#fun fact: some of these notes actually go with the rhythm of the song
kaufmo-is-alive · 1 month
what happened to? Ragatha
she left to go play with her raggedy ann dolls
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bloodyymaryyy · 1 month
Gossip girl xoxo
Part 4
Part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / masterlist
Warnings : mention of underage drinking but other than that don't know
((Side note : apparently you guys like the series so what you want you take my beautiful people! I love you guys! Anyway I saw what happened with lando and I had to make that in here! Also something is coming soon I don't know if you will like it but I will enjoy writing so 🤷‍♀️))
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Texts with lando
You : hi lan!
Landinio : hey!
You: I heard that you are going to King's day tomorrow with Martin
Landinio : yeah I am what's up?
You : well I got invited for some reason too and wanted to know if you will go with martin or you could carpool with me! I have the lambo here!
Landinio : OH SHIT! I am texting with will rn to cancel on him! There is no way I am missing the lambo ride with you!
You: okay sweet just text me when are you meeting and here you are staying at to come get you because I am out rn. Ttyl x!
Landinio : oh 😏 with who?
You : none of your bizz bye!
Texts between martin and lando
Lando : hey martin sorry to cancel last minute but y/n is coming and she has her lambo here and I won't find another chance to rice that thing so... Sorry again!
Will : oh it's nothing I understand I would too!
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After picking up lando from his hotel we headed out towards the boat that the party is held taking empty wide roads to really drive the thing, drifting and doing a few donuts in an empty parking lot just for the thrill of it but making sure to actually arrive in the boat party you both got out of the car talking and laughing entering and finding Martin by the dj booth.
Greetings were exchanged talking and laughing until the second round of drinks that started to kick in hopping around, dancing and sings to the rhythm being surrounded by the Dutch men.
You two weren't fazed by the phones recording your every move because you were having fun and a little tipsy, not that you would admit it both to anyone that in fact you were drunk continuing with the drinks and having fun and just as you were getting drinks you got elbowed in the face not really hard but enough to cause a little mountain the next hour not really noticeable.
Lando in the other hand just as you were nearing him again was hit or something because his nose was bleeding you drank both of them quickly and ran up to him while near you can see the bloody roll down in this lips and teeth he smiled at you teeth bloody, you started to laugh at the situation. Someone had a first aid kit and you cleaned the wound putting a plaster on the cut and a bandage wrapped around his head loosely because you were drunk it was going to be messy.
When you finished you started to laugh again at his stupid look he looked like a mummy but who cares? You two didn't nor did the men around you so you both continued dancing, bouncing, shouting lyrics and drinking again. You weren't piss drunk you could think and walk straight and so was lando, playing some songs with martin lando djing for a bit so will could take a break, talking to you laughing and gossiping about news lately and having fun and creating the mood for the actual club that Will, Lando and you will be going to after the pre party in the boat. You were sure you will regret going to another club but current you don't care about it, future you maybe.
You weren't a light weight by any means, starting drinking from a young age and in your teenage years going out drinking almost everyday drinking made it hard for you to get drunk so you were good by half of the actual party in the club but you wouldn't say lando was the same...
Cutting your night in the what you seen fit as to lando wouldn't start throwing up but you could see he was ready to do anyway calling a taxi and telling him the directions of your hotel so you won't drive while drunk.
Taking him by his bicep and wrapping one hand around his shoulder and the other in his arm you payed for the drinks you ordered and left, waiting for the taxi to arrive he was talking to you, whispered things, making sentences up that made no sense, talking gibberish almost falling in his face while you were laughing and loose the grip around him and quickly regaining strength keeping his upright the taxi finally arrived.
Getting him inside and going arout the car so you could take care of him he laid his head in your lap while you slowly and softly graced your hand through his brown curls and stroking his cheek softly while he closed his eyes smiled and opening one eye to look up at you periodically while you made small conversations with the driver which was a fan of the sport and you learned his daughter's favourite driver was you from a young age looking up at you and asking for a photo with you, he wanted a photo with lando but he was asleep so you decided against it, when you arrived you took his phone got a selfie with him and one alone from a high angle so he was visible but not his face just his hat and hoodie that he got out with, you paid the driver and slowly got out of the car and went around the car again opening the door taking his hand waking him up a little so he can get out but he feel asleep again on you as you closed the door.
You again wrapped a hand around him and holding his other firmly you opened the hotel door and getting inside the building, the receptionist was eyeing you but you didn't care you were determined to get him safe and tugged in, heading in the elevator you waited for the doors to close and pressing the button of your level.looking at the mirror you see on your dress a bit of blood from lando's nose you looked a bit disheveled with your eye sparkly eyeshadow somehow under your eye, the lipstick long gone now in its place your lip pencil a bit smeared around the corners of your mouth, in your forehead a little knob and in lando having his head buried in your neck seamingly asleep by his slow rhythmed breathing that was hitting your neck practically hugging you, the elevator pinged letting you know that you got to your floor you started trying to wake him up to stop hugging you but he didn't budged you decide to just carry him to your door which was easier taking out your card key which luckily you took out of your wallet in the taxi and opened the door.
Upon entering you left him to the bed trying once again to gently wake him up so he could change, you left the club at 4 :30 and now you read the clock it said 5 : 30 so you did all of this in an hour and in heels... He is gonna pay fro this but for now you laid a hoodie that you had oversized and long shorts again oversized that you knew that would fit you took your pj's and headed to the bathroom, you washed your face to get rid of the make up and changed out of the dress and heels.
Going again the the bed you saw lando's clothes messily tossed around the side of the bed he was occupying and in your clothes, the hoodie was one of your merch with a red bull logo in the back and you are not gonna tell that to him, wanting him to walk out with it, he was lying in your bed the covers covering most of him but his back and head out you took a picture and tugged him in and walking to your side of the bed pulling up the covers and getting in falling asleep almost instantly, felling a pair of hands wrapping around you and a head to your neck going closer to lando cuddling up on you and falling asleep peacefully
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Waking up in the morning was a struggle, you wouldn't say it was really a morning but evening waking up at 1pm by calls on your phone. Lando still asleep but starting to stir awake too by the annoying ringing of your phone you took your phone from the night stand you answered the phone without looking who it was
It was max
( the convo went like this)
Red : max / pink : y/n
Y/n? Why aren't you answering my calls? I have been calling you non stop from the morning where are you?
Max lower your voice... I have been sleeping what do you want? I am in my hotel room rn sleeping
Why are you still sleeping? What time did you leave the club last night?
Why? How did you get to the hotel?
Omg max can you interrogate me later? Let me sleep man...( a raspy voice could be heard in the background : stop talkinggg and then a sigh) shut up. Anyway I will call you back lat-
No! No don't fucking hang up! Are you with someone I heard a man! Who is he?!
Omg max! It's lando what do you want? I will talk to you later good bye!
I said and hand up the call not waiting for max to reply and rolled over now cuddling lando and falling asleep again for a few minutes then waking up by lando leaving the bed.
After he got a shower he came back and by then I dressed up to get food because I was starving waiting for lando you go together. We did you got a few pictures with fan and got food.
After that you called max and explained everything at some point max came with us to a few stored and hung out together and took max's plane and went to Monaco each to their own homes.
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That's it thank you! ( not the end of the series tho)
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What I’ve Learned About Puerto Rican Spanish (so far)-Part 1 out of probably more
Some notes before we begin:
-I’ve been studying Spanish on a whole for 3 months. I’m not a native speaker, nor am I Puerto Rican. I will be running this post by my Puerto Rican boyfriend for accuracy’s sake and so I don’t throw around misinformation
-if you can’t tell by me saying “Puerto Rican boyfriend” up there, I’ll be giving this dialect and accent the praise it rightfully deserves as a diverse piece of this beautiful language but I might be a little bit biased 😂
This is the dialect and accent that I’m slowly trying to integrate into my studies naturally so I can eventually adopt it as my own.
Puerto Rico and its language is a prime example of the very thing my nerd brain loves to learn about instead of actually studying the language like I should: the ways that various influences can shape a language. Puerto Rico was one of the lucky ones that got colonized two whole times (fun fact: This Is Bad) and because of that it’s a fairly bilingual culture. Their Spanish is not only beautifully Latino and Caribbean, it’s also very English. Spanglish, if you will. Cursed by the Anglophones. But it’s really cool, admittedly.
All of this to say that Puerto Rican Spanish doesn’t have all that “c (the)” and “z (theta)” stuff from Spain, for starters, but there’s some other interesting aspects to the speech.
-Puerto Ricans speak fast. Maybe I’m just getting that impression as an A1 beginner but it seems like it’s true.
-Lots of times the “R” sound is replaced with an “L” (“hablar”=“hablal”)
-Like many other dialects they “eat the S” (“buscar”=“bucal”)
-but they’re still hungry so they also eat whole halves of words (“Estás”=“‘Ta”)
-if there’s a “D” in the middle of some vowels or at the end of a word it gets dropped (“cansado”=“cana’o”, “verdad”=“velda’”
-There’s this beautiful rhythm to their speech. It sounds a bit like maybe they put more emphasis on the vowels and I’ve heard it described as almost sing-song, but it’s hard to describe. It’s incredibly unique.
-in some areas the “R” can turn into a hard “H” sound, although I personally haven’t heard this yet
Unique words and phrases, there are more than these but these are the ones I understand enough to feel like I can teach ok vamos
“¿Qué es la que hay?”-“How’s it going?” (Sounds like “¿Qué la que hay?”)
Though most other ways to extend the same greeting can be used, this is a great one to get Puerto Ricans‘ attention and make anyone else go “where did you learn that, what, I’m so confused”
“Corillo”-“gang/group of friends”
This is equivalent to how we use “gang” in English casually to mean our friends, I don’t believe it means a literal gang with gang activity.
“Janguear”-“to hang out” (sounds like “jangueal”)
This is a verb that sounds exactly like what it means, since it comes from English. I have suspicions that there are multiple ways to spell it but this is what I was taught.
Self-explanatory. I like this one more than “cerveza” anyway.
“Parquear”-“to park” (sounds like “palqueal”)
Another self-explanatory one. It’s fun to say and makes me wish I could drive so I had an excuse to say it.
I lied about only picking words I understand. I’ll get back to you on this but from what I can tell if “ahora” means “now” then “ahorita” means “a little bit from now”(???). But I really don’t know, it’s not really that. But it is. Remind me to take this section out, alright cool.
“Puñeta”-lit. “jack off”, but a general curse word
Don’t use this one. Don’t tell anyone I told you about it. Take this to your grave. I’m a good influence. I’m a good influence. I’m a
This means gossip but not the idle kind, more like the kind you really shouldn’t be throwing around without really meaning it (like what I’m not doing with the words on this list). Slander, I guess. Don’t do this it’s mean 😡
This is in most Spanish dialects and usually means “hard” or “durable”, but Puerto Ricans use it in another way: to say someone’s good at something. Mi español no es duro, por ejemplo.
This isn’t like “brutal” in English, being a bad thing. It’s slang that’s saying that something’s really cool or great.
“Buscar” can also mean “to pick someone up (from something)” in Puerto Rico, so like if you were offering to drive your friend somewhere. And it still can sound like “bucal”
think that’s all I’ve got in me
I get most of my info from this subject from the YouTube channel Learn Spanish Faster. Specifically the videos on various Puerto Rican words and the accent, both with more information than I have here. Definitely worth checking out!
I asked my boyfriend if he had anything to say to anyone reading this who might be interested in learning more. This is what he had to say:
“hmmm. Puñeta is much more than a general curse word. It’s a way of life. we say it for excitement. we say it for anger. we say it for sadness. when something is extremely difficult: ‘esto esta puñetero’”
He was very excited when I learned that word so it’s no surprise he would share this with you all. It’s a very versatile one he uses a lot and likes a lot (I like it too). Just please be responsible with it.
I’ll definitely make a part 2 once I learn more but this is a good place to leave it, I think.
¡Buena suerte!
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waugh-bao · 4 months
what’s the lore about voodoo 👀
@agentidiot 1993-5 was…wild.
The origin of the album, according to Charlie:
“We spent three months there [in Barbados]. Mick and Keith were there first and then I joined them and we just played. So by the time we got into the recording studio, we could play something and you'd go, ‘Oh, I remember that... I did this and that on it.’ You're already a third of a way to getting it together by doing that."
Which all sounds pretty benign, they’ve done albums in a particular place away from the UK pretty much since Exile. But the outtakes from those sessions are downright insane (so much so that I can only mention a handful here, there are many more I didn’t even have room for).
Probably best example of this is a song called “Alteration Boogie.” It’s 5 straight minutes of Keith singing about Charlie’s clothes and his body, which starts out with him making fun of how old fashioned his taste in tailoring is (in a very detailed way) and ends with two comments about Charlie’s ass and a comment about how “cute” he looks in blue.
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Then there’s “Sparks Will Fly.” That song actually did make it to the album, but in a radically different form than it started out. So Keith wrote it:
“We had a big bonfire going one night out in Ronnie’s garden. I was throwing all these logs on it, and these sparks started flying. I started running backto the studio – ‘I’ve got one! Incoming!’ Charlie was the only guy there, and he and I played the thing. “
And he and Charlie were the only two who worked on it until it was completed:
"Sparks Will Fly was actually eyeball-to-eyeball with Charlie Watts more than anybody to start with, because we would not let anybody else play on it until we'd honed down that rhythm track thing dead right. You know, it was like, three's a crowd for a minute, until we'd worked it out. And then we let everybody else in. It all has to do with the rhythm and the guitar, and after that the rest of it fell into place. Charlie's laying down the law on that one. You've got to know a guy so well to play that tight together. It's unspoken, because it's all going by in front of you in 3 seconds."
The lyrics of that song, especially when you consider the context in which it was written, are somehow maybe even more crazy (and suspicious) than “Alteration Boogie.”
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Mick ended up completely overhauling the lyrics, but his weren’t any better. Of particular note at the time was his decision to include the line “I’m gonna fuck your sweet ass”, which he claimed after the fact he didn’t even remember doing.
Oh yeah, and Keith’s thing about Charlie “laying down the law” was pretty literal. Charlie was playing him every night during album recording and rehearsals to the point of actually being on his knees, which Keith bragged to the press about.
“According to Don Was [their producer], Charlie was the driving force behind these rehearsals. They started each night around 10 p.m. and finished 10 or 12 hours later, whenever Keith collapsed, but Charlie was still going strong.”
“To me, it was all tied in with Charlie. If Charlie Watts is willing to experiment in the studio, then I’m the happiest man in the world.”
Coincidentally, Keith was also very eager to tell everyone about Mick’s private practice sessions with Charlie (who also bragged himself about his closeness to the drummer in this period and some of the songs they collaborated on):
“The more that Mick plays [the harmonica], the more differently he sings. Suddenly he starts to sing the way he's playing the harp, phrasing differently, instead of thinking of it as two separate entities, you know...And he played all year. He would do 2 hours a day with Charlie just playing harp, before we'd even come into rehearsal or whatever. And I can hear it paying off a lot in his singing too.”
And another one of the songs which made it onto the album, “Suck on The Jugular”, which Keith was dying to credit to Charlie (he literally credits Charlie with the success of every song on this album):
“Mr Watts again. I mean, it's all drums. The arrangement is all to do with the drums. Charlie laid down that beat and I said, 'Well, if you can keep that up for several minutes, we've got a track! 'Hey, no problem? And he always makes it look like it isn't.”
Has these lyrics:
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The fun didn’t stop when they finished the album, though.
They made a music video for the song “I Go Wild” which can only be described as steampunk Marie Antoinette meets geriatric gay BDSM. (Mick is literally in some kind of chain link sex swing for part of it, Keith seems to have a gag in his mouth at point, and they’re both dancing around Charlie. He even goes so far as to bend down in front of the kit and mimic giving oral s*x).
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The band has since disowned the video, it appears on none of their official sites or YouTube channel, but you can find it here.
In the interviews which surrounded the actual Voodoo Tour, Keith was very adamant about how close the “trio” were and how much they were enjoying each other’s company:
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“Even when we’re not touring or recording we stay in touch. We’re all so close - like a family. In fact, we’re probably closer than a lot of families are.”
There was a video game released on CD-ROM to support the tour, which includes a section where the player enters a bathroom where Keith makes a variety of sexual comments, screams, and then comments on Charlie “peaking”: here.
A documentary about the album and tour made by MTV has also since been memory holed and only promos for it can be found any longer.
Other than that, I suppose I should mention that this was also the era of Keith kissing Charlie on stage and both of them giving him flowers:
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As well as the return of the “nipple pincher” bit:
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But, more than anything, it was truly a period, despite occasional disagreements, of real closeness and sweetness between those three:
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making-noodles-png · 5 months
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Question in context anyways les go. I wanted to edit a few bits anyways so yeah
• ever since I had that tumbler poll I'm questiong myself if wallace should work 3 jobs rather then just one bc no way can he afford that bad of a apartment and provide for himself and scott on a 15$ paycheck so yeah it's reasonable. Wallace works as a telemarketer or some office job (makes more but is fucking boring). Old navy (makes less bit is pretty simple and he can hear his coworkers gossip and pick a few songs) and at a diner (it's in the middle honestly. Makes a god amount of money and is decent, works his ass off but still gets to hear whoever can gossip but sorta wants to quit. Stays at the job bc of one coworker who begged him to stay)
• Mobile works in a library or Spencer's (IK mobile works in some random ah office job but seeing how the rest of the crew in the scott pikgrim series has a pretty minimum wage job I sorta see him start off slow in a new province and have a relaxing ot fun job. Library seems to suit the guy because uts laid back and quiet. Also I took the inspiration from the anime "book seller Honda-San". BUT...but (idk my friend suggested this to me) but mobile: the most average lookin ah guy in the whole entire franchise working...in a Spencer's...it's pretty fuckin funny- just imagine you see some office worker lookin ah dude stocking up on the spiked collars with the most bland lanyard) but I'm sticking with the library idea
• Mobile is a music nerd. He plays a few instruments when he was younger and sticks to playing the piano and sometimes the violin. He likes jazz but likes fast paces music for one thing....rhythm games- idk why but I sorta imagine wallace, scott and mobile going to the arcade one day, scott showing off his epick DDR skills and mobile absolutely DESTORYS HIM. DOUBLE PADS. EXTREAM OR INTENSE IDK AND ALL PERFECT TOO...and then scott never brings walace to the arcade again because he knows mobile would just show off again-
• Wallace is filopino (idk I just see him loving filo food, karaoke, bejng loud af at parties and come on. He loves to gossip) and mobile is half veitnamese and half Korean but is extremely white washes but by the time he reaches freshmen year of collage he actually wants to learn a bit more about both cultures and sorta enjoys trying to get in touch with his roots
• Mobiles parents names are Sam jin and April Nguyen-jin (nick named apple) (divorced) now you might he wondering abt thier names and...I just thought it would be funny to sorta name them after phone companies (like SAMsung and APPLE) because...COME ON THERE HAS TO BE A REASON WHY HIS NAME JS MOBILE
• Mobile likes cold weather meanwhile wallace likes hot. Mobile likes to wear alot of layers during the winter so whenever ut gets too cold wallace immediately just snuggles up with him :)
• Mobile visits wallace whenever he's on break from the library job and helps him (ex: whenever wallace is at old navy or something he drops by and helps walace folds or tag any of the clothes while they talk)
• Joseph and mobile work at the library while wallace and Jimmy both work at the diner
(Those were from my notes onto a few new headcannons-)
Since Todd's pyshic powers are green. I look into the color wheel to see the opposite of green which is likena sorta pink and I just imagine that's what's mobiles powers might look like :) (also TV girl reference)
Mobile is one hell of a quiet guy. Dosnt like to talk often at parties or at clubs and tries to survive any sort of small talk BUT when it comes to wallace he enjoys long conversations about the most random shit that pops into thier heads. Eaither it's gossip from work, some random ass fact that mobile found out, or how to do X thing for Y...thing?
MOBILE CANT READ TONE like sorta- whenever someone is joking around him (especially wallace or other scott) he sorta...takes it seriously? Like a joke when other scott said and mobile just spitting out random facts on how its basically impossible for the chicken to cross the road without getting hit, depends on how fast the cars are going, What time of the day it might be, if the chicken were to walk to cross the road or jumo over cars. Really comes off to being defensive and he dosnt mean any harm so whenever someone like wallave was telling a joke he laughs it off, realizes mobiles confused as hell expression and just says "...that's a joke-" With mobile replying with "....oh yeah-"
Mobiles and wallaces dates usually consist of: museums, the aquarium, some fine dining. Any fancy shit mobile can afford, wallave would LOVE
Mobile overworks himself often and sometimes dosnt realize it. He sorta sees himself just simply finishing a task that he's SUPPOSED to finish in reality it was justa. Option if he wanted to do it or not. Even when he's working in Nintendo he gose into crunch mode often and gets tired more easily WALLACE on the other hand reminds mobile to be on breaks whenever he needs to and takes care of the guy (awh :))
In collage mobile majors in computer science or coding or game development. Whatever computer techy course, he just takes it and then ends up working for Nintendo so :)
Wallace has bad posture. Trues to go ahead and fix it himself but just gives up easily so whenever wallave is with mobile. Mobile just random slaps (lightly) wallaces back and reminds him to stand up straight
Wallace cracks his knuckles often or pops his neck and whenever he dose it makes a loud Crack or pop sound (yk the ones) and it freaks mobile out sometimes
Mobile is prone to carpal tunnel and migraines and has to wear those arm braces often and take those migraine pills too.
Like I mentioned before mobile is a deadpan sorta dude, monotone voice sorta stuff but when wallave is around he's...a bit more expressive.
EDIT: BOUNUS. MOBILE DOSE TAROT CARD READINGS i had this headcannons for MONTHS now and thought it would be silly and then i realize I did this so....yeah. I imagine whenever mobile and Wallace do morning cuddles and shit wallace is like "...yo what's my daily reading" mobile:"...okay let's see, 3 of cups-". Mobile learned how to do traot card reading easily. Like Todd mentioned before he had this picture memory thingy and can remeber scripts easily but its weak sometimes (*FLASH BACK TO THE TRAILER INCIDENT-*) so I imagine mobile dose the same when it comes to memorizing tarot cards meanings
Wallace/ or mobile sits really weird in chairs. Before living with scott, Wallace would sit... Basically like L from a death note or some shit, or one leg up while the other is crossed. He's been used to doing this a lot when he was still in high school while eating dinner with his family, but he soon grew out of it once he reached college. Meanwhile, for mobile, he's just been doing it. Somehow, he is still managing good posture tf
Mobile eaither has a good and fashionable wardrobe comsisting of dark or light academia sort of clothes (wallace didnt know what it was called so one day he just called it "collage professor drag") OR he has that one goofy ah cartoon character looking closet where it's just the same thing over and over again
Mobile tends to chew on his pen often. Was a bad habit he had back in elementary, worsen when he was in highschool due to alot of extra credit and after school programs he was in, collage it got even worse because he mainly used pens and got ink EVERYWHERE
Like hollie and Kim. Joseph and mobile work together in the library, they don't...really talk to eachother but he dose eyeball Joseph sometimes whenever knives brings stephen along to the library and joseph just stares at stephen. Mobile couldn't tell if Joseph likes stephen or just hates him
Wallace brings mobile to some of the sex bob-ombs practices and shows. mobile just watches patiently like romona, wallace and neil would but afterward give pretty decent advice to knives since... he experienced piano player. And whenever stephen ask mobile for advice in general; mobile would just give them a rating out of 20
Another reason why mobile dosnt show alot of expression and is mainly just a deadpan sorta dude is because when mobile was in highschool he had braces and it sucked ass for him. It hurts all the time and he had those rubber band things in his mouth MEANING whenever his friends made him laugh or he had to yawn THAT SHIT HURTS WHEN IT BREAKS. Later in his adult life he just gets retainers instead
Sometimes at night. Whenever mobile comes home tired and worn out He and wallace just silently ea0t dinner and cuddle while they drink wine
Wallace is a vodka mom. Mobile is a wine mom. Change my mind
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 9 months
My take on Miles and Gwen's future kid
Meet Charlotte Samantha Angelica "Angie" Morales-Stacy
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Sadly, my art skills aren't nothing to go crazy, MUCH LESS with people, somehow creatures I draw much better.
Regardless for awhile I had been wanting to take this design out of my head, and if I get to commission someone to bring this real life, thought it would be good to try to do a reference.
A few fun facts about her!
Just like her canon equivalent, she is oldest. Also spoiled rotten by EVERYONE around her.
That scar under her eye? She was playing with the webs-shooters with her brother, he threw something at her direction and BARELY missed her eye. The use of web-shooters at home has been banned ever since.
She has three piercings, one clear crystal on her nose, ring piercing on her lower lip and ball in her tongue, those last two are in rainbow titanium.
Lives for the spectacle, she actually likes to do "shows" in the air, accompanied by her own music that resonate in the webs as she do tricks in the air at the rhythm of the song.
She has left messes around the city and scaring the living shit out of her parents more than once with her daredevil tricks.
More under the cut + some art notes!
Her name, Angelica, is because is a very common Spanish name, but is also the name of punk-rock all-girl band from the 90s, that I hc Gwen was fan of.
The name was appropriate because she loves punk-rock music just like her mom; Hobie is her favourite "uncle" for this reason.
Black eyeliner is a MUST, those triangles at the beginning of her eyes are part of her signature look, so she refused to go out of the house without at least that.
I am leaning towards her either keeping her blonde hair, or deciding to dye it herself.
(If she dyes it, the reason behind was to look more like her mom. Growing up people constantly didn't think they could be related because Angelica's dark skin + black traits. So she got fed up.)
A lot of her teachers still hate her because she is the type of student you can tell isn't paying attention, but then the Math teacher calls her to resolve a problem and does it in record time; so they can't say anything to her.
Exceptionally good with numbers and physics; you wouldn't believe it when she is in the air but a lot of times she is calculating more or less where she would end.
"A show needs a choreography, but I also like to improvise, so I need to do make sure nothing goes off-course, no biggie" <- Says with a poker face as if doing calculations in real time isn't that impressive.
Can be absolutely charismatic when putting on a show, but is actually pretty awkward when interacting with people she isn't familiar with. Unless she is in her hero persona.
Miles and Gwen are kind of annoyed at her about it too; she is brilliant but she does the minimum required for school because she honestly doesn't care and thinks the school system is bullshit anyway.
(Yep that had to do with Hobie, Gwen gave him an earful for that one.)
Still likes to help people and do what she can, but she can't say is something she wants to focus her life on.
Okay that's enough notes from her for now, now some art notes.
The shape of her head and face, eyes and eyebrows are actually from Gwen.
The nose and lips are from Miles, though you can tell Miles got that nose from his dad.
The is buzz cut on the sides, but it goes longer on the top. It may not had worked, but I tried my best to imitate Rio's hair texture.
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yjyt85r98r · 4 months
Pretty Series song reviews: Sevendays Love, Sevendays Friend
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Within SECONDS, I knew I was in for some Pretty Series Goodness. This song set the trend for the crazy-good, extra-long, spoiler-heavy neoclassical songs that appear three quarters into any given Pretty Series show.
Even though the song is rather complicated, there are parts of it that feel instantly familiar. It’s one of those songs that’s exciting and new, but also feels like you’ve known it since forever even the first time you listen.
The song manages to change a lot while still feeling coherent. The change in speed and intensity really does give the sense that the performers are secretly battling. This song kinda feels otherwordly in that it's on an entirely different level than any other song in all of Pretty Rhythm.
Also, I'm going to have to ramble a bit, but: I consider myself a pretty good composer. Sure, there's always more to learn, but I'm already really good at composing music. Even with songs like Get music!, Konna Sekai ni Tsugu, and many Aikatsu songs... they're good songs, but I never thought "I couldn't compose something as good as that", because quite frankly I think I can. So I think it really speaks to the impressiveness of this song that listening to it made me think that I probably couldn't compose something like that. It actually felt out of reach, which was thrilling to me.
Top-notch vocals. I think both Rinne and June did better here than in their solo songs. June’s using just a little more power to bring her soft, stylish voice to the forefront, and Rinne has enough power to be a rock singer. And they hit those high notes so effortlessly!
They have all these philosophical truths about life and emotions, man... I don't know how to talk about them without making myself sound silly. They are about both the good and the bad, and how things can remain important even after they're gone. At their core, they're lyrics about people and relationships, hence the 'love' and 'friend' in the title.
I like that the lyrics show the differences in Rinne and June's philosophies. June is very preoccupied with love and her lyrics are more personal, while Rinne's lyrics are more universal and looking at the big picture of life.
There are some slow moments where the characters are just skating forward while staying in the same position, but even those allow the viewer to focus more on the vocals without being distracted by too much movement. Aside from that, we have one of the earliest instances of the Leg Thing, and the characters lying down on the stage... very innovative for the series at the time.
It's the same stage as all the duos, but the stage... I think the stage was truly designed for this song. The amount of lore they fit into its design is a real treat. It must have been fun to design the stained glass windows that depict events from previous Pretty Rhythm seasons.
Good points: Powerful vocals, deep lyrics Bad points: I can't think of any... I guess the fact that the intro is very complicated and builds up a lot but then the energy level drops after that. Pretty typical in anime songs, though.
Rating: 10/10 Personal rating: 10/10
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madbadash · 1 month
🎵🎵🎵 Album tag game 🎵🎵🎵
rules: share the albums that you can listen to nonstop. those lightning in a bottle-albums that scratch ur brain just right. every single track, an absolute banger. u could not skip one if u tried. no notes. stunning, show-stopping, immaculate. ur no-skip albums.
🔎 bonus & optional (but imo, v fun) rules: 1) add a track rec for us to listen to! AND 2) share ur favorite line(s) from that track! 👀
Now lowkey I'm cheating here because I don't really listen to albums in full and I would probably would skip at max like one song on each of these albums but I wanna participate in the game so I make the rules.
ANYWAYS thank you @bluecoolr for the tag
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I will Tag @probably-a-plant-thing @bobeatspie300 @thelemoncoffee @boxtyphoon @toborusk and a cover all if you wanna do it do it!! Also these are all very low no pressure tags.
Billie Ellish- When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We All Do?
Penelope Scott-Public Void
Mother Mother-Inside
Chonny Jash-The Will Wood Power Hour
Eliza Anastasic-The Grand Relics
Billie was my number one artist on Spotify for like 2 or 3 years in a row and she hasn't left my top 5 since I started listening to her. I fucking LOVE ilomilo
Lyrics: So, where did you go? I should know, but it's cold And I don't wanna be lonely So tell me you'll come home Even if it's just a lie
The fact I get all my music from Tiktok is showing ANYWAYS Penelope Scott has some bangin ass music. I actually associate this song with Steven, and if Bob is down and people are interested I can totally go into why.
Lyrics:You fuckers know it's all built on lies But the beast refuses to die And so I guess well neither can I
Mother Mother is the most basic gay people music but DO I CARE??? NOOOOO!!!!! I can and will add both Haylofts into Oc Playlists! Anyways this bitch got a funky rhythm and I like the way they sing. Also this is probably the album with the most skips but I make the rules I don't care I'mma put it anyways
Lyrics: I'm thinking, "Oh, my God, what a chatty creature" It just kept talking and talking and talking all around in a circle I said, "Hey, little guy, I think it's time to go now"
Now I do think you should listen to both versions of Thermodynamic Lawyer but I really like the lyric changes Chonny does so do whatever you want.
Lyrics:He'll rationalize rhymes 'til the T's and the I's Are re-crossed and re-dotted to a blur Blacks out his eyes, hides the lines, flays his thighs 'Til the-, they think that "he" is their "her"
Ok ok now hear me out. Hear me out here I know it's fucking weird but listen to me. Hear me the fuck out.
This is a fan-Album based on the Podcast The Adventure Zone Balance. Everyone should listen to Balance. It's a funny DND podcast. It is earnest, and stupid and funny and it has made me cry and if you don't have 69 hours to throw to this podcast (with the first 6 episodes being a bit rough as it's their first time playing) I HIGHLY recommend listening to their Current Arc: Vs Dracula. They all know what they're doing and they're doing it hilariously
Rant over. These songs are based on 7 magical objects that are collected by our main characters. These songs also include some clips from the podcast. I'm gonna rec the first one because its the least spoiler-y.
Lyrics: I'm a weapon of mass destruction That can literally fit on your hand So what are you waiting for? I'm thralling as hard as I can Go ahead and put me on- Gloves do not have long attention spans!
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fllagellant · 4 months
okay let’s go! 🖊️🎶🖤☕️ for whichever character has been on your mind the most lately.
YAYAY TY … chose 2 for each ..
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
Giilvas has the titular golden rose tattoo .. starts on the side of his neck and weaves its way down his left side .. all golden yellow ink all rose flowers and leaves and thorns … he does get more post bg3 … a rapier down his spine ( this does get touched up often ) and a crescent moon on the inside of his wrist ( Wyll has a matching sun on the inside of his ) … he could be talked into many more but he is also indecisive as hell when it comes to tattoos
Lucian does ! Both bc he likes getting little designs just everywhere but some are because his patron demanded them , the throat tattoo is the biggest example .. he’ s also managed to sit thru a few tail tattoos to get little patterns wrapped around his tail . He’ s always open to more bc it is Fun
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
Seoras likes more folk and drinking songs . Things that involves the group and builds off of outside participation … he can’ t really play to save his life , he can hold a tune fairly well ! But he just likes the togetherness of the music .. easy to keep rhythm with
As a bard, Lucian has an appreciation for all types of music . He doesn’ t have one favourite , and his preferences shift everyday . Though , he is a flutist first , and usually ends up showing extra love to songs and musicians who also use a flute or a similar instrument .. pan flutes are always something he always enjoys seeing and hearing
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
Omen . Well . Hard to not have killed and broken trust with his record . Especially as a Paladin , being seen as a beacon for hope and care only to turn around and be compelled by Bhaal to kill … yeah . He ended up killing the first friend he made outside of Menzoberranzan because there was no longer anything or anyone keeping the urge in line . He does carry the guilt everywhere and it Is killing him slowly so !
Giilvas is not new to having to kill . Both to protect others or to protect himself . He’ s made peace with the fact there are stains on his conscience and that he really isn’ t absolved of anything by feeling guilt so … he’ s learned to more past it . He’ s also broken people’ s trust , but only people he was never actually going to help anyways . Using his charisma to get what he needs and dealing with whatever he must afterwards ..
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
Danior is a nightmare in the drink department .. he is drinking Concoctions . Straight up toxins . Hot, bitter teas that are both a) an extremely acquired taste and b) could definitely make people ill at best if they have it . Coffee is also very dark , very bitter , and definitely mixed with something that makes it Worse . The most normal thing he drinks is fresh water
Seoras is used to drinking fresh milk , mostly from cattle , and he does go out of his way to purchase some whenever he can . Besides that , he goes for tea . He’ s used to making medicinal teas with a lot of honey to help with bone aches , sleep problems , muscle cramps , etc .. his teas are easy to drink , but can be a bit overly sweet on occasion ..
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lunapwrites · 5 months
when you get this ask you have to you could perhaps maybe bless us with 5 of ur fav songs (currently or of all time), and then send this ask to 5 of your moots who you think have good taste!
Hi hello yes this is one of my FAVORITE games to play. But please be prepared for some slight genre whiplash haha.
At heart, I am an angsty bitch. This song MOVES me like nothing else in this world, and is one I will absolutely belt out in the car if I'm by myself. But also - this is one of a small handful of songs I have always wanted to animate something for because it gives Remus-post-81 vibes but alas, my brain and hands continue to be on non-speaking terms.
Fun fact about me: I decoded the entire alphabet they'd used in the album art for this, and used to write notes to my ex in them so that teachers couldn't tell what I was writing. (S and R were also the same symbol, reversed, which is really funny in hindsight, even if at the time it fucked with my ADHD lol.) I have also done this with dwarven runes from LoTR, and also the entire Al Bhed language from FFX. Anyway this album saw a lot of play during my sophomore and junior years of high school, specifically, but this song has always been one of my favorites.
Tori my beloved!!!! This song goes so goddamn hard, and I have very strong memories of coming home from school and turning on "we have MTV at home" (which was in fact actually better than MTV bc they were JUST music videos, no fluff), and watching this woman marching barefoot through the woods, blindfolded and bound, and just !!!!! Choirgirl Hotel was one of the first CDs I ever purchased for myself for a reason.
This song has the distinction of inspiring the tone and tenor of my first ever poem when I was 12, which I had to submit as a school assignment, and which my teacher felt compelled to pull me aside and ask if I was okay about. Having to explain to said teacher that I was not in fact being imprisoned in my own home and that the poem was about our new puppy crying in his kennel was... an interesting experience lol. What can I say, angst is in my blood lmfao. Anyway, this is another one I like to sing along to a lot, and holds the distinction of containing both the lowest and highest notes I can reliably hit. (I know that Chris is a Baritone with a roughly 4 octave range, but as for what notes he's hitting in this song in particular? Fuck if I know.)
This song. Has such a GORGEOUS buildup - there's a hypnotic rhythm to it also that is fairly common with Tool songs, but just... really really shines in this one. Also it's a song about his mother dying, and about his complicated relationship with faith (and hers.) Like... my god. I know everyone likes Vicarious and The Pot, and they're great songs, but like....
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Anyway, honorable mentions go out to "Orion" by Metallica and "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town" by Pearl Jam and the combination of "Reset" and "Homecoming" by Misery Signals off of their absolutely stunning and literally flawless album Controller, and yes they do need to be in there together. I did also have "5 Dollars" by Christine and the Queens on here originally, but while that song is the epitome of queer joy to me, the impact of it largely comes from the video (being my enby awakening.)
Thanks for the ask! This was really hard to narrow down hahahaha.
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holly-fixation · 10 months
For the full On the Sea of Crises OST for @birdblacksocialclub I genuinely tried to nail the medieval vibe, mostly tavern rather than epic music because as you can see in the fic here, being stuck in jail fits more of the tavern vibe than the grand scale of epic battlefields and such.
This is the break down of my fan made piece for OTSOC.
Going into this I knew two (2) things about pirate music:
Everything is in the key of D minor. Why? I have no idea. Even The Pirates of the Caribbean's main theme follows this sacred law.
6/8 time is your best friend for pirates. This gives more of the rocky boat feel (but again, I do not know the history behind it). Technically drinking music follows this too! Only with 3/4 time. Fun Fact: The Star Spangled Banner is actually one note off from a British drinking song.
Okay back on topic.
I used those two laws for both piano pieces I made for the OTSOC a while ago. Messing with time and key signatures is fun! It changes the entire mood of Crisis Core's main theme and even Those Chosen by the Planet. So, after researching how to make medieval music through a couple of youtube videos and too much googling for appropriate instruments, I went off.
0:00 - I started with just a drum, tambourine, and a couple of strings playing a basic rhythm to build up. In OTSOC, the first thing you see is Tifa yelling at a guard. I couldn't go straight into Crisis Core's main theme without the man of the hour, Genesis Rhapsodos, appearing in frame. (or the frame equivalent of a comic... a panel?)
0:18 - The melody of Crisis Core's main theme/The SOLDIER Way finally kicks in on violin! But ALSO (what I learned from my many youtube videos), medieval music likes to have counter melodies/harmonies. So though the violin takes the reigns, the flute is playing Roaming in the Afternoon Sun, a song most CC players will recognize from the 3,000 side missions in this game.
0:53 - I give into antient peer pressure with a motif from the final boss theme by giving it to the LUTE. The almighty medieval instrument many know due to its popularity in fantasy settings as well! Taverns always love a good lute! (And so do prisons I guess) The moving baseline on the harp and cello was just for fun. This quiet drop and BEING the final boss theme is (supposed to) line up with Genesis's introduction! He likes his drama and DRAMA means Dynamics must Change!
1:25 - The flashback to Shinra Tower in flames. A bad memory for most, a big moment for our crimson boy. Many walked away injured, but despite the chaos and victory, Sephiroth disappeared some unexplained time after. I can't imagine the news painting that in a good light, and Tifa received this information second hand.
1:36 - A combination of CC's main theme on the flute and Roaming in the Afternoon Sun on the violin, before changing the violin to The Price of Freedom. Obviously Genesis is in Jail now, but he looks like he's having a fun time flirting with the girl he is now stuck with. This continues throughout their flirting.
2:21 - Uh oh. He is coming.
2:27 - The opening of One Winged Angel. Except with the instruments I chose, it sounds more like the rail road crossing alarm when a train goes by (note: this comment has nothing to do with the fic). This is where Genesis (or really his mind) is sucked into the 'Other' World.
2:33 - Obviously this Other World should feel, well, OTHER. So I hope you enjoyed your time with real/pirate instruments, we are now in synthesizer and piano territory, with a couple of other instruments for that tasty flavor. Genesis is in another world. He has absolutely no control. He clearly hates this Other!Sephiroth but can't prevent the Cecaelia from slithering his many tentacles around him as restraints. Other!Sephiroth is toying with Genesis, but it's always smooth, never harsh, always alluring and dragging you (yes you the reader) in. Lastly there is a motif of J-E-N-O-V-A underlying just enough to remind you/Genesis that she's watching. And if I may assume, always watching in this world.
(side comment: 2:33 the One Winged Angel section gives me vibes of FFXV's dungeon theme Unsettling Aura but that's only because of the constant piano driving throughout the rest of the piece)
2:55 - Other!Sephiroth is clearly speaking to something else as well as to Genesis and that should set off some RED FLAGS (or more rail road warnings). This is to make you concerned and feel the OWA again. Interruptions are so distracting, aren't they?
3:00 - J-E-N-O-V-A takes over and you hear it through the end. Everything is uncomfortable and dissonant and wrong and perfect. The last note doesn't resolve because this quest is far from over. The threat is far from over.
"...For you are beloved by the Goddess. And it is almost time to come home to her, Genesis." - Other!Sephiroth
...Bottom line, I had a lot of fun making this! This was just a fun little project for one of my favorite fics and writers. It gave me a chance to expand my horizons and hopefully put a smile on said writer's face.
Please check out basically any work by @birdblacksocialclub because she is fantastic!
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Hi!! Idk if this is weird but i saw you mentioned once that you work out and I wanted to ask some advice. My New Year’s resolution is to work out more. Im not necessarily trying to lose an excessive amount of weight, as I’m at a normal/healthy weight, just want to start a new hobby and be more healthy. I’ve never really been a “workout girly” lol, I’ve worked out a few times in my life, but never consistently. I was just wondering if you had any tips for a beginner, or how to create my own exercise routine, or any exercises for a beginner. Thanks for any advice and happy holidays!☺️
Not weird at all. I love your resolution. ♥️ It's a very healthy one that will benefit your mind, body and spirit.
First and foremost I would recommend priming your environment because it will, in turn, prime your mind.
What I mean is: Post pictures of your ideal body in places you can easily see them. This includes your phone or laptop/pc wallpaper. Just ensure they are images that make you feel good and remind you to exercise,e are not meant to pressure you but rather promot your mind towards your set goal so be careful that it doesn't become something toxic, if it feels off to you just avoid this step. Same goes for everything else I wrote, we're all different.
Move the treats and sweets some place where they are complicated to reach. Notice I didn't day stop eating them, it's important to enjoy the good things in life, just be balanced. If you tend to overeat then make it harder to reach certain foods and set days when you indulge because those are also important.
Set up and area in your home specifically dedicated to work outs and decorate it accordingly.
Ensure your workout clothes, gear and post workout stuff are all easily reachable and preferably somewhere in sight.
Select workout clothes that are fun to you, that you look forward to flaunting.
Prepare a playlist of songs that get you moving, songs you can't resist. Be careful about the lyrics as whatever your hear also affects your subconscious so pick motivating songs with positive lyrics, feed your mind energy basically.
Do a short warm up. Doesn't have to be crazy just ensure you warm up.
Start with small workouts, 5-7 minutes of HIIT should do the trick(you can find so many on Youtube, for example, Lucy Wyndham is a great one), it will raise your heart rhythm and then switch intensity which creates excess post oxygen consumption and this will ensure that looong after your workout your body will be burning even more calories than you did during your workout so you will be raising your metabolic rate. These workouts are actually more effective then drawn out ones.
You don't necessarily need to use equipment, in fact, the best HIIT exercises rely on engaging your core and muscles and require no equipment.
Commit to doing the exercises daily (they are short and easy to include throughout your day so if you feel like doing more go for it) and rest during the weekend. Reward yourself each time you finish a workout, this is important because it conditiones your brain to associate workouts with pleasure rather than pain.
Consider possibly using a printed tracker or a task app and always note the session you complete. Those little victories will energize you.
Hydrate properly. This is key.
First few days even a 7 minute workout will seem challenging if you are a beginner but they will go by very fast and, in no time, you will feel more confident, in shape and your strength and endurance will increase. Your body will feel fit and your mood and energy will improve.
Over time, if you feel inspired to, you can increase the duration but keep in mind that exhausting the body isn't necessary as you can burn more calories by doing a HIIT than by engaging in long work outs precisely because of the heart rhythm thing.
You could also consider jump rope and, if you do, then I would recommend 15-30 minutes per day if weight loss is your goal.
If you love music you could consider searching for choreographies of your favorite songs and commiting to learning those as opposes to doing a regular work out. Bonus is you get new moves to show off during parties.
Swimming and especially pool exercises are fantastic.
Basically any activity that raises your heart rate for at least 30 seconds and then lowers it will help you get in shape so consider what you naturally love to do, maybe you prefer rising a bike or hiking, whatever works for you commit to incorporating that at least 3 times per week and do it for as long as you feel inspired to.
If you plan on losing weight then keep in mind that diet plays an important role so choose healthy foods. I do see you've written you're already at an ideal size so continuous seven minute AMRAPs (as many rounds/reps as possible), HIIT and 20 sec fully engaged 10 sec rest moves (tabata) will help you increase flexibility, strength and endurance and obviously will benefit your mind, heart, muscles and joints not just increase your metabolic rate.
Remember to stretch afterwards.
Have a fallback routine for those days where you don't really feel up to complete certain workouts. For example, I love to use small weights and incorporate self defense moves in my work out when I am uninspired on what to do or can't pick. Also, some days I have long sessions, others I stick to small workouts, it depends on how busy I am and how much energy to burn off I have but please know you should increase duration gradually once your body is ready and also, as mentioned previously short workouts can be even more effective when done right.
Post workout, it helps if you develop a self care routine that will have you looking forward to successfully completing the work out so you can then enjoy those relaxed, self care moments.
If you feel more inspired when doing things with others then consider creating a mini group and working out together, try online over Zoom if covid has you under restrictions.
Some online platforms and trainers offer free workout sessions within their online communities so you also have that as an option.
If there's something particular you want to reach, let's say if you are actor looking to develop a certain body then I would recommend hiring a trainer that will design specific session for you but please know you can absolutely work out from home, without spending money and be just as effective. It's all in how commited you are.
Finally, I would also suggest hypnosis, more specifically work out focused ones as it helps prime your mind and if you aren't into that then simply remember everything you tell yourself influences your body so choose to think empowering thoughts about working out because that instructs your brain into developing the preference. So if, let's say, you hate working out or feel like it's hard then "self hypnotize" yourself by only carefully focusing on thoughts like " the benefits of this far out weigh the effort", "I'm going to feel fantastic while enjoying this and even better after", "My body is incredibly capable", " I deeply appreciate where I am right now body wise and I look forward to the improvements that are coming" etc. because how you choose to filter the experience greatly impacts your body's ability to reach homeostasis and access deeper resources.
I guess I should have just distilled the whole post into one single suggestion: Have fun! 🤣 Because the more engaged you are the better the experience.
It's up to you how often you exercise and how long but I would recommend starting with a daily short work out and then expanding into a more personalized routine once you are comfortable.
Important: There will be days when you need rest and self care more than working out so please ensure you follow your own body's rhythm.
Disclaimer: If you have particular medical issues please consult your doctor before engaging in a particular work out.
Oh and almost forgot, for the ladies, if you are blessed chest wise like I am, then please ensure you buy sports bras that offer high support.
That's all that comes to mind right now, I had replied to this post earlier and had written it much better but Tumblr gave me the "ate your post" error and didn't save any draft but hopefully this is also clear. If not, feel free to let me know.
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doctor-fancy-pants · 1 year
Finding pieces of yourself that you thought you'd lost
I have no idea why, but after several years of not doing so, somehow this year I started writing songs again. After shipboard karaoke reminded me that it’s not just Broadway While Driving, I can actually sing and people like it, I’ve been thinking about recording something.
That being said, I never developed the “ah this song is in this key and should have these chords” skill, as that was Shayne’s job as our lead guitar, and he was VERY good at finding the bones of a song if I sang him a melody line.
He’s a metal guitarist and has the requisite chops for that — mostly what I’m after is a folk/rock vibe, so we parted ways musically many years ago.
Meanwhile: I played bass and sang. I was… okay?
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(I am much better now, vocally - but from memory this gig at the Old Bar in 2009 went pretty well. That's Grace the Bass, by the way. Easy action Ibanez that didn't brutalise my hands to keep the strings down. And yes, that is my hair colour under stage lighting. Rach has pretty much nailed it in my Sea Witch profile pic.)
I played bass because no one else wanted to and I figured if I was going to pick up a stringed instrument, low end and four strings seemed easier. Also bass riffs are super fun ("Baby, I got you on my mind...").
I set all that aside when the band disbanded and the PhD got painfully intense.
I never developed the skillset of figuring out the root-note-harmonic bones of a song - so I figured I was probably not a good songwriter. Like. At all.
But the songs have just come at me this year, and old songs I wrote that I’d forgotten about, and those I always remembered…
And this is the space between Xmas and New Year. This is the time between finishing the voyage and finding the threads of my terrestrial existence.
This is the perfect time to drag out my acoustic and my bass guitar, dig out my tuners, and tune them both.
A perfect time to pick up “what is a song I know that is easy to play” so I can learn enough basic guitar to help with songwriting.
(the easiest option for me would involve the piano, which I can actually play. Again, not a virtuoso, but I muddle through. However, my great grandmother’s piano is still up on the mountain.)
A perfect time to grab some bass tabs for songs I know because that will give me a jumpstart since at one point I could, in fact, play bass.
(side note: Adele is extremely fun to sing, but there are two songs on the first album that seem to be carried by bass lines, and that has my attention.)
A perfect time to do all this and not feel self-conscious because normally there’s a voice in my head that tells me not to do this.
That voice can fuck right the fuck off. I don’t expect anything amazing to come out of my songs. I just want to have a record of them. I want to be able to play it for someone and say “I made this, and I am happy with what I’ve made.”
That voice that tells me I’m not a musician and never have been…?Jesus fkn christ I can’t actually play guitar and haven’t tried in years and my fingers still found the frets for the chords I do know without even fucking trying. There’s something there.
And in terms of practice and physical skills, I think about playing Beat Saber, and how I’m fucking good at a rhythm dance game, because I’ve played hundreds of hours.
That reminds me I can acquire physical skills.
At least, I can when the voice in my head - the one that says I look ridiculous- shuts the fuck up. Because who the fuck cares if I look ridiculous? I might as well just lean all the way in and get somewhere.
I haven't done any Beat Saber bragging in a while, but I managed to get through BTS Not Today on Expert+ and score an S on the first try, which is not too shabby.
And I’m going for achievable goals: not aiming to be a virtuoso. I just want to be able to find the structure. I want to piece together the parts of the song I don’t have, and build it up the way it deserves.
Breaking that down further: I know I need interim goals to learn new skills. It’s why I had trouble trying to teach myself coding — I need an immediate use-case, and I didn’t have one.
So: I’ll learn a song I know.
Magpie (Mountain Goats) is a set of chords I already know - bam.
More immediately: Need a capo and some picks, because I have no idea where mine ended up. Fortunately those are very cheap items, and there’s a music shop in Upwey, very close at hand.
One step (fret? Semitone?) at a time.
-Doc out
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wooahaes · 2 years
Ahh we all have that one professor who makes u go ??? The fuck ??? At least 5 times in 20 mins lol I get you
Also the nct thing was purely by accident lol aksnsksms I initially listened to boom by nct dream, thought I’d listen to a couple more songs, fell down the rabbit hole and now I actively Stan 20+ men 💀 yeah I did that to myself lol but fr nct has some weird shit but a LOT of bops like if you like slow ballad type of stuff I recommend from home and my everything but nct u or if u like smth cute Touch by NCT 127 is p well liked by most people I introduce that song to! And most of nct dreams older songs are p cute too! I feel like you’ve made a grave mistake letting me talk ab NCT because I could go on FOREVER aksnsksms also I totally get the mark + Haechan duo lol I have a particular fondness for mark because we share the same birthday lol plus he’s so cute I just wanna fucking SQUISH
I would LOVE to hear you talk about Shinee!! All of their music fuckin SLAPS I’ve been obsessed with Body Rhythm every since it came out and like I got into the fandom p late so I don’t know much but I think taemin is fucking hilarious like he is very much my pathetic lil meow meow
-Baby Teume
literally i love her but the way she runs her classes... headache inducing. im probably going to scrape past with a C unless she decides to drop our lowest grade (highly unlikely but very welcome)
... my confession is that i actually enjoy sticker lmao like ik its not great ig? but i can still vibe with it
i have made NO mistake asking u to talk abt nct!!! pls talk to me about nct whenever u feel like it lmao i love hearing abt other ppls groups and the stuff they get passionate about!! literally i love when ppl give me song recs even if i dont end up getting into them bc its a lil 'hey i thought u might enjoy this' and i think thats sweet <3
i learned that marks emojis are a tiger and a lion and im like omg... tiger... another tiger boy to add to my collection. AND lions too??? mark nct ill give u a kiss omg /j
omg... u will regret asking me abt shinee i love them SO much. im ignoring the fact taemin just showed up on my playlist (highly recommend all of the shinee members solo stuff!!! i can absolutely give recs for my fave from each member even tho minho has like two songs to him rn but theyre both good fdkhdshf)
i always say taemin is my bias (hes adorable AND funny like... king stop my expectations are too high-) but i think im truly ot5 because all of them are so important to me. they were the first kpop group i ever listened to forever ago (sherlock (clue + note) is a legend and i love her so much), and i think dropping off shortly after getting into them (which would have been around 2015 because it was the time view came out) and then picking them a little over a year ago was genuinely like... something that really helped me out of a shitty place + hurt because i had missed the news about jonghyun entirely. but even then, i think its made me appreciate him and everything he's done so, so much. i won't get sappy but i truly love jonghyun so much and i'm glad he's no longer hurting. it'll always piss me off when people reduce him down to his death and nothing else because he was such a good person.
moving on from that before i get too emotional... i genuinely just love shinee a lot. i watched one of the shinee world concerts (IV i think?) earlier this year and its amazing how talented they were and still are. shinee truly helped pave the way and inspired so many idols and i adore them. its also fun to just watch them interact, tbh. i don't genuinely ship anyone because i find that weird, but minkey as a (platonic) pair are my faves lmao they always bicker like an old married couple but you can tell that they do love each other and are genuinely close friends.
and jinki!!! onew my beloved!!! i love him so much. he has such a warm presence and GOD his vocals... i die every time... coincidentally love phobia just came up on my playlist lmao but still!! highly recommend listening to DICE if u haven't!! the entire album itself is good but the title track is soo good <3 i always feel like i forget he's the leader of shinee because they're all so close-knit, it feels like they're all on completely equal footing even if jinki is the one leading them.
i didnt rly get into my love for taemin but genuinely i adore him. he's so, so talented both vocally and dance-wise, i love to see the difference between his stage persona (typically his solo persona lmao taemin and his slutty slutty music... <3) when he's really just this very sweet catholic man who apparently only really interacts with his group mates and a few others outside of that. he's so funny and i honestly admire every live he did where he spoke english and messed up and accepted his mistakes? like. learning a language is hard enough, especially one as fucking weird as english, but he just seems to eager to try speaking english and accepts his mistakes. i think he definitely has a very good support network both in the people helping him learn english (job-wise) and in having someone like key there to correct him (and maybe rib him a little bit--but it's all out of love). also i still think its really funny he broke into keys place to leave him a birthday cake and then proceeded to steal one of his jackets. stole my heart at the same time smh
i will stop here bc i still have two questions left on my final but !!! i will absolutely give u shinee recs if you want!! shinee has SUCH a good discography with only a few songs that are... not good at all lmao. but every group puts out some bad songs sometimes, especially when they've been around for a long time! nothing wrong w that! + i'll probs throw in recs from each member's solo career because i genuinely love a lot of their solo stuff as well <3
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kira-moonrabbit · 23 days
i must further rep rhythm game fans as i recognize all of the songs the other rhythm game guy sent :)
siqlo - SATELLITE : this one isn't from a rhythm game but it Did win a contest held by the label hardcore tano*c, who notably do a lot of music for rhythm games! as you'll see below. lmao
aran - E=mc2 : also not for a rhythm game, but aran's done a lot of work for them! this one's just been hardcore stuck in my head. did you know tano*c does original album series...es? this one's from hardcore syndrome 17!
DJ Noriken - Meta-Mysteria : fun fact, hardcore tano*c sponsored the creation of a rhythm game themselves called wacca! this is one of the originals for it, which also got into the arcaea wacca collab pt2 originally just for switch! no real notes other than this song makes me insane
C-Show - My My My : this one was made for maimai! it's fairly different from c-show's usual work imo, but it's fun :) and i like the title being a joke on maimai with an extra syllable
t+pazolite - Oshama Scramble! : another maimai original, one you'll see pretty much everywhere! has an absolutely infectious energy to it
TAK x Zekk - MIRINAE (Original Mix) : my dedicated arcaea shill. this one's an original made for the latest arcaea sound collection album! just a fun time and a fun listen all around :)
lapix - Flying Castle (Extended Mix) : konami may suck but you have to admit their sound library is insane. this one i can give you an actual genre for too; colorcore! i love color- subgenres, they have a particular sound that scratches my brain
Toby Fox & かめりあ - Summerblue : i'm legally required to show the funny twinbee reference to everyone. i just think it's cool toby got to do an original with camellia for bemani :) about exactly what you'd expect from toby & camellia collabs, of which they've done a few!
thus ends my autism hour. :)
i meant to get to this like, 3 days ago, but my computer chose the wrong moment to decide its tummy hurts, and then there was The Woozy Hour. But now... now should be an epic time... and this time you'll be hearing first impressions rather than after-the-fact recollections!
...eh, ignore the fact this ask is way more than 3 days old. I shall slash the dash and get a-crackin!
SATELLITE - I started trying to listen to this one, and then i realized, "oh, I still have windows music player and windows explorer open. i should close those." Then my computer threw up from me trying to close them. ...Proper opinions now... unfortunately i cant come up with anything super thrilling to say about this one aside from "is good." And good instrumence... all in all, if i had to give it a real rating, it's probably a 7/10, if that even means anything. Which in my personal scale is real good!!!
E=mc2 - Album serieses!!! I've never heard of tano*c before so why oh why would I know such things! But I love trivias! There's like... sort of radio-scratchy vocals that kick in a little bit into this one that i think is one of my favorite things that people can add to music. sprinkle some radio chatter in there. Takes a song from D rank to A rank, to use an esoteric scale. Why do I keep scaling things?! Oh bother!
COMPLETE aside. Im eating sour candy right now. Its very sour. I think it fits this type of music though. I needed something to eat, and if refrigerated candy that hasnt been covered what we got, it's what we eat. I'm not one of those people who can taste music, but the stuff i've been hearing in my inbox thus far has been sour candy coded.
Meta-Mysteria - This song literally punched me in the face. It very much earns its title of being meta and mysteria. Songs that fill me with whimsy and nostalgia... I used to listen to music like this a bunch in my youth, before i decided that... hm... how do i put this... well, before i decided that i didnt like music like it. Tastes come and go like tides... Now I've got a soft spot for this-core music again, even if I like ambiance and whatever the hell you call Present World Overhaul more. Ah, if a song makes me tangent, you know its good.
My My My - I'm willing to admit I don't like this one as much as the other stuff I've seen thus far. It does have the bones of a song that I really would like though!!! "What do you mean bones?" I don't know how to explain it. I'm better with explaining why I like songs I like...
Oshama Scramble! - Ohhh, you introduced me to something famous, I can tell... It definitely is VERY infectuously happy. I too have been drinking a bunch of milk lately, though for very different reasons (all the soda's been making my health act up but i still want something tasty to drink :[ ) This is one I'll have to come back to later to study it like a bug....
MIRINAE - Hey. I know a Mirinae... shes the one who does augury kick strength stacking... This one's got me closing my eyes and paying attention... I am now nodding in a sagely manner. The Arcaea Shill has passed the vibe check. hell yeah boss!!!!
Flying Castle - They most certainly didn't lie. The castle flies. The castle flies!!! My ass loves pianos... Theres piano in this one! Too, too easy to please... Well, a piano does not a song make, but yknow.
Summerblue - I know Twinbee. Vaguely. There's a Kirby character who gets remodelled constantly because of Twinbee. This one's another one that gets a smile and a nod. Quite the fun one, this. This is very close to one of my very favorite vibes. Stuff that causes one to feel endless joy and whimsy!!!! Joy! Whimsy! Hell yeah!!!!!
...Am I allowed to go on my own little autism attack moment? Because I saw "camellia" and I remembered, "oh hey, she did some stuff for Yume 2kki, right?" And then I checked the wiki, and it's true! As far as similarities go, nothing close to anything i've seen in this little list, but any time I get to talk about 2kki is a good time, and it's probably kinda obscure. So in exchange for this lovely list I'll give you a list of Stuff Camellia Has Done For Yume 2kki.
2_38 / Lorn Tower - I love this one! Mysteries... It fills the heart with mysteries. And it sounds kinda underwater, but not like, muffled, but just underwater in general.
2_40 / Power Plant - What if you were stuck in a tube? And people looked at you? Now imagine it funky. Presto!
2_13 / Fairy Tale Woods - It's an eerie drone but with a very, very, very slow beat. But I love eerie drone type beats!!!!!!!
2_16 / Techno Condominium - It's... another eerie drone, but without any frills. Eerie drone enjoyers... ASSEMBLE... ...This one plays in a lot of different places in different speeds, but I'm picking places that I like.
6_3 / Pink Honeycomb - Imagine if a Sylveon was scary. Now imagine music to go with it. Presto! Again!
cave_2 / Realistic Beach Glowing Cave - Nuts! It's nuts! This theme has no right going this hard for the area its in! But I'm so glad it does. There's also enter_2 , which is the same without the crazy beats. Couldn't find it with a good quality on youtube, but the wiki has it.
Phew! There's some cool things for YOU to listen to, too! (I would have included a bonus round of non-camellia 2kki tracks i like but that would be a little too off topic.)
Now I'm gonna go lie down!!! There's a lot to consider.
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allthemusic · 8 months
Week ending: 11 December 1952
Well, we are getting towards Christmas. Will we see Christmas music? Will we heck. Apparently that is not yet how we roll in 1952. Not for another week. That said, the first song (of only two) is good solid party banger.
Come A-Long A-Love - Kay Starr (Peaked at No 1)
I already knew this song, I already like it, but re-listening in the context of all of last week's soupy ballads really gives this a special something. It's fast! It's catchy! It's got metaphors, but they're actually good!
Kay Starr also has some serious pipes. I love her voice here, there are so many little technical things that are good about it, from the slight growl on some of the "Comes along a love" refrain, to the vibrato on the penultimate words of some lines, to the way she drops down onto some of the notes. Somebody who properly does singing could probably tell you more technically what those are - I just enjoy it.
Her voice isn't quite like the other female voices we've heard. It's not trained like Vera Lynn's, and it's not got that restrained, sexy smoulder of Jo Stafford. Doris Day maybe comes closest, but it's not the same thing. She's almost giving Al Martino a run for his money, but it's better - more lively, more vibrant, more tongue in cheek.
It's a song about the feeling of being in love, sung from Kay Starr to some man, so it's distanced from having to be about her being in love, and I think that makes it work? If she was singing about herself, she couldn't be as eloquent, or she'd have to be sappier, but this can be her observing the effects of love on a third party, and it lets her get specific about it without falling into cliché or lameness.
At the same time, it's just super jazzy - the excitement of falling in love is tangible in the music itself, with these brassy stabs at the end of lines, and a bassline that doesn't let up underpinning it all.
And - contrary to almost every other romantic song yet - the description of being in love is neither cliché nor lame! It's apparently by Al Sherman, a Tin Pan Alley songwriter, and to be fair, I could see this doing well on broadway. It's also got a tune stolen from Rossini. A fine pedigree.
I want to quote half of this song. I love the catalogue of effects, how when you're in love "every dream you had becomes ignited", "though you never sang you're always singing", "chimes you never heard began a-ringing", "you sparkle and you bubble, see each bluebird double", "petty things no longer phase you", "you discover things that just amaze you". It's a fabulous description of feeling on top of the world in ways you haven't felt before.
The best and quirkiest effect, though? "Night and day your heart is highland flinging". Such a clever, fun line!
And then the line that sums all of them up: "You just began to live". Which is what all that is, isn't it?
And Kay just sounds so cheeky on the "look out, you gotta whole lotta trouble" line. Like, yes, love is great, but this man is in over his head.
It doesn't overstay its welcome or slow down at the end either. Instead, we get two lines that change the rhythm and speed into an ending that actually makes me think of Bobby Darin's Mack the Knife. I'm not sure if that stands up to musical scrutiny, but in terms of vibe, at least.
Strongly recommend everybody to listen to this one. Catchy, likeable, stylish, kind of cute.
Zing a Little Zong - Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman (10)
Will I write an essay on this one, too? No, but it's cute, still.
The title already tells you that it's going to be cutesy and probably a bit novelty. In fact, it's our first novelty number. It makes them sound like they're from Somerset, but no, they're just Americans being silly (zilly?)
It starts with a spoken countdown, which is always good in my book. "A-one, a-two" and then some scatting - you can't do much better than that.
Basically, he loves her and she makes him want to sing - and then the song metaphor gets pushed and pushed and pushed, with her suggesting that they could get up side by side and "we could a very clever bit of close harmony", which is an oblique double entendre, but it is definitely suggesting... something.
Some unexpected lyrics, probably to keep the Z quirk alive. I don't think anybody predicted that the lyric "We're not by the Zuider Zee" was coming. This, combined with the mentions of Wiener Schnitzel and noodles and strudel and "let's dutch it up a little" made me think this would be from a film about Europe, but apparently not?
It is from a film, but it's a musical comedy about a vaudeville performer from New York. It's called Just for You, and it involves Bing's screen son falling for Bing's girlfriend (Jane Wyman) while his daughter ends up in night court with their governess and then goes to finishing school (?). Films from this period are clearly just built different.
Both performers are good, and have understood the assignment, peppering the song with little "ooh"s and "oh no"s and phrases like "you're a dolly and a dilly". It's quirky and cute, and doesn't outstay its welcome, or drag. It has charmed me more than I thought it would, in a harmless old-fashioned way. It feels like something my grandad would sing around his house.
Just two songs today, and they were both great! I think I much prefer faster songs. They're just a lot more forgiving - a bad fast song is at least over fast, a bad slow song really drags. And neither of these were bad songs, either, which is a win. Give either a listen, and you will probably not be disappointed!
Favourite song of the bunch: Comes A-Long A-Love
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