#freelance write
financeprincess · 1 year
I love Tumblr and Pinterest and YouTube but you seriously need to get off your phone as much as possible if you want to make actual changes. Stop the doom scrolling. Turn off notifications. Turn on DND. Log off. Delete apps. Delete accounts altogether. Unsubscribe from texts and emails. Put time limits on the apps on your phone. Unless social media is making you money, limit it as much as possible. Overloading yourself with information is just another form of procrastination. At some point you actually have to take action. Less consumption, more creation.
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i wanna put angel guy asher and freelancer in a room and see whose social battery dies first
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Redacted Fics I wanna read but I dont wanna write
baabe taking asher swimsuit shopping (Asher scar body positivity)
Sweetheart finally snapping at Milo for ranting about their job
Freelancer having a panic attack in front of the Damn crew for the first time
Gavin having to take care of a sick freelancer for the first time
Huxley finding out Damian has a Peanut Allergy
Sweetheart giving Milo a vintage luxury watch (It's the first expensive jewelry he has ever owned)
Sam helping Darlin cut their hair
Angel colors in David's tattoos
Guy helping honey after they broke their arm
Milo, David, and Asher have to go to the department to file paperwork and see sweetheart bringing in a guy in handcuff (looking all badass)
Smartass' younger sibling show up on their door late at night after getting in a fight with their parents
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animefeminist · 4 months
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Come write for us!
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terastalungrad · 6 months
It's been a while since I shared any of my writing on this platform, so here's a piece I'm extremely proud of.
It's an email:
Checking my account, this invoice still hasn't been paid. I wonder if we could establish a system where these can be paid on time, rather than when I notice they haven't been?
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sheawritesstuff · 1 month
Redacted Characters as Things My Partner & I Do - Part 2
✩ Damien writes Huxley love letters in French because, for some unknowable reason, it feels less embarrassing than writing them in English.
✩ Baabe pulls the “I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed” card every time Asher comes home with a Red Bull.
✩ Lasko talks so much on a regular day-to-day basis that whenever he stops talking for longer than 15-ish minutes, Dear is immediately concerned that he's upset or something is wrong.
✩ Before they moved in together, Sweetheart would ask if they could steal Aggro every time they came over - the answer was always no.
✩ Honey has threatened to leave Guy on the side of the road if he said “skibidi” one more time.
✩ Cutie rarely understands the weird songs Geordi gets stuck in his head and inevitably remixes with something else, but at least he's having a good time.
✩ Darlin tries to categorize Sam's sayings / phrases as either southern, old, or just a him thing - he will dispute their ruling no matter what.
✩ David covers Angel's eyes during the especially gorey parts of horror movies but still laughs when they get scared.
✩ Gavin stares at Freelancer any chance he gets, just memorizing every detail about them and smiling to himself.
✩ Aaron will tickle Smartass's sides then get offended when they do it back.
✩ Vincent kisses Lovely's neck when they're not paying attention and scares the daylights out of them.
✩ Ollie hums and pulls a big goofy smile every time Baby kisses him.
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dlbookediting · 7 days
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Image Text:
Hello, I’m Dominique! A freelance book editor.
With a keen eye for storytelling and a decade of experience editing fiction and non-fiction, I’m ready to help bring out the best in your writing! My edits are affordable, precise, constructive and geared towards enhancing your unique voice and vision.
See my qualifications below:
Philosophy BA (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana) Magna Cum Laude Specialized in Aesthetics, the theory of Art and Literature. Editorial Internship With World Renowned Art Historian and Curator Sir John Richardson. Philosophy MA Specialized in Anti-Fascist Ethics and Aesthetics, the theory of Art and Literature.
Services: 1. Proofreading Package
Your ticket to great prose! Get rid of any errors that may have slipped through previous edits. Includes a revision of your text’s grammar, spelling, and punctuation. $5 USD per 500 words. Every 500 words takes 2 days to check. Need it sooner? If you pay a rate of $15 USD per 500 words, I’ll check 500 words a day. *Best for final drafts
2. Standard Editing Package
Enhance your text’s overall readability. Includes a revision of your grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, syntax, style and tone, as well as a 1-page review and critique of your text. $0.01 USD per word; 5000 words min. Every 5000 words takes 3 days to check. Need it sooner? If you pay a rate of $0.015 USD per word, I’ll check 5000 words in 2 days (1 day faster). *Best for completed chapters, ACTS or drafts
3. Developmental Editing Package
Inline comments and a detailed report pinpointing your manuscript's strengths and potential for growth. Includes feedback on story elements such as: plot structure, character development, worldbuilding, pacing, and more. $0.015 USD per word; 5000 words min. Every 5000 words takes 5 days to check. Need it sooner? If you pay a rate of $0.025 per word, I’ll check 5000 words in 3 days (2 days faster). *Best for completed ACTS or drafts
Are you a native English speaker? Yes, my first language is English. I grew up in the UK and went to university in the US, so I'm comfortable editing for UK or US grammar. What file formats do you accept? Please submit Microsoft Word files. This allows me to use the Microsoft Track Changes feature to make edits. What genres do you edit? I edit most fiction genres (YA, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Horror, Mystery, Literary Fiction). Do you use AI? No, I provide 100% AI-free editing services. All comments and edits on your file are exclusively made by me.
[email protected] or DM Please include your name (or pseudonym), what service you’d like to request, the genre you’re submitting and your text’s word count. Sit back, relax, and let a seasoned editor bring out the best in your writing. You've earned it!
On the fence? Request a sample edit!
I’ll provide a sample edit of 1000 words of your writing free of charge. This is an excellent way to get a feel of my editing style and assess whether it’s right for you! *Only available for the standard editing package and the developmental editing package. Original text must be 5000 words min.
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meowdyjac · 2 months
Is there any more Sam and Max Splatoon Crossover?
First of all, thank you sm for the ask.
Second of all, no… IS WHAT I WOULD SAY IF I DIDN’T HAVE ANY!! (I do)
1. Frye was the one to find them first and was captivated by Max
2. SnM were having an argument right before getting frozen which lead to them ending up being frozen (the freezing happened in a split second before they even had time to react
3. Despite SnM being completely fine (yet soggy) after melting, their guns got jammed by being frozen. This would lead them to eventually getting black market weapons (think Grizzco guns with unregulated specials and sub weapons) which they “confiscated in the name of the law.”
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Funny enough Max was mid kick when he got frozen so when they melted his leg just immediately finished the kick.
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karvviie · 28 days
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when the crack ship starts getting so serious you start making a comic for it
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twinkthrasher · 14 days
Posting some of my Redacted HCs because I love sharing my opinions!!!! :333
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Angel is Saudi Arabian, probably born and raised for a few years in Saudi before moving to the states. Despite being raised in a VERY ethnic family, they still turned out very American.
Babe is Mexican, was born and raised in the states with parents who immigrated young. They struggle to connect with their culture, and doesn't speak a whole lot of Spanish but they do like to practice with SH and Darlin.
Sweetheart is Dominican, born and raised, moved to the states near adulthood. Still struggles with english a bit and prefers Spanish when conversing with Milo and Darlin. They have a heavy Dominican accent!!
Darlin' is Mexican, born and raised in Mexico before moving to the states as a teen. Learned english relatively fast with the help of Milo, Asher, and David. Has an accent, but not as heavy as Sweetheart's, it's barely noticeable.
Lovely is Black, and grew up on the west coast. They used to live right on the ocean and loved to surf.
Freelancer is Filipino, born and raised. Lived in the Philippines right up until D.A.M.N. They're the first and only of their family to leave the Philippines.
Dear is Indian, despite their family having lived in the states for generations, their connection with their culture has always been strong. They LOVE attending family events.
Cutie is mixed Black/White, was born in America, and a predominantly white family.
Honey is Brazilian, born and raised in the states but is relatively in touch with their culture. Their parents are the only ones of their family to immigrate, so Honey goes to Brazil quite often. Took Guy to Brazil once and he loved it.
David is Taiwanese.
Asher is mixed White/Vietnamese.
Milo is Nuyorican, his family had already been in New York for a few generations before he was born, his generation wasn't very involved in the traditions growing up— so he's a little more American than Puerto Rican in terms of culture, but he still speaks spanish like a champ, him and Sweetheart typically speak spanish to eachother.
Sam is my beautiful white princess, contrary to popular belief— i think he's from the midwest region of the states, NOT the southern states. I'm right ur wrong... signed, a southerner :3
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notice how many of them are hispanic RAAHHHH💥💥 I HEART PROJECTING ONTO CHARACTERS💥💥💥💥
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slyvester101 · 2 months
Club au where the reds and blues work at a club that Carolina owns and totally doesn’t use as a cover for the undercover work she’s doing in the city with the Freelancers to take her corrupt asshole of a father down.
Church, being Carolina’s sister, hangs around the club basically every night since he gets free drinks and has become the official unofficial manager and recruiter for the place since Carolina and the Freelancers are usually too busy going on missions to take down warehouses or gang members working for her dad, planning missions in the rooms upstairs, or acting as innocent members of society that totally aren’t plotting to kill the Director and tear his illegal operations down.
The first of the reds and blues he hires is Sarge and Lopez, who are the club’s cooks. Sarge haphazardly tosses ingredients into a bowl and it comes out edible somehow? He doesn’t even toss in the necessary ingredients for the food; he put a chicken, a bag of chips, a whole bottle of garlic seasoning and a watermelon into the oven and out comes a beef burger with loaded fries. Lopez is in agony trying to figure out how he does it. But it always ends up good. In fact, it’s so good that it ups the club's foot traffic and creates a much better cover to all the cartel members coming in and out to talk with the Freelancers.
Grif and Simmons come next, Grif being the no nonsense bartender who gets to listen to all the juicy gossip going around the club as well as the annoying drama that gets dragged to his bar. He makes a damn good drink so the bar gets a little crowded when he’s clocked in and he complains endlessly to Simmons.
Simmons is a waiter/occasional assistant cook who can guess a person’s order just by looking at them (something about statistics and body language and a bunch of stuff that Grif calls him a nerd for) as well as know their intent and reason for being there with just a couple words. He weeds out a lot of undercover cops. They both get scolded since they constantly get distracted while flirting talking at the bar.
Tucker was next, a dancer with enough spunk and spite to fill the whole club and moves that leave everyone jaw dropped and star stricken. He loves dancing and loves entertaining the crowd even though he has to deal with a lot of shit (he can split-kick a sucker unconscious if they even think about touching him because unfortunately, people think they have the right to touch you when you show off a little skin and dance in front of a crowd. Sometimes people think they have the right to touch you just because you exist and they’re an asshole). But it pays well and he gets the freetime to spend with his son, who is the main reason he works hard for those extra tips to support him, so it makes up for the less favorable situations.
Caboose and Donut were hired one right after the other; Caboose being a bouncer who knows every patron by name (not always the right one) and can carry three full grown men over his shoulder with a smile on his face; Donut being a DJ/event planner/decorator extraordinaire and is basically just an assistant manager at this point with how much work he does with Church to keep the club up and running, but he refuses to take the title because it doesn’t “fit his vibes”.
All the reds and blues know some kind of illegal shit is going on with their bosses, but they stay willfully ignorant about it and only get involved when they think something will put the club at risk. They all love the club and all the people who work there so they work hard to keep it from being shut down by cops or blown to hell by a rival gang or whoever the fuck their bosses are fighting.
That being said, they’re all rather wary of the Freelancers despite Church’s insistence that they’re not bad people (mostly) and wouldn’t bring any harm to them (probably). Things are civil between the two groups, especially since the Freelancers are the one writing their checks, but there’s this underlying tension and nervousness that no one can seem to break.
The Freelancers are kind of disheartened that Church’s friends aren’t really keen to talk to them more than they have to, especially the dancer who hasn’t said more than a word to any of them and will literally get up and leave in the middle of a conversation to avoid talking to them.
This changes with the addition of Caboose and Donut, the two balls of sunshine giving the club a bit more energy, a lot more color, and a bit more balance.
No one is willing to anger the giant bouncer who can easily lift a table with one hand and the feisty DJ who can get you banned for life with another. There’s a lot less creeps roaming around and the whole club seems to relax at the changes Donut makes to the club and the safety Caboose brings.
Carolina seems to lighten up around Caboose, which in turn makes the reds and blues feel less on edge since she doesn’t look like she’s gonna murder one of them. York and North are finally able to get some more friendly conversation outta Grif and Simmons after Donut gets York and Simmons on a rant about hacking as North and Grif snicker at their geeky counterparts. (“I am not a geek! I am a nerd! There is a difference!” “The fact that you know the difference between a nerd and a geek makes you a geek.”)
Maine, who would sometimes work as a bouncer when not on a mission, finds Caboose rather companionable and likes to stand with him outside and listen to him chat during downtime. South comes by a lot more because Donut has somehow started a passive aggressive off between her, himself, and Tucker (and occasionally Church but he’s more overtly aggressive so he doesn’t really count). It’s a lot more fun than it sounds. Connie likes chatting with Donut and adores the gossip sessions she can get outta him, Grif and Simmons. There is a lot of tea to be shared around the bar.
Everyone agrees to keep Wyoming and Florida from meeting Sarge. That is a war crime waiting to happen.
Wash isn’t at the club often (none of the Freelancers are) and instead drowns himself in work with Carolina, planning and plotting and mapping and debating. He’s a bit more standoffish, a bit more gritty and a lot more like his Recovery One counterpart in canon. He’s cold, he’s calculative, he’s bitter, but he’s also patient and knows they can’t rush their takeover of the Director. It worries the other freelancers, seeing how mean and withdrawn he’s become, especially after knowing him as the upbeat, if nervous and oblivious rookie who did everything he was told with a smile and a lot of puns.
But he’s still convinced to come out for drinks to relax after a particularly stressful mission that went off without a hitch. For as distant as he’s become, he’s still a softy underneath and caves at York and North’s insistence that he needs to let loose a little after spending so much time under duress.
Wash hasn’t looked around the main level of the club since Tucker, Caboose, and Donut have been hired and is rather surprised by how lively and joyful the club has become. Caboose greets him with a smile at the door, happily introducing himself to the “new friend” coming into the club. He calls Wash “Mister Washingtub” and helpfully tells him that it’s performers night, so be nice and respectful to everyone who goes on stage or be kicked to the curb. Wash doesn’t doubt that with how massive the guy is.
When they walk in, he gets an armful of bright pink and a chipper blonde man guiding him and the other Freelancers to a reserved seating area near the front of the stage. York and North laugh at his face as he’s dragged by the hand of this upbeat man.
The whole club has changed since he was last there, much more open and welcoming, the decorations not as drab or outdated and the bar and stage have been renovated into something Wash can only describe as glamorous. Even the patrons and workers have changed, more smiles and jovial laughs echoing over the music, more people dancing on the floor or chatting at the bar. It’s so full of life and excitement that Wash is half convinced he walked into the wrong building.
He reacquaints himself with Simmons, the no longer skittish waiter with clumsy hands. He gets a polite smile from him before he rushes back to the bar to chat with Grif, the much more relaxed and not quite as grumpy bartender.
Wash is still reeling a little by the time the music stops and the man in pink is up on the stage starting up the event of the night. Singer after dancer after comedian go on and on throughout the night, entertaining the crowd and adding to the high spirits of the place.
It all comes to head during the final act, a dancer who has the whole crowd applauding before he’s even on stage.
Lavernius Tucker.
Wash is just as hypnotized as the rest of the crowd as Tucker swings and dips and spins around the pole on the center stage, showing impressive feats of strength as he pulls himself up and flips around with poise and precision. It’s beautiful and artistic and you can tell how much love and work has gone into the man’s routine.
The dance ends with thunderous applause and Wash sits there in awe at this graceful dancer taking bows and tips at the front of the stage.
Maybe he should come to the club more often.
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grilledcheezy92 · 7 days
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[non-canon] doesn't exist.
[non-canon] cannot hurt me.
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no-see-um-incorrect · 10 months
Demon baby fever
⚠️Babies⚠️ lack there of being able to conceive child⚠️ slight NSFW because Gavin⚠️
No proofread 
Gavin and Freelancer were at the park waiting for their friends to go on a hike freelancer was feeding breadcrumbs to the birds, and Gavin was standing by a tree, taking a photo. All is well and good until he hears a little voice
“cuse me!” Gavin looks around before looking down. In front of him, there’s a little girl. no older than four. She was wearing a pastel pink dress, covered in flowers with little butterfly clips throughout her dark curls.
“Cuse me!” she repeated.“are you lost? little one” Gavin replied confused but amused at the child’s pronunciation 
“Your verry pwetty!” The little girl bounced on her tiptoes, with a joyful smile. Which made Gavin's heart squeeze.
“Why thank you. You're a little princess peach yourself”
“Tank You sir!” Gavin here’s an older woman’s voice calling “Delaney! You gotta stay by Mama baby!” The little girl looks back at Gavin and waves goodbye before running back to her mom. Gavin looks and sees the little girl's mom sitting on a blanket on the grass with a smaller baby crawling around in front of her.
Ah yes. babies 
One of the most confusing forms of humans.
Gavin stood there and thought about it for a few minutes. he’s seen photos of his friends and even his partner as little squishy babies. and his heart fills up every time. Similar to seeing a puppy, or a kitten.
He and freelancer had babysat for some friends in the past. And every time it was the same feeling. The baby would smile and giggle. and Gavin's heart would squeeze. and his smile would grow. The best example of this feeling would be their empathy demon Bestie Caelum.
Gavin thought about when he would come to visit and how he would ask to do Gavin’s hair. And They would sit in front of the TV and eat snacks until freelancer would come home and see them cuddling passed out on the couch. Or how anytime Caelum would be upset Gavin would give him a big hug and a kiss on the forehead telling him everything was gonna be OK.
He was so occupied with his thoughts he didn’t even realize freelancer was calling him 
“GAVIN!” he snapped out of it and looked to see Freelancer, signaling him over “The boys just got here! You good?” “I’m fine deviant just lost in. Thought is all”
The hike continued. The group was walking  enjoying the scenery. Gavin and Huxley being a little further behind. Huxley was paying close attention to the flowers and the vines. Gavin was simply lost in thought.
“you good Gavin?” Huxley nudged his shoulder as they kept walking “What?. oh. I’m fine just thinking” “about what? If you don’t mind me asking” “……babies” Huxley cocked his head like a confused puppy “Babies? Like human babies?” “Yes. I have been seeing babies and younger kids a lot recently. Freelancer says that that’s common in the spring. but it’s weird” “Weird how?” Gavin hesitates before speaking “Babies are like little confused. Adorable filterless creatures, and every time I see one, it makes my heart squeeze” Huxley thinks for a moment “….. so like baby fever?” Gavin gives him a slightly concerned look “…..what does that mean?” “at least how my moms described it. Baby fever is when you see a really cute baby or really cute baby-related things and it makes you want one. My mom always described it as babies giving your heart a little hug”
Then it clicked.
“I’ll think about that. Thank you” “No problem dude!”
They continued to hike until sundown then they headed back to their cars. After saying goodbye Gavin and freelancer left for home.
The car ride home was silent for about five minutes until 
“freelancer…..I want a baby” Freelancer slowly opens their mouth, letting it hang a gap before speaking “i’msorryWhat?” “you heard me a baby….a mini squishy deviant with horns”
Freelancer sat there completely flabbergasted 
“……how long have you been thinking about this?” “Well, I’ve noticed it for quite a while but didn’t have a name for the feeling until now. I want a baby” freelancer quickly looks down at Gavin's crotch before looking at their own and then looking up at the road
“Gavin…..honey….do you know how mortal babies are conceived?……we can’t….do that…” “Then let’s do it like Huxley’s moms” “baby that takes a lot of time and money and research…and I’m still in school…”
Freelancer catches a quick glance at Gavin’s face. “I…um..hey….I would love to have a family. Especially a family with you so……let’s sleep on it OK” Freelancer puts a hand on Gavin’s thigh and Gavin looks up at them with bright eyes “Let’s give it a week and if you’re still thinking about it… then will do some research for a little further in the future….ok” “You don’t have to say that if you don’t want one deviant” “No Gavin. It’s a really good idea. I just haven’t thought about it much at all..but that’s definitely a conversation that we should have just…..maybe not while I’m driving”
Gavin nodded. And the car ride continued as normal. when they got home and were getting ready for bed the conversation continued.
“so Huxley told you about baby fever?” Gavin laid down and arched his back into a stretch “I thought it was some form of human illness until he explained it” “You know I didn’t even know demons could get baby fever..” “Oh, deviant~ I do remember me saying, in the heat of passion that I wanted to Breed yo-UGH” Before he could finish freelancer shoved a pillow in his face  “That’s enough of that! I have class in the morning!” “Well just know. It was always on the table~” Freelancer turns off the lamp and lays next to him, resting their head on his chest
“good night my love”
“Good night baby”
“also let it be known that we would have the cutest Kids”
“goodnight Gavin.”
as someone who can’t have children, and has no desire to have a child. This one was not easy to write. so forgive me if it’s dumb.
TAG: @puffin-smoke @froggytimemachineinternet @evansotherthoughts @themeridian
I forgot to tag someone I’m sorry 
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aimedis · 1 month
this was written from a prompt i got from @piffany666 so thank you and i hope you enjoy <3
cw - lasko being a creep towards freelancer as per usual, lasko being creepy in general, dear being condescending and mildly abusive ngl, lasko is toxic too, moderate hostility, couple's quarrels, not super aggressive though , mild innuendo at the end + lasko still being a creep
wc - 1.3k
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Freelancer coughs and shifts uncomfortably in their seat right in front of President Moore's desk as he rambles on and on and on about some human-born superiority bullshit. Again.
They unfortunately found themselves here at least three times a week listening to the same rant. The nodding, the fake smiles and laughter, and enduring his not-at-all-subtle advances on them both verbally and physically.
The only reason they keep coming to these is the slight chance that maybe he'll let them see Vindemeator. But that only worked once in a while.
"...like us. Right, Freelancer?"
Freelancer blinks out of their zoned-out little daze to re-plaster the smile on their face, "Mhm. Of course, Mr. Moore. We human borns are special and I appreciate you telling me that.. again. Uhm, it's getting kind of late-"
Lasko's soft laugh rings unsettling in Freelancer's ears, cutting them off. They barely conceal a shiver.
"Oh please," He grins, "I've told you countless times to call me Lasko when it's just the two of us. We're too close to be on last name basis these days."
They nod slowly, the smile frozen on their face.
Lasko leans back in his desk with a satisfied smirk, "I like seeing you smile, Freelancer. You truly are beautiful."
And Freelancer tries so hard to not let their expression waver, trying not to show the disgust they felt deep in their gut.
"Thank you, Mr M- uhh Lasko.." They force a laugh, "But that's really not necessary."
Lasko scoffs playfully, "Oh, nonsense. I can acknowledge a pretty face when I see one. And you definitely fit that bill."
They stifle what feels like their hundredth sigh when the door to Lasko's office swings open unceremoniously.
Both Freelancer and Lasko look at the new person in the room with very different expressions. Freelancer with one of curiosity and Lasko with one of exasperation.
Dear walks into the room looking down at a bunch of papers they were going though.
"Koko, I need your signature for-" They look up for a moment and double back when they see Freelancer, "-something. Oh, Freelancer. Didn't expect to see you here at this hour."
Freelancer misses the death stare they give Lasko for a split second as he nervously readjusts his tie.
They wave hesitantly with a smile that's a little more genuine, "Hi Professor."
Dear sighs, waving them off, "Don't call me that, kid, it makes me feel old."
Lasko interrupts with a tight voice, "To what do I owe the pleasure, my dear? I was under the impression that you were busy today."
They huff an all too sweet laugh, "Yeah well, clearly I'm not anymore. I wouldn't be wasting my time in here if I had work to do."
Lasko pokes his tongue at his gum in irritation, "Right.."
They only raise an eyebrow at him before looking back at Freelancer.
"So, Freelancer, what are you doing here so late? Surely you would have better things to do than spend time in here with... him." They snort, "Finished all your studying for the week or has Mr. Moore been keeping you too long? How long have you two been chatting away, hm?"
Freelancer stutters at the amount of questions but they glance over at the clock in the corner of the room, "Uhm.. around three or four hours?"
Dear laughs out of surprise, "Four hours? Goodness, Lasko, do you have no sense of time?" They turn to glare "playfully" at Lasko, smile still stretched across their face.
He sits up a little straighter, "I.. didn't realize it was getting so late. I apologize, Freelancer. Dear, do you really have nothing better to do?"
They giggle, "Than be in here riling you up? Nothing brings me more amusement."
"Must be time to find a hobby then," He says quickly, crossing his arms.
Dear looks him up and down, their smile fading. Right then, Freelancer stands up from their seat.
They grab their bag and sling it over their shoulder, smiling at the two, "I- I think I'm gonna head out now. Thank you.., Lasko, for seeing me. See you in class next week, Professor. Have a good night, you two."
They both look away from each other quickly. Lasko coughs and gives Freelancer a look that they almost interpret as pleading.
But surely the Academy's president wouldn't be pleading with them. Right?
Freelancer shrugs it off and turns around.
Dear bids them goodbye and Lasko sighs almost inaudibly.
"I'll see you next time, Freelancer. Focus on your studies now!"
Dear looks back at Lasko to continue their conversation to see him still looking at Freelancer's turned back. They follow his gaze only to find that he's staring directly at Freelancer's ass.
They clench their jaw and drop their stack of papers on the desk so loudly, that Lasko flinches at the noise.
"Eyes up here, Moore," They roll their eyes as they sit on his desk
Lasko lets the faux kind act drop in front of them and leans back lazily in his chair, "Whatever. What're the papers for?"
"Don't worry about that. I remember distinctly telling you two days ago not to ever have them in here alone with you again, you creep."
Lasko rolls his eyes, "This shit again- Yeah, and I remember distinctly telling you then that I am the president of this academy and I'll do whatever I want. You can't boss me around."
"You can hardly call yourself a president when all you do with that title is use to get into innocent human borns' pants-"
"I do not-!"
"I see the way you look at them, Lasko." They deadpan, "You're not slick in the slightest."
"I look at them like one of my students!" Lasko laughs helplessly, "I would never do that to you or them. You're being paranoid."
"You think I don't hear all the comments you make about their pretty face? Their body? Lasko, I'm not stupid."
Lasko just scoffs, "And when you go around batting your eyes at random security to get stuff from them? Or touching the other teachers so they cover for you while you go get high off your ass?" Dear smirks at him, unfazed, "It's called efficiency. I'm just getting what I want around here. You should try it."
"No thanks, I'd rather not be a whore-"
Lasko hisses when his head is pulled upwards by his chin by none other than his dearest.
They look pissed. He loved it.
"Watch yourself, President. You know you don't actually hold any power over me." They squeeze his face a little.
He huffs, "Would you let go?"
"You're so cute when you're frustrated with me, Koko." They smile falsely.
"I must be pretty damn adorable then- let go-!" He struggles a little as he tries to think about literally anything other than their hand moving to yank at his hair, "Please?"
"Take this as a lesson, hm? Leave the Freelancer alone, Lasko. Or I'll really be upset. You don't want that, do you?" Dear hums.
Lasko looks away from them, blush high on his cheeks, "No, Dear. It won't happen again."
"Look at me when you speak."
He sighs and pouts up at them, "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you?"
Dear smiles, "Promise?"
"Always." Lasko gives a soft hum, eyeing the papers again, "And those?"
"Ah. Don't worry about what it is, just sign the last three pages and I'll be on my way."
He nods and grabs a pen from his pen holder and quickly signs off on all of them. He knows better than to question Dear when they want something from him. They'd still get it in the end so it's no use to fight in the place.
Lasko smiles when they kiss the section of hair they had pulled on before grabbing the papers.
"Thanks, Koko, I appreciate it. I'll come to yours later tonight." Dear waves, turning their back to him with a little wink.
Lasko waves back, an unsettling smirk on his lips, "Bye, see you."
He's practically drooling, looking down at their ass as they leave too.
freak lasko vindemeator and freelancer mention old married couple's quarrel freak lasko whore duo chin grab slutty hair pull dear dear innuendo ass glance freak lasko and post
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mewsmagic · 1 year
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Honestly, this whole AI bs did so much critical damage to my emotional HP, I felt we really needed more people talking about it, so here I am!
Putting the title aside though, I’m really not here to tell you what to do, you decide what’s best for you based on your own circumstances!!
I made this post merely to calm you down, show the options and give you some hope that yes, there’s still a future for our career!
We’ll have to keep fighting for it of course, but that’s a topic for another comic, stay tuned! 👀
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sheawritesstuff · 6 months
Redacted Fic Ideas
[These are ideas I've had but writer's block has prevented me from actually writing, so I'm releasing them into the world so maybe someone else can write them :] ]
✩ Honey taking Guy to a concert they like - probably punk or metal and getting to teach him how to mosh
✩ Movie night with Freelancer, Gavin, and Caelum
✩ Darlin wrestling with Asher and Milo while they’re all shifted
✩ Ollie introducing Coworker / Mentor to his friend group - or telling said friend group that they’re a couple
✩ The pack setting up a surprise birthday party for David because he would never agree to have one of his own volition
✩ Angel and Babe trying to teach Asher how to cook because maybe David just tried teaching him the wrong way
✩ Elliott and Sunshine reunion - very sappy, very angsty
✩ Darlin explaining how important the term “mate” is to them and what kind of weight it holds in their relationship
✩ Camelopardalis checking in on Baby, just to make sure they’re still doing alright
✩ Asher tricking Milo and Darlin into watching a horror movie
✩ Hush trying to do research on humans and finding outdated, questionable material which leads him to ask Doc weirdly specific clarifying questions on things they’ve never even considered before
✩ Sam explaining to Fred and his progeny that he’s leaving the Solaire clan and offering to take them with him to be their new support system 
✩ Morgan and the seer playing a game of Never Have I Ever / 20 Questions to get to know each other better
✩ Aaron making dinner for Elliott, Sunshine, and Smartass and getting to catch up with all the non-cult stuff that they missed out on
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