#pirate sirius
lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 28 - Cowboy
@wolfstarmicrofic June 28, word count 847
Previous part First part
Sirius sidled up to James once he and Remus got back to the cabin. Remus ducked into the bathroom and Sirius narrowed his eyes at James.
“What happened to, ‘Don’t worry, Sirius, I swear I won’t interrupt you and Remus again when you’re having some alone time,’?” 
“Sirius, I swear it wasn’t intentional. There were bees!” James tried to explain to him. 
“You had the entire forest and yet somehow you ended up in the same pool as Remus and, just when we were about to…” He stopped talking, his face becoming hot as he blushed. What had they been about to do? Sirius didn’t even know. He’d let his fingers trace the edge of Remus’s waistband and Remus had leant back. Granted him permission. He didn’t even have time to think before James had disturbed them. Maybe it was for the best. He ground his teeth. Why was he so nervous? The few girls he’d been with had been so easy. Why did doing anything with Remus make his heart stutter and his brain overthink? Sirius was not one for overthinking. He ran in head first and dealt with the consequences later. Remus came out of the bathroom and he dropped it while they went for dinner. 
Sirius skipped ahead of their group to Wanda, who was serving pudding tonight.
“Wanda, might I say you look a vision tonight?” He turned his best smile on her. She brandished her spatula at him.
“Oh, stop you.” She chuckled at him. “I know why you’ve turned your charm on.” She leant in conspiratorially. “It’s Remus’s favourite tonight, isn’t it? And you want to sweet talk me into giving him an extra slice.” He tilted his head down and looked up at her through his long eyelashes. 
“Maybe,” Wanda plonked a piece of cake on his plate. 
“Of with you, you cheeky sod.” She winked at him before he moved on, “I’ll see what I can do,” Sirius beamed at her. 
He watched from their table as Remus nearly flung himself at Wanda when she’d put an extra piece of cake on his plate. Sirius mouthed a thank you to her. Remus was so happy with his extra pudding that he wolfed down his dinner. He probably didn't even taste it and started on his chocolate cake. The greedy git even finished off Sirius’s. He’d pretended to be full revelling in the joy on Remus’s face when he took a bite of the bonus cake. 
“So the dance is tomorrow,” James said once they were all done. “What’s everyone going as?”
“Going as?” Remus questioned. 
“It’s fancy dress, sweetheart,” Sirius told him, taking his hand as they left the main hall. 
“Oh,” Remus’s face fell. “I didn’t know. I don’t have anything with me.” Sirius’s heart broke from the sadness in his voice. He squeezed his hand reassuringly. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I always bring spares. You can wear one of mine.” He offered as they walked into the cabin. 
“Thank you,” Remus looked relieved. “What are you going as?” He asked him quietly.
“I’m the pirate king, Remus, I’m going as a pirate.” 
“I’m going as a lion!” Peter grinned and pulled out a furry lion’s mane wig from his drawers along with a lion onesie. 
“I’m going as Severus,” James said proudly, taking out a set of clothes that looked exactly the same as the ones Snape had on along with a short straight-haired wig. “I got this before we liked you,” He apologised to Snape when he glowered at him. 
“I’m going as the sheriff of Nottingham. Lily thought it would be funny as she wanted to go as Robin Hood and have Pandora as maid Marian,” He scowled at them, daring them to laugh. 
“I bet you’d look amazing as him. Do you have a fancy tunic?” Sirius asked. Snape shook his head no.
“It’s a cheap one from a costume shop,” He explained. Sirius dove under his bed and dragged out a huge bag that was full to bursting. He unzipped it and began pulling its contents out.  It took him a few minutes to get everything laid out on his bed, but soon he had three complete costumes. One perfect replica of the Captain Jack Sparrow outfit for him, one fancy outfit for Snape that would work for the sheriff, and one for Remus. 
“Saddle up cowboy,” He let one side of his mouth pull up in a crooked smile at Remus, “You’re going to the ball.” Remus reached forward and let his fingers trail across the costume he’d laid out. Sirius picked up the cowboy hat and placed it over Remus’s sandy curls. “Damn, I don’t know how I’m gonna fight off all the girls and boys that are going to throw themselves at you at the dance but, sweetheart, you look hot as hell,” Remus blushed and Sirius couldn’t help it. He wrapped his arms around his waist and drew him in for a passionate kiss, ignoring the wolf whistles coming from the other three. Remus was stunning and he was his. 
Next part
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orchideous-nox · 1 year
I need to learn how to chill when it comes to writing because I wrote 7.2k words in the last 24 hours and like half of that is just nsfw wolfstar
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burningaurora · 1 year
[Podfic - TTS] The Adventures of Captain Sirius Black and His Most Excellent Dragon Padfoot by @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur
Cover art by: @weighty-ghosts
Multi-Chapter | Length: 3:49:06 | Rating: E
Captain Sirius Black had long prided himself on outrunning (or, considering his career as a Privateer, out-sailing) any commitments whatsoever beyond following the call for adventure. It was then, perhaps, one of Fate’s greatest jokes that he was about to be irrevocably selected as lifetime companion by the most loyal and stubborn of beings, and one who was also absolutely guaranteed to outlive him. This is the story of how Sirius Black adopted a dragon named Padfoot. Or, perhaps more accurately, this is the story of how a dragon named Padfoot adopted one Sirius Black. It is also the story of how Captain Sirius Black met and fell hopelessly in love with one Lieutenant Remus Lupin, long-time dragon aviator fighting in the Napoleonic Wars, and, because Fate really does love irony, the only man on British soil less partial to commitment than himself. But that part comes later. First, we must turn our eyes to the bustling ports of Istanbul, where one frantic James Potter and his placid dragon, Prongs, are either swearing voraciously (James), or calling attention to particularly interesting cloud formations (Prongs), as they have just missed their boat…
Listen on: Streaming | AO3
Special thanks to @wolffrankx for suggesting this fic and @weighty-ghosts for allowing me to use her art for the cover!
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ifyoucandaniel · 1 year
so. i’m working on my first digital art piece and it’s obviously james and sirius as pirates bc i have brainrot but holy fucking shit who was gonna tell me digital art is so hard. like i know i’m not the best artist as a whole, but with watercolor you just…. do the sketch…. and paint it. on procreate you gotta like,,,, draw the sketch, draw another sketch over that sketch, turn down the opacity, draw ANOTHER sketch and then somehow figure out all the buttons and shit and then you gotta color it in but not too plain or it looks flat and boring but how the fuck do you make it look NOT flat💀 anyways,,,,,, struggling but ! pirate sirius sooooo
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cndarts · 2 months
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the crew stoping by a market to fill their supply, sirius is in awe since his life in the palace was very different
loved doing this after fighting with lack of motivation for so long 🤧
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bebyebeeh · 9 months
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oh man these princes are so cute I sure hope they don't get kidnapped by pirates!!
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artbyace · 10 months
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lesbian pirate remus x mermaid sirius <3
so late to this trend but i mean… look at them ..
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sophsicle · 6 months
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Of His Bones, Chapter 15
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vinylfoxbooks · 19 days
September 7 - King | @into-the-jeggyverse | wc: 715 Next Part
Regulus doesn't go out into the town often, for many reasons. The first being that he doesn’t like to be surrounded by people, unlike his brother who goes out all the time to integrate himself with the society that they rule over, he likes the isolation of the castle. The second being that his parents rarely allow him out of the castle. But today, Regulus is out with his brother. Sirius was sent out by their mother so she could have a meeting with Druella without feeling ashamed of him, and she told Regulus to go with him so he doesn’t get into trouble. 
Although Regulus isn’t bothered with that, he lets Sirius wander off into the square. He’s got an eye on his brother, yes, but he’s not his brother’s caretaker. Although his attention is caught by two people at a stall talking in hushed tones, “Did you not hear? He’s not roaming around the village anymore?”
“He’s not?”
“No,” the stall keeper hums, looking back and forth, “I heard that he was caught by the guard last night and will be brought in front of the king tomorrow at dawn.” 
And that grabs Regulus’ attention, so he makes his way towards the two of them, leaning in just a bit, “I’m sorry to barge into your conversation, but who will be brought in front of the king tomorrow?”
The two of them give him a look of confusion before one mutters, “Are you not from here?”
Regulus shakes his head, “I am traveling with my brother, I want to ensure our safety here.”
“The fearsome Captain James Potter was captured last night.” The stall keeper says, “His ship was docked several nights ago and some have dared get close to it, but none have ventured onto the ship.”
“The townspeople have been living in fear that the crew is roaming around, and no one has seen the captain. Several have heard people wandering around the ship but nothing from him.”
“And why, pray tell,” Regulus asks, “Is Captain Potter so feared?”
The stall keeper looks around once more, as though fearing to be overheard, “Why he is the nastiest pirate on this side of the world. He’s known for his ruthless crew that takes down other ships for fun. They have ransacked villages and pillaged and burned towns for their own enjoyment. Villages fear sending out ships for trading in case their ship is found by Captain Potter and his crew.”
The other person nods, “The fact that his ship has been docked at a port nearby for so long worries the people here. What if he plans to take down our city next. What if he plans to kill the King and Queen?”
Regulus nods, slowly, “And he was captured?” 
“That’s the word. Duke Crouch has boasted that it was one of his men that found him outside of the castle gates, and he’s pushing the King for a public execution of Potter and any of his crew that is found. His trial is tomorrow.” 
Once again, Regulus nods, leaning back just a bit, “Thank you for the information.” And with that, he sweeps away from the two, watching them go back to whispering to each other after. Regulus is quick to find his brother in the crowd, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him into an alley, “James was captured last night.” 
“What?” Sirius balks.
“One of Barty’s family’s men caught him last night, he’s being brought for trial tomorrow.”
The older takes a second before furrowing his brows, “That’s why he and Remus didn’t come to see us last night.” 
Regulus nods, “We have to find a way to get them out of this. I don’t know how many of the crew were captured, just that James was...”
“But if James was captured, it’s possible that so were the rest of them.” Sirius finishes for him. Once again, Regulus nods and Sirius grabs him by the arm, tugging him out of the alley, “We need to go and see what we can do. Do you think they’d be held in the dungeons?”
“Either that or the Crouch’s holding cells.” And with that, the two of them rush off. They need to get to James and his crew before dawn.
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apoetsworld · 1 year
James: i-i have the chance to do the right thing reg
Regulus: Oh i love those moments!
James: really?
Regulus: yes i love to wave at them as they pass by
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 12 - Roar
@wolfstarmicrofic June 12, word count 615
Previous part First part
“Come on Gryffindor’s row!” Sirius ordered as he thrust his own oar out in front of himself, brandishing it like a sword. The Slytherin team looked up too late. James, Remus and Peter rammed the other team’s raft, knocking them all into the water. Sirius nimbly hopped across with James following close behind and started rowing it away from the Slytherin's reach. Remus and Peter moved their raft as fast as they could after them. Remus was thoroughly enjoying himself. He’d never played pirates as a child and this seemed an excellent way to have that chance. It was what his dad had wanted, after all, he reasoned, as he rowed just that little bit harder. 
They stopped in the middle of the lake. James quickly lashed the rafts together and turned them into one. 
Sirius let out a roar like a lion as he held his oar above his head. James joined in on the next one, raising his oar above his head as well. Peter joined them on the third roar and Remus, not wanting to be left out, roared on their final roar. Feeling the rush of excitement from their successful commandeering.  
“BLACK, POTTER, PETTIGREW AND LUPIN! RETURN IMMEDIATELY!” Minerva McGonagall’s voice boomed across the water. She’d gotten a megaphone from somewhere. She lowered it and crooked a finger at them, beckoning them back. 
“Don’t know why she’s using that thing,” Sirius muttered as they dipped their oars into the water. “She’s shouted at me louder than that without its aid.” James snickered and set the others off, so by the time they’d steered their oversized raft to the shore they were all struggling to keep their faces straight.
“Chores,” Was all she said before she stormed off. The four looked at each other, silently debating if she meant for them to follow them. She turned back and glowered at them. Yep, they were meant to follow her. 
“Never in all my years of working here have I had a group of boys quite as troublesome as yourselves. Knocking other campers into the lake and stealing their raft! What were you thinking?!”
“I believe the correct term is pirating their raft.” Sirius chimed in helpfully. Oddly enough, McGonagall didn’t find it very helpful. 
“Mr Black,” Her sick sweet smile made Remus nervous, and it wasn’t even aimed at him. “You will be cleaning the toilets every day until your stay here is over, as well as,” She raised her voice slightly when he started to protest. “As well as, weeding, painting, putting away equipment we have used that day, helping Ms Pince in the library, mopping the main hall, and collecting dirty washing from the cabins.” She turned to look at Remus and the others. “You will all be helping Mr Black with these chores. I will also be writing to all your parents,” She dismissed them, telling them they’d be painting the border fences tomorrow instead of going on the nature trail Mr Flitwick had planned.
“Sorry,” Sirius whispered in Remus's ear as they crossed the campsite to their cabin. 
“For what? That was thrilling,” Remus grinned at him and leaned in conspiratorially. “I’ve never done anything like that before. Today I was a pirate. I’ll gladly do whatever she wants because I got to be a pirate,” Sirius chuckled at his excitement. 
“Well, at least we’ve still got our dibs cards. She forgot to take them off us. I say we use them to get extra pudding tonight before she remembers. You know, make the most of them.” Sirius grabbed his hand and Remus could almost taste the big slabs of chocolate cake he knew were for pudding that night. 
Next part
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orchideous-nox · 9 months
5k hits!!!
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This is so exciting!!!! Can't believe my Wolfstar Pirate AU has reached 5k hits!!
This fic was such a pleasure to write (even if its not a pleasure for people to read, very sorry to those who cried) and will always be one of my favourites. I really miss this little crew of misfits!
If you haven't already, you can read it here!
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lumosinlove · 2 years
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Pirate (And shipwrecked) Sirius
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sorenphelps · 1 year
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pirate AU! wolfstar featuring the OFMD depression robe, except this time it’s only fluff
more pirate AU stuff: x x x x
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cndarts · 1 year
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captain lupin got in trouble
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bimoonphases · 1 month
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Marlene’s eyes flashed in Dorcas’s mind, her ears echoing with the moans she had heard her make the night before, even if for too short a time.
“If that was the world, I wouldn’t change a thing about myself,” she heard herself say.
“I thought so,” Pandora’s voice came as if through a deep fog. There was a pause. “Does Marlene know that?”
Dorcas snapped back from her thoughts running around in her head, chasing after a new version of the world, one where she would be alright.
“What?” she said.
“It’s quite clear you’re attracted by her,” Pandora smirked. “And she by you.”
Dorcas felt her cheeks heat up.
“I’m a hostage,” she said. “Your captain’s rules states I’m off-limits.”
“That’s true. But we’re pirates,” Pandora got up, brushing grass from her dress. “What are rules after all?”
We Chose the Sea by BiMoonPhases
Chapter 10, I Used to Rule the World
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