#fun fact about me and axolotls
fishfingersalad · 6 months
Caboose is the kinda guy to own a billion different pets, many of which are rescues. You just know he has a pet tarantula that he lets free roam in Church's room (her name is fluffy and Church despises her), and a carpet python that Tucker hates ("Get your slimy fucking snake away from me!!!" "He's not slimy! Snakes don't have slime. Are you thinking about a snail maybe?"). He also has several crabs and a catfish. And his chinchilla, of course.
In a similar vein I think Doc has a pet axolotl or two.
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just-some-guy-joust · 2 years
Axolotl should win because they are just baby. The are permanently in the larval stage, which is why they heal so well. They have also been to observed to do same-sex mating dances sometimes. They are just so gay and so baby and full of love and healing. I love them. I love them alotl.
Also answering this one to show it off because "alotl" made me laugh alotl
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krysmcscience · 14 days
Did somebody say Bill shouldn't be allowed to swear? I think somebody said Bill shouldn't be allowed to swear. Thanks to that, have these retooled The Good Place jokes:
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The "powers that be" can refer to either the Theraprism staff, the Axolotl, or just. Ya know. Disney in general. Or all three! Whichever you think is funniest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The "party" Bill's referring to is Weirdmageddon, of course. He was quite the ashhole to everyone back then.
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Ford has probably gotten pretty good at the 'tune out your psychopathic ex with dank memes' challenge.
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It must be very cathartic to be able to make Bill shut up whenever you want with just the press of a button. I'm sure Ford doesn't abuse this ability at all.
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Oh, sure, 'Not now,' he says, before he immediately backs out of the newly-made hole in the Theraprism wall. 🙄
Don't worry, Bill doesn't get far.
also yeah i know this one doesn't have an attempted swear - i just wanted to use the joke because of the massive stink-eye involved in it because it makes me laugh
⬇️ More goofs beneath the brief ramble if you wanna skip it lmao⬇️
Why is Ford even there, you might ask? Well, he either decided he preferred to watch Bill suffer in person over being distantly and repeatedly harassed with the same evil desperation book for the rest of his life, or he got roped into some kind of contrived community service for 1.) all his many counts of interdimensional thievery, and 2.) his ignoring all the very clear warnings to NOT summon Bill in the first place (which I like to imagine is also illegal). Theraprism staff were just like, 'Wait, this guy matters to Bill? Ooh, we can USE that! It might be the only thing that can help him want to get better!' It is not considered that throwing Ford at Bill so soon after Weirdmageddon could instead make them both WORSE - in new and altogether special ways! :D
Anyway, I'm calling it the Community Service AU, and I am most likely not going to do anything else with it beyond appropriating these silly Good Place jokes. So, feel free to adopt the concept if y'all wanna??? Just make sure that Bill is still not allowed to swear, no matter what, full stop. It's gotta be a real linguistic corkblork of a situation for him, is all I'm sayin'.
Finally, have these bonus Good Place jokes, but with Handyman!Bill this time:
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'Opposite tortures' doesn't sound so bad...at least until it's an all-powerful chaos entity known for torture saying it.
you may think i forgot mabel's cute pink cheeks but the truth is that i did in fact forget but then immediately stopped caring which makes it okay, SHHHHHHH
And, finally:
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lmao this is shit
True facts, if you cram Season 1 Eleanor Shellstrop and Michael into a singular triangle shape, they turn into Bill Cipher. This is science, look it up. Or don't, and just trust the source that is me, bro.
Anyway, I should be in bed, y'all have fun with these, I guess. Tune in after like a week or so and maybe I'll have an addendum to my comic about how Bill was drawn naked for karaoke night. Because him actually being naked was not the only thing I considered as a plausible explanation. XD
Also if you see any inconsistencies or errors in any of these comics, No You Do Not :D
Also also, reblogs are rad as hell and I appreciate every single one, just don't repost, please and thanks. Every time a repost is made, an artist somewhere cries. :,)
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marzinstarz · 2 months
COUNT -> 100
"Hide it under shirt during pledge of allegiance"
"A good family tree"
His 18 y/o medical report
Ebay page for brass knuckles
Full recording of Dipper singing
News article from after the fact
Wikipedia page for 'triangle'
Church meeting recording
Pig adoption page
"Tri harder"
Google page for 'Confusion Hill'
"Never heard of it"
"rat.gif censored for your protection"
"Never mention that name again"
"Life's goth cousin"
"Life 72% complete. Now loading:  Death"
"The one with the sword! He found you!"
A note from Wendy about warding off evil triangles
Thompson and Robbie's messages about summoning bill
Soos's message about life at the mystery shack
A video of a bill cipher pinata getting beat up
Link to youtube video of "Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe"
Adds stickers to the page until it reads "Lab now fully mabelised"
A note from bill telling Dipper to stare at the sun
An oddly sexual video of bread
A romance novel called "The Love Triangle" with an audio recording of the first chapter
Wikipedia page for "Eye of Providence"
Google page for "Restraining order"
Google page for "Sweat resistant bolo ties"
Any swear word
"Not S&P Approved" notice
"Portal.exe has been deleted. I bet you could build one"
"Oh yes oh yes they both"
"Season -1: Antigravity falls"
"Season 1"
 "Season 2"
"For you, kid!"
A faux eye test page filled with codes that someone smarter than me need to decode
"I'm not impressed"
"Time agent lost and presumed incompetent"
"The journal of fun"
"The journal for you"
"The journal for me"
Google page for "Flannel"
Video of an axolotl swimming in front of a Bill statue
"You ask alotl questions"
A video of Weird Al stuck inside the computer
"Hoot. Hoot. Password please!"
A poem about a shepherd
Art labelled "The Bastard Triangle Cuts the Unicorns Hair" 1499
An ultrasound of baby Bill
Dipper's note to ford on anagrams
Downloads a zip file containing fonts of codes and runes
A video of Stan and Ford on the Stan O' War II, with a colour block code
The full image of Ford and Fiddleford at collage
Your webcam is on. We are watching."
"Ducktective stars in 'Love, Quacktually' coming to 'Oi, it's the Cockney Channel innit?' this fall"
A note from Bill about Fords place as a perfect pawn
Image of the oracle with a warning on the back
Images of Bill and his henchmen in the real world, message reading "They found a new home"
Youtube tutorial on how to blanch vegetables
A note from Pacifica about what a loser Bill is
A story of how Bill tried to enlist Pacifica to steal the time rift before turning to Blendin
"Dimension not found"
"Life form not found"
Bill's mug shots
Drawing of Stan catching a mermaid
Youtube link to Jem and the Holograms theme
Urban legend story of the 'Always Garden' a restaurant you cant leave
A video of Matpat tell us were on our own T-T
A hypnosis video with Bill audio convincing you to pledge your soul to him
A Bill Cipher ouija board
"Burned inside"
A snippet of Bill's therapy sessions talking of what ford was to him
"Patient file: Bill Cipher. Greatest love: Himself. Greatest fear: Himself"
"Art therapy notes: All he draws are red and blue triangles"
"Patient's odd phobias: 3D Glasses. Venetian blinds. TV static."
An old game commercial for "Perfection" with a snippet of Bill's [?] voice at the end
A transcript of a fight between Bill and the Time Baby, sheds light on Bill's crime against his home dimension
Downloads a photoshop file full of skin layers
"Life privileges revoked. Now releasing poison gas."
Creepy jump scare video
A novel cover for "Spookemups" with and audio sniper of the story
"Input deleted. AI Antiviral activated"
"Warning: Secondary firewall breached"
"Fatal warning. System under attack"
"Soos! I still love you! We will be together"
"Now downloading girlfriend. (This action cannot be undone)"
Then downloads a zip file full of link to Giffany gifs
A shockingly uplifting poem from Bill with a little image of him as a melting candle
Words that do not trigger the buzzer : BUBBLE, BUTTON, CLEAR, MUSIC
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nho-jungle · 3 months
giving gillion a tail: bug's thoughts on triton anatomy
yeah im writing a full thing about this okay let me autism lazerbeam in peace.
so the thing with triton anatomy is that one would assume theyre just human anatomy with some extra bits like gills n stuff. and tails, but we'll go into that in a moment. the problem with this is bone structure. not all fish have bones. sharks don't have bones. instead the support structure of their bodies is made of cartilage. which isnt too different, considering parts of human anatomy are made up of cartilage, but it poses some interesting questions. im no scientist, but i am autistic as hell. so im going to pose a couple of options that are fun to rotate.
the most common depiction of tailed tritons (which i myself have drawn) is some variety of fish or shark. this is aesthetically fun bc of the variety within fish and sharks, in terms of colour and shape, that allows you to get funky with it. anatomically speaking, this would probably be achieved via the tailbone being there, like a monkey, but with the muscle and flesh around it being shark or fish-like. this would all lend to a tail that moves side to side, which would lead to an interesting swimming style that probably wouldnt involve much movement of the legs.
the second thought i had for tailed tritons was seals. seals have very short tails, but as mammals they have the same bone structure as humans. due to this, my initial thought was a second set of hips, so the triton bone structure would look like it had four legs, but the second set of legs would be the tail formation. this would lend itself to a tail that moves up and down, which could probably be utilised in tandem with the legs to create a very efficient swimming style.
however, neither of these ideas take into account one very important thing about tritons:
they're amphibious.
oh but bug, they can have human lungs and fish gills with nothing to do with the tail- silence voice i made up purely to disagree! we are not here to do arts and crafts! we are not gluing random creature aspects together with whimsy and magic! this is real science!
so amphibians. frogs and newts and salamanders and the like.
the amphibian life cycle, in most cases, involves eggs being laid in water and larvae being adapted to an aquatic lifestyle. frogs, toads, and salamanders all hatch with external gills, and develops lungs to breathe air as they grow up. amphibians are very adaptable to their environment, and there are many possible variations among individual species purely caused by outside influence and the area they grow up in.
but what does this have to do with tritons and their tails?
unlike most amphibians, frog tadpoles dont look like the adults. frog tadpoles start out fully aquatic, with external gills. as they grow and develop, they get gill pouches to make their gills internal. they have cartilaginous skeletons (which later develop into bone), lateral line systems (found in fish, used to detect movement, vibration, and pressure under water), and large tails. their lungs develop early. their front legs develop first, and then their back legs soon after.
(oh what about axolotls- axolotls dont have lungs. they are functionally the same as salamander larvae but they never get past that developmental stage. theyre amphibians that arent amphibious.)
im running out of steam for this post but basically what im trying to say is that triton are froglets. this would also make sense for the fact that triton have webbed hands and feet. frogs do too so it would be implemented into the swimming style. bone structure is a whole nother things, especially since both 'mordenkainen presents: monsters of the multiverse' and 'volos guide to monsters' are cowards whos triton designs are just blue people. but working from 'mythic odysseys of theros' designs, who have at least a little bit of flare, i think it's safe to assume that their bones are a little funky. some fun mix of bone and cartilage to have those interesting shapes.
all that being said, i am a big supporter of doing whatever you want forever. i am also just a massive nerd and like to think way too hard about these things.
(shoutout to my dad for assistance with bouncing ideas around, and for being the one to suggest the tadpole thing.)
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Kinito Digital Doodle Page!! Thing!
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individual drawings below. plus me talking about drawings
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Had fun with this one I especially think it's funny because Furbies were banned from the Pentagon for being suspicious and maybe spying on people. (They were not that technology didn't exist in Furbies until Furby connect but for Kinito reasons fun to think about.)
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Little guy eated the bubbles and lost his mouth privileges. Based on Axolotls will do that and his profile on the Web World saying he likes chasing after bubbles and the fact that Web World Kinito and the Kinito Companion have mouths but our lil desktop Kinito does not.
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Been a while since I've done a proper digital art of my beloved Beep Storybots. Might be a little rusty but it's good to come back to her. Love her and her weird standards of what nonsense is or isn't acceptable so it felt right to have these two interact. Also really had fun with shading hooray! yippee!
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Trust is a foreign concept to the axolotl of isolation. I liked making him with glasses he looks cute in glasses.
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Very funny prank Kinito I love you and I loved to draw your eyeballs for this.
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Digital creature become physical and immediately receive the physical and emotional sensation of best friend touch. Everything is fixed and good so much and he is overwhelmed. His gills restored to full health out of pure shock.
Meanwhile turn around and confusion on how creature get out of computer grabbing him to see if really happening oh snap he's for real he feels real in hands oh god.
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Hello! Welcome to our super doper awesome blog!
We are both oc making addicts and are here to offer our services of making them and other things!
Let's meet the mods!
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Hey, it's your favourite sleep deprived gal, Lovely.
I run @love-lightning-forethought and a crap ton of other blogs you can find here or on my blog (Yes, I can multi task)
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Here's some fun facts about me:
✦ I've been rping for about 6 months now (Yes I was here before the database)
✦ I'm autistic and have ADHD
✦ I'm gender apathic. I generally don't care how you view my gender
✦ I'm Australian 🦘🦘🦘
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What things am I offering to make?
✦ Oc's (obviously)
Oc's include - concept, name, basic intro (aka basic information), faceclaim, little lore spill
You can add - picrews, full intro and a mood board
✦ Introduction templates (Currently have a basic one and a file one. If you have any over ones like video format or interview or smth I'm happy to supply)
✦ Dividers and moodboards (This might be temporary depending on how overwhelmed I get)
✦ Mortal support
✦ Friendship
✦ A chef to cook with
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Contact can be reached via my asks or dms on @love-lightning-forethought
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Now moving on to the other mod, Eden!
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AUGH, it’s the local Trainwreck-Dumpster Fire Mess
I run @if-chaos-was-a-boy and a SHIT TON of other blogs XD
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Here’s my fun fact roll call-
↳I’m Genderfluid, so I fluctuate between using she/her and he/him. I am pansexual.
↳Calix is NOT my first rp blog, dare you to find my first~
↳ I am Singaporean 🇸🇬✨
↳ I get my ideas when staring at a wall in my room
↳ I love love love otters and axolotls
↳ I have about 300 hours accumulated on my Animal Crossing Island 👹
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What am I offering to make??
This package includes:
an oc concept//oc name//faceclaim//2 picrews//lore//personality//general information
★Aesthetic Moodboards
This package includes;
A moodboard of all the aesthetic pictures and quotes you want your oc to have, it’ll be made in Canva
★Dividers and Title Pictures
This includes:
A divider set for your posts that would be made in Canva, I’ll follow your general instructions on aesthetic to make it
★My sagely advice coz I’m so mature frfr
★A place to bullshit [peeps im so silly that bullshit fuels me…..]
You can contact me via tagging me in a post @if-chaos-was-a-boy or dming me via tumblr also @if-chaos-was-a-boy
Call me, maybe?
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If you want these too amazing mods brains to combine into one oc send an ask!
If you are DM-ing this account please note you are only reaching Eden
Hope you send in a order!
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aureliosinistrum · 2 months
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One of my friends dared me to make a temple for Poseidon/Neptune, and I did it. It took like 2 days and about 15~ hours to produce this.
So, this temple is the largest I have ever built. It's so massive, that the game thought it was a cave, and started playing cave sounds lol.
The temple is dedicated to Poseidon, and so I decided to put in some very ocean centric design. Namely, the fact that the main symbol for Poseidon is within an aquarium inside the temple, with various fish and marine wildlife surrounding it (also, one of the turtles is named Jackson, and one of the axolotls is name Percy lol).
I also used this special raytracing shader, SEUS PTGI HRR, to create the nice blue effect inside the temple, which gives it this nice deep sea feel to it, regardless if it's day or night.
The palm trees are pretty self explanatory. I wanted some greenery and didn't want to just paste in cypress trees. I wanted something more ocean themed, and behold, palm trees.
I also learned that Poseidon is also a god of horses as well, so I decorated the top with some cool equestrian statues, holding up tridents. I actually put lightning rods on top of the tridents, so when lightning strikes (IE, Zeus is feeling a little silly), it'll hit the tip of one of the tridents.
Oh, and the villager house. That belongs to Greg, the villager I kidnapped enlisted to help maintain the temple while I'm gone. His house also shows just how large this big boi is.
Overall, despite this being a long project, I had a ton of fun with it, and loved how it turned out. Hopefully you guys like it too!
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m2jay · 1 month
Soul Touch [Ford x OC]
Here's a little preview of what's in the story. Thanks to the release of "The Book of Bill" and the dating sim game "Swooning Over Stans," I think it was time for me to contribute to the Gravity Falls fandom and write a fanfic. Here's a part of it:
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◬◬Bill's POV◬◬
"A X O L O T L! My time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return."
        To think that using the last of my powers in Stanley's mind would lead me to this. That damn con artist is really going to get it this time. As I invoked the strength I had left inside, I managed to survive within the cosmos life other deities are able to do. Banished to a realm amongst the stars, I was met with the AXOLOTL. Though soothing of a presence, it's not my style.
        I crave chaos and destruction, one that leaves me with a good laugh. Seeing the terror amongst humans is absolutely amusing, and it's fun to see how far they'll go for their own selfish desires. They live in a meaningless way. There's nothing good about the world they fight so hard to go on in. Why do they fight so hard for a life that just ultimately has so much struggle in the end? Having infinite power is where it's really at. They're all too stupid to understand.
        The party had stopped. Time was dead and meaning had no meaning. Existence was upside-down and I reigned supreme briefly. I had it all. 
        Everything was in my grasp, even ol' Fordsy too. The fact that I was outsmarted by his lesser half is an absolute embarrassment to my existence. It's not fair, and I will get him back, along with the whole damn Pines family. They will get what's coming to them once I get out.
        I've been locked away in Theraprism in Dimension #5150. It's a neutral zone that's outside of time. If I were stronger, I'd have destroyed this useless place. I'm tired of pretending to be something I'm not in order to get out of here.
        I had many crimes against reality against me. I've done memory laundering, breaking and entering the fabric of space-time, chrono-infanti-regicide, multilevel  marketing, psychic torture, the "2nd-Dimension Incident," and Weirdmageddon. Personally, I don't think this is all that bad to keep me locked up in one of the highest wellness centers of space and time.
        People don't change, not even GODS. Wanna know how to get out of a mental ward, kid? It's faking it. You tell them what they want to hear. You mask everything. Don't be your true self. Trust no one.
        My power isn't as strong as the AXOLOTL, but I still got it. I've managed to fabricate a book that will go out into the Pine's family's dimension. I call it "The Book of Bill." Pretty clever, right? It's pretty impressive if I do say so myself.
        If anything, of all gods, why am I here? Isn't there some Christian entity or something that went against the God or whatever. If anything, why not blame all my atrocities on that guy, huh? Don't a lot of people do that anyways to get away with things? I mean seriously, I'm not the embodiment of bad itself or anything. Let's blame it on that Satan guy. There's so many dimensional timelines, I can't be the ONLY BEING THIS BAD HERE! 
        I can't lose my cool completely here. Heck, not even at all. I need to keep up the façade in order to get out. That's right, and I'll be out here soon. I just know it. My all-seeing eye is still capable of looking through the abundant paths people can take. I see the last opportunity and will take it for myself. 
        Sixer, you're in for something that cannot be fixed. I'll make sure you regret not taking my hand to rule dimensions and travel across galaxies at my side. When I get my hands on you again, I will turn you back into a gold statue that'll be erected onto my record player, forever in a musical dance that spins. You'll be sorry.
        As for your good for nothing brother, there's an end for him that I am counting on. Just you wait, Stanley. Punching my eye and breaking my body in the mind space will be the last time you'll ever lay your mortal hands on me.
        I need to smear my mind blank. The SEA ANGEL of the Theraprism is here. Oh, how she's easy to manipulate. I guess it's why you can consider the gal an angel. It's a shame for her, really, because she's so easy to manipulate. The way she thinks I'm actually changing is HILARIOUS! What a shame for them for when their time comes. They'll all see.
        "Bill Cipher, good stars!" The dim-witted SEA ANGEL greeted happily.
        "Yes, good stars! Haha.." I greeted. 'Haha..'
☪︎ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・❂
Links to the fanfics will be listed here so far:
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artfulbassoon · 11 months
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MCYT Yuri Week: Day 2 — AU/Post Canon
I've already written a Post Canon fic for Season 2 Nature Wives a while ago (which can be found here), so I wanted to try my hand at drawing Season 1 Nature Wives, but if the Empires got all jumbled up in the process.
In this AU, Katherine is the Champion of Aeor and sovereign of Rivendell with Jimmy, Champion of Exor, as her demon brother. She has yet to discover her ice abilities (won't that be fun for her) and is overall a very considerate and proactive ruler. She is apprehensive of the Codfather Alliance for reasons she believe to be sinister and magical in nature (she has a crush and hasn't realized yet).
Shrub is the Codfather (I didn't have time to design her cod head, forgive me) and her brother Xornoth rules the Ocean Empire as the Blue Axolotl. She rules the Cod Empire rather loosely, basically allowing the cod to govern themselves however they like and only enforcing a few set rules for their general safety. Unlike Katherine of Rivendell, the Codfather is painfully aware of her crush and Xornoth torments her about it constantly, despite the fact that he himself did not take the first step in his own relationship with the King of Mezalea, Joey.
Everyone else is still pretty much undecided (though I think Scott might be with the Lost Empire), but I had so much fun mixing these few around that I'm definitely going to continue exploring this AU. I've got some fun sibling shenanigans I want to draw with Shrub and Xornoth.
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cskv11 · 6 months
No art request but do you have any head cannons for bill??🤨
Ey yo why you makin that face? Is this some kind of interrogation??
Personally, I'm not a very headcanon kind of guy, more than anything cause I like to be able to see the author's vision, but more importantly, to avoid disappointments. Although this does not stop me from having a couple of headcanons:
First of all, I believe Bill had a much deeper thing going on with Ford, more than we were lent to in the show and the journal.
like- this "Oh my Muse" kind of thing is much freakier than just a nickname, these two nerds did way more than just a portal, if you know what I mean.
On the same matter, I think that, though at some point their relationship might've been kind of genuine, Bill saw Ford the same way a person sees their dog: someone who swears unconditional loyalty to their god/owner.
While this kind of bond does leave space for love and affection, there's this clearly marked boundary, a jeriarchy that states that one of the counterparts has a higher, a more elevated position in the relationship.
This same thing makes me assume, too, that Bill had felt betrayed as much as Ford did. Not because Ford did something wrong or deserved it (this poor soul had sacrificed everything he had, he isolated himself from everyone he knew just because he thought Bill was on the right; heck, even after scarring Fiddleford FOR LIFE, instead of apologizing or trying to help him, he was so gaslit from Bill poisonous words he thought Fiddleford was trying to sabotage his work) but because Bill's egotistical and narcissistic ass believed someone as naive as Ford was not capable of such thing. When Ford finally opens his eyes and gives his back to Bill, the dude is completely bamboozled. He did NOT expect Ford to drastically decide they were no longer friends. Bill expected Ford to say "Fuck it, we ball" and finish the portal once and for all. Bill thought Ford would be loyal to him no matter how bad the sittuation could get.
What would Bill do once he got through the portal? I don't think he'd kill him right away; he'd toy with Ford for a bit, til he got tired of it, and then would finish him off, just for fun.
As of Bill's backstory, I do think he used to have a brother. And for whatever reason, this same thing is the leading one for him to have become the wacky dude we know him for. Maybe his brother died/ got killed, which made Bill go apeshit, or maybe he hated his brother so much he was the one who killed him. Alex Hirsch did say Bill had a worse relationship with his father than Stanley did. Maybe what happened with Bill was a Stanley/Stanford dynamic, but multiplied by a hundred.
Say, he was his brother's shadow, and in an outburst of anger, he killed him, thought of the consequences of his parents seeing that scene and said "fuck it, no witnesses", took a gas can and burnt the whole family down.
This, too, comes related to what the axolotl said: "saw his own dimension brun. Misses home and can't return".
Additionally, the "says he's happy; he's a liar" verse and Bill's own "lie until you aren't liying; lie until the lie has become the truth" advice makes me strongly believe the dude has gaslit himself from the horrors he's commited so much he does actually believe his lies. He could tell you the sky is pink, and he would honestly believe it. And don't even try arguing with him about it, he will find a way of justifying why the sky is, in fact, pink.
Though it would be an interesting journey to redeem this guy, I would really love for him to continue being this horrible dude he is.
I don't know what The Book of Bill will be about, but if we're given more of bits about his origins, it would be amazing. But not go on full detail about it, cause one of the determining traits this dude has is being a mystery. And if they do end up telling something about his backstory, let it be some ironic and absolutely unserious tale; make the audience guess where's the lie and where's the truth.
Does this suffice your question, anon??? 🤨🤨🤨
Is there something else you're craving to ask? I have no trouble in answering haha
Also- I apologize for not posting much, there's a lot of funny requests i wanna draw but it's kind of impossible for me to do much right now. I've got lots of exams and so very little free time, BUT i'll try making something for this next weekend!! :)
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ivys-head-is-spinning · 5 months
Get to know me!
Hello, my name is Ivy! I decided to do a get to know me thing so here we go.
Pronouns: She/They/He
Queer. Mostly into girls, somewhere ace and I don’t care all that much about pronouns.
I'm a minor. Be normal please.
Type one diabetic.
Autism and ADHD with a side of anxiety and depression (maybe ocd too idk). Self diagnosed and HEAVILY researched. Believe me I did months of research before I allowed myself to use the words and I spoke to my therapist so don’t come for me. I am just simply not able to get official diagnosis right now but I’m going to as soon as I move out (hopefully)
Jewish ✡️ and Canadian 🇨🇦
Don’t interact with me if you are sexist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, ableist, racist, a pedophile or any other shit like that. I will block you.
My newsies strike name is Fidget!
♋️🦀 and INFJ
I vent a lot on here btw. Gotta do it somewhere.
My special interests:
NEWSIES (mainly that's what I post about)
Broadway and musicals- the one's I've seen live are Hamilton, Wicked, & Juliet, Lion King, Frozen, Hadestown, Little shop, Six, Aladdin, New York New York, Anastasia, RENT, The Devil Wear Prada musical, Without You (which is Anthony Rapp’s solo show), New York New York, Water for Elephants and The Outsiders. (and a few others but I was too young to remember.) The musicals I've seen online are Newsies (duh), Dear Evan Hansen, Heathers, The Prom, West Side Story, If/Then, Lempicka, Falsettos, Great Gatsby, Bandstand, Waitress, Legally Blonde, Bonnie and Clyde, 21 Chump Street, Ordinary Days, The Last 5 Years, In the Heights, the Mean Girls movie musical (the actual musical is next on my list) and Tick... Tick... Boom!
I also love The Violet Hour, In the Light, and In Pieces.
Julie and the Phantoms
Music! But only the very specific artists that I like. Some that I love include Age of Madness (Jeremy Jordan's band), Laura Osnes, Ben Platt, Sara Bareilles, Idina Menzel, All Time Low, Olivia Rodrigo, Chappell Roan, Eden Espinosa, Christy Altomare, RØRY, Disney, Shoshana Bean, Negative 25, musicals, really anything sung by Jeremy Jordan (or other broadway stars I like but that's a whole other list)
Currently hyper fixated on Newsies and Bandstand
Other things I like include:
Fun facts
My marble collection
Tangled the Series
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
My tumblr moots
Arts and crafts
Fan fiction
Find me on ao3 @ javidiscannon99! Please go read my Newsies fic.
Ask me about my ✨special interests✨
Please send me questions, and feel free to DM me I’m always up to chat as I love making new friends on here (fair warning I’m a little awkward and struggle with social cues lol)
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Regretful Nights Gnarpy Bio
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Before i proceed, this is just an AU, and most of the info isn't part of the canon, as i am not in any way, shape or form associated with the Axolotl Sun team!! <3
Gnarpy was once part of the gnarpian millitary. They were once a respectable part of xyr army, formerly being one of the co-leaders. However, xe was secretly getting tired of the constant fighting and conquering planets deal. They thought it was boring and what xe wasn't looking for to dedicate Their whole life into. And so, xe left xyr position. Now considered a traitor in their planet, they came to earth, and started accomplishing their true dream: Being a famous singer. After some time, Gnarpy finally got the fame xe deserved, and xe couldn't be more satisfied with xyr life.
As for xyr personality, Gnarpy is kind of sassy, cocky and overall annoying. Despite that, compared to the original Gnarpy, xe still have sympathy for others, and loves to try new earthling things.
-More info-
✦ Name: Gnarpy
✦ Age: 23
✦ Gender: Genderfluid Transmasc
✦ Pronouns: Any (Preferably Xe/They)
✦ Sexuality: Asexual/Panromantic
-Fun facts-
✦ Gnarpy wasn't the one to operate on Spud, but they participated in his kidnapping. Despite this, Xe regrets what they done to him. On top of that, Gnarpy doesn't know Spud's new name, and only refers them as "Frank".
✦ The music genre they make is metal music, and has xyr own band.
✦ Gnarpy is a bit intimidated by Reddy.
✦ They have a love interest, but i'm gonna specify that is isn't among any of the canon characters.
✦ Xey consider Dr. Retro as like a mother figure.
✦ Despite being a bit friendlier than the og Gnarpy, they still have a huge list of people xe hates.
✦ They are chubby hehe
-Mod Pixi's note-
My fav character of the cast!! I just love Gnarpy so much, they're such a hater haha-
I'm not doing another poll btw, doing Bive's info was a pain in the ass due to me lacking ideas at first, so imma do in order of how much ideas i have for the characters!!
Spud is hopefully next!! I've got something hopefully interesting coming up next :0
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mymiraclebox · 3 months
If you could make a balanced team of 18 members (like the canon paris super hero team) out of every miraculouses you made who would you pick? (Atleast 1-2 alphas 1-2 elementals 1-2 timekeepers and the rest are delta)
Graay the Wolf (Order) - Is there bias because he's my favorite? Yes, but I also do think that the Balance Duo's powers would be very useful in part of a team. While not able to full on reverse everything like Miraculous Ladybug can, the Wolf's powers do allow their holders to preserve locations so no harm comes to them in the first place.
Prrysm the Platypus (Chaos) - If Order is chosen, then Chaos needs to be there as well. Also the unpredictability of Chaos' abilities does make it versatile, and can be a good way to nullify enemies' abilities.
Emburr the Phoenix (Fire) - All Elementals are very powerful, so I definitely think others could be placed here as well, but I chose Fire for its ability to summon an ally, and being able to freely use fire powers without burning everything down thanks to the Alphas.
Keena the Lynx (Intuition) - For a team build, being able to sense to sense the near future and direct danger would be a great defensive power to have. Perhaps not the same raw power as say the Rabbit, but more useful for a team in battle.
Zipp the Dragonfly (Progression) - Like with the Lynx, I feel the Dragonfly's ability can be very useful in the field. Speed is a great advantage to have, and he's able to grant such with his manipulation of time.
Harmonee the Ant (Cooperation) - If you’re talking about a balanced team, I think Harmonee should always be here. Her powers allow teams to work together in perfect harmony, and can let the whole team be fully aware of information immediately, like anything the Lynx might sense.
Belaa the Jaguar (Imperception) - Allows one to completely avoid detection in any form, perfect for undercover missions or sneaking up on foes.
Sorren the Falcon (Observation) - Ability to see anywhere at once is a great tactical advantage, but its even better when paired with the Ant, allowing all teammates to use that information innately at once.
Tyyto the Owl (Secrets) - When you have a big team full of secret identities, having a power that can make it so people can't reveal such Secrets could be lifesaving if outsiders learn anything. Also Tyyto's other powers are good for intel gathering, which can immediately be shared with the whole team through the Ant.
Sannar the Axolotl (Restoration) - With no Miraculous Ladybugs around I'd say it’s important to have a healer.
Snapp the Crab (Adaptation) - Snapp is a common pick for me with questions like this, but when isn't getting the exact ability you need at that moment not useful?
Yanna the Bison (Victory) - Why have luck on your side when you can have Victory herself? While not a guaranteed win, you do get your team energized, and gain the ability to always claim your Prize.
Kaanda the Rhino (Augmentation) - There's a lot of fun and powerful abilities to choose from, but honestly I don't think you can go wrong with just a simple "grow big and attack". Also I feel a strong offensive ability is needed, along with the fact that this power would pair well with the Wolf's, keeping the Rhino from causing harm to the environment from their enhanced size.
Olivv the Dove (Peace) - Like a strong offense, I think a strong defense is needed as well. Not only can the Dove lessen tensions, but it can also create a space where anyone can find Peace and safety; and seeing how big this team is I am assuming they might be in a highly populated area, so I can see a shelter like this being necessary.
Ziibi the Otter (Transformation) - First of all shapeshfiting is awesome. Second of all it provides a lot of versatility and opportunities in a fight.
Aynna the Scarab (Reflection) - With the Scarab's ability to deflect and redirect attacks, they could make for a good defensive addition to the team, especially out in the battlefield.
Acce the Thylacine (Isolation) - Got a problem that's hard to take care of immediately? Pop it out of existence for a bit!
Verr the Gorilla (Sacrifice) - Verr doesn't offer the most diverse powers, but he does provide a golden opportunity to instantly take down a dangerous threat. I think his powers fit really well here, with a large team being able to protect the user after they faint, without making much of a dent in their numbers.
It was more difficult than I thought with not using any canon powers in this lineup, as Miraculous Ladybug is just so good of a power, the Bee is OP, and the Ox and Turtle have probably some of the best defensive abilities. I decided to opt out of any emotion-based abilities for this team with my inclusion of the Ant, as Hivemind nulls the effectiveness of such on the team with positive emotions, or could risk breaking the Hivemind with more negative emotions. I was also considering my Pangolin for a defensive ability (she's able to manipulate present physical barriers), but I think the Wolf's preservation powers would override hers. That also eliminated other abilities that could impact the landscape; such as Earth, Growth, or Corrosion. Overall I also tried to avoid overly similar powers, like since I had Cooperation, I didn't see the need to add Connections or Loyalty to the roster, etc.
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angel-cryptid · 7 months
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About me pt.2 ୨୧. 。˚ ° ⊹ ˚.
♡ Fav movies:
┊Marie Antoniette, Into/across the spiderverse, Clueless, Virgin suicides, The VVitch
♡ Fav series
┊Toilet bound Hanako Kun, Good Omens, South Park, My adventures with Superman
♡ Fav animals:
┊the lamb and axolotls (love fish in general)
♡ Fun facts:
┊Ravenclaw, Cabin 10/12 (didn't figure it out), Earthling for life, an actual farmer's daughter
♡ My style/aesthetic:
┊ Morute, yamikawaii, angelcore, off duty ballerina. I used to called it 'ghost princess'
♡ Fav songs
┊High school sweethearts (Melanie Martinez)
┊Honey I'm home (Ghost and pals)
┊Pure as a lamb (Baby bugs)
┊Queen of disaster (Lana Del Rey)
┊Death (Melanie Martinez)
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(updated on 6/6/24)
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laniusbignaturals · 11 days
lmfaoooo that axolotl person turned off their anons after someone called them a lameo theyre sooo butthurt about this shit man
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Fun fact: they appropriated AAVE for a third time in their first response! “Yapping” is also black slang that has been removed from its original context for the amusement of young white people by the userbase of apps like tiktok which they were so proud of being apart of. They didn’t just not learn anything after unironically calling people “degenerates,” going out of their way to paint the people of color they were getting snippy with as filthy and dirty and calling something “dookie shit” (two words that mean the same thing, ffs, they sound like one those white girls on TikTok pronouncing “chile” as “chillay”) - they actively doubled down on the bad behavior, trying to dictate to me of all fans how I should be talking about slavery from the comfort of their toilet bowl colored echo chamber. Log off. Read a book. This shit makes you look really bad.
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