#from boy 1 to Bem
ellecdc · 3 months
the case of the missing pickles
poly!marauders x slytherin seer!reader who can't stop Seeing them [2.9k words]
amalgamation of various prompts:
prompt 1 from 🔮🐍 anon: I was wondering if you could do a part two of Sight's Set where one of her visions comes true? maybe the vision is of her on a date with them to Hogsmeade, but it turns out differently where she goes to Hogsmeade alone and they find her there and join her??? prompt 2 from anonymous: Can I please request marauders with a reader who are just in the beginning of their relationship and yet they know r so well like she doesn't have to even ask and she's all confused and flustered prompt 3 from 🕊️ anon: Remus calling feisty slytherin reader 'dove' being her kryptonite
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The sun was warm on your skin as the castle gates permeated your view. You were trying to hide your amused smile at the boys’ antics, though you’re sure you were unsuccessful when a gentle laugh escaped your lips.
James faltered in his steps at the sound, turning to look at you with a beaming smile.
“Well gorgeous,” Sirius teased with a salacious grin as he moved to stand in front of you. “I had a wonderful time on our date today.” 
Remus breathed out a chuckle as he placed your jacket that he had been carrying over your shoulders, taking a moment to squeeze your shoulder affectionately before moving to stand with James.
“Don’t make any plans for next Hogsmeade weekend; we’ll definitely be doing this again!” James called; Remus encouraging him forward by a hand on his waist as Sirius walked away from you backwards to continue looking you up and down.
“Don’t miss us too much.” He said with a wink before turning to join the other two boys.
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You woke up with a start, shooting upright in your bed as you sucked in a much needed breath. Goosebumps erupted all over your body as the feeling of being submerged in cold water began to dissipate and your nervous system realised it wasn’t dying.
After nearly two decades of living with ‘the gift’ of Sight, one would think your body would have a better response to it.
Alas, it still acted like you were moments away from death.
Perhaps it wasn’t too far off, what with all your Sights of the Marauders overtaking your every waking (and sleeping) moment; perhaps you were dying, perhaps that would be preferable.
After taking a warm shower to bring some much needed heat back to your bones and wash away the residual nerves that your vision had caused, you decided to put it out of your mind; you would never agree to waste one of your precious Hogsmeade trips with the Marauders anyways, so there really was no point stewing over it.
You eventually made your way into the Slytherin common room to find Regulus and Barty already situated with a copy of the Daily Prophet.
“Good morning, Treasure!” Barty cheered as he stood abruptly from his spot on the sofa with Regulus. “Heading to Hogsmeade today?”
“You know that I am, Barty.” You responded with a smirk. “I told you I needed to go to Tomes and Scrolls; the book I ordered should be in.”
“Great!” Barty clapped his hands together. “I need to stop at Dogweed & Deathcap!”
“Absolutely not.”
Barty paused in his excited tirade to look at you incredulously. “What do you mean, absolutely not!?”
“I mean you are absolutely not coming with me, Barty.”
“Barty.” You started as if you were speaking to a rather troublesome toddler. “Last time I let you come with me you had us kicked out of Zonko’s and then spent two and half hours violently debating with the Dogweed & Deathcap shopkeep about the proper brewing times for veritaserum.” 
Barty stared at you bewilderedly as you held his gaze.
“You’re really not going to let me come with you?” He asked after a painfully long silence. 
Barty stomped his foot once and let out a petulant breath. “Then you’re not allowed to be my best woman at our wedding!”
Regulus looked up from the newspaper he’d been engrossed with in favour of this ridiculous conversation to look at the two of you in bemusement.
“Wha-? We’re not getting married?” Regulus stated as a question, effectively removing Barty’s furious glare from you only to have it directed at himself. 
“It’s just one sodding disappointment after another!” He screeched before turning and storming off towards the boys’ dormitory. 
You and Regulus stared at the empty spot that was once Barty Crouch Junior before Regulus broke the silence by standing with a tired sigh. 
“Well I guess I know what you’ll be up to today.” You teased gently earning you a groan from the youngest Black. 
“If you happen to be by Honeydukes…”
“Yeah, yeah.” You cut him off, accepting the galleons he pulled from his pocket as he held them out to you. “I’ll pick him up some sugared butterfly wings.” 
“Thanks, I’ll need all the help I can get.” He grumbled as he made his way after his cantankerous boyfriend. 
Even the dreary weather couldn’t bring your mood down as you pocketed your galleons and accepted Barty’s bag of sugared butterfly wings from the Honeydukes shopkeep. 
You loved Hogsmeade, and you loved visiting with your friends, but sometimes there was nothing like enjoying a peaceful trip on your own.
Feeling quite pleased at having procured your special order from Tomes & Scrolls and successfully running Regulus’ errands, you pulled your hood up to protect yourself from the elements outside before pushing open the shop door only to collide with a heavy force on the other side. 
“Hullo, L/N!” James called as he quickly righted you. 
This cannot be happening. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You grumbled as you stepped out of James’ hold, pretending like you didn’t notice the slight fall in his expression at the loss of contact.
“Nope, I think you’ll find I’m really quite Sirius.” Sirius said with a wink.
“Ew-” You started, turning to look at the longhaired boy in disgust. “That was terrible. That’s a terrible joke.” 
“Listen, when you get cursed with a name that’s also an adjective, you get to make all the terrible jokes you’d like.” He responded plainly. 
“You get used to it.” Remus sighed; offering you a sympathetic crooked smile.
“I should think I won’t, thank you very much.” You said as you turned to walk away, only to feel a gentle hand grasp your elbow.
“Whoa whoa, where’re you off too in such a hurry?” James asked teasingly. 
“The castle?” You responded quickly, immediately berating yourself for deigning to explain yourself to the likes of the Marauders. 
“Before lunch?” Remus asked then. “It’s not a trip to Hogsmeade without a stop at the Three Broomsticks.” 
“I’m not hungry.” You proclaimed with finality only for your stomach to traitorously contradict you by groaning rather loudly at the thought of one of your beloved tuna melts from the restaurant.
“Liar.” Sirius smirked smugly. “To the Three Broomsticks!”
Before you had a chance to protest, Remus and Sirius were walking ahead as James threw his arm over your shoulders and guided you after them.
“Get your hands off of me, Potter.” You spat.
“Sorry sweetheart, I wish I could, but then I’d have no way of ensuring that you wouldn’t just take off.” He apologised, not sounding very apologetic at all. 
You thought of your Sight from this morning but decided you were relatively safe; they had called it a date - this was decidedly a hostage situation. Besides, the weather had been really rather lovely in your Sight; today’s weather was quite the opposite.
It was fine.
This wasn’t a date.
You were fine.
Just fine. 
Except you had no sooner entered the Three Broomsticks before Sirius was pulling out a chair for you as James rather forcefully sat you in it; Remus quickly sitting and blocking your means of escape on your other side.
“I’ll go order!” James called quickly before nearly skipping towards the bar to do just that.
Sirius sat across from you looking all sorts of chuffed at his current predicament, smiling knowingly between Remus and yourself. “So,” he started. “Any more visions of your wonderful future with us?”
“Bite me.” You spat immediately, hoping to all the gods that no one noticed the heat emanating from your cheeks at the question. 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He smirked.
“Be nice to her.” Remus chided softly. “She already doesn’t want to be here.”
That’s right, you thought petulantly before quickly scolding yourself for agreeing with a Marauder. 
Entirely too soon in your opinion did James return, happily sitting beside Sirius and looking around the table. “So! What’d I miss?”
“Y/N wants me to bite her.” Sirius responded quickly. “Okay!” James agreed readily. “Now?”
“Oh my gods I’m going to avada myself.” You muttered as you pressed your fingers into your temples.
“Oh come now, not before lunch.” Remus chuckled, rubbing conciliatory circles onto your back.
You couldn’t believe how tactile these boys seemed to be; they almost always had their hands on each other in some way. Sirius currently had a hand on James’ thigh who had his arm thrown casually over the other boy’s shoulder. You were almost certain that James had extended his legs under the table and was currently playing some form of footsie with Remus, who, in turn, had his hand on your back. 
And then you thought of the ease that James had thrown his arm over your own shoulder on your way here as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
“What’re you thinking so hard about?” Sirius asked, pressing a finger to the divot that was growing between your brows before you hastily swatted his hand away from you.
“Just wondering what I ever did in another life to deserve this.” 
“Must’ve been an angel in another life to deserve us.” He responded haughtily.
“She’s an angel in this life too.” James added; beaming smile making you feel as though you needed to squint your eyes lest you look directly at it. 
The barkeep saved you from having to think of a response by placing food in front of each of you.
Your beloved tuna melt that you had been dreaming of earlier sat on a plate before you, confusing you as to how James seemed to know your order.
But perhaps he hadn’t; perhaps the barkeep recognised you and knew what you usually ordered. 
You pulled open the sandwich and were hit by another curiosity.
“There’s no pickles?” You asked aloud, causing the three boys to look at you in bemusement. 
“Did you want pickles?” James asked you slowly; his fork hovering over his plate as he delayed the first bite of his own meal on your account. 
“Well…no, but it usually comes with pickles.” You explained dumbly. 
“Yes but you always pick them off, so I asked for no pickles.” He explained simply before finally taking his long awaited bite. 
“How did you know that?” You demanded rather harshly then. 
“Know what? Your order?” Sirius asked on James’ behalf.
“Yes. And the pickles.”
“Because we pay attention?” Remus offered then; you could see him scrutinising you from the corner of your eye.
“Do you want me to go ask for pickles so that you can pick them off?” James teased then, an ill-suppressed amused grin threatening to overtake his face. 
“No, I want you to stop that.”
“Stop what?” Sirius asked with a smirk. “Knowing things about you?”
“Yes, that. Stop that.” You ordered.
“You’d have to obliviate me.” James taunted, leaning on his elbow and resting his chin on his fist as he considered you. 
“Better make sure to get the incantation right, gorgeous.” Sirius added. “Otherwise you’ll be responsible for his care when you ultimately put him into a vegetative state.”
You huffed petulantly before opting to take a bite from your sandwich in favour of continuing with your current conversation. 
“I’m sorry, but I have to ask-” Remus started with an amused grin on his face. “If you don’t like pickles, why don’t you just ask for no pickles?”
You let out a conceding sigh as you swallowed your bite. “I don’t want to be a bother…it’s just as easy to pick them off myself.”
You felt shame prickle at the back of your neck when your answer was met with silence before Sirius let out a bark of laughter. 
“Oh my Godric,” He exclaimed excitedly. “You are a big softy.” 
Against your better judgement you kicked your foot out at the long haired Marauder, horrified when James yelped before reaching under the table to rub his hand over his shin. 
“Fucking hells, sorry Potter.” You grumbled as you tried to curl in on yourself, watching as Remus cooed at the bespectacled boy and Sirius laughed at him. 
“Oh, no worries angel.” James offered you tightly, voice coloured with pain as he forced a smile at you. “Merlin, you've got quite the leg on you.”
“Fuck yeah she does.” Sirius agreed salaciously, earning him a fiery glare from you as you considered re-aiming your foot. 
“Easy there, dove. Play nice, yeah?” Remus murmured then, causing a shiver to rush down your spine as you turned to look at him with your mouth parted slightly.
You were absolutely horrified at the very visible reaction you had to the scarred boy’s endearment - and you knew it was a very visible reaction because Remus had a very visible reaction to it. 
“You’re alright, dove.” He murmured again, this time with a knowing smirk before turning back to his own sandwich and pretending like he hadn’t just completely rocked your world with one simple word. 
You looked over to see Sirius pick off of James’ plate as you waited for James to use his fork as a weapon for the egregious crime of stealing food, only to see James quickly load up a fork-full and hold it out for Sirius to try. 
“Fuck, I should have ordered that instead.” Sirius admitted as he swallowed the bite.
“Wanna switch?” James offered quickly, already lifting his plate to give Sirius room to slide his over should he want. 
“I’m not taking your meal, bubs.” Sirius responded with a smile as a faint blush dusted the tops of his cheeks. 
“You’re not taking, I’m offering.” James insisted, moving Sirius’ plate in front of him before placing his own plate in front of Sirius when it became obvious the other boy wasn’t going to help. 
“Thank you.” Sirius admitted rather shyly for the notoriously boisterous boy before he pecked a kiss to James’ cheek.
You looked over to Remus in bemusement only to see him looking lovingly over at his boyfriends. 
“Did you wanna switch, too?” Remus asked then, alerting you to the fact that he was quite aware that you had been staring at him.
“Absolutely not; you stay away from my tuna melt.” You spat before taking another bite.
You found yourself quite glad that the boys simply laughed before moving on to other topics of conversation, watching curiously as they talked and joked the afternoon away.
By the time the four of you were making your way back towards the castle the sky had cleared, leaving the spring air fresh and fragrant in the warm sun.
You felt a gentle tug and turned to watch Remus pull your jacket out of your arms before folding it over his own arm to carry it for you.
“Moons! What do muggles call the game ‘leaping toadstools’?” Sirius called suddenly from where he and James had run ahead.
Remus breathed out a chuckle as he smiled at them. “Leapfrog.” He called back with an audible eyeroll you were sure was mostly for show.
“Rem, I bet five galleons that me and Pads can leapfrog the whole way back to the castle.” James shouted.
“I’m not betting.”
James let out a horrified scoff. “Why not!?”
“Because I know that you likely can even though you probably shouldn’t.” He responded simply.
“Don’t rain on our parade, Moony.” Sirius said dismissively, waving Remus off like he was the definition of anti-fun. 
And to your absolute horror, you found yourself rather entertained as you watched them line up to play leapfrog; the only interruption of the game on your walk being to pet the odd cat, point at a patch of honking daffodils, and to run back and steal kisses from Remus (glaring at them when they threatened to do the same with you). 
The sun was warm on your skin as the castle gates permeated your view. You were trying to hide your amused smile at the boys’ antics, though you’re sure you were unsuccessful when a gentle laugh escaped your lips.
James faltered in his steps at the sound, turning to look at you with a beaming smile.
“Well gorgeous,” Sirius teased with a salacious grin as he moved to stand in front of you. “I had a wonderful time on our date today.” 
Remus breathed out a chuckle as he placed your jacket that he had been carrying over your shoulders, taking a moment to squeeze your shoulder affectionately before moving to stand with James.
“Don’t make any plans for next Hogsmeade weekend; we’ll definitely be doing this again!” James called; Remus encouraging him forward by a hand on his waist as Sirius walked away from you backwards to continue looking you up and down.
“Don’t miss us too much.” He said with a wink before turning to join the other two boys.
And though you would sooner die than admit this to anyone, after this rather lovely afternoon and with the amount of time the Marauders have spent leapfrogging through your mind, you didn’t think you could miss them too much, even if you wanted to.
Find the next update here
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bambikisss · 1 year
Through the rain :: W. Dohwan
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[ BAMBI'S KDRAMA BOY COLLECTION : PT 1] boyfriend!WooDohwan
SUMMARY : After a sudden rainstorm seemingly cancels your date night with Dohwan, he decides to push through the storm just to see you
WARNINGS : oral (f receiving), Dohwan being a soft dom, in the car, he's a big romantic boi, Dohwan speaking a bit of Portuguese (only an ity bity), unprotected sex (always wrap it up)
Music : Loveeeeee song - Rihanna ft Future, rain sounds
Bambi's notes :: I maay have over indulged in this one with him speaking some Portuguese, but I couldn't help it lol. Don't worry, I did include the translation
Reblogs and comments are encouraged! \ Not proofread
"The rain will continue to pour down until around midnight tonight, so it's advised for everyone to stay inside"
You mentally cursed the poor weatherman as you listened to his report as you watched the rain pour down in what looked like buckets outside in your work lobby. You knew it wasn't his fault and he was just a messenger, but it made you annoyed. You had plans tonight that were seemingly now canceled.
As you listened to your co workers complain loudly about having to rush to their cars in such a rain storm, your phone buzzed with a text from your boyfriend Dohwan.
Baby: Are you ready to leave work, princess?
You raised an eyebrow at his text, checking the time before you texted him back.
You: Yeah, why?
You were only met with a read receipt from him, which wasn't common for him. Dohwan always replied to you, even if it was just a simple "talk to you later" or something else. Before you could dwell more on it, you saw bright headlights fill the lobby as someone parked outside the doors near the overhead. The car door soon opened to show Dohwan, an umbrella over his head as he waved at you, his smile bright like the cutie he was. You felt your heart melt as at his actions, grabbing your things before rushing outside into his arms. He smiled before opening the car door for you, holding the umbrella over you before he went to the driver side.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were at home?" You asked as he began to drive, smiling as his hand rested on your bare thigh. Dohwan shrugged, motioning to the rain that was hitting the car roughly as he drove. "I didn't want you trying to find a taxi home in this weather, especially not when I'm sitting at home all alone waiting for you."
Dohwan always did sweet things for you like this: bringing you lunch at work when you forgot it, surprising you with dinner after a long day at work. To him, that was his job as your boyfriend: to spoil you till you were sick of it, and then some.
As he drove, his hand that was on your thigh moved to press down more into the inside of your thighs, pushing up your skirt slowly as his fingers slowly made their way to your warm prize. "Looks like the rain outside is the only thing that's wet, baby" You tried to not show any reaction to his words, turning your head to the window as his fingers pushed open your thighs. Dohwan noticed you trying to hide your reaction, chuckling as his fingers pressed harder against your thighs, successfully opening your thighs enough to fit his hand.
"How's your Portuguese lessons going?" You blurted out, trying to distract him from his hand's mission to fondle your wet panties. Dohwan had agreed to learn the language as part of a bet, saying that he could learn it within a month and be near fluent. He had been taking lessons to help further his actions as well.
"Bem princesa, diga-me você. Como está meu português, princesa?" (Well princess, you tell me. How is my Portuguese, princess?) Your eyes widened as Dohwan's deep voice spoke in the language, a confident smile on his lips as he felt your body tense. He knew you had a thing for him speaking to you in different languages, plus his voice helped as he knew you loved it too. With your mind now elsewhere, he took it as an opportunity to let his fingers push your now soaked panties to the side, his smirk only growing when he feels how wet you are. "Meu meu meu, você está tão molhada para mim, princesa. Minha voz está te afetando tanto assim ou você vai negar mais?" (My my my, you're so wet for me, princess. Is my voice affecting you this much or are you going to deny it more?) You tried to once again distract yourself, but your mind had become cloudly due to his voice and his fingers now pushing into you at a leisurely pace as he drove. You tried to speak, but only your soft moans slipped through your lips, much to your boyfriend's delight.
After a few more minutes of leisurely fingering you, Dohwan wanted more of you.
"Hey, Dohwan, what are you doing?" Your mind immediately cleared up as Dohwan pulled into a gas station, parking into a spot that was away from the others and under the darkness of the nearby trees and the pouring rain. Before you could ask him what he was doing, he smashed his lips into yours, adding another finger into you as he did so. The kiss swallowed up your moans as his fingers sped up, curling in you as you tried to keep up with him in the kiss. Dohwan's lips then began to move down your neck, kissing wherever he could as your hips began to move with his hand, rolling your hips as his fingers hit your spot.
"Backseat, princess. I gotta taste you" Dohwan rested back in his seat as he turned the car off, his fingers that were in you now in his mouth as he watched you climb into the backseat of his car. He watched you in the rearview mirror take off your panties and push up your skirt, making him glad that your date night plans were canceled due to the rain storm. He soon joined you, taking your panties from you as he kissed your thighs, placing them into his pocket before he wasted no time in shoving his tongue into your wet cunt. You immediately gripped his hair as his tongue lapped up your wetness, his hands gripping your hips as he continues to fuck you with his tongue, catching any wetness that leaks from you.
"Does this turn you on, baby? Hearing me talk dirty to you in Portuguese?" He chuckled against your clit as you nodded, his lips wrapping around it as he says "Você nem sabe o que estou dizendo, mas você ama tanto. Você é muito fofa minha princesa" (You don't even know what I'm saying, yet you love it so much. You're so cute, my princess)
Your eyes were now closed as you basically rode his tongue, just like you had done to his fingers just a few moments prior. You could feel your own high coming, stars now appearing behind your eyelids as Dohwan sped up his movements, gripping your ass to hold you still as he moves faster. His moans of approval against you pushes you over the edge, your moan echoing in the car as you cum, your thighs shaking against his face. Dohwan smirks as he cleans you up before resting you back against the seat, his strong jaw and bottom half of his face wet as he gently praises you, kissing back up your body before he meets your lips, kissing you so you could taste yourself on his tongue. "Hmm, see how sweet you taste, baby. Do you see why I'm so addicted to how you taste?" You raise an eyebrow at his words and his cheeky grin, gently shoving his shoulder as you try to relax.
Dohwan laughs softly before climbing back into the front seat, turning the car back on before he drives to a gas pump, grabbing his umbrella before he asks "I'm going to get gas while we're here, do you want anything from inside?"
However, his words fall on deaf ears as you're still trying to relax from your orgsam. Hearing your lack of response, he shrugs before getting out of the car, going inside to pay for gas as you crawl back into the passenger seat. You could feel yourself getting tired, laying your head against the window as you listen to the rain hit your car window, slowly lulling you to sleep.
Which gets interrupted by your boyfriend.
You jump as Dohwan knocks on the window, motioning for you to open the door. When you do, he hands you a slightly wet bag full of snacks and random drinks. "You didn't respond, so I just got us a variety that we can snack on later at home" You thank him, closing the door once more as he moves to pump gas into the car. You once again let the rain lull you to sleep, not even waking up when Dohwan gets back in the car and drives you home.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Looks who is finally out of the shower"
You roll your eyes as you exit the bathroom, the steam from the shower pouring from the bathroom while you dry your hair. Dohwan had set up the snacks he had bought along with the drinks out on the bed as he had picked out the movie for you both to watch, holding his hand out to you to join him on the bed. You smile before walking to the bed, sitting with your back against his chest as he puts on the movie.
As the movie plays, you notice Dohwan's hand resting on your hips, his fingers playing with the fabric of your sleep top as the movie slowly becomes background noise with the rain. You place your head back onto his shoulder as he kisses your neck, the kisses starting off soft and sweet to now leaving hickies, his tongue flowing suit to lick behind the marks he's left behind. Your eyes close as he pulls up your shirt more, his hands moving to grab your breasts, which fit perfectly in his hands. Your mewls of pleasure only fuel Dohwan's need for you, grinding his hardening cock against your ass, his boxers and your underwear being the only barrier between you both, his breath becoming hot against your neck.
"Fuck, Dohwan" Your words come out a bit broken as your boyfriend's warm hands fondle your breasts, his fingers occasionally twisting and playing with your nipples as you meet his movements against his hardening cock. Dohwan only smirks against your neck, his hips now moving faster to meet your ass before he couldn't take it, pushing you forward onto the bed so your chest is against the sheets as his hands now rip your panties in half. "I never cared for those pair of panties anyways, baby. I'll buy you better ones that you can wear for me"
You were about to protest when you felt the head of his precum covered cock press against your wet cunt, slowly filling you up as you grip the sheets for leverage. You knew what was coming next, looking behind you just as he tossed away his shirt, his hips meeting the plush of your ass as he completely fills you up.
"Alright, baby, back that ass up on me so I can fuck you so good" You nodded at his words, moving backwards till you both were sure that his cock was deep in you before he pulls out, thrusting back into you with so much force that it rocks you forward. You moan loudly as he grips your hips, driving his cock deep into your pussy. You let the mixture of rain and the sound of your skin meeting his drown out your cries, your eyes rolling back a bit as your boyfriend licks a stripe up your back before cursing in your ear.
"Fuck baby, you're fucking drooling. Am I fucking you so good that you can't think, hmm? Like the cock drunk fucking princess you are for me" His words are rough, letting you know that he's just as close as you are, how movements speeding up as he chases his release, making you moan louder. You grip his arms as you both cum, both of you falling onto the bed slightly as you both feel your wetness coat each other.
After a few moments you feel Dohwan pulling out, laying next to you before giggling softly, his brain now fuzzy due to the orgsam. His eyes soon meet yours, his smile growing wider as he looks at you. "Best date night ever"
You couldn't help but laugh, smacking his arm before you laid down next to him, the sound of the movie and rain once again fighting off the quietness between you and your boyfriend. You lay your head on his shoulder, pressing a kiss to his skin as he slowly falls asleep, holding your hand as he does so, you soon following after.
He was right, this was the best date night ever.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Made by Bambi : 7/20/2023
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mom0ny · 1 year
Halina shoots one of the boys, but unfortunately the guy is faster and grabs her by the arms. Olivia quickly grabs her gun and shoots the guy in the leg.
Halina: AH! *points gun at other guys*
Guy 2 grabs Halina from behind, holding her: DISGRACE!
Halina bites the guy's arm really hard until blood comes out: GRRR
Olivia runs towards one of the boys and tries to shoot, but misses and gets punched in the stomach.
Olivia kneels, gasping for air: cough cough cough
Guy 1: you bitch *about to kick her*
Olivia, pretending to be out of breath, shoots him in the face and kills him: her punch is weak.
Halina biting her arm hard made the guy let go, unable to bear the pain he was feeling, she picked up a lamp that was next to her and hit the guy in the head: 💢
The guy loses consciousness for a few seconds, but quickly grabs one of the pieces of the lamp and attacks it, but Halina quickly notices and shoots him in the face.
Olivia is quickly disarmed and grabbed by the neck, but Halina unexpectedly appears from behind and attacks the guy in the hallways with an ax and kills him.
Olivia notices another guy shooting at one of them, but Olivia quickly throws the bulletless gun at his head and Halina kills him with an ax to the neck.
Halina is in shock for a while, her plan didn't go as she expected, but the shock is interrupted by one of the guys who had been shot in the leg and was crawling on the floor like a worm. Halina was about to kill him, but Olivia goes first and pulls him by the hair, making the guy grunt in pain.
Olivia: you worm, you shit, you shit, YOU SHIT!
Olivia hatefully started opening and closing the door in her head over and over, while Halina looked on perplexed but not surprised. Olivia continues with all the hatred she had inside her until the door and the floor are covered in blood.
Halina approaches: enough, enough!
Olivia continued to crush the guy's head, ignoring Halina.
Halina pulls Olivia: I SAID STOP!
Olivia stops, catching her breath:..... is it over?
Halina: yes... I think so, but let's go before I see more bastards.
*8 minutes later*
After a while, Olivia and Halina hurriedly prepared to leave as quickly as possible. Halina noticed that some people were looking and seemed scared.
Olivia: ignore them, let's go *grabs Halina's hand and pulls*
After a few minutes of brisk walking, the two were at the bus stop, completely perplexed by the situation that had occurred.
Olivia: what do they want with us?
Halina doesn't respond, thinking for a few seconds, until a thought comes to her mind:.... I think they have something involved with Mordecai's kidnapping...
Olivia: how did they know we were after the three of them?
Halina:... I don't know... we didn't avoid killing them all, we made mistakes! What the hell!
Halina is irritated for a few seconds, until she realizes that it's not worth crying over spilled milk, she wasn't even thinking straight at the moment, she was too sleepy and agitated to think.
Olivia:..did you get hurt?
Halina: hm?...no, were you hurt?
Olivia: a little, but nothing serious.
Halina: where did you get hurt?
Olivia: it's nothing serious, my neck is just a little red *smiles* but no one even notices
Halina, seeing Olivia's neck a little red, took an old scarf from the bedroom closet and put it on her.
Halina:... that's it, I hid it so no one would notice.
Olivia: thank you
The two remain silent for a few minutes, until they hear Olivia softly singing a foreign song.
Olívia: não sei oque faço, a minha vida é uma luta sem fim 🎶
Halina looks at Olivia curiously.
Olívia: me sinto no espaço, o tempo todo a procura de mim🎶 há dias na vida, que a gente pensa que não vai conseguir, que é bem melhor deixa tudo e fugir.... Que em outro mundo tudo vai resolver 🎶🎶
Halina looking curious, tries to sing along with the strange tongue: no.... Não sei... Sei oque.. Fasso... A minha fida é uma lutcha sin fin..
Olivia looks at Halina and laughs slightly, finding it funny, until she sees a bus approaching.
(I know this song is from after 1920, but I love this song so much that I wanted to put it on for no reason / continues)
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atoriv-art · 10 months
little asks compilation as to not spam ♥
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thank you!! ♥
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crying this is vaguely related but did you guys know neji appears in a time travel episode(/arc?) in the boruto anime. does it surprise you to hear that it makes me extremely mad
but also so true LMFAO i'm usually the type to give things a chance (or so i'd like to believe) but not much of boruto interests me 😔 some of the kids look cute and i like.... like..... a few of the timeskip designs (...like three of them? i like suigetsu karin and tenten's.) but it's not worth it and in fact i think having to see neji and hiashi alive in the same UwU Family space would have had me banging my head against a wall.
also what if they made him ugly. that's my perfect angel boy they can't do that.
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HEHE ofc!!! part of the reason i love posting fanart is that i get to spread propaganda for the things i like LMFAO
and i'm glad people enjoy the funny sharky ears they're my favorite <3
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ASDMKASD eu acho que esse é o maior contato com outros brasileiros que já tive quando posto arte e afins, é bem interessante
eu consigo imaginar o tipo de coisa da qual vc reclama, eu acho bem chato tbm GFKMGFM
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fave i respect the movement though i'm more of a short king gaara truther myself bc i think it's cute. sasuke still the tallest of the boys tho
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thank you!! and hehee this ended up being more me ranting about their general writing but :)
i'm veeeery fond of their og naruto dynamic, i think it often goes misunderstood/understated but to me it's one of the highlights to the original series! from stuff like kakashi shielding him from orochimaru and sealing his curse mark (which. btw. crazy. LOVE that scene) to the ENTIRE deal with chidori and the pride kakashi felt watching sasuke fight gaara with it... i think it's SURPRISINGLY well done! while i due to personal preference like to read it as specifically familial, i think you can read it anyway you want (not all mentor-type dynamics need to be familial in nature and not being so won't make it any less meaningful)
i don't think kakashi was a particularly great teacher (in fact i think tenzo is shown to be a MUCH better captain/mentor the moment he's introduced to team 7 lol) but you can certainly tell that he cares about all of the kids and wants to do right by them, it's just that with sasuke specifically to me it feels like it's of highly personal significance to him?
and it's not hard to see why, obviously kakashi and sasuke do not have the same trauma but i find it reductive to say that it means kakashi can't see himself in him at all, or that he can't be of any use to sasuke? one of my favorite scenes is the (... i think mildly controversial, from what i've seen?) one where he talks to sasuke on that tree and tells him to drop his revenge quest, because while yeah it was not a perfect effort, to me it's clear that 1. kakashi was being very genuine in his words and 2. that it like... almost worked? sasuke was very sincerely pondering his words before the sound 4 came along.
btw so funny that both kakashi and obito tie him up when talking to him. anyway
so you add that with the weird relationship kakashi has with the entire uchiha clan, starting with obito (the very reason kakashi is able to teach sasuke in any meaningful way at all), going through itachi if you treat team ro as canon WHICH I DO, I LOVE TEAM RO, and ending with sasuke, who is someone kakashi can still try to give a normal life to? yeah i can see why he might feel personally responsible for him!
sasuke's side is less in your face but like... sasuke sought kakashi out to help train him and very much echoes kakashi's words about not abandoning your comrades. he is also often the first one to understand where kakashi is going with something, him and kakashi have similar ways of going through life even if kakashi has majorly mellowed out with age.
there's also little things like how sasuke just had no qualms about walking into kakashi's house unannounced (after itachi beat his ass ty itachi looove u itachi), even before that, how when kakashi calls sasuke over while itachi+kisame are having tea, sasuke just kind of announces that he HATES sweets (so cute), as if he made the assumption kakashi either bought it for him or was thinking about it? like.
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look at his baby face.
despite whatever route it ended up taking To Me it's very clear that they did have a special bond and that it was a VERY important part of sasuke's everything pre-shippuden, he was clearly comfortable around kakashi despite his standoffish attitude. it was not perfect and kakashi does hold blame for a lot of things (in general he has a very hands-off teaching style that doesn't work great with these kids), but that's like. part of why i like it you know! it's a little complicated but not through any ill will. it's just that they are both full of Issues lmao
it makes me ssoooooo saaaaad that they BARELY speak to each other at all in shippuden because like. that was one of THE dynamics in the original team 7 you know? and idk if it comes as a surprise but i'm not even OPPOSED to sasuke wanting to kill kakashi by the time they meet again? in fact i think it could be kind of awesome. because like he could have a lot of reasons to be angry with him, up to and including the mere fact that kakashi took SO LONG to even meet him again?
(remember when team 7 finally meets sasuke again w/ tenzo and sai, and he himself mentions kakashi? it's one of those things you can choose to dismiss as meaningless dialogue but i often do think about it lol)
but instead we have sasuke in the peak of his borderline-demonization by the writing, which just leads to there not being much of an interesting dialogue at all. i'm not opposed to kakashi's sharingan being something that sasuke comes to resent either — it could be very fun character writing as that is the very thing that encouraged them to bond in the first place —, but i don't like the way it was done and i ESPECIALLY hate how it was immediately dropped like BROTHER MY PLOT THREADS... THEY'RE FALLING APART...
i could go on about a thousand different other things, such as.
sorry to mention jiraiya but. the rasengan vs chidori thing is VERY telling; jiraiya is naruto's mentor, and kakashi is sasuke's, this is reflected best when the kids each use their respective Overkill Jutsu at each other and the adults each take responsibility for their own kid
again, i'm unsure if it's fully intentional but there is this opposition of orochimaru vs kakashi other than the obvious confrontational scene they have. the very fact that kakashi is the one to put a limit to orochimaru's literal influence on sasuke through the curse mark is a very interesting narrative choice! kakashi is also extremely afraid of orochimaru and highly protective of sasuke; again it reads as a Personal fear/protectiveness rather than purely Professional to me. it builds this idea of kakashi being one of sasuke's choices, and orochimaru being the other (and we know which one he chooses unfortunately lol)
chidori in general is like. crazy btw. it becomes sasuke's signature move. and it's kakashi's creation. hi
this is also something that was dropped but there was also the occasional pointing out of similarities between, fucking, lee and gai of all people vs kakashi and sasuke? and like i don't need to explain this one that much right. gai is lee's dad in like everything but name LOL (and much like kakashi he also has questionable habits when it comes to how he teaches his kid)
but this is way too long LMFAO my tldr is that I Like Them And I Wish They Had More Screentime </3
their dynamic concretely to me is about caring very much about someone who shares a lot of pain with you, but being a little intimidated by that shared aspect. nothing hurts more than failing / being failed By someone who you know DOES understand you, in the end!
it's all my personal preference of course there's no right or wrong way to read naruto (well the wrong way is thinking it's good.) (joke) but i WAS surprised to not see sasuke and kakashi's relationship being discussed more (esp. with empathy for both characters) because well. obviously it's one of my favorite naruto things GFKDMGKFDM
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guapoduoshipper · 1 year
hello! saw that you also accept songs in portuguese and since i see guapoduo everywhere i have a few:
1. this one since roier's grandpa wanted to ruin their marriage and q!cellbit has a past as f!cell ,, (eng lyrics)
2. this one bc it fits both of them and the way they found someone who gives them the love they've always needed (eng lyrics)
3. this one bc q!cellbit is just a sucker for q!roier and wont ever shut up abt him this song just describes him (eng lyrics)
Hello! Thank you very much for your suggestions! I am really enjoying listening to them.
Eu não vou desistir de ter você Não vou, faço o que eu puder fazer Agora vou descontrolar, vou perder a linha E o paraíso proibido te aplicar
I won't give up on you I won't, do what I can do Now I'm gonna lose control, I'm gonna lose the line And the forbidden paradise will apply to you
Ok this one is so good and you're right it hits pretty well with what happened yesterday. I laughed so hard during the whole interaction with Abueloier and just a song with this rhythm is what was on my mind.
Even if someone wanted some inspiration for a bad boy/good boy AU this is the right song.
E começar de novo com outro alguém Que só quer me ver bem Que me fez encontrar a simples melodia O caminho pra um lugar que eu não conhecia Pra me fazer cantar, pra me fazer sorrir
And start over with someone else Who only wants to see me well Who made me find the simple melody The way to a place I didn't know To make me sing, to make me smile
I think this is my favorite one of all your suggestions, it's so sweet and reminds me so much of them, I feel it speaks from each one's past to this moment when they meet and share their present. I loved it.
E por você eu largo tudo Vou mendigar, roubar, matar Até nas coisas mais banais Prá mim é tudo ou nunca mais
And I’d give up everything for you I'll beg, steal, kill Even the most trivial things For me it's either everything or never again
Ok, from now on whenever I hear q!Cellbit talk to anyone about q!Roier or his wedding, this song is the one that will be playing in my head. q!Cellbit hopelessly in love with q!Roier is my safe place forever.
I thank you so much for sharing with me such beautiful songs! Feel free to do it again any time you want :)
Edit: Now that I'm at home, I was able to place the lyrics quietly (I was at work).
(If you want to know a little more about this blog, you can read here. )
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scruffyplayssonic · 1 year
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 47: Evil alien invasion (Part 1: The Xorda)
Welcome back to my look at the ArchieSonic comic series, and how it shared a lot of the same story tropes as a typical ‘80s or ‘90s syndicated cartoon! 
I know it’s been awhile since my last episode, but I’ve had a lot to catch up on at work that’s been keeping me occupied. I was expecting to come back to find some of my assigned work had not been done while I was on leave, but I wasn’t expecting none of it to get done. Hoo boy, what a mess. Anyway, let’s get back into it. Today’s episode is:
Episode 47: Evil alien invasion (Part 1: The Xorda)
So this isn’t my first time mentioning alien races in this series...
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I’ve already gone over Car-Heem of Wheet pretty extensively, and he wasn’t really evil so much as misguided. We also don’t know if the rest of the Wheetens are like him, as we only saw them in a brief cameo when A.D.A.M. summoned the Chaos Emeralds from their planet, so there’s not much point going into them.
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There’s also the Bzzzz which I’ve previously mentioned from Sonic’s Tossed in Space arc. The Bzzzz were an evil race raging war on the peaceful Blodex, and were wiped out by Super Sonic, who appeared as a separate and chaotic entity to Sonic himself due to him using red chaos emeralds.
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So those guys have been covered too. But there are two other alien races that I’ve mostly skipped over so far, so today I'm going to have a look at the first of those.
The first evil aliens to invade Mobius were the Xorda, who debuted in the Sonic Adventure 2.5 arc in Sonic #124 and 125.
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The story was that thousands of years ago these guys sent an emissary to Earth to make peaceful contact and offer an alliance. But the humans who made first contact  (naturally including an ancestor of the Kintobor clan) captured the emissary and dissected them. The Xorda were justifiably upset about this, but they may have overreacted slightly when they decided to commit planetary genocide. Just a little planetary genocide, as a treat. Bombarding the planet with gene bombs, they left after they assumed that they’d wiped out all life on the planet. But they were unaware that there were pockets of survivors, and the gene bomb radiation resulted in most of mankind slowly evolving into anthropomorphic mammals, aka Mobians. 
In Sonic Adventure 2.5, the Xorda returned to Earth (now known as Mobius) thousands of years later and discovered that they hadn’t wiped out all life on the planet after all, so they started the war anew.
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This also marked the return of Shadow the Hedgehog to the comic, who had been missing and presumed dead since the events of Sonic Adventure 2 (partially shown in Sonic #98).
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It turned out that Shadow had been saved from his fatal fall from the Ark by an alien race called the Bem (more on them later) who nursed him back to health. When the Xorda attacked, the Bem imbued Shadow with enough energy to become Super Shadow again so that he could fight the Xorda off while they escaped.
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…yeah, that didn’t exactly work out. But at least the Bem got away safely.
With the planet under attack by the Xorda, who were still yelling about the murder of their emissary thousands of years ago, Sally and Nicole researched what had happened and found out that all signs pointed to them being truthful - Mobius used to be Earth, and the Xorda’s attack on the planet coincided with history’s accounts of the Days of Fury that ravaged the planet.
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Sally tried to plead a case with the Xorda for them to spare the planet, pointing out that humans were no longer the dominant lifeforms on the planet and that the Mobosapiens were inadvertently created by the Xorda’s previous bombing. But the Xorda could not be swayed and continued their attack.
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It was Dr. Eggman who brought the solution - a giant robot that was totally not a Transformer and was strong enough to fight back, but needed Sonic’s speed as a power source. 
Just an aside note here, but my headcanon for this mech was that Eggman originally intended to power it with his own people. When a colony of Overlanders (aka humans) suddenly returned from space without warning, Eggman temporarily tricked them into taking refuge with him and his robotic forces in Robotropolis. At the time ("the time" being Sonic #95) Snively was curious about why Eggman hadn’t just roboticised them and been done with it, and so Eggman showed him exactly what he had planned for his guests.
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We never did find out exactly what Snively was shown, as Sonic and Sally showed up and evacuated the Overlanders to Knothole (then later, Station Square) before Eggman could go through with his plan. But my theory is that Eggman was showing off his Giga-Bot Prime to Snively, and after losing the Overlanders he converted it to run on the power of one speedy blue boi rather than a hundred odd mediocre humans.
Anyway, back to the Xorda. In desperation Eggman called Knothole proposing a truce, asking them to send Sonic so he could save the day. But King Max had a rare W moment here (yes, he was very occasionally awesome, mostly depending on the writer) and demanded that in return for Sonic’s services, Eggman surrender half of his territories to the Acorn Kingdom. With no other choice, Eggman reluctantly agreed.
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Sonic and Sally raced off to Eggman’s base to check out his newest toy, and sure enough, with Sonic powering it the Giga-Bot Prime was powerful enough to beat back the Xorda.
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Predictably, as soon as the threat seemed to be gone Eggman turned on Sonic, remotely trapping him inside Giga-Bot Prime to be its eternal fuel source as Eggman used it to conquer the planet. But he didn’t get a chance to do so, as the Xorda dropped off their deadliest weapon: the Quantum Dial, which once activated would create a black hole that would engulf the entire planet.
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Both heroes and villains alike across the entire planet travelled to the Quantum Dial to try and stop it, but were unable to get past its defenses.
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On top of having sentry turrets that shot at anyone that got close, it also emitted a field that caused all technological weapons that came into range to just fall apart before they could do any harm. Giga-Bot Prime was no exception and disintegrated as soon as it was in range, but on the plus side it at least got Sonic and Sally past the outside defenses. The Quantum Dial had one last defense though, a quantum wave designed to incinerate anyone who got too close. But Sonic and Sally were saved by some literal Deus Ex Machina, as Knuckles came back from the dead in a massive wave of power, stopping the quantum wave.
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However Knuckles could not help any further, as returning from the Chaos Force had stripped him of his powers. It was left to Sonic to destroy the Quantum Dial by doing a speedy thing and running around it counterclockwise to reverse the dial’s direction and cause it to implode.
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Sonic appeared to have been killed in this last sacrificial act of heroism, but he’d actually been transported across the universe and was completely fine. This kicked off the Tossed In Space arc, which I talked about during the “We’re in space now!” episode.
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So that’s the Xorda in a nutshell, but there was one other alien race that caused trouble for Sonic (and to a larger extent, Shadow), not just in the comics but also the games. So come back next time, when I’ll be talking about the Black Arms!
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aurora-light-blog · 1 year
The Pirate Prince of Yi Ti: Raids in the Jade Sea *1 of 3*
  By Shella Longclaw
“I may have been born a prince, but it would be an honor to die a pirate,” are the famous words of Choq Nen. Born to the eighth Indigo Emperor Choq Bem, Nen really never knew his father, especially being one of twenty royal sons. He grew up with tutors and his uncle Admiral Reider. For his royal education, Prince Choq Nen learnt languages such as Valyrian, Ghiscari, Sarnori, Hyrkoon, and Qaathii. He was also given combat training in spears, sword, and bow and arrows. It would be his uncle’s training that he would cherish the most. Admiral Reider was a Lengii admiral of the Yi Tish fleet. He taught Nen how to sail.
“There is nothing magical about silk. Give me scales and gills, and I’ll rejoice.” It had been his dream as a boy to become a captain of a ship. Since the indigo emperor dynasty was known for its peace, this left him with little chance of ever commanding a ship in the royal fleet. He had no merchant allies, so he couldn’t command any merchant ships. His royal tutor informed him that he would become a governor, since it was the custom of the time. Yet, Nen yearned to be a sea captain and was willing to fight for it. Other people had yearnings too.
During the eighth emperor’s reign, a bad harvest occurred. Many peasants traveled to Yin to beg the emperor for his aid. Instead, Prince Choq Nen provided them help in the manner of recruiting several young men as sailors. He paid the men in advance and trained them to become sailors and fighters. He was a young man of sixteen at the time. The peasants were delighted with the money and the opportunity of exciting work.
Using all his funds, Prince Choq Nen purchased a worn-down vessel and had it rebuilt. Some scholars claimed the ship had belonged to either Moraq or Zabhad. Scribe Ayo Ve claimed that his uncle had a passion for ship designs, and his nephew stole one of the designs. Regardless, the ship was known to have an unusual design, which was necessary for what the prince was planning. Nen’s first act of piracy was attacking an Asshai ship.
The kingdom of Asshai routinely brought slaves from the market of the Isle of Whips. The island was strong and fortified. It was very close to Yi Ti. However, if Nen and his crew got caught by the Yi Tish fleet in the act of piracy even his status as prince wouldn’t save him. Crafty Choq Nen raided the Asshai vessel as it passed by an island from the Manticore Isles. The pirates successfully attained two barrels worthy of gold, and a barrel worth of pearls and coral along with five hundred slaves. Most of the slaves were set free by the prince, though sadly the prince sold a dozen in the market of Asabhad.
“The peasants have more virtues than princes,” is another famous quote of Choq Nen. The prince had wanted to raid Marahai next. However, most of the people who lived in Marahai were farmers or fishermen. The crew was against it. They brought fruit and vegetables there for their families. Interestingly, Choq Nen had a practice of dividing the loot to his entire crew even dead ones, who their families received the money.
The next target chosen was a Qaathi merchant ship. They attacked the ship near the city Faros of Moraq. The Qaathi vessel carried spices, liquors, and three barrels worth of gemstones. For the crew, this was great. For Prince Choq Nen, this wasn’t enough for the coins, which he invested in this pursuit. He decided their next raid would be against someone richer. Who was richer than the powerful Valyrian empire at the time?
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marchiveeee · 2 years
Commentary on the My Candy Love 2.0 Poll (Part 1/2) / Comentário da enquete 2.0 de Amor Doce (Parte 1/2)
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Castiel got this one this time!!! I was shocked because on the 1st poll Armin got the most popular crush and Castiel was in 2nd, now we have Armin in 2nd. And Nath is in LAST! What?!
Castiel ficou em 1º dessa vez! Eu fiquei chocada porque na 1ª enquete Armin ficou em 1º e Cas em 2º. E Nath ficou em ÚLTIMO! Como assim?!
B = Buzzfeed / P = Poll maker
Armin (B = 15 votes) / Castiel (P = 10 votes); so technically Armin is still the most famous, right? He has more votes... (então tecnicamente Armin ainda é o mais famoso, né? Ele tem mais votos...)
Castiel (B = 10 votes) / Armin (P = 7 votes);
Nath (B = 7 votes) / Kentin & Lys (P = 3 votes each/3votos cada)
Lys (B = 5 votes) / Nath (P = 2 votes)
Kentin (B = 1 vote); at least y'all were nicer with him this time..... right? (pelo menos vocês foram mais legais com ele dessa vez..... né?)
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This one goes to Nath!! I feel bad for him, he's truly a "1st option" material (although I have to admit that he was my Candy's 2nd crush too kkkkkkkk but it wasn't like a love triangle or something, I guess it was just a coincidence)
Essa vai pro Nath! Eu me senti mal por ele, ele foi feito pra ser a "1ª opção" (mas eu tenho que admitir que ele era o 2º crush da minha Docete também kkkkkkkkkk mas não era um triãngulo amoroso ou algo do tipo, foi mais uma coincidência mesmo)
Nath (6 votes)
Lys & No one/Ninguém (5 votes each/cada)
Armin & Cas (4 votes each/cada)
Kentin (1 vote)
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Flashback: at least y'all were nicer with him this time..... right? (pelo menos vocês foram mais legais com ele dessa vez..... né?)
Kentin (11 votes 💀)
I'd give them all a chance/Eu daria uma chance a todos (5 votes)
Castiel (3 votes) Whyyyy? Por quêee?
Armin & Lys & Nath (2 votes each/2 votos cada)
4 - Which of those boys would you date? / Quais desses garotos você namoraria?
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So, I put more options in this one and Jade is still winning!!! I'm so curious, because, again, in all those years I've been playing MCL, I've never tried the gardening club kkkkkkk
Então, eu coloquei mais opções nessa enquete e Jade continua ganhando!!! Eu tô tão curiosa, porque, de novo, em todos esses anos eu nunca tentei o clube de jardinagem kkkkkkkkk
Jade (10 votes / 10 votes)
No one/Ninguém (10 votes) / Alexy (9 votes)
Alexy (5 votes) / Leigh&Dajan (6 votes each/ cada) Wow, just wow
Dajan (2 votes) / Dake & No one/Ninguém (5 votes eaach/cada) I don't think I'd ever try something serious with Dake, maybe just an one-time thing like that one on the beach episode but not dating. he can be really... unlikable (Eu acho que nunca tentaria algo sério com o Dake, talvez uma (1) ficada que nem no episódio da praia, mas nada além disso. ele pode ser bem... sla ridículo)
Dake (1 vote) / Evan (3 votes) I don't like Evan (Eu não gosto do Evan)
5 - But do you wish they were date options? / Mas você gostaria que eles fossem opções?
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I don't have screenshots from the Buzzfeed poll to this question, so yeah...
But y'all vote for "yes I'd def date Leigh" and then we have 1 vote for "yes, I would def want Leigh as a date option" and 2 for "yes, all of them"... thinking thoughts, you guys are confusing kkkkkkk but I still love you
Eu não tenho prints da enquete do Buzzfeed pra essa pergunta, então....
Mas vocês votam pra "eu com ctz namoraria o Leigh" e depois a gente tem 1 voto pra "sim, eu com ctz gostaria de ter o Leigh como opção de paquera" e 2 para "sim, todos eles"... pensando pensamentos, vocês são confuses kkkkkkkk mas ainda amo vocês
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cecesunshine · 3 years
Oiiii vim pelo confissões
Você poderia fazer a prompt 1 e 10 (acho que elas combinam bem uma com a outra) com o Alistair? Não sei se tem que especificar pronomes, mas poderia ser ela/dela se não incomodar?
It’s done, sorry for taking so long! Espero que você não se importe que eu tenha escrito em inglês. Beijinhos anjo <3
The Only Thing | Alistair Drew
Summary → The only thing that makes early morning practice tolerable for Alistair is when Scholar watches it. It’s time for him to have courage and confess his love for her.
Pairing → Alistair Drew x Scholar
Warnings → None
Word Count → 1830
Prompts used → 1. Can I kiss you? + 10. That was unexpected.
A/N → As requested, Scholar uses she/her pronouns! Also, English is not my first language, so I apologize if there are errors or if something doesn't make sense.
As soon as autumn arrived, with it came the cold wind and the endless rain. Alistair rolled his eyes as he saw the cloudy sky that waited for him outside through his window. His bed was warm and it was Saturday, which intensified his desire to stay in bed.
Alistair forced himself to get up, feeling the cold of the floor as soon as his feet touched the floor. He took a quick glance at Tadashi, who was still sleeping. Poor guy, he needed a break after everything that happened between him and his father in the last few days. Alistair walked silently to the wardrobe that he shared with his roommate, taking out the red Athletics Department shirt and black sweatpants and leaving them on the top of his bed. Alistair grabbed his shower products and left the room, heading to the bathroom.
The dorm was relatively quiet, as it was 5:40 in the morning. Alistair loved his department, and he loved everything he did but god, he envied the fact they could sleep into late hours of the morning. As he entered the bathroom, he saw that he wasn’t alone. There was Scholar, fixing her hair with a concentrated look on her face.
“Good morning, Scholar.” Alistair greeted her, going in her direction and leaning into the wall.
“Alistair! Hi, I didn’t even see you coming in!” Scholar greeted him back, quite startled at the sudden salutation given to her. “Why are you up so early?”
“I have practice, the real question is, why are YOU up so early? It’s Saturday, you need to rest.” Alistair asked, studying her features. If there was something that he liked about Scholar, it was definitely her eyes, always wandering around the room or simply focused on something. He had noticed how she would avoid eye contact and look around at random stuff when she was nervous.
“I want to do the homework that Ms. Rodriguez gave us early so I don’t have to worry about it during the rest of the weekend.” Scholar replied, staring at herself in the mirror again. “Also, I didn’t know Coach worked on the weekends.”
“He doesn’t, the Athletic Department students do it voluntarily, it’s part of the job. Although sometimes the only thing you want to do is sleep until late afternoon.”
“Well, shouldn’t other students from your department be up already?”
“We talked about it in our group chat, the other girls from the soccer team had a game yesterday and they are super tired, so they’re not coming. Raquel sprained her ankle so she’s not coming either and some of the boys said that they will be ditching practice today.” Alistair told her, then started counting on his fingers. “So taking me, Rick and some other guys, there will be probably 6 or 7 people at the gym today.”
“Got it. Well, good luck for you and the guys today.” Scholar said as she was making her way to the door.
“Scholar, wait!” The words left Alistair’s mouth almost immediately. “Do you want to...I don’t know...have breakfast with me?” Very slick, Al, he thought.
“I would love to. Meet me in my room when you're ready, ok?” She said and finally left, leaving a red Alistair alone in the bathroom, still processing what happened.
Alistair showered quickly, feeling his hands trembling as he ran his finger through his blonde hair. He needed to be nice and clean for her.
He made his way back to his room, dressing up in his usual practice outfit, trying to style it so it would look better.
"Wow man, never seen you so worried about how you look for practice." Said Tadashi, who had just woken up.
"I'm not only going to practice, I'm going to have breakfast with Scholar." Alistair announced, fixing his shirt. "Tucked in or tucked out?"
"In, obviously. You don't want her to think that you don't care." Tadashi joked. “I mean, she probably knows that you like her. Is not like you are very discreet about it, you’re always walking around her, complimenting her, flexing your muscles to her. It's cute to see, you’re like her personal golden retriever.”
Alistair didn’t reply, he just shot a serious look to his friend, so he would stop. Not because it wasn’t true, but because Alistair wasn’t aware of how other people looked at him every time he would orbit around Scholar. After finishing dressing himself, Alistair grabbed his varsity jacket and quickly said his goodbyes to Tadashi, who was planning on getting more sleep.
In the dorm hallway, the blonde boy knocked into Scholar’s room door, who came out seconds later. She was wearing black jeans, a white knitted sweater and her famous red scarf and was carrying her purse.
“Hi Al.” She greeted him once again. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yes. Let’s get some food, I’m starving.”
They both made their way quickly into the cafeteria, which was surprisingly empty. As Scholar sat down, Alistair went to the counter, where he got a coffee and a strawberry cake for Scholar and an energetic and a protein bar for him.
“Thank you.” Scholar thanked Alistair, as he put the table on the plate. “You know, I was very surprised you’d ask me to get breakfast with you. I thought you were mad at me or something.”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know, after I congratulated you for the Athletics Department’s presentation at the competition you looked…” She stopped talking, as she was looking for the right words. "uncomfortable. I thought that maybe I said something wrong and I didn’t want to bother you so I decided that I wouldn’t ask you what I did wrong because I didn’t want to upset you even more, so when you asked me for breakfast I was shocked.”
“Scholar, it’s impossible for me to be mad at you. You are the sweetest person I know.” Alistair said, reaching to her hand, grabbing it gently as Scholar looked away blushing, clearly embarrassed at this caring gesture.
They both ate the rest of the meal quietly, sometimes exchanging little smiles and stealing glances that ended up with both blushing or laughing quietly. If anyone else saw them, they would say they were a couple, but they couldn’t see it as they were both oblivious.
The time to leave finally arrived, where Scholar offered to walk Alistair to the gym, which he happily accepted.
As Alistair presumed, the gym was almost empty besides some boys who were doing push-ups and seeing who would be the first to give up.
“I guess this is your stop. I need to go do my homework so I’ll probably go back to the cafeteria.” Scholar pointed to her purse, where all of her supplies were, and then looked to Alistair, who seemed sad about the fact that she was leaving. “Or...I could do my homework while you practice, if that’s okay with you.”
“Yeah, absolutely.” Alistair agreed almost immediately, giving her a smile. For him, this was an opportunity to impress Scholar. She would see him doing the thing that he does the best.
As Scholar sat down at the bleachers and started taking her stuff out of the bag, Alistair started stretching, warming up his muscles and took off running around the gym. He was really excited to work out in front of Scholar, as this was probably the sneakiest way to show off to her without exactly showing off.
Scholar was supposed to focus on her homework, but at that moment, she could only focus on Alistair, who had stopped running and was now participating in a push-up contest with the other boys of his department.
As the boys gave up and left, Alistair started laughing. Alistair wiped his sweaty face with his face, showing off his abs and his muscular form. God, had he always been that handsome?, Scholar wondered and quickly brushed up that thought as Alistair was walking towards her.
“Everything alright?” The blonde boy asked, taking a sip of his water bottle. “I’m sorry if seeing me training is boring to you.”
“Nothing is ever boring with you Al, and I love being around you.”She said, making Alistair blush. ”Are you finished yet?”
“Finished? I barely even started. I still need to take the boxing supplies out of the storage room and set them up and then I’ll start the boxing practice. Do you want to help?”
Scholar agreed, setting her things down. Already in the storage room, they both started to take out the things and setting it up in the gym, sometimes touching hands and blushing madly.
With everything set up, Alistair began punching the punching bag, always keeping an eye on Scholar, who gave up on doing her homework and was now just watching him. Alistair smiled, his plan was working.
“How do you not have a girlfriend or boyfriend?” She abruptly asked, taking Alistair by surprise.
“W-What?” Alistair spoke, his voice trembling and betraying him at that moment.
“How are you not dating someone?” Scholar questioned again. “Tell me, how is Alistair Drew, one of Arlington’s most attractive boys, single?”
“Well, it’s complicated.” Alistair took off his gloves and his headgear, sitting next to her. “I’m only single because I’m a coward.”
“What do you mean coward?”
Alistair looked at her, staring deeply into her eyes. He needed to tell her, it was time to finally be brave. He held her hand caressing it with his thumb. Scholar reciprocated, also looking into his eyes, giving him a confused look.
“Scholar, I like you.” He finally confessed, still looking at her. “I’ve been trying to tell you this for a while but I was always looking for the right moment. But the truth is, I was just afraid of telling you how I feel because I didn’t know how you would react. You are the most incredible person I know, you’re simply the best.” Alistair got silent for a few seconds and then spoke again. “I really like you...and I hope you like me too.”
After his confession, none of them knew what to say. The silence between them was uncomfortable, in a way that neither of them could put into words.
“Well, that was unexpected.” Scholar said, trying to help the situation. “Look Alistair, that day during the competition, I was going to say the same thing.”
“What?” He questioned.
“I was going to confess to you. I feel the same, Al.” Scholar announced, smiling shyly. “I like you.”
Now, the silence between them was comfortable. So comfortable that they were now closer than ever, as Alistair placed his hand on Scholar's chin, looking at her like she was the only person in the whole world.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked for permission, waiting anxiously for an answer.
“Yes Alistair, you can.”
And their lips touched, as both were involved in a loving but innocent kiss.
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szlolla · 3 years
Dear My Candy Love...
19/03/2012 (d/m/y) I created my first and only account in my candy love (amor doce), when I was eleven years old. Now, nine years later, the series is about to end and I have mixed feelings about it. It's bittersweet to see something you love become "weird", as if it is not for you anymore, but I realize the game was not meant to grow with us.
When I played it for the first time, I could see myself in Candy even though I was not in High School. And that is what the game is about. Most of the things she said, did or even suffered I could relate, but now as a college student I can't say the same. Not only because it is too fictional, but how the game limits us and it becomes less something about choices and more about simply dating... And it is okay, because this is what the teens expect about life.
In HSL, me and Candy had the same struggles: making friends; dealing with bullying and some serious, yet not extreme, topics; understanding our own feelings; and even school projects were a little similar. All the boys were somehow interesting for us, in their own ways, personalities and hobbys. It was a little stereotypical, yes, and yet so fun! When all friends gathered together at Iris' house I felt that so deep and cool and in real life I was doing the same thing!
In 2018 University Life launched and with it the worst choice by beemov: change the AP system. Also, the second worst choice came and I was shook: change 3/5 of the LIs. The most popular ones, Nath and Cass, stayed and it is no surprise, but Armin, Lysandre and Kentin just went poof. Do not get me wrong, I know things like that happen all the time, but some people literally paid so they could have clothes, images and even action figures of their favorite LIs. I consider this the start of the downfall, and I know many people do too.
I did not play UL until 2019, when I got accepted in College, and... well, it is bad. Here on tumblr the community created their own OCs from the game, and seeing so many personalities and choices I knew UL would not live up to this. It is hard for a game to have this many possibilities, but after years and years of HSL I really think it was just beemoov's laziness. UL is a money maker, LL as well, and I am not afraid to say that. The game did not stepped up on anything, the writing did not grow and the extreme slow pacing (if you don't buy APs) makes UL and LL "experience" something close to watch a slice of bread mold.
The new LIs aren't a problem to me, except Hyun 'cause that outfit is just horrendous and he wears it 24/7 (just imagine a Mc Donalds worker using the uniform always). I just can't relate anymore to Candy, and her story is not thrilling. I am in episode 14 and basically nothing relevant happened, except finally kissing my LI. Priya and Hyun are so boring as just friends, while Nath has a truly dramatic plot and Cassy, well, he is even more charming as a true rockstar. Candy, Rosa and Armin became a friendship painful to watch, as they just text to talk about study and even if it is something more than that it is forgettable (ik Rosa suffered, I am talking about before that, and by the way it is a crime they did not give us any image of the three together at Rosa's apartment lol). A total of one image (the one from ep 9, so it is just.... well, a dream) feature Chani, and she is basically an angel and the best girl for helping Candy since day one. To summarize, nothing really matters except our crush... and for a old game with a strong playerbase, it could be more than just a dating simulator.
I did not play LL, but.... damn, I kinda don't want to so I cannot say much to be honest.
So, just to wrap it up: personally, I think the game didn't really grow to pace with us, older players, but if the player is still young it is very enjoyable - specially HSL. I might cry enough to fill up a bucket when it is officially over hahaha (even tho I will truly play the final episode next year due this stupid ap system djsdjsd)
Just to add: I am truly grateful for all the love I received here, from followers to drawings and asks! Thank you! I will not delete this Tumblr, probably just make it something more personal (I slowly am by reposting things from other games lol)
I feel I cannot express myself enough in my second language, so I will cut here and everything else is in Portuguese.
DESGRAÇA de empresa fudida ruim do caralho estragou o jogo que eu amei desde os meus onze anos INFERNOOOOOOOO
O HSL é lindo do jeito que é, mesmo com seus defeitos. Jogar o UL é comparável a comer um tijolo, nem consigo imaginar o LL e talvez a cria de 6 cabeças que vai ser o próximo jogo da beemoov. Todo o orçamento do UL/LL foi pro Eldarya e ngm vai me provar o contrário.......
O UL dá um sentimento de fanfic escrita por uma menina de 14 anos: nenhum personagem secundário importa, nenhum evento é relevante para a história e tudo ronda em um relacionamento rushado.
Mas a real é que o jogo já não é mais pras pré-históricas como eu que esperam um plot coerente em tudo... Mas que o HSL é mais bem elaborado que o UL e LL juntos é inegável.
Chani foi injustiçada para um caralho qnd a beemoov nao botou a lenda em nenhuma imagem real no UL. Carregou a do7 nas costas desde o ep 1 junto com a outra lenda Yeleen.
A Ambre, a garota do saco de batatas, amadureceu mais que a docete... outra lenda, mas essa ao menos apareceu em algumas imagens.
Kim não ser um LI nao faz sentido com a minha fantasia....
Acho que é isso....... Estou em estado catatônico e só um novo Dragon Age pra me reviver.
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therefugeofbooks · 3 years
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It's Juuuune! I'm happy with my numbers of May, considering the amount of family things that happened. I read some nice horror books that made me crave even more horror!!! But there's a special and ~exceptional~ June tbr that I'm also super excited!
Anyway, talking about all the books I read in May under the cut (・ω<)☆
In reading order:
Vita Nostra by Marina Dyachenko, Sergey Dyachenko with Julia Meitov Hersey (translator)
I've seen this book in Dark Academia book lists and I was excited to read it because of the whole magical school idea. However, I didn't like this book at all. The main character is so uninteresting, there are no characters to root for, people are forced to go to college and don't know what's happening and the magic is something vague and far away most of the time, and the mystery is empty. I kept pushing expecting a wild reveal and I finished frustrated and angry. 
The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher
So good! The mystery is compelling, the horror is on point, I listened to the audiobook before sleeping and I was scared! Looking forward to reading more from T. Kingfisher
Read if you want: psychological horror, creatures on the wood. 
Between Perfect and Real by Ray Stoeve 
Loved it! The story follows a trans guy coming out at his school while he plays Romeo in a school play. It deals with a lot of pain, transphobia, body dysmorphia, family relationships, his relationship with his girlfriend. But there are also nice moments of understanding, found family and theater kids being theater kids.
Read if you want: trans characters in high school, theater stories, friendship and support from the lbtqia+ community.
Vampires Never Get Old: Tales with Fresh Bite 
A lovely anthology! My favorite one was A Guidebook for the Newly Sired Desi Vampire by Samira Ahmed. I also liked  In Kind by Kayla Whaley and The Boys From Blood rRver by Rebecca Roanhorse. I'd love to read an adult or new adult anthology like this one. 
Read if you want: diverse ya vampire stories.
Revenge by Yoko Ogawa with Stephen Snyder (Translator)
After Hotel Iris, I decided to read one more book by Yoko Ogawa. Revenge is more on the horror side like The Diving Pool. It's a psychological, bizarre, eerie kind of horror. The interesting about this book is that all the short stories are connected! Loved it!
Read if you want: bizarre and eerie short stories.
Given Vol. 1 by Natsuki Kizu 
Even though my friends have recommended me the anime, I haven't watched it yet. But I loved the manga! It's a cute bl story involving bands in high schools. I know that something very sad is coming in the next volume ;;;
Read if you want: cute bl stories, high-school bands.
Sasaki and Miyano Vol. 1 by Syou Harusono
I love fudanshi stories and the main couple's dynamics is very sweet! The series is not completed yet, so I'm not sure when I'll go back to this story, though. 
Read if you want: cute bl stories.
Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 
Beautiful book but there're many sad and dark moments in it. It has sort of an optimistic ending, but it deals with dark topics such as physical and physiological abuse and fanatism. But in the end, I think the book is about Kambili discovering that there's a different way to live and finding love in her aunt and cousins. If you're interested in this book, you should check out this article that highlights some transphobic comments made by Chimamanda. Then, it's up to you!
The Companion by EE Ottoman
I love the plot and the setting and that all the characters are trans! It's a very cute polyamorous relationship. But I think I'd have enjoyed it more if it was a slow-burn kind of romance. The idea is great, but I'm not a fan of the pacing of this novella.
Read if you want: trans/trans relationships, polyamorous relationships, historical queer romance, smuuut.
The Girl and the Ghost by Hanna Alkaf
This book was great! It's the right amount of spooky and adventurous I like in a middle-grade story. I loved how friendship is a main theme in the book and what Suraya does to save Pink. The ending is amazing!
Read if you want: safe spooky, focus on friendship, ghost that are friends, kids saving the day.
Available only in Portuguese:
Ela é só uma garota comum de Pedro A. Ribeiro
Eu adoro histórias sobre viagem no tempo e mudanças temporais e foi por isso que eu peguei esse conto para ler. E nesse aspecto sci-fi, o conto é bem legal, com um protagonista alienígena e tocando em assuntos como relações entre espécies e imigração de alienígenas. Adoro que um dos temas é sobre como pequenos gestos podem desencadear uma sequência incrível de acontecimentos! Acho que no geral, apenas a escrita precisa amadurecer mais, principalmente nos diálogos, que por muitas vezes soam muito artificiais e sem muita relevância para a história.
Heartstopper Vol. 1 and Heartstopper Vol. 2 by Alice Oseman
Read in: Feb | Mar | April
☆Book photography ☆ Storygraph ☆ Scribd ☆
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myeditslocks · 4 years
☆ kpop ; boys love ; kdrama | only lockscreen ☆
Regras para pedidos ; pt ; br
Seguir o blog @myeditslocks
Nome do idol e do grupo : não se esqueça do nome do grupo
somente kpop kdrama e boys love
1 a 2 pedidos por pessoa.
Especificar o modelo que eu já tenha feito ou farei da forma mais prática e rápida pra mim.
lockscreen de idols juntos até 2 pois da muito trabalho e leva tempo então não faço mais além de que não tem tanto engajamento.
irei fazer os pedidos na ordem que as asks são feitas então tenha paciência em esperar, ser educado falar por favor e obrigado ter educação não faz mal a ninguém.
asks com com idols repetidos serão excluídas
sugestões de idols e grupos são bem vindas.
Rules request ; eng
Follow the blog @myeditslocks
Name of idol and group ; don't forget the group name
only kpop kdrama and boys love
1 to 2 requests for person
Specify the model that I have already made or will do in the most practical and quick way for me.
lockscreen idols together up to 2 because is a lot of work and it takes time so I don't do it any more than it doesn't have as much engagement.
I will place the orders in the order the asks are made so be patient to wait, be polite to say please and thank you be polite does not hurt anyone.
asks with repeated idols will be deleted
suggestions from idols and groups are welcome.
obrigado a todos que leram até aqui!! 💗
thanks to everyone who has read this far!! 💗
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lucasvscardoso · 3 years
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“Expurgo: Percepção” Ato 1/3 - (2021) por Maga
“Need to purge the poison from our system
Until human beings listen
Tell me, who do you think you are?
It's your own decision
But your home is now your prison
You forgot that, without me, you won't go far”
- MARINA (Purge The Poison)
A imagem faz parte de um tríptico que tem como referência visual a Obra “Rapaz com Um Cesto de Frutas” (1593) de Michelangelo Caravaggio, podendo também ser considerada uma releitura. Busquei aliar a estética do artista à canção “Purge The Poison” (2021) de Marina Diamandis de forma a construir a narrativa de “Expurgo”.
A palavra que dá título à obra, em um de seus significados, indica ação de expurgar, de limpar, de retirar as impurezas, a sujeira; expurgação.
A combinação dessas obras para a criação de uma terceira e abrir espaço para uma nova narrativa sintetiza bem minha ambição enquanto artista. Gosto de me autorreferir como “um artista construído a partir de referências” e executar bem essa função é algo que me orgulha.
“The Purge: Perception” Act 1/3 - (2021) by Maga
The image is a part of a triptych that has as visual refference the Piece “Boy with a Basket of Fruit” (1593) by Michelangelo Caravaggio and it also can be considered a rereading of the piece. My intention was to combine Caravaggio’s aesthetics to the song “Purge The Poison” (2021) by Marina Diamandis in order to create the narrative for “The Purge”.
The word that gives name to the piece, means (in one of its meanings) to clean something, to take the impurity off of something, the dirt.
Combining these two pieces so I can create a third and open space for a new narrative sums up my ambition as na artist. I like to refer to myself as “an artist buit by refferences” and excecuting well this function makes me proud.
Picture: Boy With a Basket of Fruit (1593) by Caravaggio
Movie frame: Caravaggio (1986) directed by Derek Jarman
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thirstyforred · 4 years
I'm curious, what is your favorite gwent card art, premium or not? Like the top 10 that you say you would craft for the art alone.
asking me to pick only 10 is such a cruel demand anon 😩
10 Jacques de Aldersberg by Bryan Sola
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currently I'm collecting scraps and ore just so I can play Firesworn/Salamandra in Gwent, I haven't played Syndicate even once since it debuted in the game, and honestly, at this point, I'm a bit intimidated with the amount of management that involves coin distribution, but idc I will do everything for my fav son... I have been waiting for Alvin/JdA cards ever since someone dig out the artwork somewhere at the start of the Open Beta. It's been literally years ago. I hoped he will be introduced with Homecoming, nope, maybe somehow with the Crimson Curse since, also nope, then Syndicate dropped and even tho Salamandra operated in Vizima, not Novigrad, it's still an organized crime, right? Nope, no self-proclaimed messiahs in that expansion either. Iron Judgment? There's Salamandra, but literally without a leader, soo... I was too tired to be even slightly disappointed when Merchants of Ofir suddenly dropped. And look 2020 is rough for all of us, but at least Gwent treats me right 😌 even the upcoming Way of the Witcher has some Salamandra content, and maybe, maybe, there's one card with Jacques hanging out somewhere in the background. 
9 Coup de Grace by Lorenzo Mastroianni
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how one even begins to praise Mastroianni? I mean just look at literally any of his artworks, they look like classical paintings, but are still so full of magic, and really capture the mood of the scene they're portraying... I want this on my wall. Honestly all special cards from Master Mirror are absolutely amazing, yes even Amnesty by Karol Bem
8 Ulfhedinn by Anna Podedworna
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Podedworna, another legend when it comes to Gwent artwork. I love the dynamic pose, the force, and the power that emanates from this werewolf. Look at that sword, it's barely a toothpick! This guy fucks.
7 Feign Death by Astor Alexander
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I’m low-key salty that this is the only scenario that actually tells a story with its art. Ball, Haunt and Gedyneith all look pretty, but none of them manages to immediately tell me what's going to happen on the board in few next turns. And whenever I see my opponent playing Feign Death I feel like I really have been fooled and now I'm in danger.
6 Joachim de Wett by Lorenzo Mastroianni
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I like the orange. I like Nilfgaard. I recently acquired de Wett-related brain rot. I really think that the Polish version of his line "I shall flog them into submission" is incredibly sexy. A few weeks ago I spend hours trying to figure out how voiced his lines and I still have no idea, but I hope it's Krzysztof Banaszyk, bc he has an incredibly sexy voice 😩
5 Aelirenn by  Lorenzo Mastroianni
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the composition, colors, fuck you d'hoine attitude... I really can't imagine a better illustration for the Rose
4 An Craite Greatsword by Bartłomiej Gaweł 
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I love the yellow skies, the details, this guy's tattoos, his armor, the way he holds the sword. I still remember seeing it being revealed for the first time before one of the updates in Open Beta, and how I fell in love with it. It's still one of the prettiest Skellige cards. Even I have only bad memories of playing against the self-harm archetype it introduced 😩
before we get to my top 3,  I'm going to give special shout out to one extra card from every fraction, bc they're all so pretty and special to me: Knickers, Seltkirk of Gulet, Heymaey Flaminica + Corrupted Flaminica, Collar, Procession of Penance, Ida Emean aep Sivney and The Apiarian Phantom
3 Morvudd by Lorenzo Mastroianni
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my boi, Morvudd... I spent the first weekend after his introduction just looking at the premium loop, hypnotized, it's just so damn pretty
2 False Ciri by Bogna Gawrońska 
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the first card I crafted just for the looks, back then I wasn't even playing Nilfgaard, but I had this need to have this one because it's so stunning. She's so beautiful and sad, and there's not only the Emperor's hand on her shoulder but the whole weight of the Empire, and there she's, not even the real girl. I wish CDPR cleaned up her situation better because she doesn't deserve being forgotten and swept under the rug like that.
1 Nithral by Marta Dettlaff 
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yet another obscure character that I absolutely love. He was repeatedly killed during the Open Beta and I mourned him every time v.v I love the blue, the shattering magical shield, his voicelines are and how one is kinda flirtatious, one proves that Aen Elle are real polyglots and speak even Arabic, and one that establishes Nitral as That Bitch, because he's the only enemy who calls Geralt a cunt 😊
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ifsrenan · 4 years
Headcanons : My Comforts characters.
(fanboy version)
[Haikyuu] ハイキュ
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Nishinoya ⚡:
ー Ele ama comprar presentes pra você.
He loves to buy gifts for you.
ー Ele sempre anda de mãos dadas na rua com você.
He always goes hand in hand with you.
ー Quando você está meio pra baixo, ele sempre manda mensagens falando o quanto que você é importante pra ele e falando o quanto que você é lindo.
When you're a bit down, he always sends messages saying how important you are to him and how beautiful you are.
ー Nishinoya gosta de comparar suas alturas, se gabando por ser mais alto que você. (Se você for menor que ele)
Nishinoya likes to compare his heights, bragging about being taller than you. (If you are smaller than him)
ー Nishinoya sempre fica comparando suas alturas se perguntando porque você é tão grande, mas ele sempre aproveita isso pra pular em seus ombros. (Se você for maior que ele)
Nishinoya is always comparing his heights wondering why you are so big, but he always takes advantage of that to jump on your shoulders. (If you are bigger than him)
ー Nishinoya ama ver séries com você, sentados no sofá e dividindo o cobertor enquando comem doces.
Nishinoya loves to see series with you, sitting on the couch and sharing the blanket while eating sweets.
Kageyama 🥛:
ー Ele nunca te chama de "Boke", porque da última vez que ele te chamou disso você bateu nele, então ele tem medo de apanhar de novo.
He never calls you "Boke", because the last time he called you you hit him, so he is afraid of being hit again.
ー Você é a única pessoa que Kageyama divide as caixas de leite, ou ele sempre compra duas pra dar uma a você.
You are the only person Kageyama shares the milk cartons with, or he always buys two to give you one.
ー Quando você vai conversar com Tsukki, Kageyama carrega você e te leva pro outro lado da quadra.
When you go to talk to Tsukki, Kageyama carries you and takes you to the other side of the court.
ー Kageyama te ensina a jogar vôlei.
Kageyama teaches you how to play volleyball.
ー Mesmo que ele não fale muito, ele ama ver você falando de suas coisas preferidas animado, ele fica bobo ao ver seus olhos brilhando.
Even though he doesn't talk much, he loves to see you talking about his favorite things excited, he gets silly to see your eyes shining.
ー Um dia Kageyama tirou notas baixíssimas na escola, então você criou o "dia do estudo', onde os dois estudam todo domingo à noite. Mas ele nunca presta atenção nas tarefas e sempre fica sorrindo bobo ao olhar pra você.
One day Kageyama got very low grades at school, so you created the 'study day', where the two of them study every Sunday night. But he never pays attention to tasks and always smiles silly when looking at you.
Yamaguchi 🍓:
ー Yamaguchi sempre te dá apelidos fofos e engraçados.
Yamaguchi always gives you cute and funny nicknames.
ー Yamaguchi ama quando você dá beijinhos nas sardas do rosto dele.
Yamaguchi loves it when you kiss the freckles on his face.
ー Ele gosta de dormir de conchinha ficando na parte de fora, já que ele ama quando abraça você e sente que está te protegendo.
He likes to scoop up on the outside, as he loves when he hugs you and feels like he's protecting you.
ー Você e Yamaguchi amam fofocar sobre a vida dos outros.
You and Yamaguchi love to gossip about the lives of others.
ー Yamaguchi gosta de brincar de lutinha, mas quando acaba batendo o travesseiro no seu rosto com um pouco de força ele entra em desespero pedindo desculpas.
Yamaguchi likes to play wrestling, but when he ends up hitting the pillow on his face with a little force he goes into despair apologizing.
ー Sempre que você rouba beijinhos de Yamaguchi, de surpresa, ele fica morrendo de vergonha e esconde o rosto com as mãos.
Whenever you steal kisses from Yamaguchi, by surprise, he is embarrassed and hides his face with his hands.
Tendou ✨:
ー Ele ama quando você faz penteados no cabelo dele.
He loves it when you do hairstyles on his hair.
ー Tendou sempre faz doces pra você.
Tendou always makes sweets for you.
ー Você ama os abraços de Tendou, vocês sempre dormem abraçados enquanto ele faz carinho nos seus cabelos.
You love Tendou's hugs, you always sleep hugged while he strokes your hair.
ー Você e Tendou sempre ficam fazendo piadas sem sentindo quando estão perto de Ushijima, e deixam ele confuso.
You and Tendou always make meaningless jokes when they are close to Ushijima, and leave him confused.
ー Você sempre vai ver ele jogando, então os dois ficam tirando sarro da cara dos outros jogadores e principalmente quando eles jogam contra a Karasuno.
You will always see him playing, so the two are making fun of the other players' faces and especially when they play against Karasuno.
ー Quando estão sozinhos, você e Tendou ficam dançando músicas de GG de K-pop.
When you are alone, you and Tendou are dancing to K-pop GG songs.
Bokuto 🦉:
ー Bokuto sempre conta piadas pra você rir, já que ele ama ver seu sorriso.
Bokuto always tells jokes to make you laugh, as he loves to see your smile.
ー Ele sempre te leva pra passear, diz ele que seu sonho é viajar o mundo com você.
He always takes you for a walk, he says that his dream is to travel the world with you.
ー Quando começaram a namorar, Bokuto sempre ficava se gabando para outras pessoas sobre o namorado incrível que ele tem. E ele faz isso até hoje.
When they started dating, Bokuto always bragging to other people about the incredible boyfriend he has. And he still does that today.
ー Quando você está por perto, Bokuto se esconde atrás de você ao invés de se esconder em lugares pequenos.
When you're around, Bokuto hides behind you instead of hiding in small places.
ー No dia que você foi no jogo de Bokuto pela primeira vez, os outros jogadores do time ficaram surpresos ao ver Bokuto saindo do "modo emo" tão rápido quando você gritou na arquibancada dizendo que ele era o melhor no vôlei e o chamou de "Bokuto-senpai".
The day you went to Bokuto's game for the first time, the other players on the team were surprised to see Bokuto coming out of "emo mode" so fast when you shouted in the stands saying he was the best in volleyball and called him "Bokuto -senpai ".
ー Bokuto sempre fica falando que você é o garoto número 1, e o mais bonito do mundo.
Bokuto always keeps saying that you are the number 1 boy, and the most beautiful in the world.
[Saiki Kusuo] 斉木楠雄のΨ難
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Kaidou 🌂:
ー Kaidou tem um diário onde ele conta seus planos para cabar com a Ordem das Sombras e uma página delas é onde ele fala que vai fazer de tudo pra te proteger da Ordem das Sombras.
Kaidou has a diary where he tells his plans to fit in with the Dark Reunion and a page of them is where he says he will do anything to protect you from the Dark Reunion.
ー Kaidou fica com ciúmes quando o irmão mais novo dele fica grudado em você.
Kaidou is jealous when his younger brother is glued to you.
ー Kaidou tem medo de cachorros, então sempre que ele vê um, ele se esconde atrás de você até o cachorro ir embora.
Kaidou is afraid of dogs, so whenever he sees one, he hides behind you until the dog leaves.
ー Kaidou demorou muito tempo pra se declarar, porque ele morria de vergonha quando chegava perto de você e acabava corando mais que o normal.
Kaidou took a long time to declare himself, because he died of shame when he came near you and ended up blushing more than usual.
ー Você ama escutar ele falando sobre a Ordem das Sombras e até participa das "aventuras" que Kaidou inventa, e ele sempre amou isso já que não tinha ninguém pra compartilhar suas historinhas.
You love to hear him talking about the Dark Reunion and even participate in the "adventures" that Kaidou invents, and he always loved it since he had no one to share his stories with.
ー Kaidou ama ver filmes com você, ele tem uma lista enorme só com filmes que gostaria de ver com você e prometeu pra si mesmo que vai assistir todos.
Kaidou loves to watch movies with you, he has a huge list of only movies he would like to see with you and promised himself that he will watch them all.
Kuboyasu 🌧:
ー Ele te ensinou a andar de moto.
He taught you how to ride a motorcycle.
ー Ele gosta de usar o cabelo preso, porque um dia você falou que ele ficava bem bonito de cabelo preso.
He likes to wear his hair up, because one day you said he looked really cute with his hair up.
ー Sempre que você precisa de algo, nem que seja abrir um pote de biscoito, ele vai estar ali pra te ajudar.
Whenever you need something, even if it is opening a cookie jar, it will be there to help you.
ー Todos os domingos vocês fazem o "dia do casal", onde ele sempre te leva a lugares pra comer e lugares que você gosta, e no final do dia, os dois ficam vendo o pôr do Sol enquanto tomam sorvete.
Every Sunday you make the "couple's day", where he always takes you to places to eat and places you like, and at the end of the day, the two of you watch the sunset while eating ice cream.
ー Ele vive te dizendo o quanto que você é importante pra ele, o quanto que você é lindo e sempre te abraça.
He keeps telling you how important you are to him, how beautiful you are and always hugs you.
ー Kuboyasu tem uma pasta de fotos no celular onde tem alguns vídeos seus quando os dois saem juntos, fotos dos dois e algumas fotos zuadas sua. Ele ama ver as fotos e sempre fica bobo.
Kuboyasu has a photo folder on his cell phone where he has some videos of him when the two go out together, photos of the two and some funny photos of him. He loves to see the photos and always gets silly.
[Jujutsu Kaisen] 呪術廻戦
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Itadori 💬:
ー Você e Itadori são dois bobos que vivem enchendo a paciência do Megumi e acabam recebendo bronca por fazer muita palhaçada.
You and Itadori are two fools who live filled with Megumi's patience and end up being scolded for doing a lot of clowning.
ー Ele ama abraços, principalmente vindo de você.
He loves hugs, especially from you.
ー Você sempre tem que amarrar os sapatos dele antes das missões pra ele não correr risco de tropeçar no meio das missões, e ele não sabe amarrar os sapatos.
You always have to tie his shoes before the missions so he doesn't run the risk of stumbling in the middle of the missions, and he doesn't know how to tie his shoes.
ー Sukuna tem medo de você. Da última vez que Sukuna incorporou no corpo de Itadori e ficou enchendo seu saco, você bateu nele e Itadori ficou rindo da situação depois.
Sukuna is afraid of you. The last time Sukuna incorporated into Itadori's body and was filling your bag, you hit him and Itadori was laughing at the situation afterwards.
ー Sempre que você vai em missões sozinho, Itadori fica inquieto e não consegue dormir mesmo sabendo que você está bem, ele só consegue se acalmar quando te vê pessoalmente e sabe que você não se machucou seriamente.
Whenever you go on missions alone, Itadori gets restless and can't sleep even though he knows you're fine, he can only calm down when he sees you in person and knows that you haven't been seriously hurt.
ー Uma vez Itadori sonhou que você abandonava ele e ele chorou o resto do dia já que você havia saído e Gojou ficou rindo da cara dele falando que você não ia voltar.
Once Itadori dreamed that you abandoned him and he cried the rest of the day since you had left and Gojou was laughing at his face saying that you would not come back.
Megumi 🐺:
ー Os lobos de Megumi sempre ficam grudados com você e você sempre brinca com eles, e o Megumi gosta de ver vocês se divertindo.
Megumi's wolves always stick to you and you always play with them, and Megumi likes to see you having fun.
ー Megumi tem uma playlist de músicas que lembra você.
Megumi has a music playlist that resembles you.
ー Ele sempre tenta te jogar cantadas, mas fica morrendo de vergonha e acaba se embolando todo.
He always tries to make fun of you, but he is embarrassed and ends up getting all tangled up.
ー Megumi gosta de escutar você falando sobre os assuntos que gosta, mesmo que não sejam do interesse dele.
Megumi likes to hear you talking about the subjects she likes, even if they are not in his interest.
ー Ele fica todo feliz quando você dorme no peito dele, e quando alguém chega perto ele reclama para pessoa não fazer barulho pra você dormir tranquilamente.
He is all happy when you sleep on his chest, and when someone gets close he complains to the person not to make noise so you can sleep peacefully.
ー Uma vez você brincou falando que preferia o Itadori e ele ficou o resto do dia sem encarar Itadori.
You once joked that you preferred Itadori and he spent the rest of the day not looking at Itadori.
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fullsunalicia · 4 years
Can I request about she being brazilian instead?..
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sure bubs! thank you for your requests <3 i hope you guys don’t mind that i combined those, since they’re pretty similar! if not, please let me know and i’ll fix it!
Moon Taeil
wants to know EVERYTHING. every single memory you connect with home, your favorite place in your hometown, where you went to school, just wants you to spill!!! brazil is such a beautiful country, and he wants to know all about it!
definitely wants you to teach him some portuguese. i think everyone in nct would learn atleast a few words, because they love learning new stuff, especially something that connects them to you!
plus, it’s so endearing to listen to taeil try to pronounce difficult words :( PLS he’s so cute
Seo Youngho
a m a z e d. brazilian and korean??? huh?? how cool is that!! you need to spill every detail of your parents’ love story. mr johnny would like you to spill the tea, ma’am. definitely bawls atleast once (1) because that shit is so cute.
just like everyone, he’d be so curious about your home and your native tongue, and he demands to have you speak to him in portuguese. can’t understand for shit tho
learns atleast a little to impress your parents the next time they meet!!
Lee Taeyong
flustered. that’s such a cool heritage to have and he honestly can’t decide if he’s envious or proud to have such a stunning girlfriend ?? like ?? wow. lee taeyong must be the luckiest man alive!
different from johnny, ty gets the gossip straight from the source! he bores you to death by forcing you sit down with him and your mom and listening to her for houuuurs about how it all happened
he just wants to treasure you and your values and get to know your culture !! (since he’s planning to wife you up teehee)
Nakamoto Yuta
happy yuta is happy !! as a part of nct’s foreign line, he’s honestly going to be giddy ALWAYS when he gets to meet someone else who isn’t from korea, or not entirely. and if it’s his girlfriend?? even better!
i feel like even though he’s been in korea for so long, he still gets homesick pretty badly. maybe it’s not as frequent anymore, but when it does, yuta feels really down. so to have you share that sentiment with him, it feels like such a relief! you guys carry the same burden
whenever that happens, you plan a big movie marathon with japanese and brazilian movies and spend hours on end cuddling and translating for the other !! he loves you. yuta wants you to know you’re not alone.
Kim Doyoung
this man is so smart he’s going to know some basic portuguese by the end of the week. if you told him about your heritage on monday, doyoung’s gonna walk into the kitchen sunday morning with a “bom dia. tudo bem?” like - what ????
he’s not very fazed by it, since he fell in love with you just the way you are. that doesn’t depend on what nationality you are. still, he makes himself a note to celebrate your culture with you and make the effort to bond with your parents about it, aswell!
first one to sit down in your momma’s kitchen and taste some brazilian dishes. ngl
Jung Jaehyun
is in awe! he loves the fact that your parents’ love transcends countries, no matter if you live in korea or brazil. it’s honestly very romantic to him and he wishes for your relationship to be like that, aswell. soft boy jaehyun :(
wants to try all of your favorite dishes and wants to travel to your hometown and learn all the places by heart where you hang out and get streetfood and everything else !!!!!! he loves you so much and this is just another part of his journey on getting to know you
you weep a little when he tells you “te amo” in front of your family home in brazil. god where can i find myself a jung jaehyun
Kim Jungwoo
sweet babyboy acts disappointed that you’ve just told him now, but he can’t contain his excitedness for long. how cool is that!!! his sweet baby is part brazilian !!!
BIG fan of listening to you speak in your native tongue with family members. when you first spend christmas in brazil with him and your relatives, he spent the entire evening playing with your fingers and making heart eyes at you while you speak in portuguese
it just sounds so dreamy ?? gosh your voice was given to you by an ANGEL. and for his s/o to speak in a foreign language so smoothly? wow....
Dong Sicheng
like any other member of nct’s foreign line, sicheng’s eyes will immediately light up when he first finds out about your roots. he feels so connected to you because of the fact that you must’ve gone through the same struggles, or atleast some of them!
to make you both feel home, he proposes the idea to have a dinner solely with chinese and brazilian dishes!! it’s so much fun that you spend hours prepping food and giggling around while smudging oil on the other’s cheek or pour some flour there.... until you cook to much and have enough to feed ot21
sicheng loves you no matter what your nationality is, but he’s so glad that you want to teach him all about your heritage and the family stories and everything beyond that. you’re his soulmate! knowing everything about you comes with that. i’m gonna cry i love sicheng
Mark Lee
honestly i could go in depth about how mark would be so shocked but why put it into words when there’s the perfect kaomoji to explain it. this is him, an accurate portrayal: (*〇□〇)……!
another member of the foreign squad, mark loves exchanging memories of your hometowns and comparing experiences when being in another country! it’s different and the same at once, and it’s a very wholesome experience for both of you. you’re close already, but at the end of it it feels like you’ve seen an entirely different side of each other. a good one!
sweet babyboy learns all the portuguese pet names in the world to make you feel loved :(( he wants to give you a piece of home because to mark, you already are his home.
Lee Donghyuck
look me in the eyes and tell me donghyuck wouldn’t IMMEDIATELY beg you to teach him all the swear words that come to your mind right now. do it. change my mind
besides that, he loves listening to you tell stories about your upbringing with two parents that come from different countries. he cannot properly relate to it, but he’s still going to genuinely invest himself into it and laugh and empathize with you. haechan loves you so, so, so much, and your culture is a part of you. so he’s going to love that, aswell.
you will regret your decision to teach him said swear words the second your dad walks into the living room to the sound of donghyuck cussing out his mario kart character in portuguese. rip y/nhyuck,,,,, you will be dearly missed,,,,,,,,,,
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