#free thinking about the year anniversary of the night a bunch of so called friends
wish I had a comprehensive list of all well-known people who fucking had something to do with last year's global hate campaign against an abuse survivor (which if I didn't have C-PTSD before that, I sure fucking do now) whatever they said or did because two of my worst trauma/mental illness/neurodivergence symptoms is paranoia, hypersensitivity and impulsiveness and I can't fucking enjoy doing my favourite things right now. even people who didn't and spoke out because lord knows I have lost so much and been hurt so much that I just need hope in the fucking human race again and that the people I find fun to watch and talk about aren't actually assholes. especially since even who appeared to be rational fell for this.
I'm so goddamn traumatised I just want to know without looking it up. I don't need that torture. It's so fucking difficult to feel hopeful about anything or anyone right now.
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bratkook · 4 years
not yet. jjk
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not yet, almost, right now pairing. jungkook x reader genre. fluff, some angst, pg-13 word count. 4.1k warnings. mentions of infidelity, some feelings come to light, unrequited pining, spur of the moment kissing, light grinding on the dance floor, jungkook pops a boner and wants to cry</3 summary. jungkook feels the pang of guilt in his gut when you spot your recent ex out with his new girl, and what better way to make the jerk hurt than to have him believe you were now dating him, the neighbor he had been insecure about your whole relationship note. this is based off a request sent a while back for numbers #43 and #67 from this prompt list! (i think this might turn into a small drabble series...mayhaps)
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Jungkook can spot your discomfort easily, the occasional colorful light bouncing off your face showing him the flash of anger in your eyes. The only reason he’s not currently running for the hills, knowing very well how mean you can get when angry, is because your glare isn’t being sent at him. Not yet at least. 
Because of this, he allows himself to enjoy the cute way your nose scrunches up, lips twisting in displeasure as you stare at the crowd of people, eyes locked onto an unlucky bystander. Honestly, he wishes he could hear your thoughts, wanting to know exactly what has your panties in a bunch, ruining your mood instead of letting you enjoy the expensive fruity drink he had just bought you as payment for allowing him to drag you out of the house. Jungkook isn’t a mind reader though, so he decides on his next best option. 
“Who’s got you looking all sour?” he sighs, resting his elbow on the counter of the bar as he inches closer to you, head at your level in an attempt to match your line of sight. 
“Him,” you seethe, brows pinching together, showing those light wrinkles in between them, a product of how expressive you were and definitely something Jungkook always teases you about. 
Jungkook can only hum in question, eyes squinting in the low light as he attempts to find the him you’re talking about. With a slight turn of your head, you’re inches from Jungkook’s cheek, the obvious look of confusion etched onto his soft features letting you know he was absolutely lost. With a soft huff your fingers are gripping his cheeks and moving his face in the right direction, free hand pointing as discreetly as you could to the man in question. 
You know he spots him, you can feel his jaw tense underneath your grip. What you don’t feel is the sudden guilt that fills him up, sloshing in his stomach and mixing with the liquor he just drank until he feels a little queasy. Jungkook instantly regrets coaxing you out of your little dungeon with the promise of cheering you up. If he had known the spawn of satan–dubbed your ex boyfriend and also the reason why you were in a downward spiral–would be here, he would have just let you rot in your bed like you originally wanted. 
“Do you wanna go?” he mutters out, cheeks still squished by your slowly tightening grip, and he begins to accept the fact that you might just break his jaw right now. It’s fine, he thinks, he deserves it. 
“No,” you grunt stubbornly, fingers finally releasing him as you turn back around and choose to face the endless amount of bottles behind the bar. He may be the reason you were currently on a never ending cycle of watching sad, heartbreaking chick-flicks from the early 2000’s, dumping you with the lame excuse that you two were on different paths and he just wasn’t ready for commitment. It’s something you accepted, albeit jaw tense and eye twitching as you did so, but you figured you would eventually find your way back to each other. 
Your mind was warped, believing you were meant to be, that this was just a mere bump in the road that you would laugh at together in the future. 
That is, until he blocked you on all social media, and you had to hear from your best friend that he had moved on days later and was now with some blonde-haired, fresh faced, supermodel-esque woman that you could not get yourself to hate. Instead you took to endlessly scrolling through her instagram while you stuffed your face with milk chocolate and questioned why you had ever convinced yourself that you had a future with him. 
“Good, he’s a dick and you shouldn’t let him ruin your night.” Jungkook grumbles, slinging his arm around you as you hold your forgotten drink by your lips. He had seen your relationship with Hajoon play out from the very beginning, knowing slightly more intimate details than he would like considering you were next door neighbors and happened to share a wall between your bedrooms. 
The friendship you had with Jungkook blossomed right after you moved in four years ago, friendly neighborly talks morphing into actual conversations, and eventually inviting each other into your apartments where you would attempt to beat him at any game you had in your Nintendo switch. It was a great dynamic, providing the two of you with a sense of relief after your busy days at work. 
Unfortunately, the second you got with Hajoon was the end of any of those playful matches, your ex’s jealousy making you distance yourself in an attempt to keep your relationship at bay. 
Jungkook can’t say he didn’t see it coming, having heard the way you’d cry anytime you had an argument and your ex would leave, slamming the door behind him so hard Jungkook’s walls would rattle. It had become such a common occurence it was a shock he hadn’t marched out of his house, met Hajoon in the hall, and gave him a clean right hook in your honor. 
He was secretly hoping you’d break up with the jerk for your own good–and maybe for his own personal reasons too. Your ex was right in being wary of Jungkook, knowing the way a boy's mind worked, sensing Jungkook’s feelings for you in a way you were too blind to see. Jungkook wasn’t a dick though, he could tell you wanted your relationship to work so he kept his distance. 
When weeks went by without the sight of him he began to think you finally did it, a call for celebration that made him want to go over to your place to challenge you for a friendly match of Mario Kart like you used to. 
Until he ran into you in the hall and took note of what a mess you were, his smile falling from his face when he saw how defeated you looked. 
Your shameful confirmation that you had been royally dumped made his heart twist for you, his selfless tendencies urging him to help you feel better in any way he could. You were thankful for it, grateful that he was keeping you company while you moped around, providing you with just the right amount of distraction to allow you to breathe and slowly heal. 
Honestly, today would have been just another day if it wasn’t what was supposed to be your two year anniversary. The second Jungkook heard the telltale sounds of The Notebook starting up in your bedroom—something he hadn’t heard through the drywall separating your rooms in weeks—is when he knew something was up. 
Jump to: now. 
With Jungkook looking sheepish and wishing he had chosen another bar, and you gripping the cup so hard it was a shock it hadn’t shattered in your grasp. 
“He’s with her,” you whisper out harshly, head downcast, swirling the liquid around in your glass as you force yourself not to look back at them. The vision of them coddled up in the corner, her arms wrapped around his while she laughed at whatever he whispered in her ear had stung enough the first time, you weren’t jealous but the pain still lingered inside of you.. 
“Just try to ignore him. Don’t let it bother you,” he attempts to reassure you, the bass of the music muffling the way you try to deny the fact that you’re clearly upset, his attention now elsewhere. 
Jungkook takes a chance and looks back once more, eyes narrowed as he searches for Hajoon in the crowd. He spots him with more ease the second time, seeing the way he lazily drinks from his glass while the blonde rests her head on his shoulder, lips moving as she tells him something that makes him smile. 
“Oh shit,” Jungkook chokes, eyes widening slightly in shock when Hajoon meets his gaze. He’s been caught, too late for him to avert his eyes and pretend he wasn’t blatantly staring. He can only give him a tight-lipped smile that he hopes doesn’t come across as an invitation to come say hello. 
“What?” you question, turning to stare at Jungkook and seeing the look on his face, doe eyes swirling with a mix of emotions. 
“He saw me,” he speaks through clenched teeth, lips barely moving as he does so, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. 
“What?” you repeat harshly, setting the drink back down as your palms grow clammy, finger tugging at your shirt’s neckline when the air becomes thick and stuffy. 
“Oh fuck, he’s coming.” Jungkook throws back the remainder of his drink, grimacing at the burn lingering in the back of his throat before placing the cup down. “Just follow along,” he whispers into your ear, standing tall as Hajoon approaches the two of you. 
He’s ballsy, Jungkook will give him that, more so when he completely ignores Jungkook in favor of calling out your name. 
“Y/N, oh my god is that you?”
Jungkook can’t stop the way he glares at the bastard, not even the small jab to his side that you deliver with your elbow is enough to wipe the look off his face. Still, you pause to breathe, shutting your eyes briefly before plastering a look of surprise on your features as you turn around to face him. 
“Hajoon, what are you doing here?” Your voice has risen a few octaves, pitch surpassing the normal customer service voice and entering unhinged and borderline crazed territory. Hajoon doesn’t notice though, and neither does the girl strapped to his side, the two of them smiling at you and not giving Jungkook a glance. 
“Oh, we’re just celebrating our four month anniversary.” The girl finally speaks up, giving Hajoon a kiss to the cheek and completely missing the way your face instantly falls. Her innocent statement has you coming to the sudden realization that this son of a bitch had been cheating on you for the last two months of your relationship. 
Jungkoon spots it easily though, can sense the way your body tenses up beside him, no doubt will the rage flare up in the form of hot tears spilling over and onto your cheeks soon. One look at Hajoon’s pleased face is enough to not want to give him the satisfaction of seeing the way he affects you. 
“Young love,” Jungkook sighs, long arm pulling you into his side obnoxiously, seeing the way Hajoon eyes the two of you carefully. “I can relate. We’ve been together for...what is it again babe, five months?”
Hajoon doesn’t even attempt to be discreet, eyes bulging out and fist curling at his side. He had hated Jungkook the second he met him, intimidated by his physique and the way he made you laugh with ease, threatened by him in every sense. It was the reason he told you to cut ties with him, his fragile ego not trusting your neighbor, fully convinced all Jungkook would have to do was beckon you over for you to leave him. 
Any man would feel threatened by him, just looking at him now with his long hair framing his face, the challenging glimmer in his eyes as he gauges the other’s reaction. Hajoon follows Jungkook’s arm, seeing how it snakes around your body and settles with his palms curling around your waist, fingers gently squeezing your skin. 
Jungkook chuckles when Hajoon meets his gaze once more, free hand adjusting the yellow tinted sunglasses perched on his head—something that should make him look like an A class douchebag, because who the hell brings shades to a fucking club. But like all things, Jungkook makes it work. 
All of this tied in with that small, white lie, makes Hajoon’s head spin in a jealous whirlwind. It was fine and dandy if he cheated on you but how dare you give him the same treatment, with your neighbor of all people. 
“Five months?” He bites first, eyes bouncing back and forth between the two of you. 
The insecurity is written all over his face, it almost makes him shrink in size and for some reason it fills you with confidence. You stand taller now, sliding your own arm around Jungkook’s side as you nuzzle into him. 
“Almost six.” Those two words are the nails into his coffin of insecurity, probably increasing his trust issues for years to come, but considering it was no longer your problem, you don’t care. 
“Wow, almost half a year. That’s so cute, isn’t it?” His girlfriend coos, perfectly manicured hand placed over her chest, totally missing the way Hajoon looks like a kicked puppy. 
Now that he doesn’t have the one up, he’s no longer interested in sticking around, the gross green monster perched on his shoulder laughing at his misfortune. 
“Adorable,” he grunts out. “We should get back to our table. It was nice seeing you.”
He doesn’t wait for a response before walking away, his girlfriend giving you a small wave before following behind him. The growing distance between you makes your muscles relax, sagging in relief as you release Jungkook’s side and hunch over the sticky bar. 
“I think I'm gonna puke,” you groan out, eyes going crossed when you feel Jungkook rest two fingers against your lips, sending him a questionable stare. 
“Please don’t, that drink was expensive. You’re only allowed to hurl as the grand finale of the night, and we’re just getting started.”
Jungkook smiles when you shut your eyes and groan, your mood was already down in the dumps, and despite the small rush you got from putting Hajoon in his place, you were still craving the comfort of your bed. “Can we go?”
The bartender proceeds to place a glass of water in front of you, assuming your slumped state was due to intoxication and not the gross remnants of running into an ex-boyfriend. You grab the glass regardless, taking a big gulp of the cool liquid and sighing when it helps calm you down. 
“If you really want to go we can, but at least try to loosen up.” His smile is genuine, cheeks pushed out as he looks down at you with kind eyes. “We’ll stay on the opposite side, and if you’d still rather watch the Notebook for the millionth time, we can do that.”
With a half-hearted groan you nod, allowing Jungkook to order another round of drinks for you to enjoy before eventually dragging you out onto the dance floor. He knows how to keep the atmosphere up, goofy smile on his lips as he bobs his head along to the loud beat, hands clasped with yours and wiggling in time to the music. 
“You love this song,” he manages to say through the noise, pulling you closer as he settles into a spot on the decently packed floor. You couldn’t even deny it, he heard just how often you played it through the paper thin walls. That playlist full of hit 2000’s songs was your guilty pleasure, and it was the main reason he had decided to bring you to this club on their themed night. 
Jungkook was attentive, he knew so much about you and played it off casually, always listening to things you say you enjoy, storing them into a folder labeled under your name and shoved into a very important part of his brain. 
You knew he was trying his best to get you to enjoy yourself, so you give in, beginning to sing along to the lyrics of an old song that brought back a flood of memories that made you smile back at him. Jungkook feels the first burst of success bloom inside him, joining in with your singing, raising up your clasped hands as you begin dancing. 
The smile doesn’t leave his face as he stares down at you, the few drinks you’ve had loosening you up and allowing you to push the earlier thoughts away. He feels mesmerized, eyes locked onto you, the flash of colors painting your skin, illuminating you in alternating shades of purple and blue. His heart does that annoying thing where it skips and stutters in his chest, mouth drying up as you drop your head back and sway your hips, slowly loosening the grip in your hands and turning around until your back is dangerously close to his chest.
Jungkook’s hands hover in the air for a moment, panic over taking his brain as he tries to remain calm. He could do this—he has done this before—the two of you would go clubbing before you got with your ex, and dancing definitely played a big part of it. So why was his brain short circuiting?
Sure your ass was brushing up against his crotch with each sway of your hips, but you were dancing, so his mind and his dick could fuck right off. He shakes his head to clear any dirty thoughts as his hands loosely grip your hips, testing the water, and when you smile and look back at him he feels less wary and sways his hips in time with yours. 
You can feel his chest brush against your back, breath fanning along your skin from his close proximity, only getting closer when you lift an arm back and hold his shoulder to pull him tighter against you. The heat sticks to your skin, thin shirt dampening with sweat from the warmth of the bodies around you, everyone in their own state of drunkenness as the bass flowed through their chests. 
Going out like this had been something you missed, used to frequenting the bars and clubs by your apartment with your friends and Jungkook, something that came to a halt because your ex claimed he hated that kind of scene. Something that was clearly a lie considering he was here now, enjoying himself as him and his new girlfriend danced along. 
You didn’t realize when he made his way onto the dance floor, enough distance separating you, but now that you had spotted him you feel like he’s way too close for comfort. In a similar position to you and Jungkook, Hajoon is free to look around while his girlfriend dances on him, eyes locked onto you with a smirk that makes your skin crawl. 
Jungkook is too lost in the music to notice where your attention has gone, earlier effects of the alcohol settling into his bloodstream, warming him up in that familiar way he welcomes. When the song changes, flowing into the next bass heavy anthem, you turn around in his grasp, giving him a brief glance before your hands are gripping his cheeks and bringing him down into a messy kiss. 
This is definitely something he’s never done with you before.
A muffled sound of confusion is swallowed by you as he quickly falls into the motion, large palms gripping your hips, slowly sliding up your back before lightly tangling into your hair to deepen the kiss. Jungkook can taste the liquor on your tongue, mixing with his own as your tongue slips between his lips. He has no idea what came over you but his racing heart and buried crush don’t let him question it, soft lips smacking with yours, not heard between the thrumming music. 
Your fingers feel the warmth of his cheeks, how he blushes into the kiss but you attribute it to the alcohol pumping through him. Harsh breaths fan across your face as he groans, lightly pulling back for a gasp of air but you don’t allow it. “No, don’t pull away. Not yet.”
And who is he to argue with that, blindly letting you bring your lips back together in a messy kiss. Your small pleas for him to continue has all the blood rushing to his cock, the ache felt in his jeans when it starts to harden, pressing into the denim uncomfortably and only getting worse when you gently bite down onto his lip before inching back. 
“Is he still looking?” you question, breath jagged as you peer up at Jungkook’s dazed expression. 
“What?” he dumbly replies, lips swollen and shiny, eyes still focused on your own as he makes an attempt to reconnect your lips. But then your question dawns on him, like a bucket of ice cold water, it sobers him up instantly. Is he still looking?
This was all for show. 
“He’s on the far right.” You motion your head in the direction and observe his face when his eyes move over to check if Hajoon was in fact still there. He does spot him heading out in a hurry though, girlfriend trailing behind him as he exits the club entirely
“No, just saw him leave.” Jungkook clears his throat, fingers slipping out of your hair and settling down over your back just like before. He hopes his solemn expression isn’t amplified by the lights flashing across his face, trying his best to act unaffected, as if he didn’t just pop a boner on the dance floor over a revenge make-out session. 
Luckily you don’t spot his fallen expression, a wide smile spreading across your face in victory, happy that you had successfully put him in his place. 
“I’m so sorry for kissing you.” You gasp in realization, unknowingly pouring salt in the wound when you act as if kissing him was something you would never do if it wasn’t in an attempt to piss off your ex. 
“No, it’s okay,” he waves off and smiles, eyes glancing over to the bar once more. Jungkook needed a drink, maybe five—actually he wouldn’t mind going home and watching The Notebook now, that would surely give him a reason to cry with no questions asked. 
He starts to walk back to the bar with you by his side, the sad look you had earlier entirely gone, replaced with a giddy smile and a pep in your step, so he can’t say he's too upset. 
“God, you should’ve seen how mad he looked when he saw us dancing together,” you giggle, standing inches from him as he orders another drink. Before he can respond, you’re wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing him in for a hug. 
A hug, really?
Still, Jungkook sighs and wraps his own arms around your waist, a defeated smile on his face that he hides as he lets his chin rest over your head. The dip in his head makes the yellow tinted frames fall over his eyes and when he pulls back you snort at the visual, finger gently poking the bridge of them. 
“You look good in those.”
His drink gets placed in front of him then, giving him a good excuse to avoid stumbling over his words from your compliment, choosing to take a gulp of the hard liquor, wincing when it burns his throat. “Thank you,” he rasps out, grimacing at the taste and it just makes you giggle. 
“I should be thanking you. You need to be my fake boyfriend more often.”
Even more salt poured into his wound, topped with a dash of lemon juice in the form of your playful smile and nudge to his ribs, it stings. His heart ache in his chest, more so when he realizes his stupid boner was still going strong. Thankfully the dark lights prevent you from seeing it, the last thing he needed was further embarrassment. 
The yellow frames are placed back over his head as he takes another sip, nodding along to your statement with what he hopes comes across as a genuine smile on his lips once he sets his cup down. “Anytime you want Y/N.”
“I know this night didn’t end with the grand finale of me puking, but do you wanna go home and watch movies? No sappy romance ones, I'm not in the mood for crying anymore.”
He finishes his drink with ease, quickly closing his tab as he agrees. “Yeah, just let me go to the bathroom real quick.” 
You might not be in the mood for crying but he definitely was; he also needed to handle the situation in his jeans, and what better night to stoop this low than tonight. His own version of a grand finale coming in the form of jerking off in the dirty bar bathroom while maybe shedding a tear or two. 
“Okay! I’ll call an uber,” you announce cheerfully, allowing him to walk away as you settle onto one of the sticky bar stools. 
Jungkook’s chest feels heavy as he walks to the bathroom, slipping into the small room and locking the door behind him. His forehead rests against the dirty door, eyes falling shut with a groan. He wishes he had the guts to confess to his crush, needing to push the fear of ruining the friendship away from his mind, wanting to gather possible clues that could indicate that you might feel the same. 
One day, but not yet. 
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nagipops · 3 years
hello!! could I request neji, gaara and kakashi reactions finding out they'll have twins with their s/o? it can be getting the news, choosing the names, how are their behaves during and/or after the birth, their thoughts, feelings, you can put whatever you want ^^ grateful
FEATURING: neji hyuuga, gaara, kakashi hatake
WARNINGS: cw food
A/N: absolutely! love domestic naruto boys the most <3 also, im so sorry these got so long they turned into whole drabbles T-T CANT WRITE IN MODERATION AT ALL!!
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you’ve been pondering how to break the exciting news that you were expecting twins with the love of your life, neji, for days now
but what you didn’t realize was that he already had a sneaking suspicion that you weren’t only eating for two
observant as ever, he’s noticed how exaggerated your pregnancy symptoms were: extreme morning sickness (he always held your hair back), severe fatigue (massages and back rubs were always in order) and even as he lays on your stomach, he hears... a second heartbeat?
as you’re thinking about how to break the news, he’s also wondering if you’ve realized that you’re having twins
it was your anniversary a few days later, and you had decided to break the exciting news to him through a special treat
setting four steaming bowls of his favorite food, hot soba, on the kitchen table, you awaited the arrival of your husband
“(y/n), i’m home!” neji called out down the hallway, slipping off his shoes before he caught you standing there in the dining room
his eyes widened in surprise before melting into the most heartwarming gazes you’ve ever seen as he made his way over to you, wrapping his strong arms around your frail body
“happy anniversary, (y/n).”
you couldn’t see it, but neji’s eyes widened at the sight behind you, over your shoulder that his head was resting on
four bowls of his favorite food? why four?
but then he realized, pulling back quicker than light as he held onto your shoulders and stared into your eyes
“you know? about the twins?”
a radiant smile spread from your glowing cheeks to your ears as your eyes widened in surprise; neji already knew?
but of course he did, he was so observant as a husband: always gifting you things that you’ve pined over but never actually said that you’ve wanted out loud, taking care of that one pesky chore you can never bring yourself to do; he was the absolute perfect husband for you
a grin formed on neji’s face as he pulled your body into his once again, embracing you as tight as your enlarged body would let him
“we’re the luckiest parents in the world,” he murmured into your ear, softly smoothing your hair
“no,” you replied, smiling into his embrace. “i’m the luckiest wife in the world.”
the dinner was spectacular, as you and your husband enjoyed a wholesome meal for two (or four!)
after confirming that the two of you were going to be raising twins instead of just one baby, it was time to prepare double time
luckily for you, neji is nothing if not prepared
he’s got a running checklist of things he needs double of; double the cribs, double the diapers, double the bottles, double the clothes, double the—
poor man is overworking himself, but he’d work as many hours as he needed to to ensure that you and your new family will have the best first years of your life
he was getting anxious as you neared the time of your labor, as he kept checking that the house was babyproofed, the bottles were the right size, the food was the correct brand, etc.
it was endearing, seeing him so worried, but only because he cared for you that much
needless to say, the moment you went into labor, he arrived at the hospital in record time
neji realized he was worried for nothing as the birth went smoothly as could be, and when you finally brought your two bundles of joy home, he couldn’t believe that they were actually part of him
it made him so happy to be raising two little twins with his favorite person in the world
all the diapers in the world couldn’t prepare him for the delight of parenthood!
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you felt the cool gel spread across your enlarged stomach before the ultrasound crackled to life
you, gaara, and the doctor all watched with bated breaths as a white blob began to form amidst the dark abyss of your tummy
tears began to spring to your eyes as your hand instinctively moved to touch your stomach; this was your baby. inside of you was you and gaara’s own little bundle of joy :,)
gaara’s calming hand slipped into yours as the two of you gazed at the screen in wonder
“look!” you cried, pointing with your other hand at the absence of... a certain body part. “it’s a baby girl!”
“that’s right,” the doctor grinned. “congratulations, you two, you’re having a girl!”
but then, the doctor started to press your stomach at a different angle with a furrowed brow
“what is it, doctor? is there something wrong?” you felt panic begin to rise in your stomach. your baby?
a small smile emerged on the doctor’s face as they pointed to the screen displaying the ultrasound, “see for yourself.”
confused but more at ease, you watched as the tiny white blob on the screen moved slowly to the side to reveal... another one?
your heart rate began to quicken as you turned, shell-shocked, to your husband
the redhead’s face was stunned, his eyes blown wide as he raised a finger at the display in front of him.
“t-t-there’s... there’s two... of them....”
his pale green eyes locked onto yours, which were brimming with overjoyous tears
“gaara...” you reached for his hand once more. “we’re having twins!”
you swore his own eyes were filled with tears as he wrapped his arms around your frail, weak body, pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck
you clung onto your husband, a soon-to-be father of two, for dear life, laughing and gasping for breath as you realized that you not only had one— but two bundles of joy in your stomach
“congratulations again, you two, this one’s a boy!”
after a rough birth, your two feisty little sand twins are the rowdiest bunch in the barrel
clambering, climbing on top of their stoic dad, pulling at his hair, gnawing at his fingers
your beloved husband is their personal jungle gym
it’s amusing, watching gaara slowly (but surely) learn and navigate through the ups and downs of new parenthood
but above the sleepless nights, the ceaseless crying, the endless messes, he’s especially grateful that you’re the one he’s experiencing it all with :)
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you clutched the single smoke bomb tightly in your hand, smiling at your family, your friends, and your husband kakashi
the long-anticipated gender reveal of your baby was about to take place, and you couldn’t be more excited!
at the count of three, you pulled the pin and tossed the harmless bomb onto the ground
instantly, the air filled with a pink plume of smoke! squeals and cheers swept throughtout the crowd, and your eyes lit up with joy as your husband returned the gaze
you were going to raise the finest kunoichi there ever was
but then gasps sounded throughout the crowd as you turned to the still-smoking bomb
it was turning... blue?
your hands flew to cover your mouth as you gasped, turning to kakashi
kakashi wasn’t one to be caught off guard too often, but this totally got him
his eyes widened in surprise before the crowd began to cheer, applaud, and holler at the exciting news
“twins!” you cried, rushing over to envelop kakashi in a tight embrace
a baby girl and a baby boy... who would’ve thought?
while you’re freaking out about having everything in order, getting double the supplies, kakashi is cool as a cucumber (as always)
he’s always telling you to relax, that he’s got it all under control, and he does
you couldn’t ask for a better husband
seriously, his masseuse skills are like magic
after a long day of tireless cooking, cleaning, working, and stressing, coming home to a massage with kakashi is such a treat
he always makes sure you’re comfortable during the day, fetching you water, helping you to the bathroom, cooking up all your weird cravings
he’d be such a wonderful father, who are we kidding
teaches them important life lessons and raises them to be independent, powerful ninja
but also lets them have loads of fun, teasing them, tickling them, playing with them
its the most exhilarating feeling in the world to come home from an exhausting day of work to find kakashi passed out on the couch with each twin tucked under each of his arms after a long day of playing together
there’s absolutely no one else you’d rather spend the joy of parenthood with!
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if you enjoyed this post, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) feel free to request here, and make sure to read the rules first! have a lovely day everyone <3
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kirishimaswife2819 · 4 years
Relationship Firsts || Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Kaminari  (500 Followers Special)
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500 Followers Special
Pairings: Izuku Midoriya x Reader, Katsuki Bakugou x Reader, Eijiro Kirishima x Reader, Shoto Todoroki x Reader, and Denki Kaminari x Reader
Summary: How all the ‘firsts’ (first date, first kiss etc.) of your relationship happened
Word Count: 5.3k
Notes: All of the ‘first dates’ occur before they move into the dorms
A/n: I hit 500 followers a few days ago and I want to thank you guys so much, I really didn’t think I would even hit 100 in this amount of time and it means a lot. I didn’t really have any good ideas for what to do for it, so I just did this set of headcanons about all of the ‘firsts’, it was the best thing that I could think of. Again, thank you for all of the support! -Danielle <3
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Izuku Midoriya:
First Date
Your first date happened a few days after Izuku confessed his feelings for you, outside of U.A., after class, and you two exchanged numbers
He decided to go kind of classic and take you on a date to a cafe that you had mentioned you liked
To say he was nervous would be an understatement, he was terrified
What if he messed up and said something dumb? What if he got food all over his face and looked dumb? What if you didn’t like how he dressed?
He met you at your house and you two walked to the cafe together, the whole time you were going on about something, since Izuku wasn’t really saying much
He kept responding with nervous smiles, and short answers, and his face kept turning red
Just as he was about to open the door to the cafe, you stopped him to say something first
“I just wanted to tell you that you don’t have to be so nervous, I’m not going to judge you or anything.”
With that, you opened the door the cafe and held it open so that he could come in
Lunch at the cafe went pretty good, with your reassurance, Izuku was a little more confident and you two ended up having a good time, laughing and even making up your first inside joke together
He walked you home afterwards, where you asked him if he wanted to be your boyfriend, since he was obviously too nervous to ask you
First Kiss
If you think that there’s any way that Izuku is initiating the first kiss, then you are one hundred percent wrong, he’s way too nervous to do anything like that, he could barely even hold your hand without turning into a blushing mess
The two of you were on a stargazing date, and you two were sitting in a field, on a blanket, sitting up and pointing out constellations
Izuku was going on about the history of some constellation, and he just looked so cute rambling on about how it got its name, and some old tale about how it happened, and you decided that you wanted to kiss him, so you did
He sat there in shock for a minute, before coming to his senses and lightly kissing you back
His face was red as you pulled back and gave him a small smile, blushing slightly, before speaking again, “What was that you were saying about the stars?”
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
You were over at his dorm, late at night, and he was helping you study for a test
He took note of your tired expression, and the fact that you had yawned ten times in the past half hour, before deciding you two should call it quits for the night
“Okay, I think that’s enough, you can go back to your room, Y/n.”
“But I’m too tired to walk there,” you complained, moving from your spot on his floor, to his bed. You pulled the fluffy All Might blanket, that you had gotten for him a few weeks ago, over yourself before speaking again, “Can I stay the night here?”
“But, Y-Y/n, if we get caught-”
“We won’t, besides it’s not like we’re doing anything like that,” you replied, before pulling your arms from under the blanket and holding them out to Izuku, “Please?”
With a sigh, he shut your textbooks and sat them on his desk, he tried to hide his blush as he shut off the light and turned his lamp on, before crawling into bed with you
You immediately latched onto his midsection and buried your head in his chest
“Do you want the lamp off? Or are you scared of the dark? Are you too cold? Too hot? I can turn a fan on, or I have more blank-”
“Izuku, I’m fine, just go to sleep, baby.”
First “I love you”
He said it first, but he wasn’t really paying much attention to what he was saying to you
You two were in the kitchen, baking a cake for one of his friend’s birthdays, when you needed to leave to go to your door and grab something
“I’m going to go grab something, be right back,” you said, leaning in and leaving a kiss on Izuku’s cheek. He was rereading over the cake recipe on his phone, as you began walking away
“Okay, I love you,” he said, and you stopped dead in your tracks
You noticed he wasn’t freaking out and must not have realized what he had said, as you smiled to yourself, “I love you too, Izuku.”
He had picked up his juice box to get a drink and he almost spit the juice right back out at your words. He swallowed, before turning to you, eyes wide and face red
“You what!?”
First Anniversary
Izuku started planning for your one year anniversary probably two months in advance
He was planning on taking you to the cafe you went on your first date to, but he wanted to spend the whole day with you, so he had a bunch of other stuff planned
He made a list of all the places you two had your best memories at, before scheduling a whole day for you two to do stuff on 
He told you in advance not to plan anything for the two of you to do, since he was planning a whole day, and at first, you objected, but you eventually agreed when he promised you that you could plan next years anniversary
The first thing he did was wake you up and the two of you made your favorite breakfast together, before getting ready for the day
He took you to a bunch of places where you two had good memories at, and then you went to the cafe for lunch, then spent the rest of the day doing other fun things that Izuku had planned
The night ended with you two in his dorm room, cuddling, right after you two gave your gifts
Since Izuku banned you from planning anything, you made up for it by getting him a bunch of All Might merch, a cute little collage with photos of you two on it, and a basket with his favorite candies
And he got you a few things that you’d been wanting, along with matching rings, they were simple bands but his was green, with your first name carved into it, and yours was f/c with Izuku’s first name carved into it
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Katsuki Bakugou:
First Date
Your first date with Katsuki was sort of an accident
You had went out with the whole Bakusquad, but they all ending up ‘having something come up’ and they had to leave, leaving only you and Katsuki (You later found out that they set the whole thing up but that’s a story for another day)
You two ended up going to the arcade together, and Bakugou accidentally blurted out that he had feelings for you before you two went inside, so he decided to turn it into a date
You two spent the day playing games together, before he eventually convinced you to let him take you out for dinner that night
You two went to your favorite restaurant
During the date, the waiter ending up flirting with you the whole time, which pissed Katsuki off
He ended up going off on the waiter, and the manager ended up giving you your meals free after a huge argument (Katsuki doing a lot of the yelling)
During the whole ordeal, Katsuki ended up referring to you as his ‘significant other’ and you asked him about it afterwards
“Well, are you not? I like you, you like me, are we not dating?”
You were in fact, not dating, but you were dating twenty seconds later
First Kiss
Your first kiss happened during a little argument
It wasn’t too bad, and you weren’t really that mad, but you were still ranting to Katsuki about something he had done wrong and how ‘he better not do it again or you would beat his ass’
He ended up finding you going off on him, very attractive, since it was obvious that you really weren’t too mad about whatever he did
So, he leaned in and kissed your lips
You jumped in surprise, from the sudden feeling and impact of his lips on yours, but you got over it quickly and kissed him back
The kiss was kind of rough, and Katsuki really didn’t know what he was doing, but it wasn’t absolutely terrible
You two pulled away, and Katsuki smirked, “You’re hot when you threaten to kick my ass.”
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
You hesitantly made your way down the hallway and towards Katsuki’s dorm room
You had a blanket draped over your shoulders as you knocked on the door and hoped that Katsuki would answer it for you
You had a nightmare and really didn’t want to be alone right then
You heard some fumbling inside, along with a string of curses, and then the light flicked on, before the door opened
“Why the hell-” Katsuki stopped, when he saw how upset you looked, “Woah, hey, what’s with that face? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just had a nightmare, can I sleep with you?” You asked, looking at him with pleading eyes
“Dumbass, you know I-”
“Please, Katsuki,” you begged and he sighed, putting away his soft and concerned voice, and opening the door before speaking
“Go lay down, I need to make sure nobody saw your dumb ass.”
You laid in his bed and patiently waited
“Everybody’s still asleep, you’re lucky,” Katsuki said, grabbing his pillow and going to sleep on the floor
“No, sleep beside me,” you said, and he was about to protest, but instead he sighed
“I’m too fucking tired for this shit.” He crawled in bed, beside you and pulled you up against him, making sure you were comfy, before closing his eyes and trying to get some sleep
First “I love you”
You said it first, while you were apologizing for starting a fight with him over something dumb
You had just had a bad day and snapped at him and yelled at him for no good reason
“Look, Katsuki, I’m really sorry, I just had a bad day. You know that I love you and I didn’t mean what I said, and-”
“What?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow, his cheeks were slightly tinted red, “You love me?”
“Shit,” you said, your eyes going wide when you realized what you had admitted, “Sorry, that was too soon and sudden and I-”
“Don’t be a dumbass, I love you too.”
First Anniversary
Your first anniversary was one of the only times that Katsuki had acted sweet and caring
You had stayed over the night before, so you woke up in his arms, and he cuddled with you for a while, before he finally let you go and get breakfast
You brought the food back to his dorm and you two ate together, before he made you get dressed, and you two went out
He took you to see a new movie that just came to theaters, and then you two got lunch, before going back to the dorms
When you got there, he let you get dressed in to comfier stuff, before the two of you binge watched your favorite show together
Katsuki wasn’t a huge fan of the show, so he complained every once and a while, but he didn’t totally refuse to watch it, but only because you wanted to watch it
But if you asked him why he still watched it, he would have claimed that you would have complained a ton if he didn’t watch it with you
Then for dinner, you two made a meal together and ate together, before going back to his dorm, where you two just hung out together for the rest of the day
For gifts, he got you some chocolates and a new outfit, and you got him a gift card that he can use anywhere, along with a framed photo of the two of you on a date somewhere (Katsuki wouldn’t admit it, but he keeps the photo of you two in his closet, because he doesn’t want somebody to accidentally break it, and he’ll take it out whenever he misses you)
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Eijiro Kirishima:
First Date
For the first date, Kirishima took you to the zoo
As far as confessions, and asking you out went, he just pulled you aside after class and nervously admitted that he had a huge crush on you and wanted to take you on a date
You agreed, before you two exchanged numbers, and he told you that he would text you with all of the details and he did, later that night
When the day came, he met you outside of your house and you two walked to the zoo
He brought a backpack with tons of water, since it was hot out that day, along with snacks and lunch for you two, since the food at the zoo was pretty expensive (He asked you what snacks and food you liked prior to the day)
He also low key saved up his money for months to be able to take you on this date and pay for the whole thing, and he refuses to let you pay for anything because “It’s not manly to make your date pay for themselves”
He asks to take various pictures of you two throughout the day, because he wants memories, but if you don’t like photos he’s not going to make you feel bad for not wanting to take any (He’d like if you would take at least one with him tho)
You two ended up in the gift shop, where he insisted on buying you two some stuff, so you both ended up with matching shirts that had the zoo’s name on it, along with matching reusable water bottles, and he also bought you a plushie of your favorite zoo animal, as well as a little key chain with zoo’s name on it for himself
After you two got done at the zoo, he walked you home, and offered you the leftover snacks, before giving you a kiss on the cheek and offering to take you on another date
You two went on a few more dates, before he worked up the courage to ask you out
First Kiss
Your first kiss happened when the two of you were having a little date night in his dorm
Whenever you two had ‘at home’ date nights, you two normally just got takeout together, and did whatever you felt like doing, whether it was cuddling and watching something, or playing video/board games together, you two just did something that was easy, cheap, and fun to do
This particular night, the two of you had played some video games together (or if you’re not into video games, you just watched him play them, and you two talked while he played them), before you started watching Kirishima’s favorite movie, since you had watched your favorite, last date night
You were laying up against a pillow, and resting your legs over Kirishima’s lap, and you were beginning to fall asleep
Kirishima had been wanting to kiss you for a few days at that point, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or go too quickly for you, since you had only been dating for about three weeks at the time
“Hey, babe?” Kirishima spoke up, causing you to open your eyes slightly, before yawning
“Yeah, Kiri? What’s up?” You asked, obviously trying not to fall asleep
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, causing you to wake right up, your eyes went wide and your face began heating up, before you finally found your voice
“Sure, if you want to,” you replied, and he wasted no time in leaning in, he brought a hand up to cup your cheek, before finally kissing your lips
When you pulled away, you were both blushing, but Kirishima still pulled you to his chest and cuddled you, while continuing to watch the movie
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
Instead of you having a nightmare, like in Bakugou’s, Kirishima had a nightmare, about losing you
So, the first thing that he did when he woke up, was quietly (or try to, at least), run to your dorm room to check on you
He knocked three times, very quickly
If you’re a light sleeper, then you got up and let him in, but if you’re a heavy sleeper, he used the key you gave him to open your door and let himself in
Either way, somehow he ended up in your bed, with you gently comforting him and running your hands through his hair, trying to get him to calm down, since you were clearly doing just fine
“Shh, it’s okay, Eijiro. I’m right here, baby. I’m not going anywhere,” you said, pressing your cheek up against his head, as he let out a few tears
He pulled away after a while, and apologized for bothering you (and wetting your night shirt)
You told him it was fine, before asking him if he wanted to stay the night with you
And there was no way in hell that he was refusing that offer, so he shut off your lamp for you, before cuddling up beside you and falling asleep with you
First “I love you”
He realized he loved you and he wanted his confession to be absolutely perfect
So, he took you out for dinner, before the two of you ended up, in a field, looking at the stars
“Hey, Y/n?” Kirishima hesitantly asked, causing you to look from the stars to your red haired boyfriend
“Yeah?” You replied and before he could say anything, you frowned and spoke again, “Is something wrong? You look nervous.”
“Oh, no,” he replied, giving you a reassuring smile, “I am nervous, but nothing’s wrong. Everything’s pretty good actually, but I have something to tell you.”
“Go ahead,” you said, wanting him to spit out whatever he needed to tell you. He took your hands in his own, before taking a deep breath
“I love you, Y/n, I have for a while now.”
You smiled, and leaned in, giving him a kiss before speaking again, “I love you too.”
First Anniversary
Like the other boys, he wanted the first anniversary to go perfectly, but he didn’t want you to be unhappy with the day that he had planned so he asked you ahead of time if there was anything specific that you had been wanting to do
After telling him a few things, he added them to the list of activities he could plan for the day
He added most of what you had asked to do, but he put in a few surprises that you two hadn’t discussed as well
That day, he let you sleep in as long as you wanted, before taking you to get breakfast somewhere
After you two got done getting breakfast, he took you somewhere that you wanted to go for a few hours and then you two got lunch at a fast food restaurant
You ate the food as you walked to your next destination, which was the mall, and threw your wrappers away when you got there
After that, he took you to various shops that you wanted to go in, but he surprised you, by bringing you into Build-a-Bear with him
The two of you split up, and you each made each other a bear and each put your voice into them
After that, you two got dinner together, at where ever you wanted to go, you two went home and spent the rest of the night together
Along with whatever you two got at the mall, Kirishima got you a bottle of whatever perfume/cologne you wore, as well as some candy, and something that you had been wanting
You got Kirishima a new hoodie and a little handwritten note, because you knew he liked hand made stuff more than actual gifts
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Shoto Todoroki:
First Date
He asked you out by just walking up to you after class ended and saying with the straightest face ever, “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
He was low key really nervous about your answer, and he had been since he realized his crush on you and he was thrilled that you said yes
He told you that he would pick you up that Friday around seven and to dress nice
So, that’s exactly what you did
He picked you up from your house, right on time, and you two went to a fancy restaurant together
He was dressed all fancy and you thought that he looked absolutely perfect in something other than his school uniform, even if it was just as formal
The two of you had a pretty good night, and he made sure that you liked the food and that it was good enough for you
If the food wasn’t good enough, and you didn’t like it, but you didn’t like speaking up about stuff like that, he wouldn’t hesitate to speak up for you and politely ask them to remake your food
This man tipped like one hundred dollars, and the waitress was like freaking out
Then you went home, where he said goodbye to you, before asking if you wanted to be his significant other
First Kiss
In the beginning, Todoroki was very awkward with physical affection, so your first kiss is probably going have to happen a few months into the relationship
You two were pretty open about physical affection at that point, and he had no problem admitting when he wanted your affection and he would even initiate it himself, at certain times
And Todoroki was the absolute cutest when he would ask for your affection
The the day that you had your first kiss, he was sitting on your bed, waiting for you to get back from your training session with one of your friends
You came in, and your boyfriend looked up from his phone, before immediately setting it down and holding his arms out to you, before saying one word, “Cuddles.”
“Sho, not right now, I need to go shower first. I’m all sweaty,” you replied, setting your water bottle down, and walking over to your dresser to get clean clothes out
Shoto stood up, and grabbed your wrist, ignoring your protests, knowing that you really didn’t mind, before dragging you over to your bed and forcing you to cuddle with him
“Now I’m going to have to wash my sheets,” you mumbled, accepting the affection. Shoto ignored the statement, and sighed in contentment
You thought he looked very cute, so you leaned up and kissed his lips, before pulling back and burying your face in his chest to avoid his surprised eyes on you
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
It happened one night when you two got back from a long day and neither of you felt like walking to your room, so you both just crashed on the couch
“Shouldn’t we go to our rooms?” Shoto asked, as you and him had been laying there for about five minutes
You two originally planned to just take a small rest there, before going to your rooms, but you two really didn’t feel like getting up
“No,” you replied, “We can just sleep here.”
“Okay,” Shoto replied, closing his eyes and going to go to sleep
The next morning the two of you woke up to various members of class 1-A snapping photos of you
First “I love you”
He’s very calm about it, and he doesn’t think that saying it’s a big deal
So, he said it the very moment that he realized he loved you
He realized it during a cuddle session, so he said it, “I love you.”
“What?” You asked, head shooting up from his chest to make sure that you had heard him right
“I love you.”
You tried to put down the internal feeling of freaking out, before speaking, “I love you too, Shoto.”
First Anniversary 
He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do for an anniversary, so he asked Midoriya for advice on what he was supposed to do
Midoriya just told him to take you on a date and get you a gift, so that’s exactly what Shoto did
He took you to the mall to have a ‘shopping date’ as he called it, and he bought you whatever you wanted
But he knew you wouldn’t get every single thing you wanted, because you didn’t want to waste his money
So, he started paying attention to everything that you looked at and your face when you saw the price tag
He knew if you were looking at the price tag, that you probably wanted it, but he only grabbed it to buy for you if you made a weird face when you saw the price tag, since he could tell that you only put it back because it cost too much
After your shopping trip, the two of you got lunch together, before going to the ice cream shop together and getting ice cream
After that, you two went back to the dorms and spent the rest of the day together
You made him soba for dinner, since you felt bad for spending so much of his money, even if he was alright with it
Then, after dinner, you two exchanged gifts
He gave you all the stuff you put back because it was too expensive as well as some type of expensive jewelry, and a card with a cute little note
And you got him a photo album of the two of you, since buying him a gift wouldn’t make much sense, since he could pretty much buy whatever he wanted
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Denki Kaminari:
First Date
Denki flirted with you CONSTANTLY, before he finally asked you out an actual date
This was mostly due to the fact that you were always so sweet when he was flirting and sometimes you even flirted back, but he highly doubted that anybody could like him back, so he was scared that your whole flirting thing would go away once he asked you out
But after getting talked to by Kirishima, about how he should just tell you how he feels, Denki finally asked you out on a date
He was pretty surprised that you actually said yes, but he wasn’t complaining
You two ended up going to a movie together
During the movie, he kept ‘accidentally’ brushing his hand against yours whenever you put your hand into the popcorn bucket, and eventually towards the end of the movie, he actually held your hand, since it was obvious that you wouldn’t mind
After the movie was over, you two ended up going into the gaming store at your local mall and you guys looked at all of the stuff, but you didn’t end up buying anything, since you were both broke and could barely afford the movie (Even though he was broke, he insisted on buying the tickets, but he let you pay for the popcorn)
During your walk home, he admitted that he had a lot of fun, as well as admitted that he wanted you to be his significant other and he got really surprised when you actually said yes and said that you wanted to date him as well
First Kiss
Denki has no self control (unless you tell him to stop), so he’s probably going to kiss you pretty early on in the relationship
It wasn’t really anything special, you and Denki were on your second date
You two were in the park, just as it was getting dark, eating ice cream together as you watched the sunset
You were sitting side by side, when Denki spoke up
“You have something on your face.”
“Oh, do I?” You asked, going to grab some napkins from your bag, but you were interrupted by Denki smashing his lips up against yours
You made a sound of surprise, but you kissed him right back
He pulled away, licking his lips, and spoke again, “Got it.”
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
You two were in his dorm and you were waiting for him to finish playing his video games so that the two of you could cuddle, before you went back to your dorm
“Are you almost done, Denki?” You questioned, laying on your stomach on his bed, glancing over to see him still playing a game on his computer
“Yeah,” Denki replied, “You can just go back to your dorm for the night, if you want.”
“No, I want to cuddle,” you replied, with a yawn
“Okay, one more round,” Denki responded, going back to focusing on his computer screen
He finished the round and took off his head set, before turning to the bed, “Okay, I’m all-”
He paused when he saw you fast asleep, your head resting on his pillow
He smiled, before turning the light off and crawling into bed beside you, “Night, Y/n.”
First “I love you”
He said it first, but he was pretty nervous about saying it
Sure, he flirted with you and showed physical affection to you all the time, but he’s never admitted that he loved somebody before (unless they were family, of course)
He knew that he loved you for a while, he just had to work up the courage to say it to you
So, he would practice saying it to you after you fell asleep, which was sort of dumb on his part but he never thought that you would be awake when he said it
And you were just about to fall asleep in Denki’s arms when you heard him say, “I love you, Y/n. Goodnight.”
“What?” You asked, your eyes opening when you realized what he said, you felt him jump from behind you as you readjusted and turned to your other side, “What did you just say?”
“Um, I love you?” He asked, sounding unsure of himself
You smiled at his works, before leaning in and leaving a kiss on his forehead, “I love you too.”
First Anniversary
He planned probably like a week in advance what you two were going to do
He asked his friends for advice on what to do and one of them said that he should take you to see the movie that you saw on your first date, but obviously since it’s been a whole year it’s not in theaters anymore, so that wasn’t an option
Instead, he planned a whole day of you two just hanging out in his dorm and ordering take out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
The two of you exchanged gifts first thing in the morning
He got you some type of jewelry, some chocolates, and a new hoodie, and you got him a new (and expensive) video game that he wanted but didn’t have enough money to buy
Then you two just spent the rest of the day inside, doing whatever you felt like
You two ended up watching movies, T.V. shows, you two played video games for a while, cuddled, and just basically hung out
He also refused to let anybody interrupt the whole day, so if any of his friends knocked on his door, he told them that you two were having a day together, before slamming the door in their face
Finally, at the end of the day, you two cuddled up and recounted all of the memories of the past year, before finally, falling asleep next to each other
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cloudy-leonhart · 4 years
AOT veterans with a Filipino S/O!!
[author note: did I write this as soon as I posted the first part?? yes. I like writing for this, it’s so fun lolol up next, Marleyan Warriors!!]
Summary: not much, just the AOT vets with their filipino S/O.
Gender Neutral Reader.
Recommended Song: Buwan - Juan Karlos.
Theme: Fluff, Modern AU.
TW: Swearing.
Characters: Hange, Levi, Miche, Erwin, Moblit, Nanaba.
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Hange Zöe
Honestly they fully immersed themselves in your culture, as you know Hange LOVES learning about new things, discovering about your culture, they probably forced you to go the Philippines with them.
They started asking people for directions in english?? You had to step in translate for them, in which they responded to ask to teach them the language.
Yes they keep a small notebook of words they think are interesting. Yes even swear words are in there, not to mention they absolutely just butcher the way you say it.
One time when you both came back, Hange told Erwin that Bakla was a word for a good man, and they laughed their asses off watching Erwin tell people he was Bakla LMFAO.
They actually visited your province, they met your family and was surprised at the fact that they owned a whole farm, they tried to learn with your siblings on how to harvest rice, they nailed it btw.
they named your carabao, Sawney, and your chicken, Bean.
And respectfully so, your family started to call their animals by the name Hange gave them.
They started to cry about the fact that you guys had to go back, and like every time, your mom and dad encouraged y’all to bring filipino snacks back home, in which you did, because you knew that you’d probably miss it when you flew back home.
You guys have a tradition of going to the Philippines for your guys’ anniversary.
They were the one to suggest Aegis to Levi but they prefer someone like Jireh Lim.
Favourite song is probably, Buko. They love the guitar in it.
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Levi Ackerman
He first found out you were Filipino when he caught you packing a balikbayan box for your family back home, (for those who don’t know, balikbayan box is a box full of your country’s snacks to send back to the PH for your family to try.)
He had asked you what it was, and you answered that it was for your family back in the Philippines, in which he responded with helping you, and mainly scolding you about the way you packed it.
“Idiot, pack it like this, so you have more space to place stuff.”
When he first went to the Philippines, he first noticed the cleanliness of the hotels, he looked at you with a ‘is this why you’re so good at cleaning?’ look. 
God when I say your parents loved him, YOUR PARENTS ABSOLUTELY ADORED HIM. He would clean for your mom, and not only that, your mom approved of his cleaning technique, yes she told you to marry him that second.
And that you did, you had your first wedding with you family in the Philippines, and another in where you guys currently lived.
Bye, he absolutely looks AMAZING in a Barong. Your dad helped him slick his hair back.
Your mom and him, bonded of cleaning, sometimes when your mom needs help removing rust on her pans, she calls Levi.
like Hange he and you go to the Philippines for y’alls anniversary. 
Please save this man from the streets, I’m not saying it to be mean but this man almost gave his wallet to a bunch of kids who were hungry.
You gave money instead because you didn’t want your man to be broke lmfao.
He loves seeing you so happy while you’re in the Philippines, he just thinks it’s adorable when you speak your language.
Aegis listener, absolutely no discussion, mans listens to them while cleaning, he listens to “Sayang Na Sayang” religiously.
when Aegis plays in the house, you know it’s a cleaning day lmao.
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Erwin Smith
Please, remember when I said Hange told him bakla was a word for a good man, yes, that’s how he found out you were Filipino, you literally was so dumbfounded, you waited for him in the living room, your friend’s laughing over the phone, man thought he did something wrong until..
“Erwin, can you tell me why you’ve been telling your friends you’re fucking gay??”
Yeah he’s got trust issues now. But he wasn’t that shocked to find out you were filipino, he just thinks it’s neat, he butchers pronouncing shit, he tries to learn filipino jokes??? It’s really bad, like you need to stop him from telling your family to save HIM from embarrassment.
He knows how to cook barbecue lmfao, he sits at your family’s barbecue spot and cooks for them, your dad appreciates the help so much lmao, also he loves drinking the gulaman whenever he’s there, your dad gives it to him for free because, he basically considers Erwin his son now. His awkward, barbecue-cooking, son.
You guys go on hiking in Mt. Butalao, yes you sneak peeks when he’s climbing because his muscles flex, and he sweats. You guys go on a double hiking date with Miche and his S/O all the time.
He was kind of fearful when you went to a province to get in touch with your grandparents, he watched you help their carabao back into their pens, he’s scared of carabaos, don’t blame him-
Surprisingly he’s as good as your dad in basketball, bye I just know the women of your community comes to watch him, he’s ripped, you’re jealous but you don’t say it lmao.
He’s got those jeep keychains lmfao, the fact that he kinda looked like a lost puppy when you’re traveling, like so many people, so little space-
please educate him, he’s confused on everything-
he probably listens to Eraserheads, Huwag Mo Nang Itanong. Yes his ultimate song. 
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Miche Zacharias
probably the only veteran that knows what to do?? Beside Moblit?? He knows how to bless, he knows to call your parents nanay and tatay. He also loves going to where there’s a lot of Filipino street food because he loves the smell, he prefers the smell of bananaque over anything, hotcakes are a close second.
mf was scared when your mom suddenly said, “Oh yeah, I kept your childhood spider.”
YOU OWNED A MF SPIDER?? You were all like ‘omg i miss him’ he was a little scared bitch omg.
You had to explain that you would buy them from the local toy store and you and your friends would make them fight each other to the death.
you know those dyed chicks you get from winning a game, yeah, he was attached to one you guys won, but as always, they weren’t going to live long, I think he sulked for a whole 2 days. He named the chick Richard AHAHA.
ah yes, absolute unit in basketball, yes you and Erwin’s S/O would watch them play basketball together with your guys’ dads. Yes y’all gossiped about how hot they were in tagalog.
Just saying, Miche got some that night. 
He doesn’t fit in tricycles- neither does he fit in jeepneys lmfao- he kinda has to sit on the ground if you force him to fit, in which he has to awkwardly crawl to get out lmfao.
He literally looks godly while hiking, you guys don’t go to your parents’ house when you first arrive, you guys hike.
You guys go whenever y’all feel like it honestly.
“hey hey, reader, Mahal Kita.”
He listens to anything in filipino honestly, he likes chill filipino songs like Tell Me Where It Hurts by MYMP.
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Moblit Berner
He’s a researcher, he makes sure he doesn’t disrespect the culture.
he knows to bless and all that jazz like Miche.
Wait but your family loved him as soon as you told them he was a doctor lmfao?? He’s in nursing.
He’s basically already apart of the family, all your little siblings call him kuya Moblit, he absolutely thinks it’s adorable.
when you guys are sending a balikbayan box, he places toys he bought for your little siblings in the box, with a note written and translated by you for them.
Moblit also knows about poverty in the Philippines, he’s apart of an organization where they give to those who can’t afford real food, even when he’s back home with you, he donates from abroad, everyone knows him as the generous kuya.
honestly I can see him as someone who’s also known by your community, people call him kuya Moblit or tito Moblit, it’s very wholesome when a kid asks him to carry them.
This man looks so nice and kind on the outside but when you guys are at your tita’s bday party and there’s a whole mf buffet, he’s a whole beast.
You know when your uncles have like, food stacked on their plate, and like a cup of buko pandan at the side?? yes, him. definitely.
He’s kinda like sasha in this au, he loves the food so much, he probably finished a filipino dish by himself (it’s the palabok)
he’s also a god at making ice candy?? like he’s so good at filling up the plastic with the liquid lmao.
you guys adopted a stray dog in the community and his name was Moblit, your family takes care of him while you guys are back home.
genuinely, it’s mostly wholesome with him, he doesn’t really do anything wrong besides butchering pronounciation.
Moblit probably watches boxing with your dad though, it’s just too accurate not to be true.
More of a movie watcher than a song listener, his favourite movie so far is Four Sisters and A Wedding.
he cries every filipino movie, them do it to you.
Seven Sundays, he cried for days straight.
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Nanaba found a filipino flag from your collage years in a box, asked you about it, then encouraged you to visit the Philippines because she wanted to meet your family. 
Okay but your family thought she was a guy because of her hair?? 
your siblings can’t say Nanaba, so they call her Ate Nana.
She was kind of jealous of your bond with your family, she knows she shouldn’t be, but she couldn’t help it since her and her father’s relationship absolutely sucked.
And you know this, you had talked with her about it too, it was kinda like a, “are you okay?” and “it’s nothing.”
You had to drag her out to family events, eventually, she started to feel like she was apart of the family, she went swimming with the fam, did karaoke nights, she was basically in the family now.
She felt really happy that you decided to help her educate herself in your culture, and that your family openly accepted her into your family.
when you and her married, she wore a baro’t saya for the wedding reception and she looked absolutely gorgeous in them. She took your last name.
Your mom taught her to do the tinikling dance, and she mastered it easily, you of course danced with her.
she kinda had a guilty pleasure of going to McDonalds in the Philippines, SOLELY FOR THE ROOT BEER FLOAT, that stuff be bussin.
she forces you to go to McD’s whenever’s there’s a new flavour released.
Nanaba loves going on the jeepney, she likes the fact that you ring a bell when you have to get off and she does it every time you guys use a jeep for transportation.
Nanaba knows one word in filipino and that’s Mahal, she uses it so weirdly though, but she’s adorable so you let it pass.
“Reader..erm, I mahal?? you?..” 
she’s both a listener and a movie watcher, she listens to more modern filipino singers, like Patch Quiwa.
Favourite movie is when Vice Ganda’s in it, she just thinks all his movies are funny.
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chatonne-rousse · 3 years
Great Minds (and Kind Hearts) Think Alike
Written as a gift for my sweet friend @sketchy-panda to celebrate a bunch of happy things in her life, as well as just because she's awesome. Inspired by this adorable piece of her art.
During a rooftop discussion about superhero merch while relaxing after patrol, Ladybug and Chat Noir each decide to share their favorite items with their partner. What results is an impromptu gift exchange that just might open the door to a whole lot more.
Read it on Ao3 here.
"My parents put us on the Christmas tree last year, Kitty! I had to see myself in the living room every day."
He bumps her shoulder with his. "And me, apparently."
"Yes, but your ornament was cute!" She flails her arms comically and he tries not to focus too much on the fact that she called his likeness cute. "Mine didn't even look like me."
"Would you have liked it better if it had?"
"That's not what I..." Ladybug scowls, but there's no real heat in her expression or her voice. "It was just weird."
"No, the baby onesie that I saw on an actual baby that said 'Meow, My Lady' was weird," Chat mutters. "I didn't even know any civilians had ever heard me say that."
Ladybug's surprised laughter rings out across the rooftop they're perched on tonight, loud enough to be heard from any nearby open window until she muffles the sound with her hand over her mouth. "And whose fault is that, you tomcat?" she asks through her remaining giggles.
He tries to pout, but her laughter is contagious and his smile breaks through. He chooses to ignore the jab at his vain attempts at flirting. Wooing is difficult business.
"The baby was cute, though. I had to take a picture with him."
"You had to?"
He shrugs. "That's a very small request, Bugaboo. I've encountered way worse. A few pictures? I don't mind."
She stares at him for a long moment, something unreadable in her gaze, before looking back over the horizon. "Have you ever bought any Chat Noir merch? You strike me as the kind of guy to have a bookshelf full of action figures."
He is the kind of guy to have a bookshelf full of action figures, and he definitely does, but he thinks of the drawer in his closet that's full of red and black, reminders of his beloved partner. There are far fewer items in black and green.
"I...have a few things. The action figures of us are really cool, actually. Didn't you always want to be immortalized in plastic as a kid?"
"Can't say I did, Minou." She bumps his shoulder this time. "I'll bet you had your supersuit all planned in your head already, didn't you?"
Not quite, but only because he never imagined himself as a cat-themed superhero. He has no intention of ever divulging the fact that his first real transformation sequence was anything but random. That secret is between him and Plagg, and he's not telling. Plagg probably will, but that's a problem for future Adrien.
She laughs again. "I'll take your silence as a 'yes'."
"I'll have you know, My Lady, that I have a carefully curated display of collectibles that are very valuable. And no, this—" he gestures from his cat ears to his steel toes, "was all spontaneous. Can't help it if I've got cat class and I've got cat style."
Ladybug shoots him a deadpan look that dissolves into giggles once more when he wiggles his eyebrows.
Success. He loves to hear his partner laugh, loves to make to his partner laugh. These are moments he wouldn't trade for the world.
"Well," she finally says after her laugher subsides, "the Chat Noir doll I saw in the market did not have cat style, so I made my own."
"Really?" His voice is soft with wonder.
"Yep! And a Ladybug doll, too." She casts him a sidelong grin. "They're a duo, you know. I couldn't have Chat without his Lady, could I?"
He wills himself not to cry. It takes three blinks and one shaky breath before he can respond. "You made them? Yourself?"
"Sure. It's not hard. All it takes is felt and thread and buttons for eyes. They're simple, but—" she shrugs, "I think they're pretty cute."
"Wow," he breathes. "You really are amazing, Bugaboo. They sound incredible."
His Lady seems to amaze him anew with each revelation she allows. He could count on one hand the things he knows about her, really knows, and those facts are tucked away and treasured. She's a whiz at video games. She babysits. She has a loving family. She listens to Jagged Stone. She loves animals.
"Thank you, Minou," she says softly, as the barest hint of a blush spreads to her cheeks beneath her mask.
His heart beats a little faster. His tongue feels heavier. He falls just a tiny bit more in love with her.
Ladybug fills the silence again. "Better than mass-produced action figures, for sure. More cuddle-able!"
That startles a laugh from him. "Is that a word?"
"It is now." She shrugs, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
"I'm telling you, Bug, those action figures are cool. I can't believe you don't have a set."
"Guess I need to go shopping."
"Yup," he responds with a decisive nod.
When they make eye contact, it sets off another giggle fit, Ladybug's shoulders shaking with mirth and Chat having to wipe the tears from his eyes. It's not even that funny, but it doesn't have to be.
Paris is quiet tonight, and his heart is light as he relaxes against the rooftop and laughs with his best friend.
Four days later, when they meet up for patrol again, Chat Noir is surprised when his partner joins him carrying a gift-wrapped box. Especially since he himself is hiding a gift bag behind his back.
He sweeps into a bow as she approaches, straightening with an exaggerated wink. "Something for me-ow?"
Her expression morphs into one of longsuffering annoyance. "Well, it was, but I'm reconsidering."
"You wouldn't!" He gasps, one hand clutching his chest over his heart.
Her lips twitch into the beginning of a smile and soon the stillness of the nighttime rooftop is broken by their shared laughter again.
"For you, Chaton," she finally says with a grin, holding out the box.
He produces the gift bag from behind his back and presents it to her, the tissue paper fluttering in the night air. Her eyes widen with delight, and his heart sings.
The handoff is a quiet affair, a hushed silence of surprise settling over the moment as they sit cross-legged, facing each other.
Even the box is beautiful, he notes, wrapped in shiny black paper and adorned by a giant bow of vivid green with black paw prints. He knows, of course, what's in the bag she's holding in her hands. Could this box contain...? He doesn't dare to dream.
He looks up and nods at the bag. "Go ahead, Bug."
The tissue paper rustles as she removes it, trapping it under her foot to keep it from drifting away on the breeze. She takes one look inside, sees the label on the top of the box within, and bursts into laughter. "You didn't!"
Chat grins. "I did."
She pulls out the box to take a closer look. There are several options when it comes to Ladybug and Chat Noir collectible figurines, but this one is his particular favorite. They're sold separately, but he's always been partial to the 1st Anniversary Special Partners Edition, boxed together as a pair and made to wield his baton in his left hand and her yo-yo in her right, leaving them free to hold hands in the middle. Which the figurines' hands are molded to do, and how they're currently posed in the box. They can also stand alone, but there's just something special about the fact that joined hands are an option.
"Okay, Kitty, you were right. They really are cool." She points at the Ladybug figure. "This looks so much better than that Christmas ornament!" Squinting at the box to examine his figurine, she suddenly snorts a laugh. "Your hair looks like a bunch of bananas!"
"Hey!" He pouts, but he knows she's right. When he bought his own set last year, Plagg had made the same observation and laughed so hard he nearly choked on his cheese. He then proceeded to call him Bananoir for days, until Adrien threatened him with a month of Velveeta. The ribbing didn't really bother him that much - honestly, he had to concede the resemblance - because it was an action figure...of himself. No matter how many were produced, that fact would never not be incredible, and no amount of banana hair or cat god snark could diminish his excitement.
"Oh, Chaton, I'm just teasing. I love them." She beams at him, cradling the box with both hands. "Thank you so much."
"You're welcome, LB. I just...I thought it would be fun."
"Great minds think alike, it seems. Your turn!"
He glances down at the box in his lap and back at his partner. Her smile is bright, but her eyes betray a nervous anticipation.
"Bug, you know I'm going to love whatever this is, right?"
"I hope so. I made them myself."
His heart in his throat, he carefully slips the ribbon from the box and slices the paper with his claws. He can barely breathe as he lifts the lid.
His hunch (his dream) is confirmed when he finally sees the contents of the box. Nestled in a bed of tissue paper, side by side, are two handmade plush dolls, opposite in configuration to the action figures but with their soft little hands touching in the center just the same. Tears spring to his eyes unbidden, and he wipes them away quickly, partially out of embarrassment but mostly because he wants to see every detail with clarity.
The seams are pristine, the limbs symmetrical; the dolls are simple, but crafted with a skilled, sure hand. He picks up the Ladybug doll first, lifting it reverently from the box. Red felt with carefully-painted black spots form the doll's body, and her little black button eyes gaze up at him from a matching spotted mask. A sweet smile is the only other adornment on her face, but the doll is perfect without anything else. This is his beloved partner, created by his beloved partner herself. That alone is perfection to him.
He returns the Ladybug doll to the box and shifts his attention to his own likeness, resolutely ignoring the lump in his throat.
Equal in craftsmanship, the felt Chat Noir in his hands smiles the same sweet smile and looks at him with shiny button eyes from a black domino mask. Perched on his blond felt hair are two black cat ears, and a real bell is sewn at his neck. He gives the doll a gentle shake and the golden bell rings with a jaunty jingle. It's adorable.
Chat Noir is helpless to the grin that lights his face, looking up from the doll to his partner just in time to see that same joy reflected back in her own dawning smile. Warmth suffuses his chest, elation and love and an overwhelming gratefulness bursting firework-bright and making his breath catch.
He has never received such a heartfelt gift in his life. This eclipses the fine blue cashmere scarf his father gave him on his fourteenth birthday, folded in his closet and placed where he can see it every day. It's a treasure to him, and it always will be. But this, handmade just for him with obvious care by the person he loves most in the world? Nothing could come close.
"I don't know what to say, LB," he begins once he can finally speak, "They're...they're amazing. Adorable. Perfect." He takes a deep breath. "I'm fumbling this, but...thank you isn't enough."
Ladybug reaches out to place her hand on his knee. Even through two supersuits, the contact sends a shiver up his spine. Her expression is one of warm relief, clearly pleased with his reaction. "Thank you is more than enough, Kitty. It was nothing."
"Nothing?" he splutters. "These are far from nothing!"
"Oh, Minou," she laughs. "I meant that it was my pleasure. It wasn't difficult, but even if it was, you're worth it."
Do. Not. Cry. He thinks. He's been fighting tears since she handed him the box. Once he gets home, he's absolutely going to give in and sob while clutching them to his chest. He's man enough to admit that...to himself.
He takes several deep breaths and swallows against the lump in his throat as he arranges the dolls back in their tissue paper nest, making sure their hands are touching before replacing the lid on the box.
"Thank you, Ladybug," he says softly. "I love them. Us."
She pats the box still held on her lap. "And I love this version of us, too. Thank you for making sure I have the coolest action figures in Paris." After placing the box and the tissue paper back inside the gift bag, Ladybug stands and offers her hand to Chat to help him up. "Now, let's go stow these treasures and patrol. Last one to Sacre-Cœur has to buy the other an ice cream cone."
Still clutching the gift box under one arm, he watches her throw out her yo-yo to snag a distant chimney before she zips off with a giggle. He grins, shakes his head, and reaches behind him for his baton.
"That's my bug," he murmurs to himself, before setting off for home to secure the gift safely.
In a few minutes he'll rejoin his partner in a merry chase across the rooftops. He hopes the night remains quiet.
Chat Noir can't wait to buy ice cream for his Lady.
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snootsnoot-fiction · 4 years
Cookie Dough
Characters: Mark Renton x reader
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: Mention of drug relapse and overdose, and a little bit of smut. Otherwise fluffyflufffluff.
A/n: Recently been made aware it's the 25th anniversary of the Trainspotting film and suddenly felt like using it as an excuse to write a Renton fic in celebration (I mean, I really like the 5x tables too). I ended up channelling some of my fluffy needs into this
Summary: You and your boyfriend start the weekend by baking together...
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It had been a fun few months. Quite the rollercoaster actually. Scary at times, but ultimately fun and providing you an experience you'll never forget.
You went to Scotland for a well deserved extended holiday. A holiday you intended to be as stress-free as possible. 
Your family was quite well off. Not tremendously, but enough for people to assume you were a little too privileged growing up. They didn't know what it was like behind closed doors. 
You were the black sheep in a strict family. That combined with virtually everyone else around you either despising or using you for money, you quickly came to realise your only true friend was loneliness. Over your teenage years especially, a bunch of bad habits were tried out, but none of them ever really helped. 
Finally having enough, you just left. You didn't leave any sort of explanation, it's not like they would care, right? Even though your family were only known within certain circles and the city you grew up in, you decided to cut off a lot of your long locks to help people to not recognise you. It was time for you to attempt to live a normal life away from the people that controlled your life prior. 
In your casual clothing and shorter hair, you had made your way to Scotland - a place your parents never seemed to like. Within the first week, you met a couple girls that ended up bringing you to a group night out with their boyfriends and mates.
There was a brief introduction. You looked at each man in turn; Spud, Sick boy, Tommy, Begbie, and Rents. They all gave you very different vibes, but you didn't have time to think over them before suddenly Begbie jumped right into telling a story a little too passionately. Not that you were paying much attention. 
The way Mark had looked at you earlier caught your attention. The both of you occasionally looked at Begbie to show you were listening, but you kept looking at each other. The more it happened, the more you wished you were sitting right next to him. Something about the man just drew you to him.
Eventually, after biting your lip during direct eye contact, you made the excuse you needed the toilet and that you'd get another round of drinks on the way back. You acted as though you were desperate to go to help make them think you'd be a short while.
Not too long after you reached the bathroom door, Renton appeared. You made sure the coast was clear enough before the both of you snuck into one of the cubicles. The second the door was locked, the man's large hands were on your face as he pressed a hungry kiss on your lips.
Next thing you knew, one of his hands was gripping your backside tightly, using it to grind into you particularly hard. The feel of his own excitement grinding roughly against you had you hot and desperate. It was you that started the action of getting rid of pants. After that, you had the best few minutes of your life.
You felt amazing and a million times lighter when you left that cubicle and went to go buy that round of drinks for everyone.
Of course, you ended up spending a lot of time with them while in the country. Growing especially close with Mark Renton. While the meeting between the two of you was dirty in every sense of the word, that sexual tension wasn't on your mind as much as you expected it to be as you got to know the guy. 
You brought each other so much joy, it wasn't long before you realised you were actually falling for him. The pair of you ended up dating. Taking your time, but not too long, you also entered an official relationship. 
The only thing you did want to take your time with was admitting how you truly felt. You couldn't quite explain it, but you wanted to wait until the right moment to say it. Both of you had been through a lot, and those were some serious words. 
The first heartbreak you felt was when Mark relapsed. It felt like you hadn't been quite enough even though you knew these things happened sometimes. 
Throughout it all, though, you stuck with him. Supported him. Renton was aware of just how lucky he was, and he had to fight the urge every day to tell you he loved you, in fear of scaring you off. He felt lucky enough to have you with him still, even after relapsing, and he tried hard to make sure you knew he appreciated that. 
It was when he overdosed that you experienced your biggest heartbreak yet. To almost have lost him hurt you in a way you never had hurt before. When his parents told you they were going to make him quit cold turkey, you agreed with it. You hated to think of the suffering he would go through, but you knew this might be the only way lest he not wake up next time. 
Deciding it was maybe time to try make a start on your own life, you moved down to London, leaving a message with Mark's parents about where you were going in hopes he'd follow suit when he managed to get clean again. 
That's exactly what he did.
Now, you and Mark each had your own comfy apartments and jobs in London. The pressure of your old lives behind you. Naturally it took a little while to get over how things had been left, but you were soon right back where you were before - bringing nothing but pure joy to one another. 
Both of you happened to have the weekend off, so you had decided to spend it at your place. Your week had been particularly stressful, so you felt awful to begin with when you got home on Friday evening. 
Your boyfriend called, quickly saying he was going to be a little longer, but not explaining why. There was already a spare change of clothes for him at your place, so you couldn't help but wonder why he didn't tell you what he was doing.
It wasn't long before there was a knock at your door. Getting up with a sigh, you answered. Only to be greeted immediately by Mark grabbing your face and giving you a quick kiss before wrapping his arms tightly around you like he hadn't seen you in over a month. Your heart and body melted into him.
"I've missed you." He mumbled against your ear.
"We saw each other a couple days ago." Your words muffled against his chest, although you missed him too. Pulling away, the man held your shoulders as he looked at you in forced disbelief.
"Are you saying I'm not allowed to miss you?" He raised a brow. "No." He added with a finger to your lips when he saw you readying to respond. You both knew he wasn't serious. Letting go, he picked up a small bag of stuff off the floor and you closed the door after letting him in.
"What's in the bag?" You questioned as you followed him to the kitchen area. Renton didn't answer straight away as he took one item out at a time. You walked up to see ingredients to what you could only assume would be cookies. "Are you going to make cookies?" You questioned further. Mark turned to face you.
"We're going to make cookies."
"We're going to bake together?" You couldn't help the excited gasp. Baking together was always something you wanted to do with him. It was Mark Renton, so you figured it would be extra fun.
"We are." He, himself, couldn't help his excited smile at seeing how excited you were at the idea. You had seemed down when you opened the door, but that had apparently evaporated. 
Before you could say anything else, he turned around and pulled the last item out of the bag - an apron. Another gasp left you. You had one apron yourself, but seeing he had bought one himself only made the following events that much more exciting. 
The man threw his jacket and shirt off, allowing you a glimpse of his chest before he threw his apron on. Then all of a sudden your own apron was thrown at you, bringing you back to reality. Pulling it over your head, you saw your boyfriend smirking at you before moving to stand behind you and tie your apron. 
With Renton having no idea what to actually do, you took charge. It was when it got the cracking of the eggs that things really started to get fun.
Watching closely to make sure no shell fell into the bowl, you were completely unprepared for what happened once the eggs were in. Suddenly his sticky yolk fingers were on your cheeks and before you could react, he placed a kiss on your lips, chuckling at the stunned look on your face.
"Earth to Y/N, hello?" He teased after a moment, bringing you back to said Earth.
"...You got egg on my face!"
"Is there a problem?" Despite trying hard to keep a straight face, there was a small smile peeking through. You dipped your fingers - clean of course - lightly into the egg before simply wiping them on his face. 
"Not at all." You said, succeeding in keeping a straight face for now as you sorted the ingredients. Mark stared with a mix of confusion and excitement before helping again. Tonight was going to be fun. 
Before long, all the ingredients had been mixed together, and the both of you found yourselves looking down at the cookie dough thinking the exact same thing.
It was you who acted first. You acted as casual as possible as you dipped a single finger in to scoop a little out.
"Wanna try some?" You used the question as a guise, carefully lifting your finger up near his lips. He opened his mouth to say something, but then shrugged and kept it open for your finger. Smiling, you wiped the cookie dough on your finger all over his nose. 
Mark looked genuinely shocked for a moment as you giggled. Almost like a deer in headlights. After a moment, you unable to stop giggling, he started laughing too. 
"I love you!" The words fell out by themselves from his mouth. Now you were the deer in headlights. Your heart pounded and there were butterflies in your stomach. Realising what he had said, your boyfriend stopped laughing and looked around to avoid your shocked look. Then he looked at the bowl of cookie dough. 
Not bothering to hide his intentions, he dipped a finger in to swipe some himself. It took you a second to come back to reality as you saw what he was doing. 
"Wait! N-" You went silent as he smeared it, not only on your nose, but on your entire face. Now it was his turn to laugh as you processed everything that just happened, but suddenly you started to laugh as well.
"I love you too!" You laughed as you smeared the cookie dough from his nose all over his face. 
Neither of you really knew how to react, so you simply dissolved into fits of laughter until you could contain it enough to actually put the dough on a tray then in the oven. You and Mark Renton were smiling blissfully the entire time. 
A new kind of weight had been lifted from your shoulders, and you were completely, absolutely, and undeniably in love.
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
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starry night | chris beck
word count; 9241
summary; chris beck delivers flowers to you five times.
notes; this was originally called ‘candy cane lane’, but I changed it up a little.
warnings; none!
When Chris had started working in a flower shop, it was to pay his way through college. He was getting a degree in medicine and it wasn't cheap, and he needed a simple and easy way to make cash that wouldn't take too much out of him. He wasn’t big on anything social, and so working in a bar or restaurant didn’t seem like the best fit, and unfortunately for him, all the library jobs had been snapped up at the beginning of the year. Supermarkets were a no go, he hated the people that came through and how rude some of them could be, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to get a job in a coffee shop.
Working those machines might as well be rocket science.
The little flower store on the end of his campus road had been hiring, and eventually, he’d become desperate. It wasn’t his usual gig, he wasn’t sure how he felt about it, to begin with, but it offered decent money, reasonably flexible hours, and the boss actually let him study on shift when it was quiet, and so it actually gave him more free time than he had before getting a job.
Then, he’d started to warm up to it. It was always cool in the summer and warmer in the winter, keeping it temperate for the plants, and it always smelt good. He made friends with a man named Mark who came in every so often to buy new plants to study, he was becoming a botanist, and they bonded over the serene quietness of flower shops for studying and bad jokes.
Little old ladies pinched his cheeks, the tips were good, and it helped him clear his thoughts to be able to do menial tasks like spray the flowers with water every other hour to keep them wet enough, and to sit behind the cash registers. It was a simple Christmas present from said botanist friend that really inspired his passion, though. More of a gag gift, he was sure that was its intention, but he’d started to take it seriously. Chapter after chapter on the meanings of flowers, how to send hidden messages through plants, and something about the way of communicating in ways other than words had spoken to him.
After that, he’d been able to offer a service of sending messages through flowers. He’d become a more popular salesperson, and he’s shifts had increased, and he loved doing it. He loved the physical way that a message could be conveyed, beautiful explosions of colour to mean ‘I love you’ or ‘Happy Anniversary’, and so he’d started to invest his time in that. Nobody had been all that surprised when the older man who ran the shop had left it to him when he passed, not even Chris himself, and so he’d finished up his degree and started working at the flower shop full time.
Mark had taken on a part-time job there, as well as his internship in a clinical research lab, and they’d hired an extra hand at the register. It made him happy.
Less so, when he had an influx of orders overnight, and instead had to focus on building bouquets to be shipped instead of the garden expansion he was making, but happy nonetheless.
He was twenty-seven custom orders in, Mark already out running the standard bouquets for delivery, and he was stacking them by the garage door, wrapped in ribs and pretty vase-boxes, all ready to go. Licking the tip of his finger to flick the paper over, he let out a sigh, two sets of flowers on one page, his rows raising. It wasn’t unusual for there to be multiple sets on one order form, but as his eyes scanned over the list of preferences, scents and colours, as well as the messages they were wishing to convey, one of his brows rose up.
One request for the pretty set of pink roses and lilies that he’d loving crafted himself, a collection of flowers that signified an apology, and he was always happy to offer advice to any guys who came into the store to buy that set. It was usually a guy fresh to a relationship, messed something up by refusing to unfollow another girl on Instagram, or just saying the wrong thing in front of his friends, introducing a girl as his friend, that one always made him giggle. The second was curious, though, and it made his lips quirk up in a slight smirk at the insinuation of it. Red roses and tulips, a darker and more seductive bunch; new beginnings and early love, and he was willing to place his last dollar on it being an affair.
It felt even more sure when he noticed that the delivery address was that of an office block, and not a home address, a man’s name instead of a woman’s. In the personal notes section, there were no names, and so that was an option ruled out for getting to the bottom of the situation, but he wrote out gift cards, one with swirling writing for a heartfelt apology and the other with a sickly-sweet pick-up line and what he assumed to be an inside joke.
Curled ribbons and plastic wrapping, and the two bouquet were standing side by side for delivery, the van chugging as it was pulled back into the driveway, reversed up, and his blond-haired friend rounding the vehicle, looking utterly worn out, and it was only halfway through the day.
“You’d think it was Valentine’s Day, or something. This is crazy, it’s November!”
He took off his cap, running a hand over his hair and scratching lightly at his scalp, before placing the embroidered garment with the company logo back onto his head. “I’ve got something that’ll cheer you up!”
“Oh, yeah? Is it the rest of the day off?”
“Uh, no.” He deadpanned, his friend laughing as he came to stand by him, and he motioned towards the collection. “However, it is a rather exciting combination. These two-” He tapped at the boxes holding them firm at the base. “-are going to the same place.”
“And that is exciting why, exactly?”
“Because one is supposed to symbolise asking for forgiveness and all that, and the other symbolises new love and beginnings and all that. They’re being delivered to an office block, not a home address.” It took Mark a minute to process it, and Chris watched the gears turn in his friend’s head, before his jaw was dropping, and he let out a disbelieving laugh.
“Oh, and you think it’s a.. y’know.” He only nodded, and he began to load up the other orders into the van, a printout sheet of new addresses and order numbers on the tags, the delivery sheets loaded onto a clipboard to be signed for at each location. The empty van was once again teeming with bright flowers and artfully arranged bundles. Securing them all down and making sure they wouldn't tip over or get crushed during the ride there, he was confident they were ready to go, almost all of them set up, before he was staring at the two he’d recently made once again, his curiosity getting the better of him. “You want me to try and find out while I’m there?”
He almost agreed, it would have been so easy, a simple way to put his questions to rest, but he was invested in it now, and so he already knew what was coming. “No, I’ll deliver these ones myself.
Mark only nodded, slamming and locking the back of the van doors, double-checking the hatches for fresh air were open to stop them from wilting in transit, and then he was back up into the main cabin. The loud sounds of disco music exploding from the van radio as he started it back up, reversing from the driveway and setting off on his next round of deliveries.
Scooping up the first set in his arms, Chris patted down his pockets in search for his keys, finding them in his left side back pocket, unlocking his car with a click of a button, and setting the first batch on the passenger seat. The second soon followed, and he used the seatbelt to secure them in place, rolling the windows down as he set off, programming the address into his SatNav.
It was a short drive, twenty minutes maximum, even with traffic, the tall and shining office building one that he was vaguely familiar with towards the inside of the city, harsh rays of winter sun reflecting off of clean glass windows, all the way up to the top floor, and it was so tall that as he stared at it, he swore the building was swaying. With a bouquet in each arm and the clipboard tucked under one, he backed his way through the polished glass doors, a company insignia printed onto the glass, and he almost wanted to check his shoes for traces of at the appearance of the clean white lobby.
Large tiles of marble flooring, specks of grey flickering throughout them, and white leather couches along some of the walls on one side of the lobby, a waiting room. The other had various coffee and tea machines, recyclable cups and sugar packets, as well as a range of fruits and muffins, and he wanted to scoff a little at the ostentatious nature of it all. The desk was empty as he finally approached, though he could hear chatter in the background, behind reflective glass panels that he couldn’t see through, one-way glass he assumed, and as he balanced the bouquets up on the counter, an older woman, approaching her fifties he presumed, came out, a wide smile on her face as she brushed down the material of her skirt.
“My, my, aren’t those beautiful? Unfortunately, I don’t think they’re for me.”
“Well, ma’am, unless you’re a ‘Mr Robert McKinley’, I’d have to agree.” She chuckled, nodding her head as she looked at them before picking up the phone, and typing in an extension. Lifting it to her ear, she balanced it there against her shoulder, smiling at him once again.
“I’ll just have his assistant come down to collect them and sign for them for you, lovely.” He nodded his head, turning away to be polite as she chatted away on the phone for only a moment, confirming that there was a package to be sorted out, and he twisted back to look at her as she put the phone down. Manicured nails tapped at the desk for only as second, an awkward silence forming, and one of the elevators let out a small ‘dinging’ sound as it was clicked into use, the numbers on the screen above the floor counting down, coming all the way from the twenty-eighth floor. “Would you like a candy?”
He jumped a little, turning back to look at the woman who had now sat down a little distance from him, behind the computer at the desk, and she turned to him, raising up a bowl of neatly wrapped candies, and placing it up on the glass counter for him to reach. He didn’t, but she was staring at him expectantly, and so he plucked the first one from the bowl, offering her a simple nod of his head, and tucking it into the pocket on his shirt.
When a chime sounded throughout the lobby, the sound echoing off of every hard surface, Chris’ attention was drawn to the clicking of heels on the smooth stone flooring. A pretty blouse that looked like it cost more than his entire outfit and a fitted pencil skirt that was sitting just below your knees, your were a professional vision. Except, your hair was a little messy, and there was a wide grin on your face as you typed rapidly on your phone, not even needing to look up to do the walk, but your expression made you look much more approachable than the usual businesswoman.
You clicked off your phone only a few feet away from him, looking up as your gaze went straight to the flowers at his side instead of him, but it gave Chris the chance to take you in just for a moment, and fully observe you, Up close, you were even prettier, soft skin and pretty hair that shined under the lights, and whatever the shade of lipstick was that you were wearing was perfect, because it suited you like it had been made for you.
You reached out, straight past him for a second, and the receptionist gasped, reaching for the bowl of candy, but you were quicker, your hand scooping up a little collection of the sweets and pulling them back, a sound of victory sounding from you, and she mumbled under her breath playfully, rolling her eyes and threatening to start hiding the treats before she ran out, but you only chuckled, unwrapping one and placing it against your tongue, lips brushing your fingers as you turned to him, and he forced his eyes away from your mouth, a blush on his cheeks.
“Oh, wow. Check these out.” You turned to the receptionist, motioning to them, and she only nodded her head, the sounds of a printer firing up in the back room, and she disappeared to collect the sheets, leaving the pair of you alone. “For Mr McKinley?”
You leaned over the counter, snatching up a pen from the other side, and he only nodded, producing the collection sheet, and pointing out the spot that needed singing, the scraping of the pen on paper filling the silence as you signed in both boxes, handing it back to him and tucking the pen behind your ear. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Fire away.” You grinned, unwrapping another candy, leaving the wrapper on the glass alongside the other one, a cheeky move he was sure you’d get reprimanded for by the receptionist who kept a beautifully organised and clean desk and foyer.
“There are two bouquets here, both with flowers that have very different meanings. Can I ask why?”
You hummed, staring at him for a minute as you chewed slowly, before swallowing the sweet in your mouth and smirking slightly. “I’ll answer your question, but only if you answer mine first; what do the flowers mean?”
Chris grinned, unable to hold it in, because he loved getting to talk about his passions, especially when he could show off a little in front of a pretty lady, and he nodded his head. “Pink roses and lilies are an apology, but red roses with tulips are for new love.”
“And do you have any theories?”
“Just the one, but I’m waiting for it to be confirmed.” He chuckled a little at the devious look that flashed over your features as you pulled the red roses bundle toward you, nose pressed into them for a second as you inhaled deeply, a little sigh leaving you afterwards.
“I’m trusting you here, but you’re cute, so I’ll tell you.” Heat rushed to his cheeks, head ducking for just a second, before he was looking back up to catch your gaze, brows raised as he waited excitedly, leaning in to meet you as though a scandalous secret was about to be told, and he supposed that’s exactly what it was. “There’s another receptionist, and intern back in there, fresh out of college, just a year below me, and he’s definitely fucking her.” You tapped a finger against the red roses, before your gaze was flicking to the second bunch, still by his arm as he leaned on the counter. “However, a couple of days ago he had a lunch date scheduled with his wife, and he missed it. I couldn’t find him anywhere, and I couldn’t find the intern either. Not hard to connect the dots.”
“Oh, so he’s covering both of his bases?”
“For sure.” You grinned, backing up a little bit to grab the second bundle, and adjusting them in your arms for balance. “Angie had probably realised too, and dashed in there to tell the girl that she’s got flowers coming.”
You were making your way over to the elevators, and he followed after you, pressing the button to summon the lift, and it hummed to life behind closed metal doors. “You know, since we just became partners in crime, maybe I should get to know your name?���
“Well, that was smooth.” You laughed, the doors opening up, and you stepped inside, placing one bouquet on the floor at your feet and holding onto the other. You caved, giving him your name as he placed his hand over the door to stop them from closing, ad he repeated the name to you, testing it on his tongue as he learnt it. He gave you his own in return when he asked, and when you said it back, his smile widened, already liking the way his name sounded coming for you.
You typed a code into the pad on the wall of the elevator, the screen flashing green as your programming was accepted, and he stepped back, grinning as you waved your fingers at him, the doors closing as you disappeared from view. He snatched up his clipboard on the way out, unable to contain the smile on his face.
Chris Beck hated making deliveries, but this one hadn't been so bad.
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There was a genuine smile on his face as he stepped through the glass doors of the lobby, smaller and simpler bouquets this time, both matching and nothing special, but he’d tasked himself with delivering them personally because he’d recognised the name and address immediately, his encounter with the cute assistant he’d met only two weeks prior flashing through his mind as he’d insisted on delivering this order himself, Mark smirking and helping him gather the flowers as soon as he’d spilled all about you.
Now, he had two sets of pretty pink flowers in different shades, and a single red rose in a sleek plastic wrapping, all wraith ribbons wrapped around them were bundled in one arm, the other holding onto his clipboard, and the desk was once again empty as he approached. A bell, sleek and shining silver, and it was a new addition, definitely not present last time, and he eyes it suspiciously for a moment, before pressing a finger against the top lightly, just twice, a little ringing sounding out around the lobby.
A head of curly hair popped out from around the glass, much younger than the previous assistant, and wearing a much tighter skirt, and she grinned widely as she stepped forwards. He couldn’t deny that she was beautiful, fiery red hair and a wide smile, lips painted with red lipstick, and she seemed sweet, but far too intimidating for him to ever consider. Her heels were so tall that he wondered how she even walked in them, long and thin points creating the stilettos.
There was an eager tone to her voice, and he put the pieces of the puzzle together, assuming this to be the intern, his eyes flicking down to her name badge for a second, reading it as ‘Clara’. “For Mr McKinley. Is his assistant free tom come and sign for them?”
The woman paused, rolling her lips a little and nodding her head, a coy look on her features before sitting down in the chair and spinning in it to face the phone, lifting it up to her ear and dialling a short connection number. He didn’t seem to need to wait long, before she was summoning you, a ‘flower delivery’ to be claimed, and she was far too excited, only confirming his doubts that this was definitely the mistress. “She’ll be right down.”
“Fantastic.” He wasn’t sure she even processed his words, before her eyes were closing in on the flowers, and he ignored it, turning back to look at the elevator, waiting for the number on the twenty-eighth floor to light up, a number flashing over the screen. It paused on its descent this time, stopping at the eighteenth floor, and then again at the twelfth, and he assumed that somebody else had joined the journey for a short while.
When the doors finally opened, you weren’t built typing away this time, a grin on your face as your eyes swept over the entrance for him, and he waved his fingers again, straightening up from the desk.
“It’s my partner in crime, back again.”
“Missed you too much, just had to return.”
“Of course, you did, because I’m awesome.” You came to a stop before him, peering up at him through bright eyes, and he swallowed thickly, a little nervous but very excited, and he tried to remember any of what Mark had taught him, his friend being far better with the women than he was, and everything from the last-minute crash course he’d been given upon leaving the shop forty-five minutes ago seemed to have gone blank. “So, what really brings you here today?”
You gasped a little as he shifted to show you the collection, sliding the clipboard closer, and you were presented with a pen from him, floral patterning woven along the body, your thumb clicking it on to sign for them. When you passed it back, you shared a look with him, both of your glances flicking over to the intern who was still admiring the flowers, completely oblivious.
“Hey, Clara?” Her head snapped up, pale skin heating with colour as she flushed, and he suppressed a chuckle. “Mr McKinley is in meetings all afternoon, but he’ll want to approve these flowers. Can you put them in water, and I’ll call to have them sent up when he’s ready?”
She only nodded, more than happy to take a gift that she knew one of was for her into the back, hands reaching over to gather them all up. He almost missed it, watching as all of the flowers were taken, too busy watching the way you rolled your eyes at her when she looked away, fond but still a little cool, and he bit at the inside of his cheek to contain his amusement. It was just as she was leaving that his mind cleared, and he cleared his throat.
“Wait, wait, hold on!” She turned back, brows raised, and he reached over, letting her take a step forwards so that he could reach, plucking the single rose from where it was laying over the top of the two. “This, uh, this is actually for you.”
He presented it to you, your eyes widening a little, and you looked between him and the flower several times. His heart was in his throat, worry you were going to reject it, before you were giving him a different smile than he had seen yet, something softer and more endearing, and you plucked it from his hands, bringing it to your nose. “You’re just a big flirt, huh, Chris?” Your eyes fluttered for a moment, before you were looking back up to him through your lashes. “Thank you.”
“It’s no problem, honestly. I own the shop, the least I can do is give my partner in crime a pretty flower.”
You scoffed, but it was out of friendship and playfulness, not judgement or rejection, and silence fell between you both once again. The plastic in your hands wrinkled as you twirled it, wrapping the curled ribbon around your finger for a second, and letting it jump back into place when you let it go. “You busy? Got a packed store to run back to?”
Your question caught him off-guard, and he struggled to find words for a second, before clearing his throat and shaking his head. “No, uh, no. Clear day, actually. This was the last order.”
“So, you’re free for an hour or so?” Chris nodded his head, licking at his lips as he became a little nervous once again. “Well, why don’t I give you a tour? We’ve got some pretty cool stuff here, and I’ll fix you up with a drink from the coffee bar before you go.”
“This building has a coffee bar?”
“You bet it does.” You teased, turning on your heel as you took his question as acceptance, and he scooped up the clipboard, following after you as you made your way to the elevator, and this time when it opened, he stepped inside with you. As soon as the keypad lit up, prompting you to enter your four-digit authorisation code and make a floor selection, and you paused, finger hovering over the electronic selections. “What do you wanna’ see first, then?”
“You got an office?”
“I sure do.” You grinned, tapping for the twenty-eighth floor, and the machinery soon hummed into life, gears jerking smoothly into motion and soft music playing over the speakers in the background.
The ride was quiet, and he twisted his head as though the walls were interesting, just to take them in and hide the expression on his face as he watched you twirl the rose he’d given you between your fingers. There was a tag, one that he hadn't yet seen you read, and while all it contained was his number and a sign of his name, he was still a little nervous for your reaction to it, so he was glad to watch you place it onto your desk to be returned to later as you showed him around.
The building truly was impressive, large floor to ceiling glass windows on one wall of your office, staring out at the city below and giving a view so stunning and far that he could see all the way out to where the concrete faded away into greenery along the horizon, and he was a little taken aback by it all. Dipping the rose into a mug of water from the office kitchen, you promised to transfer it to a vase when you got home that evening, and you showed him all around.
Up and down on the elevator, proudly showing him every aspect of your workplace, and somewhere between the in-house gym and the coffee bar you’d boasted of in the staff food courts, you’d made him promise a tour of the flower shop sometime.
Way over an hour had passed in total, and he would’ve been more than happy to let that go on and on, for the rest of the day until the sun was setting, just to sit on the stools at the high tables at the coffee bar, getting refills on his coffee as he watched you drink herbals teas and chat about everything you got up to in the day, but your boss was paging you again to ask where you were, and he had his own job to return to at some point. You seemed hesitant at first, but had eventually divulged him with a guest security code for the elevator, logging him under your name, so that in future, he would be able to bring the flowers straight upstairs to you, and come and see you whenever he stopped by.
With a to-go cup in hand that had your number written on the cardboard holder, you’d escorted him all the way back to the lobby, pressing a friendly kiss to his cheek as he stepped between the doors, waving a little with what he knew was a goofy smile, waiting until he could no longer see you as the metal doors slid shut to reflect his image back at him, before he was bidding the two women at the reception desk a goodbye, and pretending not to know that they were eavesdropping, because he was floating far too high to care right now.
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Chris hadn't been surprised at all when the next batch of flowers had come through, because you’d told him days prior that he could be expecting another batch of apology flowers to come through. Your work had been busy lately, you’d told him so yourself the few weeks that had slid past since you’d exchanged numbers had been filled with an abundance of texts.
Sharing texts had rapidly become phone calls in downtime, exchanging social media and sending one another dumb jokes and funny pictures throughout your workdays. He knew that your job had been getting harder lately, the run down to Christmas making everything a little more difficult, and that you’d been swept off of your feet because your boss had been, too. Eight-hour shifts had become twelve, day through to night, never seeing the light of a winter day unless it was through the windows of your office as you worked, and he had a sympathetic guilt twisting in his gut.
Two bouquets to make up for the lack of time that your boss had been able to spare for either of the women in his life and you’d looked positively exhausted as you came out of your office to greet him at the top of the elevator. You had a frown on your face that barely lifted into a smile as you saw him, even though he knew you were happy to catch sight of him. The usual shade of lipstick that projected boldness and power was gone, your face free of makeup entirely, and styled hair now just pulled up into a bun.
He wondered how long it had been since you’d had a full night’s sleep.
“Hey, sweetheart. How’re you feeling?” You only shook your head, sniffling a little as you suppressed a yawn, before taking one of the bouquets from his arms, and inspecting it carefully.
“These are beautiful.”
“I put a little extra ribbon on them, just for you.” He winked, and that had earned him a little chuckle, glancing at him over your shoulder as he followed you through to your office, and placing them down on the cabinet near the doorway to be distributed when your boss had a free second to look at them. Chris felt his own eyes widen in shock as he looked around, the stacks of paperwork littered around the surfaces were astonishing, and there was other mess scattered among that.
Stationary littered the desk, clearly trying to get everything sorted, and almost every draw in the room was half-open, your heels kicked off by the edge of the desk and there was a clear spot against one of the walls where you’d been sitting, a patch clear with papers spread out around you, wording and statements on them that made his head spin as he looked at them. Business definitely wasn’t his forte.
You rubbed a hand over your forehead, cursing a little as you tried to find a pen that wasn't a highlighter, and he didn’t miss the crack in your voice as you scoured the paper stacks. Leaning down to pick one up from the dropped pen pot on the floor, and offering it to you. A little sigh passed your lips, before you were taking it from him, clicking it into action and signing your name on both of the forms to confirm the delivery, a simple ritual of habit by this stage, as he knew that even if you didn’t he wasn’t risking any legal action from you.
You rubbed a hand over your forehead afterwards, rolling your shoulders and shaking yourself down as you tried to hit that reset button on your mood, but it wasn't working, it didn’t take a genius to see it, and so he reached out, placing a comforting squeeze to your forearm, fingers slipping a little lower to latch onto your wrist loosely.
“Okay, you’re a little overwhelmed in here, huh?” You let out a weak laugh, glancing around yourself and nodding. “It’s time for a break. Take your lunch break now, we’re getting out of here.”
“I can’t leave, I have too much to do. I’ll just get something from the food courts, a sandwich, maybe.” You slumped down into your desk chairs, the wheels on it carrying you backwards slightly, and he placed his hands on his hips, shaking his head at you.
“You have to go. It’s doctor’s orders.”
“Which doctor?” You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him, and he gasped a little, hands finding your own and pulling you to your feet, despite the whine that you let out.
“This doctor. I went to medical school, I get to give the orders. You, my dear, need one hour of rest and relaxation from your workplace, stat.” You started up at him for a second, seeming to weigh it out in your mind, but he wasn’t backing down, and he swore he saw that realisation click within your eyes, because you caved.
Slipping your heels on and grabbing your jacket from the back of the door, you logged your timeout of the building in the lobby with Angie, who cooed at you a little as she watched you go, a pitiful look on her face as she knew just how hard you were working too, before his hand was settling on your lower back.
A ten-minute walk, finding a table in a small pizzeria on the corner of a street, one that he’d been dying to try for months now, and a quick order, and you were slumping down tiredly against the table. The workload always increased at Christmas, sales shot through the roof, all the expansions of your company were filing for Christmas bonuses, parties, annual reports and then, of course, there were the usual rises and falls in statistics over the year that needed to be dealt with.
It was chaotic, to say the least.
Over a hot and freshly baked pizza, your selection of toppings, and a soda that made you wrinkle your nose from the fizziness within, you looked like there was a little more life within you when you’d been leaving.
You spilled it all to him, telling him every struggle you’d been facing, and while he didn't understand half of what you were saying, he was more than happy to just to listen. He couldn't offer much advice, or anything of the sort that might be helpful, but it seemed that just being able to talk to someone had made the day a little brighter.
The chill in the air and the biting winds had made you wrap your coat around yourself even tighter on the walk back to your work, but there was more of a pep in your step and a lighter tone to your voice, a little more chipper and slightly less drained as you began to make your way back across the carpark. His arm was sitting around your waist, keeping you pulled up to his side against the cold of the winter. Instead of guiding you over to the door, though, his first stop was his car, ensuring that you couldn't see what he had placed on the passenger seat until he was ready for you to see it.
Leaning yo back against the cold metal, he unlocked the car, making you promise to cover your eyes, and while making a few jokes about how you were sure this was how friendly guys would kidnap a girl, you did as he’d asked. You gasped a little at the rustling of fabric in the wind and under his hands, seeming to guess what it was before ever seeing the gift, because a wide smile spread over your features.
“Is that what I think it is?”
“Depends, what do you think it is?” He teased, making you wait a little longer, and you dragged your lower lip through your teeth, a hopefully look spreading over what half of your face he could actually see.
“Flowers, maybe?”
“Then you would be correct!” Your hand fell away from your eyes, taking a second to blink back into adjustment of the rays the winter sun gave off, before you were brightening up even further at the bundle he was holding in his hands.
Soft petals in different shades of yellow, some duller and some standing out to shine like the sun, but it was a stunning bunch all over, and he’d been sure to pick the freshest and best-looking plants from each pot as he built the bouquet especially for you before leaving for his delivery. He let you stare at them for a second, running a finger over some of the petals, sniffling the collection carefully, and admiring each individual plant, before finally looking back up to him, a brow raising as you waited for an explanation on the plants.
“I just thought yellow was a bright colour. Nothing particularly special about these ones, I wanted to cheer you up.”
He scratched nervously at the back of his neck, and you hummed happily, bringing them up to admire once again, before letting out a happy little sound from the back of your throat, one that made his cheeks flush with embarrassed warmth, bringing a pink tinge to the pale skin. “Don’t yellow roses mean friendship?”
His stomach dropped a little, but he swallowed thickly, and nodded. He was impressed that you knew that, a random fact to know, but he almost felt like he was being friend-zoned by the statement, even though he was the one who’d given you the flowers. It was only a few days ago that he’d realised he might have feelings that weren’t going away any time soon, the original fascination and infatuation was becoming something a little deeper, he often found himself thinking of you when he was at work and filling or orders, or at home cooking, or even letting his morning coffee. You seemed to be on his mind a lot nowadays, and he was beginning to regret the yellow rose choice, worried he’d sent the wrong message. How ironic.
“Well, I’m really glad you consider us friends, Chris. I think you’re great, and I hope we’re friends for a long time.”
He tried to contain his disappointment, nodding his head as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. Walking you up to the front door, both of the receptionists made a point of fawning dramatically over the flowers in your arms as you signed back in, exactly an hour later and perfectly on time for the end of your lunch break, but with a lot more joy and a rejuvenation for the work you were doing, enough to carry you through the rest of your day.
Standing at the elevator and waiting for it to arrive, his cheeks were warm enough as it was, the attention you were getting front he not-so-discreet spying of the receptionists making him even more nervous, but if Angie and Clara were watching then that's their choice, because he didn’t have much left to lose, now.
Cupping your cheeks in his hands, he made sure that you were looking at him, a soft and shy smile on your lips as he thumbs smoothed over your skin, trying to reassure you without using words. “Chin up, sweetheart. You’re gonna’ be just fine, okay?”
“Okay, Chris.” You nodded your head, words whispered as you agreed with him, and when he pulled you a little closer, you tipped your head to meet him, his lips pressing to your forehead in a tender kiss, his heart leaping in his chest as you did. The elevator dinged, and he snapped away from you, both of you lingering for a moment longer, something unspoken laying between you, but it was broken as a colleague stepped out of the box, excusing himself as he squeezed past you, and the moment was over.
Waving goodbye, he wiggled his fingers in response to you, and he took a moment to himself to steady his racing heart once the doors had closed with you inside. He bid his farewell to the two women ogling him with wide eyes from behind the desk, trying not to let his nervousness show, to be confident like Mark had taught him to be, and it lasted all the way to the car, before he broke it with a ragged sigh and a little cheer to himself, immediately dialling his best friend on the car’s phone as he pulled out of the parking lot.
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It was the kind eyes of Angie that met him as he stepped into the building, palms sweating a little and a shake to his breath, and the flowers in his arms were practically vibrating with nerves as he approached the front desk. Placing them down on the glass surface, she admired them quietly, taking a look at them all before he was being offered the candy dish that she usually had hidden, and he took a peppermint gratefully, red and green swirls along it through the clear wrapping, the festive theme of the late December days was shining through.
“Only the one bouquet this time?”
“They, uh, they aren’t for Mr McKinley.” He mumbled, unwrapping the hard sweet and shoving it wrapped into his pocket, placing the treat on his tongue and sucking on it lightly for something to do, sweetened mint flavours exploding over his senses.
“Oh, so these are a pretty bouquet for our lovely (Y/N), then?”
He could only nod, wondering absently whether or not sweat was beginning to physically show through his shirt, and just how fast his heart was going, because he felt like he was about to pass out. “I think she’s in a meeting right now, but I can get them sent up for her, if that works for you, my dear?”
“Can I just go and drop them off in her office? It’ll make a nice surprise for her to come back to.”
She considered it for a moment, mulling over the security risk and all other options, and he was ready to give up, before she eventually agreed. “Alright, but only if you tell me about the flowers. She’s been telling me all about the pretty bouquet you make with meanings, even showed me your website.”
“She did? She does?”
Pride flushed through his system at that knowledge, and Angie seemed to pick up on it, her face cracking in an even wider smile. “Yes, and they were all beautiful, but I don’t remember this set on there.”
“It’s new, I made it. It’s a personal one, I suppose.”
“It got a name, yet?” He mulled it over, staring down at the pretty bunch in his hands. Dark shades of blue and black, splashes of purple that were speckled with white, and he decided it resembled the night sky rather nicely.
“What do you think of ‘Starry Night’?”
“Very fitting.” She confirmed, and his heart managed to slow a little in his chest as at least one thing on his to-do list became sorted. “So, blue roses, but what are the rest?”
“They would be black pansies and gypsophila.” She hummed, continuing to fix him with that curious gaze, and he knew that wasn't going to cut it. “The blue roses are for mystery, and gaining the impossible. I dye them myself. Black pansies mean broken love, which, I guess isn’t totally suitable here, but combined with the gypsophila, it’s more like the chance of a new beginning, and not necessarily unrequited feelings.”
“You really like her, huh?”
“That obvious?” He grinned, knowing that his feelings may as well be lit up with a neon sign above his head. “You’ll get them to her after her meeting, then?”
“Of course, I will.” She took them over the desk, writing down a memo on her notepad so that she didn't forget, and he watched as the pretty bundle was carried away. “Did you leave a card, or do you want to write a note?”
“Just tell her to text me if she likes them?” She beamed, nodding her head, and he backed away, turning on his heel, a little disappointed that he didn’t get to give them to you himself, but simultaneously relieved at the fact, because he could feel his pulse racing right to the tips of his fingers with how intense it was.
You’d clearly had a busy day, because it wasn’t until Chris was shutting up shop that he finally felt his phone buzz, doing his last check over of all the systems and machines, when a text from you came in, diverting every ounce of attention that he had.
[stardust 🌌 ✨] so, do these flowers have a hidden meaning, or did you just put them together because they look good?
He grinned at his phone, shaking his head slightly as a laugh left his lips, and he leaned on the wall, fingers hovering over the keyboard as he thought out his response.
> a little bit of both.
It was a few minutes before you replied, this time, a photograph coming through, of you carrying your flower out of the building, setting off towards the elevators from your office, if he was depicting the background correctly.
[stardust 🌌 ✨] gonna tell me what it is, or do I have to google it?
He paused, not quite having got that far, and the relief of not having to explain his feelings or you before had drowned out the fact that he’d have to tell you at some point, and his heart was leaping into his throat.
He gave himself a minute, checking over the locks and windows to make sure everything was sealed up, setting the thermostat and setting the alarm, not yet activating it, but making sure that everything was done, right down to holding his keys for the main door in his hands. Locking up the building, he sealed down the metal guard, triple checking the padlock, and making his way to the car.
Engine on, heaters up, his lights being the last to flood the parking lot as he tried to man up, before finally bringing back up the unopened message, taking the notifications and opening his texts.
> long story short, I’m trying to ask you out. using flowers, because words normally fail me in times of importance.
He let out a slow breath, running a hand over his face and just hoping that it was acceptable, his phone buzzing before he’d even managed to start up the car property for his journey home. His hand hovered over where it was laying on the passenger seat, considering whether or not to pick it up, before forcing down his nerves and reaching for it.
[stardust 🌌 ✨] friday night work for you?
He stared at the message for a few seconds, confirming that they were real, and he wasn’t just making it up because it’s what he wanted to read, before letting out a loud and victorious set of cheers for only him to ever know about.
> I’ll pick you up from your work at 5.
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Chris was sitting in one of the white leather chairs that had been scattered around the lobby, shifting slightly awkwardly, nerves getting the best of him. He knew you wouldn't stand him up, but as the clock ticked over past 5:10 PM, he worried a little that you were trying to find a way to let him down, having decided that you’d changed your mind on wanting to go out with him, and he tried to steady his nerves.
Brushing over the flowers in his hands, he adjusted his grip on them a little, not wanting the plastic to become damp with his sweaty palms, and swallowing thickly again. Finally, the elevator doors chimed, and he let out a nervous sigh, taking a deep breath and sliding his eyes shut as he calmed himself down, certain that his heart no longer had a rhythm and was just beating erratically and rapidly like the seismograph in a disaster movie.
Twisting his head a little, he let out a deep breath, watching as you came toward him, looking far more casual than he had ever seen you ever had before. Jeans and jumper, a striped scarf that looked suspiciously handmade in the sweetest of ways, and sneakers on your feet instead of heels, dropping your height down by a few inches, and he was so used to looking straight at you, never needing to look down, that it caught him a little by surprise.
“I’m sorry I’m late!” You looked a little flushed, sounded slightly out of breath, and he realised you must’ve been rushing, not stalling, and he felt a little calmer at that thought. Placing down the flowers on the chairs, he stood up properly, letting out a slow breath.
“Don’t worry about it. You look beautiful.”
“I thought I’d change, heels and pencil skirts are great for work, but not so comfy for a first date.” There was a bag on your arm, which he assumed your business-wear was stuffed in, and he gave himself a moment to take you in. He liked you better this way, you looked more like yourself, the version of you that he knew you to be from hours of late-night calls and texting, weeks of getting to know one another, both in-person and via messages, and the formal outfits he was so used to seeing you in were just a cover for the real you.
He realised he’d been staring too long, jumping slightly in his panic, before turning away and grabbing the bundle that he’d brought with him. “I brought you flowers. Not as special as normal guys, since I own the flower shop and it's not the first time, but I did create this bouquet design just for you.”
“I think it’s pretty special.” Your words were whispered, taking the bundle of flowers and bringing them into yourself to admire delicately, a combination of red and white roses, with green bells peppered throughout. “Okay, so, let me guess on this one.”
He only nodded his head, watching as you considered the bundle, licking over your lower lip and taking it hostage between your teeth as your thoughts whirled before his very eyes.
“White roses are innocence, right? Seems fitting for a first date. Red roses are romance, of course.” You smirked a little then, glancing up at him through your lashes, and he grinned, feeling totally at ease now that he was under your gaze. “What about the green ones?”
“Green bells. They’re for good luck.”
“Well, I don’t think you’ll need any luck, you’ve pretty much already got me wrapped around your little finger, Chris Beck.” You adjusted the flowers in your arms, taking his hand with your other one, and lacing your fingers together, and he squeezed back in security as heat flooded over his face in a warm blush. “However, I do think it’s sweet, so I’ll accept it.”
“I wanted to do something Christmassy for you, but I didn’t want to go with any of the typical ones. Holly, mistletoe, poinsettia, they didn’t feel unique enough.”
“I don’t know, I think mistletoe can be good.” You leaned in a little, his brows raising slightly as your wide smile dimmed down, the humour of the moment changing, and his free hand found your waist, fingers playing with yours on the other, and he pulled you a little closer, taking the hint that you were laying down.
“Maybe just this once.” He teased, nose bumping against your own, and he could still taste the sweet honey on your breath from the herbal teas you were always concocting, warm breath shared between you. As your head twisted to close the gap, he became acutely aware of the lingering feeling of not being alone, the both of you jumping and snapping apart a little when the loud crashing of a mug on the floor sounded out loudly.
Two sets of voices cursing followed it, Angie’s and Clara’s heads both ducking down behind the desk as they looked at the mess on the floor, and his jaw dropped as he released the two had been watching on eagerly this whole time, and he’d been so wrapped up in you that he hadn't realised there’d been an audience all along.
He would’ve been embarrassed, had it not been for the way your face pressed into his shoulder as you tried to contain your laughs, and he found the amusement in it too, his arm slipping around your waist as he matched your laugher, shaking his head as he watched the two women try and clear up the split coffee and smashed mug.
“Hey, ladies, I’ll see you Monday!”
The popped back up, sheepish looks on their faces as they nodded, and he gave them both a little wave, letting you tug him along by the hand that was still connected to your own, towards the open doorway of the building, a chill rolling in. As you stepped out, a chill took over, and his hand slipped from yours to sliding around your waist instead, pulling you closer to him, and you guided him over to where your car was parked, and he was more than happy to simply follow.
“So, what do you have planned?”
“I thought something a little more relaxed would be fun. How do you feel about a tree lighting ceremony, and some street food?” You curled into him a little more, a happy sigh leaving you.
“Sounds perfect to me.”
Unlocking the car, he let you go, long enough to put your back in the trunk and lay your flowers out on the front seat, locking it back up as you deemed yourself ready to go. “Ready to go?”
“Yes, but just one thing, first. Something I’ve been waiting weeks for.”
His brows raised, lips parting to ask you waist it was, but your hand latched onto the front of his shirt, tugging him forward as you leaned up, and he groaned a little, a soft sound but vibrating through him as your mouth closed over his, soft and warm, lips pressing together, and a shock ran along his entire body. His hand slipped to your waist, one cupping your cheek as he pulled you a little closer, pressing you back into the car as your bodies came flush up together, and he felt like his legs were going to give out underneath him as you sighed out against his mouth, a breathy moan carried with it.
Twisting his head to the side, he barely pulled back for breath before he was diving right back into you, more confident and passionate this time with his movements. He took control, feeling the way you sagged into his hands as he did, lips working with yours in an intimate dance of their own making, slow and teasing movements, before finally he was pulling away, just far enough to press his forehead to your own as the two of you panted lightly, trying to catch your breath.
“Worth the wait?” He mused, feeling your breathless giggle wash over his lips, before you were leaning up just enough to peck his lips once more, and his lips were still pouted, chasing after you as you backed away for a second, before he was licking over them and cracking his eyes open to look at the adoring expression on your face.
“Definitely worth the wait.”
102 notes · View notes
trillian-anders · 4 years
3,643 miles
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
warnings: tooth rotting fluff, smut (& exhibitionism), wee bit of angst
word count: 9.1k
description: established relationship; you’d met in college, both education majors. you really love bucky barnes, and nearing your five year anniversary when he proposes you go on a coast-to-coast road trip on summer vacation. you seem skeptical and unsure, but he assures you it’s worth it. 
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New York City, New York – Mile 0
You hadn’t been serious. Not entirely anyway. Months ago, when you said to Bucky, half asleep, “We should go on a road trip, just you and me.” You remember his raspy voice in reply,
“Oh yeah?” His fingers slowly trailing down your bare spine as you slipped off into sleep.
It was something you’d almost forgotten all about until he brought it up five months later.
“Hey, do you think we should rent a car or just take mine?” You were chewing on a pen cap, going over the essays you needed to grade by Monday, a glass of wine by your side. He was sitting across from you, laptop open and a notebook full of different scribbles.
“For what?” You ask, taking a sip of your wine.
“Our road trip.” Like you’d forgotten, like it was something you’d already decided on. You shake your head, confused.
“What road trip?” His brow furrows.
“You said you wanted to go on a road trip.”
“When?” He was silent for a moment, staring at you like you had two heads.
“Christmas… when we were going to bed, you said you wanted to go on a road trip.” He explains simply, “Just the two of us.” You shake your head again.
“I was drunk on Christmas.” As if it explains it away, “We don’t really have the funds to take a road trip across the country, how long would that even take?” Typing a few things into your search bar you sigh, “Two to three months?”
“They went like everywhere,” He defends, “We are just going straight across.”
“I don’t know Bucky…” You sat back in your chair, crossing your arms.
“I’ve been doing the math.” He comes to your side of the table squatting down at your side, “We have more than twice of what we would need in savings, we still have enough to put down on a house next summer.” A kiss to your hand and some puppy dog eyes. “And we will be back in time for Steve’s wedding.” A kiss to your wrist, “C’mon baby, we’re still young, and pretty soon we won’t have time to do stuff like this. We never get to do anything this adventurous, come on.” You sigh, he’s right.
For the last five years you two had been together you were both working full-time jobs and in college. When school ended and you both got jobs you stayed in the shitty studio apartment you’d gotten when you first moved in together on the cheap to save every penny you could towards getting a nice house in the suburbs, something you both desperately wanted whenever the subject of marriage and kids rolled about. Which seemed to be more common lately, more so with both of your parents than with each other.
“You’re not getting any younger.” From both your Mom and his. His younger sister was just starting college and nowhere near continuing the Barnes bloodline, so his Mom was especially needy with you as far as wanting grandchildren. Something you and Bucky had briefly talked about but hadn’t made any real serious strides towards having. Your implant was good for another couple years and it wasn’t a real concern.
“Okay,” You agreed, “We should probably take your car to save some money.” A rental for even a month would be way too much. Bucky grinned, kissing you, again and again.
“It’s going to be so fun.” A kiss. “Really is.” Another kiss. His hand slipping to palm at your breast.
“Bucky I have to grade these essays.” He shrugs.
“Grade ‘em tomorrow.” A tweak of your nipple, his mouth sinking down to your neck, a well-practiced weak spot that never failed to make you shiver.
“Bucky.” You whined, fingers coming to grip his shoulders.
“C’mon baby.” You were weak for it. Played right into his hands and he knew it. You were such a sucker.
The last day of classes came faster than you thought, the morning after, bright and early you were getting ready to hit the road. Bucky had let you over plan a little if only to satisfy yourself and solidify the fact that you wanted to go on this trip. Almost 4,000 miles. The road ahead of your seemed daunting but he liked to remind you,
“We have all summer; we don’t need to rush.” Which means if you need to stop for the night, then you needed to stop for the night, but the goal was to drive as close to each major destination as you could before looking for a room at a nearby hotel or motel. Whatever seemed more convenient. You’d packed one large suitcase between the two of you and a bag of snacks and drinks for the times where you couldn’t reach a gas station or got uncontrollably snacky and bored.
“Please don’t forget to water our plants.” You begged the blond. Steve seemed a little done with it.
“I won’t forget to water the plants.” He was going to forget, he was beautiful, but endlessly forgetful. You sigh, stepping into his open arms and hugging him. “You guys be careful, if you run into any trouble just give me a call.”
“We’re going to be fine.” Bucky took his friend into a hug after you released him, “We’ll let you know when we get to DC.” The first stop on the trip.
“Have fun! Try not to kill each other!” You roll your eyes, slipping into the passenger seat and plugging your phone in, getting the GPS set up. Bucky slipped into the driver’s seat, grasping your hand and laying a kiss on your palm.
“You ready baby?” You smile excitedly,
“Yeah, I’m ready.” Your little notebook in your lap. A polaroid camera for the aesthetic. A picture developing on your lap that you’d gotten Steve to take of the two of you in front of the car before leaving. The first stretch wasn’t very long. Just about four hours with mild traffic, but you knew with it would be closer to six, but once you were out of the North East the roads would open up at least for a little while.
You hit traffic trying to get out of the city almost immediately which is why you liked Bucky driving. Driving in the city was always stressful and you rarely ever had to do it, you’d never gotten that NYC aggression and seeing as he learned how to drive on these streets you let him take the first leg. You’d switch with him most likely somewhere in New Jersey, probably before you hit Delaware.
“Aren’t you excited?” He asks you. You had to admit, seeing him so giddy and excited about something further enforced the excitement you had been feeling about this trip. You’d never been anywhere further than the North East, once you broke free of DC you’d be in uncharted territory and it did excite you.
“Of course, I am.” You smiled at him, he leaned over the center console to kiss you, a loving sweet kiss interrupted by a loud honk from the man behind you, the light was green.
Washington, DC – Mile 233
“Okay, smile.” Bucky snapped a picture of you standing in front of the National Mall, the Washington Monument tall in the background. The day stayed bright and sunny. With the plan of hitting a museum before dinner, the two of you arrived around lunch time, stopping to grab some food before parking the car and walking around on foot.
You’d snapped a couple pictures of him on your phone while he’d been talking to his Mother during lunch, which you scrolled through while you walked to the next destination. The Smithsonian. The Natural History museum that had currently been doing an exhibit on the late Stan Lee. Something Bucky was excited about.
Copies of old prints. Videos of Stan Lee himself, Jack Kirby, and Steve Ditko. A bunch of first editions in plexiglass containers. His favorite, however, was the character his parents named him after. A life replica of the suit he wears in the comics on display. You took a couple pictures of him with it, sending them onto the group chat you had with him and his family.
His hand was in yours walking through more exhibits, both of you aimlessly walking up to different displays and stopped at the little gift shop for Bucky to look at some exclusive merch they had for the Stan Lee exhibit, including a paperback book about Stan Lee and a large exhibit book with detailed explanations about everything you’d just seen.
“Did you want to drive tonight?” Bucky asked while you were grabbing coffee, “Or do you want to find a room?” You playfully shove him, he playfully shoves you back.
Later your back would find the soft hotel mattress, giggling and a little drunk from the multiple drinks had at dinner. The hum of his lips against yours, fingers plucking on your strings, gentle moans and a hand pressed against the headboard as it smacks against the wall in a steady rhythm.
It was nice. This vacation was nice. And much needed after wrangling teenagers all day.
“I love you so much.” You moan against his mouth, the grind of his hips against yours making your eyes roll in the back of your head. His fingers laced in yours.
You knew that you and Bucky had a good relationship. It’s always been stable and nice and good. You love him and you know he loves you. You’ve never had to question that. Your last relationship, seemed like so long ago now, wasn’t that great. Time never made for each other, a great lack of communication, just being young adults and drinking too much at parties and screaming at each other in the car.
When you met Bucky it was an instant attraction. He was charming, sweet. He’d brought you snacks in the library and helped you study for your history exams. Currently, he was still slowly working towards his Doctorate, wanting to eventually teach at the college you’d both attended. But back then you’d moved in together almost instantly. Not just because the relationship came so easily, but because of finances as well.
Money was a little less tight when someone was sharing the bills with you.
Yeah, you had your arguments. Someone leaves their dishes next to the sink instead of in it. Someone keeps putting off taking out the trash. Someone doesn’t make the bed in the morning. Someone leaves their dirty socks next to the hamper than inside it. But they were small things. Things you could both try to do better. And you have.
Another thing all together was the sex.
You were never someone who said the sex had to be good right away. It takes time to learn someone’s body and really figure out what someone likes and what they don’t like. And while the sex has definitely improved over the years, he knew how to make you cum in less than two minutes and was very proud of that fact, your first sexual experience with each other had his head under your skirt in a dark corner of the school library like you were a Victorian royal canoodling with a servant.
You were red about it for days, thinking about how hard you came on his tongue almost caught by another student looking for records for their thesis. The grin on his face for a week afterward as he enjoyed the hastily decided exhibitionism.
It grew from there.
Bucky loved the fear of getting caught, it was one of his favorite things. You couldn’t even really remember everywhere the two of you had sex of some kind. And when you’d had your second pregnancy scare you decided to get the little implant you still have now.
“I love you so fucking much.” That grind. You loved it and he knew it. He would have your knees hooked over his arms, resting in his elbows, he would be deep, brushing your cervix and grinding his hips against yours, pubic bone grinding on your clit. Your nerve endings on fire. “So fucking wet.” Around him. You could feel his cock throb inside of you and you knew how badly he wanted to move, but he wanted you to beg him for it more.
And you would.
Your leg was over his thigh at breakfast. Sitting at the bar top of the little diner. “So I think today will just be driving.” Over a piece of toast, “I think it’s like… 10 or 11 hours.” So you’d probably get there just in time to get some sleep. He nods, taking a bite out of his omelet, his thumb brushing your thigh. You were scrolling through your phone. His fingers playing with the hem of your shorts.
“Do you want to drive first?” He asks, “Or do you want me to?”
 Nashville, TN – Mile 890
The road to Nashville cut through the mountains. Music blasting and windows down, you snapped pictures as Bucky traversed the winding roads that were mostly empty aside from shipment trucks and the occasional other car also travelling to some unknown destination. It was gorgeous out there.
“Could you imagine living out here?” You asked him as you spot a cabin mixed in among the trees on the side of the mountain not too far in the distance. He had his sunglasses on, his hair a little grown out and longer than he usually kept it was whipping around his face.
“Absolutely not.” He laughed. The city boy, through and through, you’d really struggled over deciding where you’d like to buy a house when the two of you decided to actually start saving. He wanted to buy an apartment first, but then a debate of what would be more realistic, what would give them enough living space for what they would be paying. There was a period of time where all you looked at were the pretty brownstones you knew you couldn’t afford, but once the two of you reeled it in and really looked you decided to move closer to where Bucky would be working as a professor.
“It’s bad enough you have me moving to New Jersey.” He laughs. But it was all a jest, he wanted to work for Rutgers in New Brunswick. It was where both of you went to college, after all.
“We should go camping.” You take a picture as you cross a bridge, capturing the rippling mountain water.
“You would hate camping.” He shakes his head, “You went to summer camp for a week in fifth grade and told me it was the worst experience of your life.” You sit back in your seat glaring at him.
“Maybe it would be different now that I’m an adult,” You offer, “And the only reason why it was horrible in the first place is because night one the girls said the cabin was haunted and then I just couldn’t sleep for the rest of the week.” Those little bitches. Bucky full belly laughs, the haunting of the girl was also on top of you getting a UTI and seeing a family of bears roam about outside one day so you couldn’t go outside.
“We are not going camping.” You huff but don’t answer because you know he was right; you’d hate camping.
“I don’t even remember the last time we had McDonald’s.” You say while dipping three fries into your small dipping cup of sauce.
“After finals.” It wasn’t as good as you remember it being, but you’d also gotten a salad to split as well. Not being able to quite justify eating strictly burgers and fries. Bucky’s memory was a steel trap, unlike his blond best friend. Bucky could easily recall events, almost in striking detail which really sucks when you promised to go do something and wanted to act like you forgot, he could tell you exactly when you said it.
Like drunk on Christmas when you say you should take a road trip, although this wasn’t a half bad idea.
“You got a 20-piece nugget.” He continues, “You ranted for the entire night about how they only gave you three sauces for 20 nuggets.” A history major who had great memory recall. Tests were very easy for him. The bastard. You used to be so jealous.
“Sounds like something I would do.” You laugh.
Nashville was dark when you’d arrived. Downtown thriving with noise and pedestrians as you drove around, tired, while Bucky looked at local hotels. You’d found a decent one for cheap not too far from where you’d been driving and as soon as that hotel room door shut you slipped into bed. Waking slightly when Bucky slipped into bed behind you, pulling you into his chest. The little wet strands of his hair tickling your cheek as he pressed a kiss there, falling back under.
The Parthenon. A life size replica of the one in Greece. A polaroid or two there. Nashville was gorgeous. Aside from the main city were little outlying towns with walkable shopping and a ton of little restaurants and local coffee shops.
You take a sip of your iced coffee, giving Bucky an odd look as he looks at a wall of cowboy boots. “You’re not buying those.” He turns and gives you a playful glare. “Babe, they’re $300, no. You would never wear them.”
“Maybe I’m going to make them a staple of my closet.” He shrugs, “That’s what that girl you watch says right, make something a staple and work your other clothes around it?”
“She doesn’t mean $300 cowboy boots.” You laugh. “You’re never going to wear those.”
“I could though.”
“But you won’t.”
You’d gone and enjoyed the city, hit a couple breweries and had bar food before doing a little tour of the Grand Ole Opry and walked around the Opry Mills Mall before grabbing dinner. The restaurant had line dancing and pretty decent barbecue. But the one drink they had, some sort of peach and whiskey, went down a little too smooth. And poor Bucky who hadn’t drank quite as much, was propping you up on his shoulder as you stumble down the street back to your hotel.
“We should go to an actual bar,” You whine. “I’m not tired.” You stumble, his arm wrapping around your waist a little tighter.
“You are tired,” He laughs, “Your bedtime was two hours ago.” You stick your tongue out at him but try to keep step. You’re sure he slowed down from his usual long strides for you.
“We are on vacation,” Another whine, “We can stay out late.”
“Baby everything is closing,” He tries to reason, “It’s 2 am.” You gaze around the area you’re in. Stragglers, barely anyone around. It was a weeknight after all.
“But I don’t wanna go back to the room.” He gives you a look, stopping in the street and backing you up against the wall, capturing your mouth against his, his hips grinding against yours. “Bucky…” A whine against his mouth.
“You don’t want to go back to the room right?” It was a darker corner, the streetlight not quite reaching. His fingers unbuttoned your shorts, slipping his fingers into your panties to stroke at your clit. A moan muffled into his mouth. You could feel how hard he was on your thigh. Your mind frazzled and swimming in alcohol still, hand gripping his wrist as his fingers prod your opening, thumb continuing to move in tight practiced circles on your clit. Your legs were trembling as his face pulled away from yours. His forehead resting against yours, eyes connected. “You’re gonna cum for me, aren’t you baby?”
Fuck. “Yes.” A whine for a different reason this time, his fingers entering you and immediately stroking your g-spot. Your thighs clamping around his hand as you cum, your loud moan muffled by him capturing your mouth. He worked you through your aftershocks before pulling you tightly into his body, massaging the back of your neck, licking your taste off his fingers.
“C’mon baby,” He kisses you again, “Let’s go to bed.”
New Orleans, LA – Mile 1,422
Your head was pounding, eyes closed with a water bottle pressed to your skull. The music soft in the background while Bucky, bless him, offered to take the first leg of the driving. The eight-hour drive that you were sure would take about nine. He was an angel running into the gas station while you pumped the gas to grab you water and medicine for your headache. While not at all laughing about how you fell flat on your ass into the hotel room and begging him to kiss what was now a bruise on your hip and left ass cheek.
“I can’t believe I drank that much.” You groan, taking a sip of your water.
“I can’t believe you drank that much.” Humor in his voice. The asshole. You napped for the first hour or two, before Bucky began to get antsy. Shifting in his seat, trying to stretch his legs out.
“I can drive.” You mumble, coming out of your nap. “I just need my sunglasses.” His hands tightened on the wheel,
“I could probably go another hour or so.” He says. You roll your eyes,
“Next gas station, we’ll switch.” A sip from your water bottle, “You’re obviously uncomfortable.”  He grumbles under his breath, but does it anyway, stepping from the car somewhere in Alabama. He stretches and you swear you could hear a couple pops in his spine. After grabbing a couple snacks and some coffee from the gas station you were back on your way, feeling a little more alive than you had previously.
The music a little louder, Bucky pulled out the book he’d gotten at the Smithsonian, the windows cracked. You made it back on the road and towards your destination still 7 hours long.
When you’d been planning this road trip Bucky decided to make a bunch of playlists on his phone, each supposedly for a different kind of mood, but they all sounded quite the same to you. All but one which was just labeled ‘XXX’ and had such hits as ‘Pony’ by Ginuwine and ‘Sex with Me’ by Rihanna. Which is strange because you’d never had a sex playlist normally, but suddenly he thinks you need one to play on speaker on his phone next to the bed in hotel rooms.
The one he had playing originally was something mellow, without lyrics. Thoughtful to your raging hangover, but you needed something to focus on. Something you could sing, badly to, but sing to keep yourself from going crazy on a stretch of highway you felt like you’d been on forever. Which you kind of were. It was one straight highway for the entire 533 miles it would take to get you from Nashville to New Orleans. That little pitstop just dipping you off the exit and then putting your right back on.
It was brain numbing honestly and you tried to go as long as possible before switching back. Bucky had fallen asleep sometime an hour or so after you started driving, book folded over his thumb and seat tilted back.
You felt bad. You kept him up so late last night and then he’d let you sleep in while he got ready. Bringing you breakfast and coffee and waking you up slowly. You thought back to him in the hotel room, the soft kisses and whispers. He’d gotten you in the shower with the bribe of giving you a massage after, which he did. You glance at him in the rearview, his arm thrown over his eyes. You could go a little longer.
The first thing the two of you did getting into New Orleans was stop for a drive thru daiquiri before finding what hotel you’d be staying in for the night.
Bags down you sip on the strawberry liquor slush, sinking into the sheets of the hotel room. “Take it easy.” Bucky laughs, stealing it from you and taking a sip. “Don’t want a repeat of last night.” You stick your tongue out at him and he leans over and kisses you, your fingers moving to tug on his belt loop, pulling him over to the bed. Sitting up you continue to kiss him, beginning to palm him through his jeans.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” Mumbled against his lips as you begin to work on his belt. “I really appreciate it.” Looking up at him through your lashes as you free him from his briefs. His breath catches as your cool tongue licks the tip, mouth stained red. Wide and flat against his head. Tapping it on your tongue before circling around the tip and sucking it into your mouth, his fingers twisting in your hair, not pushing but just holding.
You drip spit down on his cock, using your hand to spread it down his length before sucking him back in your mouth, beginning to bob your head to meet your stroking hand. Your other hand moving below to fondle his balls.
You watch his head fall back, a gasp as his fingers tighten in your hair. You feel the spongey tip of him brush the back of your throat, holding yourself there for a moment before pulling off and stroking him root to tip. He bent over meeting your mouth, kiss passionate and lusty. When you part you sink your mouth back onto him, moaning.
His hips gently thrust into your face, you know he’s getting close, his breaths coming out in short pants, the barely there thrust of his hips when he’s craving more friction you oblige to, speeding up your movements and you gently tug on his balls.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum baby.” His head tossing back and a groan as he begins to empty himself into your mouth. You work him through his aftershocks, his hips giving one true thrust right at the end before you swallow. His mouth meeting yours in a satisfied hum.
You went to the French Quarter for dinner. A place with a live jazz band and good food. The atmosphere unmatched. The French Quarter was much less of a drunken mess than Bourbon Street itself, that beast to be tackled a different night. You had a little bit of a pregame with those daquiri slushes before dinner. Buzzed and comfortably riding it throughout. You’d sipped on a rum and coke while listening to the jazz. Just enjoying the night. Tired from driving but satiated from the food. Your hand rubbing your belly you were so full.
“I love you.” His fingers twisting in the stray hairs that fell from your clip. You smile at him, leaning over and pressing a kiss to his lips.
“I love you too.”
You stayed mostly sober while he drank on Bourbon Street. You let him sing horrible karaoke at Cat’s Meow and drug him away from his forced politeness with about six other woman and at least five men. And you let him lean on you and babble while you waited for the uber back to your hotel.
“You’re so fuckin—hiccup—pretty.” Wet on your ear, slobbering and you laugh. “Like so fuckin pretty.” His mouth sloppy on your cheek.
“You’re going to have a hell of a hangover tomorrow.” And it would be your turn to take care of him.
That day had been really nice, a little rainy but you’d gotten beignets and coffee at Café Du Monde and bought a pack of the beignet mix and coffee cup to bring home. You’d seen the Madame LaLaurie house which you were sure you’d be talking to Peggy about later, you’d walked around Jackson Square in the light drizzle and even made your way to walk around Audubon Park. You’d been surprised when Bucky said he wanted to go drink on Bourbon Street seeing as you’d been up for a while, but you obliged and now you were rubbing his back as he told you he was nauseous, his arms wrapped around the toilet bowl.
“I don’t feel good.” He blubbers.
“I know baby.” The tile was cold, hard, and uncomfortable. He gagged. And you sigh, wondering if you should just help him throw up so he would feel better. But he finally vomited. You got him cleaned up, helped him brush his teeth. Fed him some water and helped him out of his clothes. His arms wrapped around your waist as he sat on the edge of the bed. Mumbling words you couldn’t understand as you tried to pull his shirt off. His pants long discarded.
“C’mon baby.” You tug on the shirt stuck in his armpits. His arms weakly lift from your body, letting you lift the shirt off him and laying him under the covers. His fingers twisting in your shirt, “I’ll be right back.” In the bathroom you quickly wipe up the toilet, flushing the extra mess and grabbed the trash can, bringing it out to his side of the bed and resting it on the floor near his head, his arm hanging off the bed and already snoring.
The next day when you were eating breakfast, he drank heartily on a Bloody Mary, trying to get the hair of the dog and feel more alive.
“I can’t believe you let me drink that much.” A groan over fried green tomatoes. You roll your eyes,
“I didn’t… the guys buying you shots when my back was turned did.” It was a laugh really, how Bucky wouldn’t realize someone was flirting with him. So out of touch from being in a relationship, Bucky had been quite the charmer when you first met but had a really hard time noticing when someone else was flirting altogether. A marvel, but it’s true.
“But they were so nice.” He reasoned making you laugh.
“They really were.”
San Antonio, TX – Mile 1,965
Another 543 miles, which 541 were spent on the same road. Honestly it was probably the worst part. Driving in mostly a straight line for hours with long stretches of road in between each stop. But that’s how this part of the country was. It was hotter down here for sure, or maybe just because you were getting deeper into summer.
San Antionio was sweltering, you could feel your shirt sticking to your back as you took in the air conditioning of the hotel lobby you were currently in. The electronic keycard slipped across the counter to Bucky while you waited a step behind before shifting your bag back on and following him to the elevator.
The hotel was a lot like every other hotel, but the only thing you were really worried about now was the shower. Bags dropped and the small toiletry case in hand you slipped into the shower, letting the water run a little cold to cool you off before turning it a little higher to be more comfortable. You can hear Bucky enter the bathroom, the shower curtain being pulled back as he entered behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and dragging you back into his body. Just holding you for a minute.
“Are you okay?” He asked. Pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Yeah, I think I just need some alone time.” You hadn’t talked much during the drive from New Orleans to San Antonio. You were used to getting time apart from each other. Not that you didn’t like spending time with him, but sometimes you just wanted to be alone and right now you were getting that itch. He hums, his arms tightening for a moment more before pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
“After the shower, why don’t you take a nap before dinner, hmm?” He reached over grabbing the soap, “I’ll go grab us dinner and bring it back,” beginning to wash, “We can eat in the room tonight, sleep in tomorrow?”
“That would be nice.” You’d finished your shower, slipped into comfortable clothes and flipped through the local channels on the tv, finding something for background noise as Bucky left the room.
You would get like this sometimes.
Bucky was always a little more adventurous. Back in college you probably wouldn’t have done half the things you did if it weren’t for him. He was far more outgoing; he had more friends. He was always dragging you out of first your dorm, and then your shared apartment. He didn’t need the alone time like you did and at first he was a little hurt by it.
Like you didn’t want to spend time with him, and it wasn’t that. You just needed a little bit of time to yourself to just be on your own and decompress a little. But he kind of knew when you needed it now. When you got a little quiet. When you needed a little space. And he found himself enjoying the time that you spend apart. You were sure he was enjoying his little walk,
“I get to kind of quiet myself a little bit.” He told you, “I always feel like I’m going all the time.” There were often times where you’d spend time together in the same room just not talking, a comfortable silence as you watched tv and he graded papers or just laying in bed reading next to each other. You felt like you didn’t deserve him sometimes.
He always catered to your social anxiety and your stress and you try to do the most you can for him, but there’s always that fear of it not being enough. Like maybe you’d wake up one day and he’d decide that it just wasn’t a good fit anymore.
What would you even do then?
A quick nap, only thirty minutes or so. Then you lay there a little bit, listening to the tv ramble on some sitcom you didn’t recognize. You hear Bucky come in, a paper bag of food in his arms, your eyes meet his and he smiles.
You didn’t deserve him.
“I found this food truck,” He sets down the two glass bottles of soda on the little table in the room. “The guy who runs it, his family used to own a restaurant here in San Antonio, but they were shoved out of business by this fucking corporate bastard who wanted the space for fucking condominiums, kept raising his fucking rent until he couldn’t afford it anymore.” A kiss to your lips, “How was your nap?”
“That’s terrible.” Your hand on his back as you sit at the table, him across from you. “It was good, I think I needed that.” He starts laying out the food. Tacos, empanadas, a little container of radish and limes. Extra cilantro. Little sauce cups of spicy salsa. A hot container of grilled peppers and cactus. A small container of extra rice. “This looks really good, thank you.”
He brings your hand up to his lips, kissing it. “Are you okay?” He asked, biting into the empanada sprinkled with queso fresco. You nod, massaging his arm before digging into the tacos.
“Yeah baby, I’m okay.”
You had to see the Alamo, obviously. The big limestone building that was pivotal in the Texas Revolution and was now a history museum. But you were more excited for the river walk. Not far from your hotel a bunch of small restaurants and shops, very touristy and brightly lit, but beautiful on the San Antonio River. Tomorrow would be the Japanese Tea Garden and the Natural Bridge Caverns, but you always liked a relatively easy day right after travelling.
You found yourself really looking at him for the first time in a long time. The little wrinkles by his eyes when he smiles that weren’t there five years ago. How often he licked his lips. How often he caught you looking at him. You were sure you looked lovesick. You found yourself resting your head on his shoulder a lot. Your hand in his as you walked around, the steady motion of his thumb moving across your hand a soothing balm for your growing anxiety.
“What’s going on?” He’d ask you later. “You’ve been really affectionate today.” His hands around your waist in the elevator heading up to the hotel room.
“I just love you, that’s all.” His hands moving to cup your face, thumbs brushing your cheeks.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You meet his kiss, humming against his lips. The elevator doors ding and you walk to your room,
“I just want to sleep.” You hear him sigh behind you as you begin to get changed.
“No, what’s wrong?” Sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at you as you changed into your sleep shorts and tank top. His hand reaching out to yours and dragging you into his lap, your legs on either side of his, you wrapped your arms around his neck. “C’mon baby talk to me.” You felt silly.
“I just… feel like I don’t deserve you.” A laugh in his chest that made you feel dumb.
“I’m sorry baby,” His arms squeezing you a little tighter, “I didn’t mean to laugh.” His fingers tracing your spine. “I feel like I don’t deserve you sometimes, you’re always so patient with me. You pack my lunch for me every day.” He laughs, “You do cute things like bring me coffee when I’m studying or make me those amazing chocolate peanut butter cookies during finals. You know I love you,” He pulled back, your face coming from resting on his shoulder, his hand coming up to cup your jaw, brushing his thumb across your bottom lip. “I think we both like to take care of each other, there’s nothing wrong with that baby, you always take care of me so I try really hard to take care of you.”
“How are you so perfect?” A hum as you meet his lips, soft and sweet.
“How are you so perfect?” He falls back against the bed, dragging you down with him, his hand still rubbing your back. You softly kiss him and close your eyes, finding comfort in laying on his chest. “I think this trip was a really good idea.”
Four Corners Monument – Mile 2,936
“How could you have not checked that we were low on gas?” You were trying to not be angry. You were really trying not to be angry, but when there’s desert on either side of you it’s kind of hard not to be. It was sweltering and no gas also meant no AC.
“I checked our gas at the last stop,” Bucky was in the same boat, hands on his hips, “I think— “he sighs, “Maybe the gas gauge is broken.” You groan in frustration, stepping away from the car and pulling out your phone.
“Can you get a signal?” To call his AAA. A moment or two of him on the phone, before he hung up and turned to you.
“They said about two hours.” You huff, sitting down in the passenger seat, door open and arms crossed. You’d woken up extra early to make this 15-hour drive. You kicked at the hard ground with the sole of your sneaker, trying to calm down while Bucky paced a little.
“I knew we should have rented a car.” You glare at him from your seat.
“If you wanted to rent a car why would you ask me if we should take your car or not?” He didn’t answer. “Don’t blame me for this.” A sigh,
“I’m blaming myself.” A kick to his tire, “I’ve had this car for ten years now, we shouldn’t have taken it.” You worry your bottom lip, checking the time on your phone.
“If you knew we shouldn’t have taken it, why did we?” You didn’t mean for this to turn into an argument. But it somehow turned into a screaming match on the abandoned stretch of road. Not even over important things, things so insignificant like how he’d been taking his shoes off in the car and the stink of that or how you smacked your gum out of boredom. The heat leading the two of you to just explode for no good reason.
Two long strides, that is what was between the two of you. That’s all it took for him to grab you tightly and crush you against his chest, mashing your lips together. You moan into his mouth, fingers tangling in his hair for a harsh tug. Your back hit the side of the car, his fingers fumbling with the button of your shorts, tugging them open and roughly dipping his fingers into the wet heat between your thighs. Two fingers circling your opening before slipping inside and stroking your walls, thumb rapid on your clit.
Your hands fumble with his belt, your legs already shaking as you stroke his length, hot and hard in your hand. He removes his fingers from your now aching sex, “I need you so bad.” Shorts and panties shifted down on your hips, stuck on your knees, he turns you around pressing you to the car, feet kicking your legs open and you could feel his tip prod your entrance.
With one thrust he was home, his hips slapping against yours furiously, your hand drifting own between your thighs to strum on your clit, the pleasure growing. His hand rips yours away, replacing it with his.
“God you’re so fucking good.” Hot on you ear, “So fucking good baby.” That stretch and burn of him, on top of the practiced fingers on your clit brought you over almost immediately. A moan ripping from your lungs, as your clit became overbearingly sensitive. Your hand met his between your legs, trying to stop the steady motions, but he wouldn’t. His other hand left your hip and wrapped around your throat, dragging your back to his chest. “You’re gonna cum for me again.”
You were a mess, whining as two of his fingers slipped into your mouth and pressing down on your tongue, eyes rolling back in your head as you felt yourself gush around his cock. His hips giving a half a dozen sloppy thrusts before he moaned into your neck, emptying himself inside you. You catch your breath against him before your mind unscrambles and you realize that you’ve got cum dripping down your thighs in the middle of the desert.
“I think we needed that.” He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek before wiping his cum off your thighs with a tissue, bundling it up and tossing it into the plastic bag you’d been using for trash and tying it.
You snort, buttoning your shorts, “Always the romantic.” He grins, taking a sip out of a water bottle before passing it to you.
“It’s warm.” He warns. You scrunch your nose, taking a sip of the warm water, sweat dripping down your back.
“How much longer?” He checks his phone and looks at you with a defeated expression.
“An hour.” You had to change your shorts.
“This is it?” Just a pavilion, one on each side of the square and the little circular concrete stepping area and a large plaque on the ground. He’s laughing, the stress of everything that just happened ending in this.
“You can be in four states at once.” You shrug.
Grand Canyon Village, AZ – Mile 3,165
It was busy and a little crowded at the Grand Canyon. Which was kind of to be expected. A lot of people taking pictures with their families and couples taking pictures much like you’d been planning to. But the view.
It took your breath away.
You’d seen different environments on this trip that before you’d never been exposed to. The North East was heavily wooded, and everything was tightly packed together. Having lived in New Jersey and then NYC it was very much the same. You marveled at the mountains on your way to Nashville and when you first hit actual desert you pulled the car over to take a real look. The swamps and muggy weather in New Orleans you hadn’t gotten enough time to explore, but the first time seeing Spanish Moss was unreal.
But this was something else entirely.
Bucky caged you in against the metal gate keeping you from getting to the edge, his chest to your back and rested his head on your shoulder. “This is incredible.” He agreed.
You snapped a picture on your polaroid.
And probably about a dozen pictures of the two of you together. A nice couple from Idaho even took a picture on his phone and one on the polaroid and in return you took their picture and gifted them a polaroid of themselves.
You’d left around dinner time. Ordering in and spending the night in the room after shoving your laundry in the hotel laundry room.
“We’re only eight hours away.” You grin. “Eight more hours until we are at the Pacific.” It feels unreal that you’re almost to the opposite end of the country, but whenever you pulled up the map on your phone that’s where it showed you.
Driving had been getting a little more difficult the closer you got to your destination. You were just itching to just get there already and you were not excited for the drive tomorrow. You hadn’t touched the bed yet, still covered in a thin layer of dust, you could feel it between your toes, but the hunger led you towards eating the sandwich and salad combo from the shop the two of you ordered from before getting into the actual shower.
You sigh, fingers tangled in Bucky’s hair. His mouth attached to your clit in a gentle suck. One hand drifting up to play with your nipple, rolling it between his fingers. Your hips grind against his face. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Almost, almost. His hand was fisting his cock the heat of it making your toes curl, cumming on his tongue. A few more quick tugs had him spilling over the tile. The best thing about hotel bathrooms was the water never went cold. Still hot and steamy as he pressed a kiss to your hip before standing. You bury your face in his neck, wrapping your arms around him as he pulled you close.
A soft rock side to side under the stream.
God you fucking love him.
Driving was honestly a hassle. You couldn’t go more than two hours without wanting to switch or stop, which as you grew closer and closer to California you began to see more houses and more people on the road around you.
His hand on your thigh as you finally crossed the California border, feeling a little more positive about finally getting to the end of the road before having to turn around.
Anaheim, CA – Mile 3,643
You read about California traffic, but it was unreal in person. The car hadn’t moved in a good five minutes you’re sure. How is this even possible? The gridlock because you’d taken an extra hour at lunch and gotten to California around rush hour.
“That was a mistake.” You sigh, rubbing your eyes. “We should have just hit a drive thru.” He rubbed your thigh affectionately.
“Doesn’t matter now,” He laughs, “We’ll get there.” You know he’s right, but you still feel a little string of irritation with yourself for not just pushing through a little more. “Are you excited?” He’s grinning, a squeeze on your leg.
“I’m very excited.” And you were. There was so much you wanted to see in California. And you both specifically set aside money to spend a day or two at Disneyland having gone to Disney World with both of your families before. Your Mom being a little obsessed, you were going to have to bring her back something for sure.
You had to get In-N-Out. That was a given. You’d almost stopped for it back in Tuscon but reasoned that you had to wait until California. “This is so good.” Bucky picked up some fries you had to order ‘animal-style’ just because it was an option. And it was so good.
“This was worth it.” Over a mouth of burger. Bucky nods,
“So worth it.”
Your toes dipped into the ocean. A hot and beautiful day. Bucky sat back a couple feet laid out on a blanket. You look back on him, propped up on his elbow, smiling at you. The water was warm, and it was unreal that it wasn’t actually green. At the Jersey shore the water is green from all the algae. But not here. It was actually blue.
His arms wrap around your waist, walking you both deeper into the water. The waves rocking gently over your bodies. The sun hot on your skin.
“This was so worth it.” Your legs around his waist in the water, his finger’s toying with your swimsuit bottoms. “Don’t.” Stern. It makes him laugh.
“Don’t what?” Fingers brushing on your labia through your swim bottoms.
“Bucky…” A harder press directly against your clit. Your eyes looking on the shore. “Stop.” Dragging yourself away from him you made him laugh harder, treading water to get back onto the sand, tossing a playful glare over your shoulder. “Pervert.”
A polaroid of the gate, Disneyland.
“The castle is small.” He says. Main Street similar to Disney World itself, but the castle was noticeably smaller than Cinderella’s castle in Orlando. But it was just as magical and just as expensive. You split a hand dipped corn dog and ate dole whip in the afternoon between rides.
It was a fun, but tiring day and left you both a little sunburnt on your nose and cheeks. You’d slept in the next day, barely able to pull yourself out of bed and your legs were sore from walking about ten miles yesterday. You UberEats breakfast to the room, well… lunch. And watched the weather forecast while trying to decide what to do that day, settling down on going to the Santa Monica pier seeing as the day was already half gone.
Bucky began acting a little strange halfway through your stay in California. He seemed anxious and more fidgety than usual. But every time you asked him about it, he shrugged it off as having too much caffeine or just being really excited to be going to go see the Hollywood sign or stopping by the Cecil Hotel, “Just to see it.”
It wasn’t until the night before you were going to start making your way back did you discover the reason why.
Sitting on the trunk of his car, facing the ocean. The food truck where you’d just had fish tacos and chips with guac off to your right, the only real light as you watched the sun set. He offered to go to the other food truck nearby and grab some ice cream. Homemade stuff boasted by the chalkboard sign on the side of the truck.
With his return and the comfortable quiet that came with watching the sun set over the ocean, you feel him shift to your side, fumbling with something before slipping off the trunk, his back to you.
“Bucky?” You watched him take a deep breath and turn, in his hand was a ring box.
Bucky had thought about proposing a million times.
Every time you’d bring him coffee at the library. Every time you’d turn down the bed before the two of you went to sleep. He’d almost proposed Christmas, but you’d wanted to drink so he held off.
When you brought up this road trip he started thinking about it, really. And decided that he would do it sometime during this trip.
He kept trying to figure out when he wanted to do it. That night of amazing sex in DC. The night you were babbling and drunk in Nashville. Maybe when he looked at you in that jazz club, your face lit up by the stage lights in New Orleans. He’d almost proposed in San Antonio when you were sweet and needy.  
He thought about it during your argument heading towards the Four Corners Monument but changed his mind. And at the Grand Canyon there were just too many people around. But here it was just the two of you, your car farther away from the crowd gathered by the food trucks. You’d just watched the sun set over the ocean. He knew it was now, he had to do it.
He wanted to do it.
“I had a whole thing… planned out.” He stumbles over his words, “I’ve thought about this every day for years now, I think. And I just… you’re the love of my life. You’re the only person I want to spend it with, and I know we haven’t talked a lot about getting married and I’m ruining this, but… This trip has really confirmed everything I already knew that I felt and I don’t think there’s any better time to ask…
Will you marry me?”
The ring felt strange on your finger but was easily ignored as your fingers tangled in Bucky’s hair. The windows in the car were cracked to keep them from steaming up, a practice well versed by both of your exhibitionist tendencies. The goal was to make it back to the hotel, but this abandoned stretch of highway would do just fine.
On his lap in the backseat you grind your hips against his, aching for it. Fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shorts and feeling his hands squeeze your bare ass while you work them down past his knees. A hover to adjust before sinking down.
Wet but not completely prepared, the stretch and burn a little intense. His mouth moving passionately against yours as one hand slipped between you and starting carefully stroking your clit. Your hands meet the head rest, using it as leverage to raise and lower yourself on his dick. His hips slip down on the seat a little to help you, thrusting up to meet your hips.
“I’m not gonna last,” He moans against your mouth. You start to gush around him, whimpering as you grow closer and closer to release. His hand that had been on your waist coming to tangle in your hair and tug, those practiced fingers of his between your legs finally bringing you over. He was quick to follow. Panting as you remain in his lap, feeling him soften, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you in tightly to his chest. Soft and loving,
“This was a really good idea.”
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 5 』
· Sept. 29th → Habit is Second Nature ·
Characters: female!reader, Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi (+ bonus characters: Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Testurou)
Prompts: A. best character development + B. patterns and habits
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), PG, fluff, headcanons, patterns and habits, best character development
A/N: I haven't done any character x reader stuff for this challenge yet because I tend to do NSFW stuff. But I thought I'd do some fluffy stuff about the characters with the best development and their habits as your boyfriend! (Plus a couple of bonus boys, because I couldn't help myself!! 🥰)
All my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts will be SFW, but I have NSFW stuff on my blog too. Feel free to take a gander. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ Imo~
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Haikyuu × reader / patterns and habits
☆ Kageyama Tobio ☆
Gets up at 5:30am to go for a run every morning but forgets to send you a 'good morning' text don't be upset, it just doesn't really occur to him
Gets all giddy when he receives one from you, though literally cannot stop smiling. Doesn't know what to do with himself
Often forgets his pencil case and comes by your class to borrow stuff
When he buys milk from the vending machine, he will start buying some for you as well without you asking he's trying to show he cares
Milk makes him happy, so it should make you happy too, right? 😭
Frowns and blushes when you start hugging and nuzzling him in public he'll start stammering, too, if you took him by surprise
But then he pouts when you stop 🤭
Is embarrassed about asking you to touch him my poor touch-starved baby 😭
Blushes and looks at the floor whenever he talks about something romantic or intimate
Leans his forehead against yours when he wants to express how he feels but doesn't know how I might be crying...
He loves hearing the sound of your voice, so he often falls asleep while in the middle of a late-night phone call with you you can hear the soft sound of his breathing through the receiver 😭😭
Writes down important dates you tell him because he just knows he's going to forget them
Discretely interlaces his fingers with yours when he feels vulnerable prOTECT HIM
Lots and lots of hugs from behind because eye contact can be a bit much for him, and he's sometimes nervous about you seeing his face
Can get angry and shout at you without warning when he's stressed or upset, and he feels terrible after
Writes out his apologies on reams and reams of paper and rehearses them a million times in front of the mirror but somehow still forgets most of it?
Smiles like a literal angel when he does something to make you happy that's all he wants, y'all 😭
Will try his best at everything, whether it's trying new things with you or doing the same old stuff he's always done
Nuzzles the back of your neck when you're spooning, and kisses his way across your shoulders and down your back as a way of saying, 'I love you and you're mine'
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☆ Hinata Shouyou ☆
Says the cheesiest, most romantic things to you with a straight face, but blushes and hides his face when you return the favour
Bounces around the room when he's excited
Always asks you how your day was and is genuinely interested
Rests his head on your shoulder when you're sitting together
Shouts really loudly at random moments because of surprise/frustration/excitement/any sudden emotion, really 😅 gives you mini heart attacks
Always sneezes really fucking loudly??
Sends you adorable cat videos when he knows you've had a bad day
Subtly presses his leg against yours whenever you're sat together, especially when you're both supposed to be studying 👀
Wipes your cheeks and kisses the end of your nose whenever you've been crying
Sings in the shower because he thinks you can't hear him
Will give his gym towel to you with a smile whenever you get soaked in the rain rather than dry himself off
Treasures every little gift you get him
Is fine becoming a human hot water bottle by little-spooning every month when your period comes around he runs at a really high temperature, and actually really enjoys it. So cute 😍
Runs down the halls to your class every break to bring you your favourite drink from the vending machine
Loves sharing cakes with you and feeding each other it sounds cringy, but he makes it so cute and natural
Always pulls goofy faces when he Snapchats you
Leaves you cute voicemails when he wanted to talk to you but you're busy
Shows up unannounced at your house when he's troubled because he just really needs to see you
If he just sees your face, then he knows that it's somehow going to be alright
Y'all, I can't 😭😭🤧
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☆ Tsukishima Kei ☆
Teases the crap out of you on a regular basis just to see you all pouty and frustrated
Pretends not to remember your birthday/anniversary/etc. every year so he can drop by your house later that day and surprise you with a gift
Pulls your cheeks when he thinks you're being too cute
Kisses the ends of your fingers when he wants to show affection but doesn't know how
Flicks your forehead whenever he thinks you're being stupid or irritating 🙄
Lowkey blushes every time he sees you cheering for him in the stands I SEE THAT LITTLE SMILE, TSUKKI
Makes you sit on his lap all the time for no good reason other than to tease you bruh
Often ends up taking the teasing too far and winds up feeling rotten because you're now genuinely upset
Sucks at applogies, but will always try to set it right if he's at fault, even if it's awkward
Gives the biggest, warmest hugs when he wants to which isn't much, but hey. Take what you can get
Always sends you a text to make sure you've got home safe, but it's never in those words. It's always under the guise of something else Tsukki, pLEaSE
Grumbles to himself out of jealousy whenever you show attention to other guys, especially his brother
Deliberately gives you his sweaters and hoodies to wear after a shower because he thinks it's super cute, but acts like it's nothing you ain't slick, Tsukki 🤣
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☆ Yamaguchi Tadashi ☆
Reaches for your hand first whenever you're together
Nose and forehead kisses when he sees you in the morning
Hand-picks a bunch of flowers for you every Monday because he knows you hate Mondays 🥺🤧
Waits for you at the gate after school every day
Always stands up for you, no matter what he may be soft, but he's not a WUSS 😠
Asks to borrow your other earphone whenever you're listening to something
Wants to spoon with you whenever he's feeling down and you'll never refuse
Always arrives 15 minutes early for every date despite changing his outfit several times out of nervousness
Blushes in pride whenever he lends you his jacket because you're cold adorbs
Sends you little pick-me-up messages when you're busy so you can read them when you're free
Helps you tie up your hair for gym class, and is surprisingly good at making pretty hairstyles
Traces his fingers over your palms and other body parts whenever you're curled up together
Has your name saved on every social media and contact list as something cute like 'My Sunshine 💛' or 'My Honeybee 🐝'
Twiddles his hair around his finger a lot, especially when he's daydreaming about you let's hope he doesn't start balding 😭
Will rush to your class with an umbrella on rainy days in case you forgot one
Loves sitting on the swings with you whenever you pass them on the way home, and making you giggle by pushing you higher and higher
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(Bonus boys)
☆ Bokuto Koutarou ☆
Sends a stream of soppy hype-texts every morning for you to wake up to
Will stop by your house and pick you up for school, even if you live literal miles away from him he just wants to see you
Grabs you by the waist and picks you up at least once a day, often in front of a crowd of people he's a fan of PDA
Peppers you with kisses when he sees you for the first time each day
Hypes you up to no end. Literally cannot sing your praises enough
Is constantly looking for compliments, and is not-so subtle about it
Gets easily depressed when you don't notice he did something differently etc.
Will kiss you in front of everyone when he wins a game and you come down to congratulate him literally doesn't care. He's too proud of you
Is constantly asking for massages, whether or not he needs them, because he enjoys the contact
Sometimes you want to staple his mouth shut because he has a habit of getting too excited and talking with his mouth full 🙃
Doesn't stop texting you and sending you Snapchats
Is kind of oblivious if he's done something that upset you, and starts freaking out when someone Akaashi finally tells him
Doesn't plan or rehearse his apologies, because he literally just says exactly what he means 100% of the time
May start choking up and crying if what he did was bad enough, because he just feels so, so guilty
Constantly reminds you when you said you would make him a lunchbox because he loves it so much and wants to boast to his friends
Likes you sitting on his lap while you do stuff together I mean...👀
Calls you 'puppy' and 'kitten' etc. unabashedly in public boi, pLEASE
Insists on giving you piggyback rides whenever your feet hurt 🐷
Saves every single selfie you send him. He treasures every single one, and tears sometimes come to his eyes when he scrolls through them he's so whipped for you, my gal
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☆ Kuroo Testurou ☆
Stays up all night texting you he might be getting bags
But it's fine. It just adds to the emo look
Takes your bag and carries it for you without you asking him to
Facetimes you randomly
When you ask what it's about, he says he just missed you/wanted to see your face smooth mf
His hand always finds its way around your waist whenever you're walking together
He scrolls through your old conversations when he misses you
Will ruffle your hair to tease you just so he can spend the next 20 minutes brushing it for you
Steals food from your lunch every day he's lucky he's pretty
Stands outside your house with a boombox blasting love ballads like a giant nerd when he wants to surprise you just imagine it for a second. Let the image sink in
Ends up stroking your hair when you're cuddling together
And subconsciously cradles your stomach a lot because he really wants to start a family with you Testu!!! 🥺😭🤧
Always sends you 'Send This To Your Crush Without Context' videos, despite the fact that you guys have literally been dating for years no caption or anything, either. Just the video
Will probably continue to do it even once you're married, tbh
Always, always, always walks you home
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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Happy Anniversary -- A jatp fic
Here’s my first Julie and the Phantoms fic, inspired by this post. I hope you enjoy.
“Maybe we need to put ourselves in danger?” Reggie said, breaking the silence that had lingered over the studio for longer than he was comfortable. “Last time, Julie thought we were all going to disappear forever. Maybe if she thinks that again, she can figure out how she did it before.”
Alex broke out of his blank stare to turn his head to Reggie. He stared at the bass player just long enough to give him time to really think about what he’d just said. When Reggie didn’t seem to get it, Alex said, “Seriously? We’ll just go back to the Hollywood Ghost Club and ask Caleb for another stamp, then, shall we?”
“Yeah, let’s not do that,” Reggie responded quietly, sagging back into his chair. He put a hand to his chest and started to rub it a little, remembering the pain of the jolts the stamp had caused. “But maybe there’s some other way to put us in danger.”
Then Alex turned his head to Julie and gave a look like he couldn’t answer another silly question and he needed her to take this one.
“You want to put a ghost in danger?” Julie asked Reggie skeptically.
Reggie went quiet when he saw her point.
Flynn looked between Julie and the seemingly empty chair she was talking to. “What’s going on?” she asked her best friend.
“Nothing helpful,” Luke said with a roll of his eyes.
Knowing Flynn hadn’t heard that, Julie—less sarcastically—answered, “Nothing that’s going to work.”
Julie and Luke had spent the last hour trying to get their hands to touch, but every time their hands got close, every time they thought, maybe this time, their hands passed right through each other and the two would sigh. Julie could see Luke get more frustrated each time.
Ever since the night of The Orpheum show, the band had spent a lot of downtime trying to work out how to repeat whatever magic is was that had made Julie able to touch the boys, and Flynn able to see them.
Flynn hadn’t originally gone back to Julie’s after the show, but when she’d gotten home, she realized that Julie had seemed fine at the show, but there was no way she was going to be okay when she got home to the studio. So Flynn had gone straight down to the garage when she got to Julie’s and the first thing she noticed was how bright the room was. Then she saw Julie wasn’t alone, she could see the boys with her in a group hug.
“Oh, my god,” Flynn almost screamed when she realized what was happening. But no sooner had she spoken the words and Julie turned around, that the boys vanished.
Ever since that night, Julie had been trying to figure out how to make the boys visible when they weren’t playing—so far, she had only managed slight flickers as her hands passed through Luke’s. She hadn’t been able to touch him since.
Julie looked at Luke now, knowing he wanted just as bad as she did to recreate that magic. He wanted to hold her hand, feel her arms around him like he had that night.
He reached out again for her hand, only for his to slip right through it again. He gave a frustrated groan and turned away from her. He didn’t usually get like this—he actually hadn’t felt like this since he’d found out Bobby had stolen his music—but right now he wanted to hit something. He couldn’t remember being more frustrated with himself in all his life and afterlife.
Not sure what else to do, Luke stormed out through the garage door. Julie tried to call his name, but he kept going until he was outside.
Alex came and stood behind Julie, both looking at where the guitarist had walked out. After a quiet moment, Alex sighed. “So, do you wanna . . .?”
Snapping out of her own frustration, Julie said, “Yeah, yeah I got it.”
Julie walked outside to talk to Luke, and Alex was relieved he didn’t have to go. He’d been trying to support Luke through this, but he never seemed to know the right thing to say. Alex hated it, he was usually the one to know what to say to make things better, but he didn’t now. He didn’t understand what Luke was going through. He was still sneaking around with Willie, trying to work out how to free him from Caleb, but at least when Alex was able to steal a moment away with his dream boy, he could hold Willie in his arms.
Outside, Julie closed the garage door behind her. “Hey, you okay?”
Luke, who had begun throwing stones into the garden, frustrated, sighed and turned to look at her. “You know I want to be able to do this right?”
“Of course, so do I,” Julie said softly. “But even if we don’t figure it out, it doesn’t change . . .”
“Change what?” Luke encouraged when she paused.
With a sigh, Julie only answered, “Nothing.”
Then Luke looked frustrated again. “Nothing,” he repeated. “Right.”
“No, Luke, that’s not what I—” but he poofed out before she could finish.
Reggie stuck his head through the garage door. “Where’s he going? We’ve got practice.”
He was yanked back inside by Alex. “We weren’t listening,” Alex lied after sticking his head through where Reggie’s had just been.
“It’s okay,” Julie answered. Still facing away from the boys, she wiped a tear from her face. “I think I know where he’s going.”
Emily was in the kitchen when Luke poofed in. She was drying the clean dishes to be put away and her hair was pulled back.
The first time Luke had seen her after coming back as a ghost, he was shocked by her now completely grey hair, but what hurt him the most was the look in her eyes. They were as sad as when he used to sneak by the house before he died, but they had an added layer of looking lost.
Now she looked . . . not happier, but definitely not as lost. Luke knew it was Julie who had done that. Bringing his mother that song had changed the whole mood in the house. A huge amount of his guilt had been lifted when Julie had come by, and now it seemed some of Emily’s had been, too.
“Good afternoon, my beautiful wife,” Mitch said, walking into the kitchen. Luke saw he was holding something behind his back and when Emily turned around to greet her husband, he pulled out the fresh bunch of dahlias. “Happy anniversary.”
“Oh, darling they’re beautiful,” Emily said, taking the bouquet from him. “Happy anniversary.”
They shared an affectionate kiss and Luke smiled—forty-five years and despite all their tragedy, they were still so in love. Emily put the flowers in a vase with water and Mitch went to change from his golf clothes. Luke didn’t know, but their anniversary had been such a non-event since he’d died. But with new life in the house since Julie’s visit, Mitch felt compelled to acknowledge the day once again.
As he watched his mom continue to put away dishes, Luke looked past her to the window sill, and saw a folded up piece of paper tucked in the window tracks. She took that bit of paper everywhere with her now.
“I could really use some mom advice right now,” Luke said, sitting on the kitchen bench, leaning his back to the wall. “Julie is . . . incredible. She’s insanely talented, and caring. I don’t have to tell you that you’d like her. I love her, Mom, but I don’t know if I should tell her. I can’t touch her, I can’t hold her—or kiss her. I think she feels the same way I do, but is it fair to ask her for something so complicated? Should I encourage her to go for something normal and just let her be happy with Nick instead?” he said the name with spited jealously. “I don’t know if I could stick around for that.”
Emily continued to clean the kitchen and he wished so badly that she would respond and help him decide what to do. But after a moment, he knew he didn’t need her to.
“I know what you’d say,” Luke spoke with a little smile and shake of his head. “You’d ask me if writing and playing music with her was worth it. That if nothing ever changed, could I be happy with things the way they are?” After a quiet moment, he looked over at his mom. “And the answer is yes, it will always be yes. I’d go the rest of eternity never getting to hold her again, as long as I still got to write music and perform with her.”
Emily finished putting the dishes away and grabbed the coffee pot to fill with water.
“If you could only know, I never let you go,” he sang quietly to her. But as he sang, he realized something new—his mother was singing along with him. Luke sat up straighter, thinking he must have imagined what he heard.
He tried again to be sure. “If I could take us back, if I could just do that.” He wasn’t going crazy, she was singing the tune. Not only was she singing it to the right melody—a melody she’d never heard—but she was singing in time to him. When he stopped singing, she stopped and looked up, surprised to catch herself singing at all.
“And write in every empty space, the words I love you in replace,” Luke kept going, hopping off the bench and walking up behind her as she put a now full pot of coffee on to brew.
She continued to sing with him and he looked at the piece of paper in the window sill with the Unsaid Emily lyrics written on it, still in the same spot. He continued to sing with his mom as he reached over to grab the paper.
“And the words I most regret are the ones I never meant to leave.” Her back was still turned when he tapped the paper out of its place and onto the bench.
Emily turned around to the light noise the bit of paper made when it landed. When she walked over to pick it up, Luke let out a breath, causing the paper to drop to the floor. Emily pulled her hand back, shocked. After she bent down to pick it up, she started to turn it in her hands, looking at it in curiosity.
Luke wasn’t really sure how, but he knew that his mother knew he was there. He reached up a hand and brushed his fingertips on her cheek. Emily gasped lightly, and brought her hand to her cheek.
Her eyes lit up with a joy he hadn’t seen before. Her hand went straight through his now, but for a moment, she could feel his touch.
Luke poofed back into the studio to find it was only the boys. “Where’s Julie?” he asked immediately.
“In her room, why?”
Without answering, Luke poofed into Julie’s room. She was on her bed studying and almost jumped off in fright.
“Jeez, Luke,” she cried. “What are you doing? I could have been getting changed!”
He ignored her anger. “Julie, listen, the coolest thing just happened.”
Whatever happened at his parents’ house, he was so excited about it that Julie realized she couldn’t stay mad at him with that cute, eager look on his face. “Okay, what’s so important?”
Then there was a knock on the door and Julie’s dad interrupted them.
“You okay, honey? Thought I heard a scream?” Ray asked, leaning through the doorway.
“Oh, that,” Julie panicked for an answer. “Just homework frustration, you know? High school.”
Luke stood around impatiently, thinking Ray would leave after that, but then he walked into the room completely and sat on the chair across from Julie’s bed. Why did Ray have to choose this of all moments to have a catch up, bonding session?
When Ray finally walked out of the room what felt like an eternity later, Luke sat on Julie’s bed, ignoring the books and school work she had to move before he sat on them.
“Okay, so I went to my mom and dad’s,” Luke began.
Julie smiled sadly at him. “I figured as much.”
“No, listen, while I was there, I—” Before Luke could continue, they were interrupted again by Reggie and Alex poofing in.
“You guys need to come outside, right now,” Reggie said.
Luke waved them off in annoyance. “Not now, guys, okay?”
“No, really, dude,” Alex said more seriously. “There’s someone here, you need to come out to the studio.”
Alex’s tone stopped Luke short of telling him off again. Who could be here that was so important? Julie got up off her bed and walked downstairs. The boys all followed her instead of poofing out.
When they got to the studio, Luke couldn’t believe his eyes.
Emily had caught herself singing all afternoon and wondered how she knew the music. After the folded up paper with her son’s handwriting all over it had fallen to the floor, she thought of Julie—the precious little girl who had brought her son back to her with that piece of paper.
The first time Emily had read the lyrics, she realized that she hadn’t lost her son like she thought she had. She thought she’d lost him long before that devastating night the police lights had lit up her living room. But with Julie’s actions, she now knew that if not for the tragedy, she might one day have had him back, and that meant the world to her.
Now she was singing to the lyrics she had only ever read. Maybe she’d heard the tune somewhere before. Then she got thinking about it. Perhaps Julie had performed the song before she knew what it was—or she might have even performed some of Luke’s other songs. After making herself a fresh coffee, Emily went to sit at the computer and searched for Julie.
It took less than a minute for Emily to find the girl—once Emily found the right keywords, Julie and the Phantoms was the first hit.
“Stand Tall at the Orpheum,” Emily muttered to herself. “Impressive.” Emily didn’t have to be a musician to know that a performance at the Orpheum was a pretty important event.
“Hey, Mitch, honey,” she called to her husband. He came into the room with his own fresh cup of coffee.
“Everything alright?” he asked.
“Julie played the Orpheum a few weeks ago—I thought you might watch it with me.”
Emily didn’t have to say anything else—they were both thinking the same thing. They were going to support Julie as best they could, to make up for not supporting Luke when they had the chance.
As they both watched the video start, Emily admired Julie’s beautiful speech. The young girl hadn’t mentioned that her mom had passed away, but Emily could tell now, by the way she spoke about her mom on stage, that Julie had suffered that same dreadful loss.
When Julie started performing, Emily and Mitch both began to smile. She was so talented, just like Luke. Definitely not for the first time, Emily wished more than anything that she’d had the opportunity to see Luke perform. If he’d had half the spark and talent that Julie showed, she would have loved to watch him.
Suddenly, Julie wasn’t alone on stage, a drummer and his kit seemed to flash in out of nowhere.
Emily looked at Mitch in surprise. “That’s very fancy,” he noted. But then his eyebrows creased together as he looked closer at the monitor.
Emily looked back herself and saw right away what her husband had. That drummer looked an awful lot like—
Another flash and another performer appeared on stage. “It can’t be,” Emily said.
Mitch and Emily looked at each other, shocked, but also realizing the same thing—if that was Alex and Reggie, did that mean their son would be there too?
Both of them turned back to the monitor, their eyes glued as they watched another figure flash in and out. Emily couldn’t believe it, she must have imagined it. Then the figure flashed in again, still too quick to be sure, but enough that it gave her hope.
Emily’s heart raced and Mitch put an arm around her—his heart had almost stopped.
“I’m going out of my mind!”
There he was.
They watched the rest of the performance, completely speechless. Every second the camera showed Luke on screen, Emily’s heart skipped a beat. She wasn’t even questioning the how or the why, she was just so happy to see her son again.
At the end of the video, Alex, Reggie and Luke flashed off screen the same way they’d flashed in and Mitch looked at his wife, who was still staring at the screen. She had tears in her eyes and he watched them start to roll down her cheek, then she looked at him.
Without a word, Mitch went to grab his car keys and Emily followed him out to the car. Almost fifty years of loving her and she still didn’t have to say a word for him to know what she needed.
They drove in silence as Mitch tried to remember where he was going. It had been over twenty-five years since he’d taken Luke to band practice, but he was sure he still remembered the way.
When they arrived at the house they hadn’t seen in years, Mitch pulled up to curb out front and turned the car off. Emily didn’t move for a few moments.
“Do you really think he’s here?” Emily asked, staring down where she could just see the roof of the garage. “What if . . .”
Mitch took her hand. “There’s only one way to know.”
They got out of the car and walked down the drive.
The large white garage doors were closed, but Emily knew if the boys were anywhere, it was in there. So Mitch opened the door.
The studio had definitely changed since he’d last seen it. A fresh coat of paint and a grand piano he was sure hadn’t been there the last time he’d dropped Luke off were the most notable changes. Mitch remembered the fights he’d gotten into with Luke every time he had come to pick his son up. That boy never wanted to leave.
When Luke had first started practicing with his band, his parents never thought he would want to drop out of school to pursue music. They thought it would just be a high school hobby, and had always treated it as such. Mitch had thought many times over the years how different things might have been if they’d taken it half as seriously as Luke did.
Alex and Reggie sat up, stiff as boards when they saw who had walked into the garage. They looked at each other, staying completely quiet, as if Emily and Mitch could hear them anyway. Not sure what else to do, they poofed up to Julie’s room.
There was no one in the garage when they walked in, but that didn’t stop Emily from saying through tears, “Luke?”
When nothing happened, Emily thought about going up to the house to look for Julie. Then she heard someone walk in and turned around.
Alex and Reggie stayed just outside when Julie walked in with Luke at her heels — they both froze at the sight of his parents.
Luke took a step and stood directly beside Julie. They instinctively grabbed hands, so caught up in the shock of who was in front of them, they didn’t even notice that they were actually holding hands.
“Mom?” Luke said, tears in his eyes.
Emily gasped and put a hand to her mouth. She was looking at him—at him. “Luke?” she said with a sob.
Luke and Julie looked at her in shock, then down at their interlocked hands, then back to Emily.
Family, Julie realized. That feeling of family was all she was thinking of in that moment. How much her family—including her found one—meant to her, how much she loved them, how much Luke loved his.
Emily walked over towards her son, tears streaming. She still didn’t care how—she just wanted to know it was real. She reached out and touched his arm, and she could feel it. He really was there.
“Mom, I—”
Luke was cut off when his mother wrapped her arms around him, crying with overwhelming emotion. He wrapped his other arm around her, not daring to let go of Julie’s hand in case the magic went away. Julie wiped away tears and Emily pulled her in as well. Mitch walked over and wrapped himself around all of them. Emily’s legs gave out then as all her energy had been taken by her tears. Luke carried her down until they were on their knees.
Then he felt Alex and Reggie join them. Emily looked at them, so happy to see her son’s chosen family here as well.
My beautiful boy, Emily thought. Oh, how I’ve missed you.
Even if the magic never worked again, Luke would never be able to repay Julie for this moment. She was his shining star, his savior—and he would love her forever. In that moment, surrounded by all of his family, Luke had never felt so at peace.
I hope this was alright, please let me know, maybe share it if you enjoyed it? I really liked writing it. If you want to see more stuff, drop me some ideas, and definitely check out my pinned post for more stuff by me. You can also bookmark this story on ao3 here. Thanks for reading x
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vs-redemption · 4 years
hi there! could i request an aizawa x female reader oneshot? if you're willing to do angst, could it be him getting jealous when they go out for drinks with a group of friends :o
Ok, so I’m hoping this is angsty enough. I’m still getting used to writing in that style. Also, thank you so much for the request. I wasn’t sure about writing for Aizawa at first, but it was easier to get into his mindset than I thought it would be!
My requests are still open for anyone who is interested. Please check out my rules and masterlist!
A Big Deal:Part One (Jealous!Aizawa x Fem!Reader)
You can find Part Two of this story Here!
Today was kind of a big deal for you. After months of grueling effort and countless hours of overtime, you’d finally been acknowledged by your boss and given a huge promotion in your company. You’d been awarded a new title along with a generous pay raise, effective immediately. In addition to those perks, your new job responsibilities would allow you to finally use the degree you’d put yourself through college to obtain. It was really great news, and you were over the moon with excitement. A few of your colleagues suggested a night out to celebrate the career advancement. You were quick to agree. It was a Friday evening and you saw no reason not to make the most of this incredible day. You sent out a quick text message to invite your boyfriend and a few of your close friends to join in the festivities.
Today was kind of a big deal for Shota Aizawa too. He had always been a bit wary of relationships, both romantic and otherwise. He was a bit of an introvert and socializing often wore him down. He had a couple close friends that had forced their way into his life during high school and that had honestly been enough for him. He had been content to be mostly on his own until he met you and his outlook changed. You were hardworking, which he admired, and he’d noticed right away that you always gave him his space even though you were more outgoing than he was. You never forced him to attend big group outings or gave him a hard time when he was just too tired from work to do anything else besides get take out and have a quiet night in for date night. He appreciated the comfort and peacefulness you brought to his life, which is why he was actually quite excited that today was your one year anniversary together.
Aizawa wasn’t much for big extravagant gestures, but thought it might be nice to invite you over for a nice dinner when you finished work. He managed to get out of his teaching duties a little early so that he could pick up what he needed from the grocery store and get the cooking started. He had a nice evening with just the two of you in mind, so it came as a bit of a shock when he got your text message. He sighs and looks around his kitchen at all the half prepared food. Normally he would decline such an invitation, though he always appreciated you thinking to include him, but this was not a usual circumstance. He knew how hard you worked and was happy to hear that you were finally being recognized for everything you did. He takes out some containers and starts packing up the food, knowing he could always finish cooking it tomorrow.
The Izakaya restaurant where you were having your celebration was already packed with people since it was a Friday, but you’d somehow managed to book a decent sized table. The first round of drinks had been brought out and everyone was calling for you to make a speech. It wasn’t until they started bringing out the food that Aizawa finally arrived.
“Hey! Eraserhead!” Present Mic calls him over from the far end of the table. “You actually showed up! Come over here! I’ll order you a drink!” Aizawa glanced over at you but you were deep in conversation with two of your coworkers. He would have preferred to sit with you, but could settle for attaching himself to Mic since he didn’t know anyone else that well.
“Let’s have another round on me!” one of your coworkers calls to the wait staff. You laugh and nudge his arm with your shoulder.
“Idiot. We paid for ‘all-you-can-drink’!” You give him a teasing grin, “No matter what, we’re all going to be paying the same amount!”
“Aw, come on!” Another one of your male coworkers leans across the table, “You know we’re not letting you anywhere near tonight’s bill! You’ve been working so hard for this day, so let us treat you!”
“You make a good point,” You nod while lifting your glass. “And I’m not one to turn down free drinks!” They all laugh as the waiter disappears to go prepare another round for the table. Aizawa’s eyes linger on the two male coworkers for a moment before turning back to Present Mic.
“I guess she has a pretty good relationship with her coworkers,” he says flatly.
“Yeah! Definitely!” Present Mic declares with a wide grin, “I’ve met them a few times before. They’re fun dudes!”
“Hmm,” Aizawa found himself wondering if those guys knew you had a boyfriend. He trusted that there wasn’t anything deceitful going on, but it was weird for him to see you so open and relaxed around people who were strangers to him. He’d never really thought about what exactly happened when you were out at work parties. Perhaps this was normal. Still, he kept an eye on the people around you as the food and drinks continued to come.
“Shota,” you shuffle over to your boyfriend once last orders had been taken and the rambunctious group was kindly asked to leave the restaurant. “Thank you for coming! You usually don’t.” The words, though said with a lazy smile, struck Aizawa with a pang of guilt. You’d never forced him to go out, but perhaps you’d always wished he would.
“This was a special occasion,” he says while you both head out into the cool night air with everyone else. They were all mingling outside the restaurant, waiting to see what happened next. “You deserved that promotion, and I’m very proud of you.” He wanted to tell you that he’d also come to this party to spend time with you since it was your anniversary, but decided not to ruin your good mood by mentioning it. Perhaps he didn’t deserve to celebrate the milestone in your relationship anyway if letting you go out to these little get-togethers without him made him a bad boyfriend.
“Who’s up for Karaoke?” Present Mic throws his hands into the air, attracting the attention of other drunk groups meandering the streets nearby. A few people declined the offer, saying they needed to catch a taxi home, but a handful of others seemed enthusiastic about continuing the festivities of the night.
“Well we know you’re coming!” One of the coworkers from before slides up next to you and throws an arm around your shoulders. “This party is for you after all!”
“Of course!” You agree before turning to Aizawa. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. I know it’s not your thing.”
Aizawa stared blankly at the arm around you that was not his own. He was tired from work, he hated parties, and a night of karaoke was literally his worst nightmare. Were the things he hated the same things that made you happy? It made him wonder why you were even dating him in the first place. Maybe there was a reason why you hadn’t mentioned your one year anniversary, and perhaps this relationship meant something different to each of you. Even if that was true, could he really let you go off to spend the rest of your one year anniversary with a bunch of other guys?
“Hey, come on!” another one of your coworkers comes over and playfully shoves you in the direction of the karaoke bar. “You’re burning moonlight! Don’t think you’re getting out of doing a duet with me like the last time!” You can’t help but giggle at his antics.
Aizawa glared at the men who could not seem to keep their hands to themselves. Part of him wanted to whip out his scarf and knock them on their asses, but another part of him envied their closeness with you. They got to see you all day, every day. Did they know you better than he did? It made him feel ashamed somehow.
“OK! Ok!” You swat your coworkers away so you could focus on your boyfriend. “No pressure, babe!” You tell him, “I won’t be mad if you want to get home and get to bed.” Aizawa was second guessing everything now. Normally he took your words as kindness and understanding, but now he was wondering if it was a dismissal. It made sense if you didn’t want him to come. There was no way he’d join in the singing so he’d just be dragging the mood down by coming and lurking in the corner. It was better for you if he stayed behind.
“Yeah,” he shrugs, “I guess I’m going to call it a night.” He watches your face for signs that he’d made the right choice. Would you be happy that you were finally rid of him for the evening, or disappointed that he wasn’t as fun and outgoing as your coworkers? It was hard to judge your reaction.
“All right,” you tell him. “Go ahead and get some sleep. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” You lean forward to give him a peck on the cheek before finally heading off towards your next stop of the night. Aizawa was left to watch you go off with a group of people he knew could make you happier than he ever could.
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ssson-of-sparda · 3 years
A Dozen Ice Cream Cones (Dante x Fem!Reader)
Summary: Patty wants to know what happened to the girl who offered Dante his very first strawberry sundae. But to know the rest of the story, she must erase the dozen ice cream cones from Dante's tab. (Part 2 of A Tab To Erase) (Part 1)
Tags: Pre DMC3 Dante / Dante is Tony Redgrave / Flirting / Lost Friends to Lovers / Implied Sexual Content / Explicit Language
Author’s note: You wished for Part 2, there it is ;-) If you want to place this part of the story in the DMC timeline, I'd say that it is shortly before DMC3. Dante is roughly eighteen (and so is Reader) and still goes by the name Tony Redgrave. Again, the Dante who is talking to Patty is definitely post DMC Anime. I decided not to give many details about him so that he could be the one of your choice. Can definitely do a part 3 if you want.
Dante was about to get fleeced. He could feel it in his guts, which had somehow developed this strange ability to knot tightly in his stomach each time he was about to lose. Probably the result of so many years of bad luck in gambling. And yet, Patty’s eyebrows were weirdly furrowed as she was quietly eyeing all of the cards in her hands. She had to have a straight flush. Dante had no doubt about that. So why wasn’t she playing? “You know, Dante. I was thinking …”       “Not again.” The man grumbled, wondering why she was taking her time. But Patty had learned to ignore Dante’s sudden irritations long ago, knowing they were always brief and harmless.       “You didn’t stay friends, right?” Dante arched an eyebrow and stared at the girl in front of him as she was sitting still, big blue eyes fixed upon his face, patiently waiting for the answer to her unexpected question.   “What are you talking about?” A sigh escaped his mouth. He knew what she was talking about. He just wanted to elude the answer. But the little blonde was not one to easily give up. “With the little girl. The one who made you first strawberry sundae. You didn’t stay friends. Why?”                   “What makes you think that?” Using a question to avoid an answer. Yes, could work.             “Well, if you had a friend making you strawberry sundaes for free, then you would not spend an unreasonable amount of money on them. So, I’m guessing she must not be around anymore.” Patty was perceptive. Dante could give her that quality, for sure. Though right now it was more a bother than anything else. “What happened?”       “She moved on with her life.” was the only thing that he felt like answering as he quietly stood up to take a beer in his fridge, certain that this was just the beginning of another long questioning.               “So you never saw her again after that night in the diner?” Patty asked as she watched Dante slouch back in the couch, taking his cards back in his hand to cover whatever expression Patty was trying to spot on his face.       “Yes, I did saw her again.” He finally confessed, eyes on the dog-eared Queen of Hearts he was grazing with his thumbnail.             “Then tell me!” The girl begged, unable to resist the excitement growing in her body any longer. “ Why would I? Don’t you have any stupid soap opera to watch?”       “ The TV’s broken… AGAIN.” She complained but he couldn’t care less. He had no money to afford buying a new one or fixing this one. Plus, there was nothing worth watching on TV so …“Come on. I’ll erase the dozen ice creams cones from your tab if you do.” Dante looked away from his cards with a sudden tiny smirk as he noticed Patty on the edge of her chair, impatiently waiting for the new part of his story to begin. “Now you speak my language, Patty.”         “ You never do something for free! It’s annoying!”       “Are you kidding me? I do a lot of things for free. That’s why I’m so broke and live in this hellhole.” He waved at the place with open arms before taking a gulp of his beer with a grimace. Yuck, it’s hot! And of course it was. He hadn’t paid the bills yet again.           “So we have a deal, then. Now tell me.”
                 It was the nineties – perhaps the most awful period for anyone who had even just a small sense for fashion or music - and as the city of Red Grave was still lovingly dancing on ridiculous love ballads on Friday nights, wearing tight crop tops, colourful scrunchies and platform sneakers, Dante – now named Tony Redgrave - was trying to make his place as a young mercenary in the rough areas of the city, hanging in bars serving some drinks stronger than strawberry sundaes (though he would always order one at some point) and in clubs where women would gladly take their clothes off if asked too, mind a few bucks of course (except for Venus. Venus would always flash her breasts for free for her sweet Tony).
“Not sure I want to know that.” “ Oh yes. Forgot the story must be PG-13, sorry. Anyway …”
He was looking for jobs, something that would help him pay for a proper roof over his head and the fancy long red leather coat he had just bought (five hundred bucks but worth every single dime) and luckily for him he knew the perfect man to find him that.
His name was Enzo Ferino. A short and chubby Italian-American broker, probably the best informant in the neighbourhood, one who could smell high-paying jobs for miles around especially those Dante loved to refuse.
“Where was Morrison?” “Can I tell my story please?”
“Come on Tony! You can’t refuse that job. Not another one. Not again.” He almost threw a fist on the counter before he remembered the last time he did so. Two bullets had whizzed the top of his black curly head and he had had thanked his mama for making him so short. “Haven’t you heard the reward? Don’t you see all the zeros on that check, my friend?” Yes, there were four and enough to pay the bail and few rents of the place he wished to rent to create his own agency. But Dante didn’t want that check nor did he want that job.             “If he wants to recover a stupid necklace, he can call the cops for that … or a bailiff. I don’t go after silly poker players. I have better things to do.” He took a sip of his whiskey, the third of the night, not even looking at the two men sitting next to him and begging him to take that damn job with pleading eyes.               “You have nothing better to do!” Enzo shouted, throwing his hands in the hair like a living Italian cliché. “Please Sir. It’s my girlfriend’s necklace. One she offered me on our anniversary. It’s very precious to her.” The man who wished to hire him declared as he started rummaging in the pocket of his designer coat.               “And you bet on it?” Dante scoffed. “Damn. What a perfect boyfriend you are. But that’s still a no.”
The man pressed a piece of paper next to Dante’s drink. A photo, a polaroid, judging by the quality of the paper, carefully placed face down like a poker card, showing that that man was most probably a pro-gambler or at least was used to card games. Another reason not to help. He would probably lose the damn necklace right after recovering it.         And yet, Dante took the picture in his hand. Though he didn’t really know why he did. Certainly the curiosity to know what kind of chick that prick could have in his life or maybe the will to use the picture to taunt him about his taste in women. He imagined a prude church girl, some daddy’s girl probably as rich as him, not very pretty but fancy, wearing pearl earrings and silk headscarves matching her shiny shoes. The type of girl that swaggers in the street and roll her disdainful eyes when they see men like Dante (though they might secretly wished he would rumple their sheets).  
Patty cleared her throat. “What? Every girl loves some good bad boy once in a while... And how do you even know what that means?”
He couldn’t be more wrong. And he couldn’t be more surprised. He would recognize those big (colour) eyes and that sweet smile among thousands, despite the time apart, despite the years that had turned a fearful little boy into a daredevil mercenary and an adorable little girl into a magnificent young girl. He would recognize them always because they were the first that had made in smile when he thought he would never smile again.                 “Her name is Y/N. She’s the sweetest girl in the world. Innocent. Pure.” Dante cringed at the man’s words, finding them rather repulsive and somewhat perverted. Something in the way they were rolling off his tongue.       “Come on, Tony. You can’t say no to a sweet girl.” Enzo’s sentence was met with a glare that made him shiver but when he saw his partner stand up and empty his glass of whiskey, he somewhat relaxed. “You’re pieces of shit. Both of you.”         “Does that mean you take the job?” Dante didn’t bother answer.
                 But he took the job. Not for Enzo. Especially not for his shitty client. And even less for the cash. For her. Just for her. To finally return the favour after so many years. Because he owed her one. Because she was possibly one of the few humans he’s always respected in his ten years wandering the nighty street of Red Grave. And because she didn’t deserve an asshole like the one she dated to lose something apparently so precious to her in a silly game of cards. An easy job for someone like him but one he despised nevertheless. He hated to deal with humans. They were sometimes worse than demons and you can’t fix problems with them by using a sword.
“Don’t tell me you won the necklace back?” “ I did. Fair and square. Well … almost. I ended up using my sword. Turned out the Mafiosi who had Y/N’s necklace were a bunch of demons who had made a few bars in downtown Red Grave their lairs.”
But once Dante had Y/N’s necklace in the palm of his hand he did something only Dante could do. He refused the reward, refused all the zeros on the check and the chance to finally buy that agency he wanted so badly. “The things you do for beautiful women.” Gunsmith Nell Goldstein had said when she had given him back his guns, all polished and fixed, after he had wrecked them on the job again. “They’re your weakness, Tony. Always leading you around by the nose … or something else.” Perhaps, but he never minded.        
And as he watched Y/N approaching the door to her home out of the corner of his eye, a bunch of books under her arms, looking for her keys in her bag, Dante knew he would not regret his weakness for women or his decision to refuse the money.      
She looked as sweet as he remembered, as delicate as in the picture if not more. And just as her shitty boyfriend had said, she indeed seemed rather innocent and pure. Almost fragile. Nothing like the girls he had met before, especially those he had seen undressed at Love Planet or in one of the magazines he kept in his drawers.       “Goodness grac…” She almost dropped her books as she jumped, surprised and somewhat scared, and put her hand over her heart that had certainly missed quite a beat when she noticed this insanely tall stranger on her doorstep.   But her sudden fear disappeared immediately when she recognized the silvery white hair covering the icy blue eyes of the man before her. “Tony?” She arched an eyebrow and he smiled with the same childish joy she had witnessed on his face years ago. And just like that, she was certain it was him.       “Hello, Y/N” He offered his hand and she briefly stared at it, remembering for a small instant the time she held out her tiny hand to him the same way, the night they met. And so she grabbed it, genuinely happy to see him again and yet curious to know how he had found her and why he was back after so many years.       But when she fell something cold and metallic in his hand she got her answer. “My necklace. How?” “Won it back for you.” He simply answered but that was enough for her to understand what happened. “[Boyfriend] lost it on a poker game, didn’t he?” And even though that didn’t really surprised her as she knew how much he loved gambling despite her telling him not to, it disappointed her anyway. “You shouldn’t date boys who have a streak of bad luck in gambling… Except those like me.” She looked up at Dante’s piercing blue eyes, unsettled by his flirtatious humour, thinking he accidentally let that slip but he definitely did not. Those last words, impulsive and yet somewhat well thought out, had rolled off his tongue with a scandalous smoothness and a self-confidence that had rooted her to the spot, speechless, but in a weirdly pleasant way that made her want to slap herself. “Or especially me. Depends if you like trouble.”     With a smug smirk, he stared at her, deep in her eyes, almost … hungrily? She didn’t really know. All that she knew was that never a man had looked at her that way. Certainly not her boyfriend. And who knew such icy eyes could set fire to her cheeks like that? “But, judging by that place and your guy, you seem to enjoy some well-ordered life.”
Not really. Not at all. Her life was boring, plain and dull. Nothing like in the books she read. Nothing like what she had dreamed of. But exactly what her mother had wished for her.         She was an adorable daughter, a top student finishing up high school, ready to leave Red Grave with her well brought up boyfriend to start a life many would envy but that she cared little about.     She wanted adventure. She wanted excitement. Passion. Frivolity. Freedom. And maybe even some danger. She wanted all that and more.           And as she looked at the self-assured man in front of her, she couldn’t help but believe that he had somehow managed to obtain all that. And she wanted to know how. How did that life feel? How could he live such a life? How could she have the same?         And Dante noticed that small fire, that tamed lonely flame burning deep in her eyes that needed just a drop or two of gasoline to rage and shine brightly. Something he could easily provide if she let him, if that’s what she wanted.
“Take care of yourself, Y/N” He nodded her goodbye and as he shifted to walk away, she opened her lips to say. “Would you like a strawberry sundae?” And she cursed herself for this, so damn loud in her head. You have a boyfriend! A voice repeated on and on, feeling the temptation in her heart and the ideas of what some people would call unfaithfulness seeping in her brain. But as she opened the door to her apartment, ready to finally kick the boredom out of her life for something else, for something more, the voice seemed to fade.           Guess the Devil truly finds work for idle hands to do.
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the-anon-2000-blog · 3 years
Happy New Year you filthy animals
It’s a new year and a new me, and this is for you past me. I’m going to try and eat healthier, maybe try and lose some weight that I gained after department changes a couple years ago, and get a side hustle up and running by spring.
New Years Eve was somewhat uneventful in the sense that I stayed home and got some learning done for the new project that will also give me skills for making/editing videos and short clips and turn that into a side hustle. That was my plan for the night, learn some more stuff and get absolutely plastered while playing video games. That was not quite how the night went. I did have a drink, emphasis on A drink and not drinks. There was lots of gaming, I spent the majority of the night playing destiny because duh. What was not supposed to happen was having my phone blown the fuck up and not being told why I was being bombarded with calls nor any sort of explanation the following day besides “a nightmare happened.” Yeah, that was all that I got. So that was cool. New Years Day wasn’t so bad though because day drinking, gaming, and I found a new streamer to follow but not on twitch, not that you know what that is either. I know, I mention a lot of things that just weren’t around or well known to us in 2006/07/08 because life. But now I know and honestly, you’re not really missing out on a whole lot. Coke and Kraken rum though, wish your dumb ass could have been drinking that back then.
The Billy Talent concert is next month and I know you’d have loved to see that, same thing with The Offspring Feat. Simple Plan, that’s around 10 days after and is going to be absolutely amazing. You don’t know Guy but he’s coming to The Offspring with me and that’ll be a good guys night out now that I’m single, even if he isn’t. Don’t know if I’m going to go to the Billy Talent concert yet or not. I tried to see them once before at Stampede, not that you know of that. It’s kind of like the CNE but only lasts a couple weeks. The same ride company brings a bunch of rides here and there’s concerts and cowboy stuff and a lot of carnival food. Holy shit the food. It’s so fucking amazing. Maybe becoming a foodie is why I got fat. Worth. Anywho, I’m thinking of asking some of the girls that I started talking to recently about going to Billy so I’m not going alone, or maybe one of the guys from work. He’s only a few months younger and spent a good while in Kelowna, small world right? Oh shit, I didn’t explain the last concert situation.
So the most recent ex and I went to stampede solely because Billy Talent was there on the Coke stage, free stage/concert attendance once you’re in the park, and we stayed for a few songs, but the crowd got too much for her so we had to leave.
Goth girls! Holy shit do I have it bad for goth girls. You thought emo and scene girls were hot? Damn dude, these girls are just as hot. All that black and black or ruby rose red lipstick, and colourful goths are just as bonerific.
Sorry, got distracted by music mentioning goths. Back to the story. So it turns out buddy from work was also at stampede for the same billy talent concert and it was one of the band or crew members birthday, the same year that they were celebrating some anniversary for the band I believe, and something about a cake getting passed around for the crowd. This was before the pandemic, not that your lucky ass ever had to worry about that either. And I heard about it at work a couple of days later and that’s when I got pissed that I missed so much of the show. So now I’m extra excited for the concert next month, especially with their newest album coming out at the end of this month. And the offspring a couple weeks later because I’ve missed them every time they come to town by a day or two every time, and they’ve come by a lot in the past 10 years.
This post was supposed to be about bitching about.. something, I don’t remember what. I’m also texting a couple friends and talking to a new girl on a dating site, you know briefly of those but not this specific site and that’s okay. At some point over the last 5 or so years when I’ve almost always had something lined up at the end of a relationship or fling or found someone new relatively quickly, I lost my game. Meeting new girls just seems so difficult some days and getting/keeping any of them interested seems even more impossible. I dunno man, dating is just difficult right now, especially with this stupid pandemic still going on after two years and so many places having requirements to get in. It’s not that I don’t meet them or anything, but it’s had an affect on meeting people, not that I was ever a club or bar person or had an easy time meeting people. Fuck you for making us an introvert. Anyways, I guess I’m running out of things to ramble on about and I was supposed to game with a friend tonight but I still haven’t heard back from them yet so, that’s cool I guess. It was supposed to be like a gaming date and boy was I excited. I haven’t had a first date in over 3 years. Guess I can work on the project though it’s getting a little late for audio recording and that’s all I need to move on at this point.
Until next time you glorious innocent bastard
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
The Definition Of Perfect
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Prompt: Victor - I’ve been thinking about doing this all day.” “My cum’s dripping out, let me push it back in you.”
 You had been awoken from your peaceful slumber by your husband placing welcoming kisses against your shoulder, softly grinding his erection against you as hands began to wander up your body. 
“Mrs.Li,” He effortlessly whispered against you, sending pleasurable shivers across your skin.
“Mmm.. say it again,” You yawn softly, enjoying the loving sensation from your husband.
“You know what day it is, Mrs.Li,” He chuckled softly against you, his lips moving up your neck as his hand traced over your silk nightie strap, pushing it off your shoulder. Every-time he said it, you still couldn’t believe it, you were Mrs.Li, Victor's wife and you had been for over a year. You turned in his arms to face him, bringing your left hand to rest against his bare chest as he ran his thumb over your wedding ring. You had decided it was time to start expanding your family, trying to conceive a child after your first wedding anniversary which had passed a little over two months ago. Today was when you were most fertile, a peak time for conception and Victor had no other plans than to bury himself in you all day. 
Your early morning love making session was savoured and sweet, the weight of him pinning you against the bed as he dove into you with a loving pace, your fingertips digging into his lower back as you both found a release together. As you basked in your blissful afterglow, he grabbed a pillow lifting your waist and propping it under you in an attempt to stop the mixed essence from spreading down over your thighs. 
“My cum’s dripping out, let me push it back in you.” He whispered into a kiss against your bent knee before thrusting back into you, another passionate round beginning. 
He made sure to pamper you and tend to your every need, all he wanted was for you to lie in bed with your legs up high to stop any essential sperm from escaping from you. You laughed highly at the idea, telling him it was nonsense but quickly changed your mind when he offered you pudding in return for the action. After what felt like forever, it was an hour max, you could finally leave the bed, finding your husband reading fertility books in the living room. Sneaking up behind him, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed sneak-attack kisses over his face with a giggle.
“What are you doing, we agreed for you to be in bed dummy,” He chuckled, pulling you over the edge of the sofa to sit on his lap. Everything about him was perfect, he was like a god amongst men and he was all yours. Admiring him: the sharpness of his jawline, fresh from being shaved earlier that morning, the casual jumper he opted for instead of the suit attire, the softness of his voice, only for you to hear such sweet words to be spoken with, the illuminating lavender eyes that held more love for you than any other object amongst the world. Your husband, your lover, your best friend, your soulmate.
“I missed you,” You express, running a hand softly against his cheek with a beaming smile.
“I love you,” His soft tone pressed matching kisses to your lips.
“I love you too,” You managed through kisses, positioning yourself to straddle him as his large hands bunched up your nightie. One hand pressed just above your lower back, keeping you close to him, the one holding the side of your ass as you rode him, lips never leaving each other as you climaxed twice before he pulled you down, holding you tight against him as he spilled balls deep inside you. 
Giving yourselves both a small refractory period, heavy pants filling your home, readying yourself for another round when the phone rang. With a frustrated groan Victor answered as he pressed a kiss to your hand, the blissful expression on his face dropping and you knew he had been called into the office. He made it extremely clear that he was not to be disturbed from his day off unless it was extreme circumstances, his exact words were ‘Unless the building is collapsing, the stock market plummets or the company comes under siege from an alien attack’. Victor was not missing a single minute of being by your side at your limited fertile peak. 
“It’s fine, Victor, go,” You reassuring nod, straightening his tie as he got dressed into his usual business attire and pressing a kiss to his lips as he pouted so softly, “We have the whole night to continue when you're back”. Grumpily muttering under his breath, you watch your husband leave out the front door, but not before turning and giving you a heart warming smile. His heart tore slightly watching his beautiful wife sit on the sofa egging him on to go before Goldman went into meltdown, he was determined to fire the idiot for causing a mess and pulling him away from his blissful wife. He raced to the office in record time, getting everything sorted and fixed within a few hours before rushing home, running nearly every red light on the way.
You lounged around the house, before cosying up on the sofa, these intense sessions really took it out of you and within a few minutes you fell into a peaceful slumber amongst the pillows. You awoke from the sound of screeching tires and the door begging thrown wide open, Victor slamming in behind him as he threw off his tie and hastily removed his clothes. You ran into his arms, lips pressing fiercely against his as your hands greedily tugged at his belt.
“I’ve been thinking about doing this all day” He mumbled against your lips, pushing you backwards into the bedroom, his hands fumbling to get his shirt off.
“You’ve only been gone a few hours,” You replied with a moan as he took your bottom lip in his teeth.
“I should never have had to leave your side,” He growls, reaching down and taking the back of your thighs indicating you to jump which you followed, wrapping your legs around his bare torso, your hands finally freeing him off his belt. The thud of his trousers hit the floor as he pressed you against the bedroom wall, lips pressed swiftly around your neck as he pulled off your nightie once more exposing your naked body to him. Lips met in a frenzy, tongues beginning for access into each others mouths as yours hands tugged at his boxers, desperate for him to fill you again as you grinded over his hard arousal. 
“Don’t hold back,” You whimpered into his mouth, feeling the thin material that was between you being removed to be replaced with his searing member against you. He buried his face against the crook of your neck, sucking on the delicate pulse of your skin, one hand pressed against the wall near your head as the other wrapped around your waist flushing your body tightly to him. He thrusted in as delicate moans feel from both of you, moving his hips up against yours in an urgent manner, bringing you to see stars within movements. A heavy cry of his name as your back arched, legs tightening around him, pulling him tighter against you as he low grunts grew in volume. Your fingers buried deep in his hair as he bit at your neck, stilling as you felt the throbbing inside you, his seed releasing deep inside you as his sweaty body held you tight against him. 
More rounds followed into the night until you were physically unable to take anymore, your legs trembling like a baby foal when you tried to stand up, forcing you to stay in bed the following day at your physical ability to not walk.
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 “Someone’s needy today,” Victor chuckles, as you snuggle close to him, his hand pressing the swell of your stomach.
“If you could please tell your son to stop fidgeting, that would be great,” You laugh but freezing and clasping your hands to your mouth, eyes widening. Victor's movements stopping as he looks at you the words ‘son’ falling from his mouth and you meekly nod. 
“I found out at the last scan, I know you wanted to wait for the surprise but I couldn’t wait, please don’t be angry,” You blushed, Victor wrapping his arms tightly around you and pulling you close to him.
“Angry? Why would I ever? A boy? We’re having a boy?” He responds, a slight waver in his voice as he inhaled the scent of your glowing skin.  
“We’re having a boy,” You softly weep, overcome with emotions, Victor pulling back and pressing his hand against the blossoming bump. He took in the sight of his radiant wife, not far long into her second trimester, the love he had for her swelling inside him. 
The definition of perfection, held in his arms.
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Enjoy my work, visit my masterlist here. 
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betterthebest · 4 years
Here We Go Again | An MJF Fanfiction
Status: *Not requested* Description: Bella was a teen wrestler working in the Indy circuit until an injury cost her her short career. She and MJF were friends turned lovers, turned strangers and friends again. What happens when she joins AEW to lead a faction with her ex? Will their history jeopardize their rekindled friendship?
A/N: This is an alternate universe (no covid :p) where MJF didn’t earn a spot in the inner circle. Hope you all enjoy my original story!
See also: (Part 1) ___________________________________________
Part 2 October 2020
Max called me out of the blue almost four years to the day we broke up. “I’m coming over, I have a plan.” He hung up before I could say anything. He came over with a plan, a contract, and Tony Khan. “You’re coming to AEW and we’re creating a faction,” Max grinned. “Wait, what?” I looked at him like he was crazy. This was the last thing that I thought would ever happen. “You heard me,” he held out a contract. I took the piece of paper in my hands and looked over at Tony. “Is this a prank?”  He laughed. “In two weeks, you’re coming out to Jacksonville. Put in your two weeks if you have a job” Tony said firmly. All three of us went over the plan. Being the leader of the faction is what convinced me to come back. I was apprehensive only cause I wouldn’t be able to wrestle. I went to work that night and did as Tony said. The next day Max came back to my house and we wrote out a promo. I had a talent for writing and any time I wrote a promo for myself, people loved it. I only did a few promos during my career since I’ve only been in one major company. We went over what I wrote three times that day. 
I had to rehearse for a few days at least to memorize. Two weeks passed and on that Monday, Max and I flew out to Florida. I ended up meeting with everyone I used to work with and it felt amazing. It was like time didn’t even pass with some of them. I ended up staying with Britt and Austin at their place. I didn’t want to intrude on them, but they both insisted I stay instead of paying for hotels. They were always the type of friends I could count on for anything. When Wednesday came, Britt and I drove to the arena. I prepared for the show by saying my promo to Britt to get her opinion. She loved it and said she was excited to hear it tonight. I dressed in black leggings and a black cropped long sleeve shirt. I changed out of my sneakers and borrowed black booties from Anna Jay in the locker room. She suggested I wear them. She’s the type of person that made anyone feel like a close friend. We talked by catering as the show went on. Later that night I met up with Max in the hallway before his match with Jericho. “You ready?” He said excitedly, trying to hype me up.  “I’m nervous, but I’m ready.” Millions of people were about to watch me live. The most I’ve talked to was an auditorium of 85 people. “You got this. Just focus on me, okay.” He placed his hand on my shoulder. He knew more than anyone that my anxiety could get the best of me. I nodded with a smile. “Oh and wear this.” He took a necklace out of his sweatpants pocket. It was the necklace he gave me for our six month anniversary. It had a single diamond on the chain. “You kept it.” I gave it back to him after we broke up. I wore it throughout our relationship, never taking it off until the day we broke up. “I did and I want you to have it back. I know we’re not together anymore, but you are my best friend.” I smiled a those words. He was still my best friend too and to hear him say that, made me so happy. I took the necklace from his hands and put it around my neck. “Looks great” Max said. He had to get ready to go to gorilla. He slipped his sweatpants off and tossed them onto a crate. “See you in 20 minutes,” he winked. I let out a chuckle and watched him walk away. I watched the match on a monitor in the back with a bunch of other people. My cue came when Max was about to hit his finisher. My music from 2016 played through the speakers. No one would recognize it besides Max which was the point. Max was distracted which caused him to lose. I stood on the ramp, arms across my chest. I got a mic from a stage hand. “Hi Maxwell, my love. Surprised to see me?” I paused, smirking. “You know, when I broke your heart...I felt nothing.” I chuckled. We wanted to pretend like our breakup was pure drama. I wanted to be seen just as heartless as his character is portrayed. “But now, looking at you in the ring, you look pathetic. I’m feeling very sorry” I said sarcastically. He stood up, Wardlow holding him up. “I have a proposition for you Maxwell.” I took small steps toward him. With my free hand I pushed my long black hair to my back. “I know you want to join a stable. We’ve worked so well together since we were 16.” I placed my hand over my heart. “Join me Maxwell, we’ll assemble a great team. Be my right hand man, what do you say?” He got a microphone. He pulled away from Wardlow and stepped outside the ropes, a couple feet from me. He leaned on the ropes before gaining his footing and takin a few steps forward. “On one condition.” He held up his finger. I nodded firmly. “We’re 50/50. You don’t control me, and I don’t control you. We both have a say in who is worthy to join. Deal?” He raised his brow at me waiting for my answer. I paused for a moment before answering. “50/50 you say?” He nodded and said yeah, but not into the mic. “You’ve got yourself a deal!” He smirked, “and Bella... Don’t interrupt my match again.” He was now inches from my face, bending slightly to look in my eyes. “You don’t control me,” I smirked. He nodded his head with a smirk of his own. Our foreheads touched. All of a sudden he grabbed the back of my head and went in for a kiss, but faked me out. I didn’t even pucker my lips. I was surprised since we didn’t go over that in our script. He walked away, laughing. Wardlow followed close behind. I turned and watched as he went up the ramp. The camera was behind me, closing in on the shot as that show faded to black. 
Once it ended, I went backstage running into Max’s arms. The adrenaline rush felt amazing. “That was awesome, I feel so alive.” He picked me up, spun me then put me back down on my feet.  “You were so good. I’m proud of you for getting back in the game.” “All thanks to you.” I smiled. We stared at each other for what felt like a lifetime. That faded when I heard Tony’s voice behind me. “Miss promo, that was great!” I turned around to see him and Cody.  “Glad you’re here” Cody shook my head. I had to control myself not to absolutely fangirl over him. I used to have a crush on Cody when I was 11. “Thank you. it felt amazing to finally do it after all my practice.” “I’m excited to see what you come up with next week,” Cody said and Tony nodded in agreement. Max put his arm around me, “she has a lot of ideas.” I looked up at him and smiled. He always knew how to make me feel important. He would go out of his way to lift my spirits whenever he could. And for the next few days Tony, Max and I consulted on the weeks to follow. Right now I have a year contract, but if all goes well I can sign more. I wanted that to happen for sure. I didn’t know what else I could do once this was over, but I tried not to think about it. I had to take it a week at a time and next week, I wanted to do something fun for the promo. I planned to find three pictures of Max and I when we were younger. One when we trained, one as close friends, and the last one during our relationship. “He’ll probably kill me, but it’s worth it,” I told Britt. I found the pictures on my phone in a backup folder from my old phones. I deleted a lot off of social media when we broke up. I deleted most of my wrestling pictures in a fit of rage one night. That was one of my regrets in life. It may seem small, but when wrestling is your life, it’s important.  I went back home to New York that Thursday night. Max drove me home where I still live with my family. “Wanna come in?” I asked Max before getting in the car. "Your food will get cold before you reach Long Island.” We picked up dinner on the way back. He laughed, “you’ve convinced me.” We got out of the car and got in the house through my separate entrance. We started eating right away, silence fell over us. He looked over at me when he finished. “Bold question,” he said out of the blue. “Go ahead,” I finished chewing my food. He never asked when he had a bold question, so this was odd.  “If we were to, you know, would that ruin things?” I swallowed hard. “Um, well it hasn’t ruined things before. We used to, you know at least once a week.” Max chuckled, “fair enough... But then again it took some years.” “But not because of that.” “Right, right.” We sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again. “Wanna do it?” He shrugged.  My eyes widened, “right now?” Max nodded, “I mean, we can wait.” “Sorry, I’m just shocked.” I let out a nervous laugh. “I don’t mind,” I said softly.  “Are you sure?” “Let’s go,” I stood up. Max stood, his eyes widened this time. “Really?” I walked towards my bed and sat on the edge. “You coming Friedman?” I don’t know what I was thinking. Is this a good idea? Probably not, but I wasn’t thinking with my brain. He most likely wasn’t either. He came over to me and took off his shirt. Seeing him with no shirt and sweats on did things to me. He reached out and grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. “I don’t have abs anymore,” I said softly. He ran his hands up and down my sides, “still perfect.” He bent his head and brushed his lips against mine before locking them together. It felt nice to kiss him again. His arms wrapped around my body and he lifted me a little to push me back on the bed. He broke the kiss, “I missed that.” “Me too,” I smiled. That night was amazing. Memories flooded back. It was like we hadn’t missed a beat. Our bodies just molded together perfectly. We laid in bed, wrapped in blankets. Max held me close, his body heat radiating off on me. He would kiss my shoulder randomly from time to time. I always loved when he did that. “That felt great,” he said for the third time causing me to giggle. “It really did.” He spent the night with me. We went again before falling asleep. I fell asleep right away while in his arms. I will never forget that night.
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