#finally some happy content
the-physicality · 6 months
How tall is team Canada?
From Emma maltais tik tok
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sclki-op · 3 months
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fauxbia · 9 months
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Okay!!! Finally (Finally, this has been months in the making and redone several times) I made a lineup of my Iterator designs!!! They're done and I'm really happy with them.
Misc headcanons under the cut
All: Asexual, Trans
Looks To The Moon: She/Her, Demiromantic Lesbian
Five Pebbles: He/Him, Greyromantic MLM
No Significant Harassment: They/Sometimes He, Aromantic
Seven Red Suns: They/Them, Demiromantic Bi
Moon and NSH are both Gen 1. NSH was Moon’s first junior and friend, and they are extremely close because of it.
Suns is early Gen 2 and was created by a particularly aesthetically inclined group, resulting in their slightly more ornate clothing.
Pebbles is put off by NSH’s humor, thinking that if they’re a Gen 1, then shouldn’t they act like it?
NSH’s humor is actually sourced from their life experience. They’re relatively comfortable with themself and know how to see the bright side in most situations. (Moon’s collapse not being one of them. They were completely devastated; even moreso once assigned Senior in her stead.)
Moon loves Pebbles and wants him to be happy and healthy. He thinks she’s too overbearing, but loves her too deep down.
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moxielynx · 11 months
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my prediction for the ending of spiderman 2 is that peter will hold harry so gently like he did in ultimate spiderman and then they'll kiss and tell each other how much they love each other and-
Edit 1: I’m finally gonna be playing Spider-Man 2 this weekend and I would just like to say I get mental damage every time someone reblogs this with something along the lines of “how does it feel to get it so accurate” /hj
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littler0b1n · 4 months
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My boys…
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strigital · 8 months
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just... him... 🥺
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definitely-jax · 4 months
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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HIII writing prompt “monster” and 7? 💕
Giggling the teensiest bit, I love you <3 No, really, I love you, because 7 was, amusingly, the wildcard number, so randomly picking landed me on TIM STOKER, and I don’t think I’ve ever written in his pov before but this CONSUMED ME?? I haven’t written this much in one go in weeks, forget this fast?? This also, uh, turned into full-out jontim, which was a complete accident because this was SUPPOSED to be a meditation on him mid-Research era. Aha. Enjoy!!!!
“—and that,” Jon declares, “is why it’s so vital to continue establishing Hope Spots, not just in spots ripe for ecotourism, but across the world.” He takes what must be his first breath in ten full minutes, and it’s only then that he seems to register Tim and Sasha’s twin gleeful expressions. His own expression goes a little funny. “Tim, Sasha, please tell me you weren’t—”
Sasha is already stabbing at her phone, fumbling a little before she actually hits the right button. “Twelve minutes and forty-six seconds! A new record!”
“The man’s a monster!” Tim toasts Jon with a whoop, and Jon—there’s really no other word for it: he fully pouts at Tim, wrinkling his nose so primly it makes Tim want to bear-hug him right then and there. He sublimates the urge by being even more over-the-top, trying to see if he can make Jon’s nose scrunch up even more. “Attenborough who! I want all my documentaries voiced by this man!” Opposite him, Sasha dissolves into tiny giggles, sweet and delicate as a spray of mayflowers.
“Sasha missed the ‘stop’ button about five times, you can’t call that—” Jon snorts, but his cheeks have turned the rich cherry of his desk back at Research, so he can’t be that mad about their subpar timekeeping of his latest incredibly disorganized, incredibly endearing overview of the last documentary he watched.
“Jonnnnnn, take the win!” Tim cries, and he gives in and slings an arm around Jon’s shoulder like it belongs there. God, the man’s teeny, they need to make sure he gets some carbs in him. On that note— “Take some chips, too, you’re built like a bird!”
“And you’re built like,” Jon grumps, “a—a—” He scowls and takes a chip, presumably only to cover the fact that he’s too drunk to come up with a simile. Contrary little bastard, he is. “Get off me, you arse.”
Tim makes a complaining sound even as he immediately pulls away—only for Jon to jolt and then practically butt up into Tim’s hovering arm, far more housecat than bird. Tim freezes, not putting any pressure against Jon even though they’re skin-to-cardigan again.
Oh, there it is, there’s that wrinkled nose. Tim loses his breath, a little bit. “I didn’t mean it,” Jon says, scowling even harder than he’d been before and refusing to look Tim’s way. “It’s—It’s cold in here, alright?”
As a matter of fact, it is a comfortable degree of stifling in here, and Jon is in a cardigan that’s more than enough to ward off the mild autumnal chill and drunk besides. Jon seems well aware of this, or maybe not aware at all, because as Tim settles tentatively against him again, he grabs for his long-forgotten glass and downs the rest of it. Tim gives Sasha a wide-eyed look, only for her—traitor! Disloyal turncoat!— to smirk back, propping her chin up with a hand and arching her perfect eyebrows at him.
“Oh, shut up,” he snips, cheeks warming, just as Jon sets down his now-empty glass. Jon turns to him curiously, having entirely missed the exchange, and Tim turns his brightest beam on him and coos, “Not you, you’re a delight and I’m glad you’re sitting next to me and not”—he aims another scowl her way, and Sasha sticks her tongue out at him—“Sasha over there, because she gives me a hard enough time without you there to egg her on worse.”
Sasha smirks harder. Tim wishes he could kick her under the table without Jon noticing.
“I’m perfectly capable of siding with her even while sitting practically on top of you,” Jon sniffs, drier than anyone should be capable of being with that quantity of liquor in them, and Tim gapes in outrage even as delight fills him up to the tips of his ears to match Jon’s still-red cheeks.
“That’s what I like to hear, Jon!” Sasha cheers, raising her own empty glass to him. Jon quirks a wicked little grin and does the same.
Tim emits a high-pitched squawk of disbelief. “With friends like you, who needs enemies?” He sags dramatically against Jon, relishing in his little grumble of annoyance as he gets crushed. “What’s a guy to do?”
“Buy us more drinks?” Sasha suggests innocently to the tune of Jon’s sniggering, and Tim groans theatrically even as he flags down the waiter for another round. Monsters, the both of them! he laments to himself. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
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fleur-dans-la-nuit · 6 months
Mark: Can you keep a secret?
William: Do you know anything about my life?
Mark: No I do not. Good point.
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faithinlouisfuture · 8 days
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i won't lie Mualani's playstyle is VERY fun i'm being tempted to pull for her,,,
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yolowritter · 4 months
Did you all see the London Special's title???
Okay so I've been gone for a while and sorry about that, been working on a pretty massive "In Defense of" post. Anyway DID YOU ALL SEE THE NEW TITLE??? London, at the Edge of Time??? Are you kidding me? Who in the actual Miraculous Hell started cooking in the writers' room? Somebody out there saw the previous titles, realized they sucked, and GAVE US THIS! Whoever just cooked up this title made a five-course meal and dessert on top of that! I- Listen I think this title singlehandedly cured my Writer's Block! I need to go stare at a wall and imagine how this special is gonna be, then promptly be disappointed when our local furry Chat Noir gets sidelined once again! But hey, at least we get a Bunnyx special! I'm sure she'll be relevant to the plot and do something very important instead of giving unneeded exposition and being a tool for the narrative! I'm sure her character won't be forever tarnished by an arbitrary writing choice that makes Alix looks horrible if you stare at it for longer than 2 seconds! Dear Nooroo...I really hope this special is good!
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Happy New Year!!
*pops grape juice bottle* woooo we’ve made it, guys!
2023 was such a nice year in the fandom, in my opinion. There was s3 and that was a banger, but I feel like the stuff we were up to ourselves over here was amazing too. I got to talk more with some of my mutuals who I hadn’t been as close to before, and lovely people keep coming to this corner of the internet!! We had our first sketchbook event and are currently preparing for a general Hilda Appreciation Week, I feel like this is all amazing considering the size of this community.
Just wanted to thank everyone who’s been here for the ride as well! It’s certainly always more fun when you have people to be insane with you. I just. Get very touched thinking about the amount of support in this fandom and how we creatively fuel each other.
Anyway, just wanted to write this post as a thank you. I hope you’re having a lovely end of the year, and may 2024 be even better 💜
(I do have one small writing update to add, though! The first months of the year will probably be relatively devoid of new content from me. This for two reasons. One is that I churned out so many fics this year that I feel like even the people who like my writing are having a hard time catching up (I don’t know how this happened either-), and the other is that I’ll be using my free time to get ahead on preparing my content for the rest of the year! I won’t completely stop or anything (Hilda Appreciation Week will see to that), just wanted to leave this noted so no one things I’ve Vanished from the fic writing scene or anything. I’m just preparing my next attack. Anyways that was it happy new year!!)
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masonjarsmoments · 8 months
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More of team Norge during the skiflyging Championship opening ceremony at Kulm ❤️💙🤍
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lucabyte · 3 months
Do you have any happy and not at all upset or stressed loop art let them be free of the torment nexus for two seconds pls also who is funding all of loop's divorces they only have a silver coin so it's not them
hrmmm. (takes stock of my wips) (squints). so i haaave... fiiive wiiips..... and i think ooooone of them counts. maybe. as them just chillin. oopsie. sorry im putting them in the pear wiggler
go look at these old ones to tide you over (x) (x) (x) <3 and also look at domesticated loop again i love domesticated loop (LINK)
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