#fury as MJ’s dad
callsign-dexter · 1 year
A Father's Fury
Summary: Maverick has a talking to Bradley and Jake for scaring his little girl.
Parinigs: Maverick x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, semi-yelling,
First Installment: Maverick's Little Co-Pilot
Second Installment: A Father's Fury
Master List
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It's not like Jake and Bradley came right out and said 'Oh hey Y/N your dad and pseudo brother almost died and left you alone.' No, it was more like they were left in charge of her and they didn't think she was listening, so they talked about the mission. What they didn't plan on was that she understood and took listening very well. For only being 3 she was really smart. Since they scared her their punishment was to teach a bunch of obnoxious cocky new Top Gun cadets, think of a room filled with a bunch of young Jakes and Mavericks, nobody liked to teach them because they never listened and they thought they were hot stuff because they did make it to Top Gun.
Jake and Bradley had gotten tasked with watching Y/N for the night. Maverick had decided to meet up with some of the class of '86 Top Gun students. They had decided to go out to The Hard Deck. Jake and Bradley had just arrived at the Mitchell Household. They had just walked into the house when Maverick started talking to them. Maverick was holding Y/N who was currently playing with his aviators and putting them on, further making her look like a Mini Maverick.
"Her bedtime is at 10 PM. Supper is at 7 PM, it is in the fridge all you have to do is heat it up. There is enough for all three of you. Absolutely and I'm absolutely no sugar after 9 PM, you will never be able to get her down if she has sugar." Maverick told them and they listened intently "She should be fine playing by herself but loves it when you play with her. She shouldn't need a bath but, Bradley knows how to give her one if needed." He said and started handing her over to Bradley. He turned to Jake when he started speaking.
"We got it Pops." Jake said sounding confident but boy was he in for a surprise. Bradley was aware of the stories and having had babysat her but now that she was moving around he was in for a surprise as well.
"I'll be back at 11 PM so after she goes to bed." Maverick said taking his aviators from his little girl's face while smiling at her. "If something goes wrong or if you need me, call me." He finished.
"Seriously, we got it Mav." Bradley said and turned to Y/N when she touched his mustache. Maverick nodded and turned to his little girl.
"Sweetheart," Maverick said and she turned to him "You be good for Bradley and Jake." He continued and she nodded her head.
"Otay, Daddy. I be good for Roo and Jakey." She said and Maverick smiled along with Bradley and Jake rolled his eyes at the nickname but smiled since it was her saying it. Maverick walked over to her and kissed her head then he walked over and grabbed his keys and walked out the door.
Now it was just Y/N, Bradley, and Jake. It was silent for a few minutes when Y/N wanted down. Bradley let her down and she took off. They looked at each other.
"So what do we do now?" Jake asked
"We watch her, make sure she doesn't get hurt, get her fed, and put her to bed." Bradley said and Jake nodded and looked at his watch.
"It's 6:30 PM now. Do we need to go ahead and get supper going?" He asked and Bradley nodded his head.
"Probably should." Bradley said "Go ahead and get it started and I'll get MJ." He said and Jake nodded.
Bradley started to walk to her room and when he walked in he found her playing with her toys. He smiled. He was there when she was born and there for most of her life. He was the first to give her the name MJ when he saw her, she was Maverick reincarnated. "MJ, ready to get washed up for supper?" He asked her and she looked up at him.
"No wash up." She said and he sighed here goes the stubbornness and went back to playing.
"MJ." He said sternly she looked at him and he had a look that he wasn't playing around. She also respected him and did as she was told. Y/N got up and walked over to him raised her hands and he picked her up. He walked into the bathroom and had her wash her hands and when she was done it was 7:00 PM. He walked into the kitchen to find Jake already had plates out and was putting food on them. Jake looked up to find them coming into the kitchen.
"Looks like Pops has left some Spaghetti." Jake said and Y/N clapped.
"Yay! Pasketti!" She cried out in a high-pitched voice that had Bradley moving his ear away from her. He walked over and put her in her booster seat and strapped her in as Jake brought the plates over. Most of the supper was just Y/N talking nonstop and then refusing to eat her food. She eventually did eat and then it was time for her to play.
It was getting close to 9 PM and Bradley and Jake were trying to convince Y/N to get into her pajamas. She was running around and they were chasing her. "Y/N/N please get into your pajamas." Jake pleaded as she settled and looked at him.
"No." She said and took off, Jake sighed and looked at Bradley and he just shrugged.
"Help." Jake said while looking at Bradley who was standing in the doorway of the kitchen since he had already tried and failed.
"You got this." Bradley said and Jake rolled his eyes. Bradley wanted Jake to handle it since he thought it was so easy. After 2 more failed attempts and then Bradley stepping in she finally put on her pajamas. It was 9:30 PM when they sat down on the couch and she was playing in front of them while a kid-friendly movie was on.
Bradley and Jake were exhausted but more so Jake. "You know something?" Jake asked.
"What is that?" Bradley replied not looking at him but Y/N.
"This was more stressful than The Uranium Mission and having to listen to Maverick and you get shot down." Jake said and Bradley nodded.
"You got that right. It made Maverick and I almost dying look like a piece of cake in The Uranium Mission." Bradley said and then he saw Y/N go still and slowly turn to look at him. Bradley and Jake's eyes widened. They didn't think she was listening.
"Daddy die?" She asked with a doe eyed look in her eyes and tears forming.
"Y/N/N-" Jake began but she was already up and running to her room.
"I'll go take care of her." Bradley said after the shock worn off. He got up and took off after her leaving Jake behind.
Bradley got to her room where she was lying on her bed sobbing. He walked in and sat on her bed rubbing her back "MJ, honey." He said and she looked up at him and sat up.
"It true?" She asked and Bradley nodded not wanting to lie to her and she started to cry more and climbed onto his lap and sobbed into his shirt while he hugged her.
"But Jake saved us and we're here with you." Bradley said and she looked up at him.
"Jakey saved Daddy and Roo?" She asked and he smiled at her nickname for him.
"That's right." He said and he looked at his watch it was 10 PM. "Want to go to sleep?" He asked her and she nodded. So he started her routine and she was out like a light. He tucked her in and turned off the light as he walked out of her room cracking the door.
Bradley walked out to the living room where Jake was watching a football game. He turned when he heard Bradley "How did it go?" He asked.
"She cried but I told her that you saved us, then I put her to sleep." Bradley said as he sat down and Jake nodded.
"Are we going to tell Maverick?" Jake asked him and Bradley shook his head.
"No." Bradley said not wanting to deal with a father's fury but didn't know that would be his downfall.
They sat and watched the game until Maverick arrived home. "How was it?" He asked as he finished putting his stuff away and walked into the living room.
"It was good. She can be a little rebel at times though." Jake said and Maverick laughed and nodded. He bid them a goodnight and left. Maverick walked into his little girl's room and smiled. He walked over and kissed her on the forehead.
"I love you, Sweetheart." He whispered and he walked out of the room and got ready for bed.
That is how they found themselves in Maverick’s office, before classes started, getting a stern talking to by their Captain. Maverick was sitting down with the two men in front of him sitting down.
"Did you tell my daughter that I was in an accident and that I almost died?" He asked looking up with fury in his eyes. Jake and Bradley went white.
"We didn't know she was listening." Bradley began.
"We thought she was watching the movie and playing with her toys. We also didn't know she would understand." Jake said getting nervous.
"You know she's smart for her age, right? She's also very observant." Maverick said with the same amount of fury.
"We're sorry Mav. We know she's smart and observant she's a mini you." Bradley said and he nodded.
"Yes, we are truly sorry." Jake said
"For scaring my daughter half to death and giving her separation anxiety, which is taking time to get her over. I'm making you teach the newest group of Top Gun cadets, who are difficult to teach and cocky, for 2 weeks." Maverick said and they both knew what group they were talking about, nobody wanted to teach them because they never listened to anything. Bradley and Jake's faces filled with horror.
"Maverick-" They both began but he wasn't having any of it.
"End of discussion. You both are dismissed." He said and they both left with a soured mood and frowns on their face. They had walked into the rec room where the rest of the group was.
"What's up with both of you?" Natasha asked
"Maverick assigned us to the group of cadets nobody wants to teach because we scared MJ." Bradley said and everyone grimaced they heard of that group and were just glad they hadn't gotten them.
Class started and Bradley and Jake were already regretting it. It took 10 minutes to get them to settle down and listen. Each time they looked up Maverick was back there smirking as they glared at him. He just shrugged his shoulders in a way of saying 'you brought this upon yourselves'. Each day he sat in the back watching them when they weren't up in the air.
Cyclone walked in one day "What is going on?" He asked Maverick quietly and Maverick looked at him and then back to the two men.
"They scared my kid enough to give her separation anxiety, their punishment is to teach this cocky group of cadets for a week." Maverick said and he watched Cyclone nodded from his peripheral vision.
"Nice. Carry on." Cyclone said in a proud manner and walked out and that made Maverick smile knowing he did something that Cyclone approved of.
On the last day of their teaching, he brought Y/N so that each time they looked up and saw her they would be reminded of what they had done. Each time they did they felt guilty. They dismissed the cadets to go and get ready to go up in the jets when they stopped to talk to Maverick and Y/N.
"We're truly sorry, Mav." They both said and the same time.
"It's not me whom you should be apologizing to although I do appreciate it and expect it." Maverick said they turned to the little girl in his arms.
"MJ we are sorry for scaring you and thinking that your daddy would leave you." Bradley said
"We are really sorry Y/N/N. It won't happen again." Jake said.
"It otay, Jakey and Roo." She said and held her arms out to Jake and he took her and hugged her and then she did the same to Bradley. She then went back to her daddy.
"You two are done after this day of teaching this group of cadets. You will go back to teaching your regular classes." Maverick said and they seemed like they visibly relaxed.
"Thank you so much Mav. We promise it won't happen again." Bradley said and Jake nodded in agreement.
"Good. Now go." Maverick said and they scurried off. Maverick took Y/N back to his office where he stayed for most of the day, while she played, ate, drank her juice, and took naps.
No aviator, WSO, nor person, military or not, was safe from a father's fury especially when it came to Maverick and his daughter.
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stvphenwrites · 10 days
So... Little long awaited W.I.P
Stephen Strange had lost his husband Tony Stark to dragons twenty years ago. The chief had thought that his omega had gotten killed when he saw Stark being taken off by dragons to the sky, when the Vikings and dragons were still at war with each other, and when their son Peter was only an infant.
Now Peter was 20 years old and the dragons and Vikings lived side-by-side, Peter had trained a night fury named Edith when he was a young boy, but he had to hide Edith from his village as Edith was the last night fury to exist.
But when Edith saved Peter from another dragon when the kid was supposed to kill another dragon and he didn't. All hell went lose. Stephen and the other Vikings had Edith lead them to the nest where they made a big mistake. The queen of dragons destroying their boats, but, Peter and and his friends on their newly trained dragons, Ned Leeds, MJ, Miles Morales, and Gwen Stacy, Peter was able to get to Edith on time, anyway, long story short. Peter saved the day but lost his right foot, thankfully, Edith saved Peter.
Stephen and the other Vikings now all had their own dragons, Strange even had a Rumblehorn named Levi, this species of dragons can shoot long-ranged fire missiles which explode on impact. They can find anything on scent for miles away, even with just a weak scent from a helmet. That's how Stephen and his friend, Wong, found Peter at a dragon sanctuary covered in large amounts of ice, spreading across, making a safe home for dragons alike.
The chief snuck behind his son, covering Peter's mouth as Edith growled before Stephen raised a head, "Easy girl," He spoke as he let Peter go.
"Are you kidding me?! How did you get in here!" Peter exclaimed quietly before he was cut off by his father, "We're getting out of here. Come on," Stephen commanded as he tugged Peter through the leaf entrance of the sanctuary.
"Okay- Okay, dad, hold on! Lets talk about this!" Peter spoke loudly but Stephen was stubborn and didn't listen to a thing his son had to say. Peter dug his left foot into the ground as he grabbed his father's wrist. "Dad, hold on! I- I have something to tell you-!" Peter exclaimed through his father's rough grip on his arm.
But all Stephen did was drag Peter along, as the young adult continued to try and reason with his father, who still didn't listen. Until Wong stopped and turned toward Stephen, "I uh.. I think you may want to see this.." Wong spoke quietly as Stephen raised a brow before stepping in front of Wong.
And there was Tony… Alive.
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violetthekiller · 28 days
The way this would've been a good storyline but they didn't give us any MJ storyline🥴 (and in NWH i'm pretty sure MJ said "you can't take me back home my dad will kill you", so it's not Fury but it would've been cool)
the way that it’s finally relatively set up for there to be some MJ backstory and solo plot with her at MIT and stuff but i fear the MCU hate logical plot and character development
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themculibrary · 4 months
Flash Thompson Redemption Masterlist
A Soft Place to Land (ao3) - Ink_Vault betty/ned, flash/peter N/R, 98k
Summary: "With great power comes great responsibility." Yeah, right. More like, with great power comes stab wounds and bloody sheets and a hero complex that could take down even the strongest of men. And Peter, well, he isn't the strongest of men. Not to mention that Peter's hero complex doesn't exactly extend to himself.
May still doesn’t know that he’s Spiderman. Because of this, she also doesn’t know about his increased metabolism, hunger, strength, sensitivity, everything. He didn’t really notice, for the first few weeks, until he hears May on the phone with one of her work friends discussing how she didn’t realize how much teenage boys eat. Peter immediately stopped eating.
Flash knows something is up. He knows the signs, or at least he thinks he does. And he's going to get to the bottom of things, one way or another.
Bad Reactions (ao3) - orphan_account M, 5k
Summary: Flash finds Peter mid-panic attack, and for once, isn't an idiot about it.
don't you forget about me (ao3) - OnlyForward G, 8k
Summary: peter parker, ned leeds, michelle “mj" jones, cindy moon & flash thompson are all in school for saturday detention. as secrets get spilled, they get to know each other a lot better over the course of the nine hour day.
aka the breakfast club but midtown high edition
end of beginning (ao3) - webss312 mentioned peter/mj, pepper/tony G, 126k
Summary: Eight months ago, Spider-Man was killed in an explosion orchestrated by HYDRA, leaving behind his mourning friends and family.
Eight months ago, Peter Parker opened his eyes in an underground bunker, in a room with Director Fury.
The only one who knows of Peter’s continued presence in the land of the living is Fury himself, and he offers Peter a proposal— becoming an undercover SHIELD agent.
Fury's motivation: a HYDRA computer disk containing critical information– and Peter (enhanced, anonymous, and seemingly deceased) is the perfect undercover agent.
Peter’s motivation: protect his friends and family, and continue his duties as Spider-Man, in order to take down one of the most infamous supervillain organizations in the world. No biggie.
Everywhere you go (there’s someone after you) (ao3) - Spider_enthusiast pepper/tony T, 22k
Summary: And just like that Peter’s entire world collapsed. With all his luck, all of the gods, and all of the odds, he got placed with the one person he didn’t want. He turned to Ned and they shared a devastating look.
“Well, what are you all waiting for? Get to work!” Mr Harrison said, spinning his chair back to his desk.
Ned and Peter stood up, both grabbing their things. “We jinxed ourselves.” Ned mumbled.
Peter sighed, “I know.”
Or; Peter is placed in a science project group with Ned and FLASH, just his luck. Now he had to figure out how to get through this project while dealing with Flash’s sudden extra-passive-agressive-ness. What the hell was his problem??
Little did he know Flash wasn’t too excited about this either, especially not while finding files on Peter Parker in his own house. Why the hell did his dad have files about Peter and Spiders at OsCorp? And what the hell was an “enhanced one”??
Flash Thompson, First Aid Extraordinaire (ao3) - angels_creative, Brentinator T, 9k
Summary: Just barely managing to stumble through, Peter had all but a second before his knees buckled and he fell face-first into the rug beneath him. Breathing heavily, he could feel someone placing a hand on his shoulder, someone turning him over, but his eyes had already started to shut and he couldn't figure out who it was.
"Parker?" he heard, before he lost consciousness. "What the f—?"
(Or, Peter tries to get help after being injured on patrol, and accidentally reveals his identity in the process.)
Fosters, Brothers, Friends (ao3) - JAWorley G, 34k
Summary: Flash's parents die and he doesn't have any other family to go to, so he goes into the system. He's upset about his family, but also can't believe his luck when the social worker tells him he's going to be fostered by none other than Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. But then he gets up to the penthouse and is confused as hell to find Peter Parker there.
Flash can’t figure out what Parker’s deal is. He doesn’t understand why Peter has a bedroom in Tony Stark’s house, or why he is there every weekend, or why he gets to spend time in Tony’s lab, but Flash doesn’t. Flash isn’t a bad guy, even if he is sometimes a jerk. He learns that perfection doesn’t equal love, but sometimes imperfection is what makes a family whole. This is an Iron Dad fic through and through, but in an outsider POV format as Flash is discovering what's going on.
how to return home (ao3) - JBSForever T, 10k
Summary: Flash Thompson is a good person, but not a great one, so when Peter Parker accidentally gets drunk at his house party, all he can do is say, “Shit.”
- - -
Or: the one where Flash is just trying to be a decent person and get a drunk Peter home. Peter, on the other hand, has different plans.
Letters I Can Never Send (ao3) - Misscar past peter/mj T, 55k
Summary: Set post NWH.
For the first time in Peter’s life, he is alone. No friends, no May, no other Avengers, and no one that remembers who he is. All he has left is Spider-Man. So he starts over. If he keeps writing letters to May, nobody needs to know. There’s no one for him to tell anyway.
How Peter Parker rebuilds his life one month at a time.
Show Me a Piece of Your Heart (ao3) - happybeans T, 15k
Summary: Peter considers the pros and cons of telling Mr. Stark something important about his past. Meanwhile, he's busy with an investigation as Spider-Man and a Robotics project for which he's been paired up with Flash Thompson, of all people! How's he going to survive this one?
Smiling to the Mirror (ao3) - ambivalentangst G, 5k
Summary: Tony Stark meets Flash Thompson at a formal event neither of them wants to be at. He's not exactly expecting to see himself in the kid dressed to the nines and doing calculus at a back table, but life is full of surprises that way.
He's also not expecting the two of them to have a mutual friend, of sorts, but he's good at rolling with the punches—or knives, as it were.
Or, Tony Stark and Flash Thompson meet without knowing what they have in common, and this leads to some interesting situations.
Under the Surface (ao3) - Dwoality G, 10k
Summary: Flash overworks himself to sickness but luckily Peter, the angel that he is, is there to take care of him.
Walls (ao3) - faerialchemist T, 7k
Summary: “Miss Jones-Watson, you’re partnered with Mr. Thompson.”
Flash’s eyes found hers from across the classroom, and MJ gave him a curt nod to acknowledge their pairing. When his upper lip curled in distaste, she fought the urge to roll her eyes.
MJ was not looking forward to this.
We Can't Have Faith For Everybody (ao3) - Hale13 peter/mj T, 38k
Summary: It starts like this:
MJ and Flash, hands cuffed to each other and Peter, wrists and ankles held to the wall by thick metal cuffs and dangling in a way that’s surely to leave his shoulders aching.
The first week Peter, verbally, gives as good as he gets. He never lashes out physically and always does what their captors want the first time they ask. He still spends most of his time that he is in the cell chained uncomfortably to the wall. After the first week someone, apparently, decides that Peter is weak enough from the constant abuse and malnourishment that he is no longer chained up after his sessions; just dropped unceremoniously onto the dirty floor and left for MJ and Flash to care for.
Peter, Michelle and Flash get kidnapped to get information on Tony Stark.
You Will Be Found (ao3) - faerialchemist T, 13k
Summary: Peter snickered, shaking his head as he tucked his phone into his backpack before Ms. Ricci could catch him with it out in class.
Seriously, though, who would’ve thought?
Maybe “nice” was a word to describe Flash after all.
Or: 5 times Flash made an effort to be better, and 1 time he realized kindness begets kindness. After all, there’s plenty of love in the world for those searching with open arms.
(A Flash Thompson-centric 5+1 set between the events of There’s a Fine, Fine Line and If I’m What You Choose.)
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its-an-obsession · 1 year
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Marvel Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Summary: This wasn't supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to fall in love with your best friend, but you did. And you loved it. You thought to yourself about what God decided to put you two together. Both of you always thought that there must've been some glitch in the universe, but neither one of you was complaining.
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
This takes place in the summer before college
Happy Hogan -> Your Father
Warnings: none
Peter Parker x-reader
"Are you done yet?" MJ asked, leaning up against the wall. She watched me look through the table of t-shirts. I shook my head in response. Peter was away on a mission that he couldn't tell me about. Today was the day that he'd be coming home. Peter had been gone almost two months. Which is the longest we've been apart since we began dating.
We were supposed to be just friends You don't live in my part of town, but maybe I'll see you out some weekend Depending on what kind of mood and situation-ship I'm in And what's in my system
To our friends, they were told that Peter was away on vacation with May. They knew about Peter's alternate identity, but for safety reasons, it was best not to spill specifics. MJ reluctantly joined me on my shopping adventure. I was mainly trying to find Peter a 'welcome back' gift, but MJ was insistent on going home. "Y/N, we have quite literally been in this store for an hour. Just pick a damn shirt," MJ ran her hands through her hair.
I ignored her, picking up a navy blue shirt with a pocket on the side. She groaned and tilted her head back. "Okay, that's the shirt you're getting him," she took the shirt from me, beginning to walk to the register. "No," I said. She yanked her arm back so I couldn't grab the shirt.
She dropped the shirt at the counter and pulled out her wallet. The woman at the register scanned the item. "MJ, I can pay for it," I said. "No. If I let you do that, then we'll be in this store for another hour," MJ replied. She handed the nice lady her cash. Within a few seconds, the new shirt had been purchased.
I will admit I was being a bit ridiculous. It really had been hell since Peter left. Nobody on the compound would hang out with me, and MJ and Ned were obviously not allowed. Of course, my dad spent every living day and night with me, so he wanted a break. MJ noticed that I kept checking my phone.
My dad promised that he would let me know when Peter got back. He knew that the group would have to debrief Fury and everyone else. "Do I need to take away your phone, too?" MJ asked. I put my phone into my purse, grabbing the back of her. I quietly apologized.
I think there's been a glitch, oh, yeah Five seconds later, I'm fastening myself to you with a stitch, oh, yeah. And I'm not even sorry Nights are so starry, blood moonlit It must be counterfeit I think there's been a glitch, oh, yeah
She unlocked her car and we hopped in. The two of us told Ned that we'd meet him at his house to help write a job application. "You and Peter are disgustingly adorable, you know that, right?" MJ glanced at me when stopped at a red light. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Yep. You've mentioned it a few times," I said.
MJ softly chuckled and turned down the street where Ned's townhouse was. "You do realize that Ned is going to be asking about Peter as well?" I said, opening the passenger door. "I'm well aware of that, thank you," MJ responded. She locked the door and we walked up the front steps.
Ned's polite and sweet grandmother let us in. She stepped aside, telling me and MJ that her grandson was in the living room. "Is Peter back?" he jumped up from the couch. MJ looked at me then the space behind me, clearly nobody there. "Does it look like he's here?" she remarked.
"Geez, I was just asking a question," Ned said. MJ sat down on the couch and pulled out her computer. I followed her lead, putting my backpack beside me. "So, I'm assuming he's not back then," Ned plopped down on the recliner. MJ looked up at him with raised brows.
He quickly changed the subject, pulling out his laptop. After a few minutes of helping Ned, I decided to go into the kitchen to grab my friends and me some snacks. As I was getting the popcorn from the pantry, my phone in my backpack vibrated. I immediately looked to see who it was.
My father's silly profile photo popped up. It was quiet on the other end until someone spoke. "Hey, it's Peter," my boyfriend said, "Sorry. I broke my phone on the mission, so I stole your dad's phone." I grinned and chuckled to myself. He could be heard breathing heavily.
"Why're you out of breath?" I asked. "Because I had to grab the phone from your dad's desk before he saw me," Peter said, "He runs fast." I laughed again, finally finding the bag of popcorn at the top of the shelf.
I was supposed to sweat you out In search of glorious happenings of happenstance on someone else's playground But it's been two thousand one hundred and 90 days of our love blackout The system's breaking down
It went quiet for a split second. I heard a door open on the other line before Peter yelled. My dad must've found him. "Y/N?" my dad said. "Dad! Hey, how's it going?" I asked, closing the pantry door. He sighed and told Sam to grab Peter. There were a few minutes of rustling before my father continued speaking.
"Your boyfriend's a real bug sometimes, you know that?" he sighed. I was gonna comment something, but decided against it; knowing that that wouldn't be necessary. "Give me like one hour and I'll have a car sent for you," he said. "Dad, I can just have MJ drive me over," I said.
He waited for a second and told me that he didn't want to risk the compound being found, which I didn't know if that was possible. He said goodbye and I went back to my two friends with the snacks. "Who were you on the phone with?" Ned asked, jotting down some words on a notepad.
"Just my dad," I answered. Ned's head swiveled to me when I answered. MJ's head dropped, annoyed with his constant questions, and I couldn't disagree. "Peter's back. My dad's sending a car over," I replied, going back to my notebook.
The two shared a glance before looking over at me. "He's sending over a car?" MJ asked. "Yeah," I replied, "I offered for you to drive me, but he said he didn't want to risk anything." They both said that was fair and went back to their assignments. It was the middle of Summer break and we were all trying to get our summer reading done.
I think there's been a glitch Five seconds later, I'm fastening myself to you with a stitch And I'm not even sorry Nights are so starry, blood moonlit It must be counterfeit I think there's been a glitch
(Later. On The Way To The Compound)
My head rested against the car's window as I sat in the back. William, a new driver, stopped at a red light. He glimpsed at me through the mirror and then to the road. "You must be eager to see Peter," he quickly switched lanes. I smiled, nodding. "I couldn't help but notice you have a gift bag in hand," William said.
His eyes trailed to the tan-colored bag sitting beside me, white tissue paper sticking up at the top. The blue t-shirt sat at the bottom, along with a card that MJ helped me design. "I am sure Peter will love his gift," William said. He turned down a road with trees on either side.
The Avengers compound was deep in the woods, carefully placed so nobody would become suspicious. I felt a small breeze slip through the opening at the top of the window. William pulled into the long driveway of the building. I smiled when I saw my father standing on the balcony, Natasha standing beside him.
"We'll go in through the back," William said. He drove around the side, ending up in the compound's garage. When I stepped out of the limo, my father and Natasha were making their way over. "Hey, love," Natasha said, putting an arm around my shoulder.
She kissed me on the forehead. "Peter won't stop urging medic to hurry up," Nat said. I looked up at her with furrowed brows, wondering as to why Peter was in the med bay. "They just finished the debrief, so Peter is all yours," my dad said, shooting me a smile. "William, you can park the car over there. You'll be taking Peter and Y/N later," Natasha pointed to a spot.
He nodded. William waved goodbye to me before walking over. "So, watchya get him?" Natasha playfully nudged my shoulder. She winked at me. I lifted the tissue paper, revealing the blue shirt at the bottom. She smiled, telling me that Peter was going to love it.
I was supposed to sweat you out In search of glorious happenings of happenstance on someone else's playground But it's been two thousand one hundred and 90 days of our love blackout The system's breaking down (the system's breaking down)
We walked down a few more hallways until landing at the medical wing. I saw Dr. Brenner standing at one of the counters, organizing some small containers with a few bandages and others. Peter was sitting on one of the beds. His legs swung back n' forth, his hands rubbing the sides of his legs.
I saw a large bruise underneath his eye, a fresh cut on his cheek. I looked up at Natasha. "I'll tell you later," she said. Peter looked up from the ground and broke into a smile when he saw me (GIF Above). My father opened the door, ushering me inside. "Meet us in the debriefing room when you two are done," my father said.
He lightly kissed my forehead before leaving with Natasha. I closed the door behind me just as Dr. Brenner left the room. "Hi," Peter said, letting out a heavy breath. "Hi," I repeated. I stepped over to him and wrapped my arms around him after dropping the gift bag.
My boyfriend sunk into my arms when I hugged him. "I missed you so much," Peter said, his voice muffled from my jacket. I nodded against his shoulder. "I've heard," I said. He let go of me, his hands on either side of my face. Peter didn't waste a second to set his lips on mine.
Peter set a hand on my waist, pulling me closer. When we pulled apart, he saw the bag sitting beside the bed. "Did you get me a gift?" he asked. I looked down and nodded. I picked up the bag and sat down, him following pursuit. He leaned against the wall.
I think there's been a glitch Five seconds later, I'm fastening myself to you with a stitch And I'm not even sorry Nights are so starry, blood moonlit It must be counterfeit I think there's been a glitch
"I didn't know what to get you, but I remembered you were eyeing this online. So, MJ and I went into the store to grab it for you," I said. The corners of his chapped lips turned when I handed him the bag. "Oh, sick," Peter chuckled, taking out the blue shirt. He ran a hand over the black pocket.
He looked up at me with a smile still on his face. "There's a card," I whispered. Peter turned back to the bag and grabbed the little paper card. I swear his smile grew ten times bigger when he took it out. "Oh my god, is this me?" he pointed to the Spider-Man drawing. I nodded. "Yeah. MJ helped me," I said.
Peter hugged me again, still holding the T-shirt and his card. He kissed my cheek. "I love it, Y/N/N," Peter said. His eyes glanced to the left every so often. "Your dad's outside the window," Peter said, gritting his teeth as he smiled.
I furrowed my brows and glanced to the side, seeing my father standing there. He quickly turned his head when I saw him. "Seriously? Dad, go," I waved him away. He put his hands up and walked in the opposite direction.
A brief interruption, a slight malfunction I'd go back to wanting dudes who give nothing I thought we had no chance And that's romance. Let's dance
I looked back at Peter, softly chuckling. "You have no idea how many times Ned has asked about you. I'm pretty sure it's been more than me," I said. "I figured," Peter responded. He was still wearing his suit, but he wore his favorite navy blue jacket. "You can stop mommy-ing me," Peter said, taking my hands off the hood of his jacket.
"I'm not mommy-ing you," I shook my head, withholding a smile. "Yes, you are," he chuckled. He smirked, but our conversation was cut short by Nat knocking on the frame of the glass door. "Debriefing room," she pointed over her shoulder.
I sighed, nodding, and turned to Peter, who was already looking at me. "You should probably head over there," I said. "Yeah," he spoke with a sigh, "Walk with me?" I nodded and stood up from the bed. He grabbed my hand as the two of us walked down the hallway, Natasha leading the way.
"What'd you want to do after this?" I asked, swinging our hands together. He held the gift bag in the other hand. "I kinda just want to sleep," Peter let out a long sigh again. The double doors of the debriefing room appeared when we rounded a corner.
Natasha opened the door, ushering Peter in. "I'll catch you later," I kissed his cheek. He winked at me before following Nat into the room. Sam peeked his head over Steve's shoulder, giving me a small wave. I responded with one back and made my way over to the living area.
Glitch Five seconds later, I'm fastening myself to you with a stitch And I'm not even sorry Nights are so starry, blood moonlit It must be counterfeit I think there's been a glitch
Taglist: @transias @kasidy709 @carmellasworld @sh-tposter2021 @midnightstar-90 @ramaalkayyali @nix-rose @arabellelancasterstuff @simpforthemcu
If I've crossed out your name, that means I can't tag you :)
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trickybasterd · 20 days
what if to the people that matter most. all memories of peter were replaced with spider-man.
so all the times was peter was with the memory is replaced with him being in suit.
- happy remembers being on a plane with spider-man, taking him germany and staying in a hotel room next to him and telling him to keep the noise down remembers flying to the netherlands to pick him up. he remembers the mask on his face but feels like he knew the look of betrayal that was on his face. he remembers may and how important spider-man was to her how much she loved him but cant remember why. he remembers arriving his apartment building fires everywhere, letting himself be arrested so that spider-man got more time to say good bye. he remembers telling spider-man to run.
- dr strange remembers spider-man on titan, he remembers him at tony funeral. he also remembers him coming to him for help, he remembers casting the spell understands why he doesn't remember why
- liz remembers being saved by him in washington and how he seem to be familiar with her and then later after her dad had been arrested she remembered an apology from spider-man, she can't understand why he sounded so broken in it. she remembers feeling hurt by him and not because he sent her dad to prison
- ned has tonnes of memories of spider-man that dont make sense. ned remembers building lego with spider-man when he was younger. laughing in a room he doesn't recognise. he remembers. spider-man on a ceiling and them both freaking out. he remembers asking questions lots of questions and actually getting answers, he remembers being ditched at a party and then being shown the reason why. he remembers the alien technology and the glow it had. he remembers going to washington and hacking spider-mans suit and feeling uncertain about doing it. he remembers telling spider-man he is a kid and rebutted it with a yeah a kid who can stop a bus with his bare hands. he remembers telling spider-man to be careful when he leaves and calling him when he didn't return and frantic he was when he finally got through to him. then he remembers falling and being saved in the elevator. he remembers how the school buzzed around the topic of spider-man and how he felt like he was in on the best secret. he remembers arguing with spider-man because he was trying to cut school.he remembers watching the news and seeing a ferry had be saved by iron man and spider-man. he remembers how spider-man seemed to disappear for a brief time only to return at the homecoming dance, he remembers picking up spider-mans webshooter and saving him being told that the vulture was liz's dad. then he helped track the vulture and called happy. he remembers liz's last day and feeling guilty he knew before she did.
he remembers feeling relieved and thankful that spider-man had blipped the same as him. so they still had eachother. he remembers how spider-man hugged him.
he remembers sharing a room with spider-man in venice and talking about nick fury and elementals. he remembers being told to stay indoors and safe but followed betty anyway to make sure she was safe. he remembers how relieved he was when spider-man saved them. then remembers finding spider-man and mj in a hotel room and feeling left out. he remembers reassuring mj that spider-man would be fine hes got this its not real and then being chased by drones and then being told spider-man saved them.
he remembers worrying about colleges with spider-man and how they said they'd all live together in boston. he remembers walking into the sanctum sanctorum. he remembers helping spider-man track down multiversal villains. he remembers feeling hopeless when the news told of fight and a death. he remembers the magic, and 2 more spider-men but they werent the right one. he remembers finding spider-man and hugging him letting him know he wasn't alone and how the other spider-men spoke to him understanding. he remembers asking if the older spider-man had a best friend too and then he remembers promising his spider-man that he won't turn into a supervillain and try to kill you and meaning it. he remembers running and watching spider-man almost kill someone. he remembers saying goodbye. he remembers hugging him he remembers his best friend. he remembers a promise a promise that spider-man broke. so maybe they can both break promises.
- flash has flashes of him pushing spider-man, throwing insults at him. he pushes them down hating that he could ever have done that to his hero. he remembers hating how easy it was for people to like him even though he was always late, or not around. how smart he was without even trying or paying attention. how he never seemed to try but somehow succeeded. he's confused by these memories because how could he ever hate spider-man and how he even knows spider-man in this capacity.
- mj remembers watching spider-man and feels silly at the implication she had a crush. she remembers walking with him and talking alone on a bring in prague to spider-man before they discovered that mysterio was lying, and following him back to the hotel, where ned found them. she remembers how hw swung out the window. she remembers worrying about him on bus in london and then remembers running from drones, knowing that mysterio was after her. she remembers picking up a weapon and defending herself. she remembers running to spider-man after it was all over making certain he was okay. she remembers kissing him first then telling him she liked him and how he kissed her said 'i really like you too'. she remembers swinging through new york. the wind and how terrified she was swearing she'd never do it again. until she had to. but with an uncertainty as to why.
she has missing pieces but she remembers him panicking and she remembers meeting someone important to him.
she remembers helping him in the sanctum sanctorum. she remembers his voice when he he found out these people might die. she remembers him running from dr strange and returning through a portal saying he won and her not being surprised. she remembers octavius asking why he didnt leave them to die and her response being because thats not who he is. she remembers him telling her to leave and keep herself and the box safe. she remembers protesting and then caving in and threatening to the press button if she didn't hear from him and she remembers kissing him and telling him to be safe. she remembers worrying about him when the villains tore through the apartment complex and she remembers 3 spider-men but being able to distinguish hers from the rest. she remembers finding him on that room and seeing his grief. she remembers holding him while he cried. she remembers how the other spider-men help him, telling him they understood. she remembers watching the 3 of them work in the lab and laughing how there were 3 of them. the she remembers reassuring her spider-man that she was here and they were in this together.
she remembers falling. then watching in fear as her spider-man almost killed someone.
she remembers crying, a lot of crying and a heartbroken kiss on liberty island and she remembers a promise he didn't keep and despite all the danger and running she remembers the love because its still there only now she feels heartbroken because he didn't come and find her. she wants to find him and shout at him, and tell him she remembers things but clearly he made his choice.
mysterio remembers tracking spider-man, finding him and tricking him. he remembers the fear on that bridge when he closed his eyes and tore through those drones like they were nothing. he remembers getting shot that was real. remembers winning, he remembers sharing something about spider-man. he can't remember what though. he knows he won, he knows he tricked him. it fills him rage, because he knows spider-man took something from him.
adrian toomes
- remembers that his daughter was the connection to spider-man but not why
he also remembers how despite his attempts to kill spider-man, he'd been saved by him.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 30
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC: Elizabeth Y/L/N (created so you don't get Y/N and Y/S/N consistently mixed up. I do not condone any copying of this.
A LOT OF PREPARATIONS WENT INTO ELIZABETH'S wedding. Your father had a huge fight with Tony about who was going to pay for the wedding. In the end, your father won.
That of course meant the wedding was going to be on a smaller scale, but that was probably for the best. Elizabeth would prefer the smaller wedding, and it would also give your family less people to embarrass yourself around.
To be fair, most of everyone who was going to be invited was already there. Fury, Maria, Coulson, Hope, Scott, Wong, Peter, May, Happy, Pepper, and MJ would have to fly in. Fandral, Volstagg, Sif, and Frigga would be beamed down. But other than that, there wasn't really anyone else Elizabeth had planned on inviting.
Your mother rarely participated in the discussions, not even over Elizabeth's dress. Natasha was going to step up into that role until Frigga had come down and said she already had a dress ready for Elizabeth.
However, dad lost the fight against the Queen of Asgard for the price of the dress. You weren't entirely sure he would've been able to pay for it anyways.
A church was booked, something you thought Loki would scoff at but he seemed to respect it which made you relax some.
Stephen had been added to those that Elizabeth was going to marry as his tattoo was also fully coloured, leaving only Steve and Bucky out of it. You wanted to ask how they felt about Sam marrying Elizabeth, but you knew the better thing was to pretend the gap didn't exist at all. Things went smoother that way.
Originally, Elizabeth was only going to have Natasha and Wanda be her bridesmaids, but once realizing that Sif would also be one, she enlisted Pepper to be the fourth. She had to have even numbers.
You had told your soulmates that after Elizabeth's wedding, you wouldn't mind getting married yourself. Within the next year or so, it didn't have to be immediate. But the conversation between Elizabeth and you had opened up a part of you that wanted to take your next step in life. And that meant getting married, having children, having a family.
The snow came down thick in the middle of November which meant Steve and Bucky weren't leaving the house. They didn't deal with the cold well.
Loki was okay with the cold, but it often made his skin turn blue, but he didn't mind his Jotun form as much and you were glad about that. Of course, in his Jotun form, only Thor, Elizabeth, and Frigga could actually touch him and not get frostbite.
The fall harvest came along before the wedding, so Elizabeth was out there taking care of pumpkin, corn, and squash. Hogun, Bruce, Clint, and Tony helped out. You wondered if they would start to prefer the farm over New York.
Surprisingly, this did not upset you like it might've months ago. With your soulmates on the farm, it seemed happier, busier, and more loving than it ever had. You could actually imagine your future family growing up on the farm. The idea might've even of made you happy, though you did want to return to New York more.
Your mother had held off on getting an abortion so far, at least to the point where she was starting to show. You knew she was also feeling trapped and had overheard her talking on the phone to a clinic. So you knew she was going to wait until you and your soulmates and your sister left back for New York to get the procedure done.
Thanksgiving came and it was passed at the farm house. Your grandparents on either side of the family came and joined you all for three days. Topped with all your soulmates, Frigga, Thor's Asgardian friends, and all of the others like Fury, Pepper, Phil, T'Challa, Shuri, Okoye, Maria, Scott, Hope, and all of the Guardians coming down to join a few weeks before the wedding, the house was crammed.
The guardians and Wakandans slept on their large ships, which they had parked- luckily not on the farm. You hoped everyone was comfortable.
Elizabeth, Wanda, Frigga, and your mother slaved in the kitchen for what felt like the entire day. You would've helped if you weren't scared you would burn the food or knock dishes over.
It helped too that the only thing they gave you to eat throughout the day was one of their homemade trays with cheese, butter, cream cheese, crackers, pepperoni, salami, and ham.
By the time dinner was done, everyone was starving. An extra table had been set up in the living room and everyone tried to mix themselves with company.
A huge carved turkey was placed on table. You saw Elizabeth looked a little upset about it and she muttered to you, "That was Tommy."
You tried not to laugh.
There were large bowls on the table was well filled with mashed potatoes, stuffing, mashed turnip, creamed onions, cranberry sauce, Brussel sprouts with bacon, and mixed rice. There were platters with corn on the cob dripping with butter, greenbean casserole, sweet potato casserole with marshmallow, a Waldorf salad, roasted squash with goat cheese and poached cranberries, spicy lemon cauliflower, mac and cheese, grape salad, and bread rolls.
The rolls had actually been imported in from Sauder Village in Ohio as there hadn't been enough leftover wheat to turn into flour to turn into yeast. Elizabeth had clearly dealt with the rolls because small incisions had been made into the sides of them so that they could be stuffed with butter the minute they'd been taken out of the oven.
You also knew that for dessert they had prepared a couple of pumpkin pies, two cherry pies, one apple pie, and all of them to be topped with a scoop of home made vanilla ice-cream. Elizabeth had also cooked a batch of brownies because she actually didn't like pie. Well, she liked pumpkin pie, but she didn't like anything else and she never ate the pie crust, only the filling. But she hated wasting food so she just preferred to make herself something else. There was also two very large pumpkin rolls with cream cheese frosting.
It was the most pleasant night you had had in a long time. There was no awkward silence- perhaps because it was Thanksgiving, perhaps because your grandparents didn't know about your mothers' medical decision, maybe because your mother was sitting with people who weren't aware of the conversation, maybe because your father wasn't sharing awkward stories or Elizabeth being forced to sit next to Steve or Bucky. Regardless, it was the best night of the stay.
The food was complimented on and devoured with very little for leftovers. You and your sister had remembered the old tradition of gift giving. Your sister was more prepared than you, having gifts for the Wakandans, Asgardians, Guardians, and extra Avengers that had popped in on you. To your slight surprise, she even included Steve and Bucky, though she was very quick in dropping their gifts on them and hurrying on to Loki.
The presents were little things. You knew Elizabeth always did some sort of simple wood carving. It was the only type of art that she was good at.
You also did a sort of art, which were small oil paintings. These paintings were done on canvas, which was rectangular shaped and just a little bigger than your hand. Over the years, you had done paintings on objects or things that you thought your family would be if they were such an object. Like when you'd done flowers, you had done a Magnolia Elizabeth flower for Elizabeth, Anthurium for your father, and a daylily for your mother.
This year was animals. Which was part of the reason you didn't have extra paintings. For one, you didn't know the others well enough to envision them as an animal. For another, you hadn't expected them to be here, even if you had.
And then, once you had thought there could be nothing more, as you all gathered in one large group in the living room, really nothing more than a pile of tangled limbs on the floor to give your grandparents and parents- you'd tried letting Frigga sit as well but she refused- the chairs, Elizabeth still had another surprise.
And so as you all watched the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving DVD, you between Steve and Tony, the former feeling rather nostalgic, Elizabeth brought out homemade hot chocolate with whipcream topped with marshmallows and peppermint shavings.
A few weeks later, December came along and things were even busier. Elizabeth was a little upset because she'd been told she wasn't allowed to make her own wedding cake. You'd overheard her arguing with dad that if she was allowed to make the wedding cake, it would be cheaper than him paying for it. But he was adamant that he was paying for her wedding. And that included the cake.
A week before the wedding, Thor pulled the two of you into a separate room.
"What's wrong?" Elizabeth demanded immediately. She was tense as a wire, now that there were seven days left till the wedding.
"Well, nothing." Thor admitted. "But I wanted to talk to the two of you."
"About?" You asked. One of the things that Thor loved to do the most, was draw out conversations that he thought might be awkward. He had to be nudged.
He hesitated and then said, "I've talked to my brother and mother. My mother believes that she has found a way that your mother could go through with the birth and feel no pain."
You blinked. "Really? But does the pain even matter? I just thought she didn't want another child?"
Elizabeth shifted on her feet awkwardly. "I mean, grandmother told me that it was because mother doesn't have a high pain tolerance. But there could be other reasons. . ."
You blinked and then realized you'd never asked who had told Elizabeth that your mother hadn't wanted her. You looked at her now, "Who did tell you?"
Elizabeth blushed a little. "Dad's mother."
You nodded and then looked at Thor, "How will it work?"
"Well, Loki and my mother will use magic and I will use my powers as the God of fertility to transfer the pain to another person. They will feel every contraction, cramp, kick, etc. that the mother would normally feel up until after your mother gives birth to your brother. Then the magic will diminish and you will no longer feel what your mother feels."
Admittedly, it did not exactly sound fun. You weren't entirely sure you wanted to do it if you weren't having your own child.
"I'll do it." Elizabeth was immediately, softly. "It's only right if I do it."
"Elizabeth, you don't have to." You said quickly.
Elizabeth shook her head, "Yes, I do. She didn't want me. So it's only fair if I take on this burden of pain."
'Your sister was born to free you.' Loki's voice whispered in your head. You shook it slightly to clear it.
"Er- actually." Thor interrupted sheepishly. "There's already been a volunteer."
You both blinked.
"Who?" Elizabeth asked in surprise.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
"WHY?" ELIZABETH DEMANDED THE MINUTE the two of you tracked down Natasha and found her. She was in the barn, petting one of the horses that were in there. She looked over at the two of you.
"Why what?"
"Why would you volunteer to take my mother's pain?" You finished.
"Oh that." Natasha said. "Because I want to."
"I don't understand why." Elizabeth continued stubbornly. "You don't owe my family anything. And you're willingly going to take this pain because. . .?"
"Because I can't have children." Natasha finished softly, feeding the horse a sugar cube. Elizabeth pursed her lips as the horse took the sweet treat it wasn't allowed to have, but said nothing in response. "The red room ripped my reproductive systems out the minute that I had my first mensuration cycle. This will be the closest I can get to feeling like I can have a child."
"That's why you ran from the table. . ." You whispered.
Natasha nodded, "I have nothing against your mother Elizabeth, Y/N, but I cannot stand women who throw their children away. They don't know how lucky they are, the fact that they can even have children. And I want children so badly and they just. . . they waste their gift. If the baby wasn't going to be your brother, I'd even offer to adopt him."
"I'm sorry Nat." Elizabeth said softly, looking like she wanted to hug the assassin, but restrained herself. "I cannot imagine how that. . . I cannot imagine not being able to have children."
You felt guilty, because you'd never really wanted children. Not really until recently. Your mother had always said that it wasn't important to have a lot of children. You only needed one to be happy. You'd always thought she'd said it because she wanted you to know that you were her favorite daughter. But now, you wondered if she was just bitter over Elizabeth.
Your grandmothers had both told you that children were the joy of their life. They'd both had over five children each and said it was the best time of their lives.
So you had grown up with mixed opinions and figured between 2-4 children would be fine to make everyone in your family happy.
But Nat was also right. Children were a gift given to you, either by God or Life, whichever one you believed in. And however many you had was what you got and you made do with it. And it didn't hurt that Tony had a huge place to keep all the children and raise them.
"Are you sure?" Elizabeth asked and you blinked. "Because I am more than willing to take my mother's pain."
"I'm sure." Nat said with a sad smile. "I've already made Loki and Frigga promise me they would transfer to me. Let me do this."
Elizabeth bowed her head slightly. "Okay."
"Thank you." Nat said and she turned away before we could see the tears fall from her eyes.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
THE PROCESS WAS DONE THE FOLLOWING day. Everyone in the house was surprisingly silent, almost everyone in the living room. Elizabeth was standing at the window, staring outside, her arms crossed over her chest. You knew she was crying, though you weren't sure why. But that was why her back was turned. Her arms were crossed to hide the fact her body was wracking with silent sobs.
You didn't watch her so that no one else would watch her. But Steve kept looking up from his book to look at her back and you wondered if there was something about this situation that would make their relationship change.
If it would ever change. You were starting to doubt whether they would ever make the status change.
Everyone else was reading, except you and Clint, who were just laying in each others embrace. Clint was half asleep.
The silence was suffocating until the door upstairs opened. Elizabeth turned her head a fraction of an inch while you lifted yours.
Frigga entered the room, touching Elizabeth's shoulder gently. "It is done." She was smiling a secret smile and you wondered what she had been up to.
Elizabeth nodded, refusing to show her face to anyone and quickly slipped through the door. Hogun was on his feet in an instant, grabbing his and her jacket to run after her.
Clint squeezed your hand. You knew he'd been worried about Nat. No one had known what the procedure would require and he was her best friend. He'd been worried something would go wrong and she would get hurt, or even die.
You kissed his cheek and let him up so that he could go upstairs and see her. You'd probably join him in a moment.
"Thank you." You murmured to the Queen of Asgard. "I mean, I know it's not like you saved someone's life or anything, but I do appreciate-"
"But I did Y/N." Frigga said softly. "I saved your brothers' life."
You just nodded and she smiled. Thor and Loki quickly joined the group. Loki seemed silent, but that was usually normal. Thor on the other hand was smiling brilliantly. You gave Loki a curious look.
Loki pulled you to the side, "He could foresee your brother for a little bit. He's always been like this with children. It excites him."
You nodded in understanding.
Nat came down the stairs with Clint. There was no obvious change in her, though she seemed to smile just a little more.
"Where's Elizabeth?" She asked you.
"With Hogun. She was crying and she went outside." You relayed and then wondered if you should get a filter for your mouth. You doubted she wanted anyone to know she'd been crying.
Nat nodded and then said, "I don't blame her. I'll find her later then. I'm sure she wants to be alone right now."
You privately agreed but said nothing.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
YOU WERE LOOKING FOR ELIZABETH three days later. They wanted her for the alcohol tasting- which you knew she wouldn't want to attend in the first place. But you still offered to go and find her.
You found her in the most surprising spot, the spot on the trail that still gave you nightmares and sent shivers down your spines along with a stab of guilt straight to the heart.
"Why are you sitting here?" You asked softly, standing back from the cliff edge. Elizabeth was sitting there with her back to you, legs dangling over the edge.
"I came here to think. I always sit here when I need to think." Elizabeth said. "It's a memorable place."
You stayed silent on that bit. "They wanted you for wine tasting."
"I don't think I'm a good judge. It all tastes like hand sanitizer to me. I'll take apple cider for when I'm supposed to have white wine and grape cider for red wine."
You smiled a little and then it faltered. "Why here? There's only bad memories here."
"For you maybe." she replied. "But I learned things here. Unspoken rules and lessons."
"What I said that day-"
"Was all true. I never blamed you. You were young." Elizabeth replied.
"So were you." You whispered, tears piling up in your eyes. You wiped them away bitterly. It wasn't as though you were the victim.
You remembered the two of you riding along the path on horses. Elizabeth's horse was closer to the edge. She'd braided her hair into pigtails with two huge ribbons on the tops. She'd been wearing a pink tutu over blue jeans as well, because her father had told her that farm girls always wore jeans and your mother had said girls wore princess skirts and she'd tried pleasing both of them.
You could remember you yourself was wearing a neat skirt and a blouse with a long ribbon tied in the front. You'd brushed your hair out till it shone, trailing down your back.
You remembered the conversation had turned to soulmates, just as the sun dipped behind a cloud to give the both of you some relief, though the trees mostly kept the sun out anyways.
You could remember every word that was spoken, you could remember every facial expression, every thought inside your head, and every movement. You could remember the scream.
"You're still living in the past." Elizabeth said. You blinked to see she was looking at you over her shoulder now. Once she knew you were back in the present she turned back around.
"It's getting cold, are you sure you don't want to come back up to the house? Queen Frigga said it's going to snow tonight." You avoided a reply.
"I'll be back soon. I have to cook dinner." Elizabeth replied.
You hesitated. You felt like there was something you should say, something you were supposed to say. Or perhaps even an action you should take. But you said and did nothing more than turning and walking away.
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faerieriddle · 2 years
My Marvel headcanons that definitely don’t align with canon, but fiction is pretty subjective so we ignore it:
Steve swears like a sailor. You can’t tell me a scrappy kid from the lower parts of Brooklyn who lived during the Great Depression didn’t have a foul mouth.
Bucky’s dad was absent growing up and as the oldest in his family he became the “man of the house”. He grew up making sure his siblings always has clothes and food on the table. It’s why he’s protective of Steve even in his 6 foot bodybuilder form.
Peter Parker is a ftm trans man. It’s the reason he’s so defensive of his voice/age/height because he feels like he’s being clocked whenever it’s pointed out. Also spider-MAN?? It’s in the name.
Wanda is the absolute worst case of plant mom you’ve ever witnessed. Her house is just green.
Loki and Thor are both the human equivalent of transgender, but it’s because they literally lie outside the human idea of gender. They will respond to any pronouns or labels given to them. They? That’s cool. She? Why not. He? Acceptable. Kitten? Strange, but sure.
Thor actually has a decent grasp on human customs he just does it for shits and giggles.
Loki has a love affair with Earth’s coffee. They can be seen stepping into a Starbucks with a puffy green scarf at all hours of the day.
Carol Danvers grew up as a human women but it never felt quite right. They don’t have a label, but that still works for them.
Natasha is a sexually repulsed asexual aromantic. Bruce is a demi-sexual biromantic. It’s why their queer plantonic relationship works so well. They are also not monogamous, but not very interested in other people because they’re each other’s safety net.
Bucky is the biggest supporter of bodily autonomy you’ve ever seen. He broke the internet the first time he showed up to a rally with a awkward Steve in tow.
Steve doesn’t really know about these newfangled terms like “transgender” and “bisexual” but he signed up to protect the American people regardless of who they are or who they like. Also, if the Bucky who quietly whispered how he thought fellas were kinda of pretty in the dark of night finally felt accepted then it was good in his book.
MJ is a trans woman who no one knew was trans until she stood on top of a table during freshman year and yelled at Flash for being transphobic. Peter fell head over ass that day.
Tony did in fact make Peter’s internship legally real and just forgot to tell him. Peter was also the inspiration for the high school internship program he launched during the five-year blip.
Tony and May fight over who can put the newest Peter achievement on whose fridge. The first time Peter noticed his report card on Mr. Stark’s fridge he cried.
Although he doesn’t use it much T’Challa has a Bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology with a minor in Marine Biology.
Peter ends up getting a double degree in Molecular Engineering and Robotics. He ends up using them to create breakthroughs in the medical field.
Nick Fury is a common sight at the Barton’s family Christmas. He wasn’t even invited to be completely honest, he just showed up one year and never stopped.
Harley Keener was fostered by the Starks after his family disappeared during the Blip.
Yelena randomly shows up at the Bartons with gifts for the kids out of remembrance for Natasha. The first time it was pouring and Clint just sighed and told Laura to get some towels out of the closet.
The ladies get together for a bi-yearly wine and dine.
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madhare0512 · 2 years
A Comprehensive List of Spideyfist Interactions (pt.2)
hello and welcome back to: reasons Spideyfist is canon. a series where i take you through each episode of The Ultimate Spiderman and show you why i believe that Spiderman and Iron Fist are dating in canon. and also give you a little insight into my thoughts of the show
warnings for: episode spoilers, season spoilers, action/injury description, unsolicited commentary, probable cussing, violence, caps lock
this part features episodes 7 through 13 of season one
S1E7 Exclusive: 
- Danny is in this episode for point-five seconds and he doesn’t even speak or interact with Peter much so again, almost entirely headcanon and commentary but i’ll try
- MJ going through different versions of her name for the Daily Bugle interview was really cute
- this entire episode is filmed almost entirely from the POV of MJ’s camera and that’s a crime
- while Sam, Ava, and Luke look vaguely upset about the interview, Danny just looks tired, almost as if this is a fight he’s heard and is not interested in continuing. 
- honorable PowerTiger mention: Ava and Luke are practically sitting in each other’s laps
- lets count the amount of times MJ is picked up and moved by Peter as Spiderman. here’s one
- that’s two
- MJ is a fucking idiot, you don’t run TOWARDS the danger, even if you’re a reporter
- bug man is somehow the best and worst insult Hulk could’ve come up with 
- how many times did Peter consider calling the team this fight? cause all we see is what the camera shows us, so it’s possible he tried to call the team
- “then stay low” ah yes, perfect compromise
- at least she acknowledges she’s not being smart here
- five
- eight, but off camera
-i think people sometimes forget that behind the sarcasm and powers is a kid who’s super fucking smart and way out of his depth. Peter’s used to being a solo act, he doesn’t know how to be a team leader, you know?
- SHIELD in this series makes me angry specifically because Peter is a proven ally and they shot at him anyway
- eleven, two off camera, one partially off camera
- headcanon: “sparky” is also a nickname Peter affectionately uses for Danny when they start dating 
- ahh the end of the camera pov
- Hulk just picks Peter up and moves him like he weighs nothing
- you don’t see the kind of desperation Peter displays when searching for MJ often. so far, it’s shown for Harry and MJ alone. 
S1E8: Back in Black
- the dragon man scares me, but only because i love dragons and hate to see them slandered like this
- the Venom suit is cool but that’s essentially it for this version of Venom
- why don’t people listen to Peter’s bad feelings more often?
- Peter sits next to Danny during the meeting
- while the others harp on Peter for being jealous and cry about him being sick, Danny says, “perhaps you’re seeing connections where there are none” which i believe was his attempt at comforting Peter. Venom was traumatizing for all of them, but for Peter especially
- also, i know the wiki says that Fury and the team wanted Venom on the team, but the first one who brings that up is Peter. 
- the fact that no one says “are you okay?” kind of hurts, but also from the voice and excessive sneezing t’s kinda obvious he isn’t so i’ll give them a pass on that. i’m attributing the no comforting to the fact that they’ve only known each other for a few months or so at this point. i like to believe that Danny reaches out later and asks after Peter because he’s that kind of guy
- okay, so if it wasn’t obvious BEFORE NOW that this fake-Spidey is Harry, the flexing bit just proves it. 
- also, how Harry doesn’t put it together that Peter is Spiderman from this episode alone is beyond me
- another thing that turns me off of SpideyNova is that Sam seems to constantly antagonize Peter at every chance he gets
- this episode marks the beginning of Peter and Harry’s cracking friendship
- Harry’s whole villain arc later in the series is actually very tragic when you consider that all it really is, is that Harry wants his dad’s approval. it’s all he’s ever wanted
- “last time we met, you had someone inside there that shouldn’t be” flashbacks to episode 4 when Sam, Luke, and Danny got trapped
- Vemon is much cooler in the Hardy movies if i’m honest with myself, but that’s only because of Eddie Brock
- headcanon: Harry Osborn has electricity scars on his back
- Peter recounting his fight to Fury is cute
- the team all harp on Peter for getting them sick, but Danny’s comment was “there is absolutely no enlightenment to be found in this level of misery” which less harping and more a complaint that he doesn’t like being sick
- side note: colds are spread by bodily fluid and Peter has hardly been around the team unless you count sneezing at Sam from like six feet away, so how did the entire team catch Peter’s cold?
S1E9 Field Trip: 
- Peter, sir, why the juice box?
- of course Danny studied the ancient texts and OF COURSE he can read this Nordic rock. also, i fully believe that Danny’s mystic powers are the only reason the stone activated to send the Frost Giant through
- so you can’t see it well and it’s only for a split second, but when the Frost Giant first brings it’s club down and it brings the club back up, you can see that Peter has appeared in front of Danny and Sam has now teleported to be standing behind Luke. i’m counting this towards SpideyFist for the express reason that there is NO NEED for Peter and Danny to be standing that close together
- “what is that thing?”, Danny you studied the ancient texts and they said NOTHING about Frost Giants?
- the second Danny gets hurt, Peter’s giving orders for “less talking, more teamwork”
- this might be me, but Peter always sounds so admiring when he talks about Danny and this introduction to Thor is no different
- Danny jumping in to calm the arguement, by offering the sage advice DIRECTLY TO PETER
- okay, so Luke, Sam, and Ava are looking in the direction i assume the ice came from, but Danny is not, so what’s Danny looking at? my guess? he was going to warn Peter and Thor about the Frost Giants before they even appeared
- Danny goes looking for weak points in the ice and without even discussing it, Peter knows exactly what he’s doing which suggests a level of familiarity we’ve yet to see between Peter and the others
- Peter also asks how the progress is coming and when Danny responds with one of his sayings instead of “yes, no” or something more concrete, Peter just accepts it without comment
- “found it” busts through a wall of solid ice like it’s nothing DAMN BOY 
- you know, the Frost Giants keep freezing Danny specifically and i feel like it’s telling that it’s happened TWICE that Danny was incapacitated first (once with Venom and now with the Frost Giants)
- when desposited back in the snow, Danny and Peter land directly parallel to each other
- Danny and Peter step forward together when the dwarf is scolding Thor
- when they find him, the Master Dwarf is working on the sword he’ll later give to Danny
- in the line up, Danny and Peter are standing close together. you don’t see their hands, but i firmly believe they held hands at first
- what is it with Danny and Peter and standing close together this episode? it’s like every chance they get. just another reason i firmly believe this is the episode BEFORE they got together
S1E10 Freaky: 
- Mesmero gives “skiddish teenager” vibes, not “supervillain” vibes
- when Sam goes to protest as Peter walks away, Danny stops him from saying anything, which i am in fact counting as minorly protective
- Danny is the only one who seems actually concerned with how Peter’s acting instead of upset.
- Danny’s question also suggests that he expected an honest response, as if he’d asked something similar before, perhaps many times. and the shoulder touch! 
- firstly, Wolverine is unneccisarily aggressive with a non-confrontational Danny, but second, the way Danny looks both afraid and concerned says a lot to how he feels about Peter and how Peter acts around him
- “baby i do like me a redhead” flashbacks to Wolverine’s crush on Jean
- off screen convos include what Wolverine said to the team, MJ, and Harry and how things went down with Danny specifically. something like: “kid, you got a guy willing to stand up for you when you’re not yourself and when you’ve just threatened him. if i where you, i wouldn’t let him go.”
- Danny was in Peter’s “soap opera” themed daydream-sequence alongside MJ and Ava, who would both be considered love-interests
- a random Deadpool appears
- Peter also apologizes off-screen to the team, MJ, and Harry. this is the episode Danny and Peter get together
S1E11 Venom Attack:
- okay, and again i’ll say Peter is supposed to operate independant of SHIELD. Nick can’t order him off the assignment
- Danny doesn’t seem annoyed at being caught in the webs like the others are
- Danny is the only one Peter apologizes to when Peter redirects the team’s attacks on Venom
- Danny is the first one Peter acknowledges when he’s being scolded by the team for keeping secrets
- “wait, you can do that?” “he can do that” not Danny casually being the only one who remembers that Peter is fucking SMART
- Danny being the one to consistantly acknowldge there is another life inside Venom once being told so and using Harry’s name as a reminder to the others that it’s PETER’S BEST FRIEND that acts as Venom’s host
- Danny’s the first one to show up on the roof when Peter’s up there with Venom
- USM!Osborn makes the list of shitty fathers purely because he’s using his son as a science experiment
- okay “Squash the Spider” is kinda fucked, but also they’re stupid teenagers so i’m giving them a “they don’t know much better” pass where everyone apologizes off screen
S1E12 Me Time: 
- Peter being worried about Aunt May being caught indencent is really cute
- FURY GAVE MINORS CONTRACTS TO SIGN AND THOUGHT THAT’D BE A-O-FUCKING-KAY? jesus fuck the more i watch this show as an adult the more fucked up it seems
- we’re supposed to see him leaving his communicator and walking out as Peter being idiotic, but in reality this is a massive breech of privacy for a company full of SPIES who give contracts to teenagers and expect them to sign it with no issues. and you know, maybe there are none. i guarentee you that if a lawyer went over those contracts, there’d be a lot of things wrong with them. these are children! the only ones of them that have legal guardians are Luke and Peter. Luke’s parents are SHIELD scientists and Peter lives with his Aunt! this is fucking BS
- no notable interactions between Danny and Peter in this episode, so here’s a headcanon. when Danny found out that Spiderman was captured by Doc Ock, he went to Peter’s home and asked to spend a few hours out with him. under the guise of making sure Peter is okay. in reality it’s because Danny’s kinda scared to lose Peter, even only knowing him for a short amount of time
S1E13 Strange Days: 
- this is one of my favorite episodes because of the whole magic v. science debate. i think it’s really cool
- Danny tells Peter that he was dreamwalking, which seems pretty personal and private. Peter didn’t seem shocked when Danny tells him this, so they’ve likely talked about it, which means that Peter has probably given Danny permission to walk in his dreams. 
- Danny wakes Peter up instead of someone he’s known longer, like Luke, or someone better suited to a mystic battle, like Ava
- Danny wakes Peter up KNOWING how Peter feels about actual magic, implying they’ve talked about that as well, at length probably because Danny’s on the mystic side of things while Peter firmly believes in science
- Peter knows Danny well enough to predict Danny’s reaction to something unexplained that he seems to know a little something about, explained as “weird and foreboding”
- Danny holds on to Peter’s waist when they’re riding the Spider-Cycle, much like one in media would traditionally hold on if you where DATING
- even Danny’s explaination of magic sounds practiced, as if he’s repeated it a lot, specifically to Peter
- Danny seems so happy when Peter seems to get something he’s saying
- Peter’s fond exasperation when the quote goes over Danny’s head
- Danny takes all of Peter’s jokes and silliness without complaint or judgement
- traditoinally, bowing to someone is shown to be a sign of respect to them. Danny bowing to Peter, even sarcastically, kind of shows the same thing
- Peter acts like “a beacon to someone with [Danny’s] sensitivities” which i’m counting because it falls under the “fate put them together” tag
- Danny comforting Peter when his mind is blown BIG TIME by Doctor Strange, with an arm around the shoulders and a hand on the bicep
- idk if this makes sense, but during the full episode, Peter’s focus is on Danny almost entirely, even when it seems like it’s not
- Danny’s immediately justification of bringing Peter instead of someone more qualified, Danny is Peter’s number-one fan and you can’t convince me otherwise
- in Luke’s dreamworld, Danny and Peter are tied back to back, which is symbolic in that even Luke sees they’re always there for each other. Luke and Danny may be ride-or-die, but Danny and Peter are more than even that
- Peter looks at Danny when he says, “i will temporarily press pause on my magic bashing”, mystic arts are a big part of who Danny is as a person and Peter knows that, which means that, coming from Peter, those words would mean more to him than they would to Strange
- Peter gets knocked down and Danny IMMEDIATELY takes out the Dreamon who does it and then helps Peter up. he also proceeds to explain the rules of this world Peter’s never been exposed to
- Peter clocks it immediately when Danny disappears into his dreamroom
- Danny’s introduction of his home to Peter, even in his dreamlike state
- Peter continuously trying to tell Danny that this isn’t real, even saying “i bet it’s fantastic, in REAL LIFE” and saying “that’s Nightmare!”
- Danny’s assurance to Peter that he doesn’t have anything to fear, but not saying he’s not afraid. clever bit of word play there, tbh. also Peter knowing Danny’s scared anyway
- despite being in the dreamworld, Danny STILL listens to Peter when Peter says anything
- Peter defends Danny against his own worst fears, struggling agianst iron bars that keep him away from Danny while shouting encouragement. 
- Danny tells Peter his worst fears, a choice he makes to elaborate on what Peter is already seeing
- Peter punches through three iron bars to get to Danny
- i firmly believe that Nightmare’s roaring wasn’t what kicked Peter out of Danny’s dreamroom, but Danny himself. Danny is supposed to be the mysterious, mystic warrior, a king sometime in the future when his year of study is up. i highly doubt he was given lessons on mental health in K’un-Lun, so it’s probable that Danny doesn’t want Peter to see him at a low point. so he kicks Peter out of his dreamroom in order to protect both himself and Peter, because god knows the kind of damage a damn dragon can to the unexperienced soul
- “he’s playing your fears! just like he did Iron Fist!” Peter is so far gone, mans isn’t even HERE and he’s still mentioning him every two seconds
- Danny and Peter are standing UNNECCISARILY CLOSE TOGETHER
- “nice entrance!” “i try. thank you for beliving in me” translation: “thank god your back” “of course i am, you saved me”. ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: “you came!” “you called.”
- in my experience, when you’re sleeping around another person, generally you feel safe around them. which lines up with what happened in this ep, but also, one experience doesn’t equal a pattern
- going back to the desperation thing from episode 7? the desperation’s been shown for Danny now
thank you!
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kaitlyno1002 · 2 years
So I created a different mj from the one the mcu has from two years ago let me show you
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My Mjs Face Claim: Jenny Boyd (Lizzie Saltzman) (GIF ISNT MINE)
Name: Michelle Maree Jones
Family Name: Watson/Morales
Age: 17
Hobbies: Reading, Painting, Talking about History, Babysitting
Powers: Chaos Magic (Basically The Scarlet Witch)
Parents: Wanda Maximoff
Adopted by Nick Fury and Rio Morales
Personality: Caring, Sweet, Stubborn (VERY VERY STUBBORN), Smart, Trust Issues, Overthinks, Emotional
Education: Midtown High School
Species: Heretic (Vampire and The Scarlet Witch)
Mjs Past (also some trauma for her):
- Being Killed about 11 times by the people close to her (so In multiverse of madness we see wanda revives herself so I think it’s immorality I could be wrong)
- finding out being adopted
- people lying to her constantly
- her foster mother turning into a vampire and being kidnapped by the mikaelsons
- her ex boyfriend breaking up with her in public and manipulating her and gaslighting her
- her foster sister insulting her
- her best friend nora trying to kill her
- having trouble being happy because whenever she is something always ruins it
- her friend turning off her humanity in front of her
- getting attacked by villains and killed by them a few times
- her own teammates not trusting her
- the only people she could trust would be; Elijah Mikaelson, Her Foster Dad: Nick Fury, Her Foster Brother: Miles Morales, Her Foster Mother: Rio Morales, Her Friend: Ariana Maximoff, and sometimes the Mikaelsons
- always worried someone will leave her
- afraid to get rejected
(There’s a lot more but I won’t put it there)
(Thank you for reading this)
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👄 Nikki
ooh boy Nikki clearly spends too much time around Tony 😂 she's a little shit and loves nicknaming everyone she meets
Tony: Uncle Tony, Tin Can, Uncle Dad
Steve: Dad, popsicle, Captain Dad, Papa, Pops
Rhodey: Uncle Rhodey, Uncle Platypus (“I’m going to kill you, Tones")
Bucky: Uncle Bucky, Uncle Wolf-Man, Uncle James/Jamie (when she talking about him to people who don't know her connection to Bucky Barnes™)
Sam: Uncle Sam (sometimes this is soft, sometimes it’s an uncle sam joke), Bird Uncle #2, Uncle Captain
Natasha: Aunt Nat, Tasha
Clint: Uncle Clint, Uncle Legolas, Uncle Bird
Thor: Uncle Thor, Sparky
Bruce: Uncle Bruce, Uncle Hulk (she actually calls the Hulk that lmao), Mr. Green, Dr Hulk
Peter: Pete, Spidey, babe, Wonder-Boy, Arachnakid (technically this is what Lady Liberty calls Spiderman)
Harley: Harls, shithead, Tony 2.0, rust bucket
Harry: Har, Harry Potter, kermit the frog, rich boy, green bean, Harry-Honey
Pepper: Aunt Pepper, Boss Lady, “the smartest person in every room”
Fury: Grandpa
Happy: Uncle Happy, Happy (she coined the name for him), Uncle Grumpy
Ned: “literally the greatest thing to ever happen to anyone ever”, Neddie, Nedster
MJ: MJ, Chelle, queen/queen of my heart
Betty: Betts, Lizzie-Betty
Miles Morales: kiddo, Spider-Baby
Yelena: Lena, Aunt Lena, тетя Lena (aunt Lena but in russian)
Alexei: Mr Red Guardian Sir, дедушка (dedushka; grandpa in russian)
Send me a 👄 + an OC and I’ll tell you all the nicknames they have for canon characters
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antvnger · 2 years
Blood Brothers AU - Far From Home
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((Ohhhhhh. That’s a very good question!))
((Okay okay soooooo))
Since Tony survived Endgame, he’s currently in recovery and will be in recovery for a while.
Taking the entire might of the Infinity Stones and surviving can take a lot out of you, ya know.
Pepper: Congratulations. You’re retired permanently.
Tony: Can I be the guy in the chair sometimes?
Pepper and Rhodey: Far down the road
Tony and Scott: How far down the road?
Happy and May are definitely in love and living their best lives
Tony is hellbent on figuring out what to do with the Stark Tech since he’s for sure retiring. It needs to go to someone more out in the field.
Scott? Valid option, but he’s got his own Stark Tech though plus Pym Tech. He doesn’t really need what Tony’s got
Pete? Valid option but he needs to be trained in how to properly use the tech
Tony’s still recovering and the doctor and Pepper and Rhodey are like strict rest for now dude
Scott volunteers to train Peter but before he can, duty calls. He’s got some Ant-Man things to do.
Tony finds out about Pete’s really cool European trip, so Tony decides to wait until he comes back before training him anyway.
The Stark brothers find out somehow probably because Pete has no poker face when it comes to his crush on MJ that Peter wants to tell MJ how he feels about her on the trip
And they give loads of advice because they’re so excited for him. They’re like yes do it
And they also tease him about it because, hello? They’re the Stark boys and that’s what they do.
But their advice is a bit over the top, and Peter is like *chuckles nervously* “I don’t know if that’s gonna work for her?”
Tony:  You know what, kid? Just trust your gut.
Scott: And just be yourself. And don’t second guess yourself.
Tony: A little gift of affection wouldn’t hurt either
Before Pete takes off on his trip, Fury the real Fury gets a hold of Tony and is like “wanna overcome any fears of space you’ve got now and help me out with some stuff?”
Tony: ……What stuff?  Will Pepper and Rhodey kill me over said stuff?
[Exit Tony Stark until after No Way Home end credit scene]
[Exit Pepper and Morgan as well because there’s no way Tony’s going to leave them behind while he’s gone]
Which would also explain why Pepper never gave a statement at the beginning of No Way Home also.
Fake Fury and Hill meet Quentin fricking Beck in Mexico like normal.
Now....because I don’t believe Tony would actually trust Fury with his tech which is one reason why I have a problem with Fury giving Peter E.D.I.T.H., Tony leaves the tech with Happy and tells him to keep it secure until he gets back from his sabbatical/major guy in the chair stuff
But Happy sees Tony’s notes on Peter inheriting the tech, so Happy thinks he got stuff confused and gives Peter the glasses before he goes on his trip
E.R.I.T.H. (yes that’s a name) - Even Retired, I’m The Hero
I headcanon that Peter has ADHD so before he can text Tony thank you or ask any questions, he gets distracted.
And every time he thinks to do it, something happens and he gets distracted.
Peter and his class get to Venice and the Water Elemental fight happens like normal
Peter meets with Fury, Hill, and Beck like normal. 
Yes, poor Ned gets tranquilized by Fury still lol
All throughout the trip, Scott and Tony text Peter asking for updates on how he’s doing with MJ.
MJ: Your dad and uncle texting you again?
Peter: Yup.
MJ: About what?
Peter: *blushing and quickly hiding phone* Nothing nothing nothing nothing.
Scott and Tony: Do it, kid!
We’re also cutting out that one scene where Peter gets caught in a rather raunchy situation because that was just dumb tbh.
Basically everything goes normally until after poor Peter gets hit by the train. Uh ouch.
He wakes up and gets the cellphone and tries to think of who to call. Obviously Tony’s out.
Happy’s with May, so Peter doesn’t really consider him as an option. He’ll tell her and she’ll worry. Or try to come to Europe and kick Mysterio’s ass herself.
He’s honestly got one solid option, and he’s very thankful for that option.
Scott answers on three rings and has to tell the kid to slow down because he can’t understand, he’s talking too fast.
Peter can barely get out a few sentences before Scott understands his nephew’s in trouble in a big way.
Tony left him a quinjet that he’s kept shrunk down for things just like this, so Scott makes good use of it.
Scott patches him up and listens as the poor kids lays everything bare.
Peter tells him everything about the tech, about Beck and all the lies he told.
And Scott can figure out everything else Peter hasn’t told him. How guilty he feels, how ashamed he feels, how disappointed he feels and how he expects everyone else to feel the same against him.
Because he’s trying to be someone he’s not.
“Pete buddy, you can’t be Tony, no more than I can. You can’t be him or me or Rhodey or Nat or anybody. You can’t be the next Iron-Man. You gotta be Peter Parker. And he’s the only guy who can be Spider-Man. You win by being you. Besides, Peter is a great guy. So is Spider-Man. I’m sorry you thought you were expected to be the next Tony, because I can sure as hell tell you, he doesn’t want you to be that. He, like the rest of us, want you to be Peter. Because Peter is one helluva guy.”
Peter takes the advice to heart and thus leads to more more uncle/nephew bonding.
“Please don’t tell Aunt May…”
“Believe me, she won’t find out from me, kiddo. I’m not about to tell her, no way.”
Buuuuuuut since I really like the team up between Happy and MJ and Ned and think it’s funny….
Happy finds out somehow GPS maybe that Peter is waaaaay off course for his trip and accidentally lets it slip to May. So guess who she sends to go check on him?
Happy meets up with Scott and Peter and they devise a plan.
Now we’re building up to the Spider/Ant team up we all deserve.
Scott knows the tech, so he’s going to go after the drones and disable them.
Peter’s going after Beck and getting E.R.I.T.H. back.
Happy is to get Peter’s friends and classmates to safety.
After Peter gets Scott inside the horde of drones, he does what he does best and starts deactivating all the tech with his brains and know how. And he has to fight them because, ya know, it’s an action movie lol
Eventually when Peter gets to Beck, he does what he does best and uses his Spidey Sense Peter Tingle (that’s so weird to type out lol) and defeats Beck.
Scott’s finished his job and he’s nearby in case his nephew needs him.
If Beck makes so much as one wrong move, Scott’s gonna intercept and kick his ass.
But Beck still dies because of his own insane actions and for now, the boys are safe.
Little did either of them know to think about maybe Beck had a guy in the chair too….
1st end credits scene: Scott’s at home flipping through channels when:
“We interrupt this broadcast for a special news bulletin.”
We can’t see the tv or hear anything but just see Scott’s face.
Scott: 😱
Scott: *actually angry enough to say* That motherfu-
Second end credits scene: Peter is swinging with MJ
Daily Bugle: *angry sourpuss shouting*
Beck: lies lies lies
Peter: 😱 whAT THE FU-
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Spider-Man Read-Through 018: The Night Gwen Stacy Died (ASM 119-123)
In this batch of issues, Peter Parker made me cry.
(But first, we've got to see Ross's sublime mustache.)
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A lot of things to consider, the most important being: Peter, what's with this drab outfit?
Also I don't remember exactly what this telegram means, only that it leads to a tragic outcome (but which one!), so I'm invested!
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Meanwhile, Norman's back to being homophobic. Peter's afraid that Norman's gonna send him to a conversion therapy remembering he's the Green Goblin -and all that entails- so he decides to go on a trip to catch photos with the Hulk in Canada... and maybe get some answers.
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YES. I REMEMBER HER. And now I remember what's gonna happen!
...But not why.
She's called "Ms. Delon", presumably to reference Alain Delon, who's a big French actor and was really hot for a long (very long) while. Go watch La Piscine (The Swimming Pool) and Plein soleil (Purple Noon, the first movie adaptation of Mr. Ripley) to see him in his full glory!
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Oops. Uh, I think I found the Hulk very relatable when I was a kid.
In the letters, somebody asks if Nick Fury is going to intervene some day (since Peter's parents were spies for him), and it immediately made me think of Spider-Man: Friend or Foe. Oh, honey.
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Just wait for Superior Spider-Man. Just wait!
In issue 120, Harry's back on drugs, yay! That's why he collapsed.
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He needed A KISS, that's what he needed!
Peter acknowledges that he's been followed by somebody since he arrived in Montreal, but that guy has actually been following him since New York! And I know what he's here for...
As I remembered, Rimbaud ends up shot, after a very enticing short appearance (he seems sweet yet strong. he's. okay maybe. maybe he's dad--).
Lindy Marie Cauley complains that MJ has no characterization and that we don't know anything about her. The answer?
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Oh boy yeah.
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So time for issue 121! Dear Lord, MJ has a very long neck...
Gerry Conway indicates on the first page that the actual title of the issue isn't something we'll forget any time soon--and I doubt he could know how right he was.
The drugged Harry storyline being back also means Peter's a jerk and keeps going on about how Harry's weak, which I just can't quite accept.
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The sexual tension between Norman and Peter ramps up, which I'm all for.
Leaving Norman's house with his girlfriends, Peter mentions he'll buy them coke, which is great because I researched that for my visual novel (but all the files disappeared so who cares). It's nice to have a confirmation it was popular at the time. MJ eschews her usual happy behavior in this issue (just you wait girl) and that's nice to see. Development!
Finally, finally, Norman remembers his alter ego and quickly gets his equipment. It happens very fast, as everything does (once again, a lot fo complaints about TASM2 really don't hold up), but it's efficient and effective.
When was the last time we saw the Green Goblin?
His last appearance was from issues 96 to 98, which was also linked to Harry's first batch of drugs issues. HMM! So for the readers, it had been about two years almost to the month since they'd last seen the Green Goblin. That's fair. And what a final appearance... (for now)
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From then on, the issue is a total treat. It's outlandishly good. What a great issue. Damn.
So before we go on to Issue 122, what's my opinion on Gwen?
I think she started out fairly unlikable, which isn't necessarily bad since everybody was jerks in the early days, but she provided some nice drama (especially with Flash). I do think her role felt boring at some points, but I don't know, she was a nice presence to have, and I appreciate her strange relationship with MJ, at least what little I saw of her. I wish she was given more of a chance, though.
Oh well, we'll see her again in a bit anyway, aren't we? :-)
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This is the Peter I'm used to.
Gosh, this hits *hard*. Not so much for Peter, but really for Harry. "Don't walk away, please! Everybody's left me and I'm all alone! Please, Peter, please! Help me!"
This is horrible. This is dark. This is incredibly compelling, and human. This is masterful.
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Robertson is once again the MVP by helping Peter find Norman's hideout.
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*pained sigh*
It's Harry. We know it. I do wonder how he arrived so quickly there in this state and how he could know about it. Maybe he just knew the place and researched it... I dunno. That's something I would have liked to see! Don't keep his identity concealed, show us how he arrived here and got here in time to see his father die! Show it to meeeeee!
(Maybe I should write that fanfic.)
Especially because his silhouette really doesn't fit, neither the posture nor the outfit.
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Oh this such a hideous, beautiful, tragic, perfect moment. I'm not sure we could have had this in the Stan Lee era.
Look, in this single page, we get a lot of development for Peter (he shows his ugliest face, but also falls apart) AND MJ (compassion, shock, acceptance, forgiveness, grief, and DETERMINATION).
It may be the best issue until then. It's simply that good.
There's one last issue in this batch, but it feels almost futile to keep reading after such a masterpiece.
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And issue 123 actually almost makes me cry, because it makes me remember that Gwen felt guilty for partly motivating (in one of the few spots where her personality shined) May to leave.
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And this plotline isn't forgotten! Fuck, it hurts.
So Jameson pays Luke Cage to capture Spider-Man.
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Gorgeous colors.
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Sorry, I don't know what to say. This is all so tragic.
I wish we'd seen Norman's funerals, though. I wish we'd seen Peter apologize.
Luke Cage and Peter eventually talk about the life of super-hero and mercenary, Jameson gets his comeuppance and then...
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Fuck. I'm crying. I'm crying reading a comic book I already read maybe dozens of times years ago. Fuck. It hits.
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Spideychelle secret Santa gift
This is my gift for Susz! I hope you like it, and had/are having a great Christmas or Hanukkah or anything else you celebrate and for the delay.💕
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The wound festered.
Peter had tried his best, but his fingers wouldn’t stop trembling and his head felt fuzzy, gray dots filling his vision that wouldn’t blink away. Distantly, as if through a soapy bubble, he became aware of a voice in his mindscape telling him he had a concussion, that he should stop, call someone, but he ignored it, continuing the crooked row of stitches spindling across his abdomen.
The Stark-designed suit had safeguarded him from the brunt of the attack, but his abdomen stung where the tight spandex had torn. The voice grew darker; cruel and taunting, sneering as he worked.
You’re worthless. Contemptible. You’re gonna die like this one of these days. In pain. Injured. Alone.
The last word rung in his ears, and his eyes burned, tear tracks leaving clean streaks against the blood and dirt smudged into his cheeks. He scrubbed at his face until it pinked, and wrapped his stomach with a clean bandage, throwing a collared shirt over everything to cover it up. It wasn’t perfect, but it would have to do. His phone buzzed, and his lip quirked up at the message from ΜJ.
Don’t be late loser
Peter didn’t know much about MJ’s family, but she had admitted to him a couple months into their relationship on a quiet afternoon they had spent at the park that it had become something of an F-word to her after her mother passed. So meeting her father was a big step, and although she would never admit it, he could tell it was important for her. He wasn’t about to miss it for something as stupid as a flesh wound.
And a concussion.
The snide voice reminded him.
“Shut up,” he mumbled to it.
He fiddled with his hair in the mirror to distract himself from the ringing in his ears, but then he caught sight of his bloody suit in the reflection, and the back of his throat stung with the promise of bile threatening to rise. Careful not to stain the crisp blue of his shirt, he pinched the fabric between two fingers, folding a plastic bag around the mess. He had fifteen minutes to get across the street to the coffee shop. That was easy enough. He could do that, right?
Peter swallowed hard, fingers gripping onto the doorframe until it groaned and bowed under his grip. “No big deal,” he breathed, “just going to meet your badass girlfriend’s father who probably hates you with a concussion and a stab wound...” He took a step out the door, hovering for a beat, and left.
The café was deafening. It was twittering, overlapping voices, plates and cutlery crashing together and beating off his eardrums, and he let out a quiet groan, clasping his hands together to stop them from fluttering up and pressing against his ears. A dash of alabaster black hair peeked into his vision, and he smiled at MJ waiting for him at a small corner of the room with...
...Nick Fury?
At this, Peter’s mind stuttered. Maybe it was just the concussion, and he was hallucinating at this point, but he was pretty sure the director of S.H.I.E.L.D was sitting next to his girlfriend.
He blinked, Fury stared.
“Oh for Christ’s sake.” MJ stood, a tight smile stretching across her lips, eyebrows arching upwards. “Hey loser. Sit down.”
Fury stared, his face tightening. “Parker?”
MJ had previously been standing, eyes narrowed, gaze flicking between her boyfriend and father, but now her face fell, crumpling in confusion. “You two know—” Her hand flew up to her mouth, and her head whipped over to Fury. “You work for S.H.I.E.L.D?”
Peter swayed on his feet. His vision was blurring now, and the gray dots were back. His shirt felt like sandpaper against his skin, and he was itching to tear it off, but that was the least of it; someone behind him was chewing gum, and he cringed every time their teeth sunk into it. There was a girl drumming her fingers against the table,  someone was breathing with their mouth open, the lights were buzzing. Everything was too loud, heartbeats were thrumming in his ears, pounding louder and louder.
The conversation in front of him was muffled and warped but he could pick out a few words here and there.
Then something gave, and he reached under his shirt, fingers coming up sticky and red.
That couldn’t be good.
“Hey MJ?” His voice sounded small, but it was enough to turn her head. “I think I’m gonna...I’m gonna…” His head lolled onto the seat back, his limbs limp as a puppet with cut strings.
“Peter! Oh my god.”
Peter was just barely clinging to consciousness, his ears ringing, drowning out what MJ and Fury were saying to her as they clamored to help. A blurred vision of MJ staring down at him with panic in her eyes was the last thing he saw before all goes black.
He woke to a deafening silence.
MJ was asleep, curled into his side. His breath hitched as her eyes fluttered open. “God you absolute idiot.” Her eyes narrowed as his attempted laugh choked off into a coughing fit. “You’re an idiot. Why didn’t you tell me you had a concussion? Or that you were injured?”
He gave her a meek smile. “I love you...?”
MJ smiled too, razor sharp and deadly as a knife. “I love you too, but if you try and pull something like that again, you’ll get worse than just a head injury.”
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spideylilparker · 5 years
Peter explaining to Ned how Nick Fury hijacked their summer vacation
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Things I LOVE about the latest FFH trailer:
MJ calling Peter out for being SM
“Bitch, please you’ve been to space” -Nick Fury, 2019
Wearing Tony’s glasses
Peter GHOSTING Nick Fury
Flash getting punched in the nuts
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Things that I HATE/EMOTIONALLY wrecked me:
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