#folk magic coven
fiantacleasai · 8 months
So, are folk witch covens a thing? Really I just mean, offline small social circles of folk witches. I know they have to be, but I can’t even find any covens in my city - much less a folk magic centered one. Nor any pagan communities outside of CUUPs. I must be looking in the wrong places.
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psychopomp-recital · 2 months
Community for Experienced and Intermediate practitioners!
I forgot I had made this but it was just approved. This is just to create a community for more experienced discussion and topics 🩵
Join link below
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book--brackets · 6 months
i love fantasy so i've got a bunch of submissions - thanks for running these polls they're so fun!
-The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black
-The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
-Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo
-Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire
-Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce
-Heralds of Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey
-Stardust by Neil Gaiman
-Her Majesty's Royal Coven series by Juno Dawson
-Shades of Magic series by V. E. Schwab
-Fledgling by Octavia Butler
-Serafina series by Robert Beatty
-Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
-Simon Snow series by Rainbow Rowell
-Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
-Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
-The Immortals Quartet by Tamora Pierce
Holy fuck, ok! So many, and a lot of these are personal favorites of mine; added them all!
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theresbloodinmymug · 2 years
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My contribution to Swordtember: witch’s sword.
Here’s our favorite son of a witch with his newfound personalized magic blade, courtesy of the coven who begrudgingly adopted his edgy ass. Inspired by his Czech roots, the details on the sword highlight his personal history, leading all the way up to his becoming a vampire. Featuring his natural brunette hair bc 80’s platinum wasn’t invented yet, and the traditional clothing of the time.
Lookit this little tortured bab, he’s so surprised he gets such a special gift. Almost like ppl love him despite his commitment to being absolute trash.
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elhoimleafar · 1 year
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JOIN US ON MAY 20~21. Our Sorcery Hour is Collectively hosted by a group of LGBTQIA members of the craft and made with love for everybody in a safe virtual space for everyone. Recordings are Available immediately after the event for the attendees.
Featuring; Laura Davila (Texas), 'Mexican Sorcery' Author. Mawiyah Bomani (New Orleans), Author of 'Conjuring the Calabash'. Ylva Mara Radziszewski (New Orleans), Author of 'A Practical Guide for Witches' and creator of 'The Living Altar.' Nicholas Pearson (Florida), Author of eight books published by Inner Traditions. Moss Matthey (UK), author of an upcoming book with Llewellyn. Ella Harrison (Latvia), author of 'The Book of Spells'. Aly Kravetz AKA The Bronx Witch (New York), creator of The Bronx Witch Headquarters. Elhoim Leafar (New York), author of 'The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags' and the upcoming 'Dream Witchery'.
I'll be here teaching my South America Folk Indigenous Magic class. Which is not just my second most popular class of all time but also the most well-curated, for which I'm constantly researching new information, tales, and folklore.
This virtual-live event includes A Welcoming Ritual, eight workshops of Magic & Witchcraft in two days, and a Meet & Greet with the presenters and host at the end of each day. Recordings of the classes will be available via a private channel on youtube just for the attendees to rewatch and listen to how many times they want for a Year. The whole price of the event is just $40.
Save Your Ticket Here: https://elhoimleafar.com/oursorceryhour/
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the-sunhold-coven · 1 month
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The Sunhold Coven
This is the writing blog for my WIP, I'll try to update about once every to every other month depending on how long the updates take.
It has been over a decade since the plague swept the nation of Korim, claiming folks both young and old, fit and frail. No cure either magical or alchemical could stem the tide. The silent streets were filled with corpses, and the people were scared, searching for an explanation. So their heads turned to those who remained unaffected by the plague, the magic folk of Korim.
Soon all magic folk were persecuted, shifters, nymphs and witches were killed in droves. Now only a few remain.
You are one. A witch.
Traverse the land of Korim in a fight for your survival.
Make new friends and possibly romance one of six companions.
Rebuild the old coven.
Companions and RO's
Alarik grew up on the tales of witches. Self-serving and power hungry with no exceptions is how you were portrayed and that is what he believed. He has always been driven by a need to protect those he around him. The hound that accompanies Alarik is called Lady.
He is a very tall man with an athletic physique. His eyes are the telltale silver of the Witch hunters, and the streak of white in his hair barely visible against the platinum blonde. His features are stern and severe softened only by the stubble on his jaw
Midora is a forest nymph with a profound love for all that grows and blooms. Despite having seen the worst of people, she still always chooses to believe the best. She values loyalty and kindness above all else.
Everything about her appearance seems soft, her short and curvy body, her round face and hazel doe eyes. Long oak brown braid fall down to her hips, gradually becoming a moss green. She almost always braids in little flower into her hair, kept alive by her magic.
Felina is a feline shifter. Her other shape is that of a lynx. She keeps most at a distance and claims she prefers solitude, but her eyes will soften as she sees something small and vulnerable.
Felina's pale human shape still bares some cat-like features, with sharp amber eyes and button nose framed by her chin length brown hair. She is of average height with lean, ropey muscles.
Caden is a lupine shifter, his other form that of a great black wolf. He is a man that struggles to stay silent, his playful manner occasionally bordering on juvenile.
His human form is of average height, muscled and strong. His features are sharp and angular, his yellow eyes almost always lined with kohl, and a mop of wavy black hair atop his head.
???- Unknown
???- Unknown
Forum post:
The WIP:
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coinandcandle · 1 year
Which Witch? - Let's Talk Labels!
Are you a green witch? Perhaps you’re a crystal witch or a sea witch? Maybe you're a kitchen witch? Let’s talk about these labels, what they are, and if you need them!
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First and foremost let's discuss:
Do I need a label?
Nope! While you’re more than welcome to use one--many even--they aren’t required!
I won’t give you an exhaustive list of witch types, as you’ll learn there are as many labels as there are witches. Instead, I want to give you an idea about how these labels come to be and how you can decide on them if you’d like.
Labels for witches come from a variety of paces but a label almost always denotes a certain specification of their craft.
The tools they prefer (crystals, tarot, herbs, runes etc)
The biome or domestic area they thrive most in (sea, forest, swamp, mountains, urban, suburban, garden, kitchen etc)
The path they choose to follow (traditional, pop-culture, hedge, folk, poison, ceremonial, etc)
Their involvement with other witches (solitary, coven, hereditary, etc)
The type of magic they prefer (glamour, curse, healing, etc)
An over-arching concept or theme (death witch, love witch, divination witch, cosmic witch, etc)
Some labels are more specific than others and some can even encompass other labels!
For example: a green witch could be a witch who deals with all of nature whereas a plant witch would focus on just plants and a garden witch would focus on garden-specific plants.
You’ll also hear the term eclectic witch. What this label means is someone who uses a little bit of everything, or doesn't follow one specific path.
Unfortunately, there are those who use this label as a shield to hide their appropriation, assuming they can take what they want from any culture, closed or open, without doing proper research or initiation.
That said, many of those who use this term are not like that! They are simply witches who are just as likely to do magic in the forest as they are in the city, or to use tarot as much as they use pendulums, or perhaps they use herbs as much as they do crystals!
Not every witch needs a label, some don't ever use them, or they may use them only when chatting with others about their preferences in magic. Labels may even come and go as you move forward on your path. Choose whichever labels work for you, even if that means no labels!
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panthera-dei · 10 months
I got another witchy FAQs question so I want to go ahead and share it.
This time, we're talking some basic chaos magic with different types of thoughtforms!
Please note that I am not an expert in chaos magic, nor do I consider myself a chaos magician, so feel free to (kindly) leave feedback or corrections as needed. ^^
Thoughtforms 101
Definition of Thoughtform: Thoughtform is a catch-all term from any entity that was created with or by human thought (conscious or otherwise).
Types of Thoughtforms: Common thoughtforms include sigils, servitors, thoughtform companions (aka tulpas), daemons, and egregores.
Sigils: Most folks who create sigils and use sigil magic probably don't think about sigils as a type of chaos magic or a thoughtform. However, sigils actually do fall into this category. Think of a sigil as being like a simple computer program that's powered by your mind. You give the program a basic function (such as protection or prosperity) and the magical "coding" of your intentions allows the sigil to carry it out.
Servitors: If sigils are basic computer programs, then servitors are robots. They're not sentient per se, as they still require the coding and programming that comes with intention and magical energy. Yet they're much more complex than a sigil and can carry out higher-level functions & multiple tasks (e.g., drawing in people to shop on your Etsy page for prosperity, or actively guarding a space or casting a magic circle for protection).
Thoughtform companions: The widespread term for this type is "tulpa," and creating/having one of these thoughtforms is commonly referred to as "tulpamancy." Since there's also a widespread controversy over these terms, I don't use them myself. I say "creating or working with a thoughtform," and I'll refer to the entity as a thoughtform or thoughtform companion. Regardless of the terminology or beliefs behind this category, they are defined as a separate consciousness created by the thoughts and actions of a human. The human is typically referred to as the "host," since the companion is typically treated as its own separate consciousness. These are fully sentient, autonomous beings with their own thoughts and feelings. They're generally created, either intentionally or not, as friends for the host (hence my personal terminology for them).
Daemons: This category is similar to a companion, but with a different origin and function. Daemons have been documented since ancient Greece, to my knowledge. A daemon is also a sentient entity, however, they are not created intentionally by the host (although they can be brought to the forefront by the human in question). A daemon is instead a conscious entity created by, and representative of, the human being's subconscious mind. They typically serve as helpers and mental guides for the human. They are not considered separate entities; instead, they're part of you.
Egregores: These are essentially the AIs of the thoughtform world. Whereas companions and daemons exist within the human mind, egregores are similar to servitors and sigils - created by the mind, but separate from it. Egregores are often made or manifested by a group of people intentionally for a purpose. E.g., a coven may create one as a guardian or a spiritual guide. They're also often created by accident from widespread symbols - for example, branding. And nations. Every time somebody posts a picture of the Starbucks logo, you're most likely feeding an egregore, according to one theory I've heard. Do I believe that personally? Not sure. (I do have an exact source for this one available on request.) As far as I know, egregores exist with varying degrees of sentience, power, and free will depending on the individual scenario (much like artificially intelligent computers & androids in science fiction).
Pop Culture Entities / Deities: These are often referred to as PCEs or PCDs. I prefer the former but I often use them interchangeably. Some folks prefer to be more specific. For example, Raiden from Mortal Kombat is considered a god in that series, so many folks would consider him a pop culture deity. Whereas Dean Winchester is *not* a deity in Supernatural - so he could be considered a pop culture entity instead. However, this is up to the preferences of the individual entity & practitioner.
Differences between PCDs and Egregores: Egregores are ALWAYS created, intentionally or not, by human energy and thought. PCDs, on the other hand, can have a mixed origin sometimes. Some of them may be pure egregores, manifested on purpose or by accident. Others may be preexisting spirits - often nature spirits that are aligned closely to the fandom content - that latch onto a fictional work as a power source, and eventually fuse with it. And then another theory is that PCDs are *all* preexisting spirits or even deities wearing a mask - so for example, folks with this belief would say that PCD Marvel Loki is just Loki appearing in a different form/aspect. I personally think that all PCEs have a unique origin and I try not to make any assumptions.
Where do I fact check you and/or learn more?: Unfortunately, it is *really damn hard* to find good, solid information on pop culture work because it's very new. And while there's *lots* of info on chaos magic, you have to be careful to check the reliability of the source, much as is the case with demonolatry sources. Fortunately, Tumblr is a great source to find other pop culture practitioners. I personally also have *some* sources available for these topics on request, I'm just too lazy to dig through my Drive right at this moment. :)
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annaholak · 2 years
Wyrd Sisters Abroad
For this year's inktober I'm reimagining the three Lancre coven members, from Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, as modern day witches (and sending them on a trip to America).
So let me introduce you to:
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Gytha "Nanny" Ogg (canon version)
Gytha is the optimist of the coven. She has buried three husbands (and that’s just the official count), she has fifteen children, innumerable grandchildren, an evil cat named Greebo, and only one tooth. She likes smoking her pipe, eating, drinking, playing her banjo while taking her bath, and singing (mostly “the Hedgehog Song” and “A Wizard’s Staff has a Knob on the End”). She always checks under her bed before going to sleep in the hope that there might be a man hiding under it (you never know…).
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the reimagined Gytha "Nanny" Ogg
Don't let her pink velour tracksuit fool you; she’s not one of the working out types of octogenarians (in fact she doesn’t do anything tiring if she can help it) - but she does like to be comfy (and maybe a little bit sexy - though she probably wouldn’t admit that). Her sneakers were chosen by one of her many grandchildren and “they’re red because Nana likes red and they have stars on them because Nana is MAGIC!”. Her witch’s hat has a red ribbon on it because she does indeed like red. Not pictured is her foul-tempered, evil-smelling, one-eyed cat Greebo whom, despite all evidence to the contrary, Nanny considers to be a sweet, harmless kitten.
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Esmerelda (Esme) "Granny" Weatherwax (canon left, reimagined right)
Esme is the most intimidating of the coven. She is very confident in her abilities. When she says that something is impossible she usually means “for anyone except herself”. Accordingly she is not a good loser (she hasn’t had much practice); from her point of view, losing is something that happens to other people. She’s never scared of walking through a dark forest because she knows that the most terrifying thing in it is herself. Her implicit belief that everything should get out of her way extends to other witches, very tall trees and, on occasion, mountains. Despite being an extremely powerful witch, she prefers to use headology instead of actual magic whenever possible; she is a firm believer in giving people what they need, not what they want. She is Good and she is Right, but she's not Nice. She is feared and respected, but generally not liked.
In canon she is the most "traditionally" dressed of the three Lancre witches: all black, simple dress, sturdy boots, tall witch's hat fastened to her tight bun with hatpins, and the occasional vest. Her goal is to look as much of a witch (and as intimidating) as possible.
In the reimagined version she is still dressed in all black but I opted for a different kind of intimidating-older-woman style: the ageing punk rock virgin with the evil stare.
And last but not least:
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Magrat Garlick (canon version)
Magrat's name is an accident; her mother wanted to name her Margaret, but didn't know how to spell it. She is the youngest member of the Lancre coven, and the least confident in her magical abilities (probably the reason why she rarely wears her witch’s hat - instead she prefers to wear glamorous green dresses that would suit more curvy figures than hers, and slightly wilted flower crowns on her unruly hair). She also has a huge collection of occult jewellery, is a vegetarian, and believes in folk songs and the Cycles of Nature. She is the most bookish of the three witches and an excellent herbalist - something even Granny Weatherwax (who usually calls her a “wet hen”) reluctantly admits. In “Witches Abroad” she inherits a Fairy Godmother wand, but is unable to master it; the only effect she is able to produce with it is turning things into pumpkins.
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the reimagined Magrat Garlick
As a vegetarian on a quest to save Mother Earth, she wears clothes made of natural fibers, vegan sandals, and reusable tote bags. She’s also wearing a witch’s hat (purely because I couldn’t resist the aesthetic appeal), but it’s dark green instead of the traditional black and the shortest one of the group. She still has a soft spot for crystals and magical jewellery though. She wears an ankle bracelet with tiny bells on it (she finds the soft tinkling weirdly soothing).
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ramlightly · 2 months
Did the whitchs let hollyhock transition, or did they have to after they ran away
The witches very much saw Hollyhock as just an extension and tool of the coven, something to be useful and be controlled. They kind of underestimated until Hollyhock ran away with some of their grimoires and magical artifacts into Hell lol. It was only then they could transistion (also the reason Hollyhock goes to the Garden, the folks there are pretty chill about gender and sex obviously and there far less of a strict hierarchy to move up on)
It's sort of the reason Hollyhock clings so hard on their independence and shunting everyone out of their life. It's been the only way for them to be able to live freely as themselves thus far.
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sepublic · 10 months
Expanding on my Irish Clawthorne reading; That just adds to the whole story and the colonialism aspect and how the Wittebanes are of British descent, and the British colonized the Irish while declaring them 'savages' and the like, sound familiar?
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Big orange hair is such a thing for the family; Eda's hair can store objects in it, Lilith's was curly. And I dunno just; It's not just the angle of white folk colonizing America, it's also the Irish and we have Caleb learning to love Evelyn, whom people like to portray with orange hair. The consensus is that Dell, a ginger, is their direct descendant.
So there's also something to be said about Lilith as someone who was made to assimilate; In the Emperor's Coven, she was deliberately cut off from her family. She was 'taken in' by an older relative ashamed of his brother's fraternizing, who resented Lilith on multiple levels for her identity and for eventually scarring his face (in retaliation to manipulation and attempted murder).
Lilith was so blatantly abused in the Emperor's Coven, and there's a sick joke in how she wanted to be a historian, yet was made subordinate to Flora, who bastardized history on Belos' order, and also belittled Lilith. Lilith was constantly made to feel inferior and with how she was always more of a desk job than a field agent, unlike the coven heads, and it really feels like she was elected as a stunt, a prop to show off with; Look, see! Even a common wild witch like Lilith can rise to the top!
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But Lilith still had to assimilate, she had to conform; People like her can still fit under the coven banner, so long as they fit the mold and cut away those 'ugly' bits. So she straightens and dyes her hair a dark blue, cuts it down. Lilith hides herself, even her own Palisman is forced to constantly stay in staff form; A reminder that nature can only be allowed to exist as a tool, nothing else!!! And that's also dark because the Clawthornes are palismen carvers.
So yeah, we have Lilith trying to engage with her past and heritage, yet being deliberately blinded from it, made to participate in her own ignorance and erasure. Forced to hide physical aspects of herself to blend in, mistreated as more of a prop to show how any wild witch can be 'tamed', to prove a point to Belos himself. His own sick victory against Evelyn; A trophy seized from the locals, separated from her family and trying to pull them in with her because that's the best Lilith can have, even as she belittles them and thinks she was improved herself.
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Lilith obviously has personal agency and thus blame regarding the curse, and the finale's themes do assert that, as does Lilith’s effort to atone; But it was Belos' coven system that helped pit Lilith against her fellow witches and even family members, and estrange herself from them. Lilith WAS legitimately interested in magic, too... But because of the system, she cursed Eda.
And Lilith didn't use any old curse, she used one created by the Archivists, who came from another world to 'tame', that itself had reduced another wild, native creature to just a prop. That curse was used to dehumanize and delegitimize Eda's stance against the system. It reduced her connection to her bile magic, something also important to witches and Clawthornes, and especially Eda who loved and was great at it; And to mitigate the curse and take responsibility, Lilith also lost her bile magic.
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But at the same time, she and Eda re-established contact with glyphs, thanks to Luz; And Lilith made the breakthrough of rediscovering glyph combos! So there's an ancient practice, older than even the Deadwardian Era she obsessed over, that Lilith found and brought back, for a time at least; But that will still apply once King's glyphs so in full-swing. And Lilith even got to visit the Deadwardian Era, scar her abuser after he scarred her and so many others, and come to a better understanding about her own ancestral past, something that continues with Lilith’s self-actualization as the historian she always wanted to be; So now she’s helping everyone better understand their past and origins!
Lilith and the Clawthornes as a whole are still cut off from knowing about Evelyn and Caleb, and they may never know; But at least they got back Hunter, whom Lilith was also pitted against in the Emperor's Coven, which really divided Caleb and Evelyn's descendants. And what tops it all off is Lilith having parallels to Philip, what with the Wittebanes and Clawthorne sisters; One more open-minded and outdoorsy, going against society, while the other is bookish and bitterly insecure and absorbs prejudice to feel better about themselves. Even their names are structured similarly!
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They both wear blue coats and hurt a sibling they cared for but also resented... But Lilith grew beyond all that. She went above the hatred and jealousy. The system was more prevalent in her life, yet Lilith still chose to go against it, taking the chance to stop when it came and work for real happiness. She stopped needing to put down others to feel better about herself, Lilith made a friend with someone as strange as Hooty, who was once connected to the Titan and also forgot his past, but is now connected to Dell's old tower; Abandoned but given new life by Lilith's sister Eda. So the past is still lost to some extent and unrecognizable even, but it still lives on anyway.
Anyhow, Irish Lilith Clawthorne who is a victim of assimilation by British colonialism and that tried to erase her Irish features and make Lilith conform by cutting her off from her heritage and feeding her a bastardized, demonized version of her own past, while turning against her own people and culture and thinking herself superior for climbing up the ladder she left others at the base of; A promised justification of imperialism. But then Lilith breaks free from all of it and reconnects and re-embraces everything she lost, including her family and heritage, and just gets to be weird with other weirdoes like herself, so there's both blood and the covenant (not THAT type of coven tho).
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Have you played ARS MAGICA ?
By Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein-Hagen
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Welcome to Ars Magica, and to the world of Mythic Europe. It is a place where the glories of the Classical world are dust and the promise of the Renaissance is yet to come. The time is the 13th century--1220 to be exact. Life is a struggle: wars and plagues stalk the land, the Church and kings rule with an iron fist. Yet Mythic Europe is also a place of magical wonder, inhabited by all the creatures of folktale and myth. What the folk of the land believe holds true: faeries and rural spirits must be placated; demons corrupt everything they touch; divine power is accessible through prayer; and magic is everywhere.
Against this background, you will play a magus, a member of the mythical Order of Hermes. You and your fellow players will also portray the loyal companions and grogs that stand with the magi in their covenants. These stalwart protectors provide a buffer between the magi and the mundane world that often misunderstands their power and motives. This is the setting for Ars Magica.
(Poll runner notes : Still salty that a friend got the latest edtion integral at a raffle while I got nothing)
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deepseaspriteblog · 2 months
pleaseeeee drop more info on the new fanspecies if you have any i would love to jane/jaye-ify them
Sure! I went ahead and typed down all my ideas for them but it's all very vague and not yet set in stone. Still, if you want to try your hand at making any of them, you're definitely welcomed to!
I made a base for it too! You can use these to make them, or for any other reason, just credit me if you do.
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Lore dump under read more!
Lore: All of them have magic and instead of a traditional family, Baphomets are raised in covens, with kids usually being grouped together like the girls in Madeleine. They’re taken care of by a priest (of any gender), who is helped by deacons (also of any gender). They are ruled by the High Priest (usually female). They are sensitive to light and live in ruins. They’re secretive and vaguely sinister, but also very polite. A respectful attitude is very important for Baphomets. 
Their naming conventions are 4 letters, a hyphen, and a three letter surname (eg: Rose-Lal, Kana-Mar Neta-Lei, etc.), . Though the relationship between parent and child isn’t given much focus (since children are raised by coven leaders instead), Baphomets take their birthgiver’s surname. 
Appearance: they all have that same color scheme, though perhaps in differing shades? Their horns are always goat-like but the shape can differ. They have goat-like eyes, too, with bright pink scleras. They have long tails and cat-like noses.
They have little flames atop their heads like a weird halo- it’s mostly harmless, though when a Baphomet is straining their magical energy the flames can grow out of control and become larger. It is said that a Baphomet who is overwhelmed with hatred and power will be consumed by their own flames. In its default form, however, all it does is glow harmlessly. It disappears when a Baphomet is sleeping or dead. 
Their symbols are geometric, runelike shapes that are always mainly pink with a white accent. 
Lore: A pretty mundane fanspecies, all things considered. They’re not that different from humans socially or culturally. Harpies and Tengus (and perhaps some other bird based fanspecies I may create in the future) are thought to be descended from a common ancestor, though the tengus have their own myths/beliefs. They like tall areas though and are often from mountainous regions. They may or may not be able to fly once they reach maturity, I haven’t made up my mind, though if they do I;m sure the harpies are mad about it since they can’t. 
Naming convention is undecided, though I’m gonna go with six letter first names for now.
Appearance: They have the wings of a crow and the ears of a dog. They have golden scleras like the trolls and facial markings inspired by kabuki performances, so they’re mostly red but other colors can be used as well. As for their hair color… I’m a bit torn if they all have blue hair or if they have differing hair colors. You can decide if you want! 
Their symbols are pretty much just fankid symbols, but with two colors.
Lore: According to Harpy mythology, they once had wings that were big enough to soar across the sky and never get tired. They believe that the original harpies were created to be entertainers for their God, but they grew greedy and prideful and tried to fly to Paradise and steal God’s riches. In retaliation, God took away the Harpy’s most prized possession- their wings, so that they would not be able to fly again. Realizing their mistake, the Harpies begged for forgiveness and wished for their wings to return… Which it did, but in much smaller form- no longer than a human’s arm, and certainly not big enough to fly for anymore. And so, the modern harpy is with wings that cannot fly. 
Dancing is a very big deal for harpies, and they have a variety of traditional dances, and many of their folk stories are told through the art of dance. 
Appearance: In addition to their facial markings, Harpies also tend to have body markings. Shoulders are most common but it can appear anywhere. 
As for color, the harpy I made had her color scheme lifted right off of Feng Huang from SMT, but I think any bright color is possible. Hair color tends to be dark, but not always. Antennae feather thing is usually gold though, as is their hands and feet that have that bird skin (I think they’re called scutes?). Speaking of feet, they’ve got clawed feet and thick soles so they don’t wear shoes, but some of them wrap their feet for a little extra protection. 
Naming convention is 4 letter first names and surnames ranging from 3 to 5 letters. 
Their symbols are troll-like.
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mybadlywrittenstories · 6 months
Enchanted to meet you (Paul Lahote X OC)
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“Shhh.” Amelia shushed her little sister Evelyn as she tip-toed down the staircase leading to the foyer. Both girls stopped before the last step, hiding behind the wall which separated them from their expected guest—well their parents expected guests.
Amelia and Evelyn were the two daughters of head of the north American coven. Well, their mother was head of the coven, their father was Fae; a simple mythical creature known mainly for their connection with nature and healing magic. It was common for Fae and witches to mingle amongst one another, as witches channeled the powers of nature for their spells and potions; much like the Fae. Procreation between the two species was a special rarity, most Fae never made romantic or sexual connections as there was no real need. You see, Fae is not made through conventional means.
If you’ve ever been out in nature, in a secluded spot where it almost seems untouched by humanity, you feel the sudden sense of calmness rushing over you. The sun seems to illuminate the world around you in a blanket of warmth and bliss, and it feels as if in that moment everything is perfect; that means a Fae was probably just born near you. The Fae believes that mother nature carefully crafts each and every Fae, their bodies created from the earth itself, and then she releases them to live their lives and protect her earth. Other species have different theories on how the Fae came to be, but no one can say with complete certainty.
This seeming species wide asexuality is why it causes everyone a shock when a Fae bares a child physically, and to do so with not only a witch but one of the most powerful witches in existence? The leader of the North American Coven? Now that creates two very interesting girls.
Amelia Boleyn is an 18-year-old halfling, those halves being part witch and Fae. She stands on the shorter side, just under 5’3—however if anyone ever called her anything less than 5’3 she’d make sure to put them in their place. She cropped her hair just above her shoulders with some rusty kitchen scissors during a slightly tipsy night she shared with her sister. Her skin was naturally on the tanner side, resembling her father’s coloring of curly dark hair and tan skin, more so than her mother’s red hair, pale skin, and green eyes. She came into her powers when she was 13 years of age, although she showed much promise with her witchcraft already being a fourth level spell caster. She much preferred dabbling in the simple powers of her father, a stereotypical daddy’s girl. She would much rather go out into the woods, lay in a field, and connect with nature rather than sit at home and stare at old grimoires.
Her sister Evelyn, however, is the opposite. She is 16 and also a halfling, her skin only a shade or two darker than her mothers, she also had her mother’s straight auburn hair and sparkling green eyes. She was also one who could spend hours sitting in her room, reading her ancestors grimoires and attempting to learn to cast new and more advanced spells, already dabbling the same level as her older sisters, but severely struggling with any Fae related magic.
The two girls are very possibly going to become two of the strongest women alive, and here they were huddled together behind a flimsy wooden wall, straining to eavesdrop on their parents’ conversation. Amelia and Evelyn both shared worried looks as they heard multiple heavy footsteps walking into the house. Their father Aeon had told them of the recent killings of magic folk in the area, forbidding them from going out alone even for the most insignificant of tasks. Whoever was responsible for the killings was targeting young adults and teens, and although they have yet to kill a Fae child or witch child, the matter needed to be dealt with.
As far as anyone could tell, going off the bodies of the victims, the killer was a vampire. Incredibly fast, and efficient killers, but not known to go after other supernatural’s. Something was brewing, and Jenny and Aeon Boleyn had made the decision to call in the only supernatural’s who were properly equipped to deal with a vampire, wolf shifters.
Amelia and Evelyn were fascinated when their father explained who was coming, and why they had to keep their distance. The northwestern shifters were notorious for being big, burly brutes with wicked tempers. Tales of the smallest disagreement turning into massive fights involving clashing canines spread like wildfire when they seemingly reappeared a few years back after being presumed extinct. To the girls, however, this made them a group of very fascinating subjects to poke and prod at—youthful stupidity mixed with curiosity.
Amelia leaned closer to the edge of doorway as she heard a somehow quiet, yet booming voice start to speak. “Aeon it’s been too long.” A small pause filled with the sound of scuffing shoes and a door closing, “I only wish this meeting was under better circumstances.” The same voice spoke again, sounding sympathetic.
“It’s so nice to see you, Sam.” Their mother’s sweet voice greeted, “It’s so nice to see all of you. Though, I do see a few new faces. Please everyone come inside and sit down I’m sure your journey has been very tiring.” Multiple deep voices muttered hellos, and then heavy footsteps followed the woman into the small living room.
Most of the men opted to sit on the grown, allowing Sam their pack alpha to sit on the couch with Jen and Aeon. They all trusted Sam when he said the couple could be trusted, perhaps it was the wolf in them that made them skeptical of the unknown but regardless of the reason, no one but Sam wanted to be too close to the two.
The two girls waited on the stairs for a few minutes, trying to strain and hear what was being said, but all they could pick up on was the low mumbling of conversation. “You think we should try to get closer?” Evelyn whispered into her older sister’s ear, her heart thrumming quickly with excitement.
Amelia considered for a moment, weighing if the risk of getting caught was worth satiating her curiosity, in the end the latter won. “Yes, but don’t make any noise. I so do not want to hear the lecture from mom and dad if they catch us snooping.”
Unbeknownst to the pair, the shifters had exceptional hearing and all of them had picked up on the quiet encounter a few yards away. Sam simply ignored the two girls, seeing no real threat in them eavesdropping, Quill, Embry, Seth, Collin, Brady, and Paul all shared sly smirks to one another—not so subtly glancing at the small door way as gentle and slow footstep inched forward.
“You should take a peek—see what they look like! “Evelyn urged faintly, Nudging her sister with her arm. “Why me? So, I’m the one who gets caught?” Amelia shot a pointed glare towards her younger, yet taller sister. “Yes! Now look, Mom said werewolves were usually all ruggedly handsome! Maybe the same applies for shifters.” Evelyn had a wicked smirk on her mouth as she envisioned a group of big burly men fresh for the pickings waiting in her living room—those teenage hormones surging through her body at the prospect.
“That’s gross, Eve.” Amelia sighed, rolling her eyes, “But I’ll do it… not because you said they were hot though.” The two sisters shared a mischievous look together, before Amelia crouched down to knee level and carefully leaned past the doorway, bracing herself on the wall so as not to fall and peering into the living room.
A not so silent profanity left her lips as her eyes met six other pairs of eyes looking directly back at her. In her shock her grip slipped on the door frame, and she tumbled into full view of everyone—including her parents. Evelyn silently died of laughter still hidden behind the wall, before quickly making her escape back up the stairs, abandoning her sister to the wolves.
“Uh—Hi!” Amelia chirper, looking around at the men in her living room, very purposely not making eye contact with her parents. “I just… uhm” Evelyn quickly looked around the floor around her, a somewhat stupid plan popping her head, but hell it was her only idea. She reached forward and grabbed a lost pen from the floor and held it up swinging it in the air. “Was just lookin for this!” As her eyes travelled back up to the unknown men, the pen almost fell from her hands.
Amelia thought it was just due to the surprise of meeting eyes with—in her opinion—the most attractive man in the room. Paul, however, felt as if he was cemented in his place, sitting on an old Abrash rug in a run-down but quaint little cottage, looking into a pair of beautiful dark eyes. A gentle click in his brain, and he knew what this feeling was, this feeling as if he had just taken off a filter from his eyes and he was finally seeing clearly. Her confused face tempting him to come closer, and to never leave. His imprint.
Everyone but Amelia could feel the shift in the air, Jen Boleyn silently screaming in her head as it dawned on her. Her precious eldest daughter being imprinted upon by a shifter? A breed who was made to kill and slaughter their enemies without a moment of remorse, she opened her mouth to speak but no words would leave her lips.
Amelia looked around at all the shocked and speechless faces, assuming this was caused solely by her interruption, her face reddened, and she quickly stood up, ignoring the slight ache in her hips where she landed. “I’m just going to go, it was nice—uh—meeting all of you!” She smiled before quickly making her exit and running up the stairs.
Amelia threw herself into her room and hopped up onto her bed. She knew she was in for it but she silently prayed to mother nature that her parents wouldn’t be too pissed about the interruption—a pointless prayer and she knew it. Remaining under her covers she shimmied off her jeans and bra and turned over towards her window. Listening to the now significantly louder voices downstairs speak and watching the pale blue clouds pass by the full moon outside. She laid there for what felt like hours, but in reality, was only thirty minutes, waiting for her parents’ lecture to come—but it never did. Instead, she was slowly lulled into one of the deepest slumbers she had in a very long time, strangely plagued by the sight of those deep brown eyes of one of the very handsome but strange young man.
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princeblack · 7 months
regulus black has been dead for one hundred and twenty-one years and the only voice he knows now is hers. it’s warm, wrapping around his soul and making him feel less alone; less of a memory and more of a person again. he’s still there, lingering, even a century after his death, having his life ripped away from him because of consumption.
what she didn’t know is he wasn’t your average dead man in any dead grave. or maybe she did know that, somewhere deep down. why else would he become her favorite? he felt her favoritism every time she leaned against his tombstone, talking about her days as if he were her friend and not the ghost of someone she would never know. his name is etched on the tombstone, but nothing more remains aside from the bust his mother had sculpted to commemorate her lost son. she had come to his grave to weep at it until consumption took her life as well, dwindling the numbers in the black family to almost nothing.
regulus had a life once, born as the son of a wealthy noble and raised strictly by way of his mother, given better education than most and learning complex science and math others didn’t have access to at a young age. he was familiar with the arts as well, writing and playing piano better than anyone in their town. he even proved to be adept at what was usually saved for the lower class, like caring for animals and livestock. not that his mother was a fan of him being friendly with the local farmers, saying it was beneath his father’s family and they had a reputation to uphold. besides that, there was danger to associating with the common folk because of what they were.
orion black was a successful businessman who amassed wealth through investments and commercial ventures, known even outside of their hometown for his fortune and contributions to various enterprises. orion wanted regulus to manage his estate and investments when he was old enough, although his mother was more worried about teaching him her own family’s ways, including inducting him into the family coven.
many still believed in witches, especially in such a rural area, and regulus’s family wasn’t safe from the persecution they’d face if anyone found out. it was a cult in a sense, regulus being brought up in the ways of the religion; worshiping and sacrificing to the the Horned One in order for their family to keep their powers. the old god was displeased when andromeda left the coven, withholding some of their powers for a time.
unluckily for regulus, this was when he fell ill, soon to meet an untimely fate. stricken with grief, walburga had done what magic she could, not enough to heal him but at least enough to resurrect him if all magical requirements were met.
she harnessed the power of a comet overhead, using its magic to reverse his death once it were to pass over again.
at least, this is how it was explained to regulus just before he died. he waited over a century after, sure that the spell had failed (and even if it didn’t, his loved ones were surely dead anyway).
that is, until he meets her.
she cares for his grave, scrubbing it clean and leaving flowers for him every week. she even gazes at his statue, talking to him as if he could talk back. regulus isn’t man anymore; only spirit, but even so he can see how beautiful she is and he knows she’s the most perfect human being to ever walk the earth. who else would care for someone they don’t know and keep his memory alive more than his family ever did?
one night she gifts him her aunt’s necklace, leaving it on his bust as an offering. he remembers her sweet words, explaining why she wanted him to have it and even murmuring that she wishes she could be with him. it’s then that he’s sure she can feel it, too– his spirit, and the way the two of them are drawn together, even with death and life separating them still.
his soul longs for her, wondering if the comet will pass by sometime before her life is over.
luckily, the night finally comes, and he can feel his awareness shift, being sucked below. once he was apart of the cemetery; apart of the breeze, just another spirit among many. but now he can feel his awareness being siphoned down, pulled into blackness, and then he’s there.
everything is dark, but he can feel his body. he’s almost not sure if this is real, but the weight of the ground is pressing down on him and it’s only because of magic that animates his body that he has the strength to claw his way from the dirt without suffocating. it takes some difficulty, struggling to reach the surface, but he eventually pushes through the ground, emerging from the soil and dragging himself out.
he can breathe, but there’s a hollow feeling in his chest, almost as if he doesn’t have to because he’s dead. dirt falls off of him as he stands on unsteady legs, almost overwhelmed by his surroundings in the overgrown graveyard. the breeze is something he hasn’t felt on his face in over a century, along with the way air rests in his lungs. the moon is shining down on him, round and full, illuminating his tombstone and the bust his mother had made of him just above it.
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he sees her necklace there, glinting in the dark, and shaky fingers reach out to take it, pulling it off for him to hold. it’s significantly nicer than anything on him, his old vest covered in chunks of soil and torn and faded. even the sleeves of his shirt are ripped, even though they were once elegant and of the highest quality white fabric.
he can feel salem through the necklace, as if a pulse of her soul is within it, her beating heart in his hand as he struggles out of the graveyard. her home isn’t far, through the forest and on the edge of a rural neighborhood. he knows because he can sense her, almost as if they’re connected. his mother always said he was the most psychic of the witches in their coven, but now it feels even more true, because his mind leads him directly to the woman he loves.
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he crosses her yard, reaching the front door. he looks like a phantom on her porch, his skin even paler than it was when he was alive, smeared in dirt and grime. his black hair is caked with it too, to the point he’s almost unrecognizable. whatever state he was resurrected to, he knows he isn’t fully human. everything feels muffled and his body is cold; not like he remembered having flesh to be.
he’s sure he would be burned at the stake if anyone were to see him, a warning his family had given him time and time again about their magic. but he opens salem’s door anyway, using supernatural strength to break the lock and open the front door. he can sense her in the living space, just a few feet away, but he isn’t prepared to meet her beautiful blue eyes when he does. if regulus had breath it would’ve been taken from him, his cold fingers tightening on the necklace as he holds it out. / @ghstdoll
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