#from Islam to Christianity
segunolumide · 4 months
EXPOSING ISLAM! — AUDIOTRACT 014 — by Segun Olumide
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the-red-planet-mars · 5 months
4 Days Until May 14 1948
This date marks the 76th year of the Israeli oppression against Palestine. This date marks the day Israel drove out over 750, 000 people from their homeland to establish its "state".
This heinous event was called al-Nakba (the catastrophe, the disaster). This heinous event was the start of this genocide.
It did not start on October 7th 2023. It stared on May 14 1948. It. has. still. not. ended.
The Nakba did not end in 1948. It is still happening today, right at this very second.
The numbers are growing. Every. Second.
This is the day you remember the corporations that fund the genocide. This is the day you remember the governments that cheer-on the genocide. This is the day you remember how the west instigated hate-crimes towards Arabs. This is the day you remember how the west and Israel are the terrorists. This is the day you remember the millions of people who had been killed for ethnic cleansing.
This is the day you always remember. This is the day you never forget.
This is the day you cry for Palestine. This is the day you scream for Palestine.
This is the day you remind everyone of the country of Palestine. You must never stop talking about Palestine. Never.
Palestinian lives matter. Stand up for the ones that died and the ones that live. Show us you care.
Do not dare forget:
May 14 1948
If you want to help Palestine with financial aid, but don't have any money, there's a website called arab.org that donates for you with just one click of a button.
Please, do your part for Palestine.
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genderfluid-jew · 4 months
I think one of the easiest ways for me to mistrust a book and all it’s saying is to see how wrong it gets history about Jews.
This came about because I’m reading a book on indigenous activism and theory and it’s really good!
Too bad I can’t trust anything about it because I’m their little “history of colonialism” section they went “the three largest religions of the world-Christianity, Islam, and Judaism (collectively called the Abrahamic religions”.
Bestie. Jews are .2% of the global population. If you’d done a basic google search it would’ve told you the largest religious groups are Christianity, Islam, irreligion, Hinduism, and Buddhism, each of which have over 5% of the global population as adherents. It takes about five seconds to check that and see if you’re being accurate.
If your book is trying to be a reputable source of information and you can’t even put 5 seconds of effort into basic factual double-checking, you are not worthy of my trust about anything else you say.
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 5 months
religion is actually pretty cool its just the fandom sucks
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toastedbiali · 8 months
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@rfswitchart , what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may G-d have mercy on your soul.
Close to 99 per cent of Palestinians are Muslims, with Christians making up less than 1 per cent of the population (PCBS, 2017) with small numbers of members of other communities including around 400 Samaritans resident in the West Bank.
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hussyknee · 10 months
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Even funnier than the tweet is the seething cope in the replies at the fact that Jesus was a Jew from West Bank. 💀
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thisgingerhasnosoul · 10 months
You know, it’s funny, because I was a non-Zionist for most of my life, and an anti-Zionist during my late teens and early 20s. But you know what? 10/7—and more importantly, the increasingly horrific reaction to it from the western left—has turned me into a Zionist, because at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how “good” we are; how ethically consistent or introspective or selfless. You’ll justifying torturing, raping, slaughtering, and erasing us no matter what.
But I still want to thank you, anti-Zionists, because you finally made me realize something important: why should we have to live under your thumb of persecution and cultural genocide just to get your approval, anyway?
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glimblshanks · 14 days
Someone come explain monotheism to me, I don't GET it
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obsessivefangirl · 11 months
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boabelboo · 3 months
saw someone say district 8 has jewish influences and celebrates hanukkah and.. yes. canon.
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segunolumide · 4 months
EXPOSING ISLAM! — AUDIOTRACT 014 — by Segun Olumide
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A Godly lesson
When they look at what Israel is doing in Gaza, Zionists say: "Oh, Hamas are terrorists. Violence isn't the way. Palestinians can obtain freedom by peacful means."
When I look at that, I remember the stories of the prophets and how they're told in the Qur'an, Bible and Torah.
When Prophet Moses PBUH tried to guide the Pharaoh by reason, he ordered him dead because the Pharaoh was being worshipped like a God, and people believing in Moses went against his interests.
When Prophet Jesus PBUH wrecked the stalls of moneylenders at the temple saying "Is this a place of God or a place of commerce.", the Romans tried to crucify him because his teachings went against their interests.
Every other prophet and messenger before them was the exact same. The tyrants of the time denied them and tried to kill them because what they preach went against their interests.
The only exception was the last prophet.
Prophet Mohammad PBUH.
When faced with the tyrants of his time who were killing and enslaving people for their interests, he was the only one to say enough is enough. He picked up his sword and his companions did the same, and they fought until they won. They completely broke and destroyed their tyrants.
Allah teaches us a lesson with all these prophets and stories and holy books:
Tyrants can't be reasoned with. They only understand the language of the sword.
That's why governments fight Islam and slander it so much. That's why they call "Jihad" extremism and terrorism.
Tyrants know that Islam at its core, doesn't tolerate them. and that if people come back to Islam, they will be broken and destroyed like the prophet Mohammad did to them once before.
Hamas are the only people who are fighting for what's right.
That's why they slander them.
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uraandri · 9 months
no idea how we managed to arrive to the "every religion except christianity is progressive really" conclusion as if you could not make the same conclusion about christianity using the same parametres and as if other religions aren't actively being used to prop up opression in a million different ways
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pickled-flowers · 9 months
Having very big thoughts about spirituality and humanity.. alas I am never articulate enough so I'm just gonna rent in the tags as always
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theasexual-jackson · 9 months
Has anyone else noticed some people starting to grow against monotheism, or even theism in general, or....
Okay so, yesterday night, in a video talking about cultures with more than 2 genders (which are many, btw), someone said that monotheism ruined everything.
And I corrected them, saying: Actually, only christianity, because christianity was the only one to dominate the world and get lgbtphobic at some point in the hands of europe.
And they were like: No, all 3 religions are homophobic, islam being the worst of them, you must hate the west.
I doesn't help any bit knowing that most people think all the 3 religions (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) worship the same God (It is worth remembering that they are based on the same Abraham, but not on the same God. Because it is impossible for the God of Christianity, who sent Jesus to be a savior, to be the same God of Islam, where Jesus is, as far as I know, a prophet) and have the same morals, rules or even doctrine as Christianity.
And I'm scared, because this association could lead into a wave of islamophobia and anti-semitism (which are racist, because you're going against a non white culture in specific).
Or, this could be a small paranoia my brain created and Jewish and Muslim + Arab people are safe, nonetheless. 😃🤷🏽‍♂️
I want to hear y'all's opinions, please, I can't stand this feeling growing up insida'me- 🙇🏽‍♀️😭
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