#finally some claire redfield
winksasleeplesseye · 1 year
File #006 - Lachesism
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lachesism: n. the desire to be struck by disaster.
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x OC
Word Count: 5.3k
Warning: a small mention of blood
Summary: Amara, Leon, and Ada venture further into the city to stop whoever is behind this mess. Chaos in the sewers is a bit of an understatement with Amara finding her determination a bit shaken but finding a good reminder in Leon. She also meets another familiar face and returns to a momentary flashback to before all this occurred.
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“Heard of the Umbrella corporation?” Ada asks, Leon trails behind, sticking close to Amara as they traverse the scaffoldings. “Pharmaceutical company making bioweapons.”
Amara brought him up to speed earlier, so he’s confident in his answer. “More or less.” 
Leon looks over at Amara, hoping maybe she can add to the conversation, but she has a faraway look in her eyes. Her mind is clearly elsewhere and he wishes he could offer some comfort but they had to keep moving. 
“They have a virus–it turns people into indestructible monsters.” She explains. 
Being decidedly forward, he reaches for her hand, finding that she locks their fingers together without hesitation. This seems to bring life back to her. Were things moving too fast? Leon hadn’t known this woman for a day, yet he was already unable to think about losing her. He wanted to chalk it up to already having lost Marvin and the colleagues he never got to know, or maybe being alone altogether but something would feel off if he didn’t have Amara by his side.
Leon had never really told anyone about that night so long ago, yet he divulged Amara in that small detail so easily. He usually shrugged it off or omitted it when anyone asked because he didn’t want to just dump his problems on someone else, it seemed impolite. What made her so different that he felt comfortable telling her that? A part of him maybe recognized that she had been through a lot.
A kindred soul recognized another, perhaps?
He so often focused on the present, he didn’t deem it necessary to reflect on the past.
What good is there in that? 
And anyway, just getting out of the city took priority right now. Over his thoughts, over his feelings, they’re on a mission. The situation with the shop owner Kendo, whom Amara knew it seems, set off even more of that determination in Leon. 
What right did Umbrella have to hurt innocent people?
Despite his prior words, his mind takes him back to Marvin, Kendo, and now Amara. Small examples of the bigger enemy. 
“That’s why I’m looking for Annette Birkin…” Ada says. “She’s the one at Umbrella responsible for unleashing the virus.” 
“According to HQ, the sewers lead right to their secret facility.”
Amara lets out a humorless laugh. “Shitty sewers, shitty people, that checks out.” 
Ada steps aside at the entrance of a tunnel, letting Amara go first. “After you.”
Leon is reluctant to let go of her hand but does so anyway. 
“How nice.” Amara gives her a crooked smile that seems sickly sweet, but her eyes tell Leon otherwise. He lets Ada go ahead, now becoming the one who is behind. 
“Sewers are run by the city, how could they have a secret facility without authorities knowing?” He asks, still trying to wrap his head around it all. 
The tunnel was larger than he expected, still curved in a circular shape that all but encouraged claustrophobia. The only light came from the dingy lights built within the curvature of the tunnel. Something about the state of workmen’s helmets and other small items lying about disturbed him a tad. He couldn’t imagine how frightening it had been at the outbreak’s start. 
“Welcome to corporate America. Umbrella has controlled Raccoon City for years.” Ada said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Venturing further in, the air starts to become a bit damp, no doubt alerting all of them that water was nearby and…yeah, that’s not a pleasant smell. In fact, it smelled like shit. Fantastic. 
Leon hangs back a bit, Amara glances back and seems to be the only one to notice. Their gazes met, her hardened expression softening as she approached.
“You hanging in there, handsome?” She gave him an even softer smile and he couldn't help but give her one in return, a slight warmth coming to his cheeks, he’d be kidding himself that it wasn’t because of the slight stroke to his ego. 
It wasn’t that he wasn’t aware of his looks, but the observation seemed to catch him off guard. It probably always would. He kind of considered himself the latest of late bloomers when it came to things like this.
“Yeah, just been a long night is all.” He sighed and Amara gave him a “you have no idea” look. 
“Not exactly how you imagined your first day, huh?”
Leon rolled his eyes, “Tell me ab-“
The ground shook violently. Leon grabbed Amara’s arm to steady her. Jesus, what the hell is going on down here?
“S-shit, tell me that was an earthquake?” She asked. He had to admit it rattled his nerves a tad, but if he learned anything from the academy, it was that keeping a cool head was life and death in the field. Of course, they weren’t talking about the living dead and evil corporations, but Leon guessed the same could be applied here in a strange way. 
“I hope so, let’s keep moving.”
“Leon! Up here!” Amara yells, kicking down the ladder so he could escape the large, grotesque guts of the alligator he’d just blown up. A crazy sentence to even be said but with the way this evening is going, is anything a surprise anymore? Amara was aware that the virus would turn people into monsters, but certainly not fucking reptiles. 
Amara loves animals of all sorts, just not mutated ones that wanted to kill people. 
God only knew what else Umbrella had in store in their facility. Amara shudders, not really wanting to find out.
Amara felt like such a fraud. She’d been going through a tad bit of imposter syndrome since this all started, usually, nothing could shake her confidence but a part of her felt like this situation is bigger than any of them knows and that made her less confident in taking Umbrella down. 
Could that even be done?
Leon thinks she’s some cool, brave operative but underneath, she felt like a little girl playing pretend. Not that she had anything to prove to anyone, especially to Leon. But his eagerness, his determination, and everything about him made her want to keep going and see this through to the end, no matter what happened. 
“I’m surprised you made it in one piece, rookie.” Ada comments, her voice tinged with something other than its usual iciness. 
Amara gestures her head in Ada’s direction. “I second that, Kennedy.” 
“Would’ve loved a fair warning that reptiles are turning into monsters too,” Leon rolled his eyes, and the squelch of water seeped into his boots emphasized his footsteps even more. They all huddle into a convenient elevator, heading deeper in this place. “So, let me get this straight, Umbrella is selling monsters like that to who? Our military? Somebody else’s?” 
“Umbrella doesn’t make the monsters, they make the viruses that create those,” Ada explained, “I’m after Annette Birkin, she’s the one at Umbrella responsible for all this. As dangerous as that alligator was, she’s far more dangerous.” 
Amara wanted to scoff at her words but held back. One woman couldn’t possibly have done all of this. 
Well, no.
She takes that back.
Sort of. 
She’d seen women in her life be responsible for much less in terms of messes. Of course, those were more so small occurrences, small as in drama over liking the same guy, not exactly on the scale of causing a virus outbreak. 
“Considering what all has occurred? I can somewhat believe that.” 
Stepping out of the elevator, they head straight for the nearest door. Leon steps ahead of them, raising his gun to someone bent over a corpse. “Identify yourself.” 
The woman doesn’t seem to even register that Leon has said anything to her, mumbling incoherently about something as she looks over a body. Amara comes to the logical conclusion that this is Annette Birkin.
As if the lab coat didn’t give it away.
“Annette Birkin,” Amara calls, raising her gun up as well. “You’re just the woman we wanted to see.” 
Annette, for all the talk Ada had about her, looks unassuming. If Amara didn’t know better, she’d think this woman really couldn’t hurt a fly. 
“You,” Annette looks at Amara, an uneasiness in her voice. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“What?” The next sequence of events happened so quick, Amara still isn't sure if she'd ever make sense of it.
Ada cuts in, “We’re here for G.” 
Annette looks at her, an underlying expression of recognition but Amara isn’t sure. She scoffs at her words, “What you’re here for is of no importance to me because you’ll never get G.” 
“I’m warning you, Doctor.” Ada advances forward. 
“Oh, yeah?” With a quick flick of a lighter, flames went alight on the body, like Annette’s own version of a magician’s trick. In the momentary distraction, the woman ran the other direction but Amara had to know why she didn’t want her looking for G. 
Her mind whirled.
Before she could really stop herself, she rushed past Ada and Leon. “Wait!”
The pipes near her echoed as something hit them. Bullets. The least logical part of her brain made her freeze where she stood as more bullets came her way, only miraculously being taken out of the way by a heavy force. Leon. 
Amara finally regained some sense and immediately rose to her knees, sending returning fire to Annette but the door she went through closed quicker than expected so the shots barely hit her, just the walls. 
Damn it. 
Leon grunts in pain at her knees, blood gushing from a wound in his shoulder, the faint smell of it hitting her nose. Her heart drops to her stomach at the realization. 
“Shit, Leon!” Amara jumps into action, pressing down to hopefully stop the bleeding, but still, it gushes between her fingers, staining them. 
“Guess I can say goodbye to tank tops, right?” Leon strains, biting back a groan of pain. He wears an almost stupid grin despite having just been shot. 
Amara chuckles, still trying to get the bleeding to stop. "That mouth of yours, talking dumb shit even now?” 
She turns on Ada fiercely, an annoyed sneer on her face. “Don’t just stand there!” 
Ada’s eyes flitted between the scene in front of her and where Annette had just run off to, clearly seeming conflicted on where her priorities lie. 
Amara rolls her eyes, “Forget it, just go after her, I’ve got this handled!” 
She quickly removes her trench coat, placing it underneath Leon’s head as a makeshift pillow but not before saying “Take care of him.” 
She’s gone just as quickly. 
After their brief encounter, Amara turned her attention back to Leon, sitting him up against the wall to get a better look at the wound. 
Tending to the wound took precedence over whatever feelings she had about Ada. Call her crazy, but she could spot bullshit from a mile away. And she was full of it, but she had no proof yet. But Annette seemed to have that proof but she’d run off, clearly not wanting to be engaged in conversation after burning a body. And yeah, almost killing Amara. 
But, something else about the look Annette gave her, almost like she’d seen a ghost standing before her. What the hell was that about? 
Amara runs her fingers over the material of his vest and shirt underneath. Her other hand lightly pressed the other side of his shoulder, hoping to find an exit wound. There wasn’t one. 
Annette had a hell of a shot for a scientist. 
She’s briefly stricken by guilt, that bullet was meant for her after all. Now Leon was suffering the consequences instead. Gently, she removes his kevlar vest and his buttoned-up shirt. She cuts through the sleeve of his uniform with his own knife, tossing the fabric to the ground. Trying not to look at more of the arm muscles revealed to her. 
Upon further inspection, the wound doesn’t look as bad as it must feel embedded in his shoulder.
She briefly checks his pulse, it’s still pretty strong, his chest rising and falling in a slow, steady rhythm. Amara reached out and took his hand in hers for a moment, entwining their fingers together. He more than likely passed out from the shock rather than anything else, something about that fact relieves her more than anything. 
“I’m sorry, Leon.” She apologizes like she had been the one to shoot him. She’s not even sure he can hear her but somehow she hopes he does.  
She pulls out gauze and antiseptic from her hip pouch, God knows he’d need the antiseptic with all the shittastic things they’d been encountering. The last thing he’d need is to go into septic shock alongside dealing with zombies.
Just as Amara began the process of placing firm pressure against the wound, did Leon stir briefly, his eyes fluttering open for a few seconds before closing again in exhaustion. He fought with everything it seemed to open them again. 
"Hey, don't worry about me," he mumbled, his voice hoarse from pain. "You need to go after Annette. Stop her before it's too late."
Amara frowned, not wanting to leave Leon behind. 
"I can't just leave you here, Leon," she protested, wrapping gauze tightly around his shoulder to keep an even pressure going on the wound. 
Leon shook his head weakly. "I'II be fine," he said. "But you need to go after her. She's dangerous, and she's got something we need."
Damn, she hates to admit he’s right. Who knows what Ada could be doing? Amara certainly had her own questions for the woman.
Amara hesitated, torn between her duty and her concern for Leon. But in the end, she knew what she had to do. "Okay," she said, her voice firm. "I'II go after her. But you need to stay put and rest. I'll be back as soon as I can."
She redresses Leon with just the blue button-up of his uniform and the vest. 
As she stood up and started to make her way toward the direction Ada went, Leon's hand shot out weakly and grabbed hers. 
"A-Amara," he said, his eyes meeting hers. "I care about you. You know that, right?"
Amara's heart skipped a beat at the words, but she forced herself to stay calm.
"I know," she said softly. "But we don't have time for this right now, Leon. You need to rest."
Leon nodded, his grip on her hand slackening.
"Just promise me you'll be careful," he said. "I don't want to lose you.”
Amara swallowed, feeling a lump rise in her throat. 
"I'II be careful," she promised. "And I'II come back for you.”
As she left the room, her mind raced with thoughts of Leon and how this night just kept getting worse. But she pushed them aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. She would go after Annette, no matter what it took. And then she would come back for Leon, just like she promised.
Still, she couldn’t help but spare one more look back from where she came from. Where Leon is, likely blissfully unconscious once more.
Probably not the brightest idea to split up, is it? 
“Focus, Amara.” She pushed her hair back, finding it a bit tangled. She checked her weapons as she walked through what was an abnormally large tunnel, finding roaches crawling all over it. Gross.
Amara had never been one to jump at shadows, but even the slightest sound in this place echoed in a way that had her shoulders tense. It didn’t help that everything in this place is iron and PVC, two things that even slightly brushed against made an echo. 
She’d seen the horror movies, and she and Monet would laugh a bit at the characters for even entertaining the thought of going on their own..it’s how they usually got hurt or killed, especially the Black ones. 
The sooner I get to question Annette and get to this damn lab, the better.
Now, here she was, following Ada’s trail to Annette, hopeful for answers about this mess.
Well, hopeful is a stretch. Cautiously optimistic. 
At least Ada had the decency to clear the path ahead, judging by the zombies strewed about. But, Amara still kept her sense about her to step over the corpses carefully.  “Stay the fuck down.”
Amara didn’t fancy herself a cynic. Cynicism was way too easy, she’d learned that early. 
Despite the circumstances–hers especially, as of late, never once did she blame the world and say this is how it is. Things could be different. 
For some reason, her mind went to her grandmother on her mother’s side. During their sporadic visits to her, Amara could never recall her not without a smile, always with a kind word and an even more generous purse. She grew up during worse times, but Amara had tidbits of memories with a younger version of herself sitting at her legs as she regaled stories of being a spy during WW2. 
She’d proudly displayed the black and white pictures over her fireplace, alongside pictures of her and her grandfather in their younger days. 
Her grandmother had seen it all, the nitty gritty and ugliness of war under covert operations, yet never turned her back on others the way Amara had seen from her mother–who so often withdrew from the world. Her father was a different story altogether that she didn’t care to dwell on.
“Idealism–faith in humanity–optimism–is the most difficult thing in the entire world, Mara.” Her grandmother explained, “It is a constant struggle even for me to have all of that, it’s hard work but you have to see the beauty in it all in your day-to-day life.” 
She hadn’t understood then, but as she got older, she slowly came to understand and held that sentiment close to her. Amara could only hope that she would be proud after all this is over. She had faith that there were good people not directly involved at the end of this who want Umbrella taken down just as much as she does. 
Beyond having faith, she had an obligation to keep going. For Enrico, Edward, Forest, Kenneth, and Richard. The whole city. 
The sewer facility, much like the police department, was a modern yet unconventional, piece of architecture. Lots of odd layouts and…puzzles. Amara shook her head, looking over the memo on the board for what seemed the key to aligning the chess power pieces but not all of them were there. 
Of course, they never want to make finding these pieces easy, do they?
She needed to save Ada’s sorry ass from inside the piles of trash within the facility. Taking the memo with her, Amara navigated the facility as best she could without a map. Suddenly, there was a faint rustling in the distance and she instinctively drew her weapon, ready for any potential danger.
Rounding the corner, Amara's eyes met those of a young woman, also armed and appearing just as wary. The woman's auburn hair was pulled back in a ponytail and her face was smeared with dirt and grime, but Amara recognized her from the S.T.A.R.S. files. 
Chris’ sister, who’s in college, Amara recalls that he’d talk about her fondly. Outside of his clear passion for hitting the weights, she had to be his next one, and it showed. She’d occasionally liked to mess with him, calling him a hardass (amongst other things), but kept it minimum just because she secretly knew that he was a softie for family. 
"Claire," Amara stated, lowering her weapon slightly. "What are you doing down here?"
Claire quickly explained her mission to find a little girl named Sherry Birkin, and Amara nodded in understanding. "I'm looking for a way out of this place myself," she said. "Maybe we can help each other."
“Maybe, but first, I have to ask, why did you come here?” Amara doesn’t mean to come off as rude, but it’s only logical to ask why anyone came to this hellhole willingly.
“Looking for Chris originally, have you heard anything?”
“Afraid not, did you get the letter he left?” Amara only knew about it because before everything went to shit, she did notice the envelope on his desk in his god awful chicken scratch handwriting addressed to Claire but never dreamed of invading his privacy. 
She chuckled a bit. “Sounded too goofy to be him.”
“That sounds about right for him.” Amara joined in. “He’s better in person than on the page.” 
Claire scoffs, raising a brow, “You’ve talked to him for more than an hour?” 
Once, Chris decided to experiment in the RPD break room with a particular concoction that he claimed would make him soup the easy way, the faster way. His easier way entailed throwing together ingredients that usually were in soup (tomato, milk, basil, and some veggies) and just blending them at the station. 
He decided to use the community blender…and to cut the story short, Chicken-Heart Vickers was no longer the only one with a stupid nickname around the office. 
The memory comes to Amara’s mind, only because she was the one to help clean it up afterward. The break room smelled of ketchup and spoiled milk for about a week after that.
“He’s got the heart, but definitely not the brain cells.” They share another laugh before continuing on. 
July 20, 1998.
Amara could hear the sounds of voices and faint music coming from the S.T.A.R.S. office, the music sounded vaguely like the CD she left at Jill’s desk…Spice Girls. That made her smile a bit. She rushed to down the coffee she just got from the break room before their meeting. The granules of sugar seeped at the bottom leaving an overly sweet taste in her mouth with the last sip. 
The meeting is going to be the same for the most part– Captain Wesker went through updates in their cases, the next steps, then Q&A and it was heavy on the Qs and light on the As. 
Amara never really had many questions for Wesker, he explained things in a manner she understood and anyways, she was set to leave for vacation tomorrow so it’s not like she could contribute much help. Well, that’s a lie. There’s always paperwork. 
If I wanted to file paperwork, I would’ve gotten a damn desk job. 
Barry, Forest, and Brad stood near Amara’s desk, deep in conversation while her eyes scanned the room briefly from the office entrance. 
Wesker sat with his feet propped up on his desk as Chief Irons, a slimeball in human form, spoke to him inside the former’s office. 
Amara had no clue what Irons could need or talk to him about now, he already rode their asses about this current case they were working on, but even behind his shades, she knew he wasn’t interested in the slightest. 
He seemed to always be above it all, like nothing involving the team ever really bothered or mattered to him. But, at the same time, he seemed to care. It was an odd conundrum. 
“Well, well, well, look who decided to show up,” Forest has a grin a mile wide on his tanned, boyish face. “Good morning, sunshine!” 
His Alabama twang brought a certain liveliness to the greeting. 
She smiled in return. “Morning, fellas, mind moving a bit from my desk?”
“Anything for Miss Amara!” Brad mimics Forest’s twang.
“Shut up,” she laughs lightly, pushing between them and plopping down in her desk chair. “So, what’s the hot topic today? Another granny with a cat up a tree? A streaker? What?” 
Barry wears a brief smile, “Just reminding these two to refresh their memory for some of this town’s history.”
“Do tell, love to hear stories from when dinosaurs roamed this place.”
Brad and Forest laugh harder than expected and Barry could only scowl but Amara could tell it was good-natured. 
Barry had been there a bit longer than she had so it was safe to say he was a seasoned veteran. He endured way worse jokes from Chris on a good day. It had taken her only a few weeks after her first day to start the ribbing that the others had taken part in quite frequently, now it was pretty commonplace. Not a normal day if she didn’t get one in. 
“Hardy har har, anyways, I was telling them about the Spencer family and the house out there.” 
“Spencer?” Amara certainly had never heard that name before. She wasn’t exactly well versed in all that Raccoon City had to offer. For all the books she’d accumulated on her desk next to her, what had become her new hometown ranked bottom in the interest of reading about it. 
At least this would be an enriching conversation, for once. 
“Uh huh, the house was designed by a man named George Trevor, way before you were a thought in your parents’ heads. In 1967.”
Amara scoffs. “And where is it exactly? If this is such a place of Raccoon history, why can’t us regular people go see it?”
“In the Arklay mountains. And that’s the thing, a weird thing happened with Trevor and he disappeared.”
Her ears certainly perked up at that. “Disappeared?” 
“This is the fun part, ‘Mara.” Brad taps her shoulder briefly, a smirk plastered on his face, though it doesn’t seem in jest, more annoyance. Clearly, she hadn’t been here for his fascinating retellings before. 
Barry ignored Brad, continuing on. “Yeah, he’s probably why no one has ever been there. Trevor went crazy during construction and when it was finished, he got lost and wandered the halls until he starved to death.” 
“You can still hear his groans and moans as he wanders the halls, searching for his next meal!” Forest added, wiggling his fingers for effect. 
“Bullshit.” Brad rolled his eyes but looked uneasy. He certainly lived up to his nickname, even the measly mention of this supposed history had him quaking in his boots.
Amara squints, puckering her lips as if she sucked on a lemon as she sweeps her gaze over to Forest, noticing he winks at her. Ah, so this story might actually be bullshit. She knew that she was the kind of person to be fascinated by the woo woo as Chris once mockingly called it, but even she could live based on facts for the most part and this story had all the makings of…well, straight bullshit.
“Barry, are you telling that stupid ghost story again?” Jill saunters in, a shake in her head and a pep in her step. 
Amara breathes a sigh of relief, “Oh, thank god you’re here, being the lone taco in this sausage party is beginning to blow.” 
The men all disperse, rolling their eyes or chucking quietly. 
“How ya doin’ Cutie?” Jill jokingly sits down directly in Amara’s lap to crush her, but she takes it as an opportunity to hug her, placing her head against her back. If anyone else had called her cutie, she’d hate it but from Jill? She couldn’t hate it if she tried. 
Jill had been one of the first members of the team to welcome her with open arms, well only after Amara had her own clumsy first encounter spilling coffee on the front of Jill’s uniform. 
They started chatting while she cleaned up her shirt and Amara learned of her secret, not-so-secret love of pop music (boy bands and what have you) amongst other things. They’d been friends ever since. 
“Pretty good, except all the shit I have to pack tonight,” she frowns, the piles left on her bed at home still needed to be thrown into her suitcase. Jill had since moved to sit on the edge of her desk, careful not to knock over her neatly stacked books. 
“Damn, how did I forget about your trip?”
“I don’t know, considering that’s all I’ve talked about for the last couple of weeks.” The salty seawater-laced air, sand between her toes, the sun beating down, and waves crashing against the shore had all beckoned to her ever since she saw that billboard near her favorite coffee shop, Emmy’s. Throwing caution to the wind, she went to the travel agent the same day and that was that. 
A part of her wanted that reminder of that beach in California years ago. 
“I can’t believe you’re leaving me with these animals for almost a week.” 
“You’ll manage! Besides, don't you have your own personal bodyguard in Chris?” Amara gestures towards him as he just so happens to walk into Wesker’s office at that moment.
“Please.” Jill snorted, rolling her eyes. 
“Shhh, you’ll hurt his feelings,” Amara teased. 
“Are you sure you didn’t want to stop by Jack’s bar later? For a few minutes? Have some fun before you’re swept off by a beautiful blonde hunk on the beach?” 
Summer in Raccoon City had been tense and quiet as of late. Every citizen was on edge, waiting to hear that the killers terrorizing the city had been apprehended. But, that never stopped Jill it seems. Though, she can’t find it in her to really blame her… most everyone had their things to get their minds off what is definitely a stressful situation. 
Amara doesn’t drink, not to the extent that the others did, she found that choosing to be sober and coherent made her a social pariah. 
So, she was always glad to be included even only if she only sipped on a club soda but even the promise of a balmy summer night out with friends didn’t street her from her responsibilities, “Chris may actually have to be your bodyguard tonight. Nothing is coming between me and my suitcase tonight.” 
Except maybe a rerun of Golden Girls, her favorite show as of late. That certainly was the thing that kept her mind off things. 
“Another time then–”
“Moore? A word?” Captain Wesker’s cool, professional voice comes from his office. 
“I’ll catch you in the meeting?” Jill said, not really posing a question but it comes across that way. Amara nods, pushing herself from her chair, a beeline straight to Wesker. 
Irons stalked past Amara and out of the room. 
Looks like he could use a shit from how stiff he was. 
Paying no mind to him further, she stepped into Wesker’s office. The latter busied himself with paperwork, shuffling it in an orderly manner. The office was small, but well-kept, actually other than the mess of papers, it was so neat that Amara found it disturbing. Every surface that she could see was utterly spotless, strange for a man…considering how most she’d known couldn’t be assed to even pick up a piece of trash that laid at their feet. 
Amara’s only conclusion that she always came to was that Captain Wesker was naturally this clean, this…in control. 
“Yes, Captain?”
“Ah, Amara, glad to see you,” Wesker greeted, his words rarely matching his tone. Sunglasses covered his eyes but that was beside the point. The last time he used her first name was…well, never actually. 
“You needed a word?” She asked, keeping her voice steady. 
"I just wanted to touch base with you before you take your vacation," Wesker said smoothly. "You've been doing excellent work lately, and I want to make sure you know how important you are to the team."
Usually, she loved to be recognized for her work, it let her know that she had some grasp on things but a chill ran down her spine. There was something about the way Wesker spoke that made her feel like she was being watched like he knew something about her that she didn't.
"Thank you, sir," she said, trying to sound grateful.
Wesker smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes–as if she’d actually be able to see them with his glasses on. "Just remember, Amara, we're all in this together. And I expect great things from you when you return.”
Amara nodded, feeling more uneasy than ever. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was completely off, but she had to for the sake of their morning meeting. Maybe down the line, she would’ve recognized the signs.  
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justicecaballer · 2 years
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it runs in the family 🤗
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drabblesandimagines · 6 months
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Leon Kennedy x female reader, commissioned piece Lots of dumb fluff ahead! Thanks so much to the lovely @porcelainseashore for commissioning me with the brief of Leon using a dating app! I've said it before and I'll say it again - please do go check out Porcelain's fics! x
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“So,” Leon places his elbows on the counter behind, leans back and flashes a winning smile, “how about dinner later?”
The auburn-haired woman waits for her coffee to finish dispensing before she shakes her head, lips pursed. “No, thank you, Agent Kennedy.”
“Oh.” He was sure they’d had some sort of connection. Their eyes had met across the office on more than one occasion, flirtatiously so – had he read it wrong? “You have plans already tonight?”
“Mm, something like that.” She smiles, politely, picking up her DSO-branded mug and heading out of the break room without so much as a glance back.
Leon shrugs it off – he’s good at that – and places his own mug under the spout, about to make his coffee selection when a familiar voice chirps over his shoulder.
“Have you ever thought of internet dating?”
He spins round, surprised. “Claire?”
“Hi.” She waves with a smile. “So, internet dating?”
Leon’s brow furrowed, about to ask why she was here, but from the visitor lanyard around her neck it was clear it was down to some sort of TerraSafe business, but why is she going on about internet dating?
“Wait, did you hear…?”
“The dinner invite? Oh, yes.” She nods, crossing her arms. “Does that ever work?”
Claire quirks an eyebrow.
“Okay, not recently.” He retorts, turning back around and pressing the button for his black coffee to start dispensing.
“Uh-huh…” She steps forward, turns to lean against the counter to look at him. “I’m telling you, Leon - internet dating. I finally convinced Chris to give it a go about six months back, and he seems pretty happy. Been seeing a nice girl for three months now – a florist.”
Leon shakes his head, watching the coffee dispense with feigned interest. “Surprised Redfield went for it. How the hell do you introduce anyone to what we’ve seen?” At least with women from work, he didn’t have to skirt around what the hell he does all day.
“Heard of keeping work and homelife separate?”
“And Chris manages that?”
“I mean, she knows what he’s shared with her, but he took it slow. It’s not like the government can keep everything secret these days – not with everyone having a smart phone.” Claire grimaces, remembering the videos of the Alcatraz attack popping up on social media on a live stream. It was taken down pretty quick, but still popped up occasionally. They can’t hide it forever.
“Anyway, enough about Chris’ love life, I’m trying to help yours. Have you tried it? There’s websites and apps…”
Leon recalls a week of medical leave – battered, bruised and laid out on the couch on high doses of meds, flipping through the cable channels and losing hours to a show about people falling in love over the internet, only for the person to be using a fake photo of an entirely different identity and being crushed when they met in person.
“Isn’t that where the catfish are?”
Claire rolls her eyes. “We won’t set your radius that large.”
He looks down, a little confused. “My… radius?”
Leon’s not present on social media, but that’s hardly a surprise with his work. Maybe, if things had been different, he would’ve trawled through it at some point – joined a group for graduates from the Police Academy of ’98, checked in, gone to some sort of graduating class reunion where they would’ve swapped stories from precincts over a lukewarm beer or two in a hall dressed up with balloons and streamers.
Come to think of it, he doesn’t really remember the names of anyone in his graduating class, though he’s not sure if that’s down to a certain amount of knocks to the head throughout his career getting to him. He could look them up – they’ll be in some sort of database somewhere that Hunnigan could help him locate, but what would he say?
“Me? Well, I had one day on the job – hell of a first day, actually – and then I was ‘recruited’ into military training, so technically not a cop anymore either.”
“Phone, please.” Claire has moved to sit down at one of the small tables in the kitchen, now holding out her hand expectantly. He finds himself joining her, mug of coffee in one hand and the other pulling out his cell from his suit jacket pocket. He hands it over because it’s Claire and he’s known her long enough now to know she’s not going to drop the subject so easily.
“Have you got any selfies on here?”
“Don’t think so. Why?”
“To put on your profile. Anything I shouldn’t see in your gallery?”
He shakes his head.
“Seriously, Leon?” She must’ve opened the app by the way she’s scrolling down on the screen. “These are all sunsets and photos of your motorcycle.”
“What should I be picking pictures of?”
“Oh, wait… Here’s one.” She turns the phone around. It’s him, grinning, next to a corpse of a zombiefied lion. “I repeat – seriously, Leon?”
“Ha, yeah.” He smiles in acknowledgement. “I was trying to get Hunnigan interested in fieldwork with the spectacular sights.” Claire turns the phone back around and the sound of a camera shutter clicks out of the speaker.
“Ooh, that’s a good candid – and no-one needs to know what you were looking at.”
“Look, it’s nice of you to offer, but I don’t know about all this…” He rubs the back of his head.
“It’s 30 days free. Just try it and if you still don’t like it by the end of the trial, you can delete it off your phone and I won’t bring it up again.”
He stalls, taking a long sip of his coffee as he thinks. Claire means well, after all and if Chris has had luck with it, considering what Leon knows he’s seen and lived through, what does he have to lose, really?
“Fine. 30 days.”
“Great! Now, let’s set up your profile…”
Claire had given him a tutorial – swipe left if you’re not interested on a profile, right if you are. If the person swipes right in return, it’ll set you up as a match and you can start a conversation – signaled by a small speech bubble icon appearing on the bottom right.
It wasn’t until that evening that Leon tried it out properly, sat on his couch, killing time before bed and begins to swipe through. It feels a little odd – he usually likes to get to know a person somewhat before offering out his dinner invite, but this is mostly on looks alone, with a tiny snippet of profile information – age, location, what they’re looking for.
He swipes right on a blonde, her profile full of photos from beach vacations or something, says she’s not too far away from him and is ‘looking to connect with someone deeply.’ A chat box pops up immediately and after a moment or two, three dots show Beauty – he’s not sure that’s her real name - is typing.
Hey, big boy. What’s bigger – your forearms or… An eggplant emoji?
He hesitates over writing back a response. He can flirt with the best of them, but how is anyone meant to make a genuine connection over this app? Maybe he’s too old for this shit.
He puts his cell down by his side and switches on the television instead.
“So…” Claire drawls over his shoulder over three weeks later, tracked him down to his desk.
“So…” He mocks back with a tease, swinging around in his office chair.
“Any good dates recently?”
He laughs. “How do you even get that far?”
“You’ve not gone on one?”
“Not for lack of trying.” It’s true. After Beauty, he had struck up conversation with a few more genuine girls that seemed to be going well until he’d broached the idea of a date and they’d drop off the radar. “A couple seemed interested but then stopped replying. I got one date – she didn’t show up.”
“Oh, come on.” Claire leans against his desk. “That can’t be everyone. Let me see.” There’s the expectant hand again. He sighs, picks up his phone and opens the app before handing it over to her.
She sets to scrolling through new arrivals for him, before she pauses. “Well, this one looks sweet.”
“Claire, I appreciate your concern but I just don’t think this app is for me. I gave it a go, I swear.”
“I know, but you’ve got a few days left on the free trial at least - you won’t lose anything. Just take a look?”
He takes the phone back and looks at the screen – a cropped picture of you, it looks like, your friends’ arms around your shoulders, a big, genuine smile on your face. Not a pout or a smolder in a night club mirror.
“Aw, you’re smiling.”
“Fine.” He swipes, but the message bubble doesn’t pop up. That’s the one thing he doesn’t like about this app – you never know if the other one will swipe back.
“No match.”
“Give her a moment,” Claire elbows him, playfully. “Not everyone is scrolling for dates at work.”
“Speaking of, I’ve got a meeting. See you!”
You throw yourself down on the bed, a little bit tipsy after an evening of drinking with your friends, and hold your phone dangerously above your face – you’ve been so close to giving yourself a black eye from the drop so many times but never learn – and open up that stupid app. Your friend had encouraged you to sign up to it after declaring you’d been in a pity party for long enough now after your last break-up and it was time to get back out there.
You scroll through the latest arrivals, swiping left as you go. Everyone internet dates now, you don’t know why you only seem to attract utter creeps on it. You’d been on a few dates, but they’d all been entirely awkward outside the safety of the chat box.
You pause on one new arrival, Leon, 41, the first photo in the set clearly a candid. He’s dressed in a suit – no tie. Businessman, you wonder? Amazingly hot and maybe the most shiniest hair you’ve ever seen.
You roll over onto your stomach and swipe right, smiling when a chat bubble appears.
Leon had just settled into bed for the night when his phone vibrated angrily on the bedside table. He threw a hand out, blindly, and looked at the screen, half expecting it to be an email from work or a message from Hunnigan.
It’s neither – a notification from the app.
Hi, Leon. Thanks for swiping. Can I ask something?
He frowns – a unique opener, but it could still go the way of the others, he reckons. He’s not a prude, per say, but he’s seen a lot more than he was intending to these past few weeks. He backs up and has a quick scroll through your profile, vaguely recognizing your face from when he’d swiped right earlier that day – the girl Claire had deemed sweet.
Hi – ask away.
A bubble appears with three dots within.
How do you get your hair that shiny?
Leon barks out a laugh - definitely refreshing.
I’m sorry, I don’t think we’re at that stage of our relationship yet where I’m comfortable sharing my beauty secrets.
Please? Mine is so dull.
He clicks on your profile again and onto the photos but can’t see why you’re worried about your hair. Truthfully, all he registers when he looks at the picture is that sweet, genuine smile.
Looks pretty good from what I can see.
The camera adds all the shine. Are you using a filter?
Trust me when I say I wouldn’t know how.
Don’t know about filters but using a dating app? That doesn’t gel.
My friend suggested I give this online dating thing a go, so here I am.
Well, you’ll have to thank your friend for me.
Leon hesitates a moment, before shrugging it off.
I’ll be sure to, especially as it’s got me talking to you.
Your scalp tingles, but it seems nothing to do with the alcohol consumed earlier.
Too cheesy? I told you I’m new to this, right?
Nah, you’re gouda.
Leon grins.
The conversation continues to flow over the next few days. You talk about work – he keeps it vague, works in the government, can be called away on business trips last minute – and you are equally elusive in your response of office work. Internet safety, he reckons, smart girl that you are. Hearing his phone ping with a notification has quickly become his favourite sound.
Nice day? Definitely. Picked up my motorcycle – it’s been in the shop a while. Dare I ask what happened? He hesitates. Chasing a bioterrorist down a highway is perhaps a little too much…
Hit by a truck. I wasn’t on it - obviously.
Jeez. Insurance not just buy you a new one? I can’t think how that’s salvageable.
It’s my favourite, I couldn’t give up on her. You ever been on a motorcycle?
Uh-uh. Too scared.
What of?
Falling off, mainly.
No danger of that if you ride tandem - just need to be sure to hold on real tight.
You bite your lip, mulling over a response, but Leon fills the gap.
And I’d look after you, of course. Make a nice first date, don’t you think?
First date? That’s more, like, third or even fourth date material.
There’s your chance, Kennedy – don’t mess it up.
Well, then we better get the first date out of the way.
You bite your lip as you type back a response. Is that your way of asking?
If it is?
If it is, then I’m free Friday...
Friday morning arrives and Leon’s at his desk, typing up a report when his phone chimes. Checking over his shoulder, he pulls it out of his pocket and smiles when he sees it’s a text from you. You’d exchanged numbers the other night, deciding it time to take communication off app ahead of meeting up.
Morning. Question?
Morning. Still after my shampoo secrets?
Yes… But not that. How am I meant to recognize you?
I thought that’d be easy – by how shiny my hair is, apparently.
It’ll be dark out, though.
Is this you trying to be subtle about asking for another photo?
No comment.
Leon locks his computer, the screensaver switching to today’s date and time on a black background. He swings his desk chair around, looks around again to make sure no-one’s on their way past, and opens the camera app. He flips the viewfinder around and tries out a couple of smiles before snapping a selfie – if Claire could see him now…
He sends it through.
Included the time and date and all. Happy?
No comment.
Well, how will I recognize you?
Easy. I’ll be the one coming up to you and saying, “Hi, Leon.” See you tonight x
Until then x
The two of you had decided to meet at a bistro – varied menu for all tastes, not too intimate, excellent wine, spirits and craft beer menu.
Leon is nervous as he stands to the side of the entrance – an emotion he hasn’t truly entertained since 1998. There had been no time for it when bioweapons and death were staring him down the face. But, tonight… Well, he’s out of his element on this one. Leon had only ever approached women through work and, yes, it was to varying degrees of success but they’d already seen him properly in person, heard his voice, aware of what he does. There was a horrible niggle at the back of his mind that the date who had stood him up a few weeks ago had caught sight of him and turned heel on the spot.
He looks down at this watch to see it’s bang on 7.30. He’d arrived ten minutes too early, but didn’t want to chance being late and showing up in a fluster. When he looks up, slipping a hand back into his pocket, a figure with a familiar face is walking towards him, greets him with an anxious smile and an awkward half-wave.
God, you’re adorable.
“Hi, Leon.” 
“Hi,” He smiles, one hand still in his pocket, the other hanging down by his side. He wonders if he should’ve gone in for the kiss on the cheek, but he’s missed his chance.
“Erm…” You wring your hands together. “You okay?”
“Great. You?”
Why does he feel as giddy as he did when he picked up his girlfriend for prom back at high school?
“I’m good. It’s nice to put a… voice to a face?” You laugh – light and airy - and Leon’s already desperate to hear it again.
“It really is. Er, shall we?” He gestures forward with his arm.
You nod. “Let’s.”
The conversation is stagnant at first, a sentence here or there as you peruse the drinks menu and move on to ordering starters and entrees. With a little liquid courage, though, the two of you soon slip into easy conversation.
It’s just after the appetizers are cleared when Leon realizes he’s completely and utterly smitten.
You don’t even know where the time has gone, but all of the sudden the two of you are the only diners left and it’s clear the wait staff are looking for you to leave so they can begin their nightly clean down.
He follows you out and onto the sidewalk, a few metres away from the bistro entrance, standing awkwardly opposite each other – mirroring the beginning of the evening.
“So, fancy a ride?”
You tilt your head at him curiously before you burst out into laughter and he grins, rubbing the back of his head, awkwardly, as he realizes the context.
“I mean, I brought my bike here. I can give you a ride home - on my bike.”
You smile. “Not on the first date, remember?”
“Of course.” He nods. “Sticking to your principles – I respect that. Well, can I call you a cab?”
“Oh, actually, I’m gonna walk. I live just in that building over there…” You point up to an apartment building about halfway up the next block.
“I could walk you across the street?” He cringes as he realizes maybe he’s coming on too heavy-handed. “I’m sorry, I promise I can take a hint-”
“No.” You cut across abruptly. “I mean, walking me home would be nice.”
You cross the road in silence, both wrapped up in your own thoughts. You wish you lived slightly further away so you’d have longer to work out what to say, how to end the night.
“So…” Leon begins the other side of the road, the entrance to your apartment block just ahead. He’s trying to keep calm and collected, but there’s just something about you that has made his heart race, his palms sweaty. Don’t fuck this up, Kennedy. “I had a really lovely evening.”
“Me too.” You smile back – and you mean it – but you can’t help but brace yourself. Is this the part where he says, yeah, he had a nice time, but he’d rather not do it again? It seems all too good to be true. He’s the same as he was on the phone, messages and photos.
“Great…” You take a deep breath at his pause, unconsciously clenching your fists, “..cos I was wondering how you felt about a second date?”
“You’re really desperate to get me on that motorcycle, huh?” You tease, instantly relaxing. “But, seriously, I’d like that, to see you again.”
“Is tomorrow too soon?”
“That depends what you have in mind.” You stop, suddenly – the apartment foyer to your left. “This is me.”
“Well, we’ve done dinner, shall we work backwards and have lunch next?”
You take a step closer. “And then breakfast?”
“Fourth could be a midnight feast?” He steps forward too, misjudging the distance and something hard brushes against your stomach. Leon’s eyes widen in alarm. “Oh, wait, I…” He dips his hand into his trouser pocket and pulls out a travel-sized bottle of shampoo with a sheepish smile. “I meant to give you this at the end of dinner – my beauty secret.”
You yank him forward by his jacket collar and kiss him before you can even think properly about what you’re doing. You step up onto your tip toes to deepen the kiss, a hand bracing yourself against his chest for a moment before you mean to step back, maybe even apologise for pouncing on the man, but Leon’s arms wrap around your waist, holding you in place, kissing you back incessantly before you both have to retreat for breath.
“Well, if I knew the shampoo would get that reaction I would’ve started the night off with it.” He murmurs, pulling away and resting his forehead against yours. “I gotta ask though - you’ll kiss on the first date, but not ride a motorcycle?”
You shrug, half-heartedly. “One’s more dangerous than the other.”
He kisses you once more, softly, ending with a teasing nibble on your lip.
“Oh, we’ll see about that, sweetheart.” -- Masterlist . 1,000 followers event
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blueysobssesions · 3 months
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Characters: Leon S. Kennedy, Chris Redfeild and Albert Wesker
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Leon Kennedy
*Resident Evil 2 Remake*
His first kiss with you probably happened when Leon, you, Claire, and Sherry finally escaped together on a train from the laboratory. When he finally saw the sun, he turned to look at you, a smile playing on his lips. I can imagine how nervous he was. Hundreds of thoughts raced through his mind, like what if you would be disgusted by it? Or what if you didn’t feel the same way? But he didn’t want this opportunity to slip away! When Claire gave him a reassuring smile, he stopped in his tracks, confusing you. He took a deep breath and leaned in to kiss you. It was just a peck on the lips. “Ewww,” - Sherry You smiled, and this time you were the one who kissed his lips, making him all blushy and stuttering.
Chris Redfield
Resident Evil: Venedetta
You were the new BSAA recruit, and he was your mentor. He had been guiding you through your training, always pushing you to be better. He confessed his feelings for you after months and months of getting to know each other. Every training session with you was his favorite part of his day. Your first kiss happened before the mission where they needed to investigate and raid a mansion suspected of being used by Glenn Arias. Right when all of the crew was out of the helicopter, you both were the last ones to get off. Before Chris planted his foot on the ground, he grabbed your hand and planted a soft and lingering kiss on your lips.
Albert Wesker
Resident Evil 5
You and Wesker had been in a relationship for only a few months. During those months, you two never kissed, due to Wesker prioritizing other things. My guess is his first kiss with you happened while Estella tried seducing him, lmao. Before Albert came in, you were quiet, not listening to Estella's rants about Wesker. You didn’t care about it because it was clear Wesker didn’t have any interest in Estella, which made you laugh. Estella tried seducing Wesker while you were in the room. It only made you laugh more when he gripped her wrist with a vice-like hold. "Estella," he said coolly, his voice menacing and making you shiver. "I don't have time for distractions." He let go of her wrist, a faint red mark left behind. You stayed quiet, only waiting for Chris and his partner to appear. But then, in a move that surprised Estella, he turned and strode directly towards you. You knew he was behind you but kept your cool. You then felt one of his hands instantly on your jaw, gripping it firmly, and then turning your face to meet his. "And you…" he said, his eyes boring into yours. You kept quiet again, but then he placed his lips against yours. Estella dramatically scoffed and left the room. Chris and Sheva weren’t there yet, so you both had some free time all to yourselves. ;)
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cenorii · 1 month
Hi, today let's discuss some interesting and short topics related to Chris and Wesker. Their relationship and a bit of biology.
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Strange attitude towards Chris
We know that Chris has been diligently strengthening his body since the events of Code Veronica, in order to have something to counter Wesker. But he's still human, so no matter how much he tries to increase his physical strength, he can't stand up to Wesker if he's serious about killing him, it's logically useless. Of course, he wasn't the only reason for Chris's increased body mass, an additional motivation was the moment in Code Veronica when he didn't have the strength to kick down the door to save Claire.
Against Wesker any strength is useless (except for Alexia), just think of the final battle in the Lost in Nightmares DLC. No amount of physical strength and training helped Chris even scratch his opponent, let alone any attempt to fight back. The difference between the two is unrealistically huge, which raises the logical question... why is Chris still alive?
What's his attitude towards Chris anyway? Judging from their dialog in re1r, Wesker respects Chris's talents and has his hopes set on him, proud that he came out from under his captain's wing. It's the reason he didn't shoot Chris, wanting to show his best man his best creation (he also showed Jill Tyrant, but from the prism of their situation it looks more like bragging than a meeting of his two best creations). In Code Veronica they met again, and despite Wesker's open hatred for his former subordinate, he chose to demonstrate his power in front of him rather than kill Chris.
What emotions does a person feel when he wants to brag to someone he respects, but at the same time hates? I think Wesker has more respect for Chris than hate. He also wants to show him that he is now "better than he knew before" by trying to impress Chris a second time. He doesn't want to kill him because he's cocky and knows for a fact that the average person won't stop him.
The next encounter takes place in the Lost in Nightmares DLC, where Wesker is angry about information that offended his pride and crossed out everything he thought about himself. This time, when attacking Chris, he's driven by nothing but rage, so he doesn't think much about who's in front of him. Because of this, he might be contemplating breaking with his past, including Chris, so he's actually going to kill him. But he is interrupted, time passes and his emotions cool down, thanks to which the next time he meets Chris in re5 Wesker again doesn't plan to kill him. Chris is now his past, which he has accepted.
Instead of finishing what he planned and cutting off everything that reminds him of his fake past, Wesker decides to embrace the truth, including saving Jill's life and using her in his plans. He must have thought about Chris a lot and talked about him a lot, which you can tell from Excella, who said with disdain: "Chris Redfield" and Wesker at that moment turned away and smiled so that she could not see. He is either amused btw Excella reacts to Chris, or he is really secretly happy to show him his creation again but doesn't want to show his joy to Excella, whereupon he switches back to a serious tone of voice, provoking the woman to leave the room.
Their encounters in re5 don't look like a normal battle, because Wesker is able to kill both of his opponents (Sheva and Chris) completely unhindered just like he killed Spencer's guards in the mansion from the Lost in Nightmares DLC. But he doesn't because Chris has now found a new value to him. Redfield is an element of his past and an element of his present, integrating his personal growth processes and showing up at significant moments in his life. Therefore, as long as Wesker is confident that he will show Chris Uroboros, he will not seriously harm him. Only when his confidence crumbled did he become adamant about getting rid of the interfering element that now not only ruins his plans, but ruins his dreams, opposes his ideals, and negates what Wesker believes in. Chris is now not an accepted and valued past, but a judgmental eye looking straight into Wesker's soul. Someone who is the complete opposite of him. And since Wesker still respects Chris, because he only shows strength to those who are worthy (artbook quote), his opinion is valuable. But what if Chris's opinion differs from his and it can't be changed? The only thing left to do is to beat those views out of him.
Chris is a very important person to Wesker, despite the feelings of hatred he displays, which may also be the result of Wesker being confused about how long he let Chris live. That said, he is utterly helpless to kill this fragile man. He's too rare, valuable, special, the only one. And that brings out the tangled emotions in him. The fact that Chris is alive is absolutely no credit to Chris himself.
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Height difference
When Wesker caused himself to overdose with Uroboros, his body increased in size due to the excess cellular material in his body. He is now about 230 cm. I'm sure the process is reversible, and when the virus in his body stabilizes from the overdose by properly fusing with his body, Wesker will return to his previous size. But what's funny is the very fact that because his body cells are unusual and able to regenerate, Wesker is able to react to the overdose with similar side effects. But if the effects were irreversible? That's interesting to think about.
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Lack of a hand
If you follow the animations of Wesker's right hand on the volcano closely, you will notice that it moves as one continuous tentacle without bones. While the left one seems more static, and you can also see the arm model through the tentacles on the left arm. I examined its model and found out that the left hand does indeed have a full hand, even fingers, but the right hand is less fortunate - it's missing. In its place are tentacle bones. I realize this was done for ease of animation, but let's imagine for a second that the missing arm is an irreversible side effect, and now Wesker's arm will never come back. The tentacles will retract inside his body, but the arm will be missing and never regenerate. Oldsker without his right arm? Interesting.
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porcelainseashore · 3 months
Into the Ether (12)
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Vampire! Toreador! Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
Summary: At the all-night events cafe you run, you’ve become acquainted with an elusive patron, Leon, though you can never remember the last moments of your interactions together. After a harrowing encounter, a love-hate relationship develops between the two of you as you grapple with your newfound status in a world of darkness and investigate the reasons behind the untimely attacks.
Content & Warnings: 18+ Resident Evil x Vampire: The Masquerade crossover, horror, mystery, romance, slow burn, strangers to enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, eventual smut, swearing, smoking, alcohol, drug references, non consensual blood drinking, blood bond, vampire turning, violence, injury, mild gore, torture, religious themes, minor character death, RE ensemble, VtM concepts.
Authors' Note: Smut including blood drinking, and some violence ahead.
Taglist: @admirxation @angelstargel @miss-oranje-disco-dancer @delulusimps ❤️‍🔥
AO3 Link
Chapter 12: This Ready Flesh
His vision was blurry, tunneling in and out as he struggled to focus on the pavement in front of him. The street lights flickered, his retina capturing them in a mesmerizing delay, creating luminous streaks and trails across the sky. It had been ages since Leon had gotten into such a state where he couldn’t walk straight anymore, shambling in a zigzag pattern towards his destination. At least he still knew where he wanted to go — to you. It was all he could think about as he staggered into Café Noir, calling out your name while the other patrons delivered wary side glances.
In his inebriated haze, he stumbled through the crowd until he came across a figure he vaguely recognized. Grabbing the person by the collar, he sputtered, “Patrick, right?”
The young man nodded timidly, trying to back away, though Leon clung onto him firmly. “Where is she?”
He could even smell the strong stench of alcohol on his own breath as he spoke. The vessels he had drunken from earlier must have been completely wasted. He should know, since they had already passed out when he got to them. It was probably pure vodka running through their veins at this rate.
“Sh-she already left an hour ago,” Patrick stammered, cowering slightly in fear.
Jesus Christ, what did this boy ever do to you? Leon sighed. He was scaring people unintentionally, looking all crazed with his bloodshot eyes and disheveled hair. He didn’t even need a mirror to confirm that. What a fucking mess.
Right on cue, he saw the ponytailed redhead come into view, and she looked pissed. Great job, Leon, he berated himself. Now he was gonna get his ass kicked. But he deserved it. He deserved all of it.
“I’ll handle it from here,” she told Patrick calmly, before turning back to Leon with a deadly glare. 
Dragging him by the arm over to a free table in one of the more private corners of the room, she shoved him onto a chair and ordered, “Stop terrorizing the locals.”
“Hi to you too, Redfield,” he mumbled despondently, slumping over with a hiccup before catching himself with his supporting arm.
Claire stabilized him, shaking her head disapprovingly as she sat in the opposite chair. “You’ve gotta be shittin’ me. On a scale of one to ten, how drunk are you right now?”
When he didn’t answer, she scolded, “Not a good look, Kennedy.”
“Yeah? What’s it to you, Claire?” he challenged, though his slurring made the words sound all jumbled together.
“Fuckin’ hell,” she cursed, tapping the side of his cheek rapidly, in a blind effort to get him to come to his senses. Finally, she came to a decision. “Okay, here's the deal. We’ll sit here until you sober up, and then, we’re gonna talk.”
Regardless, that didn’t prevent him from retorting, “Yes ma—”
“Shut it, Leon.”
It was an agonizing wait for the effects of the alcohol to dissipate, and it didn’t help that Claire kept throwing him dirty looks, warning him against trying anything funny. When he could finally string a proper sentence together without making a fool of himself, she spoke up, “I don’t know what’s going on between you two, and it’s your private business, but something tells me I need to step in before this blows up in everyone’s faces.”
“What do you mean?” He caught the underlying warning in her words and sensed there was more than what she was letting on.
Sighing, she knocked back a mouthful of beer before continuing. “Let’s… save that for later,” she negotiated. “What’s gotten into you? Hell, I’ve never seen you like this, ever.”
He pinched his lips together, reluctant to come clean with his emotions. But he knew he had no one else he could talk to like this. It was one thing he appreciated about Claire, even though her backhanded comments often grated on his nerves, she would always be straight with him. She just pretended to be begrudging about it.
“She’s gonna leave me,” he muttered. 
Claire raised an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side. “So… this is how Leon Scott Kennedy, the great knight in shining armor, wins back his ‘one true love’, huh?” She mimicked quotation marks with her fingers in the air, adding salt to the wound. “By getting trashed and moping around?”
In any other circumstance, he would’ve fought back in an instant, exchanging cutting remarks laced with hidden barbed wire. Now, however, he remained passive and compliant, like a doll. “I did something unforgivable,” he finally admitted.
She snorted, propping her legs up on the table. “Yeah, you’ve done a lot of unforgivable things. We all have,” she emphasized. 
Leaning forward, she prodded his chest with her finger accusingly. “You left us without a reason, no goodbye, nothing, and yet, Chris and I are still here, aren’t we?” She paused, taking a moment to recollect herself, and rolled her eyes. “God, that was soppy. Just, er, fuck— rewind and erase that shit, will ya?”
Leon bit his lip, suppressing a laugh. “Sure, whatever you say, Claire.”
“Anyway, your fledgling is beginning to realize and understand that there’s no perfect little world for Kindred like us,” she began.
“Of course, she would run off to you Anarchs of all people,” Leon huffed, clicking his tongue in disdain. “She’s been collecting all sorts of injuries from the gym.”
She sat up straight, folding her arms across her chest in pride. “Thanks to Chris’ training.”
He groaned, burying his head in his hand.
“You have it bad for her—”
“I don’t—” he protested, though she interrupted him in return.
“She talks about you, you know?” At this, he fell silent and she added, “Not in a bad way.”
“What does she say?” he blurted out almost too quickly.
“You’ll have to ask her that yourself,” she replied coyly. “But I don’t think she’s over you yet.”
His heart swelled, though he tried to rein it in to prevent false hope from building up. After all, false hope was worse than having nothing to hope for.
“Just do me a favor, will ya?” she requested. “Don’t try to control her; it never works. Trust me, I know my kind when I see one.”
It was Leon’s turn to scoff, “You wish.” He knew you well. No matter how much of a rebel you were, you were a Toreador through and through.
“Now that I got your attention, we should move on to the serious topic I guess.” She shifted in her seat uncomfortably. “There’s two things, which do you wanna hear first? The bad news or the bad news?”
“Claire…” he warned, his patience growing thin.
She placed her feet back down on the ground, unzipping her jacket to pull out a bunch of photographs from its inner pocket. Handing it over to him, she said, “I hate it whenever you’re right.”
“Get used to it,” he quipped back, shuffling through the pictures he assumed she had acquired from a bunch of surveillance cameras in the area. Then, he came across one that made him stop dead in his tracks.
Lucas. He was talking with someone, a tall figure with their back to the camera, obscured by a long cloak.
“A Sabbat member,” she clarified, pointing at Lucas’ image. “Turns out the suitor has been meeting with him regularly.”
“Shit,” he hissed. “You know this is a literal death sentence for the entire Anarch sect in Raccoon City, right? If Wesker finds out…” his voice trailed off as he witnessed Claire’s eyes watering up and her hands trembling. She knew the implications and she was scared.
“There’s something else though,” she stated, pushing forward despite her uneasiness. 
Fishing out a separate photo from the stack, she held it before Leon. It was a zoomed-in version of the previous photograph. Tracing the outline of another shadowy figure in the background, she mentioned, “You see this here? There’s a third party involved, but we couldn’t make out who they were.”
Tightening his jaw, he promised, “I’ll keep this under wraps for now, but we need a plan, and we need it fast.” And then, he suddenly remembered. “What’s the other bad news?”
This seemed to make her even more unnerved, but she steadied herself and said, “The suitor has started taking an interest in your childe.”
His eyes gleamed lethally, already imagining the multitude of ways he would slice the guy into ribbons. “Who is this suitor?” he seethed, saliva foaming at his fanged teeth as his voice quivered in blistering rage.
She was mute, her eyes darted away from his, and her whole body was shaking. Something was very wrong.
“Claire!” He grasped her hands, both pleading and demanding, “I need to know!”
“The Baron,” she whispered, barely audible above the constant drone of background chatter.
His eyes widened. Like the Camarilla had their Prince, the Anarchs had their Baron. He’d just never expected such a big player to be involved. But then again, why wouldn’t he? Who would be as foolish and powerful enough to risk it all?
“Heisenberg.” The name flew out of his mouth like an omen.
“Come on, you know the drill,” Chris instructed, clapping his hands together to get you to move. “Four sets of jump rope, three minutes each, and for your one-minute breaks in between, push-ups.”
“And don’t forget to use your vitae!” he yelled over once more.
That was just the warm-up. You groaned, stretching out your limbs as you pushed yourself up from the floor to grab the skipping rope disgruntledly.
“Hey, winners never quit and quitters never win,” he advised before setting the timed alarms on his watch.
It took every ounce of effort not to roll your eyes at his clichéd motivational quote. At least you could see the progress you were making relatively quickly. Your feet went through the motions, your muscle memory intact as you began with a basic bounce, working your way into side straddles, hip twists and then alternating single leg jumps. You were light and nimble in your steps, just like you had to be when you got into your fight stance. It was like Mr. Miyagi’s teaching technique with “wax on, wax off.”
A beep sounded. You tossed the rope to the side and dropped into a plank position, channeling your energy through your flattened palms as you performed controlled, repetitive push-ups. Beads of sweat trickled down your forehead, dampening the dusty ground. Your hands and fingernails were caked with dirt.
Another beep, and you sprung up, huffing as you took the rope and continued with high knee jumps. Your heart was pounding against its cage, and you felt like you wanted to die from exhaustion, but you pushed on. At some point, you broke through an invisible wall, and your body accepted the strain, no longer fighting against it. It was then where you had the headspace to think.
The past days you had free were spent mostly with the Anarchs, so much so that you felt more aligned with them than the Camarilla. You wondered if they secretly knew and were spying on you all this while, ready to dole out your punishment when it was time to face the consequences. For some odd reason, you had a hunch that someone had been watching you recently, but every time you tried to suss out the culprit, they had vanished from sight.
Despite favoring Anarch company, the insight you’d gained into their practices made you realize that they still had the same bullshit hierarchies and politics like the Camarilla, just a little flatter and more equal on the surface. It wasn’t perfect, but it seemed like the lesser of two evils to you.
Beep. Guess it was back to push-ups. Your sweat had begun to form a puddle beneath you and it stung your eyes. Halfway there, you told yourself. Not much longer to go. You’d talked to Chris and Claire about Leon, asking them how he was like when he still hung out with them, during the time he was somewhat a part of the sect. They’d told you many stories of his bravery and courage, putting others first before himself, but also how entangled he was in the mysterious deals he had with Ada and the rest of the Camarilla. It seemed as if he had no way out of them. 
“Why?” you’d asked.
“If this is the world he’s been exposed to, how would he know any different until someone or something challenges it?” Claire had proposed.
“His sire, Ada, is a…” Chris paused to consider his words before settling on “transactional woman.” He shrugged. “She probably taught him deals like that are inevitable.”
The same advice as she had tried to impart to you. If someone who was deemed as your superior repeated these teachings again and again, at some point, they could become the truth.
“We’re not excusing Leon for what he’s done,” Claire was quick to correct him. “Just trying to explain it in context.”
Beep. “Speed up!” Chris shouted, and you knew that he wanted you to train your Celerity. Faster than a blink, you took up the rope and completed the routine as swift as lightning. The rest of the sets went by in a blur as you thought about one person only — Leon.
The blue of his eyes, the color of the sea, changing into gold. It reminded you of the Mediterranean, back during one of your travels. The light of the sun glittering on the water’s surface, shifting into the sand dunes of the desert. You felt his presence then; faint, sorrowful and alone, just as he felt yours. A ghostly hand reached out, and you lost your balance, tripping on the rope and landing flat on your face.
“Better luck next time, kid,” Chris grunted, helping you up by your arm, as you wiped away the blood from the graze on your knee.
Leon. You had a sudden urge to speak with him after behaving like strangers since your falling out. As much as you told yourself it was to reconcile and meet Rebecca as a united front, you’d be lying if you insisted there wasn’t something more. Want and longing, like an empty glass discarded in the sink. You’ll talk with him tonight, you determined. However, fate had other plans for you first.
You were shadowboxing in the gym’s ring while Chris barked out directions from the sidelines. At some point, you noticed the expression on his face darken and his body stiffen. He started making his way over to you with an instinctive sense of protectiveness.
An imposing silhouette loomed over you and you stopped abruptly, spinning around to face a tall, robust man with long, unkempt graying hair. He wore a wide-brimmed fedora hat and a beige trench coat over his attire. Round wire-framed glasses covered his eyes but did nothing to hide the bold smile across his face. He scratched at his rugged beard before taking a long drag from his fat cigar.
“Well, well, sugar. How nice of you to visit,” he remarked, puffing out a waft of smoke as he released the cigar from his mouth, planting it between his thumb and index finger.
“Baron,” Chris greeted. He was standing beside you now, tersely grasping your shoulder, suggesting caution.
In his other hand, the man held a metallic cane, rigid and bladed at the sides, its handle adorned with a carved horse figure. The cane clinked every time it touched the ground as he walked towards you, seemingly heavier than it looked. He didn’t lean or rely on it like he had an injury, merely tapping it lightly with each step forward. When you focused closer on the mechanical contraptions, you could tell that it concealed a secondary weapon of sorts.
“Oh, no need for formalities.” He waved his hand dismissively. “We’re all comrades here.”
With a courteous bow, he tipped his hat at you, acknowledging your presence. “Heisenberg,” he proffered, stubbing out the cigar with his boot as he extended his gloved hand to you.
Despite the unsettling atmosphere, you took his hand and shook it firmly like you always do. Might as well fake it until you make it. He raised his eyebrows, grinning at you like a maniac, nodding in appreciation at your dauntlessness.
“So, sugar, how do you like what you see so far?” He raised his hands, rotating in a slow, deliberate circle, as he gestured to the surroundings and the Kindred who’d quietened down since his arrival.
“It’s nice,” you answered flatly, keeping your responses vague and to a minimum until you could better ascertain what he wanted from you.
“I always knew you’d belong to us.” Though with the way he said ‘us’, it sounded more like ‘me’. You caught a glimpse of recognition in Chris’ eye and your suspicions about the man in front of you were confirmed with his next sentence.
“Too bad that Toreador dickhead had to ruin my plans,” he sneered. Clamping his hand on your shoulder dramatically, he continued, “This has been a real party and all, but why don’t you come back to our base? Make yourself at home?”
Heisenberg was the suitor. The one who wanted to use you for his own gain and power. He made your skin crawl.
“Baron—” you saw Chris attempt to plead your case only to be cut off by him.
“Dammit, Chris, I swear to god!” he bellowed, slamming his cane so violently on the ground that you were afraid it would break. Then, in a complete switch, he became almost dainty, whispering with a light flourish, “For the last time… it’s Heisenberg.”
The man was unhinged. You didn’t know who was worse: Wesker or Heisenberg. But you needed to get the fuck out of there.
“Maybe another time,” you proposed, backing away, though that only caused his grip on you to tighten. “I really should get going.”
“Why? What’s the hurry?” he questioned in an odd sing-song before mockingly commenting, “Will your sire be worried?”
“Heisenberg.” The unmistakable voice of the man in question resonated throughout the room, penetrating the dense silence. You heaved a sigh of relief, never having been happier to hear it.
The Baron finally released you, but not without mumbling in your ear, “This isn’t over yet.”
“Oh, Leon!” he greeted in a sickeningly sweet tone. “We were just talking about you! Always the thorn in my side, huh?” He laughed at his own joke, but no one else joined in.
It didn't take long for Leon to catch up to where you were standing, positioning himself between you and Heisenberg. His steely countenance peered down at you briefly before he looked back at the Baron. From behind, you saw Claire slowly walking over to join her brother.
“You heard the lady,” Leon stated. “She wishes to leave.”
At this, there was a fleeting tick in Heisenberg’s cheek, his smile faltering as his lips twitched ever so slightly, betraying his obvious irritation at Leon’s words. Suddenly, there was a loud swish and an electric crack in the air, as the cane he was carrying turned into a whip, which he lashed across the ground. It landed mere centimeters away from Leon’s face, but he didn’t even flinch, staring Heisenberg down with a cold glare.
“Think you’re real tough, don’t you, boy?” Heisenberg spat.
However, Leon remained as calm and elegant as ever. You wondered how many times he’d practiced for this very moment. Motioning to you, he mentioned, “Correct me if I’m wrong, Heisenberg, but my childe here still remains part of the Camarilla.” Turning back to face the Baron, he delivered his final line like an arrow hitting its mark, “And if it comes to it, we will protect our own.”
For a split second, Heisenberg was stumped, but masked it with a ridiculing chuckle. “Is that a threat?” Without waiting for Leon to answer, he offered his hand to you. “Last chance, sugar.”
You ignored it, making your decision to take Leon’s instead, interlacing your fingers with his as you squeezed his palm. He squeezed back and smiled weakly.
“Your funeral,” Heisenberg huffed, disappointment and wounded pride clearly marking his face.
Together, you exited the gym hand-in-hand, narrowly escaping Heisenberg’s wrath unscathed, while numerous pairs of eyes watched you from the sides.
After the chivalrous display Leon had put on in your previous encounter with the Baron, you didn’t expect such a severe scolding from him the minute you stepped into his apartment.
“Wanna tell me what the hell that was back there?” he berated. “You’re being too reckless hanging out so openly with the Anarchs!”
A mixture of hurt and confusion flashed across your face as you shot back, “Yeah? Maybe you should take a good look at yourself in the mirror, Leon, considering that you used to be one of them!”
“Who told you that?” he snapped, backing you into a corner of the room. “Was it Chris—? No, Claire?”
You shoved him off roughly, shouting, “You have no right to judge! What have you been doing this whole time, huh? Fuck all!”
He looked away from you in embarrassment before turning back with a blazing fire in his eyes, his mouth writhing with manic fury. “I’ve been watching you, making sure you were safe, and you think I’ve done nothing?!”
You let out a harsh, hollow laugh in his face. “So, it was you? Stalking me like a fucking creep!”
He ground his teeth, jaw clenching so hard that you could see his muscles straining under the effort. “I don’t want to be ordered by the Prince to destroy you.”
“What did you say?!” you blurted out in bewilderment, grabbing his collar and slamming him into a nearby wall. Visible cracks emerged behind him along the plaster, spreading like spiderwebs. He whimpered in pain, but you continued pressing him in. “Are you threatening me?” you asked, your voice laced with grief and betrayal.
“No, never— I would never do that to you.” It came out like a cracked whisper. “If you step out of line, he will ask me to. But I would much rather be destroyed in your place,” he admitted.
So, was that why he kept trying to ‘control’ you? You were overcome with a sudden onslaught of emotions, and you didn’t know what to trust anymore. 
“Liar!” you screamed, an insurmountable rage surging through your blood as you hurled him against a glass coffee table. It smashed into smithereens, and he struggled to get up as the shards nicked his hands and body. Blood spilled onto the floor like a murder scene.
You bolted over, still overcome with frenzied anger, as you pinned him to the ground, pummeling his face while yelling, “I hate you! I fucking hate your guts! What you did to me, what you did to Sherry! You fucking monster! I wish you were d—”
You paused, realizing what you were about to utter and knowing that deep down that you didn’t mean anything you had just said. But the damage was already done. A pang of guilt seeped into your chest and it convulsed as you choked out uneven sobs. Your hands were trembling and covered in scarlet red, and your breath hitched as you peered at Leon’s bloodied and bruised face. He’d been cut up real bad, his nose was broken and his cheeks were puffed up like a balloon. However, he didn’t fight back, accepting every punch and insult you threw at him, like he deserved it.
“Do it,” he croaked, blood dribbling down the sides of his mouth. It almost seemed as if he wanted you to put him out of his misery.
“No, no, no, I—” You shook your head furiously, staring at your reddened palms and started crying. 
Your head fell forwards onto his chest, weeping into his stark white shirt, now ruined with blood and tears. A hand came to rest on your back, rubbing it reassuringly in circles, while the other carded through your hair. Even though he was the one suffering, he still took upon himself to comfort you.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” you repeated like a prayer, but he hushed you gently.
It was then that you gave in. You’d seen who he was laid bare entirely before you. A monster with his skeletons exposed, and yet, you loved him. You loved him so much your heart would burst.
Holding him close, you moved him away from the broken glass and onto the rug — a new replacement for the one you had bled out on. You touched his face delicately with your fingertips; it was wet and sticky. Why wasn’t he mending himself? You wanted to kiss away his wounds and the pain. He stayed still, eyeing you curiously, waiting to see what you would do. A small gasp fell from his lips as you took your fingers into your mouth, tasting him whole. It was divine, just as you remembered, like figs and honey, and you had the insatiable desire for more.
“I want you, Leon,” you breathed. “Every part of you.”
At this, he drew in, taking your lips with his own urgently. You kissed back, matching it with a similar level of desperation, like both of you were famished. Parting your lips, you allowed his tongue to slip in to caress yours, swirling against it tantalizingly, as blood and saliva dripped from his mouth into yours. You lapped it up ardently, as though you didn’t want to waste a single drop. 
The nuances of his taste became clearer. A hint of leather, oak and spice, and at times, subtle notes of vanilla and whiskey, making you feel as if you were a sommelier. Perhaps these were the flavors he had enjoyed when living. Fire coursed through your veins as you straddled him, pressing your scorching body against his. He groaned at the contact, bucking his hips into yours feverishly.
Both of you continued in the same rhythm, moaning each time his erection rubbed against your pelvis. Giddy and heady from the high, you clawed at his shirt, clumsily tearing through the fabric and sending its buttons flying across the room. He responded in kind, ripping open the clothes you’d been wearing, unable to wait any longer.
His heated gaze dragged along your naked body, admiring it in reverence, as if you were a goddess that he worshiped the very ground you stood on. Planting wet, open-mouthed kisses from your neck to your breast, he murmured, “I need you, angel.” His hot breath fanning against your skin, causing you to shudder in delight. “Please, let me taste you.”
“Anything you want,” you rasped, tangling your hands in his hair. “I’m all yours.”
A low, guttural growl rumbled from his chest, so unlike him that you wondered if you had awakened the sleeping Beast with your words. He took his time, cupping your breasts in his hands as his tongue flicked over one nipple and then the other. Latching onto it with his mouth, he suckled it, increasing the pressure as you twitched in response. You surrendered yourself entirely to him, allowing him to do as he pleased with your body.
He held your gaze as you watched his teeth sink in, puncturing the soft flesh of your breast. The sharp, prickly sting turned into that euphoric thrill you’d subconsciously craved for ever since the first time he’d tasted you. He drank from you a little before leaving the site, grazing your skin with his searing lips they traveled downwards. The first mark was left open and bleeding, just like the rest of the marks he would make. It was his way of showing the world that he had claimed you. You would let him devour you if you could.
His mouth paused at the side of your ribs and he made his second mark, the sensitivity of the spot causing your body to jerk suddenly, but he grasped the fat of your hips, holding you down as you whined. Blood flowed from the wound as if you’d been pierced in the side by a lance, and yet you begged, “More, please, more…”
The final mark he made on you in this round came when he reached your pussy, aching and sore for his touch. He licked your clit eagerly, sealing his lips around it as his fingers brushed against your folds, teasing the entrance before slipping in easily. Moans spewed out from your mouth as he continued sucking hard on your clit and curling his fingers against your spongy walls. At some point, he replaced them with his tongue, dipping and thrusting hungrily into your slit. His fingers glistened with your arousal all the way up to his knuckles, and you brought them into your mouth, soaking in the intoxicating aroma of sweat, lust and love. He hummed, taking the opportunity to bite into your mound, filling himself up with more of your essence as you threw your head back and gasped his name.
Coming up for breath, he peered at you beneath him. The carmine traces coating his lips like red-stained roses, and the scent and taste of your blood lingered in his very soul. He’d seen three separate memories of you with every mark, each more personal than the last, but no less beautiful. You looked truly holy like this, with your blissed out face and blown out eyes, your lips flushed and swollen. A moist sheen covered your body and your breasts quivered from your ragged breathing. He loved how he could do this to you. If he could, he would crown you as his sweet Mary, Isis, Ishtar, or any other form the saint and deity came in, bathing you in swathes of Marian blue and gold, and laying jewels at your feet. As the sanguine fluid trickled down your cunt like a virgin’s first time, he realized that for once, you were his, and solely his.
His wounds healed up in the process, good as new again, but you reached out, teary-eyed, cradling his face in your hands as you pressed your foreheads together. You never wanted to hurt him, and he never wanted to hurt you either. However, the pain still remained, like heavy stones crushing against your chest. He had already forgiven you, kissing you tenderly and stroking your cheek until you pulled away abruptly.
“Fuck me,” you sighed, like a thin wisp of smoke drifting into his waiting mouth. “Fuck me right here on the floor.”
The same floor where your life had drained away into the ether, the same floor where he had made that fateful decision to Embrace you, and the same floor where both of you had envisioned this very moment before it even happened. You needed him to fuck you rough and fast, just so you could forget and engrave this memory in your heart simultaneously. 
He heard it in your voice and understood, obliging as he peeled off the rest of his clothes, pushing you forward onto the ground, so that your front lay flat against its laminated surface. You felt him guide the tip of his cock against your pussy, smearing precum along your folds before burying himself to the hilt. He didn’t hesitate or hold back, pounding into you vigorously from behind without giving you the chance to adjust to his size. You mewled in agonizing pleasure as he grasped your ass, spreading it apart so he could penetrate deeper. Your skin rubbed raw against the hard floor, bones bruising against wood as you scratched scars into its layers.
With every sharp thrust your body jolted forwards, his balls slapping against your skin as he gritted out, “Fuck, angel, you just take it so well.”
“How much have you wanted me like this?” you asked impulsively, your voice strained as you rutted back into him in sync with his unrelenting pace, feeling the head of his cock hitting your cervix.
His dick throbbed at your question. A hand came up and pushed your head down, squishing your face into the floor. “God, I— think about bending you over and making you scream—” he panted. His tone turned feral and inhuman like you’d never heard before as he slammed his hips against your ass to punctuate each word, “Every. Fucking. Night.”
Screams tore from your throat until your voice became hoarse, and scalding tears gathered at your waterline before splashing onto the ground. Yet, something savage and animalistic, akin to what he had shown earlier, emerged from the depths of your chest. “Leon, please,” you keened. “Fuck me harder.”
Wrapping his arm around your neck, he leaned forward, placing his full body on top of you so that his chest was pressed flush against your back. Rocking his hips into yours, he fucked you so deep that you felt him in your ribcage. Instinctively, you plunged your fangs into his arm, breaking skin, as he hissed a string of curses before doing the same, clamping down on your neck. You drank from each other, consuming and mixing vitae as he continued pistoning into your cunt. Veins protruded from your neck and your eyes turned bloodshot, rolling back into your head. The excruciating euphoria you’d experienced from your Embrace returned, flooding your senses, and the visions began.
You saw the human life he’d led: a first and last date at the drive-in cinema where he’d fumbled with a cute girl, the all-nighters he’d pulled cramming for exams, his glasses sliding down the slope of his nose as he nodded off to sleep. Then came glimpses of his life and unlife with Ada: how they’d fallen in and out of love, the way he’d been brought to his highest highs and reduced to his lowest lows. You felt for him in those moments, wanting nothing more than for his happiness to shine through, even at the expense of your own. 
The images blended together like a watercolor painting, and you smelled the sand and sea. Two figures skinny-dipping, copulating by the waters, and again in the middle of a sandstorm. Your bodies melded into one and you were drawn back into your sweet release, both of you crying each other’s name on your lips. His hips stuttered, stuffing spurts of his cum into your cunt, the excess leaking between your thighs.
You stayed like this for an eternity before he pulled out, turning you around to face him as you lay side by side. He nuzzled your neck, kissing you affectionately. Blood caked your faces and streamed down your bodies.
“Messy drinker,” he chided softly, though his eyes were loving and warm. He licked all around your mouth, cleaning up the vermilion stains.
“I learned from the best,” you retorted, smirking as you caressed his jawline.
He scoffed, kissing your temple as he nestled you into his arms — a perfect fit. “You know I’m never letting you go after this?”
“Didn’t plan on leaving anyway,” you murmured into his chest, feeling his smile widen against your cheek.
I love you. He didn’t need to hear your confession to know that you meant every single word.
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meiluu · 11 months
Halloween Fun
Leon S. Kennedy/ Reader(AFAB) cw: semi-public, some what rough, pwp, creampie, praise (Leon calls you his good girl). Kind of a AU where RC doesn't happen but Leon is 27 in this and is good friends with the Redfield's. I am so feral for this man Not edited*
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Reader Pov.
Halloween was probably your favorite holiday, a close second to Christmas. It was a night full of devious fun and excitement and even as you've gotten older and stopped trick 'o treating the spirit of this holiday hasn't left you. With the autumn chill raising goosebumps across your skin, you make your way to the Redfield's home where a Halloween party was being held. Dressed in a very cute but tastefully revealing black-cat costume ready to see Leon's costume who had so far kept it a secret from you. Even going so far as to dress at the Redfield's house after he got off work, just so that you would get the full affect of the surprise. Walking up the stairs, your heels clicking rhythmically across the pavement. Making it to the ornate wooden door you knock and not a moment later the joyful face of Claire greets you. A squeal of you name leaves her lips, "Oh my god, you look so good!" pulling you into a warm hug a smile making its way across your face. Stepping away from the hug you admire Claire's costume of a very adorable witch with a massive hat and broom to top it all off. "Claire you look amazing!" your happiness seeping out with your words.
Once you made it inside the bass of a familiar Halloween song welcomed your ears. Tables had been set up with food and punch that had all been decorate to fit in with the holiday spirit. Scanning the people crowding the living and kitchen areas your eyes finally catch onto a all too familiar head of blond hair. And its like he knew your eyes were on him because not a moment later he's turning his head around blue eyes meeting yours. And its almost comical how Leon's face lights up at seeing you-his beautiful girlfriend-. With a few quick strides Leon soon has you wrapped into his embrace, strong arms holding you fiercely. Relishing in his comforting warmth and scent you finally pull yourself away from him to at last view his costume. A Vampire, hair pushed back and a little messy, paired with a Victorian style top the gave you the perfect view of his sculpted chest, and tight black pants and boots that accentuated his beautiful ass. It took every ounce of self control to not just drool and fall into him at just how gorgeous he looked. "Fuck you look so good baby, my imagination did not do you justice." His voice is full of love and desire, the huskiness sending shivers down your spine as your cheeks redden. "You don't look so bad yourself handsome, the wait was totally worth it." a cheeky smile takes hold of your face as you get lost within his gaze sneaking a quick kiss from his plump lips. A heady groan rumbles within his chest-his arms snake around your waist pulling you impossibly closer. Before you can take this further, he is grabbing your hand dragging you onto the makeshift dance floor as the song changes to one that has your body moving to its hypnotizing rhythm. A quick look at Leon has you smiling in pure joy, he has the cutest look upon his face one that is full of adoration for you and that sweet giddiness that made you fall in love with him in the first place.
Leon's warm and big hands hang onto you as you both enjoy each others presence, dancing together letting yourselves get lost within one another. As other bodies dance and move with the beat of the music around you, both of you get lost in the rhythms from each song that plays on the speakers. With a quick glance out the window you can now see the full moon high within the sky. Then your thoughts are interrupted by Leon's face leaning down next to your ear. "You know I've always had this stupid little dream of dancing with a beautiful girl at some party, then making a break for it and making out in some dark closet away from everyone." His chuckle follows his words, and while he laughs your mind is short-circuiting as it dreams up all of the possible scenarios of how that could play out. And as fate would have it you and Leon would fulfill his dream to the fullest.
As the moon your only source of illumination you can barely make the out the silhouette of Leon's figure, seeing as his back was blocking out the moon highlighting his body but his face was still shrouded by the darkness of the room. his lips devouring yours as his tongue dances with yours, heavy breaths leave you both but he doesn't linger for long as his lip leave a molten hot trail down your neck to the tops of your breast that are exposed by your outfit. Sucking harshly upon your skin no doubt leaving a mark behind, repeating this same motion across your neck and your breast surely littering your skin in his love bites. "Do you want to go further? We can stop here if you're uncomfortable." Even though his voice is husky with lust his words hold sincerity with them, your heart skips at how Leon has always made sure you were comfortable. "Yes, Leon please I need you now. Please." you can't keep the neediness from your voice, not that you even tried or cared enough to do so. Not now, not ever, you would never feel ashamed at how much you loved Leon and if you could would stay within his embrace for all of eternity you would.
With hurried movements and the sound of Leon unbuckling his belt, your cunt is wet with anticipation a warmth settling within the pit of your stomach. His calloused hands are pulling your your by your thighs to him a whine leaving your lips as his bulge rubs against your clothed clit sending dull waves of pleasure straight to your core. You were so thankful that your outfit was nothing but a short revealing black dress with some cheap black stockings along with some cat ears and a fake tail attached to the dress. Along with a little pair of panties that you wouldn't care if they got ripped to shreds.
Leon soon sets a teasing rhythm of grinding against your clothed cunt, pushing up your dress to where only your stocking and panties were your only barrier away from his black boxers. Sweet whimpers fall from your kiss swollen lips as Leon stifles his groans of pleasure by biting into his lip. But eventually this became insufficient to what you both wanted- Leon pushes his boxers down freeing his cock from its confines then his hands are ripping into your stockings and tearing apart your panties into nothing but shreds of cloth. Then you are reaching down grabbing onto him, eliciting a sharp grunt from him at your soft hand around him. Guiding him to your wet and wanting cunt, pushing himself into you- making sure to go slow seeing as you both had forgone the typical foreplay you did to prepare yourself for him. Reaching the end, you both are flush against each other. Starting off with a slow but deep pace, waiting until you fully become adjusted to him. Legs wrapped around his torso, Leon's body covering yours as he has his arms rested by the sided of your head. His sounds of pleasure mingling with yours, as he works to his cock in and out of your hot and wet cunt- always so inviting. "Lee- faster please." And as always Leon obeys your command, picking up his pace. Grabbing onto your hips pulling you into him with every harsh thrust. The sound of your connection echoing throughout the room, as your moans and his grunts of pleasure surround the two of you.
"God your always so good to me." Manhandling you once again to have you on your stomach, face down into the ground and your ass up. As he bullies his cock in and out of you, one of his hands leave you traveling up to your neck pulling you towards his chest- the perfect place for him to lean down and whisper into your ear. "Taking me like such a good girl. Love you." voice rough with exertion as his lust makes his voice sound like a near growl. In your pleasure riddled mind you respond with a mewl of "I love you too." In and out your mind is filled with nothing but the pleasure that Leon was bringing you, your cunt perfectly molding to his cock, become the perfect sleeve for him. A more depraved thought was brought up from deep within your mind. Should Leon want it, you would become nothing but a sweet little personal cock-sleeve to use whenever he pleased. Bending you over wherever he saw fit, maybe one day you would tell him this but for now you surrendered yourself to the now mind-numbing pace of Leon's thrusts. Your moans had risen in pitch as the intoxicating sensation of reaching your peak swelled within the pit of your tummy. Your hands desperately latched onto him, one hanging off the hand around your neck the other digging into his thigh. "Fuck- that's it, cum on my cock like a good girl." Not even a moment later you are cumming hard around him, mind blanking out as white hot pleasure rolls through your body. Your cunt convulsing around his cock and warbled moan falls from Leon's lips as soon as he cums, pulling you completely against him, as you both get lost in the feeling of Leon filling you up some of it stubbornly leaking out of you. Sweet kisses from Leon's lips bring you back down from your high, his arms keeping you secure against him. "I love you, you did so good for me my love." and there you both stay for a little while longer just relishing within the most intimate embrace one being can have with another.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN, Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. And Sorry for not posting in such a long time hopefully this makes up for my absence :)
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ch-4-eri · 4 months
You Right — Claire Redfield.
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claire X fem!reader.
warnings: cheating, language, smut, again cheating. (i don’t condone cheating it’s just for fun babes) proof read ish sorry for any mistakes in advance.
word count: 2k.
original request <3
i wanted to write something different than what i usually do, so here we go i guess, do not cheat on your partners i don’t want any of you in my inbox yapping about this.
you were dating Chris Redfield for a few months now, you met him at a bar and you both talked and a had good time, exchanged numbers which made you both communicate more, hang out more.
until he finally asked you to be his girlfriend, and you agreed. you liked him a lot and he was so sweet, so good to you.
that certainty didn’t last long, not when you’ve met his sister.
he always mentioned her, his younger sister this, his younger sister that.
she’s his only family left and you expected the said younger sister to be this very tiny cute girl, with pigtails or something.
but the second your eyes fell on her, her blue eyes, her red hair, your jaw actually dropped. causing Chris's sister; Claire Redfield to look at her brother from your sudden reaction before you composed yourself and cleared your throat.
you greeted her normally but oh boy was she gorgeous.
you were physically incapable of looking away from her, forgetting you had a boyfriend, she was like a walking flame that caught your attention with her red hair and her red shirt, it was like a dream you can’t wake up from.
not only was she beautiful, she was nice and attentive, she had interesting conversations with you, shared her interests and even told you about her life and her job.
you listened to every word, your attention hadn’t faltered one bit.
as days went on, you caught yourself falling more and more for her, it wasn’t helping she was your boyfriend’s sister, Chris involved Claire in almost everything, and you didn’t even mind she came; you loved seeing her. and she was always so excited to spend time with you.
your heart was torn, you were terrible for dragging chris in this mess, he didn’t deserve this, you knew that.
each time Claire comes to your mind at first, you’d think of Chris and how guilty you are but now he slips your mind, you wouldn’t give him as much thought as you’d think of his damn sister.
her beautiful red hair, you always fantasised about how it would feel in your hands, how soft her lips would feel against yours.
that voice of hers whispering into your ear… you immediately shook your head, looking at the space next to you; Chris filling it with his tired snores and his arms holding the pillow.
you slipped out of bed silently, leaving to the kitchen.
only to find Claire there, she was watching something on her phone as she ate some… salad?
was she up and making food for herself at this hour?
“hi.” you broke the silence, feeling embarrassed as you were just imagining kissing her, it seemed as if felt worse now that her hair was splayed down her shoulders when you’ve always seen her with a ponytail.
“oh, hi!” claire chuckled while she chewed, her blue eyes falling on you.
your cheeks reddened as you turned to the fridge while trying to ignore how beautiful she was.
your boyfriend was right there, her damn brother.
your palms were sweating as you looked for a bottle of water. “can’t sleep?” Claire asked, her body still leaning over the counter as the corner of your eye caught a glimpse of her ass peeking out of her shorts.
you’ve always noticed how cheeky her tone was, even when she wasn’t trying.
it frustrated you, everything about her did.
“no, you?” you finally responded, taking a long sip of water. your eyes glued to her hair, red strands over pale skin, your eyes seeking out every inch of her noticing her bra strap had also been red.
you assumed her wardrobe had only one colour, red did suit her and it was damn tempting. “nah.” Claire said, taking another bite from the salad she had in front of her. “want a bite?” she asked, her tone that same cheeky one that made you throb and ache.
Claire stabbed some vegetables on her fork, pulling it upwards for you to taste. you assumed she'd made it, and she wanted you to taste something she made.
you placed the water bottle aside, moving your mouth to take a bite, it was too salty, making your eyes close and your teeth clench, nose scrunched.
“too much lemon zest?” Claire giggled, continuing to eat.
“uh— yeah… burned my tongue.” you chuckled, taking another sip of water to get rid of the sting. all while Claire ate it like she’s immune to the saltiness of it.
“Chris asleep?” she asked, finishing up the rest of the salad, putting the bowl in the sink. “chris? oh, yeah he is..” you replied, forgetting you had a damn boyfriend, you needed to pull yourself together.
you leaned against the counter as you watched her wash the dishes, some knives and spoons, she’s probably a messy cook.
why would it matter when she had that ass? you couldn’t help but stare as a question popped into your head. was she single? is someone lucky enough to kiss her every night? lucky enough to wake up next to her?
could you be that lucky one? despite all the consequences that you’d have to face if you were stupid and impulsive enough to make a move, just hold her waist and kiss her until you couldn’t breathe, even with your boyfriend asleep in the same house.
her red hair glowed like a crown underneath this lighting, she was perfect, she’d bring you on your knees if she wanted, or if she asked.
“Claire, do you have a boyfriend? i.. i never asked.” you stammered, dreadful of her answer before you even asked the lingering question that wouldn’t leave you alone.
“no, no boyfriend.” she chuckled, her head turning to look at you before continuing to wash the dishes and place them aside to dry; wiping her hands with a cloth.
it’s like a blanket of relief was placed over you, thank whoever the fuck was listening, you’d be hypocritical for this.. you knew, you were the one with the boyfriend, yearning for your boyfriend’s sister like that was not your proudest moment.
but Chris wasn’t on your mind right now, probably would go hours without thinking of him. in fact you couldn’t care less about him when Claire stood there within arm’s reach, you just needed a push.
Claire washed her mouth and her hands as she turned to look at you. “trouble in paradise?” she asked, making you shake your head, it’s a valid question, there was only trouble on your side, even though Chris was perfect.
“just small arguments..” you lied, you and chris never fight, maybe because you don’t bother having fights with him when your heart is not fully in it, even when you sleep together you’re thinking of his sister as you’re cumming.
Claire tilted her head, thinking of a response. “it’s okay, you’ll work it out, he loves you.” she says, going closer to you, her hands taking yours into hers.
it’s just friendly comfort, but your heart spasms in your chest at the feeling of her fingers in your hands, fucking dream come true, what’s happening?
“he cares about you.” Claire adds, but you weren’t listening, your brain revolved around her, just her.
your hands squeezed hers, the feeling so overwhelming you're losing your grip on your logistics, losing control in yourself.
it didn’t take much from you to actually let go of all rationality to place your lips on top of hers, your hands holding her waist as you pulled her closer to you, Claire’s mouth involuntarily opening as your tongue tasted her.
you felt her trying to push you away with her fingers tangled into your shirt as she hesitated, her mouth deliciously turned the favour yours was giving.
“s-stop..” Claire moaned, your lips attacking her neck in soft kisses, your hips pushing into hers against the kitchen counter. “i can’t.. i want you.” you were a mess, you’ve lost it, Claire’s going to hate you, Chris is going to hate you, everything was done for.
but all you cared about is how good her kisses taste, how her legs wrapped around your waist as she sat on the counter, your fingers squeezing at her breasts as she kissed you with that same passion you’ve been yearning for from her sweet lips.
her hand slipped into your shorts, her fingers founding your clit as you jolted. “you think i didn’t notice the way you’re looking at me?” she whispered, shoving two fingers up your soaking wet pussy, your back arched as she thrusted them hard into your core, the tips of her fingers reaching up that spot that made you see stars.
“i noticed everything, i know everything… you’re a terrible girlfriend you know that right?” Claire fucked her fingers into you, finding her insults so delicious.
you weren’t hiding anything anymore, it felt so good to be filled up with the girl that wouldn’t leave your thoughts for months, you adored her even with her blue eyes staring at you in disgust, all while finger fucking you in her brother’s kitchen.
Claire chuckled breathlessly at how silent she got you, you were rocking your hips with the rhythm of her slender fingers as they kept thrusting and swirling into you, you were a whimpering mess. “you’re so fucking tight.” Claire groaned, adjusting her fingers as they felt sucked in by your cunt.
“jesus sweetheart, you're sucking my fingers in.” Claire cursed under her breath some more, thrusting her fingers against your throbbing pussy as you clenched around her once more. “fuck! can you even take dick? does my brother fuck you?” she asks in frustration, her eyes staring into yours, waiting for an answer as you felt tongue tied and embarrassed.
she was seriously not complaining about how tight you were.
“yes…” you breathed, your breathing shuddered as she tried to move her fingers deeper, clenching even more. “yes? no fucking way does he fuck you.. you’re so fucking tight..” claire complained, adding another finger to stretch you out, her fingers stretching inside of you as you mewled out, biting your lip.
“god i wish i had my strap with me… i wanna stretch you out so bad..” she groaned, her face scrunched up in anger.
her fingers were thrusting inside of you now with the added third finger, you were as limb as a doll, letting her deal with you as all you did was moan and mewl into her shoulder.
“Claire, i’m so close…” you gripped her waist as a sensation bubbled up inside of your core, a knot ready to come undone in your lower belly.
“she finally speaks, i doubt you’ve got fucked princess.. you’re so fucking tight and you’re irresponsible… you wanted me that bad huh? is my brother that terrible at sex or are you just that needy?” she thrusted her fingers deeper, touching that spongy spot inside of you as you trembled from head to toe, panting out her name.
“fuck! claire—..” you shouted, squirting all over her fingers and your clothes, you made a mess, making claire’s eyes wide in shock and satisfactory.
“god you’re a fucking slut.” Claire grumbled, pulling her fingers out of you in case Chris woke up at the shouting.
Claire went and immediately cleaned the mess you made with your squirt on the ground.
the loss of her fingers inside of you made you ache, you missed it already, you were a goner; not thinking straight as you grabbed some tissues with your shaking hands, wiping your thighs.
Claire finished wiping the floor as she washed her hands, turning to face you. “we’re okay, he didn’t wake up… go to bed, we shall not talk about this again… ever.” Claire warned, her blue eyes burning into yours.
“don’t be fucking stupid, hm?” she adds, squeezing your cheek and shoved your face away causing you to stumble on your feet, gripping the counter as she walked out of the kitchen, leaving you there a trembling mess.
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-Jealousy || Leon S. Kennedy || *Rewrite*
Summary: Leon Scott Kennedy was not the type of man to get jealous, it’s not like he had something to get jealous all. Until Chris Redfield started to show his face around you. That nasty feeling building up in his chest though it only made matters worse when Claire let it slip that her brother may have feelings for you too. Now Leon hopes that he didn’t miss his chances with you.
A/n: flashback is Italicized, female reader, rewrite of this fic
Warnings: Blood, bit of gore { Broken bone.}
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Leon did not get jealous, at least that is what he kept telling himself to help him sleep at night. Though of course the very thing that he claimed he didn’t get jealous about was sitting across from him. You were talking about some case, some woman named Mia Winters.
Not that he cared, why should he care about some bio terrorist. No he cared about why Chris suddenly seemed to hanging around you more.
“What?” Blinking a few times he adverted his gaze frowning for a moment as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“I was just trying to…are you okay…you look exhausted Leon.” You frowned leaning forward to get a good look at the man, you could see dark circles forming under his eyes.
Scoffing, Leon adverted his gaze. “I’m find Doc, you don’t gotta worry about me alright.” He did his best to not let his feelings show through but you were always concerned for him.
Placing your hand on top of Leon’s you gave it a small squeeze. “You know you can tell me anything right.”
Shaking his head, Leon did his best to give you a weak smile. The warmth of your hand brought a flood of memories back. The shared kisses, the nights where neither of you had gotten much sleep and of course he had to blow it, end whatever you both shared.
Self sabotage at its finest.And even after all of that, you still stayed by his side.
“So what’s with the get up.” Leon did his best to divert the conversation to something else, something that wouldn’t make him realize his feelings for you.
Snorting, you lent back into the chair giving him a slight smile. “Well that was what I was talking about for the last ten minutes.” You teased. “I got asked…recommended actually, I’m heading out to Louisiana.”
Shaking his head, Leon’s eyes narrowed taking in the blue Umbrella logo on your shirt. “What do you mean you’re heading out to Louisiana? Who recommend you to go?”
Sighing, you frowned as your phone chimed. Pushing away from the table you then stood up. “Chris did…look I have to go alright. I’m not going to argue about this, it’s a long flight and I don’t want this to be on my mind.”
Leon tried not to wince from the sound of the chair scraping, though he did feel a slight weight lift off his shoulders feeling you press his lips to his forehead, he wanted it grab you. He wanted to tell you how he felt. “Hey! Stay safe for me will ya.”
Giving him a small wink you lingered by the door, your fingers clutching the handle. “Only if you get a proper nights rest for me Kennedy.”
Opening his mouth, he sighed giving you a small wave as you slipped out the door and into Jeep, though it didn’t take long for him to finally notice Redfield watching him.
When you get back, when you get back he’ll tell you how he felt. He just hoped that he didn’t fuck up his chances with you.
The flight to Louisiana was long, you normally were able to enjoy these types of flights. You were able to talk to the team, talk to Chris but now. Right now you had way to much on your mind.
“Something on your mind?”
Turning to Chris you let out a forced laugh. “A little…it’s just. Leon and I were talking and before I left, he just looked like he had something to say.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Chris peered out the window. “Maybe he wanted to confess his feelings to you.”
Barking out a laugh, you narrowed your eyes. “Leon confessing his feelings to me. Are we talking about the same man? Besides we ended that, pretty sure he’s still hung up on Ada.” You muttered.
“I wouldn’t be so sure on that.”Sighing, Chris patted you knee. “Get some rest alright. I’ll wake you of something happens.” He joked.
Shaking your head, you let out a small scoff though it didn’t stop you from falling asleep but once you felt the jolt from the helicopter your eyes snapped opened.
“Sleeping beauty finally wake?”
Turing your attention to Chris you were about to reply until you noticed a woman laying unconscious. “Is this.”unbuckling your seatbelt you rushed over to the unconscious woman.
“This is Zoe Baker, she’s stable and luckily for us she’s not infected. Can’t say same to Mia Winters, don’t even have a body to bag.”
Frowning you opened your med beg still examining the woman, she may have been stable but it didn’t look good for her. “She has a high fever, I need to get her the proper-.”
Your voice getting cut off from Chris’s shout, you didn’t even realize the helicopter starting to take off, your body tumbling out of the side hitting the ground hard as you rolled hitting a man. “Shit. Ethan Winters I presumed.”
“Ya…who the hell are yo-Shit watch out!” The man shoving you out of the way of getting swiped by something, though with your gaze glued to the B.O.W in front of you, you barley had a chance to dodge a large crate falling towards you.”
The container to take out the B.O.W falling on your leg, a cry tearing from your lips as Ethan rushed to your side moving the object off your leg. “Of fuck…is that your bone.”
Gritting your teeth you had to bite back another scream. Blood pouring out your wound, the broken bone poking through the flesh. “Shut the fuck up and take that bitch out.” You growled placing the gun in his hand. You tried to stay conscious, but the pain was overwhelming. You listened to voices shouting around you, a horrified scream before everything went black.
You were used to hospitals, you worked in them, you weren’t used to being a patient in one though. Letting your body slump in the bed you did your best to remember everything that happened. The man Ethan Winters, he stayed by your side until he knew you were okay.
Zoe Baker, she was alive thanks to Ethan too. You remember seeing her briefly. You heard Chris talking about Mia, you weren’t sure how to feel about her death but at least the man can move on with his life and Leon. You remembered seeing Leon when you got administrated into the hospital, you weren’t sure you ever seen the man look so concerned.
So scared.
Gritting your teeth you did your best to sit up only to feel a hand on your shoulder pushing you back down on the bed.
“Where do you think you’re going.”
Chuckling the man sat back down in his own chair, he looked so drained. “The one and only.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I can leave if you want.”
Wincing you shook your head adjusting you body as you reached out to grasp his hand. “No…stay…please.”
“I was joking y/n....I wasn’t going to leave you…I mean not unless you kicked my as out but shit I gotta say...seeing you like that scared the crap out of me.”
“No…I have to say this. I’m sick of being a coward. I care about you. I care about you and I know you can do better than me.”
Rolling your eyes you let go of his hand to instead you placed your hand on his cheek. “I love you too.”
Shrugging your shoulders you dropped your hand relaxing into the bed. “Chris may have mentioned something like that.”
“I’m going to kill him.”
Opening on of your eyes, you gave him a teasing smile. “You know what would be better, you kissing me.”
“I..” sighing. Leon shook his head giving you a slight smile bending down as he captured your lips in for a kiss. “Get some sleep for me, will you.”
Returning the kiss, you let your fingers dig into his arm. “No promises.”
Checking his gun Leon jumped up from his seat as medics rushed by, he barley registered your leg in a make shift cast, narrowing his eyes he watched Chris walk by but before he could get any further he could help but grab his arm.
“What the hell! You were supposed to watch her not have her get rushed off to the fucking hospital!”
Turning to face him Chris was alway worried enough but hearing Leon remind him of his mistake only pissed him off even more.
“Don’t you think I know that!” Shaking his head he rubbed his neck. “You should see her?” As much as he didn’t want to admit it Chris knew how the man felt and he was positive of your own feelings.
“Why?”Leon frowned eyeing him.
“She called out your name before she blacked out...try not to blow it Kennedy because I will be their to pick up the pieces if you fuck shit up.”
Watching him walk off Leon squared his shoulders waiting for the okay to see you and taking his advice Leon knew what he had to do.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year
Character x Reader (Fluff) (Drabble)
(Alternative Angst Ending Included)
Context: You like giving/making trinkets to/for the love of your life (Character list below)
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TLOU Masterlist
My rules for requests and characters I can write for
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Disclaimers/warnings: Typical fandom things (read tags), OOC characters???, Unrealistic, Some suggestive themes and language, I'm so sorry but English is not my first language so please don't come after me. Most of the content I've seen are on TikTok and Tumblr I don't actually play the game but I love the characters so much, same with any other content I have for other video games.
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You giving them a keychain or something of the sort and you think they clasp it on their belt loop or keep it in their pocket but that's actually not how they take it on missions with them because something from you is too valuable to actually be taken out like that where they could lose it.
Same thing goes if you make them jewelry, they think it's too fragile so instead they keep it back in their quarters/place underneath their pillow.
They pull out whatever trinket you gave them that meant a lot to you or you made yourself and they just stare at it reminding themselves that they have you. They hold it close to their heart as the found themselves finally able to sleep, still was difficult away from you.
With all the cruel and fucked up things they've seen in their life, you are by far the only light they have when they are stuck sulking in the darkness.
The one time you gave them a necklace, your favorite one and you begged them to bring it on missions because it was extremely sturdy and was in good condition after all.
They, in turn made a chain and clasped it on that so they can have it hanging by their belt loops so that enemies don't rip it off their neck. (The chain I'm describing are similar to the picture at the top but with chunkier and sturdier chains)
God forbid they actually lose or break something you gave them, they would cry or sulk because they know how much you value it and how your feelings would get hurt.
They were extremely surprised and relieved that you weren't mad at all at them because things like that just happen especially on missions. Instead of being mad, you gave/made them another one. They'll cherish it, that's for sure.
Angst ending below:
They swore to keep it with them to their graves and they did, the shouldn't have made that promise. It cemented their fate...
With their last breath, it was you they thought of. Apologies running through their head for being so weak that they know they're going to fail to come home to you.
Their cold body found in battle, tear and blood stained face while their eyes still open but no signs of life. In their fist was found of a memory of your love that kept them alive till then. The closed fist being held against their heart when they were found..
You couldn't help but fall to your knees, the world around you felt like it was spinning. Your lungs refuse to let you breathe along with the rest of you body betraying you, you choked out a sob. Clenching your hand against the pain in your chest withholding the item you gave them, only having realized that it returned into your hands once more...
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Characters in mind:
Call of duty: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves.
Resident Evil: Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield, Carlos Oliveira, Jill Valentine, Ada Wong.
The Last Of Us: Ellie Williams, Abby Anderson.
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A/n: The amount of tags I used on this post is ridiculous, it was a fucking miracle that I managed to fit everything in. This was originally just supposed to be a fluff fic but my mind was wandering off and I thought of making a part 2 but that seems like too much work for a little paragraph so there
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spookymystery67 · 21 days
I Wish I Could Walk In Heels
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AN: Hello, everyone! Hope you're all doing well. I'm sorry for taking forever to update. There was moving and chaos and continued chaos that I will not be getting into, but I just wanted to thank everyone for their patience and support. It really means a lot to me that people actually enjoy my writing and my story.
With that being said, I hope this chapter is okay. I was having a hard time with it. For some reason when I'm writing it just feels like the words are so repetitive and boring. Hoping that isn't the case. Also, forgive me for any mistakes there may be. At some point when this story is all done I plan to edit things I may have missed going through the first time around. Enjoy!
Ps, my wifi kind of sucks so i couldn't veiw the gif I picked very well. Hope it's okay for all of you.
Chapter 21:
-Los Illuminados, 2004-
The relief you felt when you finally saw Ada as she hurried through the church gate was immense. The villagers had been circling the area, and were a little too close for your liking. You had, luckily, managed to keep yourself hidden.
“Ada!” You whisper-yelled, gaining her attention without the other villagers noticing. As she locked eyes with you, it was clear to you that you both were equally relieved to see each other.
“Y/n! Are you alright?” She studied your figure in search of any obvious injuries. Finding just slight scratches, she seemed satisfied enough with your current state.
“I'm fine. But I have some bad news.” A particularly loud shout from a villager nearby spooked you and made you walk further away, dragging Ada along by her arm.
“Relax, dear. I took some of the ones surrounding the area down. Only a few stragglers here and there, but they won't be any match for us.” She said calmly. It helped soothe your nerves for a moment, until you remembered the bad news you were trying to share. 
“What happened?” Ada asked. “What's the bad news? I assume it has something to do with Luis, considering he isn't here with us right now.” 
You sighed in defeat. “You're right. It is about Luis. He got jumped by the villagers just after I got here. I wanted to help, but there were just too many for me to even attempt to take down. He told me to wait for you to get here before we go after him. I'm sorry, Ada.”
She gently placed a hand on one of your own and squeezed it reassuringly. “Don't apologize. I don't blame you. I believe you when you say there were too many. I found out from Wesker that the heightened activity is likely due to the president's daughter being in town.” She explained. Your eyes widened.
“The president's daughter? They kidnapped her?” 
Ada nodded in confirmation. “They did. And not only that. We have a friend who happens to be in Los Iluminados as well.”
A friend? Confused, you asked her, “Who?”
“You don't want to guess?” She sarcastically responded. The playful attitude and the smirk upon her face would be endearing and entertaining, if you weren't so crunched for time.
“I doubt we have time for that.”
“Not like we have many friends, dear.”
You shrugged with a nod. “Good point. Has to be…” you rack your brain, going through all your danger prone friends. Could be Jill. But you highly doubted that. Last you heard from her, she was on a mission with Chris Redfield. That was only a couple of weeks ago. Claire? You didn't think so either. It's been awhile since you've kept tabs on her, but you couldn't think of any reason on why she would be here.
“Leon?” You guessed.
“Ding ding ding, we have a winner. First guess too. I'm impressed.” 
You hadn't seen Leon Kennedy since after Raccoon City, when you both had gone your own ways after he decided to risk asking the military for help. Since then, you and Ada had heard things about him here and there. How he now worked for the government as a sort of super soldier. Given his prior experience with his police training and the infected in the city, they decided he would be a valuable asset. Someone they just couldn't part with. 
This was all supposed to be top secret, but your girlfriend is Ada Wong. She could get whatever information she wanted.
“He must be here for the President's daughter.” 
“My thoughts exactly. I'm actually glad he is here. His presence provided a nice distraction to keep the townsfolk occupied while I made my way to the church.” She explained. Those gunshots must have been his then. Never the subtle one.
Speaking of gunshots. You and Ada both startled when you heard them once again, only this time the sound was closer.
Ada grabbed a hold of your waist with one arm and used the other to aim with her grappling hook. She hooked it to the church steeple and then you were both zipped up, landing on your feet with practiced precision.
She put away the grappling hook as the gunshots continued. “Sounds like he could use a little help.” Ada said, quickly jumping down to grab the rope to the church bell. You followed shortly after her and covered your ears in preparation of the noise.
Ada pulled the rope once and let it ring. Both of you watched as the townspeople made their way to the inside of the church. They acted as if they were in a trance. Or moths to a flame. From where you stood, Leon was just as confused by their behavior as you and Ada were.
“That's weird. How did you know that would happen?” You wondered.
Your girlfriend shrugged, “I didn't. I just figured the sudden noise would confuse them, giving him enough of a distraction to get out of there. Worked better than I thought it would.” She finished with a smirk. More of a confused, yet proud, smirk rather than amused. 
With all the villagers inside, you and Ada both went to return to the mission at hand. Just before you were fully out of earshot, you heard a comment that amused you greatly.
“Where did everyone go? Bingo?” Leon snarked.
You were so unprepared for it.
“HA!” The sudden cackle that lame comment got out of you was far too loud for your comfort. And Ada's, judging by her reaction. She covered your mouth with her hand to muffle the sound, giving you a stern glare. But her lips, too, twitched with amusement.
You watched as Leon looked around for the source of the noise, but quickly moved on after having no luck.
“Don't worry, Leon. First time's free.” Ada muttered. She removed her hand from your face after she deemed it safe enough to do so. “You could have blown our cover with your unworldly cackle, my love.” 
You huffed another quiet laugh. “Sorry. I just wasn't expecting it. I usually expect comments like that from you.” 
Your response to her gentle, and clearly not too serious, chastising made her smile as she grabbed a hold of your waist once more and zipped you both back down to the ground. She continued the conversation once you've both landed.
“As if you don't tend to also make inappropriately timed jokes during stressful situations. I admit, I am a little jealous that he got such a reaction out of you. Should I be worried?”
Her hand gently brushed some of your hair away from your face, before dropping it back down to her side. You blushed, shaking your head and snorting at her joke. 
She grinned again. “Clearly I shouldn't be. I doubt he could get such an adorable blush and a snort from you.”
Your blush deepened and you sighed. “Stop it.” 
“Why? I practically live for your reactions. Don't know how I ever survived all those years without your little huffs and sighs.” Her grin turned mischievous, knowing damn well what her flirty tone and words implied. 
And knowing that your blush will not go away because of it.
Evil. Ada Wong is beyond evil.
A sudden ring from the radio in Ada's possession interrupted your, admittedly, completely off track conversation. Ada frowned and answered the call.
“We just lost Luis's signal somewhere in the vicinity of the forest. Expect the worst.” 
You hear Wesker drawl, frowning at the implication. You hope Luis isn't dead. Your guilt at getting distracted just a few moments ago worsened at the thought. Now wasn't the time to play around.
“That's near Méndez, isn't it? He has a house there. Could be worth taking a look.” Ada suggested. You nodded in agreement when her eyes met yours in a silent question.
“Do it. I'll see what I can find from my end.” With that, Wesker hung up the call. Ada put the radio away with a sigh.
“Should have known this entire mission would be trouble. We should get going.”
With that, you two went on with your mission, away from the church.
Clemente's Appeal
If you pay it some thought, it is unusual that Isidro let me go.
Ever since that beast in the black robe struck me with something, I have been feeling strange. I have started seeing things, having visions. The sky itself looks like that of another world. 
And then, that thing comes. Only now there are many. Hundreds.
Master, I beg you! Please! Is there a way to escape this horror?
“Find anything interesting?” The sudden voice broke your concentration. You jumped, startled, looking up from the letter in your hands to Ada. She was taking anything of interest or value from the room you were in. 
The room itself was creeping you out. The light fog on the floor, along with the candles and human skulls set almost casually in crates and tables, made you feel on edge. Or maybe it was just this village in general making you feel so on edge.
“A note about a beast in a black robe. I was thinking it might be the one that attacked us back at the castle.”
You paused, remembering the moment Ada covered you from the exploding substance that had, in turn, hit her. Just a couple drops, but enough to worry you after what the letter said. “You aren't seeing things, are you?”
“Seeing things?”
“You know, seeing things that aren't there. The note mentioned seeing multiple of the same beast in the black robe. And a weird sky. Did you see anything like that?” You asked, handing the note over for her to read.
She paused, avoiding eye contact with you as she took her sweet time reading the note you'd found. She can read much faster than that. Already you knew something was up.
Looking back at you, though still avoiding eye contact, she shook her head and smiled. That smile would fool anyone else into thinking everything was fine, but it didn't fool you.
“No. Haven't seen anything like that.” Her tone was off. Only slightly higher than usual. 
She's hiding something.
“You're lying, Ada.” She sighed in defeat, knowing there would be no convincing you otherwise. “Tell me, what happened?”
“Truthfully… I don't know. After you left is when the visions happened. My surroundings became distorted and that black robed thing multiplied in the middle of the fight before it disappeared.”
“So you didn't kill it?” 
“No. It left before I could.” Ada clarified.
“And have you seen anything weird since the fight?”
“Define weird? We're only completely surrounded by it.” She joked weakly, attempting in vain to lighten mood.
You frowned in disbelief. “Stop it. You know I don't joke when it comes to your wellbeing. Have you seen any visions of the creature since the fight?”
“No, I haven't.” She shook her head. “You know, it could have just been a one off thing.”
“Possibly.” You tiredly responded. You softened when Ada placed her hand on your shoulder, attempting to bring some sort of comfort. “Just tell me if you have any more visions.” 
“Yes ma'am.” You shoved her arm in response to her sarcastic salute. She smirked and put the letter away with her other belongings.
Ada eventually led you both out to the empty town center, where there appeared to be the charred remains of a man that was quite recently burnt at the stake. The sight gave you pause. 
“So, they're just burning people alive now? Is this a sacrificial offering to the Plaga or something?” You wondered out loud, not expecting an answer. Though, you still turned to face Ada when you didn't hear any comment from her. 
She was looking around frantically, a slight look of fear on her, normally stoic, face.
“Ada? Are you al-” Your question was interrupted by her gripping her head in pain, stumbling in place. You immediately bolted to her and held her steady by the arms. 
All too suddenly, she pushed you away and did a roundhouse kick to the air, as if something was behind her. She backed away in confusion when she realized nothing was there. “How…?”
“Ada. You're seeing it, aren't you? It's here.” You looked for it, turning around and making eye contact with the giant insectoid in the black robe behind you. 
“Help me out, dear, and point me to the real one.” Ada gasped, taking her gun out, ready to destroy the creature that was messing with her head.
So, with a shotgun in hand, that is exactly what you did. You did your best to help Ada differentiate between the visions and the real deal while simultaneously avoiding the attacks it sent your way. Especially avoiding any mysterious goo it attempted to shoot your way. You both didn't need to be seeing multiple.
Finally, your teamwork weakened the beast enough for one of you to take the shot. The subtle fury on Ada's features made you allow her to do the honors. Pistol in hand, she took the shot…
And missed. How did she miss it? Ada Wong doesn't miss. Your concern grew when she dropped the gun and stumbled once more, clutching her head in pain. 
Angry, you aimed the shotgun at the creature. You didn't even get the chance to pull the trigger before it slapped you with its enlarged claw, knocking you away from it. Your head ached as you crashed it with a painful slam to the ground, right next to the charred human remains. 
You groaned, blinking rapidly to clear your vision and watching as the black robed creature made its escape. Forcing yourself to your feet, you quickly ran over to check on Ada.
She picked up her dropped pistol with confusion clouding her features. And, though she would never admit it, you could tell she was scared. 
“What is wrong with me?” She muttered. She glanced up once she noticed your presence, backing a few paces away from you when you attempted to comfort her. “Stop. Keep some distance.”
That reaction from Ada surprised you. “Ada-”
“I don't want to hurt you.” She firmly stated. “Clearly I'm not in full control of myself. That thing stopped me from killing it somehow.”
You hummed, understanding her worries, but not wanting her to distance herself from you either. “I guess it does more than just show you things. But it's gone for now, Ada. You don't have to worry about hurting me.” 
Slowly, as to not make her back away, you walked forward and grabbed her hand that wasn't holding the pistol. Nothing bad happened. You held her hand in a tighter hold. “See? Nothing. You don't have to worry so much. We'll figure this out together, okay?”
She nodded. “We will. But first, we find Luis.”
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pretzel-box · 7 months
Good Morning Sunshine Prologue [Leon x Neighbour!reader series]
Summary: After your home got destroyed by a fire, you seek a sanctuary in Claire's apartment. The catch? Your neighbour is the opposite of a sunshine, but luckily, there's an unknown number brightening up your days!
Tags: Female Reader! | Stangers to Lovers | Slowburn | Neighbour AU x Wrong Number AU | Strong language, fluff, mention of trauma late on. Tags will get updated.
Bright flames roared, hungrily consuming the wooden elements and everything they could reach. The acrid scent of smoke filled the hallway, and crackling sounds echoed through the chaos.
Your eyes teared up as the smoke reached them and you forcefully pressed your dusty jacket to your face, covering your mouth and nose. All your senses were overloaded and adrenaline kicked in. You couldn't die here. With quick steps you hurried through the smoke-filled rooms, desperately looking for a free exit that wasn't blocked by the highly destructive flames.
The faint reflection of glass caught your attention from the side and you hurried towards the soot covered window. In a matter of seconds you dropped the jacket, long forgotten now, to cling onto the window to push it up, praying to whoever was watching over you for a miracle.
With enough strength, you managed to push it up, cracking the glass from the force. All you can focus on is the heat of the flames in your back and the darkness that stretches before you. You can either get eaten alive by the fire or jump from a high floor. All adrenaline pushes you forward and you finally take the step forward to jump…
…forward but the seatbelt quickly held your sweat-covered body back into the uncomfortable car seat. The stare that Claire gave you from the side didn't stay unnoticed and you quickly caught your breath, pretending you just didn't have a hyper-realistic nightmare from the events that happened a month ago.
“Same dream?” The woman chirps up and holds the steering wheel in a tight grip while muttering something about idiots being on the road without having the ability to drive a car right. Complaining about other drivers was a natural thing when you were a passenger in Claire's car. You wish you could just give a comment about her small rant instead of answering the question but you knew: Claire Redfield will ask till you answer her question. And the patience that the woman had is longer than any search history you own on your phone, and this was supposed to mean something.
“More like a nightmare.” You mumble and grab the seatbelt, trying to get some of the pressure of your chest so you can breathe properly. “Same as always, no worries.” Those words were far away from calming Claire's worries. She gave you another unhappy look and her eyebrows furrowed.
You knew Claire from highschool and you two became friends over a coincidence and you might call it the best one of your whole life because this woman is not only a true angel but also your very own independent girl friend. You had the best and the worst moments of your life with her and your bond was special.
“You know what, maybe you need a new perspective. A motivation in life, a very good one night st-” “Definitely not, Claire. I don't need to get laid.” You replied in a wheezy voice, pushing some strands of hair out of your flustered face. The car stopped in front of a red traffic light and Claire took the moment to stare at you in complete silence, taking in your features and reading your mood. Her eyes looked deeply into yours and you could swear that the woman tried to peek into your soul. You gasps playfully. Claire once told you, people who have eye contact with you for more than 6 seconds either wanna kill you or sleep with you. The memory makes you chuckle and you relax into your seat once more. “Claire Redfield, do you wanna hook up with me?”
The question caught the brunette off guard and she choked on her own salvia, coughing heavily before laughing loudly. “Always.” The way she laughs so carefree was infectious and in a matter of seconds you two were laughing and not even noticing the green light that the traffic light gave you. Another car behind you started to honk, which surprised Claire and made her speed up. “God people nowadays are always in a hurry.” You don't pay attention to her words anymore, since the apartment complex came into view. Claire lets you stay in her apartment for a while till you can afford your own place, you tried to decline but she insisted.
It took only a few more minutes till you stood in front of the building, taking in the not so charming view. It definitely needs a renovation or at least some better paint on those outside walls. You could swear this place looks like a historical pile of wobbly stones and people just label it as ‘home’. Claire told you the rent is cheap and seeing the building in person explains the reason for it pretty well. Claire was busy taking out the small suitcase of the car trunk, putting it next to you before following your gaze. “Home sweet home, dear friend.”
It took a while to get all your stuff up the stairs to the small flat that is owned by claire. Apparently, the elevator was broken for a while now, and there is no way that someone will actually repair the old trashy box. Not worth the money or the effort, at least that's what most of the other tenants mumbled in the hallways. And you slightly curse them for it, then obviously it was a painful struggle to get everything up, especially the heavy boxes. Your bones will definitely thank you in the night by giving you the pleasure of a sore back. Nothing is better than the delightful first back issue after freshly moving into a new home. Especially after your old one burned down, right?
You giggle about your own depressing thoughts, depression and Claire are the only friends that you need right now after all the catastrophes that entered your life, and maybe vodka. The four of you could throw the pitty party of the year with the cheapest confetti.
Claire was the one that ripped you out of your thoughts, her hand squeezing your shoulder softly to get your attention.
"Um so, there's something I have to confess..." She laughs nervously while rubbing the back of her head with a free hand. Typical Claire movement.
"You sold me to the mafia." It was a joke that came out of your mouth, laced with sarcasm and you act shocked by putting your hand on your chest and gasping loudly. "And I thought we had a special connection. I even lend you my lipstick in the car!" But the other woman quickly shook her head with another nervous chuckle.
"Actually.. It's a really messed up situation and I need you to help me, my adorable little guardian angel. I beg you on my knees." In an instant she was on the ground, seeming desperate and even clapping her hands together over her head. A sigh escaped your lips.
"Your prayers have been answered, tell me foolish woman, what crime have you commited in those noble times?" Hearing your words was enough for Claire to get back on her feet. Her hands clutching yours tightly.
"Okay so time to spill the tea. I gave your number to a guy who's been asking me for a date since ages to make him shut up...When he's texting you pretend its me and dump him for me!"
It took more than just a full minute to grasp the concept of the situation and the more you thought about it, the more question marks appeared over your head. But despite the weird context and the fact that she gave your number out to a stranger, you couldn't deny her. She's literally letting you live in her flat for free after all. You owe her one and it's time to pay back the kindness.
After you accepted to help her, she went out to buy some takeout for dinner as a thank you. This left you all alone on the couch, watching the world's worst cooking show. Basically a high-quality documentary about your awful kitchen adventures but with paid actors.
Suddenly your phone lights up, showing an unknown number.
???: Listen I apologize for earlier. It was wrong of me to pressure you like that but I really wanna close the case between us.
You: Sorry, I bet you're super sweet, a great guy. And you surely have a great humor but I don't wanna go out with you, sorry man.
???: What?? How are you coming up with such nonsense suddenly?
You: Don't pretent and just accept it, we won't get together.
???: Listen Ada, I'm trying to apologize and not to ask you out for dinner.
You: Ada?? Gosh you can't even remember the name of the girl you wanna take our for a date?!
You: It's C l a i r e. Not Ada. You're such a red flag, dude.
This text conversation surely hit your nerve, how can someone be such low scum? Not only asking for a date but hooking up with multiple woman? Is this some kind of playboy who likes to see people like her as objects?! Your fingers angrily pressed the keys on the keyboard of your phone.
???: You're not Ada??
???: Oh god! I'm terribly sorry I got the wrong number!...
You: Hooking up with so many woman that you get the names mixed up, hm? Your mother must be very proud of you.
???: What? I'm hooking up with no one, especially not with a random phone number.
???: Listen, I'm sorry ok? No need to get hostile now.
???: The names Leon by the way and you are claire right? I'm really sorry for the misunderstanding.
You angrily slap the phone onto the poor couch cushion and put your hands on your face, groaning in annoyance. You just dumped someone named Leon, without even knowing him.
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xmy-love-to-youx · 1 year
Night moves
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Pairing: Leon Kennedy x reader
Summary: Leon convinced Y/N that her husband is not the man for her but Leon is
Warning: Smut, cheating, p in v, 18+ content
A/N: This is inspired by He doesn't love you by @strawberrywrites. Check her out, she's a cool writer :)
It was another day at the office, the sun shines through the windows in your office. It was a warm day so you decided that you'd wear a white button shirt with black pants and some heels.
You were a respected woman in your job, your the best at what you do and in being the best, you interact with the legends such as Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield and his sister Claire, Rebecca Chambers and lastly the blonde that brings chaos into your normal life, Leon Scott Kennedy.
You just can't seem to shake the guy off, his a force of nature. No rules apply to him, he walks into any room he wants, he just puts a smile on your face for what ever he chaos cooks up.
Speak of the devil, he marched into your office like he owns it. In his hands, he holds coffee. With a sigh you place down your pen.
"Good morning" he places the coffee down on your dark oak desk.
"Good morning Leon, your in early today. Is the world ending?" I joked and wrapped my hand around the coffee mug.
"Ha ha. Very funny" he rolls his eyes sarcastically.
He made himself at home and sat down, the sun light falls on his form. The light brings out his beautiful blue eyes, his blonde hair brightens, his stubble starts showing on his face.
"You free? I got two tickets to watch a movie, I asked Chris but he bailed out on me" he says.
"I'd love to Leon, really I do but I'm married and I can't go watch a movie with another man" I explain to him and took a sip of my coffee.
The sweet taste of coffee invades my taste buds and immediately boosted my energy.
"You know I hate it when men are stupid" he says, staring at his coffee.
"What?" I looked at him, confused.
"Your husband is cheating Y/N" he took his eyes off his coffee and looks me in the eyes.
My heart drops into my stomach. My mind rejects it. I don't want to believe it. You love him...
"Leon please. Don't. You can't bait me into sleeping with you" I said.
"I'm not baiting you. I'm telling you the truth. His cheating on you. With his assistant. Why do you think his barely at home?" Leon says.
When the words leaves Leon's lips, it made sense. It was always in front of you but you didn't acknowledge it, you always chose to believe that with his promotion, he became very busy and that work demands his attention.
You felt your world shatter around you, your heart beating in your ears but also breaking at the same time.
Warmth cups your hand and it brings you out to your trance. Leon had cupped your hand in worry.
"I..." tears streams down my cheeks.
"I know. I'm sorry" he slowly embraced you in his strong arms.
And just like that, the dam broke loose and I started crying uncontrollably. At that moment I felt like I died in his arms, the pain was too much to bare, like a part of me died. I guess a part of me died.
Leon held me in his arms and his heart broke to see me in so much pain. He couldn't let me in live in a loveless marriage but he isn't happy seeing me cry either. If he could take the pain away, he could.... Wait... He can.
He will.
"Y/N, look, you don't deserve this. You are the sweetest person I know. You're an angel actually. Leave him, divorce him, you deserve someone who will love you" Leon looks at me with the softest look.
For a moment, the pain flew away and I was trapped in a sweet moment. His blue eyes drank me in and warmed my heart. My heart wants to cry but my mind wants to leave my husband and go for Leon.
"Huh?" I looked at him with widened eyes.
"Divorce him and be with me. I'm better than him" Leon's hand gently wipes away my tears with his thumb.
My mind weighs out the opinions, the pros and cons of the situation. It's either my cheating husband or Leon. After some time, I finally came to a conclusion...
My mind races with thoughts with the speed of light. I stared in the mirror at myself. It's been a while since I've wore something revealing. Something sexy.
I feel confident.
I feel powerful.
I feel good.
A smile plays on my lips as I watch how my dress hugs my curves perfectly. My breast looks perfect in this dress, my hair is styled to perfection and complimented with make-up and some heels.
Excited blooms inside me, for once, I felt happy and free. With my hands behind my back, I thought about Leon might react to this. His hands roaming my body. His body rubbing against mine. I giggled like a school girl and covered my face.
"What are you wearing?" my husband demands from behind me.
I turned around and faced him. His eyes scans my body, lust evident in his eyes. He reached out to touch me but I pulled away before he could.
"No touching" I said, sternly.
"No touching? I'm your husband. I'm allowed to touch you" he says, stepping closer to me.
"Oh. Like you touch your assistant? I bet you two have a lot of fun while I suffer alone. Wishing my 'husband' was with me. It's over between us. I left the divorce papers on your desk, I want them signed immediately" without saying another word, I marched past him.
My heart beats in my ears and I felt a burden lift off me. I happily skipped to my car and got in, I drove away from the place I once called home, I drove away with a smile.
My night with Leon was perfect, full of laughter, smiles and comfort. Something I haven't felt in a while. He spoiled me by taking me to a fancy restaurant which we didn't stay long because it was too boring for him. Too quiet. We ended up grabbing a lot of food by McDonald's and watched the stars for a bit.
Which is how we ended up in his house, his on his back, on his bed with our lips trapped in a heated kiss. His hands on the back of my thighs and they slowly move upwards towards my ass, his hands felt so good on my skin. The rough pads of his fingers grips the soft flesh of my ass and it draws a moan out of me.
I slowly pulled my lips away from his and sat comfortably on his hips, my legs on both sides of him. He looked so beautiful under the moonlight, his cheeks has a slight blush, his lips swollen and slightly red from the kiss.
I slowly grind my clothed heat against him, the feeling was too good, it was like electricity moved through us. Leon moves us so that he hovers over me, his lips found my neck and assaulted my skin with kisses, his hips rolls against mine, his jeans rough against my sensitive skin and it feels so good.
It wasn't long until we discarded our clothes, I rolled us over and sat on his hips once again. His hard cock pokes my entrance and I slowly sunk down onto him. A moan leaves our lips, his stretching me so good and touching places I never knew existed.
Leon props himself onto his elbows and watches as I sink onto his cock, his eyes explodes with lust as he watches my pussy take his cock so well.
I started rolling my hips, riding him. I placed my hands on his chest and started with a steady and slow pace. Leon watched as I fucked myself with his cock deep inside me, his eyes watched as my face twisted with pleasure and it feeds his ego. No words were exchanged, I was enjoying the feeling of him inside me. I was too focused on the pleasure than trying to form words.
Leon rolled us over and spreads my legs wider, the light falls onto the place where we connect and seeing his cock covered in my essence ignited a fire inside him. His hips slams into mine, knocking the air out of my lungs, something between a wheeze and moan leaves my lips.
A string of curse words leaves his hips and he aims to drill deeper into me, the head of his cock kisses my cervix and I moan Leon's name. My fingernails dig into his skin and it drives him crazy.
The room echoed the wet sounds coming from my pussy, Leon leans closer to me, bringing his lips to my ear.
"Feels good, doesn't it? I bet your husband's small dick couldn't make you feel this good. I'm better than him. I'm gonna make you mine" his voice deep, primal. A growl leaves his lips.
My gummy walls grips him tightly and a knit forms in my stomach. His cock twitches inside me and fuck it felt good.
"So fucking tight. If you keep squeezing me like that, I'm gonna cum" he growls lowly in my ear.
His voice, the way his slamming into me, his cock knocking against my cervix was too much for me to handle.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and clinged to him like my life depended on him. My orgasm took me by surprise and washed over me, my vision nearly turning black and all sound blurs out and sound distant. I was on cloud 9, I felt so good and what brought me down was the feeling of his thick white ropes shooting into me. It was so warm and it filled me up.
A gasp leaves my lips, everything felt so good. I've never had such intense sex before and I'm glad I got to experience it with Leon. My body felt heavy, Leon gathers me into his arms and lays down next to me.
His arm wrapped around me while the other, his hand, runs through my hand. No words were exchanged but I can feel the love radiating off him and it was nice.
The months flew by fast, my ex-husband regrets cheating and texts me every now and then, begging for me to return home, for us to start over but it's too late. Leon already claimed me, he is everything my ex wasn't and that's evident with the love that grows inside me every day.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Leon Kennedy’s wiki page is filled with lies and bullshit
And whoever is running the wiki is so afraid of being told that they’re wrong that editing on it is currently disabled -- so I figured I’d just compile a list of errors on my own.
This isn’t fully comprehensive, because my eyes started to glaze over at a certain point, but. It is color coordinated and fully explained.
If you need to reference Leon’s wiki for any reason, please make sure that you have this post up also as well, so that you’re not pulling bad information. Most of the wiki is fine, but there are some things in here, man. People really do just be going on the internet and telling lies.
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Notice how there's no citation for this. The source that's actually being pulled from is an offhanded comment the RE2 concept artist made in an art book that Capcom released called Capcom Design Works. It was only ever released in Japan.
Concept artists don't have access to the script and aren't involved with the actual creation of the character. Concept artists are given a general description of what a character should look like and what their general demeanor is. The devs told this artist specifically to make Leon look tanned, so the artist wondered if maybe Leon's heritage was from somewhere in southern Europe — maybe Italy?
It is important to know that Leon's character was conceived and had art drawn of him back when Resident Evil 2 had a completely different story. A different version of RE2 reached 80% completion before being scrapped and completely redone from the ground up. The story changed dramatically. Claire Redfield wasn't even in this original version of RE2; it was a different character entirely named Elza Walker. (source one, source two)
Ergo, even if the intention was to give Leon an Italian background originally, that story no longer exists and has nothing to do with the version of Resident Evil 2 that actually released.
This isn't a big deal, but "offered" is a really funny way of saying "threatened into."
Leon also was never in USSTRATCOM. That's a bullshit lie based on an old build of RE4 that never got released and was, in fact, turned into the game Haunting Ground instead. The wiki says that the proof of this is in a file in Darkside Chronicles. No such file exists -- and, even if it did, Yoshiaki Hirabayashi (who's been a producer and writer for RE since the original REmake) said recently that Darkside Chronicles is no longer canon anyway.
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None of this is ever stated in the games. This is pulled from a promotional marketing interview from 1997 — so, before RE2 was even finished or released. There's a decent chance that this interview was done right after 1.5 got thrown out and 2's final story wasn't even fully realized yet.
Capcom has actually given Leon several different backgrounds throughout the years, and none of them have ever made it into the games.
The official Resident Evil 2 novelization has Leon fresh out of college and moving to Raccoon City from New York.
Welcome to Raccoon City wrote that Leon's dad was a cop, and that's how he got into the force, too.
But there's no indication of any of them being true for Leon as he exists in the games. There's no reason to think of the crime background as any more or less canon than the other two, except maybe that someone just likes it better?
In fact, part of that crime backstory is outwardly and explicitly contradicted in Resident Evil 2 itself:
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So take that for what you will.
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The wiki cites "Official GuideBook" as the source for this. No book with that title exists.
What they're actually referring to is The Resident Evil Archives, which is a book that is filled to bursting with factually incorrect information about the games. Here's the full excerpt of the passage containing that backstory:
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Is this really what we're taking as canon fact now? Claire and Sherry being Leon's "single focus" in RE2, with absolutely no mention of Ada at all? Leon being mad about Claire "making her own decisions"?
Here's something else fun from the RE Archives:
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I don't see anything on this wiki page about how Leon willingly gave Sherry up to the US Army, nor anything about him reaching out to the federal government himself in order to willingly join their ranks. It's very interesting how only the "drunk at a motel" part made it in.
Citation needed???? The citation is the Resident Evil 2 Remake. This is something that's actually stated in a game — and the wiki is treating it as fanfiction, listing it as secondary to whatever bullshit the RE Archives book is spouting.
This is also the single only glimpse we have ever gotten into anything Leon was doing prior to the intro of RE2. The games do not go any further back in time to explain anything further about where he's from or what his life was like.
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This is straight-up not true. It's just an out-and-out lie.
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So, Leon and Benford only started working together ten years prior to Benford's death in June of 2013 — making the genesis of that partnership land in 2003. 2002 at the earliest. Neither of those years are 1998, which is the year that Leon was coerced into government custody.
It also makes no sense as to why Leon would like, trust, and respect Benford so much if he was the man responsible for threatening Sherry and ruining his life. It also makes no sense for Benford to be a child-threatening piece of garbage and then also be described as having integrity and being a man of his word.
The only thing that RE6 actually says about who Benford was prior to becoming President was that he was "in the military." 2002 makes sense for Leon and Benford to have met, then, since 2002 was the year of Operation Javier. Leon's status in the government isn't exactly clear during the events of Operation Javier — Leon isn't sent in as a federal LEO; he's sent in with military special forces.
The likeliest explanation is that Adam Benford was the lead commanding officer overseeing Operation Javier — who, upon suspecting he might be dealing with B.O.W.'s, went "Hey, get me the Raccoon City guy. I want him going on this one."
And the rest, as they say, is history.
This is all purely conjecture on my part and cannot be proven or disproven either way — but it, at the very least, makes more sense than just assuming that this one particular file in RE6 got the year of the Raccoon City incident wrong. It also makes more sense than assuming that Leon has some sort of weird Stockholm Syndrome concerning Adam Benford, when he (Leon) is so angry and cynical and jaded in literally every single title after RE4 about his career and about being shackled to the government.
Adam Benford being the guy behind Leon's kidnapping is so beyond the pale and absurd, and the only real basis for it is an advertisement for an airsoft gun, and I'm not joking. I don't know how anyone tries to argue that that ad is more canon than what's both stated and shown in the actual series, but here we are.
This is something that is only true in Resident Evil 4 Remake. Originally, Operation Javier was the first time that Leon and Krauser ever met, per Darkside Chronicles. It is very weird that this detail exists in the wiki, but then the wiki goes on to only describe the DSC version of Operation Javier, with no mention given to the complete overhaul that that story got in RE4make. You wouldn't be able to even asspull a "Krauser only started training Leon after Operation Javier" explanation, either, because in OG RE4, Leon is under the impression that Krauser actually died almost immediately after returning home.
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There's no citation for this, but the source is the box art for the Wii version of RE4. However, no other version of RE4 ever makes mention of what school Ashley was going to. The only hint we have ever gotten in a game as to where Ashley was going to school is actually in RE4make, because the sorority stickers on her phone correspond with a sorority out of New York.
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There's no citation for this, because the source is RE: Umbrella Corps, which has no provable basis in canon.
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This isn't true. Here's the citation that the wiki uses:
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There's no year given there, and there's no indication that this happened at some sort of TerraSave reunion. In fact, them meeting in 2010 makes no sense, because this file establishes that there were no open lines of communication between the US government and the BSAA prior to this moment — so how the fuck would Chris have gotten his hands on Leon's report outlining the events of RE4 back in 2009?
Considering the fact that Lost in Nightmares took place in 2006, and that explicitly involved remnants of Umbrella via Oswell Spencer, chances are that that's probably closer to the time that this meeting between Leon and Chris actually happened.
Or, if you wanted to be cheeky about it, you could say that this happened in 2008 so that Hunnigan's "hadn't seen each other in ten years" thing is actually at least a little bit true — since Leon and Chris actually first spoke back in either late 1998 or early 1999, per Code Veronica and Darkside Chronicles.
But there's really no canonical indication of it either way. You can't even use Benford as a benchmark, because Hunnigan could've been reporting to him as POTUS or as a military officer. There's really no way to know.
So, that’s that. I hope we all learned something today. For future reference, don’t look outside of the actual games or movies for information about the series, because it is constantly being contradicted by either other supplementary material or actual game canon. This is the formula you should be following:
numbered game entries are the most canon. numbered game entries will always have the final say. period.
spinoff games starring the recurring cast* (Revelations, Code Veronica, etc) are the second highest tier canon.
CGI movies starring the main cast are the third highest tier canon.
spinoff games not starring the main cast (Outbreak, Dead Aim, etc) are the fourth highest tier canon.
anything else should be ignored.
*spinoff games that have a story, that is. things like The Mercenaries 3D and RE:Verse clearly don’t count and are there for fun gameplay purposes only.
In an instance where things on the same tier contradict each other, the most recent installment wins out.
So, Sherry’s age in RE2 is 10 because RE6 said so – even though OG RE2’s manual had her age listed as 12. Her age of 10 years was then also reaffirmed in RE2make. So, she was 10.
And Gaiden’s not canon, despite it starring Leon and Barry, because RE4, RE6, and Revelations 2 do not acknowledge it as such.
It is very easy to follow this canon if you follow that recipe. 
I also have an essential canon list already typed up and ready to go. These are the only titles you should ever have to even think about committing to your brainspace.
Please don’t let bad faith actors lead you astray, and stop leaning so hard on the wiki until it fixes its problems.
My inbox is always open for questions.
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sillyunknownkitkat · 10 months
Leon S. Kennedy ×/+ sibling reader
Plot: You're forced to follow his steps because you can't be left alone.
Tw: angst, bad writing, curse words, alcoholism, sexual assault to reader (not openly detailed, just mentioned), unaliving attempt from Leon (nothing graphic, just alcohol and meds), uncanny Leon and Chris back stories but nothing too bad
This is requested, but I lost the ask :( but anon, you're a genius.
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So let's go over the basic headcanons once more just to be sure.
Leon and you are siblings. You're a bit younger than him.
After the Raccoon City "incident", he wanted to join the police right?
Well, the only problem in this case is that he didn't think about one thing.
Since it was only the two of you, he's your legal gardian, and therefore, you can't be alone.
But guess what? The government wants you too !
Who else would be able to do this good at a task they lived?
When Leon heard the news, he first was angry and then devastated.
His poor little baby sister/brother/sibling had to go through he'll too.
I don't think it's canon, but the training is hardcore.
After all, they need help really fast, and they can't just put two kids on the field like that.
So every day was basically hell for the both of you.
What you didn't know was that they kept Lepn informed of your condition/state.
They thought that knowing that the only family had left was suffering would make him stronger but it just broke him even more
That's when he started heavily drinking. They kept both of you separately so he couldn't actually see you.
He couldn't save you. The only thing he could do was listen to the atrocious training you were going through.
Every time he looked in the mirror, he felt like a monster. Why couldn't he just protect you? Why did you have to be in so much pain too.
Also, there are a lot of gross men out there.
Some abuse their power just because they can...
When Leon learned that you've been assaulted, he tried to kill himself.
So he took meds and drank until he just couldn't anymore.
But since he drank so much, he threw up, and that's what saved him.
Here you were, shaking him and crying. Begging for him to wake up.
You managed to sneak out. You wanted to surprise him, but you were the one surprised to see your brother on the ground, a bottle of whisky in one hand, pills on the ground, and puke on him
When he woke up, you just murmured, reassuring words to him
"It's okay now.. I'm not going away." "You're the best brother Leon." Don't ever doubt this."I'm okay, you're okay...we- we're good."
You weren't actually sure of what you were saying back then but you needed to be strong for him.
After helping him clean up and going to sit on his dorm bed, you just looked at him. He was thinking hard.
"I met someone who'll help you." He'd say while looking in the void.
"What..?" You'd ask. What was he talking about? Was he still drunk?
"Chris. Chris Redfield. He's training too, but he's almost done. You'll sneak out and go with him, hide and wait for me."
"I'm not leaving you here Leon!"
But he'd just stare at you with wet eyes, his hand squeezing yours gently before shaking is head a bit.
"Knowing you're going through all of this hurts me ___. I can't do it anymore.."
Those words made you change your mind. You really didn't want to leave him alone, but you knew it was the right decision
So after a big hug shared between the two of you, you'd go back to your dorm so no one notices you were gone and started day after day, slowly packing your stuff.
When the day to leave finally came, you weren't able to see Leon.
When Chris and you met, you were a sobbing mess, bag sitting next to you on the ground.
Chris tried to comfort you the best he could but the pain was really a lot.
You still followed him to his house and met Claire.
Each day was hard, but you kept being strong for Leon.
Of course, both of the Redfield siblings were helping you.
You just had to wait the day you'd be able to meet again.
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There you go. I'm not crying. You are.
Kinda shit writing tho so I'm sorry, hope it's still good tho
Have a good day/night, and be safe. Everyone ❤️
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blossom-works · 1 year
Goodbyes Are Forever
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For about two decades, Christopher Redfield has dedicated his life to eradicating the use of bioweapons. For two decades, Christopher Redfield has lost unit after unit. Witnessing the deaths of over a dozen people per-mission. When does it all end? When can Christopher Redfield finally put down his gun and leave this life behind? To leave that part of him that died when you did and lay it to rest, just like what he had to do with the woman who took his heart to the grave with her.
"Hey, Chris! I just wanted to call and let you know that you shouldn't worry about me. I don't know when you'll hear this, but I love you. Come home safe, okay? Oh, and Leilani had her baby on Tuesday! Can't wait to meet the little stinker! Alright, I'll let you get back to your job, macho man. I love you."
You sounded so tender despite worrying about your boyfriend. Chris never really told you the truth behind his jobs and constant disappearance, and somehow, you always had faith in him. He never really knew why and even to this day, Chris does not understand where your faith in him came from. Claire told him that it was because you loved him. You loved Chris so much that you put blind faith in him. Crazy, right?
Maybe that is why Chris never felt alone with you. You could be countries apart, and your little voicemails and texts would make Chris feel like you were right next to him. Sometimes the man thought that you were a witch in that sense. You put some sort of a spell on Chris, making him unable to live and forget about you. A curse, because now Christopher Redfield is surviving, not living. He has had to survive before, but this is different. He no longer has that special someone waiting for him. Chris lost everything the day you perished.
It was not supposed to happen, no. Not if Chris could do anything about it. And he tried. He really did try to save you. Chris did everything he possibly could to bring you to safety, but it was not enough. You ended up turning into the same monsters he had killed countless times before. Chris' heart broke, shattered...disintegrated. The future that had whirled in Chris' mind for months disappeared. The invisible red string connecting your souls together was severed. Chris lost his love, the woman who nuzzled herself against his heart, keeping it warm and accompanied.
Killing you...Killing you was the same as killing himself. Would it have been better to let you bite and turn him? You both would be dead but together. That is all Chris ever wanted, to be with you. It was the whole reason why he bought a ring in the first place. In the end, Chris killed you. He killed his beloved. He remembers, clear as the dark day, holding your body with a bullet in your head. The bullet that Chris put there. He cried, wept, mourned, wailed. How could he not? Everything that truly mattered to Chris was gone.
Chris kept asking your dead body to forgive him. To forgive him for killing you because he could not protect you. He asked for you to forgive him for being a lousy protector, a lousy man. Your body had to be cremated so he and your family buried an empty casket. Your parents took your cremated remains once it was cleared of the virus, leaving Chris with his memories of you.
Months after your death, Chris still cannot find it in himself to throw away or donate your belongings. You did not live together when you died so he hauled everything to his place. He did it by himself. A broken man going through your apartment, the woman he loved more than he ever thought he could, and packing your things into boxes...What a picture.
Your favorite picture together is from one of Chris' birthdays. Claire was busy that day and no matter how much she tried, she could not make it to the celebration. You did not really know Chris' friends because they were all in the same job field as your boyfriend, so it was just the two of you. You bought a small cake and set up a movie night. If someone would have asked, that birthday was is Chris' favorite birthday celebration. He only ever needed you to be happy.
One of your hobbies was reading about human civilizations and history in general. You were a history nerd. Sort of makes sense because you taught second graders. You loved those obnoxious brats and they loved you. In a box are all the gifts your students gave you over your teaching career and their farewell notes and gifts. Your second graders were crushed when they heard that their favorite teacher died. Such a tragic death to someone who just wanted to teach the world's next generation. You taught future doctors, soldiers, lawyers, police officers, bakers, fashionistas, and so many more.
"Babe, the store didn't have any more of your favorite snacks so I got something else. I'll pop by again in two days to see if they restocked them."
A seemingly, meaningless explanation but not to Chris. You hated going grocery shopping so the fact that you would willingly go again for him made Chris feel giddy. Same thing with dishes. You hated doing dishes but would always do them so Chris did not have to when he came over. You wanted your boyfriend to relax since he never really had the time to. His job always kept him on his toes. Through every way possible, you showed Chris that you loved him. He can only hope that he showed you how much he loves you.
Chris misses you. He misses you so much that it physically hurts him. He buys the same detergent you bought so his clothes and linens will smell like you. He will spray your perfume on his cold bed to warm it up, even only for a fraction of a second. Pathetic, right? Well, Chris Redfield is a pathetic man. A man who could not save hundreds of innocent lives, his men, and the woman he wanted to call his wife.
Every now and then, Chris finds himself pulling out a glass frame. In it is the dried flowers from the first bouquet Chris ever got you. No man had ever given you flowers before so Chris' sweet gesture meant a lot. When Chris saw the frame of dried flowers, he asked about it because he had not seen it before and you told him. It was a special moment between the two of you. Flowers were not just flowers to you, they were special. They have meaning. Chris Redfield was not just any man to you, he was special. He as a person, had meaning to you.
You were always around when Chris needed you the most. He had nightmares. When sleep was supposed to be the most peaceful, it was terrifying to him. If you were next to him, sleeping away, you would wake up and comfort Chris. You would cradle him in your arms and whisper sweet nothings to him. You would wipe the sweat away and kiss him. If you were back at your apartment, sometimes Chris would call you in the middle of the night. You would talk him out of his terror and whisper sweet nothings to him. You would even go out of your way to go to his place to be there with him. Even if you had to go to work at six in the morning.
You never minded the baggage Chris carried. Sure it got frustrating and it even led to some arguments, but you were persistent. You wanted to be his rock and you wanted to pull Chris away from his nightmares. But now...now you are his nightmares. The same scene loves to infect Chris' mind. The scene where you turn and Chris has to be the one to put a hole in your head, and right after he pulls the trigger, you get up again and ask Chris why he did what he did. You always ask Chris that one question that shakes the man to his core. Pale, crying, and covered in blood you ask "Why did you stop loving me?"
Oh, darling...Chris never stopped loving you. To this day the man still loves you with whatever is left of him. Chris will never be able to love another woman like he does you. Chris' body, mind, heart, and soul belong to you. No flings. No dates. No "You're cute. Can I get your number?" To minimize women coming onto him, Chris bought himself a silicone ring. It does not matter that you two were never married, Chris is yours and yours alone.
After another long and grueling mission, Chris makes his way to a couple of shops. Once he gets what he needs, he heads to his final destination. The drive is long and quiet. Halfway through it, the sun starts to set and the road becomes more deserted. Chris' car tires bump along the gravel driveway that is on the side of the road. Arriving at the end of the driveway, Chris gets out of the vehicle.
Standing in front of the captain is an empty house. It was the home he was going to surprise you with. The whole plan was to show you the house and propose. Chris had set a large sum of money to the side so you two could renovate the old thing, but he never got to. You died not knowing this, of what could have been your lives. From the trunk of his car, Chris gets out a couple of containers. He pours its substance all over the inside of the building, making sure it does not splash on him.
Standing outside, right at the foot of the front porch, Chris lays a bouquet of flowers down. It is a replica of the first bouquet he got you. A bundle of blue forget-me-nots and white roses. Chris takes a couple of steps back and lights himself a cigarette. Puffing its toxic air, Chris thinks about what could have been. He wanted to marry you. Big or small wedding, Chris did not care. He just wanted to marry you. He wanted two boys too. No girls. Chris knows how men think, but it would be nice if he had a little girl. A mini-you running around in this house.
Chris wanted to grow old with you in this place. He wanted to go through the stages of life normal people do. What is that movie called? The Notebook? Yeah. Chris wanted to die like that. Peacefully in his sleep, lying beside you.
Puffing the last bit of his cigarette, Chris flicks the bud to the porch. Its ashes touch the gasoline puddles, lighting the house on fire. Chris watches the house be engulfed in flames. In his all-black attire, Chris just stands and watches. The roof starts to cave into the house from the weakening structure. Reaching up, Chris snaps off the necklace around him. A simple chain with what would have been your engagement ring. Kissing it, Chris tosses it into the fire.
For five hours Chris just stands there as he watches the house become nothing but ashes. Seeing only flickers of amber, Chris gets back into his car and drives away. He has no intentions of looking back at what could have been with that place. During your funeral, Chris did not shed a tear. Why? Because he cried everything he could the same moment you died. Besides, Chris will be mourning your death until he inevitably perishes.
"I miss you, Chris. A lot. I know you can't tell me what you really do, but that's okay. Stay safe 'cause if you don't I'll kill you myself. I know you're like twice my size and all, but I'll do it. And you better not do anything stupid. Alright, I'll stop nagging you for now...I love you, Christopher."
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