picky Piggy (pending...)
🎨 Content outside of the comic!! 🎨
⚔️ Lore heavy art ⚔️
🧸 Silly/One off/Slice of Life art! 🧸
- Spring wear Bearhug!!
- Da-...Dogday! Dogday,,
- The start of me projecting into Catnap :3
💎 Shipper's corner! 💎
Ship key guide:
☀️🌙 = Dogday x Catnap
⚡❤️ = Hoppy Hopscotch x Bobby Bearhug
⭐🎨 = Kickin' Chicken x Craftycorn
As for Bubba Bubbaphant and Picky Piggy, I don't ship them together or with anyone as of now ^^')
- None, for now <3
🔷 Capcut memes/edits/vines 🔷
- None, for now <3
🎶 Playlists!! 🎶
- Locked! Will unlock after the comic is out
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✨ Mini Trivia! ✨
- The lore inspirations to this are the following!: MLP, Sailor Moon, Care Bears Movie 2: A new generation (Vaguely), Winx Club
- For a few days, this AU was originally just called, and I quote: "Smiling Critters but magical girl-ify ray"
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noobclock666 · 10 months
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I made this comic back in 2021. I'm to lazy to change the name.
In an alternate universe of Super Mario Sunshine. Mario fails to stop Bowser and save Princess Peach on Isle Delfino. Both Mario and F.L.U.D.D. get frozen in a block of ice by Bowser and sink to the bottom of the ocean. Soon there was a big war with nuclear bombs and floods. Everybody dies and the age of humans is now over. 12,000 years later, Blooper Squids evolve into inklings and become the new dominant species on earth. They soon found the ice block that Mario and F.L.U.D.D were stuck in. The Inklings put them in a museum for a while but soon the Inklings saw them out and were surprised that Mario was still alive. And Mario was surprised that he is THE LAST MAN ON EARTH and everyone he cared about is now gone. Mario becomes a slave to the Inklings and he is forced to clean up the stages after every turf war. He soon gets sick of it and tries to fight back for his freedom in a battle of Man vs Fish. Also, in this alternate universe, Mario is a Vietnam War veteran and suffers from PTSD from the war. That will be relevant later.
You: “ Why could you just, I don’t know. PUT THAT STORY IN THE COMIC!? ”
Because it would ruin the simple storytelling. This comic is just like Madness Combat. There’s not much or any story at all. It’s just about a psychopath killing everyone. Like Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe. Don't look up a video where they recap the comic. Read it yourself. It's not that long and it's a simple read.
You: “ ...How is Mario a hero? ”
And Mario and Meggy don’t know each other. But Mario really hates her for some reason.
Here’s a list of people I ripped off by using their original characters/avatars without asking for permission. I hope there ok with that. 
Alex Spider [スパイダー] :
Git Gud Nami:
Can't make anymore inks
SmashBits Animations
Sankichi Hinodeya
I hope they’re ok with that.
All Splatoon OCs/avatars are owned by their original creators...but not really. Nintendo owns the copyright of the Mario and Splatoon games. This means it’s all fair game for me to use them and you can’t sue me. * Honk Honk * I don’t know how copyright works. I just want to play it really safe.
So anyway. I’M FINNY DONE WITH THIS COMIC! Now, I have to make some “fan” art by the end of this month. Do you know about Zelda Month? Founded by PNG. (Who is one of my favorite Youtuber Gamer. And “Hero”) Yeah, this is my Splatoon month.
And also, I did it! I was the first one to put Mario in Splatoon! HA HA HA!
You: " Not even close. "
Ok, I’m a little late for the party.
You: “ A little? ”
But I was the first one to get it right. And thank all of you for “reading” this comic.
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wishitweresummer · 1 year
✨Summer’s Blog✨
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Hi I’m Summer!!!
This is a dtqk+ fandom blog AND a tickle blog.
I will shitpost, live-blog events/streams, and I will post my tickle fanfiction!!!
I’m also a multishipper and will ship anyone that looks at each other! (Within their boundaries.) It’s all very non-serious and fun.
My ask box is open! Headcannons, random questions, my opinions, anything, go ahead! Curious about either side of the communities I’m in?
I try my best to keep everything generally SFW!!! Keep in mind that the boys are vulgar and make mature jokes, and I will too!
(I do have a NSFW blog though if that is more your vibe. It features nsfw shitposts, my explicit fics, suggestive art, etc. Be warned, if you are a minor and you attempt to interact with my NSFW page you will be blocked entirely! Blog is @darknightsofsummer .)
This blog is super tickle-focused, but don’t be scared. Check it out anyway~~
@mushiewrites once said…
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(Links to everything below!!!)
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Summer’s Fics
Dream Team (Plus Friends) Tickle AU
This is my alternate universe where the boys live together/closer together and also tickle each other all the time. (Features the Feral Boys, Skeppy, and Bad)
Introduction (not required to understand story!)
Dream Tickling Class (Dream Team)
The First Fight (Dream Team)
George’s Simp (GeorgeNotFound x Dream)
Sapnap vs. George (Sapnap x GeorgeNotFound)
George’s Revenge (Sapnap x GeorgeNotFound)
Elevator Instigator (Sapnap x GeorgeNotFound)
Dream’s IRL Minecraft Manhunt (Dream Team)
Phantasmagoria (Dream ft. GeorgeNotFound x Sapnap)
Leftovers ( or Phantasmagoria Light) (Dream Team)
The Dream Hoodie (GeorgeNotFound x Sapnap)
The Tickle Fight Video (Quackity x Skeppy)
Hair Reveal? (GeorgeNotFound x Quackity)
Touchy Karl (Sapnap x GeorgeNotFound x KarlJacobs)
Stop Touching My Stuff (GeorgeNotFound x Dream x Quackity)
Sap’s Tickle Games Masterpost
(Little spin-off of the Tickle AU from when Dream and George found out Sapnap is really really weak to tickle games.)
So He Is Ticklish! (Skeppy x BadBoyHalo)
You Mute When You Laugh! (Skeppy x BadBoyHalo)
Language Stream (Skeppy x BadBoyHalo)
Sitting Pretty
My first weekly release book! It follows dog!Dream, cat!George, and panda!Sapnap. They are in love and idiots and very ticklish! Like most of my books, it has a clean side here and a not-clean side over on @darknightsofsummer.
Dirty Paws
Call You Up
Midnight Memories
Puppy Love
All My Lovers
This is my story of Karlnapity. A SFW collection of ticklish moments in their relationship. No angst, just the sweet spot of them all living together, being happy, and fiancés.
(These are all sfw!!! The nsfw side of their relationship can be found on @darknightsofsummer )
(I don’t know what I’m doing with this series going forward, but I still love what I’ve already created.)
Kissies (Karlnapity)
Double Massages (Karlnapity)
Sap’s Cuffs (Karlnapity)
Poor Ducky (Karlnapity)
Tickle War (Karlnapity)
Three Fools in April (Karlnapity)
Affection for Karl (Karlnapity)
Glass House
An alternate AU where GeorgeNotFound is secretly in our community and an actual lee. Like, traditional lee - he loves being tickle tortured. What happens when Dream and Sapnap discover his little secret? (This started from @mushiewrites ‘s lee!George week and spiraled into a whole little series! It’s my first time attempting to write a character that enjoys being tickled instead of hates it…so tell me what you think!)
Now They Know
Now Admit It
Now How Do You Want It
Now What Do We Use
Now Let Me Explain
Blueberry Muffins
This is my story of Skephalo. Skeppy and Bad finally do their meet-up and they find they just can’t be apart ever again. When they met online for the first time all those years ago their lives shifted courses drastically for each other, and now it’s happening again. The lines between friendship and relationship blur, and it’s not for the meme this time.
(My sfw tickle-heavy story about Skeppy and Bad falling in love. Not completed yet!)
Chapter One - BBQ Meet-up Turned Jealous Trio Meet-up
Chapter Two - Alone Together
Chapter Three - “We’ll figure it out.”
Chapter Four - Road to Rat
Chapter Five - Giggles
Summer’s Ficlet Masterpost
This link will take you to a post with a ton of my tickly drabbles and ficlets!
Non-AU Fics
Tell Me What’s On Your Mind - Karlnap Valentine’s Fic
Home Alone Together For The First Time - (lee!George x ler!Dream)
Sensitive - DNF Love Story
Passenger Princess - (lee!George x ler!Dream)
Backseat Princess - (lee!George x ler!Dream x ler!Sapnap)
Text Me Back - For Mushie - (lee!George x ler!Dream)
Rotten Apple - Halloween Bingo - (lee!Dream x lee!Sapnap x ler!George)
Filled to the Brim - (lee!Sapnap x ler!Georfe ft. Dream)
Tongue Tied - (lee!George x ler!Dream x ler!Sapnap - DNN)
Mushie’s lee!George Week
(This is my bestie @mushiewrites !! They did lee!George week, and you can totally participate too!! Also, you can find the stuff we all did in the tag #mushies lee!george week go go go.)
Soft Tickles - Love Bites
Ribs - Like a Puzzle
In Minecraft - Manhunt Training
A Challenge - YLYL IRL
Thighs - Weakness
Intense Tickles - Now They Know
Free Day (Playful Tickles)- Pool Day
Hiddenheaven’s SNF Week
(This was a fun week that was from X!! George and Sapnap love <33. You can see the other day I did here , but it’s a little nsfw. Just a touch!)
Free Day (Playful Kissing) - Nights Like This
My lee!George Summer
(My week! Miiiine!!! Here’s a list of my fics! Here’s a masterpost with everyone’s fics!)
First Time - A Ticklish Discovery
Summer’s Friends
Finished reading all my fics and still wanting more? Here are my favorite tickle-fic accounts! Go show them love!
Need/want to look at some beautiful art? My friends are so talented!!!
-Did the amazing cover art for Dream Team (Plus Friends) Tickle AU
-Cover art for Sitting Pretty!!!
-Tickle art for this fic as well!!!
-Open for commissions! Here!
-Tickle art for me here and here!
-Commission here!
-Tickle art she did for me here!
-Open for commissions! Here!
-Made art inspired by one of my fics here!
-Check out their tumblr!
-Made my blinkies!
-Check out their tumblr!
-Made my header!!
-Made this comic!
-Is my best friend!
-Check out their tumblr!
-Drew meeee.
-Made this art inspired by one of my fics!
-Made more art inspired by one of my fics!
-Check out their tumblr!
-This amazing comic!!!
-Commission them!!
Piccrew I used for my profile picture.
Where Else You Can Find Me
ArchivesOfOurOwn - WishItWereSummer
(I do write more DSMP Tickle Fiction here, but some of it is NSFW so be warned! You can find my Karlnapity book All My Lovers there.)
Wattpad - WellUhYeahHaHa
(My Wattpad is NSFW and features my OC content.)
My Fav MCYT Laughs
-Karl snorting
-Dream wheeze
-George uncontrollably laughing on the floor
-George laughing
-George trying to tell a story while laughing
-George’s “Sapnap stahahap!!!”
-Dream wheeze-talking
-George crazy giggles
-George and Sapnap scream-laughing
-George “stahahap!!”
-Dream and George making each other laugh
Common Tags
#hc ask - Sometimes I get sent headcannons! You can send me them if you’d like, just know I am very new!!!
#summer ask - These are when I send out asks and get responses.
#summer irl - I don’t show my face or go by my real name here, but every once and a while I’ll share irl content!
#summer sfw snippet- SFW snippets from my NSFW fics.
#summer ficlets - Tickle stories outside of my AU or books.
#any askers? - Oversharing about my life.
#lee! #ler! - And add your favorite person!
#laugh clip - The MCYT boys laughing
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levi-dayne · 6 months
i figured i should probably do an introduction post since my bio is getting a bit long
hi!! i'm levi, my pronouns are primarily they/them (but i also use ae/aer and ve/vim)
bi (??) + arospec + acespec
my primary fandoms are currently death note and hazbin hotel
i post every random death note thought i have and i am obsessed with mello and near and matt and wammy's house (i have SO much to say about all of them)
i don't post about hazbin hotel on main besides this intro post but my side blog is full of it if you're interested
death note side blog: @meronia-note
hazbin hotel side blog: @loser-babyyyy
i follow back unless you're a blank blog with no theme, pfp, background, or bio (basically don't look like a bot)
mello's biggest fan and apologist fight me
also mello has adhd
i make edits on tiktok under the username meronia_note
my ao3 is under the username levi_dayne
posts of, about, and referencing my fanfictions
i'm autistic so please use tone tags if you make a joke or use sarcasm because that's really hard for me to pick up on over the internet. also things i say may come off as aggressive when they're not intended as such so if you think i'm mad or something please know that i'm probably not
if anyone has music recs i listen to pretty much everything and would love to hear it
my favorite characters/comfort characters:
- mello (death note)
- near (death note)
- matt (death note)
- L (death note)
- angel dust (hazbin hotel)
- husk (hazbin hotel)
my ships:
- meronia (mello x near)
- m2 (mello x matt)
- huskerdust (husk x angel dust) -> again i'll only post this on my side blog
- soichello (mello x soichiro)
- mattmisa (matt x misa)
- controversial one but mello x sayu im sorry
- requests are open but they might be slow
- asks are open but i may not get to them immediately
- dms are open (please do not dm if you are under 16)
- anons are open
- i don't mind if people need to vent as long as you ask first with a trigger warning, i know sometimes it's easier venting to people online
what i do here:
- shitposts
- headcanons/memes
- art
- positivity posts
- activism posts
- occasional fanfiction
- posts about my death note self-insert
- some personal posts (tagged with "personal posts 😌✨️✨️" feel free to filter it out if you're not interested in my lore lol)
- pagan posts (probably just on yuletide, imbolc, and samhain, also occasional random posts about brighid)
what i'll write:
- meronia is the only ship i'll write for as of right now
- i will also write mello x reader
- i'll write smut, fluff, or angst
- i reserve the right to deny or ignore a request if it makes me uncomfortable (up to personal discretion)
- if you leave a request off of anon i may reach out to you to ask more details or let you know if i can't get to it right away for whatever reason
what i'll draw:
- basically same rules as above
- i am willing to draw mello, near, matt, and meronia for death note
- i am willing to draw angel dust, husk, huskerdust, alastor, lucifer, and radiostatic (one-sided) for hazbin hotel but i'll only post these on @loser-babyyyy
please keep in mind that any request may take time and just because i don't get to it right away doesn't mean i'm ignoring it
- disrespectful discourse (you're welcome to your opinion but be nice about it)
- seriously dni if you're pro-israel, this is a genocide and it is not up for debate
- homophobes, transphobes, TERFs, ableists, racists, pedos/MAPs, antisemitics, etc.
- mdni on nsfw posts (i don't mind if you follow me but please do not like, comment, reblog, etc. nsfw posts or i'll block you)
- don't just come to my blog to bash on my comfort characters, i understand not everyone likes them and that in itself is totally fine but coming to my blog just to hate on them will get you blocked
- dni if you don't support people with cluster B personality disorders, psychotic disorders, systems, etc. mental health advocacy means ALL mental health
- we can debate on pineapple on pizza, not human rights
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elixlozgamer · 2 years
Im probably gonna get a lot of hate. Im probably gonna get death threats in my ask box (again. Yes Im looking at you "kill the soldiers" anon. Speaking of which, anon will be OFF until this post stops getting notifs. Block me if you don't want to see any other opinions than you own, because I'm allowed to have them.)
Rest of PSA is below the cut. TW for mention of death threats and possible cussing.
But we do NOT need to send death threats, things with smutty themes, etc. Into a celebrities ask box all because they're gonna be on this site.
They're people just as much as we are. If you don't like them, theres a handy-dandy feature called "blocking and moving on". Not writing rude messages. Not saying "Blazing a post is a pvp attack". (Because god forbid an artist use a feature to be seen)
I understand not wanting big corps to make their way on Tumblr. Believe me, I do. However Tumblr's advertising (or at least on mobile) is easilly skippable/you can scroll past or actually look at the ad if its somewhat interesting.
Also, Tumblr sells shoelaces for 19 dollars. That should only be like three dollars, but it shows that it really does need the money. (@indigoartistqueen mentioned that, along with other various things in this article) Such as paying programmers to create new features. Paying artists to create new logos and themes. paying the employees that check out the reports. (which I am rlly sorry for them bc I just so happen to keep finding really rude comments or things shipping an 8 year old with an 1000 year old.)
So, if tumblr got a little more money, then merch will cost less. Features will cost less. You can crab someone for less for goodness sakes. (Speaking if which, if you REALLY hate a celeb that badly, run them off with crabs.) But tumblr, just like any other site and app, NEEDS money to keep it running.
Also, don't you think SOME form of algorithm will be good? Or at least better search results? Because artists do tend to use very different tags. (Like memes, funny, lmao, lol, etc.) All that could be grouped under "Funny" so that people can actually find and search for their content easier.
Not to mention that with the way the tumblr staff are, I highly doubt they're gonna be implementing things that will cause a riot from their supporters, like the algorithm, bc the blogs ARE the algorythm, reblogging stuff they like to spread it out.
But just a better tagging system! i myself have stopped posting art as much because I just DON'T get seen! People just don't like or reblog my work, but if I were to blaze it, I would suddenly have 1,000 notes full of threats and "this is a pvp attack. Everybody block on sight."
Now, getting back to the celebrity thing. So many people have said that they don't want any political opinions to divide this site. Well I'd hate to break it to you, but we have, in some form, a type of political dispute. Usually its over the type of view one should have on a fiction character. How you can interpret them. What headcanons are correct. Which fandoms better. Which characters hotter. I could go on over the disputes! Plus the political side of tumblr! Science side of tumblr! Religous site on tumblr!
It never ends! If you don't like a celebrity, DON'T SEND DEATH THREATS TO THEIR ASK BOX! Some will actually commit it! Instead, BLOCK. THEM. It's easy! Don't pay attention to it! Just block them. If you really don't like them, send a cursed image, like I don't know, Patrick Star in stripper heels! A perfect circle thats slightly off! Do NOT send threats, because they're humans just like you! (Or as a Fairy myself, xenogenders as well)
Point is, quit trying to run celebrities off this site all because you're afraid of contriversal opinions that you don't agree with! Just block them! It's there for a reason! It's not like roblox where you can only block 100 people total!
Use the block feature. Don't fight fire with fire. It will ONLY get worse. You don't see firemen using flamethrowers, do you??? No! Please for the LOVE OF WHOEVER OR WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE IN quit spreading hate! It only makes things worse! You're only making yourself worse! Just because tumblr is an anonymous site does not mean you can do whatever you want... Because guess what? There's other humans right behind that post you just saw! (Unless its a bot ofc, that's a different story for another time)
Respectfully, have a good day. If you don't like my opinion, block me. If you send me a threat, I'll block and report you.
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mx-misty-eyed · 11 months
new pinned post ig
welcome to our blog, co-run by a couple of fags :D
intros + interests below the cut
yo i'm mikey. i'm a bit of a namehoarder; i also used to go by crow on this blog so some of you might know me as that. if you ask for/call my by my other names i will explode /pos
i mainly use he/him and zhey/zem (basically they/them but with a z lol, dropping the h is also ok), but other neos are fine too. if we’re close, you can use it/its as well.
i'm really interested in science and am currently in a program at my school where i can conduct research with a college professor, so i'll probably end up both enthusing about that and plugging my survey at some point lmao
i also have a sleep token sideblog: @diamonds-in-the-trees
hey i’m frankie/jaime (feel free to use either i like them both equally), a trans fag punk boy. I use he/they pronouns and i am spiderman irl.
I'm also a huge fan of movies, really all genres, filmbro shit (ex. fight club, american psycho) horror (ex. sinister, dawn of the dead (og AND remake), lost boys, tbh there's too many to list), superhero (SPIDERMANSPIDERMANSPIDERMANSPIDERMAN, blue beetle), any edgar wright movies, and whatever the fuck saltburn was. i also do art sometimes (my art sideblog is @weapon-of-choosing) and i would greatly appreciate it if you interacted with it
neither of us have a specific schedule for when we’ll be on but frankie is usually on around 9:00 pm -1:00 am pst. mikey is just on whenever he's bored, mostly afternoons (est) but don't be surprised to find me posting at 4am lol
trigger tags will be formatted as “tw x”; feel free to ask to tag something or let me know if i forget, which. happens a lot to be honest, so proceed with caution if there's something that's really distressing to you.
i'm honestly just generally bad at tagging things but i would like to try and organize stuff a little better lol, things you can expect to see include:
dan and phil
bands (twenty one pilots, fall out boy, my chem, ptv etc)
all for the game (just mikey)
spiderverse (just frankie)
frankies art
gay shit
mikey’s cat (currently tagged as ‘crow’s cat’; ill probably keep the tag that way)
random memes/shitposts
personal posts every once in a while (mostly mikey)
whatever else we want i guess
we don't have a specific dni for several reasons, but in addition to being fags, we’re also proud trannies and queers, so do with that information what you will. basically, if you’re a bigot/exclus/generally have bad vibes (or are just annoying lol), we’ll probably block you. special shoutout to terfs/tehms, fuck off our page k thx <3
finally, we are both minors; we’re personally ok interacting with people over 18 but if interacting with/following minors is an issue for anyone, feel free to block and move on, no hard feelings
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letsstartariot2002 · 6 months
Into post this is pinned!
Hey guys! My name is Salem but please, unless we actually talk, call me Riot! My pronouns are(in order of preference): they/he/it/void/voids/voidself/entity/entity's! Please use all my pronouns not just one or two sets. If you don't know how to use my neos in a sentence here's an example. "Void is annoyed leave Void alone today" "That's entitys phone please don't touch it". My bestest bitch is @shatteredhope123 so if you see me insulting them or typing in all caps at them IT'S ALL JOKES, WE'VE KNOWN EACHOTHER FOR LIKE 6-7 YEARS. We also know eachother in real life. I'm transgender ftm, Polyamarous, Gay, Demisexual and Demiromantic but I'm HAPPILY TAKEN AND NOT LOOKING FOR ANYMORE PARTNERS. My partners are Sam(long distance), Cody(long distance), Berat(close distance), Carlo(Headspace alter), and Duff(headspace alter). I have DID, ADHD, Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety disorder, separation anxiety,social anxiety, and I suspect I may have some sort of anger disorder, so please use tone indicators when talking to me. If I don't answer you when you dm me, it means I'm socially drained or I just don't want to talk, so please respect that. I'm a furry, my fursona right now is a Pot dragon(closed species by Wikk Elam on Facebook, dm him if interested in owning one), and a grey Greek demigod cat named Skyler. I'm quite chill and laid back, until you piss me off that is. My hyperfixations right now are Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Subnautica, God Of War, FNAF, Wings Of Fire, the backrooms/liminal spaces, and weed(not doing it, the different strains and different effects, basically learning about it). If you couldn't tell, I am in fact a stoner. I'm 21 years old and I'm choas. I like to watch memes, or stupid shit, play games, and call my friends or boyfriends(mainly Berat and Sam, but separately). I have many many ocs so feel free to ask me about my oc lore, I so badly want to lore dump but nobody will listen to me yap about a fictional grey cat I made way back in grade 7/8.
Here are my triggers and things I'm not comfy with so please don't talk about these to me or tag me in posts related to these:
-Anything to do with someone dating someone much much older(had someone try to pull that shit with me recently)
-Abusive parents(unless ur my bestie then vent all you want, okay? Or oc lore, oc lore is fine as it's fake)
-Abusive romantic relationships, even if it's fictional. I've been in to many of these to fucking count
-Obsessive behaviors(had to deal with this recently, please just don't I can't even if it's fictional)
-Anything that has to do with Native legends(the W, flesh pedestrians, I'm native and highly believe in them so please don't glorify these things)
-petty furry drama. Fucking sick of ppl claiming colors and animals. Grow up.
-Metallica(the band, trauma reasons)
-do not mention these names to me as I knew ppl with these names and they gave me trauma: Aiden, Justin, Annah, Sam, Hayley, Makayla,Karlee,Scott, Collette, Leonard. If I see any of these names for my own sake I will either unfollow you or block you. I know it's just a name but you guys don't get how heightened emotions get with ADHD.
Here are my current interests so feel free to dm me and ask me about these:
-Disney dreamlight valley
-wings of fire
-weed in general
-bendy and the ink machine
-Spyro the dragon
-Ratchet and Clank
-animal jam for both pc and mobile
-my ocs
Feel free to tag me in things related to my likes or something you'd think I'd like! I love knowing ppl thought of me! I'm still learning how Tumblr works so I'll try to be more active to learn how it works. If I don't credit art please remind me to as sometimes I get way too excited to post art I get. I have a job so please be understanding that if I dm you, it means I value you. I'm VERY tired after work and have to constantly fight sleep all fucking day. I'm not very mentally stable from being exhausted so please be gentle on me. But yeah! Below are me and my boyfriend Berat! The dragon is the pot dragon, his name is Bear and he's HEAVILY BASED OFF MY BF BERAT SO PLEASE DONT TAKE INSPIRATION FROM HIM WHATSOEVER. DO NOT STEAL HIM EITHER. Art of Bear is by MilkyManta on discord. If you see someone other than me using him, TELL ME ASAP. same with Skyler.
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This be skyler. if you see someone using them, TELL ME ASAP.
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This be Bear, if you see someone using him, TELL ME ASAP. Species is by Wikk Elam on Facebook, they are a CLOSED species. You MUST tell Wikk if you are interested in owning one, you also must be 18+. Wikk will provide you the link to the official discord server.
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ye-xiu · 1 year
Hi i think i'm falling in love with HONGJOONG please help me. please. what are some of your favorite videos of him / all of ateez even? 🤲🏻 i am going crazy
kjuhzgtzhujik i am HAPPILY of help anon u have no idea how much this thrills me. tho there are many people who have been fans of ateez much longer, the hongjoong bias is still rare around here so i am happy about everyone joining ranks !!! hello hi !!! have fun !!!
so mandatory viewing of my ateez (hongjoong centric) experience:
deja vu mv (he serves so much raw cunt here it's insane. it changed me as a person like i was a mere casual listener but this one. sealed the deal over a year ago. i have yet to come up for air)
don't stop mv (second most insane moment in the hongjoong-fication of me. he's actually an actor it's crazy he didn't get a baeksang for best music video acting while trying to maintain 20 safety regulations. that category doesn't exist but it Should)
answer mv (this song was the only one to make me cry at my concert and i wasn't even a big fan yet .... song of ALL time tho !!! she is too good)
hongjoong's lemon tree cover (if you are in your mid-20s or older and european you will know this song. if you aren't, open your heart! he also wrote his own verse for it bc he's a bad bitch a virtuous icon)
ateez's wonderland on kingdom (i only watched one other video from kingdom but this is the most famous one anyway. took the house down as the kids would say. no survivors, i fear.)
ateez's it's live session: promise (first video i have ever seen of them perform and one of my fave ateez songs still. every session they did for this is great tho)
say my name comeback stage (kq's block b money was running out. ateez debuted with the most asinine space oddity meets metropol meets matrix group concept meant to span most of their career and releases. no one was tuning in. it was dire. they had one shot. and they delivered like the dorm was flooded and lights were all shut off the day prior. kq has to kiss their feet for this performance alone actually. ALSO. mullet hongjoong <3)
horizon comeback stage (sister release to answer. LIVES were once more on the line. this is to me their best song ever. the choreo is a feat of art and i do not say this lightly. spot some sweet and respective yeosang and yunho actions for the key parts of this song.)
hongjoong's log 1day (all of his vlogs or any ateez vlogs are easy background watching. i am not too deep into variety but whenever groups i like drop short vlogs, they're very fun ways to share non-music stuff in a way they feel comfortable with. also a man who is in such dire need of a dye job <3 he's just like me <3)
ateez wanted special 2022 (for their debut anniversary trip last year. the entire series is hilarious and shows a lot of their variety / on camera personas. hongjoong, seonghwa, and jongho were my faves here)
ateez's logbook #72 (their own behind the scenes series! i usually just watch these randomly when i have to kill time. the one during eternal sunshine promo has lots of hongjoong with mingi and jongho <3)
wanteez home appliance quiz (styled like a 90's/00 quiz show, they are fighting to win home appliances for their parents. the 98z' team chant is the meme sound of a t-rex. it's great)
wanteez friendship test (what it says on the tin!)
ateez @ sunmi's showterview (everyone was roasting mingi left centre and right but it is soooo fun overall. sunmi's showterview is hilarious)
that's it for now! i am terrible at watching mv's and big variety content, i am much more of a listener than a watcher jhgzhujik but with hongjoong i find any of his vlogs / covers / live stages are great content. ateez has also been on weekly idol and naver now usually livestreams hongjoong and yunho's season of idol radio, so these are fun to check out as well <3
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whiskeysmulti · 7 months
20: How do you overcome writer’s block?
12: Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back?
[Mun <3]
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♡ Munday Meme ♡- no longer accepting!
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12. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back? Answered HERE
20: How do you overcome writer’s block? Usually to fight writer's block I have to take a day off. I spend it watching true crime videos on youtube or working on diamond art to decompress and then I do some character study stuff and headcanons and by then I'm usually ready to write again.
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thepinkywarband · 2 years
1, 6, 9, 13 and 15 for the ask meme!
My first login date was December 13, 2012! Living story was just around the corner, but I was still leveling up while everyone else was busy pummeling Zhaitan.
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6. My irl friend @elismistscorner got me into the game, and it's definitely one of the foundations of our friendship. The GW2 instagram community ended my drawing dry spell which I'd been struggling against on and off since about 2014. I met CoffeeKitten and Tim who I still talk to regularly, and have been mega supportive of my art career, along with a slew of other artsy and friendly folk. I'm also hoping to meet @myknaki at the GW2 10 year celebration in two weeks!
9. When you get pulled into the vision in Omadd's machine, I had my first sense of "oh, this story is going to be BIG". GW2 is my only mmo so I'd been impressed by the scale of coordination during the Fight for Lion's Arch, but that and the revelation of Glint's egg are really what got me invested.
13. Hand in hand with the above, 'Entanglement'! LS2 is definitely my most-replayed part of the story. It's very nostalgic and I really love seeing the building blocks of the story getting put on the board. The Cavern of Shining Lights is hands-down my favorite spot in the game.
15. Joko has been the most fleshed [heh] out antagonist we've had. I'm a sucker for baddies that hold a mirror up to the hero, and his monologue had me riveted. Also shout out to Bangar for literally being a charrified version of my favorite Disney character and plunging my commander into a family drama soap opera, and Jormag for giving us a different twist on rargh angery dragon
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foxingpeculiar · 8 months
Lies of P blogging:
So I was still on Fuoco last night. And was getting, in the language of memes, “I’ve had enough of this dude” about it. So I turned off the sound, put on some headphones and just strapped in to practicing. This works for me—I watched like half a season of New Girl on my laptop while I was fighting Orphan of Kos—the distraction gets me out of my head. And it took most of Selected Ambient Works 85-92, but I took him down. Ah, it was glorious. Dizzied him up with a frenzy of dodge-hit combos, staggered him with a perfectly-timed charge attack, got the visceral (or whatever they’re called in this game), and followed up with a fable art for the win.
I needed that moment I think. Keep throwing yourself at a hard problem with the right mindset and you’ll get there. It just takes patience and effort. That’s the emotional satisfaction of this genre.
Anyway, I went back and poked around in the Factory a bit more. Found the mouse guy (Survivor). He got me the first time cos it was a surprise and the room is quite small, but the second time he went down without much effort. (Was he meant to have been the doctor who left the nearby lore note? Both went on about “sins,” as I recall.)
Also managed to drain the poison from the culvert so I went down and fought Puppet of the Future. Who looked a lot harder than he was. Got him in one. And more importantly, I got the glaive.
This is important cos my mainline weapon right now is the glaive blade with the fire axe handle—it’s a big, swingy move set with a wide range, which makes it great for dealing with crowds. And at +3 on the blade with B Motility scaling, it packs a punch without being too slow. It’s not great in tight corridors, but I have the axe head on the baton handle as my backup weapon for that: narrow focus vertical swings with a nice smash to it.
Then I went to Moonlight Town. This area is starting to get a little shenanigans, but it wasn’t TOO bad. That one room where you get locked in with like 5 pitchfork guys and 2 dudes throwing decay bombs at you was a bit… excessive, but with a little planning and the puppet string, I cleared it with no damage on the third try. Met the Atoned at the lift and chose not to antagonize her, then went up to the chapel.
Met Giangio and got the wish cube. Not quite sure how that works yet. But I do find it interesting how this game keeps throwing new systems at you as it goes. It doesn’t feel overwhelming, which I would’ve expected, it just keeps adding interesting quirks.
Ah, but then the cathedral. “Hey do you like platforming along narrow walkways while enemies throw a debilitating status effect at you to try and knock you off? Have we got the level for you!” It took FOREVER to get through that area and I was getting real salty about it by the time I got the lift shortcut working.
But, this is also the part of the game where I learned to perfect block. And that tool was very helpful with the corrupted whatever miniboss guy. With his charge attacks having 3-4 hits each, you can break his posture in like 2 of them, and that’s way easier than trying to snipe around his big shield-arm. I feel like that might be the core mechanic of this game, actually.
Might do some more onwards and upwards this evening, will definitely have some time this weekend.
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ame-in-the-rain · 2 years
please read
This is not a call out post, nor is it meant to be any kind of attack. But my friend involved has blocked me and there is no other way I can possibly contact him or anyone else involved, since they have blocked me too.
If anyone has been following Kaleidoskull Project, you know that I created an aroace character named Maddy Angus in August 2020 based off the song Angry People by Lemon Demon. She was paired with a character called Blinkieworm, who was made by @/dani-the-toad.
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I have been unable to contact Dani since late May 2022. So last night, while checking Twitter, I found a piece of art from Dani recreating the Go For It, Nakamura meme that said Go For It, Maddy. The other character was with a character I didn’t recognize but the Blinkies gave it away that yes, this is Maddy. I check tumblr, and the post is tagged with oc: maddy angus, which is the tag format both of us use. I continue looking through the tag and I see more and more art of Maddy with that character in some sort of relationship. She had also been redesign into something I feel is completely unlike what my vision of who Maddy is.
This is a HUGE violation of trust, since all of this was without my knowledge or consent whatsoever and because I have specifically stated that Maddy is specifically aroace, and that I do not feel comfortable with her being in any sort of romantic relationship, even qpps.
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Since I am pretty sure Dani has blocked me without warning, I tried to message the person who the character Maddy is being shipped with belongs to. They are aware to some extent that I created Maddy since they made art of her and Blinkieworm for this year’s Art Fight. However they blocked me a bit after I sent the message.
I have no other means of contact other than personal contacts which I feel may go too far. I don’t know what will come out of this. If anything, it’s a plea for an explanation and it to stop. This situation is nothing like the Dani I know, I’m devastated. Do not, under any circumstances, use this as a means to harass anyone involved, since this is one of my friends. This post is simply a warning that if you see a character in a red turtle neck sweater named Maddy Angus. She is my creation. I have nothing to do with it.
Thank you, Roe.
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villains4hire · 1 year
Minerva (Helluva Boss OC)
1 - This character is based off actual hybrids and existing demons and is fully intended to demonstrate how hypocritical the Goetia probably are when it comes to certain castes, and seem to be considering. As she's a hybrid intentionally and is a bastard child of some noble that died in house cullings, but she was taken by Stella when they were an adult into her house for her magical prowess as her Court Sorcerer and Entertainer. I imagine that Stolas isn't the only horny noble in the House of the Goetia? He just had a preference for something that they didn't allow.
2 - Ultimately a very dark humored character but is more light-hearted than other Stella's minions, mostly from the humor she's based on. I'd say she's probably more in line with the show being a comedy show?
3 - I'm down with this character serving other entities, possibly.
4 - This character is incredibly joking in terms of sex jokes and stuff like that and inappropriate, or even things that could involve blood in sex stuff or causing people to bleed or something more comical or near cartoonish. So I suggest blocking her tag if that bothers you. She knows how to act in formal settings, so her personality may change at times to fit as such, but her true self kind of comes out when entertaining Stella or in more casual settings where they curse, talk vulgar etc. 5 - I won’t go crazy with her magic but it’s mostly just for humor and then serious things when it calls for it.
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Faceclaim: this above, a heavily recolored art. I will be using Verosika icons because I just have them. Close enough I guess so be aware of that.
Do I want them to die: They can? But it'd have to be from someone higher up wanting them dead most likely. She's not exactly important enough to assassinate. She can't exactly be binded and can even bind other people, granted, she needs permission from her mistress to bind someone as her own. Will I have/get icons: I have them. Tag: cold spelled | cold spelled (add 'insert rper's character last and first initials here then a single digit number) Age: Around six hundred years old, a young adult demon by the standards of her kind. Sex: AMAB Gender: Any pronouns Race: Baphomet Succubus/Goetia Hybrid (Though certainly leaning toward the former rather than the latter for her features that are prominent, her very nature is rather chaotic) Sexuality: If she likes you, which she's pretty picky even as a Hybrid, but not as picky as Stella, that's for sure. Personality traits: Bit of a cock-tease. Sadistic, loves torture, cruel, loves to joke, entertain, loves to joke at the expense of others. Likes puns, likes darker humor, likes to rhyme for her spells. Likes inappropriate humor. Likes to inflict odd, bizarre, and painfully strange curses and mutations. Loves helping those she cares about. Pretty loving if she likes you specifically. Down bad but numb to others prodding her for it or vice versa, tends to take only Goetia matters seriously. Likes watching people die hideously. Likes memes, internet stuff, human culture but tends to keep that under wrap around the nobles. She's more casual when it comes to parties, in the open, following Stella's example really in canon and also curses. Very loyal and subservient, as she likes stronger entities to act as walls between her and danger. Kind of a coward deep down, as direct fights she CAN do, but prefers to simply have someone take punches for her while she deals out heavy punishment. Cautious to danger or possible situations. Perceptive, observant. Intelligent, but a bit arrogant as well. Mental traits: Has a demonic mindset, but can relate to humans due to being a lust demon and knowing their wants. Physical traits: Around 8'0, so on the shorter side due to her hybridization. While semi-draconic, it's a rather softer looking being, but has a touch of a snout. She has hooves, a draconic tail with a longer and sharper tip at the end. Minerva is flat-chested, her hair is that of feathery down along with lacking scales? She has a thin layer of feathery down for her feather patterns for her skin tone and color, so she's rather fluffy feeling. Rather thick-hipped and then has draconic-like wings. Has a red, forked tongue and sharp reptilian teeth. Powers: her scaling would be that of an Overlord but she lacks the durability for such a position among the Goetia. So often she relies on stronger entities or using people as literal meatbags to shield her form from. - Lust: Death through Sex: due to her bloodline? She does not have the same restrictions as lower caste Lust Demons. If she has sex with your character without establishing a writ of contract? She can kill them through consenting sexual contact and absorb their soul and essence. Higher Demons such as Goetia, Sins or otherwise can innately see this. An Overlord would not know this, but be wary of her position, most likely. Feed from Pain: feeds from the pain of others, so she doesn't strictly need sex. Though she does enjoy it. - Lust Magic: (I'm not gonna do anything weird or messed up with this in terms of sex consent, so don't ask me, anything that involves this power has some form of consent if doing actual sex with her) Various spells regarding lust from charms, boons or spells regarding such. As she could metamorphosis someone or flesh shape them for example, granted the experience is excruciating and can be used to attack someone's mind, body and soul. Though while still extremely painful? It can be a form of demonic healing and she could very easily restore such things, recently dead through lust manipulation or even push someone far beyond their normal limits. She needs either consent or a bit of someone's essence to do this, however, or if she has their soul. - Shapeshifting Magic: she can take the forms of other people she devours and keeps them as a form of mask adorned on her sorcerer dress. They usually have horrified expressions, and the lights of the eyes in the masks can be seen following people. Notably, she can assume that of a more melted, goop-like form to escape, run, or hide. - Empowered Melding: if given consent, she can willingly meld her entire being into someone else to cast magic or act as a symbiote. Alternatively, if this isn’t a Higher Demon she’s serving? She instead acts as a parasite to any demon below that of an Overlord in terms of power, the person in question would eventually give-out and die from any enhancements she can give or be devoured from the inside out while she controls them or merely reigns control to them while they’re on a time limit- she can’t control whether or not she consumes someone, however. Minerva is not willing to do this unless a mental contract writ that nothing bad will happen to her with another entity she can’t devour or mind control, as it would leave her otherwise to someone’s mercy to simply be absorbed or outright destroyed in terms of sentience and used as a living, mindless symbiote infused into the being if the being has the means to do so to her. - Envy Magic (Combinable with Lust Magic): Shadow Curses involving love, envy or even flesh-based curses and diseases involving demonic stds or strange bizarre ones. Or using shadowy spikes in the environment, then shadows to get up from people and attack them. She needs someone’s essence to cast a Shadow Curse, however. - Shadow Puppetry (Envy and Lust Combined): if given someone beaten unconscious or mentally tortured to mind break? She can control them like a puppet and act normally as a sleeper-agent and mind control them from afar. This is a heavily plot-centered power, so I probably won't bring it up unless she sees someone she can use that's an NPC. - Demonic Summoning and Teleportation: through a five minute ritual? She can take someone who is willing from the demon realm to where she is or vice versa if summoned with a circle. The only limit is how big the circle is and (blood sacrifice if outside of Hell), and usually is for demonic invasions or excursions. - Pride: This is mostly used on those that are not demonic entities, but it’s to tempt any and all who have doubts, to further lead them to damnation. It’s the kind of power that overtime makes Kings and Humans go mad the more they choke on their own pride, leaving them open to possibly be broken by Minerva with her other magic. Though she can and will use this as possibly a sleeper agent if temporarily erasing who she is to herself, mostly when using her own magics on herself at the request of Stella to subtly break someone, an Overlord or otherwise in a more subtle manner. Granted, it really depends on the situation and usually she isn’t sent behind enemy lines for this.
Pride Sense: mostly those with forms of pride, honor Minerva senses and often follows Stella’s demands to influence them or do some of the following above, depending. - Protected: she’s usually protected and doesn’t stray far from her mansion or if she is outside? Usually is assigned a few guards or a host body of someone she’s broken and mutated, preferring usually a sinner demon rather than another Hellborn. Mostly to protect her actual form and body from harm. -
Hybrid Traits: Her magical pool is innately high from her hybridization and usually doesn’t tire from the designs she’s meant to serve. She COULD try casting other spells outside of her sins, but usually refrains from it as it’s rather tiring. - Essence Rules: it’s basically essence gained through touch, sex or otherwise to which she can store within herself. Then her own innate magic reserves can further extend it, though if given consent: it’s not expended as much. But it is a resource, basically to more or less just make her stronger magics not as spammable. Though, the stronger the person in question? The more excess essence she can absorb, but with non-demons? It’s life-force and they can very much die from this, killing someone with it absorbs a lot more essence or consuming someone through sex? She gains a pretty high amount of essence and does store it for later in her Alchemy Labs. - Motivations: To survive and toy with those she deems worth her time. To gain some friends, lovers, maybe new family. To gain power and carve a niche that’s non-threatening to her mistress/master and secure her place more firmly in Demonic Society. Backstory: She’s the bastard child of a Goetia Noble of moderate but not high standing and a Baphomet Succubus of relatively good standing. I headcanon that her origins probably are in the more magic inclined of the Goetia, and going off of canon? I think I did a relatively decent job of keeping her off of Stolas-Like abilities or needing set-up to do anything remotely similar such as teleportation which he seemingly can freely do with his book, then lacking insta-kill moves like him etc. Being a strong but more utility based magic user that can do some heavy harm from her studies and journey in her environment as a servant, but also a noble.
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