#for my next fic on the series teehee
jaylver · 1 year
REALLY IMPORTANT question for my enha enjoyers who happens to be a football (/soccer) fan, please share some ideas on which football club fits mr jake sim jae yun?
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forestshadow-wolf · 26 days
do you have any roach fic recs... any ship, any plot, any length, i literally have no preferences other than /roach/ i need more roach centric fics in my life....
but first you should check out this post from @/boxofthings they have quite a few Roach centric fic recommendations. however it has been about six-ish months since then so I'll just add ones from recently
"you are a memory" by withyourrythm
"It takes 8 days of nursing an infected gunshot wound at his thigh, of trying to keep Roach breathing through the nights, before Ghost realizes that there is no help coming. Then, it’s time to move on."
"Roaching Around" by KDFoxbug
"Roach is captured by the enemy and becomes buggier"
"GhostRoach teehee :3" series by ghostroacharemybabies
Filled with a bunch of little stories I wrote of GhostRoach. Some sad, some happy. It’s just a mix of a bunch of emotions.
"Candy shop" by littlehorusaximand
roach is down bad for his lieutenant and his captain, and they accidentally find out.
"serendipity" by bravo six going queer (cornerdreams)
Roach gets back from a mission involving ice shelves, a compromising of his captain, and a harrowing snowmobile chase. Ghost is just happy he came back home safe. Both of them do a little reflecting.
"Just one kiss" by grechka_zhest
“Hey, L.T. ,” Roach muttered, licking the spoon and wincing right after at the taste of metal and canned meat, if it can even be called one, on his tongue. "Hm?", the lieutenant’s voice was tired and quiet, like Roach's own. It's nothing new. The sergeant quickly licked his dry lips, covered in small cuts. "Ever kissed before?", Sanderson asked with a grin in his voice. He himself doesn’t know whether this was supposed to be a joke or an insult. But behind the malicious grin there was a lively interest. Ghost chuckled, placing the now empty can on the ground, next to the sole of his boots.
"Memento Mori" by Anonymous
Roach got his callsign from being an unkillable insect with very little self preservation instinct. Unfortunately the rest of the team can be a little like that too, to the detriment of each other.
"How (not) to ask someone to marry you" by kkyso
Gaz needed to find a quick way to propose to Roach, but all his ideas seemed to go wrong. Until Soap has the brilliant and absurd idea at the same time, Making Gaz rethink the whole plan.
"These Bones Are Broken" by fixfoxnox
Roach nearly loses someone and it results in a momentary break in his carefully constructed mask.
"Two sergeants, one lieutenant" by Roach_Simp
Gaz, Ghost, Price, Soap and Roach go on a mission to get intel, finds out the mission was a set up then Roach gets kidnapped and tortured before they find him and then Roach, Ghost and Soap cuddle before it turns into spice. :3
"Roach" by MorningGlory30
"I promise I'll come back in once piece." After the death of his father, Gary "Roach" Sanderson thought that he should join the military just like his dad. He never really gave it much thought and as a seven year old, it never meant much to him. As he grew older, he came to like the idea of joining the military--of doing something better for his country than just being another rugby player. He joined as soon as he graduated and had worked hard in the SAS to be picked for an elite group of soldiers. Serving under Captain John Price and Captain "Soap" MacTavish wasn't the easiest thing to do because of how high the expectations were but it was something that he could handle. Even in the toughest times, Roach knew he could make it out of any dangerous situation and keep the promise that he made to his older brother.
"Raindrops" by TheCalmCreature
Gary doesn't seem to be fine after a mission. Simon checks up on him. written for the prompt: "[GhostRoach] Maybe they tend to each others injuries after a mission or they just need to make sure the other is ok? a happy/comfort ending”
"FNG... or something..." by KairaKara101
Gary knew those dreams were something strange yet it filled an empty part of his soul. There was something off about him. A bad luck charm perhaps? Gary really wished he knew why he was always the FNG. This time... being the FNG sucked. But past (?) collides with present. Once an ODST always an ODST. And you know what those ODST always said? Are you prepared to drop? Feet first into hell, troopers.
"Thorns in my lungs, petals on my tongue" by MossTimeBaby
the Roach Hanahaki fic that I was desperate to read
"Roaches Can't Die" by pinboardscarecrow
Ghost and Roach are betrayed by General Shepard; shot and killed by their own leader. But moments later, Roach wakes up back in the forest outside Makarov's safe house. Can he change his and Ghost's fates?
"is it really better to have loved and lost?" by MossTimeBaby
When Ghost has to fake his death to go deep undercover, Roach is left behind to pick up the pieces of himself.
"Two Sides of The Same Coin" by Vityed
It was Gary's first Christmas with Task Force 141, seeing as he had only joined the team six months earlier. As such, he had no idea what to expect. He just hoped it would be a good time to get to know everyone. Everything was perfect and ready. A Christmas tree decorated with tinsel, baubles and twinkling lights, and topped with a shining star, and plenty of alcohol to go around. What could possibly go wrong?
"Dear to you" by vani_tas_talk
messy university roommates breakup AU, starts as Roach/Soap/Ghost, endgame Roach/König
"If We Crash (I Hope We Do)" by mintyiecat
Simon and Gary live, and fall into a steady sort of companionship. Gary starts wondering (dramatically) what they are exactly. “How do you do that?” Simon scowls. “Swear to God it always jams.” ‘Magic fingers,’ Gary signs, and wiggles his.
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morallyinept · 7 months
Ooof what a week. Busy with work, but I'm on vacation again next week, woo! Plenty of time to write, and catch up on my reading list and I can't wait. 🤗
The weather has turned over the last two weeks here where I live in the UK, and it's very rainy and cold, so I'm looking forward to snuggling up with warm fuzzy socks and hot chocolate on the regular. 😍
So without further ado, let's crack on with this week's Whip Round.
Jack, will you do the honours?
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Catch up on last week here, sugar
☆ Things I've posted this week
Five Days - Chapter 8 - I honestly don't want this series to end... But we're getting into the thick of it now. Thank you for all the love for Joel & Reader. 🖤
Thrash Metal - Dieter Bravo One Shot. Thots about a pierced Dieter birthed this and I am not sorry.
The Bow Tie - Dieter Bravo GIFLET
Self-Care With Dieter & Jett focused on loss this week. It was a bit of a heavy subject, but two special guests, Agent Whiskey & Marcus Moreno, stopped by to share their stories.
A Loving Ode To The Writers is my message to all the incredible writers out there in the fandom. And a big F you to all the haters.
This Week's Writer Wow shone the spotlight on my fellow Ezra bae @sp00kymulderr whom I just adore for so many reasons. And you will too, go give them a follow if you're not already. 🖤
☆ Things I'm currently working on
I've teased out my next series after Five Days to some of my friends on Discord this week - teehee... 🤭 Stay tuned for it coming in January.
Got a couple of one shots on the go and as always plenty more GIFLETS to come.
☆ Things I've read this week
I've book marked quite a lot to read and catch up on this week. I'm planning on catching up with some of my favourite writers too next week whilst I am off work.
Some fics that stood out to me this week were:
Be Good, Be Quiet - @undercoverpena Jo mentioned that she wasn't so innocent this week, and after reading this, she's absolutely right. 😜 Holy smokes, this was super hot and made me all up in my sexy Joel feels! Oof. Check it out, it will not disappoint! Innocent my ass, Jo... pfffft. 😉
Sub!Frankie & Bondage - @swiftispunk I had the biggest grin on my face reading this and if you've read it too, you'll know why. Good God this was excellent and packed so much punch! 🔥
Letterman Jacket - @fuckyeahdindjarin I've had this Javi P fic saved on my TBR for a while and am kicking myself I haven't read it sooner because it is utterly divine. Still thinking about that damn jacket now... 😍
Dry Run - @chronically-ghosted Once again, Taylor knocks it well and truly out of the park, this time with Javi P dancing with you. And I couldn't be more enthused or enthralled reading this. It's a scorcher. 🥵
Hoofbeats - @psychedelic-ink I'm a sucker for this pairing of Joel & Whiskey, and this story was exceptionally good with the imagery and feels. I absolutely loved it. 🥰
All these fics and more will be added to my Pedro Character Fic Rec List too.
Just want to give a shoutout to this post too from @fuckyeahpaperco by @fuckyeahdindjarin who makes stunning, and I mean STUNNING Pedro stationary. I can't wait to get my hands on some, been eyeing those post-its! I will be treating myself for sure. Perfect little stocking fillers in time for Christmas too! 🎄
☆ What have I been watching/listening to this week?
I caught up on some Pedro Podcasts this week whilst at work, some of them I hadn't actually listened to in full before...
I've made a playlist putting them all together, and it also includes Pedro's episode on Motherhacker. So, please feel free to click on and have a listen for yourself if you haven't.
My absolute favourite has to be the Talk Art Podcast. Hearing Pedro talk about art he loves is phenomenal.
☆ What have I been up to this week?
Working, and squeezing in some reading and writing. The weather hasn't been too great here for hiking the last two weeks, so I'm itching to get out this week and go for a hike if I can, stretch the ol' legs.
I hope you guys have had a great week and are enjoying the weekend. That wraps it up for this week so I'll catch you on the next Whip Round.
Stay kind, stay creamy. Let's skedaddle, Jack. 🖤
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ssreeder · 7 days
teehee hello!!
i already yapped about liab and ria about a week ago on here and i finished itf two days ago and holy moly oh my god bro
i am floored
i don't know what to do with myself now help
this whole series has been consuming my thoughts for three weeks now dude i can't stop thinking about all of them
i am so flipping happy about all the reunions you got me all giddy and stuff
katara and sokka?? aang and sokka?? TOPH AND SOKKA MEETING?? iroh and zuko?? jee and zuko?? rasu and zuko?? SWT and sokka again?? SWT and gaang?? SWT and zuko?? zuko and gaang??
and shen :(
i have mixed feelings about ara but literally every time she came up in this fic was so well written and as much as i obviously don't like what she did back in liab, i love ara
the interaction between zuko and ara? gut-wrenching, i fear
couldn't stop giggling when katara thought ara and sokka were seeing each other omg
AND TOPH 😭😭 i love that she just knows dude
also i loved the momo joke when zuko thought katara was sokka teehee :3
i'm not sure how to feel about chang
like, okay, he killed zhao and he helped zuko (and sokka ig?) not die in prison, but.... idk
anyways i loved the bonding scenes between jee + sokka and bato + zuko omg
which brings me to my next point
JEE AND BATO. i love those two oml
pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease don't kill either of them and let them be happy and maybe hold hands and erm kiss and stuff please 🙏:33
also the whole thing with the sex book was so funny to read
i've said it before and i'll say it again;
you write these characters so incredibly well and i love love love the relationships you've built up between them it's incredible
i am going absolutely insane over your fics
you are such an amazing writer dude holy crap
i hope you have a lovely day!! :3
(i would offer you my first born child for them to just get a happy ending pleasepleasepleaseplease) (jk i don't have any kids and i don't really want any but you get my point)
…. Haha I’m sorry but when you were listing off the reunions & added Shen :( I chuckled lol. RIP SHEN we were just starting to like you & then you died. chang & Ara are my most controversial characters for sure but I don’t think Chang has an active haters club like our girl Ara does haha. *hair flip* winnnniiiinnngggg
JEETO JEETO JEETO!! I think by the time the battle starts I will be getting death threats if anything bad happens to them *evil grin* WE SHALL SEE……
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illyrianbitch · 4 months
No one:
You: here’s a 19k wc one shot teehee🤭
Girly like I’m not complaining but lube me up if you’re gonna fuck me like that plz. Your fic is longer than some people’s series and I’m living for it.
LMAOOO oh my goood im so sorry ur right ill add some complimentary lube next time bae <3 im just such a sucker for being able to read a story all at once + its hard for me to keep the same flow of a story unless it feels specifically coded for a series (like my current az series). the one shot im writing rn for az is already 10k words lol
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 months
Hey Maddy I just wanna remind you how much your works and little fun imagines are appreciated I always love reading every single one. Thank you so much for making content I couldn't find anywhere esle, I have so much fun reading your works over and over again. Always excited to see what the next post is, fic or otherwise. You definitely got me back into thsi series and the x reader content in general and I thnank you for it because the demn slayer series changed me, and you were a part of that. Take care of yourself, I wish you all the best, and I'm ever so looking forward to seeing what you make (including my own request teehee Take care of yourself! - A Camille who's 4 drinks in
Thank you very much for the sweet words😊💜
I hope you weren’t too hungover or anything this morning, you take good care of yourself too!
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Weekly Update - 05/18/2023
Hey all! I think I'm going to start doing weekly updates since I have a lot going on and a lot of fics in the works! I want you to know what I'm currently working on (WIPs) and I'll also toss some life updates in here as well. I'm also going to mention requests I have in the pipeline and when I'm expecting to complete them. Maybe your request is in there! (It probably is)
Going forward the updates will be on Sunday, I'm just doing this now because I have ADHD and it's on my mind today lol.
Since I've been really following the winds of inspiration lately, I want to keep doing that so I'm just putting this here so you know where the winds are blowing lmao.
I'll also mention if I think my current longfic is going to be delayed or anything here as well.
Gonna cut it up into sections to keep it consistent and easy:
Long/Chaptered Fic Updates
Currently I'm working on A Bit Dodgy, as many of you know. There will NOT be an update this Monday (05/22/2023). Though I will be working on it this week for @welcometostayingawake to edit and I'll have it to post by 05/29/2023 (that's the goal). If it's going to be pushed back again, I'll let you all know the Sunday before (05/28/2023).
Mini-series Update
Worth the Risk Part 3 should be out this week. That's the goal anyway. I have a good chunk of it done but there's still a lot to do. <- Still hoping to have this out this week but we will see (05/22/2023)
Uploading The Fractured Moon Part 2 (either tonight or tomorrow yay) Continuing to chip away at The Fractured Moon Part 3
There's a top secret fic series coming out HOPEFULLY this weekend, but it may be next weekend instead depending on how quickly I can get it finished. I'm losing my mind over it. (It's a 3 parter and all 3 parts are coming out at the same time teehee) <- Editing that today 05/22/2023. Hope to be done with it by tonight!
In June there's a writing challenge for Pride that @flightlessangelwings is putting on and I'm working on my fic for that so I'll be announcing more for that fic once I have the details better outlined!
Fool Me Twice should be getting a part 2 soon. I'm hoping I'll feel inspired to at least start it this week but maybe not. <- Taking this off the list for this week. Focusing on ABD and requests (05/22/2023).
Still considering doing 2 other parts for The OJ Problem but honestly, it's not that exciting to me rn. Since it's more of a Valentine's Day fic I might consider just doing those next year. <- Taking this off the list for this week. Focusing on ABD and requests (05/22/2023) will probably just put this on for next year for valentine's day.
I still have a sizeable amount of requests. REQUESTS ARE STILL CLOSED CURRENTLY. If your request is in blue, that means I'm going to try to work on it this week (05/21-05/27). If it's in pink, I'm going to try to work on it a different week. It's taking me a while to get into the headspace for some of them so thank you for your patience. Green means it's done I'm just working on editing now. They are posted in no real order, just working on them as I feel inspired to.
Blue Jones X f!Reader requested by @saraicus
There are 2 prompts in particular that I liked from the list you sent so I'll be doing them. - His eyeliner running down as he’s banging you against his desk - You’re a new patient and he just grows overprotective towards you. Doesn’t want you to meet other men and keeps you in solitary confinement for his jealousy sake.
Moon Boys X f!Reader by @ravenz-hope
Gamer reader and the boys getting angsty over her being too obsessed with the game (most relatable thing ever) <- Haven't had the time to set up the post but this will be coming out very soon. Need to finish editing as well (05/22/2023)
Moon Boys X f!Reader by @simpforbritgents
Asking for something like Feeling Flustered where the moon boys are doing guided phone sex.
Moon Boys X f!Reader by @mercuryrosesixx
Moon Boys w/ a f!Reader w/ nipple piercings. <- Started working on headcanons (05/22/2023).
Marc Spector X f!Reader by @blueflowerhat
Marc shower sex based on AI prompt.
Steven Grant X f!Reader by Anon -
Steven and Reader are both virgins. Marc is guiding/coaching Steven.
Doctor Marc Spector X Patient Reader by @burnincrown
Role Reversal (sort of) of Not a Doctor - Marc is the doc, reader is the patient and he takes advantage - Dark Fic
Nathan Bateman X f!Reader by @campingwiththecharmings
This is the prompt that hit me like a Nathan-shaped mac truck! -> “if you don’t like my teasing why are you moaning”
Nathan Bateman X f!Reader by Anon
Cam girl reader x Nathan - Nathan turns to a cam girl, he's been kinda stalking her. (Excited hehe)
That's it for right now. I'm a busy lady as usual but I like having a few different projects going at once! More coming soon! Thanks for always being so awesome and supportive. Love you all!
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6 & 11 for the fic asks???
(11 mostly because I need playlist recs 😔😭)
6 - Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
glory and gore go hand in hand (that's why we're making headlines) - @paintedstudy (i was born for this)
in her hips, there’s revolution - @monstrous-femme (stranger things)
it takes two to tango but three to swing - @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (timeless) 
on the nature of daylight (this is how it goes) - @dean-smiths-suspenders/the_sun_will_rise_again (MY LOVER /p) (supernatural) 
aftershocks - thewestwinged (lockwood and co)
literally anything - eskawrites (no, that is not the title of a fic, i just like all of their works and think they’re worth checking out) (stranger things)
based on that one tumblr post - the_german_grim_reaper (percy jackson/buzzfeed unsolved)
off-script - pukner (stranger things) 
your love is standing right next to me - fivecenturiesverse (stranger things)
11 - Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
no, i’m sorry!! i can’t listen to music while i’m writing or i get distracted– but i will send my lister bird playlist (or what i have of it so far because i’m very proud of it teehee
there’s still a LOT to add but:
(no particular order bc i'm a heathen who listens to playlists on shuffle)
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surelysilly · 14 days
Fic asks: let's just pretend I'm sending you like an entire box of crayons, okay?
fufufufu okay here we go <3
🌍 What tags or warnings will your / one of your wip(s) need if you intend to share it?
oooh my latest (and soonest) WIP... I'd almost want to tag it as some sort of horror, but I'm not quite sure exactly how to go about it... but!
underage smoking, mystery (maybe), AU - canon divergence (as always), hurt no comfort, angst...
i think the memes about Danny getting slapped as a vape user because of his ghost sense r very funny but i like to sit my fics firmly in the the mid 00s or late 2010s onward so... teehee!
⚠️ Which wip your most likely to finish or update next?
one from above ^^^ it's a fanfic prompt challenge for the r/danny phantom discord server "i didn't mean to say it like that" has to be used in the fic :)
other than that... next arc in the waiting for the sun to smile on everyone series uwu;;; hopefully in a week or so, we shall see
💾 What is your document of your wip/ a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
usually the series name or short hand for it
lost in the universe > LITU pt 1, pt 2, etc
the visitant and the island of misfit toys > the visitant pt. 1
dpxdc misc 1.0
dp misc 1.0
the shorter fics live in the misc documents lol my BNHA documents were much worse versions of those
🛠 Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
I'm struggglinngggg to write a new character sort oooof, but i think i just need a break from litu AU so im unintentionally avoiding it, whoops! which is why im writing other things
which i am also struggling with because i need to rewatch the main lego movies + lego batman to study :9
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agaypanic · 1 month
Can I request alysssa from teotfw and it’s literally just the reader as James instead!! But the reader is ever so slightly more normal - literally go crazy I just thought that would be a cool idea!!
Two Girls and a Car (Alyssa Foley X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: You and Alyssa, two rebellious loners, find each other at school and decide to date. Her being sick of her new family and you tired of your boring life, you decide to steal your dad’s car and skip town.
A/N: teotfw but make it sapphic>>> couple things, 1: this is based off the first episode (im using a script teehee) where reader is james with less murderous tendencies. 2: idk how good this is gonna be bc i usually write in second person, but bc of the show being told in first person perspectives, this is written in first person but only from reader’s pov. 3: if you couldn’t tell from my derry girl fics (or any other non-american media i write), im american so i dont really know english lingo or anything that well. 4: this could be a two parter?? Or maybe a series??? Lmk what yall think
I’m Y/n.
I’m seventeen.
And I’m pretty sure there’s something wrong with me. Like, really wrong.
When I was eight, I realized I didn’t have a sense of humor. At first, I thought that my dad was just the worst at jokes. And he is, probably. But nothing’s really amusing to me, and I don’t know why.
I’ve always wanted to punch my dad in the face. That seems like a problem, considering he’s my dad and all. But if you met him, you’d probably agree. Even if he looks all cheery and nice, he’s a bit of a prick.
When I was nine, my dad bought a deep-fat fryer he had seen on an American shopping channel. One day, I put my hand in it. I wanted to make myself feel something.
It worked, but only for a moment. Now I have a fucked up hand, all for a moment of feeling something.
I was in the cafeteria when I first met her. Alyssa. She was the new girl, and after shouting at her friends and smashing something on the ground, she made her way over to me. She stood right in front of me, staring me down.
“Hey.” I hear after taking off my headphones.
“I’ve seen you skating.” I didn’t know how to respond. We stared at each other for a moment before she spoke again. “You’re pretty shit.”
“Fuck off.”
Alyssa was interesting, to say the least. After school, she found me again, sitting on a bench outside.
“Are you waiting for me?” She asked. I wasn’t; I just didn’t want to go home yet. But instead, I nodded, and she sat on the bench beside me.
The next thing I knew, we were making out. I didn’t really mind it. Alyssa was a bit of an aggressive kisser, but I had never really kissed anyone before, so I didn’t feel like complaining. 
I wonder if I could fall in love with Alyssa. Maybe not. But I could pretend.
She grabbed my hand and placed it on her boob, but then she pulled away.
“What happened to your hand?” Alyssa asked, gesturing to my fucked up hand that was on her tit. 
“Shut up.” I didn’t want to talk about it, and luckily, she didn’t feel like pressing. So I just switched hands, letting the messed up one grip at her sweater as we continued snogging. It was an okay way to pass the time, better than sitting at home. 
Eventually, we had to leave. So we just started walking. I don’t think either of us knew where we were going, so we just wandered down the middle of a vacant street. I would’ve ridden my skateboard, but apparently I was shit at it.
“I haven’t got a phone,” Alyssa said suddenly. 
“I smashed it.” So that must’ve been what she’d thrown in the cafeteria today.
“Okay.” I could feel her look at me.
“Like, on purpose.” Did she want me to think she was crazy? Maybe she was, but I don’t think I had any room to judge her.
“So you can’t call me.” This time, she turned to me slightly as she spoke, like she was trying to invoke a reaction in me.
“That’s fine.” She seemed surprised that I had finally given a different response. “I don’t have a phone either.”
“Really?” Alyssa asked, turning to me again.
“Yeah. I hate them.” I didn’t see the point of them. Just like I didn’t see the point in this conversation. What did people in love talk about? “Wanna go on a date?”
She said yes. So I took her to a diner, one that was cheap but still looked nice and had decent food. But it didn’t last long. Alyssa had ordered a few things, and the waitress made a comment about how hungry she was. They both giggled, but Alyssa’s was more insincere.
“And an extra fucking spoon.” Alyssa finished off, setting the menu down. The waitress looked horrified.
“Excuse me?”
“For her,” Alyssa said, gesturing to me. I guess it was nice of her to think about me, but I didn’t feel like eating a banana split.
The waitress scoffed, closing her notepad.
“Sorry. You can’t use language like that. Otherwise, I’m gonna have to ask you and your friend to leave.”
“She’s my girlfriend.” Alyssa corrected.
“Fine, I’ll have to ask you and your girlfriend to leave.”
“Okay.” Her tone was mocking, and the waitress gave her a look. Alyssa sighed, seeming more sincere. “Okay, I’m sorry. Sorry.” The waitress seemed pleased, but that’s when it really went to shit. “I will have… a great big banana shit with extra fucking cherries all on top of it.”
“Right, yeah, that’s it. Marvin!” The waitress called back to the kitchen, where the only other person in this diner was. 
“Oh yeah!” Alyssa raised her voice, staring the woman down. “Go get Marvin! See if Marvin can make a banana split for me, you fucking cunt!” Then she grabbed her things and stormed out of the diner, slamming the door behind her. 
It was clear that Alyssa had a short fuse.
“Sorry about her,” I said. The waitress and I stared at each other for a minute before I grabbed my board and left. Alyssa was stomping down the street, so I used my skateboard to catch up. She had her usual deadpan expression when I got to her. “...You okay?”
“Shut up.” I didn’t feel like arguing. “God, I think we live in the most boring town on the planet.”
“Everyone’s so fucking square.” She said with a huff. Then she looked at me. “Are you boring too?”
We walked for a bit before Alyssa spoke again.
“Can we go to your house?”
I said yes. When we got to my place, Alyssa said my house was weird and had too many windows. I didn’t really notice until she brought it up. 
Alyssa likes to touch and grab things. I guess looking at it wasn’t enough for her, but it was starting to get on my nerves a bit.
“Is this your mum?” She asked, holding up a picture.
“Yeah.” I didn’t have to look at the photo to know it was her. I didn’t like looking at pictures of my mum anymore. “She lives in Japan.” She doesn’t.
“Cool.” Alyssa stared at the picture for a moment. “You look like her.”
I felt stiff after that. Alyssa didn’t seem to notice, and if she did, she didn’t care enough to mention it.
Then the front door opened, and I felt even stiffer.
“Fuck.” I muttered. This day was shit. Before Alyssa could ask what was wrong, my dad’s voice bellowed from the hallway.
“The hunter has returned!”
When he saw Alyssa, he insisted on us sitting down for a cup of tea so we could all chat. I couldn’t remember the last time I sat down and had a chat with my dad, but I definitely didn’t want to start now. Dad sat at the head of the table while Alyssa and I sat across from each other.
“Well, this is nice!” My dad said. I could feel the idiotic smile radiating off of him.
“What is?” Alyssa asked. 
“This. You two.” Dad gestured to the two of us. I drank my tea so I wouldn’t have to say anything. He let out a laugh. “What a relief! You know, I always thought there was something wrong with her.” This was a good reminder of why I didn’t talk to my dad. “I thought probably she’d never like anyone, or would even… Well, you know. Which is fine, obviously. But, here you are.”
“Maybe she doesn’t,” Alyssa suggested. She was a very blunt and confrontational person. Maybe it was a good thing we met. “Maybe she’s asexual. Maybe I’m just bi-curious.” Alyssa leaned back in her chair and took a sip of her tea. “We’re dealing with a really broad spectrum these days.”
We fell into an awkward silence after that. The only sounds made were drinking and the occasional sniffle. Eventually, my cup was empty, but I wasn’t about to stick around for another.
“Let’s go to my room,” I said abruptly, standing up. Alyssa was hot on my heels, clearly also wanting to get away. Dad said goodbye to us, but neither of us answered.
When we got to my room down the hall, I shut the door and opened the window. I climbed through it to sit on the roof, and Alyssa sat beside me. We stared out of the neighborhood and the setting sun for a while.
“Your dad’s a prick.”
“I know.” I sighed, laying down and crossing my arms and ankles. I felt like I could be honest with her, like she wouldn’t judge me for whatever I said. “Sometimes, I feel like punching him in the face.”
“You should definitely do that.” She responded, lying down with me.
If you looked past the slight brashness, Alyssa was sort of… Sweet.
“Have you ever eaten a pussy before?”
Sort of.
“A couple.” It was a lie, but she didn’t have to know that.
“I want you to eat mine.”
“Now?” I lifted my head and looked around the roof that we were lying on. “Here?”
“Tomorrow.” She rolled her eyes, but there seemed to be a hint of amusement on her face. “And not on your roof. I’ll be here at eleven.”
Alyssa got up and crawled back through the window. I would’ve walked her out, but I didn’t want to get up. Or see my dad again. 
But when I sat up again, she was down below on the pavement, walking away.
“Alyssa!” I called out. She turned around, squinting up to look at me. “See you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow, Y/n.”
I was ready at ten. I needed time to prepare. I figured the best place to give Alyssa head would be my bedroom, but I had to be ready for anything. For all I knew, she’d lay herself down on the table where we had tea yesterday. She seemed like she’d do that, to get back at my dad or something.
When it turned eleven, I sat on the couch and waited. I quickly grew restless, and I didn’t know why. I took out my pocket knife, fiddling with it to pass the time. My dad had gotten it for me when I was about twelve. Said it was a good tool to have on you, that you’d never know when you’d need it. I didn’t exactly use it for intended purposes. Mainly carving up shit in the house when I was bored or pissed. Either my dad didn’t notice or just didn’t want to say anything about it.
When twelve came around, I started to think Alyssa might not be coming. That I did all that waiting for nothing.
But then, at half past one, someone started pounding on the door.
“Y/n!” It was Alyssa.
As I walked to the door, I put the knife back in my pocket. I wondered what had taken Alyssa so long. But when I opened the door, I didn’t even get a chance to ask. She walked past me into the house, tossing her jacket on the floor.
As she stomped off to the living room, she started to take off her shirt. I quickly shut the door and followed after her. I found Alyssa sitting on the couch, head leaning all the way back and eyes closed. She must’ve been deep in thought.
“Come here.” She said, sitting up properly. I did as told, looking at her from the corner of my eye as I sat next to her.
“Did you still wanna…” I trailed off, clearing my throat as I gestured between us. “You know.”
“I dunno.” Alyssa sighed. That made me a bit relieved because I don’t know if I was in the mood to eat pussy now. “Let’s get out of here.”
“I’m serious.” I don’t know if I’ve ever seen Alyssa not be serious. “Let’s leave this shithole town. Now. You hate it, I hate it. Our parents are dickheads. You’ve got a car.”
“It’s my dad’s.” But all the other reasons were very convincing. 
“Who’s a dickhead.” That was fair. “Look, I’m going whether you come with me or not. Are you in?”
I didn’t have to think about my answer. I hated everything about this place. I hated my dad, hated school. I was even starting to hate how many windows our house had. 
And I think I liked Alyssa, or at the very least tolerated her.
Alyssa put her top and jacket back on, and I grabbed my shoes. Dad would be coming back any minute with groceries, so all we had to do was wait for him to pull into the driveway.
I heard the car pull in, and Alyssa followed me out the door. My dad was walking towards us, a huge stupid grin on his face as he saw us. 
Before I could even give it a second thought, I swung my fist at him. I punched him in the cheek, and he was quickly on the floor. I snatched the keys that flew out of his hand off of the ground, and soon, Alyssa and I were speeding out of my driveway.
“Are you scared?” She asked, a big smile on her face. It didn’t look as stupid on her as it usually did on anyone else. 
“I dunno. Maybe a little. ” I answer. “But my hand hurts a little.” My knuckles were throbbing. I had never punched someone before. “Are you? Scared?”
I didn’t know where we were going, or if we’d ever come back. But I punched my dad in the face and stole his car. That felt like a good place to start.
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myreputatioooon · 4 months
I can't be bothered to make an actual fic series so take this fake one instead. BTW if you wanna use this yourself, your more than welcome to.
Please just credit me as the one to come with this idea even through you don't have to
[ Fuck You : The Series ]
(§) The Shards have seen many-a-worlds over their quest for eternity, some holding very, very interesting qualities in their species, and if warped they could prove excellent components to creating Data.
OR: I use the Entities being dicks as an excuse to make em shove several fanfic tropes into the WormVerse. Despair ensues.
A/N: Expect each installment to be non-chronological, non-linear, canon-compliant(?), and contradicting snippets told in episodic format since I can't be bothered to wrap my head around just how much any of these additions to the cape scene would in turn change canon.
Fuck You ★ OmegaVerse AU
In one version of the multiverse, keeping a secret identity is pretty easy. Just wear a mask, cover up features unique to you in particular unless your power says fuck you to that and bam! You a whole new person to everybody else!
Here? Pretty much the same if you ignore the secondary sexes. Alpha, Omega, Beta, and the many variants inbetween. And also the ruts and heats. And the pheromones *shivers*
Scion save the medical industry— OH WAIT.
End A/N: Fun fact about my parahuman omegaverse if you haven't noticed yet, consistency is dead!
One omega is a murder machine towards parahumans and normies who aren't pack and the other has a glorified sweat.
As similar as two parahuman's secondary sexes may be, their own personal biology is tailor made to be unique to them alone and often to make them suffer even further (if i care to do that that is, teehee!)
Fuck You ★ Soulmate AU
The Shards of this realm have managed to create an ever bigger mess than those who brought the Omegaverse to humanity.
How? Though soulmates. I'm talking the kinds with timers counting down to the meeting, the ones that share each other's pain, the ones where the first has a tattoo of the second's first words to them who in turn hears any music the first listens too, the three plus soulmates, the platonic, the familial, the enemies, everything you have already and never seen before! Throw it all into a blender! ALL OF IT! WITNESS AS THE CAPE SCENE GETS FUCKED OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN BY THE ENTITIES MATCHMAKING!!!!!!!
Also um uhhh . . . Civilians get caught up in the soulmates bullshit too, but in every pair or more starts with at least one member is a cape lmao. That or a member is 100% without fail going to become a parahumans.
End A/N: yeah soulmates are Legos here. Typically it's two or more bound to one another by one or more means but it can be anything
One parahuman and their biological family tied with fifteen soulbinds each unique to each person. A whole parahuman gang who's marks only come complete after joining as one
Soul enemies who become stronger together and use that strength to do each other in
Biotinker creations with a Lifespan tied to a civilian who in turn cannot be more than 5 feet away from another parahuman tasked with killing the biotinker creations in question
There's so much more ideas I could give but I can't come up with them all right now and maybe I'll come up with some cruel, cruel ideas to use or you will come up with something I'll use
The omegaverse and adjacent stuff will also still be a thing here but not for every parahuman just some of them (unlucky lmao)
Since I'm feeling extra kind, the next chapter will feature Coil & Piggot being in the know about being one another's soulmates ;) Love ya!
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gaywiththesauce · 7 months
It’s Wednesday which means it’s me screaming incoherently at your inbox Day
GOD the sides of the Haori….grabbing onto Sabito’s side for dear fucking life. not having a grave to visit!!!! Shut UPPPPP Him wearing Kyo’s Haori???? I’m going to embalm myself !!!! GOD we love a little symbolism. We love a little late night hallucinated conversation. WE LOVE EXPLORATIONS OF GRIEF. HAVING ALL YOUVE EVER WANTED IN YOUR GRASP BUT ITS STILL TOO FAR AWAY!!! GIYUU’S GRIEF IS A CIRCLE!!!!!WHEN CAN THIS MAN REST.
Why are we both so mean to Giyuu or better question why is Giyuu so easy to be mean to I’m starting the Giyuu Tomioka protection coalition to protect him from myself and you
anyway thank you for always bringing the heat for rengiyuu Wednesday I hope school is going well ok bye for now until I think of something else to yell about xoxo
its not Wednesday anymore but I will answer this as if its Wednesday and incoherently scream back!
the police are here and they demanded me to show them all of the angst I have in my drafts and they... fainted? I guess I have a body to bury now!!
That idea- lacking a gravesite to visit- was something that came to me at 2am when writing about Sabito. Of course, how would Giyuu mourn when there was no where to mourn. It was something I was going to add but didn't see a fitting place for it. Giyuu doesn't have a physical place to mourn, so he carries that place with him to remind himself of the hurt and pain that he experienced from Sabito's death. It's with him everyday................ ^^
Giyuu blorbo is just so easy to bully. Like I said, he wears a part of his dead friend's haori and has been for over at least 5 years (or longer, just an assumption). He's quiet and he gets teased by Shinobu and hated by Sanemi and Obanai, he's like the outcast and its easy to make fun of him. however he was the character that the series made you look up to because he saved Tanjiro and Nezuko.
he comes off with this appearance that he cares about people and he is a sympathetic figure, but no one is sympathetic with him in return. he's a sad character, and its so easy to be mean to him :)
good luck with the GTPC! he'll need it >:) (I'm joining too, but I'll leave for five minutes when I post and then come back :))
but... I have a something where he isn't continuously suffering so... I'll see you next Wednesday? (school is school, but I'm not failing! come back soon teehee xoxo)
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ravnloft · 3 months
writer interview
tagged @bardic-inspo (*´▽`*) thank u my friend these are so fun
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
3 lol. eventually i'll post more. probably. maybe
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
100,989 (not counting the original "draft" of wicked turns because a lot of that got reused in the current version)
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
girl (gender neutral) i don't even have 5 fics total... top kudos though is wicked turns :')
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!!!! comments are so nice and they let me know i am not posting into a void and that other people are actually interested in what i'm writing!!!! if you have ever left a comment on anything i wrote you have such a special place in my heart and you make me so happy!!!!!!!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
haven't finished it yet but it's going to be drowning lessons :)
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
also have not finished it but everyone in how to win friends will come out SO happy and well-adjusted. it's at a good little stopping point for now and i might skip into act 2 for the next chapter/s... idk it doesn't really have a plot it's just me giving myself like. writer aftercare from the stuff in drowning lessons or wicked turns fjgdfjjfdgj
7. Do you write crossovers?
not anymore but if you know the ancient piri lore of when i did tumblr rp......... the harley quinn/norman bates "it started out as a joke and now we're really invested" ship still makes me go insane from time to time...... i have a type and it is unhinged men who fall for somehow even more unhinged women
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes. the kind where i get wine drunk or have an edible and then scream into my hands after typing each word because i hate writing smut but damn if it ain't relevant to the storyline
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no but i HAVE had my peebles art stolen/reposted on at least one site
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
if you count tumblr rp as co-writing fic, then yes
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
ough. waugh. how can i choose between my beautiful children
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
yeah so i have. the loose outline of a peebs fic. and it has been rolling around in my brain for years and years and years. but in order to truly do it justice i feel like it would be a full-on multi-issue comic series and the last time i tried making a graphic novel-style work (shoutout to princess huntress, your worldbuilding lives on but i'll never finish you) i got maybe 8/100+ pages done and then spiraled into art burnout for like 4 years
15. What are your writing strengths?
i like to think i am good at writing horror and gore teehee <3
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
sex scenes...... i don't like writing it, i don't like publishing it, i am ehhhh about reading it, but again, damn if it ain't relevant to the storyline
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
don't trust google translate. just use <> or whatever if you don't know the language.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
batman (stares wistfully out the window for 10 hours)
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
i REALLY want to write a skyrim long-ish fic. i have so many thoughts on it. there would be two LDBs (amma and sigg). both of them are cursed by daedra but in wildly different directions
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
wicked turns :)
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shidouryusm · 8 months
my sweet sami ! i’m late with this ask i am so sorry but eeep !! i am here snifflin & sobbin over the tags you left !! im ngl when i saw your reblog i got so GIDDY !! i was like omigosh what did sami think of this chapter teehee
but fr kuroo and bokuto actin very sus 🤨 what are they up to … LMFAO the true devil is capitalism ur so correct !! idk what compelled me to write iwa like this but he’s so 🤭🤭 i have a tiny crush on him in this fic i swear LOL and i have sm fun writing bokuto plsss he’s my lil guy
IM SO GLAD U LIKED THE SMUT BC I WAS NERVOUS ! for some reason it was hard for me to write a smut scene where there’s sm plot in a fic … but stay tuned 🫣
teehee i’m absolutely giggling reading your tags sm <33 i love that we can have our lil convo about this silly lil fic !!! your words mean the world to me and give me motivation to finish ^_^ i’m hoping to have the last installment done sometime this week hehe !!
thank you again bbie ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) i love u sososo muchh !!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
Aimsss you don't know how much I love conspiring what is gonna happen in the next chapter. I almost thought of connecting via discord so we can constantly discuss about this amazing piece of a series but then again Im loving the suspense buildup everytime (if u still wanna be disc buddies I'LL BE ELATED <33). Im already making my own assumptions and so excited for the next lore drop. Ofc don't forget to take a break, get some rest and start up without overworking yourself darling!! Im so glad i could give you the motivation, it is an honour to me.
Pls your smut was saur good, im waiting for moree!!
the jean fic is in my mind bestie, lemme find some time after tomorrow's assignment submission and read it huhu. love you too babiee
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mixtape-racha · 11 months
mixtape-racha's series interest !!
teehee posting a lil spoiler for my next set of fics below the cut <3 if u wanna be added to the taglist straight away, comment on this post!!
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yellowhearther0 · 2 years
Fic Recs cuz well. why not
Space AUs that are either Ranboo centric, or close enough
Event Horizon by Hellenite (Series, 2 fics) - Everyone's heard about this one but I shall include it anyway! Beeduo centric fics where Ranboo is a travelling prince and Tubbo flies a ship for an organaization called the syndicate. Detested to Beloved speedrun any%
A Sheep and A Human's Journey Across the Galaxy by Maokitt (Series, 3 works, 2 complete 1 ongoing ) - Puffy and Ranboo centric fics where Puffy escapes from her deathworld planet and winds up becoming companions with Ranboo. Super funny (see: the ranboo sigmund freud post), really touching, and I absolutely ADORE the worldbuilding on this one
Human Parts by teasdays (1 fic, 4 chapters, complete) - Ranboo centric fic where Ranboo lives on a post-apocalyptic earth, where he is the last human until cclingy crashes on the planet. really sweet, kinda sad, nice ending :] not much space exploration but its talked about enough so it counts
Celestial Lights by corvidwitchinghour (2 fics, both complete, unsure if ongoing) (aka hit fic from my mutual @/glow-duo) - Glowduo cetric fic where they're both running away from their past. Human Aimsey, Alien Ranboo, they are friends. smile
Three Teens Crashed What Will They Do (Oneshot) by MollyPollyKinz - Human Benchtrio crash on an alien planet. The end there's really not much more to it
Home Is Where Vital Systems Are Most Accessible by Gekuu9 (1 fic, 22 chapters, ongoing) - Human TommyInnit stows away on SBI Alien Spaceship tm. It is pretty good though :] I'm including it under the category bc Ranboo becomes relevant abt halfway through, and Tubbo also becomes relevant after that :p
Assorted Other Fics
honey and tangerines by bonesandthebees (1 fic, 5 chapters, ongoing) - crimeboys centric (tommy's pov) of tommy moving in with wilbur (step brother who he hasnt talked to in forever). its a coming of age small town sort of vibe, and its very sweet so far ^_^
if i get out of this alive, i'm getting a pilot's license to spite this snowstorm in particular by marshmellowite (1 fic, 17 chapters, ongoing) (aka hit fic by mutual @/marssie) - ranboo centric (and also. artic commune (is that phil techno and ranboos trio name?) centric) the long dark au where ranboos plane crashes, theres totally magic happenings going on, and ranboos lowkey going through it. super fun read tho, and the humor and angst balance well. teehee
Apotheosis by ellis (ellabellachickitychella) (1 fic, 2 chapters, finished) - techno centric greek mythology fic where technos a greek hero and ccrime are atlas and promethus (but human) respectively. super nice read, fun and funny and sweet. bonus points bc ranboo gets to be a silly little guy and nikis a badass, and what more could you want really
The Grave That Held You (Oneshot) by lockergirl - ccrime centric oneshot where Wilbur is a prince who got assasinated, and tommys a necromancer. you can guess what happens next
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