#fucking bullshit fucking country
actual-corpse · 2 months
Giving your character extra arms is bad if you suck at poses.
I don't suck at poses.... I'm just trying to keep the shapes of Luna Moth Girl clean.
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hazel2468 · 6 months
I love how that person who was like "oh ew a Zionist" also has reblogged posts about not being antisemitic and buying into antisemitic conspiracies while ALSO like.
Reblogging posts about how Israel is a uniquely evil "colonial scar" and how Israel is "murdering children" and like. Literally straight up antisemtic shit.
Leveling criticism at Israel that positions it as a unique evil among all other countries and doing literal blood libel (IE, Israel murders Palestiaian babies in a way no other nation kills children) is FUCKING ANTISEMITIC. Israel is JUST A COUNTRY. It is JUST another nation, doing the shitty stuff that other nations do. And if you find yourself railing against Israel EXTRA hard right now, or ever, in ways that you do NOT rail against other shitty countries that do shitty things (and, I can't believe I have to say this, if you find yourself saying that the kidnap, rape, torture, and murder of any civilian ever is justified because "uwu this radical extremist group is freedom fighters"!) then you're a fucking antisemitic, racist bigot.
Like. It blows me away how so many people don't seem to see that Israel, the Jewish state (whether you agree with how it is run or not, whether you agree with how it came to be or not) gets SO MUCH MORE SHIT than other comparable shitty countries... Come on.
Because the alternative is that you DO see it. That you DO agree with all of those things that are STEEPED in age-old antisemitic conspiracy. And you agree.
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yuri-alexseygaybitch · 11 months
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littlestardescendants · 4 months
BULL-FUCKING-SHIT! I want all your heads served to me on a silver platter and to choke you until your neck snaps!!!
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( I miss Satan ;-; )
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Your trauma doesn't excuse you, your subordinates, your stupid country from acting like this SCREW YOU- *Inhuman Screeching*
(I'll let you know if his tragic backstory does change my mind :0 )
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 3 months
Are we gonna see you on Tumblr more often, since the ban for TikTok might be going out?
I really hate thinking about it but i suppose yes.
I think ill have to focus on posting to youtube i guess....since i can still make monetizable money over there....and ill probably have to push my patreon more-
Hey maybe ill be able to make designs for my redbubble and- work on Tiny Tails more hah....ah....
yeah.....work.......that'll distract me from such a volatile ban of freedom of speech......
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snixx · 4 months
I am ONE jai shree ram away from disowning my country and going on a killing spree
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The degree to which i see some people bend over backwards to excuse or justify or change or solve Geto’s character is honestly astounding. Just own it up. This man commited atrocities enough for a death sentence. Accept it. Its fine it adds flavour.
The phrase “there arent good or bad people, just the choices they make” is right HERE. Geto and Gojo have a great dichotomy and a big part of it is the fact that in person Geto is the good guy and Gojo is the unbearable asshole. In contrast to that, Gojo is one making the typically “good” choices ant Geto makes “evil” choices. Gojo will save you but will piss you off in the process. Geto will kill you with the kindest smile on his face. I sure hope we dont need to have a conversation on why genocide is a bad thing
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aroace-poly-show · 25 days
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anotherpapercut · 11 months
the girlbossification of ruth bader ginsburg has to be one of the most just plain annoying aspects of white liberal feminism. like it's not as actively harmful as a lot of other shit obviously. but it is soooooo annoying. if I never see another notorious rbg tote bag as long as I live it will be too soon
#her opinions and amicus' in many cases were iconic! not denying that certainly. she is absolutely AMONG the better justices in us history#HOWEVER her record on policing/the carceral system is very bad! genuinely bad!#and she just would not hold the conservative justices accountable. her and kagan are way too placating#and then she refused to retire in 2009 when there was a sitting democratic president and a fucking DEMOCRATIC SUPER MAJORITY#saying basically that no one else could do the job as well as her which is insane because sotomayor and KBJ literally are better :/#its also unbelievably conceited and just incredibly fucking selfish to knowingly doom the country because you think youre hot shit#started ranting abt this at work bc literally any talk even adjacent to the supreme court will set me off abt all of us court history#and my coworker was like 'well i dont think its very fair that she had to have that much riding on her decision to retire'#it literally is fair because that is the fucking job that she signed up for. this has literally always been how it fucking works#its a lifetime appointment. you either die unexpectedly or retire strategically#she accepted a position in which the entire country would depend on her but its not fair for the entire country to depend on her???#bullshit#im not fucking buying it. she did this knowing roe would likely be struck down as a result#she should absolutely be held accountable for that lmfao. you can know that she had a hand in a lot of great decisions for this country#while also knowing that she did a fucked up and extremely selfish thing
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silvysartfulness · 5 months
Just a week into the US election year of 2024, and I'm already seeing some Takes™ on my dash.
Please. No.
I know you hate your options, guys, but third party will not win. They simply won't, not in 2024, no matter how much you wish they would. Building that kind of voting power takes time, and with the current voting-suppression systems and gerrymandering in place, you're just not there yet.
And you know the people who are tempted to try it anyway are the people on the left and some lost-looking centrists. And you know that taking those votes away from the Democrats while the people on the right turn up to vote en-mass as they always do means that Trump will win.
I cannot overstate how much you can't let that happen. You can't.
You can feel betrayed and be frustrated with the Biden government all you like, but you can't hand that position of power back to Trump and the conservatives. People will suffer. People will die. Within your own country and globally.
If you seriously think Trump in power will mean less genocide and fascism in the world, I'm sorry, but you're straight up delusional.
Please think really hard about what narratives you're buying into, supporting and spreading this year. Not immune to propaganda etc. People who try to cloud your judgment by appealing to your anger and sense of helplessness, telling you not to vote, or vote third party may genuinely believe what say - or they're manipulating you into throwing your vote away. Either way, the end result is the same.
And frankly - the choice is yours, but if you intend to chase the third party pipedream right now and thereby allowing a fascist government to take over and dictate global politics for the next four years at least (provided their next insurrection isn't successful, leaving them in power indefinitely...)
Then kindly unfollow me. Right now.
I have zero patience for the leftist "perfect or nothing" mindset when the alternative is outright open and proud fascism. No fucking dithering. You have one job this year. You can either vote for the lesser evil like a fucking grownup and then work within the system for further change, or get right out of my face.
That's all.
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piosplayhouse · 11 months
The test prep curriculum I have to teach tomorrow is just straight us propaganda with a passage that's like "many experts are lamenting American cultural colonization in foreign countries, BUT it causes a lot of economic development and makes the countries modernized so :)". Would love to shake the article writer and ask them to say with their whole chest WHY countries in south america and southeast asia are economically suffering and how us culture specifically having a stronghold there is connected and significant .. would love to know...
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nando161mando · 1 month
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People under this post are arguing that the countries in green are poor and therefore irrelevant
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happyvalkyrieofdoom · 11 months
tankies on here will act like they’re the most oppressed group on earth but the moment someone says that hey, maybe we shouldn’t worship stalin/lenin/mao etc. they literally start sending death threats to people istg
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kidwentpunk · 6 days
i am just not interested in talking about how life will be in my late 20s because i have just accepted the fact that, we all will be dead in 2-3 decades, the climate change, the genocide. i believe, everything will come to an end.
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hey uh im not coming back just yet I just wanted to say I love yall
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endy-merimo · 2 days
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ok some oc break, look at my sewer rat (affectionate)
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