#first TFS now this...I need to Keep Speaking my Truth
henrysglock · 1 year
Me, January 28th:
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strangerwriters, April 28th:
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Apollo just keeps hitting me with the dodgeball of prophecy huh
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gatitties · 2 years
Hanging out
─ Tenjiku x fem!reader
─ Summary: you have the courage to ask the guys who tried to recruit you to hang out
─ Warnings: swearing, mention of ways to die, kisaki
Part one / Part three / Part four
no because I'm thinking of making a miniseries for these bois because I'm an idiot for them 😭 I think I did it a bit long, sorry-
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"Come on honey! It's the first time in a long time that you've been out with friends, or talked to someone, or seemed to have friends, or-
"Mom, you don't need to degrade me anymore, I know I don't have friends."
"But not anymore! That's why you have to go out with them, you can't spend your life locked in your room."
"What are we betting? If it's the family heritage then…" a bump grew on your head from the blow your mother gave you "Okay, okay, I guess I can try to get out of the house."
"That's it! Get out there and shine love, you deserve everything good in the world."
"Even the family herit-?"
You didn't even finish when you already had another bump on top of the previous one, deciding to leave the subject you said goodbye to your mother, well, she had to go with a friend, meanwhile you finished doing some pending things that you had to finish by tomorrow. When you finished, you threw yourself on your bed, flipping through the social networks a bit, doubting whether to contact the boys, after all, you only met them once in person, the rest was all conversations in the group that Izana put you in, although you had a lot of fun with them there, it's not the same to talk on a screen than face to face.
After several minutes you decided to take a brave step, seeing that some of them were even talking on the group chat.
Tenjiku will rule the world
[Matchstick] So i grabbed the bat and left him bleeding in the alley
[Izana] deserved more punishment tbh
[Izana] we can't go easy on traitors
[Sanzu] next time leave it to me
[Sanzu] i won't let them recognize the corpse
[You] is that a new flirting method?
[You] i don't think it's very effective
[Izana] aye
[Izana] glad to see you're on
[Shion] not me
[Kaku] stfu
[Rat] protective boyfriend material huh?
[Kaku] stfu too Rat
[You] yeah leave my baby alone
[Rat] whatever [Rat] can you at least change my name?
[You] nah, i like Rat more than rindou, it suits you better
[Rat2] can you change mine?
[Rat2] i'm supposed to be the oldest
[Rat2] he would have to have the 2 not me
[Mochi] picky boy
[You] okay
You have changed the nickname of Rat2 to Rannabelle
[Rannabelle] …
[Matchstick] pfft-
[Kisaki] i keep asking why you decided to include her in the group
[Kisaki] the rumors were false after all
[Izana] do you have something against the opinion of your superior?
[Matchstick] bro she's funny
[Kisaki] ...
[You] anyway
[You] who tf are you?
[Shion] oh right, they didn't meet in person
[Kisaki] i wouldn't like it either tbh
[Sanzu] speak for you
[You] i already like you Sanzu [You] you're already among the 'handsomes'
[Shion] not that shit again- [Shion] you didn't even see him
[You] i don't need
[Koko] you're just jealous cause you're not in the handsome group [Shion] i'm not jealous [Koko] sure [You] anyway i have something to ask [Matchstick]shoot
[Rat] you want a date with me? aww, of course! [You] yikes [You] i think i prefer a date with a homeless man who can time travel than you
[Kaku] i'm really concerned about your mental health right now [Izana] she's just in her haunting nature [Rannabelle] bet she likes me more than you rin [You] i like hanma better ngl
[Matchstick] bwahahah~ i'm the favourite ♡  [You] no, you're not ♡ 
[Matchstick] </3
[Izana] so... what do u want to ask?
[You] oh right
[You] i was just wondering if you guys had some free time to hang out?
[Izana] sure ;)
[Kaku] i'm in
[Matchstick] of course i have to get to be the favorite~
You didn't pay attention to the other messages, the truth is that Izana and Kakucho were enough for you, you weren't going to belittle Hanma either, he was trying anyway. You just texted a couple more to meet up at a certain place, quickly got ready in the most comfortable clothes you could find, plugged your headphones into your phone to have a walk to the location.
Normally you were like a damn rock when it came to expressing your feelings or opening up to people, you didn't like to socialize much but it wasn't a pain either (depending on the person), the fact that you didn't like to talk or express yourself a lot didn't mean you were one of those people who get nervous when they have to order pizza by phone, call a waiter or order a drink at any bar. But today you had that little nervous feeling, as if these guys were going to judge you and decide if you were worthy or not, even though it was clear that they already liked you a little for the simple fact of adding you to their group chat.
You were pessimistic so you kept those feelings throughout the journey, however, swallow them because as soon as you saw the boys just forgot them, there were three people you didn't know, the rest were Izana, Kakucho, Hanma and the Haitani brothers. You assumed that neither Koko, nor Shion, nor Mochi were there because they had to do something important or simply didn't want to see you.
"Hey honey, here!"
Hanma waved his hand as his eyes met yours, drawing your attention to come closer once and for all, you murmured a greeting to everyone, looking at the three new faces.
"So you don't intend to introduce me to your friends? Oh wait, I want to guess, can I?"
"Go ahead, please give us one of your amazing comparisons."
Rindou said, completely amused, even though you also messed with him, your comparison ability can always make fun of others, it's not like you make distinctions, no one was going to escape your critical eye.
"Mmmh… I don't know why I have the feeling that the one who seems bacterophobic is Sanzu" you pointed to the long-haired boy who had a mask covering half of his face "he seems to have pretty features, and Sanzu is in that side without hesitation."
"Madarame must be tossing and turning in his bed when he heard you, you've got it right."
Sanzu offered you his hand in greeting, noticing how his eyes narrowed a little, he had a cheeky smile that no one could see. The next one you looked at was Mucho, he seemed almost as stoic as you, another rock on the team huh? You also guessed that it was him, then you exchanged glances with the boy with glasses who seemed to be here by force, there was no one else left so he could only be…
"Are you Kisaki? Man, aren't you cute? Are you the baby of the group or something?"
Everyone tried to hold back their laughter when you approached him to ruffle his hair in an affectionate way, more like to annoy him a bit, poor boy, you were taller than him so your action and comment only irritated him more than he already was, he moved away your hands from his head, clicking his tongue.
"Maybe you're taller, but I'm sure I surpass you in age and intelligence."
The others looked at the interaction, you had that dark look that managed to scare away so many fucking thugs, it looked like you wanted to hit him right there, but they didn't expect you to laugh like Izana the time he met you.
"Oh please, don't be silly, I'm older than you, in fact, I think I'm older than all of you."
"You're kidding, aren't you? Most of us here are of legal age and you are still studying."
Izana questioned looking at you, you scratched the back of your neck sighing, you weren't very proud to admit it, but it's not like it was a big deal either.
"Well, I'm nineteen, I repeated a couple of courses…"
"You what!?"
The Haitani brothers were the ones who were most shocked by the new information about you, you just downplayed it, the last thing you wanted right now is to be treated differently because of your age, even if it's only a year older than some, these guys can be very offended at not being the oldest.
Kakucho finished off the general daze, talking about doing something and not just standing there like idiots, so you guys moved around just taking a walk while talking about random nonsense, it went pretty well, at least the guys appreciated some 'healthy' time, since usually their free time was also related to causing chaos in other gangs.
The truth is that it was not as bad as you thought, they all seemed quite funny, Izana and Kakucho managed to drag you into every interesting thing they saw, more like the leader of Tenjiku, Kaku thanked you because he could see his friend behaving like if he were a kid again (although he did threaten the others if they made fun of Iza for being a bit softer).
Hanma and the Haitani brothers tried to irritate or flirt you, you just looked at them with a blank face, completely ignoring them when they brought up the whole 'love' and 'relationships' thing, when they weren't bothering you they were quite nice, but that meant that now you were messing with them, that was your mechanics.
Surprisingly, after a while you and Kisaki 'clicked' simply because Hanma was bothering you both, you looked at each other silently as if you could communicate with your eyes, ignoring the poor boy as you started small talk out of the first thing that came to your mind, of course that didn't stop your little comments about him being smaller than you either.
Sanzu and Mucho stayed more on the sidelines, you didn't complain, they seemed more reserved than the others, or at least less expressive, you understood them perfectly because you were like that most of the time, it's just that these guys ─Izana more than anything─ made you take out to bring out your more sociable side a little more, it was different and nice.
But you knew well that hanging out with a gang would bring trouble, some punks recognized most of the group you were with, how could they not anyway? You were unintentionally involved in a small fight, but you weren't scared either when the fistfights between the teenagers started flying back and forth, you knew it was going to happen at some point so you just watched on the sidelines disinterestedly.
Ironically, Kisaki stayed by your side ─this guy doesn't know how to fight─ because the guys felt threatened by your dark gaze, honestly you were a little scared now, but only when one of the thugs came up to pick a fight with you, you saw yourself in the obligation to use your second wild card.
´"If you get one step closer, I promise that death will be the most beautiful thing you want to wish for, how do you want your body to be found? Ah, better if they don't find it, right?"
They immediately backed away, you're lucky most people find it hard to read your true expression because if they were like Kakucho the first time you met him they would have already beaten you up. But it didn't end there, there was another brave man who came up thinking that despite your threats you would be an easy target, which, well, you were.
Everyone seemed to see just as you were hit square on the cheek, your body seemed to fall in slow motion until you hit the ground, you closed your eyes letting a tired sigh slip past your lips, watching out of the corner of your eye as Kisaki did his best to defend himself against that same guy. You dedicated yourself to looking at the clouds in the sky without even getting up again, as if you were an opossum playing dead, hey, at least that way they wouldn't hit you again.
You only lay there for a long time, you even closed your eyes because you were starting to get bored, the boys only took a few more minutes, all their bodies surrounding you, guilt gnawed at some more than others ─Kakucho was very angry with himself─ but still it remained there.
"Do you think she's dead?"
"That's something very pessimistic, I haven't been able to go on a date with her yet."
Hanma and Ran murmured over the others who kept their questions as to whether you were okay inside, they didn't know if you were that weak or not, if you suffered from some disease or anything that could literally kill you, much to their relief you opened one of your eyes noticing how the sunlight darkened because their figures obscured it.
"It takes something more forceful than a punch to kill someone, unless the person is hit with a more forceful object or has already been seriously injured, statistically it is impossible for someone to die from a punch, well, unless it is a newborn baby."
"Oh never mind, she's perfectly fine."
Everyone sighed with relief, some being more audible than others, Kakucho helped you up, asking your forgiveness for not helping you before they hit you and they decided to go to a store to buy you a cold patch for the bruise that began to form on your cheek.
"Did you really just lie on the ground to wait?"
You hummed affirmatively at Mucho's question, who was waiting with you outside for the others to leave the store, you saw that he tried to hide his small laugh at your stupidity, if he had received that blow he would not have remained impassive, that person would definitely have to have a broken neck.
"We will accompany you home, come on."
"Huh? Izana, I appreciate it, but I'm not five years old."
"We're not taking no for an answer."
"Kakucho, not you too… I'm literally older than you."
“Well, look how we don't give a shit."
You looked at Rindou with a grimace for simply dismissing your words that you didn't need a squad to escort you home, but you couldn't do anything, even Kisaki accompanied you even though he said that he had business elsewhere.
These guys would cut their tongues out before admitting it out loud, but they took a liking to you in no time, and even though these idiots were a year younger than you (most of them) they would start behaving more carefully around you, they're not going to let today's incident happen again because they definitely wanted to spend more time with you.
"Gang members but you're being soft because someone hit a girl you only talk to from a group chat, that's cute."
You closed the door of your house in their faces after saying that, you laughed silently when you heard several shouts about how they weren't being soft and that they weren't cute for that, except for Hanma, he just smiled with his typical smile because you said he was cute, did that mean that he was advancing in his position to be your favorite?
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blingblong55 · 1 year
To live without- 141+Alejandro
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Based on a request:
Hii can I make a request for some angst?? Maybe the reader having an argument with the TF 141 + Alejandro, inside the car or anywhere resulting to a break up?? Cause I'm a sucker for angst, thankss 🫶
F!Reader, angst, established!relationship, break-ups, cheating (not all)
A/N: This will be in 5 parts
Part 1 (John Price), Part 2, (Soap), Part 3 (Gaz), Part 5 (Ghost)
It has been a stressful few months for him, between his job, you, his own safety and yours, let alone the current argument over her. It's why you and he are now in the car, having this argument.
A mission ruined what used to be something so special and unique. All because of a man who has too much pride to admit he is jealous that his friends and coworkers find you lovely and fun to hang out with. Currently, he is stuck having thoughts about some woman in his team, she's new and was sent from Laswell, so he knows she is just as good for his team.
The downfall of your marriage started way before her though, she was just the last nail in the coffin. He had been sneaking around for months and at first, it was because of the anniversary gift he had made for you. Now, he was sneaking around like some teenager. For weeks on end, he would have late-night gym sessions, early-morning meetings and excuses to extend his stay on base.
Tonight after a much-needed out in the town with him, he accidently slipped her name out. "Natalia, me puedes pasar mi teléfono por favor?" the second you both came to the realisation, he started to make excuses. You never said a word and that's when his insults came in, he bashed and cursed you out. Telling you how horrible of a wife you are, criticising your body, your way of speaking, cooking and even the once healthy sex life you both shared.
"Enough, Alejandro Vargas!"
That's when he knew you were absolutely upset and engraved by him. You only called him by his full name in moments like this. You looked at him as he kept driving.
"You keep fucking saying shit about me, but where the fuck are your own truths!" All he did was stay silent because now he has made the bomb tick.
"Amor-" he tried to calm you down. "Do not fucking call me that! You have lost that fucking right and you have lost me with it because having me, being married to me and even being in my fucking presence is a privilege!"
He tried to hold your hand and you pushed him away. "I know you are cheating on me, I am not as stupid as you think I am. Best believe if there is a stupid one in this marriage is you." Your words are like a dagger.
"Let me explain-"
"I am not listening to you give me some bullshit explanation, Alejandro. I am done with you and this bullshit thing we call a marriage." You gripped on your purse, knowing well you had to finally let it out.
"Please, amor-"
"I want a divorce." You don't look at him, not daring to even make eye contact after asking such a thing.
At that moment, he slowly pulled over and stayed silent, tears forming in his eyes as he looked at the dashboard. You are both silent. The end of a marriage and the beginning, for him at least, of the what-ifs. All you did to stay and all he did to keep you away. At this moment, for you, you thought of your children, and how hard this would be on them but it's better this way.
To live without
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Can I please request Ivy, Goldmary, and Alear(because I always have to include Pepsi chan in my requests, you write her too well) with a faceless changeling S/O who's love language is turning into the character?
Like they love them so much, they feel the most comfortable as them. I think that'd be neat
(FE: Engage) Ivy, Goldmary, and Alear with a shapeshifting S/O
NGL I'd be freaked tf OUT if I saw that. And thank you for the kind words about Alear! When it comes to Fire Emblem characters, I feel obligated to make sure they're in-character as possible. It'd be an insult to my love for the series to do any less.
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Ivy was startled when S/O first changed shapes right in front of her.
Truth be told, she felt she should be a little less surprised, considering what was in this world already. Gods, heroes from another world, magic.
Yet here she was, shocked by the fact there was a shapeshifter.
Ivy didn't mind S/O being a changeling, though she was curious as to what they looked like naturally.
What she did mind was the fact another Ivy was next to her as they were cuddling.
(Ivy) "...S/O."
(Ivy?) "Yes?"
(Ivy) "I...I understand that you're comfortable with me, to the point you are me...Um...How do I put this?"
The fact the other Ivy was tilting their head so curiously, something she would never do was throwing her completely off.
(Ivy) "It's strange. As if I'm staring into a mirror that is not mimicking my own actions."
(Ivy?) "Sorry, I can change if you wa-"
(Ivy) "No, please. I am quite flattered that you even want to turn into me it's...please keep this between us. I do not need Somniel screaming in terror from a second me."
(Ivy?) "Ha, alright."
She didn't mention it, but she also felt quite self conscious.
Was her chest that big...?
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(Goldmary) "Why, it's no shock that you decided to transform into perfection!"
The other Goldmary began pouting.
(Goldmary?) "That is not why I changed into you, Goldmary..."
It was honestly a bit jarring for her doppleganger to sound exactly like her, but have their manner of speech to be completely off.
(Goldmary) "Who can blame you? I am quite beautiful!"
Goldmary becomes extremely happy whenever S/O transforms into her. Imitation is the greatest sign of flattery, after all!
And she had no idea she was so comfortable to snuggle into!
And so beautiful when she was smiling too!
Author's note: I can only write Goldmary admiring herself before an ego singularity forms and swallows this post whole, this whole bit goes on for a while, you get the idea.
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(Alear) "Huh...that's what I look like?"
(Alear?) "Beautiful? Yes, yes you do look like that!"
Alear giggled sheepishly, her hand covering her mouth.
(Alear) "It's a little weird, hearing my own voice say that. But...thank you. Are you sure you're alright with this though?"
(Alear?) "Of course! I choose who I transform into, and I chose you for a reason!"
The other Alear gave her a peck on the cheek. While the gesture was quite affectionate and made her heart flutter, it was still really weird.
(Alear) "Thanks, it means a lot to me, and to you I'm sure. Someday, I want to see your true form, you know. That's who I love the most, after all."
The other Alear now shared her same blushing smile.
(Alear?) "Hah, you're such a smoothtalker...!"
Marth materialized next to the real Alear, eyeing the situation currently unfolding.
(Marth) "Wow, this is a confusing sight."
(Alear?) "You know who the real one is, right Marth?"
(Marth) "Yes, but it's like I'm seeing Alear speak into the mirror. Thank goodness she isn't actually like this by herself..."
(Alear) "Hah, I couldn't imagine...I am quite dashing though, don't you think me?"
(Alear?) "Why yes, yes you are!"
Marth playfully rolled his eyes as he disappeared, both Alear's laughing at their antics.
(Alear) "Oh! This should go without saying, but don't let Vander, Framme, or Clanne see us like this. I think they'd begin frothing at the mouth if they saw two of me."
(Alear?) "...Oh gods, I didn't even think of that. Where do we even go? People would be confused if they saw two Divine Dragons!"
(Alear) "...Maybe this isn't such a good idea."
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milesworld96 · 11 months
SAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HIIIIII❤️ oh, the ko shirt. That’s fine. That’s funny. Hilarious even. Wow. 😢, I ALREADY MISS ZOWENS. GRRRR BRO GOT ME IN MY FEELS☹️☹️☹️ SIR⁉️⁉️⁉️ WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATERIAL⁉️⁉️⁉️ FUCK YES. wait bro wym the reason he ain’t on raw anymore, YO WHY U BRINING JEY INTO THIS. yalls ☹️☹️. I CANT. Yo Sami speaking the truth, I love him. OHHHH SHIT JUDGEMNT DAY😍😍😍 OH LAWD THEY LOOK SO FINE. GIRL???? RHEA IMMEDIATELY GETTING DEFENSIVE OF DREW WHEN DAMIEN BROUGHT HIM UP?????? IS THIS A SIGN. damn so Rhea basically saying Sami is the orphan no one wants💔 GIRL JEYYY, GET UR MANS‼️‼️‼️‼️ Sami listen to Jey💥💥💥 WHY R U IFNORING HIM NO😭😭 LOOK AT JEYS EYES‼️‼️ HOW CAN YOU LEVE HIM
OMFG SAMIJEY SPOTTING AGAIN😭😭😭😭😭 SAMI WHAT THE FUCK. I UNDERSTSND WHERE YOUR COMING FROM BUT ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ stop blaming Jey‼️‼️‼️‼️ Yeah Jey speak it‼️‼️ Girl Sami going through it don’t worry bbg you’ll be fine. SAMIJEY MAKE UP AND HUG WOO🫶🫶
DAMIEN FINN & DOM DOM. bro why yalls thinking bout JD like that, GIRL NAH THEY TRYNA JUMP DREW😭😭 DomDom is such a mama’s boy. I LOVE THEM, ENOUGH WITH THE CONFLICT NOW. LET THEM ALL BE HAPPY 2GETHER FROM NOW ON☺️☺️💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
OMMGGGGG DREW & SAMIIIIII. Compliments from Drew, hm bro what you gettin at🤨🤨 AHT, YALLS PLS STOP DRAGGING JEY😭😭😭 🤯DREW JUST DRAGGING EVERYONE LMFAOOO. wait, they keep mentioning Sami ab the world championship shit. OMG ARE WE SETTING THAT UP FOR THE FUTURE⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ AAAAAAAAAA, WAIT DREW V SAMI NEXT WEEK😨🤯 YES YESYEYS
OMMMMGGGGG POOKIE BEARS❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💙 CODY AND JEY ILYSM, BUT YOU ARE JOT WINNING. oml they never gonna give up that bit from the press conference are they?😭💀 they are so cutie patootie
INDUS SHEER ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
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A small snippet of my even smaller piece in progress.
The setup: it's AUish/canon divergent take on s6 through s9. Everything happens just the same (yeah, Don having sex with Liz as well), but for one tiny exception.
Donald does all that because he has found out first that Liz's the one to put Red into jail. And whilst he thinks Red belongs there, he recognizes that the good the TF has done is worth more. And Liz’s actions put the TF at risk. Also, at the same time, he figures it's an opportunity to dig into Red's identity vas well. Don's hoping to earn his trust with the intel he has about Liz. They have an arrangement—Ressler keeps Liz close and shares what he knows.
Unfortunately, Ressler isn't wired for this kind of game and gets caught up into shit real fast, and he's now torn between to whom his loyalties lie and his desire to do the right thing.
And so, it's post s8, Liz is dead, and Red is back after two years of absence. The investigation regarding Liz's death and her involvement with Marco Jancowicz is reopened again.
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“Good evening, Agent Ressler.”
“You’re trespassing.”
“Don't shoot the messenger just yet. May I come in?”
“What do you want, Reddington?”
“Can’t the two friends catch up?”
“Since when do you have friends?”
“Well, I have you, don't I?”
“Get lost.”
“I was hoping to have a word with you.”
“You deaf or what?! Get out. Now.”
“Can’t do that now, I'm afraid. My sources say, the DOJ is looking for the Pazzi. With Elizabeth gone, they need a new face of domestic terrorism. And you, Donald, are on their radar.”
“Goddammit, Reddington, just get the fuck—”
“Donald, you’re going to jail.”
“I can't imagine how hard the past two years must've been for you.”
“Cut the crap. You give no shit just about anyone. Why should I be different, huh?”
“You look exhausted, Donald. Please, have a sit. New painkillers aren't working the way they should, are they?”
“You got one fucking minute or I swear I’m gonna shoot you.”
“Really? Your best option to get out? I don't think so. My car's waiting outside, if you're up to it.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“It’s the right thing to do.”
“Right thing my ass. You killed Keen's mother, Reddington. There's no coming back from that.”
“Katarina Rostova is dead—”
“Of course she is! You put two in her chest in front of Keen and walked away afterwards.”
“Donald, I know this must be challenging for you, but please make an effort to comprehend this—I did not kill Elizabeth’s mother. And speaking of challenges. Please humor me, how does one end up bedding a domestic terrorist?”
“Wh—Fucking—You fucking told me to keep Keen close and I did! I fucking told you everything!”
“Indeed you did, though I have an impression that you two have shared more than just a bed. Did you tell her?”
“Tell her what?”
“About our arrangement.”
“What?! Why would I?”
“Donald, are you Elizabeth’s quarterback now? Because from where I'm standing, it feels so. Are you?”
“If you had told her the truth—”
“—And if you kept your pants on, you wouldn't have found yourself in this predicament. But what's done is done.”
To be continued
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Hard pill to swallow… Zoe grownish diaries…
Ya learning new culture thru REAL RICH HISTORY… okay… keep what ya like and KNOW.. study what makes you uncomfortable…
Like Russia being Africa .. ya hate white ppl… no YOU HATE YOU LET SOMEONE LITTLE MAN YOU INTO SOMETHING YOU DIDNT FEEL GOOD RIGHT THINK WAS RIGHT… its not about race,
Its intentions …
Is IT WAS ABOUT RACE I WOULDNT HAVE WANTED RACES OF THE CULTURE TO BE MADE AND SHARED… its just lee got a little too heavy handed in wanting to BE IN CONTROL …
Ya feel powerless when ya take someone’s creation and make it “better”
WRITERS PRODUCERS .. how many of Yal work together come in w two ideas .. ya both feel good on ya own then together ya leave feeling like “damn I got short change so ima go do this over there w them to feel big again”.. GLOBAL HISTORY… COLONIALISM ALL OVER ..
Goes back to post … why I let Lee “kill me”
Some of you celebrities getting past life memories back.. TEYANNA and Jess hilarious YA THE SAME PERSON ONE NEW TO EATHER JESS THE OTHER BEEN HERE BEFORE AND CONTINUE THE SAME DUMB SHIT .. Lee. Clive.
Then ya trickle what celebrities know about gods n past life into the “regular” population but dilute it sooo bad around the globe but those who are MY CREATIONS AT FULL but washed out by propaganda YA KNOW WHATS GOOD.
Ya read the Bible and use the word of god to manipulate UR SATANS CHILD YOU GO FOR GOOD. AWAYSESS ..
— Elmo shrug—-
SOME DONT DESERVE MULTIPLE CHANCES.. Jess ya baby nephlim.. w teyana genes YA DID FOR GRIMY MEANS .. 2 nd chance live til old to watch grow LALA MILAN TOO BUT NO MORE AFTER THAT ANTONY AT TAMBIEN..
JESSIE ORTIZ… ya talk show toxic ya syphon off energy and only want men around.. ya wan talk w me. No.
It is what it is. ME LEARN TOO I DONT NEED TO PROVE MYSELF ANYMORE .. ya BUTAINED me Lee so I wouldn’t believe IM GOD .. I even put on my blog on when 613 appeared after my body building competition “that’s blasphemy “ nipsey as Tristen telecommunicate me w granny FLORANCE NO ITS NOT ITS MY TRUTH YA DUMB CUNT.
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illegal-spiegel · 4 years
No Lying
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x gn!reader Genre: fluff Warnings: mention of blood (from a wound), making out  Summary: Bakugo gets hit with a quirk that makes it impossible for him to lie  Updated on 10.19.20
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you’re apart of the Bakusquad 
you’re best friends with Mina, so it was only natural for her to rope you into her friend group 
Bakugo didn’t really ever talk to you at first unless it was an insult or he was yelling at you
you didn’t mind though, seeing as how he always acts like that
eventually though, he gets used to you being around and starts to chill tf out 
you think he treats you like the rest of his friends now and you couldn’t be happier
he doesn’t though
he doesn’t get his other friends their favorite snacks. He doesn’t help patch them up after a rough training session. He doesn’t yell or insult you as much as the others. You’re definitely not just a friend to him but shh we don’t talk about that
you all were a happy friend group for months until the ‘travesty’ happened
someone hit Bakugo with a quirk that makes him tell the truth anytime he tries to talk 
you all found this out after first defeating the villain 
“Hey, Bakugo. Are you okay?” you ask worriedly as he sits on the ground with blood running from his head after being hit with a powerful blast 
“No, my head is aching and throbbing,” he answers honestly before instantly choking up 
normally, he’d brush off everyone’s worries and brag that he’s completely fine and he doesn’t feel a thing 
but why did he just say that? 
that wasn’t at all what he was going to say
you thought it was a little odd too that he was being so honest but you weren’t about to call him out on it when he’s in pain 
“C’mon. Let’s get you to Recovery Girl,” you say as you help him up
he goes to say that he doesn’t need your help standing up and that he doesn’t need to see Recovery Girl 
but instead, he says, “Thanks. I really appreciate it.” 
you almost fall flat onto your face out of surprise 
the Bakugo just thanked you 
Katsuki Bakugo, the hot-headed, headstrong, tempered, anger issues having boy just thanked you 
you stutter out a ‘you’re welcome’ before dropping him off with Recovery Girl
he was red in the face for the next hour. It was mostly embarrassment but he was a little angry too that he didn’t lie 
while he was there, he found it impossible to lie 
he didn’t even tell Recovery Girl this because that would’ve been too embarrassing 
when he got home, he refused to talk unless he knew some nonsense wouldn’t come out of his mouth 
he tried to just be straight up silent but then everyone would start worrying about him and it was really just a bother 
you ended up hanging out around him more though whereas the others gave him his space 
“Why are you following me around so much?” he asks you one day, the question being more so out of curiosity than anger 
he always sounds angry though 
so you took it as you’re annoying him 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just worried about you. After that one fight, you’ve been really quiet. I just thought-”
“Thank you for worrying about me.” 
“You’ve also been really nice here recently and it’s honestly freaking everyone out.” 
he can’t believe he slipped up again 
he stayed quiet for a moment, knowing he needs to tread lightly or else he’ll slip up again 
“I don’t mean to,” he admits. That kind of sounds like something he’d say 
“Oh, okay. I just don’t want you thinking you have to change who you are to be friends with us,” you reassure with a warm smile 
he goes to say he knows that
it’s the truth so he can easily say that
so tell him why he says this instead 
“You have a beautiful smile.” 
he instantly slaps his hand over his mouth, absolutely mortified right now 
you both gawk at each other, cheeks as hot as an inferno 
neither of you can believe he just said that 
the Bakugo just complimented you 
Katsuki Bakugo, the hot-headed, headstrong, tempered, anger issues having boy just complimented you 
you both remain silent for at least a minute, not knowing what to do 
is he pranking you or something? He’s not really the pranking type though 
just as he goes to silently leave, you squeak out, “Thank you, Bakugo. That means a lot coming from you.” 
you’re staring at the ground and refuse to look at him 
his heart is honestly beating too fast for his liking and he needs to get out of there 
“Don’t mention it,” he says as fast as Kaminari’s bolts before briskly walking away 
both of you are flustered for the rest of the day and no one can figure out why 
he keeps acting like a love-sick fool and he hates it 
he keeps complimenting you and saying nice things and ugh 
when does this quirk end? 
it’s been five days and he’s still acting like this 
he just wants to call you a stupid brat to wipe that cute dumb smile off your face 
on the fifth day, you come up to him and ask to hangout 
this is nothing new for you two 
what is new, however, is his answer 
instead of brushing you off and letting you beg for him for a while
or agreeing but informing you it’s going to be boring 
he says, “I’d love nothing more.” 
he didn’t even realize that this was the truth until he said it 
you’re shocked that he agreed so easily and even said that he would want nothing more than to do that 
while you two are hanging out, you decide to be upfront with him 
“Bakugo, do you like me or something? You’ve been so nice to me and complimenting me a lot. I-”
“Yes, I do,” he replies casually as if you two are discussing the weather 
he takes a swig of his water before realizing what he just said to you 
the water goes down the wrong pipe and the next thing he knows 
he’s choking 
he hacks out a lung while you pat his back 
you’re kind of glad this happened because you need a moment to process his answer
he just straight up told you how he feels 
oh my god
once he’s breathing normally again, you two are sitting in silence once more 
“I, um, like you too,” you admit quietly, biting your lip afterwards 
“Don’t bite your lip. That’s my job,” he says as he puts his thumb below your lip and forces your bottom lip out of your mouth 
he can’t believe he just said that either 
is that too forward? Did he scare you off? 
“Then why aren’t you doing it?” you whisper back, your eyes meeting his 
your face is the hottest it’s ever felt 
he seems to notice but only pays attention to that for a second before  his eyes are closing as he kisses you 
you two makeout for a while 
and after that, you two makeout a lot 
like, all the time 
you two do it in secret though, per your suggestion 
you just figured that Bakugo would want it that way seeing as how you two will be teased a lot and it’ll just piss him off 
after one specifically spicy sesh, you pull back to pant for air as you look him over 
god, it really is illegal to look this good 
his hair is disheveled from your hands 
his lips are a little swollen from how hard you two were kissing 
he has red marks littered over his neck from your lips and teeth
and you’re sure you’re much worse than him 
“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask. If you weren’t suddenly being nice to just be nice, why have you been so kind to everyone and whatnot?” 
you watch him press his lips together, your brow raising as you watch him seemingly fight with himself 
“I was hit with a quirk that makes it impossible to lie,” he admits 
now this is interesting 
you don’t even realize you’re smirking until he speaks up 
“Whatever you’re thinking, no.” 
you pout and wrap your arms loosely around his neck 
“I’m not thinking anything,” you feign innocence 
“Yeah, right,” he replies sarcastically 
you pout before deciding to let the innocent facade go 
“When did you start liking me?” 
you watch his lips press together again, a blush rising to his face
“C’mon, just tell me! I’ll tell you how long I’ve liked you if you tell me first!” you compromise 
he huffs and rolls his eyes, doing his best to give you a bored look as he says in a monotone, “The sports festival.”
your jaw drops at this 
that long ago? You weren’t even in the Bakusquad yet!
“Awe, you had a crush on me without me even knowing,” you coo, playfully pinching his cheeks 
“Shut up. Your turn,” he snaps while smacking your hands away 
you giggle and wrap your arms back around him, thinking for a moment 
“Well, I thought you were cute on the first day. But then you’re ego was just so big and you were just so angry—”
“Okay, I get it,” he interrupts, glaring at you 
you laugh at his reaction and lean forward to give him a sweet kiss before continuing 
“Then, Mina had me join your friend group. I got to know you better and I realized how you show your affection for others. It’s all just hidden behind harsh words and actions. I see through it now though,” you finish softly, brushing some of his wild hair back before watching it spring back up 
he stares at you for a long moment, just remaining silent 
“That’s one reason I like you, you know. You’re so observant.”
you blush at his compliment, quickly hiding your face in his neck to hopefully conceal the embarrassed look coming over your face from his eyes 
“Plus, you’re so easy to fluster,” he teases as he playfully pinches your thigh
the sound of your smacks to his chest are covered up by his laughter 
it didn’t take long for Mina to catch on to you two though 
“Bakugo, do you like (Y/n)?” she singsongs when all of you are hanging out in the common room one day 
all of them wait for him to deny it and start to yell at her 
“Yeah. We are dating,” he says calmly 
they all gape at him in shock and surprise 
“Stop gawking at me.” 
after he speaks again, they all go into a frenzy 
“You two are dating?”
“When did this happen?” 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” 
he pulls you into his side protectively as he growls at them before shouting, “Because it’s none of your business, you extras! You all are so annoying! I want to blow out my ear drums just so I don’t have to listen to you all yap!” 
Bakugo then goes quiet 
he, obviously, doesn’t want to blow out his ear drums 
that was a lie 
oh my god, it’s over 
after a grueling week, he can finally be himself again 
thank the heavens 
“Aww, c’mon, Bakubro.”
“You’ve been so nice this past week. What happened?” 
“I hate all of you. Leave me alone,” he snaps. 
all of them smile at his crude words
every time he’d be nice, they’d frown and furrow their brows 
they missed this 
“You’re so cute when you’re mad,” you tease, kissing his cheek 
“Shut up, extra,” he snaps at you next 
you can’t take him seriously though with his face being as pink as it is and his arm tightening around you
More with Bakugo
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tailorvizsla · 4 years
If you're still doing thirsty thot prompts or asks. I've been wondering how Din or Paz or perhaps both would be as horny baby daddies? Like how would they act when you are really pregnant?
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Title: Stuffed Pairings: f!Reader x Din Djarin, f!Reader x Paz Vizsla, Paz Vizsla x f!Reader x Din Djarin Wordcount: 8k+ 🙃🙃🙃 Rating: NC-17 (duh)
⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Read the warnings! ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Warnings: Borderline CNC (consensual non-consent – Paz, Din, and Reader are all pretending that Reader doesn’t want to get pregnant), rough enough to need a safe word, PWP (plot what plot), threesome, lots of unprotected sex, gratuitous self-indulgence of a cum kink, degradation (Reader called a slut for cock/cum), breeding fetish (Reader legit wants to be bred), use of a sex toy, Reader gets called ‘kitten’, cockwarming, oral (m & f receiving), the helmets come off, exhibitionism/public(ish) sex. I’m pretty sure I’ve missed a few, but these are the most important ones.
⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Read the warnings! ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
Author’s Note: I know what you were intending with your ask, but I’m totally going to be a thirsty bitch. 😉 This is focusing mainly on the baby making steps. This is also purely self-indulgent smut because I would love for these two to take turns with me for a few days and knock me tf up.
Thank you for the title, my darling Izzy!!!
For more dirtiness, please see:
📚 My Master List 📚
“You’re both too old for that,” you announce to Paz and Din, watching as their heads snap up.
“What?” Din asks as you silently laugh to yourself.
“You said you wanted to make a baby,” you respond. “At your age, you probably need those herbal teas. And don’t get me started on you, Paz. You’re ancient. Can you even keep it hard?”
“Don’t you run your mouth,” Paz warns quietly.
A low tendril of heat starts to curl low in your belly as you hear the warning in his voice. Shut your mouth, or I will prove you wrong. You lean back on your hands, tilting your head as the two men watch you from the other side of the cargo bay.
“I’m not,” you respond. “I’m just telling the truth. Us young tradespeople need competent warriors to raise the next generation with. You two are past your prime.”
“Kitten,” Din warns, a low growl in his voice.
You smile to yourself under your helmet. These two have just reached their prime as hunters. They know it, and they know you know it. Din and Paz exchange a silent glance between themselves. Lifting one hand, you plant it on your lower belly, watching as Paz’s head tilts downward, pointedly watching you slide your hand up and down, as if caressing a baby bump. If there is one thing that never fails to get a Mandalorian’s attention, it is a pregnant belly.
“If I am going to go through nine months of pregnancy, it wouldn’t be for two ancient fuckers like you two,” you say casually. “I’ll be fertile soon, so I need to be very picky about who I sleep with. I’m thinking maybe Dezha? Mathias?”
When Paz growls, you grin. Dezha is older than him, and Mathias is pretty close to Din’s age. You swing your legs back and forth casually, tilting your helmet slightly in what you hope they interpret as flirtation.
“Do you have any opinions, Din?”
Din comes forward a step, tension radiating through every part of his body.
“I might have an idea,” he says, as Paz starts to circle around you.
You slide your hand down toward your crotch as you spread your knees for Din. His next step falters ever so slightly.
“You know a warrior who can breed a woman properly?” you ask in mock surprise as he comes closer, almost hesitating.
“Do you actually want a kid?” Din asks flatly. He’s so hard you can see the outline of his cock through his trousers.
“I’ll be ovulating this week,” you say, sliding off the table and onto your feet.
Paz and Din exchange a look before turning their attention to you.
“I just need to find a warrior worthy of my time,” you say with a grin. “Certainly not either of you two ancient bastards.”
With those words, you dart for the open doorway, and laugh as you hear Paz curse. Heavy footsteps follow you as you bolt toward the cover of the trees. Unfortunately, you seem to have forgotten that both warriors have jetpacks, and you do not. Din lands a few meters in front of you, cutting you off from escape. In that moment of distraction, Paz catches up to you and grabs you. Firmly, he turns you around to face him, the fingers of one hand looped around your belt and the others under your chin. He tilts your face up to his.
“Kitten, I am not playing games with you,” he growls darkly, sending a low throb of pleasure shooting deep in your belly. “If you keep mouthing off, you’re going to end up pregnant.”
“There’s no way you could ever knock me up,” you say to Paz. “At your age, you’re shooting dust, aren’t you?”
“I’m not joking,” Paz says flatly, fingers tightening in warning.
“Neither am I,” you tell him. “I’m ready for a baby, and I want the two of you to take turns with me.”
“Did you hear that, Din?” Paz asks.
“Sure did,” Din says.
“Tell me what you’ve been fantasizing about, kitten,” Paz murmurs, loosening his grip around your chin.
Swallowing, you work up the courage to tell the two men exactly what you want from them.
“I’ve been masturbating for months now, thinking about the two of you,” you say shyly. “Taking turns using my body like you’re paying me for it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come around my fingers to the thoughts of you two fucking me while I struggle, while I beg you to not finish in me.”
You aren’t quite sure what Din or Paz are into, so degradation and playing around with unwanted impregnation might be out of what they are willing to give. Shit. You are on the verge of apologizing when Din speaks up.
“Kitten,” he breathes. “You have such a vivid imagination.”
“I genuinely want to be bred,” you whisper meekly, looking down as you suddenly lose your courage. “But I want to be taken. I don’t want you to ask.”
Paz tilts your face up toward his, fingers as light as feathers on your chin.
“I’d be happy to put a baby in you,” Paz says. “But let me make one thing clear – I’m not going to hurt you. I have never enjoyed hurting my partners and I never will. If that’s what you’re after, I can’t help you.”
“Nor will I,” Din adds, hands settling at your waist.
“No pain,” you say softly. “Just…rough enough to need a safe word to stop, instead of a no.”
Paz nods slowly.
“That I can agree to,” Paz says, nodding slowly. “Safe word?”
“Behot,” you blurt out the first thing on your mind.
“Behot is the safe word,” Din confirms.
Paz turns you around and shoves you against Din. You let out a squeak of protest as one massive hand encloses both your wrists, Paz’s massive forearm resting lightly on your breasts as he restrains you. He ducks his head down, pressing his helmet against your shoulder.
“You’re going to regret running your mouth, kitten,” he growls.
You struggle against Paz’s firm grip as Din advances, undoing his belt. The sound of leather zipping through his belt buckle makes your knees weak.
“No, not a snowball’s chance on Tatooine,” you snap, kicking at Din’s ankle.
“Normally, I’d just throw you into the sparring rings and smack you around until you shut up,” Din says. “But you…you’re young, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, what about it?” you ask. “What, you afraid I’ll kick your ass?”
“Young means fertile,” Paz says, his arm tightening around you, forcing a little squeak out of you.
“We’ve got a few days before we need to go back home,” Din suggests. “How about we have a little fun with our kitten?”
You wriggle in Paz’s arms. The thought of Paz and Din having their way with you sends a thrill shooting straight through your belly. You watch as Din spreads his cloak on the ground in front of you. Then Paz pushes you down. You land hard on your knees with a grunt. You try to get back up, but Paz keeps you down, wrestling you onto the fabric. He growls with pleasure. No matter how hard you fight, you simply cannot break out of Paz’s grip. His hands are snug around your wrists, but gentle, never painful, as he turns to look at Din.
“Let’s cuff her,” Paz says casually.
Equal measures of arousal and dread fill your belly as Din brings his restraints out. Swiftly, he restrains your wrists behind your back, not giving you the chance to break free. With your hands cuffed behind your back and Din’s hand between your shoulder blades, you can’t move much, so you settle for cursing both men out while Paz kneels behind you.
Then you hear a click and the distinctive hum of a vibroblade activating. You try to twist to see what Paz is doing, but Din keeps you from moving. You feel fabric give way as Paz very carefully slices through the crotch of your pants. Then he wriggles his fingers into the slice in the fabric and yanks it wide open, leaving you feeling cold and exposed.
“You’re already soaking wet,” Paz murmurs.
You hear a faint thump as his gloves land on the cloak next to your head. Two rough, calloused hands settle on your ass cheeks. Then thumbs spread your lower folds wide apart, baring your most private parts for him. Paz lets out a noise of delight.
“Look good?” Din asks.
“Oh, gods, yes,” Paz rumbles out. “So fucking good. Don’t let her move her head.”
You wonder what he’s going to do until you hear him speak again, that feeling of anticipation making your stomach feel weirdly tight.
“Let’s see how good you taste,” Paz says, his rich baritone no longer filtered by his modulator.
You squirm as you feel his breath fan across your vulva, his fingers digging into your plump ass so hard you know there will be bruises there. Paz swipes his tongue across your vulva, making stars dance behind your closed eyelids. A desperate warble escapes you as he draws back.
“You were struggling so much earlier,” Paz croons. “Where’s that fight, kitten?”
You bare your teeth in response and shift your weight, kicking back at him. Paz laughs as you miss him.
“There we go,” he rumbles, leaning in again.
He licks along your slit once more, tracing around your entrance, teasingly dipping the tip of his tongue into you. You buck your hips against his mouth, but Din is quick to pin you back down.
“Fuck you,” you hiss at Paz.
He only hums in response.
“I want a taste of her when you’re done,” Din says over your head.
Paz sucks your clit into his mouth and releases it with a pop that makes you squeal.
“She said she didn’t want this,” Paz comments idly. “But listen to her squealing.”
“I bet she’s already dripping down her thighs,” Din sighs.
Paz ducks his head down. His tongue traces a path from your inner thigh up to your entrance. He chuckles as you try to avoid his tongue. Without warning, Paz thrusts two fingers into your cunt, wrenching a cry of surprise from you.
“Ohh, fuck,” Paz groans out. “This pussy is tight. She’s gonna break my fingers.”
Roughly, he begins pumping his fingers in and out, filling the air with wet, sloppy noises. Then he plunges a third finger into you, making you shriek. Your walls protest the rough treatment, and you moan as each thrust of his calloused digits inside of you sends you spiraling closer and closer to the edge.
“Aww, I can feel your pussy getting all tight,” Paz croons. “Thought you didn’t want us to fuck you, kitten?”
“F-fuck you,” you gasp out, grimacing. “Should fu-fucking kill you – “
Paz pulls his fingers out and wipes your slick onto your thigh, chortling quietly. He gives you a few more long, slow licks, laughing each time you moan.
“Is it my turn?” Din asks.
“Of course,” Paz says. “Drink up, she’s dripping.”
As the two men shuffle around on the cloak, they keep you firmly trapped, not giving you an opportunity to escape. You huff quietly to yourself and resign yourself to the pleasurable torture.
“Look at how pretty,” Din says with a leer you can hear.
You feel him put his helmet down next to your knee. His voice is like caramel to your ears. Unfortunately, you don’t get a chance to enjoy it as he leans in and begins lapping at your slit, little groans of pleasure escaping him. Then he thrusts his tongue through your lips. Your breath catches in your throat, soft moans escaping you. Din gives you a few more moments on his tongue before withdrawing. Like Paz, he pushes his fingers into you, twisting and scissoring them inside you, as if mapping out your inner walls.
“Fuck,” Din says, and you can hear the grin on his lips. “You weren’t kidding.”
“Imagine how good she’s going to feel around your cock,” Paz suggests.
“Good idea,” Din says.
Din shuffles on the cloak behind you. You hear the whisper of fabric against flesh as he pushes his pants down. One hand wraps around your waist as he pushes forward, pressing the blunt head of his cock against your entrance. Then he starts pushing in slowly, firmly, filling you without giving you a chance to adjust. You sob as he finds the end of you, his cock brushing up against something vaguely uncomfortable.
“Oh, fuck,” he stutters out around a harsh pant. “Fuck!”
“Feel good?” Paz asks.
“So. Kriffing. Tight,” Din hisses, punctuating each word with a roll of his hips. “Kitten, how the fuck are you so tight?”
Tears spring to your eyes at how full you are, your walls struggling to take him. Din sets a slow, torturous pace, one that ensures you can feel every single inch of him as he fills you to the brim. Paz trails his hands up from your shoulders to your waist, stroking along your back through your suit. As that familiar heat begins to fill your belly, you realize you might have made a mistake in running your mouth. A very pleasurable mistake, but there is a strong chance you won’t be walking normally for a few days.
“I can feel you squeezing around me,” Din sings down to you. “Are you close, kitten?”
“I thought you didn’t want any of this,” Paz mocks you. “I thought you wanted us to let you go, kitten? I thought you hated the idea of us taking turns fucking you?”
You squirm again as Din’s pace grows rougher. Shit, he’s good. Too good. You’re already about to come and he has barely even gotten started.
“I’m gonna fill this pretty pussy right up,” Din grunts.
A whine escapes you before you can stop it. Paz reaches up and squeezes your hip. Immediately, you know what he’s feeling for. The contraceptive implant. He palpates for a few moments on both sides. A gush of wetness escapes you, pure pleasure filling you at the thought of your warriors breeding you.
“Where’s your contraceptive chip, kitten?” Paz asks. “Or did you not get one, hmm?”
Din increases his pace and force, hips slapping obscenely against your ass. His hand snakes around to your front. Strong fingers begin massaging your clit, little starbursts of pleasure exploding between your thighs. You hit your peak a few moments later, crying out as your walls quiver around his cock. Din’s grunts grow louder, his hands tightening around your hips. He smacks your ass lightly.
“Th-thought you didn’t want us to come in you?” he prompts.
Oh, right. You start struggling against him when you’ve regained your bearings.
“No, don’t you dare!” you hiss at him, “Pull out, pull out now!”
Din goes stiff, pace stuttering as his cock throbs inside of you, soft groans escaping him. Your eyes drift shut as he pants harshly.
“Company,” Paz warns.
Din puts his helmet on and pulls his pants up. You collapse flat onto your front and roll down onto your side, chest heaving as Din’s spend starts to leak out. Paz does not seem to care about the caravan passing by in the distance. Instead, he reaches over to remove your restraints. The instant you are free, you swing at him, but he anticipates it, catching your wrists and pinning them above your head.
With his other hand, he tugs your chest plate off and tosses it aside. Then he yanks your top open, sending buttons flying every which way. Then Paz pulls out his vibroblade.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” you hiss up at him. “This bra was expensive!”
He tilts his helmet down at you. Fortunately, he listens, and puts the damn blade away. Instead, he pushes your bra up over your tits, making you sigh in relief. Then Paz starts to push in. You howl, writhing in his iron-clad grip. Fuck, he’s huge, almost too big.
You pant harshly, digging your heels into his backside as he rocks forward experimentally. Din keeps watch over the caravan in the distance, polishing his weapon in a clear warning for them to stay the fuck away.
“Fight me, kitten,” Paz urges, “Show me those little claws of yours.”
Weakly, you buck your hips, but that only drives him in deeper, so deep it knocks the breath out of your lungs.
“Does my cock feel so good you can’t think?” Paz asks, faintly mockingly, as he rolls his hips once more. “Like that, my pretty little slut?”
Fuck, you think, as you clamp down around his length. Paz laughs at your reaction as he begins a deep pace, his cock hitting every single spot inside you that screams for friction.
“Fucking hell,” Paz breathes. “Din, how did you not come immediately? She’s squeezing so tight she’s about to push me back out.”
“I thought about your face,” Din lobs back easily, earning a bark of laughter from Paz. “He’s getting closer to us. Think he’s watching.”
“Watching?” you ask sharply, squirming again as alarm fills you. “Paz – “
“What, you don’t like the idea of being watched?” Paz asks, tilting his head down at you.
“Fuck off,” you hiss in response, mortification filling you at his words.
“You’re our woman,” Paz says, trailing a finger down to your breast. He pinches your nipple sharply, making you squeak. “And do you know what we do with fine Mandalorian women like you?”
Oh fuck, you think to yourself, as your cunt gushes in response.
“We breed our women,” Paz continues. “And this aruetii gets to see you do what you were meant to do. Take my cock.”
As you buck your hips and try to dislodge him, Paz keeps you pinned down, a growl of laughter escaping him. He keeps you pinned, his thrusts growing rougher and deeper, invading your body in the most pleasurable of ways.
“Yes,” he hisses, “Fight all you want, kitten, but I’m not going to stop. Not until I’ve filled you up, not until I have bred you.”
As you tilt your head, you can see the caravan is dangerously close by, having slowed down to shamelessly watch the three of you. Din is sitting in front of you, shielding most of your body from his prying eyes, but there is no doubting what is currently happening. Paz tweaks your nipple again.
“Look, he’s watching,” Paz croons.
You clamp down around Paz, looking away from the man in the distance. Paz laughs darkly, tilting your helmet back with one gentle hand, forcing you to look back at the trader. Mortification fills you as you see the unadulterated lust in his eyes.
“If you look closely, I think you’ll see just how appreciative he is,” Paz purrs, and your eyes drop down to confirm the massive bulge in the front of his trousers. “Don’t you like the idea of an aruetii watching you get bred?”
You’re shaking now, your body twisting and writhing as you simultaneously try to fight him off and fuck him back. Paz is a heavy, immovable weight between your thighs and on your body, keeping you spread wide open and helpless to do anything but lay there under him and pray for mercy you know will never come. The trader doesn’t even bother trying to hide the fact that he’s watching. You should be mortified, you think to yourself, but you aren’t. Instead, you’re so aroused you can’t even think straight, your head spinning from the dizzying combination of pleasure and shame of being reduced to this. Silently, you urge the trader to take a seat, to watch as your two warriors take turns ravaging your body.
“Come on, my sweet,” Paz urges.
With a shaking breath, you swallow, and redouble your efforts, bucking your hips in a vain attempt to dislodge him. Paz rides you through your struggles, soothing you with soft, mocking shushing noises. You begin to mouth off at him, trying to hide the fact that you are close to coming, your slick puddling under you on Din’s cloak.
“I swear if I get pregnant, I’m going to fucking kill you!” you howl up at him. “Pull out! PULL OUT!”
Paz laughs. You let out a shriek of rage as you writhe in his grasp. Inexplicably, he lets you go. You hammer your fists against his chest plate, but all you manage to do is make your hands hurt.
“Please – please – I’m begging you, pull out – pull out!” you sob up at him.
Paz groans, his pace growing deeper and rougher. You push against his chest plate with all your strength, but he doesn’t even twitch as his body folds over yours. Paz buries his helmet into the crook of your shoulder.
“Oh, kitten,” he moans into your shoulder. “I’m gonna make such a mess in you.”
The thought of Paz flooding your insides breaks you. You let out a high pitched noise as you orgasm, deep shuddering waves of pleasure coursing through you. Paz grunts and lets out a shuddering sigh, his cock throbbing inside you as he fills you with liquid heat.
“Yes, my sweet little slut,” Paz urges. “Milk every last drop out of me.”
Once your orgasm has subsided, you let your legs fall apart onto the cloak, body relaxing under Paz’s comforting warmth. Paz cradles you in his arms, murmuring soft nothings. Warmth fills you at his tender care. You can’t help but to giggle as he nuzzles his helmet against yours, much like a loth-cat would to show their affection.
“Good girl,” he murmurs. “You did so, so good. Real proud of you, kitten.”
The trader stands up. He opens his mouth to speak, but Din cuts him off.
“Fuck off, or I shoot,” Din says flatly.
Wisely, the trader holds both hands up and immediately retreats. Once he is gone, Paz pulls out, and a little whimper escapes you. Paz gives you one last kov’nyn and tucks himself away. As you sit up, Paz gathers your armor, while Din offers his hand to you. You stand. Immediately, their very generous contributions begin to make their way back out, and you make a face under your helmet. Din smacks your ass sharply.
“Get back to the ship,” he says. “I’m hard and I want to – “
Grinning, you bolt away from the ship. Din lets out a curse. You hear him drop the things in his arms as he comes after you. You give escaping your best shot, but you are laughing so hard you can’t breathe. You’re half naked, tits and ass flapping in the wind, trying to escape your lovers. The absurdity is nearly too much for you to handle. Din catches up to you easily. Then he scoops his arms around you and flings you over his shoulder, earning a sharp squeal from you. He pats one hand on a sticky ass cheek.
“Bad girl,” he chides, though you can hear amusement in his voice.
You offer no resistance as Din carries you back to the ship. Once inside, Din sets you down while Paz closes the ramp behind himself. Din wraps an arm around you and pulls you close, pressing his forehead to yours.
“Can I take the rest of this off?” he asks, hands lingering on your hips.
“Yes,” you confirm.
Din carefully begins to remove your gear, stacking it all on the table next to you. He drops to his knees to unlace your boots and you step out of them, nudging them under the table. Your ruined pants follow. Then he helps you remove the rest of your clothes, leaving you standing there in your helmet and nothing else. He hesitates.
“May I take your helmet off?” he asks.
Shyly, you reach for his hands and lift them to your helmet. Together, you lift your helmet off. Your eyes sting a bit at the bright lighting from the interior of the ship. Din lets out an appreciative noise as he lifts his hand to stroke your cheek. Pressing a kiss to his thumb, you hook your fingers into his belt and pull him closer, until your tits press up against the cool beskar plate on his chest.
Din brings out his restraints and a grin crosses your face, your pussy clenching in excitement. He encloses your wrists in the rings before testing them. Not too tight, not too loose.
“Ready?” Din asks.
“Ready,” you nod, “Safe word is behot.”
With your confirmation, Din moves swiftly, almost too quickly for you to track. He marches you into the bedroom and tosses you down onto the bed, where you bounce and squeak. Paz follows, already shedding his armor and clothes into the chair. Once Din is naked – save for his helmet – he crawls onto the bed with you, the mattress creaking under his weight. You kick out at him but miss, growling in frustration.
“She’s a feisty little thing, isn’t she?” Din asks Paz. The other man comes to join you, settling on your other side.
As Paz runs his finger along your breast, you bite at him. He laughs and then he thumps his finger against the end of your nose.
“This might be a problem, Paz,” Din says conversationally.
“What is it?” Paz asks.
“It looks like she’s pushed all our cum out of her,” Din says, swiping his fingers through the tacky mess on your thighs.
“We spent all day making those loads for your pussy,” Paz scolds you, tweaking your nipple.
“I never wanted them in the first place,” you growl up at them.
“Sweet kitten,” Din soothes, parting your knees and settling between them. “If you didn’t want to be bred, you shouldn’t have run your mouth.”
“Shouldn’t have called us old and incompetent,” Paz says.
“Called us unworthy of fucking this sweet pussy,” Din adds.
You can’t help the needy moan that escapes you while he strokes his cock to full stiffness. Lifting your hips, you writhe, pulling against Paz’s grip as he holds your wrists above your head.
“You say you don’t want to be pregnant,” Din chuckles lowly. Then he starts pushing in, sliding in with a satisfying thrust. Then he growls, his head falling back as he pauses, letting you feel the throb of his cock in you. “Look at the way you’re whining and writhing on my cock. You want this.”
“We’ll have to keep her chained to this bed until she’s pregnant,” Paz says.
You can’t help but to tighten around Din. He laughs, giving you a short thrust.
“I think she likes the idea of being chained to this bed and used,” Din looks over at Paz.
“Is she like a vice?” Paz asks, feigning surprise.
With one hand, he holds your arms down. With the other, he begins fondling your tits, tweaking your nipple and twisting. Then he smacks lightly, making you squeak and writhe. Din begins to thrust shallowly, his helmet tilting down toward your tits.
“I think she’s trying to keep me from pulling out,” Din says.
“I knew it,” Paz purrs, tracing a gentle finger along your jaw. “You’re a slut for a big, thick cock in you, aren’t you?”
“No!” you blurt out, twisting under Din. “Get it out! NO!”
Paz releases you to get up. Din catches your wrists and presses your palms to his chest as Paz goes to the wall.
“Dig your nails into me,” Din orders firmly.
“Like this?” you pant up at him, as Paz turns the lights off. “Or – or is it t-too much?”
“Make it hurt,” Din barks at you.
You obey, tightening your fingers until your nails dig in. He lets out a growl of pleasure, his hips snapping into yours sharply. Each thrust fills you to the brim and a little more, earning a squeak as he finds the line between pleasure and pain. The light turns off and you hear a thud as Din puts his helmet on the bedside table. Then another as Paz puts his down. The mattress shifts and Paz takes over holding you down.
“Baby, can I please spit in your mouth?” Din whispers, nuzzling along your jaw. You smile and press a kiss against his temple.
“Of course,” you respond.
He groans. Din’s hand finds your jaw and he presses against your cheeks to pry your jaws apart. Then he hooks his thumb over your lower teeth and pulls, holding your mouth open. You let out an inelegant noise as he traces your teeth with his tongue. Then he slides it in further, mapping the roof of your mouth and then your teeth. Din pulls back just a bit and he spits. Of course, he misses your mouth in the dark, so most of it ends up on your cheeks. Din releases you and you swallow, sighing as he starts hitting that spot that makes you see stars.
“Did you like that?” he asks gently, pressing his lips to your temple.
“Yes,” you whisper, “Can you…uhm…”
“What is it, baby?” Paz asks, stroking your arms.
“Be rougher, please?” you ask shyly.
“Anything you want,” Din says. “Are you ready?”
“Yes,” you confirm. “I’m ready.”
Din starts rolling his hips harder against yours and Paz’s grip grows tighter, verging on painful. Your eyes roll back up in your head as Din bites the meat of your shoulder and sucks hard. Din palms one breast for a moment, rolling and squeezing before pinching your nipple.
“These titties bounce so beautifully,” Din says. “You like this, kitten? Feeling my cock this far in you?”
“No,” you gasp, arching your back to welcome him in deeper. “No, don’t – don’t want to – “
Paz tweaks both your nipples sharply. You cry out at the little starbursts of pain radiating from your breasts. Then he smacks firmly, making your entire body twitch.
“If you didn’t want us breeding you, you would have kept that smart mouth of yours shut,” Paz says, squeezing again. “So glad you decided to run your mouth, kitten. Never would have known how fucking good you feel.”
“You told us you were ovulating,” Din pants. “Did you think we would turn the invitation down?”
Warmth fills your belly as your pussy begins to throb around his cock. Din groans.
“If you didn’t want to be bred, you wouldn’t be moaning for cock like the little whore you are,” Paz interjects, his hand sliding toward your belly.
You choke out a sob, bucking your hips against Din’s half-heartedly, breaths coming in sharp, gasping pants.
“Come on my cock, my sweet little slut,” Din orders, and you fall apart.
“No, no, no,” you sob out while you come, “Ple-please pull out, don’t do this, Din – “
He groans and lunges forward, heaving gasps escaping him as he finishes, filling you with that liquid warmth you crave. Tightening your legs around his waist, you keep him trapped snugly in you. He thrusts shallowly for a few moments.
“There you go, kitten,” he rasps into your shoulder. “Another load for your fertile pussy.”
“My turn,” Paz says cheerfully.
Din releases you, pressing another kiss to your forehead, and pulls out with a wet noise. You collapse onto the bed, legs spread wantonly, as you try to catch your breath. Paz settles between your knees. He thrusts in sharply, wrenching a cry of surprise from you as he fills you. He begins to move, each thrust rocking your body on the covers.
“Fuck,” Paz grunts.
Arching your back, you whine, tightening your legs around Paz’s waist.
“Please,” you whine, “Harder, Paz.”
A desperate noise escapes you as he goes still.
“What was that, kitten?” he asks.
“Harder, please,” you mewl impatiently.
“Did we change your mind?” Din croons, tracing your jaw with his fingers. “Do you want to be filled up with cum, little slut?”
Another impatient noise escapes you as you lift your hips, urging Paz to continue what he was doing before. He doesn’t move, much to your chagrin. Your lower lip slides out in a pout.
“Tell me exactly what you want from me, kitten,” Paz says.
“I want you to fuck me please. Finish in me, I want every last drop,” you moan into his ear, sighing when he starts moving again. “Wanna be bred.”
“Good girl,” Paz rumbles in response.
“Wanna do what I was made to do,” you sigh, digging your nails into his back. “Get knocked up.”
He keeps a slow and unhurried pace, your mewls and pleas falling on deaf ears. He works you slowly to the edge, drawing out each thrust and kiss until you feel like your entire body quivering in desperation. He changes his pace then, grinding his pubic bone into your clit, giving you the friction and pressure that you so desperately need. Biting on your lower lip, you lift your hips, digging your nails into his back as you start to come. Paz bites you again and orgasm hits you like a freighter. You sob his name out, toes curling, as the pleasure wracks your body.
Paz rests inside you as you come down from your high, feeling fuzzy and warm, as if you’re about to fall asleep. He pulls out. A generous amount of his spend follows. He presses his lips to your forehead as you start to drowse off.
“Rest,” he murmurs. “You will need your strength, kitten.”
As you drift off, Paz tucks a blanket around you. Vaguely, you hear Din and Paz arguing over who sleeps where, but you tune them out, sinking into the warm abyss of sleep.
You aren’t quite sure how many times the two of them fuck you throughout the next few days. Originally, you had tagged along to hunt with them, but the two men clearly had other plans in mind. That first night, they keep you in bed, letting you out only for a trip to the bathroom and for food. The cuffs are loose enough for you to slip out in case of emergency, but you don’t take advantage of that fact. Honestly, the thought of being entirely at their mercy gets you soaked in seconds. Din also refuses to let you wear clothes. Any attempt to cover up is met with a growl and a very swift undressing.
Cover your tits with your hands? Din reaches for the handcuffs. He even threatens to hide the blankets and pillows until you agree to remain completely naked for his viewing pleasure. “If you’re cold,” Din says, “You come to me, and I’ll keep you warm.” Paz only shakes his head.
During the days, they alternate who hunts and who stays behind with you. When it’s Din’s turn to stay behind, he likes keeping you cuffed. Sometimes, when you’re very naughty, he’ll cuff you to the pilot’s seat and keep you between his knees. Then, he’ll slide his flaccid cock in your mouth and keep it there until you can get it hard again. Sometimes, when you get a little too fresh with him, he will finish on your face. He likes mocking you when you sulk about him wasting a load like that. Then, while you’re protesting, Din will slide his cock right back into your mouth to shut you up. When you’ve behaved to his liking, Din will finish in your pussy and tell you what a good girl you’ve been.
Paz, on the other hand, can’t stay out of your pussy. When it’s his turn to stay with you, he just plops you into his lap and buries his cock inside you. Paz is a very patient man. Sometimes, he makes you sit perfectly still on his cock. He won’t touch you until you break apart and beg him for his touch. Then, and only then, will he let you finish. Other times, he flat out uses you, not caring if you get off in the process. Then he makes you sit there in complete silence, feeling as his cock goes all soft inside you. If you make the mistake of letting his cock slip out, Paz will sigh in disappointment and make you lick up the mess that escapes your poor abused pussy.
On the fourth day of your scheduled breeding, Din comes back with something he promises you will “love”. He heads into the galley for a few minutes. You can hear the sounds of running water and him washing something. After his shower, he joins the two of you in the bed. Paz pulls out and Din replaces him. You whine impatiently – Paz hasn’t let you finish all day long. He’s kept you on the edge the entire time. Not thirty seconds later, Din also finishes, and you sulk as he pulls out.
Then something soft and squishy presses right up against your abused entrance. Your pussy resists for a few moments – whatever it is, it’s big­ – but it eventually pops in. You squirm as it slides in, pressing up against your g-spot.
“What the hell?” you ask Din.
“It’s an egg,” Din says proudly. “This way, we’ll be able to keep our cum inside you while you’re doing your chores, kitten.”
“I like that idea,” Paz says. “Speaking of chores, I’m hungry.”
“Me too,” Din says.
“Go get dinner on the table, woman,” Paz says, smacking your ass cheek as you roll off the bed.
The instant they found out you like being told what to do, they started taking shameless advantage of it. When they’re not fucking you, Paz and Din often have you cleaning armor or doing the cleaning around the ship. Paz especially loves watching you in the galley as you cook the meals. This is the only exception to Din’s demand that you stay naked. He lets you wear an apron to do the cooking so you don’t accidentally burn yourself. As soon as you’re finished in the galley, Din takes the apron from you and locks it up.
It took a little bit before you got used to the egg inside you, but now, it feels quite nice pressing up against your g-spot. Not only that, it keeps their spend from leaking out and making a horrible mess on your thighs. Din and Paz like seeing evidence of you being bred, but the thought of having it plugged up inside you is far more appealing to them. You can’t help but to find their eagerness to knock you up weirdly endearing.
“We should keep her like this forever,” Din says one evening while he fucks into your limp body, forcing a mortified moan out of you. “Naked and fucked into submission.”
“I like it much better when she’s cooking and cleaning,” Paz leers, stroking his cock as he waits for Din to finish, “Imagine how good she’ll look with a big belly on her. Cooking, cleaning, and looking after the little ones.”
Din swears as he finishes, coating your walls with another thick layer of spend. He pulls out and you squirm a bit. Your walls are hypersensitive now, almost tender from the sheer number of times the two warriors have fucked into your body. Paz laughs as he pushes in, plugging Din’s cum inside you.
“How many brats are we going to breed out of her?” Din asks, turning your head to the side.
He traces your lips with the head of his cock, smearing his spend and your slick onto your face. Obediently, you open your mouth and lick at the head of his cock. Din sighs as he slides in with short, gentle thrusts. Once they found out that you could swallow their cocks up to the hilt, neither one had been shy about using your mouth to get hard.
“Six,” Paz says, “Six sounds good.”
“Do you like the sound of that, kitten?” Din asks, tilting his helmet down at you. “Do you think you can breed us six children?”
You pull your mouth off Din’s cock and give him a look of pure disbelief.
“Competent warriors could provide for more than six,” you say hoarsely. “Only a useless, ancient fucker like you would stop at six.”
Paz starts to laugh hysterically at the incredulity in Din’s posture. Din sighs and picks up the big, squishy silicone egg he bought. Then he pops it into your pussy and smacks your ass.
“My armor needs to be cleaned,” he says. “Get to work, woman.”
“Yes, sir,” you sigh, as you bring your knees together and slide off the table.
They drop you off back home with the rest of the supplies. From there, Din and Paz go on to pursue the more dangerous bounties that they don’t quite trust you with. It doesn’t really offend you – you really aren’t that great of a hunter. They can handle themselves alone. They make a formidable team when partnered up together. When you go in for your medical examination, Doctor Shen just sort of stares at the results of the scan.
“Is this why you came to ask for the pregnancy cocktail?”
“I told them I was ready to have a baby,” you say shyly. “I’m so happy they were willing to help.”
Her hand on her hip is the equivalent of a raised brow.
“You’re covered in bruises and bite marks,” she says. “Did you get any hunting done at all?”
“I hunted for the first few days,” you say defensively. “Then I did a personal scan and found I was going to be ovulating soon.”
She sighs and shakes her head.
“It’ll be a little bit before we can determine if you succeeded,” she says. “So, take it easy for now.”
Twelve weeks later, Doctor Shen confirms that yes, Paz and Din were quite successful in knocking you up. When they get back, you deliver the good news. You expect them to be overjoyed – which they are – but you do not expect them to start arguing on the spot over who gets to raise the child. It gets to the point where they look like they’re ready to start brawling, so you swiftly cut in.
“You idiots had no problem taking turns fucking me,” you say, ignoring all the witnesses in the room. “You won’t have a problem taking turns raising this baby with me.”
Paz and Din grumble about having to ‘put up with’ the other, but eventually concede. You won’t admit it, but it feels nice being fought over by the two more competent warriors in the Tribe. You know you’re the recipient of many jealous looks from the others, but you have no desire to share them with anyone else. As your belly grows larger, Paz finally lets you move into his room, which is much larger than the bunk you share with your friend. (Din also moves in, so he can ‘make sure’ that Paz is looking after you.)
Then they start arguing about whose name the baby is going to get, which clan it is going to be raised in, and which warrior you were going to marry. (Armorer ends up cutting into the argument and telling you to just marry them both because she’s sick of hearing their voices and could you please tell them to shut up?)
Paz wins getting the two of you to join up as part of his clan. Regardless of clan politics, the Vizsla emblem does get certain benefits. You win the last name debacle by saying the baby gets your last name. Finally, Din gets to name the baby. (Though you remind him that any stupd names like Ori’buyce will immediately be vetoed.)
When you’re starting to get round, Din and Paz spend a lot of their time simply touching you, marveling at the changes in your body. You have to sleep between them most nights because they’re always underfoot, wanting to feel the baby move. Now, being pregnant isn’t a deterrent for either one.
In fact, the bigger your belly gets, the more they want to pleasure you. It doesn’t ever get rough – Paz and Din don’t want to risk hurting you or the baby – but it takes very little to convince them to please you. This late in your pregnancy, it’s hard to manage sex comfortably. So, they have to be creative.
Paz will make a nest of pillows on the armchair outside and layers a few towels onto the cushion. Then he carefully nestles you onto it, lifting your legs onto the arm rests until you’re spread wide open for them. (This is approximately the same time that Din loses control over his mouth.)
Din loves to tell you how good you look with a big, round belly. He comments on how your breasts have changed, how they feel heavy and ripe and full in his palms. Paz likes to tell you that you look like some sort of fertile goddess, ready to bring life into the world. He likes kissing every stretch mark and worshiping your pussy. When you’re appropriately dazed and incapable of forming a coherent sentence, they’ll let you rest. (The bigger the wet spot you leave behind on the pile of towels, the prouder they are of themselves.)
When you’re only a week from giving birth, the two of them start nesting hard. You have to wade through boxes of baby supplies to get into the little room you’ve turned into the nursery. The two idiots feed off of the other’s anxiety to the point where you have to pry baby supplies out of their hands and order them to rest. (You only have to threaten to get Doctor Shen three times before they calm down and stop panicking.)
The delivery goes smoothly. Din and Paz stay by your side the entire time, holding your hand and sponging the sweat off your forehead. They both cry more than the baby does as you hold him close to your chest. You know who fathered him, but neither Din nor Paz care. From there, they take you straight home. The two of them make a marvelous team, especially when it comes to Wife and Baby Care Duties.
Baby needs to be fed? Din’s already up to grab the baby, while Paz is finding some burp cloths for you. Diaper needs to be changed at night? You don’t know about it until you check the baby diaper log. (You are definitely getting the better end of the deal here, but you won’t complain about not having to change the diapers at night.)
By the time you’re on baby five (or six, was it? You’re not sure how many kids you have at this point), Paz and Din have already started staying at home longer and longer to bask in their well-earned ‘retirement’. They haven’t stopped hunting of course. Paz or Din just takes a young hunter or two with him to give them one-on-one tutelage.
“It’s a real privilege to be in this position,” Paz explains, as he shaves the remaining stubble off his face. “Back on Nevarro, we didn’t have this privilege. We had to go out on our own. We never had backup.”
“Kids are going to be soft,” Din mutters, though you can see the proud smile on his face. “We’ll have to toughen them up.”
“They’re lucky to have the two of you,” you respond quietly, to avoid waking up the newest member of the family. “Passing on your knowledge and skill…we’ll be all the stronger for it.”
“Exactly,” Din says, plastering a kiss onto your forehead.
“Can’t wait to take the ad’ika out,” Paz says dreamily. “Hopefully, we’ll be able to arrange childcare so you can come along.”
“I’m not missing any of their first hunts,” you say flatly. “The Tribe will just need to suck it up and babysit.”
The two of them only laugh at your indignant response. As you look out into the living room, you smile as you see your offspring spread out on the couch, watching a ‘borrowed’ movie. They will make fine warriors, you think to yourself, especially with who their fathers are.
Permanent Tags:
@hdlynn @princessbatears @oloreaa @phoenixhalliwell  @reader-without-a-story @nelba @aeryntheofficial @trippedmetaldetector @jedi-mando  @razzlefrazzum @paintballkid711 @hayley-the-comet @dornish-queen
Paz/Din Tags:
@esoltis280 @backontheolebullshit
The “If I have to Suffer, So Do You” Tags:
@magsgotswags @thecautiousengineer
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
F*cked Out 💤
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Ojiro Aran Domestic Smut (NSFW) part 2
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A/N: I wrote this as a Part 2 to this fic, but it can be read as a stand alone!
18+, Explicit smut, praise kink, Aged up obvs, Timeskip spoilers
Tagging: @saitamastamaticsoup & @chunhua-s b/c these Aran stans found part 1 last night & their comments made me thirsty enough to write a pt. 2. Hope you like it!
also my lovely @qyuanon who I just read is back and I missed her💛
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Futilely, you knocked on the door to yours and your man’s home office. Leaning on the frame, you crossed your arms. Being a literal isolationist when you had to work, you never understood why your man liked keeping the office door open. But then he told you once that he didn’t like the fact that he couldn’t hear you calling him if the door was closed. ‘What if something happened and I didn’t run to you?’ He had explained, pouting when you laughed at him. It warmed your heart, but you decided not to call his name tonight, instead opting to physically pay him a visit. You had to, because what lead you here in the first place was serious! You had just woken up in the middle of the night because his side of the bed had turned cold. Yeah, that deserved nothing less than a visit from you! 
From your spot in the doorway you could see Ojiro sitting at the grand desk, his back turned to you, the lights from his laptop playing some Team Canada highlights. The screen bluelight shone brightly on his gorgeous dark skin, the back of his head bobbed up and down as he dutifully wrote down any important plays he was seeing so that he could tell his coach tomorrow.
“Babe,” You announced your presence with a soft smile. Your man is such a hard worker and he really doesn’t get enough credit for it. You tighten the robe you were wearing because it was always kind of drafty on this side of the house. “You have a game tomorrow.” 
Your boyfriend, captain of the Japanese National Volleyball Team’s shoulders slumped when he heard you, but he didn’t turn around. 
He didn’t have to.
He never had to. Even though you’ve only been dating for a bit over a year, you two knew each other so well that you could accurately tell exactly what kind of expressions, feelings, and thoughts permeated the other without having to be vis-a-vis. When you first met, your dates were—objectively speaking—oddly silent for the most part. The waitress once asked you if you were uncomfortable through an inconspicuous napkin note, which was kind of her—but the truth was that on that date you were actually more than Okay! It might have seemed odd to an outsider or eavesdropper that no sentences were being finished, and both people on said date were constantly staring down, away, or into each others eyes in silence… but realistically, neither of them could grasp the fact that words weren’t necessary when there existed a connection like yours and Aran’s. 
‘It’s fate. He’s the one.’ You had told your friends after the second date when you realized your mind reading wasn’t a fluke. Because as corny as it sounded then and even now in your memory; it was true, tf. 
Doesn’t mean you weren’t going to kick his ass for letting his side of the bed go cold, though. You were used to Aran being gone for volleyball so you had no problem falling asleep alone, but when you were ecstatic to have him home it was important for him to REMAIN home, which means staying in bed if you fell asleep on his chest! He has never done it before, so This is not Okay!
“I know, baby, I know…” your boyfriend calls to you, scribbling on his notepad faster. “I’m almost done. I-I think their setter could be doing one of two plays to start tomorrow, and I don’t think it’s the one I was sure about before we went to bed. And I mean, we play them until 12pm, so—“
“So nothing. You still have to be up by 6. The stadium is far and knowing you, you won’t sleep on the Team’s bus, you’ll still be watching these videos even then. I’ll—“
“Please don’t tell Iwaizumi-san, he will kick my ass! We’re playing Team Canada tomorrow and they are ranked just under us but—“
“Not by a lot, I know. I understand, but you guys will still pull the win. I know it....because Your team has you.”
Aran chuckled heartily, continuing to scribble with his back still turned, but his voice turned a little more endearing. “Thank you, baby. But.... I can’t seem to sleep tonight... I just can’t. I’ve been up this whole time so I—” As your boyfriend babbled on, you quietly interjected, 
“I know a way to get you to sleep.” 
“—won’t use my laptop in bed and wake you up when you’re sleeping so….wait….what did you—?” 
You smirked, knowing that your man knew why your voice had dropped a few octaves. He knew you were up to something, not because you two could practically read each other’s minds—moreso because you two had already established that that specific tone of voice of yours made his dick hard. The pen he was scribbling with stopped moving, finally, and you could just picture the way he gulped just now. 
“I know you can’t sleep, Ar…..” You made sure he could hear you clearly now, in the voice you only reserved for fuck-me-o’clock. 
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A sexy smirk that Ojiro could see without looking at you played in his mind and on your face simultaneously. 
“Yeah?” He asked, his deep voice cracking. 
You kept speaking in that voice with one goal in mind.
“Yes, baby…” You hummed thoughtfully before stating,
“So why don’t you come over here and fuck me so hard it puts you to bed, then?”
Drunk off horniness caused by the amount sex dripping from your voice, the captain of Japan’s National Volleyball Team slowly turned the office chair so that he was facing you. 
Boldly, you turned your back to him at the same time and fiddled your hands that just tightened your robe. This time, instead of tightening it, you loosened the strings fully so your robe was wide open, facing the emptiness of your house. Knowing that your boyfriend was checking out and admiring your ass in that short silk robe and desiring the shock factor—in one motion you tossed the robe over your shoulders so that it pooled at your feet, exposing your completely nude back and backside to your man. 
“🤤 Shit,” Ojiro groaned, sounding as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. You just knew your man was biting that full and juicy bottom lip of his.
Swaying your hips to give your man a tiny show, you sauntered precisely where he didn’t want you to: away from him; heading towards the master bedroom. 
You kept yourself from giggling when you heard the aggressive shutting of a laptop, a volleyball announcer being cut off, and a certain volleyball player’s stumbling and cursing because Ojiro was practically chasing you out of the office.
“Mmmm…. Fuck..”
A few minutes later, your mind displayed a valiant effort by attempting to guess how your boyfriend looked right now, but it would be in vain. You couldn’t picture your man like you usually could because you were currently being fucked way too fucking well. Ojiro was filling you completely with just half his length, whispering horny-nothings to help you understand his feelings anyway:
“God damn, Y/N… Every. Time. Feels. So. God. Damn. Good,”
Now, If your mind was clear you’d be able to perfectly visualize how Ojiro’s face was scrunched up in pleasure right now, a coat of sweat coating his nude dark skin, the skylight over his head allowing the moon to reflect an insanely sexy glow sheen over his muscles due to the perspiration. 
“Auuh there’s nothing better than this, baby…”
If your mind was clear you’d be able to perfectly visualize how Ojiro’s head was tilted backwards right now, his mouth slightly ajar as he focused on not cumming inside you within the first few minutes of this because he needed to feel you cum around him first. As always. 
“Not when I hitting a line shot, not when I get a service ace.... nothing feels—auuuh f-uck— better than your pussy, baby girl..…”
If your mind was clear, you’d be able to see Ojiro on his knees behind you, holding your hips in his giant hands while he drove into you from behind, inserting only half his cock in and out like a pro, then surprising you with a fully thrust every now and then when he sheathed all 10 inches inside your heat.
“Mmm, so ti-ight, always so wet… damn,”
Despite your mind being clouded by immense pleasure, however—you did know that you looked absolutely wrecked with your face pressed in the pillow, blindly reaching behind you to tap or wave or pinch or do something to him since you couldn’t speak. You could barely made any sounds other than choked out moans because it felt so spectacular… but you didn’t have to! Aran knew that you wanted your boyfriend to stop playing and give you full strokes. His half thrusts filled and pleasured you more than any one ever could because he was huge and skilled in bed, he knew just how your insides liked to be stroked, but that didn’t stop you from silently pleading to him..
Even if Ojiro wasn’t holding back like always because he was very aware of his size and girth, even if you both knew that it would hurt you the next day like after a good workout, even if you walked funny when you had to attended his Olympic game several hours from now—you fucking needed it.
HE fucking needed it!
“Harder, Ar,” You commanded, “Deeper!”
“Fuck,” Your boyfriend panted, still not giving you what you asked 7 amazing strokes later. 
“Harder, now!” You cried as if you were whispering to the fucking pillow. You hadn’t the strength to lift your head. Your orgasm was fast approaching because HALF your man’s dick was too good and there was no way you weren’t bringing him with you. “Deeper, baby!”
“Y-you su-sure?” He asked worriedly. He always did this shit 🙄. He always worried way too much about your body soreness and way too little about both of your impending orgasms tonight rocking your motherfucking worlds. 
Good boyfriends and their fucked up PRIORITIES, amirite?!
Needless to say, you didn’t have time for compassionate Aran tonight. You needed him to fuck the both of you to sleep the way you knew he was capable of if he stopped holding back. Besides, he should have been in bed hours ago. You had to do this for the sake of the National Team! You had to this for JAPAN! (A/N: lucky b*tch shut your horny ass up)
So that’s why, in response to his asking if you were sure or not, you responded by clenching your insides so that your slick hole squeezed around your boyfriend’s cock. 
As soon as he felt you pulsing impossibly tighter around him as he fucked you halfway, his eyes rolled back in his head. 
“Fuuuuuuuuuuck…” He moaned deeply, so of course you continued doing it.
“Shit, Y/N, Okay, Okay,”
Without having to beg for mercy, your man did as you asked him to. He moved his hands from your waist to splay them on each of your ass cheeks, spreading them apart to make more room for his member that already barely fit (with your hasty prep and not his tentative one), but especially when your pussy clenched around him like that. With a loud moan from both of you, he bottomed out and stayed there for a bit to get you used to the size. You almost passed out by how good it felt pressing against your g-spot.
When Aran couldn’t take it anymore, and he started giving it to you: hard, fast, and deep. 
“Ye, baby, make room for me just like this…..” He moaned, gripping your ass tighter. “You want all of me? You think your tight hole can handle all of me?” He asked, no growled, still giving shallow but gratifying thrusts.
You whimpered, knowing that Ojiro knew the answer to that. Even so, you egged him on, “Sh-Show me why you’re the best top,” playing into your dirty talk from the last time y’all had sex like this but he was under you. 
Your boyfriend let out a long groan in his smooth deep voice and picked up his pace in reaponse, sending a new wave of wetness to your private. You were so soaked down there that it sounded like y’all were having sex in the bath tub, fuck. 
Your man loved it. 
“Mmmm, —m’ close beautiful,” He called, snapping his hips forward to meet you g-spot again and again. “It’s you, baby, it’s you,” Your man groaned. “Your pussy feels too fucking good……. I’d never pull out if I had to co-couldd,” 
“Oh, God. Aran!" You moaned loudly due to his dirty talk and praise, teetering on the edge of your release. Knowing that you maybe had 30 seconds left if you focused, you must have decided that you didn’t want to walk tomorrow at all because being the weakness of your bf you are, from your position being pounded into the sheets, you propped yourself up on your weak arms so that you could use the fact that your elbows were digging into the mattress as leverage to push your body back so that you met Aran’s deep thrusts. 
Like your boyfriends does every rare time he’s able to see your glorious ass bounce on his hard dick, his eyes flew open and he felt as though he’d been transported to heaven itself. 
“Y/N—auh, s-so sexy, aah, ooh, ohhh, fuck, Y/N,”
entranced, Aran couldn’t even last another second before he was stopping your movements with his hands, sliding them back on your hips to hold you still as his orgasm took his muscular frame by storm. He saw stars.
Of course, his orgasm triggered yours immediately, and you cried your man’s name as you came on his dick. He whispered yours as your insides milked him without influence this time, effectively lengthening your man’s finish. Panting, Aran just barely caught himself before his now exhausted body toppled over you. 
His last wakeful act, being the gentleman that he is, was to roll over so he wouldn’t crush you with his body weight, pulling out at the same time. 
You wondered if he registered that he said, “thank you baby,” before he began softly snoring—a sign that he was completely worn out and sleeping.
You smiled softly to yourself when you heard his snores, finally turning when you caught your own breath, to fully see your boyfriend’s stunning face. You endearingly brushed his goatee with the tips of your fingers, turning his sleeping face to yours so you could peck his lips. Then, you just barely had the leg strength to stand up on limbs that barely worked, removing his condom for him, then using the furniture in your room to support you as you cleaned the two of you up. You almost fell asleep standing up as you used a cloth on the two of you. Five minutes later, you were back in bed, under the covers with your lover and amazing man. 
Usually, Ojiro Aran slept like the dead (when he first moved in you occasionally have to check if he was still breathing...) , but you knew now that if he snored, that was a sign that he was so fatigued. You knew about the snoring, but the talking was new to you. Ojiro was so deep in his sleep after that round, that he was talking to himself in his slumber, whispering sweet-nothings about you that you’d never let him know he vocalized to spare him the embarrassment.
Besides, he didn’t say anything too embarrassing.... and you knocked out as soon as your head met his chest, not even feeling his arm sweetly wrap around your waist to pull you closer. So, you didn’t even hear most of his sleep-talk.
And maybe you were right when you called it fate, that drove the two of you.... because if it wasn’t fate that had you place your head on Aran’s chest at that exact moment, if it wasn’t fate that made you fall asleep at that exact moment..... then, I mean, you would have heard Ojiro not a second later declare aloud that he’s hiding your engagement ring in the office’s cabinet drawer. You would have heard theis the real reason he wasn’t able to fall asleep: because he was so nervous about asking for your hand in marriage before his Japan vs. Canada game tomorrow, when you least expected it.
Cause like, well, that totally would have ruined the surprise.
But you did fall asleep. Fate did that. So him sleep talking honestly never really happened.
And you know what else never happened? 
You never had to feel the cold side of the bed again where your man should be, at least not that night, because Aran Ojiro your new fiancée’s body kept it warm all night, because you were great and helping him fall asleep like a baby....making him just that:
 f*cked out. 
178 notes · View notes
the-acid-pear · 3 years
I did my homework and i did my chores, time to tackle on the third book of this series, Son of Ogre
Chapter 1
Okay but the fuck is Baki planning to do if he stops fighting? That's literally all he has, he's not smart
King just went to have a snack. Also FUCK does that meat look tasty FUCKKK
This baby so cute 🥺
I'm so glad Yuji is doing stupid hilarious shit again it had been a while
Congrats on Baki for that mantis
Chapter 2
Who tf is this kid?
Poor kid lmao, i assume he will meet Baki
Look at my boyyy
Imagine Baki actually kills this kid HSJDYSSHCBT
Third comment with a ton of likes is "we do not condone child violence. We do, however, find it hilarious"
Chapter 3
But i like Baki memeing a round a lil
Chapter 4
🥺🥺 that's so sweet...
Yujiro is such a fucking threat to society lmao
I love seeing Baki with his eyes open, he's looking more like his old self
Oh, shadow boxing incoming, alright
Chapter 5
Yuri? 🥺 /j
Chapter 6
I love how there's our silly little mains after every cover LUV em <33
Baki just dissociating his ass out and using it on his favor, the king
Why is Baki eating sour prunes aren't those meant to be sweet?
We all salivating
Chapter 7
Love to see there are even more swears there now
I can put my face next to my foot too tho
Also i would LOVE to see Yuji fight an Orca
I love how everyone in the comments is calling out Rumina for not seeing issue going down to a dark hidden basement with a shirtless man older than him
Chapter 8
"piggy back me" USHSYFLFUDSY
This fight is going to be good
Chapter 9
Imagine Baki dies right here right know against an imaginary mantis lmao
Okay Baki getting damaged makes sense but the WALL?
Ffs it's true Baki COULD create himself a stand 😰
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
This fight is so boring i had to take a 6 hour break
Baki just can't win against nature eh
This reminds me of Garland pulling a suplex on that Anaconda
Chapter 12
I can't wait for the main cast to ACTUALLY appear, instead of just, you know, them in the covers
This fight is slow but cool but slow
To fight a mantis you must think like a mantis 😎
Though it's true in this manga you will most likely win if you steal your opponent techniques so
Chapter 13
This is so dumb i luv it
That mantis be swearing lmao
Love it when Baki goes full Yujiro
Chapter 14
Holy fuck do mantis fly?
Secret Chapter?
Is this how Yujiro got born?
Idk girl i would have killed him if i was you
I might just be sleepy but this is so confusing
Chapter 15
Why is he like this?
Is "he" with us right now?
...gotta admit that IS true...
I love Strydum sksgwhwg
Yujiro really went XD
I don't think my man Arun in the comments is aware how gay what he said is, though maybe I'm wrong
Chapter 16
I can't believe Bush is dead
8 of January? My god he's a Capricorn
I'm sorry, what?
This explains why Baki was in prison clothes in the anime teaser
Chapter 17
That one mf like 😐
Glad Baki is 18 now at least 😌
Love to see Oliva back
Chapter 18
This page not even bothering to charge the pages anymore
I'm sure there were better ways to go to jail, well, actually, no, but still
Toba used to just chew that off
Baki did that mantis hit you in the head too hard?
I. I watched way too many prison movies and shows. I don't like seeing someone as young and pretty as Baki in such a place. I rlly don't.
Chapter 19
Yanagi baby i miss you...
Mfkhsjsys 😳🥴
Eh got my hopes too high
I hope he swears too i want to see a boludo o pelotudo PLEASE
I mean para pelotudos lo veo a Yujiro todo el tiempo pero igual JSGWKEGWG me pone bien argento ver al Che carajo
Chapter 20
I can't take this omfg new fav I'm sorry Doppo but he just said boludo 😭
Pendejo is more used as pibe here but i will let it pass bc idk the lingo in Cuba and he spent some time there so
Why don't i speak like this too ffs? All i do is say eh and call it a day
He's cocky enough to call anybody any age pibe so I'll let that pass too
Por favor no lo hagas che sksgwj
Chapter 21
Che, pibe, it's a good day to die...
Chapter 22
GSHAGSTSG he should have said "no boludo"
I'm falling in love with this boludo myself
That's talented and brutal
Chapter 23
Hm that's, cringe
Honestly i too get pissed off when called American or European, though i won't throw shit to Baki, he's some random 18 yo japanese boy, no way he would recognize latinoamerican lingo lmao
King shit Baki boy
Chapter 24
Oh that's why he's called Jun Guevara, that's fair
I like how they are mixing a bit of truth and a bit of lie it's fun at least
Chapter 25
I like how they are drawing nipples now, occasionally
I can't wait for Viêt to complain about propaganda in the comments
😳 :Y
He's sooo nice 😍
Chapter 26
Only three? You mean the third is... 👁️👁️
I can't believe he works for the USA I'm crying and shaking rn
What a progressive manga, the three strongest and most dangerous men and none of them are white 😍
Chapter 27
Why is this guy sweating sm?
I like how the only time Baki was willing to kill a person was when he thought Sikorsky had hurt his girl
Chapter 28
I feel like Ian will die
Man i love how Baki is drawn in this book
Ffs i called it, i have watched way too many prison things to know how shit goes down
I have seen these three before in fanart but I'm curious to see what they can do
Chapter 29
Their faces remind me of Doyle
I'm gonna struggle to tell em apart but i think I'll manage
Okay I'm not the only one who thinks they look like Doyle, fair
Chapter 30
The mouth vs Yujiro when?
Someone mentioned the have the same vibe as the dudes that worked with Gaia and like 👁️👁️
Chapter 31
Lmao someone in the comments recommended the same thing
These three must be great at sex (sorry)
KSHALDHDKD NEW FAV COMMENT: "go to Japan and look for the word "defeat". That way you won't feel cocky anymore"
Chapter 32
Hehe hello Junnn~
La luna
Chapter 33
Okay that's funny, hocico instead of mouth (hocico is used for animal mouths)
I'm so glad i know Spanish
The two things that drive me insane and make me ramble are Doppo's beauty and this stupid argentinian
Chapter 34
Imagine he's doing that illusion thing Dorian did
With his own blood, that's so cool...
I did that once when i had a terrible nose bleed, didn't go well
Chapter 35
This book is fucking boring NGL
"now that you got no more urine left in you"
Chapter 36
HHH he kinda cute...
Oww :(
God piantao is an old word i had never heard it before
AND he took a piss.
Se me cayó un ídolo y yo que le quería dar 😔
Let's see if he lied to Baki about just liking eh /j
Chapter 37
I luv Oliva lol
I too wonder where the fuck Kozue is
Chapter 38
He is jealous of what you two have, it's normal, el Che just rejected his love after all ;/
Oliva is a king
Oh shit Oliva is like 45?! He looked so young
Te fuiste a la mierda, Che, el chabón estaba siendo re bueno con vos
Baki is just dead
Chapter 39
I love how realistic Che's fear is, he's rather smart, though not this time
I didn't realize Che said "what more, it may be a woman!" but to be fair they ARE in jail so
Chapter 40
I'm feeling kinda bad for him ngl
I feel happy for him tho 🥺
Bruh they added one page after the ending of some naked anime girl tf 😐
Chapter 41
These prisoners having fun is kinda sweet
Bitches be complaining about Maria's looks are just jealous 🥰
Chapter 42
Damn she lorge
He loves fighting naked eh
Only valid person is the one saying Oliva deserves better treatment which tbh true
Chapter 43
Fun fact i wear my jacket like El Che too, unless it's too cold
El che with the hair lose is so cute bro,,,
Something something fingering joke
Sikorski could fold a coin too
I bet the bandana will break
Chapter 44
I would have just fallen on top of him, how is he gonna counter that, eh?
Oh that super fun to know!
Oh the good ol dirty technique, i have seen this one before!
Chapter 45
This fight is super cool tho i love these two characters
Chapter 46
They just keep changing the rules i think Itagaki is just flexing at this point
Baki wants his protagonism back
I'm getting pissed off they keep putting semi naked underaged girls at the end of every chapter 😐
Chapter 47
Bruh just realized, the mouth got so hyped as this new cool villain and they died in their first appearance 😭
His damn bandana...
17 notes · View notes
His Bedroom (M)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Smut, ???
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: toxic relationship (you’ll see), hair pulling, possessive dirty talk, face sitting, plot twist?, mentions of stalking and kidnapping
(A/N): This is just an idea I thought up while on a run one day. I have no idea why it took me so long to write whatever tf this is and I apologize.
As soon as you step foot into the bedroom you feel hot all over. Jimin is close behind, snatching off his shirt with trembling fingers as you work on ridding yourself of the troublesome gown draped over your frame. Tonight was perfect. He cooked the perfect dinner for you, served it by the poolside and you sat outside stargazing as you ate. The water had been cool when you dipped in your toes, swinging your feet and holding hands as you talked about any and everything. You enjoyed Jimin’s company, it can get pretty lonely in the mansion while he’s away, and normally, seeing him is the highlight of your often uneventful days.
He combs your hair back with delicate fingers, smiling at you before connecting your lips, and you feel goosebumps rise on your skin. The kiss is electric and it leaves you clinging to him in search of more.
“Get on the bed.” He breathes, gently pushing you away so you can follow his order. You love showing off for him, love the way his eyes follow your every movement as you slink onto the mattress, arching your back as deeply as you can to make sure he gets a view of your slick folds. He makes you feel sexy, like you’re the only girl in the world, and you bask in the feeling as you put on a show for him in the middle of his sheets. Watching him as he removes the rest of his own clothing makes your heart race, you know he’d be smirking right now if he saw how you were drooling over every chiseled inch of his body, but he’s too busy studying you, committing every detail of you to memory as if he hadn’t seen it a thousand times already. As if it isn’t the same body he’ll be seeing for the rest of his life.
“Jimin~” You croon once he’s as naked as you, beckoning him over with honey eyes. In three swift steps he’s upon you, staring down at your face, then your chest, then shifting down until he’s looking directly at your heat.
“You’re always so wet for me,” His thumbs skim dangerously close to your lips. “Just for me.” It’s almost like he’s lost in you, speaking to your body and listening to all it has to say to him. He’s fluent in its language, always knowing exactly how to work you up, how to bring you to the edge, how to make you scream, and his skill amazes you every time without fail. You’re practically writing beneath him just from the way he spreads you to look at your treasure, his treasure, and by the time he leans in to blow cool air on you, your eyes are already rolling. He flips you with ease, hands guiding you over his face so he can have his meal, and your body bursts into flames when he makes first contact.
It’s heavenly the way he swirls his tongue like that, licking broad stripes through your folds and suckling your clit sensationally. His eyes are closed as he eats you, humming in tandem with your moans, possibly enjoying it just as much as you are. Eager hands knead at your hips, encouraging you to press down on his mouth to your heart’s content, and it’s because you know he loves to please you so much that you do. He lives for making you feel good and having you praise him, moaning out your compliments while rocking your hips against his lips, building up to an orgasm with his tongue inside you. Your taste, your smell, your voice, everything about you fires him up, makes him want to love you till you drop. He’d let you smother him between your legs if you wanted. You know from experience that he enjoys drowning in you, resurfacing red faced and sweating, gasping for air with a smile on his face.
It doesn’t take long for you to start losing control, bucking your hips wildly onto his tongue to chase the feeling, oblivious to his hand pumping at his shaft in time with your movements. He groans, dripping precum from his tip as you leak down his chin, his eyes finally cracking open to catch the beginning of your high just as you start to stutter above him. Tugging at his hair, you whimper and gasp, fighting with your leg muscles to hold yourself firm above him when trembles threaten to overcome you. If he doesn’t let go of his cock now he’ll end up ruining everything, but he’s so close from watching you that it takes every last reserve of willpower in him to stop his hand.
He sits up and pulls you onto his lap hastily, dragging your face to his in a searing kiss that steals your breath. “Have you been good today, babygirl?” He mumbles against you, whispering kisses down your neck.
“Yes, Jimin.” You respond dazedly, getting lost in the dizzying sensation of him sucking at your pulse point.
“My good girl hasn’t tried to leave home, has she?” He asks, glancing up at you with a quick yet intimidating glare.
“Of course not, I belong here with you.” This brings a smile to his face. And if you weren’t so brainwashed, you probably wouldn’t be glowing at the sight of it. It’s been nearly a month since he locked you in the mansion, forbidding you to leave for any reason. He goes out to work everyday, shops for anything you may need, takes care of any business you might have outside of his walls, and you remain his princess locked in her tower, away from every other human that’s not him.
“That’s right, angel. There’s nothing for you out there, everything you could ever need and want is right here. I am right here. And I can protect you from everything.” He licks around your nipple delicately, groaning when you begin to rock your hips.
Three months into your relationship, things started to become complicated. A friend of yours had confessed his secret love for you and urged you to break up with Jimin. He claimed that your new boyfriend was controlling and overprotective— he was almost on the verge of tears when he expressed to you how he feared for your safety— but you chose not to listen to him. You convinced yourself that he was the crazy one, so it came as a total shock when you discovered one night that you could not leave Jimin’s mansion after your date. You vividly remember the feeling that washed over you when you realized your fate, like ice water being poured down your spine; freezing you instantly. He said that he had to do this to protect you because it was obvious that your friend was trying to manipulate you and steal you away. You cried the first night at your loss of freedom.
Now, you’re crying out at the feeling of Jimin slipping 2 of his chubby fingers into your drenched core. When you take him easily, he flips you onto your stomach and lifts your ass with a growl, kissing and biting each cheek possessively.
“I know you would never leave me, baby. You know why?” You moan as he rubs himself between your ass cheeks, dripping his own arousal onto your skin. “Because no one can love you the way I do. No one can fuck you the way I can.” He emphasizes this as he pushes through your walls steadily, watching you take him with fiery eyes. “You need me, and I need you. There’s no one else in this entire world who can make you feel like this. We were made for each other.” As soon as he starts moving, your limbs go weak. His hips effortlessly hold their steady pace as he aims to dig deep inside you.
You aren’t afraid of Jimin, he’s never given you a reason to be. He is still the perfect boyfriend he was before you got yourself into this... situation— in fact, he’s even better now that he no longer has to worry about anyone interfering with your love. Getting “kidnapped” by him was probably for the best and you have done nothing but benefit from it. After all, it means you have this whole mansion, and Jimin, to yourself. Out of all of the rooms, this bedroom, his bedroom, has to be your favorite. It’s almost like this room changes him once you enter the threshold. Outside this room you are another one of his beloved possessions, something for him to keep in perfect condition and out of sight from greedy thieves. Here, however, it is all about you: your needs, your feelings, your comfort. Your pleasure. And Jimin could spend hours pleasing you just as he is now, angling his hips up to press right into that sweet spot that makes stars sparkle behind your eyelids, still engorged from your previous high. He trapped you in this room in the first week of your confinement but he let you out on good behavior, though these days you choose to stay here just to be worshipped by the man you love. And you do still love him very much.
You bury your face into the fluffy duvet when he starts to fuck you harder, but his hands are quick to grip your hair and pull your face up. The pain shoots delightfully to your core and you clench. “Let me hear those beautiful noises, babygirl. Tell me how much you love it.” He practically purrs above you as sweat beads at his temples.
“I love when you fuck me, Jimin! I don’t want anyone else, baby, only want you,” You hiccup between moans, drooling down your chin probably but you didn’t care.
“You think that Bastard could ever fuck you like this? Hm? Make you cream all over his cock and make a mess on his sheets like this? Tell me, angel.” He’s correct, your fluids cover his shaft and stick to the inside of your thighs and his balls as he continues to slap against you. You must be dripping by now and every thrust from him just adds to your puddle. He’s almost swimming in you.
“N-No, he wouldn’t!” You grit out when he pulls on your scalp harder to lift you until your arms can stretch out beneath you. His free hand tugs at a nipple, his plump lips returning to their place on your marked neck.
“That’s right, and he’ll never get the chance to try. No one will, you’re all mine. Forever.” Jimin says this gently as if it’s the sweetest thing he could have ever said to you. As though the underlying truth of his statement isn’t objectively horrifying. But the only thing you feel when he says this is a burst of fluttering butterflies in your belly and a warmth in your cheeks.
A few weeks prior to your imprisonment, Jimin had become very skeptical of your relationship with your male friend. You told him that he had confessed to you and he didn’t take it so well— as any boyfriend would— and suddenly Jimin began to appear whenever you were anywhere near that friend. Whether it was in public or not, Jimin was there to watch and monitor, never allowing the two of you to talk privately and therefore preventing the man from further warning you of your sketchy boyfriend. You found it cute how protective both of them were over you until that friend convinced your other friends to “help” you leave the relationship (or at least encourage you to), and when Jimin found out, you found yourself trapped in his home.
“All yours.” You repeat in a breath. You know why he did it, they wouldn’t understand, and just when you start thinking about how upsetting it is that your closest friends don’t approve of your relationship, he brings you back to the present with deft fingers on your clit.
“Stay with me.” He whispers at your brief inattention, though you know that statement is loaded. Your arms become shaky as they hold you up. Trying your best to rock back into him, you widen your legs further around his for leverage. It isn’t hard to please your boyfriend because he loves everything you do, but it drives him absolutely nuts when you work with him, when you sync up with his strokes perfectly in the way that shoots lightening bolts through both of your bodies. He especially loves when you beg to ride him to completion until he complies, watching his face the entire time as he falls apart because of you. But that will have to wait until another time because he is already close to his end with how tightly you squeeze him. His fingers slip and slide against you and it makes your toes curl, your head nearly smacking into his when you throw it back to land on his shoulder instead. His breathing picks up with the pace, his warm breaths dancing along the surface of your skin sending shudders of bliss throughout you.
Like a ball of fire, the coil in your abdomen burns and swirls more intensely with every passing second, but it seems that your lover will find his release before you. Jimin grunts deeply behind you as he pushes hair from his eyes. Your sweet moans and pleas for him are everything he’s ever dreamed of— he remembers the first time you blessed him with your heavenly moans, looking up at him with your gorgeous eyes— and it seems like your voice gets more and more lovely each time you’re with him. The way you sound right now is enough to have him twitching against your walls, and both of his hands relocate to your chest to hold you when he succumbs to the pleasure. Losing control of himself a bit, Jimin squeezes the globes in his hands as he thrusts to his heart’s content, chasing his high with a selfishness he promises to make up for when he can think more clearly. But right now all he can do is groan into your ear and pull your body closer to his as he prepares to finish. And every hitch of his breath and unrestrained moan he allows to escape makes you that much tighter, your wetness pouring over him and giving the push he needs to find his bliss.
It’s indescribable; the feeling of him pulsing within you, holding you so close to his heart that you can feel it beating against your back, strong arms locking you in place. Your name slips from him in a relieved whisper after a few seconds of stillness, your hips rocking restlessly against his to ride out the remnants of his orgasm and keep the burn of yours. You close your eyes and think of his face in this moment, you’ve seen it many times when he’s high off your warmth, but you wish to see it again. You wouldn’t care if he left you high and dry just like this if it meant you got to look in his eyes and kiss him right now. But he won’t allow you to turn with his arms so tight, and he refuses to leave you like this when he can tell how close you are with his tip grazing your cervix and cum leaking from your opening. With a quick kiss to your neck, he pushes your front back down to the bed and assumes his position kneeling behind you again.
Jimin pounds into you with the intent to please, not too fast because he knows it feels better when you can feel every inch of him, and he fights off the sensitivity that twists around him as you squeeze his head with the muscles deep inside you. Your hands clasp together as they reach above your head, which is now resting on the sheets with your forehead taking the brunt of your weight, and from another perspective it would look like you were praying. Repeating your mantra of Jimin’s name when one of his feet plants itself onto the mattress beside you for leverage.
“Oh my g-“ Your voice breaks off into a squeak, the pressure in your core building so intensely that you almost feel lightheaded. Looking down at you, Jimin watches you quiver and buck, your back arching into a dangerous curve that only makes him go harder. He’s so sensitive now, but he would gladly take the ticklish torture in return for your orgasm— just as you gladly trade the air in your lungs for his dick in you, gasping out uncontrolled moans as you gallop toward your end. His eyes glaze over, scanning your entire body when your hand slips under you to circle your clit and you begin to tense. Your other hand tears at his sheets in desperation. He looks on with almost crazed eyes.
“That’s it, angel. Can you cum for me again? Be a good girl and cum, baby,” He encourages with a shaky voice, supplementing his softening length with harder strokes. But it’s enough. With only a few more sloppy flicks of your bud, you’re flying off the edge with a scream, pulsing so hard around him that he has to stop moving to avoid pulling out from overstimulation. But he loves the tingles that spread up and down his limbs and spine as you ride out your paradise with twitching fingers, watching your high almost feeling better to him than experiencing his own. “Good girl, I knew you could do it. No one else can make you cum this hard, huh? Only me. You’re mine.” He whispers when you start to come down, slipping out of you when you fall flat onto your stomach in front of him. He follows you down slowly, relaxing his weight on you as he kisses his way up the middle of your sweaty back and neck, his flaccid member pressing into your ass.
This feeling— him resting on top of you, nestling his face against the side of your head and neck— it’s comfortable, and you find yourself sighing into him. It almost felt normal and you liked that, though you’ve already resigned yourself to the knowledge that you’ll likely never see normal again. At least not with him. Still, it’s nice to imagine in these sweet moments. When you’ve both had time to catch your breath, he pulls you up and carries you to the connected bathroom, running a shower and stepping in behind you. His hands are caring and gentle as they wash you, lathering aromatic soap onto your skin and kissing your lips each time his eyes meet yours.
You don’t need him to tell you how much he loves you because his actions have shown it, but he tells you anyway, gaining confidence whenever you say it back. You know he loves you, it’s just that his methods of showing it are a bit drastic. But love makes you do crazy things, that you can understand.
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Jimin falls asleep relatively quickly, unaware that your eyes stare off into the darkness of the room, waiting for him to slip into unconsciousness. Once you are certain that he is in a deep sleep, you gently push the sheets from your body and tiptoe into your walk-in closet, shutting the door noiselessly behind you before flicking on the light. In the corner sits a laptop and headphones that Jimin has no knowledge of, housing incriminating evidence that he would probably be dissatisfied to find you operating.
Ignoring the worried emails and messages from your friends, you open your favorite program, smiling at the files of audio and video data that have been collected and compiled from today. You click on the first one, taken at 9:53am, and listen to a conversation Jimin had with one of his coworkers, his voice sending pleasant shivers down your spine.
You are by no means a technological genius, but you have enough skill to accomplish your goals. You had only started to dabble in such technologies six months ago when you first spotted Jimin from afar and decided that he was worth looking into. It wasn’t difficult to find him, a reverse image search of his face had provided you with a name and occupation, and after becoming thoroughly invested in him, you decided that Park Jimin was the man you wanted. Things came easily after that thanks to the tracker you had secretly planted on the case of his phone during your first official meeting, and every “coincidental” run-in you had with him led you straight on the path to a relationship. He was bound to take notice of you eventually, you shared just the right amount of interests and intersecting routines for it to be easy for him to approach and befriend you, and you were just the perfect amount of intentionally oblivious to ignore any warnings your friends gave you once Jimin started hanging around. It is amazing how easily men can be manipulated as long as they think they’re the ones in control.
Of course you had noticed the subtle way Jimin stalked you after you had made your presence known to him, how he would pop up in places he wouldn’t normally be just to conveniently bump into you. Of course you noticed, because you had gone out of your way to be at those locations when you knew it was convenient for him to follow you there. You lived under the pretense of working in a different county to justify why your home was nowhere near where you spent most of your days, and Jimin was none the wiser to your cover story that you had spent countless hours fabricating so that no amount of research he did could uncover all of the lies you told.
The tracking device on his phone was a start, which then upgraded to an audio recorder that you used to listen in on his personal life and gather more information about him. You intended to craft yourself into the most desirable version of you that would make him fall in love with you, but soon discovered that that wasn’t needed. Jimin had fallen fast and hard just as you had, and the slight tinge of crazy that you perceived in him made the two of you attract like magnets. It was you who had set everything in motion and influenced the outcome, but Jimin took care of everything in between, going farther than you had imagined just to have you.
The night he trapped you here, you were blindsided by his actions, but not surprised. Yes, you cried real tears when everything finally sunk in, but they were not of fear or despair like he likely thought. They were of indescribable joy. Everything you had done up to that point was to make him fall so utterly and irrevocably in love with you that he would never want to leave, and now he had locked you up so that you wouldn’t leave, meaning that he feels just as strongly— if not more— toward you as you feel toward him. And that is more than you could ever hope for. You’re sure he can sense your comfort and contentment with this situation, but you also completely understand his hesitation to completely believe you at times because it almost seems too good to be true. But he’s beginning to grasp that you really are wholly his.
But just because you are his, doesn’t mean that he has to be yours. So you installed audio and video surveillance devices in his clothes to monitor his behavior when he is away from you, so miniature and imperceptible that no one has noticed that the second button on all of his shirts contain a shiny black dot in the center that differs from the others. Not that you don’t trust him, it’s just that he is the perfect man and you do not trust the other people that he interacts with on a daily basis.
Which is why you’re reviewing the footage now, your lip tightening when you see the absurdly inappropriate attire one of his subordinates wears as she enters the CEO’s office. You swear her skirt is an inch shorter than it has been in the past, and her bosom seems to poke out noticeably with the serpentine arc of her spine, the top of her shirt unbuttoned just a button too far. Your blood nearly boils over when she looks at Jimin for a second too long while handing off a pile of paperwork before spinning dramatically and making her exit with an extra sway to her hips. Jimin most likely wasn’t looking at any of that, his obsession with you acting as a visor that blinds him to other women, but her efforts to get him to notice are the real problem.
You wonder if she heard about what happened to Jimin’s past assistant and why she quit. More importantly, you wonder if she would also enjoy having a dead rat delivered to her front door with a lovely handwritten note penned with its blood. As you continue watching his day, she enters his office several times, none of her visits appearing to be for any reason you can surmise other than to see your boyfriend and for him to see her. Maybe you’ll do something more creative this time, like hacking her accounts and posting lewd pictures and messages that would get her fired. It won’t be too hard to dig up dirt on her, especially since you have access to all of Jimin’s employee info. That would be quite swift and effective and could possibly even ruin her life. It’s a fun idea that you chew on quietly as you finish reviewing your recordings, closing out of the program and spending a short time answering the messages of the friends you’re still on good terms with.
Next week you’ll be able to invite some of them here, a generous reward for good behavior granted to you by Jimin. He promised that you would eventually gain back your freedom and has slowly been allowing you more access to the outside world, but you aren’t too keen on leaving. You like it here in your safe bubble, where you don’t have to worry about anyone but the man you love, where he can have you and keep you without issue. If you wanted to escape, you could’ve left weeks ago with all of the knowledge and technology you have access to in this single building, but that would go against everything you have worked for up until this point. You wish you could convey that to Jimin somehow as you crawl back in bed beside him, wrapping your arms around him and pressing yourself to his back to ear his soft snores. Normally kidnapping people doesn’t go this smoothly, so you understand his underlying skepticism toward you, but honestly, there is nowhere else that you would rather be than in his home, in his bedroom— no, you live here too. And you’re sure he would say this is your home now, too. Your bedroom.
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alyblacklist · 3 years
"Megan has to know that posting photos would get people speculating and maybe that’s what she wants to keep the drama going". Are you serious right now? First you post claims from some anonymous source which, at best, if true, is kinda none of our business, now you're saying Megan shouldn't post pics of a cast party bc she wants drama? If shes not leaving shame on you, if she is leaving still shame on you She isn't doing anything wrong posting pics. Maybe they'll send Ressler/tf off w/her!
Also speaking of nitpicking anons.
Yes, I am serious. But not in the way you (apparently) think. For context, my full quote from my other ask response was this:
Megan hosted on Friday what appears to have been a small dinner party at her house for some of the main cast and her personal hair, makeup & wardrobe team and her stunt double. Was it some sort of farewell like the party Mozhan threw at her apartment when she left? Or was it just an end of season celebration? Who knows. Megan has to know that posting photos would get people speculating and maybe that's what she wants to keep the drama going. Or maybe she was just trying to throw the fans a bone and share some nice photos with her castmates. Reading tea leaves when it comes to Megan and social media is always a difficult proposition.
I can see you're still bitter about me sharing those "insider anon" comments weeks ago, but come on. If you're making me out to be some enemy of Megan's, you must be leading a sheltered life in this fandom.
I am delighted that Megan shared the photos, especially the ones with Diego (I would also assume you are less delighted with those, based on your comments of sending Ressler/tf off with her if she leaves).
I also know, from my years of experience in this fandom, that Megan is savvy enough to know that people are speculating on whether she/Liz will be returning for S9 and that her posting those pics - and then re-posting them with "thank you's" to her cast mates - would raise questions. You only need to read the responses to her posts (and all the people admitting they also sent her DM's freaking out) to know that's the truth. THAT's the drama I was referring to. Not her past absence, but her future with the show. I give her credit enough that she knows exactly what she is doing with what she posts and when. So no, I don't accept that it's "shame on me" for any of this. I've followed her from before Instagram when she only had twitter and through fandom posts thick and thin and she is no innocent social media user (in the way you might imagine James would be if you dared to get him to approach Twitter).
As I said in my original post, maybe she was simply trying to throw the fans a bone and share some nice photos. I try to give her the benefit of the doubt on these things. I feel sorry for her that she gets bombarded with all the "but where is JAMES???" comments every time she posts stuff like this. If my inbox annoys me, I can only imagine how much her notifications annoy her.
Anyway, back to our corners.
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poptod · 4 years
Ivory Haunting Pt. 3 (Ahkmenrah X Reader)
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Description: Maybe there’s more left of what you used to be than you thought.
Notes: this poor boy is so stupid, he gets a slave and the first thing he does is flirt and share wine with them, who tf does that WC: 1.8k
This should feel new, but it doesn't. Damn the reverence, damn the love, that warmth in your chest is for no one but him. Isn't he the only one that exists to you now? Who else do you talk to? The other slaves, the servants who look down on you, the rulers of the earth you live upon?
You're not sure when the obsession started – maybe you were born with it, but you know right when it began to take over your life. He was always beautiful––you saw him as a child being paraded through the streets and even then, even then when you met his eye your heart nearly burst out of your chest. Now you're here, knelt before him, a gift from another man to him.
He doesn't look all that impressed with you. You wouldn't be either. Standing tall above you, he's an image of royalty, beautiful and chilling to the deepest parts of your core. He isn't human here, in this room – he is the son of Gods, righteous and cunning. A shiver runs down your spine when he does as little as tilt his head in curiosity.
"... you're giving me a slave?" He asks slowly, eyes leaving you to drag up to your owner with an unimpressed glare.
"Yes, my best one," your owner says, which he says about every person he sells. You know the lie by heart – claim that just because you're Persian you're some sort of foreign royalty. All of his slaves come from Persia. It's where he hunts.
Just as expected he recites the lie, tilting your face upwards to showcase your features that differ from their own. Your long, thick hair that hasn't been cut in years, your darkened eyes, even the curve of your nose. You don't know how your master has managed to pinpoint all these things on your face.
At this point you don't even know what you should fear; staying with your master, or leaving with the Prince. Despite having memorized the young Prince's face during the many parades of the royal family, you know close to nothing about him, and you certainly don't know how he treats his slaves. You don't know if he's a kind person – you know he could hurt you, but so did your master. He could sell you, but so has your master.
"Very well," the Prince says with a hint of disdain, waving over one of his soldiers to take the chain from your master. "It will work in lieu of payment, but I will not be so lenient next time. You will need to have your grain ready."
"Thank you, my Prince," says the master, and those are the last words you ever hear him say.
They yank on your chain and you rattle forward, following the Prince with the quiet footsteps you've learned to make. You don't dare make a sound, so you don't ask where you're going when you're not immediately taken to the palace. Instead you realize, albeit very slowly, that the Prince is going around a sector of Memphis to collect taxes. It makes sense that your master sold you – you haven't eaten in days because of his dwindling supply of grain.
You're more used to the beating sun than the Prince––which doesn't surprise you, considering the amount of manual labor you've done––and when he tires of his duties and the heat he retreats back up to the glittering palace with you in tow. What does surprise you is that he dismisses his guards, taking your chain into his own hands as he leads you through the maze of a palace. The biggest building you'd been in before was one of the temples, one built for Bastet and used by a small congregation of people. This, though – there are so many hallways, so many rooms, so many people, and the Prince knows exactly where he's going.
He leads you to his room––of course he does––and drops the chain the second the door locks behind you. There's a blush on your face, there has to be going by the way your heart beats erratically, pushing on the balance of your breath and the stillness of your eyes. You twitch in nervousness, flickering to every little thing in the room.
The paintings up on the walls tell much kinder stories than those put up in the palace hallways or in the temples of Ra and Horus. Here, instead of the stories of Gods, lies images of the Pharaoh himself and his family. Alongside the image of the Prince sit pools of water, fringed by lines of fruitful bushes that broadcast both the wealth of the artist and of the family. The furniture follows much of the same style – lined with gold, decorated intricately, and each piece worth more than yourself.
"What's your name?" He asks you, his back turned as he keeps his attention at his desk. You can't see what he's doing.
You can't hear your own answer. Muffled against your thoughts.
"Was he telling the truth?"
"... what?" You stumble, bound hands curling up against your chest as anxiousness once more seizes your fingers. When he turns you can't breathe – he looks right at you, and for the first time you make eye contact. It boils an unease in your stomach. In each hand he holds a chalice of sorts, swirling with red wine.
"Are you royalty? Are you even Persian?" He asks in a lax tone, leaning back against his desk in a way that both confuses and calms you. In the very least it seems he's not in a mood to hurt you.
"I am Persian," you answer honestly, your voice soft with your own placitude, "but I can't say I was ever royal."
"Mm," he hums, "I didn't think so. No matter – what specialty shall I place you in? Labor.. cleaning..."
He drifts off in thought as his eyes glaze over, attempting to recall the many jobs of slaves in Memphis. You don't bother to list off the ones you know, even though your list is much longer than what he's stated, as you don't want him to remember the more unpleasant of the bunch.
"Let's see," he says. 
When did he get so close to you? Last you checked he was on the other side of the room, but now you're standing right up against him, cheeks burning as his eyes rake up and down your form.
The edge of his lip quirks upwards, showcasing a small smirk as his fingers reach out to touch your arm. He runs them up your skin, leaving goosebumps in his wake as he observes you – you and your uneven breath. You know he's checking you. He stated his purpose up front, and now he's looking over you, wondering what kind of labor you're used to. Where the muscles have formed. The sensitive parts of your body.
"I think you'll do well as a personal servant," he finally decides, though it doesn't look like the decision was all that much persuaded by the parts of your body that he felt. It feels more like a flimsy excuse.
"A personal servant?" You clarify in an uneven voice.
"Mhm. Have you ever done that before?"
"No," you mumble.
"Don't worry. You're in good hands," he says, but you're not sure if you should let that be a comfort. "Stay close to me," he commands, "and that way I will always be there to protect you. Yes?"
You barely speak the word but the movement of your lips is apparently enough.
"Be wary of my brothers, and never go into the cellars without me," he warns you. You nod, almost eagerly. "Do you have a family?"
It's a difficult question considering the origins of your move from Persia to Egypt, but the simple answer is no, not anymore.
"Then you'll stay here. With me."
He takes the cups from where he had set them, handing one to you and sipping from the other.
"Yes, my Prince."
It's that.
There it is––or, there it was. That's where you remember this feeling, the feeling of ultimate longing for something unknown, someone new, someone you know is inherently safe despite not knowing a thing about him. It occurs to you all at once, but unlike other memories it doesn't play like a movie. Instead you find it hidden in the corner of your mind, tucked away for God knows how long, desperate to be felt again. When you find it, it doesn't feel like yourself. You suppose that's too much to ask of ancient magic.
The more you think about the historical value of this core memory, the more interesting it becomes. You had, of course, always known that part of the ancient world resided within Ahk, but he never willingly told you anything unless it was about yourself. Maybe he wanted you to remember naturally, and if so it certainly worked.
"What do you think?"
How many times has this happened now, where you space out entirely, leaving your body to experience some other sensation of life? It happens a lot in his presence – he must be sick of you.
"... what?" You ask softly, brow furrowing in confusion. Even now you can't meet his eye.
"The wine, dearest. What do you think?"
You look down and there's a glass in your hand, lip marks already on the edge.
"I –– sorry, I..." you take a moment to taste the wine again, the flavor having already fallen dull on your tongue. It's nothing special, but it's smooth, and you know he likes those types of wines. You nod and he beams.
He sits you down––just the two of you, and you sit shoulder to shoulder on the velvet lounge. Most of the time you sit on the floor, or on the stool in the corner, but apparently not tonight. No, tonight he has some sort of desire to be close to you, to reward you with an affection he purposefully holds back. 
You open your mouth to speak, but before any sound comes out you shut it. There’s no advice to be given in your situation, so you’re split between informing him of your vision and keeping him in the dark. Thus far he's been in the full belief that you recall nothing from the past. Thus far he's been right.
I don't need to bother him with that, you eventually decide. After all, you're still just his servant – you don't need to bring up trivial things. Especially not when he pulls you into him, resting his cheek atop your head as a long sigh escapes him.
You could exist like this for eternity.
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 7 』
· Oct. 1st → Fly! ·
Characters: (teams) Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani, Aoba Johsai, Shiratorizawa, (indiv.) Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Aone Takanobu
Prompts: A. free choice!
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), Among Us (video game), PG, fluff, crack, video games, video game violence/death, headcanons, HaikyuuWeek2020
A/N: Among Us is a bit of a hot meme at the moment (great game. Go and play it/watch other people play it if you can. Get a feel for the game if you somehow haven't already.) So I thought, 'Hey, why not?' I mean, I do need to heal my heart after my Day 6 post, so...
What an amazing week it's been! Well done, everyone! All of my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts are SFW, but there's a little treasure trove of NSFW on my blog, too. Please peruse to your heart's content. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy! ♡
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Haikyuu boys / playing Among Us
☆ Karasuno ☆
Literally the loudest games you'll ever witness
You know that grainy, electronic crackle that happens when everybody yells on Discord at the same time? Yeah. That
Kageyama can't lie for shit. It's so obvious when he's lying that it's a genuine miracle if he doesn't immediately get ejected
And he stands in all the wrong places when he's faking doing his tasks 😭😭
But he sounds super suspicious when he's telling the truth, too 😅
Noya and Tanaka buddy up no matter what, and go around trying to clear or murder people together
They also end up fuelling each other's incorrect assumptions
Asahi is way too timid to murder anyone right away, so if nobody dies in the first two rounds, you know it's him or someone trying to frame him...
Daichi is the host and tries to keep order in the lobby...tries someone help him
Hinata: Guys, please stop swearing! Natsu is watching me play!! waahhh 🙈 so cute 😇
Hinata always has to be orange. Don't touch his orange
Ennoshita is the king of self-reporting and getting away with it it just be like that
Kageyama goes around called 'Milk' 🥛
Tsukki tries to big-brain the shit out of it 🤣
He's also hella manipulative as an imposter and refuses to kill Yamaguchi 😭
Suga likes to take out the oxygen/recator and lie in wait for the people who come to fix it he will giggle adorably when it ends up working, which sounds kinda pshyco, ngl 😂
But totally screams at his screen when someone he suspected sneaks up on him and kills him
Yamaguchi low-key prefers the mini games to the actual game 😭😭
And Yachi loves being pink and wearing the little flower in her hair ngl, she nearly fainted the first time she got killed
She doesn't play with them often because it's so loud 😬
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☆ Nekoma ☆
Kenma streams the gaming sessions on Twitch, and now they kind of have a cult following 🤷‍♀️
These fans be thirsting hard, too like us
Check out my smut headcanons, y'all 🙌
Kuroo is the closest to a genius player you're ever going to see
He does his tasks fairly efficiently, he's good at remembering layouts and people's movements, he calculates the timings of his kills with terrifying accuracy, defends himself pretty well, whether he's lying or not, can gaslight the entire lobby into sussing an innocent person, and pieces together other people's lies with surprising ease
Do not cross Kuroo. He's scary at this game. He's not the Scheming Captain for nothing, y'all
Lev is the kind of person to vent right in front of someone by accident, which is so awkward, but so funny 😂
The entire team must wear the bear ears hat. Yes, that is a rule
It's the closest to cat ears they have right now....
Kenma is pretty quiet when he's playing. He doesn't normally play online games, but his streams took off on Twitch, sooo~
Kenma also has radar ears and can somehow detect when people are lying, but waits until he has proof to accuse them he smart 🤓
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☆ Fukurodani ☆
'Whoever Talks the Loudest is Right' mentality 😂
And Bokuto will defend himself at the volume of an air raid siren
Akaashi stays as quiet as possible so he doesn't give anything away
When Bokuto starts sussing people, it turns into something out of Ace Attorney like, chill tf out, man 😂
But his guesses are normally completely wrong
Akaashi sets good parameters for the games, because he's sensible
If Bokuto is given the chance to host the lobby....he will set one task each, put everyone at 4x speed, give the imposter zero cooldown time, and sit back and watch the chaos
Whenever somebody doesn't have an absolutely airtight alibi–
Bokuto: That's hella sus, bro
Lots of childish nicknames, because...well, they're all mentally six years old
Except Akaashi, who has a higher mental age than all of them combined
Let me just say that when Bokuto and Kuroo play together, shit gets so funny
When one of them is an imposter, they will literally vent in front of the other one and trust them not to out them 😂😂
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☆ Aoba Johsai ☆
Iwa-chan can always tell when Oikawa is lying, and constantly calls him out on it
Iwa: That's his lying voice. Shitty-kawa is lying. He's the imposter. Vote him off
Because Iwa's right about Oikawa when he is the imposter, it makes it easy to frame him when it's actually Iwa who's the imposter
And no-one believes Tooru 😭😭
Kyoutani has no chill as an imposter
He just murders everyone on sight, right in front of people, too
Kindaichi tends to accuse people with very little evidence, but his instincts are weirdly accurate
Oikawa gets killed almost immediately every game, so if he isn't dead two emergency meetings in, he's 100% an imposter 😭😭
He then goes around as a salty ghost when he's killed off, mumbling to himself about injustice as he refuses to do his tasks and watches the people who voted him off get murdered one by one
Not that anyone's holding a grudge 🙄😂
Oikawa refuses to be purple and always kills whoever is purple first because it reminds him of Ushijima 😭😭
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☆ Shiratorizawa ☆
Ushijima refuses to play if he can't be purple give it back. N O W
And it takes him a long time to get used to the game and the rules
'Why are the lights off? What are these tasks? Why is that one flashing at me? Where is med bay? Why can I use this vent? What's this big, red button for?' etc.
You get the idea. Toshi = big noob
He doesn't really understand the concept of lying, either...
He keeps forgetting to mute himself and ends up saying some very incriminating stuff over the mic which has everyone in literal tears from laughter
Tendou is a sneaky S.O.B, using those vents like a pro and gaslighting perfectly innocent people he's a little bloodthirsty, too 🤫
And his initial guesses about who's the imposter are almost always 100% correct Guess Monster, y'all
Goshiki goes around trying to clear people by watching them doing their tasks, especially Ushijima
But then he gets called suspicious for hanging around people too much
The first time an emergency meeting was ever called, Ushijima literally asked "Why is my name in red?" much to everyone's amusement
Everyone's scared of Ushijima when he follows them, but it normally turns out that he just doesn't know where he's going
Shirabu tends to lose his shit when people start accusing him and he's innocent, and will never EVER trust a word that comes out of Goshiki's mouth
Speaking of, Goshiki and Shirabu – boy, do they bicker like eight year-olds, wasting entire voting rounds just arguing with each other 🙄😭
So everyone else decides to vote off one, and then the other at the next meeting 😭😭
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☆ The Miya twins ☆
Atsumu puts 100% trust in Osamu not to kill him, even if he is the imposter
How could he? He's his brother. His twin. His other half. They share a unique bond–
And then he screams in betrayal when Osamu slaughters him mercilessly 😂😂
Osamu is unaffected by the sudden outburst from his brother's room
Put them together as an imposter duo, though, and you're in for some trouble
They often win by executing a perfect double kill
And they're both pretty good at lying, but Osamu will not hesitate to throw Atsumu under the bus and vote him off if he's being too suspicious or the lobby has turned against him 😂
Ah, the bond of brotherhood 😂
☆ Aone Takanobu ☆
Aone doesn't talk very much
But when he does, his voice is so low and even that nobody ever suspects he's the imposter
I'm thinking like Corpse Husband, if you've seen him playing with Pewds and the gang
It doesn't really occur to people that he could be lying. He seems so trustworthy and honest
Finds it very hard to blame anyone else, though
Is fairly decent as doing his tasks as a crewmate, but it takes him a long time to remember the layouts of the ships
Almost never gets voted off the ship
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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grimoire-of-seven · 5 years
I have a crush on you
PROMPT :: “I have a crush on you..”
Rating: SFW
Words: 350-450 per character
Characters: Demon brothers + MC/Gender-Neutral Reader
Note: Thank you for the request! Although you didn’t specify which character, I took it upon myself to write for all of the demon brothers! It’s a little long so please continue reading under the cut!
You stood your ground before him, eyes determined to express all these pent up emotions into words. When you arrived at the student council office, Lucifer was busy with several of the student council papers but insisted that he is listening to you.
“Lucifer,” You called out to the black-haired demon infront of you, hands clutching your Devildom Law book for courage, “I have a crush on you.”
“Hmm, yes,” He nodded his head almost automatically, his focus towards the papers unwavering, “You can put your term paper draft on my desk. I shall attend to that shortly after I finish this–”
“I said, ‘I have a crush on you’, Lucifer.” You repeated with a louder and much more resolute voice.
With that, his hands stopped mid-way through putting down one of the stacks. He directed his attention towards you, there was no semblance of an expression in his visage aside from its usual stoicism.
After that one second of shock, Lucifer then smiled at you with… was that pity or sadness in his– “…take that away.”
You gasped his statement, appalled that he dares to tell you how to deal with your feelings. You finally gathered the courage to tell him and he’s telling you to ‘take it away’?!
Within an instant, you made your way to his table and slammed your hand at his desk, “Now, listen here, you little shi–”
He pulled your necktie with enough force that had you reeling towards him, the tips of your noses barely missing a millimeter.
“I’m just teasing.” He chuckled in delight, those piercing dark eyes staring at yours with such intensity that made your knees weak like jelly. “Time and time again, you amaze me with your honesty.”
Goosebumps trailed your arms as Lucifer’s hand caressed your cheek delicately. If he comes any closer, you’re most certain that he’ll hear the embarrassingly fast beating of your heart. “I like that.”
“Plus four!” Mammon exclaimed in glee, slamming the card in the low coffee table. Before reaching to the deck for four more cards, the white-haired demon stopped you in your tracks and placed yet another identical card, “Another plus four! I change the cards to blue!”
“You can’t stack plus four cards! UNO tweeted that before–”
“We’re using local rules here, dummy, get with the program!” He smugly replied, smirking at you as you reach for eight cards. “Taste my reverse card!”
“Yikes,” You sighed at his beaming energy of mischief, placing a blue card down, “You sure play dirty…”
“I get to ask ya one truth or a dare if I win!” Mammon nodded eagerly at your words as if it’s a compliment to him. He removed another blue card from his deck and exclaimed, “UNO!”
“Greedy… you’re too greedy for victory.” You changed the colour of the cards to yellow in high hopes that his last card isn’t the same.
Please don’t be yellow–
“Got’cha!” Damn.
“Truth or dare?” He asked excitedly with the energy of a toddler on a sugar-high.
He would definitely ask something very private and embarrassing if you chose truth, given that he’s animatedly eager to get you to lose this round. With that in mind, you chose the lesser evil, “Dare.”
“I dare you to tell the truth!”
This stupid idiot… You sighed and nodded, “Fine. But give me the cards, I’ll shuffle it this time.”
“Who are you interested among the seven of us brothers?”
Ah, so that’s what this is. You chuckled, his earlier demeanor making much more sense with his ‘dare’. “No wonder you’re pumped up when I said we should higher the stakes.”
“Ya didn’t wanna bet money!”
“It’s an UNO game, man.”
“So, who is it?” He asked, leaning back to his sofa with crossed-arms as he waited for you to hand him his set of cards, “Maybe if you slide in some cash, I can help you get–”
“He’s quite cute.” You began, taking a card as a starter and waiting for Mammon to put down his first.
“Oh? So that counts out Asmo since he’d beautiful!”
“He makes me laugh a lot.” You smiled, “Reverse card, reverse card, plus four, change colour to yellow.”
“GAH! I don’t have any yellow!!!” Mammon twisted from his seat at the realization of his misfortune, seeing that you only have three cards remaining in your hand. “That can’t be Levi or Lucifer or Satan! Those guys would choke if they’re asked to share a joke. So, it’s either Beel or Belphie, huh!”
You shook your head at his words, placing down another card, “I have a crush on you, Mammon.”
“Wh–” He looked up at you with wide-eyes, “No! Q-Quit playin’ dirty! I ain’t fallin’ for that.”
“Reverse card, UNO,” You stared back at him, eyes never leaving his as you placed your last cards, “I win.”
What does Ruri-chan have that you don’t?
Dejectedly wiping the said figurine with a damp towel, you asked that question to yourself.
You were summoned at Levi’s room earlier that day for some ‘important friend training’ to be facilitated by the purple-haired demon himself… only to find out that he’s cleaning his figures and needed a few more hands on deck.
Why does he like Ruri-chan so much? She’s a fictional character, for god’s sake!
“Hey, Levi,” You started, looking up from your task, “If I say I have a crush on you, what would you do?”
The man in question stared at you for a moment before erupting into a boisterous laughter. “LMFAO,” he spelled in glee, hands waving off your statement as if it’s a mere jest, “That’s the funniest joke I have ever heard from you in a long while lolol.”
“Take this seriously, Levi!” You wrung the damp towel in annoyance and weaponized it against your companion, hitting him by the leg with enough force to have him yelp in pain.
“OW, TF you doing? That hurts!” He rubbed his leg in attempt to stave off the stinging feeling, only to realize your reaction to his answer, “Wait, that wasn’t a joke?”
“Do I look like-?!”
“WTF!? That’s a horrible decision!” Levi exclaimed in disbelief, his eyes scanning your expression for some sort of… mischief in your eyes or a slightly wolfish grin.
But all he saw was that you were genuinely serious - about him and your feelings for him.  
“Why?” He breathed out the question, his head thinking of the times when you must’ve raised his intimacy close enough for you to drop that confession bomb on him, “Compared to Lucifer and Asmo, I’m not even the most handsome or popular character in this–”
“We’re not in a game.”
Levi went silent at your words.
Have you done it? Is this finally friendship over?
Panic began rising up your chest as he sat still, unmoving from his position. Before you can speak, he looked at you with a hopeful spark in his expression, “Then… does that mean I can like the main character, too?”
Satan had offered to walk home with you together after hearing that Solomon is graciously tutoring you for certain RAD subjects – those that doesn’t exist in the human world. The blonde demon insisted that he doesn’t mind waiting for you given that there are still some things he has to do for the student council.
‘It sounds like an after-school date’, Solomon grinned at you before leaving. You swear, he’s got some sort of voodoo magic radar for your emotions.
Removing the thought of Solomon’s jests before you blush too hard, you thought of confessing to Satan before a certain someone runs his mouth about it. Should you…?
Yeah, it’s better to hear it from you than someone else – namely Solomon.
“Hey, Satan, I have a crush on you.” You told him, as casually as you can without breaking voice.
He stopped in his tracks, looking at you with disbelief. Satan opened his mouth to speak but stopped, taking a moment to think about his words, then simply asked, “Why…?”
Eh? “W-What do you mean ‘why’?”
You couldn’t really answer that. You’ve asked yourself a hundred times why you fell for a demon, the actual personification of Wrath itself, yet you can’t seem to find an answer for yourself. At least, you had no answers aside from… “I just really like you, Satan.”
He continued walking, you can feel the gears of his head turning as he oversees the situation in its logical perspective, “I’m a demon and you’re a human, need I remind you?”
That felt a pang on your chest, hearing him say it even though you are well aware of the fact.
Taking a deep breath to muster up the courage, you asked him for his final verdict, “So, you’re saying you don’t like me back?”
“Yes–!” He answered automatically, but then almost immediately denied, “Well, no.”
Huh. That’s quite confusing.
“I like you, too,” Satan smiled at you for a moment, “But things will be complicated if we think about this logically.”
Scratching the back of your head at his words, you couldn’t help yourself in saying, “When did love become a logical thing, though?”
He blushed at your words, hastening his walking speed to stop you from further seeing his reddened face, “S-Stop being too c-cute! I’m not lending you any more romance novels if you keep being so adorable!”
Asmodeus held your hand as if it was the most fragile thing in the world. With great precision, he coated your nails with an even layer of nail polish to match his wonderfully manicured ones.
People adore Asmodeus’ natural charm. What can you say? He’s absolutely flawless and drop-dead gorgeous.
Just thinking about the way his eyes sparkle at the news of Jeffrey Star’s new palette collection. The way he speaks excitedly whenever Prada presents their new line of designer bags. Hell, even talking about hand cream is a treat in itself whenever Asmodeus does it.
Look at you, absolutely whipped for this man and his undeniable charm.
He insists that you’re immune to his beauty yet you’re still attracted to him. It’s unfair to be this handsomely beautiful.
“Asmo, I think I have a crush on you.” You spouted out randomly, feeling his soft warm hands against yours.
“Of course, you do~” He replies as a matter-of-factly, “Everyone lusts over my magnificent–”
“I’m serious, Asmo.” You cut him off from his usual sugar-sweet line, “I like you.”
“Alright, humour me, love,” He put aside the nail polish and intertwined his hands in yours, his face closing towards yours dangerously, “If I accept your confession and we become a couple, what would you like to do with me…?”
With heated cheeks, you opened your mouth to speak but he sensually placed an index finger by your lips, he whispered with that hedonistic tone of his, “In private, that is…”
In private?! Gosh, he’s asking for a lot!
Suddenly feeling parched, you gulp at the thought of what you wanted out of him if he ever accepts you as a partner. Eyes flitting anywhere except towards his, you tried your best to hold your trembling body before him - backing down now might show your lack of conviction towards him, after all.
You mumbled softly, hoping that he can hear you through your closeness, “…ds with you.”
“Tsk tsk,” The peach-haired demon grinned as he clicked his tongue, “I can’t hear you with such a silent voice. You can do better than that~”
“M-Maybe hold h-hands with you… or c-cuddle if y-you want.” You repeated a bit more audibly, your blush deepening by the second, “I-It’d be fun to go o-on a café w-with just the two of us, too.”
“KYAAA~! That’s so wholesome and adorable!!!” Asmodeus squealed in delight at your answer, throwing himself at you in a tight embrace, “Alright, I’ll be your boyfriend and we’ll do all those together~! This is so exciting!”
“No!!! Asmo, my nails!”
From whatever ‘reliable’ and expensive source you’ve heard [definitely not Mammon], Beel apparently loves a certain sandwich menu from Hell’s Kitchen. Unfamiliar with Devildom’s cuisine and Hell’s Kitchen’s menu, you were faced with a dilemma.
The question would be… which one of the three sandwiches in the menu he likes most?
This frustrating situation made you want to curse Mammon for scamming your 100Grimm with this useless piece of information. Sighing at the thought of having to buy all three just for good measure, you saw the Avatar of Gluttony himself walking pass the restaurant.
“Beel!” You exclaimed to get his attention, waving at the tall ginger-haired demon as he looked towards your general direction, “I have a question for you!”
He greeted you with that heart-melting smile of his, eager to answer any inquiries from you. You whisked him away from the street and into the shop, asking, “Which of the sandwiches in the menu do you like most?”
“What for?”
“Just answer the question, please~”
“The one with the tartare and cheese…” He replied, eyes dreamy at the menu board, most possibly captivated by the memory of having such a treat. Beel snapped from his reverie, explaining to you why it’s his most favoured, “It’s like your human food ‘cheeseburger’!”
You nodded and ordered the exact sandwich for him, much to his surprise.
It’s like a date! You inwardly screamed, mentally giving yourself a high-five for taking advantage of this sweet opportunity.
“Let’s split up the sandwich, as thank you for buying me food…”
How sweet! The thought made you want to curl up in the floor and cry in happiness, but resisted, “Come on, let me treat you once in a while!”
You both took a seat on the less conspicuous booths of the store. As Beel ate with glee, you chatted him up, content at the moment both of you were sharing.
“Why’d you *munch* even buy me food?”
“I like you!” You answered without a sliver of a doubt, carried too much at the connection you were sharing at the time. Blinking once… twice, you realized what you’ve done.
Well, fu–
“This food sure is great,” Beel avoided looking at you and continued eating, his face noticeably red from his blushing cheeks.
Groaning in defeat, you buried your face in your hands. It’d be rude to suddenly take back what you’ve said. Stupid me, stupid, stupid–
“I thought I’m hearing things because I’m still hungry.” The ginger-haired demon explained, his hands taking yours and peeling them off from your heated face, “You’re like this sandwich, you know that?”
“It’s my favourite, just as you’re my favourite person to be with!”
You stared at Belphegor’s sleeping face, so peaceful and at ease.
It’s hard to think of him as a demon when he’s especially languid like this.
He had invited you to watch a movie that Levi suggested, only to doze off within fifteen minutes of the production, his head perfectly placed by your lap. Deciding that the Avatar of Sloth would rather sleep than watch, you let him sleep to his heart’s content.
The moment the movie ended, you didn’t notice that your lap had fallen asleep with him. Great.
You poked his cheek, seeing if he’ll wake up. “Belphie~” You cooed, “Belphie, wake up… My thighs has fallen asleep with you~”
“Fiv.. m’nutes…” He stirred, making himself much more comfortable on your lap and on the sofa.
“What am I gonna do with you?” You sighed in affection, smiling at his sleeping visage. Similar to Belphegor, you also made yourself comfortable on the sofa despite the stinging feeling by your thighs, “Alright, five more minutes, but only because I like you.”
To your surprise, Belphie spoke again, “Say that again.”
“I said you can have five more minutes, Belphie.”
“No, the second part…”
He heard that?!
You gulped, eyes avoiding his as you slowly repeated, “B-B… Because I like you.”
The raven-haired demon closed his eyes once, turning away from you, “I must be dreaming.” And within seconds, he has fallen asleep again just like that.
“No, Belphie, don’t sleep!” You stood up at his reaction to such an important confession, only to remember that he was formerly sleeping on your lap.
“Ow,” He rubbed his head after being unceremoniously thrown out of the sofa, sitting up groggily from all of the commotion, “Okay, so it’s not a dream.”
You sat beside him on the floor and rubbed his head as well, apologizing for it, “Why would think that, though?”
He looked away with a blush, “Because it’s too good to be true…”
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