#for all mankind fic missing scene
gordopickett · 6 months
El Gordo Just Might (For All Mankind 2.4 "Pathfinder" missing scene)
The first part is the entire hangar scene from ep 2.4 "Pathfinder," and then I've written a "missing scene" where Gordo & Ed take out their frustrations with each other on the Ellington Field apron.
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El Gordo Just Might (3116 words) by GordoPickett Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: For All Mankind (TV 2019) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Gordo Stevens, Ed Baldwin Additional Tags: for all mankind, Episode: s02e04 Pathfinder (For All Mankind, For All Mankind Pathfinder, For All Mankind missing scene, For All Mankind deleted scene, Missing Scene, Deleted Scene, Pathfinder - Freeform, hangar, T-38, El Gordo, El Gordo Just Might, Male Friendship, Dogfighting, NASA, Ellington Field, Fighting, Fear, Anxiety, Tough Love, turning point Series: Part 3 of For All Mankind Summary: The first part is the entire hangar scene from ep 2.4 "Pathfinder," and then I've written a "missing scene" where Gordo & Ed take out their frustrations with each other on the Ellington Field apron.
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extant-exhaustion · 8 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "extant-exhaustion "?
Well, first of all, thank you so much for your patience! I know it took me seven weeks to reply to this Ask! I agonized over my list (also, the holidays happened, which kept me busy). But I finally narrowed it down, so here we go, in no particular order:
My Top 10 Favorite Fanfics
In Another Life by LittleLuxray Haikyuu!! | T+ | 23k | Bokuto/Akaashi | angst, sickfic | It's famous for a reason. Truly one of the best pieces of writing I've ever read, including published works—I've rarely cried so hard or been moved so much.
died in my dreams by MTrash Haikyuu!! | T+ | 10k | Ushijima/Tendou | futuristic/cyberpunk AU, opposites attract, reluctant work partners to friends to lovers | fantastic characterization, really cool conceptually, a story about trauma and healing and finding your person
the weight of water by wordstruck/@redluxite Haikyuu!! | M | 6k | Iwaizumi/Oikawa | angst | Painful, soul-crushing heartbreak, but so, so beautiful. As someone who's experienced loss and grief, this story is visceral and the accompanying art haunts me.
Come and get lost with us by boxofwonder Haikyuu!! | M | 150k | Hinata/Kageyama, Daichi/Sugawara | action/adventure, Medieval AU(?) | unlike anything I've ever read before or since; a really masterful integration of an enormous cast and a plot that unravels with absolutely zero fluff or filler
shimmer in your shine by zenelly/@zenellyraen Hunter x Hunter | T+ | 91k | Leorio/Kurapika, Killua/Gon | American roadtrip AU | This story made me cry over a fist fight between Leorio and Illumi in the parking lot of a Red Lobster in Arkansas.
The Myth of Mankind by MistressEast/@mistresseast Promare | T+ | 63k | Galo/Lio | action/adventure, romance | masterful worldbuilding, kickass fight scenes, intrigue galore, falling in love while preventing mass murder? yes, please
A Second Chance To Say by KazimaKuwabara/@kazimakuwabara Yu Yu Hakusho | M | 92k | Yusuke/Kuwabara, Youko Kurama/Kuronue | action/adventure, hurt/comfort | ft. Kuronue's eternal sass and unwavering friendship, the slow burn of reincarnated already-in-love KuwaMeshi (because Kuwabara doesn't remember it), somewhat menacing levels of intrigue, and Hiei finally winning MVP of emotions on Team Urameshi
Don't Blink or You'll Miss It (Lift Up Your Head) by umisabaku/@umisabaku Kuroko no Basuke | M | 81k | Kagami/Kuroko, Kasamatsu/Kise, Midorima/Takao, Himuro/Murasakibara, Aomine/Momoi | super powers | This story and its accompanying series are so cool and so unique. The characterization is amazing and the worldbuilding is stellar.
neither fish, flesh, nor foam by twoif interactive on Twine Kuroko no Basuke | Kagami/Kuroko | angst, Little Mermaid–esque, interactive storytelling | incredible, but also devastating; a story about how sometimes our doubts can destroy not only ourselves but the good things we build; one of the coolest things I've ever interacted with as a story, a true tour de force
Transient Shadow, True Light by seafoamist/@seafoamist Kuroko no Basuke | M | 322k, WIP | Kagami/Kuroko | angst, hurt/comfort, time travel, historical (Edo Period) | If you talk to me about this story, I will go absolutely feral, because it is my current obsession and the only WIP that is on this list. I'm straight-up insane about its quality and depth. I can't even put this story into words. It knocks the wind out of me.
And lastly, my URL doesn't actually have a story behind it! It's basically just my life, haha. “Extant” is an adjective meaning “ongoing/still in existence” and “exhaustion” is pretty obvious. Essentially, I like alliteration and thought it sounded better than "tired 100% of the time."
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tiltedsyllogism · 7 months
For All Mankind fanwork offerings for FTH!
Y'all there are SEVEN (7) For All Mankind fanworks on offer in this year's @fandomtrumpshate auction! That means we are going to get up to seven (7) new FAM fanworks! (which is nothing to sneeze at in a tiny fandom like ours.)
The catch: most of these creators are offering to create for other fandoms, too. We've got to make sure to win these auctions ourselves!
wait, what is Fandom Trumps Hate?
FTH is a fanworks auction that raises money for progressive nonprofits (here's this year's list.) The folks listed below are offering to make a fanwork for their highest bidder, but the money doesn't go to the creator themselves: the winning bidder donates directly to the nonprofit and sends in proof of donation to the auction, and then creator and bidder are put in touch to start planning out a fanwork. You can read more about the auction here. Okay, onto the fanwork offerings!
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themysterybox (aka @frankandpercy) is offering to write a fic of 10-20K in length, up to an E rating. They're particularly excited to take on alternate universes, and are also interested in writing poly fic, genderswap, trans characters/interpretations of characters, f/f, and ambiguous or unhappy endings.
els (aka @midnight-els) is offering a fic of 5-10K words, up to an E rating. els is especially interested in f/f ships, queer interpretations of characters, and happy or open endings.
naturaliseme (@naturaliseme) is offering a fic of up to 5K, up to an E rating, focusing either on Margo/Molly or Margo/Irina.
Avawtsn (@antaranya) has two FAM offers (#2 and #3). the first of which is for podfic (!!!!) She will produce an audio recording of your fic (or someone else's, if you get permission for it) of 5-10K words, up to a T rating.
Avawtsn's second FAM offer is an art offering (and you should take a look at those portfolio links, this is very exciting for us.)
I, @tiltedsyllogism, also have two offers! I will write you a fic of 5-10K, up to an E rating, and I'm pretty wide-open on who and what I'll write about. I like character studies and missing scenes, and I'm particularly interested in writing stories that capture the many different emotional layers of longstanding relationships.
I also have a fan labor offering: I will Yankpick or Russia-pick (or both!) a story of yours that is in process, and advise as best I can about everything from background culture to common turns of speech to local landmarks. I am also happy to do a more typical beta read in addition to/instead of language and culture-picking.
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Bidding for the auction runs March 5th-9th, but you can read about these offerings in more detail now at the links above. You can also follow @fandomtrumpshate if you want reminders!
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purereflectionsworld · 4 months
WIP Wednesday (belated)
Thank you so much for tagging me, @sparkleplatypuswriter ! So very excited about the Aleida chapter of your Brazil fic ❤️ - WIP linked here! I think a lot of lovely FAM writers have been tagged already but maybe not @caffeinatedcrab and @flamingo24 ?
So after I re-watched the sweet scene in the “Leningrad” episode of For All Mankind where Margo is laser focused on trying to catch a good glimpse of Aleida on the video feed, clearly missing her desperately, my brain cooked up a little scene set partway through “Legacy.” The premise is that Margo is trying to respect Aleida’s desire for her to stay clear of her personal life, but she can’t help it when an opportunity to snoop just a little bit falls into her lap. Here is a snippet from that scene. It may very well show up in an epilogue/flash forward in my current Margo-Aleida fic (link here) or somewhere else.
You don’t get to ask me about my family or my son again. Understand?
It takes a day for Margo to recover from those words. What’s most painful to her is the way Aleida delivered them, with such quiet conviction. It would have been easier, somehow, had she yelled.
By the second day, the resignation has settled in. She’s going to respect Aleida’s request not to pry into her family life. She owes her that, at least. Aleida won’t have to worry about her fishing for details from her ex-colleagues, either. No one at NASA will even talk to Margo, except Eli Hobson. And  she’s noticed that Hobson gets skittish if she ever so much as brings up Aleida in conversation. It’s clear that he’s aware of their tension.
But still, she wonders.
Aleida’s vivid description of the post-bombing aftermath - back in that Leningrad hotel room - had glaringly left out any indication of how Aleida’s own personal life had evolved since that day. Margo is now certain that this omission was entirely intentional.
Of course, Margo remembers that Aleida had been separated from Victor at the time of the bombing. She has spent more time than she’d ever admit carefully studying the ring Aleida currently wears on her left hand, and she’s 95% sure it’s the same one she was wearing in 1995. But there are only so many ways a low-profile gold wedding band can look, and the 5% sliver of doubt eats at her. Of course, it shouldn’t matter who Aleida is with now, as long as she is happy, and co-parenting Javi with a reasonable degree of success. But when she recalls the look on Victor’s face when they’d spoke of Aleida, that night she’d first met him in the JSC lobby and he’d feared their relationship might be over - and the look on his face at their wedding, watching Aleida walk down the aisle toward him - she feels strangely unsettled. 
On the second day of asteroid capture mission discussions at NASA’s office, seating arrangements have become rather less formal. Aleida arrives just in time for the meeting, and the only seat left is directly next to Margo. She slips into the chair but doesn’t look at Margo once for the entire first hour. 
Hobson calls a five minute break, and Aleida excuses herself to the restroom. Margo stays in her seat chatting with Hobson, who’s on Aleida’s other side. As Hobson drones on and on, she sees a sudden flash of light, and realizes that Aleida’s cell phone - sitting face up on top of her notes - has lit up with a text message. When she glances down and sees the sender’s name in capital letters - VIC - she can’t resist. She’s desperate to see whether it’s the going to the grocery store before I come home tonight, do you need anything type of message, or the going on a work trip in two weeks, know it’s not your scheduled week but can you take Javi type of message. 
It turns out to be a different type of message entirely. *
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perverse-idyll · 7 months
Writing patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern! Tagged by @yletylyf - thank you! Most of these are itty bitty fics and out-takes, but here we go.
1. The headmaster of Hogwarts, as yet unaware he had entered upon his last day on earth, raised his thin hand to stroke the unsmiling face of the woman who had afforded him so much unlooked-for happiness. [Year of the Thestral, HP, Minerva McGonagall/Severus Snape. An excerpt from a quasi-romance novel written about them after their deaths, a fact the reader won't understand until the end of the fic.]
2. Sometimes all Severus had to do was turn thirty-plus years of repressed hunger upon him, and Harry would start shaking. [Snake Charmer, HP, Snape/Harry. Out-take. A line signaling the co-dependent and sexual nature of the relationship.]
3. When Harry made his way out to the reception desk, there was barely a trace of almond left on his skin. [Coda to "Soft Touch," HP, Snape/Harry. Afterthought to a pre-existing fic. If I'd thought about it, I might have punched up the opening line by combining it with the last sentence in the paragraph, making it both clearer and funnier to readers who hadn't read the main fic: "When Harry made his way out to the reception desk, he didn't look like a man who'd just let Severus Snape bite his arse." Oh well. Missed opportunity!]
4. At around four in the afternoon, with three chapters to go in the espionage novel she was reading – since popular thrillers provided not only diversion but an eye-opening refresher course on Muggle slang and cultural attitudes – Minerva glanced up from the page to find Wil leaning in the doorway, watching her. [Candles Lit Against the Dark, HP, Minerva McGonagall/Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank but heavily featuring Snape. Scene- and relationship-setting, basically.]
5. It was possible none of this would have happened if not for Hermione. [The Afterlight, HP, Snape/Harry. A simple declarative sentence appears! Mildly mysterious, but since we as fans know this is a ship fic, the mostly likely suspect for the category of "this" is a relationship Harry's friends consider a mistake.]
6. Severus persisted in accompanying Harry to public events, in part because the wizarding world still needed it shoved down their throats that he and Harry were a couple. [Social Lubricant, HP, Snape/Harry. The premise in a nutshell. The rest of the ficlet just embellishes it.]
7. "You need to choose wisely when to be a dick, Potter." [Bad Manners, HP, Snape/Harry. Teensy fic. Sets the mood. Makes it clear who's speaking.]
8. Into the lives of all upstanding citizens, an occasion must fall where we fumble the biscuit and end up owing an undeniable debt to mankind. [Jeeves and the Secret Society, crossover between HP and Jeeves & Wooster, Jeeves/Wooster, Snape/Dumbledore. Establishes a different narrative voice from my usual, hints but doesn't confirm a first-person POV - although fans of Bertie Wooster will probably guess.]
9. Radiant in the wasteland of a European battlefield, the vessel of Clara's memory shrugs. [Truce, Doctor Who, Clara/Twelve-ish. Drabble. Scene-setting, suggests this isn't literally Clara but a (precious) memory.]
10. For one of her first acts as headmistress, Minerva shatters the Mirror of Erised. [Spirituous, HP, Minerva, Albus, Severus. Drabble. Establishes a postwar timeline and implies Minerva's state of mind.]
Patterns? Hm. Well, anyone who's read anything of mine, even the drabbles, can already guess I'm fiercely wedded to compound sentences and fond of opening with dependent clauses. I also default to narrative prose over dialogue. And most of these first lines have some degree of hook to them, whether I planned it or not. Otherwise, um ... I think you need more to go on if you want to analyze the more interesting kinds of authorial habits and themes.
Does anyone else want to play? Tagging @danpuff-ao3, @ripeteeth, @saintsenara, @squibstress - and anyone else, because I have to be good now and go back to work!
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messier-47 · 1 year
How do you do research for ur fics?
I'm going to assume that you, dear anon, are also a writer and curious about how I do research, based upon my latest progress update being "need to go in a deep dive on subject"
Or how I do research because FUBAR is a massive undertaking and you might be inspired though daunted to start your own project.
Primarily, I read books. If I need a quick fact, I use the internet but other than the most surface level inquiries, I hate using any web page to do deep dives. Now let's get into it;
Of course, all research starts with a broad spectrum question. Let's say, "What is the theoretical culture of the people from Suna in Naruto?" That's a damn hard question to answer because I'm ignorant to desert culture.
But then input some limits. Exactly what sort of desert is Suna geographically? Is it a desert like Arizona, USA? Sahara desert? Gobi desert? The "Empty Quarter" of the middle east? Or the Atacama desert of Chile in South America? By personal choice, I narrow my field question to "What is the culture in the Middle Eastern desert?" But also "what is the culture in the Gobi desert?"
Okay, better, narrow it further; very specifically I want to know more about the nomadic people of the Middle East, those most famously known for their camel caravans. Turns out, one of the most well known people that I'm basing my research on is the Bedouin people. Now I know exactly what book subject I need to look into at both my local and college library. (For the Gobi Desert, I kinda want to research Mongols cause hell yeah)
Currently, my research is on central banking because holy shit, never realized until very recently that I have a potential leviathan for an enemy and I need to know more about how banks and the people who control the flow of money really work. The book I'll be reading is "The History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind" but also...realized that the main subject of F2:EB will be the war against the enslavement of shinobi. So I need to do alot more research on modern human trafficking in order to correctly set the tone and scene for arcs to come so I'll be reading "Unbroken Chains"
Hmmm I think this answers your questions adequately? Please let me know if I completely missed the mark so that I can rehash and give a proper answer.
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midnightfangz · 1 year
Flee the fire that devours
‧₊˚✩彡 a gift fic for my dearest friend @probablylilly. Happy birthday bro!! You mean the world to me fr <3
(link to the ao3 version just in case)
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The world, as they knew it, would be ending soon. Not too long after that, the Cycle would begin anew. The Cleansing, nearly at its peak, towered over the imaginary horizon. Ellowen, known as the Prophet by many, knew what had to be done. They were stuck in a cycle, destined to fail from the start. Except they weren’t. Not this time. This time, they chose to resist.
Or: a retelling of the scene following the aftermath of the Black Guardian's defeat.
Pairing: Jespar Dal'Varek x Ellowen the Prophet
Word count: Roughly 2k
Warnings: Major spoilers for the ending of Enderal: Forgotten Stories, angst and tragedy, implied/referenced character death
A/N: Ellowen uses she/they pronouns. I tried to use them equally without sacrificing the comprehensibility of the story, but as the writing fog set in, things just...happened. A friend pointed out that I, and I quote: "when it's real life/action related things, you use she/her pronouns, but when it's about their inside world, you tend to switch to they/them pronouns". As a fellow she/they, I refuse to comment on this.
Title is from Pale White Horse by The Oh Hellos. Beta-read by the amazing i'm your man on discord. thank you so much dude you rule <3
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It all begins with the dreams.
—Maybe you weren’t looking hard enough, hm?
It was the masked men!
First, you set this horrible fire to your sister’s crib… she screamed and screamed and Mommy heard it.
The dead don’t forget! Do you hear me? The dead don’t forget!—
Of what, you ask? 
Many things. They can be haunting to some, beautiful to others.
But that is not important.
—Now would you look at that…our mysterious survivor has awoken.
And it came with these visions?
Quite the sight, isn’t it?
Oh, yeah, I do, and this goal is called ‘surviving’.
How unexpectedly death calls us to him…it is bitter, is it not? Unfair.
Three words: I…don’t…care—
Heed my words.
The connections you forged, your little adventures, ambitions, heroics— in the grand scheme of things, none of it really matters.
Now, now. 
There is no need to get upset like that.
—Deep down you wanted them dead, didn’t you?
I thought about joining them when all of this is over…and let’s just say, I wouldn’t mind some company.
This is the last stand. They are afraid of us, I can feel it!
Let’s just…see where it takes us.
You just couldn’t handle it anymore.
Will you give yourself to Coarek as he said he would?
You saw an opportunity, and you took it.
You could have made the right choice, but you refused—
It will happen again. And again. And again. And again.
Devour. Strengthen. Cleanse. 
They will reap, over and over and over.
It is pointless to resist. 
The outcome has been decided from the very beginning.  
People screaming and running away, foolishly trying to save themselves from their inevitable demise. Bodies littering the streets, charred beyond recognition, faces forever stuck in an expression of despair—
Everything hurt.
As they limped through the corridor, Jespar supporting most of their weight, Ellowen told him everything she learned from the Black Guardian. 
Everything besides the two options to forestall the Cleansing, as well as her choice. 
If the new information surprised him, he did not show it, but she did not miss the way he kept glancing at her with a worried frown. Her ribs kept hurting, a hollow pain that spiked with every step they took. It did not matter. They had to put some distance between her and the still smouldering body of a pretender God. 
—You were meant to dissolve, like the rest of mankind.
Yet here you stand, and I tell you the truth.
This was never meant to happen—
They were stuck in a cycle, destined to fail from the start. 
Except they weren’t. Not this time.
To Ellowen, the solution was obvious. Better her than thousands of innocent people. Still, it did nothing to calm her wildly beating heart. What would they tell Jespar? They searched for the right words, thinking of a way to soften the blow, but came up empty. How does one even tell their partner they want to sacrifice themselves for the greater good of mankind?
A dry chuckle, bordering on a sob, forced its way out of their throat. They immediately grasped their throbbing side, vision swimming.
“Whoah, hey! No passing out just yet,” Jespar said and shifted his arms around her body. Ellowen sagged against him. “One foot after another– that’s it, you’re doing well, just stay awake.”
His voice washed over her, mixing in with faint sounds of rushing water. The combination helped to soothe her frayed nerves, somehow. The next few minutes passed in a blur, as they focused more on breathing through the pain, rather than the surroundings. They couldn’t remember closing their eyes, but somehow they found themself in one of the open chambers of the Undercity, slumped against a cold stone wall.
“The Black Guardian…” Ellowen said, voice hoarse. Jespar dug through her satchels, hurriedly taking out healing potions and food. He set everything beside him and cupped her face with his left hand.
“Shh, shh, just stay still for a moment, alright? Can’t have you dying on me, now can we?”
Slowly, the pain subsided as the potions did their work. Her vision cleared, breathing coming out less forced, but her chest still ached– ached with the knowledge of what was about to come. 
They both stayed silent for a while, pretending as if they hadn’t nearly died just now– Ellowen watched the river pass by and tried to collect their thoughts, while Jespar busied himself with storing away the now empty potion flacons. 
Jespar was the first one to break the silence before it got too unbearable. “You wanted to say something. About the Black Guardian.”
Ellowen swallowed. They worked their jaw, still collecting their thoughts. “Yes, he…before he attacked me, he told me of a way to circumvent the Cleansing,” they began softly and forced themselves to look him in the eyes. 
“More than one, actually. One, we flee to the Star City and escape death, while the rest of Vyn is wiped out. We do not age– we become immortal, Gods, in our own right.” They wrinkled their nose and scoffed. “This allows us to oversee the creation of a new world, give birth to a new humanity. They will not know pride, they will not know deceit, effectively starving the High Ones and stripping them of their power.”
“A utopia,” he spat out the word. “A senseless fairy tale. And the other one?”
Ellowen looked down, carefully choosing their words.
“Two, we destroy the Beacon and halt the Cleansing. It will drive the High Ones away for a while, giving us the time we need. I know which one I want.”
“Alright,” he said, reaching out to grab their hand and intertwining their fingers. He stared at them for a while, seemingly mulling over something. When he spoke again, his voice was even, but she could feel something else hiding underneath the surface.
“Your decision… is it final?”
“I still don’t understand this…fleshless thing. I mean, you’re here, right before me, and I can see you. Touch you, hold your hand. Could you really be an…an illusion?”
Ellowen looked at their connected hands. They opened their mouth to respond and— 
Jespar hunched over and gasped in pain. Ellowen barely had the time to catch him by the shoulders.
They brushed a couple of strands of hair out of his face, noting the way he seemed to glow from within. Their heart skipped a beat. “Are you alright? What is it?”
“It’s– the Cleansing. Agh, my skull…burns, it burns– like it’s on fire,” he gritted out, holding his head. “You…seem to…Don’t you feel anything?”
“Faintly, it feels…dull, somehow.”
He took a deep breath. “Your…situation– it, it protects you. By the Wise Hermit– it burns, if this is how it feels down here…fate have mercy on those who are on the surface.”
They slowly got to their feet. “I have to go. Before it’s too–”
“No!” his hand shot forward and gripped her leg. “No, The Black Guardian is right, sacrificing yourself would be pointless. Even– even if I somehow manage to escape the explosion from the Beacon.”
Ellowen watched him struggle to get up, torn between helping him and leaving when they still had the chance.
“No, no, no– you can’t.”
“I have to. I have to stop the Cleansing.” Ellowen took a deep breath. “I can’t let all of those people die, I can’t let all of this be for nothing.”
“Then I’m going with you,” he said and stepped forward, raising his chin defiantly. His tone brooked no argument.
“Jespar, I’m not going to let you do that.” They took a step back. “There's…there’s no need for you to die as well.”
“And I’m supposed to let you?” He laughed bitterly. He threw a hand up. ”We have an out, we can both live if we escape to– to the Star City, as bizarre as that sounds.”
Silence settled between them, so heavy it was almost suffocating. 
Ellowen watched as his body lit up and he spasmed again. They couldn’t turn back. Not now.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t,” they said, voice soft. On the verge of breaking. 
I’m sorry, Jespar.
“You and your fucking idealism, what about all of the things you still want to do? What about Lethonia?”
They balled up their fists, ignoring the sting of pain as her nails bit into the flesh. Looking anywhere but his face. I’m sorry. I have to. “After the High Ones are defeated, you can still travel the–”
“—It doesn’t mean anything without you!”
Once again, silence descended over them, but this time it was tinged with something else. She searched for something, anything, to say– anything that was not a hollow apology or a fake smile.
Jespar gasped softly, realising something. A mask slipped over his face, eyes distant and cold.
—Burning, blazing– their screams echoed through the modest wooden house. Ellowen, young and full of righteous anger, eating away at their insides like acid, just watched. Watched as the flames licked their way up the building, hungrily devouring everything in their way. They deserved it, after all the things they have done to her—
“But this isn’t about saving everyone…is it? You think if you sacrifice yourself, it will finally make up for what you’ve done to them. To your family.”
“Jespar, don’t–”
“Is it not?”
—You wanted them dead, didn’t you? You wanted them dead, didn’t you? You wanted, wished, prayed, desired—
Jespar reached his hand out— to grab them? They did not know anymore. Everything spun. They were sure their breath was coming out of their chest in shallow, erratic bursts. It was too much, too much, crushing guilt and endless sorrow, when will it ever end? —and retracted it, swallowing. He stepped closer. Ellowen automatically took a step back, all of their senses on high alert. Blood pounded in their ears. 
They had to do something. Stop this. Fix this.
I’m sorry, Jespar. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m—
“Ell, you have to stop letting this dictate all of your actions, you–”
Her hand moved unnaturally fast, unerringly finding his temple. A brief flash and he stopped dead in his tracks. 
Ellowen forced out a weak sigh, which quickly turned into a sob.
Jespar’s gaze became unfocused. Distant. 
“Please forgive me,” they whispered, ”for doing this, but this is the only way I can make sure you can get to safety.”
Ellowen swallowed. “And maybe you’re right…maybe I am doing this for selfish reasons, but…it’s the choice that has the potential to save everyone.” They gave him a tired smile. “Ultimately, it doesn’t matter, does it?”
They took a step forward, brushing his fringe to the side with a shaky hand. They touched their foreheads together. A tear slipped down their cheek. “I wish we had more time together.”
Jespar’s face remained blank, eyes glassy.
“Find a Myrad and get to Qyra. The spell should wear off within an hour.”
They kissed his forehead and closed their eyes. 
“I know you can beat the High Ones. Kick—” their voice broke, as did her resolve. Tears streamed down her face, unbidden. “Kick their asses extra hard for me, alright?”
“I’m sorry. I love you, you know that? All this is– was worth it. All of it. Travel safely.”
Ellowen turned around, clearing her mind. They hastily wiped their eyes and took one last look back. Out of their sight, a solitary tear slid down Jespar’s cheek.
They made sure their weapons were in their respective places. The Cleansing, nearly at its peak, towered over the imaginary horizon. They had a job to do.
The last Black Stone shattered and soon after that, their vision went dark. The Prophet, known by many as simply Ellowen, ceased to exist.
The world was safe– for now.
The entire world mourned, but it did not know why. Something tremendous had happened– something important, that much was certain –and only a selected handful knew the truth of it. 
Yet, only a limited amount of time remained until the Cycle began anew.
It all begins with the dreams.
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A/N: Special thanks to @min1nova for emotional support, @zaahvi for nudging me in the right direction and phoenix dan cong tea for getting me through this. You're the best!
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onekisstotakewithme · 4 months
wip ask game (i love this one)
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Technically @mihrsuri didn't tag me, so Lil, I hope you don't mind 💜
My WIPS (yes there are a few new ones on the list. yes, there are also a bunch y'all have seen before. humour me, pls):
podcast fic (tww)
collab (w/ [redacted]; tww)
internal displacement/duck and cover missing scene (tww)
secret dating (tww)
post-canon post-breakup wedding reunion (tww)
astrowives (for all mankind)
karen and wayne (for all mankind)
tracy third kid (for all mankind)
bj follows hawk to a gay meet-up (mash)
noir (mash)
president!CJ (tww)
requiem smut (tww)
sperm donor (tww)
plane crash (tww)
october II (mash)
ski au (mash)
traid wedding (mash)
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frownyalfred · 2 years
*slides into your dms* hullo! Ive literally driven myself crazy thinking abt this, so i finally decided to get some outside help,,,, as someone who really enjoys the dceu version of superbat, i was wondering if you knew this dceu superbat fic? Its set after the (10/10 chefs kiss) “i bought the bank” scene where bruce sees lois and tells clark “congratulations” (because he still thinks theyre together) then later while taking a bath(??) at the manor clark barges in and asks bruce what he meant by “congratulations” and then they get together but i literally cant remember the title hahsbajvkbmshl
Also i hope u know, but youre fics are literally gods gofts to mankind 🙏🙏 I love all your fics, youre such great writer and you literally never miss!!!! ♥️♥️♥️ k thanks byeee *slides out like a slinky toy down the stairs*
Thank you so much anon!!!! You’re so kind 🥰
I don’t recognize this fic, but maybe someone else will? I would love to read it too!
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gordopickett · 6 months
Because It's Time (For All Mankind ep 2.3 "Rules of Engagement" missing scene fic)
This is a "missing scene" that takes place in 2.3 "Rules of Engagement" after Ed has been confronted by Tracy about Gordo returning to the moon.
Gordo and Ed talk about Gordo's impending return to Jamestown and how his training is going.
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Because It's Time (1095 words) by GordoPickett Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: For All Mankind (TV 2019) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Gordo Stevens, Ed Baldwin, Tracy Stevens (mentioned), Danielle Poole (mentioned) Additional Tags: Episode: s02e03 Rules of Engagement (For All Mankind), Missing Scene, Deleted Scene, Gordo's weight gain, Chubby Gordo, Chubby Gordo Stevens, chubby teddy bear Gordo Stevens, El Gordo, Insecurity, For All Mankind missing scene, For All Mankind deleted scene, Jamestown 91, NASA, Astronaut Series: Part 4 of For All Mankind Summary: This is a "missing scene" that takes place in 2.3 "Rules of Engagement" after Ed has been confronted by Tracy about Gordo returning to the moon. Gordo and Ed talk about Gordo's impending return to Jamestown and how his training is going.
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how do you come up with fic/series titles?
most of it is really leap frogging along vibes until I find a combination of words that I think sound cool
i’ve included explanations of how i came to the titles i did below, because i am avoiding doing any actual work
nature has taught her creatures to hate: this is the first one I named, and also the one that I’d probably change if I could. Technically I can, this is my city, but I don’t actually want to change it—it’s been nhthcth for too long and it’s set. For this, I knew the “vibe” I wanted, and that was a sort of learned desperation/defensiveness. Like, that was key to nhthcth underlying messages—people aren’t naturally doing the things they’re doing in it, they make choices, and a lot of the choices are coerced under extreme pressure. I just googled around for poems until I found this poem, which is a poem about climate change, and how nature had been taught to hate by mankind’s disregard to it. It had the exact vibes I wanted—of this sort of uncaring capriciousness that made monsters of previously innocent things, and that may turn around and bite it’s creator in the ass. But I’ve abandoned the practice or like, using lines of poetry entirely, I dunno, it feels too long and clunky and pretentious now
gaslight gatekeep girlboss/it’s not a whore HOUSE it’s a whore HOME: these were just memes whose tongue-in-cheek vibe were perfect for the vibe of the fic/series. like, guillermo and nadja are the gaslight gatekeep girlboss of the main cast. the sequel (which will happen i swear to god, i started writing it ages ago and will one day return) will showcase where lazlo, nandor, and colin robinson have been and it’s going to be manipulate mansplain malewife, which like--obviously nandor and lazlo of the main cast. the series title was also a meme that had the right vibes. like, they’re awful little nightmare sluts, all of them, but god bless this whore home. they’re a family and it is a bad one. 
flee from your ghosts (burn your house down): this is actually wirt’s and beatrice’s problem solving strategies. god, i love beatrice and wirt. they’re both such ludicrous people. they’re so bad at life in opposite ways. wirt is a total waffler. he sits and he composes poetry and he makes deep philosophical musings and he’s soooo fucking late to the party every time. he spends too long thinking things over and misses the right moment to action. like, he had to literally almost die before giving an oboe mixtape to his crush. part of his journey is overcoming that, but i like to think he retains that quality to a more healthy degree.  beatrice, meanwhile, rushes in and is extremely effective--and then realizes too late that she fucked up. she chucks a rock at a bluebird and now her whole family is bluebirds. sure, let’s rob this fucking guy, the horse wants to do it too. let’s sacrifice this young boy to a witch, I have no qualms about this plan of action--whoopsie, now i like him and his brother, but i’ve spent this whole time lying to them and sort of leading them to doom. She takes immediate, drastic, and decisive action and it is always solving problems and making more problems. she’s the “burn your house down because there’s a spider” of women. I adore her. Wirt spends the entire fic tip-toeing around confronting his problems head on, because fundamentally, he’s running the entire time--from his memories of the unknown, his loss of beatrice, his concerns about whether he did right by his kids. he has to call his brother to come help him instead of telling the stans that it’s his fucking kids and they need to fess up like, yesterday. Beatrice, meanwhile, would have immediately burnt the fucking town to the ground until she got answers. she created more problems but by god she got the solution to the first one. and that’s immediately what she does upon her entry to the fic. she gets like, one scene and fucking immediately stabs someone. she asked no questions. she had no background information. she didn’t even know that this was a situation that like, called for stabbing. she is so lucky this wasn’t a minor disagreement she misread and killed a man over. i love them both. as people they should not exist.  
these stupid hells we keep: this one didn’t take much thinking. The key underlying vibe I wanted throughout this was that we trap ourselves. So much of stick’s brainwashing is about changing how you think in order to get you to effectively do his work for him and isolate yourself, hurt yourself, get yourself stuck in an extremely damaging mindset. But it’s also about how our traumas can effectively trap us inside ourselves, and how it can be really really difficult to let go of it even when we know they’re hurting us. Like, neither Matt nor Lisa want to let go of stick or his teachings. And, at the same time, a part of them doesn’t want to let go of the people they lost, no matter how hard much pain and suffering goes towards exactly that. They’re in this perpetual hell of self-conflict--not able to let go of stick, but also not able to let go of the people that they lost, who stick wants them to let go of. eventually, frank’s joining this party, and his own torment, guilt, and trauma over his family has effectively trapped him in a hell of his own. I added the word “stupid” to sort of trivialize and add a sort of self-frustrated element to their suffering, because that’s what they do themselves.
ghosts haunting other ghosts: the vibe I wanted was one of Frank and Lisa constantly serving as each other’s hauntings. In the punisher, micro calls both him and Frank “ghosts” from their mutual legal state of deadness. Lisa, in that sense, is a “ghost,” because the DA effectively falsified the reports. but, in another very real sense, frank is the one haunting lisa. The moment of watching her father get shot is the one that repeats throughout the story. he was holding her when he died. he was trying to protect her. he’s the one that she carries with her. and we know, in the same way, Frank’s carrying lisa with him, and is haunted by her in an identical way. he thinks she died in his arms. he thinks that he refused to read her bedtime story on her last day on the planet. lisa’s father telling her that she’s going to be okay is her functional equivalent of frank’s penny and dime rhyme. so you have these two people who are effectively haunting each other with deaths that never happened--ghosts haunting other ghosts
therianthropy (and other goddamn lies): this required more bouncing. this fic's vibe was like, werewolf but the problem is it isn’t a werewolf. snake oil salesman for werewolves. like, stick effectively promised them a transformation. that, at the end of his training, they wouldn’t be the people who were hurt anymore. that got me to the werewolf vibe of like--physical transmogrification into something else. so i went to the wikipedia page for werewolves and found out the process of magical transformation is called therianthropy. that’s a fun word. let’s use that. but the problem is the fic isn’t about the transformation, it’s about the fact that there was no transformation. the promised transformation was a lie, and matt’s still grappling with that. he will always be the person who got hurt. there is no way to undo that. the word “goddamn” added a certain bitterness to it. a part of matt still wishes that stick’s promises were true. 
the first step of kintsugi: so, this entire fic came out of a general dissatisfaction with how MCU peter parker existed, but specifically with how infantilized he became in fandom and how interpersonal relationships were handled. Like. His relationship with happy and Tony really weren’t healthy, particularly at the start. And they could have been healthy if it their problems were actually addressed and like, fixed. I’m also a big believer in catharsis? Like, air out your shit. Break down the bad shit and rebuild it to be better. get a good relationship out of it. So the vibe was “breaking and rebuilding to be better” and there’s a very pretty real-life thing that’s evocative of that--kintsugi pottery, where you fix broken pots with pretty gold lines and it looks cooler and better than the original pot. but, before you can get to the gorgeous gold pottery, you have to complete the first step--which is to break the fucking pot. 
pottery shards: I named the series after i named the first story. I realized that this would follow like, three complete, self-contained arcs--breaking, rebuilding, and an aftermath arc. i called it pottery shards because that’s the consistent part throughout--whether it’s breaking it into shards or gluing it back together, that’d be the unifying feature. 
porcelain chips: so, the character study divergences weren’t really planned. but the ones that we have so far are all part of the “breaking” part--showing how characters ended up the way they did, how they got to the flawed, imperfect, messy bit. porcelain chips was titled because it was meant to be all the little moments that became peter’s origin story. and i didn’t think it was just the one, definitive, climactic loss of ben that made spider-man--i think it was a thousand little things chipping away at him until he became spider-man. porcelain is something that has such lovely, delicate, beautiful vibes--and it’s something that may get chipped with little imperfections over years of use. It ends up with years of little moments sort of embedded into it. And having too many chips is a reason why someone may make the decision to smash it once and for all, and repair it with kintsugi. 
glaze defects: so, a glaze defect is a mistake that happens while it’s in the process of firing pottery. it’s also a reason why someone may make the decision to smash pottery for kintsugi repair. but, unlike chipped porcelain, it’s more of a “inherent” defect. It was a way of distinguishing peter’s struggles from matt’s. peter was a collection of little moments in his life--the cost of the epi-pen, wanting ben to be proud of him, etc--whereas matt’s always been treated like he was inherently defective. Peter is hurt externally, but matt is treated like he’s internally flawed, which is why we spend so much time talking about buck v bell. 
acts of contrition: so, i have no idea how much of catholicism is like, common knowledge, but an act of contrition is the name of a prayer. it’s the last prayer you say in a confessional, before you’re forgiven. that was the entire vibe of this story, because se this is sort of the last act before forgiveness. it’s jack finding matt and matt finding jack again. and a big theme throughout the entire series is going to be forgiveness and the feeling that you don’t have it yet. so we ended up with the title being named after the prayer that comes before forgiveness. 
toy rosaries: so there’s a bunch of different versions of the act of contrition (almost all prayers have multiple versions, I think it’s a translation thing), but the one I grew up with had this part that had some variation of “and I have greatly sinned, in what I have done, and in what i have failed to do.” and that sentiment was another huge vibe of it, because these are two people who are deeply sorry for everything they’ve done and the things they didn’t do also. But, i hated it. I didn’t want to call the title “what i have done and what i have failed to do.” it’s too long and clunky and pretentious sounding. so i just spent a really long time jumping around vibes until i found the title i liked. i wanted to keep the prayer theme, because catholicism barfed all over this story. i toyed around with like, bedtime prayers or something for a while, but it just didn’t fit. i feel like most people know what a rosary is, but that may be the catholic upbringing, so for those who don’t know, a rosary is a prayer counter. you have to say the same prayer ten times in a row, and you have five sets of it, with a few other prayers interspersed. the rosary beads just tell you what prayer you’re on. and i really liked that vibe of repetition, because looking for matt is borderline a repetitious act for jack. it’s the same thing on repeat. read the same files, have the same nightmares, look for him down every street. and it has a certain prayerful fervor to it that i thought felt well. i added the word toy because it had a sort of childhood vibe to it, and the fear  that jack expresses throughout this, the fear of being unforgivable, is very young--and i want to be clear, that’s not synonymous with childish or immature. he’s dealing with complex, adult emotions and guilt, but i feel like this idea that we’re beyond forgiveness is something that we first experience at a very young age. like a little kid hiding because they broke something and they don’t think they can be fixed. the idea that we are forgivable is something that’s taught to us--and sometimes parents, like jack’s parents, don’t teach it to us. so i added the word “toy” to give it that sort of young aspect--and, it’s important to note, that there’s really no such thing as a toy rosary. you have tiny kid rosaries that are made of rubber or something, but prayer beads are just prayer beads. it’s not gonna suddenly be a toy. and a lot of jack’s guilt isn’t real either. he has all of these fantasies of matt rebuking him the moment he has him back, and he repeats them to himself again and again like a prayer, but that’s not real. so it made me really like the vibes, and i ended up with that title. 
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tiltedsyllogism · 10 months
Thank you so much for the Fandom Explainer on 'For All Mankind' on Rec Center! I would literally never have watched it (my suspicion level that a show about space will be All Dude in the worst way is so high) and now I'm nearly through S1 and having so much fun! \o/ I haven't gone back to look at your rec list since starting, because I don't want to be spoiled, but I'm looking forward to it when I catch up.
Hello! This message makes me so happy, you have no idea. I’ve spent the last year campaigning relentlessly to get everyone I know to watch it, with limited success. I’m thrilled that you decided to give it a try in spite of your All-Dudely suspicions, and equally thrilled (though not surprised) that you ended up loving it.
As for that rec list, you should definitely wait! I didn't end up including a single S1 era fic (though there are some very good ones) so it's really not going to have anything for you until you're well into S2, at least if you want to avoid spoilers (which I recommend.) I listed the stories in chronological order and labeled each story according to how early its major spoilers go to make it as easy as possible to stop reading before spoiling yourself, but the earliest one on there is a missing scene for 2.5. HOWEVER, here are some front-half-of-S1 fic recs that you can jump into right now!
Tickets, Drinks and Songs by @daerienn is a wonderful pre-canon story about Patty and Molly getting their pilots' licenses.
One in a Million by a_beautiful_mess is a lovely AU in which a different member of the ASCAN cohort gets assigned to Apollo 15.
And here are a couple of mine, since I apparently love writing S1 fic (this isn't even all of them!):
Knowing He Hath Wings is a little His Dark Materials AU about Danielle's first mission to space, told from Deke's point of view. S1 era, but no real spoilers.
The Path is about a night when Wayne runs into Margo at the jazz club while Molly is on 15.
Manual Control is a Molly/Margo fic set right at the end of 1.5. The first chapter is a big crowd scene; the second is just the two of them and is uhhh not G-rated.
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jiminjamms · 2 years
sex therapy :: 10. birthday babes
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chapter tags/warnings: mentions of violence. infidelity. misogyny. classism. strong language. dirty talk. use of alcohol. manipulation undertones. sexual frustration. degradation. 
word count: 3.4k
notes: enjoy the special guest appearances :P likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated. xoxo
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fic masterlist | 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
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Roppongi, you always knew, was a special place.
As a popular nightlife district in Tokyo, Roppongi always bustled with locals and tourists once the sun went down. Growing up in a conservative family, though, you were constantly reminded that any 'proper woman like you' must stay away from something as 'cheap and degrading as clubbing.'
However, you would be lying if you said that you didn't envy Roppongi's carefree spirit—one that was full of lust, of love. And of sex.
That much you could tell from the countless times you had been chauffeured around Tokyo like a Hollywood star, passing through the neighborhood's neon signs and dance music without ever interacting with the evening scene yourself.
Until now.
"Get out," Choso ordered dryly.
Realizing you had been lost in your own thoughts, you immediately turned over to the man who unbuckled his own seat belt and then reached over to undo yours.
"What?" you chimed as your belt whipped past your neck and back into its retractor. Confused, you peered past the window and stared at the dark brick building that Choso had stopped in front of. You squinted and tried to make out the words over the facade.
Except there were none.
No words, no signs, no indication that—past the sleek doors twenty feet to your right—there was any nightclub that existed.
Brows furrowed, you turned back around to see Choso removing his ignition key. "Are you sure we're in the right place?"
"Yes, so get out," he deadpanned and stepped off the car.
He circled around the front clad in nothing but an oversized black hoodie and gray joggers because, as you far as could tell, he could barely give a flying fuck about impressing anyone at Sukuna's nightclub.
Regardless, you must admit that he had a pretty good build that was still obvious despite the baggy clothes, not to mention that the dark ink that peeked through on his neck and forearms made him one hell of a walking eye-candy.
With one hand shoved in his pocket, Choso threw his car keys to a valet nearby with the other. "I'll be back in two hours," Choso instructed the man and then continued in his long strides.
With all that, Choso didn't even look back. Clearly, he sure as hell wasn't going to wait for you, and when you registered that, you frantically hopped off his Corvette.
"Hold up!" you shouted.
That, at least, got Choso to do a one-eighty on his spot.
He angled his head so that he could observe you above the rim of his sunglasses, his gaze somewhat irritated as he watched you stumble out of the car.
Moving more, however, was your real challenge.
After making comments about your overly fancy fit, Choso dragged you briefly into a Macy's only for you to leave with what might just be the tightest outfit known to mankind. This magenta bodycon dress? It left absolutely nothing to the imagination.
In this, you didn't miss the way Choso had stolen glances at your butt all night long because of your new fit. Not to mention that paparazzi photos of you in this dress would leave you falling down hard from grace.
Cold evening wind brushing against your bare legs, you wobbled to Choso's side as the hum of booming music became more audible, giving you some confidence that he wasn't taking you to some mere murder ring after all.
At least, you hoped so.
As though he could sense your apprehension, Choso eyed you (or more specifically, your thighs) rather curiously. He must have noticed your slight quiver because he asked, "You nervous?"
You fought the urge to crumble on the spot. "Yeah." About you.
But Choso must have thought you were referring to the nightclub behind him. Club parties, in the end, were an entirely different realm compared to the other parties—particularly, the dinner gatherings—that you were accustomed to.
When he finally had the decency to look at your face rather than your ass, he shrugged so casually that he was somewhat pissing you off again.
"There's a first for everything, kid. I'm sure you'll be a complete natural with this. With a body like yours, you'd probably leave with a new husband by the end of the night."
You rolled your eyes. "Listen, I know Naoya and I have problems but—"
Before you could finish your thoughts, Choso suddenly pulled you into his side, burying his face into the crown of your head.
"No one gives a shit," he murmured quietly even as he inhaled the floral scent of your shampoo. Then, you felt the small smile against your ear. "Remember, you're our little slut."
Who's little...what?
You glanced up at Choso for an answer only to see his expression falling flat once more. Heck, he wasn't even looking at you back.
Rather, Choso led you to the enigmatic set of gilded doors, not even giving you a chance to even comment on how tight his grip was on your hips, how handsome his studs were under the moon.
When he finally led you to the entrance, you half-expected some sort of ridiculous knock on his end. Instead, the right door swung inward almost automatically, opening to a burly bouncer right at the doorway.
The knowing exchange of glances between Choso and the other man told you that they were a little more than acquaintances. Choso was an obvious regular at this establishment, and that was obvious from the snarky tilt of his lips.
"Jealous of my bitch, Itto?"
The bouncer, so-called Itto, raised a brow. You had never seen a man quite like him before. He was handsome and tall, his downy silver hair draping down the back of his neck. His eyes were a captivating marmalade shade as well, darting from you to Choso to you and finally to…your boobs.
Whether this ‘Itto’ man was jealous of your escort at this point, you couldn’t quite tell. Nonetheless, this bouncer had a build that could easily toss Choso aside with one hand while bending you ninety degrees over with the other.
“Never seen you around,” Itto ultimately noted, his voice so deep and gruff that you had to hide a violent shudder. “Ever been here before?”
Lashes fluttering, you smiled shyly. “No, I—”
“Enough,” Choso interjected, for some reason dragging you down the corridor. “Chick’s with me. Sukuna knows her, too. You should know to not mess with our favorite girls.”
What…? Even if you wanted to ask, there was nothing you could do when Itto gave you one last look and Choso made haste to drag you down the corridor. Steering you by the waist, the latter must have noticed how you still had your neck craned over because he pinched your side. “Itto’s not even that good looking.”
Huh?! You whipped your head around at lightning speed, offended. “I…I never even said that.”
“Right,” Choso responded sarcastically. “And you sure didn’t look like you were about to drop your panties for him.”
This Choso—one who was overprotective and, honestly, rather possessive—was nowhere near the bitter Choso that you had first met.
Literally night and day, the differences.
Were they even the same person? Was he always like this? Choso didn’t appear like a man who was good at expressing his emotions, but it almost seemed like he…had some sort of interest in you. Not that you were complaining, though, given that this was a welcome change in his terrible attitude towards you.
“So, rich girl,” Choso started as you two approached a second entryway. “You want to go to a real party?”
Even if you wanted to counter his statement, your voice vanished once Choso pushed through the new set of double doors. Jaw suddenly dropped, you slowly stepped in behind him. “Wow.”  
That was all you could say because inside seemed like an entirely separate building, a whole different planet. If you thought that you were already impressed with the cushioned walls and lit-up lanterns behind you, there was nothing to describe your amazement as you absorbed the scene in front of you now.
Gone was the lifeless entryway, replaced by sleek black walls that were washed with a soft red glow from the disco lights above. At the far back corner, one large neon sign flickered with the nightclub’s name—Teyvat. A ‘Happy Birthday, Sukuna!’ banner waved right above the DJ Station.
This place was definitely luxurious and high-end in its own right. But the scene was outright insane, nothing compared to the pompous dinner galas and cocktail receptions that you frequented. So, this was a real party. This was how the other half lived.
And Sukuna owned this place?
In one corner, someone pranced around with a Manhattan. In the other corner was a scene that…you’d rather keep your eyes off of.
Nonetheless, a J-Lo song boomed from the speakers around, and beyond the small flight of stairs, crowds of clubbers bounced in their happy, carefree way.
Then, there were the girls. Hordes of some twenty-something year-olds all gossiping and swarming around the stairs, dressed in outfits that covered nothing beyond their nipples and crack, gazes all landing on Choso as he nonchalantly strolled in.
As though on cue, their eyes lit up at once and gleamed with so much desire, their lips curling into grins meant to seduce. They were all too eager to prowl like panthers on their way to him, who was quite obviously some celebrity in this establishment. It was also like you didn’t exist, like Choso wasn’t already holding you so close to him as he pushed through the crowd in the most passive aggressive way possible.
Making her way to the front, one girl batted her over-curled lashes. “Finger me again tonight, big boy?”
No response.
Someone else then placed a hand on Choso’s bicep. “How about a well-deserved dick massage, daddy?”
Choso swatted her away. “I told you before to not call me that.”
Put off by his lack of usual interest, foxy eyes—pair-by-pair—turned to you instead. Clearly, these women have had some long histories in bed with Choso, and they couldn’t stand seeing your sweet innocent figure pressed snugly against their beloved dick donor. Some rolled their eyes. Others straight up scoffed.
“Who the fuck is she?” someone had murmured.
In the end, their coy smiles soured when they took notice of little ol’ you clinging onto him, another pussy for the club to play with. Even if their tits were hanging from their dresses, G-string thongs peeking from under their skirts—there wasn’t much these cock-needy girls could do if their precious boy toys weren’t interested.
Genuinely, this shook you. Out of all the therapists, Choso always looked and acted like a bitchless bitch, but who knew that he had a strong pussy pulling game all along?
“Where are we going?” you asked when Choso quietly maneuvered you past crowded booths and drunk dancers. It was hard to discern his thoughts when his sunglasses hid the windows to his dark and dirty soul. However, turned out that your answer came in due time as you two stopped not too far from the bar.
“Zhongli!” Choso shouted above the roar of the new Tiësto beat. His voice was strikingly loud and commanding for someone as quiet as him, which only made you realize even more that you truly knew nothing about anyone. “A double vodka with Redbull,” he said and then looked over at you. “And make it two.”
The fine-looking fellow behind the counter—Zhongli, no doubt—looked up from the martini he just completed. Under his waves of brown hair, his golden eyes slowly turned from Choso to you. He held in a breath as though he was ready to say something (something about you, it seemed) but decided to instead huff a bland “Cool.”
Unlike you, Choso didn’t think much of it. Rather, he released his grasp around your waist and pocketed his joggers for the phone that displayed a caller ID on its screen. He lifted one brow. “Stay here for a bit? I have to take this.”
Was if wrong for your heart to sink a little? It wasn’t that you really liked Choso, you think, but you did have to admit that his presence did give you some comfort in this unfamiliar environment. Who were you to stop him, though? “Sure,” you chirped helplessly in the end.
At your response, Choso hurriedly placed a generous tip on the counter (which was promptly swooped up by Zhongli) and then dashed off. Now alone, there wasn’t much you knew how to do besides stare at the bar.
Zhongli, finishing up an earlier order, placed some finished cocktails on some serving trays, all of which were quickly snatched by two girls dressed in purple, their names Lisa and Raiden according to their badges. Next to Zhongli, two other bartenders—Diluc and Kaeya—bickered loudly about whose order was whose.
Another man, a runner, hurried to the counter and warned them to shut their traps on their boss’s birthday before ‘Sukuna released his wrath again’—whatever that meant. Just as this new man turned around with a defeated sigh, his honey-colored gaze landed on you. ‘Xiao,’ his tag read, and he gave you a good long stare before Lisa called out for his help in the distance.
The bar, as you could easily tell, was its own busy market, which was expected in a place made for adult-level fun. Without Choso by your side, though, you awkwardly observed the hectic congregation of bartenders, waiters, and runners. Once again, people were too busy to entertain someone like you. How ironic was it that—in a room full of people—you felt so impossibly alone?
Unsure what else to do, you creaked onto a bar stool. Although you had hoped that would make you feel better, your mind was still simply a roaring white blank of stage fright. Sighing in defeat, you angled your head back to pretend that there was something interesting on the ceiling when there, in fact, wasn’t.
“Oh hey, it’s Rich Girl!”
You lowered your gaze from the lights to the new voice in front of you. Then your eyes widened at the surprise arrival. “Su…kuna?” you peeped.
Like Choso, Sukuna dressed much differently than his office attire—a button-down with slacks that was much better than the near nothingness you saw him in last time. He was the club owner here, after all.
But it wasn’t even his outfit that you should be concerned about. It was yours.
Dressed like a thot, you certainly did not miss the way Sukuna obviously slid his gaze down your body. You could swear that this idiot wolf-whistled while taking the empty seat next to you, but that was difficult to ascertain given the loud music above. Nonetheless, Sukuna’s sudden presence turned the bantering bartenders stiff. No one dared to be on Sukuna’s bad side. Except you.
“What are you doing here?” you huffed and shot a glare.
Smirking at your defensiveness, Sukuna glided his thick fingers across the counter’s mahogany surface. He chuckled too, a sound so low and coarse. “That,” began the narcissist beside you, “is what I should be asking you, young lady. Trying to make an appointment here or something? I could get Toji, Geto, and Choso here since this place, uh, doesn’t really look like your scene.”
Sukuna then stared at you through his giddy little smile. You don’t trust his façade at all. You have both heard about and experienced first-hand just how hubristic this man could be—not only an infamous womanizer, but also infuriating, to say the least.
As a result, you chose your next words carefully.
“I’m already here with Choso,” you explained in a dull manner, hoping that Sukuna would leave you alone. “He invited me in but just stepped out since someone phoned him.”
“A booty call, probably.” Sukuna turned away as he mindlessly toyed with the silver rings that adorned his fingers. He was pushing your buttons, and he knew it. “What?” he finally asked after what seemed like an hour later. “Wishing it was you?”
You rolled your eyes. “Fuck, no. I’d rather eat bricks than—“
“This Choso’s order?” Sukuna interrupted, gesturing to the two vodka Redbulls that Zhongli had finally placed in front of you. You had your mouth open to speak, but Sukuna didn’t even wait for your response before his fingers clasped around the nearest glass.
Instinctively, your eyes followed the motion: the angle in which he tipped the drink into his lips, the motion in which his Adam’s apple bobbed with each gulp. At some point, you just realized that you were simply gaping at him because, as much of a douchebag he was, this man had the features of a god.
It didn’t take long for Sukuna to notice your gaze. “Someone might just fill your pretty mouth up if you keep staring like that, princess.”
You froze. Despite your practiced gracefulness, you puckered your mouth shut and scoffed. He’s unbelievable. What were you about to say again? “That drink,” you started and pointed to the glass happily in his hands, “that’s not even yours.”
Unbothered, Sukuna rolled his shoulders back. “Well, Choso’ll just have to order another one. Tips aside, he already gets away with not paying a single dime here, anyway.”
With narrowed eyes, you took a long hard sip from the other untouched glass. “Do you always have a stick up your ass? You still can’t do that.”
“Of course, I can do whatever I want. This is my club.” He then pointed to the DJ banner. “And today’s my birthday.”
He had a point, kind of. Nevertheless, you glared begrudgingly at Sukuna, who—from the cocky tilt of his head—was waiting for the magic words. Well? his sadistic little gaze seemed to say. Anytime now.
What a cocky bastard. Everything in the world had to be about him, huh? Frustration made you to chug the rest of the cocktail down in one go, leaving you slamming the empty glass against the counter, surprising not only the bartenders but Sukuna himself.
“Happy,” you ultimately seethed between clenched teeth and with a burning throat, “Happy…Birthday.”
He raised an eyebrow. There was a tinge of genuine disappointment in his new frown. “That’s it? No birthday kiss for the birthday boy?”
The craziest fucking thing was that you actually considered it. Maybe it was the alcohol kicking it. Or maybe this was what you truly wanted. Whatever the answer, all logic told you that this man was only interested in some birthday bitches.
Yet for some reason you couldn’t find it in you to truly dislike him because Sukuna was snarky but eloquent. His charm was almost unnatural. Had he been anyone else, the way he eyed your cleavage would normally throw you off, but his irresistible charisma made you hope he would look for just a moment longer.
You had to swallow hard in order to redirect your thoughts to the present. “So, how much did you hear?” was how you chose to respond in the end.
Sukuna, who was toying with the glass’s rim, stopped to give you a puzzled look. “What…?”
You’ve done messed up, Y/N. Internally, you braced yourself for further interrogation. Your brash question was not much better than a mini make-out session with the man you pledged to hate, yet—for now—you would prefer anything but the latter.
As Zhongli quietly appeared and disappeared to refill your drink, realization finally settled into Sukuna.
“Oh, that,” the club owner said, laughing rather pityingly. “You talking about that little quickie or whatever with Toji last week? Yeah, I’ve heard enough. You’re quite the moaner, but who am I to keep a pretty woman from a good dick-down? Good for you, honestly.”
Now, it was your turn to be confused. "What do you mean, ‘good for me?’”
A coy curl appeared at the corners of his lips. "Those genes of yours are something you'd wanna pass down for sure. Whether it’s with your husband or Toji or…”
Or with Sukuna himself.
The nerves of this jackass. Was he not at all ashamed of the sheer indecency of his suggestions? Not that it was a bad idea, but—
Get a fucking grip on yourself. You sent a slap across your own face, which undoubtedly had bystanders giving you funny looks. Not that you cared. Face flushed hot, you hastily guzzled down your second cup of vodka Redbull because if there was anything you wanted to forget about this night, it’d be…whatever the hell this entire conversation was.
And whatever the fuck this night was about to be.
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impishtubist · 3 years
OOTP missing scene fic where, the summer before OOTP when they’re all at Number Twelve, Sirius accidentally walks in on Harry and George making out
and proceeds to light up like a fucking Christmas tree
because he can’t go on Order missions and he can’t fight Death Eaters and he can’t raise his godson..........but what he can do is sit Harry down and proceed to give him the most thorough birds and the bees talk that any parent has ever given a child
he then also proceeds to give George the most terrifying “hurt him and you’ll regret it” talk in the history of mankind
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cha-melodius · 3 years
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Fic vibes tag thanks to @heytheredeann​. 
Above the break are works and series currently in progress, as well as recently published standalones. Feel free to drop into my ask box if you have and questions or comments about them or any of my other fics! Full fic list under the break. Main links are to AO3. 
Kiss Ficlets on Tumblr (Firstprince, Napollya, Lokius)
RWRB, Alex/Henry
Flowers Only Grow Where There Are Seeds (white house gardener AU)
Tonight, You’re Gold (Olympics AU)
Our Get Along Oodie (grad students AU)
Body and Soul(mate) (bodyswap soulmate spy AU) cover art on tumblr
The Impossible Soul (westworld/android AU)
TMFU, Napoleon/Illya
Playing Cat and Mouse with the Light (non-linear partners-to-lovers-to-exes-to-lovers)
The Harrowed and the Haunted (paranormal investigator AU)
Black Moon (For All Mankind/space AU)
Just a Shot Away from You (5+1 ordered to kill each other)
Loki Series, Loki/Mobius
Ain't No Place for a Better Man (old west AU)
Enemies of the Ocean (stranded on a lifeboat AU)
Cold Light (Norway AU)
True Hollywood Romance (fake-dating actor AU)
Other Fandoms
No Ordinary Friend (The Pairing, Blond Calum/Ginger Calum, missing scenes from the novel)
RWRB, Alex/Henry
The Hazards of Unsolicited Toy Advice (pet store meet cute AU)
So Close to Something Better Left Unknown (spy AU, fuck or die) cover art on tumblr
False Dichotomy (You’ve Got Mail AU) cover art on tumblr
Trying My Patience (Try Pink Carnations) (florist/cake artist wedding AU)
You're the Perfect Gift for Me (Alex is a Hallmark movie ‘bad guy’ AU)
This Hell of a Season (Nova-verse spies Christmas 3+1) cover art on tumblr
Taste the Way You Bleed (WWDITS AU)
In the Dog Days (supernatural/magic AU)
Falling Down the Stairs of Your Smile (canon-divergent Kensington hookup AU)
Something To Be Proud Of (Edinburgh Pride AU)
Lessons in Foreign Diplomacy (1785 ambassadors AU)
Will You Brie Mine? (cheesemonger AU)
Step Into My Office, Baby (office AU)
Getting Clinical (STI clinic meet-cute AU)
Theory and Practice (rival grad students AU)
That's My Trouble (detective/ME AU)
Please Don’t Let Me Be So Understood (accidental couples therapy AU) cover art on tumblr
Always Where I Need To Be (roommates AU + David cuteness)
The Sky is Open (1970s Pan Am pilots AU)
All the Old Showstoppers (canon-divergent Celebrity Bake Off AU) cover art on tumblr
Nova, Baby (CIA/MI6 AU) cover art on tumblr
All for a Taste of the Honey (FBI agent AU feat. stripper!Henry)
May Your New Years Dreams Come True (office NYE party AU)
The Spirit of Giving (neighbors holiday party AU)
Class(room) Warfare (professors AU)
Sun in the Sky (You Know How I Feel) (post bonus-chapter canon)
(Forever) In My Way (5+1 of Henry getting in Alex’s way, AU)
Tiny Little Movies (drabble collection)
TMFU, Napoleon/Illya
All Comes Crashing (last night to live, confessions)
Love is a Deserter (canon-set exes getting back together)
A Home for the Holidays (decorating a Christmas tree)
The Life You Had in Mind (Glass Onion crossover)
Eyes on the Horizon (early relationship, sequel to “I Trust No One”)
A Kiss Away From Being Dangerous (4+1, warnings about being dangerous)
Loving You is Cherry Pie (5+1 Napoleon wearing aprons)
That's What Other People Do (outside observer, together but they just don’t realize it yet)
Double Dutch with a Hand Grenade (Illya wears short shorts, Napoleon loses his mind) illustration on tumblr
Cold Hands, Warm Heart (Illya comforts Napoleon)
I Trust No One (And Especially You) (Istanbul mission, the bath house)
Half Asleep (All Your Dreams Come Alive) (clothes/bed sharing + comfort after a nightmare)
Hard to be Soft, Tough to be Tender (Illya takes a bullet for Napoleon)
Another Sunny Day (ficlet; the boys have a picnic)
Good To Me (Illya does nice things for Napoleon, misunderstandings ensue)
Follow You Into The Dark (whumptober, presumed dead)
Where Doesn't It Hurt? (tropetember H/C, cleaning wounds)
All Your Little Words (5+1 Napoleon telling Illya “I love you”)
The Lost Art of Keeping A Secret (undercover as a couple)
Another First Kiss (6+1 stolen kisses)
Enough of a Natural Disaster for Me (apologies + kissing in the rain)
Impostors (sleeping with lookalikes, series)
What You Meant (5+1 Illya telling Napoleon he’s a terrible spy)
The Definition of Madness (time loop mission fic for whumptober)
And I Was The Boy Who Was Lucky (KY derby mission fic) cover art on tumblr
Light Will Keep Your Heart Beating in the Future (nonlinear sleep deprivation)
Love is a Chemical (Illya gets dosed with a love potion)
How’s About Cookin’ Something Up With Me? (teacher AU, baking)
Another Christmas Song (This Time I’ll Sing Along) (neighbors AU)
Consider the Price to an Elf (santaland AU)
A Hard Habit To Break (canon-verse AU, secret relationship)
White Knuckles (Olympic figure skating AU) cover art on tumblr
The Makings of a Perfect Christmastime (Christmas in Connecticut AU) cover art on tumblr
Love is a Losing Game (60s chess AU; series) cover art on tumblr
The Best Thing About NYC is You and Me (modern roommates art student/fashion designer AU; series) part 1 cover art on tumblr, part 2 cover art on tumblr
Love Is A Great Teacher (professors AU; series) cover art on tumblr
Loki Series, Loki/Mobius
Don We Now Our Gay Apparel (ugly holiday sweater office AU)
Got My Love to Keep Me Warm (stranded at a Christkindlmarkt)
It's Been a Bad Day Lately (post s01 time loop)
The Truth is Just a Rule That You Can Bend (canon-divergent AU, secret relationship, fallout of Roxxcart divorce)
The Hardest Cut (bodyguard AU)
My Name Stitched On Your Lips (exes getting back together AU)
You, or Your Memory (troptember amnesia, fix-it)
Once in a Lifetime (Bookshop/GO AU) cover art on tumblr
What Makes A Good Man (Art Thief/CIA Agent AU; series) part 1 cover art on tumblr, part 3 cover art on tumblr
Mandalorian, Cara/Din
You Left Me Under Your Spell (15 independent one shots or short multichaps)
Hanging On For Dear Life (8 stories inspired by songs from the album Dear Life by Brendan Benson)
Do You Want to Know a Secret? (epic story of Din, Cara, and the kid following season 1)
Maybe, This Time (Mandalorian/BSG, Cara/Din, Lee/Kara) cover art on tumblr
Familiar, But Not Too Familiar (Mandalorian/Witcher, Cara/Din, Geralt/Jaskier)
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veilder · 3 years
Hi! Would you happen to have Convin or Reed900 fics to recommend?
Oh, hello! I can definitely help you with Convin fic recs at least, lol! Reed900, not so much, but there are plenty of blogs around that you could ask for that ship. ^_^ But yeah, I’ll try to categorize these as best I can! And give a little summary, too! :D
Longfics 75k+ (Complete)
1. Mission: Unexpected by J11nxed (@j11nxed) Rated E (violence, sexual content, language, abuse): Super great casefic with lots of amazing character development. Very funny. Probably my favorite characterization of Connor and Gavin, lol. The fic I read when I’m feeling down. ^_^
2. Golden by jarpad (@embaggins on Twitter) Rated M (dark themes, mature content, allusions to self-harm/suicide, mental health issues, language): An absolutely beautiful story of healing and overcoming your demons handled in a very respectful manner. The subject matter is very thought provoking and it brought me to tears, both cathartic and not, more than once. It’s a heavy story, but... So worth it, imo.
3. like roses, death blooms by alekszova (@ewates) Rated M (violence, rape, torture, abuse, mental health issues): A very, very dark revenge fic. Definitely the darkest one on this list. If you like heavy angst, this might be for you, though please heed the tags. A lot of this story is about the aftermath of horrific events but there are still some very brutal scenes.
Mid-length fics 20k-75k (Complete)
1. Running Uphill by NHMoonshadow (@sharysisnhmoonshadow) Rated M (violence, peril, language): The ultimate time travel soulmate AU fic imo. Absolutely top tier Gavin characterization and development. Rich backstories and relationships. Definitely some trauma, omg. But ultimately, a happy ending. Definitely a must-read for any Convin fan imo.
2. Traces by berryblonde (@berry--blonde) Rated M (language, peril, minor suicidal ideation): One of the first long fics I ever read for this ship and still one of my faves. Excellent casefic setup, very interesting premise and some very dynamic characters. Also, really A+ backstory for Gavin. This is basically a classic for anyone who wasn’t around in the early days of fandom. Highly recommend!
3. His Robin by wolfetz Rated T (drama, language): Absolutely fantastic coming of age story set in a human!AU world. Really great character work for both Connor and Gavin and their relationship through the years. Love this one.
4. A Scratched CD/A Faulty Code by consecrated Rated T (mental health issues, language): Companion pieces told from Gavin and Connor’s POVs respectively. These were also very early fics I read when I was first getting into the fandom and I love them both dearly. The characterization here went a long way towards me loving the ship to begin with. A great intro to Convin.
5. That Boy is a Powder Keg by QueenHarleyQuinn Not Rated (language, violence, mature content, mental health issues): One of the most realistic takes on Gavin going from his canon asshole self to someone who could feasibly be in a relationship with Connor. I’m definitely due to re-read this cuz I can’t quite remember the details anymore, but I know I really enjoyed this at the time. Good for anyone who likes a more antagonistic take on him.
Shortfics/Oneshots (~20k)
1.  Sedum Spathulifolium by Burrahobbit Rated T (language): This fic... is so dang sweet. I’ve read it so many times. It’s absolutely adorable, what can I say? Love their dynamic here. ^_^
2. Always know that you are not alone by Liveinelf Rated T (language, drama): Another fantastic take on Gavin and his growth as a character. He starts off very close to canon here and is one mean asshole. But this fic does a great job of explaining why he acts as he does. And how he changes. Highly recommend.
3. Some things never change by berryblonde Rated T (language): An absolutely hilarious fic, lol. The view of Convin through the eyes of some rookie trainees, omg. It makes me laugh so much. XD
4. Mankind Needs More Empathy by BrightestStarInTheSky  (@brighteststarinthesky) Rated T (language, drama): Some good old-fashioned Gavin-getting-his-head-out-of-his-ass, lol. I love fics like this. Need a good basis to start a relationship, after all. Apologies are in order. ^_^
5. as i see them by rekal Rated T (language, drama): Same as the previous entry, this one deals with Gavin’s character growth and how he and Connor grow closer in the aftermath. It’s lovely.
6. Sweet/Wise men say... by 99MillionMiles (@99millionmilesaway) Not Rated: Two short, sweet fluff pieces that absolutely delight me every time I reread them. And as a bonus, some beautiful art by @deep-in-mind67, too!
7. Melted Phoenix by Astrapod Rated M (violence, trauma, mental health issues, mutilation, peril): This one... This is a heavy fic. It starts off with a very harrowing description of android violence that might be too much for some folks to handle. Proceed with caution. But, if you can weather that, this is an absolutely beautiful fic about love and healing. Definitely recommend.
8. So Pathetic and So Lovely by alekszova Rated M (language, drama, mental health issues, mature themes): I think the fic’s description speaks for itself here: “ Neither Gavin or Connor think they are capable of being loved by the other, but that doesn't mean it's true.” Definitely worth a read.
9. An unexpected turn of events by Smokey310 Rated T (language): This one is freakin hilarious. Connor and Gavin and a night out at the club, omg. I love this fic to death. XD
10. As Do I by berryblonde Rated T (drama): A human!AU where your soulmate can feel the injuries of their other half. It’s the story of a lifetime together. All the way til the end.
11. because the bed’s warm and it’s cold out by voidpants (@voidpants) Rated G (no warnings): Connor and Gavin being old men together. It’s beautiful. Such a lovely take on the two of them.
Unfinished Fics/Honorable Mentions
1. Spinning Yellow by sheepishwolfy (@sheepishwolfy) Rated E (violence, language, mature themes): Amazing casefic with top-tier characterization. What’s written of it is still amazing, even if it’s not complete.
2. Amidst a Crash of Worlds by fireplanetz Rated T (violence, mature themes, war, language): A fic told entirely through letters between Connor and Gavin in the aftermath of the bad ending of the game. It’s such an awesome idea and it’s executed so well. Definitely recommend. 
3. The Bet by Pence Rated T (language): Brooklyn 99-inspired DPD shenanigans. Need I say more? It’s so funny and I love the characterization of Connor and Gavin. Mostly finished, too! Just the final chapter missing!
4. Wicked by MercuryPilgrim Rated M (language, mature content): I love this one. It’s such a unique take on Connor and Gavin and it works so well, too. They are delightful here. Love the dynamic!
5. (can’t say) i don’t love you by Chibbers (@teh-chibi) Rated M (language, drama, sexual content): An angsty hanahaki!AU fic where these two idiots don’t realize they’re in love with each other. Really great writing here. Very emotional. Made me feel a lot.
And I guess I should mention that I have fics of my own, too, about half of which are Convin? You can check them out on my AO3 here! ^_^
So yeah, there we go. Those are really all I can think of off the top of my head. I know I missed some amazing works, too, alas. But at least this can give you a good start, yeah? Hope this helps @pancrystal! And thanks again for the ask! :D (Also, if I messed up any of the link or if there’re any glaring typos, lemme know. This was a lot of janky, Tumblr formatting, omg. >_<)
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