#fr if you have any questions feel free to message me!!
edenfire · 4 months
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🌸💗 Made to Order: Canvas Prints 💗🌸
no code needed~
these canvases have divots in the back to hang them up, and includes a stand you can pop in the back if you'd like to stand it up on a table or shelf🌟
these will be custom made, so you can choose any artwork from my instagram, twitter, or tumblr. and I'll format it to fit these cute little canvases~🌸
feel free to comment or dm me if you have any questions, and I'd be happy to help!♡
> link to my shop <
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foxglovepng · 1 month
Wittle request since I am very Mentally Eel (lol) but could u do some hcs of how do u think the Tweels, Azul and Lilia would react to like, meeting someone who is very into Moray Eels. Like, have plushies, use moray puns, memorized the entire Wikipedia article bout em, etc.
Have a great day, eat a meal, drink water, if u need take ur meds and sleep well!!
Characters: Tweels, Azul, Lilia
CW: not proofread (When do I ever proofread)
A/n: I am SO SORRY This request took so long I am going through requests now and doing them. They are getting done but not as fast as I would like. (Writer's block and loss of motivation go BRR)
Thank you also! I hope you have a great day as well and make sure to take care of yourself. If you have a cat tell them I said Pspsppss
Likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
He doesn't really find your interest bothersome just more of a "If you have any questions ask Jade." type of deal.
Although he'd be really thrown off if you suddenly wanted to start talking about Octopusses.
If you start ranting he would gladly listen to what information you have (and maybe make a contract so he can find information he doesn't have). He could also use this time to get blackmail unless it's something he already knows.
In a romantic sense, I feel he'd be a little upset and insecure if you talk about Moray Eels constantly. (SHOW HIM SOME LOVE TO SMH)
Overall is not really bothered but will exploit your information as blackmail.
He finds your interest in Moray eels adorable. He tries to answer any questions you may have he will tease you a little bit about your interest, but in return, you listen to him talk about mushrooms (Think of it as an information exchange). If you ask to see his eel form he'd be like "Oh? you wish to see my eel form?" he'd show you it since you asked nicely but would also give you a water-breathing potion so you can explore whatever body of water Octavinelle has.
I can imagine if you ask a myth about eels and he debunks It "Erm actually 🤓☝️" (joke)
Overall he'd be more helpful than Floyd would be
Depending on Floyd's mood he will either be impressed and intrigued or annoyed.
So it's a 50/50 if you wanna ask questions. (Very helpful Floyd)
Although when you do have questions he'd either send you to Jade or drag you to the Octavinelle equivalent of an ocean. If you complain about clothes getting wet or the water being cold he'd be like, "Whaat? You asked."
If he's in a bad mood he would probably shoo you away or make some lie up leaving you to go find Jade.
Floyd is just a silly guy fr
Lilia finds your interest amuzing. If he knows any information he'll give it to you if you ask nicely if he doesn't then he will help you get information by either going to Jade or reading about it via online or the library books.
He would gladly listen to your rants and whatever information you have to share he may even teach you a thing or two about Fae's.
Imagine him playing the Overwatch or Valorant equivalent (We are not a Fortnite household) clacking away on his keyboard while listening to you talk about how Moray Eels have poor eyesight so they need their nose (They have really good noses btw) to help them navigate.
And then it causes questions as to why Jade and Floyd aren't wearing glasses on land.
Thank you for reading. If you'd like to share your thoughts or make any corrections feel free to shoot me a message. Have a lovely day <3
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hexeddocs · 2 years
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[ 𝟪 ] . 𝘧𝘢𝘸𝘯... 𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑵𝑳𝑶𝑨𝑫 𝑵𝑶𝑾!
Sorry for the long wait guys, but here's my newest piece fawn! As promised, this doc is free for use as a big thank you for all the support that I've been receiving. It is complete with 5 sections: general, appearance, personality, backstory, and an extra page.
This doc is more-so of a minimalist aesthetic with very few images. It holds a light, delicate feel with thick borders that make the contrasting white pop out. I hope you enjoy this, and feel free to edit however you wish -- all I ask is that you DO NOT REMOVE CREDIT.
How to edit:
To edit the pictures, right click on the image and select "replace image." DO NOT COPY AND PASTE PICTURES INTO THE DOC. This will cause elements to shift and the design to break.
Feel free to change whatever aspect you'd like! The colours are fairly easy to change and manipulate as you please.
This doc contains drawing elements. To edit, simply double click on the image and the menu will pop up -- allowing you to edit the colour, font, anything you wish!
If you would like to remove the background detail, right click over top of the image and click "select image." Bring it to the front and move it how you wish or even delete it to your preference.
As always, if you have any questions at all, feel free to message me!
I always appreciate likes and reblogs. Thank you for being so amazing, and I hope to bring a new doc soon! (School has been kicking my ass, fr fr).
Inspo: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/298785756541879829/
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lunararcade · 1 month
Boredom striked me, so i'm going send some DR questions to shifting accounts i like (i hope it's okay) :
1 - A quote that describes your DR?
2 - What's your fondest memory from your Percy Jackson DR so far?
3 - How would you describe your DR best friend in one word?
I hope these questions are okay to ask. I want to interact more with people on here and that's why i decided to just ask random questions i would love to recieve.
stopppp!!!! it makes me so happy that you like my account. these questions are totally okay to ask!! i love answering shifting/dr questions <3 i'm going to answer each of these for a different dr since i shift to multiple (((:
1) this was difficult but i think a quote that describes my fame/youtube dr is:
"sometimes you are born into a family, and sometimes you need to go find it. sometimes it finds you. no matter how it comes together, family is what you fight for, family is what you protect." - sandra bullock
i'm in a group channel in this dr and the other members are literally like family to me and i love them all so much. missing them rn </3
2) i think my fondest memory was my first night bunking with percy lmaoooo 😭 there is no hades cabin, so i had been staying with him before we left for the quest that we are on now. he's such a loud, little, sarcastic kid but the more i get to know him the more i appreciate how nice he is and how grateful i am to be adjusting to a life i didn't know existed at the same time as someone else. we spent the whole night getting to know each other and collectively freaking the fuck out. fav cousin fr 🙏🏼‼️
3) i'm gonna answer this for my formula 1 dr! i would say my three closest/ my best friends are logan sargeant, oscar piastri, and charles leclerc.
i would describe logan as understanding. he is such a sweetheart and is really in tune with what people need and how to adapt to all situations. i think this makes him an amazing driver and also an amazing best friend (10 years and going strong LMAO). he's also understanding by being unbelievably patient and taking everything in stride.
i would describe oscar as observant. oscar is definetely on the quieter side which lets him take in everything around him. he notices everything and mentally records the information, which means he remembers all of the little things you tell him (he is a huge gossip/shit talker) and this also makes him a better driver cause he picks up on things quickly.
i would describe charles as passionate. charles is genuinely one of the kindest people i have ever met. he feels so deeply about the things and people he cares about (like racing and his family) which is why he is literally the human embodiment of "NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT." he dedicates himself 100% to things and it shows in every part of his life.
this was so so so much fun to answer 😭😭 so please feel free to send any dr questions you have! it makes me feel so connected to my drs when i'm here, and i've had many people tell me it is motivating to hear from people who have shifted ((: asks/inbox and messages are always open!
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lady-of-endless · 4 months
Hello! May I please request a one piece matchup? If you're too busy please feel free to delete! <3
Name: Mochi
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (any gender match is ok!)
Zodiac: Libra sun, Libra moon, Leo rising
Enngram: 4; the individualist
Alignment: Chaotic good
House: Slytherin
Love Language (Giving): Physical touch, quality time
Love Language (Receiving): Quality time, gift giving
Likes: Video games, reading, drawing, writing, crochet, cross stitch, Sanrio, frogs, mushrooms, cows, coffee, sweets, summertime
Dislikes: Chores (executive dysfunction), cold weather, bitter foods, crowded places, overload of sounds (sensory issue)
Personality: I'm a very quiet person, but I'm also very friendly and bubbly. I love making friends even though I have social anxiety around new people. I'm not the most talkative, though I can hold a conversation: I'm a great listener, at least! I love spending time with my loved ones, especially my special person. I try really hard to make people feel welcome and relaxed when they're around me. Despite being quiet, I'm generally quiet communicative. When it comes to negative feelings it does have to be dragged out of me a bit, but otherwise I'm an open book!
I'm very chill most of the time, and can be very laid back. More a follower personality. I can be a bit cavalier as I deal with everything through (often quite dark) humor, but if I ever make someone genuinely uncomfortable I'm good to stop. I do need to be told peoples feelings directly though as I'm not a good judge of others unless I already know them well. Because of this I don't sus out peoples intentions well and see the best even when maybe it's not there. I'm pretty naive and gullible tbh. If you dig my humor, though, I'm really funny.
I'm very mental health aware. I suffer from anxiety and bipolar II, so I can be a lot. That being said, I'm very observant with those I love and very good at dealing with ups and downs in myself and others. I'm very introspective and always in my head for better and worse. I'm always striving to better myself, but tend to doubt myself and give into negative self talk.
I value my found family above all else. There's nothing I wouldn't do for them and I've been told I'm too loyal. I also value accountability, a growth mindset, and ambition.
Im very indoorsy and a bit of a homebody. That being said, I don't mind being spontaneous from time to time or going out if there's something interesting to do.
I have my moments of insecurity for sure but I'm pretty confident most of the time. Like I said, I'm an open book - I'm not shy to talk about anything with someone who asks and is seemingly well-intentioned! I honestly just have a huge interest in how people think and love picking their brains lol. I also love silly theorheticals for this very reason.
I'm a big softie who unsuccessfully pretends to be a tough guy. I've got a major weakness for cute things and wouldn't hurt a fly in reality. Soft candy with a gooey centre fr.
Hair: I have shoulder-length very dark brown wavy hair with a side part and grown out fringe. My hair is plain but it's soft!
Eyes: I have beautiful, big chocolate brown eyes with long lashes. They're one of my favourite parts of myself!
Body: I have olive skin, a pear figure, and am overweight. I have about 7 smallish tattoos, and piercings in my lips, ears, and nose.
Style: usually I'm very hobo-chic with all sweats but my preferred style is either full alt or cute pink dresses and bows.
Tysm for your time! Don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions!
Author's Note: Thank you so much for this request and how detailed and well structured it is! It made my work really enjoyable. As a side note, you seem such a nice person. Hope you'll enjoy it! 🌹
I ship you with...Trafalgar D Water Law!
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(lovely gif is not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
- Your chill and laid-back way of being is what naturally draws him to you. Afterwards, your bubbly side is what keeps him close, all whipped and annoyed.
- He hates to admit that you are exactly what he needed.
- You both seem loyal, mature and ambitious. Once he discovers those traits in you, he decides that he wants you close. An ally, maybe. That's what he sees in you initially.
- A softer demeanor is what Law needs to heal from his past. You being a softie is what will keep him getting better. Is also a side of you that he wants to keep as a secret, not wanting others to try to use it as manipulation.
- Being introspective is a mutual trait so at times, it will be a little complicated for you to figure out and communicate what's happening between you two.
- He's the first to notice that you're feeling anxious. Maybe because he's a doctor or maybe because he worries for you, who knows? (Hint: It's both.)
- The innocent gullibility you mentioned is something that triggers Law to take care of you. And also to tease you, good luck.
- Soft hair? Lay next to him as he's studying and let him run his fingers through your hair while he's reading.
- A cute scenario? You two would have late night convos about tattoos and piercings. Both being half asleep, talking about what other tattoos or piercings you want/consider cool.
- About your style, I think you two would make a great power couple when you go for the alternative aesthetic. If you go for the cute pink aesthetic, there's something about it that makes him whipped.
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kaylinlmfao · 1 year
My name is Kaylin, I'm 19, and I'm in love with Ethan Landry. I love to read, write, and bake. I'm bisexual and single.
This is pretty much just my rules and fandoms. My masterlists for different fandom's will be on this page. This is mostly a smut blog. Minors DNI. If anyone needs someone to vent to, message me. I'm here.
I only write fem or gender neutral reader
Fandoms and people I write for (starred and bold is the main fandom I am in at the moment but you can still request others!)
Masterlist in progress I promise
*Scream - Ethan (fucking love of my life I love you so much ill write anything for him I swear), Tara, Sam, Mindy, Anika, Chad, Quinn, Kirby, Sidney, Dewey, Gale, Billy, Mickey, Stu, Tatum, Amber, Jill, request others
Outer Banks - JJ, Kiara, Sarah, Topper, John B, Pope, Rafe, Ward, request others
Shameless - Lip, Fiona, Carl, Debbie, Ian, Mickey, Mandy, Veronica, Kevin, request others
The Hunger Games - Young Snow (fucking loml number 2 fr), Katniss, Gale, Johanna, Finnick, Peeta, Haymitch, request others
The Turning - Miles
The Goldfinch - Theo, Boris, request others
Ginny and Georgia - Maxine (fem reader only), Georgia, Zion, Paul, Ginny, Abby, Marcus, Norah, Brodie, Hunter, Press, request others
IT 2017 - Eddie, Richie, Bev, Bill, Stan, Mike, Ben, request others
MCU - Wanda, Natasha, Yelena, Kate, Val, Agatha, Scarlet Witch, request others (I'm a little hazy on the boys)
The Umbrella Academy - Five (loml number 3)
Decendants - Mal, Ben, Evie, Audrey, Uma, Harry, request others
Teen Wolf - Stiles, Void Stiles, Theo, Scott, Liam, Lydia, Malia, Brett, Kira, Allison, Kate, request others
Harry Potter - Anyone just request
Celebrities - Billie Eilish, Finn Wolfhard, Sadie Sink, Millie Bobby Brown, Jenna Ortega, Sturniolo Triplets, Maya Hawk, Ethan Hawk, Elizabeth Olsen, Dylan O'Brien, Thomas Brodie Sangster, Holland Roden, Eminem, request others
American Horror Story: Tate Langdon, request others
Do Revenge - Max, Eleanor, Drea, Tara, Russ, request others
I'm open to writing anyone and anything from these fandoms but you can also request things from other fandoms not listed above. I may have to watch the show or scenes before writing, but I will complete all requests, questions, imagines, oneshots, drabbles, and series based off of your request. Just request it, let me know what you want, and I'll do it
What I will write
Smut. This will mostly be a smut blog so please, minors DNI
Romantic/Platonic Headcannons
NSFW/SFW Headcannons
Yandere (my fave thing to write)
If whatever you're thinking of isn't on the list, that's ok. I don't have any hard no's so just request and I'll decide if I'm comfy writing it. Thanks. Feel free to request if you have an idea that you'd like to see be written! Also, if you'd like, you can message me for whatever! :)
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maddies-chronicles · 10 months
Ok so like your blog is most of my exposure to shifting,,, and I thought “wow that sounds silly” at first but like,,, idk I’m kinda feeling it now. If that makes sense. So like,,,, how do I get into shifting pretend I know nothing lol. Just like,,, what’s the first step what do I do😭
hello hi this ask gave me a weird sense of pride i am here to help!!! also ur just like me fr
the basic idea of reality shifting is the notion that you have one consciousness, and it spreads all throughout the infinite versions of you across the multiverse/omniverse (multiverse meaning "multiple universes", omniverse meaning "all universes"- it's a small distinction but i like to make it).
edit: meant to add that "shifting" is moving your awareness to one of the other infinite realities your consciousness already resides in.
people can achieve this through meditation, which is typically where the idea of a method comes in. methods are meant to help you focus your intent, but aren't solely responsible for you shifting. all you really need is the intention of shifting. for some people learning to fully focus their intent takes mere weeks, days, hell, some people shift on the first try. these are the people i hate (haha jk i'm happy for you guys... i still hate y'all a little bit tho tbh). most people take much longer than this (case and point- ME. not that i'm bitter hahahahahahaha. ha. sorry it's like 10:30pm i'm feeling a little unhinged).
anyways, some people chose to write a script to outline specific details of where they want to go. i'm a bit of a control freak, so my script is hella long. you don't really need one, your subconscious should know where you need/want to be, but writing a script makes me personally feel more secure. note that a script is not "designing" a reality, as you're not birthing one into existence- this reality already does exist. a script is more like a search bar, where you set specific parameters for the result/destination you want.
as a victim of 2020 shifttok, my first attempt was a golden trio DR (shorthand for desired reality) and i used the raven method, which i hate and do not recommend. i have a particular fondness for alunir's guided meditation on the julia method (available on youtube), but if that doesn't work for you, consider switching methods or editing a method to fit your needs and preferences.
sorry for the longass post, but if you have any questions feel free to message me or drop an ask in my inbox. happy shifting!!!
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neo-neos · 2 years
Getting to know your BL mutuals - 2022 Edition
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answers!
tagged by the lovely @chimerasinourskyline - and @aleng-neng and @dont---just-dont Thank you so much for this <3 It's my first time really interacting with the community in this way and I feel legit honored <3
DISCLAIMER -> I started watching BL literally last month, I am fully 110% new and have been literally binging everything I can get my hands on to get on everyones level of knowledge and passion. If I fuck up a date (aka: came out last year or something) pls do not lynch me it is hard to keep up. I also have not seen everything yet, I am trying to keep up but I can only watch so much in a day. Okay thank you &lt;;3
What has been the BL that took you by surprise this year?
To be fair, ChocoMilkShake -> (I am aware it is still airing but I am pretty sure it will finish airing before the year is over) When I heard the concept I was kinda like ???? Dog??? Cat??? BL???? But I was so happily surprised omg.
What has been the BL that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
To be very very honest... And hear me out here... Big Dragon -> The first episode I was like: OH SHIT LET'S GO??? The spice, the drama the bdsm... but then I was like... Where...Where did that go? I LOVE the couple, like MosBank are hawt... But I feel like MosBank has more chemistry than MangkornYai does and... Idk? Season 2 redemption????? Idk
Cutie Pie -> was a little hard to get through for me at times... Sorry? The couple is great, the story wasn't my fav
The rest of the slightly more disappointing shows are from before 2022 so I won't go on a rant lmfao
What has been your favourite BL this year?
KINNPORSCHE -> Oh my god, this show changed me... Like, I can't even explain in words how... But I literally consume every piece of content I can about the cast because I cannot get enough. I'm gonna rewatch it another 10 times probably?
Love in the Air -> I don't even know how to explain this one tbh, I just love the cast, the characters, the storyline didn't even matter that much to me as long as I got to see them doing their thing.. It had some deeper messages here and there too which I loved.
Blueming -> Do I need to explain this one?
Semantic error -> My first BL, again do I need to explain this one?
(I know it's not done airing but...) Between Us -> as long as it does not take some really hectic turns... It's def a fav for this year at least!
Favourite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
MileApo, Payurain, Prapaisky, WinTeam... I am not really big on remembering ship names yet.. I am trying but I legit forget names in daily life too, and then having to remember IN SHOW ship names and then they also come up with REAL NAME ship names and I have 2 working braincells pls do not do this to me lmfao
If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
(This didn't have to be 2022 right??? I'm just going to go with no)
Kinnporsche -> this one is mainly a little selfish because I just want more people to see it so I can make more friends lmfao
Not me -> I mean come on... That shit was a masterpiece
Blueming -> Good story fr fr fr
Life - Love on the Line -> Look I loved this so much and I kinda related a lot to this show and that shit HURT but also brought so much comfort????
My beautiful man -> Same as above really lmao
Bad buddy -> I mean it's just good
What's your non-BL favourite for this year?
OH MY GOD this show has me in a fucking chokehold and I want to consume everything that has even a VAGUE mention to this show
It is so insanely good
It has some bromance going on so not fully "non-bl" but still.
AnYWAY any questions about this feel free to hit up my askbox or the comments to this thing. Again excuse the noob mistakes if there are any, feel free to point them out kindly to teach me because I love to learn but pls don't come for my throat lmao &lt;;3
I would like to tag: @sunf10wer8 @irishtwinmags @keithblguy
(If ^^^^ any of you already did this and I missed it, I am very sorry, feel free to @ me on the post so I can see it! <3)
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firein-thesky · 6 months
cielo!!! i am dropping by with some good music and new year wishes! 🎶🎉 thank you so much for being part of my 2023 🥹 i used to be so intimidated by you omg 😭 but i was so wrong!!! bc u are so incredibly kind 🥺 and talented (my gawd)!! you put so much effort in everything you do and i adore you so much for that!!!!
as a year end pick, my favourite read from you is: sharing bed like little kids (i havent gotten to godmaker yet… but i alr know i’ll love it) 🥺 your writing is so gripping!!! and sharing beds is fr in my hall of fame of fics 😭
if i may ask!! 🥺 (pls feel free not to answer if uncomfy!!) how was 2023 for you? what’s a favourite thing (anything) you discovered this year? do you have any reflections from the past year? any resolutions for the next? 🥹
SEL!!! thank YOU so much for being part of my 2023! you truly always brighten my day whether on the dash, on discord, or here in my inbox 🥺🥺💕 i absolutely love and cherish these little messages and questions that you send me!!
im fjskfjdsk at you being intimidated by me!! i am truly just some guy that is a weirdly passionate about a lot of things!!! but thank you!! you are truly so lovely and kind as well!! genuinely one of the warmest and most welcoming ppl i have met on this website!! you keep this place friendly and fun and full of wonder!!
thank you for reading sharing beds and coming to share your thoughts on it with me 🥺💕 i am so glad that you enjoy that one!! my very first fic on this blog, so it holds a special place in my heart!
2023 was an interesting one! full of ups and downs! i think in many ways i really stepped into my own...or began the process of it so that i can really put my best foot forward into 2024! i've worked really hard this last year but i plan to work harder next!! i got lots i want to do!! im not a huge new year resolution person just cause i tend to always have goals and things i work towards throughout the whole year, but a recent one is reading more plays and novels again! i also want to finish a script i've been working on!
how about you?? do you have any resolutions or reflections?? how was 2023 for you? (if you'd like to answer!!)
happy new year my friend!! wishing you all the joy and love and health and wonder for the next one! 💕
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ghost-the-silly · 5 months
Ghost Intro, what
Name: Ghost_Bean/Ghost
Age: Minor. I don't want any creepy people following or interacting w/ me, get out
Pronouns: They/them
Interests (In order of how much I focus on them): Murder Drones (current obsession, as you can probably tell...), Splatoon (not very educated on lore sadly...), Wings of Fire (wof discord servers), Nevermore (Webtoon), She-Ra, The Owl House, Steven Universe, Amphibia, KIPO
Uhh... There's probably more but whatever
Hobbies: Drawing traditional art, wondering if I'm doing the right thing on Tumblr, not getting enough sleep, reblogging Tumblr posts at 2 am, finding more Murder Drones blogs to follow, sleeping... Huh, ironic
What I Do: I reblog and like posts from my favorite blogs! I basically just lurk around, throwing love at people's art and posts. I hope that I can help people find cool blogs to follow :]
DNI: LGBTQ+ phobic, TERF, MAP, Zoo, etc, Proshipper. Don't be a bad person. That's all I fucking ask. Have common sense
Fun facts/Trivia/Whatever you wanna call this:
- I'm in a lot of WoF Army servers, so feel free to ask me about them!
- I draw traditional art of wof ocs, but I'm also trying to figure out digital art! I also dream of being able to draw Drones one day, but anatomy is... a struggle 😭 (feel free to send me tips/guides btw!!!)
- My favorite MD characters and ships are: Doll, Cyn, Lizzy, and Yeva (top 4 char.) | Ships: Dizzy (Doll/Lizzy), RussianDuet (Yeva/Yeva's Husband ((does he have a name??)), Oilrose (J/V), Juzi (J/Uzi), and some others that I literally can't remember because brain no work
- I don't have any strong opinion or preference on ships when it comes to some characters like Uzi, V, J, N, etc as long as it's not problematic. I like seeing other people's ideas and headcanons, either about the characters or ships! I also like Butler N and Maid V, they would be so silly together fr
HOWEVER, I do NOT ship N/Cyn, I see them as siblings. Please, for the love of God..
- I may stop being active on Tumblr for a while at times, but don't worry, I'll be back eventually! [Update: Tumblr takes up ~69% of my screentime so... If I'm gone, assume I'm somewhere without wifi or just trying to save my battery]
- I swear. Just- I swear. I try to keep it to a minimum tho dw... Shit- (haha whoops). Ok but tbf MD has gotten me to say things like "Holy hell!" more often lol
- I like the color periwinkle!! I also like any color from teal to dark purple, and sage green on the side
- Uh... I also don't exactly know my way around Tumblr. Like... Can I reblog something without tags? Does it show if I accidentally un-liked then re-liked a post?? How does tagging work??? Just general stuff too, cause I mostly/only like and reblog cool things
- I'm an English speaker only :/ (but Google translate, my beloved <3)
- I use tone tags a lot! It helps me get my message across correctly, and I hope it helps others understand what I'm trying to say!/gen
- I say things like Dawg, Fr, On god, Silly, Goober, and other things like that quite often, so apologies if it gets annoying/gen
- My timezone is CST! 'Murica !!! 🔥🦅🇺🇲 (Get me out of here)
- Murder Drones is so cool, what, I can't see colors correctly anymore, help me (/pos, MD brings me joy)
- I don't do actual posts often so don't expect that much actual Ghost Content
- guh.
- I love yuri. I need yuri. I wake up, yuri. I go to sleep, yuri. Always yuri. Robot yuri? Yes please. I wrote an essay on why I love Doomed/Toxic Yuri because yuri
- Other socials: ghost_bean on Discord, JustARandomGayPerson on toyhou.se
That's it! Feel free to ask me anything (as long as it's not NSFW, political, hateful, etc), or let me know if I might've forgotten something! I'd love to answer any questions you might have, and I want to get to know Tumblr's silly and amazing community!
Have a great rest of your day/night, and may your favorite show get another season and an (actually good) movie
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theystation · 2 years
Commissions are *even more* open!!!!
I really need $$$ to put furniture in my apartment!! So now I also do:
⭐ (non-symmetrical) portraits for 50 USD! ⭐ Character reference sheet for 100 USD! ⭐ Roughly colored sketches for 10 USD!
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And everything in my old commission price sheets is at 50% of its original price!!
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If you would like to help without commissioning me you can still buy hot chocolate milk here ☕☕☕
Any amount is appreciated fr, I'm really really broke rn haha 🙃✨
To commission me message me!
Payment upfront and via PayPal only (unless you're in country that doesn't allow it, then we can find a solution upon discussion)
Feel free to go in my asks if you have any questions! ❤
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fullsunhyuk · 10 months
get to know me
selfies / bias & stan list (coming soon) / tagged as #me
about me:
my name is oliver
i'm 24, my birthday is november 23, 1999 and i'm a sagittarius
i'm trans, my pronouns are he/him and my sexuality is somewhere between gay (mlm) and ????? (i spent the last 8 years trying to figure out if i like women or not and i still don't know) but at the same time possibly on the aro spectrum so it's a mess
intj (though my n/s and j/p are basically 50/50 so i keep getting different results everytime i do the test)
i'm from germany
i'm autistic and have add
outside of kpop i like: astronomy (and astrology), cleaning, plants, spreading love, children, dogs, languages
i'm fluent in german and english, have basic levels of spanish, korean and norwegian and am currently also learning japanese
i am extremely nostalgic
my favourite tv shows are doctor who and supernatural
about kpop & my blog:
i've been on tumblr since 2013 someone get me off this hellsite and i've been into kpop since early 2018
i'm a kpop multistan and stan just about every boygroup in korea and some girlgroups
i'm way too obsessed with zb1
i have a writing blog but i'm only getting started and find motivation like once in a blue moon so it's not very active
my close kpop friends: riki (yeolsleftmannipple) (we're so haobin coded fr) and ellen (ebarbs95)
dni if you're racist, homo-/transphobic or want to start drama/spread hate, other than that i'm a chill and welcoming person
i reblog somewhat nsfw posts sometimes so probably best not to follow if that makes you uncomfortable
i ship real people (e.g woosan, haobin, etc.) but i'm respectful about it and i'm not looking for anyone to "educate" me on it so if that bothers you just ignore it, block those tags or don't follow me
you're welcome to spam like/reblog :)
i'm trying to become a little more outgoing so feel free to message me and become mutuals, just know i suck at replying lmao i'm sorry
tiktok: ara_olii | ig: oli_._loli (i'm not very active on either)
if you have any other questions, my asks are always open!
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singringsroadtoutopia · 11 months
Introduction Post!
Hey everyone! My name's Judah/Mylo (you can call me either of them it doesn't matter too much), and some people call me Jude so feel free to call me Jude if you like!
Pronouns: He/Him
Some of the bands/artists I like: Camel, Utopia, The Tubes, Sparks, Yes, Genesis, The Clash, Talking Heads, Pink Floyd, Descendents, DEVO, Todd Rundgren, King Crimson, Bauhaus, Love and Rockets, Jeff Buckley, Germs, ELP, Peter Gabriel, and so much more!! I have a pretty varied music taste
Genres I like: Prog rock, punk rock, post punk, new wave, glam rock, basically most stuff 70s-80s!! I'm also quite into classical music and jazz! So feel free to talk to me about those genres as well!
Other interests: playing instruments (I am a percussionist mostly, but I dabble with other instruments as well), drawing/art, social sciences, philosophy, writing, fashion, languages, geography, photography, and music history (I am soon to be majoring in it) so feel free to talk to me about those things as well!
I'm a minor, adults can interact, but please. PLEASE don't be creepy. I feel weird about talking with people younger than 14 (though I highly doubt there's many of you 😭😭) or over like 23 or so, so if you are in those age ranges, you can like my blog and stuff, but I won't feel comfortable talking with you. Other than that, if you like the same stuff I like, let's be friends!!! I would love some new tumblr friends fr!!
DNI if you're homophobic/transphobic, racist, sexist, zionist, basically just don't interact with me if you're gonna be an asshole or start arguments with me. I WILL block you. Oh and also as I mentioned earlier, DON'T BE CREEPY 😭😭
My special hashtag for random rambles and/or random stuff pertaining to me is #jude rambles 💀💀, so you'll be seeing that quite often
Also be warned, I have a tendency to go inactive sometimes so you may not hear much from me at times 💀
This blog is a safe space for anyone and everyone! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
If you took the time to look at this, thanks a lot! It really means a lot! If anyone has any questions about anything, feel free to comment/message me
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starwood-stranded · 11 months
I'm not sure if anyone's going to be interested in this but figured I'd mention it:
If you remember my old Hollow lore (or even if you don't), I've actually detached it from FR now and I'm using it to create an ARPG. Check it out if you like!
(If you're not familiar with ARPG's, they're RP/art groups where you earn points by drawing and writing!)
If you're interested in joining, there's a link to the Discord server on the homepage, or feel free to send me a message about it. Also, let me know if you have any questions!
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nighttimescribbles2 · 2 years
Hey Scribs. I’m just here to say thank you so much for your Zeke Yeager work - there is never enough content on him. Your smut is always so delicious. Do you have any advice for writing it? And writing it well. It feels like an impossible task! Also do you have any recommendations for Zeke at all?
when i tell you i bawled nonnie - 😭😭😭😭😭 #sadgirlaugust has put me in the dumps fr but this. THIS was such a pick me up. One of many lovely messages from the universe in quick succession. Thank you for your kind words, and for taking the time to share them with me ❤ i really haven't been very talkative lately, but i feel i owe you answers to your questions ❤
About writing, the broadest writing advice i can give is to read well. Good writers, i believe, start out as good readers. Read everything - good, bad, easy, and hard. At first, the things you read will simply buoy you along. Maybe you won't do much but enjoy the ride. But the more you read, especially if you develop a hankering to *gasp* begin to write, you'll find yourself dropping the anchor pretty frequently and reading with a writer's eye. That's when the real learning begins. You'll start to notice the standout qualities in the many writers/works you admire, and their technique and insight will make yours richer. From there, i think, you can only get better and better ;))
It's so heartwarming for you to point out my pieces for Zeke. I experimented the most (style-wise) writing for him and i think i'm proudest of them, even if sometimes i feel they're a bit niche. So it makes me extremely happy (proud mum style) to hear that someone's enjoyed them.
I rb fics here and most of them are Zeke x reader. I hope you'll have fun scrolling through them. But if it's a multichap you want, i would absolutely recommend Sabrina Fair. It's on ao3 and it's an snk version of the old audrey hepburn movie Sabrina. All around well-written fic with the type of Zeke (very human) who'll burn in your head for daaays.
You may also want to go through @nathalunalune 's catalogue. Her reccs do not disappoint!!! I've also previously recc'd @/ghost-party 's zeke pieces. She writes straight into your heart. And finally, amongst all these goodboy zekes @tonaken 's tech mogul zeke in her hollywood series is the meanie we all want to pound us silly. Been living in my head rent free all this time 😭
Happy reading, nonnie! Thanks again for stopping by! 😘
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shipshoping · 2 years
!!HI HI HI!!
-yvngngh anyways sorry I didn't know how to start this off!
I'm just making this post to try and find some moots to chat with and stuff /possibly roleplay with aswell!
Below I'll list some fandoms I'm in // I'll probs forget a few so feel free to ask if your curious about one please! // And Characters I'd most be good at roleplaying! And rules and such I have for that sorta thing <3
• Arcane lol // don't know the games so we'll tho //
• The outsiders! // Ma fave book //
• my hero academia! // Haven't seen it all/am not caught up but I enjoy the characters and know most! //
• Animation just in general really like ik a TON of Disney shows/movies and love other studios to like Pixar/blue sky's/illumination etc!
• Dc/Marvel // I know wayyyyy more about marvel then dc but enjoy them both!
• SCP foundation // certain ones ik better than others but I love hearing about new things when it comes to it! //
• Backrooms Lore // just getting into this one but I understand how they work and it seems super neat! I'd love to create OC's for it with someone and have them interact :D
• cbs ghosts! // Unpopular fave m8 //
• Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss // I do not support the creator but I do enjoy the concept of the show and characters btw! //
• Steven universe // I don't rlly like the later seasons but adore certain characters! //
• Creepypasta! // I sooo wanna get back into this fr like I used to know every lore detail but just grew apart from it I'd love to reconnect through chatting! //
• mlp // a total comfort show of mine <3 //
• edd ed n eddy! // Surprisingly I never really got into this as a kid, as I wasn't allowed to watch it for some reason but I recently discovered the show again and I really love it <3!! //
• yandere sim // again I don't support the Creator or many things that happen in the game but I do like the concept and some of the character designs / art!
• F/O community! // I would totally be up to doing roleplays playing anyone's fictional other! / Or perhaps taking turns doing so? :), And or just chatting about our different ones in general! //
• Villainous // WOAH BOI-this is a big hyper fixation for me so please please feel free to message if you want to talk about this one! :D //
• RWBY // similar to what I said about the creepypasta fandom I used to know a lot about the show and was really into it!, But I drifted away and with its new adaptation I found myself going back and watching the older seasons I quite like it again! Though am just getting into it once more :) //
• DDLC! ( Doki Doki literature club )
• Disenchantment// such an underrated show oh ma gosh-//
• Sally Face // Though iv drifted away from this one a bit I'd totally be up to finding my way back to the fandom <3 //
• Slashers!/Scary movies / ghost face is my favorite one :) / just alota nostalgia attached gvjvbh //
• Camp Camp! // One of my favorites of all time tbh! //
• OUAT ( once upon a time)
Again I may have missed a few so please feel free to ask! <333 now!- onto my rules on roleplay/chattin and such if you have any questions feel free to ask aswell :)))
I am a minor ( 16 ) so I am not comfy with nsfw content, hinting/joking abt it is fine I suppose tho!
I'd like to talk with those in my age range as it would make me feel the most comfortable so please put your name in your bio or tell me before hand
I'm totally up to talking on other platforms like Instagram :)
- I'm up for any length when it comes to role play/musing whether that be three paragraphs long or 5 sentences! // Just something I can work with please <3 //
I'm most comfortable writing in third person but I'm willing to try other ways :)
I'm pretty much open to playing any character though there are some that I would choose over others as I just think I'm better at playing them hgjgvjg
I tend to be descriptive but I do understand that others have different writing styles so feel free to write anyway you want of course just wanted to say that yghyghhg
I am a major major crack shipper/crossover lover! tbh as long as it's not illegal you can probably get me that ship it so I'm up to any pairing mostly! <3
And lastly just don't be rude or be a creep Below will be my do not interact list <\3
// DNI-pro ship, pedophile, Zoophile, sexist, homophobic, racist, transphobic, pro life, anti-Semitic or any others like that! //
hope to hear from a new moot/friend in ma dm's or comments soon! Thankyou for taking the time to read this if you did, I hope you all have a lovely day/night !!!💗💗💗💗💗!!!
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