#fishing paddle board
townscounty · 3 months
Outdoor Adventure With Young Harris Water Sports
Experience the best of outdoor adventure with Young Harris Water Sports! Located in North Georgia, enjoy a variety of water activities, including boat rentals, fishing, kayaking, and paddleboarding. Perfect for family fun or thrilling escapades, Towns County ensures an unforgettable experience on the water. Visit now!
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kayakingtours · 5 months
Bonita Springs with Mike's Coastal Expeditions! Nestled along the stunning Gulf Coast, our company is dedicated to providing immersive outdoor experiences that connect people with nature. Whether you're seeking thrills adventures or tranquil escapes, we have something for everyone.
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remotewatch · 1 month
some call it arrogance
Jack Schlossberg x reader | 2.5k wc
summary: Let’s face it: you kind of suck at paddleboarding. Thankfully, your boyfriend is an eager instructor with a trick up his sleeve!
cw: shameless smut, outdoor recreation, questionable teaching, peppy upbeat softdom jack (good lord), fingering, unprotected sex, if you want to keep your plan b go VOTE ‼️‼️, play fighting, jd is catching strays, this is somewhat a comedy
minors dni and stay out!!!!
Time and time again, you realize that you and Jack have very different definitions of what constitutes a short paddle. You could pass out right here on your little break, sun hat plopped over your face and one leg dangling in the pleasantly cool water. He tugs you closer to his board to drum a few fingers on your knee and ask “You asleep?” just as you’re drifting off.
A barely audible “mhm” is all you care to let out. Jack’s hand slides to your inner thigh, a polite veneer of concern slapped onto his more crude interests.
“Do you need something?” When you lift your hat to squint over at him for being so euphemistic, he’s already zapping you with those doe eyes you struggle to resist.
“Diva, the telephotos,” you mumble as you flop back down. There’s almost certainly no one hiding out in the mangroves waiting to catch you two, but the press had noted the extension of your Japan trip to stop at Iriomote. Your growing collection of condemning paparazzi pics is already nudging at the edge of your mind, and you have no desire to add to it today.
“They can’t get a good shot this far out.” His hand stills when you don’t murmur back how much of a whore he’d have to be to know that so definitively.
“Here, let’s get out of the sun for a bit. Get you a honey stick or something.” A grateful thumbs up is the most movement you care to make.
As much as you like getting into Jack’s hobbies with him, it’s undeniably more fun to have him tow you around whistling Elvis tunes like your little chauffeur. It would be so easy to fall asleep to the sound of it paired with the waves crashing in the distance; maybe you do; it’s really none of your business.
The temperature suddenly drops, and you briefly tilt your hat up to see he’s steered you into a particularly thick mangle. It’s a straight, narrow shot from it up to the shore; exactly the type of hidden launch he’d know about.
He turns around from rooting in the supply bag and waggles a fanned out selection of power bars, honey straws, and glucose gels at you.
“What’re we having today, huh?” Still hiding under your hat, you grasp blindly until you find a few straws and tear one open with your teeth, shoving your dentist’s exasperation to the back of your mind. Jack knows better than to pester you until your temperature and blood sugar level out a bit. Eventually, you rise from the dead and get a better look at your spot.
The mangrove roots here are as thick as you’ve ever seen and rise far enough out of the water that you could set up a hammock under them. Schools of diminutive silver fish swirl beneath the surface, bouncing light back up to paint the underside of the overhead foliage. The two of you are technically visible from open water, but a pap would have to drop anchor at the perfect angle to get more than a glimpse. You remind yourself that you’re on the west side of the island anyway; surely there’s more exciting things to report on than America’s most notorious SUP proficiency gap relationship.
“You’re getting better, you know.” You gnaw at a second honey straw and scrunch up your nose.
“Am I?”
“For sure. Remember Lake Superior?”
“God, must I?” you groan, wincing at the mere thought.
“Gotta appreciate where you started!” Jack is laid out on his board doing alternate toe touches, and the fact that it’s more of an unconscious ritual than a way of showing off his balance makes it all the more annoying.
He’s truly so pretty, even after putting your legs through hell on the way out. The little gaps in the mangrove canopy cover him in spots of sunlight, and he still refuses to buy a smaller pair of shorts, just rolling down the hem of those ratty old ones until they’re shorter than any of yours. You’re too busy watching them fall further down his thighs with every leg raise to notice he’s still talking.
“Sorry, what?”
“I said-,” Jack finishes the last of his coconut water and smacks his lips. “Why don’t you stretch a bit before we head back?” You press your hands flat as if to push yourself up, and he notes your hesitation.
“What is it?”
“…Can you spot me?” His smile cracks his whole face open like a fresh daffodil, clearly thrilled to be needed.
“Why, certainly.”
You brace yourself as he slides onto your board as easily as scooting closer on the couch, quads flexing delectably while he helps you stand up.
“Do a forward bend for me,” Jack effortlessly slips back into his instructor cadence, to the point that you could forget he’s your boyfriend aside from his hands feeling far more than professionally comfortable on your hips. He leans up against your backside to peer over you as you place your palms flat on the deck, not bothering to conceal how much it excites him. After the tension of the paddle out and stiffening up during your nap, the stretch in your hamstrings is virtually orgasmic. Jack doesn’t miss the little sigh of relief you let out, nor do you the the smugness that spills into his voice.
“And walk it out, just like that,” you can feel him staring at your ass and can’t even kick his shin without knocking you both over.
“Can you at least pretend to enjoy this a little less?” it doesn’t sound very commanding with his dick pressed right up against you before you shift into downward dog. Even less so when he knows how much you love a good calf stretch, knows exactly how far to push you into it to make you melt in his hands.
“If I’m not happy to be here, how can I expect you to have any fun?” There’s a brief wobble as he reaches to grab your ankles and help you move to a headstand, but one shift of his heel and you might as well be back on dry land.
“That’s why I said pretend.”
“That’s why I’m not an actor. And, push yourself up!” If nothing else, you’re decent at handstands, at least with Jack ready to catch your legs. Decent on a good day, that is, when the humidity isn’t bleeding your energy like a stuck pig. Your right palm slips into the water, and you screw your eyes shut in anticipation of a face full of board and a few tree bark scrapes.
“Fuck!” you hiss, but his grip instantly locks down on your ankles and lifts you out of the line of fire. Jack’s obliques ripple as he rights the board, and he’s very clearly pleased to catch your notice of it.
“That’s alright, you had a few good seconds there.” He lets you swing a few moments longer than necessary before lowering you back down and piping up again. Ever the show-off.
“It’s always…,” he hesitates as if he’s searching for the right words. “-been my understanding that if you can balance on all fours in unfavorable circumstances, you can stay standing just fine.”
“And what kind of unfavorable circumstances would you be talking about?” it’s obvious, though you’d rather hear him say it. He knows you too well to take the bait and cheekily rolls his eyes.
“You know, the favorable ones.”
“Is that what they teach you at surf instructor school?” Your hands are back on the board now, and you kick one foot free to slide it down his chest under his shorts.
“Oh yeah, the first thing,” he chuckles, fishing it out before helping you down into a plank.
Jack somehow wriggles his way under you without causing any major upheaval, claiming it’s the easiest way to check your form. He’s talking like this is your first time on a board just to wind you up and making no attempt to hide how much he enjoys doing so.
“Now, there’s nothing to it, just gotta make sure you’re not leaning too far to the left-“ he tugs at one of your bikini ties.
“Or the right,” he twists the other between his fingers, not quite loose enough to fall off, but certainly plenty of room for him to slide his fingers below your waistband. His smile grows wider when he pulls them back out to observe their newfound shine. You have a halfhearted go at defending your reactivity.
“That has nothing to do with you.”
“Oh yeah? You’re pulling a JD, getting riled up by the dolphins?” If your balance or endurance were half as good as his, you’d shove him off your board and ditch him right there. The best you can do is double down; a bit pitiful, but better than giving him any satisfaction right after that bullshit.
“And these are the unfavorable circumstances? Seriously?” It’s more the stupid fucking grin on his face than the controlled circles he’s tracing on your clit that’s disrupting your concentration. You’re hoping that focusing on the space between Jack’s eyebrows will keep your mind blank, but his fingers feel better and better the more you try to ignore them sliding around like he’s trying to memorize every cell you’ve got down there.
“It would be deeply irresponsible of me to throw you right into the deep end. Safety first, after all.”
“So irresponsible,” the mocking tone you’re going for doesn’t really work when your pitch is stuttering in perfect response to his movements.
Your eyes slip closed out of habit, but he’s right there playfully pinching your nipple to bring you back to reality.
“Hey, now! No daydreaming during your lesson! That’s not very considerate to your instructor,” he’s trying to pout up at you, hit you right in your weak spot, but he looks far too pleased with himself for the illusion to work.
“What if he deserves it for comparing me to a bloated couch fucker?” Again, the conviction isn’t really there when you’re bending your knees into terrible form trying to chase his touch every time they recede.
Jack yanks his fingers away, sucks them clean with a slippery pop, and kisses you on the point of your chin before shuffling out from under you.
“Clearly you’re not being challenged enough if you can complain like that!”
This time, you do try to kick him off the board, but you have no range at all to put some power into it. That’s what you tell yourself, at least.
“Look at you! You wouldn’t have been able to do that at Lake Superior. Told you you’re getting better!” He’s tugged his shorts down and your swimsuit to the side before you can snap at him, and he actually cackles when he sees how much your lats twitch when he first slides in.
“You’re unbelievable.” The way your voice shakes makes it sound more like a compliment than a last ditch effort to compose yourself.
“That’s what I’ve heard! There you go, arch for me.” He’s not causing much motion yet, only waves big enough to scatter the fish, but you’re wound so tight he might as well be putting you straight through the deck. Your arms are already shaking, and of course Jack notices; how could he not?
“Keep your arms steady. No, don’t lock them up, lean into it,” he’s saying like they’re not on fire, like you can’t feel yourself clamping down on him in some sort of weird unified muscular system effort to keep you from falling on your face.
“Can’t believe y-“
“How fast you’re progressing? I know, right! You must have a pretty good teacher!” He’s absolutely insufferable. You’ve been moving nonstop since dawn, he’s got your ass locking up like an NDA, and his voice is still perfectly fucking steady.
Jack’s middle finger just barely trails along your side, feather-light enough to raise goosebumps on your skin.
“You’re holding too much tension here.” Thank god, he mercifully spares you the lecture about proper abdominal engagement.
“Jack, I can’t- I’m gonna fall!” The wavering in your voice is so unbelievably humiliating when he’s barely breaking a sweat. Your arms buckle, threatening collapse, and there he is seamlessly shifting his hands from your hips to swing under your torso and support you when they finally give out, the other splaying flat across the deck.
“Noooo you’re not, you’re fine. You can have a little break, and then we’ll try again, okay?” All while his thrusts remain infuriatingly consistent. The board barely even moves when he catches you. Your nails scrabble at the deck pad, then the limb supporting you, trying to regain your balance, ground yourself, Jesus, something, but he’s got a better angle now and can haul you back onto his dick as hard as he likes without worrying about your arms giving out.
“You’re such an asshole!” you sob as you claw at his forearm.
“Tell me to stop then! Be silly and turn down a free lesson, why dontcha?” Any attempts you make to thrash your way out of Jack’s grasp just stimulate you more, and he’s suppressing a fit of laughter watching you jolt like you’re stuck in a bear trap. When all that’s left for him to knock out of you are little stilted squeals, his resolve softens, and he leans down to kiss your ear.
“I know you can do it. Push yourself up for me.”
The only way out is through. This time, your arms do lock up; blame the unfavorable circumstances. The world narrows to tunnel vision as you watch the board tilt left, then right, with the ringing in your ears making the whole spectacle feel a tinge nightmarish.
Your orgasm hits you hard enough to have Jack choking out an “oh, fuck” that sounds just as strangled as his dick must feel. You can hardly enjoy it over both of your triceps cramping terribly, though you can’t help but feel a little proud of yourself for staying dry when you slump to your elbows halfway through.
As unceremoniously as Jack thuds down at your side, he still instinctively spreads out enough to keep the board steady. He looks about ready to fall asleep, so of course you roll over to bother him.
“Is that how you taught people to surf?”
“Nah, they were way more advanced.”
“Fuck you!” He’s back on his board and paddling out of the inlet in a flash, somehow not flipping yours in the process.
“Sounds like someone doesn’t need any breaks on the return trip!” By some miracle, you manage to grab his leash before he flies past you.
“You’ll tow me back.” Jack spares you a full glance over his shoulder, and there’s an unmistakable streak of you remaining on the left side of his mouth.
“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”
“I’m pretty sure I’m your favorite student.”
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tinytennisskirt · 2 months
Cottage Culture
Art x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader, Art, and Patrick have been best friends since fourth grade. Older now, the three of them spend some time at reader’s cottage and it’s a few nights of buildup, a few nights of drinking, a few nights of misplaced tension until it all unfolds in Art’s favour.
Warnings: they all flirt with each other casually (it’s part of their dynamic), casual touch, mentions of sex, mentions of physical arousal, suggestions of masturbation, smoking, drinking, lots of fluff but also a lot of suggestive material… slowburn. unedited from my notes app.
They say trios never last, but yours managed to for years. You, Art, and Patrick had been close since grade four on and were still as strong as ever. Finally, after a month of planning, the three of you pulled up to your (now deceased) grandparent’s cottage that your parents maintained. It was mid-July and the heat was at its peak with hot days and warm nights with cool wind. The plan was to spend some time up here kayaking, swimming, playing pool, paddle boarding and fishing.
You each hauled a good amount of stuff from the car and began unpacking it. Everyone was tired from the drive, there were a few words spoken but hardly any altogether which was rare for the three of you, but once things were away there was less to worry about the next day and the three of you crashed on the couch.
Patrick sighed heavily as he sat down feet on the floor, arm draping over the armrest like a rag doll. “I’m out of my mind tired,” he yawned. “Since when does driving five hours count as a lullaby?”
“I think it might have been having so much fresh air with the open windows,” you said, sitting next to Patrick, body slightly turned. Patrick shoved your head and you only grinned, leaning back against him. Art followed suit, falling over the other arm rest, his head landing perfectly in your lap. He shut his eyes. You placed your hand right on his forehead and he smiled.
“He’s dead,” Patrick said. Art opened his eyes and tilted his head back to look at Patrick.
“Not dead, but dead tired,” he said. “I think it was the fresh air.”
“I don’t know, I’ve never been so tired after driving up here and I know we all slept well last night.” You said, resting your hand on Art’s shoulder. He placed his hand overtop yours. “But at least we know we’ll be fine tomorrow. No way I’m not falling asleep in the next twenty minutes.” You sighed. “If I can get off this couch.”
“That sounds like so much work,” Art groaned.
“Too much,” Patrick groaned just the same. You all shared a small chuckle, too tired to laugh. “Plus I can’t get up until you two do, I’m stuck here.”
“I’m never moving,” Art groaned. You smiled at his closed eyes, long eyelashes resting on his cheeks.
“That means I can’t move. Sorry Patty.” You shrugged. Patrick just groaned and covered his eyes and with a mighty push he unwedged himself from the couch arm and you tipped a little without someone to lean on.
“What? I’m strong,” Patrick said, flexing a little. You and open-eyed Art both grimaced at him, fighting a shared smile. “But that took the rest of my energy. I call dibs on the bedroom by the kitchen.” He said, walking away, you followed him with your head turning.
“Goodnight, Patrick!” Art called.
“Goodnight, Art!”
“Goodnight, Patrick!” You called back.
“Goodnight Y/N!” He yelled as he shut the door. There was a lot of yelling involved when these two were around. You sighed, tipping slowly so your head could rest on the arm rest opposite the one Art’s legs were draped over. You looked at him, his eyes shut again, his head still happily in your lap.
It was just you and him. They say a trio never works because there’s always a duo, but for the three of you, every duo had its purpose. From an outsiders perspective, Patrick and Art as a duo were best friends, pals, tennis freaks who shared their passion and worked together. Fire and Ice.
You and Patrick were something else. Some people would say something like you and Patrick had a love-hate relationship but it was all love and all hate all of the time. Little quips and jabs at each other, debating things all of the time.
And from an outsiders perspective there was no way Art wasn’t completely in love with you. There just wasn’t a chance that he wasn’t. Nobody ever looked at you and Art and thought first that you were only friends. You didn’t act like friends much. You were usually touching in some form but it was like that with Patrick too, but admittedly not as much.
You stayed still a while and you were pretty sure that Art had fallen asleep on your lap. “Art,” you whispered. Nothing. He was asleep. You wondered if you ever looked so peaceful when you slept. You felt terrible leaving him there but you were nifty in replacing your thighs for a pillow, not even making him stir in the slightest. You grabbed him a blanket, covered him up and turned out the lamp. “Goodnight.” You whispered, heading to your room. You flopped down on the pillow and it was lights out.
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Falling asleep at nine thirty had the perks of helping you wake up early. You woke up quietly, still in the clothes from the day before so you changed into your jean shorts and a big t-shirt, brushed your hair and did a little bit of makeup- cottage style because you didn’t need much out here.
The boys liked to sleep in, so you knew they’d be up a little after you, given the time they all fell asleep. You got up and walked past Art, still fast asleep on the couch, curled into a ball. You quietly started on breakfast, chopping peppers, cutting pre-sliced ham, cracking eggs into a pan. He was far enough away that it wasn’t too loud and he stirred on his own. You heard him get up and turned to face him.
He cracked his neck as he stood up and walked wordlessly over to you cooking your omelets. He yawned before he spoke, stretching his arms up into the air, a peek of the v in his waist and happy trail just barely showing. He dropped his arms to his side. “Good morning,” he said, yawning again. He put a hand on your shoulder as he passed you, trailing it over to your other shoulder as he opened the fridge and grabbed the juice.
“Good morning,” you replied as he grabbed two cups and poured the juice into both. He slid one over to where you were cooking. “Thank youuuu.” You smiled. He kissed your shoulder and slid past again.
Patrick opened the door of his bedroom, “I smell food.” He said. It wasn’t like him to say good morning anyway. His eyes panned to the stove, then you.” Oh hey housewife.” Patrick said, walking into the kitchen and stealing the cup of orange juice Art had poured you. Art took a seat at the table just behind where you were cooking.
“Hey househusband,” you said, giving Patrick your spatula, swapping it out for the juice and taking a seat next to Art. “Oh you don’t like cooking? Too bad.” You said.
Patrick fake-sneered at you before smiling and finishing up the eggs. You looked at Art and clinked your cups of orange juice together. Art cleared his throat, “I think we should play scrabble and head down for a swim after breakfast. Thoughts?”
“What about snakes and ladders instead?” You pitched, Art’s eyes widened and he grinned a yes.
“Sounds good,” Patrick agreed. “Though you know I’ll kick both of your asses. I’m really good at snakes and ladders.”
Art chuckled, “You can’t be good at snakes and ladders, buddy. It’s a dice game.”
“What can I say?” Patrick said, swinging the spatula around. “I’m good with dice.”
“Uh huh,” you nodded sarcastically, sticking your tongue out at Patrick. He stuck out his tongue right back at you and you turned, tongue still out to Art, who tried to nab it, but was too slow.
Breakfast was good, the morning into afternoon plans set. Patrick, of course, came last in snakes and ladders. You all went and changed into your swimsuits when things had digested. You brought a book and a towel down to the little beach of the cottage but you knew you wouldn’t be reading it. You took pride in being faster than the boys because you did get to sit in your coverup for about five minutes, just you and the water and the roar of boats on the lake. Your grandparents owned a boat but you’d take it out later, probably.
The boys didn’t just come down to the beach, they came rolling. Patrick shoved Art right into the shallows, splashing you and your coverup. Time to yourself was over, but you couldn’t help but laugh.
“You’re an ass!” Art called from a few feet in. Shirt off, blonde curls soaked down. He slicked his hair back. “I’ll get you back for that, I swear to god.”
“From there?” Patrick laughed from the boat dock. “You’re going to get me from down there?”
“No, but I will,” you said, shoving Patrick into the water from behind. He fell from the dock and right into the shallows, splashing Art. You and Art couldn’t contain your laughter watching Patrick blow water from his nose.
“It burns,” he said, chuckling and wiping water from his eyes. You and Art kept laughing like you were mad. You, planning on jumping in, dropping your coverup on the dry deck and you kept laughing, but neither of the boys did. You didn’t notice, though.
They, however, noticed you. Being friends for so long, they knew what you looked like, but they were still boys. You in a bikini was a treasure neither of them could pass up on for themselves. If anyone asked yeah they’d deny it, but they both thought you were quite hot from time to time…. Art, more so.
Patrick nudged Art twice in the arm as they both, open-mouthed watched you walk to the end of the dock into the deeper area. Neither of them took their eyes off you, Patrick grabbing Art’s arm for some form of support like ‘you’re seeing this too’ for the new bikini moment.
Art was seeing it for sure. The bikini. You. He was seeing you for sure… You turned at the end of the dock and both boys had to pretend like they weren’t staring. “Are you coming?” You called. Both boys snapped into it and started swimming as you jumped in, splashing them both.
You surfaced and it turned into a full blown splash fight, all of you treading and swimming around trying to avoid each other swimming underwater. You went a little more shallow where you could all touch and it was worse then, gaining the ability to dodge better, stand and fall.
Wordlessly, Art and Patrick called a truce and both turned on you, Art holding you like a shield as Patrick used all the force of his arms to splash you. Art let go a little early so you wouldn’t feel how he was feeling about so much of your skin against his. He couldn’t help it- it was you
“Okay! Okay, please! Truce!” You yelled above the sound of churned water, spitting lake water from your mouth. You held your hands in front of you and wiped the water from your face, moving your wet hair from your face. Patrick obliged, his arms were tired. You started laughing, finally able to breathe, standing up in the water, your bikini in full view again, you in full view. “Oh my god, you’re ruthless.” You sighed, hands on your hips.
“Only what’s deserved for that stunt on the dock,” Patrick retorted, stepping forward and tapping you under your chin. He was in your face, you stuck your tongue out and got his nose. Patrick lunged for you but you leapt back into the water to escape, back toward Art who was quietly hyper-fixated on how your the sides of your bathing suit were only tied in a bow…
You swam around behind Art and wrapped your arms around his neck, wet skin on wet skin. “You have to save me,” you giggled in his ear and he was glad you were behind him instead of in front. Instead, Art just tilted himself backwards, dunking you under the water.
After an hour of swimming, you were all sitting in the wooden lawn chairs near the beach, surrounding the fire pit. Patrick and Art were engaged in some conversation about their last tennis game and you got to lay in the sun, eyes shut, body stretched out.
Patrick kept his voice low, “You see the bows on the side?”
Art’s eyes widened, “Yes! Yes I saw them.” He nodded enthusiastically. “Do you ever forget what she looks like?”
“Most of the time, yeah,” Patrick nodded. “I usually see her the same way I did when we were in grade four, but sometimes I wonder about it and you have to admit, she-“
“Looks great. Yeah.” Art agreed, glancing over at you sunbathing.
“How many boners do you have left, goddamn,” Patrick teased Art, shoving him a little from his chair. Art just laughed.
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Come dinner, you changed out of your bathing suits and into comfier clothes. You sat around the fire and roasted hot dogs. Patrick ate an entire pack shamelessly and you and Art each had two. You debated zombie apocalypse survival tactics and you and Patrick were getting a bit heated and you both ended up standing up. Art just watched, leaned back in his chair. You were passionate.
You huffed when Patrick won the debate, not listening to your side of reason and you decided it was better to just sit on Art’s lap. He didn’t expect it, but it was somewhat normal. You had your legs sideways over the chair and you in your shorts was sitting on him. Naturally, one hand of his went against your back and the other rested on top of your thighs. He was praying to god you couldn’t feel the seventh boner of the day. “Realistically, don’t you think the apocalypse would die down? They’re rotting people, they’d probably decompose anyways. Your theory sucks.” You said, finalizing the argument.
Art nodded, shrugging. “I think she’s right.” He nodded.
“You’re dick-riding,” Patrick told Art. “Tell me it wouldn’t be cool to have a bunker anyway.”
“It would be cool to have a bunker,” Art reasoned with you, looking up at you from under you.
“It would be cool, but necessary? Probably not.” You said. “Plus it’s not about being cool, it’s about being alive.”
Patrick shook his head, “I think being cool and alive are both important.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled. The crickets chirped and the sun set and you stayed out there until the mosquitos became too much. Patrick put the fire out and you all headed up for another few board games and rounds of crazy 8’s until you were yawning.
“I think I’m gonna head to bed,” you said. “I’ll see you two in the morning.” You passed by Art, kissing him on the top of the head and by Patrick, roughing up his hair. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight!” Art said, following you with his eyes as you slipped into the far bedroom. Patrick echoed the goodnight. Art put his head in his hands immediately. “She’s insane.”
“I was going to say-“ Patrick said, voice down. “That lap move was crazy. You in your swim trunks too, man that has to be hard.” He chuckled at the double entendre. “I would be too.”
“It was so bad,” Art groaned, rubbing his face. “I’m just pretending she felt nothing.”
Patrick grinned and slapped him on the back, “I would too, buddy. I would too. Good luck.”
“Gee, thanks,” Art said. Patrick stood up and turned a few of the lights out. “You heading to bed?”
Patrick grinned, his dimple crawling up his face. “Ehh… something like that.” He winked and said goodnight, shutting the door to his room. Art wondered if he should do the same, considering. He chose against and just went to bed… hard again.
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You woke up first again. The morning was chilly and the clouds covered the morning sun. You had packed a sweater but it was thin and you still shivered in it as you made up the pancake batter. You swore Patrick slept in just to be off of cooking duty…
You shivered over the stove, but Art’s big Stanford sweater was draped over the back of the couch. God, you were so glad. You pulled off the thin one and put on the big sweater with your comfortable leggings. It was much better. Your hair was still messed and wavy from the lake water, but you’d managed to clip it up again before pouring the batter into the pan. Like clockwork, Art was up.
He did a double take when he saw what you were wearing. He didn’t mind, but he had to admit he liked that you were wearing it. It smelled like him, you noted. “Hey,” you greeted him.
“Good morning,” he replied, his hair a mess of blonde curls, perfect bedhead. You hated how boys could just wake up gorgeous, it wasn’t fair. “How did you sleep?” He asked.
“Like a baby,” you replied. “You?”
“I don’t even think I rolled over once,” he said, smiling. He started to set three plates on the table along with the cutlery. “My sweater?” He teased, tugging at it as he went by.
You grinned, “Yes I stole it, but it’s freezing this morning. I needed it.”
“Hey, I’m not mad,” he shrugged. “Looks better on you than me.”
You played the pancakes. “Really?”
“Yeah. Keep it if you want, honestly. Lend it to me now and again, but you can have it.”
Patrick opened the door to his room, yawning. “This is why you’re my favourite,” you spoke up, eyeing him in his doorframe, loud enough so Patrick could hear. Art laughed watching Patrick’s expression change.
“I thought I was your favourite,” Patrick said, arms up in the air in mock-disbelief. “You just go around telling every guy that?”
You tossed Patrick a pancake like a frisbee which he caught. “Nice try. It’s only Art.”
“Is it?” Art said, grabbing the syrup. He looked you in the eyes, pretending to judge. “I’m okay with Patrick and I being sisterwives. We’ve been sisterwives before.”
“Y/N and I are the only sisterwives here,” Patrick said, mouth full of pancake. “Both married to you apparently. So are we day drinking today or what?” He sat at the table.
You laughed, extending your legs so your calfs rested on Art’s lap like a human footrest. You and Art chuckled, “I think that’s something for tomorrow.” Art said. “I want to take the boat out.”
“And you don’t want hard lemonade on a boat?” Patrick gasped, leaning in and putting both hands on the table. “Boring!”
“Okay, maybe,” you nodded. “But we have to have one night dedicated to being drunk that’s why I brought what I did.” You grinned. “Gotta save the supply.”
“Good plan,” Art agreed.
A day spent on the boat was fun. It was a lot of laughter and card games and maybe a hard lemonade or two. You wore a one-piece this time that had shorts built in so it was a little easier for Art and Patrick. Patrick wasn’t afraid of any seaweed and jumped right into a patch and Art found it cute how you could barely look down at the water in the seaweed patch. Seaweed grossed you out.
You and Art sat thigh to thigh almost the whole time aside from when you’d gotten up to twirl a bit to the music on the boat’s radio. He watched you in your bucket hat and sunglasses sway and spin and you were so gorgeous…
Sunset burned red in the sky and you headed back, having spent the whole day either in the shade or the sun on the boat. You were tired, more tired than either of the boys, you leaned against Art in the driver’s bench of the boat as he steered the boat back to the dock. He was acutely aware of your eyelashes as when you blinked with your face smushed against his arm he could just feel it. It was sweet. Patrick anchored the boat and Art scooped you up no problem from where you sat.
“I’m not that tired,” you complained, but you secretly liked it. Patrick smacked you in the foot that was raised in the air from the way Art had you. “Hey, stop it!” You called. Patrick stole you right out of Art’s arms and your tiredness faded for a moment as you fought him- Patrick nearly fell in the water. “God you’re such a freak!” You called out as Patrick hopped up the steps to the cottage. “Art, help!” You called out.
Art just grinned and followed. Patrick did set you down and you went and showered the day off in the shitty little cottage bathroom. You came back out after your shower in just your shorts and Art’s sweater. He could tell you didn’t have a bra on. It was cute.
He took his turn to shower, leaving Patrick with the cold water shamelessly. He complained, but it was funny. You and Art laid on the couch, this time your head rested on his leg. Art gently traced the brighter bits in your hair, just the pieces that shined a little extra while wet, with a gentle finger. You were tired. Art pulled your hair back from out of your face, “Let’s get you to bed, hm?” All your dancing and swimming and boating and sun just about wiped you out. This time, Patrick in the shower, nothing stopped Art from picking you up and taking you to the room you’d claimed. He awkwardly but surprisingly was able to move the blankets back with his foot and he set you down gently on the sheets, making sure your pillow was under your head. You were hardly awake, the way you were so completely and utterly exhausted. He moved your hair from your face just once more and pulled the blanket over you, but as he got up from the edge of your bed you stopped him.
“Just one more minute,” you said. It didn’t make much sense, one more minute of what? But how could he say no?
He left when you were fully asleep and intended on going to bed himself but Patrick challenged him to a game of cards and he obliged. Patrick grabbed Art’s knee. “You’re looking at her way too much, man.”
“Uh huh and you don’t? I see you stare just as much as I do,” Art smirked, playing his good cards. “She’s pretty, it’s hard to see past that.”
“A little too pretty. I wish I brought a porno just so I can remember that she’s not actually all that.” He didn’t mean it in a mean way, he meant it as in you weren’t the only girl in the world. He said it, but it was part of the loving insults he liked to throw out.
“Mmm,” Art nodded. “We should head into town tomorrow for some cigarettes.”
“Good idea,” Patrick said, squeezing Art’s knee and grinning wide. “I need that and a few shots at the local bar and the sight of a woman. ’m sure Y/N would like a few hours to sunbathe.”
Art grinned too, “Yeah, I think so.”
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And the next day rolled around just the same. The boys explained their plan and you were more than on board with a few hours to yourself. They headed out and you went down to the beach to sit under your umbrella and read.
Patrick grabbed Art’s leg in the car as they pulled up to the local bar. “I don’t even care who I see, I just need to remind myself there are other women in the world.” Patrick jogged in and Art decided to wander to the nearby convenience to pick up some cigarettes. He grabbed those and some red liquorice, knowing it’s one of your favourites. He also grabbed some more matches and a lighter just in case, paying for it all and walking back to the car. Patrick stood outside it, looking a little sulked.
“Not a single woman in there. I give up. Had two shots though,” he grinned. Art held up the cigarettes and Patrick brightened right up. They shared one and got back in the car for the trip back.
You went swimming again, so you showered in your bikini and were walking around in it when the boys came back. Your coverup draped and tied around your waist. You had a plum in one hand, your book in the other and you were visible at the side of the house where the boys had parked the car. The two of them were coming out of the car when they both laid eyes on you at the same time, both instinctively putting their arms out to stop each other in their tracks. Patrick’s arm across Art’s chest and Art’s arm across Patrick’s.
Their arms dropped simutaneously. “Fuck.” Patrick said.
Art nodded. There wasn’t much else to say.
You didn’t notice them until they walked in, Art holding the new lighter, cigarettes and some red liquorice. You grinned. “That was fast. You were gone, what? Two hours?”
Both boys were a little dazed. You put your book down, wiping your lower lip of the juice from the plum, but it was on your chin, dropped onto your chest. They both just watched you, mouthes a little open. You looked down, confused. Immediately both boys went separate ways.
You shrugged, tossing the pit of your plum out the window and into the garden.
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Dinner was nice, by the fire again. You’d broken out the hard lemonades again and vodka and orange soda. Unfortunately for Art and Patrick, you’d stayed in your bikini and skirt-like cover up. It was hard to not be.
Patrick shook his head, “At what age did you guys start finding girls attractive?” He questioned, raising his can in question.
“Twelve,” you replied faster than Art did. Art and Patrick raised their eyebrows.
“Uh… Twelve, yeah,” Art agreed, taking a sip of his drink, eyes on you. You just smiled.
You finished your drink, “I think that’s around when Patrick taught you that neat little lesson.” You teased, reaching over and rubbing Art’s shoulder.
His head fell into his empty hand, “Please, no. Not that.” He groaned, but he was smiling.
“Teach a man to fish,” Patrick said, trailing off and cracking you another can, exchanging it for your empty one. “You can never say I’m good for nothing on that one, Art.”
“Okay, well who was doing it first?” Art questioned Patrick, tossing a stick he’d been fidgeting with.
“Me, I just knew from an early age,” he grinned. “I’m curious though, when did that happen for you?” He asked you, shifting a little in his seat and grinning directly at Art, who shifted just the same.
You bit your lip thinking, “I think around thirteen, maybe. The shower head.” You grinned. Art hid his face. “I was a little bit creative.”
“Does that even count?” Patrick said. “If you’re not putting in the work yourself.”
“I think so,” you replied. “That followed soon enough after.”
Art adjusted himself again. Patrick was watching him squirm, teasing indirectly. He knew the effect this conversation would have on him. You brought it up anyway, it wasn’t his fault.
“First kiss at sixteen,” you sighed. “Was not fun.”
Art turned to you, “I thought it was fifteen?”
“Sixteen. Bella James. Then I kissed a guy for the first time about a few months later.”
“I forgot about that,” Patrick said, huge smirk on his face. “I still have that photo of you and Bella somewhere in my room.”
“Shut up, you do not,” you gasped, grabbing the arm of the lawn chair. “Art-“
“He’s seen it,” Patrick nodded.
“It’s true.” Art cringed. “Hot, though.”
“Was it?”
“Oh yeah,” Art smiled over at you. You rolled your eyes at both of them, standing up. “Where are you going?”
You shook your head, “To get my watermelon vodka.” You stated. “I need something stronger.”
Both boys watched you go up the steps to the cottage, shamelessly. The second you were inside, Patrick moved from his chair over to Art. “That was too good.”
“It was not,” Art groaned. “She’s too much.”
“It’s not just me, then,” Patrick said, leaning into Art, crouched next to him in the chair. “I should have picked up a magazine when we were out earlier.”
You returned down the steps and Patrick returned to his chair. You’d changed back into Art’s sweater and a skort. You had a shot on your way down the steps and sat right back in Art’s lap like the day before.
Patrick laughed out loud and clapped but Art death stared him into silence. You three drank until it was hard not to laugh at simple things and Patrick and you got back into another debate about which flavour of sour patch kid is best. Art sided with you because nothing beat the blue one.
You were standing up, thank god Art could fix where his dick was in his boxers while you yelled at Patrick over the orange sour patch kids. Art just leaned onto his hand, watching you, watching Patrick. It was the stupidest thing.
Patrick got in your face as per usual and you stared right back. His intimidation would never work on you. “Orange tastes like ass,” Patrick said, voice lowered now.
“And you’d know, bottom-feeder,” you chuckled with a smirk, getting closer to Patrick’s face. Art grinned. You were so perfect.
Patrick narrowed his eyes, looking down at you with the heat of the debate in his expression. “At least I actually get ass and don’t just have one.”
You laughed, “That’s supposed to offend me? That’s a compliment, Patrick. A good attempt, though.”
He rolled his eyes, “Nobody said it was nice.”
“Art will testify,” you said, nodding back at Art. His eyes widened. “Tell Patrick it’s nice.”
“It’s nice,” Art obliged.
You turned back to Patrick, “See?”
“You made him say it,” Patrick shrugged, tapping the side of his own nose. “If he meant it he’d say it for himself.”
“I hear what you say about me behind closed doors, Patrick, and I think you do think it’s nice.” You taunted him. Patrick’s smirk only grew bigger and he tapped you under the chin again. Art sat up. Heard them? That wasn’t good…
Patrick, half-lidded, looked at you like a meal. Art, who was adjusted well enough, got a handle on your hips and pulled you back away from him and back onto his lap. You thought nothing of it, just getting comfortable back on Art’s lap like it was the simplest thing on earth. Your arm around him you played with the curls at the back of his head. The debate was over, it had gone a little too far.
Patrick, hard, sat back in his chair and mumbled, “I still think orange is the worst out of all of them.”
“Dead wrong,” you mumbled as well.
Art huffed, his hand on your arm, thumb rubbing up and down your skin. You looked him in the eyes, a bit of a pout to your lips. Art wondered if you’d heard what he had said about you, wishing maybe he’d phrased things better, wondering if they bothered you. He stared back, looking at how the flickering flames danced across your face.
“I’m going to bed, I’ve had too much.” Rare words from Patrick, but it was a debate you both lost this time and maybe it was a little discouraging. Patrick was a big drinker so of course he stumbled up those steps. “See you guys tomorrow.” He said.
“Goodnight!” Art called.
“Goodnight,” you spoke, attention back on Art. You and Patrick were a few drinks deeper than Art, it’s why the debate was a little much. You looked back at Art, your hand still playing with his curls, twirling them, pushing his hair behind his ear. One of his hands rested on the back of your arm, thumb still rubbing over your soft skin and the other hand resting on your knee, doing the very same. “You’re quiet.” You hummed, pushing your fingers through his hair gently.
“You’re drunk,” Art replied with a small smile. “I’m just thinking.”
“Mhm, what about?” You asked, eyes still locked on his. His eyebrows furrowed, eyes still bright and matching his small, sweet smile.
He looked at you, over you, softly. “Just you.” He replied.
“What about me?” You prodded, hand still gently twirling his curls.
“You’re pretty,” Art told you. You grinned and pressed one hand over half of your face shyly. “And I think I like you a lot more than I knew... Or would admit.” He admit slowly, but he grinned.
You grinned right back, but you shook your head a little, “I hate that I’ll forget this. You have to tell me again tomorrow so I remember.”
He laughed, “I will, I will.” He didn't want to- he didn't know if he could. And he looked at your perfect lips in the orange glow. He could have kissed you, but he would have hated for you to forget it. Your lips pulled with that same smile and Art patted your leg twice. For now, I think we should get you some water.”
“Do you really think my ass is nice?” You asked him, climbing off of his lap. “Just since we’re on the topic, I mean.” Art nodded and it seemed to be the right answer. He put out the fire and helped you upstairs. After a glass of water, you thanked him at the door of your bedroom. “Goodnight, Art.” You said. Your arms wrapped around his neck and his arms went perfectly around your torso and he squeezed you tight. You kissed his cheek to say a final goodnight.
“Goodnight,” Art told you. He went to bed after that.
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Art and Patrick had a moment alone the next day. They knew you were out of earshot for sure this time, watching you down by the beach, pulling out the kayaks.
“I’d have her babies,” Patrick said, looking at you. “Please tell me something good happened after I came up here and passed out.”
Art couldn’t tell Patrick what he’d said last night. “Mmm no. We only talked a minute and came back up here. You guys need to chill out on the debate stuff, that’s all I know.”
“Oh you wish you were in on all that. She’s in my face, Art, you saw it. It’s so easy to rile her up, you should try it.”
Art shrugged, “Maybe, yeah, but come on, she said she heard what you said about her behind closed doors. We can’t be objectifying her just because she’s the only girl around.” He said.
Patrick twisted his mouth to the side. “I don’t know, I thought she liked it.”
“Maybe, but I mean… can’t be too safe.” Art shrugged again. “I just don’t want her uncomfortable. Not with us.”
“She couldn’t be, come on. It’s us. She’s used to it by now I’m sure.”
“Just ease up,” Art said. “Make sure she’s far out of earshot otherwise.” They were both men, they knew how they acted when a woman was hot, but Art was a little too worried.
The day passed and it was good. More swimming, more eating. Patrick ate four burgers, buns and all like it was nothing. You had an afternoon nap on the couch, Art falling asleep with his head on your stomach, arms wrapped around your legs. Patrick chuckled to himself as he passed it- it was a sight for sure.
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Dinner was simple, then it was over. Art wondered if you remembered what he’d said. He guessed not, taking your drunken word that you hadn’t remembered. You were in the kitchen talking to Patrick about your watermelon vodka and he was leaned against the marble, face close to yours. Maybe it bothered Art how close he was to you. It wasn’t anything new, Patrick liked to lean into whoever he was talking to.
Art had to remind himself you hadn’t said anything to him last night after he said what he said. He usually watched you and Patrick talk because it was funny, but this time something in Art’s chest tightened.
Maybe it was the fact you were the only girl around, he thought. It wasn’t though. Art has liked you for years upon years without admitting it to anyone, hardly to himself. You were just best friends, that’s how things were. Yeah, he thought about kissing you. Yeah, he wondered what you’d look like under him. But he wouldn’t admit it. It wasn’t the fact you were the only girl but rather the fact you were the only girl. If that made any sense.
Art walked over, standing beside you. You instinctively put your arm around his waist and leaned against him like a pole and it brought some ease to Art’s moment of jealousy as he draped his arm around your shoulder. Patrick and Art locked eyes and with a furrow of his brow, Patrick narrowed his eyes. “So are we drinking again?”
“If you want,” you shrugged, handing him the bottle. “Art?”
“Sure, yeah,” Art nodded, looking at you. He liked the way your hand rested on the opposite side of him, around his torso. “Let’s not start debates tonight though, mkay?”
“Oh yeah,” you chuckled. “What was last night’s?”
“Sour patch kids,” Patrick said, opening the vodka and taking a swig. He passed the bottle to Art, who did the same. “That’s so good, what.”
Art nodded, “That is good.” He passed you the bottle, but you only had a sip. You weren’t looking to not remember the night again. Plus waking up in the morning was hard enough. “Not drinking?”
“Not much,” you nodded.
“That’s okay,” Art nodded back.
The night went forward and the boys were getting drunk and you only the slightest bit tipsy. Part of you knew that both of them drunk meant babysitting so they didn’t try and reach for the boat keys and die.
You sat on the coach the drunk boys had dragged outside and only the back porch of the cottage- you stopped them from bringing it down the stairs. Patrick sat next to you pulling you in and messing up your hair. “Hey- come on,” you laughed. It was impossible to mess up a boy’s hair, especially when it was curly. “That’s not fair.”
“Alls fair in love and war,” Patrick replied.
You laughed harder, “Where did you hear that?” It was so weird to hear from Patrick’s mouth. “You’re so weird.”
“I’m weird?” Patrick said, letting you go but keeping you close. His hand fell to your thigh. “If anyone here is weird it’s you.”
“Uh huh?” You smiled. “Me? Not you who decides to bring a couch outside? Not you who ate an entire pack of hot dogs after saying you weren’t hungry?” You smiled and twisted into sitting on your knees, facing him.
Art came back from the bathroom, rubbing his eyes, opening them to see you and Patrick the way you were. He was drunk, more so than the night before and that was a bit much. Patrick did the thing he’d done forever, tapping you under your chin, but your faces were so close…
“You have so many freckles,” you observed. “You can hardly see them if you don’t look.”
“You’re really ugly up close,” Patrick retorted and you hit him upside the head playfully. Art stood by the screen doorway. “Okay, I’m sorry! You’re really pretty!”
“Oh you think I’m pretty?” You questioned as if it was something to challenge. Patrick, half-lidded tapped under your chin again. Art felt sick. If there was something to be jealous about it’s that you would probably remember Patrick calling you pretty, not Art.
“Maybe,” Patrick leaned closer and he was going to kiss you, but he didn’t, not yet. Art swallowed hard. Your faces were inches from each other’s. Even through the alcohol Art felt the twinges in his chest and stomach.
“Patrick,” you started, slowly backing away. “You’re drunk.”
“Maybe to that too,” he shrugged. You backed away more. Art couldn’t do it, he opened the door and stepped out back onto the porch. You turned your head and grinned at his reproach. Art didn’t say anything, he just grabbed the vodka and took what looked like a painful two gulps.
“Oh-“ you started, but Art wiped his lip and sat back down on the couch next to you and you rearranged the way you sat immediately to be closer to Art. Art didn’t even look at Patrick, instead, he just pulled you onto his lap. This time, it wasn’t of your own volition. You didn’t think anything of it. Patrick just used the extra space on the couch for his feet.
The conversation was fine. Civil with a lot of laughter, Art could get into it but the extra vodka he’d had was being pumped around his bloodstream without a doubt. Instead of his hand resting on your upper knee, it rested on your thigh and his thumb grazed back and forth like it did the night before. He was lucky to have a moment to adjust himself because even with the amount of alcohol he’d had, his body still held enough attraction. You were smiling, so beautiful, Art thought.
Patrick knew he’d fucked up but the alcohol helped to make him not worry about it too much. You pat Art on the cheek, “You and Patrick have kissed, right?” You asked out of the blue. The two looked at each other.
“Uh- hm- yeah,” Art said, clearing his throat, looking at Patrick.
You smiled, finishing a can of point five alcohol. “Okay so I have a question. Would you guys call each other a good kisser?”
Art and Patrick shared another look and you just giggled. They both didn’t know what to say- Patrick shrugged and Art opened his mouth to speak, but didn’t. Both boys went through a few stages in a matter of seconds and Patrick let out a strangled sort of, “Yes?”
“Yes?” You gasped, turning to look at Art.
“Sure?” Art shrugged. “I don’t know, I don’t really… remember. It was two years ago.” He slightly slurred.
Patrick agreed. “It was a while back.” You giggled again, Patrick shrugged. “I mean, you’ve kissed Art for fun, you’d know if he is or not.”
You gasped a little, “Oh that’s right! The spin the bottle in senior year, I totally forgot about that!” You turned back to Patrick, “It was only a peck, though. Just a quick kiss.”
Art hadn’t forgotten it. Today he was thinking that would be the only time he got to kiss you. He stared at your lips now, their colour perfect, so soft, he was a little dazed. You and Patrick talked about how you only joked about being sisterwives, but it was more true than you remembered. Art just stared, his hands moving over your hips and wrapping around your waist, looking up at you. God, you were so perfect and he was very drunk.
He felt oddly at ease with how you’d been with Patrick earlier. You’d refused him, backing away when he got closer and Art could be happy with that. You didn’t mind Art’s hands around your waist. At first it was positioned like a hug around the waist but now it was just hands, his grip. The curve of your waist was so perfect, you were so perfectly structured. His finger slid across the hem of your shirt and touched a sliver of your skin and you were so soft, too soft. Art, sweet, no matter how much he drank, no matter how much he felt, fixed your shirt so that he couldn’t feel your skin anymore. You bent from where you sat and kissed the top of his head.
There was a shared cigarette amongst friends and you got up from Art’s lap and trailed your hand across his cheek as you went inside to get your sweater on. His sweater. It was the first moment Art and Patrick were alone since the morning.
“You like her,” Patrick said, taking a drag off the near-end of the cigarette and handing it over to Art. Art, dazed, drunk, nic-buzzed, just nodded. “Thought so.”
Art inhaled, exhaling the smoke and passing it back, “Might just.” He said, a bit slurred, rubbing his face with his hands. “I’m so fucked, hm?”
“Maybe, yeah,” Patrick chuckled, leaning forward and ruffling Art’s hair. Art flushed a bit, turning just the slightest bit pink. It was a sort of unspoken apology for getting so close to you, is what that action meant.
“This sucks,” Art mumbled. He admit it, somewhat, out in the open for the first time. Art closed his eyes and the world spun around him and he flopped backward on the couch. Your hands are what woke him- he’d passed right out, so tired.
You pat him on the cheek, “Hey, let’s get you some water and to bed.” You said. Patrick helped Art to his feet and he leaned against him walking into the house. “That was a lot of vodka.” You said, giving him water. You held it with him just in case he dropped it. You made him drink the whole cup.
“Mmmhhm,” Art smiled. You were so pretty, so sweet, so caring. “You know you’re a remarkably beautiful woman.” He said, slurring. He said it very matter-of-factly. You chuckled at his choice of words.
“Thank you, lovely,” you smiled, helping him to bed.
“Goodnight drunk Art,” He heard Patrick like an echo. Patrick left the room. He didn’t say goodnight back. He was focused on the lovely part.
Art took his shirt off, throwing it across the room and immediately fell limp on his pillow again, you’d stayed. You put your hand on his chest and he grabbed it. The last thing he remembered was saying, “I’m so fucked.” Before it was suddenly morning.
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Art groaned and rolled out of bed, not even caring that he rolled onto the carpet on the floor. He just picked himself up and rubbed his eyes, leaving the bedroom. No headache, just super groggy.
He opened the bedroom door and you and Patrick were sitting opposite sides of the coffee table, different couches. It had been moved back at some point. Art was a little relieved to see how far apart you were. He remembered most of last night, to his dismay. “Hey, sleepyhead,” you said, getting up. “How are you feeling?”
Art was so glad he had hit or miss hangovers. “Gross, but fine.” He replied. You walked into the kitchen and poured him a cup of coffee from the pot, making it exactly how he liked it. You put it in his hands, “Thank you.” He smiled.
“Of course,” you smiled back. You both went to sit on the couch and the conversation about the day included plans of swimming and going back out on the boat once Art was feeling better.
The day was good, warm. The same as any. Art felt better about noon. You were on the boat yelling lyrics to an Avril Lavigne song and Patrick was unabashedly singing along. Art felt so much better, clapping when you shoved Patrick right off the boat at the chorus. You raised your hands above your head triumphantly and jumped a few times.
Art, of course, helped Patrick get back onto the boat, only to get pulled into the water. You couldn’t stop laughing but it was only a matter of time before both boys manage to wrangle you into the water with them, Patrick throwing seaweed at you as you screamed. You clung onto Art in the water as if he was a stable point. Your eyes met, eyelashes wet and you fought your smile as best you could.
Dinner was hot dogs again by the fire and it was followed by s’mores. All day you hadn’t been able to get your mind off of the way Art had held your waist last night. You knew he was out of it, he called you ‘remarkably beautiful’, but in every moment you had to yourself you were trying to relive the feeling, almost like the ghost of his hands were still there. You thought about when his hand slipped under the bottom of your shirt and touched your bare skin…
Patrick snapped in your face. “Earth to Y/N. I’m beat, I’m heading up to bed early tonight if that’s okay.”
“Oh yeah, that’s fine.” You said. “Goodnight!”
“Goodnight!” Art called.
“Night guys!” Patrick went upstairs and turned the lights out. That left you and Art down by the fire alone.
You stood up, pulling your hair over your shoulder. Another night in Art’s sweater and your shorts. “You coming?” You asked. His eyes narrowed.
You shrugged, “With me.” And you smiled just a little, walking down the dock. The moon reflecting off the lake was the brightest light around. It was warm, yellow, nearly. Warm July moonlight, chopping itself up in the gentle waves. Art followed you, why wouldn’t he? “I don’t think I want to go back to the city after this.” You sighed, sitting on the edge of the dock. Art sat next to you.
“Me neither,” he chuckled, moving some hair from your face. “Patrick might go stir crazy, though, so if you planned on keeping us with you, don’t.”
You grinned, letting him tuck the hair behind your ear in the soft wind. He stayed focused on every move of your features, the way your eyelashes moved when you looked up, then down, then back at him. “You think you’d miss tennis?”
“I probably would eventually,” he said. “But this week, no. I don’t miss it. It’s good to be away from training and practicing and all the pressure and just be with friends.”
You nodded, “I understand. It’s been good to get away from things. Reminds me of when we would spend the summers in the forest, before tennis, before work, before school. All that.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I think Patrick misses that a lot. He lives in the past a lot, thinking about when things were ‘better’. I mean he doesn’t do much aside from tennis at all so I get it, but he’s very hung up on it. Misses it.”
“You don’t miss it?”
He met your eyes, “I do miss it. But like in a fond way, not in the way where I wish I was still there.” He shrugged. “I don’t particularly enjoy thinking about how I looked when we were running around those forests.”
“Braces and buzzcut,” you smiled. “I remember.”
“You shouldn’t,” Art laughed. “How could I forget about the three tank tops you layered on top of each other?”
“Fashion statement versus buzzcut…” you hummed, teasing, leaning your head into his shoulder and rocking back. “I miss it.”
He looked at you with everything he thought about you resting on his tongue. You, here, moonlit in the night, so perfect. He smiled, only the simplest, most fond things filled his mind. You narrowed your eyes at him, but you knew. “What’s on your mind?” You asked.
Art took a moment to answer. He was too sober to tell you, you were too sober to tell. It was you, just as it was the other night. You on his mind- his best friend, one of his closest friends, keeper of his boyish secrets, one of two people in this world who could read his mind. He wondered if you could read his mind right now as his heart beat hard in his chest over the question. You could, but he kept wondering.
You took his sweater off and underneath was only your bikini top. You stood up from where you sat and rid yourself of your shorts as well. Art was confused until you jumped into the water. Gracefully, easily. It was dark aside from the moon and nearby fire and for a second or two you were gone, but you resurfaced, hair wet. “You coming?” You asked again, the other question postponed. Art smiled and took off his shirt, already in his trunks, and jumped in after you.
You were in the middle, so you were both just up to your waists. You cupped water in your hands and poured it right over his head. You were so cute… he slicked his hair back and grinned his crooked grin. It was exactly what you’d been looking for. “Mhm?” Art said, wiping water from his eyes. “That’s how it is?”
“Mhm,” you replied. It was only a matter of seconds before he grabbed you and took the both of you underwater. You came up laughing and wiping your eyes. “Really?”!you said, lunging forward at him in the water- the intention was to do the same to him, but you really just wrapped your arms around his neck and stopped, dead in your tracks.
The pause was only seconds, a full action became a full stop, his eyes met yours, and not even a second later, your lips met. You kissed him, he kissed you, mutually, with the same force. Your hands moving from around his neck to his jaw and his hands on your waist. You’d kissed before but it was nothing like this, it couldn’t have been. This kiss was years in the making, subconsciously wished for, teased, thought about late night, thought about in quiet moments… and not just by Art.
His hands slid over your wet skin, over your back as your fingertips met the roots of his wet hair. He pulled you closer, his hands at the crook of your waist. From an outsiders perspective it was always supposed to end this way- and from an outsiders perspective, some would say it wasn’t just a kiss without any way to explain exactly just what it was, because they weren’t you. And they weren’t Art.
And they couldn’t ever be able to understand just how it felt when it was just you, just Art, alone in the shallows with a kiss that was strong and heavy with the weight of years and compiled collections of casual touches.
He hummed into it and you both smiled with every breath between. It was perfect, it was magic, it was sweet. The air warm, the water cool. God, you were perfect, you were so perfect and it was all Art could think about as your hands moved down and his moved up, taking his turn to cup your face between his hands and kiss you harder than before as your hand slid down his chest, across his bare stomach. You giggled at the way he kissed you harder and it made him smile but neither of you stopped for a moment, neither of you missed a beat. He pushed your wet hair behind your ear when you eventually pulled away, keeping his face close, just hovering.
Lips wet, sweet breath, a mutual sigh, that lead to a shared laugh. Art, hands still on either side of your face, kissed you again, just because he could. You kissed him back just the same and he pulled away gently once more. This time you kissed him again, like it was a newfound addiction. He chuckled and pulled you closer once more and the kiss went on a while longer, not hungry, not desperate, just easy. Waited for.
Eventually it did end and you decided to get out of the water, it was with knowing smiles that you collected your clothes and dried off again. You pulled a towel off the clothesline, drying your hair, “I have to admit I’ve wanted that for longer than you know,” you admit, fighting your lips from pulling upward.
Art, with the largest crooked grin on his face, moved closer and grabbed his own towel from earlier. “Really?”
You nodded, “Mhm.”
“Me too,” he said, sheepishly. Art was reduced to a boy the way you looked at him, your lips pink from the kissing, semi-wet hair still just blowing in the wind. Gentle. He dried his own hair and threw the towel back on the line. “How long?” He pulled you in by the crook of your waist again, batting away the fact that he as a grown man had butterflies. You just smirked.
“Too long,” you said, slipping out of his grasp and running up the steps. You spent a moment apart to get changed properly and quietly, as to not wake Patrick. He met you on the couch again, unable to stop thinking about you in any capacity. You, fully clothed, comfortable, tired, lack of makeup, hair still damp, were the most beautiful person he had ever seen and he just wanted to stare at you the way he always had, but this time knowing.
He chuckled as you leaned against him without words, draping an arm around you as you settled in against him. No more words were needed, there was not much more to say. You ended up talking until you both somehow fell asleep.
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Patrick woke up before you, having gone to bed first and seeing you laying on Art’s chest, both his arms around you, one of your legs draped over his lower half, he knew.
It was the difference in distance that told him- when one of you fell asleep there was always enough respect to have levels. He got himself a cup of orange juice, came back and he knew, chuckling to himself. They say trios don’t last, but it wasn’t the end of it when you and Art got together after that trip. Just meant you and Patrick were even closer sisterwives and he was fine with that. Art was fine with that. You were fine with that.
From an outsider's perspective, they would have said nothing changed.
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bitchapalooza · 3 months
Zosan au where 11 year old Zoro falls asleep in a dinghy for a quick afternoon nap and sets adrift unknowingly. He wakes up in the middle of the ocean, panics as one does, but starts to paddle. He eventually makes it to the Baratie with his little boat just barely hanging on for dear life. One of the cooks is there when a, as usual, napping Zoro bumps into the restaurant and immediately he’s fishing this kid out of there. He’s sunburnt and a little too thin, he smells. He calls for help and out rushes the staff and Zeff with Sanji at his side.
Next thing Zoro knows he’s fed and given some clean clothes, he’s been set up in a room to sleep in. Some gross smelling lotion is rubbed on his skin. It’s not until he’s well rested and far healthier looking than before is he asked where he came from and what the hell happened and why he was drifting out in the ocean like that. Like reading a script, he tells Zeff exactly where he’s from, his full name, age, even his height and weight, and lastly a number he says is to his sensei’s personal den den mushi. Zeff leaves him to call the number and that’s when Sanji sneaks in.
Sanji has never really been around kids his own age. Hell he’s rarely been around other kids until they were customers. The only other kids he’s been around—let’s not think about that. Zoro’s first instinct is to call out to this kid peeking into the room, immediately calling him curly because it’s the most defining trait he sees. Sanji bristles and calls him mosshead in return. They immediately start to bicker, not about anything in particular because they just met.
Zeff comes back and separates the two, tells Zoro Koushirou wants to speak to him and guides him to his room where his sensei on hold. Sanji is left out of this, being told to go clean the windows and help close up the restaurant. Zoro comes down ten minutes later with Zeff just as the last patrons of the night leave. Zeff instructs the whole staff to come here and announces that they have a temporary new member on board, a new busboy. Zoro huffs and looks away, a hint of a blush creeping up to his ears and cheeks at all the attention. Sanji grinds his teeth because for whatever reason this kid pisses him off.
“It’s just a couple of months,” Zeff grumbles. Sanji is pouting, sitting at the edge of the old man’s bed as he readies himself for bed. “You can deal with having a roommate and sharing your clothes for that long.”
No he couldn’t. Not with him.
In the end, when Zoro is picked up by some guy and a older girl from the dojo Zoro says he lives and trains at to be the worlds greatest swordsman. They fought a lot the past couple of months. Sanji started many of those arguments, Zoro started his own handful of arguments. Many of which may have been rooted in jealousy on Sanji’s end of things. However, seeing Zoro leave, an empty pit formed in Sanji’s stomach. He had gotten used to sharing a room with someone. Got used to the mosshead rooting through his small closet for something to wear when Zeff decided to bring them along on a supply run. He even got used to their bickering and wrestling, finding it fun on those boring slow work days. How they both stood at the sink on a couple step stools to wash and dry dishes together. They say bye in the stiffest most awkward way only two stubborn eleven year olds could manage—then whisper to keep in touch.
Eight years later— “YOU!?” They shout in unison, the two having not seen or talked to each other in the past seven years, business having picked up a lot for Sanji to call and Zoro…… something happened is all Sanji could tell in their last call, if the weight in Zoro’s voice said anything about it.
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cheriladycl01 · 5 months
Miami Waves - Logan Sargeant x NewZealandOlympicSurfing! Reader
Plot: Miami boy wants to see if his Olympic surfing girl can keep up with the Floridian waves and you end up getting to know his colleagues more in the process
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“Thank you for coming and being here with me” he smiles, his parents had been wanting to meet you for a while. You’d started dating when he first got into F2 and was put under the Williams Young Driver Programme.
“You knew I wouldn’t say no. I’ve been wanting to meet them just as much!” You exclaim. You were a little nervous to meet them, as in your mind Logan was it for you, this was the boy you wanted to marry and have a family with. And even if he didn’t feel the same way right now, that was okay. Not that you knew if he did as you’d never discussed your guys future.
But if you had, he would have told you he felt the exact same way.
Meeting his parents was so much fun, and you got to meet his older brother who teased the both of you relentlessly.
You were used to surfing in Australia and New Zealand. They were the closest to you, and there wasn’t quite any waves like their were on the Australian Coastline. That’s actually where you’d won, one of your first ever championships in surfing. Two years later and you were a Silver Medalists.
“Well my family love you. I’m pretty sure they wanted you to move in” he laughs, Logan lived at home all through his career in F2 and he still visited often as he always said how he felt like an outcast on the F1 grid.
Alex helped but he’d drifted apart from Oscar and had to watch him form a really strong bond with Lando.
He still talked to his friends from his days in Prema as well but everything but you felt so disconnected lately.
So spending those two weeks with his family and you in Miami in the beach villa you'd all rented was vital for the both of you. You felt like you'd been so busy running around, travelling the world with Logan all the time, surfboard rentals at every new place you went so you could train and sometimes travelling for your own championships.
You spent the two weeks doing the most mundane stuff, like cooking together with Logan, building sandcastles, teaching him how to paddle board before showing him the intricacies that came with surfing, which you thought considering his concentration and hand-eye coordination in an F1 car he'd be good at but he couldn't stay on the board once.
Your favourite thing was his family getting really excited to show your their favourite local restaurants in Florida.
You were currently sat on your surfboard with your legs in the water and hands on the middle part of it, watching everything in the neck high water below you.
The water's were crystal clear and you could see the little fishes swimming around playing through the sand. You were swaying a little bit where the quieter, unrideable waves were lapping over your board and sending you in random directions.
You were peacefully watching everything go by, until that peace was ruined by Logan, coming running into the water in his basketball shorts making you look over to him in shock.
"Logan?" you asked as he swam up to hold into your board, you scooted back so that he could haul himself up and sit opposite you on the board.
"Erm, so ... kind of last minute but you about to meet Oscar, Arthur and Freddie" Logan said, trying to give you his cute teddy bear smile, but all that was running through your body was shock.
It was a bit strange but you hadn't actually met his friends, you were very very busy with training for the next Olympics and another set of Championships in New Zealand when Logan was in F2, so you didn't see him in the paddock as much as you do now, and if you did you were nervous and kept to yourself.
"No, stop. I'm basically naked!" you exclaim looking down at your cleavage that wasn't well covered up by your bikini.
"Come on, lets go meet them. And get you a cover-up because I don't trust them" he laughs, placing a hand and the side of your neck before pulling you into a passionate kiss. You guys moved closer to each other to the point where you were basically sat on his lap. A wave a little to large came and toppled you both off the board making you both come up sputtering in shock.
You swim to where the water is knee deep and see three boys watching you.
"Oh" you mutter, knowing exactly who they were.
"Baby, these are my friends" he offers, grabbing your coverup and handing it to you so you could chuck it on.
"Yeah i gathered" you chuckle.
You spent the day with the boys, Oscar was the only one that could surf and you found yourself getting on with all of them, Oscar the most who became like a sort of Oceanic brother to you, being from Australia.
Arthur and Freddie were a whole other story, constantly flirting with you to try and get a rise out of Logan which you couldn't help but giggle at but always grab his hand, arm of leg in a comforting way to let him know none of it was affecting you.
"So, how are you feeling about the Paris Olympics?" Freddie asks as you were all sat around a bonfire, telling stories.
"Yeah confident, I'm excited to be able to participate in it for a second year running! Going for Gold and all that..." you grin.
"Well... we will all be there to watch you, right Logan?" Arthur grins, making you shake your head again.
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Liked by logansargeant, arthur_leclerc and oscarpiastri
y/user: Missing NZ P1🇳🇿🥝 but Miami and Hubby are treating me well P2-4 🇺🇸🦅
Tagged One Person
View all 237 comments
logansargeant: Out of all the pictures you could have used of me on the beach … 😩
-> y/user: baby, I had sunburn in all of our ones 💋
-> logansargeant: but you make such a pretty tomato 🍅
-> y/user: outside for you tonight
-> logansargeant: arthur_leclerc, oscarpiastri, frederickvestiofficial I’m in the dog house boys, help me out!
-> arthur_leclerc: sounds like a you problem, Y/N looking radiant as always 🌸
-> oscarpiastri: maybe you shouldn’t have called your girl a tomato? You hit those Miami waves Y/N 🏄🏼‍♀️🌊
-> frederikvestiofficial: Y/N deserves better 🫣🫶🏼
williamsracing: incredible stuff from you! 🦋💙
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Instagram Story Caption:
I prefer the Miami sunsets 🌅
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount @styl1shl1v
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
Whats happens when the boys™️ go camping on the beach?
Things That Happen At The Beach, A List
• The seagulls see Cloud as an easy target and attack him for his food. Zack rushes in to defend his buddy and ends up fist fighting a seagull. Zack loses.
• Sephiroth tries to relax in the sand and read a book, but Angeal's continuous use of a metal detector to "hunt for goods" nearby is giving him anxiety.
• Genesis is going on a drink run and is offering to get everyone else something too.
Genesis: Would you like a sex on the beach?
Sephiroth, not knowing it's a drink: I thought you'd never ask.
• Zack has gripped a seagull by the neck and is refusing to let go. The other seagulls are getting increasingly more agitated. Cloud pleads with Zack to let it go. Zack claims that the only way to deal with the seagulls is to "assert dominance"
• Genesis ia trying to take aesthetic pictures of himself for social media and doesn't notice that in half of them, Sephiroth is in the background losing a battle with a melting ice cream cone.
• Angeal is looking for the guitar he brought to sing campfire songs. Genesis burned it to build a fire. Angeal retaliates by burning Genesis' books in that very bonfire. The last anyone saw Angeal and Genesis they were trying to drown each other in the ocean.
• Sephiroth brings a book that aids in identifying crab species and a camera to catalogue them. Sephiroth finds a crab. He takes a photo of the crab with the flash on. This bothers the crab. The crab attacks him. Sephiroth flings the crab into the ocean. Sephiroth feels guilty and goes into the ocean to retrieve the crab.
• Sephiroth and Genesis try playing with a frisbee for fun. Sephiroth underestimated his own strength and ended up knocking Genesis out with the frisbee. When Angeal finds them, Genesis is still knocked out and Sephiroth is digging a Genesis-sized hole in the sand.
Angeal: ......
Sephiroth: I panicked.
Angeal: Oh my god.
• The seagulls are encircling Zack and Cloud. Cloud lights a beach towel on fire to try to ward them off.
• AGS go on a banana boat for fun. The boat driver warns them that if they don't hang on, they'll fall off. Genesis is the first to claim "Ha! We're SOLDIER. As if we can be bested by an inflatable water sled." On the first wave all three of them are violently thrown into the ocean. Genesis was the first to go and knocked Angeal and Sephiroth like bowling pins.
• Angeal finally intervenes and chases the seagulls away. He gives Genesis, Sephiroth and Cloud the task of fishing for their cookout while Zack helps him prepare.
Angeal: You guys know how to fish, right?
Sephiroth: Definitely. (Liar)
Cloud: Absolutely. (Liar)
Genesis: Of course (embellisher of the truth)
• 1 hour later they come back with Cloud tangled in a fishing line, Genesis with a small fish, and Sephiroth with a big fish. Genesis is fuming because he claims Sephiroth "invaded his fishing space and caught the fish that Genesis was meant to catch."
• Genesis and Sephiroth go paddle boarding for fun but end up having a makeshift sword duels with their paddles in the middle of the ocean. Genesis hits Sephiroth in the knees. This Angers Sephiroth. Genesis now has a total of 2 minutes to make it to shore before Sephiroth catches up to him and drowns him.
• Angeal wants to take some nice group photos to remember this day forever. They're in the middle of a nice group pose when the horde of seagulls come back for revenge.
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bornagainmurdock · 2 months
aquarium afternoon // matt murdock
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"Okay, I assume the music matches the vibes in here, but it's so loud and woobly, and incredibly disorienting." Matt's hands were grasped tight around your upper arm, your body leading him through the aquarium.
"I think the music sounds blue, like the exact blue of water shimmering in faux-sunlight." You responded, walking up to the next tank to search for the octopus.
"Tell me more about blue." Matt smiled.
"Well. This blue, aquarium blue, is not cold, it's more tropical and sunlit. Feels really safe and futuristic." You watched the coral wave in the tank, pressing your hand to the glass, before turning away and walking to the next tank.
"What's in here?" Matt asked, loving the way you described everything to him.
"In here is a bunch of reef corals and fish. Little fish, like the ones that zip around and race. My favorite on in the tank is this little purple one. Purple like the feeling of home, but vibrant and exciting. Like throwing a board game party." You knew Matt remembered how colors looked, at least a little, but this game was fun for both of you. "And he's small, and tubular, with yellow and blue fin details. Like neon lights."
"Is the black spikey one, with the white and the yellow in there? That one was my favorite when I was younger." Matt said excitedly.
"OOO Matt! The shark tunnel is next! I hope you're able to feel how fucking cool it is!" You were bubbly, giggly trying not to rush yourself, but ultimately failing.
"Let's go, baby!" He walked with you, keeping up just barely.
"Can you feel it?"
"Feels like I'm trapped, but not necessarily in a bad way. I can hear the water splashing around us, and the creaking of the floor below up. Can hear the way the sharks and other fish swim through the water," Matt was searching around with his ears, trying to stay conencted to one shark to get a sense for size of the tunnel.
"There's turtles and rays in here too! Let's sit on the bench."
You led Matt to sit, making sure you weren't taking seats from any families walking through.
"Turtles sound different. They sound more blunt paddling through the water. Sharks are really smooth and long sounding. And the rays, I don't think I can pick up on them at all. Kinda strange." Matt reflected. "I could sit here all day though just hearing you talk about everything."
"Let me get started then. Okay, so the rays, the ones in here, don't have very long tails. Kinda short, but they look so soft and graceful swimming. I really like them. Think maybe...."
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uollop · 1 year
Pearlescent (Mer!Vash x Reader pt. 1)
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Content: Mermaid Vash, GN! Reader, oceans (ofc), deep water, lifeguard reader, reader is ticklish
Word count: 2.3k
Notes: Happy MerMay! Mermaid AU won the poll pretty easily, so here it is! I hope you all enjoy it :))
Next Part
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Vash had always been curious about humans, but his brother has always attempted to dissuade him from investigating them "for his own safety".
Knives would tell him stories about humans and the cruel things that they would do, but the tales didn't do much to satiate Vash's curiosity.
He would people-watch often, lurking in water that was likely too close to the shore for Knives' liking, simply watching the humans swim and talk and play. Watching them walk around on the beach had him wondering what it would feel like to walk with them. What the sand would feel like as he moved across the warm dunes.
He knew it was impossible, though. His tail prevented him from being able to enjoy nearly all of the activities that he was desiring to join in on.
It was getting late today, most of the humans had already left the water because of the chill in the air settling into the sea. Only a few remained on the sand, packing up their belongings to leave. He continued to watch, wondering where they went when they weren't at the beach. He was watching so intently that he didn't realize someone paddling over to him on a surfboard.
"Do you need help getting to the shore? It's getting cold, if you stay in the water any longer you'll get sick." When you spoke, you nearly scared the poor fish right out of his scales. Most humans ignored him during the day, but it seems he outstayed his welcome.
He recognized you. You were always sitting up high above the others, watching them during the day and occasionally blowing some kind of mechanism at them if they misbehaved. You were obviously some kind of an important person, seeing as they listened to you and that you were seated higher than the rest of them. Were you one of those royals that he had heard about in Nai's stories? He had been told about how cruel the Kings and Queens of the humans could be, but you seemed to hold a kindness behind your eyes that calmed his worries a bit.
"You've been in the water nearly all day," you laugh nervously at the lack of a response as you hold your hand out for him, "aren't you tired?"
He slowly blinked at you, a bit confused, before shaking his head, lowering himself deeper into the water so that it was only his blue eyes poking out. You watched him with curiosity before he suddenly dove under the water, splashing you a bit with the cold water as he swam away. Your eyes widened as he disappeared, cursing to yourself as you stared into the dark water. You waited a bit for him to come back up before you started to grow worried.
You slowly climbed off your board, allowing yourself to sink into the freezing water, goosebumps popping up across your skin as you tried to look into the water without fully submerging yourself. You couldn't even make out his shape anymore. You started to worry more, dipping your head under the water and opening your eyes, looking around. The salt of the water burned your eyes as you swam deeper, looking around for the blond.
It was so dark in the water that you could barely see anything that wasn't directly in front of you, but you managed to make out a silhouette deeper in the water. You swam towards it, reaching a hand towards the shadow before it swam further away. You narrowed your eyes and continued to swim after it, sure that it was the strange man that had been sitting in the ocean all day, watching people on the beach.
You had noticed him a few weeks ago. He came nearly every day, but you never saw him get into the water. He would always mysteriously appear in the part of the water that was too deep for most humans to swim comfortably, but he never seemed to mind. You were curious about him and, when you noticed he was the only one still in the water despite the bite in the air, you decided to go check on him.
His silence at your offer to help him towards the beach had concerned you a bit and, now, your concern got worse. You were starting to run out of air, but the shadow kept going deeper. As much as you wanted to keep following him, the stinging feeling in your lungs was enough to convince you to swim back towards the surface.
When you broke, you gasped, allowing air to fill your aching lungs as you coughed and rubbed your sore eyes. You were a trained lifeguard and he had been able to stay under much longer than you. You looked around the surface of the water, trying to see if he had surfaced while you were swimming back up, but you couldn't see him anywhere.
Panic continued to settle on your skin at the eerily quiet scene. The only movement in the water appeared to be your own as you frantically scanned the sea. You took a deep breath before dunking your head back under the water, almost screaming when you opened your eyes and you're met with bright blue eyes inches away from your face. You narrow your eyes at him and reach out to grab his arm before you realize something was off.
The first thing you see are the scars littered across his body. It was difficult to find a patch of skin that wasn't darkened by a slash or a stitch. There was also a concerning absence of a left arm, a short nub replacing where it should be.
You continue to glance down and notice something slightly more worrying. Instead of legs, he had a long... fish tail? You couldn't make it out well due to the pitch darkness that surrounded you both, but you were certain that you knew what legs looked like, and that thing definitely was not a pair of legs.
You reached out and grabbed his arm gently before allowing yourself to pop above the surface again, gasping for air and pulling him towards your surfboard. You released his arm once he surfaced, his scarred hand placing itself onto your surfboard. You reached towards the board and pulled yourself onto it, shuddering at the feeling of the cold air before looking back at him.
"You..." you trailed off as you stared at him, unsure if what you saw was real, "you aren't human, are you?"
He continues to stare at you, unspeaking before making a quiet chirping noise. You continue to stare at him in awe before shaking your head.
"Ok, um. I guess you're okay to stay in the water then... My shift is almost over, so I, uh..." You looked at him again before moving into a position that would allow you to paddle away easily. "I hope you have a good night. I assume you'll be here again tomorrow?" You ask cautiously before he nods and gives you a wide smile, showing off rows and rows of pointy teeth. It was almost cute. Mostly scary, but almost cute.
You slowly started to make your way back to the shore, occasionally glancing back at him. Every time you checked, it seemed like he wasn't getting any further away. Maybe he was even getting closer. Was he following you? You kept paddling, unsure if you were imagining things until you eventually made it to the shore and pulled your board out of the water. You turned towards him and see that he had pulled himself onto a nearby rock, his eyes still watching you.
Your eyes flicker down towards where his legs should be, your breath hitching as you get a better view of his tail. A long fish tail, covered in red and turquoise scales shimmered in the moonlight. You definitely hadn't seen it wrong; he was a merman.
You silently stare at his tail for a few more moments before you hear another chirping noise. You look up and see him patting the spot next to him on the flat rock. It takes you a moment to realize he wants you to sit with him, a patient look on his face as he taps his hand against the rock again.
You walk up to him and sit on the rock with him, a happy sounding noise coming from him as he immediately grabs your leg, causing you to yelp in surprise as your back hits the cold surface of the rock.
He examines your leg, a curious and excited look on his face as he squeezes your skin, stretching your leg out for a moment and then bending it at your knee, an amused chirp coming from him as he continues to move your leg back and forth.
You're confused at first before you realize that he doesn't have legs and that he probably isn't used to seeing them this close. You let him continue, until his hand brushes the underside of your foot, causing you to jolt and let out a stifled laugh.
He notices your reaction and repeats his movement, a large smile on his face. You laugh again, attempting to pull your leg away from him, but his grip is strong. He continues to touch along different parts of your leg and foot, smiling to himself.
Eventually he releases your leg and, for a moment, you thought it was over, until he suddenly grabbed your other leg, lifting it was well and playing with it as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. It was as if he hadn't just played with a nearly identical one, but you allowed him to examine your leg for as long as he would like. He doesn't mess with this one for as long, his curiosity satisfied as he places his hand on his lap, looking at you for another moment before giving you a gentle wave.
You wave back at him, unsure of what to say or do at this point. He seemed friendly, despite his sharp teeth. You stared at him for another moment before he made another high-pitched noise, sliding himself off the rock and smiling at you before diving under the water.
You waited a moment or two, unsure if he was coming back or not, until his head popped back up from the water. He swam towards the rock and held out his fist towards you. You looked at his hand for a moment before slowly placing your own hand underneath it, allowing him to empty the contents of his hand into your palm.
You looked into your hand curiously, the moonlight reflecting against a bunch of colorful pieces of sea glass. You slowly reached for a blue one, holding it towards the sky and allowing the light to shine onto it. You lowered your hand and smiled at him, "this is very nice. Thank you."
He lets out a satisfied noise before diving back under the water. You watch him disappear and, this time, he is gone for a longer period of time. When he does return, though, he is holding a soaking cloth bag in his hand.
He places the bag in your lap, looking at you expectantly. You set down the handful of sea glass that you had been holding next to you on the rock before pulling open the cloth bag, your eyes widening.
The bag was full of many things. More sea glass, sand dollars, shells, and a few pearls. You stare in awe for a moment before you give him a happy smile.
"This is beautiful, you seem to have been collecting for a long time," you say as you hand the bag back to him. His grin turns into a frown when you hold the bag out to him. He reaches up and pushes the bag back into your lap, chirping again. You stare at him in confusion for a moment before shaking your head with a laugh.
"I can't possibly keep all of this," You lift the bag up again, ready to hand it back to him before he lets out a low growl. Your face turns from a happy one to one of shock. He places his hand on the bag again and pushes it into your lap one more time. You blink a few times as you look from the bag to him, unsure of what to do before you shrug, "Ok, ok... I'll keep it."
He lets out a noise of pride and reaches into the bag, pulling out one of the pearls and holding it up to the moonlight. The small pearl shimmered gently against the light, its blue color was similar to the color of the merman's eyes. He looks up at you as if waiting for your reaction, so you give him a nod.
"That's very cool." You say as you admire the pearl. His smile grows as he moves closer to you, placing the pearl in your palm. He makes another chirping noise before closing your hand around the small treasure. You watch him carefully before giving him another smile. He looks up at you, his cheeks dusting a pink color. He stares at you for a moment before you hear a distant chirping sound. The merman in front of you blinks in surprise, looking at you for one more beat before waving and diving into the depths of the sea.
You waited for a while, unsure if he would be coming back. After ten or so minutes of waiting, you determined that he likely wasn't going to be returning. You stand up, gathering the items he had given you and walking towards your lifeguard tower. You glance down at your hand, admiring the pearl he had given you. You placed in it your pocket before taking the rest of your stuff and heading towards the path away from the beach, looking back at the sea one more time before smiling to yourself.
You hoped to see him again tomorrow.
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Masterlist | Ao3
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townscounty · 3 months
Explore Lake Chatuge for Outdoor Activities
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Explore Lake Chatuge for a variety of outdoor activities. Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, this beautiful reservoir offers boating, fishing, swimming, and paddleboarding. Surrounded by scenic hiking trails and picnic spots, Lake Chatuge is the perfect destination for adventure and relaxation.
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 11 - Pirate
@wolfstarmicrofic June 11, word count 774
Previous part First part
"It wasn't until you were on top of me, inches from my face, and you'd dipped your head that I realised why I'd been a bit obsessed with you," Sirius said, before Remus had even fully sat down. "Like the second I saw you I just felt good, you know?" Remus nodded. 
"Yeah, same," He admitted. Then, for some unknown reason that only the impulsive part of his brain knew, he blurted out. "I thought you were beautiful," He froze, eyes bulging as he realised what he'd just said. He felt the heat rising in his cheeks. He tried to duck his head, but Sirius caught it with his hands.
"You're beautiful too," His words ghosted across Remus's lips and he shuddered. They didn’t talk much after that. 
That night Remus listened as Sirius padded across the cabin and slipped into James’s bed. He cracked an eye open and watched as they hid under James’s duvet, whispering and giggling as quietly as they could. 
At breakfast the next morning, after they'd made full use of their first dibs cards, Dumbledore announced that they would be creating rafts after lunch.
“So please make sure you are properly attired as we will be heading straight to the lake after you’ve eaten.” 
Remus looked down at the swimming trunks laid out on his bed. He thought about faking being sick to get out of it. All the adults there knew about his illness, so it wouldn’t take much. Sirius came in wearing black trunks with a skull and crossbones across the front and back in the style of a Jolly Rodger. He furrowed his brow at the still fully clothed Remus before his eyebrows shot up in understanding. He turned away and fished through James’s drawer, pulling out a t-shirt that would drown Remus but also had a skull right in the middle of it. It even had long sleeves. 
“Put this on and we can match.” He smiled confidently. “And if anyone says anything, just say you burn easy.” He grabbed up Remus’s trunks and started to prod him towards the bathroom to get changed. 
“But what about my legs?” Remus pleaded. The scars had faded some, but you could still see the silvery lines where the glass had torn them up. When he was five, he'd had his first episode, and he’d fallen on the glass coffee table at his grandparent's house and had a seizure on the shards. He’d been in shorts and a t-shirt. They’d been his first scars. Little did that young boy know that they’d soon have a collection of friends join them as the doctors tried to figure out what was wrong with him. 
“Your legs?” Sirius’s eyes went wide and vulnerable. He swallowed and held the leg of his trunks up. “Then we can match.” And there on Sirius’s soft thigh were dozens of scars, criss-crossing the skin. 
“Sirius, I,” He started, but Sirius waved his concerns aside. 
“If anyone says anything, James and I will sort them out,” He promised. Remus went into the bathroom and got changed. 
“Stunning,” Sirius proclaimed, smacking a kiss on his lips and pulling him towards the door. “Come on, let’s go build a raft.”
The raft-building tools included blue barrels, wooden planks and rope. They were expected to find the best way to get them together and paddle them across the lake. 
“We’ve done this before,” Peter whispered to Remus, conspiratorially making Remus grin. He was feeling good, no one had said anything about the scars on his legs or the long-sleeved t-shirt he was wearing. 
He and Peter brought the supplies to James and Sirius as they masterfully worked together, seeming to read each other’s minds to build a perfect raft. 
They clambered on one at a time to check the knots were secure. Sirius and James paddled out and the raft held. They did a few more tests and were happy with its sturdiness. By this point, the Slytherin team had finished theirs as well. 
Sirius jumped to his feet.   
 “I am a pirate king!” He cried boldly, jumping to his feet and making the raft bob violently. “Hurry men, I wish to board that ship and claim it as my own!” He pointed at the Slytherin raft, where the greasy-haired boy Snape and the ever charming Mulciber were arguing over how to attach the barrels better. Before Remus could say anything, James put an oar in his hands and they started forward. “Avast ye mangy curs, your boat be mine now!” Sirius called to them with a terrible glee in his eyes. Remus shook his head and kept rowing. 
Next part
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machveil · 3 days
out of tf141 who do you think would like swimming the most (and or know how to swim)
I feel like all the TF141 boys can swim - I’d imagine they’d have to know how to swim to a degree for their job. that said, if we’re talking about swimming by choice (pools, waterparks, a lake, etc)…
Johnny is loves water - the biggest water lover in the group, he’s all about taking a dip on a warm summer day. he’s the type to start a whirlpool and then float around while getting spun around - bonus points if someone throws him a pool floaty he can bob along with. if he stays at a hotel that has a pool? he’ll skip going on morning runs and trade it in for doing laps at the pool
Gaz strikes me as the type who really only swims for the athleticism of it - like, he’d join Johnny for laps around a pool to work out. methinks he’d be into water aerobics, maybe joins a water zumba class with some older women at his local pool? otherwise, he doesn’t really go in the water to relax, not that he wouldn’t go in if someone asked him to
Johnny and Gaz definitely do water gun fights when they get together - who can stay dry for the longest? who can snipe who? loser gets picked up and tossed into the deep end
Price is more mellowed out when it comes to water. he likes waterparks for the lazy river (and those bars you can swim up to). he’s content to float on an inflatable instead of actually swimming. rather than seeking out water to swim in, Price would rather fish on a river or lake - he’ll watch the others tire themselves out
Price and Gaz definitely have had, and will continue to have, fishing weekends… well, Johnny and Simon are there too, they just don’t have the patience for fishing, “C’mon, L.T! You’ve got ‘em—“, “Damnit— bloody hell! it took the fuckin’ hook!”. Simon’s snapped a fishing rod before after losing one too many hooks and lures, Price put him in a loose fishing ban
Simon likes the ocean, but he really only enjoys secluded beaches - minimal to no people around. he likes sitting around in a shaded spot and just listening to nature, the waves really soothe him. he doesn’t go into water unless other people want him to… he’s not great at it though. he really only learned how to swim for his job in the case he’s submerged under water. for a long time he was doggy paddling, he finally sucked it up and learned to actually swim when Johnny made fun of him
Simon and Johnny will have a pissing contest over who the better swimmer is. Johnny has to beg Price to time them because, “It has to be official! Ain’t worth doing it if I cannae rub it in his face when I win by a landslide!”
Johnny loves using diving boards. he’ll run up to the boys like a kid and tell them to watch as he jumps off. backfired when he asked Gaz to record him doing a flip… he slipped and fell face first into the water. that video is still floating around between the team Johnny begs them to delete it
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bootleg-nessie · 5 months
Rating the Accuracy of Animal Names:
(I keep updating this list so check back later)
Marine Iguana: 1/10. They don’t allow lizards in the military
Honey Badger: 1/10. It’s not even made out of honey
Horny toad: 0/10. First of all, this is a lizard. Second of all, I couldn’t find one that was willing to have sex with me so they must not actually be all that horny
Crabeater seal: 1/10. They don’t even eat crabs. Felt uncomfortable asking about the other kind but I’d guess probably not those either
Comb jellyfish: 4/10. Doesn’t even have hair
Hammerhead shark: 10/10. Stop killing hammerhead sharks to make hammers
Paper nautilus: 1/10. Paper would get too soggy
Red Panda: 2/10. Not a panda. More orange than red
Jellyfish: 0/10. Not even a fish, but if it were, jelly would be one of the worst things to be made out of
Electric eel: 5/10. Not an eel. Shocking, I know
Blue footed booby: 2/10. My disappointment is immeasurable. Turns out this lying sack of shit is a just a stupid BIRD
Spiny lumpsucker: 8/10. Apparently this fish is named because it has spines AND a suction cup, not because it sucks on spiny lumps
Pleasing fungus beetle: 2/10. Why would fungus be pleased by a beetle eating it? It just worked so hard to grow
Chicken turtle: 1/10. This is just a regular turtle, there are no chickens involved
Red lipped batfish: 8/10. Not a bat. Does have red lips. Also looks incredibly sexy with that makeup on
Aye aye: 10/10. Does in fact, have two eyes
Blobfish: 10/10 out of water, 1/10 in water. The blobfish gets a bad rap, it only looks like a blob because some dickhead pulled it out of its natural habitat at the bottom of the fucking ocean. You’d look pretty weird if you switched places with them too
Dik dik: 5/10 if male, 0/10 if female. This one’s pretty self explanatory
Peacock: 0/10. It pees out of a cloaca, not a cock. Technically it doesn’t even pee either
Monarch butterfly 1/10. They aren’t even one of the species of insects that has a queen, let alone understands the concept of monarchism
Cockatiel: 0/10. They do not have teal cocks
Monkey slug caterpillars: 1/10. These are neither slugs nor monkeys, nor are they some kind of fucked up monkey/slug hybrid. Terrible name all around, the only part they got right was caterpillar
Robin: 5/10. It’s a shame this bird has to resort to thievery but we all have to put worms on the table somehow
Alligator snapping turtle: 1/10. This is not an alligator, nor does it even have the fingers to snap with
Ground squirrel: 5/10. Please don’t grind squirrels
Axolotl: 0/10. Doesn’t ask a lot. Doesn’t ask anything at all
Sea robin: 7/10 This is what happens when the land robin goes pro. This creepy fuck evolved little fingers just to steal things. Is this where fish fingers come from?
Tasmanian devil: 8/10. Much like the christian devil, cool name and way more chill than most people give them credit for. Statistically speaking, they’re far from the deadliest player on the board, but they do have the strongest bite force and won’t hesitate to use it if provoked
Water deer: 7/10. No. This is a meat deer
Star nosed mole: 7/10. Name is somewhat misleading, nose merely star shaped, and not a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace
Paddlefish: 3/10. Too narrow to effectively be used as a paddle
Shoebill stork: 1/10. Not made of real shoes. Doesn’t pay bills either
Great white shark: 8/10. I’m inclined to agree for the most part but who came up with the name, David Duke?
Bioko drill: 0/10. At least the hammerhead shark looks like a hammer, this stupid monkey doesn’t even remotely resemble a drill
Hippo Tang: 0/10. That’s a fish, and hippos don’t even drink Tang
Bluejay: 3/10. Not actually blue, it’s just a trick of the light. I bet their real name probably isn’t even Jay either
Satanic Nightjar: 4/10. Should be called “slightly evil looking bird” instead
Tarantula hawk wasp: 1/10. Not a tarantula. Not a hawk. Starting to question if it’s even a wasp
Goblin shark: 10/10? Ever seen their jaw move? They sure are gobblin’
Nudibranch: 5/10. The nude part is accurate but it’s a sea slug, not a tree branch. Not even sure how you could possibly make that mistake
Mongoose: 0/10. No mon, it’s not a goose
Bison: 7/10. I just googled it, bison have more gay sex than straight sex so calling them bi is actually pretty accurate. Points removed because there are bidaughters too
Ram: 10/10. They sure do!
Mandrill: 2/10. They could probably be taught to use drills but I couldn’t find any research on this
Silver fox: 1/10. Silver is way too heavy of an element for an animal to be made of
Mayfly: 9/10 Yeah, they might
Fin whale: 10/10. Yep, whales have fins. Glad we cleared that up
Macaroni penguin: 1/10. They don’t eat macaroni
Horseshoe crab: 0/10. Not a crab. Doesn��t wear horseshoes either
Fangtooth: 10/10. Objectively I have to give it a 10 but this is the stupidest fucking name on the whole list. What’s next, knucklefist? Titboob?
Milkfish 1/10. If I go to your house and you offer me fish milk I’m fucking leaving
Little penguin: 10/10. Telling it exactly like it is
Spider monkey: 1/10. Was expecting a monkey with 8 limbs. Let down once again
Glass frog: 2/10. Not actually made out of glass
Hummingbird: 1/10. They can’t even hum
Centipede: 3-35.4/10. Depends on the species, very few actually have 100 legs
Millipede: 0.8-8/10. They have 800 legs at the most
Sockeye salmon: 1/10. Socks would make terrible eyes
Furry lobster: 10/10, 11/10 if that’s a fursuit
Flying fish: 4/10. Merely glides
Sailfish: 3/10. Doesn’t actually know how to sail
Blanket octopus: 2/10. Octopuses make terrible blankets
Cane Toad: 2/10. Can walk just fine without a cane
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therealplaguedoctor · 2 months
Flordia Girl
(Part three of three, completed)
Logan sargeant x reader
Part one
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Y.n just posted!
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Liked by logansargeant and others
Tagged: logansargeant, ynsister
Y.n: Dakota loves Logan, I think she loves him more than she loves me :(
But Logan and I went fishing with my niece and nefew as @/ynsister and Tommy (brother in law) grilled us some food! Right now we are making s'mores actually!! Logans marshmallow just caught fire...
User45: just start dating already
User46: for real!!
User47: Logan with kids heals my heart
User48: Why is Logan so good with kids??
OscarPiastri: now I want s'mores :(
Y.n: ill ship you one
OscarPiastri: :D
User50: y/n and Oscar were siblings in another life
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____________ ☆ ____________
Kylie eventually came back, she had just settled down the kids putting them to sleep. As me, Logan, and Tommy cleaned up. The sun was setting as we all sat down around the fire.
We sat for a while all of us chatted before Kylie said: "it's really late we should head to bed"
I nodded as I stood up Tommy began to put the fire out "yeah you mind is we crash on your couch I don't wanna walk back when it's this dark
"Of course not! You know I was gonna offer anyways" Kylie smiled
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It was late maybe just past midnight, I head shuffling on the floor next to me.
"Logan?" I called softly from the couch, the shuffling stopped
"Sorry did I wake you"
"No" I said softly "have you been able to fall asleep?" I asked him. After some silence.
I shuffled a little making more room on the couch "come ere" I yawned
After a moment I heard some shuffling and felt the couch dip next to me. The couch was a bit small so we were basically on top of eachother.
We were to tired to care as we few asleep
____________ ☆ ____________
Ynsister posted a story
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[Can they just get together already 🙄]
This post has been deleted
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"Where are we even heading?" He asked "my legs are killing me"
"I thought you were a strong athlete" I joked "what's a little walking?" I teased "but its not that much farther"
Dakota came back and checked on us before running off again
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"Okay here's the first camp sight" I said
"Wait first??"
"Yeah we'll sit here tonight then a bit back down the mountain to a lake" I said "then we could also do part way in the forest the day after if we want to or if it's to dark to continue" I smiled as I started setting up the tent
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logansargeant just posted to his story!
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[Remind me to never let her take me camping again] [my legs are killing me]
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"Logan" I said softly "wake up"
He sat up "huh?"
"We gotta start packing up soon" I said handing him some coffee "made you some coffee it's pretty bitter i forgot how bad campsite coffee is" I laughed
He smiled sipping on the bitter coffee "yeah I'll be making the coffee from now on" he laughed
____________ ☆ ____________
logansargeant just posted a story!
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[At least the view is beautiful]
Oscar responded to your story!
Oscar: You talking about the ACTUAL view or y/n
Logan: no comment
Oscar: 😐
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"Alright" I said as I put my backpack on "let's go" I smiled
Logan patted Dakotas head as he then followed me down the trail
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We approach a small cabin right next to a lake "Welcome to our next campsite" I said as Dakota rushed over to the small dock next to the cabin
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"Come on Kota" I called patting the paddle board eventually she hops on and I get up on my knees grabbing that paddle.
"You sure you're good with just fishing?" I asked him
"Yeah I'll be fine you have fun" he smiled
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Y.n just posted to her story!
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[Dakota wasn't sure of the board]
[She loves it now]
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logansargeant just posted to his story!
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[Fishing ft. Y.n and Dakota in the background]
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As the fire crackled, and Dakota laid inside the small cabin. Me and Logan sat next to eachother watching the lake.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked
I looked over to Logan, he was already looking at me "yeah" he said softly
We locked eyes "Logan..." I said softly
"Y/n..." he said "I-" he glanced at my lips. It was unmistakable.
Fuck. I thought to myself. I want him to "Kiss me" I said. I watched his face, "shit I said that out loud." I started to panic "can we pretend-"
I was cut off by a kiss. He was kiss me. I kissed back, by hand on the back of his head.
We break the kiss to catch our breath foreheads against eachother.
"I uh-" he said "fuck"
I chuckled "I been wanting to do that for so long"
Logan smiled at my comment "me too. Me too"
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Y.n just posted!
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Liked by ynfriend and others
Tagged: logansargeant, ynfriend
Y.n: meet up with some friends for the last leg of the hike/camping! They are giving Logan a run for his money lol. Also thank you Logan for being my personal photographer
logansargeant: finally getting the recognition I deserve
Liked by y.n
OscarPiastri: 🙄🙄🙄
User51: y.n making Logan take her pics is my roman empire
User52: I think that y/n and logan are dating
User53: I've thought they are just friends, but like it's hard to keep saying that
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____________ ☆ ____________
"People already think we've been together since the Miami gp" I said as I walked down the trail back to the house
"I would mind having been with you since then" he huffed
"Logan" I chuckled "do you remember the video with mclaren" I smiled
"Yeah they one where you told Oscar and Lando who your celeb crush is right?" He asked a little jealous of who her celeb crush is
"I actually didn't even tell either of them" I laughed "but I told them they were an f1 driver currently or past" I smiled
"Who is it?" He asked thinking of all the people it could be
"Logan" I said "it was you"
"Really?" He asked happily
I nodded
He smiled brightly "You're my celeb crush too"
"I know" I said "I saw the prema video when it came out"
I laughed "Logan I've followed you for a very long time" I chuckled "before that video came out"
He cover his face "Oh my god. I'm so embarrassed now"
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Y.n just posted!
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Liked by logansargeant and others
Y.n: finally back in air conditioning, I love the outdoors but not as much as air conditioned.
Ynbrother: who the fuck is on the last slide
User56: Y/N WHO IS THAT???
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____________ ☆ ____________
logansargeant just posted!
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Liked by Y.n and others
Tagged: Y.n
logansargeant: her <3
Y.n: 💙
logansargeant: 💙
User59: I KNEW IT
User61: NO I JUST LOST $100
OscarPiastri: can your wing man get any credit?
logansargeant: You did nothing
Y.n: actually I asked for his number
OscarPiastri: fuck, I forgot
Y.n: it's okay Osc we love you anyways 🫶
logansargeant: :(
Y.n: I love you too 💙
logansargeant: :D
____________ ☆ ____________
Part one:
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apollostears · 2 years
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❤︎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 + 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: headcanons on spending time with your college roommates at the beach. college!jjk, college!au, platonic!reader, the guys are idiots (+ you), nanami regrets everything.
❤︎ 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: nanami, toji, choso, geto, and gojo
✉︎ 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬��𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐱𝐱
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- one summer, nanami planned a week long trip to thailand!!
- lemme tell y’all how it went…
- choso got sun burn. . . twice (he has super sensitive skin)
- toji got stung by a jellyfish and gojo totally tried pissing on him
- geto got buried under sand by you and he almost drowned bc of how close to the shoreline y’all were
- two words: endless mimosas
- nanami was working OVERTIME to keep you and gojo away from the water so y’all drunk asses wouldn’t drown
- the housekeeping staff absolutely adored you guys!! shoutout to gojo and them dazzlin eyes
- you guys did soo much shoppin at the local markets and stores!
- gojo dragged you and geto out to one of the island clubs they had
- you definitely made out w some random person
- some local women taught you, nanami, and geto how to make traditional pad woon sen (glass noddle stir-fry)
- choso swam with sharks!!!
- y’all all definitely went snorkeling and nanami totally lost his shit bc a fish swam next to him
- if there’s water games, DO NOT LET THEM NEAR!
- geto and gojo paddle boarded way too far out and got bitched at
- choso will NOT stop going down the water slide
- several parents have complained already
- nanami falls asleep while kayaking and everyone thinks he’s dead of heat stroke so the paramedics came
- toji parasails the whole day and he’s good at it
- which is good but what’s not good is you being stuck on that damn boat w him
- you get some surfboarding lessons from this super hot guy. you totally snuck out to go though.
- likeee crack ass of dawn type shit
- you guys take pottery class together and go on a tour of bangkok
- you, choso, and nanami decide to paint at the beach while the others roam
- it was such a good bonding moment for the three of you
- constant hangovers!!
- these dudes party like they have indestructible livers
- in the end, this was the overall team damage:
- geto and gojo drowned each other
- three times
- geto almost got y’all deported
- gojo got lost for half a day
- choso got lost looking for gojo for half a day
- you literally almost ended up kidnapped had nanami not put air-tags on y’all
- toji lowkey ended up in some beef with the underground fight ring there. all bc he beat the owner’s ass in a street fight
- matching tattoos were a must!! (again)
- on the last day, nanami got stung by a jellyfish (toji was fucking cackling at that mans pain) and that’s when y’all knew it was a wrap
- mans literally came back to japan and took an extended vacation but AWAY from you guys
- you guys definitely go to the beach every summer now
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. @kennyackermanswhore @chaoticevilbakugo @indiecursor @gabzlovesu @desiray562 @brownmochii @knjkitten @sweeneyblue1 @namjoonswifeyy @nyxeclipse @rubinocore @somerandompipzsxh @dabilovesme @histarean @hannas16 @caribbeanwifey19 @emonaculate @po3ticb3auty @waka-umm @wilsonsbuck @ctrlstar @jealousfuckingcunt @savagemickey03 @dukina @sisnot @littlemochi @hoohoohope @ruubric
✉︎ 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬... 𝐢 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐬
𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐝𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
Why can't I do this? Nico Hulkenberg x PolishOlympicSnowboarding! Reader
Plot: When you are made to go to the Miami Grand Prix, you really thinks you'll be good at surfing as a snowboarding gold medalist. However, those Miami waves prove a bit to much for you!
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“This is going to be a piece of cake for me Kochanie, just you wait!” You grin picking up the surf board your boyfriend Nico had rented out for you.
“I don’t know Maus, surfing is very different to snowboarding!” He says with a nervous glint in his eyes.
“Come on, the waves are going to be like the little bumps in the slopes and any coral will be like … the mountain rocks … it’s no different at all!” You smile thinking it would be a smooth sailing first time at surfing.
“I know, but there’s just a lot to think of that isn’t … like snowboarding! Like the sharks and the jellyfish and the seaweed and riptides and drowning … I mean there’s a lot that could go wrong!” He offers to you.
“Oh come on, it’s not like I’m going alone in the middle of the night! It’s 5pm, and I’m with my amazingly handsome and strong boyfriend that will protect me from all the scared the ocean might have!” You exclaim knowing he would protect you no matter what.
You get into the water laying down flat on the board and paddling out, a few lighter waves lap over your board until you swim out to where the bigger waves are crashing.
The water was beautiful, a crystal clear blue and you could see some of the little fishes swimming around below as you continued to get to where a wave would carry you.
You’d spent the day at the beach just chilling with Nico, you guys had played beach Volleyball, and made sandcastles, sunbathed and played water ping-pong! It had been an incredible, yet tiresome day. Your energy was just about spent but needed one last thing to get you down for the day.
You saw other surfers out a little deeper, all excited screams or gasps as they fell in but with the sun starting to sink lower in the sky people were having fun.
You spun the board round and waited for the wave coming up behind you before you attempted to stand up on the board, the minute you did you foot slipped and you lost your board.
You came back up, just as another wave lapped over your head making you sputter and cough a bit of water out.
You eventually found your board pulling yourself back up onto it in a seated position. Nico was watching from the shore, a worried dad sort of look on his face and hand in his hip.
You send him a quick thumbs up.
“Just slipped, forgot my feet aren’t attached” you shouted over to him where he nods looking at you a pained expression still on his face making you laugh.
You go again, and this time you managed to get up on the board, only for you to be stood a little too far back, making the board flip you off so you landed back in the water.
“Im going to try again!” You shout over to Nico who is now knee height in the water watching you fail at surfing.
“Maus, I think you should just come in!” He offers back, using his louder voice so you could hear him over the waves.
“Come on, I’ve got this! I have two Olympic medals for Snowboarding!” You exclaim smiling widely at him.
You try multiple more times and continue to fail.
“Why can’t I do this!” You scream out in frustration with yourself not being able to do something that you thought would be so so simple.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself! Your the youngest Polish Woman to win a gold medal in Snowboarding! If anyone can transfer skill it’s you!” He shouts back to you attempting to give you the confidence boost you were so clearly needing.
So you decide to go again. Mind completely in the sporting mode that you had when you were competing.
You swim out with the board again, this time you manage to hop up effortlessly, having that core strength from snowboarding holding you steady on the board despite the killer wave pushing you forward.
It starts to curl in, which is when you get a bit more ambitious to ride higher up on the bridge of the wave on the side so your cruising.
You have an excited little squeal, happy that your up before the wave curls in on you, not escaping the break in time. You get swallowed up, making you go under the water.
You feel a scrape and sting along your leg making you gasp out in the water. A little goes into your airway making you sputter when you come up. You look down and see the red starting to seep into the clear water from your leg.
“I’ve cut myself” you shout to Nico, who immediately comes running over to you the minute he hears you are hurt.
“Maus, what happened oh my gosh! We need to get you out the water now. A shark could get you!” He cries in a panic, lifting you up and carrying you in one arm like a toddler while he drags the surfboard back with his other arm.
“Oh fuck, I think it was the coral!” You say looking down at the cut that was stinging a lot now thanks to the salty water you were in.
“We’re going to have to take you to the hospital!” He says looking at some of the wound that looked a little deeper than the rest.
He took you to get medical attention where they inspected your leg and made sure no coral broke off before wrapping it up and giving you some painkillers to ease the pain.
“I told you surfing wasn’t going to come as easy as snowboarding to you! Your my little winter baby, not made for the ocean or the summer!” He sighs as he helps you into the car you guys rented in Miami.
“I mean, both are dangerous sports. I just thought I’d have better … stability?” You ask looking over at him and he just chuckles looking over at you.
“Ah, you were very very stable Maus, but you are no match for the ocean unfortunately. Stick to Gaia rather then Poseidon yeah?” He asks knowing how well you held up when snowboarding in the mountains.
“I just don’t get how I’m so bad that I injured myself!” You cry with a small giggle, knowing it was a ridiculous thing to be complaining about.
“If I give you a kiss, would that make it better?” He asks.
“Mmm yes very much so” you smile and he leans down brushing your hair out of your face. It was still a little damp and crispy from the sand and salt water you’d spent the afternoon messing around in.
But to Nico, you’d never looked as beautiful as you do right now.
He leans in and locks his lips with yours holding onto your jaw as you entangle yourself together.
“I really love you, and your ambitions but it scares the hell out of me” he admits leaning his head against your forehead.
“Says the Formula One Driver” you smirk looking over him.
“Let’s get you back to the hotel to rest up that leg!” He smiles, helping you up.
“We are getting the first flight back to Poland, you understand?” Nico says.
“Mmm yeah. Home sounds good!” You grin, wanting to see your family soon as you’d been travelling with Nico for so long.
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Liked by hulkhulkenberg and others
y/user: when in Miami you surf 🏄‍♀️ Snowboarding and Surfing are not the same … and I learnt the hard way.
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haasf1team: you shredded those waves (she in fact did not)
-> y/user: admin! why expose me! WHY
hulkhulkenberg: you were tough out there Maus but stick to what you do best and get Silver and Gold in!
fan1: I saw y/n in A&E is she okay?
-> y/user: I’m all good, just a scrape on my leg from some coral when I fell off!
-> hulkhulkenberg: this woman gives me a heart attack everyday I swear, and I’ll have to marry her at some point
-> y/user: you say that as if it’s a chore
fan2: when y/n goes crawling back to Poland for the snow ❄️
-> y/user: Nico has demanded this 🥹
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Goodmorning America 🇺🇸🦅
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