#for asking this
a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
Well Nix is absolutely gorgeous, real form or makeup. If you have more photos of her, don't be afraid to send it! She's wayyyy too pretty! I'm ngl, when I first discovered your blog, the first thing I noticed (besides Alastor X Reader stuff LMAO) was Nix and how pretty she was and I thought she was from a book and I wanted to see more of her.
You mentioned you wrote an entire backstory for her? What is the rest of her backstory? :0
Also her name based off the Greek Goddess, Nyx? (Personification of the night)
I based her name off of one of the oceanids, Nix because originally, she was just 100% a mermaid demon but I also really love the idea of that too! Nix is the name she picked for herself in hell
Okay, I'll indulge in this because I'm really excited to get it all out-
TW: Implied SA, Murder, Death
When she was alive:
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Name: Mariella
Age: 28 (1912-1940)
She lived with her father and her little brother, Louis(He was only her half brother but both their mothers died after birth)
She loved both her father and Louis deeply, having long since determined that she'll live her life for herself when her father is dead and Louis is grown
"I'm nearly grown, Mariella! You don't have to baby me!"
"You still have four more years to go until you're a legal adult, my little treasure~"
She worked as a librarian during the day and picked up shifts at a diner when money became tight
And if she came home late in the night and happened to notice her father was gone? Well, he must have a good reason for it
She didn't know what her father was involved in, how deep in debt he was in order to keep feeding his habits
Not until she came home one day to find her home being ransacked by loan sharks
She found her father beaten and hunched over her little brother, trying to protect him from the blows
She hadn't heard Louis cry like that since he was a little boy, fuck, he still was a little boy in her eyes
She desperately tried to get the men to stop, offering them all the money she had, offering them anything
Anything to make them leave her family alone
So they take her offer
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She's different after that
She tries not to let Louis see how that night affected her, tries to give him some normalcy, and be brave for him
But she wakes up every morning with him in her bed and fresh tears on her face
She can't look her father in the eyes anymore, and he doesn't have the words to convey how sorry he is
"I have to go, Papa."
She tries to go on like that for as long as she's able, until she finds Louis guarding her door one night, shaking and holding a bat
"I-I heard a noise and I just wanted to protect you...this time..."
She can't go on like this, and she won't let Louis go on like this
"Oh Louis..."
Somehow she finds herself hunting down one of the loan sharks, the supposed leader, and she kills him
She hadn't originally planned to kill him but he forced her hand and the next thing she knew she was covered in blood
It feels good, better than good, it feels like taking control of her life again
"Louis, I promise you that nobody is going to harm us again.."
It takes years for her to hunt down all of them, and now she's nearly found the last one
In that time, Louis has turned into a man before her eyes, her father has passed and she's killed 6 men
She finds the 7th and last man on the docks, she makes a mess of his boat and can't bring herself to care
She can't bring herself to care when the police arrive, her victim's screams having drawn attention to her
She doesn't care when they draw their guns, when they scream at her to drop her weapon, when there's a loud shot ringing in the air
Suddenly, her body crumples, and she can't move, tumbling into the black waters below
Her lungs fill with water while her blood turns everything around her red
When Nix realizes she's in hell, she has a small breakdown
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Until she figures out that the men who ruined her life are also down in hell and then she's filled with a familiar resolve
She gets to hunt them down all over again and this time she doesn't have to worry about Louis finding out
So she restarts her life down in hell, new name, new career and definitely a new look
Because the black and white isn't cutting it, who is she? Betty Boop?
She fucking wishes she was Betty Boop
She creates work as a hitman/information broker
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She's determined, often letting her drive to hunt down the original 7 overrule everything else in her afterlife
She pretends that her kills are all business but anyone who's seen her in action would know she secretly enjoys it
She won't accept payment for what she deems as a special cases(what qualifies as a special case? You'll have to ask her)
Nix is seen as cold, snarky, and ruthless but has a tendency to soften up around people she senses need a gentle hand
It's also really fucking easy to make her laugh no matter how hard she tries to be stoic about things
Little kid: Oh fuck! Nix: 😤🥴🤣
She still can't fully shake off the woman she used to be, no matter how hard she tries, Mariella is still with her
If an overlord or someone powerful wants her services? She's going to absolutely take them for all their worth because fuck them
But it's a lonely life and sometimes she wishes she made time for people then she remembers that she's in hell and the people here ain't worth shit
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Thinks the idea of redemption is nice but not for her, she has no desire to leave hell
Not even to see Louis or her father
But the idea of bringing hell to heaven? Making them for pay allowing the past play out the way it did?
For encouraging all that horrible shit in the world because it makes people better for it?
She could get behind that
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Okay! Okay! I'm done! Back to your regularly scheduled program!!
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literaturewithliz · 2 years
Quick question: was the Cowboy!AU for Keeper ever written by anyone? Cause I wanna read it so much I can’t even laugh about it anymore.
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koobiie · 5 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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square-opossums · 3 months
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watching gen z and millennials make fun of gen alpha has been torturous. "But they're actually stupid" 1. theyre middle schoolers 2. isn't that what older gens said about us? don't you remember being 11?
it truly is just "impulse reaction to cringe <- has not yet unlearned shame"
the cycle continues let me out of here
guys. guys I think we should kill cringe culture
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sadclowncentral · 4 months
i had a dream that time travel was invented and too many people choose to travel back in time to save the titanic from sinking (the question of whether unsinking of the titanic deserved so much attention in the face of human history was the subject of both heavy academic and online discourse), which caused a rift in the space-time-continuum that led to the titanic showing up indiscriminately all over the world’s oceans and sea in various states of sinking.
this caused a lot of issues both in terms of fixing said space-time-continuum and in terms of nautical navigation, and after a long and heavy battle in the international maritime organization it was decided that the bureaucratic burden of dealing with this was to be upon Ireland, much to their dismay. the Irish Government then released an app for all sailors and seafarers so they could report titanic sightings during their journeys, even though they heavily dissuaded you from reporting them given the paperwork it caused.
anyway i woke up with a clear image of the app in my head and needed to recreate it for all of you:
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many-sparrows · 5 months
I'm very tired of this "queer college students should stop supporting Palestine, they'd kill you there!" I watched a hijabi ask a trans man, "but what name do you want to go by?" A butch giving a woman their hoodie so that she could keep her hair covered after the cops took her scarf. Muslim girls making sure the lesbian couple got through the system together. Religious men making sure purple haired protestors got out safe. I don't want to hear it. Solidarity forever, free Palestine.
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its so brave that you have such a 2012-coded url in this 2024 world
would you call a bear brave for standing in a new construction suburb or would you recognize the unfamiliar world they built around him
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sirompp · 9 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
one of the most infuriating things about becoming an adult is when you realize that it actually is 10x easier to solve problems by making a phone call vs literally any other communication method
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vamprisms · 6 months
i feel like a lot of the 'i hate kids' crowd would be more tolerant if they understood that due to a kid's limited experience of the world that 4 hour flight might just be the longest they've ever had to sit still for or that trapped finger might literally be the most pain they've ever felt in their short life or they might not have ever seen a person with pink hair ever so of course they want to touch it or nobody's told them yet that they can't run around the museum and they only just learned cheetahs are the fastest animals so of course they want to put that to the test. how were they supposed to know etc etc.
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aevallare · 6 months
do you think mocking catholicism is funny
yes. next question
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sanguinifex · 3 months
You gotta read and watch some old books and films that aren’t 100% modern politically correct. I’m not saying you should agree with everything in them but you need to learn where genres came from to understand what those genres are doing today and where media deconstructing old tropes is coming from.
Also, more often than you might think, they’re not actually promoting bigotry so much as “didn’t consider all the implications of something” or just used words that were polite then but considered offensive now.
Kill the censor in your head.
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mushroomjar · 2 months
(Part 1) Vetted fundraisers that have reached out to me:
@bilal-salah0 here (verification)
@reemshehab / fahedshehab9 / danashehab / fahed-shehab-9 here (verification)
@hyamshehabnew11 here (verification)
@mahmoud-sharif here (verification)
@hamzahilles here (verification)
@wafaaresh here (verification)
@mohiy-gaza here (verification)
@aymanayyad82 / mayadayyad81 here (verification)
@bisanalbalawi18 here (verification)
@mahmoudayyad here (verification)
@save-salem-family2 here (verification)
@noorabd1992 here (verification)
@fidaa-family0 / fidaa-family2 here (verification)
@fedao here (verification)
@ahmedalnabeeh11 here (verification)
@anqar here (verification)
@islamgazaaccount2 here (verification)
@karamrafeek here (verification)
@save-salam-family here (verification)
@mohammadyaser1980 / y2082008 / yasermohammad here (verification)
@samiraayman here (verification)
@yousefhamaad11 here (verification)
@aseelo680 here (verification)
@mahmoud1995 here (verification)
@abdelmutei here (verification)
@hayanahed here (verification)
@noor-family here (verification)
@abeeribrahim2006 here (verification)
@mahmoud0hilles here (verification)
@as-maa-56 / asmaa2005 here (verification)
@girlquee here (verification)
@frhatfamily here (verification)
@aslambalousha here (verification)
@ahmed-mohammed1 here (verification)
@heba-baker here (verification)
@khaled-gaza here (verification)
@aya2mohammed here (verification)
@save-hijazi-family2 here (verification)
@help-mona here (verification)
@hazempalestine here (verification)
@atalah-mohammed here (verification)
@hanaa987 here (verification)
@ahedalshaer here (verification)
@children-gaza here (verification)
@ahmedkhabil here (verification)
@abood-family-gaza here (verification)
@bshaeromars-blog here (verification)
@hsalem-1 here (verification)
Last updated: August 7th, 2024
EDIT: I reached the limit number of mentions you can make in one post, so I'm continuing in a reblog. You can find it here
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castercassette · 4 months
You draw hats so well and im like so amazed by it because every time i try it looks like they're wearing buckets?? how do you draw them?? :o
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bethfuller · 3 months
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limited perception.
find me on instagram!
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saint-soap · 4 months
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???????????????? ????? ??????????
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