#flora's recs
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A green morning
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sspiderj · 5 months
part 2 of i just think he's neat (remade and with more characters so i can sell stickers again)
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essektheylyss · 11 months
Okay but for real, please download Merlin, the Cornell-based bird-logging app. It is so great. It will tell you about birds in your area. It will make you so insufferable on hikes and outings. It doesn't have any comments section so if this site gets nuked do NOT try to find me there but know that that's where I'm hanging. Having a great time birdwatching. Logging the bluejay that bullies my cats. Helping researchers track where birds are for climate change-related population monitoring. 10/10, highly recommend getting a life and doing some silly birdwatching.
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minty-mumbles · 9 months
Fanfic Rec Friday (12/22/23)
Remember a few years ago when I did this for a month and then forgot about it? Me neither! Hopefully that doesn’t happen this time. Welcome to the first (new) installment of Fanfic Rec Friday, a weekly series where I talk about a fic I've read and why I adore it! 
What Hero? by AmieeLouWrites
Also on tumblr: @aimeelouart
Rating: Teen and Up
Author’s Summary:  
Link, who is fully capable of being a massive troll if bored and irritated, decides to see just how far he can push some Yiga who are bothering him.
Unfortunately for Link, these traveling strangers aren’t actually Yiga.
He Commits To The Bit anyway.
Content Warnings: Mild angst, nightmares, and gratuitous amounts of bad lying
Word Count: 25,827 (Completed)
My Notes: 
What Hero? Is a chain meets WIld fic, but is perhaps one of the best written fics of this trope I’ve ever read, including my own. It’s also hilarious. I haven't laughed this much while reading a fic in ages. There is so much lying and misunderstanding in this fic, but none of it ever results in angst.
Wild is such a lying liar who lies throughout the entire fic, and he’s so bad at it that you can’t help but be amused. And he ropes Flora into his shenanigans. They both deserve to go crazy for a little bit and tell copious amounts of blatant lies. 
Meanwhile, the rest of the chains are standing there like “Nothing this dude is saying sounds correct, but we don’t know enough about this era or its hero to dispute it.” Despite the fact that the fic is focused on Wild and Flora, somehow the rest of the chain manage to be just as funny
(Also, two for one special: This author has another fic called Child’s Play, which has a similar premise, except Flora and Wild were turned into children before they met the chain. It’s just as good and chaotic as What Hero?)
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florashifting · 11 months
Does anyone have any sapphic song suggestions that aren't sad and aren't really in the pop genre? Like sapphic songs in the r&b genre or something like that.
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faroreskiss · 1 year
The Power of Understanding / Part 3 (v2)
Read on Ao3
Rewirrten v2 on 2023/09/10
Cheat Sheet
Chapters: Pilot, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Summary: You have been with the Chain for a while now, as their "scholar" and translator. You know everything about them, because you are from our world. But do they know the truth about how you can understand everyone? Warnings: For this chapter, mention of depression and depressive attacks. Homesickness.
In this chapter: Some background info about your relationship with Wild, before you were thrown into the chain.
Some Wild x Fem!Reader fluff! Hints at poly situationships.
As you laid down on the roof of the stable in the Lon Lon Ranch under a moonlit night, you thought back to the first time you "world-hopped", and the things that it led to with Link & Zelda.
What happened between you and Link? (and Zelda, for that matter). During your two years in their Hyrule, which you practically just appeared on the floor of the ruins of the Temple of Time, not that much.
They took you in, took you to the four Great Fairies to enhance your learning speed (with a little drop of Triforce of Wisdom from Zelda, you guessed) and taught you their language meanwhile.
You started working with Zelda & Purah, trying to help them research the age of the "Heroes of Myth" as they called them. Your language skills were not there yet; though you surprised them by being so "adept" in using the Sheikah Slate. Oh, how little did they know . Your inner geek was screaming, what a pleasure it was to work with your heroes, that you thought were fictional!
But after you realized that you are stuck, away from anything and anyone you know, the "honeymoon period" ended. You thought you were delusional at night, and that it was some type of a fantasy. Surely, you were in a psych ward somewhere. You were haunted by nightmares. You couldn't express yourself to the extent you wanted either, and it didn't help. Sometimes, the language barrier was too much.
When you were still staying by Link & Zelda, Zelda would come, hearing your sobs, and sit by you at night, saying it was going to be alright, gently stroking your hair till you fell asleep again.
When it was Link, he would appear as if he had no idea, with two mugs of warm peppermint tea in his hands. Saying "Oh, you couldn't sleep either?" and distracting you with his idle chatter. Not that you understood that much most of the time, you were still learning.
In the morning, it would not be revisited, unless you opened the discussion. You were grateful to them both. You assumed they had their fair share of the same phenomena…
Bit by bit, they decreased in frequency, albeit never completely disappearing, even after you moved to your little cottage next to their home in Hateno. You just had your strategies dealing with the attacks, just tried to keep yourself busy during the day.
Not long after you moved out, Link appeared on your doorstep, knocking early in the morning. Way too early for your taste, but hey. Some Links were morning people after all.
You opened the door, still wearing your PJs. The air was COLD, yet the sun was rising, so it shouldn't be that bad later today, you thought to yourself. You still couldn't help but shiver a bit.
"Morning, Link!" you said with as much pep as you can muster at that hour; your eyes were barely open.
"I see you are already awake, early bird," he smirked, completely ignoring the fact that it was his fault. Goddesses, you HATED waking up early. He KNEW this.
"You're lucky I like you, Link," you said curtly, feigning anger. "Or is your memory affected to the point that you even forgot that only until last month, we were in the same house, and that I am NOT a morning person?"
"Ouch," he backed off a bit. You and Zelda were the only ones that could joke about memories like this, but it hurt a bit, nonetheless.
You gave him an understanding and a bit of an apologetic smile.
"Sorry… Anyway, how can I help you? Wanna come in for a cup of tea?" you said, changing the subject.
"Nah, thanks though. What you can do is to dress up and join me for my morning hike to Mt. Lanayru."
He was serious. You sighed; you really didn't have the energy to argue back.
"...fine. But come in anyway, you will freeze outside until I change."
And that's how you got a new morning routine before going to work at the lab, almost a year and a half after your "appearance" in their Hyrule.
The hikes were fun and helped you build up some stamina wheels , in your terms, though Link had no idea what that meant. You had long chats with him on the path to the mountain; the air was always crispy.
That's also how you realized he was totally into Zelda. Not that it surprised you that much. All this ZeLink thing had to be real to an extent.
"You know, it was actually her idea," he said in one of your walks.
"Her idea?" you repeated, a curious eyebrow raising as you walked alongside him, the crisp air filling your lungs.
"Yeah," Link replied, a hint of a smile on his lips as he glanced at you before focusing on the path ahead. "The whole morning hike thing. She thought it might help you get used to the early starts... And have a sense of routine."
"Is that so?" you said, unable to hide a soft chuckle. "Well, I must say, I'm grateful for the stamina wheel boost, even if it means dragging myself out of bed at ungodly hours."
Link laughed, his laughter carrying a warmth that made your heart flutter. You stole a glance at him, noticing the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled as he mentioned Zelda. His golden hair glowed in the early morning light, and you couldn't help but admire the way he carried himself, the way he seemed so at ease in his element.
"You're not alone in that sentiment," he admitted, a slightly more serious tone in his voice now. "I've never been a fan of early mornings either, but Zelda insisted that it could be a good way to start the day."
"She has a point," you replied, your gaze wandering to the horizon as you continued your ascent. "Mornings here are... different. There's a sense of calm, like the world is just waking up, taking a deep breath before the chaos begins."
He nodded, his eyes thoughtful. "You always find the poetic side of things, don't you?"
You chuckled softly, feeling a flush of warmth creep up your cheeks. "Well, I do have a tendency to wax poetic when I'm surrounded by natural beauty."
"Look at you using fancy words like that!" he teased, hitting your arm playfully from the side.
"Ouch," you reacted.
He grinned, a playful glint in his eyes. "You and your love for words. It's one of the things I've always admired about you."
You faltered for a moment, your heart skipping a beat at his words. Did he just...? No, he couldn't have meant it that way. He was probably just being his friendly, open self.
"And what about you?" you asked, desperately trying to steer the conversation away from your racing thoughts. You really didn't want to get in between them. "What do you like most about these morning hikes?"
Link’s smile softened, his gaze distant for a moment. "The solitude, I suppose. It's a time when I can gather my thoughts, clear my mind before the responsibilities of the day catch up with me."
As he spoke, you couldn't help but notice the wistful note in his voice. It was as if these hikes were more than just physical exercise for him, as if they held a deeper significance. And suddenly, a realization hit you like a ton of bricks.
"You really care about her, don't you?" you blurted out before you could stop yourself.
You bit your lip, realizing that your question might have been too direct, too probing. But you had to know, you had to understand the emotions that lingered beneath the surface. This made it clear to you once again. It wasn't just about Link's feelings for Zelda; it was also about what those feelings meant for you. Anyway, you stopped yourself. It was a question for another day.
"Zelda? Yeah, of course. She's my princess, one of my dearest... friends," he replied, his voice a touch hesitant, as if choosing his words carefully.
You nodded, though your heart couldn't help but ache at the hesitation in his voice. The princess, the legend, the one he had always been destined to protect. It was a connection that ran deep, that went beyond mere friendship. You understood that, and you respected it.
"Is it still the solitude, though? Here you are, hiking with me for months," you remarked, a playful grin tugging at the corners of your lips.
Wild chuckled, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Well, I suppose the solitude was the initial draw, but I've come to realize that sometimes, it's not about being alone. It's about being with someone who understands, someone you can share moments with without needing to say a word."
You looked back at him, your gazes locking for a brief moment. There was an unspoken understanding between you, a connection that had grown stronger with each shared hike, each conversation about everything and nothing.
"It's been nice," you admitted softly, your tone holding a hint of vulnerability. "Having someone to share these moments with."
His smile softened, a warmth in his eyes that made your heart skip a beat. "I feel the same way, (Y/N). It's been... a bright spot in my days."
As you continued your hike, the sun rising higher in the sky, you fell into an easy rhythm of conversation. The weight of the unspoken emotions from earlier seemed to have lifted, replaced by a sense of companionship that was uniquely your own. You talked about the scenery, the changing seasons, and even ventured into lighter topics, like your favorite foods and childhood memories.
With every step you took, you felt a sense of closeness to Link that you had never experienced before. It wasn't the same as the bond you shared with Zelda, yet similar, but it was something special, something that existed only between the two of you. And as the morning sun bathed the landscape in golden hues, you couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe things were complicated, maybe your feelings were bittersweet, but in that moment, as you walked side by side with Link, you realized that sometimes, the most meaningful connections were the ones that defied easy explanations.
As the two of you reached a particularly scenic spot, you gazed out at the breathtaking view of Hyrule unfolding before you. The tranquility of the moment was punctuated by the sound of a distant waterfall, and for a brief moment, time seemed to stand still.
"I've always loved this view," he mused, his voice soft as he stared out at the horizon. "It's like everything is so vast, so full of possibilities."
You nodded, a gentle smile tugging at your lips. "It's... beautiful. Peaceful."
He turned to you, his eyes meeting yours with a knowing look. "You know, (Y/N), you're part of this world now. You've been through so much, adapted to our ways, learned our languages. You've become a part of our journey in rebuilding Hyrule."
The sincerity in his words struck a chord within you, and you couldn't help but feel a swell of emotion. But beneath the gratitude and camaraderie, there was something else, a feeling that had been growing within you. A feeling that was bittersweet, just like the sunrise painting the sky in hues of gold and pink.
As you stood there, taking in the beauty of the land you now called home, you couldn't deny the truth any longer. Your heart held a special place for Zelda, just as Link's heart held a special place for her. But it was more than just admiration or friendship. There was a warmth that spread through you whenever she was near, a gentle fluttering in your chest that you couldn't ignore. And in that moment, surrounded by the magic of Hyrule, you realized that sometimes, even the most unexpected feelings could find a home in the most extraordinary of places.
With a quiet sigh, you turned your gaze back to Link, offering him a small, wistful smile. "You're right, Link. This world has become my home, and I'm grateful for every moment I've spent here. It's just... It's funny how life can surprise you, how feelings can take root without you even realizing it."
His expression softened, and he gave you a knowing look. "Feelings are a funny thing indeed. They have a way of weaving themselves into our lives, whether we expect them to or not."
You nodded in agreement, the unspoken understanding between you speaking volumes. And as you continued to gaze out at the horizon, you couldn't help but hope that someday, your bittersweet feelings would find their place, just like the sunrise finding its place in the sky.
This was, of course, months before that something finally happened.
When it happened , your feelings towards him and her just exploded. It was wild, unexpected, and awkward. Yet, it felt natural. It felt like a fantasy. However... It was never spoken about ever again, as life... got in the way in the most unexpected way.
You sighed as you closed your eyes, and tried to fall asleep as you listened to the wind.
(What happened is the “Unnatural Coincidences” fic. First two parts are relatively safe to read, a little bit of heated moment sprinkled here and there. If you want to have the summary, please scroll all the way down, as it is relevant for this story. If you are interested in reading it, click on the name of the fic.
Basically, you, Flora and Wind are/were in a situationship, though it is complicated, because Chain interfered in the most untimely way)
In Unnatural Coincidences, Flora and Wild and you realize you all have feelings for each other, and act on it, physically at first.
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tallulah477 · 10 months
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Today I want to bring attention to:
Neteyam & Flora Blowjob Comic (Art) by @oakbuggy
Pairing: Neteyam x Flora (Winx Club)
Personal Notes: The mastermind behind the Neteyam x Flora crackship! I picked this comic because if I had to choose between all of her art - this is the one I would pick (but everything she create is so good and I'm honestly so amazed with every piece she puts out). The coloring and facial expressions of the characters are always so good, especially the teary, dazed, fucked out eyes of the woman as they get railed within an inch of their lives.
Also! Her art and ship are so good that it inspired an entire fic Mi Ti'ong (In Bloom) by @theblueflower05 which is definitely a must read cause it's absolutely amazing!
Click here to see my entire Ficmas Recommendation List!
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lynpheas · 1 month
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"Flora says she can pay that amount of rent,” Bloom says. “She says she’d love to move in with you, Aisha!” “Really?” Aisha’s eyes widen. “Just like that? I don’t even need to speak with her in person?” “She trusts me,” Bloom says. “And, trust me, this’ll be the perfect arrangement.”
(Aisha and Flora navigate being roommates. Flora, who falls in love like an addict trying to get her fix. Aisha, who loves like a simmering pot fit to boil. They meet halfway.)
hey, lovergirl by lynpheas
Rating: M
Status: Complete
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lyricsonfire · 1 year
—flora cash, you’re somebody else
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redgemwink · 4 months
finished the fields of mistria demo and yeah the wait was worth it!!!! i don't think i've ever been as excited for a game as i am for the full release of this. it's such a beautiful game, the vibe is everything i've ever wanted and the character designs are sooo good!! and the player character is so cute too! i'm so used to being stuck w an ugly protag that looks bad compared to everyone else like in other farm games but i am SO cute in this!! i got my favorite shade of pink as my hair color!! ALSO THE BUG CATCHING AND FISHING IS SOOO ANIMAL CROSSING I LOVE IT this game is literally a combination of everything i love (aside from monster catching. unless that's a thing too but i don't think it is lol) and i know i am going to sink infinite hours into it when it comes out :3
if i had to list the things i didn't like,, well this is nitpicking but i'd say the only two things are 1) no pink dresses. it seems weird, maybe you unlock them later? why can't my dress be pink to match my hair and bow sfdkdfsk 2) inventory felt extremely small for the amount of items i was getting. maybe increase initial bag size? i'm sure there's upgrades but it really did feel TOO small given there's so many fishies and bugs and forageables anyways YES i am rlly excited abt this and when it comes out i will never shut up abt it ever bc i've been wanting to sink my fangs into a good farm game for a while now but got burnt out on stardew and sun haven. this game just looks so polished. it's so cute and so fun ahhh i'm pumped!!
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101flavoursofweird · 6 months
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Layton Kyouju Series | Professor Layton Series Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Flora Reinhold, Original Characters Additional Tags: Layton Kyouju | Professor Layton Spoilers, older flora fic, in which flora solves a mystery, and girlbosses, and processes a lot of grief, there is death and catharsis, that's what professor layton is all about babey, also we are just pretending the anime didn't happen because i truly cannot be bothered Summary:
Six years after leaving St Mystere, Flora is an adventurous young woman pursuing a career as a journalist where she hopes to learn how to solve mysteries. But sooner than she thinks, she is thrown headfirst into a mystery in the remote Ashcliff House, where a little girl claims people in her family cannot die. With only her wits to guide her, Flora must investigate this strange old house and its residents, and find the answer to this death-defying puzzle.
Because ghosts don't exist... do they?
Finally finished reading this fic! A amazing Flora-solo mystery fic!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Winx Club Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bloom/Stella (Winx Club) Characters: Stella (Winx Club), Bloom (Winx Club), Flora (Winx Club), Tecna (Winx Club), Musa (Winx Club) Additional Tags: Season/Series 01, Episode: s01e03 Save the First Dance, Canon Rewrite, Friends to Lovers, Boarding School, School Dances, First Dance, Dancing, Slow Dancing, Magic, Laughter, Girls Kissing, Hugs, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Public Display of Affection, Secret Crush, Teenagers Summary: Stella won't back down until she has her and Bloom's first dance.
Hey, look at this adorable fic that was written for me!
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bifairywife · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ♥️
thank you @river9noble for the tag!!
links all direct to the fic on ao3 ~
fandoms included are: winx club, dc comics, disney's encanto, and genshin impact
ships included are: floriven, jaysteph, doloriano, and alberose
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1. where the daisies grow - winx club (flora and riven) - WC: 5.2k
in the mood for childhood (best)friends? witness said friendship forming as they have wholesome moments when they're bonding? fluff and angst? well this fic is my pride and joy, i can proudly say that all of my friends that i shared this to wept and yelled at me hahasdfshaja. warning for the sad ending but overall, it's a cathartic experience 💕
2. only you darling, only you babe - dc comics (stephanie brown and jason todd) - WC: 2.4k
i love it when a guy is so deeply in love and devoted to a girl so i have created this beauty 😌
part 2 is out and i'm lowkey considering making a part 3 (it's on the perspective of a batfam member that witnessed jaysteph over the years)
3. canine lovin’ - dc comics (stephanie brown and jason todd) - WC: 7.7k
this one is my first ever soulmate au (with the use of daemons or, in my fic, lienmaux - they're animal companions that represent one's soulmate). i'm very proud of the how i weaved canon with the events here 👉👈
4. the moments we share - disney’s encanto (dolores madrigal and mariano guzmán) - WC: 5.3k
aside from my jaysteph agenda for wfa series, my friends have told me that i have a talent for "missing scenes" fic. i love dolores so much and i wished the movie at least gave a small piece of flashback scene(s) for dolores and mariano, soooo i made this
encanto series i'm waiting for youu~
5. of glass hearts and iron lungs - genshin impact (sucrose and albedo) - WC: 1.5k
i am literally crawling for alberose crumbs on canon 😭 and the angst potential they could've SQUEEZED out of this pains me so much that it won't leave me alone and then this fic was born
tag time!! (no pressure btw) @thefoghaslifted @hollie47 @wardinpanties @river9noble (you got a lotta works hehe ;3)
annnnd any other moots or people that see this, feel free to add your stuff, this is a free invitation for self-love on your work/s <33
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pinkielord · 1 year
Hey, I'm trying to find some flora/tecna fics, so if i could have some fic recs, i would love it! Preferably where they're more front and center or where they're not Just mentioned.
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S+ tier songs, according to me
95% songs I have a deep emotional connection with, not songs that sound good. Talk Too Much and Lonely King have an energy though, and I could listen to them forever, so they got on. All of the artists are S tier as well!
Honorary Mentions: Dear God (XTC 2001 remaster) and Parents by YUNGBLOOD Unfortunately I don't listen to any other songs by those artists, so I can't call them S tier.
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florashifting · 6 months
"Do you ever wonder, like, who else is fucking your man?" Gagged me
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