#finally! he gets an ending where he’s not tormented or betrayed
isthemedia · 9 months
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konigsblog · 2 months
Kidnapper König getting deployed thus, nobody is there to save you from Krueger and his will
cw: kidnapping. 🔞
you felt betrayed to be abandoned by könig, the one who truly cares and tends to your needs, the one who respects you, or at least more than krueger.
krueger's behaviour and punishments are inhumane, his way of treating you is cruel and violent, and his touch is perverted. instead of cleaning your innocently, his calloused hands wander between your soft thighs, grabbing a firm hold of his lengthy cock and prodding it against your tight hole. he eases inside, fucking you mercilessly while you sob out for könig, to be spared from this abuse.
the basement feels colder than usual, and when you ask to speak to könig after being tormented and harassed by krueger for hours on end, he breaks the news which leaves you shaken up, in despair as you weep for his return.
könig is supposed to be gone for a couple of months, and despite knowing this, krueger lies and tells you that he's never coming home—that he has abandoned you and that he doesn't love you anymore. he finds a sick and twisted form of enjoyment seeing you break down, squirming away out of terror, away from his filthy hands.
krueger subjects you to a form of emotional, physical and physiological abuse. he keeps in touch with könig the entire time, and tells him that you're doing fine. when könig asks to see a photograph of his beloved captive, you're forced to smile, to wipe your tears with the back of your hand, to pretend that you're happy and not completely miserable.
krueger never explains the purpose of him taking a photo, he just tells you to listen, to not question a thing. if you knew he was sending these to könig, you wouldn't behave, knowing könig would beat krueger's ass at the state of you; dirty, bloody, and depressed.
when könig finally returns, you're confused and can't comprehend what's happening. you believed krueger when he said that könig would never come home and save you, but the familiar, warm sound of his voice from above in the kitchen you left you clawing at the basement door, desperate to see his face again and feel his strong arms wrap around you, protecting you from all harm and danger.
although despite your excitement, könig wasn't as excited as you. of course, he had dreamt of seeing his baby again, but his face dropped and his stomach churned at the sight of you. you looked disheveled, he fell to his knees and held you tightly, his eyes wide as he took in your appearance, looking ill and sickly, with bruises and marks all over your body. you squirmed when he held you, body aching from being punished and used as a form of enjoyment and pleasure for that sick, depraved man.
you didn't expect to see tears running down könig's face, but god, it ruined you. it ruined könig to see his bubbly, cheery angel all depressed and anxious. when könig asked about what had happened, you fell silent, no longer babbling on about everything, how you missed him. you didn't know what to say. krueger has broke you in to the point where you fear what will happen to you if you tell könig the truth, but you can't resist that face you've came to adore, you couldn't lie to könig, you wouldn't.
you were cradled the entire night, while krueger had slammed the front door shut drunkenly, claiming he'd be back the next morning. finally upstairs in the living room, the smell of könig's cologne soothing and comforting for poor you, falling asleep against the chest you yearned for, to feel könig's heartbeat against your head once again. :(
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multi-fxndom446 · 8 months
Alejandro Vargas x Reader
Summary: you are taken into custody after working with Valeria and Alejandro practically begs for you to give him a reason why.
Warnings: angst, talk about blackmail, fluff at the end, a lil spicy at the end by not to much. my absolute shit show of Spanish (my resident Spanish speaker took 6 hours to respond and I don’t trust google.) IS THIS MILITARY ACCURATE OR POLITICALLY ACCURATE? NO BUT LEMME LIVE.
Word count: 5.1k
Also the very end was completely unnecessary and you can skip it if you want but I feel like it add another little happy ending cushion😗
Whaaaat another one so soon??? Crazy.
Genuinely this seemed better in my head but hopefully y’all still like it.
Now where did this come from? Idfk don’t ask my I was gonna write for Gaz next 😭
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Your wrists hurt.
That was the only thing you tried to focus on as you stared blankly at the wall in front of you as if looking through the multiple men standing in the room with you, interrogating you.
They had your wrists zip tied together behind the chair. You couldn’t help but rub against the restraint from how tight they were, your skin becoming raw.
It made you wonder if they cuffed you tighter than was necessary. No, you knew they did. Maybe it was because it was Alejandro who restrained you and he let his anger for you bleed through slightly.
“You’re really not gonna talk?” Alejandro demanded, his hands splayed on the table separating the two of you. If you looked in his eyes you knew you’d see the anger he harbored for you but that’s not what you were scared of seeing, you were scared of seeing the confusion, the hurt that would also be there. “Why did you do it?”
He’d been asking you that for the last half hour and yet you still haven’t given him a reason for doing what you did. You didn’t give him a reason as to why you betrayed him and Rudy all those years ago. And why you did it again not even a week ago.
You were taken into custody with Valeria, who was in a separate room from you awaiting her own interrogation but for some reason they really wanted answers from you.
“Let's go. She won’t talk.” Ghost had finally said after a tense moment of Alejandro trying to get you to look him in the eyes but everytime he did it was like you were staring straight through him. “Maybe Valeria will talk.”
Maybe she would. Just to torment you further.
“C’mon Ale.” Rudy muttered softly patting him on the shoulder as he walked out of the room with everyone else.
Alejandro stared at you for a moment longer and in a split second of weakness your eyes flitted up to meet his. His breath caught in his throat but he forced himself to look away and follow the others out.
He was the last to enter the shipping container holding Valeria and after they got the information they needed from her some of the men left. Leaving him, Rudy and Price alone with her.
“Why did she do it?” Alejandro asked her but she tilted her head in mock confusion, legs crossed like she didn’t have a care in the world. “Don’t play stupid Valeria. She wouldn’t have done that on her own accord.”
Finally Valeria snapped, a humorless laugh leaving her lips. “And how would you know? You don’t know anything about her.” Alejandro just glared back at her.
“Can someone please explain to me the relationship between all of you?” Price finally piped in and it was then Alejandro realized he never really explained how he knew you.
Alejandro held his glare on the women before him for a moment longer before turning his head to glance at Price. “Y/n was part of Valeria’s squad. One of the closest friends Valeria had.” Valeria sneered in response.
“Maybe that was why she decided to join me. Ever think of that pendejo? Maybe she wanted to.” Alejandro just shook his head, he could feel his anger rising the more he spoke to her, he knew he had to calm down if he was going to get the answers he wanted. “She was practically my right hand man y’know? Did everything I asked without question.”
“There has to be a reason for it. She wouldn’t have just done that.” Rudy finally spoke up. “She was also my friend in the military. I did know her, she wouldn’t have just done something like that for no reason at all. She wouldn’t have betrayed us-“
“Twice?” Valeria finished, laughing when all three pairs of eyes snapped back to her. “You hear quite a few things when stuck in here. Did you ever think maybe it’s just in her to betray you?”
Alejandro scoffed. He clenched his jaw as he shook his head in disbelief, “no.” He stated as he slammed open the door and walked out.
Time was running out for you to confess your reasons to him. TF141 was already gathering supplies to take off shortly to go after the last missile and Hassan. He needed to know why before he put you in a prison so far away he would never even see a glimpse of you again.
You were still staring off blankly rubbing against your restraint when Alejandro came in again. So loudly it did cause you to glance at him but this time he held your gaze as he walked in closer.
“Explain to me.” He demanded his fists clenched tight. “Explain it to me! Why did you do it?” Your heart hurt at the way his voice had a hint of begging.
When once again he saw your lips were sealed tight he flung the only other chair in the room against a wall. “Puta madre!” He yelled but you didn’t move not even when Rudy and Soap rushed in at the commotion.
Soap had a hand on Alejandro’s chest to stop him from advancing which he just shook off. “Alejandro, maybe you should take a minute to calm down.” He said softly but Alejandro just shook his head.
He opened his mouth to respond when your voice stopped him in his tracks. “I won’t speak to you.” You said it with such conviction before nodding to Rudy. “I’ll only talk to Rudy.”
Alejandro looked between you and his best friend with a look you could almost decipher as hurt or betrayal. Maybe both. “What?” He muttered his gaze still flying back and forth before he took a deep breath and leveled you with a harsh glare. You wouldn’t talk to him then whatever happened to you was no longer his fault. “You don’t get to call him Rudy. Not after everything you’ve done. It’s Rodolfo to you.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, “fine I’ll only speak to Rodolfo. No one else.” Then you went quiet again and shifted your gaze back to the wall. All three men looked at each other before Rudy looked to his friend, almost in question on if it would be okay for him to talk to you.
“Hijo de la puta.” Alejandro shoved soaps hand away as he put an arm out again. “Fuck!” Finally after a few more moments of him cursing under his breath he nodded to Rudy before he quickly made his way out, soap following close behind.
Rudy watched his Colonel go, he knew how much this was hurting him. It was hurting him as well. You and him were pretty close when you served together, you told him everything and he you, so he truly couldn’t believe you would betray them without good reason.
“Alright,” he picked the chair up from the floor and set it down across from you, almost surprised that you met his gaze head on. “Explain.”
“I already know I’m dead Rudy.” He titled his head in confusion, choosing to ignore the way you called him by his nickname. “Either i get killed or i'm going to prison for the rest of my life, I have no reason to confess.”
“Other than to give us peace of mind!” He leaned forward. Rudy was never one who was able to hide his emotions easily, especially around people he cared about. But you were honestly getting tired of the pleading that was in the depths of his and Alejandro’s eyes. “There had to be a reason. The you I knew back then would’ve never left without-“
Suddenly he cut himself off almost like a realization hit him square in the face, chest caving slighty he took a deep breath. “Y/n..”
You could see it on his face, the knowledge he had just come upon. Your shoulders sagged as your cold eyes finally broke to reveal just how tired you were. “They threatened someone I care about Rudy.” Silence engulfed the room while he waited for you to continue. “Someone I love. If I were to ever reveal their plans it’s not my life at risk it’s his.”
“After all this time you still-?” His gaze and posture both softened almost immediately as the answers were slowly being revealed to him.
“Everyday.” You swallowed thickly. “I was never worried about my own life.”
Rudy shifted slightly to bring himself closer to you as if the two of you were gossiping. “Dime.” He all but whispered “Everything.”
You shook your head, “I can’t. The ones threatening him are still alive. I can’t.” You denied, your wrists rubbing tighter against the restraints as you grew more and more anxious.
“Valeria and Graves?” You nodded “y/n. Valeria is going away and graves is dead they won’t get to him.”
You shook your head again a little more forcefully, “I didn’t see Graves with my own eyes I don’t know that he is. And you don’t know Valeria, Rudy. Not the way I do. She has people on the outside. I can't risk it. So kill me, do whatever you want to me just keep him safe.”
“You know I can’t do that.” You could see the way his heart was breaking at even the thought of killing you. “I can protect you, we both can. Just trust me enough to tell me.”
You shut your mouth tight, already making up your mind that you were done with this conversation but Rudy wasn’t going to let you do that. Not after he just started getting answers.
“Fine. I’ll go speak with Valeria, tell her you told me everything.” Your eyes shot open at his words. You pulled tight against your restraints as he stood up.
“No?” You shook your head. “Then tell me.”
You searched his eyes to see if he was really going to do what he said but you saw nothing but conviction in them and it made you realize one thing. He had no reason to make promises to you when you broke all of yours.
Sighing, you deflated in your seat. “Valeria, that day on the mountain, already had our squad on her side. I was the last to know because she knew when I found out I would tell you and Ale. She was my best friend. I had no reason to suspect her of anything. Until she held a knife to my throat and told me she would kill him if I didn’t join her. I told her to go ahead, that I would never do it.” The pain of recalling the moments of your betrayal was almost unbearable. “The one person I loved longer than I could remember. His life was in my hands. So the choice was obvious to me. Even if you both hated me in the end at least you both would be alive.”
Rudy took a deep breath as he took in all your words. “And Graves? Why did you side with him?” You gave him a look as if telling him he should already know.
“Come on Rudy.” You scoffed, eyes burning with unshed tears. “You know why. He took me into his custody soon after Valeria and I were arrested. I had information he needed and when I refused to talk he told me what he did to you and everyone else.”
You looked at him again, shaky breaths falling from your lips. “He had him, Rudy. I couldn’t just let Graves hurt him. So yes I told him what I knew in exchange for Alejandro’s safety. I don’t care if that makes me weak, I don’t even care that it means he hates me now. He’s alive. That’s all that matters to me.”
This time when the silence engulfed the room he knew you were well and truly done speaking. Your posture straightened as you sat back against the chair, your gaze back to staring at the wall in front of you.
Rudy let the silence settle for a minute before he rapped his knuckles against the table and let out a deep breath. He pushed his chair in and left without another word, knowing you well enough to know he wasn’t getting anything else out of you.
As soon as he was out of the room, questioning eyes were on him, piercing into his very soul. “Well? Did she say anything?” Alejandro asked frantically, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. But when Rudy stayed silent Alejandro’s shoulders fell. “She really won’t talk? She told you nothing?”
“That’s it Alejandro. We have to load her and Valeria up.” Ghost muttered while the colonel stared at Rudy for another moment, hoping he would say anything. But when he again didn’t he let out a long sigh before nodding his head.
“Sí, I’ll help you.” Alejandro and soap were the ones to go in and get you. Rudy watched from the doorway as the both of you seemed to put a brick wall between you. Neither one acknowledging the other as Soap yanked you up.
You winced slightly when your wrists rubbed against the zip tie again.
Rudy was going to leave it alone. He really was. But then he saw your eyes quickly scan Alejandro as if checking for injuries when he wasn’t looking. Then how Alejandro was still gentle when he grabbed onto your arm to escort you out.
“Colonel, wait.” Your eyes shot over to Rudy who couldn’t seem to keep your gaze. “She did talk. Can we speak privately?”
“Rudy.” You gritted out roughly and Alejandro’s hand tightened its hold on you. “Don’t.”
“Please Ale it’s important.” You swear if looks could kill Rudy would be so far underground. Alejandro looked between you, Rudy and soap before gesturing for soap to let go which he did. Alejandro sat you back in your chair and the both of them followed Rudy out.
“Rodolfo! Don’t you dare!” You screamed after him as the door clicked shut behind them.
You felt like you were going to be sick, after everything you’ve done to keep it a secret it was gonna be exposed just like that because you trusted Rudy. Which in hindsight maybe wasn’t the best idea but after so many years of not seeing a face you trusted your gut just told you to speak to him.
It was so quiet now in your cell. You were so tired, there was no more fight left in you. You followed Valeria around like a puppy on a short leash, doing anything and everything she asked you even when your morals told you it was wrong. One click of her phone had you scrambling to do what she asked.
You learned very early on of all the connections she had. If she wanted something done or someone killed all she had to do was press a few buttons and things would be done.
Alejandro’s life loomed over you even after all these years. Even after all the time you started losing sight of yourself, your anchor was keeping him safe. Maybe that was why it was so easy for you to give in to Graves. Like a good puppy trained, one threat and you were spilling everything.
It made you sick. You were trained harshly in the military to not give information so easily. To either get rescued or die. But..you couldn’t even consider yourself as part of the military anymore not after going with Valeria.
You could still feel the presence of Graves like he was still right behind you interrogating you. Like your hands were still tied to the chair, breathing through any punches they threw at you until you saw Alejandro being roughly escorted by the room you were in. He didn’t notice you but you noticed him and Graves noticed the drastic change in your eyes.
It took him less then a minute to finally understand what made you tick and immediately he switched his way of doing this. Any time you refused to talk, he would send one of his men to Alejandro’s cell just a few doors down. You’d be able to hear very clearly when he would grunt in pain or when he would fall to the floor and it made your heart ache.
You lasted them doing that only a few more times before you finally gave Graves everything he wanted. Then he left you there for dead, stuck in a room in between 141 and shadow company as both sides shot at each other. The stray bullets landing somewhere near you.
You hoped that one would bounce just right and take you out. But unfortunately the world wouldn’t be so kind and in the next moment Alejandro rounded the corner, stopping short when he saw you.
He had clenched his jaw tight then and grabbed a zip tie he found somewhere. He cut you loose but immediately cuffed your hands together and you couldn’t even put up a fight as he grabbed your arm tightly and started dragging you down the halls with them.
That’s how you ended up here you suppose.
You weren’t even sure how much time had passed since Rudy decided he was going to reveal everything to Alejandro but a few minutes later the door opened quietly and the man himself walked in, lips sealed shut much like yours.
He didn’t say anything as he walked over to you and pulled out his knife. You watched him carefully as he came closer and closer and just when you were about to be worried he cut the zip tie and let your hands loose.
You immediately brought them up to your chest so you could rub away the soreness and keep a close eye on him but he wouldn’t meet your gaze instead he stopped at the door, “make sure she doesn’t do anything. We’re taking Valeria into custody. We'll be back later tonight.” He informed one of his men who nodded sharply.
“Rudy told you everything?” You finally asked and Alejandro turned his head slightly to acknowledge that he heard you but never did respond. Just continued out the door which closed softly behind him. “God damn it Rudy.”
When he had said he was going to be back later that night you didn’t expect that to mean some god forsaken hour of the night. You waited as long as you could, pacing your small room after finally being let free but after a while there really was nothing to do but sit and wait.
And you waited. And waited.
Until your eyes couldn’t wait anymore. You rested your head on the table for what you told yourself would just be a short nap but then your eyelids continued to grow heavier and you slept until Alejandro returned.
When he did finally return he sent his own men to bed when he noticed the tired look in their eyes. He really needed to give them a day off soon. “You want me to come with you?” Rudy asked when the last of the men were gone.
Alejandro glanced between him and the door before shaking his head softly. “Nah. This is something I have to confront on my own. Get some rest.” Rudy gave him a short nod and parted ways while Alejandro quietly entered the room, noticing your sleeping form immediately.
It made his chest squeeze to see you so vulnerable. It made him wonder how long it’s been since you felt comfortable enough to even do something as simple as falling asleep.
He quietly moved the other chair closer to you and leaned his head against the table just so he could admire you in peace for a little longer. You really never changed in his eyes.
He watched silently while your eyes fluttered open, taking a minute to adjust to what was in front of you before your eyes widened and you sat straight up. Very much wide awake.
Alejandro let out a sigh as he slowly sat up as well, the once soft expression now wiped from his face. You glanced at him every few seconds as the silence consumed you.
He just watched you and you were starting to wonder if he was ever going to talk. After a long silence that seemed almost like a challenge you finally broke first when you could no longer take his piercing eyes burning holes into you.
“Why didn’t you take me into custody with Valeria?” You knew you could usually hold out longer but it was him staring at you. It was easier to ignore when more of the men were in here because that way you could feel all eyes on you. But his alone was starting to hurt.
Alejandro crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. “Because I’m not taking you into custody. Rudy did tell me everything.” You looked away from him, nodding. “I can’t accept what you did even if it was you protecting someone you love.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion slightly at his choice of words. “What?” You muttered softly.
“The things you did. Do you think the person you loved would forgive you if they learned you did all of that in the name of protecting them?” Your throat dried as you stared at him. “You killed innocent people.”
“I never killed anyone.” You snapped and his eyebrows raised. He uncrossed his arms to lean against the table again, motioning for you to continue. “Valeria had men for that. I was in charge of moving the shipments. To keep her identity safe.”
Alejandro was quiet and you could see the way he was trying to process your words. “I was put on the front line, my life was at risk but I never killed anyone. How little do you think of me?” At this he glared at you and opened his mouth as if he was going to argue but he just shook his head and stood up to make his way to the door.
“I’ll be sure to let Rudy know.” He stated while he reached for the handle.
“What the hell does Rudy have to do with this?” You demanded as you stood abruptly from your seat. “Did he not tell you everything?”
He paused, “he told me you were doing it to protect someone you loved, he didn’t tell me who. But you only wanted to speak to him so I put two and two together.” You stood there in utter shock. You felt like wringing his neck.
How clueless could he be even after all this time?
“It wasn’t because of Rudy I did all of that.” You clenched your hands tightly at your sides and Alejandro finally turned to you again but didn’t say anything. Another challenging silence fell between you before your anger got the best of you. “How stupid are you Alejandro?”
“Que?” He rounded on you quickly gripping onto your wrist when you tried backing away. He cornered you against the wall closest to you, caging you there as he leveled you with a harsh glare. “You think you can talk to me like that?”
You were almost positive your heart may just stop beating all together. He had your wrist in one hand pressed against the wall and his other gripped your upper arm making sure you stayed there.
You opened your mouth to respond but no words would come out. “Come on, you had so much to say just a few minutes ago.” He sneered, bringing his face closer to yours to where you had no space left. His entire body was practically pushed against you and you could feel every muscle on his body.
You only stood in shock for a second more before you returned his glare. “Yes because what makes you think it was Rudy?!” You felt his hold loosen just ever so slightly but his glare never let up. “Why for all these years have you continued to be blind?”
“Then help me see. Just fucking tell me the reason.” He pushed against you slightly like he was trying to shove you into the wall more
“Rudy already told you everything.” You spat bringing your face just that much closer. “I can’t help you see something that’s been right in front of you this whole time!”
Alejandro tsked before his body was gone and he was already several steps towards the door again but he didn’t pause at the handle, it looked almost like he needed to put distance between you both.
“I want to hear it from your mouth!” He shouted, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “Why is it so hard for you to tell me? Haven’t you trusted me before?”
“This has nothing to do with trust.” You rubbed at the wrist he had in his grasp. “I’m doing it to protect-“
“Protect who?!” He took a few steps closer to you again
“It doesn’t matter-“
“Who did you do this for?! Who did you throw your whole life away for?!”
“I did it for you, pendejo!”
Your breathing was heavy as you stared at him. The confession was like a bomb going off in the middle of a battlefield. Something that was so loud it left your ears ringing from the aftermath.
Before you could even register, Alejandro had crossed the space again in a few steps. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into him while his other hand went to cup the side of your head, hands entangling in the strands of your hair as he brought you to him.
He kissed you heatedly, keeping you tight against him when you made a noise of surprise. Even still you couldn’t help but notice how kissing him in real life couldn’t ever compare to all the dreams you’ve allowed yourself to have.
You felt the roughness of his beard against your own face as you brought your hands up to his chest where you could feel his heart beating just as hard as yours.
He pushed you back against the wall as he moved from your lips to leave heated kisses down your neck forcing you to arch into him with a moan. The hand on your waist wrapped around the small of your back to keep you in that arch against him. You could feel the heat of his palm through the layers of clothes you had on and it made you want more.
“Ale.” You whimpered and immediately felt him stop. He pulled away slowly to look you in the eyes which you were sure were hazy from the moment. “What?”
He had a look in his eyes you couldn’t place. Something so much deeper than you were expecting. He took in a shaky breath, “I didn’t think I was ever going to hear you say my name like that again.” He whispered almost breathless.
The hand in your hair moved down to cup your jaw softly while the two of you kept eye contact. “Rudy told you everything didn’t he?”
Instead of answering he kissed you again this time softer before pulling back only an inch to mutter his next request against your bruised lips. “Stay with me. We can protect you.” He felt you take a sharp breath. “I can protect you.”
“Let me protect you mí amor.”
Your hands clenched against his chest and looked away from his intense gaze. “Your higher ups wouldn’t allow that to happen.”
“If you’re worried about 141 and Sheperd don’t. Shepherd is AWOL he can’t tell me shit on what to do with you.” He informed and you could feel his hand start rubbing your back soothingly. “You gave up everything to protect my life. Let me do this for you now.”
You searched his eyes looking for anything that would tell you he’s lying but there was nothing but love. “Okay.” You said softly and could practically feel his grin before he closed the gap once again and brought you to him.
Months later you would find yourself in his room on base while he was away training. He practically forced you to stay with him and by that you meant he held you tight in his embrace anytime he was with you and it made you never want to leave. And he never made you.
You found out that Alejandro loved you as well, since the beginning. You remembered when you finally broke down in his arms one night when he admitted that he never stopped loving you.
You apologized over and over but he just cradled you in his arms and whispered sweet compliments in Spanish until you calmed down and he carried you to the bed you shared and held you even closer for the rest of the night.
He wasn’t lying when he said he was going to protect you. He did everything in his power to protect you even from your own mind.
It’s all you could think about as you roamed his room, wearing one of his shirts while you cleaned. You were so lost in thought you didn’t hear his door open and close softly until arms wrapped around you and you were pulled into a sturdy chest.
“Hola, mi amor.” Alejandro kissed your neck softly, smiling when he felt you melt into his arms. “Is this my shirt?”
You felt his hand grab onto the hem of the shirt while he continued kissing you neck. You titled your head away to give him more access and gave him a small hum in confirmation.
“You should wear it more often.” He murmured against your neck while he laid his palm flat against your stomach to pull you closer to him. His lips traveled up to the shell of your ear where he whispered, “come to bed with me. I’m so tired.”
You laughed softly. This whole thing felt like a dream. You didn’t know how you got so lucky for him to let you stay like this.
Though it was a slow process and he was still working through forgiving you for everything and you were working through everything you had been through you truly don’t think you have ever been happier.
“I’m cleaning.” He groaned when you started unwrapping his arms but he just grabbed your waist and twisted you around so you were facing each other. “Ale.”
“I’m just relishing in your presence Princesa.” He smirked while trailing his fingers down the side of your bare thighs.
You chuckled again and kissed his lips shortly, smirking when he chased after your lips for more. “Well you can relish in it still by helping me.” You stepped away and he groaned.
“Okay okay.” But he still couldn’t keep his eyes off you the whole time.
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wandabear · 4 months
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Summary: Your duty is to watch her 'till Chton comes for her, even if you hate it, but do you really hate it? Especially when you start to get to know Wanda. The bond begins to torment you. But, oh Lord, you've never been so in love. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four chapter five chapter six
tw: angst, violence, mentions of death, fluff, angst with a happy ending.
Jules/Stolas is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤchapter two
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Almost four months have passed since Wanda and Y/N met. Even if the progress was slow, the Sokovian looked less sad, every time she left her room it was to go see Y/N or spar with Natasha.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Although they sometimes had dinner with the Avengers, they always had a special moment together. Wednesdays and Fridays were their 'special days just for two'.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Missions have been difficult but nothing that endangered her friends. Friends, this is how Wanda was beginning to see the people around her. They were no longer the 'avengers', Nat, Kate, Y/N, Jules, Yelena, Clint, each and every one of them cared about her.  And she cared about them too.
Slowly the brunette began to come out of that bubble, feeling less hurt and finally accepting the loss to begin to heal.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Unlike Wanda, the one who was beginning to have serious trouble was Y/N, whose confusion and guilt was slowly devouring her from the inside.
How could she have a friendship with someone she had to betray sooner or later? How many times had Abaddon say that she shouldn't come near Wanda?
Thousands of times in thousands of years Y/N ran away from this type of relationship and now, as if it was like magic, Wanda made her feel so… comfortable. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Wanda made her smile genuinely. Wanda made her try harder, Wanda worried her. Wanda. Wanda. Wanda. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ  It was disgusting!
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Now she not only had to deal with lying to Abaddon, saying that the Sokovian was getting closer and closer to breaking down, but she had to lie to Wanda who was beginning to blindly trust her. Just like the other Avengers, who already trusted her.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Steve did it, the man was honest and always repeated that Y/N was a great agent. Bucky said the same thing, maybe he was closer to Y/N than Steve.  He was trying to make amends for his past too, so he understood how to trust but also how to understand other people's mistakes. Natasha and Yelena trusted her enough to have her as their right hand on missions. Kate seemed to be glued all day to Jules, looking like two dumb twins separated at birth.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Everything was starting to get too personal and that tormented Y/N.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Good! But you have to improve more in your defense, okay?” Natasha said as she took Jules hand, helping  get up from the mat.The brunette smiled and just nodded quickly and walked over to Y/N, who was looking at her in confusion. Totally surprised that Natasha was the winner.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ “Did you let her win? There's no way she could beat you that way.” Y/N whispered, looking at Jules who was still blushing and smiling.  How was it possible for a demon to be defeated by a simple powerless agent?
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ Jules smiled mischievously and wiped the sweat with a towel. “Dude, I had Natasha Romanoff top on me for a few seconds, that's enough gain. I don’t mind losing.” ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N's face said it all.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Maybe it wasn't just her who was getting too involved in all of this. Jules seemed to quickly get used to them, to… being an agent.  Just a ‘human being’.
How could Stolas forget where she came from? She was an ancient demon, respected as a Prince of Hell.  Demon Prince of the Day.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ Now she let herself be beaten and rubbed by a simple human.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
The bile rose as high as the anger, perhaps because she was projecting her own frustrations and fears onto Jules. But those thoughts disappeared when the Russian caught their attention again.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Wanda and Y/N.”  Nat pointed at them. “Let's see what you have.” ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Sighing, Y/N watched as Wanda nodded and stood on the mat. The demon did the same, perhaps a little embarrassed knowing that she was going to defeat Wanda in the blink of an eye.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Come on, go first.” Y/N said perhaps too smug, as if she were doing the girl a favor. The demon threw a punch into the air so slowly that she knew Wanda could easily dodge it, but instead of dodging it, the Sokovian grabbed her arm, forcing Y/N to fall to the ground hard.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Y/N stood up from the mat and looked at her in surprise.
She tried to go for her one more time but Wanda made her fall again, not just once but twice more. She wasn't even using her powers.
In the third time, the Sokovian ended up sitting on her belly preventing Y/N from moving in a key aikido technique.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“I’m sorry.” Wanda asked worriedly, blushing quite a bit as she brushed a strand of hair out of her face.  “Are you okay?”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“I-I’m fine. Yeah.” Surprised, agitated and a little blushing too, Y/N nodded trying to catch her breath. Noticing the position they were in, Wanda quickly stood up.
“That was great, Wanda!” Natasha clapped her hands proudly, quite surprised that the Sokovian finally fought back. 
Somewhat embarrassed, Y/N walked away towards Jules who was waiting for her with a bottle of water and a towel.
“You let her win too?” Jules asked curiously but Y/N just threw the towel at her face.
“Shut up!” Y/N growled and walked away from the gym so she could clear her head. Of course Wanda noticed Y/N's annoyance but she didn't say anything. Perhaps she blamed the agent’s damaged ego.
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After about two or three  hours running around the lake, Y/N decided to come back and take a long shower. All afternoon trying to think of something else, but Wanda seemed to remain, like a curse, not letting her go.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
The demon tried to avoid the places where the sokovian usually was, she finally entered her room and leaned against the door, sighing.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Are you OK? I've noticed that you're a little upset.” Jules' voice made her jump.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
The brunette was in bed, with a towel on her head, watching some kind of animated series and eating some chips.
It was pretty funny, and Y/N would laugh all night if she weren't so upset.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Frowning, she asked herself what could be worse? She had to talk to someone to understand what was happening, right? Couldn't tell anyone that she was a demon, feeling confused about a girl. Talking to Stolas was better than nothing.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Yeah… it’s just… Can we talk?” Y/N licked her lips and sat on the bed, next to Jules.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Sure, about what?”  The dark haired girl sat down, leaving the chips aside so Y/N could take some.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Taking a moment to think through her words, Y/N fixed her gaze on her friend's brown eyes. “What are you doing? I mean, what are we doing here?” 
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
What was she doing in this place? Making friends, eating, doing missions to save people.
She had been making the work of people like the Avengers worse for millennia, and now she was working for them. And she did it gladly.
She was watching Wanda’s back when she hated that girl her entire life, having to 'protect' her, now Y/N was beginning to feel affection for Wanda even though she always avoided it.
Everything was so confusing!
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Of course that's what she meant, but Jules simply smiled tenderly and pointed to her Stark tablet.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“What am I doing? I'm watching this thing… I’m really into this anime called 'Demon Slayer'. It’s so good! Do you wanna watch it with me?”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Oh, awfully innocent. Silence. A tense silence formed between them.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Blinking in complete shock, Y/N stared at the brunette trying to understand if it was a joke. She was trying to talk about something important and Stolas was just... talking about watching TV.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“I don't mean that… Wait, you’re watching this… ‘anime’ about how they hunt demons… And you are a demon?” Y/N narrowed her eyes trying to understand it, and of course trying not to sound sarcastic. Seeing how Jules nodded excitedly, Y/N just shook her head. “You’re really something…”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Oh! Thank you.” Jules smiled proudly, thinking it was a real compliment.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
She couldn't even tell the difference between damn sarcasm, Y/N just got even angrier.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Ugh, I can’t talk to you!”  Y/N exclaimed in annoyance and stood up to leave the room, leaving her friend confused, but Jules just shrugged.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Walking with some haste and enough annoyance to make many agents walk away when they saw her, Y/N arrived at the dining room where she saw Kate Bishop sitting in front of the window enjoying a pizza with her dog, Lucky.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Bishop!” Y/N exclaimed loudly, pointing at her. “I have to talk to you!” 
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Sitting in front of Kate, the demon surprised the archer who opened her eyes wide, stammering. “Umh, I thought you hated me but okay!”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“We need to talk.” Y/N sighed. “You look like an irresponsible child who takes risks and puts yourself in danger, but trustworthy enough to hear what I have to say.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Wow… Okay! Sharp but sincere, tell me what you want to talk about.” Kate looked at her curiously, inviting her to have a slice of pizza but Y/N shook her head.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Lucky watched the demon for a long time, as if he knew she was up to no good, but never attacked or growled at her. Maybe because she hadn't done anything wrong yet, but even so, he remained alert.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
 “I've been feeling... strange.”  Y/N started a little awkwardly, she cleared her throat without knowing how to express herself very well.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Like what…?” The archer narrowed her eyes, Lucky decided to go to sleep on the couch, leaving them alone.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“About Wanda…” Y/N gulped, a little nervously.  “I've been feeling different when I’m with her. I wanted to talk to Jules about it but she's not... she's not THE person... she's not even a person most of the time.” She complained, pinching the bridge of her nose.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Wanda? Oh!” Kate's eyes widened, realizing what it was all about.  “About love, well I'm not an expert...”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“It's not about love, of course not!” The demon cut her off, shaking her head. How could it be about love? Maybe this girl perhaps wasn't as insightful as she seemed. Maybe she should have talked to Barnes.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“What do you feel specifically?” The brunette asked as she drank some soda, noting that it was the first time she had seen Y/N so nervous and worried. The woman always seemed so tough and badass.  “Without you looking at me as if you wanted to kill me with your gaze.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Frowning, Y/N thought about getting up and leaving but little by little that hard and serious expression began to relax. Kate was just trying to help her.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Today, when we spar together, she made me fall… And at first I felt so angry. Ugh!” She clenched her jaw, couldn't believe it. Just remembering it made her blood boil.  “I mean, no one has ever brought me down in my life. And it is a very long life, Kate!”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
She stood up from her seat, slamming the table and making Kate jump.
The archer didn't say anything, just watched as Y/N paced back and forth like a caged beast.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“But she managed to make me stumble and fall easily, that made me feel so upset.” Y/N shook her head.  “But then that went away fast and I felt so proud… then I felt worried. So many feelings! How can you get them all at once?!”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
She stared out the glass window. The colors in the sky were fascinating and disturbing.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“I could have hurt her.” Y/N murmured worriedly. She finally blurted out what was really worrying her.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Kate sighed. “But you didn’t.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“But I could.” Suddenly Y/N turned to see Kate, who was looking at her with some tenderness. Why was the archer looking at her with that tender look?
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“She’s enhanced.”  Kate tried to calm her down and make her understand, not realizing there was something deeper going on.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“And I am-…” Y/N was going to keep going but stopped. A demon.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
She was a demon, she was much more powerful, but Kate couldn't know that. How could Y/N be so stupid to almost let it out?   “A simple agent, I know.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Y/N looked down.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“I didn't mean that.” Kate quickly apologized, embarrassed. She didn't want to break the progress she finally had with Y/N.
“I know.”  Y/N she sighed deeply, sitting back down. “But I worry… and that’s the deal, I never worry about anyone. She's my friend, but I don't feel like... a friend.”
Kate was about to say something and paused for a few seconds, wondering if it was the right thing to say, but Y/N sought her out because of her sincerity, she had to honor that.
“Maybe you're falling in love... What's wrong with that?”  The archer shrugged, noticing how Y/N opened her eyes so wide that she thought they would pop out of their place.
“You don't get it, can’t be ‘love’. That's not possible!” The demon exclaimed in fear. That would be the worst thing that could happen to her.
“Why not?” Kate looked at her confused. “It's not bad to feel love for someone. Are you homophobic or something?”
Those words made Y/N laugh so bad and so real that Kate was even more surprised. How could she be homophobic? She was a demon! She had always been with women, she had always preferred them but not to love.
“Of course not!” Y/N quickly defended herself.  “I love women, I just…”
Y/N swallowed, noticing how Kate was waiting to hear more.
“I just… can’t.” Y/N mumbled. “I didn't think I could be capable. That's going against everything I know, It's dangerous… you don't understand. It's not like you and Yelena. I wasn't made for this.”
After that, both of them were silent for a moment. Kate considered it necessary because Y/N seemed quite shocked at that news.
“What am I going to do now?” Y/N whispered to herself. “If I am in love with her…”
“You should tell her.” Kate pursed her lips, but when Y/N stood up from her seat she did the same. “Thank you for trusting me with this. I didn't think you liked me…”
“I do.” Y/N was trying to deal with everything at once. She sighed deeply, trying to focus on Kate.  “I'm not used to being grateful or being close to people.”
‘You're a good person and I'm not, not even a person. I just wanted to use you to go unnoticed.’ She thought.
Y/N gulped, after an awkward silence she was brave enough to break it. “Thank you, Kate.”
Y/N extended her hand to shake it with the archer's. Surprised, Kate nodded and shook her hand.  
“Would you like to jog with us? Tomorrow. Jules and I we used to do it, then we'll go get some lunch, maybe pizza.”
Kate giggled, but was grateful for the invitation. “Is that healthy?” 
“Does it matter?” Finally Y/N smiled and shrugged, for the first time she was genuine with her.
“Yeah, I- I'd like to.” Feeling endless emotions, Kate recognized that she felt happy and excited to share something with 'new friends' like Y/N and Jules. She didn't know anyone but her girlfriend Yelena in that place, and Clint was always with his family. It was normal for the archer to feel alone.
“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Y/N nodded and turned to leave, now she needed some time to think about everything.
Once she got far enough away, her face changed from a happy one to a worried one.
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But even though Kate advised her to tell Wanda about those feelings, Y/N decided it was best to walk away.
Her job was to ‘watch’ her and nothing more, she didn't have to interfere in the sokovian’s life and change everything. Why didn't she listen to Abaddon?
The demon complained over and over again, especially when she felt that strange anguished feeling in her chest when she missed Wanda. Thinking about her or avoiding her was driving Y/N crazy. Is this how humans felt?
Y/N looked at her watch and then quickened the pace. Didn't have much time if she wanted to get to the gym before Wanda did, maybe she could spar with Jules or Kate before the Sokovian arrived.
But when she turned into the hallway, ended up colliding with a brunette who seemed to be waiting for her.
‘Fuck’ Y/N thought.
Well, she knew that was going to happen at some point, but didn't expect it to be so soon. The woman was evading Wanda for so many days and she was lucky, but she wasn't going to be able to evade her forever.
Y/N stopped attending their dinners, besides not sparring at the same time. Even signed up for more missions just to not see her but she was just there.
“Hey.” Wanda whispered, looking up.  She started playing with her rings a little nervously.
“Hey.” Y/N murmured, scratching her neck, thinking of some quick excuse to run away.
“Are you going to spar?” Wanda asked just to make some small talk, since the moment seemed pretty awkward. Y/N was going to answer but Wanda stopped her:  “I haven't seen you for some nights. I feel like you're avoiding me.”
‘Tell her the truth, don't gaslight her.’
“Did I do something to upset you, Y/N?” The sokovian gulped at Y/N's guilty silence.  “Have I done something wrong?”
But Y/N stayed quiet, not knowing what to say or do.
‘Say something, say it’s not true!’ Y/N thought.
“No, Wanda, of course not.” Her lips began to move but she couldn't say anything coherent.  She had never felt so uncomfortable and sad. “It’s just…”
‘It's just that I'm made to make you suffer.’ She thought again.
Smiling sadly, Wanda just looked down. “I’m boring, right?” 
‘Oh, don't be such an idiot to make her believe that!’
“What? No! Of course not!” Y/N exclaimed quickly, begging for Wanda to believe her, to look up and see her eyes to notice that she was telling the truth. “It's not your fault, Wands, it's actually my fault…”
Without understanding what she meant, Wanda tilted her head.
Y/N just sighed and took Wanda’s hand to lead her to a more intimate place, leaving together to the nearest terrace.
“I just haven't been feeling well lately.” Y/N licked her lips nervously, wondering if it was really a good time to tell the truth.
“What's going on? What is it? I’m worried.” Wanda put her sadness aside to feel worried, even taking a step forward to look into Y/N’s eyes.
“I don't want to make things worse.” Y/N pursed her lips, not knowing how to begin.
‘Too late, you already have since you got involved with her.’
“Please, maybe I can help you.” Wanda tried, taking her hand.
That adorable and simple gesture just made Y/N open her eyes big in surprise. Feeling the warmth of Wanda's fingers intertwined with hers, it was so new, overwhelming and welcoming. A gesture so gentle, she could have sworn her eyes watered.
“I’ve been feeling a little different around you.” The demon finally opened up, leaving her ‘head’ aside and speaking from 'the heart'. One that she never had, one that had been dry for so long but apparently was beginning to beat.  
Wanda frowned, still not understanding.
“Wanda… I think… I like you, a little. I do… like you.” Y/N whispered. Despite her babbling, it felt so much better to be able to let go. “And that is causing this big confusion inside me.”
The demon looked for some answer in Wanda's eyes, trying to see if she was angry, or if maybe if she reciprocated those feelings.
Maybe expecting the witch to smile and say something cute but Wanda just opened those huge eyes, surprised.
“Oh.”  That was all that left Wanda’s lips.  Y/N wasn't ready to hear what was next.
“I thought we were just friends.” Wanda finished not only those words, but also the demon's dry heart.
Quiet and sorrowful, Y/N didn't know how to proceed. Her head was beginning to scream so loud; escape, scream at her, kill her, run away, say everything is fine.
“You didn't… You don't feel the same.” Y/N frowned at her in confusion, feeling like a complete idiot. “I thought that-”
Wanda's look so embarrassed only caused Y/N's heart to be engulfed by a huge invisible awful beast.
She didn't say anything, just looked down at those rings. Y/N could hear her heart racing, possibly because of the shame the witch felt.
How could she have confused everything? Fucking Kate! She said that-
No, she didn't say anything. It was all coming from Y/N's head. It was all Y/N’s own fault, and it weighed heavily on her chest. Anguish was beginning to close her throat, never felt so stupid.
The demon broke something so important to both of them, without even meaning to.  Anyway, she was meant to hurt her, right?
“Okay. This is awkward.” Y/N laughed wryly, shaking her head. She took a few steps back, not even able to see Wanda.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Wanda, who seemed totally shocked and surprised. Who didn't know how to react to such a confession, much less from someone she considered a friend. Y/N dared to break their bond, one that was not easy to build.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I-I'm sorry, I-. I have to go.” Wanda murmured nervously and turned to leave quickly, without even hearing the last words of who she considered her friend.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Yeah, sure.” 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The demon stood there, simply staring into nothingness. So many mixed feelings, that she didn't even know which one to follow.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Get angry. Go get her. Burn it all down. Don’t let her go. Tell her you care. Kill them all.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Any other time, you would have done it, you would have killed everyone. But Y/N just sighed and decided to go back to her room.
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“So, how is she doing?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ Abaddon's voice brought Y/N back to her senses.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
They both walked through the red and warm soil of that place, a beautiful as well as dangerous place. Tanzania was an amazing, beautiful, wild place.
Sometimes it was nice to have those powers, to be able to appear wherever you want. Only the fallen could use them as they pleased, of course. Wings weren't for everyone.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Abaddon invited Y/N to follow her, she was wearing the outfit of a Serengeti National Park worker, possibly stolen from what must now be a corpse.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
 “Our lucky girl. I've seen some videos on the internet about her, she’s powerful, not as much as I expected but that's good.” The redhead sighed as she searched for something in the grass.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“She’s okay.” Y/N sighed watching the sunset in that reserve, she had never seen a sunset like that. This world kept surprising her in incredible ways.  “I mean, she's grieving her loss but nothing-”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The sound of birds flapping their wings made Y/N blink, now showing her demon eyes.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“...that indicates it's time.” Abaddon cut her off, turning to look at her. Her eyes stopped being blue and turned an angry red, dangerous and deadly. Like those of the black mamba that watched them furiously from a rock. “I've heard you say it before,  I'm tired of that excuse. You have to make sure she suffers!” 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N swallowed.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
As the sun set, the warmth of the place faded and the cold began to be felt, which neither of them was affected by.
The crickets stopped, as if they knew a more dangerous predator was nearby.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Why are we here?” Y/N tried to avoid that talk, looking around.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Every twenty-three years I like to visit this place. I like to spill some blood.” Abaddon smiled in a creepy way, walking straight towards the Black Mamba who looked furious. “A little chat with a warlord, a little of this, a little of that… I'm not the Horseman of War but I like to make trouble.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The snake positioned itself ready to attack but the demon was faster, grabbing its neck tightly. The black mamba opened her mouth, trying to free itself but it was impossible. It was next to another more powerful predator, a much more cruel and vengeful one.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“But I also like to make certain friends like this one, then I visit some people… we play a bit. I love wicked games.”  She hissed naughtily.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N pursed her lips when she heard that.
She knew that Abbadon was much more perverse and evil, possibly what she would do with that snake was much darker than she imagined.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“So, Leviathan, I need you to do your job and MAKE HER SUFFER! Kill her best friend, kill her fucking dog, get rid of everything Maximoff loves!”  Abaddon screamed and squeezed the snake so hard that Y/N was afraid she would kill it. But Y/N knew that the redhead was doing it on purpose. Y/N was a snake, she knew how much she respected them. It was a clear offense and if ‘Leviathan’ reacted, everything would get worse. 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Maybe another demon would ‘take care’ of Wanda, and make even more chaos.
Through clenched teeth, the higher demon hissed: “I want to see her desolate and collapsed!”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Don’t say anything. Don't react. Don't think about the snake.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I will.” barely said with a thin voice.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Good girl!” Abaddon smiled and finally released the snake, letting it go. That black mamba escaped, sliding quickly through the grass. “The girl is a caterpillar under our shoes, right now of course, but when she finally hatches… she will break free like a butterfly. A very powerful, hurt and naive one… one that we can manipulate.” 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N nodded, like a good soldier. “And that's when our victory will be guaranteed.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Pleased to see that Y/N understood, the redhead tilted her head to play with her a little.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“We never told you but we found the book thanks to you, so many years ago. Thanks to you we found the Darkhold.” Abaddon narrowed her eyes. “It was buried in the darkest depths of this Earth, much deeper than the Mariana Trench. And you brought us that information thirty years ago...”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Oh no. It couldn't be true. That couldn't mean anything more than… everything that would happen from now on was her fault, everything they decided to do with Wanda… It was thanks to her.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Without you... she couldn't have that destiny. You‘re her savior and her executioner.” Abaddon finished clicking her tongue.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The best Y/N could do was smile, trying to look proud but terror could be seen in her eyes even though she didn't want to. She had to think of something, she had to pick a side.
Well, Wanda rejected her. Maybe thinking about it the decision could be easier, thinking about the anger she felt and the frustration of being rejected as a simple vermin.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Be sure to let me know if there are any changes. Chton is very pleased with your work.” She slowly approached Y/N, watching her a bit flirtatiously but only squeezed her cheek, as if she were a wild child.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
She was just humiliating the snake, once again.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Can I really know what you need her for?” Y/N asked in a low voice, hoping the redhead wouldn't take her question the wrong way. Abaddon was too explosive, she could take a simple question the wrong way.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The stinging silence and sharp gaze from the knight of Hell made Y/N shift uncomfortably. Seconds in which the demon thought it could end badly, until Abaddon spoke.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“The Scarlet Witch will be in charge of destroying all our enemies, unleashing her chaos magic... finally freeing Chton and tying this entire world and every reality to her whim. Not just one world, but all of them will be ours.”  The demon's eyes lit up just thinking about it. A glorious plan for their entire species that would eventually dominate not just one but all realities.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Although a genuine smile was born on Y/N's lips just thinking about it, she couldn't deny that her instincts were still there, she was a chaos demon and always would be.  But slowly that smile faded as she thought about how awful that could be for humans. Or rather, for those she considered worthy of saving.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Suddenly in her mind came the image of Natasha, Kate, Yelena and everyone she considered 'good'.
Where would they go? What would happen to them?
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Gulping, Y/N felt guilty.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Do you think they will allow it?” She looked up for a moment, referring to the tenth realm. Angels.  “They are warriors trained to stop that, they will come for her first if they find out. They wouldn't let anything happen to humans, now they have help from other realms, like Asgard. They act stupid with big threats but this is… much bigger.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I wouldn't worry about that.” Abaddon arched an eyebrow. “We have someone inside, they're busy with something else. They are waiting for the moment, it is inevitable. It’s them or us, and the truth is that they don't care in the least about all these monkeys. Gods would sacrifice this world without hesitation to save others.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Both began to walk together through the grass, Y/N couldn't believe what she heard. Everything was ready and at the same time no one had any idea what was happening around them.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“So this Earth-” Y/N sighed, looking around, thinking how beautiful and dangerous that night was and could disappear someday. The animals that sought refuge in the night, and the macabre and charming laughter of the hyenas. 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Will be doomed, like the rest.” The red eyed demon nodded.  “You see, all these heroes like 'avengers vs villains' efforts… it's just halftime at the Superbowl. They're just wasting their time, they're all doomed from the moment the Earth started spinning around.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The redhead looked at a bonfire in the distance, happy to finally get to where she needed to be.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I see.” Y/N murmured, stopping and watching as Abaddon kept walking.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“You are one of the few who knows.” Abaddon turned to look at her, this time it wasn't just a threat. “Don't let him down.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The demon didn't say anything other than nod her head, watching as the redhead walked away slowly.
A few minutes later, Y/N heard in the distance screams of pain and terror as well as gunshots. Several people were screaming in horror, some begging for mercy and others simply dying with honor.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Sighing, Y/N disappeared from that place to appear on the outskirts of the Compound. Perhaps the best thing that could have happened to her is that Wanda walked away from her, but it had to be so painful?
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
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“What? You like Wanda?!” Surprised, Jules was still at her side carrying some bags as they walked towards the hangar. The mission before them did not seem to be easy at all, but there was nothing better than a good deadly mission to forget about everything.  “You told her that you liked her and she did what?!” 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Smacking Jules on the back of the head, Y/N glared at her in a deadly way to make her shut up. Although it was understandable, the brunette couldn't even begin to comprehend the magnitude of it all.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Yes. Don't say anything, I have enough with myself.” Y/N muttered, quite annoyed, could see on her face that she hadn't rested well, especially after everything Abaddon said.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Now she was forced to make Wanda suffer, even if it hurt her deeply.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I'm going to kill the bitch.” Jules grunted, dropping the bags into the quinjet.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“You can’t do that.”  Y/N wrinkled her nose.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I can't do that but I would if it made you feel better.”  The brunette demon pouted a little and then shrugged. Y/N smiled slightly, felt some tenderness that Stolas tried to 'defend' her. She left her bag on the quinjet, heading back out of the plane.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“And then Abaddon asked you to hurt her deeply.” She sighed, noticing the worry on Y/N's face. “Well, at least your job will be less difficult now.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N snorted. “You think?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Jules sighed, despite her evil nature, she had to be honest with her. “No, I think it will be worse, and I don't even know why.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
None of them could say anything more than accept the harsh reality, they were made for that. It was their mission, although they began to doubt in silence. But a voice out of nowhere  made them both turn around quickly, surprised to see that person in front of them.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Hi.” Wanda said with a small awkward smile as she played with her fingers. For days Wanda had been completely avoiding Y/N and now she was just there. “Can we talk?” 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Hey.” Y/N frowned so confused.  Those big green eyes left her speechless, Wanda looked like an adorable puppy.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Oh! yeah! I remembered that I have to find Kate for... something… can’t remember what… bye!” Smiling widely, Jules quickly left, leaving them alone.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The awkward silence and nervous glances reigned for a few seconds until one of the two was brave enough to end it.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I'm sorry.” Y/N began, sighing heavily. The demon just  looked around, noticing that Nat was approaching the Quinjet but after seeing them, she decided to quickly walk away, meeting Jules and taking her hand to leave the place.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N thought of a million things to say, telling her that she didn't even want to see her anymore,  thought of telling Wanda that she had never cared about her anyway.
But she decided to speak with what she least expected. Her old, inexperienced heart. 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I shouldn't have gone further, I shouldn't have broken our friendship. I know what it meant to you, because it meant something important to me too.” Swallowing, Y/N felt an enormous weight leave her body and that was being able to tell the truth. Felt incredibly liberating.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“To be honest? I don't know what I'm doing.”  They both began to walk together, away from the hangar. The smell of the freshly cut grass and the beautiful sunset on the horizon was enchanting. The sun and the moon so near and so far; like that little bit of light sinking into the darkness of the night.  “I've never felt like this.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Wanda didn't say anything, just watched her thoughtfully, allowing Y/N to express herself first.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, Wanda, it's the first time it happened to me.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
That made the sokovian frown curiously, looking at her gaze to see the truth. Oh, she wished she could read Y/N’s mind right now but she was also grateful she couldn't.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Have you never been attracted to anyone?” The brunette asked, that thick sokovian accent showing through, making it more charming. Making the demon fall in love a little more.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“No.” Y/N answered honestly, one of the few times in her life admitting something so important. Something impossible. “Never.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Unable to believe it, a small smile tried to form at the corner of those lips. “Why me?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I wish I knew that.” Smiling tenderly, Y/N put her hands in the pockets of the jacket. “I mean, I know why. I just don't know... why it's my first time, I know very well why it's you... You’re the one.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Her heart beat so hard in that confusion, was she doing the right thing? After everything Abaddon said, wasn't it better to let her go?
She couldn't even think anymore after Wanda broke the distance between them and cupped Y/N’s face, ending every doubt, finally kissing those lips that generated so much expectation.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Enjoying those soft lips, Y/N closed her eyes not believing what she was experiencing. As if her brain sent a blow to her entire body, her arms quickly wrapped around Wanda’s waist to pull her against her body.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Their first kiss, their first kiss leaving the pain behind and experiencing love for the first time.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
After a few seconds and the need for air, they both slowly separated without still being able to believe it. Y/N couldn't help but smile widely especially when she saw Wanda all blushing and smiling. Just two silly giggling girls.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I like you too.” Wanda said after gaining some courage, what did it matter? She had to finally leave the pain and fear behind. All those doubts in her head disappeared when she saw Y/N's sincere look.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I'm sorry I ran away like that, it's just…” The brunette sighed, trying to be honest with her and finally explain. “Everything is so hard after losing Pietro. I couldn't afford any more suffering.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Oh darling, if you only knew.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N gulped at those words.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I don't want to lose anyone else. Everyone around me… dies.” The Sokovian looked down, feeling deep sadness as she realized that tragedy always surrounded her life like a wild animal. In some way or another, she never managed to be happy until she arrived at the Compound. “It terrified me to think that if we had a stronger bond, I could lose you. I’m cursed.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“You won't.” Y/N said quickly, reaching out to cradle Wanda's face in her hands and gently caress her cheek. Her gaze fixed on those green eyes, letting herself be carried away by passion. “I'll do everything I can to make sure you don't.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The demon knew that those words were going to cost her so much, that was a very difficult and impossible promise to keep but the feeling was much deeper. She didn't know what was possessing her at that moment, something she couldn't control.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
With a hopeful look and smile, the witch felt her heart skip a beat at that oath. She was ready to let herself go with whatever they had. Whether momentary passion or real love, she didn't care. She just wanted to live again.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Maybe we could…” Wanda bit her bottom lip, looking up at her. The height difference between the two was charming. “I don't know… try?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N's lips moved, about to give her an answer to that but Natasha's voice interrupted them as she approached carrying some bags. Next to her was Jules, smiling knowingly.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“It's time to goooo! ” Nat exclaimed, walking over to the Quinjet. “Move, lovebirds!”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Sighing, Y/N cursed the bad timing they were in right now. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“We'll talk when I get back, okay? Can you wait for me?” Y/N turned her gaze to Wanda, seemed a little sad to see the demon leave, but knew perfectly well that it was necessary. The Sokovian nodded, eagerly waiting for the moment to see her again.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Sure.” Wanda looked down shily, watching as Jules watched them smiling like a fangirl, some agents passed by her. Overcoming her fear, she dared to take Y/N's hand and intertwine their fingers for a few seconds. “Take care, Y/N.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Biting her lip for a moment, Y/N took the opportunity to get lost in those beautiful eyes before leaning down to kiss Wanda's lips once more.
This time it was a short and more chaste kiss, but definitely hopeful. 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“See you later, Wands.” The 'agent' whispered before leaning down to pick up her bag and walk towards the Quinjet while being watched by the witch, who prayed with all her heart that the time to see each other again would be soon.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
She entered the plane and found her seat next to Jules, who pursed her lips tightly to keep from smiling, especially when Y/N looked at her with a deadly 'if you say anything I'll kill you' look.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
About twenty seconds passed until the brunette couldn't take it anymore. She quickly turned to look at Y/N, who closed her eyes and sighed knowing what was coming.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“She kissed you.” Jules wiggled her eyebrows excitedly. “Your heart is pounding even now, I can feel hers from a distance. She's into you!”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Turning to look at her, Y/N didn't say anything. Despite the seriousness of her face, she just leaned back on her seat.  “It felt like I was back in heaven again.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Surprised, Jules opened her eyes wide. She couldn't believe what she heard. “What?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“It felt like that…” Y/N swallowed, somewhat worried, somewhat happy, somewhat confused.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
She touched her lips, caressing it gently as if she wanted to feel that feeling again. “It felt like I was in heaven again, remember? When I was happy there.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Unable to believe what she was saying or feeling, Y/N looked at Jules with a confidence never seen before in her gaze. “We need to think about what to do. There's no going back.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“We'll see what to do.” Nodding quickly, Jules leaned back in her seat as well. Staying somewhat thoughtful.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I’m doomed.” But Y/N's gaze was lost in a fixed point on that plane, while the rest of the agents took their places, she couldn't stop thinking about those green eyes that now gave life to her heart.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
And then she smiled.
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here goes some amazing and lovely people tags   ✨  :  @wandanatfan @get-the-fuck-outta-here @idontknow-llol
Thank you so much for reading me! ✨ Really means a lot. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm starting the next one.
If you want me to tag you in the next chapters, just comment and I will. Thank you very much for reading me, honeybee! It means a lot! 🐝 ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Do you want to help me? Wow, that's adorable and means a lot. You can buy me a coffee here!
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lvrdrafts · 11 months
The Snakes Bite Part 2
Summary : Bucky tries to forget the breakup so he goes on a mission where finds some new shocking intel on his broken relationship
Warnings : Nothing rlly
A/N : fluff ending for a past blog
Part 1
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Bucky's heart still felt heartbroken knowing that the person who he thought he would get married cheated on him. Sam was supposed to come in a few minutes to get a coffee and Bucky was trying his best not to cry.
He heard the door open and go up quickly. "Hey Bucky you left the door open, I mean I know your confident with that Terminator arm but-" Sam stops his tracks when he sees Bucky's eyes are red. "What happend" Sam rushes to Bucky giving him a hug which caught Bucky off guard. "Y/N cheated- I wasn't good enough to keep Steve or her." Sam looks at Bucky with sympathy "Hey Buck how about we go on a mission to get out mind of this situation" Bucky nods silently. 'I actually came here to tell you that there is this Russian wannabe hydra mob group that has a 'secret weapon' so our job is to find out what it is and stop them".
Bucky hesitated, his mind still clouded by his belief that you had betrayed him. But the prospect of a new mission provided a temporary respite from his torment, and he agreed to accompany Sam.
Their mission took them deep into the heart of Moscow, where a notorious Russian mob was wreaking havoc on the city. Bucky's focus shifted to the task at hand as he and Sam navigated the treacherous underworld, determined to find out what was this secret weapon, trying his hardest not to think about you.
Upon infiltrating the base, Bucky and Sam discovered a hidden room—a makeshift digital lab where the mob orchestrated their malicious schemes. As they examined the equipment, Bucky's eyes widened in disbelief. Strewn across the room were monitors displaying the very photo that had shattered his relationship with you.
"Oh my gosh they were gonna brain wash you like Hydra but with different words so they-" Bucky starts shaking his head "No, no, no it was fake no and i actually believed it. They were just trying to break me apart and-" "Hey Buck" Sam puts his hand on Bucky's shoulder "you can explain this to Y/N and im sure she will understand, trust me but first we go to get out of here"
Bucky's breath caught in his throat as he realized the extent of the deception. The mob had not only manipulated the photo but had also orchestrated a meticulously planned setup to deceive him. The weight of his misplaced accusations hit him like a tidal wave, and the realization of his own mistakes filled him with regret.
With a mix of fury and determination, Bucky shared the newfound evidence with Sam. "Sam, they set me up. They photoshopped the photo and used it to tear us apart. Y/N was telling the truth all along." Bucky and Sam rush out of the base taking hard drive with all that information with them too, they got onto the plane and headed back to New York.
Arriving at the doorstep, Bucky hesitated before knocking, his emotions overwhelming him. When the door finally opened, revealing your tear-stained face, a mix of surprise and cautious hope flickered in their eyes.
Bucky's voice trembled as he spoke, his remorse palpable. "Y/N, please forgive me. I made a terrible mistake. The photo, the accusations—I believed them without question. But I've discovered the truth. The photo was fake, and I should have trusted you."
Your eyes widened in a mix of disbelief and vulnerability. "Yeah I know that it was fake, I'm just suprised you didn't believe me after three years together"
Bucky's heart sank, tears welling up in his eyes. He understood the gravity of his mistake and the lasting impact it had on their relationship. The weight of his remorse was overwhelming. Bucky falls down on his knees "Please-" you hear Bucky's voice crack "I thought I wasn't- I'm not good enough for you so it would make sense if you would cheat on me with a guy who doesn't have trauma and grumpy and-". You go down on your knees and start to cry while hugging Bucky "Baby you were always good enough if anything I thought that I wasn't good enough"
Bucky's eyes lit up with hope, a renewed sense of determination shining through. "Your too good for me baby. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust. I'll be patient, understanding, and I'll show you every day how much you mean to me."
Y/N took a step forward, closing the distance between them. They reached out, gently cupping Bucky's face. As their lips met in a tender, heartfelt kiss, the weight of their past mistakes faded away. In the quiet solitude of the apartment, Bucky and Y/N found solace in each other's arms. On that day on they stopped hiding their emotions and were open on how they felt.
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thequeer07puss · 3 months
Hera as a goddess of legitimacy and a force of legitimisation
A lot of stories featuring Hera (not that many, to be honest, but the most famous ones) portray her as relentlessly attacking both gods and demigods sired by Zeus, which has partially inspired people to think of her as a “jealous wife” archetype, but most of these people ignore the main thing that Hera represents: legitimacy.
Hera as the goddess of marriage rules over legitimate unions, and as a result, may choose to pursue those who betray these kinds of unions in some kind of way. An example would be the speed with which she withdrew her sponsorship of the hero Jason why he broke his oath of love and loyalty to his wife Medea in favour of a crown which he was no longer eligible for.
Speaking of Jason, Hera was pretty much his only patron deity during his quest for the Golden Fleece, which was started as a way for him to claim his rightful place on his father’s throne, and this sponsorship started as soon as Jason’s quest started. No prayer was prayed, no offering was offered. Hera just showed up as soon as Jason’s quest for legitimacy started, and helped him as soon as he proved himself to her by carrying her (in the form of an old woman) across a river.
Also, Hera is a goddess who is known for testing the worth of both gods and heroes, especially when they are destined to enter Olympus (her home and domain), and especially when they were born out of an illegitimate union on either her or Zeus’s part. The torments endured by the various children of Zeus at her hand, and even her own (for the purposes of this essay I will take Dionysus, Apollo and Hephaestus)
Apollo’s ordeal started even before he was born, as his mother Leto has been denied the right to give birth on any island attached to the land, and was relentlessly chased by a giant snake. Here Hera imposes herself and shows her might as the definitive and legitimate wife of Zeus (Leto was Zeus’s previous wife), and brands any child born from Leto as being under her in terms of status. When Apollo is born and slays the serpent Python, Hera is then forced to recognise that his trial is complete and that he has a claim to the Olympian seat.
Hephaestus and Dionysus
Hephaestus was conceived as a kind of revenge plot against Zeus for conceiving Athena on his own, from the sacred bed which he shares with Hera, but without her input or approval, which prompted the goddess to do the same in order to restore the balance of power within their marriage, and to show Zeus that if he could make a child on his own, then she could too.
However, when the infant Hephaestus was born, it was either Zeus or Hera herself that hurls him down from Olympus, however godly he may be, crippling him in the process and forcing him to EARN the right to re-enter Olympus (kind of like how Hercules in the Disney movie was debuffed so that he would earn his way back into Olympus), which he ultimately achieved by capturing Hera in a golden throne (literally trapping her with one of her most sacred attributes).
Dionysus’s trial begins where Hephaestus’s comes to an end. Having met Hera in his childhood and been rendered mad by her which led to him being rescued by Rhea (whom I assume here to be Rhea-Cybele, whose cult has some of the mad and wild attributes of Dionysus’s), he must have already taken notice of the tests given to him by the goddess, and was waiting for an opportunity to finally take a seat among the Olympians after having established a very respected and feared mystery cult among mortals, so when he heard that Hera was captured by an angry Hephaestus, he jumped on the occasion and coaxed him into following him back to Olympus, where both would finally get recognised as legitimate both in the eyes of the gods and of Hera.
Hera and the sons of Zeus
Hera’s tests mostly seem to affect her husband’s illegitimate Olympian sons, as can be evidenced by the lack of trial for goddesses such as Artemis or Athena. Why is that so?
Personally, I think it’s because sons in Ancient Greece were more valued in society: they could inherit their father’s property, they had claims to the throne and could be seen as heirs to it in case their father somehow resigned. So Hera branding these sons as reformed illegitimate sons could be a way for her to negate their claims to their father’s power and nerf their chances of growing too powerful at the expense of her legitimate children (Orphic Dionysus was literally said to be Zeus’s heir, and would have been had Hera not told the Titans to dismember and eat him), while checking if they are still fit to set foot on Olympus after that serious debuff.
But that’s just my thoughts, I don’t have any source or academic paper that confirms this.
A rule of thumb when analysing Greek myths is that they don’t exist in a vacuum and that as entertaining as they may seem, there is something more to them most of the time, and that is especially the case with a goddess who has a history as long, rich and complex as Hera. It’s really a shame that people only see her as a mean shrew when she has so much more stuff going on, but I guess that with pop culture this complexity has to be diluted and thus misinterpreted by people who don’t have the religious and cultural context of these stories.
Thank you for reading if you made it this far, and may Hera bless you.
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themalevolentkitchen · 4 months
This time... right?!
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✨Content 18+ - MDNI - Minors Don't Interact✨
Genre: Smut with Choso Kamo x Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Power play, Dom / Sub dynamic, Use of Pet names, Edging, Overstimulation, Whining, acousticophilia, cum eating (slight), swearing, accidentally cums on your face, no gender reader.
Summary: You’ve been edging Choso for so long, that you’ve lost count.
Song: Cry baby by The Neighbourhood
Word count: 1063 words
All rights reserved ©TheMaleoventKitchen
Published on AO3
✨Content 18+ - MDNI - Minors Don't Interact✨
Splayed across the pillow and twisted between his fingers, his dark locks are tormented by his grip. He’s holding on for dear life - Choso’s close. Too close.
His body arches into your mouth, desperate for you to let him. Covered in sweat and heavily breathing, his moans turn to whines. Pining.
This time.
This time for sure right?!
”Please. Please, baby. I’mma.. nngh,” he begs, breathless and shaking.
You stop. Mouth releasing him with a pop. Fingers wrapped tightly around the base of his cock, helping him to hold back. Shuddering, he whines in protest and frustration.
His voice is hoarse. Breaths heavy, his chest rising and falling as he looks down towards you. His eyes are soft, tender and needy - full of admiration. Just for you.
Soothing him to settle, you maintain eye contact as you kiss his thighs. The skin is soft and sensitive, twitching to your touch as you snake your way up to his hip. He’s watching your every move, his breathing finally relaxes.
Choso’s delicate skin bruises delightfully when you mark him, right at the end of his V-line. He sucks in air before shakily exhaling, reacting to your tongue pressing into the mark. His cock leaking onto your fingers, still tightly wrapped at its base.
You hum in delight. Proud of the mess you’re making of him.
How long has it been?
How many times now?
You’ve lost count.
Poor Baby.
Lowering yourself down the bed, Choso’s gulping as he sees you readying for another round. Your hand wrapping around him in the way that he loves, moving just right, thumb casually brushing his sensitive, little slit. You notice how his cock is almost purple, and rock solid under your touch. So pretty.
His thirsty moans return quickly. Hands clutching hold of anything.
His tangled hair.
The cotton sheets.
Your hair.
His body writhing, pushing himself up on his heels.
He’s close again.
”Baby?” he mewls, holding his breath. Unable to finish his sentence, you take the hint.
Your fingers clasp tightly around his base again, but it's just a little too late. One, singular rope of cum forces itself passed the barrier. Landing in his v-line, and settling on his mound in a pool.
You look at him in amazement. He’s blushing. A glow so pink across his cheeks that it complements his scar deliciously. The blush flows all the way down his chest, where it rises and falls so quickly. His eyes look apologetic. He’s trying not to make eye contact with you. He didn’t get permission. He acts like he betrayed you.
Reaching out to his chin, you reassure him. Angling him so he can see your caring smile.
With fingers still wrapped around him, you lean down. Tongue dipping into the v-line pool, making sure to keep eye contact while you taste him. His cheeks become redder. His scar gets bigger. A needy moan breaks through his lips suddenly, his hand covering his mouth. Ashamed that such a sound escaped him involuntarily.
Under your touch, he’s somehow not softening. If anything, he feels harder. Glancing quickly, Choso’s cock still twitches in hues of pink, red and purple.
Gingerly testing, you start your motions again. He protests, but you know better. You can feel it. You can see it.
”Baby. It’s ok. Trust me? Please?” you coo.
”But, I-I… I d-dunno. I j-just…,” he whimpers. Stammering through his words - Overstimulated.
Cocking your head to the side, “You just what baby?”
You don’t stop your movements. Gently and slowly working him the way he likes, careful not to cause him discomfort.
Choso shakes his head, “I d-don’t think I c-can. I mean… I j-just d-did!”
Pausing, you look down at your hand, confirming what you believe. Your eyes seek his, so you state your request, “Hmmm. Will you allow me to find out?”
Nodding his consent instantly, you don’t hesitate, mouth falling around him. Choso’s moan is guttural.
Repositioned between his legs, your fingers dig into his hips. Nose brushing his mound while taking him deep into your mouth. Sweat covers his body, collecting and rolling down his contours as you look up at him. Choso watches you through heavy, lust-filled eyes.
Mouth dropped and panting, gulping air as you swallow around him. Tongue desperately covering his drying lips. His scar stands bold, off-set by the bright blush across his face. His eyes rolling to a close as his head lolls back, exposing his neck.
Each one of his appreciative sounds has you salivating around him. His taste is salty-sweet on your tongue - delicious and addictive. Your actions have him in a daze once again. Losing control of his body, Choso’s arching off the bed in search of release.
Curses appear between his groans. Begging. Pleading under his breath. Blending together harmoniously, sounding so pleasing to your heart.
You’ll let him this time.
Snapping back to you, his eyes are lost in pleasure. Lust-filled and watery, with tears staining his cheeks. Choso’s look warns you there’s no going back. Seeking permission, he cries out, “Baby.. P-Please? C-Can I..?”
He doesn’t want to let you down, not that he ever would. Wanting consent from his baby before he peaks.
Your mouth releases him, kitten licking the swollen, leaky tip.
“Yes, baby. You c…”
You don’t get to finish your sentence.
Choso yowls.
Shuddering without control, his body contorts. His veins stand proud from his skin as pleasure races around them. Muscles tight. Toes curled. A white knuckled grip on the pillow behind his head, as he releases into the air. A little catches your surprised face, while most of his cum lands onto his glistening stomach.
It takes a while for his body to relax. The pleasure subsides, and finally he opens his eyes to see the mess painted on your face. Instinctively, he grabs the wet tissue next to the bed. Sitting up and cupping your face to clean it gently.
Matching his aftercare, you wipe-up his stomach. Ticklish giggles mingle while you both playfully clean each other. Choso’s lips appreciatively lay kiss after kiss on your freshened cheeks. His hand on your jaw angles you to meet his lips. Tenderly and deeply, he kisses you, tasting himself on your tongue.
With a contented sigh, Choso rests his forehead on yours lovingly. His hands still cupping your jaw as he gratefully praises,
”Thank you baby.”
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whoyacallinyellow · 4 months
Pastures New
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John Marston x F! cowgirl reader
Spoilers: RDR2 chapters 1-3 (just in case) Content: 18+, John is an asshole, angst, possessive, canon typical events / violence, possible unintentional spelling mistakes. Type: third person limited (wc - 1540) / pc: pinterest
Summary: You have not been with the gang for very long. You’re leaving a little earlier than John expected, feeling betrayed by your actions, he snaps at you.
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John stood perched up against a tree at the end of the camp path, it had been an uneventful nightshift at Horseshoe Overlook, like every other night that is. A part of him nearly craved a fight, but Dutch was keen on preaching patience, or something like that— maybe he could just doze off for a few minutes, no one would pay any mind, he’s still recovering after all. John was beginning to relax, with the trees gently rustling, the crickets chirping… a horse trotting quietly from camp—
Must be one of the boys going out on a lead, he peaked out from under his hat, pulling his worn body from the trunk. 
“Who’s there?” John’s sharp words sliced into the night, creating a soft “easy,” from an unexpected voice. 
“Whatcha doin’ out this late?” John hollered, his gruff tone softening and showing much more surprise than he first anticipated. 
“Evenin’ Mr. Marston.” Your voice loomed as you wowed her horse in front of him, the stallion's coat shining off his lantern. John’s eyes scanned you from head to toe, with a satchel hung around your frame, and rifle on your back, he ogled at you in unintentional disgust.
“Got a lead?” He finally inquired suspiciously.  
“Not quite—“ you began through a sigh, unsure how to break the news to your short-tempered companion. Shifting his weight from foot to foot in anticipation, your unusual tranquil tone began to make John nervous.
“I’m headin’ out.” You suddenly concluded, words that nearly sounded foreign— words that felt like a rip of a bandage to John. But after all, you were always trying to rile him up. Getting him all flustered was a near hobby at this point. 
John erupted in bitter laughter, his harsh chuckles carrying throughout the thick trees and brush.
“Tell ya what, darlin’— how’abouts I take ya fishin’ tomorrow.” John proposed boldly in the midst of his laughter, taking any chance he could to dig under your skin. A sorry excuse he called payback for the torment he received from you. But to his dismay the comment earned not much of a word from you. Something about John brought out your confliction, your usual straightforward thoughts were mixing with your fondness of the outlaw. 
“There ain’t much ‘ere for me, John.” You spoke lowly, unsure how to properly convey your thoughts to the brickhead. John swallowed dryly, you waited for him to speak, expecting a ‘am I not enough for ya, woman?!’. 
But instead he tried to catch a glimpse of your face in the dark path where you both resided, for some sort of explanation. Knowing the all too familiar look in his bloodshot eyes, along with the small line his lips formed into, his anger overpowered any desire he had to rationalize with you.
“What’er you talkin��� about, girl?” John demanded, his arms crankily gesturing towards you. 
“You know very damn well what I’m talkin’ about.” You snapped immediately, your harsh words hissing towards the stubborn outlaw. 
“It’s over John— your ol’Dutch is gone looney! I pity the damn cocksucker who can’t see that.” You shouted, staring up your nose at him.
John shook his head in frustration, deeming this a match he yearned to not fight sober, it was so damn hard for him not to get upset— especially when it came to you. 
“How ‘bout you sleep on it— I’m afraid I can’t let’cha go on by your lonesome in the middle of the night.” John calmly compromised, but to be fair— he wasn’t asking. 
“Give me a break, Marston— Ms. Adler could just abouts spit on me right now, ‘nd I don’t fancy myself on your bad side— I’ve seen what you’ve done to that there O’Driscoll boy.” Your voice came out with an uncharacteristic shake, nearly resembling the whine of a child.
John’s fingers dug into the leather of his belt, his grip tightening with every passing moment as he gnawed at the inside of his lip. 
“C’mere, girl.” John’s brash instructions eventually left his gritted teeth, he did not have the patience nor energy for your silly antics. 
To John’s surprise you hesitantly obeyed, meeting the ground before him with a small plop. 
The space in between you two closed a bit, his body heat radiating off you, turning the aura oddly intimate.   
Yet you could not bring yourself to look at John, his smug eyes burned through you, wondering when he should speak— seeing you this vulnerable was a sight for sore eyes. Maybe he enjoyed it a little too much. Your usual cocky attitude held no chance against him, they were still outlaws after all, and a lot of them at that. Watching you squirm from simply being under his authoritative gaze made his ego violently soar. 
“Hey now, look at me.” He instructed through a breath, you shook your head with a huff of protest. 
“Fuck you, Marston.” The words burned right through him, bringing his power trip to an abrupt halt.   
After quick consideration and no second thoughts, John decided he was not having it—in one swift motion his calloused fingertips met with your jaw, craning your head up to meet his dead-eyed gaze and freshly healed wounds, which only put emphasis on how he towered over you with dominance. 
“Oh, there ya are.” He teased cunningly with a hum, admiring his beat hands on your soft skin, which resembled silk under the blue moon.  
John thought the worse you could do was shoot him point blank, or scream bloody murder to alarm the gang— just to spite him. He reckoned you did not have the gall for either. 
Your frightened doe eyes glistened off the moonlight that broke through the treetops, face remaining unable for him to read. 
“I reckon you behave.” John murmured shortly, the cooed rasp in his voice nearly sounded sickly sweet. He decided to leave you to interpret what the full extent of his words meant. 
He tightened his grip ever so slightly, causing a burning pain to vibrate through his bloody knuckles from an earlier altercation. A part of John hoped he did not hurt you, while another part so desperately wanted to leave a small reminder of who you belonged to— how could you leave him this soon? Right when things were getting back on track.
“If… if you do so much as to speak— I’ll hunt you down my damn self.” John growled through gritted teeth, his words slithering out in a near whisper. 
An empty threat you have summed up to being all talk, but John knew you would not challenge him under these circumstances
You were not surprised by his words, knowing the man would not have taken your departure easily, especially after nearly dying and all. You exhaled gently, face softening under the small illuminance of John’s lantern, now placed at your feet on the forest floor.
John squinted in sudden discomfort, his once gripped hand now resting gently on your cheek, causing regret and shame to wash through him, the subconscious movements just proved how sweet on you he was. 
“‘M sorry, little miss.” John mumbled softly, realization dawning upon him as the guilt began to eat him inside-out. 
Without speaking you hoisted yourself on your tiptoes, placing a gentle kiss on the outlaw’s newly healed cheek. An embarrassing gesture he was just beginning to get used to— who would have thought he would still get loved on with that nasty scar. 
“Jus… just be a good girl, alright?” John murmured huskily, desperately trying to backtrack his prior threats. 
As your lips retreated John’s heart beat increased in anticipation of what you would do. After planting a small kiss on his lips was almost enough for him to ride off into the night with you. 
He broke away, running his beat hands down your shoulders as he thought of what to say. 
“I can’t.” Was all he mumbled to himself, despite your lack of words. 
“But at this rate— maybe.” He chuckled meekly, leaning away from you to prevent any more of your convincing. 
John was so focused on you that he barely noticed the stallion fidgeting anxiously due to the commotion, small snorts and stomps of protest could have nearly been enough to alarm one of the gang joining him on patrol. 
“Whoa, easy now boy.” John hushed, beginning to adjust the saddle and bedroll you lazily threw on in the dark. 
“That scared bastard’ll buck you off at the snap of a twig.” He stated, reaching his hands towards the stallions freshly groomed coat— oh how you desperately tried to get the ol’bastard to tolerate you. 
“Hey now, that bastard is my ticket outta’ere— or perhaps ours.” You defended the poor beast with a shy grin. 
John sighed, finally hearing the suggestion come from you out loud and not just his racing thoughts. The fact that if you would have led with that offer, he might have accepted without second thought. Before John could dig himself out of his trance you mounted up. 
“Farewell John.” You mumbled, fighting the uncertainty in your voice that John so clearly caught on to— he wasn’t the village idiot everyone thought he was, surely. 
“Go on.” You breathed with a small click of your mouth. John watched his greenhorn cowgirl disappear into the night. Evidently the same girl who could barely mount properly weeks ago— the same damn girl who nearly got her insides turned out by the same damn stallion— the same damn girl he would follow around camp in a drunken stupor for one more kiss before bed. 
“fuckin’ idiot.” 
John spat, to himself or you, he could not quite tell. He was not exactly sure what stopped him from racing after you through the warm summer night before losing you for good, or why he wanted to in the first place— maybe it was to laugh in your face when things didn't go your way— maybe it was to prove to you that Dutch’s plan would work— maybe it was to take you for all you’re worth and donate your share to gang, fair and square— or maybe it was for reasons he was conflicted with, thoughts kept quiet he was not sure he could rationalize just yet.  
All he knew was for now, the gang needed him. 
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brienneoftarth1989 · 6 months
Bad Blood
Lucifer x fem reader
Summary: You’re a demon from Hell who has always tormented the ruler of Hell. You were once close until you betrayed them by helping Dream enter Hell without being detected resulting in the defeat they had with Dream. Since then you both have a love hate relationship.
Warnings: love hate relationship, feeling of abandonment, banishment
Requests open
You were once close with the Ruler of Hell. There was a time where the two of you were inseparable however the tables have turned since then. You may ask what caused two close beings to end up despising each other? Well let me tell you…
It was a normal day in the depths of hell and you and Lucifer were up to your usual mischief. Well as much as they possibly could considering they had a whole kingdom to rule. The two of you loved to play pranks on one another. Some of them were really simple and some were really complex. The one you love playing the most on Lucifer is saying that you have hidden three things of theirs when in reality you had only hidden two.
Lucifer’s favourite pranks were always replacing certain objects with something else. For example they really enjoyed swapping the salt and the sugar as well as swapping toothpaste for mayonnaise. Harmless but always so annoying and what was even more annoying is they got you everytime. It was so funny yet frustrating.
Well it was until you took it too far. Lucifer was tending to their many duties which meant that you had the afternoon to yourself to do whatever you pleased. You decided to take a stroll around Hell and you ended up taking yourself up to the gates of Hell. You have always enjoyed watching the many new faces enter Hell for the rest of eternity.
Some people look absolutely terrified to be arriving in Hell but some look completely unfazed as if they knew that they would be arriving in Hell. That afternoon you were sitting on one of the nearby rocks watching all these new faces enter Hell. After a short while you heard that gates shut before watching one of the guards leave their post for a short period of time. They must be done for the day.
Just as you were about to leave you heard a loud bang on the door as if someone was trying to get in. Your curiosity got the better of you as you made your way to the gate to see who was there. On the other side of the door you could see Morepheus standing there with a raven. “What are you doing here Dream?” you asked through the iron gates. “I need to speak with Lucifer so please let me in,” he responded.
You had a quick think to yourself. It would be harmless and to find out you let him in later on would be priceless. “Fine Dream. Just don’t cause too much chaos” you laughed knowing that it could happen in Hell. You opened the gate and let him in before closing it behind you. It would be as if no one would ever know. With nothing else happening at the gates of Hell you decided to continue on your walk just letting your legs guide you in any possible direction as you had nowhere in particular you needed to be.
After a while of walking around you finally decided to go back to the palace to see if Lucifer was done with whatever they were doing. As you made your way into the palace you could see everyone inside was acting quite strange compared to what they normally do. Something had obviously happened otherwise no one would be acting like this. You quickly made your way through the palace to find Lucifer.
You entered the throne room to see Lucifer sat on their throne with a permanently annoyed expression plastered on their face. “Are you alright Lucifer? What happened?” You asked them as you made your way closer. “What happened! I will tell you what happened. I was absolutely humiliated” they shouted at you. What could have happened to cause this kind of reaction from the devil themselves.
“What exactly happened Lucifer” you asked them. “Morpheus. That is what happened. Someone let him through the gates of Hell and he just destroyed me in a battle. There was no possible way he could’ve won yet he did. I’ve used all my strength and I still lost” they complained.
You instantly knew that you were in deep trouble. “I tell you what. As soon as I find out who betrayed me will regret even existing” Lucifer stated. You didn’t know what to do. You really wanted to tell them that it was all your fault but you knew deep down that the friendship you had between the two of you would disappear instantly. You did betray them. It wasn’t deliberate but at the end of the day it was the truth.
“Lucifer, I need to tell you something” you told the beast in front of you. “What is it? Please don’t say you had something to do with this” they said with a saddened look on their face. “It was an accident, Lucifer. I never meant for this to happen. I was bored and he was at the gates so I let him in. My intentions were harmless. I thought he had just come to annoy you and that it would be a good prank. I didn’t realise that he had come to battle. I’m so sorry Lucifer. I really meant no bad intentions” you told them trying your best to explain yourself.
You weren’t expecting anything positive to come out of this and you knew deep down you fucked up big time. “Get out! I don’t want to see your face ever again!” Lucifer shouted. You quickly turned around on your feet and made your way out of the throne room as quickly as possible. You felt tears start to fall down your face. You and Lucifer have never had anything like this happen before and you weren’t expecting it to impact you as much as it did.
You expected after a few days that Lucifer would come around. It was space they needed and after a while you were convinced they would come back to you and the two of you would be up to your mischief in no time. But that wasn’t the case. It was actually far from it. The two of you haven’t really spoken since and it has not been well over a year since the incident with Dream.
You do your best to be around Lucifer as you still cared for them but they did everything in their power to put you down again. It is a vicious cycle yet you couldn’t help but keep repeating it. If you had any common sense you would have left this ‘friendship’ when it originally ended but you couldn’t help but keep fighting for it. You knew deep down Lucifer still cared for you and you were still trying your best to prove that to them.
There were many times where you would try and wiggle your way into Lucifer’s life. You even kept up with your pranks expecting that maybe one day they would return to the prank war that you started many years ago. At one point you even believed that you were getting through to them. You would find yourselves having the odd conversations with one another like nothing had ever happened. It was small progress but it was still progress.
You finally believed that the two of you were on the right track and your friendship would be stronger than ever. How wrong were you about to be? Lucifer asked you to come up to the throne room one afternoon and you were hoping to apologise for about the 100th time and you could only hope that this time around they would accept your apology. As you got to the door of the throne room you knocked your secret knock that you only use with Lucifer. “Enter!” you heard Lucifer shout from the otherside of the door.
You quickly made your way into the throne room excited to finally see Lucifer again. “Before you say anything there is something I need to tell you. I have thought long and hard about your many apologies and I have decided that unfortunately I cannot accept your apology. What you did to me was a complete betrayal of trust so I am banishing you to the depth of Hell and you may never return to the palace” they told you with a stern look in their eyes but deep down even you could see the hurt in their eyes.
“Please Lucifer! Don’t do this to me. You know deep down that I never had bad intentions about what happened with Dream. It was a horrible accident and if I knew what the outcome would be then I wouldn’t have let him in. Please Lucifer, I need you in my life. I can’t lose you. I will go insane out there!” you pleaded with them hoping that maybe they would feel bad and change their mind.
“I’m sorry but my mind is set. If I were you I would get moving. Some right horrible creatures come out when it gets dark” they told you before turning around and leaving the throne room entirely. How could they do this to you? After everything the two of you have been through, they just cast you aside as if you are some toy they have got done playing with. You left straight away as you couldn’t bear to be around this place anymore. After you left you realised how much you still missed them.
You knew they still somewhat cared for you as on rare occasions you would receive letters from Lucifer themself asking how you have been. Of course you didn’t respond. You definitely were not going to give them the satisfaction of even letting them know how you were getting on and they have no one else to blame except themself.
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help-itrappedmyself · 4 months
Jegulus AU Part 2
Regulus hadn’t fully healed from that encounter when he heard from his brother for the first time that year, receiving an owl about how wonderful Hogwarts was and how much he was going to enjoy it there himself. Regulus would have liked to think so, but as the year went on, Sirius befriended Potter and the rest of his dormmates, including a half-blood, and proceeded to get into a lot of trouble in the form of multiple late-night excursions and detentions, and while Mother had no problem telling Sirius how disappointed she was in him for basically everything he did in the form of Howlers sent to him at school, she was also very quick to assure Regulus in her own way that she expected better of him, and the consequences for not exceeding her expectations.
Regulus never did tell Sirius about the lessons their mother taught him while he was gone. All the punishments he received as warnings whenever Sirius misbehaved at school. He was happy to take the punishments for him. Sirius was always doing the same for Regulus when he was at home so Regulus was more than happy to pay him back even a fraction of the torment that Regulus caused Sirius in the first place. He had years to catch up on in that regard, and he stupidly assumed that next year he would be with Sirius and everything would be okay. 
That dream ended very quickly. Sirius became fast friends with his dormmates, namely one James Potter. Sirius spent the holidays with Potter, not even coming home to see Regulus until the summer. When summer finally arrived, Regulus was excited to get to see his brother again, but all Sirius wanted to do was talk about James Potter, and Hogwarts, and how excited he was to leave again. Regulus told himself this was fine, because he would be with Sirius next year. Next year they would be together, best of friends again. 
Except James Potter and his stupid Gryffindor friends. Regulus went to Hogwarts absolutely dreading the Sorting. He knew he had to be put in Slytherin, he had to because he knew that if the punishment for Sirius getting into Gryffindor had been bad, it was only going to be worse if he himself got put anywhere but Slytherin. He didn’t realize that his brother had been so taken in by his Gryffindor friends that when he was put into Slytherin it started the beginning of the end. Sirius somehow felt betrayed by Regulus. As if he was the crazy one for going to the house where literally everyone in their entire family has gone except for Sirius. Clearly, in this instance Sirius is the traitor. After all, their cousins, Bellatrix and Narcissa, are currently in Slytherin with Regulus. 
It all got worse from there. Regulus knew that being in a different house and a different year would create some distance between him and Sirius. He was however all too ignorant of just how large that distance would become. It became overwhelmingly clear to him that day when Sirius left. Sirius left him, without looking back. He walked out the door without a goodbye, leaving Regulus there, again, always left to pay the price for Sirius’ stupidity.
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ddarker-dreams · 7 months
Patiently waiting for your thoughts on Fontaine’s new archon quest 🫡
oh man. i do have some thoughts to share.
(warning for spoilers to those who haven't played through the latest archon quest)!
OKAY, so — overall? i enjoyed it. the fortress of meropide section felt a little tedious at times, i'm begging mihoyo to abandon those awful 'stealth' 'gameplay' sections. aside from that though, i was always interested enough to keep moving ahead. i especially like how they wrote navia. the story of her and her father got me emotionally invested in her as a character, i actually teared up at one point.
i was glad they avoided their infamous 'introduce a character and have them betray you' shtick. idk if that was a quota they had to reach before and that's why they did it so often, but in any case, it made for a refreshing change. the reveal of fontaine's history, the serial disappearances, focalors and furina; there were lots of intriguing story beats. furina's story might somehow be one of the saddest in genshin yet?? the execution of the reveal and the final conversation between focalors and neuvillette packed a strong emotional punch.
onto my gripes...
childe. why. why'd they do my man like that. the buildup was so interesting! the cutscene where he helps neuvillette subdue the space whale had me frothing at the mouth. him in his foul legacy armor ... his leitmotif playing... him growling and grunting.... oh, how happy i was, naïve thing that i am. i was a bit confused how they dedicated a total of three seconds to traveler and the floating fiend going 'oh wow there's childe ig.' like ??? at this point in the story, i thought they were sorta buddies??
the space whale's execution confused me. i expected it to be deeply tied to fontaine's past, or at the very least give some abyss bread crumbs, but it just kinda flopped around and stuff. the fight was cool, don't get me wrong. but the whole 'yeah this whale is some dude's pet lol' bit just felt odd. i get that they want to prove the Big Important Name Fella is suuuper important and suuuper strong but c'mon. at least make the space whale a creation that ran rampant or something.
i could've forgiven the space whale shenanigans if we got a nice conversation with childe at the end. how did he feel in the abyss? was he fighting the whale to keep the people of fontaine safe, out of bloodlust, or something in between? what was it like seeing skirk again? how much time felt like it passed when he was in whale abyss prison? does his vision resonate with him properly again?
instead, we just get a few throwaway lines that he's back in snezhnaya healing up. did they run out of budget to book his VA?? i get they have to be selective with lore drops, but there are so many ways around that.
my last major gripe is how they went about furina's character quest. maybe i'm just an oversensitive weenie (i definitely am), but the traveler and flying creature's interactions with furina... i was physically grimacing. how did they seriously think it was a good idea to ask the person who has been tormented by acting for 500 years to give the stage another shot? imo, it would've been fine if they tried that, furina rejected them, and everything played out about the same. but those bits where traveler + the imp kept pressuring furina felt so weeeeeeird. i genuinely didn't want to click the dialogue options. if this was framed differently, that would've also been fine, but it's kinda a 'haha :3 epic paimon says teehee te nandayo reddit gold' light.
tl;dr i liked the overall experience but someone needs to delete paimon from the game + treat their characters as more than a punchline.
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csilis · 7 months
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Five Nights At Freddy's William Afton x F!Reader A/N: The continution of Until Death Do Us Part, but can be read separetely. And yes, this one is longer. But at least the characters are talking now.
You left him in that backroom, choking on his blood and dying, never looking back. Still, that night haunted your dreams in ways you could never imagine. There was deep inside a part of you that genuinely loved that man. A part that thought he was only just broken and needed to be mended. But you buried it deep, only letting that part’s guilt torment you in your dreams.
What you knew is that when the management found him in the morning they decided to seal off that room and forget that William Afton ever existed. You wished you could erase him from your life just like they did from theirs.
To avenge your little sister, Cassidy, you had to become a monster just like him. You had to dirty your hands, be his partner in crime. It was the only way to make him think you madly loved him. And when the perfect moment came you betrayed him and took your revenge.
After making peace with what you’ve done, you thought it was finally over. But fate is a funny thing after all. Forgetting that knowing him, he will definitely return one day, you spent the next ten years helping those who have been wronged by William. And boy, it was a long list.
But in the end you circled back to this shithole as you realised that since that day, you didn’t get any older. Like as if you stopped aging. So you went back to his old house for his research papers, thinking that you might find some kind of answers in them.
In his old house you found his son, Michael. He wasn’t looking like he used to be when you two briefly met all those years ago. But you could tell that he’s been through hell. Maybe even worse than that because now he was a ghost, possessing his own rotting body.
He was also surprised to see that you haven’t aged at all. But wasn’t that really when he heard your story of you taking your revenge.
“That fucker deserved it. Maybe even more” That was Michael’s honest reaction to your story. You could only laugh at his response. He then offended to help, thinking that you deserved the same peace just like everyone else.
After looking around, you two found his old notes about the why and how of his killing spree over the years. What started as a promise to put his own damned child back together ended up in the death of many others, so that he could make remnant out of them, thinking that will bring back the children he have lost. On the last pages of the notebook he even wrote about you. It wasn’t what you thought he would write. Professing eternal love so deep that he even thought about just quitting altogether to start a new life with you. But you knew it well that he was way too deep for that. 
Nevertheless you were surprised as you always thought he too played the part of a man madly in love with his woman. You thought this was a game where the one who fools the other sooner wins. But it was not the case. He genuinely loved you. That bastard! 
In the end what you two come up with that the remnant must be keeping you in the same age, making you some kind of immortal. But when that night you dreamt about your sister, you realised. Cassidy was the one keeping you this way, so when Afton comes back you will have the strength to put an end to this.
So you spent the next two decades trying to think of ways how to kill him for good. Send his soul to hell. Hell… that’s what you needed. To burn him until nothing remains.
Soon, 30 years have passed since your cursed wedding at the backroom of the Freddy Fazebear’s pizzeria. And when that same place is reopened as a horror attraction, you knew he will soon be back. So you and Michael signed up for the night guard job and planned how you two are gonna end it.
On the second night he was there and your heart started to beat faster even at the sight of him. Though you didn’t really see anything as he tried to hide from the cameras the best he could. 
“Do you wanna meet him?” Michael asked while looking at you. He knew the history you two shared more than anyone.
“Not now” you quietly said. You then pushed the button and the laughing of children could be heard in the next room, where William soon headed because of the programming of his suit.
“He looks so trapped in that suit. Hm… Let’s call this amalgamation Springtrap” came up Michael with the name idea as you two were sitting bored in the office.
“Fitting” you nod in agreement as you turn a page in your favourite book. Hours pass and you are still reading as Michael fell asleep on the desk, while watching the monitors. Noticing this, you put your book down, deciding it would be time to meet your cursed husband.
Walking past the monitors, you take note where he is now and continue your journey towards that way. Picking up the taser you confidently walked through the halls of the horror attraction.
When you close your eyes and go to sleep And it's down to the sound of a heartbeat
When you heard the song coming from the speakers throughout the whole building, you froze for a minute, only to realise that Michael was up and signalling this by playing the same song you've been dancing to with William on your first date.
"Fuck you Michael" you quietly stated as you composed yourself and took a deep breath as you turned right in the end of the corridor to come face to face with your husband.
He takes a good look at you, his mechanical eyes focusing on your unaged face. Even though 30 years has passed, you were still the same. Not like him. His suit rotted away, leaving even more wires and springs to be exposed. You could see through the holes how his flesh stuck to the metal, making him one with the suit.
You could hear the clancing of the gears as he tried to open his mouth, no doubt to speak to you. But it soon came to a halt as the rusty metal did not let him do what he wanted. However, he was William, so he continued anyway.
"It's been... been... a while" he finally managed to say, his quiet words loudly echoing between these walls. You did not say anything. He didn't deserved to hear your voice. "It took... took me long to... to realise. You are... the sister... the sister of Cas..."
"DON'T YOU DARE TO MENTION HER NAME!" you exploded, anger apparent on your cheeks as you held the taser higher and ignited it, electricity cracking between the two tiny metal rods. "She was just a child and you...!" you yelled, tears threatening too fall even after so many years. But you had to keep your shit together. "You gutted her like an animal and stuffed her into one of the suits" your voice dropped and became so calm that even William was suprised by it.
"So revenge... it is."
"The word revenge cannot even give you what I've planned for you. This time I will send your soul straight to hell and stay there to torture it until the end of time" you said, laughing leaving your lips as you took some steps towards him. You weren't afraid. From him? Never.
As you advanced towards William Afton, a sense of determination and purpose welled up within you. The past three decades had been a relentless pursuit of revenge, and now the moment of reckoning was at hand.
"That... that will be... heaven then" he smiled, or at least attempted to smile. "Because... I get to be with you... forever"
You couldn't believe the audacity of his words. Even now, he clung to the delusion that he could be with you for eternity. It was sickening.
"You are truly mad, Afton" you whispered, your voice dripping with contempt.
"Don't say... that you are... not..." he said and you had to admit that he was right. He infected you and now you were just as insane and bloodthirsty.
"I'm not saying it, love" you quietly answered, not even noticing that the part which still loved him was showing.
With a swift movement, you lunged at Springtrap, ready to push the taser into his suit, but your attempt was short-lived as he quckly grabbed your waist.
"You... can't... escape me" he wheezed, his words coming out in painful gasps. "We'll... be together... always..."
"Always, Afton?" you scoffed, your anger boiling over. "The only thing that will be eternal is your torment in the deepest, darkest pits of hell."
"I... I love... when you... determined like... like this" he whispered, pulling you close and giving you some kind of twisted kiss. And the worst part was... that you liked it.
You tell me that you want me You tell me that you need me
The song still went on and it made you even more unsure of your feelings right now. Conflicting emotions coursed through you. The memories of your twisted relationship with Afton, the years of seeking revenge, and the disturbing connection you still felt for him... it all clashed.
As the song played on, you found yourself grappling uncertainty. Afton's words and the sensation of his touch stirred something deep within you, a part of you that somehow loved him. But you couldn't allow that vulnerability to cloud your judgment.
So you had to trick him once again. So you kissed him back, knowing that this was the only way to get close enough to carry out your plan. As you deepened the kiss, you could see the surprise in Afton's mechanical eyes. He believed he had won you over with his twisted charm, but little did he know that this was your opportunity to get the upper hand. You could taste the desperation in his kiss, the longing for a love that could never be.
"You were always good at playing games, love. But the rules have changed since then..." Breaking away from the kiss, you reached for the taser with your free hand. You had to end this, for now at least. So you pressed the taser against his rotting flesh and activated it.
You watched him silently suffer from the electicity and twitch uncontollably. It felt great.
"You will... will be... back..." he whispered to you in pain. "Because you... you always come back... back to me" he then despite the pain managed to laugh before he shortcircuited and fell to the floor.
"Two down. Four more nights to go" you said turning around and going back into the office. You will make his life a living hell, here... and the other side too once you burned this fucking place down.
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Word counter: 1857 Characters: 10037
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dumborangecat · 9 months
(but it’s mostly me ranting about betty)
I’m actually never gonna get over betty constantly being sidelined by the writers, like ever
I love simon, he’s amazing, 10/10 babygirl, But god i wish we got more of Betty, She’s such a good complex character with so much potential to be used for more then she is.
She’s got serious character character flaws with the possibility for her to work on them, she has a great personality that would mesh well and create great interactions with other characters, she has interesting relationships (platonic or not) with seveveral characters and the potential for more, and she has such an interesting position in OOO.
Like simon she was thrust into this magical world and out of her normal mundane one, but unlike simon she didn’t have a magic crown that made her forget her whole life, or magic powers to blend in with everyone else (at the beginning) She was litterally just a normal gal, and then she became magic, but she didn’t lose herself to the magic (like simon did)! she’s completely concious and aware of all her actions and thoughts and memories, she’s just a bit crazier/more intense. She’s just as crazy and ‘weird’ as all the other Ooo residents, but she isn’t an ‘ooo resident’ she could have such an interesting character arc with feeling as though she doesn’t truly belong in ooo, and how she doesn’t want to instead only wanting to go back to her time, but being forced to stay in ooo anyway. But unlike simon she wouldn’t be (somewhat) complacent in her life, she wouldn’t be a miserable old woman, she would be mad! and angry! and try whatever she has too to go back! (just like she does for simon!)
but we don’t get that. We explore her character, and her motivations, and personality, but solely (with the exception of maybe ONE episode) through the lense of her relationship with simon. We don’t see what she’s like in her other platonic relationships. For all we know she could be just as a much of a mother-character as simon is a dad one, but we can’t be sure, because we’re never shown that. Throughout the entire show Betty is almost always only important as ‘Simon’s fiance’ ‘Someone trying to save Simon’ ‘A tormented gal mourning her fiance’ Never ‘Magic woman’ ‘THE ONE TO SUMMON GOLB??’ or even just ‘betty’.
Pretty much the only person to really see her as Betty is Simon, adding to the fact that she is only ever seen through petrigrof’s relationship. And of course simon is the only one to see her! She has 0 deep relationships with other characters! Finn and Jake see her as someone who once betrayed them, but also needs help, and thats cool and interesting to possibly explore, but there’s more to betty then that! Marceline sees her as Simon’s super cool fiance who she’s never met but still thinks is great (and is implied she could imagine her as a mother-figure) But betty is more then that!
Betty gets maybe 2 episodes where it’s just her and not Simon aswell (‘You forgot your floaties’, and the mars one i forgot the name of sorry) And both of those are still to do with simon (her working to save simon, and her looking back on her relationship with simon)
And i understand why it’s like this, because while Betty is her own person, with her own personality and interests, she focuses on Simon so much that to everyone else she really isn’t anything other then Simon’s fiance. I love petrigrof and how obsessed they are with eachother, it’s poetic, and romantic, and self destructive and i love it; but Simon is just as obsessed with Betty as she is with him, yet he gets his own character arcs, his own deep and meaningful relationships (Marceline, Finn, even Fionna maybe) while betty doesn’t.
Magic woman could have been a great character, who in her quest to save simon ends up making similar connections with people, she could have tried getting marceline to help her with simon, and they could have a great complicated relationship (Wirh marceline wanting to save him too, but also being able to accept that for now he’s the ice king, and betty being completely unable to do that, too determined to save him to realise that she is somewhat hurting ice king, which would piss off marceline) She could have kidnapped or forced other (probably background) characters to help her save simon (JUST LIKE SIMON KIDNAPS AND KILLS CHOOSE GOOSE TO SAVE BETTY!) But we don’t get that.
Even if all her other connections revolve around or have something to do with simon, it would have been great for her to actually have other connections. for her to have like 1 friend atleast. Even if she doesn’t get any of that, and remains as ‘simons fiance’ it would have been great to atleast see her more! Even as just a teeny tiny apearance in episodes, as just a background character with like 1 scene.
I quite liked the Fionna and cake finale, but more golbetty focus was something i was left really wanting. We get more about the litch then we do golbetty! I get that a lot of the vagueness/mystery around golbetty could be leaving stuff unknown to be explored in potential sequals but still, i wanted to see more of her
I don’t think any of this is betty’s fault, or a flaw of hers, nor do i fully blame the writers, writing stuff is hard! writing a 10 season series with like a bajillion characters and the potential for later spin offs? even harder! Not including Betty as much is understandable. I just wish it wasn’t what happened.
Sorry this was disorganised and super rambly, i just love betty and want to see more of her. She deserves to be seen as the epic girlfailure magic woman she is!!!
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delirious-donna · 4 months
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Series Masterlist
chapter 6: Kiss
pairing: Kakashi Hatake x female reader
warnings: angst, PTSD, anxiety, night terrors, Obito is very broken, fluff, overthinking reader, mentions of alcohol, Kakashi being a consent king at heart, SFW (for now…)
wc: 2.5k
synopsis: Kakashi Hatake, newly appointed Hokage, is struggling with transitioning from active duty to being sat behind a desk. Sure, he might not be placing his life on the line every day but perhaps now is the time he puts something else out there instead, his heart.
Meanwhile, things aren’t quite adding up. There is a discrepancy in the records that cannot be explained, and it falls to you to investigate. Never did you expect it would lead you to the door of the Hokage’s office, a man you had admired from a safe distance until now. What happens next leads you into a closely guarded secret that will change the rest of your life.
In a story where the past might be harder to let go of than usual, can two strangers find a semblance of happiness and peace?
beta reader: a huge thanks to @angelic-muse for being an amazing beta and friend! <3
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Too late. He was always too late.
What had been a source of almost playful defiance in his youth had turned into some of his greatest regrets in life. Why couldn’t he get there in time? Why did he have to watch whilst those he loved were cut down because he couldn’t reach them quickly enough? Was it fair that he finally realised he was being used by those far more evil and manipulative than he only when he was knocking on death’s door?
Regret and confusion muddied together, painting a kaleidoscope of negative emotions into a hellscape designed for his personal torment. Looking down, his hands were stained in a blood so dark it was almost black. It crusted around his fingertips and stained the sickly white pallor of the skin beneath.
It was Rin’s blood.
He knew it with certainty. Her body wasn’t here, nothing was except him and the howling wind that wrapped around his body. The cold struck him, spreading out from the centre of his chest and filling every corner it could reach. It was a poison, a sickness.
Flashes of memories obscured his vision like fireworks. Blinded by brilliant white lights that stung more than his eyes, and then he was drowning. His chest was tight–a metaphorical band of steel encased his ribcage, squeezing with any attempted inhale. Obito clawed at his throat with his sullied hand, painting the column of his throat in a liquid far more akin to inky black oil than crimson blood.
Panic gripped his heart. Yells, screams and the death rattle of his victims filled his ears. He was drowning yet there was no water. He was blood-spattered yet there was no body. It ended as suddenly as it had begun.
He could breathe, and he did, inhaling great pulls of air into his starved lungs. Obito coughed, again and again. Tears blurred his vision, streaking down his cheeks and dripping fat drops from the tip of his chin. He shut out what he could, closed his eyes to the marks covering his hands, and he felt it, a hand beneath his elbow. It was warm where everything else had been frigidly cold. Small and delicate fingers touched him without shuddering in repulsion.
“He’s moving on… why can’t you, Obito?”
It hurt. Fuck, it hurt. Obito blinked, awakening not to the hellscape he had been trapped in, but to a different type of prison. One he had willingly locked himself into. His bedroom was threadbare, but he liked it that way. Comforts were for those that deserved them, and he didn’t. He had refused every offer of a comfortable bed over the years, deciding it unnecessary. As long as he had a place to curl up and fall asleep, that was all that mattered and honestly, he had slept in worse conditions.
Carefully, he raised his arms and inspected his hands. There was no blood to be found, only the white skin of a man who had betrayed everyone in the pursuit of something futile. Did he have to be reminded of his mistakes every moment, not even safe in slumber?
Obito had long since learned that crying was a part of his penance. He was accustomed to the sensation of his throat feeling tight and rubbed raw from the thick emotions that did their best to choke him. He sat up on his thin futon, drawing his knees to his chest and resting his cheek on top.
She had come to him, and not for the first time. The message was different, and he knew it was likely born of what was currently transpiring down in Konoha between Kakashi and this woman who was digging into the strange case of a man who had seemingly died twice.
It was barely 10pm he realised, glancing at the clock on the wall. Was something wrong? He didn’t know for sure, but he would hazard a guess that whatever ridiculous sentiment bonded him to his old friend was awakened because something was indeed happening–whether it be good or bad.
“He’s moving on…” Obito nodded. Kakashi, the man who had been closely guarded with his feelings and his heart since he was a child was letting someone inside his barriers. It still sounded like a joke.
He couldn’t decide if he was happy for him or jealous. The latter would be typical of him, but of which part? That Kakashi could move on with his life or that someone had been good enough in his eyes for him to even try? What woman could possibly turn the head of the legendary copycat ninja?
Sure, it was no secret that the man in question was a romantic at heart, perhaps with a touch of perversion given his reading material over the years, but it had never translated into reality, and Obito would know. For years he had watched from afar, hidden in his various guises and wondered why Kakashi continued to resist temptation. He found out the reason not until they reunited and buried old grudges.
Kakashi couldn’t bear losing someone close to him… again.
He chewed absently on his fingernails, lost in a maelstrom of the past and present. Obito was a part of the reason that Kakashi had closed himself off, he hadn’t been the ignition, but he still held a starring role. He shouldn’t be jealous, but jealousy was not rational. It didn’t listen to logic or abide by the rules of reason.
“... why can’t you, Obito?”
The hand of friendship had been extended so many times when he didn’t understand why he was being given the opportunity, and now, he had a shot at a second chance. Why couldn’t he take it?
So many questions and he didn’t have the answer to any, or any that he would admit to. Deep down in his withered heart, there was the small boy he had once been. The boy who longed for meaningful connections and love. The boy who had dreamed that he would be Hokage one day but had fallen for the trickery of the wicked and became the furthest possible iteration of what it meant to be worthy of the title of Hokage.
Redemption. It was offered like the leafy stem of an olive branch. If only he would reach out and take it, wrap his fingers around it carefully and allow himself the chance at a moment of peace. Wouldn’t it be nice to not be endlessly pursued by his demons? Obito sobbed quietly, the sound carrying only because the night around him stood still and silent as if it was watching—waiting—for what might happen. He was in a bubble of his own despair. A prison that was locked tight, but he alone held the key.
Like Kakashi, he could choose to overcome his fears and look to a future that wasn’t purely miserable. The fear of the unknown was daunting, and he knew that not everyone would be swayed by the words of their Hokage but he could understand that. Truly, it was not the unknown that scared him the most, it was the fear of being accepted. To be accepted despite everything he had done. All the pain and suffering he had inflicted on others. The people he had killed in his pursuit to achieve the impossible, the loved ones sent to their graves before their time. How could anyone look him in the eye and shake his hand after that?
He was broken.
So why did he hope that Kakashi wouldn’t give up on trying to fix him? Obito lay his head against his thin pillow and sent a silent prayer that he didn’t believe would be heard. He prayed that his friend had more strength than he, that whatever was happening with this woman would not leave him as bitter as Obito was. He deserved happiness.
You were scared. He could see the emotion swirling in the dark hues of your eyes, it mingled with the desire that was also present but the fear was threatening to overwhelm the other. Kakashi wouldn’t take what wasn’t willingly given. He wouldn’t push, but he would question it.
“What are you thinking about?”
His voice was barely a husky whisper, warm breath fanning your face and you licked across your lips whilst your eyes rose from his mouth to his eyes. So many things. You were drowning in thoughts, and honestly, you could use a moment of silence to gather your wits. For once, you spoke without running the words through your internal monitor.
“I’m thinking that I want to kiss you and that you want to kiss me, but–”
To be damned with whatever the but was going to be, you were correct, he did want to kiss you and he was going to.
Kakashi’s thumb caught beneath your chin to tip your face up and before you could blink, he kissed you. His lips were cool–pleasantly so–and so damn soft that it almost didn’t seem fair. Your arms wound around his neck exactly as you had desired only moments before, fingers tangling in the silky silver strands at his nape. His body was warm around yours, his hands respectfully at your waist whilst he offered another taste of his lips and you accepted greedily.
Never had you shared a kiss quite like this. Your brain could not process every sensation and emotion that was lighting up your insides like fireworks. How could you ever hope to express exactly what you felt at this moment? This was the Kakashi Hatake, and you were kissing him. Your lips cushioned his. Your fingers played with his hair and scratched lightly at his neck. Your body that he gently tugged ever closer to his own.
He wanted you.
Kakashi was tender and patient, leading you through a slow dance of kisses that seemed to never end, but the need for air would soon spoil that illusion.
You broke away reluctantly, blinking rapidly and hoping that the world would stop spinning so you could orientate yourself. His expression was pure amusement, lips twitching whilst you uncoiled your arms from their perch and pressed your fingertips to your lips. You savoured the gentle numb sensation of your lips, how they had filled with blood so easily and the lingering taste he had left behind.
“I... oh. We shouldn’t have done that,” you murmured, sounding as breathless as you felt.
“Mm, and why is that?”
“You’re my boss. You’re the fucking Hokage! Shit. I am in so much trouble. Can you just fire me now and get it over with?”
Kakashi chuckled, and dammit if you didn’t want to smack him in the shoulder. Didn’t he get it? This was… the best moment of your life. The thought was inside your head before you could squash it. Burning you alive with its presence.
“I have to go. I’m sorry… you’re so handsome. Shit–I mean, forget it,” you rambled, flushing from head to toe.
Twice in as many minutes you had cursed, and it sounded so perfectly ridiculous from your lips that he couldn’t not smile wider. It was at the moment he lifted his hand to his face to stifle the laughter in his throat that you tried to make a run for it. Kakashi watched whilst your eyes darted to the doorway that led back to the front door, and no sooner than the time it took him to blink, you were moving. Damn, you were fast. But he was much faster, naturally.
Not for the first time, his fingers wrapped around your wrist, but this time he used a touch more force to bring you back to him. Your back collided into his chest with a soft thump, before you turned back to face him. Your eyes darted left and right, anywhere that wasn’t looking directly into his and he couldn’t have that.
“Breathe,” he directed calmly, dropping your wrist and bringing his hand up to your cheek. His fingertips were gentle on your skin, the ghost of a caress that made his eyes darken, and your breathing spike despite his best intentions.
“I am not going to fire you. I wish…” he paused, leaning in to press a tender kiss to your forehead. “I wish you were not assigned with the task you’re working on, but actually, I think everything might work out better this way.”
Your nose scrunched in confusion, Kakashi was talking in riddles. His expression was a mask you couldn’t decipher. For as much as you longed to remain in his gentle hold, you knew that it was more crucial for you to reset your brain and that meant leaving.
You exhaled softly. “Kakashi, I’m not going to even try to understand what you mean right now. I’m too…” You wanted to admit you were falling for him, hard and far too fast, but you conceded in a small half truth for now. “... tipsy to think straight.”
His features sombred with a dip of his chin. The sudden, irrational desire to reach out and boop the little mole near his mouth was overwhelming. Your fingers twitched but you controlled the insane urge by biting the inside of your cheek.
“I shouldn’t have kissed you when you’ve been drinking, I apologise.”
Shit–no! That’s not what you had meant. Oh god, now he was regretting everything and you could feel the ground splitting beneath your feet.
“Wait, no. I swear I didn’t just kiss you because of the alcohol. You’re… well, look at you. I like you, Kakashi. Oh dear.” You really had to go before you said something else you’d regret later.
“If you put it that way…” Kakashi smirked, and you were grateful for it even if it was at your expense. “Can you be in my office at 11am tomorrow? I’ve taken up a lot of your time already and you’ve gotten nothing in return, it’s time I rectify that.”
Oh, you’d gotten plenty alright but you weren’t admitting it. Nodding enthusiastically, you moved towards the door and slipped into your shoes. “Would you like me to walk you home?” He asked, and when you glanced around his mask was back in place covering the lower half of his face. It made you pout but you understood.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t live far and I think I could use the peace, if that’s alright?”
With a final lingering exchange of looks, you bowed your head and stepped into the cool night. Away from Kakashi’s home and away from the bubble of happiness you had enjoyed for the past few hours.
You hadn’t lied, you did need solace from how maddeningly astute he was, but you missed him almost immediately and that was simply insane. It wouldn’t be for the final time this night did your fingers stray back to your lips in memory of the kiss you had shared. What any of this meant… you weren’t sure, but you needed a plan of action and thankfully, that was something you were good at.
It was time to play him at his own game and find out exactly what he wasn’t telling you.
Little did you know that your short trip home was not made alone. Two ninken trailed you discreetly, keeping to the shadows at their master’s instruction and finding your scent very appealing to their sensitive noses.
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dangermousie · 4 months
Do you like triumph of evil in your kdramas? A small rec list for the pessimist in you
If, like me, you got into kdramas way back when or like older kdramas, tragic endings are not a particular surprise - endings where one or both members of the OTP die were pretty common and even unsettling endings that remind you of the world being rather unjust (Bad Guys) also happen.
But I am talking about something more than that - an ending that really socks it to you, by making you feel the villains won, it was all in vain. I confess when well-done, I love the bleakness of that type of ending. So here are my five favorites for this sort of thing:
Hong Gil Dong (2008)
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This story of a rebel fighting to overthrow the mad tyrant and bring justice to the people has the most thoroughly bad ending on the list. Who dies? EVERYONE EXCEPT THE BAD GUYS! I don't mean the OTP, I don't mean your fave secondaries, I mean everyone. The sheer realistic bleakness of the ending is breath-taking. Gil Dong, his OTP Yi Nok and the rest of the rebels are murdered by the forces of the king they put on the throne. The last shot of the story proper is them standing watching a shower of arrows coming towards them, staring at their death. The only survivors are the King and the secondary girl and both are monsters. The king is the man they put on the throne with so much effort but who cannot allow them to live because what they want is not to replace a bad absolute ruler with a different one (that he may have coped with) but to replace the system itself - to hold the king accountable, and he cannot have that. In the end, a mad tyrant has been replaced with a sane tyrant and the class system and the injustices of that society that wrecked Hil Dong, Yi Nok and the rest continue unabated. And secondary girl betrays Gil Dong because - for all her sort of crush - she never truly saw him as human, just a fancy peasant toy that should be thrown away and punished for not behaving as he ought. In the end, the good guys, the heroes, who fought so hard are killed and it's not easy acceptance for them either (there is a scene where Gil Dong, knowing they are all dead once spring comes, admits to Yi Nok how terrified of death he is that has haunted me for a decade plus) and the monsters continue on happily. Sure, the people recite stories and new fighters will rise in their place but it's very much of a "no happy ending in our lifetime" message.
At the time this drama came out, the Hong Sisters were known for their romcoms and this started out pretty goofy - watching it live as it got darker and darker was a hell of a trip and the ending made the fandom insane. But the more I thought about it, the more I loved it, the more fitting it seemed. I love all the other takes on rebels against the crown a la various other HGD and Iljimae adaptations but this one has, to me, by far the most fitting ending.
IRIS (2009)
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Talk about bleak. This drama starts as your standard if high quality actioner about competent glam agents of a secret CIA type agency. And then it all goes to hell in a handbasket for our mains as it turns out a secret evil organization is the one that's pulling the strings, and our protagonist Kim Hyun Jun (played by Lee Byung Hun in my favorite of all of his performances) is sacrificed for complicated reasons that are only gradually revealed and begins his descent into hell. He starts the story as a competent, cocky sweetheart and transforms into a PTSDing shaking hands wreck. And you watch him fight so hard - fight through all the torments inflicted, fight to protect his loved ones and to keep his sanity, and fight to take the evil org down. You watch him slowly rebuild himself, and to slowly find happiness again with the woman he's loved all this time, Choi Seung Hee (played by Kim Tae Hee in my fave of her performances, who has unknowing ties to the org) and to fight over the org and inflict damage on it.
And then we get that ending, as he's finally found some peace and safety, and he's driving to propose to Seung Hee and as he sees her, he's shot in the head, point blank and he lies there, dying, seeing her but not able to reach her, tears falling out of his eyes as she waits oblivious for a man who will never come and it's made so clear that the org goes on, that nothing has been defeated and that it has all been for nothing - he's been killed as a punishment to him but also as a message to Seung Hee that nobody ever escapes - for her to find his body and realize it was all for naught. And it is also made clear that there was NOTHING he could have ever done to avoid this fate except if his parents made different choices before he was born (!!!) Talk about bleak. I sobbed for hours.
Ja Myung Go (2009)
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I've just posted about this one so I am not gonna re-do the comments but yeah, it ends with the OTP death, the kingdom destroyed and the one winner is King Daemushin, the bad guy. The God of Battles wins again. Sure he lost a son but he's got other sons. Worth it, would think the old monster.
My Country: the New Age (2019)
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The rest of the dramas on this list are older. This one is not. Our two main protagonists die in the end but that is not what makes it so bleak - what makes it so bleak is that nothing of what they wanted came to pass. In a way, it's a bit of a Hong Gil Dong redux situation - there is a new ruler on the throne but he's not any better than the old ones and he's cleaning up the people who put him on the throne. Hwi especially fought so hard for a place and then just to have some peace and he gets neither, the man he fought so hard to put on the throne being his murderer.
What Happened in Bali (2004)
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Ooof, this drama! We have four main characters and at the end, two of them are dead, shot by the third one who turns the gun on himself. The only survivor is the ice cold secondary girl who would probably not pause sipping her morning coffee when hearing the news.
This is a story of people damaged and ruined by a bunch of monsters who suppress any hope and anything good and cause more and more damage - we watch the three mains claw at others and at themselves hoping for happiness and connection and love and it all gets dismantled and set on fire repeatedly and in the worst way. It's perhaps the starkest with Jo In Sung's Jung Jae Min - who you watch taken apart and driven to extremity slowly and gradually over the course of the drama. And his monstrous family ends up triumphant at the end - even in death and murder he was not monstrous enough for them to fit in - and now they will continue their lives.
PS The scene where he shoots Ha Ji Won's character right as she's just finishes telling So Ji Sub she loves JIS and wants to go back to him and she tells him "I love you" for the first time ever as she lies dying - that lives in my head rent free forever.
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impossiblesongs · 4 months
the hardest part is who we are [dhawan!master x] reader, thirteenth doctor
Summary: He doesn't like it when you suggest it.
Disclaimer: Not my characters. This is a disclaimer.
AN: this pair hasn’t left me and now it’s everyone’s problem AN2: IT HAD TO HAPPEN EVENTUALLY reader will turn in her doctor/master essay at the end of class thank you for reading AN3: fic name from 'who we are' by hozier
✍️✍️✍️fic masterlist
the hardest part is who we are (dhawan!master x )Reader, Thirteenth Doctor dhawan!master timeline: post-timeless child
He doesn’t like it when you suggest it.
To meet with the Doctor, willingly.
He threatens to physically lock you away. But you don’t press it after it’s spoken, once it plants itself in his head you know it will eventually bloom. That’s why you proposed it to him. To get him coming around to it, because it was the only sensical answer to your predicament. To stop her hunting, to stop this incessant strained feeling that you both have been weighed down by ever since you’d escaped Gallifrey with your lives.
The Doctor had intended to leave the Master to die with his Cyber-Time Lord Army, of which you'd vehemently disagreed with the second he’d sprouted the idea on you.
(“You can’t be this clueless,” you had uttered, “you’re doing the most affronting thing to her. It’s not even a provocation, it’s a – ”
“I don’t need a diagnosis, wife! I need your support.”
“You will always have my support; your choices however are of an entirely different beast.”
You knew well how his hatred for the Doctor could lead him to his worst tendencies and you only wished that he would see what was in front of him, that he wouldn’t cling blindly while led on by his ignorance to avoid rejection and remain combatively reactive to the Doctor’s spurns.
You wanted to say that he should try to find the voice he keeps trying to ignore, the one deeply betrayed and hurt, that he likes to pretend doesn’t exist. Because the Doctor did betray him.
He died for her as Missy, finally standing with the Doctor against his former self. He tried, he really tried, as Missy. One could say Missy endeavored to change from a cold, hard, and unfeeling vessel into the Time Lady you know very well exists, one with depth and feelings and warmth, and deep abiding loyalties. Cyber-Time Lord hybrids, gods you could have almost laughed in his face at the absolute transparency of his actions. But it all meant nothing, and therein lies the crux of the issue. The Doctor still ran away, like they always do, not a glance behind them. Not a thought spared.
You know where the Master's bruises form. You don’t know if he always does.
“You are letting your feelings mold your actions, when words could suffice.”
“Then I suspect things are indeed exactly how I shape them.”
He gazed at you sharply and you’d relented, leaving it at that.)
Everything thereafter bled from that wound, and he would not let it go, would tear at the scar tissue endlessly. You’d both frayed to each other’s worst of temperaments. He’d go from combatively hostile to saccharinely apologetic, unceasingly tender to hopelessly pathetic, restless in both his hearts and in spirit. For the first time, you could not abate him, no matter what you tried.
One night, he wakes from your arms a with wretched cry.
“They’re back! The drums are back!”
He flings himself away from you and stalks off, leaving you alone in the dark.
You sleep in different rooms, after that.
You watch him shut himself away, eyes full of torment, giving statements along the lines of how he won’t taint you with his longing any further. As if his longing were only ever his alone.  
After the flux, he caves.
“She must be at her very weakest,” the Master says, but the confession is, I’m at my very weakest. “What harm could she do now?”
You merely concur and send the coordinates yourself.
“You’ll be careful?” the Master asks disinterestedly, eyes glazing over. Tired, always tired. He hardly sleeps anymore. Hardly eats. No trips out.
“Kiss me for luck?” you answer, holding your breath, begging for spontaneity of chance to maybe turn the tide. Nothing else has.
The Master narrows his big doe eyes at you, pleading and irate in the same measure. He grasps your chin between his fingers softly and peers down at you, leaning forward and whispering, “Why don’t you go and ask Missy?”
You shove him and his wretchedness away, hard.
He watches as you pilot his ship sullenly.
“Don’t wait up,” you toss behind your back upon landing, heading straight for the door.
The Doctor alerted herself to your presence with her hopeful words, “You got away?”
You turn to look at her, expecting….
You don’t know what you expected but, she’s tiny. Blonde. Bubbly. Unremarkable, frankly.
“If you need me to help you get back home to your family, you’ve got no worries,” she approached you giddily, “I’m here to help. I can even smooth things over with UNIT, all of it can be fixed."
“I don’t need your help,” you reply, “I need you to stop.”
“If the Master has done anything to you, I swear on my lives, I will help you undo it. All of it.”
“Is that what you told River Song’s family when the Church took her?” It’s an unexpected blow, but you revel in how it lands. You think you understand the sentiment better now. How the Doctor’s pain could suddenly be as dear to you as perhaps it is to the Master, as addicting. “Did you? Undo it, I mean.”
The Doctor straightens her spine and won’t meet your eye, but she answers honestly enough. “I tried everything I could to save her.”
“The only person I need to save my husband from is you.”
The surprise colors her face but not kindly, eyebrows furrowing and mouth pinching in stern judgment.
“He’s a generous lover," you say, "but then again I don’t have to tell you that, do I?”
You watched with sickly satisfaction as the Doctor blanches at your words. She looked ready to be sick at your feet. Good.
“Oh, yes. He’s told me about that too. You look down your nose at him and make me a victim in his clutches, but you were in my place once. First loves. You know more than anyone what it means to be in his embrace, how his hearts feel beating beneath your palm. You turned away, I didn’t, but now you’re making your choices my problems and I won’t abide it any longer.”
“You say you know him, so you know what he’s capable of," the Doctor says with urgency, "all that he has done.”
“If I’m correct you’ve been in such a place yourself once, with all that blood on your hands. The only difference is you think your do-over changes the facts. You were capable, culpable. I am, too. I live my life in the nuances of grey, Doctor. Not stifling day by day in black and white should it fit the circumstance.”
“You’re talking like you don’t care about his actions, about the people he’s murdered," the Doctor frowns. "Like there’s no consequence that he should answer for!”
“I was there on Gallifrey,” you tell her calmly, “I know exactly what he’s done.”
“And you did nothing?!”
“I piloted his ship and saved him from certain death, if that’s what you’re asking,” you relay harshly. “Gallifrey means little to me, I’ll admit. Other than being the Master’s home planet, I hold no allegiance to it, and neither should he. Neither should you, in all truth. So yes, I stood as witness and I didn’t stop him, because it wasn’t my place.”
“Your place,” the Doctor sneers, “he has ruined you.”
“Much like some would say you ruined River Song.”
The Doctor strikes out almost instinctively, but you long calculated this blow. It's why you placed it there. You catch hold of her wrist in an uncomfortable grip before her palm even meets your cheek.
“Ah, you see, there. That utter boiling atrocity of rage, of violation. You know firsthand exactly what it’s like to have others decide you are a monster, to hunt down you and yours, and how helpless it feels when you have to watch as they take away the person you love most in the world. To know that they hurt them, because of you. And yet, here you stand. Passing out the same cycle of action, onto him.”
The Doctor tore her arm from your grasp.
“Can you feel it, Doctor?”
“Can I feel what?”
“My disappointment in you.”
You tear your sight from her, feeling yourself fill to the brim with what has become of your days because of her insistence to be his reckoning, left abruptly and wholly bereft from it. By haunting both your heels, she’s brought you both to this misshapen state of a marriage. Because at the end of the day, shout it to the heavens as he insists, say it till he’s blue in the face, deep down you know the Master cares what the Doctor thinks of him. That it stains what he thinks of himself, cuts too close to the hearts of him. Particularly, and maybe specifically, because she was the first to know him, really know him. To love him. And she left him to die. Again.
Her cause had it’s effects, and she has moored on his mood and his self-worth far too long for your liking. It’s gone too far now. You’ve been stripped of your husband’s wanting and his smiles, deprived of his familiar heated gaze and seeking hands. Long destitute of his lush and all-encapsulating charm, magnetic and chaotic at every turn. His passion, his madness. He’s immovable in his self-loathing, rejecting you before he’s rejected. Textbook. 
Whatever he may be, whatever else he becomes, you dearly covet. It's become a cavern of loneliness that lives within you. And you’re left day after day in your wanting, it darns at you with no resolution.
“I didn’t – ” the Doctor says, speech halting, as if it’s being pulled out of her like a rotten tooth. “I wasn’t sure you were with him of your own will. To be fair, he’s done this before. Plucked a human for his own ends, discarded her soon after those ends were met.”
“That makes it all okay, then?”
“No,” the Doctor admits. “I am sorry.”
“Though I can appreciate your acknowledgment of your actions, you don’t owe that to me, Doctor.”
"You'll have to forgive me if I disagree," the Doctor says.
"Which is very like you," you say, letting that linger. Hoping it internalizes.
“Fair enough," she says eventually.
“We are at an impasse, then," you state. “A truce, for time. A little time.”
The Doctor seems to wilt at the phrase and you can’t help but wish you knew why, it may be something you can exploit in the future if you need to.  
“We are,” she says. 
“Don’t get in my way again,” you warn gently, holding her eye, “the Master may say he wants to kill you but I don't know if you notice that he never does, or never quite manages. But I assure you, when it comes to him, I am far less forgiving and a far better shot.”
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