#forwarder door to door
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some good news!! the spanish state's ministry of equality has finally passed one of the most progressive trans laws on the planet, shielded free and universal access to abortion and banned conversion therapy and genital surgery for intersex babies, among a lot of other feminist policies. the minister of equality irene montero gave a speech thanking spain's lgtb and trans associations for helping her draft these legislations. couldn't be more proud!!
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kargomandiri · 2 years
Jasa Pengiriman Paket Cargo tracking Ke Sumatera yang Cepat Sampai, WA 0852-1919-9443
Jasa pengiriman paket TPM Cargo Logistik ke Sumatera, kargo sendiri yang dimaksud dalam KBBI adalah muatan barang yang diangkut oleh kapal laut, pesawat udara, atau alat angkut muatan lainnya. Barang kategori cargo ini dapat dideklarasikan untuk jenis apapun, asalkan dilengkapi dengan dokumen angkutan yang jelas.  Tips Memilih Jasa Pengiriman Cargo Tracking Pengiriman tepat waktu adalah…
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Nissan Vanette Largo Coach, 1982. A luxurious 3-row passenger version of Nissan's cab-over Vanette C120 van was available for the Japanese market
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usercelestial · 1 month
okay but literally what if buck and tommy end up together? like what if we get to see them moving in together or saying i love you for the first time or getting engaged or getting married? what if we get to see buck having a husband? literally what then...
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suntails · 1 year
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whydoyouaskmethis · 1 month
The Spirealm genre:
Mystery, horror, suspense, action, comedy, bed and breakfast.
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marvel-lous-guy · 1 year
Tony: The compound has been quiet recently. It's both unsettling and refreshing
Peter: Its not been quiet, you just haven't left your lab for 76 hours
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ocudeus · 3 months
One of the things I regret about Last Legacy is how only in Anisa's route your isekai knowledge comes into play, with the blood of Lord of Shadows opening the dungeon.
I wish they gave it more attention, but I also get if they thought it breaks the immersion. Like if there was a scene where you're walking through Porrima with your love interest and they comment on how you seem to know the city streets very well, like a local, for someone from another realm entirely and it's because you Memorised The Entire Map by playing the Last Legacy game back on Earth. Or maybe there's a history discussion with Escell and you're like, Um That's Incorrect. Because according to the Encyclopedia Astraea what happened was - (...)
Or maybe another dungeon situation and there's a puzzle and all of the characters are like oh noooo what are we gonna doooo??? And maybe like you don't have any options offered instead you just get the one true answer offered because You've Literally Been Here. You were stuck on this puzzle for 3 HOURS so you memorized it because of repetition.
I mean if Lord of Shadows made the game based on Astraea as Mike Morgan, and he stayed as truthful to the reality as possible you would have a MASSIVE plot advantage instead of just running around like a dumbass, bc hellooo we are also the main character but. I know I know it's a silly romance visual novel and I was expecting too much but godddd the potential was thereeeee
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abluescarfonwaston · 5 months
Sorry just thinking about Phoenix and Iris. How he swallowed glass for her. How she didn't know. Turned away from it and covered her eyes. Couldn't bare to see what she knew her sister was going to do. Do to him. She knitted a sweater for him. It fits just right. He swallows glass and stares at her as she stands over a charred and smoking body. As she screams and points at him. Watches as he is hauled away. Can't even fathom what's going on. Why.
He swallows glass for her.
And I just can't help but think what would have happened if she'd asked him to leave instead. That last night before Dollie became Dahlia. If her shaking hand had reached for the necklace one last time. Shaking and pale. If he'd caught her hand then and asked what was wrong. How the words would clog in her throat but if she begged- if she asked- that they run away together, he would have.
He swallows glass for her.
Surely he'd have been willing to run away.
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
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I really like the way the writers have shown the ease and comfort that the friendship of Seok-Ryu and Seung-Hyo has.
Even when its out in the air that he likes her, the small, barely noticeable acts like him getting a tissue for her when the food was stuck on her chin and her accepting it easily, flows wells as if its their routine. They didn't try to put a romantic spin on everything or even make these gesture uncomfortable but rather a habit which is really appreciative.
On the flip side, Seok-Ryu, sweetheart, you don't have to be strong all the time. Faking you're fine and eating so fast to give yourself a dumping syndrome is not the way to go. I swear your Choisseung wouldn't go down the same drain as Hyeon-Jun because he would make sure that you have a vast support system.
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smokestarrules · 1 year
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“Suletta getting the Holder uniform back was antithetical to the show’s themes” but think about the context of the reunion scene for a second. The last time Miorine and Suletta saw each other, Suletta had been taking steps forward, declaring her intention to marry Miorine because she wanted to. Then Miorine had broken her heart.
But then there's this scene, and while it's true that the title of Holder shouldn't be determining who Miorine marries, I don't think that's the implication here. Instead, the fact that Suletta is again wearing it when Miorine opens the door means just this: I still choose you.
The thing about the Holder is that it doesn't matter anymore--it hasn't since Guel took it from Suletta--but what does matter is that Suletta still accepts the symbol for Miorine.
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Bedford Rascal, 1986. Bedford finally got a micro van in the form of a badge-engineered Suzuki Super Carry thanks to GM's tie-up with the Japanese brand. The Rascal was made in Luton, north of London, alongside the Suzuki version, manufactured for the European market. The Rascal was one of the last vehicles to carry the Bedford marque which was discontinued in 1990 when the Rascal became a Vauxhall instead, remaining on sale until 1999.  
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ae-cha08 · 14 days
Not every closed door is a bad thing. If God had not shut that door, we would have been satisfied to stay where we were.
Not every time a person walks away from us is a tragedy. God knows we won’t move forward without a push.
You have too much potential, too much talent, too much in you to get stuck where you are. He’ll put you in situations that make you stretch, make you grow, make you spread your wings. 🌸
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suntails · 10 months
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lagosbratzdoll · 1 year
On Daenerys, Colonisation and Race Discourse within the ASOIAF Fandom
This has been on my mind for a good long while and honestly, as much as I would like to leave discourse in the pits, it has been bugging me intermittently over the past few weeks.
Far too many of you get on here and call people who like the fictional dragon-riding family, neo-Nazis and that sentiment is so prevalent, that white people feel comfortable telling me a black woman that I am a neo-Nazi for rooting for Daenerys Targaryen. I am upholding neo-Nazi power fantasies for wanting to see a little girl live at the end of a story. I am a neo-Nazi for wanting to see the rape survivor have the family she aches for and children with the man (or men) she loves.
Then, those same people go on spiels about how the systemic erasure of those who sing the song of the earth and other old races is not colonialism. That their removal from their home is not displacement but an agreement between two equal parties. The fact that the only place where those who sing the song of the earth exist in the present timeline is north of the wall, surrounded by the bones of their dead, is not a travesty. That the expulsion of the old races from their home isn't that bad and should not be condemned. 
Instead, people argue, completely seriously, that the harm that the First Men and Andals have caused is centuries in the past, so essentially the slate has been wiped clean. The logical leaps that are required to arrive at such a boneheaded conclusion are truly mind-boggling, and those who make such arguments are not good people. 
I am unsure how one could read those books and come away with the impression that the old races do not mourn the loss of their home. I am unsure how one could read The Last of the Giants[1] and Ygritte’s reaction to both the song and Jon’s dismissal of the ethnic cleansing of the giants then believe that the old races and the free folk have moved past their displacement. 
In Westeros, from the Wall to the broken arm of Dorne, they all speak one language despite the fact they are all different ethnicities and they all landed on the shores at different times. That is not the case in Essos, we have been introduced to at least six languages and in A Dance with Dragons, Tyrion notes that the Valyrian spoken in the Free Cities has evolved into nine distinct dialects, and they are well on their way to becoming different languages.
How would a continent as large and diverse as Westeros maintain its hegemony over the people if not for forced assimilation, discriminatory practices and violence? The brutal repression required to keep one house in power for thousands of years is nothing to sniff at. The suppression required to keep the vast majority of Westeros worshipping one (or seven) gods. The systems in place ensure that language does not grow or evolve amongst the highborns at least.
Centuries before Aegon's Landing the maesters were the definitive educational authority and even now centuries after, nothing has changed. The grey rats still decide who learns what and when they learn it. There's one in every highborn home, all correspondence passes through them, they are the healers and the councillors.
The circular logic gets even more blockheaded when you factor in the fact that Daenerys is far from the only white character in the books. She is not the only character who wishes for home. She is not the only character who draws strength from her ancestors, her bloodline and her magical creatures. 
Cersei draws strength from her family’s iconography, and the Stark children (Jon included) all draw strength from their direwolves, their home and their blood. Sansa, Arya and Bran wish to return home and their home was built on the indiscriminate murder and displacement of the indigenous peoples. Their home is built on centuries of rape, murder, exclusionary practices and sexual slavery. 
However, if we give the nonsensical argument that time erases crimes air; the Starks, Lannisters and Tullys are warring to settle personal grievances in the present timeline. As a consequence of that war, thousands (a modest guesstimate) of small folk, minor nobles and even some major ones have been raped, tortured, maimed and killed.
Despite all this, no one writes meta after meta about how Sansa and her siblings must surely die for justice to be had for those who sing the song of the earth, the free folk, the giants and all the old races that fled beyond the wall.  
People write meta about Cersei and how she must die, but those are typically more misogynistic nature. They typically argue that she must die not for the “crime” of being Lannister, but for the “crime” of being Cersei and “ruining” Jamie. 
I would not mind criticisms of Dany and her peace-focused approach to ending slavery because the approach is naïve and she gives the slavers far too much ground. However, she is learning, growing and self-critiquing. At the end of A Dance with Dragons, she has decided to embrace fire and blood, her knight is breaking the false peace which is a necessary step forward.
What I find offensive is people saying that she should have planned better before she abolished slavery. And that the death, violence, and sickness that arises from her quest to eradicate slavery is somehow worse than the death, violence, and sickness that already existed in Slaver’s Bay. 
This argument often downplays the horrific conditions and suffering that exist(ed) under the slave system in Slaver's Bay. Such arguments are often in poor taste and prioritise the lives and comforts of the slavers more than the people they have enslaved.
I would not mind criticisms of Dany if people applied that same critique even-handedly. The same people who believe that Jon and Bran have done much to rectify the evil that their ancestors perpetuated believe that Dany has not done anything to right the wrongs of her ethnic kin. They praise them for the non-existent steps that they have taken, but in the same breath, they condemn Dany for not being able to immediately end the plague that is slavery. 
It is perfectly alright to not like fictional characters, no law requires you to like certain fictional characters over others. However, what is not right is making broad accusations about those who do, it is beyond the pale. It is disgusting, and annoying, and trivialises real-world issues to score cheap points against fictional characters.
Equating the survival of a teenage survivor to the restoration of a fascist house or neo-Nazi power fantasy when such designations do not exist in the world of ice and fire is strange behaviour. Saying that the teenage survivor will eventually be manipulated and raped (again) before ending up dead on her manipulator's blade is also strange behaviour. 
Dismissing the horrors of colonialism, especially when the text shows you that the involved parties are still affected by it, is not normal and often veers into real-world imperialism apologia. While criticism and analysis of characters and their actions are valid and even encouraged, it is essential that we do not resort to sweeping generalisations about other people and that we keep criticisms of characters grounded in the text. 
Ooooooh, I am the last of the giants, my people are gone from the earth.
The last of the great mountain giants, who ruled all the world at my birth
Oh, the smallfolk have stolen my forests, they’ve stolen my rivers and hills.
And they’ve built a great wall through my valleys, and fished all the fish from my rills
In stone halls they burn their great fires, in stone halls they forge their sharp spears.
Whilst I walk alone in the mountains, with no true companion but tears.
They hunt me with dogs in the daylight, they hunt me with torches by night.
For these men who are small can never stand tall, whilst giants still walk in the light.
Oooooooh, I am the LAST of the giants, so learn well the words of my song.
For when I am gone the singing will fade, and the silence shall last long and long.
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