#gabriel agreste is an awful person
anxresi · 16 days
I Beg To Differ.
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Okay, now just because I'm about to embark on an epic rant does NOT mean I think anything bad about you as a person, OP. It's just on this one teensie-weensie most minor of points, I happen to think you're 100% wrong. Just thought I'd clarify that, so no offense intended. Anyway, on with the show...
Nah, they did us SO dirty with Chloe. I hear your above argument a lot, and it WOULD be a fair point… if it wasn't for the fact that there are SO many clear signs this wasn't what was intended from the beginning that it makes your reasoning completely null and void. Chloe's 'arc' was the most blatant case of in-show character assassination I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing, and I'm about to explain why. Read on! (If you want to, that is.... no pressure).
They strung us along for at least three seasons with various hints about her 'traumatic past', her problems with her often absent mother (which Marinette didn't help by encouraging them to bond because 'they're both such awful people'), showed her genuinely apologizing to her victims, protecting Sabrina from akumatization and having times when she treated her as a real friend, sacrificing herself to save the day occasionally, hugging Miss Bustier in a moment of genuine emotion, telling Ladybug how 'useless' she felt in a teary rooftop encounter, saving lives both as a superhero and a civilian (check back if you don't believe me), giving Adrien a moving speech on his phone about how 'she'd always be there for him', sharing a really close bond with her father, telling her butler Jean it was time she started doing things for herself, loving Mr Cuddly, adoring Pollen… I could go on. Not the best person in the world, true.... but a promising start. Green shoots, and all that. Her name literally means that.
S4 simply forgot any of this happened, and literally pushed her burgeoning development off a cliff with Sisyphu's boulder tied to it's big toe. There was NO build-up, NO foreshadowing, NO precedent for Chloe suddenly becoming a one-dimensional total-sociopath irredeemable-monster AT ALL, they simply made her that way on a whim. They had her start acting like a complete psycho for the evilz, made her the most stupid person in the show BY FAR, severed ALL of her few close relationships, wrote AN ENTIRE FLASHBACK EPISODE in incrimate her newfound nastiness even more and 'punished' her by sending her off exiled on a plane in tears with her abusive mother to… what else? Get abused, of course. GREAT MESSAGE TO ALL THE VULNERABLE TEENAGE GIRLS OUT THERE. (I won't even get into how utterly useless and blandly boring her 'replacement' of a plot device Mary S... oops, I mean Zoe is).
And we're supposed to believe the former corrupt mayor Andre, the terrorist Gabriel Agreste and Thomas Astruc (you know him) are the GOOD guys here? Well, I'd like to tell you what I'd like to do to them… but for fear of censorship, I'd better withhold that particular information for now.
The upshot of it is… if Chloe had been bad from the beginning and terrible at the end, I'd have accepted it. Heck, if her so-called damnation arc was even halfway well written and gave us an accurate and compelling look at the moral descent a person who's capable of redemption could take to the light but ultimately chose to stay on the Dark Side, this would've been highly disappointing to me but fine from a storytelling perspective.
But they didn't give us anything like that, did they? It was just… 'pretend the last three seasons never happened, develop amnesia, hit yourself repeatedly on the head with a shovel… we don't care. Just accept this is the NEW Chloe without question despite past evidence, because you won't be getting any answers. Now let's go back to what we're REALLY here for… Marichat, Ladynoire, Adrinette and that other stupid ship name. SWOON!'
Thanks, but no thanks. Did I ever tell you how much I HATE this stupid show? Apologies if I didn't make that clear enough.
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familyagrestefanblog · 9 months
I can only hope the new Paris special won't force Marinette/ Toxinelle into the role of the "chaotic baddest bitch" for superficial praise and keeping Adrien/ Griffe Noire as nothing but her unconditional support again and the "good" one. Because literally from the way the powers of Ladybug and Chat Noir work that's bullshit and the MUCH weaker story premise character wise.
Toxinelle has no offensive powers. She can be as smart as she wants in this scenario her powers are needed for AFTER the Butterfly akumatized someone to save the city, so she can prevent said saving from happening.
Griffe Noire would be required to first nuke the city so the butterfly can react to something and that means alternative Adrien/ Griffe Noire would - the longer all that went on - have needed to let go of all morality he once had and agree to become the moster of the two so SHE can remain level headed and get the Butterfly from the hero.
That's still alot of pressure and burden on Toxinelle's shoulders, being the one who has to be the light at the end of the tunnel for both of them to get their happy ending in a better world. But for the love of God, Adrien throwing out his humanity and only holding onto her and his dead mother
If this is to be believed:
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Is ALOT worse and fitting as the conflict's heart piece.
I can only hope the special will be reasonable enough that Toxinelle will be the lesser evil of ShadyClaw and not waste so much story potential for another round of "Chloé the awful bitch". There is so much more interesting stuff you can do with Marinette than that, especially in the Toxinelle field.
Already as Ladybug Marinette showcases extremely dangerous anti-hero tendencies where she becomes so strategic that everyone involved stops being human beings or mattering in the moment because she needs to get something important done.
Most crucial examples are how Emilie Agreste's dead body was used as a mere inhuman tool by her in "Recreation" to defeat her insane husband, by cataclysming the lift and letting it crash down on Emilie to force Gabriel to stand still. Only though that Marinette then barely gave Gabriel enough time to throw the lift sideways and he only managed to save himself and Emilie from being crushed in the nick of time.
Or you know, all of Marinette's horrifying plan in "Destruction" that put several life in danger by sending Monarque to helpless civilians (even to ANNOY HIM) and Chat Noir was literally turned into a non-human object served on a silver plate to Monarque. He couldn't move an inch like a human is to be expected or even BREATH while Monarque went to grab for his throat while Marinette herself stood save and sound in the back because all she actually thought about in that plan were the Kwamis and herself (not even bringing up how fucked up it was to not even let Chat Noir know that her plan involves him having to possibly live with having cataclysmed a person.)
Everyone else MONARQUE had to keep save in her plan by not being the awful and sadistic monster they thought him to be. Tolerating all kinds of disrespectful bullshit and not using any Second chance or other miraculous powers besides voyage, or for the lols quartering Chat Noir's statue for example in a second's notice.
Marinette's plan in "Destruction" was horrifying and impossibly irresponsible in how she instinctively dehumanized everyone but herself and the Kwamis in it without noticing it and 100% relied on MONARQUE to be a decent and reasonable enough person underneath so she could get away with the insane endangerment and dehumanization of everyone but herself (especially Chat Noir).
Her final battle with Monarque had Marinette come back to this questionable morality when she pulled a low-blow anti hero move by dragging the dead spouse of the villain further into the fight, and risking to take any human dignity away from Emilie's remainings - who never wanted any of this being done in her name - by making it GABRIEL'S job to save and preserve her from Bug Noire.
Marinette 100% has some serious anti-hero tendencies in how she dehumanizes people sometimes as side-effect of her strategic mind and when she's either to caught up in her head or she thinks her goal justifies the means.
Jfc, quit the bullshit and let Toxinelle be the escalation of that side of Marinette because she and Adrien know their identities this time around - truly THEM against the world - and she's stuck in a position where Adrien was forced to let go of his humanity and other emotional attachments for their cause, is way too far gone by now and she has to make sure they actually win so all of this wasn't for nothing.
Give me a Marinette/ Toxinelle who made it out of her having been bullied alot worse and that's how she got into this, but by now she deep down fully regrets ever having started this and wished with every inch of her heart she could stop
but she knows she herself already hardly could live with herself after all this so she would never ask Adrien/ Griffe Noire to let go of the only hope he has at this point and live with the fact that he became an actual monster to preserve HER humanity, so she can save them both with the wish.
A Toxinelle who believes they already went too far to possibly go back and because of that she detaches herself from morality in the way it happened in "Recreation" with Emilie because in her (and Adrien's) mind they only have to win and everything will be okay again.
Adrien won't be a monster anymore and will return all together to the boy she once loved - and only still behaves like around Marinette or while thinking of his mother - and Paris, it's citizens, the entire world and THEMSELVES wont remember anymore what happened or that Toxinelle and Griffe Noire ever did any of this to them.
Give me TAHT Marinette/ Toxinelle please. For the love of GOD.
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theerurishipper · 7 months
Idk I always find it bizarre when people shocked that Marinette just let rubble and whatever fell down to Emilie's coffin just so Gabriel move to protect it as if it's smt new. Miraculous can be inconsistent with it's characterization sometimes, but not for Marinette. Her characterization is still strong and constant from s1. Her let the rubble fell to the coffin is her s1 equivalent of taking down Eiffel tower at the Mime episode or s2 when she baited anansi to punch the arc de triomphe so she'd be buried under it's rubble.
What bizzare is the amount of what Marinette destroyed is far exceed what Adrien, as the holder of desruction ever did. Chat Blanc excluded because he was akumatized while Marinette did all that intentionally.
Can't imagine just how much destruction she caused if she were the holder of black cat miraculous instead. Must be terrifying.
I feel like those other two were different because The Mime and Anansi were akumatized villains with superpowers, so they wouldn't die from that or anything, and they could defend themselves just fine. But it's not the same with Emilie Agreste. This is an innocent woman who as far as she knows wanted no part of this. This is the mother of the boy she supposedly loves and is fighting for. And she drops a whole elevator onto her body without a single second of hesitation. That's so cruel. That's awful.
This literally proves why Marinette is so unsuited for the role she occupied in the finale. She has no connection to any of this. The whole Agreste arc was built on their family drama and the emotions they have for each other. We're supposed to feel something for Emilie Agreste, regardless of her lacking presence in the story. And here comes Marinette, who cares fuck all for any of them, treating this innocent woman like a prop in her fight, literally dehumanizing her in order to get an advantage over Gabe. There's no consideration for Emilie, from the narrative or the characters. Gabriel had to be the one to save her from Marinette.
And I am a proud "Emilie Agreste was an abusive parent" truther, but that doesn't excuse this. At the end of the day, she was an innocent in Gabriel's supervillainy, and Marinette threatening her life as part of a strategy to defeat Gabe is awful. And like I said, this shows why it's so counterproductive to have her take the central role in the resolution of this conflict. We're supposed to watch Emilie's heartfelt words reach Gabriel, as if she matters, when Marinette just treated her like an object and almost killed her (not sure if she's already dead or just in a coma, but my point still stands). The emotions are all gone. Nothing matters expect Marinette being a girlboss (which is literally the stated reason for why Bug Noire happened, so that Marinette could look cool).
Like, can you imagine if Adrien was here? Could you imagine how he'd feel watching his partner who supposedly loves him using his mother as a tool to defeat his father? Could you imagine how he'd feel to see his mother's body be almost destroyed, to see his mother be killed because Ladybug wanted to beat Gabe's ass? How would it feel to see that Marinette doesn't consider his mother a person more than she thought of her as a prop to get an advantage over Gabriel?
But no, treating Emilie Agreste with any kind of dignity is secondary to letting Marinette be awesome and cool ig. Removing the character who is the emotional core of the story removes all emotion from the finale, who woulda thunk it.
Thank you for your ask!
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tasberry · 2 years
Marichat, for me at least, was never sinful.
I like them together because it's based around the trope of falling in love with your best friend. Where you get to know a person with all these quirks, all these flaws and complications, and go "Yeah, I love all of those too."
Where someone can annoy or upset you, but you talk it out and still choose each other. You love them at their best, you wanna lift each other up, but there isn't a pedestal because you climbed up together.
Chat Noir isn't Adrien's "true self" he just compartmentalizes. He breaks himself into little peices that he thinks people will like depending on the situation he's in.
When he's transformed he doesn't need to worry about looking foolish or getting chewed out by his father for inappropriate behaviour. It's still him, Chat Noir just gives him the ability to explore how he presents himself in the world.
The same can be said for Marinette as well. In fact, I'd say Marinette is a clearer example on how the true selves idea is painfully missing the point?
Marinette doesn't have the awful family life Adrien has. If she messes up, there isn't any of the disgusting, manipulative, abuse that we see from Gabriel Agreste awaiting her at home. She has a supportive family that encouraged her to be herself even before she got the earrings.
She was much more passive, but Chat Noir and Alya inspired her. They helped her be a better Ladybug, and grow into a more confident Marinette. There's more...persona bleed with Maribug. She doesn't refer to Ladybug as a different person the way Adrichat did. She knows one persona has more social power and she'll utilize it if she feels like she needs to. It's not an identity issue with her the way it was with Adrien.
Up until Adrien started to realize that Chat and Adrien are just..both aspects of him as a person thank you Plagg ily, Chat Noir was more of a character he got to play around with. This is what he thought he was doing anyway. I don't think his actions as Chat are disingenuous in anyway. He just didn't feel safe or accepted enough to let those two parts of himself stop being sectioned off until recently.
This episode was adorable
Marichat and the true selves thing is BS
These two fictional children are going to murder me with these adorable, heartbreaking shenanigans
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galahadwilder · 1 year
Marry Me AU
Look, I liked the webcomic way back when, but I loved the movie. It’s been rent-free in my head all day. Sue me.
Marinette is a chronically single up-and-coming designer who had an extra ticket to fashion week after Alya had to back out. She’s not a particular fan of Gabriel designs, and she knows very little about his son except that he’s the guy from the perfume ads and he’s friends with the girl who used to bully her in middle school. Her school friend Wayhem, however, is obsessed with Adrien, and when he found out she had a spare ticket and nobody to go with (Zoe already has a ticket and will be meeting her there) he begs her to let him come and also to go to the Gabriel show with him.
Adrien Agreste is a full-time model who has never really had any control over his life. Everything he does is dictated by his father and his brand team. He’s been told that he will be marrying Chloé Bourgeois to unify the two fashion empires, but he’s really not looking forward to it because Chloé is kind of awful. But he can’t go against his father.
After Marinette finishes a rather successful show, she sets in to enjoy the rest of fashion week, with the singular exception of suffering through the Gabriel show. Wayhem brings a “Marry Me” sign to Adrien’s catwalk run, which—while bizarre—Marinette can’t exactly fault him for given that she did something similar for the Clara Nightingale concert back in 8th grade.
Wayhem and Zoe, who should not have been allowed to meet, spend most of the Gabriel show talking to each other, since Wayhem has finally met someone who actually personally knows Adrien Agreste and has kind of gone feral. Zoe insists he’s actually really nice. Marinette could not give a single crap. Dude’s Chloé’s fiancé. He sucks.
Adrien comes out on the catwalk, and Wayhem hands Marinette the sign so he can take out his phone and start filming.
Partway down his walk, Adrien stops.
His entire life has been managed, set, staged by other people. If he marries Chloé, it’s going to keep being like that—he’s never going to get the chance to make his own decisions, just living the life other people tell him to live. He’s staring into the faces of this crowd, into the face of a life he’s never wanted… and has a full-on mental breakdown.
He sees the girl in the second row—she’s beautiful, one part of his mind notices—holding up a sign that says Marry Me. And before he knows it, he’s making the first decision for himself that he’s ever made—he’s pointing at her, telling her, yes. Yes I will marry you.
Wayhem is screaming. Zoe is screaming. They both bundle a confused and terrified Marinette onto the catwalk, and since Zoe got ordained for the Kitty Section Julerose Wedding Concert she’s able to officiate right there and then. Marinette’s too caught up in the moment to say anything—and then she sees the sadness in Adrien’s eyes, and how excited he seems to be at the prospect of doing this, and she can’t bring herself to say anything other than “I do” when Zoe asks.
The wedding isn’t, technically speaking, legal. But in the eyes of the public… well. The Adrien Agreste just grabbed some nobody out of a crowd at random and married her onstage instead of his glamorous and wealthy fiancée. It’s all anyone in Paris is talking about.
And Marinette is starting to realize that this sad, kind, and—oh yeah, sculpted-out-of-marble hot boy may actually be just the kind of guy she’d given up on looking for…
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flightfoot · 4 months
Hi, I'd be interested in some fanfictions that center around Nino (all ships welcome, bonus points if it's the core four hanging out).
Most fics that have him tagged don't focus on him. If you have any recs lmk, feel free to take as long as you need! Have a nice day
I'm on it! So long as you're fine with ships that also revolve around couples anyway, otherwise this would be rather sparse. I'm gonna go ahead and limit it to completed fics. Oh, and if you wonder why some of these have commentary and some don't, it's because the ones with commentary are from previous reclists I made.
(Edit: I'd said that I'd only include complete fics, but I accidentally included Withered Wings anyway, because I kinda forgot that. It's pretty close to finished at any rate, and it's good and long so I'm keeping it.)
Within Your Heart by Inkyibis
It’s Valentine’s Day and Ladybug just wants to her superhero partner to find his love. And what she wants, the Lucky Charm will create. If only she could remember what it is she did last night.
Adrino fic here! Marinette’s drunk and feeling awful that her superhero partner is alone on Valentine’s (she’s in a loving and committed relationship with Alya), so she creates a Lucky Charm to help Chat find love! In this universe, Ladybug’s Lucky Charms have the power to create new rules for the universe to follow, such as making one that demands that if you have any magic in you, you have to tell the truth or else you’ll freeze. Or in Adrien’s case, that he has to wake up in the arms of his true love every day XD. It’s very sweet and I love both Adrien’s and Nino’s relationship, and the relationship between the rest of the Miracuteam members as well, even though that���s not the focus.
I’ll give myself a name (something stupid and pretentious) by @bbutterflies
Nino looked at the number and didn’t recognize it. Usually he wouldn’t answer, but he had nothing better to do – and could still really use a distraction – so he did. “Hello?”
“Hey, Nino.”
Nino stood up quickly, chest tightening. He knew that voice. He’d been waiting to hear it again for over two years. “Adrien?” he whispered.
“Yeah. It’s me."
When Monarch is defeated (and revealed to be Gabriel Agreste), Chat Noir immediately goes missing. Adrien disappears not long after. When Adrien finally shows up in Paris again, Nino would do anything to make sure he doesn't disappear again.
Ah this is lovely, Adrien’s been in a lot of emotional turmoil since Monarch’s defeat, convinced that everyone would hate him, SHOULD hate him, for not realizing that his father was the villain, and should hate him even more for disappearing like he does. But slowly Marinette and Nino get through to him, convince him that they just want him back. 
And also Adrien and Nino smooch. Multiple times. So that’s a bonus XD.
Would Trust You With Everything by @kasienda
Nino breaks off, tears streaking down his face. Adrien wishes he was here as himself instead of Chat so he could offer a hug.
“It’s not like I don’t think she deserved her privacy. It’s just it felt like I was her last priority. And if I knew why, then maybe we could overcome it. But when I don’t, I’m not willing to be her last thought. You know? I always put her first.”
“Yeah,” Chat agrees, able to relate too well. He always put Ladybug first too, and he’s not sure it has ever been the same for her. “I’m sorry you’ve been so alone through this."
“I haven’t been totally alone,” Nino disagrees, holding up his phone. “My best friend has been keeping me company virtually most of the day.”
“Yeah? It helped?”
“I don’t know if any of the stuff he sent helped, but like, given what I know he’s up to, he totally had to move heaven and earth to talk to me so much, and that really helped. You know, just knowing that someone was thinking of me.”
“I’m glad,” Chat Noir said. “I wish he could be there in person for you.”
Nino sighs. “Yeah, me too, but at least you’re here."
Season 4 au - canon divergent from Rocketear Rocketear led to DJWiFi breakup.
Ahh, Adrino my beloved XD. I love the identity shenanigans in this one with Adrien being around Nino as both Adrien and Chat Noir, and both of them vaguely describing their situations to each other. It takes Adrien a bit to figure out that he has a crush on Nino, but once he does...
The moment I knew (I’d no choice but to love you) by @bbutterflies
“He’s dating me,” Nino said, taking Adrien’s hand in his own.
Adrien could only stare back at him in shock.
“How dare you all force him to come out?” Nino continued, glaring at the reporters. “That was disgusting.” He pulled Adrien over to the car, guided him in, and shut the door behind them.
In the relative quiet and privacy of the backseat, Adrien finally processed what had just happened. “So… when were you going to tell me we were dating?”
This Adrino fic is delicious XD. Reporters keep hounding Adrien about his love life, so Nino finally gets them off Adrien’s back by fake-dating him. Problem is, Adrien’s actually been madly in love with Nino for years but has never been able to tell him. And now as they’re spending more time together, Nino’s beginning to find that he’s enjoying all these “couple” activities more than maybe he ought to if it’s entirely platonic...
If you want to see Adrien and Nino PINING for each other while “fake” dating (is it really fake if both parties want it to be real?) then you’ve come to the right fic!
Chemistry With Him by @bbutterflies
It kind of sucked Nino was taking chemistry, but classes had filled up fast and he needed to take something and his advisor had said the credits would, somehow, count towards his major. It really sucked he was taking it first thing on a Monday morning (and Wednesdays, and Fridays, unfortunately). But he could get through it. He knew he could.
So no more boys. No distractions. He could do this all on his own.
“Is anyone sitting here?”
Nino looked up to find the source of the voice. A blond, green-eyed, absolutely beautiful someone.
Okay. Maybe one distraction.
Ah, adorable Adrino. This is a universe where Adrien never went to public school, so while Chat Noir, Ladybug, Carapace, and Rena Rouge all know each other (and Marinette, Alya, and Nino all know each other’s identities) they’re unaware that they are all already friends with Adrien. I loved seeing Chat and Carapace excitedly tell each other about their awesome crush/boyfriend, not knowing they were talking about each other XD.
Strangely Familiar by @sunfoxfic
Alya Césaire’s life is perfect. Indeed, between the success of the Ladyblog, how well she’s doing in school, and the fact that she’s a superhero who has never bore the weight of a crisis of epic proportions, her life almost couldn’t be better. Almost.
But Alya has always been a go-getter, and so she’ll chase after that perfect life if it kills her. Which is how she ends up rushing to move out of her father’s apartment and in with Marinette, Adrien, and a complete stranger: Nino Lahiffe. And in fact, her life does seem perfect — she and Nino are fast friends. They spend a lot of time together and get to know each other really well.
But in the end, fortunate situations will bear unfortunate truths, and she learns things about herself that aren’t quite comfortable. Like I said, though: Alya has always been a go-getter, and she won’t let new feelings deter her from chasing after her perfect life.
This is the single longest DJWifi-centric fic on AO3 (which is a travesty) and it is GLORIOUS. Alya and Nino are both well fleshed-out here, with their own problems and baggage they’re dealing with, but it’s easier together.
Shelltering Others by @rosie-b:
When Ladybug wakes Nino up in the middle of the night to scold him for revealing his identity, he thinks his career as a Miraculous holder is over. But instead, Ladybug gives him the opportunity to prove himself by becoming Chat Noir’s confidant and learning his secret identity through a scavenger hunt of sorts. Will Nino pass Ladybug and Chat Noir’s test, or will he fail to put the pieces together in time?
Quick disclaimer here: the first chapter looks kinda salty towards Nino, with Ladybug laying into him for revealing his and Alya’s secret identities to Adrien and Marinette. She’s mostly just trying to scare him into taking them seriously, though, since she herself has just proposed that Nino become Chat’s secret-keeper, and he can’t afford to be lackadaisical with that identity. I highly recommend getting through at least chapter 2 of the fic when giving it a shot, because this had some great character development and introspection for Nino, on Chat Noir, Adrien, Ladybug, and himself. 
run boy run by tinuviel_tinuviel
Nino was sprawled on the floor of his room with Alya when his phone chimed, in the quiet of a premature autumnal sunset. It was one of those lazy evenings that had become rare lately. Contrary to popular belief, he and Alya could get studying done when in the same room, and he was elbows-deep in late assignments, which meant his phone was on Do Not Disturb, which meant the notification could only have come from one person.
ADRIEN 🐈: cmoe ove rnow ADRIEN 🐈: like riggt now ADRIEN 🐈: plag NINO: that is literally incomprehensible NINO: wait is that you plagg ADRIEN 🐈: mov faster
So this is a “Adrien finds out that his father is Hawkmoth and consults with Nino about what to do” fic, with Nino throwing Hawkmoth off Adrien’s track, though inadvertently at his own expense. Love Nino’s perspective here, and I always enjoy a good Hawkmoth-takedown fic!
Best Friend and Boyfriends by @kasienda
“Someone’s in a good mood,” Nino commented when Adrien slid into the seat next to him in the student lounge during the mutual gap they both had between their university classes. Adrien turned his grin towards his best friend. “Yeah,” he agreed. Nino grinned back. “I haven’t seen you in this good of a mood in months. Were you hanging with your mystery lady?” The question caught Adrien completely off guard. Was Nino seriously comparing his feelings for Carapace with his feelings for Ladybug? Sure, Carapace had become one of his favorite people. Adrien currently coveted every moment spent in Carapace’s company. He walked away from talking to him for hours feeling like he was floating on a cloud. And he was anticipating their next patrol like a giddy child waiting for Christmas morning. Holy shit! “You okay, dude?” Nino asked. He totally had feelings for Carapace. When had that even happened?
Withered Wings by @11jj11
Nino wasn’t sure if anyone had ever willingly took the akuma butterfly before him, but with his mind completely open to this apparent son of Hawk Moth he knew that he couldn’t turn him away. Not someone that was so afraid, not someone who would be left at the mercy of Hawk Moth.
5 times Adrien, the person, helps Nino aka Chat Noir and one time Adrien, the turtle themed hero (still not the fragrance) does it by DearLittleRobin
Adrien is a cool guy that needs more friends Nino is a good friend (and he's also Chat Noir)
Turtle-y Awesome by chattonne-rousse
Hugo Dupain-Cheng loves turtles, and by extension, he loves Carapace, his favorite superhero of them all. He doesn't know yet that his idol is also his Uncle Nino, and Nino hasn't yet seen the Carapace shrine that is Hugo's bedroom. But the little man is turning five and has just two wishes - a Carapace-themed party with friends and family, and the latest, greatest Carapace play set. This is a story of best friends, laughter, good kids and even better parents, and a whole lot of turtles.
I hope the worst isn't over by thescuttlebug
Falling is exactly like flying right up until you stop. Like, assuming the kind of flying you’re used to involves busted steering and useless panic, Nino guesses. “GO LIMP!” a voice shouts, and Nino catches a glimpse of black something-like-leather and the twin flashes of a golden bell and silver staff streaking through the air. “Are you kidding me, dude?!” he shrieks.
Foxy Lady by WizardlyMagik
In which Nino finds himself unexpectedly attracted to Rena Rouge, tries and fails to tell his friends and get some advice, and desperately attempts to hide it from his girlfriend. (Who in fact, is planning to use it to her advantage)
Won't Tell A Soul by @thelastpilot
Nino accidentally runs head long into the biggest most stressful secret he can imagine, but now that he knows the truth about Marinette he is determined to help her in any way he can.
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goggles-mcgee · 2 years
Replaced: She’s Over You
Newest chapter in the story for @miner249er
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Summary:  Gabriel was eager to open the internship with his company, he looked forward to all the new talent and he especially was looking forward to Miss Dupain-Cheng's application. Except her application never came.
Gabriel Agreste was a man of many talents but like any man he could admit he had his faults. He was a gifted fashion designer but he secretly did not handle criticism well which in his industry, criticism was handed out just as if not more freely as compliments. Which is where his skill of masking his emotions came in so handy, and yet it worked too well as he often had trouble expressing himself if it wasn’t in a design or poetry that he had in a locked journal hidden away in a secured safe in his closet. Gabriel of course took pride in his designs, they were what made him successful, but Gabriel also had the unfathomable talent to sniff out the potential in others. It was how he got such a competent and efficient assistant like Nathalie, a tough and loyal bodyguard and chauffeur like Gerald, dedicated and determined employees and it’s how he had gotten a kind and beautiful wife like Emilie. He had seen her passion for acting, her raw talent in the art and her effortless beauty that would make any model jealous and he had fallen hard. It may seem old school to kids, the thought, but he knew at that moment he had to have her. She was everything he ever wanted.  
And Gabriel Agreste always got what he wanted.
He wasn’t some spoiled child that demanded things, no, he worked hard for his success, his happiness. His parents, Michael and Claire, such ordinary names for ordinary people that expected their son to be exceptional. Who expected their exceptional son to take care of them even after they had denied him so much, after they pushed him so hard. Needless to say there was no love lost between them once he was old enough to move out on his own, he had saved up as much money as he could from his odd jobs and his grandparents had helped however they could, even letting him rent out their attic at a very discounted price. Truthfully they hadn’t even wanted to make him pay but he refused to be charity, he refused pity so he paid. Many thought Gabriel was handed things but no, sometimes he wished that were true but then he wouldn’t be the man he was today if that was so. That was why he made sure Adrien worked hard. He didn’t want his son to turn out to be the person his parents wanted, or the person people had thought him to be. It’s why he made his son a model, besides his son’s obvious natural talent that he got from his mother. He wanted Adrien to learn about hard work.
He liked to believe that Adrien understood all that. The one lesson his son never seemed to catch on to was how to spot potential in others and surround yourself with those people. Gabriel saw this first hand when he met his son’s “best friend” Nino Lahiffe, self-proclaimed DJ who only had “gigs” because his friends hired him. The boy had no potential, even if he did it was such a small amount that it was practically nothing and therefore not of importance. So Gabriel saw no point in being polite to the boy, he was a subpar director from what he had seen when his acquaintance André Bourgeois had come over and showed him the videos from that year's Young Amatuer Director’s Competition. That girl, Alya Césaire, had some potential but she wasted it on the awful Ladyblog. She had a way with words and reporting the facts but Gabriel had akumatized her, had felt her emotions, heard her thoughts, and someone who just jumps into things without fact checking when wanting to be a reporter will not go far. For crying out loud she hasn’t even caught on to Miss Rossi’s lies yet!
Ah, and speaking of Lila Rossi. Gabriel saw great potential in her, potential and mayhem. It was a gamble to work with her both in and out of the mask but it was one he ultimately deemed necessary. Lila was a liar. That was a simple fact, but she was a believable liar. The way she lied about things, it made weak-minded people want to believe her, so they did. Gabriel was not above admitting that it was entertaining to watch her lies at work. They provided entertainment and more akumas than he could count. Though, there was always a flaw in something that promised perfection much like Miss Rossi herself. She had potential, but she wasted it on petty grudges, gaining popularity and overall inflating her ego. It was that ego he had to keep an eye on, she already used her lies to trespass into his home, it was only a matter of time she tried to get away with bigger crimes as Lila thought she was untouchable. The young girl believed she could lie herself out of any situation and that was a liability that Gabriel could not afford. 
She was useful though so he kept her on, she was more useful than Chloé. Chloé Bourgeois, he had had such high hopes for the girl. She came from a good background, her parents were influential, she was the exact kind of friend he expected Adrien to make. Though that was all she had, when she was younger she had had a small talent and eye for fashion, but then she grew into someone who would steal another designer’s work and claim credit. Gabriel had dealt with his fair share of those sorts of people, he fully thought Adrien would try and break off his friendship with the spoiled girl more than the one time he did try, if you could even call that an attempt. Agrestes had to know when to cut their losses, though Adrien didn’t seem to understand that just yet. Gabriel would only let the boy be sentimental for so long. Chloé may have been good at making akumas but none of them were particularly strong. So like most of Adrien’s friends, she was a disappointment. 
He didn’t know enough about that Couffaine girl but he did know she was in that odd little band that Adrien had wanted to join. The music was dreadful but he did appreciate the creative costume designs and he was in no way surprised when he learned that it was Miss Dupain-Cheng who had been the designer. That Lavillant girl also fell into the same space as the Couffaine girl, Gabriel didn’t really see any potential from them and yet they were making a name for themselves. It was an odd thing, he didn’t understand why people liked their music, but not everyone could have his expectations and taste. Like M Kubdel, he was a respected man in his profession and yet he let his children be utterly unexceptional, his daughter believed she had a talent in skating and his son, Gabriel couldn’t recall his name, at least had passion on his side. A little too much though, it was an ugly and pitiful sight. Having passion was well and good but it didn’t need to be on full display, he was glad he taught Adrien not to show too much emotion. 
There were other classmates and friends Adrien had but they hardly deserved to be remembered by Gabriel, though Max Kante and Nathaniel Kurtzburg had great potential, both were held back by emotion and those they called friends. If they didn’t cut their losses they wouldn’t amount to anything Gabriel was sure. Besides, the Kurtzburg boy would fall and fail fast if he continued to just write comics about that blasted Ladybug. At least Max Kante made an AI capable of emotion! But the boy wasted it on “friendship.” It was so utterly disappointing, they were all so disappointing. Except, there was one diamond in the rough. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She had the passion, the drive, the determination, and above all, she had the potential. She was wasted on those she and Adrien called classmates, and though Gabriel did loathe her overly optimistic personality, he knew that it would be dampened by real work experience. 
Talent nurtured talent as they say, and Gabriel was prepared to do that. Marinette was talented and young and Gabriel knew if he didn’t get her working for his company as soon as he could, his competitors would snatch her away. Or worse, she would eventually turn into another competitor. Gabriel was confident in his designs but even he knew she would be tough to go against. That’s why he decided they were never going to compete, he would get her working in his company and there she would stay happily. He was sure if he offered her a couple raises and some mild promotions that she would be happy to stay whenever she thought she was ready to leave. It sounded backhanded and frankly in bad taste but that was simply business. Besides a high stake and high anxiety environment like a fashion company would be a beautiful place for an akuma to be birthed and besides her potential to be great in fashion, Marinette Dupain-Cheng had the great potential to be a truly spectacular akuma.
When he had tried to akumatize her before, he had felt her anger, her sadness, her pain. All of it was so raw, so powerful, it had him staggering every time he felt it, he needed that power to win, he knew it. Though aside from her potential of being his most powerful akuma ever, Miss Dupain-Cheng had tremendous ideas when it came to fashion and overall just creative projects. She designed for Clara Nightingale and Jagged Stone for crying out loud and she was still in collège! Gabriel himself won some small amateur design competitions when he was that young but he had never gotten commissioned by celebrities. He wasn’t jealous, he was impressed. She was already building a client list with very important, influential people. She impressed Audrey Bourgeois, the most difficult person to get a compliment from, and Gabriel would know. Despite them being “friends,” Audrey held nothing back when his designs displeased her and that had been often lately. 
That, and many other things, was the reason why Gabriel was even opening up an internship with his brand. They got tons of applications, Nathalie kept him updated from what she saw in the records, and yet Miss Dupain-Cheng had not applied. It baffled him. By all accounts she should have been one of the first to hand in her application, he knew first hand that she was a fan of his and he knew she was smart. She would know this would be a big opportunity for her and her future career. So really it made no sense for her application to be missing when they were so close to the application deadline. It got to him. It had him pacing his office more often than he would like to admit, he felt like some online shopper that made their purchase and eagerly awaited the delivery truck, checking for the package every hour despite knowing the thing they are waiting for hasn’t even shipped yet. 
He wasn’t eager, no, Gabriel was frustrated. So frustrated in fact that he had called Adrien into his office and told him to ask Miss Dupain-Cheng to their house as Gabriel wanted to discuss business with her. He did not fail to notice the hope and eagerness that lit his son’s eyes, nor the hesitation that crashed into the boy. But Gabriel had no time for whatever teenage drama Adrien was dealing with and he made it known that Adrien was to do said task as soon as possible. Thankfully whatever Adrien had said to the girl worked and she had set up an appointment with Nathalie for the next day. Gabriel had his office cleaned, artfully placed some designs he himself was working on and those he had to approve from his team. The final thing he did was have Nathalie print out the applications and made sure to place them on his desk where Miss Dupain-Cheng would no doubt notice them while they spoke.
So here Gabriel was awaiting the teen as he sat at his desk and did his best to look busy and uninterested. He was very good at looking uninterested, though that was more because he was never really interested in anything much since Emilie’s “disappearance”. She had brought this spark to his life like nothing else had and then the Peacock Miraculous happened and Gabriel regretted nothing more than giving that damned brooch to her. At the time he had thought it to be the perfect gift, Emilie had always had some weird fascination with the creatures and had many clothing pieces that had some kind of peacock motif on them. Gabriel shook his head to clear his thoughts, now was not the time to think of his wife, that would get him nowhere in this interview. 
A knock on his door helped fully pull him from his thoughts, “Gabriel, Miss Dupain-Cheng is here to see you.”
“Thank you Nathalie.” Gabriel said as his way of giving permission to enter his office. He watched as Miss Dupain-Cheng walked in, immediately he assessed the outfit she arrived in, what you wore was always important when meeting those you wished to impress or work with/for. 
The outfit wasn’t what he expected but it was certainly well made, though it wasn’t something he would have expected of the young girl. She wore high-waisted bell bottoms, the flares at the bottom looked to  have slight slashes in them but when she took a step he could see pale pink plaid stitched into the sides of the pants. A fold in the side of the pants hid the design until she walked, it grabbed your attention, it was brilliant. She wore a loose satin button up that was tucked into the bell bottoms, it was white with the flowers she always seemed to have in her designs embroidered on the right breast pocket. The buttons of the button-up were undone so he could see a black top underneath that had lace trim at the top edges, it seemed to be a tank top. Her black earrings tied the look together, as did the simple black music note choker necklace she wore. Her hair was done half-up, half-down with the up part fashioned into some kind of braid that he could see peeking from the top of her head. The biggest surprise was seeing the underside of her hair dyed pink, but it complimented her in a way he couldn’t hate on.
“Monsieur Agreste, it is nice to see you.” The young girl said with a small smile as she walked to his desk and held a hand out for a handshake. 
Gabriel abhorred physical touch so he merely nodded, he may want her to work for him but there was no need to inflate her ego. Though Miss Dupain-Cheng hadn’t even seemed hurt by the rejected handshake and that won her more of his approval. “Agreed Miss Dupain-Cheng. Thank you for agreeing to speak with me.” 
Once they both took their seats, Miss Dupain-Cheng gave him another smile, though this one was more tight than the one before. “I will admit Monsieur Agreste, I was more than a little confused when Adrien told me you wanted to speak with me.”
“I will get straight to the point Miss Dupain-Cheng, I was surprised when I did not see your name among the applicants for the internship with Gabriel. Forgive me if this is overstepping but, this seemed like something you would be interested in and I have to admit I did expect to see your name among the others. Adrien told me you were a fan.” Maybe he laid the charm on a bit thick but he was curious and he had the opportunity to get answers. 
“Oh he did?” Miss Dupain-Cheng said, yes it was phrased as a question but Gabriel had a feeling it really wasn’t one. “Well since you were so honest with me, I will be honest with you Monsieur Agreste.”
“I did see you had opened your business up for an internship, and maybe once upon a time I would have been interested. Over the moon in fact, but to be frank I had no interest, have no interest and that’s why I never applied.” She stated like she hadn’t just thrown Gabriel for a damn loop and all with a sweet smile on her face.
“I’m…I’m sorry?”
“I mean no offense Sir,” that felt like a damn lie, “I had considered a career in fashion, working in a brand I mean, maybe even starting one myself but I moved on from that.”
Gabriel had to physically stop his jaw from dropping, all he could do was utter out, once again, “I’m sorry?”
“I thought I would be able to handle that kind of environment, and maybe in the future I’ll get back into it like I once was but yeah…I have to admit, fashion is no longer my number one passion. Don’t get me wrong, I still love it, still do it, but I don’t think it’s my future anymore.” Miss Dupain-Cheng admitted like she hadn't destroyed every single one of Gabriel’s plans for when she joined the company. Like she hadn’t just broken all his expectations in the worst way. 
“I…I have to say Miss Dupain-Cheng you have surprised me. This was not what I had expected.”
“I’m sorry.” The worst part is he believed her.
“Can I ask why? Why you are no longer interested.” Gabriel clarified after he asked. He wanted answers. Why didn’t Adrien warn him?
At first Gabriel was afraid she wouldn’t answer, she just sat there with her lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed but finally she took a deep breath in and looked Gabriel straight in the eyes. “You’ve been nothing but polite Monsieur Agreste, and you checked in with me and I feel like I at least owe you this. To put it simply, I wanted to be happy. And if I stayed the way I was that would never have been possible. Fashion is an incredible thing, but it is also a highly competitive field that is as stressful as it is rewarding if you find the right place. I thought about it, more than anybody will ever know, but I thought and it’s not the right place for me. Not anymore. I had drive. I had passion. But the thing is, people see that and cling to it, and sooner rather than later you get burnt out.”
“I burnt out and it was the worst feeling in the world. It nearly akumatized me. There were people in my life, people who used me, maybe they did view me as a friend once but it stopped feeling like that when they asked me to make them things last minute, or say they were going to pay me but it wouldn’t be till later but they promised, or just downright expected to get things from me. The messed up part is I did it all. I wanted their friendship, I wanted their praise, I tricked myself into thinking they were giving me inspiration every time they asked for things, I thought their compliments were genuine with no double meaning and I let that drive me.” Gabriel could do nothing but listen in horror, what had happened to her? He had wanted her to become akumatized yes, but not at the cost of her potential. 
“It became stressful, so stressful and the more it continued, the more I realized that that’s how the fashion industry is. No one is satisfied with one thing from you. They demand more things, better things. And I used to be able to rise to that challenge but I can’t anymore Monsieur Agreste. And it’s not just the demands and the stress and the challenges, I like being challenges, it’s the people. I thought I could handle the people.” Miss Dupain-Cheng chuckled roughly and shook her head.
“And as much as I want to sit here and say the only reason I passed up on the internship was because I don’t think I’m up to putting myself in the environment, I owe it to myself to be honest and I owe it to you since you were once my mentor whether you knew it or not. I used to buy your catalogs and whatever magazines you were featured in with whatever money I could save up.  I passed not only because of the environment but because of your employees.”
There was no shame in her words, he could feel no anger despite them either. There was no heart-clenching sadness either, not like he expected, there was sadness but it was dim, like the leftover taste of a too-small piece of bittersweet chocolate. “My employees?”
“Yes. Lila Rossi and your son. I don’t know if you are aware or not Monsieur, but Lila is a liar. You may not believe me and frankly I don’t care if you do or not, but it’s the truth. She lies to be the center of attention and she lies to make others look bad and I am not so disillusioned that I will sit here and believe she is the only model capable of that level of self-centeredness. I would rather pull my hair out strand by strand than subject myself to that all for the sake of fashion. And your son used to be a friend. A good one. But he knows she is a liar and did nothing and I deserve better than that and I got better. A healthy workplace environment does not mean letting someone walk all over your employees and it also means your workers feel safe enough to bring their worries of such things forward which is something I don’t believe happens at Gabriel considering who you have representing your brand.” It was as though she was trying to offend him, Gabriel felt like he should be fuming and distantly he knew he would be later but all he could feel was a pit in his stomach growing bigger and bigger with every word.
“So thank you for thinking of me, but I will not be handing in an application now or for the foreseeable future. I have a new mentor, and I’m really happy where I am now but I thank you for the opportunity.” With that Miss Dupain-Cheng stood and gave Gabriel a wave before leaving him to sit there like a fool. 
It would be an hour before everything hit him and he stood up in a rage, practically throwing his chair in the process. He vaguely recalled yelling at Nathalie to tell Adrien to come to his office. He was pacing when his son finally arrived and Gabriel had to take deep breaths to calm himself. “I don’t know what you and that class of fools did but you will fix this. I don’t care how but you will make Marinette Dupain-Cheng change her mind.”
“What? She…She didn’t apply?” Adrien gaped unattractively.
Gabriel sneered. “Of course she didn’t, would we be having this conversation if she did? Miss Dupain-Cheng has great potential in this field and I will not have her waste it because of silly teenage drama. So again, I don’t care how you do it, but you will convince her to take the internship.”
“Yes Father.”
“Good. Now leave me.” Gabriel felt like he had more pacing to do.
Next Chapter
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At this point, I am literally just trying to see this season to an end
Hi hello, yes I’m late, time to review Revolution! Let’s go because at this point I’m getting tired of this show.
So basically the entire episode is Adrien’s trying to tell Marinette that he’s leaving Paris and trying to stop it, but Marinette doesn’t really listen, and is focused on stopping Chloe, who’s now mayor/dictator??? Yeah trust me the logic of this show is gone, somehow people are ok with the super demonized caricature Chloe being mayor like everyone didn’t hate her already (my guess is that this is supposed to be alluding to the current state of world and politics and lack of trust people hold in the government)? Love the lack of consistency and logic.
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Now. I don’t want to criticize Marinette too much, because technically, yes, she was busy trying to handle the Chloe situation (which in itself makes absolutely no sense and by all accounts shouldn’t be possible) but I will note that despite Adrien clearly telling her something was wrong multiple times, she never seems to care or understand? Like he told her multiple times that there’s something wrong, but she never seems to care or do anything about it until it actually affects her (which is unfortunately in character)
But apparently people are criticizing Adrien?! Saying how he’s awful for lying to marinette about having to leave and left it for the last minute? And frankly, the show kinda does it too (in the next episode, many of Adrien’s classmates discuss how awful it is Adrien didn’t say anything and how could he keep this from them like that)
LIKE??? BITCH??? Two points:
1. Adrien’s dad is Gabriel fucking Agreste?!
Like wow what a shocker the child of a man that has proven to abuse and isolate his son on multiple occasions has a fear of asking others for help in his situation because he worries nothing can truly beat this actual billionaire who’s also his legal guardian? And also is implied to have legit magic control powers over him, sentimonster style?
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2. This really isn’t that of a big fucking deal
Like I do not get why this show keeps saying how “Adrien lied to marinette!!! He didn’t tell her he’s moving away!!!! How could he!!!” And how literally everyone and their mom is seeing this as an awful situation for marinette, when in actuality, all she knows is that Adrien will now be living a couple of hours away from her (due to the bullet train between Paris and London) and that he won’t literally be with her every second of the day.
Like I get it for a 14 year old yes this might be a huge fucking deal, but Alya even says so herself! Adrien is in London, they’ll just get a couple of tickets for the train and figure it out from their! And even in the worst case scenario where Adrien stays in London, there’s the option of a long distance relationship (that’s just as valid a relationship as any and would be a refreshing take on how not every relationship is super conventional and in person)
I just really don’t understand why the show shows Adrien genuinely going through some horrible shit from his father (like full on white room torture in the episode after) and then all the show focuses on is how this affects marinette and how sad she must be rather then the genuine psychological damage this must be doing for the kid! Like no one in this show remembers the amount of control Gabriel has on Adrien or something.
Anyways rant aside, before the entire going to London thing happens (btw congrats adrienette shippers for the kiss) there’s a whole thing where Chloe makes a deal to be akumatized by Monarch so she can send people to detention (it’s painted as a torture chamber but it’s literally people walking around with a video of Chloe saying they’re ridiculous, so basically P.E. Class), and then there’s a big fight where Ladybug and Chat Noir almost detransform because they used up their lucky charm and cataclysm and are trapped (btw the lucky charm had no fucking point to the story, why was it underwear? Frankly it was kinda creepy if the writers to have panties as the lucky charm for nothing but a weird joke, and not even connecting to the messages of unity and everyone taking action but ok)
But like… they just don’t?! Like I swear to god this show makes no sense anymore, Ladybug and Chat Noir just say they’ll never give up and fully transform and recharge again, and now they have no time limit and full powers?!
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Like, the entire principal (just like Gabriel said) of the miraculous time limit, is that Kwamis need to recharge after one use, and that adults can lend some of their energy and power to Kwamis and therefore have them last longer to the point they don’t need to detransform, hence “only adults don’t need to detransform”
But now it’s apparently a purely emotional thing and not physical? Ladybug and Chat Noir somehow grew up by saying they’ll never detransform again (I do not at all see how this is a moment of growth to them) and now they just don’t detransform, despite the fact they are physically still kids?
Like by the shows logic of emotional maturity, Gabriel shouldn’t be able to hold a transformation at all then, because he’s the farthest thing from emotionally mature.
And also, it kinda makes all the stakes in fights now null and void? The biggest stake and challenge in each fight from day one of miraculous was “there’s this bad guy, you guys have one chance to use your special powers to beat them, think smart and solve this puzzle” but now it’s just gone??? It would have worked if the akumas overtime became more intense and hard to beat but clearly that’s not the case as even akumas powered up with actual miraculouses can be beat by a normal ladybug and chat noir.
The best thing the show could have done here is rather then make the becoming adult thing emotional maturity, have Ladybug and Chat Noir notice their transformation seems ti be slowly lasting longer as they age (have it be a metaphor for puberty and growing up or something) and then actually make the fights and villains more difficult and compelling so by the time Ladybug and Chat Noir no longer transform back, the priority isn’t for them to keep their secret identity (which sucks and anyways doesn’t matter) but to stay alive!
But anyways I digress, when has this show ever pulled a logical move?
Which speaking of…
I have no fucking clue what they’re doing with Chloe anymore.
They spent. Entire SEASONS! PLURAL! SEASONS! After the introduction of Audrey Bourgeois, telling us how “no Chloe is irredeemable her actions are never justifiable she’s just evil and bad and she has no other reason for doing anything and she’s so bad she’s cooperating with monarch and Lila look how evil she is hate her so marinette looks better in comparison”
To now… suddenly pulling this scene?!
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Like. WHY??? Why would you purposely demonize Chloe despite the very real opportunity she had to get better and be complex, only to now pull a “whoops wait look guys deep compelling character!”
And while I heard people say this is the show maybe finally making Chloe get her redemption arc after hitting rock bottom, I can’t agree? The show is known for its repetitive nature, and if the show is to redeem Chloe and suddenly make her a good person or give her a compelling reason for acting the way she did, marinette looks bad in comparison, for not having as compelling reasons to do just as bad things:
Example? Marinette and Chloe in season 3’s Animaestro, trying to sabotage Lagami and publicly humiliate her in front of Adrien so she won’t “win him over”.
If Chloe has an explanation for this behavior (she’s taught to be cruel and mean from a young age by an abusive and neglectful mother, and because of her equally neglectful father, she learned the only way she’s heard and anyone cares for her is if she lashes out, and someone will just throw money on the problem) what reason does marinette have? She was raised by perfectly loving and doting (maybe too doting) parents, who from day one have taught her to be kind to others, and to do good.
Both characters did an awful thing, just one character has a genuinely compelling explanation for said behavior, while the other is pure jealousy and wanting the guy for herself by all costs.
So no, I don’t think the show will redeem Chloe for that reason: because it would force marinette to admit her wrongdoings and therefore force the plot to develop!
So this just makes no sense? It feels like a case of the show wanting to have its cake and eat it too, wanting the show to remain the same, Chloe to remain awful for no reason, and for marinette to stay the hero by comparison, but also have the bragging rights to say “we write complex character you guys!”
It makes no sense is my point.
Anyways besides these huge inconsistencies, leaps in logic, and bad writing, I don’t really have anything else about this episode to say? This show has officially come to the point for me where I genuinely think nothing will ever change or be able to fix how wrong everything is (from characterization of everyone except for marinette, the plot, the rules of miraculouses, the LOVE SQUARE)
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rayraygo1267 · 6 months
A Gabenath Fanfiction: Threads of Warmth
I’ve had a lot of stuff in my personal life going on and I did kinda lose my motivation for a bit but I’m back now. I do not know if I will be posting daily like I used to, but I will still be posting much more frequently. As a way to make it up to all of you I made this little fluffy gabenath one-shot. I hope you all enjoy and again I’m so sorry I’ve been gone for so long. 😭😭😭
Rated: K
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,674
Summary: Nathalie and Gabriel find themselves both awake in the wee hours of the cold, wintry night and decide to take a midnight stroll. Some minor angst and fluff ensues.
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The frost on the window was pristine and crisp. A fog trailing along the opaque glass, curling in various designs that reflected out to the sparkling puddles of snow from the outside. 
Nathalie Sancoeur exhaled sharply. It was the first snowfall of the season — the sky was a sea of flying diamonds. She had to bite her lip to prevent a burst of laughter at the small childish desire that coursed through her, the desire to go out and wait for flakes of crystallizing snow to fall on the tip of her tongue and dissolve with a flourish. 
A gust of a windchill met her as she popped the latch of the door. Flurries dashed past, causing her eyes to widen in awe. It wasn’t as if she’d never seen snow before but the first remnants of it never failed to leave her mesmerized. 
She walked on the white powder, her silky slippers crunching in the icy mist. The moon was a balm of white light shimmering down on her, making the small icicles hanging from tree ledges and house fronts sparkle and gleam. 
“I didn’t think you’d be one to go out on midnight strolls,” came a soft intone. Nathalie felt a spritz of shock waver through her system, a poignant gasp leaving her lips. She hadn’t thought anyone else was out, much less at this hour. 
A chuckle reverberated, adjacent to the sound of doming bells. “Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
Nathalie paused and upturned her gaze, her expression regal despite the quick patter in her chest. “I figured you’d already be retired for the night sir.” 
Gabriel Agreste sighed, running a hand through his hair, pushing back the black beanie that obscured his head. He wore a pair of tight knit leggings that perfectly aligned with the outline of his hips and a maroon colored turtleneck sweater that climbed up his chest. 
Nathalie pursed her lips, a small pink flush rounding her cheeks. He seemed to be dressed quite appropriately for a winter night promenade; unlike her who only adorned a light nightgown, which although kept her covered was still quite flimsy, as it draped over her bodice, flowing lightly in the rashful breeze. In short, not the best choice of clothing for an icy outing on her part.��
“I couldn’t sleep. I tried to work on some designs to clear my mind but…” he paused, his throat working as he sighed once more, a puff of air fogging out into the wind. He trained his eyes on the snow covered path ahead of them as he spoke his next words. 
“My thoughts get too crowded sometimes, especially at night.” 
Nathalie was aware of this. As much as Gabriel tried to hide it, Nathalie could see through the dark circlets under his eyelids and the container of empty coffee pouches, accompanied by  the kitchen sink full of various drained coffee mugs, that Gabriel rarely, if ever, slept. 
Not that she could blame him, she herself didn’t get much sleep either. Perhaps that was something they shared in common, in the wee hours of the night their hearts would race and thrum due to the constant whispers of their anxieties and misfortunes daunting them. 
“I understand that. Sleep is…well…sleep is just difficult,” Nathalie chuckled lightly, brushing a stray wisp of her hair behind her ear.
Gabriel scoffed ruefully, “yes, well it doesn’t get much easier when all you can think about is the smell of rosemary poppy lotion and light feather skin…” 
Nathalie could hear the lonesomeness anguish in his voice as he spoke. She could practically feel it seething in her bones. 
He always got like that when he spoke of his flower — his Emilie. 
Nathalie felt the sprinkle of dots of snow dropping on the tops of her own skin, causing a sparse gooseflesh, as she reached out and placed her hand on Gabriel's padded shoulder in a supportive embrace. She knew there were not many words out there that anyone could say to soothe the heartache of the loss of a loved one. 
She knew enough of her employer to know that the torch he carried for his dear Emilie was one that could not be extinguished, in fact it only seemed to grow more vibrant — a pipe of gasoline dousing the remains of a nearly burnt out candle. 
Nathalie’s gaze roamed down Gabriel’s body, right from where her hand pressed on his shoulder, their mingled breath was meshed between them in moats. 
“I know this is your first winter without her sir. I know…” she blew out a breath, “I can see that you’re hurting.” 
She speaks with tenderness almost as if she were trying to coax a wounded animal out of a den. Though in this case she might be the wounded animal considering that Gabriel was known to always be ready to pounce. 
She waited, her heart a soft tick like a hummingbird's wings. 
To her astonishment, Gabriel’s eyes seemed to soften, though whatever thoughts he had on her statement he had chosen to keep to himself. 
He turned and headed down the gilded footpath in front of them, his eyes lingered on her, seeming to signify that he wanted her to follow and despite her lack of proper dressing for the occasion, she couldn’t stop herself from allowing him to guide her. 
They walked on in silence for a while. Their surroundings were too vacated in darkness to differentiate in which direction they were headed, but Gabriel appeared as if he knew where he was going, so Nathalie did not feel the need to comment. 
Her eyes studied the treks Gabriel’s long fur-lined boots made in the sleet. The firm imprint that his feet made in the ground was an easy compass for Nathalie to follow. At some longer intervals Gabriel would stop and look back over his shoulder to make sure she was still keeping pace with him. Although she would find herself taking lengthened strides to match his own, he never made out to rush her. He would wait for her until she stood only a few short feet away from him, the heat emanating from his body washing over her. 
Mixed in with the brisk air, the sparkling icicles  and the illuminated moonlight, Gabriel stood out — his golden hair a shining beacon in a world of shadows. He was a tall man with a firm build, easily recognizable. He always held himself in a stoic manner, one pertaining to confidence which was partly why Nathalie could always spot him in a crowd. He was hard to miss. 
Eventually they reached a small secluded grove, shrouded by wistful bare willow trees. From the tips of the elongated branches hang glacier spears that glistened and sparkled. Muffin-like puffs stuck out, covered in mounds of glitter that was snow. These puffs enlightened into bushes during springtime, but for now they were starry abstract shapes that swayed and danced on a pond of frost that Nathalie imagined had been gilded on by the ice skates of many neighbor children in the past, perhaps even Adrien as well. 
Despite the desolate beauty of the landscape before them, this meadow of crystals still had a cold bite. The adrenaline and the flush rounding Nathalie’s cheeks had kept her aboard and heated earlier but now here, in a stalemate with this whimsical winter wonderland her eyes couldn’t help but drift to the warm concealed body next to her. 
“Emilie and I shared our first kiss here, right in the center of that circle of ice.” He lifted his finger, pointing out where he and Emilie had stood. Nathalie’s eyes drifted to where his finger lay. She can imagine it. A young and dumb Emilie pulling a head over heels Gabriel onto the ice. Emilie’s hair would be voluminous, dashing around in the breeze, her eyes a plume of periwinkle. Gabriel would follow her lead, hanging on her every move. 
Nathalie could see vividly in her mind the moment their lips touched, warm and passionate despite the fierce chill surrounding them. Nathalie felt a prick of an unpleasant indescribable feeling strike her, a flurry, like a jab of ice. 
A poignant, feverish shiver ran down her spine, filling her from the inside out. Suddenly the adrenaline pumping her didn’t seem so potent, as it felt as though a mask of icy glaze was overcoming her. The corners of her vision were clogged, perhaps with flakes of snow or perhaps tears, she didn’t know. Even out and fully alert, her tiresome thoughts did not cease. 
“Are you cold?” 
Gabriel’s inquiry pulled Nathalie from her musings. She shrugged, a crimson coating her cheeks. 
Gabriel’s brows creased, “you’re shivering.” 
Nathalie chuckled nervously. “Am I?” 
Gabriel smiled softly, the corners of his mouth perching up. He placed a warm gloved hand on her shoulder. Her body stiffened and stilled.
“You’re not even wearing a proper coat!” 
His voice sounded as a drumbeat — exasperated. 
Nathalie felt the crimson dotting her cheeks begin to slither down her body like an unforgiving snake. 
“Well I didn’t think we’d be walking this far!” She argued, with a furious, maddening flush that didn’t seem to want to disappear. Gabriel chuckled softly to himself, causing Nathalie’s blush to only deepen. 
“Here,” his hands moved to his abdomen, “why don’t you take my sweater?” 
Nathalie’s brows raised to her hairline. 
She couldn’t even muster another word, before the maroon velvety sweater was sliding off Gabriel’s body. The heated flush consuming her insides was like a replant to the bitter cold. She imagined her skin was as red and bright as the steaming star of mars. Then it was in a flash of a second. Everything seemed to move at the speed of light and then abruptly slow like a hockey puck sliding on withered ice. 
Underneath his sweater, shining out against the droplets of snow was Gabriel Agreste’s chest, though not completely bare due to his clear white undershirt, the contours and flexes of his chest were clearly, unmistakably visible. 
A puff of air that appeared as smoke escaped Nathalie’s lips in a plume as her mouth fell agape.
“I…” she somehow mustered out, though her throat was croaky as full of rasp from her shock. 
“Here Nathalie. Please, I insist,” his hand was outstretched, his arm as light and pale as the balming moon. His bare, naked arm. Nathalie’s breathing shaked, the warm puffs of it in the air quivering like notes rising up a music staff. 
Her fingers twitched and grappled at the texture of the cotton sweater. Her eyes darted down to it. It was long and slim and smelled of cologne and of newly dried laundry. 
Her gaze traveled back up to the eyes of her superior. His steely bluish gray eyes were misty and soft — kind. Nathalie felt as though she were deflating like a balloon. 
“Are you sure about this sir? I don’t want to be of any trouble…” she gulped, her throat closing for a brief pause. “Won’t you be cold sir? That…” she cleared her throat with a forceful swallow, “that is a very light shirt you are wearing.” 
Her rambling ceased though when she felt a gentle squeeze on her fingers. 
“Please Nathalie.” His tone was fierce and sincere however churned with a slight undertone of sternness. 
And yet with the way his eyes were pleading with her and how his grip on her hand did not loosen in the slightest, she could not bring herself to deny him. 
“Yes sir.” 
She didn’t allow herself to think, as she threw the sweater over her head, permitting it to mold with the shape of her torso. Though she should have because her senses were suddenly overwhelmed by a potpourri of stimulants. The cologne and musky scent of Gabriel’s sweat filled her nose along with the cloud of fuzzy warmth that soothed the goosebumps and trembles racking her body. The fringe of the turtleneck coursed around her neck and the fabric clung to her body, complimenting her curves. 
She felt as though she were wrapped in a warm comforting shield that would hold her up so she wouldn’t be blown away from the winter weather wind. 
Her eyes found Gabriel’s again. He stared at her a moment, his lips parted as if he were about to speak but couldn’t get the words out. 
He eventually closed his mouth, choosing not to comment at all. 
“Thank you sir.” Nathalie murmured, not knowing what else to say for this moment seemed so oddly intimate and yet so oddly fragile — a bubble that could pop at any moment. 
After another pregnant pause Gabriel finally spoke, though his voice was in a hush as if he were trying to whisper a secret. 
“Emilie gave me that…it was the first thing she ever gave me.” His fingers played with the lower  hem of the turtleneck, turning Nathalie’s heartbeat from soft pitter-patters to blazing gunshots. 
A sound of surprise and awe left her throat. Suddenly it felt a lot harder to accept this gesture. Gabriel didn’t seem to notice her unease. 
“I had stopped wearing it,” he admitted with a withered, grief stricken sigh. “In fact, I couldn’t  even bear to look at it…it hurt too much.” 
A gust of air left his lungs, a confession finally free from his conscience. 
Nathalie nodded in understanding, her gaze never leaving his. As he spoke she didn’t comment on how she could feel him guiding her forward. She didn’t comment as her feet turned to crystals when they met the ice. She didn’t comment as she felt herself sliding forward into a moonlit abyss. 
Suddenly they were standing in the center of the frozen over pond. 
Right where Gabriel and Emilie had once stood, hand to hand, mouth to mouth. 
Gabriel’s hushed voice returned, the only sound reaching Nathalie’s ears. 
“And then I think to myself…perhaps this sweater that holds so many memories and so much happiness and heartache deserves a new beginning. I am a man of my roots, a fashion designer at heart and I think…” he exhaled slowly, a plume of smoke arising from his mouth. “I think this sweater, fueled with the stitches and threads of Emilie and my love, deserves a new home.” 
Nathalie’s eyes widened, her glasses fogging with her breath and the watery glaze covering her irises. Her heart rate doubled when she fully managed to comprehend his words. 
“You want me to keep it sir?” She murmured, overwhelmed, confused and slightly unsure. 
Gabriel did not hesitate with even a breath on his response. He lowered his head, looking down upon her. His hand found its way around the side of her moisture covered and frost coated cheek.  His hand was warm yet cool at the same time — cold with a warm interior, just like Gabriel Agreste himself. 
He pushed back an errant strand of the scarlet streak in her hair, curling it back behind her ear. 
“Yes…” he breathed, his puffs of breath mingling with her own. 
Could this really be happening? Were they really this close, mere inches apart? 
The warmth of Gabriel’s hand and the comfort of his sweater took everything surrounding them away. Was this how Gabriel and Emilie felt when they were here at this pond? Nathalie pondered. Like they were at the center of this rink and even if they were to fall through and sink to the bottom it wouldn’t matter because they were all that mattered? 
Did that even make sense? 
Did any of this make sense? 
Nathalie decided that didn’t matter. All that mattered was this, her and Gabriel were at the center of this pond, breaths away from each other, surrounded by diamond filled weeping willows. 
It didn’t matter if Gabriel walked off now, even though Nathalie knew he wouldn’t. 
It didn’t matter because she knew his gift — this sweater — concealed with so much history of love and loss would keep her warm. 
Gabriel’s threads of warmth would keep her warm always.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A/N: Thank you all so much for reading! Please don't hesitate to tell me what you think, I love feedback. Also if y'all have any fanfic requests let me know and I'll get to them as soon as I can! Again I want to apologize for my absence and I hope this little fic will be a good way to make up for it.
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picturejasper20 · 1 month
What’s are few examples you can think of that are redemption arcs done badly?
Well, uhh...
One issue i have with animated series lately that they tend to wait until the very last episode to redeem a character- something i don't understand why they can't do earlier or show better that they are regretting their actions. Steven Universe series has this but it was more a production issue of having to smash everything in 5 episodes. This is why Sasha's redemption arc from Amphibia was pretty solid, even if it needed more episodes, because the show didn't wait until last minute to do it.
Talking about examples of mixed redemption arcs below.
As redemption arcs that have questionable execution, Starlight Glimmer from MLP G4 is one of the first that comes to mind:
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I don't certainly dislike her character but the way her actions were explained was... (sigh) She lost a friend when she was little because of cutie marks, so she started to hate cutie marks and then make a whole cult about it.
That's it, that is the reason. We don't get further details of how Starlight decided to become a villain, not if she lost more friends because of the cutie marks or if she was bullied for not having her cutie mark yet.
I know this is a show of colorful ponies but the series is capable of exploring the character's backgrounds and being emotionally complex for one expects for its demographic (like Bluey). We could have had one or two episodes about this to develop her character past better.
Her character arc itself is not so bad, she does have good episodes and shows some growth throught the seasons. She serves well to give lessons when the main six have been developed a lot in later seasons. The issue is that in some episodes she gets away with some awful things like using a spell to semi brainwash the main six. I think it is more a sign of the writers not knowing how to execute her character more than anything else.
My Little Pony has many good things but it can be questionable... the way it chooses who ¨deserves¨ to be redeemed and who doesn't. It is something that probably deserves its own post though.
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Gabriel Agreste as a character who gets redeemed... good lord, this man does very awful things, specially to his son, Adrien. He just gets worse every season from what i have seen, getting more controlling with Adrien and escalating in the way he becomes more ridiculously villainous.
Then the Season 5 finale has him suddenly ¨regretting his actions¨ to the last moment, doing a semi-sacrifice, and he has the galls to ask Marinette to tell to Adrien that ¨he was a good father¨.
And after all that he gets an statue, potraying him as a ¨hero¨.
I can't fully judge it since i haven't watched the whole show. However, the execution of his character regretting his actions falls flat and the worst of all is that Adrien doesn't learn that Gabriel was Mothman. Most of what i have seen of this show is a trainwreck, and this is just the top of the iceberg
The movie takes the elements of the show and it is overall so much better. The characters develop and Gabriel gets written a lot differently from his series version. He isn't as cruel and he cares about Adrien in spite of how distant their relationship becomes.
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Catra from She-ra 2018 is often another character that is cited as a bad example of redemption arc, even Steven Universe fans seem to hate her character.
Honestly, i think a lot of things in her character arc in Season 5 are decent? She does changes through the season, tries to make amends and apologizes for her actions. She grows to be kinder and better than the controlling person she was before.
The main problem for me is that things that made her character interesting in earlier seasons kinda... get dropped in season 5. Her inferiority complex to how Adora got easier and was more loved and respected by people around her? Gone. That along with other things that drove her character.
I remember that her relationship with Adora gets too much in the center, overshadowing other recurrent characters. Other thing that bothered me was that she did one nice thing and suddenly the protagonists were very accepting of her? I understand Adora but others, uhhhh.... And not to mention that Scorpia forgives her way to easily after the way Catra treated her... i guess you could argue that it is in her character but still, if there is one character that would have been mixed about that should have been Scorpia.
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Nine from Sonic Prime has a bit of Gabriel Agrestre syndrome with him suddenly regretting his mistakes and actions at the last minute, not showing much regret around Season 3 with his actions until that point and getting worse.
The character in Season 3 suffers as a whole because it feels like he was rewritten. In previous seasons Nine was potrayed as someone who cared about only himself, but that was it. He didn't try hurting innocent people on purpose and then in Season 3 he didn't seem to care he was destroying the realities from other words to create his ¨perfect safe world¨.
His realization in Season 3 feels too sudden and it is like he changes too quickly in five minutes. At one minute he is fighting with Sonic and the other he is feeling bad. There is a lack a build up to that moment that he could have had before.
One thing i can give is that nobody seems to want anything to do with him after he apologizes and they leave him to be. They do what Sonic asked but they still seem to hate Nine after all that he did. That was nice to see for a change.
I would add the redemptions arcs in Hazbin Hotel, not because it the idea behind them is bad, but cause there is lack of screen time for the characters to see them develop properly. We don't seem them spending time growing and the process, we are only told that they ¨changed¨ so much like it is the case with Angel Dust. We aren't shown the path in between. Only the start and the finish line, which is very frustrating when watching the show.
I feel i could add more from animes, videogames and what not but these are the first that come to mind at the moment.
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vennyvenadito · 1 year
I would say it
What they did to Chloe is not justice or karma
What the writers did to her is cruel and disgusting
Sure, she is a bully and a spoiled brat, what she did need to face consequences for that
But this…is just…I don’t have the words to say it
The fact that Andre don’t face any consequences for his actions and also as a reward he now has a new kid to raise its piss me off
That man is not innocent, he did not deserve this pathetic excuse of redemption arc
It also make me sick how people are celebrating this, even saying she deserves this and how they were right all this time about her been an “irredimible monster” and even saying Andre was a caring father to her
Caring father my ass, he is pathetic, an hypocrite, a man child and an coward
Are you telling me the man who raised that child to be an spoiled and mean person is now the victim???
“B-But his dreams to be a movie director where crushed because he become a mayor to impress Audrey and then Chloe came and and-“
Please….SHUT UP!!!
This is NOT Chloe’s fault, no child should be blamed for the parents decisions and actions
And despide her attitude and her actions, you liked or not, she is still an abused child
I’m sick of this “if you are an abused child but you behavior is awful then your as bad and even worst than your abusers”
What is this “perfect victim” thing going on in this show???
“But Mylene was abandoned by her mom and she is not-“
Shut up
“But Zoe-“
I said shut up
No every person reacts to trauma the same way, everyone reacts different
So please, stop doin that
Stop blaming the kid for being abused and not behave as the “poor and perfect victim 🥺”
And also
Can you guys stop blaming Adrien for not telling Mari that he was gonna live Paris??!!
May I remind you he is son of Gabriel Friking Agreste!!!!???
And also stop blaming him for not standing up, this is not his fault, he is a kid under his father’s control
And sadly I really can’t see any moment he would do it because the show want him to be just a trophy for Mari
Just a damsel in distress for our protagonist because this show forget the title of the series “Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and CHAT NOIR”
And Miss Bustier, Damocles and every fucking adult of this show….all you guys sucks!
How the heck you let a child to be the mayor in the first place!!??You guys should know better!
No one did shit to help Chloe, all you did is just “am Chloe please don’t be mean, you have to be nice uwu”
You really tough this was gonna work??
No even you Marinette, you just told her to vibe with her shitty mom because they are both “mean”, no shit why didn’t she change for the better
But you know what, I’m not goin to blame Mari on this, because this is not her job, she is a kid as well, is the grow ass adults job
What this show built up in season 2 was pointless, because why give us a redemption arc for Chloe, why give her deep, why make her sympathetic, why make her the Bee holder if this wasn’t going anywhere??
I hate season 5, I take it back what I say about season 3 and 4, this is by far the worst season of the series in my opinion
That’s all folks
Deer out 🦌
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We watched Emotion today. Aka, Fèlix's mental breakdown episode also featuring the weird Diamond Dance that feels like a cult meeting, but apparently isn't.
My SO was highly critical of the Diamond Dance's lackluster security. For an event of that caliber, security would be required to memorize the guest's faces to prevent interlopers. Marinette would never get in the door.
I was highly critical of the Diamond Dance in general because it and previous episodes (ex: Gabriel Agreste) implied that there was some sort of rich people conspiracy, but that never materialized, so on a rewatch, it just feels stupid. What was the in-universe point of this dance? What did previous dances look like if Kagami and Adrien only met this year, but were supposedly meant to be all along? Why waste production money having someone model this room? Nothing about this makes sense and it's clear that the writers put no thought into the lore of this world.
Moving on!
SO thought that Felix was Adrien acting under a senticommand to woo Kagami which is actually not an unreasonable assumption. It would have been an interesting twist, but then the show would have had to acknowledge just how messed up the sentistuff is and they're never going to do that. SO only got that it was Felix when Felix suggested leaving.
Marinette sneaking into the party instead of just texting Adrien like a normal teenager (or waiting until the next time she saw him) was painful to watch. She's supposed to be clever! Why in the world would she think that crashing the party was a good idea??? Who would see this as a romantic move? Writers, are you okay? The more you try to write the Adrienette romance, the more concerned I get. If that had actually been Adrien and not Felix, then this whole scene would have fallen apart. It's a clear example of writing for drama instead of writing logical characters.
When we saw Felix create Red Moon, I was asked to explain how sentimonsters work and, honey, I don't even think the writers know that. I have no idea how sentimonsters are an emotion brought to life while not appearing to have anything to do with emotions. And - in the case of the sentitriplets - somehow having a full range of emotions instead of just the one they're tied to. Akumas are more tied to emotions than sentimonsters (which is part of the reason why the peacock's power is so bland and derivative, but that's a rant for another day.)
SO is very sad that the cute bug girl & cat boy show is so poorly written and sees why I found this season depressing. He's seen that since Derision, but the more we learn about the sentistuff, the sader he gets because Adrien can never be free now.
We're both fans of narratives about abuse victims escaping abuse and finding freedom, but Adrien will never have true freedom. He'll always have to be paranoid about his rings. I can just picture his future kids wanting to go in the ocean with him and he can't because then he'd risk losing his rings and it's not like he can take them off and leave them behind! They're not even safe from theft when he's wearing them (thanks for establishing that Felix)! Just what an awful, awful thing to do to a person.
My SO and I enjoy family-oriented shows specifically because shows aimed at adults are often depressing. Family shows are supposed to be a way for us to relax because we know that good with triumph and that the ending will be happy, but ever since season four, Miraculous is the worst of both worlds! They keep introducing serious, depressing elements and then not exploring them or outright ignoring them because those things don't suit the intended tone of the show.
Miraculous never needed to be deep. I never wanted it to be deep. And it's not deep. It's as shallow as a puddle of water, but the writers clearly think that they're being deep and it's painful.
For example, this episode shows all of the rich kids at the Diamond Dance being selfish and rude because that's totally why people don't like the uber wealthy! They're all meany pantses! It's certainly got nothing to do with the 1% using their money to hurt the planet or manipulate society or cause housing crises or anything like that!
But we can't talk about those issue because this episode features Zoe, Felix, Adrien, Kagami, Chloe, Marinette, and Lila. Only two of those characters aren't uber wealthy (as far as we know) and implying that special babies Zoe, Felix, Adrien, and Kagami are part of The Problem is just not going to happen.
To be clear, I don't think that a bunch of 13 and 14-year-olds are actually part of The Problem, but if you want to address the issues with uber wealth and you've decided to make a bunch of your characters part of the uber wealthy, then those characters need to have or develop an understanding of the problem and a desire to change it once they're old enough to do so. They're not doing that in this show. They've just made it that wealth is some sort of meanness disease that the special babies didn't catch for some reason and it's asinine.
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hellishere7980 · 11 months
IMW Chapter 14
There was silence within the Watchtower as the Justice League and Young Justice, all of the leaguers sat mystified by the knowledge and the younger ones were openly gaping.
Lady Miracle- The Guardians are in charge of maintaining balance, not just on earth, but the entire universe. Coming on the topic of Wielders. When a proper Wielder is chosen, they are tested by a Guardian. While being healthy is important, it isn’t about physicality, it is about their soul and who they are as a person. Chat Noir and Hercules were outliers. Chat was not a good person and Hercules was suffering from a mental disorder that was made worse when he wielded the Miraculous and it killed him. When the guardianship was transferred to me I found out that I was a True Soul or a Natural Soul.
All the magic users gasped as one. A natural soul was rare as they came. Only one was born every few eons. Raven dropped down from her hovering knelt before the warrior, her deep purple cloak billowing around her. "Lady Miracle," Raven said in awe, "Grand Guardian of the Miraculous, I greet you in the name of Azarath." On the other hand, Lady Miracle only seemed honoured by this greeting, as she smiled gently and pulled Raven to her feet. Apparently, as the Guardian of the Miraculous and a True Soul, she had magic that unholyly screamed, “Pure Power! Literally controls the space you live in! Bow!” Superman- Why was a child like you forced to fight a war?
Lady Miracle- Children die slower when Wielding a Miraculous compared to adults.
Flash- What!?
Lady Miracle- The Miraculous are the most powerful and ancient magical artefacts in the universe. They can technically be Wielded by anyone, no matter race, age or planetary origin, but only for a short amount of time otherwise you die. It takes a lot for someone to be able to handle a Miraculous and wielding it drains your life force. Children are more resilient; they last longer than adults because they have more life to give. An adult might make a year as a Wielder if they are really healthy while a child will make it three or four before they die.
Green Arrow- Then how are you alive?
Lady Miracle- As I stated before, I am a True Soul. I was meant to wear them. The previous Guardian was not aware of this though.
Black Canary- That sounds like a lot of responsibility for a child.
Lady Miracle- It is, but there was no one else. At the time, Noir was always goofing off. The old Guardian was the reason the old Order fell.
Wonder Woman- What did he do?
Lady Miracle- When the previous Grand Guardian was just a trainee, he stole the Miraculous of Emotion and took the other Miraculous as leverage to leave the Order with his memories, training and magic intact. He was greedy, power-hungry and stupid. He used the Miraculous of Emotion to create a Senti Creature that attacked the Order and it killed everyone, razing the Temple to the ground in the process. As he fled, he lost the Miraculous of Emotion and the Miraculous of Transmission and despite searching for them, never found them until they were activated years later by Gabriel and Emelie Agreste.
Green Lantern- If the Miraculous are powerful enough to raze the old Order of the Miraculous, send Atlantis sinking to the bottom of the ocean and do what happened in Paris, why are they used at all? Why not lock them up and keep them somewhere safe so no one can abuse their power?
Lady Miracle- The Miraculous are only used when there is an imbalance that cannot be fixed by the Guardian’s alone or if there is a Miraculous being abused. Only a Wielder would be able to fix the damage caused and bring the other Miraculous back. Locking the Miraculous away is sound in theory, but the universe would suffer if they were locked away, the imbalance would be catastrophic.
Batman- What happened in Paris could have ended the universe?
Lady Miracle- Easily. We had a few close calls. Talk about Chat Blanc.
There was silence for a moment as the Justice League processed it. It was terrifying to think about; the end of everything and how close they had been, but each of those times Lady Miracle had been by herself. She had fought alone. Everyone was lost in their thoughts. Then Lady Miracle stood up. Lady Miracle- If that is all I will take my leave. Wonder Woman- Lady Miracle, I wish that you stay for a while. We wish that you may join the JL. Lady Miracle looked taken aback. Lady Miracle- Umm… I want to take a break from this field, but would it be fine if I stayed as a back-up member? Wonder Woman hands her her membership card along with other documents. Lady Miracle- You knew I would accept? Wonder Woman- A brave warrior like you who has fought so long and hard for the people will never give up helping the people. Lady Miracle- I have your mother to thank too for training me. Batman- Queen Hipolyta trained you? Lady Miracle- Many people trained me. Wonder Woman- Could you detransform? I wish to meet Tikki. Lady Miracle- Yes. Lady Miracle engulfed in a light and a Small red bug was floating beside her. Beast Boy- Aah! Bug no– Mouse! Flying Bug-mouse. Tikki- I am not a BUG-MOUSE!! Beast Boy- AND IT TALKS!! Lady Miracle bursts out laughing- That’s what I said when I first met her! While Tikki spent time catching up with Wonder Woman, Lady Miracle mingles with the other heroes for sometime. Then Batman approaches her and says, “there are some information that needs to be recorded regarding your powers and your temporary heroes. Would you like to do it now?” “Sure why not.” Batman sat at the computer and Lady Miracle stood behind him. “I’ll start with the temporary heroes. Rena Rouge is Alya Cesaire. Carapace is Nino Lahiffe Queen bee is Chloe Bourgeois Pegasus is Max Kanté King monkey is Kim lé Cheń Ryouke is Kagami Tsurugi Viperion is Luka Couffiane Vesperia is Zoe Lee Argos is Felix Graham Da Vanily Chat noir is Adrien Agreste “He was chat noir?” Red Robin asked from behind. “indeed. “Multi-mouse is Marinette Lucinia.” Batman’s breath hitched. No, no, no, please let him be wrong. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng?” “Yes, her name was Dupain-Cheng before she changed it in the court battle.”
Oh yeah she was going to give Wayne hell for this.
Red Hood seemed to freeze and so did Batman and Nightwing. Red Robin and Robin also looked attentively at the screen. Black Bat had gone back to Shanghai. “you're the reason she's died!” Red Hood spat out. All the leaguers turned to stare at them. She was gonna put up such a show Xuppu, Plagg and Trixx would be proud of. "Excuse me?" "You're her friend?!" Red Hood spat, "You put her in danger! You want to help her! Forget you ever met her! Forget she exists! Just take your stupid, fucking yoyo and leave her and never even think about her again! It took you years to stop that mad bastard! Years! Of her suffering! I will not let you put her in danger anymore. So stay the fuck away from her!" "Fuck you," Lady Miracle said casually. Red Hood saw Batman blink. The only sign of surprise he ever gave. Apparently, the hero was not prone to cursing. Not that Jason minded. Red Hood snarled. "Fuck. You." she said slowly, and that's when Red Hood noticed something. Lady Miracle wasn't angry. She wasn't frightened by his outburst. She wasn't even disturbed. Most people, any kind of people, would be at least a little affected by someone of Red Hood's stature and reputation coming at them in a screaming furry. But Lady Miracle just seemed mildly annoyed. It had Jason subtly reassessing the hero, even as the rest of him fumed with rage. Lady Miracle continued speaking. "Listen, Red Hood right? Let's get this straight. You don't get to talk about Paris, or Hawk Moth or whatever that furry called himself, or Marinette. You don't know my city. You don't know my enemy. And you most certainly did not help me save it. Did Marinette die? Yes, she did. But so did everyone in Paris. Hell! I've died! More times than I can count. So you don't get to tell me I've failed. Not when the Justice League did nothing to help. Not when I have faced horrors and nightmares. I have stood on a rooftop and watched millions drown. I have looked to the sky and seen it fall in flaming rain. I have stood over my own corpse and watched the world turn to ash around me. So sit and calm down.”
Nightwing was a rational person or so he liked to believe in comparison to his family but a large part of him wanted to tear the woman apart limb from limb. How dare she treat Isa's suffering with such coldness?! How dare she just dismiss her like a number on a page?! He barely even registered what else she said, because it was all he could do not to give in to the rage. But before he could, he hissed cold and quiet in a way that made the worst of humanity cringe in the shadows, "If you think for one second, that I'm going to let her anywhere near you, you've got another thing coming, bitch!"
Wonder Woman got up “That is ENOUGH! If you have something to say, Batman, do so or hold your piece!”
Batman remained stoic.
Wonder Woman took this as his final answer. “You have no right to say anything regarding this situation. Now move on with tests and if you are in no mental state to do so, Cyborg shall carry on with it.”
Cyborg got up and gently but firmly eased Batman out of the chair and sat down himself. Cyborg- So how big of an enemy can you take on? Lady Miracle- I could try to take on the Justice League? Green Arrow- WHAT?! Flash- Kid, don’t joke like that. Lady Miracle- Why don’t we try to test the theory? How many people are here? Red Tornado- 44 leaguers are currently present in this meeting. Lady Miracle- OK. Can you gather them up for a spar? Green Arrow- What conditions? Lady Miracle- Me on one side and you all on the other.
This is going to be fun.
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theerurishipper · 1 year
A disappointing ending to a disappointing season
Most of us have watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, right? Consider, for a moment, the following. Imagine Aang, upon his confrontation with Ozai, instead of taking away Ozai's bending and protecting the world, chooses to let Ozai use his Avatar powers and save the world. Imagine Ozai confessing to Aang tearfully that he just wanted respect from the people around him. Imagine this being painted as a sad, emotional moment, wherein we are supposed to infer that this man is not a bad person, no really, he's not! He just wanted love after all! Sure, he may have destroyed countless lives, ruined nations and the people living in them, destroyed homes and families, and horribly abused his children to the point of driving one to a mental breakdown and horribly mutilating the other, but actually, he's a good person at heart, who was just misguided! He didn't mean any of it! And he saves the world, but only to make himself look good, and tells Aang to make sure everyone knows he saved the world, and we cut to a statue of Firelord Ozai being erected in the Water Tribe. Zuko and Azula, despite their horrific abuse at his hands, now only remember Ozai as a hero and a loving father, because the world has been rewritten and their memories changed.
That's the ending of Season 5 of Miraculous Ladybug.
Gabriel Agreste, the terrorist, the child abuser, the man who took advantage of people with a grin on his face, is a hero.
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Despite all his crimes, all his awful actions, all the horrors he put everyone through, he gets a statue, he gets honored, and his victim never realizes he was his victim, instead choosing to look up to the man who abused him his whole life. Adrien's whole arc about reclaiming his agency and independence, and breaking away from his controlling father to make his own choices, is left to wither and decay, and drift away on the wind. He spends this whole finale locked up by his father and without any agency or ability to do anything. He ends the finale with having the people closest to him hide important information about who he is from him, hide the truth about his father and who he was from him, and deny him any sort of ability to make his own choices. He is denied honesty, he is denied agency, and he is denied independence and free will. He has the rings now, but how free is he if what he believes is still controlled by other people? Gabriel controlled Adrien his whole life. His every action, his every word, his every relationship. And just when you believe he is about to break away, when he is on the verge of self-actualization, on the cusp of freedom, we return in the picturesque finale to Gabriel, once again, controlling Adrien, by denying him the truth, and making sure Adrien perceives him the way he, Gabriel, wants himself to be seen by his son. Adrien is not allowed to decide for himself how he wants to view his father, knowing everything he is. He is fed a lie about his father, about what he has done, and about who he is, that forces him to view Gabriel the way he wants people to view him. As a good father, one who did no wrong, someone who he was not. His father continues to dictate his thoughts and feelings, even after he is long gone.
In the end of this conflict with Monarch, Monarch wins. He gets to make the wish he wants. He is remembered fondly as a hero. His victim was brainwashed into forgetting the abuse he suffered, so that the abuser could be remembered as a loving, caring person. And not for Adrien's own benefit, though that hardly makes it better. It is so that Gabriel could be remembered as he wants, so that he could continue to control what his son thought of him, so that his son could continue to love him. After the rebellion he witnessed from Adrien when he was being taken away to London, this is his final way of making sure he doesn't lose the power and control he has over him, doesn't lose the love Adrien has for him that makes him stay and listen. He faced no consequences for what he did, nor did he express any regret. He insisted that he was not evil, and the show agreed with him. Despite everything he's done, the show excused him, simply because he had sympathetic motivations. He was treated with empathy and compassion by the characters and in fact the narrative itself, which pushed us to see him as misunderstood, as someone with good intentions who went astray, but is not bad. It forgives him every sin, and vindicates him by having his wish be the one that saves the world, because supposedly he was going to wish for this all along.
Framing Gabriel as an ultimately good man who only did what he did out of love, and honoring him in the end and having his victim forget his abuse and love him deeply, this is excusing him. He did awful things, but he had good intentions, so it means he's good and nothing he did matters, and so everyone should love him. Everyone should forgive him, and no one should hate him. Because he was right in the end, and everything he did was for this, so really the heroes were fighting against this perfect world. Gabriel is portrayed as "not wrong" and "ultimately good" and so everything he does is forgotten and quite literally erased, even though he showed no regret or remorse, because he was "good all along." He did not have a moment of acknowledgement or a moment of apology, because his sympathetic motivations mean that his mistakes are justifiable and acceptable. And everything he did is retroactively not bad and not important, because he did it all for good reasons, he did it for a good cause, and he wasn't all that bad after all. He hurt so many people, but his motives were pure, and for that reason he is worthy of sympathy and compassion and is free from accountability. He is allowed to have his wishes to be seen as a good person respected, even though he was not. He is not forgiven, but is given a step beyond, where he is revered for fixing a mistake he caused. He refuses to let people hate him, he refuses to let people hold him accountable by denying them the truth and controlling how they perceive him, even in death. And Adrien, the victim of his abuse, who spent his arc trying to break free of him, has any development he had towards independence erased and reset by this new, untrue perspective his father wanted him to have. His father may have hurt him, but he was a hero, and is someone to be admired and respected and loved, despite everything. Years of neglect are made up for by a lie. The writers would rather have the memories of every character literally rewritten to make Gabriel seem better and absolve him of his mistakes than write him being held accountable for his wrongdoings.
This excusing of Gabriel is abuse apologism (Here is a good post discussing it). I don't throw the words around lightly, really. But to say that he may have done horrible things, but that his sympathetic motivations make up for it, and ultimately presenting him as a hero and not holding him accountable for his actions is excusing his abuse of his son. He never admits to how he hurt his son, he never admits to how he affected countless lives. He bemoans how he was not there for him, but his actions are downplayed, and the part where he controlled his son and abused him are forgotten in order to make him seem less monstrous and more sympathetic, as though he were just a grieving husband who coped poorly rather than a toxic abuser who controlled his son for years. To say that he may have abused his son, but he did so with love, and later have his son excuse him every flaw and look up to him without any acknowledgement of that treatment is abuse apologism.
Adrien is the greatest victim of this, of having his feelings and thoughts controlled by Gabriel to fit his own desires. He doesn't get to face Gabriel and confront him, to see his mother and be the one to reach his father in any way. Instead, it is Marinette who waxes poetic to Gabriel, which is something Adrien should be doing, since this affects him as well and is his family. All he is allowed to though, is sit around and wait, utterly absent from the plot thread that revolves around him, and accept this man as a hero at the end of the day. All he gets to do is be lied to and controlled. And the others in his life, like Marinette, Felix and Kagami, like Nathalie and Emilie are also complicit in this controlling of Adrien. Gabriel is the primary perpetrator, but in withholding the truth from him, they are also taking away his ability to choose, and are forcing him to perceive things the way Gabriel wants him to perceive things. Not by thinking for himself, but by being told what to think. That his father is a hero, and that he was a good father. I acknowledge that this is writing choice that has mutated these characters (Marinette and Kagami) into making choices they never would (Marinette and Kagami, who hate liars, lying to Adrien about who he is??), but nevertheless, it is what happened, and it is not okay. Any hope I held out for Adrienette died in the final kiss, because their relationship is tainted by this lie.
I wish this finale was different. I criticize the show a lot, but I always did hope it would fix things. But after this? All that hope's gone down the drain. This takes everything that the season has been building up to (however poorly) and tears it to shreds. And I've heard the hope that it will be resolved in Season 6, that this is something that is meant to be dealt with and addressed. But I don't think so. The way the narrative frames it, as a perfect ending, as a time of peace and happiness, all point to this being seen as the best outcome, the right outcome. And we're going to have other plot threads to deal with next season. Gabriel's time is done and he has emerged victorious. There is no bigger winner than the villain, and there is no greater loser than the hero.
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hypexion · 8 months
Well it looks like even Miraculous is getting into multiverse madness with Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir, featuring the evil versions of Team Miraculous. But instead of an increasingly convoluted and hard to follow mess it's instead forty-five minutes of superhero fun. Let's get at it.
Shadybug: With a few tweaks, Marinette's hero origin story becomes her villain origin story. So go the fickle threads of fate. Shadybug is a very believable dark mirror of Ladybug, who's compassion has understandably run dry. She sees the Miraculous as something that stops her from being hurt, even as it kills her. But ultimately, Shadybug desperately wants the life Ladybug has, and is willing to rewrite reality to do so. It's also the key to her turn to good - the possibility that better things are possible. Indeed, the power of hope is enough to heal the damage the Miraculous have done to her and Claw Noir. Speaking of...
Claw Noir: But what if Adrien was somehow more self-destructive? Like with Shadybug, a little loneliness goes a cruel way, and Claw Noir is happy to destroy anything if it gets him closer to his goal - himself included. I'm getting actual, full-on vibes that Claw Noir thinks he has nothing to live for, which is why he's immediately drawn to the wish. Chat Noir telling him that he can have someone else in his life is the spark of hope that changes his fate, hopefully for the better.
Betterfly: The good Gabriel Agreste, who turns hope into superpowers and opposes the rule of the mysterious supreme. Unfortunately, his parenting skills seem to match Monarch's, as Claw Noir is a self-destructive supervillain who is slowly dying of Miraculous poisoning, and Betterfly has apparently not noticed this. While Betterfly does come off as better than Monarch, there may be a less than altruistic reason for him starting his crusade, depending on just how his version of Emilie died. Hopefully with Claw Noir turning good, there is hope for a better ending between father and son.
The Supreme: The mysterious villain who torments the world of Shadybug and Claw Noir. He is an awful person, exploiting two deeply unhappy children for his own ends, essentially sentencing them both to a slow death. This means he is of course Evil Fu, as he displays all of Fu's negative traits even as a villain. This can be verified through just how bad his plan to retrieve the Butterfly Miraculous actually is.
He recruits Sad Marinette and Sad Adrien as wielders, without mentioning that using the Miraculous for evil will kill them. Which gives them a reason to resent him. Then at some point he established that he will "spare" the one of the two who brings him the Butterfly. Not only does this destroy any chance of the two working together, but it puts them into active conflict, as neither wants the other to deliver the Butterfly to the Supreme. This means that there's a non-zero chance that on acquiring the Butterfly Miraculous, the villain that does will akumatize the other, then proceed to murder the Supreme in an act of entirely justified vengence. A terrible plan all around, especially when he could just say "do this and you get to be part of the Inner Circle, with all the benefits that brings". Shadybug and Claw Noir are clearly very good at what they do, so that's not even giving much up.
Monarch: Okay, was the stained glass costume always this good? Maybe it's the higher-quality animation, but compared to the later costume, this one is actually kicking. Plus the detail where the different segments light up based on which Miraculous he's using? That's super cool. Ten out of ten, no notes.
Oh No The Plot Hole: Okay so Ubiquity Ladbug stops Monarch from stealing alternate universe Miraculous to complete his plans. Except she can only do this as long as she possess the power of Ubiquity, which she got from Betterfly. Surely Monarch can just wait until tomorrow and try again?
Anyway overall it was pretty neat. Nice bit of extra content that is only slightly dubious into how it slots into the timeline of Season Five.
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aalissy · 1 year
Day 8 is doneee!! It’s a short, fluffy lil chapter for today as per usual haha. I hope you like it! Lemme know what you think :)
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city of Paris, Adrien Agreste, the famous teenage model and son of renowned fashion designer Gabriel Agreste, found himself in an unexpected situation. He was about to don the latest creation from his father's atelier, but this time, it wasn't for a high-end fashion show or a glossy magazine spread. No, this time, Adrien was modeling for none other than his classmate and best friend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
She had just gotten an internship with a high-end designer and had been so proud of herself that he couldn’t help but feel just as pleased with her work. Even if a small corner of his mind was displeased that she was even more busy than usual. 
But when Marinette had come to him the other day, an adorable pink flush to her cheeks as she asked him if he’d be willing to model one of her designs, of course, he said yes. 
He had always admired her talent for fashion design. Her unique sense of style, combined with her creativity and attention to detail had earned her a reputation as one of the most promising young designers in Paris. So, he couldn't resist the opportunity to support her and see her work come to life on the runway.
“An opportunity to model a Marinette original. How could I say no?” He had winked, feeling a slight sense of satisfaction at watching her pink flush turn just a shade darker.
As Adrien slipped into the first outfit that Marinette had designed, he was struck by the precision and craftsmanship of the garment. The attention to detail was remarkable, with every stitch and seam carefully executed to create a stunning piece of artwork. Adrien couldn't help but marvel at Marinette's talent as he adjusted the collar of the jacket.
As the lights dimmed and the music began to play, Adrien stepped onto the runway, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. He had walked countless runways before, but this was different. This time, he was showcasing Marinette's designs, and he was determined to do them justice. After all, this was her first big show. He had to make certain that this was his best show yet!
As he strutted down the catwalk, Adrien could feel the eyes of the audience on him, and he knew that Marinette's collection was a hit. The gasps and whispers of admiration from the crowd confirmed what he had known all along, that Marinette had created something truly special.
With each outfit change, Adrien was amazed by the range and versatility of Marinette's collection. From chic and sophisticated evening suits to funky and bold streetwear, her designs were a reflection of her own unique style and vision. He could see her personality shining through in every piece, and it made him admire her even more.
Throughout the show, Adrien couldn't help but steal glances at Marinette backstage. She was a flurry of activity, adjusting hems, pinning fabric, and giving last-minute instructions to the models. Her passion and dedication to her craft were evident in every move she made, and Adrien found himself falling even more in awe of her talent.
As he got dressed for the final look of the night, he couldn't contain his emotions. He clapped enthusiastically, along with the rest of the audience, as Marinette took her bow. Her smile was radiant, and he couldn't help but be utterly captivated by her beauty and grace.
After the show, Adrien rushed backstage to congratulate Marinette. She was surrounded by well-wishers, but when she spotted Adrien, her face lit up with delight. She approached him, and Adrien found himself at a loss for words, surprised to find himself turning pink as she gazed up at him with a pair of sparkling sapphire eyes.
"Adrien, thank you so much for modeling for me," Marinette said, her voice filled with gratitude. "You were amazing out there, and I couldn't have asked for a better muse."
Adrien scratched the back of his neck, feeling a surge of pride at Marinette's compliment. "It was my pleasure," he managed to say, finally finding his voice. "Your designs are incredible, Marinette. You're truly talented."
Marinette's cheeks reddened at Adrien's words, and she looked down bashfully. "Thank you," she murmured. "Coming from you, that really means a lot.”
Putting his hands on her shoulders, he squeezed them gently, causing her to look back at him. “I mean it, Marinette. You did such a great job tonight. All of Paris was looking at your designs. Someday soon you might even surpass my father.”
She giggled, her face lighting up with amusement. “You should watch yourself, then, Agreste. I might be putting you out of business.”
He threw his head back in a loud laugh. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Adrien then leaned in to whisper in her ear, “I’m looking forward to it.”
“Oh, but don’t worry,” Marinette said after he moved back with a wink. “You’ll still have a job as my most treasured model.”
“I can’t wait,” Adrien said, a beam growing on his face as he imagined days of working with Marinette instead of his father. That would be the dream. 
Her mouth opened to say something else, but before she could, a voice frantically called her over. “Marinette, there’s someone who wants to talk with you!”
She winced, her gaze darting back and forth between the two of them before she sighed sadly. “I’m sorry, Adrien. That’s my boss. I have to go. I’ll see you in class tomorrow though, right?”
“Of course.” He nodded, watching with fondness as she gave him a grateful smile before moving over to talk with her fellow co-workers. It was absolutely awe-inspiring how motivated she could get. It honestly reminded him of a certain superheroine...
Stepping out of the building, Adrien shivered slightly as the moon slowly rose over the Parisian skyline. Luckily, his bodyguard was waiting outside and he got to climb into the limo before he could get too cold. 
Leaning his head against the window, his thoughts drifted back to Marinette once again. He couldn’t wait to see her again tomorrow. Hopefully, now that the last day of her internship had finally concluded, they would be able to hang out with each other more. 
Maybe... maybe he could take her to go get Andre’s ice cream this weekend. Yeah, that sounded really nice. With a plan settled in his mind, he straightened up, a warm, fuzzy feeling settling deep within his chest at the thought of this weekend.
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