#galdor headcanons
doodle-pops · 4 months
Lords of Gondolin | Being In An Arranged Marriage With Them
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Request: I’m excited to see what you have written :) if you think it would be fun maybe you could do it for the lords of Gondolin like Glorfindel or Ecthelion? – @hermaeuswhora
A/N: Following my arranged marriage AU, this one has been structured differently since a few characters did not originate in Valinor. Galdor, Ecthelion, Egalmoth and Glorfindel were all written having their arrangements in Valinor upon their return/rebirth, while Rog and Maeglin had theirs transpiring in Gondolin.
Warning: arranged marriage, resentment, negligence, angst, loneliness, mentions of Maeglin pinning after his cousin, sprinkle of fluff and comfort for some
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Galdor's demeanour is marked by silence, a weighty silence that those around him cannot ignore, especially in the wake of the news. However, despite his wordless protest, his parents press on with the explanation of his impending marriage.
Confronting this crisis proves to be a perplexing challenge for Galdor. Having traversed the treacherous Helcaraxё, faced numerous wars, and endured the Fall of Gondolin, the third kinslaying, and the War of Wrath, he finds himself at a loss. The complexities of this situation elude him.
Nodding along to the exchanged words, Galdor's mind is a whirlwind of thoughts as everyone joyfully anticipates the forthcoming wedding. Even during the meeting where he first encounters you, he seems neither present nor absent, caught in a state of detachment.
While greeting you with respect and learning about you with nonchalance, Galdor's distant gaze is unmistakable. It's not meant as disrespect, but the prospect of an enforced marriage weighs heavily on anyone's sanity.
As the entire arrangement unfolds, transitioning into shared living and wedded life feels surreal to Galdor. Despite your animated discussions about future plans, his aloofness persists, absorbing your words without full comprehension.
Playing the role of a perfect husband, Galdor fulfils his duties diligently—strolls, teatimes, meals, social gatherings, festivals, and even family dinners—all executed in quiet compliance. Eventually, a moment of realization dawns on Galdor, prompting him to address the lack of sincerity that has quietly persisted in the background.
“Forgive me if this seems all too sudden, Y/N, but…my behaviour. While you may not have noticed the way I treat and respond to you—without earnestness—I fear that you do not deserve the way that I am currently. Please allow me to explain—all this, the arrangement. I have yet to grasp the true nature and because of that, I have not been true to you as I have been with myself. And because of this, I wish to start over.”
Your innocence is the reason why you've struggled to reconcile with his apparent lack of seriousness. Yet, you graciously dismiss his explanation, assuring him that he exceeds your expectations. Galdor experiences a mix of relief and concern, sensing that you may be overlooking the depth of emotion behind his actions.
However, with his newfound awareness, his role as your husband remains unchanged, yet now, his gestures carry a heightened emotional resonance. Every 'good morning, evening, noon, and night' carries a weight of significance. His smiles and laughter become more genuine, and conversations take on a deeper sense of purpose.
Galdor gradually comes to terms with the marriage dynamics, understanding that you had no say in the arrangement. Despite any reservations, he chooses not to express dissatisfaction, focusing instead on building a foundation of trust and comfort for your shared life together.
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Upon his joyous return to the Blessed Realm, marking the end of his long sojourn in Mandos, Ecthelion is swiftly met with unexpected news: the proclamation of his intended marriage. In the backdrop of his years of carefree existence in Beleriand, this revelation catches him entirely off guard.
The nobleman is plunged into a state of incredulous uproar, vehemently opposing his parents' wishes. However, his return to Valinor signifies his subjugation to his father's authority as the true Lord of the House of the Fountain. Despite Ecthelion's resistance, he finds himself reluctantly compelled to meet you and your parents.
While you, elated at the prospect of uniting with the renowned Lord Ecthelion, bask in the glory of his Middle Earth victories, he languishes in the waiting room, brooding like a disgruntled child. The entire encounter is marred by Ecthelion's rebellion against the terms negotiated between his parents and yours.
Concern begins to gnaw at you, fearing that the esteemed Lord you heard tales of in Middle Earth might be a façade. Ecthelion, harbouring no ill will towards you, unfortunately channels his distrust of his parents and frustration with yours through piercing glares directed at you.
Despite Ecthelion's fervent protests, both sets of parents remain indifferent, leaving the two of you alone in the waiting room to familiarize yourselves, while they withdraw to deliberate wedding arrangements.
Ecthelion maintains a frosty demeanour throughout, unable to muster the warmth required to mask his displeasure. His attempts at melting the ice are restrained, and he refrains from taking the conversational lead, leaving you to navigate the uneasy exchange.
“I apologise if I have insulted you in some way, Milord. It was not my intention to make you feel discomfort through this arrangement, but if it pleases you, I will do my best to limit our interactions to reduce the ambience this arrangement brings you.”
As your words reach him, a subtle twinge forms in his heart, though all he offers in response is a nod in your direction, a silent acknowledgment of your compassion.
Living with Ecthelion demands a mutual respect for privacy, ensuring that both of you have your own space. Shared breakfasts and mealtimes are a rarity, occurring only if you manage to catch him at the opportune moment; otherwise, you'll find yourself dining alone. Much of your time will be spent in solitude, interrupted only by occasional check-ins to ensure your comfort is consistently met.
Despite his reserved nature, rest assured that Ecthelion strives to convey essential matters regarding the household or family. While he harbours resentment for the forced marriage, he recognizes his duty to fulfil the basic role of a husband in meeting your needs.
In the public eye, Ecthelion maintains a façade of unity, well aware that the whispers of Valinor surround your union. Whether at events or social gatherings, his pride compels him to wear a smile and engage in polite chatter with you on his arm, concealing the fact that the icy distance between you two remains intact.
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Upon his return to the Blessed Realm after years in Middle Earth, his parents warmly greet him, unveiling the surprising news of an ongoing arranged marriage. Glorfindel, caught off guard, contemplates whether to respond with a forced laugh or unleash a string of profanities at this unexpected revelation. Without hesitation, he turns to his father, demanding clarity in an instant.
Much to Glorfindel's chagrin, the reality of an arranged marriage for the esteemed young Lord becomes apparent upon his return. As the true Lord of his house, his father's authority leaves Glorfindel with limited options, compelling him to voice his protests and seek his mother's intervention, given the deep respect he holds for them.
This incarnation of Glorfindel is far from the merry and radiant being known during his time in Middle Earth. You who were acquainted with tales of Lord Glorfindel's past, witness a stark contrast. He avoids direct eye contact, concealing his anger and ensuring you are shielded from its full force.
His resentment is not directed at you, but rather at the arrangement orchestrated by both sets of parents. Despite his inner turmoil, Glorfindel endeavours to maintain composure in your presence, reserving his desire to flip tables and shatter glass for moments when you are not around. For now, he remains outwardly passive.
It's evident that he grapples with inner turmoil whenever you are nearby. Despite his sincere efforts, tension underscores his actions. The façade, crafted to sustain a smooth relationship given his dispute with both sets of parents, endures for a considerable duration before finally unravelling.
“I’m sorry! I truly believed that I could hold out while upkeeping this façade, but it has done more harm than good. Please do not believe that I hold something against you, it’s our parents. I know that you’re a lovely person to be around and do not deserve this lowly behaviour from me, so I wish to apologise and seek forgiveness while wishing to start anew. Perhaps with a friendship?”
While you may have hoped for a more immediate romantic connection, Glorfindel's desire to start as friends is a thoughtful approach, far preferable to the prospect of a sudden end, as you've heard in others' experiences. Throughout the relationship, Glorfindel consistently strives to be amiable and reliable, ensuring a solid foundation.
Glorfindel remains steadfast in controlling his temper, especially when his parents scrutinize your relationship. His commitment is not just to appear perfect but to genuinely be the best arranged husband possible.
As seasons turn, you witness the side of Lord Glorfindel that has captivated Middle Earth. Your days are infused with humour and comfort, and should you desire more of his company, it is readily available.
Throughout your marriage, Glorfindel is attuned to your needs, adjusting his actions to bring you comfort. Whether you seek space, a new garden, an expanded house, or simply wish to deepen your connection, he willingly embraces and supports your desires.
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Tables are being flipped and profanities are leaving his mouth in a swirl of furry. He can’t believe, despite how grown he is and all the things he has faced on his own in life, his parents still wish to dictate his love-life with an arrangement. He knew such acts were popular among the royal family, never suspecting that he would be subjected to the trend.
Egalmoth refuses to submit so lowly to allow someone to select a spouse for him to spend his eternal peace with. The power he once held as a Lord to Kings in Middle Earth is stripped away as he returned as the son of a Lord who he must abide to.
The room takes on an unprecedented chill, surpassing even the biting cold of winter. During the meeting, as your parents bask in their satisfaction, Egalmoth directs a piercing glare at the table, as if intent on searing holes into its surface.
Despite your attempts to bridge the gap and quell the fiery tension, Egalmoth remains steadfast in maintaining distance. His demeanour and actions are unyielding, operating on a frequency of self-satisfaction that defies your attempts to find common ground.
The living arrangement entails cohabiting with a virtual stranger; it's akin to sharing a dwelling with a spectre. Greetings are reduced to mere "good morning" and "good night," a routine destined to persist. Even the entreaties of fellow Lords fall on deaf ears as they endeavour to persuade him to give the relationship a chance.
Frustration mounts as Egalmoth actively avoids you, seemingly going to great lengths to dodge encounters that are not of your making. Despite your earnest efforts to cultivate some semblance of acquaintance, he prefers to exist as a ghost, perpetuating an unsettling distance between you.
“You seem to believe that I had something to do with this arrangement when I didn’t know who you were until your arrival. I hate it just as much as you do, so face it! We’re stuck like this unless you wish to separate which you can. I don’t know what’s holding you back, but I’m trying to make things bearable and you’re not helping. I’m tired, so please…just tell me you don’t want me around…”
Egalmoth was taken aback when he witnessed the tears welling up in your eyes in response to his distant demeanour. Though he never intended to inflict pain through his communication style, he found himself inadvertently doing so, leaving him feeling regretful and remorseful. His initial goal was to avoid forming deep emotional attachments, not to cause you distress.
Despite his reluctance to fully embrace the role of a husband to someone not of his choosing, Egalmoth recognizes the need to bridge the emotional gap between you two. While he maintains a certain level of distance in his affections and gestures, he is committed to projecting a more approachable and interactive persona whenever circumstances allow. One tangible step in this direction is sharing daily breakfasts and lunches with you.
Over time, Egalmoth acknowledges the importance of overcoming his reservations and investing more freely in your relationship. He endeavours to set aside his differences and foster an environment where a meaningful connection can thrive. Realizing that accepting the role of a husband may require an extended period, he opts to first establish a foundation as a supportive friend before gradually navigating the complexities of marital ties.
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The giant craftsman is confused at the words spilling from the lips of his advisor since Gondolin was a place of freedom. Having come from a rough background and learning about the Noldor culture, he felt like this was a contradiction, but obliges after they informed him it was frequently practiced.
Rog patiently meets his future spouse and their parents, wanting to go along with the arrangement as he complies with the customs of the Noldor. It does not come as a surprise the first time you meet the giant blacksmith; he is as gentle as ever and makes you feel welcomed. It’s your parents who treats the union as automatic boost in society.
As much as Rog wasn’t interested in getting married, the choice he was offered made his idea on the situation flip. You didn’t appear snobbish or greedy for power which made him all the more open to accepting to court you and proceed with a wedding eventually.
This being his first relationship, he is cautious to not mess anything up and pray that this marriage would be successful. He listens to all your needs and wants, going out of his way to fulfil them as best as he could. At times, he would turn to the other Lords, as unwedded as they are, for guidance.
The only thing Rog doesn’t like is addressing you in conversations as his arranged spouse or his spouse he earned through an arrangement. It never dawned on him the stain it would leave on your title when he agreed to wed you. Now he makes sure to never allow the terms ‘arranged’ to be used when addressing you. It makes him wish you two could have met another way because it’s a constant reminder how you were both forced.
“It never occurred to me how much I would come to despise the term ‘arranged’ when referring to you. I’ve grown fonder of you day by day as this marriage progresses. But rest assured, you have nothing to fear when it comes to our love. That, to shall grow stronger for you as the days wield overhead.”
You truly have no issues or quarrels with Rog through your entire marriage. As the Lady/Lord of his house, you will be spoilt endlessly with riches from his crafts that others may be jealous at the lavish life you are living and how dearly your husband spoils you rotten.
Attending dinners the other Lords hosted will be extended to you and even they would warmly welcome you as their friend’s spouse. Gifts would be exchanged, along with praises and jokes that their gentle-giant friend married before them, and he needed to teach them his tricks.
You don’t have anything to fear when it comes to your future with Rog. Out of all the Lords, even Glorfindel, Rog is most open to the idea and content with progressing things to truly become a happy couple, forgoing the friendship stage.
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Maeglin is confused and in a silent outrage because you were not the person he wanted to end up in a relationship with from the very start. His true desire was his cousin, and after being aware of this, his uncle chose to construct an arranged marriage to deter his focus on another person.
This isn’t going to be one of those ‘his heart turned from her to you to moment he saw you’ situation because his desire will continue to focus on his cousin, and it will be displayed through his protests when his uncle summons you all for a gathering to offer the arrangement.
Your parents are pleased since Maeglin is the King’s heir and by marrying him, it would make you a royal, so immediate status boost. You on the other hand have been aware of the Prince’s interest for another and already understood your position throughout this marriage whether you were for or against it. Your entire life would become nothing more than being his spouse with a title while he lusts after someone else.
Deep down, he has it somewhere that you are apart of this arrangement to sway his focus. Makes him distant and negligent all the more. You can try to reach out and pacify the situation for him to pardon your presence, but it doesn’t even make sense because Maeglin had never accepted you as his spouse.
To him, you’re like a guest living in his house after he was forced by his uncle to make your stay comfortable—which he does for the basic commodities. If you want to have a difference made, take it up with the King, but even he doesn’t have a say in the privacies of a married couple.
 However, Turgon does his best to ensure that you and Maeglin are allowed to spend more time together in hopes of building a relationship. You and Maeglin would be invited to dinners, balls and festivals as a couple in hopes of something blossoming. However, any conversations would have to be created by you, even when the other Lords congratulate you both or initiate conversations, it’s you doing most of the talking.
“My Prince, might we speak? I know that your focus lies elsewhere and I am not here to sway if you think so. All I wish is simply to live a peaceful life as your spouse until my presence is no longer required…I don’t know how long that would be. But perhaps during my time under your household, we can be well acquainted with one another a little more?”
It is an internal struggle in his mind to acknowledge your words because he doesn’t know if this is a trick where he would end up gaining interest or if you were being genuine. He was so focused on lusting after his cousin that your attempts at making your time with him bearable were shot down.
Maeglin truly doesn’t know at this point whether to shift focus onto you during your time with him or to let you go because he believes that you would continue to be hurt if you stayed at his side.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @hermaeuswhora
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mur4sak1 · 3 months
How would elves behave during an argument?
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A/N: Remember that English is not my first language so I hope I wrote in the best way <3
Characters: Rog, Galdor, Glorfindel, Maedhros, Legolas (bonus)
Rog: guys, this elf would be really scary. Contrary to what you might think, he would lose his temper very easily; he works all day in the darkness of the forges and when he leaves he just wants to have a good rest, so further stress from an argument would drive him out of his mind. He's the typical person who screams without thinking twice and says things he doesn't mean in anger. His way would destroy you every time, making you burst into tears from how bad he made you feel... but as soon as he saw a small tear running down your face he fell silent, forgetting everything that was happening; Was it him who made you like this? He was making the only person who loved him and who had always supported him in his darkest moments cry. He would stay still for some time, with a thousand thoughts in his head when a louder sob from you would bring him back to reality. He would apologize to you but he would do it without meeting your gaze, he is suffering too much for what he did and he wouldn't have the courage to see your destroyed expression. But you knew that he loves you more than anything after all. With difficulty you would get up and hug him as tight as possible, telling him that everything was fine, that you knew he didn't think those things and that you loved him... You couldn't see his face, but a tear fell from his eyes.
Galdor: NOW LET'S ALL GIVE A HUG TO THIS WONDERFUL ELF TOGETHER. He would always try to find a solution peacefully, without discussions and the need to argue, but if this happens you should not fear anything from him. He would NEVER scream, he would NEVER raise his voice, he would NEVER say anything mean to you just to hurt you or win the argument. I mean, it would be fantastic. Maybe due to particular circumstances you would have become so upset that you felt angry against the elf, but in any case he would have spoken to you in a calm and reasonable tone, making you understand that you didn't need to react that way. If the pain brought you to tears, he would hug you and console you like a defenseless child, helping you and trying to get you to vent so that he could fully understand what was troubling you so as to avoid misunderstandings. Galdor would have been able to understand and love you more than anyone else, always.
Glorfindel: It was rare to argue with the blond elf, but sometimes it happened and the situation became quite lively. Glorfindel always tried to keep his problems to himself and not involve others because he was convinced that difficult moments should only be faced with those you love. Furthermore, he certainly wanted to avoid all that useless gossip that many elves had on any topic that might attract their curiosity. Although his character was often extroverted and playful even in the saddest situations for this reason, when he argued with you it wasn't uncommon to hear shouts and snorts coming from your rooms. They would not be screams that expressed malice, but screams that asked to be listened to; it was natural for him to raise his voice when he wasn't listened to and in that way he expressed all his frustration and the pain that the discussion with you was bringing him. He always acted for your good and feeling attacked made him suffer, he wondered what he was doing wrong, what more did you want from him. But the intense mix of emotions inside him prevented him from acting rationally, forgetting how to express them and focusing only on everything you said. After a long time arguing like this you would have reached the point of being exhausted and progressively raising your voice would have left you breathless. You would stop to breathe for a fraction of seconds, with the certainty that everything would soon start again. But after rubbing your eyes, you looked at your elf's face and saw in him all the pain that he was trying to say to you through his tone of voice; his fists were clodes, his head was bowed, his forehead shiny with sweat and a few blond hairs stuck to it. In an instant you understood everything... You breathed a heavy sigh and quickly approached him to hug him, starting to beg him to forgive you and sobbing heavily between one apology and another... Caught off guard, after a few seconds he relaxed his arms and reciprocated the hug. Finally he let himself go to his feelings; he rested his head on your head and the wet of sweat combined with the wetness of a few tears. So he was able to express everything he felt and only at that point would you be able to clarify and return to being happy and in love as always "I just want to always be perfect for you".
Maedhros: I'm sure fights with the red-head would be very peaceful. Having grown up in a large family and in the role of an older brother, he had developed a lot of patience thanks to which he could easily handle any type of conflict with you. Contrary to what many might think, after Angbad Mae would not have vented the pain on you with shouts and insults, but quite the opposite. After the terrible torture he suffered, the only thing he wanted was to feel accepted and in you he found his salvation; in all the darkest moments where his mind couldn't differentiate reality from dreams you were there by his side to help him, without ever making him feel wrong and making him understand how strong he was to have overcome such a trauma. For this reason, he would feel like a terrible elf during arguments. He only wanted to offer you the support that you represented to him every day but instead he felt more like a burden to you. This would make him cry a lot, but in silence and alone, because he feared that with every little clash you would abandon him. He just needed time, time to understand that you would never, ever abandon him; you always told him that you loved him more than anyone else and that he needed your support to be able to return to the sweet, confident elf he once was, and you would do anything to help him. Needless to say, every time the arguments were resolved without even face them... there was too much love that bound your hearts to ruin it for superficial reasons.
BONUS. Legolas: So, I honestly see Legolas as the kind of elf who would be capable of walking away during an argument. Perhaps due to stress, lack of patience or lack of desire for confrontation, he could stop the conversation, pick up and leave the place where you were. But in reality his behavior would be the solution to the problem. In fact, the much anger that you had accumulated would have faded with distance and the passage of time and would have made both of you understand how much you cared for each other. Solitude would have helped Legolas to think clearly about the problem and find a possible solution to make them both happy. When you met again you would have made peace, both apologizing for your abrupt ways and organizing something to spend the evening together.
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ofmiceandwomen · 1 year
What are your a few of your hcs for the lords of gondolin? 👀
Hello there! I’m glad you asked. This should be fun!
Glorfindel is restless. He can’t sit and listen to Turgon’s speeches. He can’t stand the councils, where he’s supposed to sit and let others talk too. He wants to inspire, he wants to roam the streets of Gondolin and talk to his people, making sure they have everything they need. He loves to plan garden parties and when the guests are gone, he gently tends to the plants and allows himself a bit of daydreaming.
Ecthelion is perfect. Beautiful, strong and mighty among the Gondolindrim he looks over his House with pedantic precision. He tries his best. He always aspires to be the best. Only in private, when composing, he sometimes weaves an undertone to his immaculate sonatas, a little note of doubt: “Is it enough?”
Galdor sometimes deeply regrets following Turgon to Gondolin. He took a tree as his personal emblem. Not Laurelin, not Telperion. Just a tree, a tribute to the forest he was born in. Like Maeglin, he ocassionally wanders a bit too far beyond Gondolin. He wants to escape the city life.
Egalmoth is the most prominent Sinda in Gondolin. His knowledge of the precious stones is comparable to that of the Noldor (whom he deep down admired). Although he’s certainly a responsible military commander, he might be a little bit too vane. One of his formal garments costs probably more than all the clothes of the High Kings of Noldor in Beleriand.
Rog’s name is not actually Rog. He had a hard life and came to Gondolin for healing, never revealing none of his names given at birth. His new name means “demon” which he quietly accepts, although it was probably intended an insult at first. He’s quiet, observant, at least until he gets angry - then run. He might be large and scary but if you become his friend, he will never leave you.
I might add more eventually, this is fun!
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theelvenhaven · 1 year
The Fall
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Galdor x Reader
2.5k Words
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It had been pandemonium from the moment that Melkor’s servants arrived. Nost-na-Lothion’s silence had been interrupted by the chanting of orcs, the roar of dragons and the cracking of whips as balrogs approached Gondolin and breaking through it’s many gates. Tramping and toppling over them like they were nothing. 
You could do nothing but stand there with Galdor in shock with the rest of the Gondolindrim over everything that was transpiring. Both of you had hoped that each stronger gate would deter the wave that came… But it was no match as the mighty fell beasts aided in toppling it over, before flying overhead and burning down the buildings. 
It was then at the King’s behest that Galdor ready his soldiers and people, and you two were separated. Following immediately upon the rumors that Galdor had disclosed to you. That somewhere in Gondolin there was a tunnel that the Princess and her husband Prince Consort Tuor had built. Though you were only working off rumors as you ran.
Galdor had given you basic instructions and you only hoped that they were well enough to get you where you needed to go. As you ran, you only seemed to run into dead end crumbled or toppled over buildings. Buildings that used to be homes and shops, stairways had been blocked off, your adrenaline had been pumping before you had finally met up with a group of warriors and other civilians. 
Ones that seemed to know the direction that they were going in, ones that cut down orcs that rounded corners or sacrificed themselves to keep the balrogs distracted. Your group of six guards had dwindled down to two and yet the civilians seemed to keep growing as you ran. From a meager four people to well over twelve, each of you inviting and hurrying new stranded elves and mortals alike trying to hurry and help them towards the tunnel. Though the number never seemed to stay consistent.
No matter where you ran was there fire and ash, billowing up to the skies, blackening it’s perfect blue. Your ears ringing as you listened and watched as buildings would crumble and crack and fall to their ruin, rubble threatening to fall atop of you. You were lucky to save yourself when you looked up to see the massive careening piece fall from the sky and almost onto you. 
Jumping as you were simultaneously pulled out of the way by another person, you could feel the heat of fire licking at your skin. As dragons fire rained down overhead. Lashing out and roasting others alive much to your horror and that of your companions. But you all knew you couldn’t stop, if you did… you’d be like those who did… You only hoped that you were successful in your escape. 
Praying to Eru- begging and pleading to him for your safe route out of this mess. Praying and pleading that Galdor was safe and sound, what little you let your thoughts stray it was of concern of your husband. You hoped he was alive, that he was okay, and in one piece. The horrific ideas of the ways he could die had played out in your mind when you weren’t too focused on the surrounding areas. Trying to make sure you didn’t die as well.  
It was only after what felt like hours of running did you seem to finally arrive to the tunnel, losing or gaining people as you went along. Several Lords were standing guard, including your Galdor. Immediately you ran to him, as he seemed distracted caught up in the hysteria and trying to usher people, but the moment he saw you, his heart filled with relief. 
You were alive! In one piece and not a scratch on you. It was more than what Galdor could ask for as you hurriedly embraced him. His forehead immediately coming to rest against yours as you both basked for a moment in each other, knowing that you were both alive and well for now. 
“Praise Eru! I worried after the first two hours- I feared the worst.” Galdor confided to you, usually… Egalmoth would have something snarky to say. Something to rush this moment, but he didn’t understanding this might be the last time the two of you see each other. Even he didn’t have the heart to ruin or rush this moment. So he simply stepped up and forward, taking over his position. 
Tears filled your eyes, spilling over leaving a fresh trail of salty water down your soot stained cheeks, from all the smoke and fire. 
“And I praise Eru you are here and alright. Are you coming with us? Please tell me you are.” You pleaded desperately as you held onto his strong arms that were covered in padding and armor. Yet before you could answer all you could hear was the sound of approaching goblins and orcs. They had yet to see the tunnel but from the sounds of it, if they were not stopped they’d be upon you soon. 
“Go, you must go!” Galdor said pulling away from you, his usually calm demeanor was gone. The moment of relief had melted away, yet your hands didn’t release his arms and it hindered him only a little as he was reluctant to pull away from you. 
“Galdor-! Are you-”
“I’ll be right behind you, melmë! Go! Now!” Galdor urged and rushed, finally pulling away from you as a civilian grabbed hold of your tunic and began to pull you along. You hesitated to go, looking back and only watching as he disappeared around the corner, with screams of horror from other elves and humans alike. 
It was the wake up call you needed to run through the tunnel and you didn’t stop. Not with relief as you saw Lord Glorfindel or heard the sound of Lord Egalmoth’s voice, and your terror only became worse when you heard the roar of the balrog that threatened you and everyone else. All of you breaking into a harder run, while Glorfindel ran past all of you and in the direction of danger. 
You couldn’t breathe, your lungs burned from smoke and ash and running- as your legs burned with every hard step you took running. You didn’t look back as cheer erupted, and the screeching sound of the dying balrog met your ears. But it had been short lived as again cries erupted for Lord Glorfindel. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to turn around to see his demise, you couldn’t handle anymore. The grief would be too much, the stress would finally get to you and you would fade away right then and there. Your body would just turn to ash like the rest of Gondolin while your fëa would flee to Mandos. 
You didn’t want to abandon Galdor if there was a chance he was still alive. You’d hang on with every fiber in your being to be there for when you all found safety. 
None of you stopped as you finally exited the tunnels, not even to look back on the burning and plundering mess of what was once your fair city. The sky still clouded in smokey, though stars of Varda started to glitter their way through the further you got away from its ruin. There was a mess of elves stopping, some still going, some turning back. 
Trying to find loved ones, others unable to continue on for now, others hoping to help whatever stragglers were still behind. Aiding Egalmoth in wrangling the crowd and getting you all some place safe, and you simply followed the Lord. 
Your King was gone, some Lords you could hear had fallen in Gondolin, and the words of how Maeglin was a traitor quickly spread throughout. Lowering morale and making everyone feel like giving up, now that you had lost your homes and safe haven. Though Egalmoth didn’t let it deter any of you as he encouraged or everyone to press onwards. 
Leading you for days through places you hadn’t been before, and if he was uncertain of where he was heading… He surely didn’t show it. Others branching off to Doriath… Though rumor held it had been destroyed. But that didn’t stop others from seeking it out, while whispers aroused of the Havens of Sirion and Arvernien. 
With Tuor and Idril at the Helm of leading you there. Claiming it was one of the last safe places of Beleriand… Save maybe Ossiriand. But it would take weeks of treachery to get through to there. Where as this march was only taking days. 
When you arrived you were all surprised to see so many Sinda there. Though they all welcomed you with open arms, especially as Tuor and Idril spoke with those around them… perhaps in charge or something of that nature. Others rushed to welcome you into their home, offering food and bandaging the wounded. 
While everyone felt and found their kindred spirits in those from Doriath, having heard officially of its Fall and Sacking. You could scarcely find relief, your nerves never having dwindled as your mind could finally “settle”. Settling to wander back towards Galdor. 
Wondering where he was. He said he was right behind you… You know he had a duty to Gondolin. But apart of you wish that he didn’t and that he could’ve been selfish and followed with you instead. You wished he didn’t had to have run head first into danger the way he did. 
You hoped he survived, Egalmoth had not spoken a word to you about your husband. Simply keeping to his duties, yet you couldn’t find the words to speak to Egalmoth either, because a part of you didn’t want to know if he didn’t survive. Not yet at least, not ever… But you knew you’d be met with reality sooner or later. 
While the Sinda offered you places to stay seeing as so many refugees continued to pour in from Gondolin, you stayed put firmly near the entrance of the Haven the Sinda and even- as you learned- other Noldor from Nargothrond had begun to built. 
In a meager tent, shellshocked and quiet. Not speaking to anyone, you could’ve sworn Egalmoth came and sat with you a time or two. Though he said nothing, there was no reassurance, and he didn’t want to give you false hope about anything. You stood patiently at the entrance when you saw large groups approach, busying your hands with rations of food or medical items, fresh blankets or clothes. 
Looking over every face and every person of stature, looking over every soldier that came in. Everyone in glittering mail with the crest of the House of the Tree on it. No one recognized you, naturally and you hardly recognized them. Yet none of them still uttered anything of Galdor. 
You reached over into one of the crates picking up a skin of water, and ration of lembas when your eyes fell on the ner in front of you. With familiar light eyes, brown hair that had been covered in soot, and mess from being in a helm that was long abandoned. They didn’t take the rations from your hands, they let out a cry of relief as they grabbed your wrists and pulled you into them. 
You were met with cold, dirty armor, but you felt arms wrap around your shoulders and hold you close. You froze in your place, it had all happened so fast, you hardly knew what to make of it! 
“Melmë you’re alive!” Galdor said as he rested his chin on your head, and immediately a cry left your lefts as you dropped the rations and wrapped your arms around his armored chest and body. Clutching onto him as tightly as you could. 
Relief flooded you and you felt faint, grateful he had such a strong hold on you as you felt as though your legs might give out. Your heart pounding fervently in your chest, and the tears spilled from your eyes, 
“Oh Galdor! I thought I lost you!” You sobbed out to him as you did your best to cling tightly to your husband. His arms only winding snugger around you, and you didn’t dare complain of discomfort, you’d take all the poking of his armor on your body in the world to keep having this moment with him. It was a reminder that it was real, that you weren’t imagining it, he was really here with you. 
After a moment, Galdor gently pulled away from you, though he kept you in his hold. Coming to press his forehead to yours immediately, still wanting closeness. He smelled of smoke and ash, but you didn’t care. He was here with you. 
“I told you, Y/N… I was right behind you.” Galdor said to you softly as you released your hold on his waist, coming to bring your hands to his face. Cupping his jaw and holding him close, you closed your eyes, savoring the feel of his breath tickling your face, the warmth of his skin against yours. 
You didn’t care what sooth or blood got on you and your clothes, you were just happy to finally have him in your arms. Galdor sighed out in relief, his heart finally beating steadily instead of pounding with worry. His fears eased knowing that you were here the whole time and safe and sound. 
“Yes… You certainly were, my love… Are you alright? Are you hurt? Do you need to see a Healer?” You asked as your thumbs gently stroked his face, rubbing away grime and dirt. Galdor only pulled you closer into him, and he began to shake his head, before turning it to kiss the inside of your palm. 
“No, no I am uninjured. I could use a bath though.” He said with a half hearted sigh or maybe even a chuckle if that was what you wanted to call it. You nodded at his words, 
“We can get you one, hopefully a hot one you deserve it! I am just so happy you’re alive!” You said eagerly with glee before you released his face and wrapped your arms around his neck. Galdor willingly went with motions and buried his face into your shoulder, taking slow and steady deep breaths, breathing in the unfamiliar scent of plain soap- opposed to your usual scented oils and soaps. But it was undeniably you and not some fever dream. 
“As am I, Y/N.” Galdor said softly, and there was a note of exhaustion finally hitting his voice. Finally he could be tired and unwind from the chaos. There was still much to be done… But for now he could breathe. 
“Come let us find you a place to bathe and to lay your head down, my love.” You said softly to him, gently pulling away. Galdor raised his head, but put his arm around your shoulder. The two of you walking away and finally heading off to some place to rest. Grateful to be reunited after the Fall. 
* * *
Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @celebrimbor-telperinquar @red-riding @miriel-estelwen @ta-ka-shi-ma @nerdysimpy @thegirlwithoutaname87 @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @eternalabysss @noldorinpainter
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I've already shared several of my Elrond in Valinor headcanons, but here's another one: by the beginning of the Fourth Age, so many fragmented stories about Elrond have made their way to Valinor that no one is sure what's real and what's fake.
Some people insist that he speaks Quenya with a decidedly Feanorian accent, while others are sure that he was taught Quenya by Gil-Galad after leaving the Feanorians' custody, and speaks with the same, somewhat nondescript accent instead. Galdor absolutely insists that Elrond spoke Quenya just like Turgon– with an accent that was traditional, but very much not Feanorian.
On the topic of Gil-Galad, some insist that they were friends, but others say they were uneasy allies– partners in crime, says Oropher, but no one listens to him. Gil-Galad made Elrond his herald because he didn't trust Elrond with a higher position– or because he trusted Elrond so much that he refused to let anyone else speak for him on diplomatic matters. Maybe they hated each other. Maybe they loved each other. At least one elf insists that they were, in fact, the same person. (no one puts much stock in that last theory, but still!)
Elrond is a healer, that's clear, but how he heals is a matter of fierce contention. People say he uses healing songs, but if he does, they aren't normal songs of power– none of the Valinorian healers seem to be able to use his songs for healing, and some of them aren't even in an elvish language. Then there are the stories about "healing the wounds of the fea," something that most people say must be some latent Maia power, but when this healing is described, it seems to be mostly just... talking? And medicine, sometimes, but no one can imagine how those things might heal a soul. At least one elf claims to have had her leg sewn back on by Elrond, and most think she's just exaggerating, but so many strange, seemingly-impossible stories about Elrond's healing powers have been told that no one's really sure anymore. (Also, apparently he's also a warrior too? Doesn't fighting usually mess with healing powers??)
Also, several elves have been very clear that Elrond is, in fact, nearly indistiguishable from any other elf, aside from slightly rounder ears. But no, others are absolutely certain that there is something distinctly mannish, in his face, in his body, in the way he moves. And that's not even getting into all the stories of his strange, Ainuric power, or the moments when he seems to be something else entirely. He's a very normal Peredhel, or sometimes he has wings, or you'd think he was any other Sindar, or stars glimmer in his hair, or he looks so Noldor that no one could ignore it. Or the fact that no one can agree on who it is he most looks like– Luthien, Turgon, Earendil, Elwing, Tuor, Melian.
So by the time Elrond shows up in Valinor, you'd best believe that everyone is waiting at the docks, mostly to find out what this "Elrond Peredhel" is actually like, and how many of the rumors they've heard about him are true.
(They all then get ambushed by Bilbo Baggins while Elrond goes to find a nice valley to build a new homely house in.)
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windrelyn · 3 months
Hellooooo! I just wanted to let you know how obsessed I am with your Galdor content and all your Turgon & Galdor content. Your art made me high-key ship them and write a 70k word fic about post Gondolin Galdor.
Thank you so much!! I'm very happy you like my Turgon & Galdor content. It's good to hear that my arts and my headcanons inspired someone <3
(Sorry for the late reply. You made me miss Galdor and Turgon, and I want to draw something for you)
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outofangband · 3 months
For the hc meme game! Húrin: childhood hc and/or quirks/hobbies hc?
From this headcanon ask game here!
Childhood HCs
I made sure to mention Aerin several times 🩵🩵
-Him and Aerin both performed feats on horseback during the Hadorian summer festivals, when they were in their early teens. Húrin had a black mare named Daring (in the Hadorian language), Aerin had a copper colored horse named Sunset with white splotches on its brow (though you knew that part!!). He came in second the year he was thirteen.
-Húrin was taller than Huor until he was fourteen and Huor was eleven. He was incredibly sulky about this for a few months especially when people would ask who was older or assume Huor was. Out of his family including extended family (who he had close contact with), the height order is this, from tallest to shortest: Huor, Galdor, Glóredhel, Indor, Haldir, Aerin, Húrin, Hareth (did not include OCs such as Aerin’s mother Limmiel here)
My personal HC is that Lalaith would have taken after Húrin in height had she survived
-I love the canon detail of him and Huor having races. I imagine Húrin even as a child taking honor seriously and refusing to trip his little brother or push him out of the way, ninety nine percent of the time.
-Huor was a picky eater but Húrin was very adventurous and loved to try new things.
-I know this is canon but I love that Húrin plays the harp. It’s only mentioned once in the most heartbreaking context, when he breaks his harp after Lalaith’s death, but I HC that it’s one of his favorite forms of relaxation. He knows how to play in both elven and Hadorian styles. After Lalaith’s death it’s a year or so before he’s able to play again but he does start to.
He has a medium pitched singing voice and learns tunes quickly.
-Other hobbies include rhetoric and language, whittling, sparring, and occasional grappling
-Húrin talks in his sleep. Mostly nonsense, just bits of whatever he’s dreaming about. I like to imagine that in Angband someone was literally tasked with writing anything down that he said in case it had any relevance to Gondolin. After all, the endless interrogation would have made it more likely that he would dream of the city or of Turgon.
Needless to say I doubt they got much in this way.
I’m very attached to giving characters sleeping quirks. Húrin talks, Morwen occasionally sleepwalks, Aerin kicks out in her sleep because she dreams about horses, etc. (and that’s without even getting into the trauma related sleeping quirks!)
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emerwenaranel · 1 year
I always tought that Idril was too close to Huor when he and his brother went to Gondolin. As if she could forsee that she would marry Huor's son. But Idril knew that Huor was too kind and brave at the same time, something that reminded her of her own mother. Elenwe had perished too soon, so Idril thought that Huor knew how it felt like ot be away from his own mother. Galdor and Hareth probably thought that their children were dead. Death stroke again and Idril recalled all the loved ones who had perished at the crossing of Helcaraxe.
She did not want Huor to feel that he had lost everyone he loved, she did not want him to feel the way she had felt when her mother died. So, they became great friends. Huor was also a griend of Galdor because the elf shared the same name with his father. Idril wondered if there was something elvish in this family. Hurin was shorter than his brother, but Huor was so tall that he looked like an elf of the Vanyar. And Idril's mother was a Vanya elf. Huor was only thirteen years old when he flew to Gondlin with his brother, but he was so tall that he looked like an adult.
The other elves were confused because it was probably the first time they saw humans in front of them but Idril was not confused because she could see the truth in Huor's eyes. The latter was honest because he always admired Idril and he could feel that they would be united one day. In this life or in death. Huor was farsighted too and Idril had to teach him how to deal with his feelings about the future. She could also foresee what would come and she wanted to help the child deal with his feelings because she knew how difficult it was to see something terrible that would probably happen. She also felt that Huor was wise too and Idril liked him for that.
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arofili · 1 year
Elves Re-embodied in the Second Age
For @secondageweek Day 7, here are my headcanons for the circumstances around the re-embodiment of a bunch of elves who died in previous ages!
SA 200: Aranwë and Hithaer (OC; Aranwë’s wife and Círdan’s sister; she died in a skirmish with orcs shortly before the Third Kinslaying). They move to Tol Eressëa to be with Voronwë and Ilverion (Littleheart), and will occasionally visit Andúnië in Númenor. Word gets back to Círdan that his sister is reborn, and through Númenor they are able to have some limited communication.
SA 480: Elemmakil and his father Alarion (OC; Elemmakil died in the Third Kinslaying and Alarion in the Fall of Gondolin). They move to Tol Eressëa, where Netyanil (OC; Alarion’s wife; died on the Helcaraxë and reborn in the First Age) and Voronwë (Elemmakil’s queerplatonic partner) live.
660: Egalmoth and Duilin. They settle in Tirion, and reunite with Galdor (who sailed at the end of the First Age).
920: Rôg and Enerdhil (I headcanon they are queerplatonic partners). They choose to live in Aulë’s halls and reunite with Mahtan, their friend from ages past. They also reach out to the other former Lords of Gondolin and establish a tradition of getting together to party at least once a decade.
950: Penlod (I headcanon they are nonbinary). They move to Tirion, but start planning a new city. They also reunite with the other Lords of Gondolin, as well as their friends and former vassals (Gilfanon and Evromord) who dwell on Tol Eressëa, though they do not settle on the island.
1100: Edrahil and Inglor (husbands; Inglor is Finrod’s son with trans!Bëor and died in the Dagor Bragollach). They reunite with Finrod and take up management of his estate in Tirion (because he’s spending most of his time in a quiet country cottage with Amárië and Elenwë). Inglor gets to meet his grandparents!
1300: Guilin and his wife Tathrenil (OC; both died in the Fall of Nargothrond). They move to Tirion and reunite with Edrahil and Inglor.
1400: Angrod. He returns to Alqualondë, where he reunites with Eldalótë and his mother. (He also reunites with Finrod and Finarfin, but they don’t live in Alqualondë. Eärwen only resides there part-time, also.) He delivers the news that Aegnor will not return for love of Andreth.
1505: Fingolfin. He returns to Tirion and reunites with Anairë and Arakáno (reborn in the First Age). He reconciles with Anairë and must come to term with her relationship with Eärwen and Arafinwë (they’ve been in a weird triad situation since the first rising of the Sun) and with Anairë’s place in Tirion’s political sphere. Fingolfin does not wish to rejoin politics, and even less to take away Arafinwë’s crown. (His time as king taught him the price of ambition, and now he wants to live a life for himself.) He attempts to bond with Arakáno by joining him in the forges, though he was never much of a smith and still isn’t now. After a year or two of this, he decides to build himself a cabin in the countryside and retreat there for awhile. Arakáno goes with him.
1540: Ecthelion. He returns to Tirion and eventually settles in the city Penlod has built over the past few centuries. (This realm is full of former Gondolindrim and Nargothrondrim, and is officially led by Finrod, but mostly Inglor, Edrahil, and the Lords of Gondolin do the actual work of governance.) He misses Glorfindel terribly, but they spoke in Mandos and Glorfindel promised he would return to life soon.
1599 OR 1699 (depending on if I want Glorfindel to come to Middle-earth before or after the War of the Elves and Sauron; I haven’t really made up my mind on that yet): Glorfindel. He has less than a full year of sweet bliss with his fiancé Ecthelion before Manwë chooses him to go back to Middle-earth. He is very torn about accepting this calling, but eventually he agrees. He and Ecthelion have a passionate, bittersweet parting, but do not marry as they had planned (they don’t want to strain a new marriage bond by parting so soon after their wedding, and they also give each other permission to take other lovers in one another’s absence, though neither of them can imagine actually doing so).
1760: Turgon. He reunites with Finrod and Elenwë (and Amárië). Finrod had been coaxed out of retirement by Inglor and Penlod, but now that Turgon has returned he fucks back off to the Vanyarin countryside (with Elenwë and Amárië) to hash out their relationship. Turgon has learned and grown a lot since his death, and for a few centuries is uncomfortable being in public, but eventually he and Finrod return to Penlod’s city and take up residence their with their girlfriends. (They’re in an OT4 situation. It’s complicated.) Turgon also reunites with Idril, but they have a hard time reconnecting. They work on their relationship mostly through letters, as visits are uncomfortable, and after a few centuries they have figured out how to be around each other. Turgon and Fingolfin have a similarly awkward relationship. Anairë doesn’t know Turgon has even been reborn until about 50 years later when Elenwë lets it slip (oops). Of his family, Turgon falls back most comfortably into his relationship with Argon.
1810: Malweth (OC; wife of Amdír and mother of Amroth; slain in the Second Kinslaying). She feels out of place in Aman and finds a small rural community of fellow Sindar with which to live.
2365: Thingol and Elmo (killed in the Battle of the Thousand Caves). They reunite with their third brother, Olwë, in Alqualondë. Elmo and his spouse Ferinya (OC) have a joyful reunion, but Thingol is ill at-ease. About 50 years after his rebirth, Thingol and Olwë clash one time too many and Thingol leaves Alqualondë seeking Melian. (Before, he had hoped she would come to him...but she didn’t.) He finds her in the gardens of Estë, incorporeal and still ridden with grief, and he must coax her out of mourning and into reality. After about 10 years, she regains herself and they reunite in truth and begin rebuilding their relationship. About three centuries after his rebirth, Thingol and Melian establish the Sindarin realm of Avorndor in Aman, and many Sindar join them (including Malweth). Elmo visits, but decides he prefers to stay in Alqualondë with Olwë.
2400: Orodreth and his wife Amathluin (OC; died in the Third Kinslaying). They move to Alqualondë to be with Orodreth’s family.
2700: Lalwen (died in the War of Wrath). She reunites with her family of origin in Aman, but then moves to Tol Eressëa to be with her son Ilverion (it’s complicated) and wait for her partner Círdan to sail. ALSO in 2700: Dior and Nimloth. They move to Avorndor and reclaim their place as royalty. Once they are settled, they seek out Elwing in her tower and have a tearful reunion that is healing for all of them.
3250: Tríwath (OC; Elenwë’s Avarin father; died in the sinking of Beleriand). He reunites/reconciles with Calima (OC), the wife he abandoned pregnant on the Journey (though to be fair, he didn’t know that last bit at the time), and meets his daughter Elenwë for the first time. He and Calima mutually agree to remain separated, and always a loner, Tríwath disappears into the forests of Aman. Occasionally, he will ride with Oromë’s Hunt.
3400: Fingon. He took a long time to heal, and a longer time to come to terms with Maedhros’ fate. He might have waited for Maedhros’ rebirth, but Maedhros and Námo convinced him to be reborn and live his own life, on the condition that Maedhros promise he would work on healing and that he will return in time, and that Námo promise such a thing is possible. Fingon reunites with his various family members, but finds himself weirdly most at-ease with Idril, who after Tuor’s eventual passing (he lived a long time, but not forever) is also a widow in paradise. Fingon settles in to live with his niece in her Tower of Pearl.
If I didn’t mention a character you think should be here, they’re probably reborn in the Third Age or later :) If anyone’s interested, I could put together a post about the Third Age rebirths too!!
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swanmaids · 1 year
if u are still taking characters for the ask game, Earendil? <3
Always happy to ramble about The Boy!!
one aspect about them i love
He, together with Elwing, is really the climax of the whole Silmarillion. Feanor kickstarts the exile of the Noldor and Earendil ends it. Then, as if that's not enough, he plays a pivotal role in the war of wrath, and then he leads the edain headed by his son to Numenor! And he continues to be remembered and revered, and influences the events of Middle Earth, the world he loved, throughout the ages as the star of high hope. Mythic Hero swag on point <<33
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
Related... he's a hero. He's a good person. He has the moral strength to ask for forgiveness for the exiles - which includes the people who he believes have destroyed his home (correct) slaughtered his people (correct) and killed his children (incorrect). He's like... operating on a different plane of ethics to almost any regular person lol
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
The light of the silmaril is turning him blind over the centuries. When Elrond finally sails, he won't be able to see him - but he'll know him all the same.
as well as
one character i love seeing them interact with
glances at entire blog Elwing!!!! I mean I think you said it best with your post tbh.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Based on that one little note in BoLT 2 that haunts me... I'm fascinated by Galdor taking small Earendil (then still Earendel) back to see the ruins of Gondolin! I'd love to see literally any fanwork about that journey. It really speaks to both how much Earendil loved Gondolin and its people and was loved by them in return, and how much he had ripped away from him as a child.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
Went to Balar with Elwing one summer to assist in the building of Earrame and get useful tips TM for building Vingilot. Proposed to Elwing there and had a ring set with a pearl from the waters of Balar (a helpful mermaid told him where to find it).
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malkuvoitenoldoran · 1 year
Mun's headcanons on the Lords of Gondolin and their relationships.
Turgon: Single but at least half in love with all the Lords.
Glorfindel: Also single, but suspected to have a thing with Turgon or Ecthelion.
Ecthelion: Single but suspected to have a thing with Glorfindel or (surprisingly) Galdor.
Galdor: Deeply committed to Turgon and oblivious to anyone else who might be interested in him.
Penlod: In a committed relationship with his library but also spends hours a day pining after someone (bets are on Egalmoth or Elemmakil).
Rog: In a relationship, no one really knows with who but it is suspected that the person is someone in his house.
Tuor: Happily married to Idril, oblivious to any other interests in him.
Salgant: Interested in Maeglin but frequently implies he is in a committed relationship with his harp and music room.
Maeglin: Rumored to be in love with Idril, actual interests in others not known but reasonably sure that he is interested in someone belonging to the House of the King.
Duilin: Rumored to have an on again and off again relationship with a couple of others, candidates are Galdor, Egalmoth, and Glorfindel, but no one is sure if there is truth to the rumors they just think it's fun to imagine.
Egalmoth: Rumored to be with at least three other lords depending on the season and how close he stood near them at the most recent ball/party/other event.
Elemmakil: Rumored to be pining after a Noldo lady left across the sea. Actually sleeping with people who express an interest but tries for a 'no attachments' rule thinking that he is in the most dangerous position.
Sarnaro (My OC Healer of Gondolin): Not with anyone but knows who is actually with whom and is very amused by the rumors, sometimes feeding them and getting people away from the truth.
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doodle-pops · 3 months
Lords of Gondolin | With A Deaf Tone Reader
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Request: Hi Mina! Not sure if this has been done yet but can I request a gondolin elves x reader set of headcanons where the reader loves to sing but is absolutely tone deaf? Thank you!
A/N: I did my best to add some humour in there so it wasn't all sentimental. Hope you don't mind.
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⭑⚝ Galdor
Galdor is very patient with you as someone who suffers from tone deafness. It’s not a condition found among elves, nor ever heard of, so it was shocking for him to become aware of your inability to follow the pitch of melodies.
Whether you can’t sing or replicate instrumental notes, it would not bother Galdor at all. He’s also aware that you probably know about how elves find the voices and singing abilities of their partner an attractive feature and wonders if you think the opposite of yourself.
He’s there to cheer you up with reassurance that whether or not you can carry a proper pitch, he still loves you nonetheless. (He’d love you even if you were a worm; he’s got a garden for you to live in lol).
There is a degree of protectiveness when it comes to others being aware of your condition and deciding to mock you. Preferably other elves who were jealous of you being with Galdor.
He takes his job seriously when it comes to defending your condition and makes it clear that it’s no joking matter. Speaking about jokes, depending on your sensitivity to your condition, sometimes you might joke about your singing skills while Galdor would have trouble in knowing whether to laugh or not.
You may have to inform him that it’s alright to laugh along once you’re the one making the joke.
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⭑⚝ Ecthelion
Since we all know Ecthelion is all fair and beautiful, it would be no joke that he would be stunned at your condition. Having not heard about it before, it’s shocking to know that it’s possible to have difficulty matching the pitches of a melody.
Perhaps as you’re with Ecthelion, you might ask if he would be willing to help you tune to the right pitch when singing. He would be honoured to provide assistance in any way possible.
You two would start with learning to read music sheets while he plays each note through his flute or voice and trains you to hear the differences in each pitch as best as he could.
It’s a challenging start since everything sounds the same to you, but he’s ever so patient and kind, even if in the end you’re unsuccessful at correctly recognising the differences in pitches.
Your condition doesn’t worry him at all since he can sing and that’s where the true essence of his love lies when he composes his words. Despite your inability to hear the notes properly, you can still hear the romantic words he sings, and they make your heart melt.
There are times, he’ll ask you to sing along with him which leaves you bewildered because, “Thel, you know I can’t sing like you, much less carry a decent tune. I’d crack the glass.” To which he would politely reply with a, “I know, but join me.”
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⭑⚝ Egalmoth
He doesn’t tolerate others learning about your condition, it is something kept private. Only he gets to listen to your off-tune melody. Yes, you heard me right. Egalmoth will still ask you to sing as best as you can and will enjoy your song.
He knows it’s coming from your heart, so it’s full of love and meaning, and your off-tune melody doesn’t bother him. The most he will do for your comfort would have your singing moments conducted behind closed doors.
At the same time, he’s empathetic towards your concerns with your inability to match the correct pitches and sing in tune. Like everyone else, you can count on Egalmoth to be your cheerleader.
He brushes your insecurities aside when you bring up the connection between elves singing and attractiveness. He makes it clear that it was not the reason he loved you and even though singing is troublesome, he still loves you.
With him, there shall be no insecurities when it comes to your condition. End of complaints because he’s going to join in on your singing to purposefully have an excuse to annoy people with his.
He doesn’t care whether he’s on key or off, he wants to show you that there’s fun once you embrace it and ignore the idiot haters. You two will have a concert!
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⭑⚝ Glorfindel
Never one for being as vocal as his dear friend, but can be often seen humming a merry tune, Glorfindel’s sunshine never turns gray upon learning your tone deafness. If anything, he reassures you that it’s alright.
Like most of the others, Glorfindel will shield you from any negativity that other elves (if any became aware) will throw at you to bring shame for not being attractive by their standards.
In comes your saviour to swoop in and remove all the bad aura the other haters bring out of jealousy. Glorfindel is quick to shut down any naysayers and praise how much he loves you and finds everything about you attractive.
It depends on whether or not you’re interested in coordinating with the right pitch to replicate because whatever your decision is, he is supportive nonetheless.
If you are, Glorfindel will be supportive and guide you to idea his good friend Ecthelion or Princess Idril for assistance. He will be there with you every step of the way and motivating you even if you don’t always get the notes right every time.
Would make jokes about you still singing better than some of the other Lords, and encourage you to never stop singing. He doesn't want to stop your melodies since he understands the joy they bring.
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⭑⚝ Rog
With him being a focused blacksmith, the musical aspect of the nature of elves had never struck him on his head until you showed up. Rog knows how to carry a tune or two, there would be songs required to sing while crafting to aid with creation.
He would be concerned if your tone deafness was life-threatening, and breathe a sigh of relief when learning that it wasn’t.
Of course, Rog is patient and observant to know that you’re self-conscious when it comes to your musical abilities, be it singing or playing instruments. There is clarity between you two that your inability does not worry him or change his perspective of you.
Rog would not shy away from listening to you hum an off-key melody while he slave away. There’s a small smile on his face when you go even further off-key or your voice cracks; it’s sentimental to him.
What’s reassuring to him is that your condition doesn’t take away hearing, so you can listen to songs he dedicates to you based on his undying love and passion. There are moments when you will be blessed to hear him utter a song or two with the sweetest words that represent his love.
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⭑⚝ Maeglin
Would be stunned to learn that you couldn’t sing on key with the songs being performed and would politely question you out of curiosity. He means no harm or embarrassment, it is simply that he had never come across a person like this before.
Maeglin may be a bit more clueless and assume that with basic singing lessons, you might be able to catch a tune since it was how he learnt, not fully understanding at first, that it was something different from a person who couldn’t sing.
He’s gentle and curious at the same time, asking tomes of questions about how it came about and if there’s a way to make improvements. His inquiry might be a bit silly since you could have gotten it sorted out if there was a fixture, but he also considered that you might not have been around or knew people who could assist.
Maeglin is all on your side and not in a rush to make changes since this was your choice and he respected your decision. If you want to work on identifying the correct pitches, he’ll direct you to the right musicians. If not, he’s happy to do the singing for you.
Since he understands indifference better than anyone else and how fitting in with the crowd can be challenging, he’s always up to make you feel welcome and perfectly fine. Gonna get praises here and there as he listens to you sing to yourself with a big smile.
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mur4sak1 · 13 days
What would the elves give you as a gift?
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A/N: Hi everyone, in these headcanons I have included what I think would be the gifts that our beloved elves would give us in special situations. Remember that English is not my first language so I hope I wrote in the best way <3
Characters: Galdor, Maedhros, Glorfindel, Maglor, Celegorm
Galdor: a bouquet of flowers (I'm SURE that Galdor would be the kind of elf to give you a bouquet of fresh flowers whenever he could.)
Every day, after attending meetings in the city to discuss strategies and defense plans, Galdor would go into the woods and fields surrounding the city to pick a bouquet of fresh flowers for you. The flowers he chose were the most beautiful and colorful he could find: white lilies, red roses, wild daisies... he picked them carefully, taking care not to ruin the petals, and took them to your rooms. He would then leave them on a table next to the bed so that in the morning you could wake up with the scent of their delicate fragrances. You loved watching them as they slowly opened, revealing their beauty to the world, as if those flowers were the symbol of your love. Every morning you woke up with a smile on your face, ready to face the day with a heart full of gratitude.
And so, day after day, Galdor continued to bring you the most beautiful flowers that nature could offer, demonstrating his love and dedication in a tangible and constant way. You knew well that you were the luckiest person in the world to have the love of such a kind and caring elf.
Maedhros: a ring
After his terrible imprisonment in Angband, Maedhros was finally free among his brothers. A lot of time had passed but the pain of losing his hand still caused strong emotions in him. His heart was full of bitterness and anger for what he had suffered, but it was right there that he realized how much you meant to him. It was your voice, your stories and your support that kept him holding on to hope during the long years of imprisonment but also the only person to help him differentiate the dream from reality when darkness took over his mind and everyone feared him. So he decided he needed to give you something special. He spent days thinking about what he could do to you, until he had an epiphany. He went to a small workshop where, as a child, his father had taught him the basics of the goldsmith's trade. With an expert but somewhat rusty hand, Maedhros began to carefully work a ring. Every time his hand trembled from fatigue, the thought of your smile gave him the strength to carry on. Finally, after days of intense work, the gift was ready. (…)
The setting sun painted the sky with orange tones, while you and your elf admired the sunset from the window of your rooms. “For you,” he said, handing you a small box. You opened the little package. It was an elegant and simple ring, with a bright red stone of the color of his hair, a little imperfect but full of meaning. “It's wonderful,” you whispered. “But why are you giving me this?” you asked, unable to understand what the event was. "Because you were the light that guided me out of the darkness of Angband," he replied in a soft voice. "Without you, I don't know if I would have ever found the strength to continue." You felt your heart ache at Maedhros' words and his vulnerability. "I hope it brings you some joy and light, like you did for me.”
Glorfindel: a picnic
Glorfindel was a kind and thoughtful elf, always caring to the needs and wishes of his loved ones, and when your birthday arrived, he decided to plan something special to celebrate the occasion. That morning he asked you to meet in a small courtyard on the edge of the city of Gondolin where you used to meet and, once you arrived, he made you turn around telling that he had to blindfold you because he had to take you somewhere. A little confused but also excited by the idea, you accepted. “Don't worry, I'll guide you.” He took your hand and you walked away. (…)
After walking for a while, you felt the sensation of grass under your feet and the sound of leaves blowing in the wind. “Well, we have arrived.” The blond removed the blindfold from your eyes and when you opened them again, you couldn't believe your eyes. You were in a beautiful flowery meadow not far from the city walls, at the foot of a large oak tree that provided shelter from the hot sunlight. There, among the chirping of birds and the sweet scent of wild herbs, sat a picnic basket. Glorfindel opened a large cloth and began to bring out countless delicacies. There were fresh fruits, pastries, delicate cheeses and crusty breads, along with a variety of delicious desserts and refreshing drinks. Throughout the day you laughed and joked, enjoying the tranquility of nature and all the beauty it had to offer, and as the sun slowly set over the horizon, Glorfindel looked into your eyes and said something perhaps even better than the picnic: “Seeing your smile among this beautiful scenery today made me realize that I can never want anything more in life. There is a question burning inside me and I can no longer remain silent... Do you want to become my wife and make this elf happy for eternity?".
Maglor: a poetry
The wind blew hard that evening on the shores of the rough sea, while you and Maglor sat on a rock watching the waves crash violently against the rocks. The air was charged with electricity, a harbinger of an impending storm. Suddenly you heard your name being called from the elf and when you turned you saw him take a note from his jacket pocket. “Here, I wrote this for you.” You opened it and saw that it contained a poem written in elegant script. The words seemed to pay homage to the sea, speaking of its power and beauty, but you understood that those words were addressed to you. You looked at Maglor with tears in your eyes, touched and speechless. He smiled sweetly at you and said: "This is my gift to you, so that you can always have the sea in your heart and the beauty of its mysteries to accompany you wherever you go." And it was in that moment, between the roar of the waves and the salty smell of the air, that you understood how similar the sea and Maglor were, both capable of enchanting you with their strength and captivating you with their beauty. And in that moment, you understood that you had found someone who would leave an indelible mark on your life, like the sea that leaves its scent on your skin even when far away.
Celegorm: a wolf cub
It was your birthday and Celegorm had done nothing for you. You were disappointed, you thought your beloved didn't even care about your birthday. But Celegorm had a special gift in mind for you, he just had to wait for the right time to give it to you.
When evening finally arrived, Celegorm took your hand and led you towards a terrace. When you got there, you couldn't believe your eyes: In the middle of the terrace there was a brown wolf cub, with sparkling eyes and a playful attitude. “I know I didn't do anything for your birthday, but I wanted to give you something special. He's an Oromë cub… he's like Huan. He will protect you and keep you company in difficult times.”, Celegorm said softly. You were speechless, it was the most incredible gift you could imagine. You ran towards the wolf cub who immediately started licking your face as a sign of affection. "Even if i had to travel a long way to bring him to you, if you don't want him I can bring him back." "ABSOLUTELY NOT" you replied anxiously and this made Celegorm laugh heartily. "Oh, so you want to hold him close to you, huh?" he said jokingly afterwards teasing you. Then, with an affectionate smile, he approached you and whispered in your ear: “Don't worry, I would never let him be taken away from you.” With a sweet kiss on your forehead, he hugged you warmly, making you feel safe and loved.
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pxnxply · 11 months
✿ Duilin and Galdor
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He liked to sit between Egalmoth and Galdor at council meetings and try and sneak things into/out of Galdor's pockets without him noticing. If caught he always blames Egalmoth.
He really liked Galdor's fashion sense
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theelvenhaven · 1 year
Being a New Parent with Galdor
Having Postpartum Depression
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Request: Hi! Your requests are open now eep and I have come bearing one! Beleg and Galdor both need more love so I was wondering if I could request one of them for hc on how they would react to reader with post partum depression? I feel like ppd isn't really written about, especially with the elves? Thank you so much! 💚
A/N: Hey anon I completely agree, PPD isn't talked about or written about enough at all. I am really happy that I could address this in two posts- both a fic and a headcanon. PPD is so hard, and I've been there so I know what it's like. I hope this helps cover everything.
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❀ Being a new parent, especially with Galdor should be a wonderful and exciting time.
❀ Galdor would've been there for you every step of the way through pregnancy and labor and delivery- doing his best to help keep you calm and keep any of your anxiety under control the whole time.
❀ But when the happy tears and excitement of the birth of your little one wears off, to you it becomes painfully obvious something isn't quite right with you.
❀ While Galdor is calm and collected and almost seemingly prepared for this little one you've had, all of your preparedness and years of planning have seem to have fallen through the cracks.
❀ Instead of joy, it is replaced with an overwhelming sense of anxiety as you fear every little move that you make when it comes to your little one.
❀ Not to mention, when you look at your baby you can't help but feel positively hopeless knowing you are solely responsible for this tiny person now.
❀ It seems that all of your happiness was zapped away despite how happy you want to be for birth of your little one.
❀ It is hard for you to not notice that something is wrong with you, seeing as you had heard all these stories from other parents about how this was the happiest time for them.
❀ Yet all you are filled with is constant irrational anxiety, disappointment, confusion, and most of all a heavy sadness in your chest.
❀ Try as you might to keep everything under wraps and hidden from Galdor, Galdor has noticed your change in mood before you are even discharged by the midwives.
❀ He's noticed you don't smile when you look at your baby, or how you cringe when they cry.
❀ Galdor has noticed how you seem to be afraid almost of either holding them or dropping them so you hold them almost too tight to your chest.
❀ At first Galdor is at a loss of what to do, he was told this should be a happy experience for you both.
❀ But he knows that something is wrong and wants more than anything to help you through what you are going through.
❀ Galdor sits with you and gets you to open up about what it is that is on your mind and how you are feeling.
❀ He is very patient with you, and even if you can't think of what to tell him what is on your mind, telling him how you feel is all the prompt he needs to know what to do next.
❀ Galdor hugs you snugly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as you explain to him the whirlwind of emotions that you are feeling.
❀ He is supportive and gentle with you, and reassures you that everything is going to be okay and that he is going to be with you every step of the way.
❀ Galdor reassures you that you aren't crazy even if you feel like it and discusses how you need to bring this to a Healers attention.
❀ He assures you that they won't think you are crazy either, and that by getting help you will start to feel better so you can enjoy your time with your new baby.
❀ Galdor sends eventually for a Healer, though he doesn't waste much time, wanting to make sure that this is nipped in the bud before you potentially fade from how severe this can get.
❀ Galdor will do one of two things when the Healer arrives, depending on what you want from him:
❀ 1. He will take the baby from the room with him, and offer you some privacy with the Healer so you can tell them about what you are going through.
❀or 2. He will still take care of the baby but sit with you during this session to be your support and rock while you speak with the Healer about what's going on.
❀ Regardless of what you choose, he will consult with the Healers about how he can help make this a healthier and more positive experience for you and what he can do to help you heal.
❀ Galdor will follow it to a tee and help make sure everything stays on track so you can get better and enjoy being a new parent and your new baby.
❀ Galdor loves you and the baby both and he wants to see you both thrive.
❀ No matter what happens, Galdor will be there with you every single step of the way.
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Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @celebrimbor-telperinquar @red-riding @miriel-estelwen @ta-ka-shi-ma @nerdysimpy @thegirlwithoutaname87 @anunexpectedsideblog @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @eternalabysss @noldorinpainter
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Gondolin elves as horses
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(Here it is! Galdor was a bit difficult to make, so he part might be short. I tried to give every elf horse a personality and a unique quirk, so I hope you’re satisfied with them)
requested by @a-contemplation-upon-flowers​
Warnings; mentions of abuse and Melkor being a bit of a dick. 
-You have been looking for work for quite some time now. 
-Bills were stacking up, and you got fired from your last job, so you were having a pretty rough time. 
-Until your friend called and told you they found a job for you. 
-One of their uncles needed a caregiver for a batch of horses at his stable. 
-You considered the offer but doubted your decision because you didn't have much experience with horses. You had ridden a pony once when you were a child, but that hardly counts. 
-But since you were desperate for money, you accepted the offer. 
-Your friend helped you pack up and took you to the stable you will be working. 
-The stable of Gondolin hills. It was one of the famous horse stables, and many famous horses lived there. 
-The scenery was amazing. There were mountains, forests, and rivers. You even saw a couple of eagles flying around. 
-Your friend gave you some tips on how to care for horses and filled you in on what you will be doing at your new workplace. Your friend looked after seven problematic horses, so they had a lot of experience. 
-It sounded insane, and you mentally prepared yourself for the worst. You're not sure you can handle horses who are mean as hell and buckle you off without warning.  
-When you two finally got there, the owner of the stable and your friend's uncle, Ulmo, welcomed you and showed you around. 
-The horses were gorgeous and majestic. You have never seen such creatures like them in your life. 
-Ulmo explained you're going to look after five horses. The owners were either on vacation or too busy with work. You're going to look after them in the meantime. 
-The pay will be good, and you can move into the nearby cottage, so you don't have to worry about travel expenses like paying for a taxi or using a bus. 
-The horses were called Glorfindel, Ecthelion, Rog, Egalmoth, and Galdor. They're very well-behaved horses, so you don't need to fear them. 
-You felt a bit more confident. The job didn't sound too bad, and the horses are good.
-You can handle this job. 
-After settling down and knowing your daily schedule. You began your job. 
-A beautiful yellowish cream-colored stallion with a mane of gold. 
-He was very friendly when you two first met. His personality is a mix of a charming and adorable golden retriever, so you two managed to hit it off pretty well. 
-He's a jumper and a dressage horse. He has won many prizes and was beautiful as the golden flower. 
-He's sometimes patient enough to do dressage since he has the beauty for it, but he uses his energy for jumping. 
-He was the first one you rode, and he was patient and gentle that you didn't feel nervous while on his back. 
-You loved the experience. 
-He sometimes gets carried away because he enjoys galloping through the woods, and you get nervous. He does slow down when he senses your distress. 
-He's very intelligent for a horse. 
-He also enjoys seeing you smile, so he sometimes does things to make you laugh. 
-Watching him play with a ball is one of the enjoyable things you'll see because he's very adorable. 
-Kinda like an oversized puppy. 
-Glorfindel has an odd love for the yellow flowers. You have seen him rolling around on them many times, which is cute, and he ends up smelling like them. 
-One downside is that he sometimes gets dirty, and you have to wash him. 
-Glorfindel is pretty close with the black horse, Ecthelion, and the two hang out pretty often in the dens. 
-They look cute, and that's how you managed to introduce yourself to Ecthelion. 
+100/10. You adore Glorfindel, and you're almost jealous of his owner. He was well behaved, charming, and adorable. He's like a giant golden retriever.
-A majestic black stallion with a  mane that almost glows in a deep shade of blue when you look at it from a single angle. 
-He's very cool-headed and polite with you. He's almost like Glorfindel but less energetic and puppy-like. He's more like a friendly swan. 
-He was a dressage horse and loved classical music. 
-He enjoys classical and harp music. He's also okay with pop music, but when it comes to rock, that's when he crosses the line. 
-He doesn't enjoy it at all. 
-He and Glorfindel are very close. You're pretty sure Glorfindel only does dressage so he can compete together with Ecthelion. 
-He's easy to ride. You don't feel nervous, and you actually feel relaxed how smooth and balanced his moves are. 
-He's your second favorite horse to ride. 
-Ecthelion has a peculiar love for the fountain, which is located in the front yard of the stable. 
-He sometimes just hangs around it and watches birds taking a bath in the water. 
-He has a peculiar love for the water too, which was surprising to you. 
-You took him for a horse who didn't like getting dirt on his coat or getting himself wet. He enjoys the coolness the water brings, especially during the summer heat. 
-He doesn't even mind if it's dirty river water too.
-He would play with it then take a dip, which ended up you falling from his back into the water. 
-You got soaked too, but it was pretty adorable to watch, so you had no hard feelings over the incident. 
-Ecthelion and Glorfindel are a peculiar duo. Glorfindel is the energetic one, while Ecthelion is the cool-headed one. You adore them both with no limits. 
100/10. Ecthelion is a friendly horse. He's a bit picky about the music, but you didn't mind. He's a majestic but also a water-loving puppy. 
-Big was the first thought you had when you first saw him. 
-His coat was dark reddish. He was majestic and maybe the biggest horse you have ever seen. One confusing thing about him was his faint scars until Ulmo told you the backstory behind them. 
-Before Rog came to Gondolin hills, he lived in Melkor's riding school, where he was overworked and abused. You didn't know a lot about Melkor, except he's the creep that sometimes came to visit. 
-Rog's owner wasn't bad and tried to leave but was trapped in a ridiculous debt. Melkor sometimes does that to horse owners, so they won't be able to leave his stable. He taxes them for meaningless things, and they need to pay a ridiculous amount of money, or he will have the law used against them. He will have their horses if they are not able to do so. 
-Rog's owner couldn't pay the debt, and the only solution to save Rog from Melkor's clutches was to sell him away to Ulmo, who agreed to buy him. 
-The plan worked, and Rog's owner was able to pay off the debt by doing side work which took a long time. Melkor wasn't able to get his hands on Rog because Ulmo had the ownership, and that was the end of it. 
-Ulmo was still technically Rog's owner. Rog's original owner didn't want to take him back yet because they still needed to pay off some debts, so they worked most of the time. 
-You met them a couple of times, and they're pretty nice. They're happy you're willing to look after Rog. You were not complaining because Rog was a sweetheart. 
-Rog was a friendly giant. He was also very gentle with you because he once accidentally sent his owner to the hospital because he stepped on their foot. 
-He's very well behaved, but cleaning and washing him was a challenge with his size. You have to stand on a stool so you can reach his back. 
-Rog was a carriage horse, so he was often used to pull carriages on tourist tours. 
-His owner didn't ride him often, but when you had permission. It was the scary and exciting same time. Everything looked small when you sat on his back. 
-Rog enjoys going on forest trips with Glorfindel and Ecthelion. Galloping was easy for him when he didn't need to pull the carriage. 
-He refrains from neighing, so he's pretty silent most of the time. You wondered why until one day, he let out a very loud neigh which almost sounded like a roar. You panicked and thought there was a mountain lion but then realized it was just Rog. 
-He would feel guilty for scaring you, but you assure him it was all right.
-People are a bit intimidated by his size, so they don't dare to ride him. However, the children loved him. 
-They like taking rides when he pulls the carriage and even wants to ride him. 
-Rog has incredible patience, so it was okay if two or three children rode on his back while you walked him. 
-It's adorable and makes your heart melt, making you glad that you took this job. 
-You also made a mental note to throw a bucket full of horse shit at Melkor if he ever dared to go near Rog again. 
9/10. Rog is a gentle giant, and you adore him. It's a bit troublesome when you try to clean him because's he's so big, and sometimes you get pulled along when walking him around. You still like him, though. 
-He's a beautiful silver dabble like a horse. His coat is bright grey with some white patterns, and his mane is in a color of silver. 
-He is a majestic stallion, but he sure is one cocky bastard. 
-He likes to tease you a lot. He sometimes does things just to piss you off, like pushing you, slapping you with his tail then laughing like a gremlin.   
-They weren't malicious, just straight up annoying. It was like Egalmoth was testing how much it would take you to lose your composure, and you have almost lost it several times. 
-He was a jumper and one of the best ones. He had won many competitions, which won him money, and that's why he has the most extravagant things in the stable. 
-His gears are expensive and shiny, his brushes are new and soft, and he only eats quality food. 
-You never have trouble finding his stuff. All you need to do is see if the thing is shiny, then you know it's Egalmoth's.
-You have ridden him many times, which is not your favorite time. The little shit thinks it's funny to make sudden moves and almost have you fall from his back. 
-You were a newbie, so your reactions were much more expressive. You hated when he did that, and the little shit knew it. He found enjoyment in your anger. 
-He sometimes acts like he doesn't like you or need you, but when you don't pay him attention for a long time, his mood will change, and he will come looking for you. 
-He's one whiny baby when he does that. 
-He once even grabbed onto your shirt with his mouth and pulled you back. So you would pay attention to him. 
-His owner was losing interest in riding and didn't often come to visit, so he was pretty lonely. 
-You pay attention to him, so he actually likes you a lot. 
-You would feel bad, then spend some extra time with him. 
8/10. Egalmoth is sweet when he stops being an annoying little shit. Cocky bastard, you don't like riding him much because he still buckles and jumps just to scare you shitless. It's pretty funny when he turns into a whiny baby. 
-Galdor is a dark brown stallion with a forehead marking that was leaf-shaped. It's like Galdor has a little leaf on his forehead. 
-He's sweet and gentle. He was pretty shy when you first met, but he quickly warmed up to you. 
-He didn't misbehave, but he was easily startled by things. 
-You have once or twice fallen from his back. 
-He was a cross country jumper and one of the fastest horses in the stable. 
-He often hangs out with Egalmoth, and the two look cute when they hang out in the den. 
-Galdor has a peculiar love for this one tree in the den. 
-He takes naps under it and sometimes rubs himself against the tree to get good scratches. 
-He gets sulky if he doesn't get in the same den the tree is, so you always bring him to the same place.
-Another peculiar thing about him was that he liked eating tree leaves. It was strange at first, but it didn't cause him health issues, so you didn't question it. 
-It was just his peculiar quirk. 
9/10. Galdor is another sweetheart, but he gets easily scared. He's the least troublesome horse you ever met, so you like taking care of him. 
(I was going to add Maeglin but then I had a sad backstory in mind and It would have complicated things, so I didn’t add him in the end. Well, I hope you enjoyed)
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