#fuck john k
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"If she transitioned I feel like she’d be less on edge and she probably has a lot of internalized misogyny that came from her upbringing, give her some estrogen she’ll be a completely different person, also her and Stimpy are t4t, also fuck John K all my homies hate John K" - Anonymous
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mikurulucky · 9 months
John K.: We're making cartoons... FOR MEN!!! Me: Now that's ONE way to alienate your audience. As if the hoards of nakey chicks and overdone gross out weren't enough. -_-
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juniaships · 2 years
I legit can't talk about John K. or Dan The Footman without getting pissed off
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listen I expected literally Nothing from the D&D movie okay, like I can't make it clear enough that I expected the most soulless money grab with a good cgi budget imaginable, I went in having already gone through every stage of grief and landed on acceptance and LISTEN
I fucking CRIED during this dumb RPG movie. it wasn't just "not terrible" it was objectively good with a clever plot and compelling characters and sincere emotional beats. this movie loves D&D so fucking much and it NAILS the "a bunch of goobers try to be cool and accidentally discover The Power Of Friendship And Also Great Violence" classic D&D party vibe. their barbarian's last name is fucking Kilgore and my entire family cried in the theater.
I hope they make twelve of these motherfuckers.
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nwheregirl · 10 months
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meduseld · 5 months
Because Franklin's funeral and Crozier's drunken eulogy is so eyes emoji I think it gets lost in the shuffle that it completely replaces any sort of memorial for Gore (his name being literally crossed out! no honors or prayers for him! no burial either but that's on the Tuunbaq) despite the fact that it is one of the most succint summaries of the show's themes, namely, Colonialism Bad and Supplanting of Identity.
Like Sir John, Thee Avatar of Empire, takes the very funeral honors and, in Victorian Society, the only chance Gore's immortal soul has of being at peace, because despite him liking Gore very much he still takes and takes and takes because of the corrosive hierarchy they cling to when it will be their ruin. And there's the very literal taking of his name and ceremony over, in the way individual identities and even personhood are eroded, stolen and warped beyond recognition over the course of the show until they are Gone and even Crozier is quite Dead, figuratively, because only Aglooka remains.
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fortjester · 2 months
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“I’d like to play you another song about suicidal depression. It’s about – if you are a certain type of person – me – . . . uh, you hear about somebody who did something horrible and drastic and you feel bad, but there’s a part of you that goes, ‘what, that’s, now I know, now I recognize my kind, because he did that.’ So this is about a guy who did a terrible thing and he couldn’t live with the memory of it, and so he went and did a worse thing, and it’s called ‘Cry for Judas.’”
- John Darnielle, frontman of the Mountain Goats
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apotheotic-cravings · 2 years
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What was meant to be a sketch of Harrow in formal wear quickly devolved into a shitty comic of perhaps my favourite scene in htn
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blinkpen · 6 months
remember when i said i wasn't sure how much longer the integrity of the give-a-damn dam holding back the haterade reservoir was beginning to fail? the vast field of liquid roils in eager anticipation that it may yet one day flood the plains.
its' getting really fucking tempting to snap and take a pickaxe to it.
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Virtute at Rest (John K Samson)
You should know I am with you, know I forgive you/Know I am proud of the steps that you've made/Know it will never be easy or simple/Know I will dig in my claws when you stray/So let us rest here like we used to/In a line of late afternoon sun/Let it rest, all you can't change/Let it rest and be done
"This is still virtute's perspective. a long time later. virtute speaking to her owner from beyond the grave, after he's gone sober, begun healing. she says that she is always with him, that the seven months he's spent sober have "made [her] a bed in the back of [his] brain, where the memories flicker;" always being remembered by him, being with him always. she forgives him and loves him, and will always love him, no matter what. she's proud of how far he's come, and will always be proud of him, even when things get tough; she will be with him, and won't let go. and just. it legitimately makes me cry consistently. let it rest, all you can't change. let it rest and be done."
Let it Out (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musical)
Am I crazy?/Maybe I’ve always been/I’ve become what I’ve hated?/Or maybe I never did/It’s awful freeing now/To share the hate I felt/But what will I let in if I/Let it out?
"It’s,,, how do I say it,,, angsty as fuck. Paul, fighting with himself as he slowly gets infected. The people who were already infected urging him to let it out. The cheesiness of “We will not be resisted”. The pure desperation when Paul shouts “I don’t like musicals!”"
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mikurulucky · 9 months
John K talking about his work: I made this as a fuck you to political correctness.
Me: Uh... are you a right winger? Because that's something that a right winger would say.
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Please don’t spoil my day, I’m miles away 
                 and after all 
                          I’m only sleeping
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dreamingawaits · 10 months
John: Please! Pretend I'm useful! Dean and Sam looking at him with blandly:
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lupuslikethewolf · 1 year
One thing i have noticed in regards to J*R's bigotry and how it is presented in popular media (i.e. news stations, articles and by celebrites) is that the main focus seems to be on the transphobia, and - as a british trans person - i think it is safe to say that a major reason for that is the rampant transphobia already present in this country, but the blatant anti-semitism, racism, misogyny, and right-wing politics tend to just get swept under the rug.
I am brown (desi), trans-masc and gay, but i'm not jewish, so if i am incorrect about anything i say regarding anti-semitism, then please correct me! this is based of research and what i have heard from jewish people, not personal experience.
In order: Misogyny and TERFism, Transphobia and UK Politics, Racism and Xenophobia in Writing, and Anti-Semetism and Caricatures.
Misogyny and TERF-ism
I think the first thing to say is that J*R glamorises the term TERF, or 'Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist' and considers herself the height of Women's Rights Activism.
I think this is truly evident in the fact that she seems unable to include a female protagonist in HP that isn't motherly or a love interest. Hermione Granger, while the most well-rounded and complex of the female characters, is the caretaker of Ron and Harry during their time at Hogwarts as students, and is treated as the 'back-up' girlfriend by Ron and Harry during the Fourth Year Yule Ball. Lavender Brown exists to create a 'Not Like Other Girls' trait in Hermione by distancing her from all the boy obsessed, hyper-feminine 'bad' girly-girls of Gryffindor. She is also, again, nothing more than a love interest. Molly Weasley is a mother figure for Harry, and everything about her eventually links back to that fact. She cooks, cleans, looks after people, knits and sews, etc etc. Nymphadora Tonks was actually an interesting and badass character, but then J*R got mad at her fandom for doing fandom things and turned her into a one-dimensional tragic love interest for her queer-coded character who she has admitted to writing as a fucking AIDs allegory.
I believe this view is rooted in her transphobia, TERF-ism and internalised misogyny, as J*R cannot create a 'good' woman who isn't motherly and feminine, but only in the acceptable way. This is seen in Rita Skeeter, who is also hyper-feminine and yet described in a very masculine way, with 'thick fingers' and a 'heavy-jawed face'.
Transphobia and UK Politics
The transphobia tends to rear its head most often because it is incredibly common and in the public eye, especially with the UK government repeatedly shooting down efforts to make progress, like how they blocked Scotland's law to make self-recognition easier for trans people. It is also evident in her TERF-ism and the fact that she no longer hides her support for anti-trans movements, and instead uses her platform and wealth to fund and promote them.
There is also the fact that she has also been using that same platform and wealth to publicly campaign against Scottish Independence for far longer.
The UK Tory (aka Conservative) Party has routinely held up J*R as a bastion of good-will, 'progress', and the ultimate citizen, even quoting her directly when sprouting anti-trans bullshit. While J*R will claim to be a Feminist and support Labour (the only real left-leaning opposition to the Tories), her views often align more with those she claims not to support.
Politics also show themselves in characters such as Seamus Finnegan, the only Irish character, with the most stereotypically Irish name there is, who is always blowing things up when trying to cast spells, and loves to drink. In the 90s, when HP was set, Northern Ireland was suffering from something known as 'The Troubles', wherein two sides known as 'Protestants' and 'Catholics', whether there was a religious affiliation or not, were bombing, street fighting, sniper attacks and committing other acts of civil warfare all throughout the country. And J*R put those actions onto a child.
That's some Tory shit right there.
Racism and Xenophobia in Writing
If you have seen any criticisms of J*R's writing of diverse characters, you will know that she has a massive, massive problem with using stereotypes, especially in names, to portray her Characters of Colour.
I think the most obvious tends to be Kingsley Shacklebolt, the only major black protagonist in the series. She named her only black character Shacklebolt.
Just let that sink in for a minute.
Then there is Cho Chang, who's only personality traits include being sad about her boyfriend, kissing Harry Potter, and being smart. She is also the only main asian protagonist, and her name is just two east asian-sounding surnames put together.
'Cho' is Korean or Burmese, and 'Chang' is a romanised Chinese surname.
Padma and Parvati Patil rely on the same stereotypes. Their culture - especially the clothing - is completely butchered and used as nothing more than fan-service to prove how not-racist she is (yeah right) and are only around to be love interests who get tossed aside and treated horribly by Ron and Harry.
'Padma' is a Persian name while 'Parvati' is a Hindu/Sanskrit name.
If a writer needs to rely on stereotypes and racist views to write her characters of colour, than she is not a good writer and either needs to be held accountable and made to unlearn her biases, or simply not allowed to write anymore.
Anti-Semitism and Caricatures
Reminder to listen to Jewish People and the Jewish Community when it comes to Anti-Semitism in HP, not just some non-jewish 16-year-old with too much time on their hands and unlimited internet access trying to procrastinate revising for their exams!!
(Tumblr crashed when i was writing this part of the post,,,, feels targeted /lh) Also, this is not a definitive list of anti-semetic items in HP, go look at a Jewish person's perspective to fully understand! This is a good post from @/whilommm regarding the new HP game and this post by @/genderkoolaid which talks about a youtuber posting videos on antisemitism and other issues head-on.
Goblins are the most prolific anti-semetic stereotype seen throughout HP, and most other mythology.
The first and most obvious thing, in my opinion, is the description of their noses. Hooked noses are a very distinct trait found most often in Jewish people, and are described very often in the Goblins, and not only that, but Snape and other villains in HP have 'bad' or 'ugly' noses.
Goblins are also greedy money-hoarders who run the banks, which feeds into anti-semetic conspiracy theories about Jewish people running the world's economy, and the N@zi propaganda of Jewish people hoarding wealth and collapsing the German economy.
There are little-to-no female goblins. Which, while also feeding into the misogynistic side of J*R's writing, also presents jewish-coded characters as being inherently misogynistic when that is not the case of any ethnic and/or religious group.
The goblins are rude to wizards and any other outsider, which is a belief that likely stems from the fact that it is an incredibly hard and long process to convert fully to Judaism, as the beginning involves being turned away from converting three times by the same Rabbi. This does not make Judaism or Jewish People xenophobic or even otherwise cautious of outsiders, it is simply part of their religious conversion process made to deter people who do not genuinely want to be apart of the religion and to make sure those converting are doing so with good and honest intentions.
If the Death Eaters are meant to be Fascist N@zi Allegories, why not make the only jewish-coded characters you have actually well-fucking-written and main fucking characters. Or, better yet, Don't Call It A Fucking A Nazi Allagory!!! Oppression doesn't have to involve Fasicsm/Nazis!!
The New Harry Potter Game Not To Be Named And Only Ever Pirated If Even That is a whole other can of worms of blood libel, romanticising oppression and even more anti-semetic caricatures that deserves its own post.
Final Notes
This is not a definitive list, but simply what I personally am most angry about and can remember the clearest from my last re-read of Harry Potter. Other things to be considered: bad world building that makes no sense, werewolves as an AIDS allegory that then proceed to prey on kids, homophobia regarding dumbledore and wolfstar, and her use of slavery and 'slaves who enjoy being enslaved' because what the fuck was that thought process.
Here is a post @/chaos-in-one with some other links and more brilliant points about why people should hate J*R
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 months
If true: imagine fucking over animated shows like the G3 Monster High one in wake of Quiet On Set and not, I dunno, THE LIVE ACTION SHOWS-
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monstrouscrew · 8 months
every "what if John lied he hadn't seen the human or the object important for Arthur and played a disabled person to be forgiven" is followed in my mind with "whenever someone plays pain or discomfort, do you despise them for imitating it or do you react as if they really experience it?" and "lol treating someone better and forgiving their mistakes made because of their disabilities? in the 30s, be it USA or USSR? are you fucking kidding me?".
shortly: i'm a piece of toxic shite, yes, and i don't care if John lied, yes. can i worry for anyone, even a fictional character? only a specialist can say it for sure.
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