#five is baby and klaus wants to hang with him
badkitty3000 · 5 months
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I had to make a new post for the remaining chapters because it was getting too long to add them to the original. If you'd like to read chapters 1-6, here is the link.
☕Love In The Time Of Cholera And Coffee ☕
Part Two: Chapters 7-9
Five x Female Reader, Klaus x Female Reader
You and Klaus are in a casual relationship. No ties, just sex. When you start spending a lot of time at his apartment, you somehow manage to break through his brother's prickly outer shell. He seems to like you, or at least tolerate you the best that Five can. When you start to realize that maybe there is more than just mutual friendship between the two of you, it opens up a lot of feelings and unanswered questions. And a lot of problems.
This story contains sexually explicit material! (But also lots of humor and fluff)
Chapter Seven: Be My Baby
The morning rush is typical for a Saturday. Lots of parents on their way to soccer tournaments, and elderly couples that wake up early, starting their day when the sun rises. You don’t need to be there, necessarily. Your team can handle it. But you like it. You like the early morning sunrise and the smell of the first pot of coffee brewing. The smiles of the hopeful people as they start their days. The morning is perfect. It gives everyone the chance to start fresh.
As you’re surveying the pastries and taking note of inventory, the bell over the door rings. You don’t even look up as you focus on the spreadsheet on your tablet. The customer, however, is not the usual. You recognize the silhouette of the person walking towards you. How could you not? It’s been 6 months, but you’ll never forget it.
“Hey there,” he says, as he nears the counter.
He’s just as you remember him and he addresses you as if no time has passed.
“Hi, Klaus,” you respond with a timid smile, looking up from your tablet.
Klaus removes his sunglasses that had been perched on his nose, and he looks around, taking it all in. He smiles that smile that usually means he’s up to something.
“Wow, so this place is hopping!” he says as he leans against the counter.
He’s wearing a pair of way too-tight white jeans, and a tank top that says “Slut” across the chest. His signature dog tags hang down over the lettering and jingle when he moves. 
“Yeah, we’re doing alright. Our profits are actually up since I bought it,” you respond with pride.
You haven’t seen Klaus since that day he and Five had their blow-out fight over you. Well, technically you haven’t seen him since the night before the blow-out. You had figured you’d never see either one of them again. Yet, here he was.
“Is that right? Well, mazel tov,” he answers with a genuine smile.
“Can I get you something?” you ask.
“I’ll take a green tea if you don’t mind,” Klaus says.
He doesn’t sound angry like you assumed he would be. Like he should be, honestly.
You nod at the barista who is working today and he busies himself with making Klaus’s drink. In the meantime, there is no one else in line, so you and he are stuck staring at each other. Klaus speaks first.
“So, it’s been a while. How are you?” he asks, a suspicious-looking smile on his face.
“I’m fine, thank you. And you?”
Klaus shrugs his shoulders and looks around again. “Oh, you know. I’m always here and there, doing something.”
You smile. “Same old Klaus. Like a feral tom cat just prowling the town.”
He winks back at you with a grin. “Meow.”
The barista hands him his tea and he reaches into his back pocket for his wallet to pay, but you hold out a hand.
“Don’t be silly. It’s on the house.”
Klaus raises his eyebrows, then lifts his cup up in a toasting gesture. “Thank you!”
You shrug. “It’s the least I can do. The very least.”
He nods thoughtfully and takes a sip, looking around the shop again. “Do you have a minute? You know, to talk?”
You swallow nervously and chew at your bottom lip. He doesn’t seem upset, but what does he want to talk to you about? It can’t be anything good. But you nod and come around the counter. You gesture to an empty table near the back, away from listening employees, and you both make your way over. Once you and Klaus are situated, sitting across from one another, you wait with hands folded in front of you.
“So…you’re probably wondering why I came here, aren’t you?” he asks, still with that same Klaus smile on his face.
You nod. “A little, yeah. I know we have good tea here but given the circumstances…” You look down at your hands and start picking at a cuticle. “I really never thought I’d be seeing you again.”
Klaus leans back and drapes an arm lazily over the back of the chair. “Yeah, well…I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. And maybe a little bit of therapy.” He rolls his eyes. “Anyway, I’ve been trying to be a better person and see the error of my ways, and all that shit. And I have come to the conclusion that I owe you an apology.”
The surprise on your face must be evident because Klaus gives a little laugh and shakes his head. “I know that’s not what you were expecting. But, it’s true. I owe you an apology and I’m sorry.”
“For…for what? I’m the one—”
He cuts you off with an airy wave of his hand. “Listen. I was selfish and I should have appreciated you more. I know we weren’t going to end up getting married or anything, but I could have made more of an effort. Like when you were sick…that was shitty of me and I’m sorry. If I had treated you just a little better, then maybe…”
You groan and drop your forehead onto your hands as they rest on the table. “Klaus, I appreciate the apology, but you had nothing to do with that. That was me and I’m the one that needs to apologize, not you. I’m the one that fucked everything up between you two.”
Klaus is quiet and you glance up at him. He has a tiny smile on his face again. “Ok, so we both had a hand in it. And I accept your apology. But you didn’t fuck everything up. I mean, you’re not that amazing,” he says with a smirk before taking another sip of his tea.
You lift your head. “What do you mean? You guys aren’t…”
Klaus shakes his head and gives another dismissive wave. “Nah, we’re good. He did move out, though. But that might have been more about me leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor than anything else.”
You chuckle a little and lean back in your chair, starting to relax somewhat. “Huh. Well, good. I’m glad to hear that.”
Klaus is looking at you with one eyebrow raised, his mouth turned up at the corner.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” you ask.
Klaus shrugs his shoulders, trying to look innocent. Then he reaches into the pocket of his pants and pulls out a small, folded piece of paper. He slides it across the table to you. You pick it up with a look of confusion. When you unfold it, you see there is an address scrawled on it in Klaus’s messy handwriting.
“What is this?”
He gives another shrug. “I think maybe you two need to talk.”
Your eyes widen and you glance back down at the paper. “Wait…this is his address?”
Klaus nods, but then he’s starting to stand up, apparently ready to leave. “If you don’t want it, throw it out. But I figured I owed you that much.” He puts his sunglasses back on and looks down at you. “You do know he’s in love with you, right?”
Your shocked expression makes him laugh and he leans down to give you a quick peck on the cheek.
“Thanks for the tea. Maybe I’ll see you around. You know, at family gatherings or something?”
Then Klaus is walking out the door, leaving you stunned and staring down at the piece of paper in your hands, your brain whirring.
A week goes by and you try not to think about it. But it’s kind of hard when you carry that paper around with you in your pocket every day. The address isn’t far from your store. Just a few blocks, actually. Which makes you realize that he has probably been avoiding you and the shop like the plague. Or has he been quickly walking by, taking a glance through the windows to see if you’re there? Maybe blinking away before you can raise your head and see him. Doubtful. Despite what Klaus told you, you have every reason to believe he has no desire to see you again.
Every time you think that maybe you should walk over there, to that address you have memorized now, you change your mind. Maybe it would be different if you still didn’t have a clear image of him in your head from the last time you saw him. That blank, uncaring look on his face. Those cold words he said to you. That’s what stops you each time.
But then at night, when you’re home alone and in bed trying in vain to sleep, different images come to mind. Memories of his face and his smile, and the way he would begrudgingly laugh at something funny you said. And of his body on yours, the heat of his skin, and his urgent kisses. You remember every word he said to you in the dark that night. And you just can’t believe he didn’t mean them. Not when he was pleading with you to be his.
The crazy thing was that you had already given yourself over to him. You wanted to be his. And you had thought that night was going to be just one of many you would spend together. Maybe it would have been awkward at first, with Klaus; but you were willing to try and work past that. Because that’s how much you wanted to be with him.
What an idiot you had been. On your way out of work one night, you throw the paper with the address into the trash can and walk away.
It has been two weeks since Klaus came by and even though you still can’t stop thinking about what he told you, you aren’t taking the bait. You’re better off without him or any of that mess. He’s better off without you, too.
The café is quiet, with only a few lights left on. It’s been closed for an hour now, all cleaned and the food stored away for the night. Your staff has gone home and it’s just you there. You’re finishing up some financial documents on your laptop at a table, a mix of some soft rock tunes playing on the speakers overhead. You’re humming along to a Whitney Houston song when you hear a knock on the glass door. When you look up, you take a sharp breath in and accidentally knock over the glass of water you had sitting next to you.
It's Five. He’s standing there, right outside the door, and he’s already spotted you, so you can’t exactly hide. Plus, now you’re jumping up and trying to mop up the spilled water with a few flimsy napkins and swearing to yourself out loud.
“Shit shit shit,” you mumble.
When you look up again, you can see Five watching the whole thing go down and he’s got that smirk on his face. The one you hate but also can’t stop thinking about. You huff, rolling your eyes, and motion for him to come in. The door is locked for the night, of course, but that doesn’t matter. He blinks in right away, reappearing a few feet away from you, hands in his pants pockets.
“Hi,” he says with a smile.
You pause, taking him in for a moment. Damn it, why is he so good-looking? With his stupid dark hair falling onto his forehead and his annoyingly perfect body and ridiculously chiseled jawline. And that goddamn sexy, smart-ass expression on his face. Fuck.
“What are you doing here?” you say, trying to appear like you couldn’t possibly care less that he’s standing right in front of you.
He shrugs. “Just walking by. I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d see if you were still here.”
After throwing the soggy napkins into the trash behind the counter, you come around again and lean against it, your arms crossed.
“Just walking by, huh?”
Five at least has the decency to look a little embarrassed as he glances at the floor and clears his throat.
“Yeah, well…something like that,” he mumbles.
“Why are you here, Five?”
You’re determined not to let him see the uncertainty in you and you raise your chin and square your shoulders to try and appear more confident. Inside, a million butterflies have taken residence in your stomach.
He rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, so…Klaus told me he came by the other day.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Yes, he did. And?”
“He told me he talked to you and gave you my address.”
You make a circular motion with your hand to get him to hurry this little story along.
“Anyway, he said he gave it to you and I thought maybe…” he trails off and looks down at the floor again.
“Ohhh…you thought maybe I’d come crawling back to you? Run right on over and jump into your arms? Tell you all is forgiven. Is that what you thought?”
“No!” he snaps, and then his voice softens again. “No. I just thought…” He throws his hands in the air in frustration. “Fuck! I don’t know what I thought! This is stupid, I don’t know why I came here.”
He turns around to leave, but you call out so that he stops in his tracks. “I almost did!” He turns to you and you blush a little. “I came really close to going over there. I had a whole speech prepared and everything. It was good, too. I was really going to let you have it.” You give a short laugh.
“Why didn’t you?” he asks.
“Because I was afraid that what Klaus told me wasn’t true,” you admit.
“What did Klaus tell you?”
You’re not really sure you want to get into all of that quite yet, so you change the subject back to him.
“Really, why are you here, Five? It’s been six months, so why now?”
“I just…” he takes a deep breath. “I just wanted to see you again. And to say I’m sorry.”
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Then they crease together again. “And which thing or things are you sorry for?”
Five sighs and takes a few steps toward you, but stops short of coming too close. He seems to gain a little more confidence and he looks you in the eyes.
“I’m sorry for everything. For putting you in that situation. And for saying what I did. I know I was a jerk and you didn’t deserve that.”
You look up and blink a few times to try and keep your emotions in check. Then you look back at him.
“Jerk doesn’t even begin to cover it. You hurt me, Five. Really hurt me. Do you realize that?”
He swallows hard and nods. “I know.”
“Why? Why did you do that? I don’t understand. I was ready to…” Your voice cracks and you don’t finish your sentence.
“After the fight with Klaus, I just felt so awful and ashamed, so I panicked and took it out on you. Which was a really shitty thing to do, and I’m so sorry. I also understand if you never want to see or talk to me again, but I thought I’d take a chance by coming here. I at least wanted to let you know.”
You nod slowly. “Yeah, ok, so you’re sorry. Is there anything else you’d like to confess?”
“What do you mean?”
You shift your weight to your other foot and cross and uncross your arms. “Did you even mean those things you said that night?”
He pauses for a minute and you see him swallow hard. “Yeah,” he says quietly. “I meant them.”
“Klaus said you’re in love with me,” you blurt out, and you watch as his eyes get wide and his face flushes.
He clenches his teeth together. “Fucking Klaus,” he mutters under his breath.
“So?” you challenge. “Is he right?”
He is visibly uncomfortable and his hands are in his pockets again as he looks at the floor. Then he gathers some courage and he looks up.
“He’s right,” he says. “I am in love with you. I have been for a long time.”
You sigh and put your hands on your hips and look up at the ceiling, then back at him again. “Damn it, Five!”
“You know, just because you say that does not mean all is forgiven, or that I’m automatically in love with you too, even though I am, although why I have no fucking idea. I really cannot believe the nerve of you showing up here after all this time. You are still the biggest asshole I have ever met and I’m not even sure I want anything to do with you anymore—"
Your rant is cut short when Five closes the few feet between you in a short spatial jump, making you yelp sharply when he suddenly grabs you around the waist and pulls you into him.
“Let go of me!” you say in protest.
“What did you say?” he asks, that arrogant look on his face as his mouth turns up on one side.
You squirm, trying to get out of his grasp but it’s not very convincing, and it’s also making your body rub up against his, which is not helping matters. His hold on you is strong, though, and he doesn’t let up. He’s looking you right in the eyes and you can’t seem to look away.
“I said you’re a giant asshole,” you say, your voice much weaker all of a sudden.
“You said you’re in love with me.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Yes, you did,” he says with a smirk, right before he jerks your body closer to him, his arm wrapped around your middle and his hand resting on the small of your back.
His eyes travel over your face and you look at his lips and suddenly you can’t think straight anymore. You nod your head slowly.
“Yeah, maybe I did,” you confess in a whisper, right before he kisses you.
His kiss is soft and slow, and he brings his hand up to the side of your face. All of those feelings that you had pushed down come rushing back to you with that touch. You kiss him back, savoring the feel of his soft lips and the way his body feels next to yours.
He smiles against your mouth, even as he continues kissing you, and you drape your arms over his shoulders. When you pull away, he keeps his hand on your cheek.
“I’m sorry it took me this long to get my shit together,” he tells you with a breathy laugh. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you tell him with a smile, but when he goes in for another kiss, you pull back and place a hand on his chest. “Whoa there, buddy, not so fast.”
He scrunches his eyebrows together and it takes a lot of resolve for you not to kiss him right now because his pouty man face is so cute.
“What’s the matter?” he asks.
“Ok, so you said you’re sorry, but I’m going to need a little more than that.”
“Yes. You can’t possibly think waltzing in here and simply saying you’re sorry and you love me is enough, can you?”
“So, what do you want? You want me to fall on my knees and grovel?”
You place a finger on your lips in thought. “Hmm…that does sound nice, but something tells me you’d actually like that. No, let me think…” When you hear the music that has been playing on the store speakers, your face lights up. “I got it!”
“I’m afraid to ask, but ok, what is it?”
“Excuse me?”
You step out of his arms and lean back against the counter again. “I want you to sing the next song that comes on. No matter what it is. And I want it done with feeling. To me.”
Five’s face is hilarious because he looks like you just kicked him in the nuts. “Are you fucking serious? You want me to sing to you?”
You nod. “Yep.”
He stares in stunned silence for a minute before he crosses his arms and tilts his head. “You know I took a punch in the face for you.”
You shrug. “Sorry to hear that, but that’s not really relevant at the moment. Plus, I wasn’t there to witness or enjoy it, so it doesn’t count. No, I want you to sing, and if you half-ass it you will have to start over. I want to see some professional, Frank Sinatra-level, Elvis in Las Vegas-style crooning. And I want it right now.”
Five glances up and notices the security camera mounted in the corner behind you and runs a hand down his face. “Shit. And this is the only way you’re going to forgive me and stop torturing me by standing there looking cute but not letting me touch you?”
“Pretty much, yes.”
“And there’s no way I can talk my way out of this and get you to kiss me again? Because I really want to kiss you again.”
“Nope. You say you love me. Prove it.”
He sighs heavily. “Alright then.”
“Alright, what?”
“I guess I’m fucking singing.”
You smile widely and at just that precise moment, the song that had been playing fades out and another one starts up. You start laughing when you hear “Be My Baby” by the Ronettes. It’s such a cheesy, girly pop song, and it’s perfect.
“Don’t forget…with feeling,” you remind him as you perch yourself on the countertop and wait expectedly for him to start.
With another sigh and a sarcastic smile in your direction, Five reluctantly starts singing.
The night we met I knew I needed you so
And if I had the chance I’d never let you go
It’s bad and off-key and he’s stumbling over some of the words. He can’t decide if he wants to sing it in the high, women’s register or lower his voice, so his voice keeps cracking. But he’s putting the effort in, like you requested.
So won't you say you love me?
I’ll make you so proud of me
We’ll make ‘em turn their heads, every place we go
He’s starting to get into it a little, adding awkward dancing and elaborate hand choreography.
So won’t you please
Be my little baby
Say you’ll be my darling
It’s maybe the cutest thing you’ve ever seen and when you start giggling, that’s when he really kicks it into gear. He grabs a plastic knife from the counter and uses it as a microphone to up his performance.
Be my baby now…whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh
He is singing his heart out directly to you, as dramatically as he can. He is also trying not to laugh while you are barely holding it together as you watch his horribly wonderful performance that he is putting on just because you asked him to. The dramatic emoting and facial expressions are too much, so you cover your eyes with your hands and peek through two fingers to watch him.
I’ll make you happy, baby,
Just wait and see
For every kiss you give me
I’ll give you three
For this, he grabs your hand and kisses it dramatically as you toss your head back and laugh at him. You have never seen him act this stupid and silly, and it’s making you love him that much more because you know he’d never do this for anyone else. When the interlude comes on, Five tosses his knife microphone over his shoulder without taking his eyes off you and takes your hand again, pulling you into him. He holds you to him as he dances slowly with you and when the lyrics start up again, he finishes out the song by belting it out as loudly and as off-key as possible while you alternate between laughing and visibly cringing.
So won’t you please
Be my little baby
Say you’ll be my darlin’
Be my baby now
As the song winds down and fades away, he stops dancing, but he’s still holding you close to him. He stands there with a wicked grin, waiting for you to say something.
“That’s all on video, you know. So I can blackmail you whenever you act up,” you say with a smile.
“Do you believe that I am willing to do anything for you, including humiliating myself? Did I sufficiently prove my love to you?”
“Well, I reserve the right to demand further proof at future times, but for right now, yes. That was sufficient.”
He doesn’t wait any longer before he’s back to kissing you, and this time you don’t try to stop him. When he holds you tight to his chest, his arms wrapped around you and his hand winding into your hair, you feel happier than you have in months. You probably shouldn’t have taken him back so willingly, despite his apologies and musical performance. But you can’t help yourself. You want him like you’ve never wanted anyone in your life, and the fact that he came back here for you has immediately melted any stoniness you had in your heart for him.
It’s quickly obvious that a few kisses are not going to be enough and you are both breathing hard as you try to pull each other even closer. Five pushes you up against the counter, boosting you up so you’re sitting on top and he is standing between your legs, his hands gripping into your thighs and pulling them forward to wrap around his waist. After a few seconds, you place a hand on his chest again.
“Hang on, we can’t do this,” you say, your chest heaving.
Five frowns. “I’m sorry, am I moving too fast?”
“No, I mean we can’t do this here . This is a major health code violation and if someone sees I’ll be in deep shit.”
Five laughs. “Well, I wasn’t planning on jizzing into the espresso machine, but I guess I see your point. We can stop.”
“No, I don’t want to stop ! Can’t we go to your place? It’s just a few blocks over.”
Five raises his eyebrows in surprise and chuckles. “I thought you didn’t care where I lived.”
You blush. “Well…I may have thrown your address out but that doesn’t mean I didn’t memorize it or map out how to get there from here.”
“Shut up,” you tell him, even as you’re smiling. “I know you’re loving this, you bastard.”
He shakes his head. “You think I’m loving the fact that the girl I’m head over heels in love with has secretly been obsessed with me and stalking me like a total creep?”
“I wasn’t stalking you! Jesus Christ, Five…are we going back to your place or not?”
He laughs again and you find yourself laughing right along with him. “Come on, psycho, let’s go.” He holds out a hand for you and you hop down off the counter. “It’s a nine-minute walk. Three if you let me blink you part of the way there.”
“You know exactly down to the minute? Who’s the stalker now?”
“Alright, I confess. I may have walked past here a couple of times.”
“Only a couple?” you ask with a smile.
He rolls his eyes. “I think I already regret coming here.”
You give him a quick kiss and then pull him by his hand towards the door. “No, you don’t. Because, in a few minutes, I’m going to rock your world, baby.”
He gives a frustrated groan. “You’re definitely letting me blink you there, now. I can’t wait a full nine minutes.”
Chapter Eight: Slow Hand
When we arrive at my apartment (5 minutes later, after one blink and a quick make-out session on the street), we step inside and she takes a look around. It’s not much different than the one I shared with Klaus, just a little smaller. The furniture is nice but simple, and everything is clean. There’s nothing fancy about it, but it’s comfortable and cozy. She notices a folded-up newspaper on one of the tables, turned to a half-completed crossword puzzle.
She smiles and points at it. “Such an old man thing to have.” She glances around. “Where’s the bowl of butterscotch candies? Or the plastic furniture covers?”
I am watching her as she starts walking around the living room, but then I suddenly blink over and grab her from behind. My arms are around her middle, holding her close to me while my mouth makes its way to her neck. After her initial shock wears off, she melts into me and tips her head back onto my shoulder.
“I might be an old man, darling, but my body and my hormones are 21 and you are driving them fucking crazy right now.”
She inhales sharply and exhales a soft laugh as I caress her stomach and hips with my hands, letting my mouth trail over her neck.
“Good thing for you, I happen to have a thing for older men in hot, young bodies,” she says. She turns around to face me, my arms still around her, and she gives me a smile before kissing me.
“Lucky me,” I reply.
Before I can say anything else, she pushes me backward until my legs hit the back of the couch. She gives me a shove with a hand on my chest, making me sit down, and she immediately climbs onto my lap, straddling me. Just that move right there has me hard already and I grab her face with both hands, kissing her deeply while she pushes herself over my crotch.
“Can I ask you something?” she breathes out while my mouth returns to her neck.
“Hmmm,” I respond in between kisses.
“Have you been with anyone else since me?”
I stop and I just can’t help but tease her a little with an inside joke about the book we read together. I flash her a devious smile. “622. Give or take.”
She laughs and whacks me on the chest. “Yeah, right. You wish.”
I shake my head. “No, sweetheart. There’s been only you on my mind.” Then I trace my thumb across her bottom lip and look her in the eyes. “But it’s ok if you have.”
She kisses me again, running a hand through my hair. “I went on one date, that’s it.”
Despite what I just told her about it being ok, my body immediately tenses up when she says that and I know she can tell. I start to relax a little when she places her own kisses onto the side of my neck. I let out a long breath before I ask more questions, even though I don’t really want to hear about it.
“Just one?”
She nods, continuing her kisses. “Yes. Just one.”
“And how did this date end?” I ask, trying to play it cool, although I doubt it’s very convincing.
She runs her tongue under the curve of my jaw before giving it a small bite. I grab her hips in return.
“It ended with a very steamy good night hug.”
I let out a hum of approval, leaning my head back while she draws her lips over my Adam’s apple.
“Why nothing more?”
She pauses and waits until I’m looking at her again. “Because he wasn’t you,” she tells me. I think maybe she is teasing me, but the look on her face is completely serious.
“I like that answer.”
I put my hand on the back of her neck as I try to pull her in for another kiss, but she resists and pulls backward. I’m momentarily confused until I see her very devilish face as she slowly slides off my lap and onto the floor, kneeling in front of me with her hands on my thighs. She looks up at me, biting her lower lip and it’s a goddamn miracle I haven’t come in my pants yet. I let out a little whimper just from the sight of her.
“You know, you kicked me out before I had a chance to repay you for that amazing tongue action you gave me that night,” she tells me.
“That was pretty fucking stupid of me,” I joke, although I’m clearly breathing harder and I have to shift in my seat.
She smiles and leans forward, letting her mouth graze over the crotch of my pants where the hard swelling of my erection is impossible to miss. When I feel her warm breath seeping through the fabric, I suck in a loud breath and push my hips up.
“Fuck,” I whisper.
As she starts unbuckling my belt and opening my pants, she looks back up. “You don’t have to,” I tell her quietly.
She gives me a small smile but starts to pull at my pants until I help her out by lifting my hips up slightly. When she takes my straining cock in her hand, I make another groaning noise and swear under my breath.
“Let me give this to you,” she says softly.
She is licking and sucking up and down my shaft and circling her tongue over the head, and I’ve never experienced anything like this before. I may have had a few sexual experiences before her, but none of them involved anything sensual like this.
“You taste so good,” she moans before her lips pass over my entire length again and I have to close my eyes.
I move a hand to her head and she makes a little whining noise that I take to mean she’s ok with me doing that. Which is very good, because I am having one hell of a time controlling myself right now. I flex my fingers and pull her hair at the same time I just slightly push her head down. I want to fuck her face so badly right now, but I know if that happens, I’m going to be done in about three seconds and I’d really like to wait just a little longer before I embarrass myself again this evening.
“Oh fuck, honey, that feels so good and I really don’t want you to stop, but…shit…I’m not going to be able to hold out much longer if you keep doing that.”
She doesn’t laugh, or argue, and she looks pretty proud of herself as she removes her mouth from me and looks up. My chest is heaving and I lick my lips.
“Get up here,” I say with enough authority that she knows I’m not messing around.
It must have worked because she’s standing up in a second and stripping off her clothes until she is fully naked in front of me.
“God fucking damn it, you’re gorgeous,” I groan, reaching out a hand for her.
Rather than climb directly onto my lap again, she shakes her head and leans down to unbutton my shirt and drag it down my arms. I love the way her warm hands feel on me as she quickly undresses me. She yanks my pants the rest of the way down my legs and off until I’m completely naked, too. She stops for a minute and looks me over. My mind drifts back to the time she caught me in the shower, jerking off while thinking of her. Luckily now, I get to do a lot more than just imagine things.
This time when I pull her by the hand, she immediately relents, straddling my lap once more. I dive onto her mouth to kiss her hard while I grab her hips tightly. She whines quietly as she automatically starts rubbing her soaking wet slit over my cock. It feels amazing, but I need to be inside of her again; I can’t wait any longer. With one lift of her hips and some maneuvering with my hand, she sinks down onto my shaft, letting me fill her up entirely.
“Oh…oh my god!” she cries out.
We stay like that for a minute, neither one of us moving yet, and I bring my hand up to the back of her neck, pulling her closer to me.
“I’ve missed you so much…” I murmur into her shoulder and I hear her sigh happily.
When she starts to move, slowly, over my dick, my grip on her tightens and I thrust up to match her rhythm. I can’t stop looking her deep in the eyes, so when she tries to look away, I gently guide her face towards me again. My hands travel down her sides and back up again, around to her ass, and then over her thighs. I want to touch every part of her and I can’t believe how long I’ve gone without feeling her. I love how it feels with her slowly fucking me, but I can’t stop the urge to have her pounding away on top of me.
“Ride me harder, sweetheart,” I tell her with a groan as I jerk her body forward.
She does exactly what I say and starts moving hard and fast on top of me, her hands holding onto my shoulders and her forehead pressed to mine.
“I love you, Five. I need you and I love you,” she tells me, and she sounds so desperate.
I’ve never been so happy to hear something in my whole life and it’s almost painful to feel the amount of love that is flowing through me right now. “I know, baby. I’m so sorry for everything. I love you so much.”
It’s hard to focus on everything all at once. I want to keep kissing her and tell her so many things. I want to feel her body pressed against mine, her hands all over me, and her harsh breathing on my skin. The desperate noises we are making are getting louder and higher pitched, and underneath all of that, I can hear the wet slapping noises between the two of us as her cunt passes over my dick. She is fucking me as hard as she can, but it’s not enough; I want more.
I don’t say anything or ask if it’s ok before I lift her off by her hips, pulling out and throwing her next to me so that she’s lying on her back. She’s sprawled out, whining at the loss of my body against hers. That doesn’t last long though, because I’m back on top of her in a second, thrusting inside of her again while I hold myself over her.
“I do love you, but fuck , I want to destroy this body of yours right now,” I warn between clenched teeth.
“I’m all yours,” she moans, throwing her head back as I slam into her.
I am rough and relentless, and even though I’m fucking her to the point I’m sure it’s almost painful, she is screaming for more. She is gasping for air and whimpering with each forceful drive of my cock inside of her. I’m starting to sweat and my hair is hanging in my face, but I keep my eyes trained on her. I’m hoping to god she’s getting close because I know I am and this is one race I do not want to win.
“Five…Five, oh my god yes!”
Hearing that is too much, though, and suddenly I’m violently coming inside of her. “Ah, fff-fuck!”
She is falling apart, clutching at my shoulders and writhing beneath me, her body spasming with pleasure as she lets out a sobbing cry that is filled with emotions. My manic thrusting stops as I stiffen against her, my hips twitching as I fill her up with a surge of cum. My moans are loud and long as I hold myself over her, finally lowering myself down enough to kiss her through panting breaths.
As my body relaxes, she pulls me onto her so I can press my face into the crook of her neck, my chest flush with hers. We trade soft kisses back and forth as we both try to catch our breath. She smiles at me and pushes my hair off my damp forehead, trailing her fingers down the side of my neck and over my shoulder. I could stay like this forever.
“Shit, that was amazing. I want you like that every day,” she tells me. “Although, maybe you have lots of important things to do this evening? Should I leave?”
I let out a long sigh. “Is this going to be a thing? You’re just going to make me pay for my stupid behavior again and again?”
She shrugs and gives me that impossibly cute smart-ass look of hers. “Probably.”
I return it by giving her a small bite to the side of her neck and I chuckle when she yelps. I hold myself over her so I can look down on her, one eyebrow raised. “I suppose that’s fair. But you are the only important thing I have to do this evening and you are never leaving again.”
“Oh, so now you’re holding me captive?”
“I’m afraid so,” I tell her sadly.
She laughs and pulls me down to kiss me again. “You’re so cute when you’re all soft and sweet like this.”
“I think we’ve been over this,” I say with a frown. “I am not cute. I am an angry, smoldering, sex god.”
Running a hand over my back and down, she grabs my ass and gives it a squeeze. “Yes, you are. And you are my smoldering sex god.”
I don’t know about the sex god part of it, but I know I am undeniably hers from now on. I smile. “Yes, I am.”
After another quick kiss, I help her up off the couch and she heads to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I still can’t believe this is real and I just stand there like a big, naked dope smiling to myself because I’m so happy right now.
When she comes back out, I’m still there waiting for her and I watch as she bends down to pick up her underwear that was discarded on the floor. I startle her when I grab them from out of her hands and tilt her face up with a hand on her chin.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I ask with a smirk.
She blinks up at me and sticks her bottom lip out. “I thought I was getting dressed.”
Without taking my eyes off her, I hurl the balled-up panties over her shoulder so that they land halfway across the room. “Like hell you are.”
Then, just to be a giant prick, I grab her around the waist and in half a second we are falling out of one of my portals and onto my bed. She lets out a shriek as her back hits the mattress and I laugh evilly when I land next to her. This might be my favorite party trick and it never gets old.
After she gets her wits about her, she sits up with a scowl and punches me in the arm. “Don’t ever do that without giving me a heads-up again! Fuck, that was weird.”
“Sorry, darling. But when you have the ability to teleport a beautiful, naked woman into your bed, it’s nearly impossible not to take advantage of the opportunity.”
She’s probably still trying to get that foggy feeling to leave her brain, but I don’t wait before I kiss her again, deep and hard while I push her back onto the bed. I know she can already feel me getting harder as I lay myself over her.
With a giggle, she pulls back. “Already? Pretty impressive for someone your age.”
I flip a piece of hair out of my eyes and gaze down at her with an expression I’ve been told makes me look like an arrogant asshole. “Sweetheart, if you think for one minute you are getting any kind of break tonight, think again. We have a lot of time to make up for and with that amazing fucking body of yours, I get hard as a rock just looking at you.”
She lets out a little whimper that has me proving my previous statement as I start pressing myself against her thigh. She lays her head back and lets me kiss down her neck and over her chest. Her hands are warm and firm as they travel over my body in response. Everything is perfect and I’m in heaven.
“Yes, love?” I ask, not stopping as I move my mouth to her cleavage, sucking at the skin there while I massage her perfect tits and lightly graze her nipples with my fingertips.
“I want this to be real. And I want it to last.” I stop what I am doing and look up at her. “If you think there’s a chance that tomorrow or next week or even a month from now you are going to change your mind; if there’s any doubt at all…then I can’t do this. So, tell me now if this is just another impulse you are acting on but are going to regret in the morning. Tell me if you’re going to wake up tomorrow and say none of this was real. Because that shit hurt and I don’t want to feel that bad ever again.”
It’s like someone just ripped my heart out of my chest. I look at her face and it’s filled with so much uncertainty and hurt, and it was all caused by me. I want to reassure her that I will never do anything like that again, but I hardly know where to start. My mouth opens partially before closing again. I reposition myself so that I am lying next to her, placing my hand gently on the side of her face, urging her to look at me. I want to look her in the eyes so that she knows I mean it.
“I know I hurt you. I was horrible to you and I understand why you don’t want to trust me right now. I wish you could see inside my head and know how fucking sorry I am. How I wish I could take back everything I said to you that morning. All I can do is beg for your forgiveness and let me try and make it up to you. I meant everything I said. I’ll take care of you. I want to make you happy. And I want you with me not just for tonight, but always. I love you.”
“Ok,” she whispers with a small nod. “I believe you.”
“I’m serious. I can’t promise I will never do anything stupid again or that I will magically stop being an asshole sometimes, but I can promise that I will never deny my feelings for you again.”
She nods again, and then her mouth turns up in a cute little smile. “Never? Even when I’m incredibly annoying and wiping my snotty nose all over your shirtsleeve?”
I make a disgusted face that has her giggling. “You wiped your nose on me?”
“Just once or twice when you weren’t looking.”
I shake my head. “No wonder I ended up with your disease ten days later.”
She smiles and traces my lips with her fingertips. “A deadly disease and a punch in the face? Just for little old me?”
I kiss the tips of her fingers and nod. “And I would do it all over again a million times if it meant you’d end up here. Specifically, right here, underneath me and naked.”
When I start to kiss her again, I feel her body react as she sighs into me, and her hips start slowly rolling upwards. She tries to drag my body on top of hers, but I don’t let her. Instead, I pull away from her mouth to look at her again, my fingers following the curve of her jaw. I have been thinking of something she said while she was talking in her feverish dreams that night, and I’m going to need to try it out.
“I told you I’d take care of you and I meant it.” I give her another kiss. “So, let Daddy take care of you, my love.”
Her reaction is just what I was hoping for as she sucks in a loud breath and bites at her lip, her hips pressing up again. I laugh, kissing her gently while running the back of my hand down her cheek.
“I take it you like that, sweetheart?” I murmur as I move under her chin.
She whines out some sort of response that might resemble a yes, and I smile with approval while my mouth travels back down her neck and onto her collarbone.
“I want to make you feel good.” I go about sucking a dark bruise onto the hollow between her shoulder and neck, making her hiss through clenched teeth. “Tell Daddy what you want, darling.”
“Shit,” she breathes out, at the same time trying desperately to push herself against me, but I’m being mean and not letting her. “I really fucking like it when you say things like that,” she moans.
I’m trailing my lips over the soft skin of her neck. She’s so beautiful and I nuzzle my face into her shoulder, sighing happily. “Do you? Now, how did I know that I wonder?” My hands start roaming all over her body. I continue to speak close to her ear and bite her earlobe. “What else, my love? Tell me. Tell me everything you want.”
With a whine, she closes her eyes and tips her head back. “I want to feel your hands all over me. I dream about your hands.”
Well, that’s new information. But it’s definitely going to work in my favor because if she likes my hands, I love exploring every square inch of her body with them.
I place another deep, sucking kiss that brands a mark onto her neck and she tries to stifle a whimper, but it comes out anyway. One of my hands is already making its way down her side and onto her hip while my other gently pets her hair as I hold myself partially over her with my forearm.
My fingers trace along the curves of her thighs and onto her stomach. I continue watching her face as I map out her body, bit by bit until she is so starved for more, she tries to push my hand between her legs. I’m quicker and stronger, though, and I pull my hand away with a sly grin and a shake of my head. I really am being a bastard right now.
“If you want something, sweetheart, you need to tell me.”
She gives a small groan of frustration, but she meets my eyes as her hips jerk upwards.
“Fuck me with your hand, Daddy.”
Damn, if that isn’t the hottest thing I’ve ever heard and I think about forgetting her request altogether and just slamming my cock into her instead. I resist, though, and I lower my head to bury my face into her shoulder again. “Oh, shit I love hearing that,” I tell her.
I want to give her everything she wants though, so I get back to work, my hand slowly moving across her lower abdomen and then lower still.  I tease by stroking the crease between her thighs and hips and then pull away again. She is getting more and more worked up by my fingers traveling over her body. I decide to crank up the dirtiness level just a little by bringing my hand up to her mouth and pushing my two fingers inside. She immediately grabs my hand by the wrist and starts sucking on them, wetting them all over and slipping her tongue in between. Her eyes fall shut and she moans. I push them in and out a few times, and I like the way she looks when I do that.
“You look so pretty like this, baby,” I tell her before I remove them and she licks at her lips.
I give her another kiss before I’m back to tracing lines over her breasts, leaving a trail of her own saliva over each one. I keep moving down, over her stomach again and around to her hip. It’s slow, but the anticipation makes it all the more erotic when my fingers finally make contact with the satiny area between her legs. The noise she lets out is loud and long and when I slip two digits inside of her tight hole, she cries out; pressing her hips up to try and fuck my fingers.
“Five! Ohhh...god...”
“Don’t close your eyes. Look at me,” I order her, and she obeys.
I want to see her reaction to every little movement and calculated maneuver I perform on her. I also want to hear her. I want her to cry out my name and scream so loud the neighbors will think something is wrong. The crease between her eyes deepens and her mouth falls open as she keeps her eyes on me like I want; all while I am fucking her slowly and deliberately with my hand.
“That’s my sweet girl. Just like that.”
When I curl my fingers inside of her and press my thumb into her clit, she grips the bed covers on either side with her fists and arches her back off the bed.
“Oh, fuck yes!” she screams out.
Watching her like this is turning me on like crazy, and I have to tell myself to keep going. I want to pound my cock inside of her again, to feel her tight cunt around me as I slam mercilessly against it. I keep fingering her, but the thought of everything else I want to do is getting to me and I can’t help rubbing my dick against her leg.
She is so wet that my hand is covered in the slick of her arousal, and it’s dripping down my wrist. I push in deeper and work her clit harder while she writhes around, thrusting her hips up. I’m practically humping her leg now, shoving my cock between her thigh and the bed, and I can’t fucking stop. Any contact with her body against my raging hard-on feels amazing and I want more.
Right before she comes, she grabs my hand and shoves it harder against herself, grinding and bucking against it while the noises she’s making get louder and louder. I feel like my dick is going to explode I’m so worked up right now and just watching her fall apart like this is making it worse.
When she starts to squeeze her eyes shut, I don’t let her. “Look at me,” I demand, and she does.
“Ff-iive!” she moans as she pulses against me, her grip on my wrist tightening.
When she calms down and her hand slackens on mine, I pull my soaking-wet fingers out. She smiles dreamily up at me and lets out a breathy laugh.
“Sorry, I got a little—”
I don’t let her finish what she was going to say, because all I can think about are my own needs at the moment. I want to fuck her so badly, but I know that I’m going to come instantaneously if I shove my dick into her right now. Instead, I take her hips and flip her over while I sit up on my knees behind her, pulling her towards me so that her ass is in the air directly in front of me. I hear her make a little squeal of surprise, but I barely register it.
When I haul back and smack her voluptuous ass cheek with the flat of my hand, leaving a beautiful pink mark on her skin, she cries out louder.
“Be a good girl and stay right there for Daddy,” I growl.
All I can think about is how she is finally mine and no one else can have her. I violently pump my hand over my dick as I stare at the perfectly round ass that belongs to only me. I rub one cheek while I’m still jerking my cock; she is moaning while sprawled out on the bed in front of me, ass in the air. It’s such a depraved scene and what I’m about to do will probably not be appreciated, but I can’t be bothered to care at the moment. After a few more strokes I am unloading all over her, covering her with ropes of my cum. I watch as it pools in the small of her back and drips down in between her crack. More of it lands directly on her ass and is sliding down the backs of her thighs.
I want this image to be burned into my brain, as sick as that sounds. I feel like I just marked her as my own like some sort of territorial animal. Some psychiatrist out there would probably have a field day with me right now, but fuck them. She is mine and here’s the sticky, milky proof all over her.
“Fuck!” I yell as the last few drops spurt out.
I’m breathing loud and hard and it takes me a minute to fully grasp what I just did, which was jerking off all over her ass and back without any warning or permission to do so. I can’t see her face either, because she has it turned to the side and her hair is partially covering it.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” I start to say, but then she pushes her hair away and glances back at me as she lowers her body so she’s flat on the bed again. I start to feel a little better when I see she’s smiling.
“Damn, Daddy, you are one horny, perverted old man!”
“Yeah, that was not my finest moment, was it? I am so sorry,” I say sheepishly.
She laughs. “Don’t be sorry. Anytime you want to take charge like that, you can do whatever you want to me.”
I break into a wide grin. “That’s a good thing, then, because I have many more dirty things in mind that I’d like to do to you.”
“Can’t wait,” she says in that sexy way I love.
She’s still lying there covered in my semen that is rapidly cooling and sticking to her skin. Even if she says she’s ok with me jerking off all over her, it is probably not the greatest feeling in the world, so I tell her to wait there as I blink into the bathroom to get a warm washcloth to clean her off with.
After all that is taken care of, we settle into bed. She feels so good snuggled up next to me, her body warm next to mine, and I breathe in the scent of her strawberry-infused hair that I have been missing so much. I love how soft her skin is and I can’t stop running my hands up and down her arm and hip as I pull her in closer, her back flush with my chest.
We are quiet for a while, just comfortable in the silence until I speak up. There’s so much I want to tell her, and I’m not even sure where to start.
“You know, for years I would dream about this. About having someone to fall asleep with and wake up with.”
“What about Dolores?”
“I loved Dolores with all my heart, and I will always love her. But there were many nights, after she fell asleep, that I would allow myself to think about what it would be like to have someone that could kiss or hug me back. To touch me at all, really. That’s probably why I liked reading all of those romance novels. There wasn’t a lot of physical love in my house growing up, and then there was only Dolores. My two sources for any affection in my life came from my robot mother and my mannequin wife.”
I let out a small laugh at that, but she doesn’t return it. Instead, she just squeezes my hand and pulls my arms tighter around her. She waits for me to keep going.
“So, those books were the only reference I had for real love. And I wanted that for so long. After a while, though, I just stopped thinking about it. Because I knew it was never going to happen. It was all just a made-up fantasy.”
“I’m so sorry, Five,” she says quietly.
“Don’t be. All of that made me into the fully functioning and mentally stable man you know and love today.”
At that, she does laugh. “You are one of a kind, Five, that’s for sure.”
“That’s another thing,” I start as I rub my cheek against her hair. “Are you sure you’re ok with…you know…my situation?”
“What does that mean?”
“Well, by my rusty mental math, I am technically more than double your age.”
She’s silent for a minute and I think maybe she really is re-thinking this whole thing. “I know that. I don’t care.”
“Are you sure? Because it’s not going to get any better, you know. I’m just going to keep getting older and crankier. Pretty soon, I’m going to want to eat dinner at 4 pm and bitch about my expired grocery coupons.”
She giggles. “I don’t think you can get any crankier than you already are, so I don’t have to worry about that. And the rest I can deal with.” She flips over so she’s looking at me. She threads her fingers into my hair at the back of my neck and I close my eyes at her touch. “I love you because of, not in spite of, all of that. I love you for all that you are, Five. Even the cranky, old man parts.”
When she kisses me, it’s the softest, most loving kiss I have ever felt and I want to melt into her. “With you, I get the best of both worlds. Hot young guy with the mature mind and life experiences of an older man. What’s not to love?”
I lean in for another kiss, and when she breaks away from it, she gives me a little smile. “Besides, as long as you keep fucking me like you’ve been, I don’t care if you’re sixty or six hundred years old.”
She throws her leg over my hip and I shake my head with a smile. “Honey, I really don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”
“I can tell,” she says before pushing harder against me and kissing me again.
The next morning, after one of the best sleeps of my life, I wake up to the smell of freshly roasted coffee and a soft kiss on my cheek. When I open my eyes, there’s my girl, standing over me and setting a tray down on the table next to the bed. I barely notice the coffee cups with their fragrant steam drifting out of the tops, because I can’t take my eyes off of her. I must be having one hell of a dream right now because she’s wearing one of my t-shirts with nothing else on except a pair of cotton panties adorned with little pink cats. When I smile blearily up at her, still in the process of fully waking, she laughs at me.
“What?” I ask, as I try and haul myself up to a sitting position.
“Your hair. It’s sticking up everywhere. You look like you stuck your finger in a light socket.”
I frown and pat my hand on top of my head, feeling the rat’s nest that’s there. “Give me a break, ok? I just had a pretty wild night. Some crazy woman kept trying to maul me all night long.”
She presses her lips together in an effort not to laugh. “Well, I can hardly blame her. Have you seen yourself with no clothes on? Kind of ridiculous to expect to be left alone.”
“Come here, crazy,” I say as I reach out and yank her towards me by her hand.
She lands sideways on my lap and I kiss her while she attempts to smooth my hair into place. “I brought you some coffee,” she tells me after I let her up for air.
“Thank you, love. Although that hardly seems fair that you’re serving me coffee. Don’t you have to work today?”
She shakes her head. “I was supposed to, but I asked my boss and she said I should stay here today, instead.”
I reach for one of the mugs of coffee and hand it to her before taking my own. “Your boss sounds very smart.” When she giggles at that, I run a hand over her bare thigh and give it a squeeze. “Especially since you’re wearing these little cat panties I love so much. I was hoping I’d get to see these again.
She makes a little face over her coffee mug. “What do you mean, again?”
I take a drink from my own mug and give her a crooked smile. “You already gave me a nice little show in them before. Although I definitely prefer you wearing my shirt over them instead of my brother’s.”
“What…wait…you remember that? You were wasted drunk!”
I roll my eyes at her. “No amount of alcohol would let me forget you standing half-naked in my doorway trying to look mad but not really succeeding.”
She scoffs at me. “I was mad! You were being obnoxious!”
“Right. And you weren’t being obnoxious when you decided to put on that little vocally-driven performance right afterward?”
That makes her break and laugh, and she leans in to give me a kiss. “You know why I did that, right?”
“To torture me until I considered stabbing a pencil into my ears?” I deadpan.
“No…” she smirks. “For one, I wanted to piss you off and make you jealous. Show you what you were missing out on.”
“Uh-huh…well mission accomplished.”
“And two, well, there was a reason I was acting much more spirited than usual.”
“Spirited? It sounded like you were possessed.”
She runs a hand down my chest. “Maybe I was thinking of someone else at the time.”
I like where this is going and I raise my eyebrows before taking a sip of my coffee. “Go on. I like the turn this story is taking.”
“Well, I won’t go into detail, but just know that all of those noises you heard, were caused by you.”
I set my mug down and then grab hers to do the same. With my hands free, I pull her closer to me while I slip a finger into the waistband of her underwear and snap it against her skin.
“Naughty girl,” I murmur before kissing her hard on the mouth.
“Maybe so,” she says when she pulls away, “But, I’m willing to bet that gave you some nice material to use for a few lonely nights?”
When I pull her by her hips over my lap, there is no way she is missing the growing hard-on I’ve got going on under the sheets. “Baby, you have no idea how much material that gave me.”
Before I can get too involved with my roaming hands and mouth, she stops me by pulling back. My eyebrows crease together and my lips form a tight line with annoyance. I don’t like not being able to indulge in an early morning bone session at the moment. Especially when she’s sitting here, grinding her tight little ass against said bone.
“Before you get too carried away, and before you start pouting any more than you already are, I have to show you something.”
“Is it under your panties?”
She sighs and rolls her eyes at me. “No.” Then she reaches over and takes something off the tray. She hands me a book and when I look at it, I see it’s the book we read together. Love In The Time Of Cholera. And it’s not just any copy, it’s my exact one.
I look up at her in surprise. “This is mine! I’ve been looking everywhere for it. I thought I lost it when I moved.”
She shrugs and smiles shyly. “I may have stolen it from your room before.”
“You stole it from me?”
“Kind of. After we were done reading it, I put it in my bag because I wanted to take it home to reread it again. And I meant to tell you and bring it back when I was done. But then you decided to be the world’s biggest asshole…”
“Yeah, I know that part, we don’t need to rehash that again.”
“Well, anyway, I forgot it was in there and I left with it. So, there it has stayed, in my bag for the past six months. Which is how it ended up here again because I brought my bag with me when I left work last night.”
I turn the book over in my hands and smile. “I love this book. For obvious reasons.”
“So…will you read to me?” she asks, just like she did before, with the big eyes and the pouty lip.
“You want me to read this again? Are you sure? Because there are a lot of other things I can think of that we could be doing right here, right now, in this bed.”
She shakes her head, and then climbs off my lap, taking her coffee cup, and then snuggling up next to me under the covers. “I want to lie right here next to you, all warm and cozy, while you read our book to me with that super sexy voice of yours.”
I smile and kiss her forehead. “Well, when you flatter me like that, how can I resist?” I start to settle in and open the book. “And then…”
She sighs. “Yes, and then you may use me to take care of that giant bed snake I felt stabbing me in the leg just now.”
“I’m going to remember you said ‘giant’, by the way.”
“Just read the damn book, Five.”
“Yes, my darling. Anything for you.”
Chapter Nine: Hey Daddy
“Five!” you yell from the bedroom, as you’re on your hands and knees, frantically searching under the bed. “Where are my shoes?”
You hear his voice from the other room. “How the hell do I know?”
“Well, can you come here and help me look for them? I’m going to be late!”
After a few seconds, Five comes striding casually into the room, holding out a pair of strappy black heels that are dangling from his fingers. “Looking for these?”
“Oh! Yes, thank you! Where were they?”
“One was on the kitchen counter and the other was lying on the sofa.”
You give an exasperated sigh as you start tugging them onto your feet, using Five’s shoulder to steady yourself so you don’t tip over. “How in the world…I am a walking disaster this morning!”
When you get your shoes on, you straighten up and tug your clothes down, then you smooth your hair. Your nerves and scattered brain are obvious and Five grabs your hands in his. You can see he’s trying not to laugh at you.
“Hey, everything is going to be fine. You’re supposed to be having fun. It’s a celebration, remember? Not a tax audit.”
You give him a strained smile and you’re dying to start picking at your fingernails, but he’s got your hands held tight. “I know, but there’s just so much to do. I have to make sure all of the food is there, and the gifts for my staff and the music…” Five gives your hands a squeeze when he sees you starting to panic again.
“You’ve gone over everything a million times, it’s all done. All you have to do now is show up, be your delightful, albeit slightly neurotic self, and celebrate your one-year anniversary of ownership.”
“You’re right,” you sigh.
“As always.”
You give him an irritated look at his response, but you only receive a smirk in return. Then he leans in to kiss you and suddenly you feel a little more relaxed.
“You’re going to come by later?” you ask him.
“Absolutely. I want to hear you make your big speech, and also snag some of that good champagne we bought. I can’t let all of that go to waste on the riff-raff over there.”
“They are not riff-raff, they are my loyal customers.”
“If Klaus is there, they are riff-raff.”
You laugh. “That’s true. He said he was coming and bringing friends.”
“Well, anyway, don’t be late. What are you doing before then?”
“Going to visit Leroy and Mr. Featherbottom the Third. They’ll be expecting me.”
After a deep sigh and a look up, while you mutter under your breath, you look back at Five. “You’re naming them now?”
“Well, not all of them, that’s ridiculous. Just the frequent flyers.” A giant grin spreads across his face. “Get it?”
“Oh, I get it alright. I get that my boyfriend is a certifiable nutcase and is starting to name pigeons at the park.”
“You’re just jealous.”
“I’m jealous of some dirty old pigeons?”
“Yes. You’re jealous because I have to split my time between you and my feathered friends and you can’t handle the competition.”
You let out another frustrated sigh, but your exterior is starting to crack and you can’t help smiling as you pull your hands away from his and put them on his shoulders. “I can assure you, my sexy old man, that I am not jealous. Because if I were, that would mean you’d be doing something much weirder with those birds than feeding them in the park, and if that’s the case we need to have a long talk. And I don’t have time for that right now.”
He gives your cheeks a squeeze and kisses you on the mouth. “I promise you are the only one, human or non-human, that I am doing weird things with.”
“Glad to hear it. Now, I need to get going, so tell Mr. Featherbutt…”
“Whatever…tell him I said hi and I’ll see you later today, ok?”
“I’ll be there.”
You start looking around the room. “Now where the hell are my car keys, I know I just had them.”
Five fishes around in his pants pocket and pulls out your keys, holding them up in front of you with that know-it-all look of his.
“Damn it! Where were they?” you ask as you snatch them out of his hand.
“In the dishwasher.”
“In the dish…what in the hell is wrong with me today?”
Five shakes his head. “I’m not sure, but you are so damn cute, you know that?”
You give him a hasty kiss on the cheek and then you’re hurrying out the door. “Yes, I know I am, but thank you for reminding me. Love you!”
The anniversary party for your café has been planned for weeks. You never had a grand opening celebration, since you had just taken it over from the previous owner, but you decided you needed to mark the occasion somehow. Five had helped you with the planning, which ended up being extremely helpful and annoying at the same time. As it turns out, which was not a huge surprise, an uptight man with attention to detail and a lot of spare time on his hands can be a bit much. But he really did take care of a good portion of it, so you were very thankful in the end.
On your drive in to work, you let your mind wander and start thinking about how happy you are at this point in your life. Your business is profitable, you have a good staff that likes and respects you, and you are no longer lonely. Only a few weeks after your reunion, you had moved in with Five. Everyone you had told at the time had thought you were crazy and moving way too fast, but you knew deep down that it was the right choice. You two were happy together and neither of you were going anywhere. So, it just made sense.
Now it was six months later and you had never been so in love. He had not broken his promise of making sure you were always taken care of and he did everything in his power to make you happy. Not that you needed much. You made sure he was content with your life together, too. And even though his old man tendencies sometimes tried your patience, you were happy if he was happy. The amazing sex was an added bonus.
The party was supposed to be an all-day event, with free coffee, music, and glasses of champagne for every customer. Then, you were going to close early and have the party continue for just your staff. They were as much of a part of the success of your business as you were, and you want them to feel appreciated. The staff party was when Five was supposed to drop by.
The event goes well and when Five does walk in, you catch him out of the corner of your eye while you’re deep in conversation with someone. You are drawn immediately out of it, though, when you do a double take as he stands across the room, watching you and waiting for you to finish. You’re pretty sure your jaw drops open and you feel your heart start to beat faster.
“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself as you rudely blow off the person you are talking to and start heading in Five’s direction.
He is dressed impeccably in a black, three-piece, tailored suit and black tie. His hair has been freshly cut and combed neatly into place. And he smells amazing. For a second, all you can do is stare and you feel like you’re back in the apartment when you were dating Klaus and you were eyeing him up from afar, imagining dirty scenarios about the two of you. Then you snap out of it and remember he’s yours now, even if you still find yourself imagining dirty scenarios.
You run the palms of your hands down the front of his suit coat and down to his waist before bringing them up again, grabbing his tie and smoothing it down.
“Hey, Daddy,” you say quietly while looking up at him hungrily.
When he draws a line down your cheek with the back of his finger, you shiver. “Hello, darling.” He places a hand on your chin and raises your face up before leaning down to kiss you sensually. You hope the sound you made wasn’t audible by anyone else because it is embarrassingly pathetic. Five pulls back with a satisfied smirk because he knows he looks fucking good and that you’re weak in the knees for him right now.
“Are you feeling alright, sweetheart?” he asks like the giant asshole he is.
“You look amazing…and I think you know it.”
Five shrugs and puts his hands in his pants pockets, which only accentuates the lean lines of his body even more. He looks around cooly and then back at you. “Thank you, but I was just trying to clean up a little for your special occasion. I didn’t want to come in here looking like a bum.”
“I don’t think it’s possible for you to look like a bum, but you most definitely went above and beyond with this suit.” You can’t help but run your hands down his chest again. “Damn it, Five, this isn’t fair.”
“What’s not fair?”
You look around to make sure no one is close enough to hear you. “How badly I want to take you into the back room so you can fuck me against a wall right now.”
He laughs. “Since I know you want to remain professional at the moment, how about this? I will most definitely fuck you against any wall you wish once we get home later tonight.”
“I can live with that, I suppose. I just want you to know, though, that you are the hottest man in here by a mile and I have already seen at least two women checking you out.”
“Is that so?” he asks with a quirk of his brow. He looks around the room. “Which ones?”
You roll your eyes. “Alright, your hotness factor is starting to diminish now.”
“Yours hasn’t,” he tells you before kissing you again.
Just then, Klaus enters the shop. You can see he has dressed for the occasion as well, with fitted red velvet pants that flare at the bottom and a flowy green shirt that is halfway unbuttoned down the front. It should be a hideous outfit, but Klaus makes it look good. You can already see a few people eyeing him up. When he sees you and Five, he makes his way over.
“Hey there,” he says as he saunters up. “Well, don’t you two look adorable? Kind of makes me nostalgic for the good old days, if you know what I’m saying.”
Klaus leans in to give you a quick kiss and Five scowls at him. “Watch it.”
Klaus puts a hand to his chest, feigning offense. “My dear brother, have no fear. I wasn’t suggesting anything lewd between me and your lady love.” He pauses and smiles while looking Five up and down. “You are most definitely included in the equation, too, you sexy bastard.”
Five gives an exacerbated huff. “Klaus, you’re disgusting.”
“Why thank you!” Klaus turns to look at you. “Great job, by the way, I’m very proud of you.”
“Thanks, Klaus,” you say.
“Now, I heard there was booze here?”
You laugh. “Yes, the champagne is over there. Help yourself.”
“I shall,” Klaus replies as he floats away in the direction of the table loaded with flutes of sparkling wine. You watch as one of your employees immediately rushes over to him, and within thirty seconds Klaus already has his arm around the lucky man. You laugh and shake your head. He really does have a way of charming everyone he meets.
After a few more minutes, you make sure everyone has a glass and you take one for yourself before you head to the front of the room, facing the small crowd of coworkers and friends. Klaus and his new boy toy go over to stand next to Five.
“Excuse me, everyone?” you start, gathering the group’s attention until the room is quiet and all eyes are on you. You suddenly feel very nervous, even though all of these people are close to you and they feel like family. Your gaze drifts to Five standing at the back of the room, and he gives you an encouraging smile.
“I just had a few brief words to say about marking this one-year anniversary of the café. I want to thank every single person in this room for all of their hard work and dedication. Without you, we would not be the success we have become today. I love my job and I love my staff, which is much more than most people can say about their work. You are all truly wonderful and I cannot thank you enough.”
Everyone claps at that and when the noise dies down again, you continue on.
“I also need to thank someone else, and that is my very supportive, yet mildly abrasive boyfriend.” When you see Five react with surprise, you smile. “Five, you are truly the love of my life and I owe a lot of my success to you, too. You make me a more confident person and I always know that you will have my back. Plus, I have become pretty good at conflict resolution because of you, since living with you every day has its definite conflicts.”
You laugh when he gives you an exhausted look. “But I wouldn’t change any of it, because you are my rock and I love you so much. Thank you for loving me back.”
There is a chorus of “aws” throughout the room. Five has a combined expression of embarrassment, pride, and love on his face. You watch as Klaus nudges him with his shoulder in a fond gesture.
You continue on with a smile. “Because I love you so much, I was trying to think of a new name for the place that would be a little tribute to you. The obvious name would be ‘Cholera and Coffee’, but I have a feeling that would not be good for business.” Everyone laughs, including Five. “Then I thought of ‘Bean My Baby’, since I know that’s your favorite song.” Five raises an eyebrow at you. “Then it was ‘The Old Man And The Tea’, but that was too long.”
“In the end, I decided on ‘Books, Love, and Coffee’, because you don’t know this yet, but I am going to add a small library of classic romance books to the store so that customers can sit and enjoy their drinks while they read about love. And hopefully, it will inspire them to find someone perfect for themselves, just like we have done.”
You can see Five get a little misty-eyed after you say that, and you have to control your happy tears, as well. After you finish your little speech with a toast to everyone, you go back over to Five where he immediately pulls you in close with an arm around your waist. He kisses you softly and looks deeply into your eyes.
“The Old Man And The Tea? Really?” he says dryly.
You laugh. “Come on, you have to admit that’s funny.”
“It’s not.”
You squeeze his cheeks in with your hand, just like he had done to you earlier and you plant a big kiss on his lips. “My grumpy old man…I love you.”
He tries to look irritated, but that makes his face squish together even more, which gets you giggling again before you let go.
“I love you, too. Against my better judgment,” he says.
“So, what do you think of my new idea with the library?”
“I think it’s great. I know you’ll make it work and it will draw more people in.”
“I might need your help with some logistical things.”
“I’d be happy to help, you know that. I’m always here for you.”
“I know that,” you smile. Then your eyes travel down his body again and suddenly you’re not thinking about the café anymore. You kind of wish everyone else would get the fuck out so he could pound you into one of the tables, health code violation be damned.
“We need to get home soon,” you tell him with a hand on his chest. “I can’t keep looking at you in this suit without having some very inappropriate thoughts.”
Five smirks and pulls you in closer, his hand rubbing up and down your back, making your skin tingle. “Yes, we do need to get home. I’m going to need details of these inappropriate thoughts and then we can work on making them happen.”
When you two arrive back home, it’s late and you’re exhausted. You kick off your heels in the middle of the living room, prompting Five to pick them up with a heavy sigh and place them neatly near the door.
“I need to shower,” you tell him.
His mouth turns up in a mischievous smile. “Is that an invitation?”
“I’ll let you decide.”
Once you are in the shower and you have washed the grime of the day off of you, you start to wonder if Five is going to join you in there after all. You are just about to turn the water off and step out when you shriek loudly as your body is forced flat against the tile wall. Five is behind you, his body pressed against yours and his lips on the damp skin of your neck.
“What took you so long?” you say as you try to catch your breath.
“I was torturing myself by seeing how long I could hold out before blinking in here to violate you. Turns out, it’s really not that long.”
“Felt like a long time to me.”
“Sweetheart, how many times do I have to tell you…just ask for what you want and I’ll give it to you,” he murmurs against you.
His hands drift down your arms, encircling your wrists to hold them tightly. He’s in complete control of you, trapping you between the wall and his body, your arms pinned to your side. You turn your head and look over your shoulder as best you can. His gaze catches yours and he grins.
“Lucky for you, I happen to know exactly what you want right now.”
“Oh, do you? And what’s that?” you answer back with as much sass as you can manage with your face smashed against the wall.
You feel the heat of his mouth against your wet and rapidly cooling shoulder. He licks up the water droplets that cover it and you can feel his teeth scrape lightly across your skin. You don’t think you will ever get tired of feeling his mouth on you and right now you would let him do just about anything without hesitation. And you have no doubt that he does know exactly what you want right now.
His voice is dark and husky as he speaks next to your ear. “You want me to make you helpless. You want to be fucked hard and rough until you can’t take it anymore.” He pauses to push his hard cock against your ass. “You need me, don’t you?”
“Yes,” you whimper, and maybe you sound a little pathetic but you know he likes it.
Taking your wrists, he roughly yanks them over your head and pins them to the wall. “Beg me,” he demands, and the hardness in his voice sends shivers down your spine. “Beg me to fuck you. I want to hear it.”
“Please,” you whine.
He takes your wrists and pulls them away from the wall before slamming them against the tile again. You notice that he keeps his hands around you in such a way that you don’t get hurt by the impact.
“You want to try that again, princess?” he hisses, before biting the side of your neck with enough force to make you flinch.
“Please, Five…I need you.”
“Keep going. Beg for my cock.”
He starts pushing against you harder, and your tits are smashed into the wall almost to the point of pain. But the feeling of him behind you, grinding his hard cock against your ass is making you so damn wet that it hardly matters what the rest of your body is doing.
You give out a little cry and try and push your ass back into him, but he’s stronger than you and there’s no way you can move. “Please, Five, please. I need you to fuck me.”
Five reaches over and grabs some soap off the shower shelf. He holds onto your wrists with one hand, using plenty of his strength to keep you there. You feel his soapy hand drag between your cheeks, his finger stopping and rubbing over your tight hole, dipping just a little inside before pulling back again. Then he is sliding his dick between your ass cheeks, pumping it back and forth with a long groan.
“God, I could come just from this,” he rasps before biting and sucking at your shoulder again, his hips jerking and snapping against you from behind.
“No…” you whimper sadly. You would much rather him come somewhere else.
“What’s that, sweetheart?” He slams his cock against you, the soap making it slide easily between your cheeks, rubbing over your hole. “You don’t want me to come like this? I thought you loved it when I cover that beautiful ass of yours with my cum.” His voice changes from sweet to menacing in a second and his hold on your wrists tightens, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of the underside.
He doesn’t demand an answer from you this time. Instead, he asks you another question. “Tell me, darling…who else fucks you like I do? Who else makes you scream?”
“No one,” you moan out, louder than you meant to. You’re so desperate and you don’t care how pitiful you’re becoming just from some dirty words and a dick pressed against you. “Only you, Five.”
His self-satisfied smirk is evident against your shoulder as he passes his lips over one and then moves to the other.  He’s teasing you mercilessly as your pussy gets slicker with each second.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing that,” he muses.
He lets your wrists go, but it’s only so that he can grab your upper arms and spin you around so that you are facing him. His eyes are dark, and the spray from the water has dampened his hair. He takes one hand briefly off of you to slick it back off his forehead before he has you in his full grip again, your back flush against the wall. When he rubs his dick between your legs, you moan and close your eyes.
He suddenly drops to his knees in front of you, and there’s no time to react because he’s moved his hands to your wrists again. Once again, your arms are pinned against the wall. Five looks up at you with feral eyes.
He keeps his intense gaze on you, even as he gives a long, slow lick through your throbbing heat. The sound that comes out of your mouth is high-pitched and desperate as you jerk your hips into him.
He doesn’t give you anymore just yet but makes you sweat it out while he kneels before you and watches your face.
“Did you like that, baby? Want more?”
“Yes, fuck yes I want more!”
He gives one more long lick up through the middle and then he stops just like before, leaving you desperate. You push your hips into him again, but he pulls his head back just enough that you can’t make contact.
“I could do this all day; you taste so fucking good. Maybe I will,” he teases with a dirty smile before diving back in again for another long, single lick.
“Ohh…god…please, Fiiive…” You can barely stutter out a coherent sentence you’re aching so badly for him.
“I love hearing you beg for me. Fuck, that turns me on.” He runs his tongue over you again, one time. “Keep going, sweetheart.”
“Fuuck…Five, you’re not being fair.”
“Oh, I’m aware.” Another single lap wets your already-soaked sex as he drags his tongue over it. “But I really do like watching you squirm like this.” He licks you again. “And let’s not forget who’s in charge here. So, if I want to make you wait, I guess you’re waiting. Isn’t that right, darling?”
You tip your head back against the wall with a frustrated sigh. “Yes.”
Five resumes his torture for several more minutes, one agonizing lick at a time. He continues to hold your arms down and any time you try to push yourself into his face, he backs off. You’re dying to come, but he won’t let you, and the more he makes you wait, the more he gets off on it.
When you’re absolutely sure you’re going to die from lack of sexual satisfaction, and the water has run cold so that your skin is covered in goosebumps, he finally relents.
“I think I’ve made you wait long enough. What do you think? You want to come on my mouth or my dick?” he asks with a crooked smile.
Your chest is heaving and you try to answer the best you can in between gasping breaths. “Fuck…I don’t care…just…fuck me!” You’re practically screaming you’re so desperate.
“I think both,” he says, right before he covers your cunt with his entire mouth.
It hardly takes anything at all. As soon as he is sucking at your clit and tongue fucking your pussy, you are falling apart. This time he doesn’t stop when you’re bucking wildly against his face as your orgasm ripples throughout your body, but he does keep your arms restrained. Your cries are echoing off the shower walls and throughout the whole apartment. If the neighbors didn’t know Five’s name before, they sure as hell do now.
“Oh, fuck…oh fuck…oh my god…” you pant as you try to compose yourself just a little after your body stops shaking.
Five pulls away from you and stands up, letting go of your wrists as he gives you another direction.
“I’m not done with you yet,” he growls, before picking up one of your legs and wrapping it around his hip. He pushes his cock into you with one deep thrust. “I’d hang on if I were you.”
With that warning, he’s pounding into you hard and fast as you scramble for purchase on the slick shower floor with your one foot, grasping onto his shoulders for support. Your back is being slammed against the wall as he uses all of his strength to fuck you as hard as possible.
“I…fucking…love…you,” he tells you in between his grunts and groans.
You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, even as he is currently trying to destroy your body and smash it into a million pieces.
“Five, I love you,” you tell him as you’re hungrily trying to kiss him more and more.
You’re going to come again, you can feel it building inside of you, as he continues to penetrate you over and over again. He has one hand on your leg, holding you up, while the other is in your hair, alternating between pulling and stroking it.
Five is moaning as he talks to you. “Fuck, you feel amazing. I’ll never love anyone like I love you. Please, don’t ever leave. Ah fuck! Damn it, I’m going to marry you!”
It’s maybe not the best time for him to be confessing his undying love and proposing to you, but it doesn’t matter. You lock eyes with one another and you smile before you kiss him again. A few seconds later, you’re climaxing together, clutching onto one another, both of you wet, cold, and shivering. As soon as you are both finished, and he lets your leg down, Five reaches over and turns the water off. Without the sound of the shower going, it feels intimately quiet. You are still shaking from the cold and having just had two back-to-back orgasms when Five helps you step out and wraps a towel around your body. Then he pulls you in close again, holding you tight.
“I’m sorry, I know that was probably not—"
“My answer is yes, by the way. I know you didn’t actually ask me, but if you do, my answer will be yes.”
The smile that he flashes you is so full of love that it makes you want to melt into the bathroom rug at your feet. “Alright then. Will you marry me?”
“Yes, Five, I will marry you. I love you more than anything.”
Five lifts you up so that your feet are off the ground and he kisses you again. “I promise, I will give you everything you deserve.”
“I’m not even sure I deserve you, but I’m so lucky I have you. You make me happy every day.”
“Good. Because I plan on doing that for the rest of our lives.”
It is three months later and you are at home by yourself. Five has been out with his family most of the day. You know this usually pisses him off like nothing else, and he will most likely return in a foul mood. You don’t mind, though; you are used to dealing with his mood swings. The only difference today is that you can hardly wait until he gets home.
You can’t sit still and keep trying to sit down, only to pop up seconds later to do some mundane task like dusting the baseboards or scrubbing out the kitchen sink even though it was already clean. You really hope he gets home soon because you are majorly on edge and you feel like your brain is going a mile a minute, with a constant whir of thoughts and emotions running through it.
You are standing in the kitchen, wiping down the counters for the tenth time when you hear him appear inside the doorway with the familiar supernatural noise that you’ve come to associate with Five’s preferred form of transportation. And, as predicted, you can already hear him bitching and complaining to himself or anyone else that may be in the general vicinity.
When you walk out to the living room to find him, he is striding over to the liquor cabinet that resides there, taking out a crystal tumbler and filling it with a generous pour of bourbon. You watch as he slings some of it back with a grimace before looking over at you. He gives a tight smile, but you can tell he’s all wound up.
“These fucking morons! I swear, they get dumber by the day. Is it really that difficult to download the spreadsheets and charts that I have sent them all in preparation for our meeting today? And, per their request, I kept it under ten this time!”
He’s ranting in your general direction and you have to hold in your laughter so he doesn’t get even more pissed off. You perch yourself on the arm of one of the chairs.
“It’s really astounding the amount of stupidity they possess as individuals and as a group. I really don’t know why I waste my time on them.”
“Because you love them,” you offer matter-of-factly with a small smile.
Five scoffs in frustration, but he doesn’t deny it and seems to have stopped dwelling on the subject now. He takes another sip of his drink and when he lowers the glass, he manages a genuine smile.
“Sorry, this has nothing to do with you, really. I just needed to vent to someone.”
“I know. I’m used to being vented at by you.”
Five doesn’t comment on that, but he holds up his glass. “Do you want one?”
You shake your head and walk over to him. When you are standing in front of him, you can smell his usual scent of after-shave and general annoyance. You give him a kiss and you can immediately feel him start to morph into a normal, rational human again.
“How was your day, darling?” he asks after he kisses you back.
“It was good,” you say with a smile and a shrug.
“Nothing exciting happened, then?”
“Not really.” You reach up and give him another kiss. “But I did get some good news.”
“Oh yeah, what’s that?”
“Well, Daddy…I think we may need to move into a bigger apartment,” you say slyly while running a hand down his arm.
 Five frowns and looks around. “Why? What’s wrong with this place?”
“You know, it’s kind of small, really only big enough for two people.”
Five is still looking at you with his eyebrows creased together and he takes another sip of his drink. “And last time I checked, we are only two people.”
You sigh but smile at him again. “Yes, we are right now. But what if there was another person here? Someone that we would love and take care of?”
“What do you mean?” Five puts his glass down and tilts his head. “Don’t tell me Klaus lost his apartment because he is not moving in here with us. I don’t care what sad story he told you. That is some history I do not need to repeat.”
“Christ,” you murmur under your breath, before trying again. “Listen very carefully, Five. Soon, it’s not going to be just the two of us. We’ll be a threesome.”
He crosses his arms over his chest and looks at you with what you like to call his ‘what the fuck’ face. “What are you talking about? Like a three-way? I don’t know, that’s pretty weird, and I’m not saying I never thought about it, of course, but…it still seems kind of awkward and where would we even meet a—”
“Jesus Fucking Crist, Five! For being a self-proclaimed genius, you are the densest person on the planet sometimes!” You run a hand down your face and try one more time, taking his hands and holding them tightly in yours. “Listen to my words. You are going to be a daddy. And not in the sexy way that you’re used to. Do you get it yet?”
He blinks down at you in confusion and you think you might need to resort to pulling up a PowerPoint presentation on the birds and bees when you see the lightbulb finally flick on. His eyes widen and his eyebrows shoot up his forehead.
“Wait what? You’re…”
You smile and nod, squeezing his hands. “Yep, I’m pregnant. And I really hope you’re as excited about it as I am.”
Five brings his hands up to his face in disbelief and he nods. “Yes, yes, of course I’m excited. This is…I don’t even know what to say.”
You stand there for a few seconds while he processes everything. Then he suddenly grabs you and picks you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. He kisses you while your arms loop over his shoulders. When he pulls away, you can see the tears welling up in his eyes.
“I can’t believe this. Are you sure?”
You nod. “Yes, I’m very sure.”
He kisses you again and you start laughing just from the pure joy of the moment. There are actual tears running down Five’s face and you wipe them away with a gentle touch of your hand.
“You’re happy?” you ask.
He nods and smiles through his tears. “I’ve never been happier in my whole life. And I promise to love you and our child for the rest of my life. I’ll take care of both of you with everything I have.”
“I know you will, Five. Because that’s who you are. You take care of the people you love, even if you pretend to be an old grouch most of the time.”
“I am an old grouch, that’s true. However, I am willing to change and try to be a little less grouchy for the sake of our kid. And you.”
“Well, don’t change too much. I still want the same old man I fell in love with.”
Five kisses you and another tear slides down his cheek. “Sweetheart, I promise I will always be the same old man that you love. And you will always be the beautiful young woman who saw right through me and stole my heart with her relentless love and annoyance.”
“And I promise to always love and annoy you.”
He rests his forehead against yours and closes his eyes with a happy sigh. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Thank you everyone for reading! If you'd like to check out my other, Five-centric fics, here is my MasterList :)
@baileebear @myinnermonologueisepic
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stopthisshitplease · 1 month
What I would chance about the last season of The Umbrella Academy because the last season was a disgrace for the humanity and lost of all our hopes. (#1)
- Luther's jobs were in a bar for so long so it doesnt really made sense on why he was a pole dancer. I feel like after looking less hairy and buffy he would try to socialize more. Maybe hes that one barista who is overly talkative but so done with people. We could see some Karens absulutely wailing at him. And Sloaine. Shes with him. BECAUSE WHERE IS SHE???? But Luther begin a 'dancer' was really funny af sooo
- Diego wouldnt become a mailman thing. He was trying to be a police in the first season and tried to save Kennedy in the second. He would try to be a police again. Yk the Police Academy and all that. The CIA thing was good but if he cant get in the legal way he is getting in another way. You cannot stop him as he was a literal vigilante.
- Allison, Claire and Raymond lives together now! She wouldnt overwork herself, She is finally with her daughter and her husband now. She would work a small but stable job so she can provide and have time for her family. (Keep in mind that Raymond isnt from this timeline so hes still learning about the future) And yes Klaus does visit her time to time so he can babysit Claire, even thought its more like Claire babysitting Klaus.
- Klaus is eighter a psychiatrist or has a 9-5 job while is studying in community Collage. Eighter way he is helping drug addicts, homeless people, LGBT+ people, angsty teenagers in his own way. People know him as a friendly weirdo but they all like him! Hes not doing well financially tho. Güven that he doesnt have a stable job experiance.
-Five working in CIA doesnt make a lot of sense. For all the means he probably swore wouldnt work anything like that at all. He lives in the countryside now. And is a farmer! He tells the other people who lives close to him that he inherited the place by his dead father (haha) and the others learned the hard way to not pity him.. The boy maybe cant travel now but he is sure manically dangerous!
- Ben... Agh Ben. Not sure about him. He is obviously an asshole. But in the season he was more open. He was getting better. He doesnt have a lot relationship with the other siblings so I dont think he wants to hang out with them at all. But I dont think he would be a criminal (minus minor law breakings but who is counting?) Maybe he teaches martial arts? But a really competitive teacher and his students always go to home with bruises. He swears its a part of training. The parents are not amused. His yelp revievs sure is something!
- Victor wouldnt have a thing with every woman come on.. He loves Sissy too much for that. And his relationships never ended good. Him having his own place is nice but he strictly never dates. He adapted to the powerless life better that the others given that he didnt have them for a long time. But he still felt like the little kid who was locked up again time to time. Would be kinda cool if he and Allison bonded over it. (Allison couldnt talk for a year remember?)
- Lila wouldnt be a stay at home mom. She would still be on the 'book club' but her, a stay at home mom??? She has insane abilities in physical power, she would maybe be a coach. And for her AND Diego having three kids bespite begin scared to have one?? Nope those babies are poof! Gone!AND NO SHE DID NOT CHEAT.
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stinkrascal · 1 year
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picture one breanna: we finally made it! no bears neither! lucien: that's good. glad y'all are having fun.
picture two lucien: sorry we couldn't make it. breanna: it's okay, i understand! poor bonnie probably don't wanna waddle around the woods.
picture three breanna: y'know, when i was pregnant with y'all, i don't think i left the house, not even once. vladislaus: [ chuckles ] mostly, you slept. breanna: no shit, huh? that sounds right.
picture four breanna: the kids are having fun though! ilya said he's disappointed he ain't seen no bears—he's so rascally! lucien: they're hibernating, this time of the year.
picture five breanna: really? you're just like your papa, lu, you know all kinds of things. maybe when the baby's here we can go to the beach! does bonnie like the beach?
picture six breanna: where's bonnie?! is she around? i wanna talk to her! bonnie: hi, mrs. brie. breanna: hi bonnie! i miss you! we all miss you! bonnie: t-thank you.
picture seven breanna: next time we go on vacation, i'm taking you with us! we can hang out, and i'll make vlad watch the baby, so don't even worry about that! vladislaus: volunteering my time again, are you, my dear? breanna: yes, but it's a good cause this time, promise! vladislaus: hmm.
picture eight breanna: so whatcha doing? bonnie: playing with the cats. breanna: aww, i'm jealous! lucien: don't be, they stink. y'all got any plans for tonight? breanna: i'm gonna drink so much beer! lucien: nice, ma.
picture nine bonnie: [ sighs ] now i'm jealous. breanna: don't be! it tastes like shit! you want a beer, vladdy? vladislaus: i am okay. breanna: aww, you sure? vladislaus: indeed. try not to become too inebriated, my love.
picture ten breanna: ha! me? no way! never! hey, bonnie, after you give birth, i'm gonna give you the biggest bottle of wine i got, promise! bonnie: thank you. that would be nice.
picture eleven breanna: hey, bonnie, do you smoke? after the baby's here, you wanna blow down? bonnie: no, ma'am, i don't smoke. lucien: could you please try not to drug my wife, ma?
picture twelve breanna: aww, don't say it like that! you make it sound so bad. lucien: uhuh. so, did gen, carlile, and nikolai come with y'all?
picture thirteen breanna: oh, nope, just the twins and ilya. annie and klaus brought some of their friends too! i like them, they're nice, especially that tall boy. vladislaus: the loud one needs to mind himself. breanna: who, vaughn? i think he's nice! vladislaus: he is a nuisance. breanna: all teenage boys are!
picture fourteen lucien: sounds like fun. y'all gonna cook tonight? vladislaus: I am cooking, yes. breanna: yeah! we got a buncha food for the weekend! y'all are all so pciky. dunno where you get it from! [ laughs ] vladislaus: indeed, i cannot imagine where our children have acquired such a trait, my love.
picture fifteen breanna: [ laughs harder ] i know! crazy, huh! i'm gonna go help your dad cook—actually, i might call nikolai. have you talked to him any? lucien: nope. breanna: he don't never pick up his phone! lucien: text him, he'll get back to you in three to five business days. breanna: ha! good one!
picture sixteen breanna: oh, you know what! i gotta text carlile back! i ain't never replied! lucien: sounds good, ma. breanna: okay, bye for real this time! love y'all! lucien: love you too. bye. [ hangs up ] god, she talks forever.
picture seventeen bonnie: i like your mom. she's nice. lucien: yeah, makes it impossible to hang up though. did you do anything fun today? bonnie: no. not really.
picture eighteen lucien: did you talk to your internet friends? bonnie: i don't talk to them anymore. lucien: why not? bonnie: [ shrugs ] lucien: there's a writing circle at the community college, you should go.
picture nineteen bonnie: ...i don't know. lucien: you'd have a lot of fun, i'm sure, and you could make some friends too.
picture twenty bonnie: ...maybe. lucien: yeah? bonnie: [ nods ] mmhmm.
picture twenty-one bonnie: i'm tired. i'm gonna take a nap. lucien: oh. okay. ...are you feeling alright? bonnie: mmhmm. lucien: okay... sleep well. bonnie: [ yawns ] thank you.
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crimsonlyinglilly · 1 month
Day 17: experimental serum / cramps / stress position
Still playing catch up for @augustofwhump, here's Day 17
Back Nature's Spare - A Omegaverse AU; Where nature decides it needs a backup Tribrid, it uses Elijah and Jackson to get that.
set during The Originals season 1, episode 11
Elijah attempts to spare Davina fail.
He’s being a coward, Marcel had asked him to help Davina by letting his son siphoning some of the access magic overwhelming her and Elijah had taken it instead of going to Sophie, better to focus on Davina than the betrayal he felt from them breaking his word to Celeste.
The idea she could be back. 
He had stayed with Davina after he had first woken from his last daggering, visited her even after his return to his family and he hadn’t looked at her pictures to be distracted by everything else. 
Besides there hadn’t been a reason not to, Davina was being overwhelmed by her magic and his son was able to draw magic into himself, he lived off it, there shouldn’t have been any harm.
It was going normally at first as soon as he had laid a hand on Davina’s wrist the tremors around them had died down.
“It’s working.” Davina sighed in relief as he could feel Marcel echo it, he had smiled, relieved to be able to help, Davina was so achingly young despite her strong personality and stubborn will but there were some things strength of will could not beat.
It wasn’t until some time later after being left alone with her that his smile had fallen as the growing twisting feeling grew until it spiked and he flinched.
He had tried to keep it from her, to not scare Davina but she was close enough to have felt him flinch.
“Elijah? What's wrong?” she asked, still suffering from some of the drawbacks.
“It’s fine.” he told her, gritting his teeth as his voice stuttered another sharp pain of pain coming from his stomach, cramps. 
He bit his cheek at the realisation because there was too much power, too much for a teenage girl and far too much for an unborn child and his son didn’t understand the concept of moderation and was trying to take it all.
“It’s the baby,” she realised, far too smart for the rest of them, really, ”no it’s too much, you're taking too much, it's hurting you both.”
“We’re fine,” he whispered, he had promised her she could be part of his son’s life, Auntie D Marcel had called and she had beamed, like sunlight itself, he meant it. He just had to hold on, they could do this, his son had survived him being dead for the first five months.
“You have to stop.” she said, her smaller hand curling around his.
“Hang on.” he replied, he could feel the magic being taken from her he just had to find a way to cut it from reaching his son, let the magic siphon into him, it wasn’t like it could kill him.
“No, no, no” she pleaded, shaking her head at him, she was too good even at the price of her own life she wouldn’t endanger someone innocent.  “I don't want to hurt him.” she told him firmly.
A wave of pain weakened his grasp Elijah choked suddenly curled forward around his belly, Davina tore her hand from him but it made no difference as Elijah flinched again letting out another groan of pain before his legs trembled and he landed on the floor.
Even no longer touching his child was still drawing on the magic surrounding her, and he realised in a moment of horror he hadn’t the strength to get up and distance himself from her.
“MARCEL!!” Davina screamed as she seemed to realise the same.
He heard Marcel arrive in the doorways within seconds, Niklaus behind him.
“What?” Marcel called in concern looking between them.
“Get him out! Away from me!” she ordered, “It’s hurting the baby and him.” she had barely finished before Klaus was between them and picked him up.
Elijah swore as Klaus laid him down on one of the sofas furthest from Davina, he hated weakness and as much as this child was a gift, he was causing Elijah to fall far too much.
“Elijah? Brother, look at me.” Klaus called softy, Elijah blinked as he noticed he had curled around his stomach, a hand on his cheek forced him to look at his brother.
“What happened?” Niklaus asked again irritatingly softly, he had been little that since he had realised the child was weakening Elijah, as much as Elijah was pleased by this new softer Niklaus for the children, he was unused to have anything of that directed at him.
“My son tried to take all the power.” Elijah explained as he slowly straightened up as the pain had vanished, Klaus reached out to help steady him as he sat up.
“It seems my nephew doesn’t understand limits.” Klaus joked, with almost pride to cover the clear concerns.
“He’s not even born yet and I endanger him by using him.” Elijah couldn’t stop the words from escaping him even as he felt him move under his hand.
“You were trying to help Davina.” Niklaus offered, even though he had clearly thought it a waste of time, “How is he?” 
“Settling.” Elijah sighed.
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moku-youbi · 2 years
Okay Hannigram and Spideypool fam, who will allow me to tempt them over to Klive in The Umbrella Academy fandom? We are way too small, and in need of fresh blood. Let me whisper in your ear about why it's awesome! Just look at this grouchy old murderbaby and his pansexual gnc disaster brother???
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One's a 58 year old time travelling assassin stuck in his 13 year old body, the other's an immortal conduit to the other side and occasional accidental and reluctant cult leader!
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Let's talk about the fact that as soon as Five reappeared after having been missing for 15 years, he takes a break in the middle of his Very Important 'The Apocalypse is Coming' lecture for this exchange: (and how I adore the rest of their siblings being, "wait, can we go back to the whole the apocalypse is happening in a week thing, pls")
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Both have some serious PTSD -- Five from being trapped alone in the apocalypse for 45 years then being forced to be an assassin traveling through time killing innocent people. Klaus for a whole boat load of spoilery reasons, but lets say having ghosties haunting him his entire life is a good starting point, and then accidentally serving in Vietnam and losing his first love in the process is a good starting point, but really only the tip of the iceburg...But that's okay, they deal with it in totally healthy ways--by drinking to excess, doing lots of drugs, and never talking about their trauma!
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But they get up to wacky hijinks, go on road trips, sing romantic duets, and occasionally open up to each other and have a totally adorable tendency to talk at the same time and reaching the same conclusions <3
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Plus, look at these adorable babies!!! Prickly little Five letting baby Klaus hang all over him! Clearly they were crushing hard on each other as kids.
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And now some recs! I haven't read a lot because I am working on a long fic, and I don't like being influenced by similar stories. However, there are some great ones I've come across!
Eta this first link was wrong, sorry 😔😔
Soft Sixties by sarkywoman - Lovely season 2 AU where Klaus and Five stick together when they time travel to the 60s, and end up a few years earlier than most of the rest of the gang (like Klaus in the show). It's sexy and sweet and domestic, with great characterisation.I really love Five's unwillingness to lose what he's got, no matter what lengths he has to go to, and how Klaus is all in with him. (I recommend all their stuff tbh, love how they write this ship!) An Unlikely Pair by Schattenmalerin - Pre-canon teenaged Klive. Sadly unfinished, but what's there is really, really great. They have a great dynamic, with precocious Klaus fully aware of what's going on between them, while genius but innocent Five is a little slower catching on. Takes place when their relationship is starting to go from the innocent puppy love stage to the burgeoning awareness of their sexual attraction to one another. I really wish there was more of this *le sigh*
Easy and impossible by Softestsweetestlove - Super sexy and hot season 3 fic with bed sharing and dirty talk. Make sure to read the follow up, as well as all the rest of their stuff. I simply adore how they write these two, with Klaus desperately horny for Five, and Five feeling safe and comfortable with Klaus.
And the couple short fics I've written so far (both for kinktober, so you know, kinky porn):
In the Palm of Your Hands - Post season 3, siblings all living together, Klaus decides to start getting his tattoos done again and is left unable to use his hands for certain things...he and Five have been flirtatiously toeing the line in the next step of their relationship, and Five decides to cross on over and lend a hand. (Kinks - autoerotic asphyxiation, breathplay, body modification, masturbation-ish)
Need to Hear You Say - post season 3 curtain fic with lots of sex. Just wanted to write some fluffy, uncomplicated established relationship with exploring kinks. It was supposed to be short and sweet and got away from me... (Kinks -- all consensual -- dollification, somnophilia, drugged sex, agalmatophilia, slut-shaming, dirty talk, crossdressing but I mean Klaus is GNC anyway...)
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rebelumbrella46 · 2 years
Rewatching TUA -1x06 The Day That Wasn’t
Only Umbrella Academy can do an entire episode and then go back in time making everything that happened not relevant to the plot (except Five in the Commission) and still make it work!
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But what I want to highlight from this episode is...
-Diego leaving the Academy hanging, saying that he had no time to waste if the apocalypse was happening, and then proceeding to waste a lot of time just because Klaus needed his help. 🥰 -I still don't understand Ben's reaction to Klaus and Diego's conversation. But my poor baby looks so upset! 😞  -The first time Viktor confronts his family for leaving him out. 👍 -I'm not a fan of the Allison/Luther relationship, but if it was in a non-romantic way, the whole picnic scene is actually very sad if you remember that these kids grew up without love. 😢 -Maybe because I wasn't a fan of Luther the first time I saw TUA... I didn't realize how hard it must be for him to find out that Reginald never cared about his work on the Moon. Especially after seeing the S3 Flashback of him on the Moon. And Tom Hopper's performance was really good in the scene with Pogo. 👌 -The Handler... just... HER! 😎 -This episode really made Cha Cha and Hazel better antagonistic characters for me... because it shows that villains aren't all pure evil... and basically they’re just dealing with their own stuff this episode (which i think was Five’s goal, to distract them from going after the Umbrellas again) -The fight between Five and The Handler
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Also DAVE! I wanted to see more of Klaus in the Vietnam War and Dave. ❤️
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Swim Meets
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Summary: Five starts going to swim meets so that he can support a friend of his brother, but he keeps coming back for someone else entirely. Warnings: N/A Word Count: 2,216 Ship(s): Five Hargreeves/Viktor Hargreeves
Archive link!
A/N: I know that this installment is pretty short but I'm kind of going through it right now so please be patient with it! I also want to leave a little disclaimer saying that one of my boyfriends did sports but I never have so there's a chance that I haven't written things properly. Thank you for reading! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone &lt;3
“Would you come on already? We’re going to be late!” Five shouted over the din of the overly crowded apartment. It always got like this when it was sports season, especially since their sports all seemed to somehow overlap each other. He was supposed to be sharing the apartment with his closest friend, that closest friend’s new fiance, and his boyfriend, but that somehow spiraled out to his boyfriend’s best friend, boyfriend’s best friend’s boyfriend, and whoever else happened to crash on their couch the night before. It kind of made sense that they would go hang out with each other after practice, but it got a bit annoying when all four people within the household played a different sport and thus brought different people home.
Luther did wrestling and had since he was in middle school, though he was beginning to step back as it wore on his body. Sloane had volleyball and was so good at it that it was how she was putting herself through college. Klaus, the boyfriend’s best friend that was always at their house, did lacross which he had somehow managed to get started everywhere he went. Lila did hockey, or at least would when the baby that she was having finally arrived. Five himself had done track for as long as he could remember and wasn’t willing to give it up anytime soon, even if he had other career plans in mind. Ben, Diego, and Viktor were all involved in swim, which was what they were trying to get ready for now even if most of Five’s efforts to go meet his boyfriend at a punctual time were in vain.
The current people in the house were two of the other residents and the partners of the people that they were trying to go to the swim meet for.
Five had been standing by the front door with his bag slung over his shoulder while waiting for everyone else to get their shit together for nearly half an hour. He knew that he was getting readier far earlier than anyone else would even dream of doing so, but if he wasn’t badgering them into their clothes and out of the door then they were never going to get there. Luther was closest to being ready to go, with Sloane only moments behind him as she stood in front of the hall mirror to pile her hair on top of her head.
Finally, everyone had finished fucking around and was ready to go like Five had been waiting for them to. They piled out of the apartment and into their own cars, which was a relief. Five wasn’t sure that he’d be able to cling to what remained of his sanity if he had to be trapped in a car with Lila and Klaus. It was hard enough having them constantly in his apartment because of his boyfriend, whom he loved very much and would never hold anything against.
They all arrived at the building where the meet was being held relatively quickly after the others. Luther was the slowest since he drove the safest, which Lila was already teasing him about when they all finally met back up.
They piled into the building and found a spot that would fit all of them in the bleachers. The room smelled like chlorine and other people, the indoor pool smell clinging to literally every single thing in the room despite the air fresheners and filtration system that had been installed the month before.
As he sat and waited for his boyfriend to finally be ready to come out and the competition to start, Five remembered what it had been like when he was at his first swim meet. 
They had all been Freshman in college and none of them knew each other. Five and Luther roomed together and had a rather brotherly bond grow quickly between the two of them. Luther had an adversarial kind of friendship with Diego at the time, but had decided that he was going to come to one of his meets to support his friend. That of course meant that he had dragged Five along because his girlfriend at the time, a snotty woman named Allison who was on the basketball team, didn’t want to go. Five had been reluctant and complained the whole time until he had caught sight of one of the swimmers and felt his entire world shift on a dime. Viktor had been one of the best performers at that meet, likely because of the pure joy and confidence that his two brand new top surgery scars were giving him. After the meet, Five had barely been able to contain himself as he found Viktor and introduced himself. Diego had apparently already been close to him, so they were able to verify that the other was a safe person to be around and then immediately began their relationship.
Five didn’t like swimming, but he loved Viktor with his entire heart so much that he ached with it. He was going to come and support his boyfriend every chance that he got, come Hell or high water or Lila and Klaus dragging their feet.
The discontent that he had about being back in the packed swimming room was quickly washed away from him when the swimmers came out to take their place. Lila whooped and whistled when she saw Diego, which got his entire body to flush bright red with embarrassment. Five was tempted to do the same thing with Viktor, just so that he could see the normally alabaster skin turn crimson with that adorable flush. His plan immediately changed when he saw Viktor and his breath was completely taken from him.
It was much like the first time that they had seen each other, but different at the same time. Viktor was further on in his transition so even though he still shaved the longer hairs on his body to glide through the water easily, his muscles were more pronounced. The same dual crescent moon scars beneath stretched out beneath his pectorals, though they were less defined than they had been before because of how much time had passed. His short hair was tucked back into a swim cap, but Five could still see just a little bit of it peaking out around his ears.
The swimmers all lined up and then they were set free to jump into the water. The cheering had already been pretty intense from the family and friends of the swimmers, but it only got louder when they actually started competing. Luther and Five were almost immediately standing so that they could cheer for the three people that they had come to see. Klaus was still lounging back against the bleechers but was cheering for his partner just as loudly as they were.
After several dizzying minutes, the race was over and the swimmers were all getting up to grab their towels so that they could wait for their scores. Five barely cared after that. He tried his best to continue being supportive of the people that they knew and their school, but he found it hard to care about a sport that he wasn’t in.
Eventually they reached the end when all of the heats had finished competing and they were finally announcing the winners. All of the swimmers stood around each other, huddled up in towels or whispering to each other and laughing about what was about to happen. It made Five almost wish that he was at a track meet instead, even though he loved supporting his partner. He missed the camaraderie that he had with some of his friends from his own sport when he was watching a parallel to it right in front of him.
Ben had been having a bit of bad season so while he normally placed second to Diego, this time he placed third in his heat. Diego placed first, as he always did, since it was almost like he was born in the water. Viktor placed second, which was a surprise since he usually hovered around fourth or fifth. He was a good swimmer but he prioritized his music over his sport which meant that he didn’t always get in as much practice as the other.
Once the medals had been given out and everyone had been given their rankings, all of the people began to push each other in a massive swarming crowd to get out of the building. The group that Five was with hung back for a while since they were used to the crowd surging away after all of the fun was done. None of them wanted to get swept up and moved away from each other, so they hung back until everyone was gone.
It ended up working in their favor because the people that they had come to support walked towards them, now dressed but still damp and obviously tired.
When he spotted his boyfriend, Five’s stomach did the flip that it always did. No matter what Viktor looked like or if they had been rooms apart for each other for only moments, he fell head over heels in love all over again. Viktor was dressed in a pair of loose linen pants over the top of his swimming uniform. He was still lacking a shirt, instead choosing to go with an open jacket with his name and number on the back. Five would have preferred Viktor to be wearing his own, but they always switched their jackets back when they had to look the part of their respective teams. “Hello there, beloved,” Five smiled as he jumped down the last seat of the bleachers so that he was on the same level as Viktor. He stooped down, one hand moving to the side of his face so that he could bring their lips together sweetly.
“I’m glad that you came,” Viktor smiled when they pulled apart. They didn’t kiss that often in front of their friends, other than Luther and Sloane since they lived with the other couple, but it usually resulted in them being mercilessly teased. This time everyone was so wrapped up in their partners that they didn’t even notice the shared motion of affection.
“Did you think that I was going to miss it?” Five asked. He pressed a bit of Viktor’s hair back where it belonged and tried to slow the rapid beating of his heart. They had been dating for almost four years and had been living together for three, but he still felt like he was falling in love all over again every time they interacted with each other.
Viktor flushed but leaned into the touch from his boyfriend. He reached his other hand up to toy with the medal that was still hanging from his neck. “It’s only a pre-emptive meet, it’s not like this is nationals or anything,” he mumbled.
Five leaned down and kissed him again. “I will be there for every meet that you have, my love. You know that I want to support you in everything that you do.”
“I know, that’s why I count myself as the luckiest man in the entire world,” he replied with a gentle hum.
Five was about to duck down for another kiss but they were interrupted by the other members of their group. Diego was standing beside Lila with his arm around her hips, wearing sweatpants and a band t-shirt underneath his version of the jacket that Viktor was wearing. Ben was arguing with Klaus about something, but they were both smiling and their stature was loose which meant that they weren’t actually fighting. Ben was wearing his jeans and shirt like he had never been swimming in his entire life, his hair was even styled upwards like it always was. “Come on, lovebugs, we’re going to leave you here if you don’t hurry up!” Luther laughed.
It made them all laugh a little bit, in a giggly and excited mood from the recent win that they had. Viktor scoffed and said, “We can just drive to whatever ice cream parlor you guys are thinking of going to.”
“We’re actually going to get food, I’m fucking starving,” Diego complained. He glanced down towards his girlfriend. If there was a member of the group that rivaled the loved that Five and Viktor had for each other, it was going to be them. It was a very different kind of love than the one that the former did, more feral and biting teeth than tender hands and adoring glances.
“Where are we getting food?” Viktor asked suspiciously. “The last time that we let you guys pick we all ended up getting food poisoning.”
“I’m still of the opinion that had to do more with the experimental culinary shit that we tried the week before,” Lila said pragmatically.
“Regardless, you’re still not picking,” Five said decidedly. He leaned down and kissed his boyfriend sweetly on the lips before the group began to move out of the building so that they could continue on with their day. It was so much easier to be around all of the people that would no doubt be clogging up his apartment. With Viktor by his side, everything was easy.
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winters-hysteria · 2 years
Hello author, could you make Five with a female reader(she's about 22 years old) who is a dragon leader, she resembles like a mix of Hiccup and Valka from httyd, she also has a fire sword, dragon armor and staff, she is kind and compassionate to dragons, can tame and earn the trust of any dragon, she has 3 main dragons: Stormcutter, Triple Strike, Song of Death and the baby Deathgripper she recently rescued (She carries him in a special compartment in her armor that looks like a mama kangaroo bag. Like the fishleg in part 3 httyd), she lives in a hidden place with the dragons she rescued. She is neutral towards the hargreeves , but over time she has become friends with them. All the dragons obey her, so when a screaming death attacks the umbrella , she calmly talks to the dragon and tames it. She takes Five with her on missions to free dragons from hunters, but her dragons are not friendly to Five (they don't trust him, but after Five saves y/n from a hunter's weapon, he deserves their trust and respect, but the dragons can growl at him and the little deathgripper tries to burn his clothes with acid, which Klaus and Diego laughs at), but are friendly to the others. Five met her when Klaus found her badly wounded, barely alive, there were dragons beside her trying to bring her to consciousness. One shot, if it's not Hard. Apologies for my mistakes, English is not my native language.
omg, i love httyd so ofc i love this idea!!
(btw im calling u dragon anon)
-so. Klaus stumbles across you one day when he's out in the woods high on something, and the first things he notices are the dragons. the fucking dragONS. so of course he freaks. but then he hears you quietly groan in pain, so he **very carefully** moves towards you to see if you were okay. once he notes that you are in fact fully intact but in very much pain, he tries to pick you up
-much to the displeasure of your dragons who snap angrily at him before realising he's simply helping you
-he carries you back to the academy, dragons lazily fluttering behind him, to the absolute fucking astonishment of his siblings
-even he's not sure if he broke the fourth wall or not
-they help nurse you back to health while klaus tries to figure out what dragons eat
-he enlists five and it's going well until the mf nearly gets his hand bit off
-then it's a couple days later and you're finally awake
-five almost instantly falls for you. like no questions, he just falls for you
-so you end up working together, becoming friends and living there most of the time.
-one time, a pretty dangerous dragon ( a screaming death) attacked the academy, and you effectively just went out there and talked to it, eventually taming it. five knew he was in deep that day.
-he and the dragons don't have the greatest ever relationship, so you occasionally have to wrangle five out of the mouth of one.
-one time you guys are on a mission and he ends up saving you from dying, so the dragons definitely like him more after that
-he's also so sos so enthralled by your sword and the way you handle it
-lowkey wants you to handle him like that if you know what i mean
-eventually you trust him enough to show him what you carry in the pouch that you hold like all. the. damn. time.
-it's a baby dragon!! a little death-gripper. it likes to spit acid at five every once in a while, and it gets some decent hits in.
-you two like to hang out in your dwelling space, just chilling and playing with the dragons.
-you end up having your first kith right inside the door of your space, where he freaked out and couldn't take it anymore and gave you a tiny little kiss before he fled. it took him three days and all of his siblings to respond to your calls because he was panicking so bad.
a/n: thank you dragon anon! i thought this was cute to write <3
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elxctrics · 1 year
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"i only call you when it's half past five, the only time that i'll be by your side. i only love it when you touch me, not feel me, when i'm fucked up, that's the real me."
(—) ★ spotted!! peroz ‘phoenix’ balik on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 32 year old looks like can yaman but i don’t really see it. while dj/club owner is known for being magnetic my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be conniving i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the hills by the weeknd {he/him / cismale} - penned by CANDICE, 26, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER
  ˗ˏˋ * ‣ 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬    :  
connections || musings || instagram || headcanons
name: peroz ‘phoenix’ amir balik
age: thirty two
nicknames: nix, wolf
date of birth: october 30th, 1992
astrological sign: scorpio
place of birth: bel air, california
occupation: dj / club owner
label: the casanova
positive traits: focused, determined, charming, diligent
negative traits: manipulative, selfish, apathetic, conniving
characters/celebrities he’s like: dennis reynolds from it’s always sunny in philadelphia, chuck bass from gossip girl, klaus mikaelson from the vampire diaries,  john mayer
career claim : calvin harris
born and raised in las vegas, nevada to a restauranter for a father and a celebrity party planner for a mother, it’s safe to say that peroz’s life has been nothing but one, big giant party.
with his father having a chain of luxury restaurants on the vegas strip in all of the most luxurious hotels and his mother rubbing elbows with the rich and famous, peroz fell in love with the night life far earlier than he probably should have.
workaholics and always working on their latest big project left peroz to his own devices more often than not - and a kid with money and nothing but time on his hands was a dangerous thing in sin city.
wickedly smart, but never applying himself in school, he used those smarts for other things - selling drugs on the low, making fake ids for his friends, bribing his way into the hottest nightclubs when he was underage, always with a knack to scheme and lie his way into whatever he wanted.
he’s always had laser focus, liking to turn the mundane into something extraordinary, and when he wasn’t running around the vegas strip causing trouble, he was in his room, headphones in, making remake mixes to some of the world’s most popular songs.
he began making youtube videos of his music when he realized that college wasn’t an option for him, considering he was rarely in school, and his videos and remixes garnished millions and millions of views
using his mother’s connections, he began to get djing gigs at all the most popular nightclubs on the vegas strip, eventually being a headliner himself.
partying and hanging out with celebrities every single night was exactly the life he wanted for himself. he craved a constant good time, forever wanting to be a peter pan boy that never grew up, and he soon realized that this career path was it.
instead of just making mixes, he began producing songs for popular artists and every time he did, they ended up at the top of the charts, which caused him to move to los angeles and take on a celebrity status, under his stage name, ‘phoenix’
never wanting anyone to tell him what to do, he started his own record label - that literally only produces his music and collaborations with other artists called ‘fly guy records.’
now, not only is he one of the biggest djs in the world, but he’s also an entrepreneur, and has opened two nightclubs - sound nightclub in downtown los angeles & hakkasan in los vegas.
there’s not a humble bone in his body, a true nepo baby who’s gotten nothing but praise for doing the bare minimum his entire life, he’s used his clout and fame to get him anything, and anyone he wants.
he’s a non-committal kind of man, bored easily and treats women like they’re disposable, but will put on the charming act to get what he wants out of them.
sickly sweet to get what he wants, once he does, a switch flips and he can become the most cold person you’ve ever met, but he simply doesn’t care - the world is his chessboard and everyone is merely a pawn to him in this game that he calls life.
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survivingpierce · 2 years
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SEND   META   +   A   WORD   ,   A   NAME   ,   OR   PHRASE   AND   I   WILL   WRITE   A   HEAD  CANON   BASED   OFF   OF   THIS   !!! || ACCEPTING
@thegoldenheiress​ sent: nadia
ah, there are so many things that i could and want to say when it comes to nadia.
first of all, katherine loved nadia before she was even born although katherine was in great trouble for bringing shame to the family and giving birth to an illegitimate daughter. katherine isn't dumb, she knew that pregnancy would have consequences for her (although she had never thought her father would be so cruel to take her baby away right after birth). nonetheless, she loved her baby and one can see her smiling after she went into labor.
i can’t imagine what katherine went through during that time. let's not forget that katherine was 16/17 during that time and she lost her baby, not knowing what will happen to her daughter, and lost her home and her family as well as the country she grew up. losing nadia was the first foundation stone that formed her future personality as she became fierce and tireless. i also believe that katherine didn't get to name her child. i imagine that she had picked some names but wanted to wait until she met him or her until she decided on one.
in 5x11, katherine admitted that 'letting my father rip you out of my arms...it was the biggest regret of my life. i should've fought harder to keep you, but i didn't. so i spent the next five hundred years making sure i didn't make that mistake again. i fought for everything.'
and she truly never had given up on her daughter, even eight years (1498) later she returned back to bulgaria, although it's the place of her trauma. she searched every village and cottage for nadia but for whatever reason couldn't find her, making her believe her child is dead (either died because of an illness or killed by klaus). for me, katherine not being able to find her child was the final straw that led to the destruction of katerina petrova. her old personality was already hanging by the thread, but for her child, she had tried to pull herself together and probably went into hiding and escaping instead of her later usual scheming and manipulations.
when mother and daughter were finally united, things weren't easy, even aside from the whole kidnapping thing. unfortunately, i believe it was hard for katherine to connect nadia to her baby after she found out about her true origin and story. she only had the faint memory of having seen her newborn from afar and now she's facing a grown-up, badass woman where of course the whole mother-daughter-dynamic cannot be applied to and certainly doesn't work. nadia had expectations and wishful thinking that katherine couldn't meet. but although it was hard for her to make that connection between her baby and nadia, she still loved her. though katherine had a weird way of showing it. she rather pushed nadia away and made her hate her than continue to be a big disappointment (or let her watch her dying because of the cure).
i also think nadia is the only person katherine could never hate. one could see that she took it hard when nadia told her she could go to hell. nadia is also the only person to whom katherine said goodbye before she tried to kill herself.
and at the end (the end i consider as katherine's canon end), katherine decided that saying goodbye to her dying daughter is worth more than her own life. she knew there was a high possibility she was going to get killed if she returned to her dying daughter. but she did. she did choose nadia over her own survival. and she gave her one last beautiful dream. something katherine must have imagined and wished for a long time because it was so detailed and honest.
also, if katherine hadn’t been already dying and she had been still a vampire and had to witness nadia's death she would lose it. she had always loved nadia, no matter what (and despite all the difficulties her pregnancy had brought) and nadia loved her unconditionally without even knowing her.
so if vampire!katherine had to witness nadia's death she would lose it. she'd be vengeful at first and she will avenge nadia's death. nadia's death should be the main reason why she would set mystic falls in flames and want to watch it burn. but after the deed is done, katherine is going into a dark place. she would never turn her emotions off (it wouldn't be possible anyway, 'cause she's already too old) which results in a drastic change of behavior. staying alive would no longer be a priority for her and there's a high possibility that she would even go as far as ending it all if there's no one willing to catch / help her.
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
You are the uncontested queen of tua aus please tell me abt the siblings finding klaus and him getting sober in the responsible Luther au
asdfsDFSG what’s the gender neutral word for king and queen?? i said regent to my sister but apparently that’s when someone is just holding place for like,, if the heir is a minor or something but monarch just doesn’t have the same ring to it smh
honestly Luther probably disapproves greatly when Five absolutely insists on having Klaus in the house because if he’s not in the house then he’s on the strEETS LUTHER
(and look, this is a Five who survived however long in the apocalypse before popping back - he knows better than anybody the difficulty of surviving wandering the streets with no one there to help you)
and Five has a room that he’s not even using because he’s way too freaked out to sleep alone (and every time he tries to sleep alone he wakes up alone and thinks that coming back was all a dream, that he’s still in the apocalypse and that he’s cracked and his siblings are dead and he’s a failure and it’s just bad so yeah Luther definitely doesn’t mind sharing his bed if that means he doesn’t have to spend an hour trying to convince Five that he isn’t the vengeful dead come to punish him) so it makes sense to give it to Klaus, right?
Luther’s convinced that Klaus is going to rob them blind and vanish back onto the streets again and he personally makes a rule about no drugs in the house that is pretty much ignored by Klaus who can sneak things in anyway
so what happens is this
Diego finds Klaus and hauls him up into his car with promises of breakfast or something and takes him to Luther’s place. He does not explain exactly why he is doing this, because informing the brother they all kind of bullied over the fact that he consistently failed to summon their presumed dead sibling that said sibling is, in fact, alive and also a traumatized child is kind of difficult to word
So Klaus is complaining loudly and probably also commenting on the fact that he didn’t know Diego moved out of his shitty boiler room into an actual apartment except Diego doesn’t get a key out he knocks on the door
and Luther answers it
and Klaus is very very confused as Luther just sighs deeply, like a man who was up all last night convincing a child that their dad isn’t going to pop up like the boogeyman and lock them away. “He had a rough night.” Luther tells them both, ushering them in to sit on his thrift store couch and mismatched armchair, “I’ll see if he’s ready to come out. Klaus visiting might actually help, and I can’t believe I said that.”
“I have no idea what’s going on.” Klaus informs the room as a whole, “But I am offended at the implication that I wouldn’t help whatever is going on! But also I’m still very confused and was also promised food.”
Luther just sighs again. “Just. Just give me a minute. I’ll be right back.”
Luther leaves the room and Klaus side eyes Diego real hard. Because he was literally scooped up, bribed with the promise of food, and brought to Luther’s apartment? Last Klaus heard, Luther was still licking their dad’s boots and living at home? Klaus shares a confused look with Ben.
“What the fuck is happening?” Klaus whispers to Ben. Except, his whisper isn’t exactly quiet and Diego just shifts and ignores him. Typical.
“If he’s ready to come out? Did Luther get a boyfriend or something?” Ben asks, entirely skeptical, “Except why would Diego hunt you down for this?”
Klaus is about to respond with an equally wild theory involving possible alien abductions when there’s a blue flash of light out of the corner of Klaus’s eye and suddenly he’s being tackled off the sofa with arms flailing everywhere. His hand is about to hit whatever is attacking him when he hears Ben’s voice yell out - “Klaus, stop!”
Because he trusts Ben to know what’s best for him (mostly), Klaus freezes to actually process the entire scene, and becomes aware of the fact that whoever tackled him is… pretty small. And crying. And also surprisingly familiar?
“What the fuuuuck.” Klaus wheezes out. Ben is talking and Klaus isn’t really listening because that’s little Number Five clinging to him and actually having tackled him off the sofa meaning that he’s, you know, very much not dead and incorporeal.
Luther jogs into the room to see Klaus and Five on the floor and Diego doing exactly nothing to help. “Five, Five buddy. You gotta let Klaus up. Why don’t you guys sit on the couch together instead of on the floor.”
Five does not respond. Klaus is wide-eyed and opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish, actually speechless for the possibly the first time in his life. Luther just sighs deeply and just reaches down to scoop both up together and dump them back on the couch where Five proceeds to burrow into Klaus’s side.
“What’s with him?” Diego asks, looking a little freaked out and like he very much does not know how to handle their traumatized baby brother. Luther certainly knows the feeling. 
“He had a bad night.” Luther sighs. There’s a lot of sighing going on tonight. “He’s been hunkered down in the closet for most of today, he’s got a nest in there for when things are bad.”
“I’m right here.” Five says, muffled where he’d pressed into Klaus’s side.
“What the fuck.” Klaus repeats, again, because it seems like his alarm is being duly ignored by everyone whose name doesn’t rhyme with the number ten. “Someone better be explaining things right the fuck now, holy shit.”
And that’s where between them, mainly Luther but also Diego, they explain haltingly about Five showing up, and Luther taking him and leaving, and the future and the apocalypse and everything they know.
“Five went to the future?” Klaus asks, incredulous.
“It was shit.” Five says, wiping his nose on his sleeve and making Luther grimace and reach for the tissues.
“I have so many questions.” Ben whispers, next to them. 
and it continues with Klaus looking at Ben and asking questions and then Diego finally gets up and is like “Okay okay, it’s getting on a bit so I should be getting home.”
and that’s what prompts Five to be like, “Oh - do you need to go home as well, Klaus?”
and Klaus, being Klaus, has no filter and is like “Actually I’m what you would call uh, homeless. So, you know, on my own schedule and all that.”
and Five FLIPS because hey, he was technically homeless in the apocalypse, right?? so he absolutely puts his foot down and demands that Klaus stay with him and Luther because they have the extra bedroom they’re not even using, Luther - and Klaus is family!! And Luther is not willing to pick this fight right now so he grudgingly accepts it for now. He says they’ll revisit the conversation tomorrow.
What probably happens is that Five is antsy about leaving Klaus home alone, but Luther doesn’t want to leave Five home with only Klaus for company, either. So Luther would have to sit Klaus down and have a very frank discussion on all of Five’s triggers (anything burning, fire, restraints of any kind, straight jackets, probably buckles as well tbh, etc.) and the fact that Five is a child. If Five stays home with Klaus, Klaus has to be responsible. Which means not being high.
And I’m pretty sure Klaus actually would want to help, and Ben would want to help, so he’s willing to give getting sober a try for his babiest brother so that he doesn’t get kicked out and his visiting Five privileges revoked
Klaus probably ends up having to get sober at Diego’s place since Klaus’s bright idea involves tying him to a chair until he detoxes and Five has some Serious Issues with capital letters with restraints (thanks dad) and would probably freak out at the sight
on the bright side, Five would absolutely believe Klaus sees Ben and demand to talk to Ben from day one eagerly, and Klaus would probably let baby Five know that Ben is around and translate for him which is nice
and then when he gets sober, he figures out he can summon Ben which is even cooler
Five is a little shit who is alarmingly good at figuring out when Klaus is accurately translating Ben’s comments and speech for the general public and calls Klaus out a lot when he speaks for Ben lmao
but yeah basically Klaus gets sober because Five is a baby who brings out even Klaus’s protective instincts and also he’s fully aware that Luther only tolerates him in the house because Five insists and if he wants to continue having a roof over his head and interaction with his babiest sibling he needs to appease Number One who is in charge here
but on the bright side, Klaus at least has his siblings help this time
and also the knowledge he wasn’t the last to know
(Vanya is contacted next)
(Allison is actually the last to know because she won’t picK UP HER PHONE) 
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conduitandconjurer · 2 years
I’m trying to figure out how to articulate how gutted and desolate I feel about the wedding reception scene, where Klaus goes to every single sibling shy of Allison and tries to convince them to figure out a way to save the world with Reginald.
I’m trying to understand why it makes me nauseous and weepy that he asks Five, and Five is for once the one who has given up and is seeking solace in substance abuse, and Klaus lets him with the first expression of annoyed disappointment I’ve ever seen on his face toward a sibling. 
I’m trying to process how I feel that Lila treated him like an agent of malice and threatened to torture him if he spoke to Diego.
I’m trying to not actually outright sob that he called Luther “baby” and “Lulu” and begged him as desperately as during the days when he was stealing money and valuables for another fix, to consider his new addiction--a fictitious, delusional idea of a real bond with their father, in order to “find his purpose”--and Luther is so desperate to not spend the end of their lives in any form of discomfort (understandable and actually, an interesting mirror) that he bellows at Klaus so loudly, that Klaus ends up curled into a ball, ears covered, audibly whimpering.  It was an exact replica of the times in S1 (in the rave) and S2 (being shot at by Commission agents) when he was covering his ears and freezing from a PTSD flashback.  The way when Luther apologizes and hugs him, he just hangs there in his arms and immediately placates with “sure, that sounds nice,” the way he is just USED to being dismissed out of hand by loved ones, even when they have not even a day of existence in all the universe left....
I’m trying to explain to myself and anyone reading this why this makes me sadder and sicker than the actual “bus-ball” scene in which he repeatedly killed himself to find that sense of purpose, of human value. 
How desperate do you have to still be, to be valued by somebody else, anybody else, that you’ll be complicit with your cardinal abuser, and help him to recruit your siblings in perpetuating that abuse? 
I’m the first person to say Klaus has grown in leaps and bounds this season. And yes, I know that his suicide in the White Buffalo Room marks that he has broken free of Reginald and really is beginning to grasp that he has value irrespective of all Reginald pretended to offer. But it’s still AGONIZING. 
And it makes me sad. It makes me sad that he still has this IMMUTABLE capacity to LOVE.  That he goes to Sparrow Ben and softens him and comforts him, gets him to “open up his kimono.”  That he, ONLY he, pays any attention to Allison, and escorts her onto the dance floor, WITHOUT snubbing Viktor:
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That he treats Sloane with unreserved happiness, with compassion, and officiates the wedding.  Like look at his face in the bg when she comes off the elevator: 
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Good people, no matter how fucked up they are, should not have to endure this. They should not have to scramble for scraps of self-respect, cycling forever downward in self-destructive spirals. I want someone to come pluck Klaus out of all this, yes even after the reset, and just save him from a family that loves him but cannot help him, or each other, or themselves. 
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
Did I just write Headcanons of a Bridgerton x The Originals crossover?! Yes and it is because of this man
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So here we are and I got a two parter of fic coming up to go with these Headcanons...all because of this man
Warnings: Fluff like a lot of, overly protective Elijah, most SFW
The Mikaelsons settling down in England and Elijah meeting a lovely woman that would soon be your mother
Elijah and family are surprised by the pregnancy and once you were born and held by your father, they grew protective
Elijah is struggling single dad for awhile and meets Violet Bridgerton as a father trying to calm a screaming child turns heads
You and Daphne are best friends having grown up together becoming a honorary Bridgerton sister and in turn Elijah grows protective of the Bridgerton siblings
Only the best for you, Elijah spoils you to the point Rebekah and Klaus are stopping him
"Elijah, I am sure your five year old daughter doesn't need a new piano."
"New dresses Elijah?! Y/N has enough dresses."
Elijah growling at men that make comments on your body when you began to reach the age of debuting
Queen Charlotte kinda of babying you when Elijah would bring you with him to see the King
"Remember dear Y/N, a Lady never waits for a man. You make them wait." "My Queen what are you teaching my daughter?"
Lady Danbury teasing Elijah when it comes to your first debut when she sees him glaring at any suitor getting too close to you
"She'll never be married if you keep glaring at the suitors." "Lady Danbury, I only want the best for her."
You and Daphne hanging around each other talking about possible suitors while Anthony hovers
Meeting Simon at your second ball and of Elijah watched closely as the Duke made you laugh
Simon is aware of Elijah's glares as he courts you and is surprisingly not scared off
Simon never planned to courting anyone but Daphne asked him to just talk to you so you could get suitors since they were scared of your father
The Duke planned to do as Daphne asked but never thought he would fall in love with you
"Your father is every calm when threatening people." "Did he threatened you, Simon?!"
More men trying to ask for your hand when they learn the Duke is courting you
Rebekah and Lady Danbury planing your wedding already even though Simon hadn't propose yet
"You got a Duke and I got a Prince." "Daph these aren't things a Lady brags about."
Elijah backs off a bit seeing Simon keep other men away from you as you two courting
"Letting her marry the Duke?" "I shall Lady Danbury if Y/N wants to."
All of Ton are surprised to learn about your engagement to the Duke though Lady Whistledown
Simon surprisingly gets along with your family and sits talking to Elijah for hours
This man adores you and once married he never not around you or near you
Simon loves listening to you play the piano always asking you to play him something
Always next to each other during balls and parties
Elijah finding it hard to let you go but is happy to see you happy
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caitimetravels · 3 years
she's insignificant
chapter 6: how's it hanging?
the umbrella academy x (fem) reader
disclaimer: i do not own the plot/storyline of the netflix tv series and i do not own the umbrella academy characters.
warnings: none
"there he is" y/n pointed towards the plumbing van across the street from the building she had stood in front of just yesterday with klaus and five. luther nodded, heading over first, looking through the window. y/n noticed something was off. "is he.. dreaming?" she frowned, glancing at luther who shrugged. she quickly climbed through the back while luther called out to him.
"no!" five shouted in his sleep, brows furrowed in distress. he was having a nightmare. y/n gently reached over and held his shoulders, shaking him awake. 
"hey, five" she called softly, and his eyes snapped open, breathing heavily. "hey" she smiled sweetly, watching as he calmed down. luther opened the door, struggling to fit inside.
"you okay?" luther asked when he finally sat down, shutting the door.
"you shouldn't be.. how did you find me?" five got defensive right away. y/n sighed, moving back.
"well.." he nodded at y/n who smiled sheepishly before turning around at the sound of humming. 
"klaus?" he was dancing with dolores in the back.
"hey, a little privacy guys, we're really hitting it off back here-" he pretended to frown only for five to yell at him.
"get out!" he chucked a cup at him and klaus used dolores as a shield. "you can't be here! i'm in the middle of something"
"klaus" y/n held her arms out, taking dolores from him. "please, don't do that" her face scrunched in disgust at the thought. she didn't need more of her brothers becoming attached to dolores, one was enough.
"aw, why not, baby sis?" he moved closer, kneeling next to her and leaning on luther's seat. y/n sighed, holding dolores and leaning against five's. "any luck finding your one-eyed man?"
"what is he talking about?" luther looked between them all but five shrugged it of with a wave of his hand, gesturing to klaus.
"does it matter? it's klaus" five sighed, sitting up in his seat. "what do you want luther?"
"um.. so grace may have had something to do with dad's death. so, i need you to come back to the academy, it's important"
"it's important" five mumbled, scoffing. "you have no concept of what's important"
"hey" klaus diverted the attention to himself, "did i ever tell you guys about the time i waxed my ass with chocolate pudding?" he laughed, "it was so painful" he looked at five who turned away to laugh.
"what are you still doing here?" luther turned in his seat to look at klaus.
"what? i-what i need an excuse to hang out with my family?" 
"well, we're trying to have a serious conversation here" luther gestured between him and five. y/n sighed, why was everyone so doubtful of klaus? he was just trying to help. 
"and i'm incapable of being serious- is that what you're saying?" klaus held his hands to his chest, looking hurt.
"luther's got a point, you should get out" five sighed, 
"what?" klaus looked at him in betrayal before looking at y/n. "baby sis, you want me here, right?" 
"wanting you here and being able to hold a serious conversation are different things klaus" she shook her head in amusement. he frowned, "come on, let's go" she set dolores down before climbing to the side door of the van beside klaus.
"what? you're coming with me?" klaus smiled, cheering as he climbed out to.
"where are you going?" luther asked, looking at her in disbelief.
"you gestured to only you and five, luther. besides, klaus is more fun than you two. come get us when you're done fighting" she rolled her eyes. 
"y/n-" five tried before sighing as she shut the door.
"so, why'd you come with, anyways?" klaus linked his arm with y/n, heading towards the convenience store across the road. 
"i don't like the way they treat you" she sighed, patting his shoulder in sympathy. "let's get some food" he grinned as they reached the door to the store, splitting up to look through different aisles. it wasn't long before klaus held a handful of stuff he definitely couldn't afford. she snorted as he tried to run out, a police officer following him. 
"hey bitches!"
"dumbass" she rolled her eyes, picking up a coffee she had made in the corner before taking a lollipop and some chips. she closed her eyes, disappearing and reappearing in the van, behind five. she placed the coffee down in the middle, neither five nor luther noticing her yet. she pulled the wrapper off the lollipop, sucking on it.
they all watched klaus run across the road, almost getting hit with a cab. "out of the way, asshole!" he shouted.
"amateur" y/n scoffed as the officer caught up to him. five and luther turned to her in surprise. 
"i'm starting to wonder if that was the wisest decision" five watched him drop his things, looking at y/n who shrugged.
"i got you a coffee?" she smiled innocently, holding it up.
as luther went to collect klaus, y/n hung back, moving to sit beside five. "hey.." she faced him fully, watching as he continued to stare out at the building. "are you sure you're alright?"
"i'm fine" he denied, not looking over.
"then look me in the eyes and tell me that" she scoffed, before sighing and twirling her lollipop in her hand, staring intently at it. "five, i know you've been through a lot alone but.. you're not alone anymore. we're here- i'm here to help you now.. all you have to do is let me"
he finally turned to face her, expression softening. "i've done more than you think and.. i don't want you getting hurt in the process. like i said if i need help.. you're the first person i'd ask" 
"really?" she raised an eyebrow, pausing to stare at him now. "i don't believe you" he sighed, annoyed.
"you don't have to, but i would ask you first, you're most capable" 
"you're just saying that because i told you about dolores" she stuck her lollipop back in her mouth and crossed her arms, childishly.
there was a pause, "how.. how did you do it? i saw you there how were you-" he gestured a hand to the mannequin. 
"at first i trained with dad and i.. i couldn't reach you, no matter how hard i tried" she begun softly, looking back down at her hands. "then one day i just.. did. but you walked right through me and i- i didn't know what to do. i tried so hard to talk to you but you kept going right through me. i tried to touch you but my hand went right through and i touched dolores instead. i don't know how or why but.. it felt like a part of me was torn off" she shivered, hating the feeling that came with it. "i don't know why but i lied to dad, i told him i couldn't find you. he dismissed me, said training was over forever. so i studied instead, i failed and failed to reach you again and i studied physics and probability, anything to help you get back. one day i did find you again but i couldn't move, i couldn't do anything. you were reading vanya's book but it wasn't out yet, i saw your equations and your wagon.. i realised i was dolores later when you spoke to me, i was seeing through her eyes"
five stayed quiet, watching her intently. "i didn't get to see anymore, klaus and diego thought i was dying" she laughed bitterly, "i didn't find you again for a while and when i did you actually saw me.. as me and not dolores. well, you know obviously know what happened then.. but i kept seeing things in my dreams, i saw you, the things you did, i saw you grow up. it was.. weird but i think it was dolores" 
y/n sighed, reaching a hand out and opening the door. "i'll leave you to-"
"i meant it, you know?" five cut her off, frowning as he was now facing away from her again. "when i said you were the most trustworthy.. the strongest" 
a small smile graced her face. "i know" 
"do you really think mom would hurt dad?" they all sat around watching the tape on the tv screen except five who had refused to come.
"you haven't been home in a long time, vanya, maybe you don't know grace anymore" luther argued,
y/n sighed, "mom didn't have any intentions like that. she was definitely normal that day"
"if he was poisoned, it would have shown in the coroner's report" diego eyed luther, standing beside y/n.
"yeah, well, i don't need a report to show what i can see with my own eyes" luther gestured to the screen, hell bent on blaming someone for this.
"maybe all that low gravity in space messed with your vision" diego nodded, unconvinced and moved forwards, going back in the tape. "look closer, dad has his monocle, mom stands up, monocle gone" 
"oh yeah" klaus grinned, shaking his bag of chips.
"she wasn't poisoning him, she was taking it. to clean it" something was off. y/n eyed them all carefully. 
"then where is it?" luther turned the tape off, looking at him. "no, i've searched the house, including all of her things, she doesn't have it"
"that's because i took it from her.. after the funeral" diego admitted, holding one of his knives. y/n frowned, they were going to fight. 
"you've had the monocle this whole time? what the hell diego?!" allison uncrossed her arms, staring at him incredulously.
"give it to me!" luther demanded, moving forwards and holding a hand out.
"i threw it away" diego shrugged, still fiddling with his knife.
"you what?" allison laughed in disbelief, how could he? she raised her glass of alcohol to her lips.
"look, i knew that if you found it on mom, you'd lose your shit. just like you're doing right now" diego stood straight, pointing his knife towards luther.
"diego, you're such-" diego got into a fighting position, hands ready for round two.
"no, calm down" vanya interrupted, "look, i know dad wasn't exactly an open book but i do remember one thing he said. mom was, well, designed to be a caretaker but also as a protector"
"what does that mean?" allison asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
"she was programmed to intervene if someone's life was in jeopardy" y/n realised, catching on to where vanya was going with this.
"well, if her hardware is degrading then.. we need to turn her off" luther suggested and diego immediately disagreed.
"woah, woah, woah, woah wait, she's not just a vacuum cleaner you can throw in a closet, she feels things, i've seen it-" 
"she just stood there, diego, and watched out father die!" luther gestured to the screen again, trying to prove his point.
"i'm with luther" allison sighed, fiddling with her glass.
"surprise, surprise" diego sneered, everyone looking over at her.
"shut up" she snapped before they looked at vanya.
"i-i don't-"
"yeah, she shouldn't get a vote" diego threw his hands up, believing that she was going to go against him.
"i was going to say that i agree with you" she glared at him.
"okay, she should get a vote" he then turned on klaus. "what about you stoner boy? what've you got?" 
"oh, so what? you need my help now?" he rolled his eyes, "well, get out of the van klaus. oh, well, welcome back to the van!"
"what van?" allison looked between them all.
"we're not shutting mom down!" y/n shut down any more talking. they looked over at her. she looked disappointed and angry. "i thought we said no more fighting" she crossed her arms, looking pointedly at luther.
"exactly! i'm with y/n and diego because screw you" klaus glared at luther and diego pointed klaus nodding. "and if ben were here, he'd agree with me" there was pause before klaus hissed at the couch.
"so, that's four to two" diego held up his fingers.
"it's not final yet" allison argued, "klaus doesn't count, he's high and drunk"
"what?" diego glared at her, hands falling.
"and five's not here yet. the whole family has to vote, we owe each other that" 
"right" luther nodded and vanya agreed.
y/n scoffed, "we owe each other? we don't owe each other shit" diego agreed, "all i wanted was my family back, no more fights. if we really owe each other the least you could is that" they all watched silently as she left. 
a young diego ran down the hallway, suit only half on. he wore his button up shirt, tie and sweater vest over the top. he disappeared through a doorway as allison rushed down the stairs. 
"come on luther!" she called through a doorway at the bottom before rushing the way diego had come. reginald walked out and stood in the hallway.
"how will the umbrella academy ever become an effective crime deterrent if we can't even leave the house on time for missions?" he yelled out so that all of them would hear. 
"behind you" luther called, jumping past reginald to scurry down the hall. allison searched through her draws hastily, chucking clothes onto the floor around her. 
"i can't find my domino mask" she rushed back only to be stopped by grace who held it out.
"it needed a little bit of tlc after the last mission" she smiled as allison took it, thanking her. grace walked out and down the hall, stopping at luther's room first where he was currently doing push ups. 
"ready to go?" she received a thumbs up before she continued walking. 
"where's my knives?" diego shouted, rushing through the house at the other end of the hallway. grace stopped in front of vanya's room where she was practicing her violin.
"sounds beautiful, vanya" she complimented with a soft smile. 
"thanks mom" 
grace then walked to klaus' room where he was jumping on his bed, grinning and laughing at the chest of drawers on fire. "oh, klaus" she scolded, putting the fire out.
"thank you, mother" he smiled, hoping off his bed. she shook her head with a small grin.
"boys will be boys" 
ben rushed down the hallway next, hand fiddling with his zip. "oh, ben" she gently stopped him.
"it-its stuck" he tried to pull it up again. grace softly fixed it for him before letting him go. "guys! wait for me" he called as he ran off.
grace paused outside diego's room, hearing him practice his speech, trying to get over his stutter.
"don't m-m-m" he struggled to get the word out. grace walked in, smiling and placing her hands on his shoulders.
"remember, diego. just picture the word in your mind" he breathed out, nodding before trying again.
"d-don't m-m.. d-don't m.. don't m-move" grace gasped, happy.
"you did it!" she grinned, touching a hand to his cheek. "i'm so proud of you"
someone cleared their throat in the doorway, interrupting. there stood reginald and beside him y/n. diego watched as he smile faded at her father's cough. she had been happy for him too.
tag list: @rxses-and-reverie @lostgreekgod @on-yourmark-99 @bicyhot1 @navs-bhat @midnightmystic
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messers-moony · 3 years
Secrets | F.H
Paring: Five Hargreeves X Fem!Reader
Summary: Five has a hidden soft spot for the Hargreeves friend. He makes a sudden decision when they start suspect something.
The Hargreeves family didn’t divulge into technology that much. Allison was the only one with a proper cellphone. That statement would’ve still been confirmed if they hadn’t been introduced to a female named Y/n.
While the girl inhabited powers such as telekinesis, she lived an everyday life. She had walked up to the academy one day and introduced herself. To say they were hesitant would be putting it lightly.
However, Y/n was the glue they needed to stay together. After helping them through saving the world and doomsday, they recognized that she was more needed than they thought.
Now they all sat at a restaurant together, excluding Y/n. The girl had decided to stay with her parents for the evening instead.
“ So Five. “ Allison pondered as she took a sip from her drink, “ You and Y/n have been relatively close lately. “
Klaus giggled, “ I’ve seen you two hang out together! “ Klaus exclaimed, and Five groaned, “ Glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed. “ Diego murmured.
“ Do you like her? “ Vanya queried, “ No. She's a friend, nothing more. “ Five responded sternly.
Allison raised her eyebrows in rebuttal, “ I don’t think so. I’ve seen you two together. “ Allison said unconvinced, “ Fantastic! You can see. Amazing thing, really. “ The teenage boy spat sarcastically.
Luther rolled his eyes, “ We don’t mean to harp on you, Five. We just like seeing you happy. “ Vanya softly defended, “ I appreciate it, but she’s nothing more than a friend. “
Five sighed as he threw his blazer to the floor and collapsed on Y/n’s bed, making the young girl chuckled at his antics. Gently she ran her fingers through his hair.
“ They’re catching on. “ Five-spoke muffled through her pillows, “ Mm? “ Y/n hummed, confused.
Five lifted his head from the pillow, “ They’re catching on. “
The boy had now flipped, so his back was laid against the mattress, and he stared at the ceiling of the girl's bedroom.
“ I mean, it isn’t a bad thing if they found out. “ Y/n responded, laying beside him, “ Maybe not, but I thought you wanted to keep this secret. “ Five stated, looking at her e/c eyes.
Y/n sighed, “ I just don’t want them to constantly be on us, ya know? “ Y/n confessed, “ Yeah, I get it. “ Five said in agreement.
“ I love you. “ Y/n muttered smiling, “ I love you too. “ Five smiled.
Y/n giggled, “ Come here, you big baby. “
Five chuckled and laid on her chest. His arms wrapped around her waist and his head on her chest. Y/n tangled her hand into his hair while the other rubbed his back.
He sighed and ended up falling asleep. Gently she kissed the top of his head and smiled. Y/n leaned her head back on the pillow and fell asleep. Both lovers fell asleep together.
Allison had been curious to see where Five snook off to every night. While there were times, Y/n would spend the night at the Hargreeves manor, most of the time around ten o’clock Five would disappear. Then before anyone woke up, he’d reappear.
Klaus and Allison made it their own personal mission to figure out where he was going. Although the spatial jumped to her house every night, they would find little things to help.
Example one, when Five came home one morning after falling asleep at Y/n’s house, he wore an unfamiliar pair of sweatpants. Example two, this time, he came home with a hoodie that most definitely wasn’t his.
The last example was the scent on the hoodie. It didn’t smell of his cologne. It smelt of her perfume. Not to mention he slept with the little stuffed animal she gave him when he was sick.
So a couple of weeks later, at again, another family dinner, they brought it up.
“ So Fivey, how’s Y/n? “ Klaus queried, “ What do you mean? “ Five questioned suspiciously.
Diego snickered, “ Well, we all know you disappear at night and don’t come back till the morning. You aren’t slick. “ Allison responded, “ You’ve also come back home in new clothing that definitely wasn’t yours. Not to mention, I don’t think you put on perfume. “
“ You can’t forget the best part, sister Allison; he also sleeps with the stuffed animal Y/n gave him while he was sick. “ Klaus added, smiling brightly, “ How in the hell did you find out about all that? “ Five asked with a particular annoyance in his tone.
“ It’s pretty obvious. “ Vanya commented, “ You don’t ever change out of the clothes when you appear back home. Not to mention you fall asleep with the door open. “
Five groaned, “ Just admit it, Fivey. You like little Y/n. “ Klaus teased, “ She’s my friend. “ Five counterclaimed.
“ Mm, if that’s the case, then why do you go to her house every night and not come back home till morning? “ Allison queried, “ I spend time with her. Sometimes I spend the night with her to leave our horrid house. “ The flustered male admitted.
“ So when she wears your blazer, it’s just coincidental? “ Diego asked, “ S- She wears my blazer? “ Five blushed.
Klaus chuckled, “ All the time! I saw her yesterday at the park wearing it. I thought she was some form of imposter. “ Klaus responded, and Five’s face was a bright magenta, “ I- I didn’t know. “ The boy muttered.
Vanya put a hand on his shoulder, “ It’s okay if you like her. We’re not judging you. We actually quite like her. “
“ Fine. We’re dating. We’ve been dating for some months now. I disappear to her house to spend the night there, so I don’t have a panic attack or feel like I’m back in the apocalypse. “ Five confessed, slightly agitated, “ Wow. “ A surprised Allison spoke.
Without warning, Five had spatial jumped out of dinner. Y/n almost jumped in shock when Five appeared in her bedroom, looking upset. So without hesitation, she stood up and hugged him.
His face was nuzzled in her neck as he left a gentle kiss on her shoulder, his arms wrapped securely around her.
“ What’s wrong, my love? “ Y/n questioned as her hand played with his hair, “ Marry me. “
“ What? “
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Hi, bro can I have a one-shot where Male Reader is half-werewolf but a different one (Teenwolf one), and half-witch.
He's older than Silas, he's the first immortal man, he's the original hybrid, not Klaus. He has two werewolf forms the first one is a bit stronger than hybrid Klaus, and the other one is this:
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Which is a bit stronger than Beast Lucien with glowing red eyes.
Y/n arrives in New Orleans hiding his presence from the supernaturals there, but he hears a baby crying and a group of vampires running with a witch.
Y/n, immediately knows they kidnapped the baby for a terrible reason. So, Y/n appears before the vampires, and the witch before they can react knocks them unconscious and gently grabs the baby who stops crying at the sight of Y/n's glowing red eyes.
I, guess Y/n realizes the baby belongs to Klaus Mikealson, and Hayley Marshall by the smell on it.
He uses his magic and teleports both him and the people who kidnapped the baby in front of The Mikealson's house. He puts the baby in front of the door and runs into an alleyway.
He uses his magic to knock on the door which is immediately opened to reveal The Mikealsons who're shocked to find Hope who they tried to find, and the people who kidnapped her for ransom. They turn to see Y/n's glowing red eyes, and not his body shocking them, and they see him teleport away leaving them dumbfounded.
Yoooo yes
Warnings: violence, cute baby Hope things,
A/N: Yooo I had so many ideas pop off from this request. Also this took awhile because I was trying to get the ideas and request to blend together. I rewrote this like five times
Y/N decided to settle in New Orleans away from his old friend Silas as he wasn't in the mood to help the immortal witch find Amara as Y/N had enough of Silas's trouble. And was some what impressed to how many supernaturals lived in the city.
"Last time Silas, I don't care for your dumb love story you are insisting on completing."
'Come on Y/N. You are the only other witch I can trust to help.' Silas said over the phone as Y/N groaned rubbing his temple even Y/N's wolf was irritated with Silas.
"I am the only other person you know, you fucking lunatic." Y/N growled before something tugged on his magic and he hung up on Silas running to find out what was happening. The sounds of a three year old girl crying trying to get away from vampires that had kidnapped her.
Y/N didn't waste time knocking the vampires out then looked down at girl who stopped crying looking at his red eyes. Y/N turned back human picking the girl up.
"So my blood line carries on." Y/N muttered smelling Hayley and Klaus on the girl as he thought the wolf blood line would have ended by now.
"Let's get you home."
Y/N headed to the Abattoir finding it empty as the family was out looking for Hope and Y/N groaned realizing that he was stuck with Hope for awhile. Y/N grumbled to hisself angry with the need to be a good guy, to become a better man than he was back in the day.
"Alright squirt. Looks like you get to hang out with me until family returns." Y/N says going across the street to his new home as Hope smiled at the man.
"When I wanted to be away from Silas this was not what I going to deal with." Y/N said placing Hope down once inside and he set up magic wards. Hope crawled over to him with a bright smile on her face making him sigh picking her up.
"You're lucky that you are cute kid."
Night fell Klaus was angry when they couldn't find Hope as Elijah was comforting Hayley when a knock pulled Klaus out of his rant. There sat Hope smiling at an alleyway making the family look over as Hayley scooped the girl up into her arms. Red glowing eyes was watching them then disappeared confusing the family.
"Looks like we have an guardian angel." Kol joked getting everyone's attention as Klaus stared at the alleyway wondering just what saved his daughter.
Hope was irritated throwing temper tantrums for the next few weeks and family did everything to calm her. Jackson couldn't calm her either and Klaus was at the end of his rope trying to understand why his daughter was acting out.
"It's quiet." Rebekah said out of the blue one morning as the family noticed that Hope was quiet. They creeped up to her bedroom finding her asleep leaving them so confused.
Y/N had been gone a few weeks to help Silas with his ex and after he kept bothering the other Original immortal. And had returned to New Orleans after awhile as the city was becoming his new home.
"Hope! Don't run off!" Y/N heard Hayley yell as he felt a small body throw itself into his leg. Y/N looked down seeing a smiling Hope and he actually found hisself adoring the girl and he had kinda missed her.
"Hey squirt. Causing trouble?" Y/N teased brushing the red curls from her face as Hayley slowed down seeing Hope with a man. Something about the man made Hayley be careful as her wolf was being strangely submissive.
"Pop pop."
"Oh? We are are grandfather and granddaughter terms now?" Y/N says getting down to her eye level as Hope giggled holding his hand.
"Humm who are you?"
"Y/N, I saved your daughter a few weeks back." Y/N answered as Hayley looked him over. Dressed in slacks and black botton up with rolled up sleeves hair slick back with Hope patting Y/N's clean shaven face.
"Thank you." Hayley said as Y/N nodded and he decided to hang around the family. It took some getting used to having Y/N around as the Original family wasn't use to having someone older and more powerful than them around.
"He is the Original hybrid that kick off werewolf bloodlines." Elijah said closing a book looking at Klaus who was watching Y/N the man who was basically his great whatever grandfather sleep on the couch with Hope on his chest.
"He woke when Silas had thanks to a spell done by Qetsiyah. In all terms in away he is your grandfather Niklaus."
"I understand Silas but why would Qetsiyah place the spell on Y/N?"
"Because I am reluctantly friends with the lunatic." Y/N said eyes still closed but he was awake feeling Hope snuggled closer as the two men step in.
"Humm, there was a time I thought of him as a brother....we had a falling out after the whole Amara incident."
"No the real shame is him calling me every five minutes whining on how he isn't getting his way." Y/N said hearing his phone going off as the Mikaelson men looked at the phone seeing Silas's name on the caller ID. While being with the Mikaelsons, there was one thing they noticed was that Y/N was protective every protective.
They found out when Lucien had made hisself stronger calling hisself the Beast. So When Lucien had Nik right where he want the hybrid and before Freya could do her spell, Y/N was already behind the man hand gripping his heart.
"Funny not much of a threat when someone stronger has you." Y/N said calmly as Klaus caught Hayley once she was freed. Lucien coughed up blood as Y/N's eyes glowed a dark red and Lucien felt fear flood him.
"Wh....what are...you?"
"You're worse nightmare." Y/N growled deeply tearing Lucien's heart the tore his thoat out also. Y/N stood there covered in blood as Lucien's body fell turning gray while the family was in awe of Y/N pure unadulterated power.
"We had a plan."
"I am aware Niklaus but it was stupid. Davina isn't dead by the way I took care of that. Now for this weakling." Y/N said looking at Lucien's body and with a snap of his fingers the body lit up on fire.
"A king he was not."
"You speak from experience?"
"I do Elijah. Now let's get home I need a shower."
That night everyone relaxed Hope laying on Y/N who was telling her stories of his time with Silas while the others sat near the fire acting like they weren't listening. It was nice and peaceful as Y/N was glad that he finally could settle down. They took in the quiet enjoying the peace before Hope would get excited for Christmas with her new family member.
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