#fog thoughts
zigzagtherelentless · 2 years
when joey batey said, “and this here is not singing, i’m just screaming in tune,” i really felt that in my bones
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Never have I dealt with anything as difficult as my own soul.
Imam Al-Ghazali
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thefabledpheasant · 3 months
I’ve been sick these last 4 days and it’s awful but it made me realize that we were robbed of sick Arthur.
He’d either be a giant baby about it or he’d try to pretend he was fine while basically dying. Probably the latter since we’ve seen him try to play off very bad wounds, but I’d like to see both versions honestly.
And then Merlins reaction would be wonderful. If Arthur’s being a baby about it, Merlin would be so annoyed and petty. But if Arthur was trying to pretend nothing is wrong while looking like a corpse, Merlin would also be very annoyed and petty, but in a completely different way. Like, “I care about you so much and am worried about you so I’m going to annoy you into admitting you’re sick so I can take care of you”
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purpleelephantsocks · 4 months
Oh god, oh fuck, oh no; the parallels between Jean at the beginning of tsc panicking and telling Wymack "I want to go home" and Jean at the end of tsc falling apart after finding out his baby sister has died, telling Neil the same thing.
"I want to go home."
He is only nineteen
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sounds-in-the-fog · 4 months
Can you imagine the sheer amount of software issues mechs would have?
Wanna use that cool old weapon from the big war? Sorry, we don't do backwards compatibility in the space age.
Oh, I'm afraid this targeting system doesn't have a version for the OS your frame is running.
Without proper drivers those legs act like hands. And the space station hosting the website with drivers got blown up years ago.
Subscription based navigation systems.
Some poor mechanic trying to watch a video on space YouTube while shells are exploding in the background, just to find out which out of the thousand data ports he need to add to the firewall exceptions for the control systems to work (adding the wrong port bricks the frame).
"Your password is incorrect. The mecha will be locked for 20 minutes to protect your personal data"
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tigsbitties · 24 days
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y'all play video games
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werepuppy-steve · 10 months
the elementary school is putting on the grinch for their christmas play and steve and eddie's youngest (10) gets the part as cindy-lou who.
the music teacher wants to cast an older kid as the grinch, so they open up auditions at the middle school, and who else would get the role other than steve and eddie's oldest (14).
he takes this role so seriously, too. he is nothing if not eddie munson's child and he has all the dramatics to prove it. you know the grinch actor at disney world? that's this kid. he gets to walk through the crowd during certain parts of the show and he has the audience in tears on opening night.
their youngest fumbles her lines a couple times bc she's too busy giggling at her brother's theatrics.
steve and eddie are so proud of the both of them.
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zigzagtherelentless · 2 years
my current mood is joey batey singing the lyrics, “because you make me weep when i’m just tryna watch the office…”
“…with my yogurt.”
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lolottes · 9 months
Danny walked the streets of Gotham
he was hungry.
His steps were slow and I was still in pain, but under his abdominal bandages his wounds were much better.
but he was hungry.
he did not know since when he was in town.
he was hungry.
He didn't know what time it was, but an alarm sounded.
He was hungry.
but it wasn't the noise that woke him up, no, there was… a smell? no, it wasn't caught by his nose, but it made him salivate.
he was hungry.
His gums itched while his teeth took on a ghostly shape despite his human body.
he was hungry.
The smell, for lack of a better term, led him to the center of noise and bright light.
he was hungry.
as he mingled with a tense crowd he began to "see" his target even with his eyes closed. good thing because he was hungry. and his eyes must have glowed in response behind his eyelids.
he was so hungry.
the crowd seemed more than willing to let him pass as he approached his target's voice, it was so loud, it must have been speaking into a megaphone or microphone.
he was hungry, but not for long…
jokers: hoooo, we have a brave volunteer~
His food came down from its perch, probably the roof of a car. it was moving towards him, holding something out with confidence
jokers handing a microphone to Danny: a few words from our volunteer?
Danny: …I'm hungry…
His food seemed destabilized, but he continued to move closer, finally opening his eyes, seeing the reflection of their light in those of his food who had a little reflex of unnecessary recoil. One last big step and he was almost chest to chest.
The crowd didn't really know what they were looking at, the child stretched out his arm towards the jokers chest then when he pulled him back with some gently luminous light in his hands, the jokers collapsed to the ground like a puppet whose string have been cut off. Even before the jokers had finished falling, the child put the light in his mouth and a cracking sound echoed through the shocking crowd.
Danny sighed in relief, not satisfaction because it was one of the worst things he had ever eaten. But he feels SO MUCH BETTER now!
he wasn't hungry anymore
… For now
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bugflowered · 10 months
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bug like an angel @sootslash @fog-and-the-frost
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temtamtom · 1 month
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Please ignore the fact I accidentally posted this and then deleted it okay anyways
These two have had a myriad of personal conflicts over the years. They had a difficult relationship as children and then spent the rest of their adolescence and early adulthood separately. They interacted, of course, and they saw each other as brothers, but that was it. We are related by blood, but I don’t see you as FAMILY family. If that makes sense. But if I had to pick their biggest fight, it would be:
Tl;Dr: Emotions were running high and unchecked after Italian unification, leading to a blow-out fight when Romano announced that he was moving to America for a little while.
I need to provide some context and explain my headcanons, so this might be a long one kjdfgk I hope it makes sense! Also, a warning because my Feli isn't all that canon-compliant ;; but I think he's a bit more accurate to the northern attitudes of the time
There's a common headcanon within the fandom that Romano was entirely against unification and resisted it from the start. I think this is a bit of an inaccurate and an over-simplified perspective. By the early and mid 1800s, there were many instances of uprisings against absolutism in Southern Italy, which strove for more liberal ideals. The revolutionaries wanted a constitutional monarchy, or even a republic. Through their uprisings and the creation of a secret, revolutionary network across the peninsula, revolutionary ideals began to spread throughout and inspire others.
This is of course a gross oversimplification of the history, but I’m bringing this all up to illustrate the idea that Romano was starting to grow tired of the “status quo”, and was desperate for a change. Unification wasn’t necessarily what he had in mind at first, especially when we consider that he and Feliciano were pretty distant at this point in time. However he soon got swept up in the fervor and optimism of the patriots, and he began to believe in their vision. He believed in a future where he could finally be truly independent- free to call the shots and live his life freely without the worry of being tossed around and claimed by other European powers. He believed in a future where, maybe, he could have a family again. To fix what was broken between him and Feliciano. Romano may come across as quite crude, but he’s a very passionate man. Someone who loves and craves so deeply, to the point where his heart/imagination can far outrun him.
So imagine the betrayal felt when he realized that unification wasn’t working in his favour. He was practically discarded, and seen as “lesser than” his northern brother. His brother, who treated him as an oddity, and had an air of moral superiority over Romano. They kept each other at arm's length, as though they were roommates forced to endure the other, rather than two brothers sharing a home. Disillusioned and hurt, Romano felt like a fool for believing in a dream that didn’t come true. 
Feliciano struggled with many emotional grievances, which Romano wasn’t privy to. He lost his long-time husband/partner just a few decades prior, and instead of taking the time to confront the grief, he picked himself back up and turned his attention towards independence and unification. He threw himself head first into uprisings, wars, political negotiations, and rallies- all to achieve this patriotic goal of forming “Italy”, and perhaps to distract himself from the loss (though he won’t admit it). He also thought, maybe foolishly, that his life would get better after unifying with his brother. That he would have a family again, that he wouldn’t feel so alone, that he would love and be loved and they could hold hands and skip happily into a field of sunshine and rainbows and everything would be okay– 
What should have brought them together, they both realized, seemed to drive a deeper wedge between them. The reality was that they were incompatible. They couldn’t stand each other. To Feliciano, Romano was nothing but an uncivilized brute who only complained and never wanted to work, and lived to insult him every day. To Romano, Feliciano was a pompous, stuck-up elite asshole who refused to acknowledge the very real pain and disillusionment of his new, southern citizens. Both brothers felt as though everything- all the blood, sweat, and tears- was just a massive waste.
As you can imagine, it was a VERY tense and unhappy household for many reasons. They began to argue. A LOT. Fights that were far uglier than the scraps they had as children. It got to a point where they couldn’t even stand to be in the same room as each other.
It all came to a head, however, when Romano announced that he was leaving. He had his motives, reasonable ones too, but Feliciano didn’t see that. All he saw was his no-good, lazy brother abandoning him and their country after all the effort they put into creating it, leaving him with all the stress and work while he galavants off to America. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The announcement devolved into an explosive fight. Things were said that, to this day, haven’t been fully forgiven. With all the anger and tension, they probably threw in a few good punches as well. Romano eventually left, and Feliciano thought to himself “Good riddance”. However as time wore on, they couldn’t help but think about the other, wonder how they were doing, and reflect on how they parted ways. 
Things were still a bit tense when Romano returned, and they didn’t acknowledge the fight for a while. However, they began putting a bit more effort into rekindling their relationship. It took some time, and it wasn’t an easy journey, but they’re in a much healthier place now than before. They’re glued at the hip, they share everything, they know every little quirk and detail about the other, and they’ve begun to love each other as family (though teasing and head-butting is a common occurrence). 
If you asked them back then if they would go through unification, they would be incredibly iffy. But if you asked them now, they would likely say yes. They wouldn't trade their brother for anything in the world.
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netherfeildren · 7 months
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devoted husband joel miller save me devoted husband joel miller
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musubiki · 6 months
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uh oh
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neurotypical-sonic · 1 year
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there was context for this that I've mostly forgotten but yeah I don't think 11 year old sonic quite realised he was Raising A Child because thats Scary!! so they were Just Hanging instead :)
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tikiloowho · 6 months
Mr.reaper possible spoiler
Separating this out into its own post to help spread it around as I feel this is semi important. Be warned it is very likely spoilers.
Not to randomly get rid of the mystery here for this particular entity.
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But that model, lightning effect, blurr effect, fog rolling in and the alignment of the eyes and teeth on that mob all point to one specific mod.
"The man from the fog."
This is a horror mod where a creature known as "the man from the fog" spawns in within a certain distance of players.
It usually appears just within render distance and can be aggressive once eyecontsct is made. Lightning strikes and it charges after the player. Attacking and killing them with an included jumpscare.
I have attached photos of the mob in question and a Screenshot caught during the cutscene played.
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The first image is from the cutscene itself which is modified with a black and white filter.
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You can see the greyscale where the red from the teeth would usually be.
This mob is extremely dangerous and can kill fully armored players in as few as 3 strikes if they are not holding a shield. It can be loud or have music incorporated with its attack depending on which version the admins are using. It is loud if it has the jumpscare section. Flashing infront of the players screen before they die.
This mob can also break down iron doors, will pursue through an extensive distance, climb up walls and can crawl through 1 block spaces. (Depending on the mod variation, this may not be accurate.)
Be warned, this mob also can spawn in groups and can be difficult to kill.
As for warnings for content, this mod has loud sound effects, a visual jumpscare, shaking / blurring visuals, screaming / loud breathing and scratching, flashing lights, and a fast paced entity. Please be advised.
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botanautical · 11 months
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(textless version below the cut)
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