#rog headcanons
doodle-pops · 2 months
Dating Rog Would Include...
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➽ The gentle giant is a sweetheart to begin with despite his massive stature, so no need to be alarmed anytime he’s hovering beside or behind you. It’s all in good cause since he uses his large figure to ward off any unnecessary suitors who haven’t gotten it through their heads that you are in love with him.
➽ As a blacksmith, Rog will ensure that you are spoilt every day with all the luxuries he can provide with the materialistic items. From hairpins, necklaces, bracelets, bangles, rings, circlets, anklets and so forth. Even the less flashy items that you desire, they will arrive at your doorstep.
➽ Rog is extremely attentive to everything you say and do. You speak about not having enough parchment paper, he provides. You mentioned that your flowers were having problems blooming, he contacted Lord Galdor to teach him so he can assist. Perhaps you saw a gesture another couple were performing, and you were fawning over it, he does his best to reciprocate.
➽ Despite his voice being deep, he speaks softly around you, always maintaining eye contact. A hand of his would hold yours, thumb brushing the back of your hand as he offers a tender smile while conversing.
➽ When you entered his life, you became his saviour since he had the habit of burning his hair ends often and forgetting to properly tie it up. You introduced him to fashionable, yet simple braids and updos for his time in the forge.
➽ Because he (chooses to) spends most of his time in the forge, lots of impromptu dates occur, and it all starts with you popping up after not seeing him for days or bringing him lunch or dinner. Rog becomes embarrassed that you had to take time out of your day to perform an act of service like that, yet he is grateful.
➽ When it comes to affection, at first, he acts as though he got zapped by a bolt of lightning whenever you place your hands on him. However, as time rolls by, he becomes like everyone else, a giant puppy.
➽ Call him affectionate nicknames with ‘my’ attached to them and observe how he becomes flustered. He cannot hide it even among his friends when you use the nicknames. All you will hear is a chorus of ooo’s and awe’s.
➽ You are authorised to lie atop him for the sake of not being crushed, but the horrible outcome of the decision is that you tend to roll off or he rolls. Any form of cuddling is conducted behind closed doors where he can freely be a giant puppy.
➽ Rog adores dancing with you. He finds the activity soothing and romantic. Just being close to you, holding you in his arms and feeling your head resting upon his chest or shoulder, looking into his eyes, he feels like he won the world.
➽ The two of you are frequently invited to the other Lords’ estates for dinner and parties, as well as balls the King hosts. This allows him to spend most of the night dancing and basking in your comfort and affection.
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mur4sak1 · 2 months
How would elves behave during an argument?
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A/N: Remember that English is not my first language so I hope I wrote in the best way <3
Characters: Rog, Galdor, Glorfindel, Maedhros, Legolas (bonus)
Rog: guys, this elf would be really scary. Contrary to what you might think, he would lose his temper very easily; he works all day in the darkness of the forges and when he leaves he just wants to have a good rest, so further stress from an argument would drive him out of his mind. He's the typical person who screams without thinking twice and says things he doesn't mean in anger. His way would destroy you every time, making you burst into tears from how bad he made you feel... but as soon as he saw a small tear running down your face he fell silent, forgetting everything that was happening; Was it him who made you like this? He was making the only person who loved him and who had always supported him in his darkest moments cry. He would stay still for some time, with a thousand thoughts in his head when a louder sob from you would bring him back to reality. He would apologize to you but he would do it without meeting your gaze, he is suffering too much for what he did and he wouldn't have the courage to see your destroyed expression. But you knew that he loves you more than anything after all. With difficulty you would get up and hug him as tight as possible, telling him that everything was fine, that you knew he didn't think those things and that you loved him... You couldn't see his face, but a tear fell from his eyes.
Galdor: NOW LET'S ALL GIVE A HUG TO THIS WONDERFUL ELF TOGETHER. He would always try to find a solution peacefully, without discussions and the need to argue, but if this happens you should not fear anything from him. He would NEVER scream, he would NEVER raise his voice, he would NEVER say anything mean to you just to hurt you or win the argument. I mean, it would be fantastic. Maybe due to particular circumstances you would have become so upset that you felt angry against the elf, but in any case he would have spoken to you in a calm and reasonable tone, making you understand that you didn't need to react that way. If the pain brought you to tears, he would hug you and console you like a defenseless child, helping you and trying to get you to vent so that he could fully understand what was troubling you so as to avoid misunderstandings. Galdor would have been able to understand and love you more than anyone else, always.
Glorfindel: It was rare to argue with the blond elf, but sometimes it happened and the situation became quite lively. Glorfindel always tried to keep his problems to himself and not involve others because he was convinced that difficult moments should only be faced with those you love. Furthermore, he certainly wanted to avoid all that useless gossip that many elves had on any topic that might attract their curiosity. Although his character was often extroverted and playful even in the saddest situations for this reason, when he argued with you it wasn't uncommon to hear shouts and snorts coming from your rooms. They would not be screams that expressed malice, but screams that asked to be listened to; it was natural for him to raise his voice when he wasn't listened to and in that way he expressed all his frustration and the pain that the discussion with you was bringing him. He always acted for your good and feeling attacked made him suffer, he wondered what he was doing wrong, what more did you want from him. But the intense mix of emotions inside him prevented him from acting rationally, forgetting how to express them and focusing only on everything you said. After a long time arguing like this you would have reached the point of being exhausted and progressively raising your voice would have left you breathless. You would stop to breathe for a fraction of seconds, with the certainty that everything would soon start again. But after rubbing your eyes, you looked at your elf's face and saw in him all the pain that he was trying to say to you through his tone of voice; his fists were clodes, his head was bowed, his forehead shiny with sweat and a few blond hairs stuck to it. In an instant you understood everything... You breathed a heavy sigh and quickly approached him to hug him, starting to beg him to forgive you and sobbing heavily between one apology and another... Caught off guard, after a few seconds he relaxed his arms and reciprocated the hug. Finally he let himself go to his feelings; he rested his head on your head and the wet of sweat combined with the wetness of a few tears. So he was able to express everything he felt and only at that point would you be able to clarify and return to being happy and in love as always "I just want to always be perfect for you".
Maedhros: I'm sure fights with the red-head would be very peaceful. Having grown up in a large family and in the role of an older brother, he had developed a lot of patience thanks to which he could easily handle any type of conflict with you. Contrary to what many might think, after Angbad Mae would not have vented the pain on you with shouts and insults, but quite the opposite. After the terrible torture he suffered, the only thing he wanted was to feel accepted and in you he found his salvation; in all the darkest moments where his mind couldn't differentiate reality from dreams you were there by his side to help him, without ever making him feel wrong and making him understand how strong he was to have overcome such a trauma. For this reason, he would feel like a terrible elf during arguments. He only wanted to offer you the support that you represented to him every day but instead he felt more like a burden to you. This would make him cry a lot, but in silence and alone, because he feared that with every little clash you would abandon him. He just needed time, time to understand that you would never, ever abandon him; you always told him that you loved him more than anyone else and that he needed your support to be able to return to the sweet, confident elf he once was, and you would do anything to help him. Needless to say, every time the arguments were resolved without even face them... there was too much love that bound your hearts to ruin it for superficial reasons.
BONUS. Legolas: So, I honestly see Legolas as the kind of elf who would be capable of walking away during an argument. Perhaps due to stress, lack of patience or lack of desire for confrontation, he could stop the conversation, pick up and leave the place where you were. But in reality his behavior would be the solution to the problem. In fact, the much anger that you had accumulated would have faded with distance and the passage of time and would have made both of you understand how much you cared for each other. Solitude would have helped Legolas to think clearly about the problem and find a possible solution to make them both happy. When you met again you would have made peace, both apologizing for your abrupt ways and organizing something to spend the evening together.
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fistfuloflightning · 10 months
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An argument in progress—Salgant and Rog
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windrelyn · 1 year
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@gondolinweek 2023 - Day 2: Ceremony of Silence
Aredhel, Maeglin, Rog and his father (OC) who died in the prison of Angband
My headcanon: in the Ceremony of Silence, they can see or hear from their loved ones' spirits. But they cannot talk to them. If the silence was broken, the spirits would disappear.
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theelvenhaven · 11 months
Rog NSFW Alphabet
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Request: hello, for a request would you be willing to do a Rog NSFW alphabet? i love him and cannot get enough of him and was very happy to see the Rog appreciators come out of the woodworks during confessions a few weeks ago. if not, no biggie, thanks for taking the time to read this & have a lovely day &lt;3
A/N: Hey nonnie I was so willing to a Rog NSFW Alphabet. I also don't think @saviorsong would let me live it down if I didn't do it. I love it when the Rog Lovers show up for Confession Night. It's my fave. I Hope you have a love day to anon!
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A - Aftercare
Rog is very big into aftercare. It is an important part of sex to him, he wants to make sure that you are well taken care of and that nothing is amiss after the two of you had made love to one another. He’s gentle in speaking with you, he asks you if you are alright and feeling okay, and he helps clean you up. Preferably with a nice soak in the bathtub, and with him carrying you there. 
B - Body Part
Rog’s favorite body part is either his arms or his chest, he loves how big and strong both are. He loves that he is strong enough to hold you up and fuck you against a wall, or that his chest is perfectly capable of being the place for you to lay your hands on him when you’re on top. It’s a bigger bonus after sex to have you lay your head there and just listen to his heartbeat. 
On you Rog’s favorite body part is your chest/breasts. He is a simple ner with simple tastes, and a well sculpted chest or breasts of any kind certainly captivate him. He loves how soft they are and loves to use them as a very convenient place to stick his hand while he’s taking you from behind. He also loves that they can bring you pleasure if he plays with your nipples using his fingers or his mouth.
C - Cum
Rog has a preference for cumming on you, preferably on that pretty chest/breasts of yours. There’s something so hot about seeing you covered in his cum in his favorite place. He’s not really ready for the responsibility to become a parent until there’s been a long discussion in place between the two of you.
D - Dirty Secret
Rog loves the idea of you tying him up despite his usual dominant role. There’s something about losing control and having you pleasure him or yourself on top of him where he can’t do anything about it really gets him turned on. But it’s not information he is very forthcoming with and would take lots of prying to get it out of him. 
E - Experience
Rog doesn’t have much experience, while Rog is attractive his more muscular bulky build has been rather intimidating for the other party that may have taken interest. So he is definitely learning the ropes as he goes, and really takes his time with you. 
F - Favorite Positions
Rog is not picky about positions, if anything he loves to be able to manhandle you into positions if you give him the okay. Rog will pick you up and move and bend you to his will- with your consent though. If he had to choose a safer position it would definitely be missionary or you on top, he likes to watch your breasts/chest move and play with your nipples as you fuck into one another.
G - Goofy
Rog can absolutely be silly during the act, while he knows its serious, smiles and breathy laughs are completely and totally welcome from you. He enjoys knowing you are enjoying your time together and that you are happy with him and what is happening. Rog can also be a bit immature so he really will aim to get a laugh or two out of you. 
H - Hair
If Rog had hair, it would be trimmed down but not so close to the skin. So there’d still be a bit of a thicker patch of pubic hair. 
I - Intimacy 
Rog prefers intimacy over fast paced fucking. He loves being close with you, indulging you with lots of kisses and affection. His hands wandering all over you and his mouth sucking and nipping wherever it is he pleases.
J - Jack Off
Rog has never been afraid to masturbate. While he prefers to have sex with you to give himself relief and pleasure, if the wait is too long or you are unavailable he isn’t afraid to be able to take care of himself. Let alone he takes his time to really enjoy just how good it feels to jerk off. 
K - Kink
Rog loves having you in a more submissive role, because Rog loves to manhandle you into many many positions if you will let him. He just lifts you up with such ease and there’s something so sexy about you being bent and moved about to his will. Rog also loves temperature play preferably heat if you use it on him- like hot wax or having sex in the hot forge alone. Rog also has a size kink, and enjoys how little you are compared to him.
L - Location
Rog has no preference for location, his only requirement is that it can be done privately. He doesn’t like to be watched or people to stumble on you. If the forge is empty for the night? He will absolutely take you there. Study, office, the bedroom, anywhere in his House. If it’s private it’s free game. 
M - Motivation
His motivation is you, Rog loves and adores you so much. He loves to have a good time with you no matter what it is. Sex is just another way to have fun with you and indulge in everything about you. He loves to be with you and that is all the motivation he needs. 
N - No
It’s a given since Rog is so lighthearted and all about fun with you, hurting you- spankings, knife play, etc is off the table. But another no for Rog is spectators, he is not into voyeurism/exhibitionism. This is the time to be alone with you and enjoy one another, and he would prefer if there weren’t any nosy busy bodies that were there to interject/interfere with being with you in any way. 
O - Oral
Rog loves to give. LOVES to give. He will not hesitate to dive in between your legs and do anything he can to make you see stars and bring you pleasure. You are welcome to ride his face, fuck his mouth, to ask him to go down on you- Rog will do it. No questions asked, he loves it. 
Rog doesn’t expect you to be reciprocal, but if you are reciprocal he does love to have his cock sucked. It’s a tantalizing sight to see you try and take him down your throat, or for you to suck and lick his cock. He fully enjoys every moment of being with you. 
P - Pace
Rog prefers a more slow and intimate pacing, he doesn’t want the pleasure to end too soon or to feel like he has missed out on spending time with you. 
Q - Quickie
Occasionally quickies are on the table as he knows the passion can just be overwhelming and you two get heated and fuck away. But he totally expects there to be a longer session sometime that evening as he wants to enjoy you fully. 
R - Risks
Rog is not big into risks, save that he fucks beyond the bedroom. So that is as risky as things are going to get, anything that involves hurting you or getting caught is really not on his to do list. 
S - Stamina
Rog has fantastic stamina, and he will wear you out long before you can wear him down. He recovers quick and will go for as many rounds as you can handle.
T - Toys
Rog doesn’t mind toys at all! In fact you’ll probably find that he will make some for the bedroom if you ask him too. All manner of toys are absolutely welcome and he really loves the idea of making you a really pretty set of nipple clamps/jewelry to wear while you two have sex. 
U - Unfair
Rog can be surprisingly unfair outside of the bedroom. He loves to tease you, with playful kisses to your neck, a cheeky pinch on your ass, groping hands on your chest when no ones around while pressing his body into you. He loves to know he can make you weak in the knees and rile you up for whats coming later that night. 
As for being teased, Rog can take it on the outside but on the inside you are driving him crazy. He goes crazy for all your playful teasing, roughhousing, and wandering hands and kisses. He loves it when you whisper dirty things in his ears when he’s sitting down and you tell him what you are going to do to him. As soon as work is over with he is dragging you right off to the bedroom. 
V - Volume
Rog isn’t afraid to get loud and let you hear how good you are making him feel. With lots of moans and groans and praises that fall of his lips about how good you are making him feel, how skilled you are, how wonderful you feel. Rog will tell you exactly just how wonderful you are while you two are having sex. 
W - Wildcard
Rog loves to be manhandled in return, despite his big size, he is very go with the flow. If you start shoving and pushing and maneuvering, Rog will go with the flow. He loves the idea of you confidently taking charge and pushing him around for a change. 
X - XRay 
Rog is about average length, but for what he lacks in length he makes up for in girth. Thick to stretch you out and make sure you feel every single bit of him. 
Y - Yearning
Rog has an above average sex drive and is absolutely ready to go as soon as the teasing begins or he senses you are in the mood. 
Rog won’t go to sleep until he is sure everything is all taken care of. He likes to make sure you are both clean, and happy and feeling loved in your relationship before the two of you hunker down to go to sleep. He usually likes to wait for you to fall asleep first. 
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Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @celebrimbor-telperinquar @eunoiaastralwings @noldorinpainter
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cameoappearance · 2 months
Could you do something about the quotes for the Pig Queen (Queen Malfalfa)? Wheeler's quote is where I got the ship from.
Yeah OK.
Every Don't Starve character meeting the Pig Queen:
Wilson: "She looks bossy." Willow: "Hey there, your majesty." Wolfgang: "Wolfgang should curtsy?" Wendy: "A life of aristocracy is a life empty of meaning." WX-78: "I AM YOUR MONARCH NOW" Wickerbottom: "Clearly the monarch of this society." Woodie: "We separated from the crown ages ago." Maxwell: "She does not smell particularly royal." Wigfrid: "O, great lady!" Webber: "She looks majestic." Walani: "Afternoon, queenie." Warly: "What feasts she must have…" Woodlegs: "Whar be yer treasure?" Wilba: "MAMA, QUEEN OF HAMLETS" Wormwood: "Fancy Twirly Tail" Wheeler: "Maybelle Dorothea Wheeler at your service, your majesty." Wagstaff: "Are you a patron of the sciences by any chance?"
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ofmiceandwomen · 1 year
What are your a few of your hcs for the lords of gondolin? 👀
Hello there! I’m glad you asked. This should be fun!
Glorfindel is restless. He can’t sit and listen to Turgon’s speeches. He can’t stand the councils, where he’s supposed to sit and let others talk too. He wants to inspire, he wants to roam the streets of Gondolin and talk to his people, making sure they have everything they need. He loves to plan garden parties and when the guests are gone, he gently tends to the plants and allows himself a bit of daydreaming.
Ecthelion is perfect. Beautiful, strong and mighty among the Gondolindrim he looks over his House with pedantic precision. He tries his best. He always aspires to be the best. Only in private, when composing, he sometimes weaves an undertone to his immaculate sonatas, a little note of doubt: “Is it enough?”
Galdor sometimes deeply regrets following Turgon to Gondolin. He took a tree as his personal emblem. Not Laurelin, not Telperion. Just a tree, a tribute to the forest he was born in. Like Maeglin, he ocassionally wanders a bit too far beyond Gondolin. He wants to escape the city life.
Egalmoth is the most prominent Sinda in Gondolin. His knowledge of the precious stones is comparable to that of the Noldor (whom he deep down admired). Although he’s certainly a responsible military commander, he might be a little bit too vane. One of his formal garments costs probably more than all the clothes of the High Kings of Noldor in Beleriand.
Rog’s name is not actually Rog. He had a hard life and came to Gondolin for healing, never revealing none of his names given at birth. His new name means “demon” which he quietly accepts, although it was probably intended an insult at first. He’s quiet, observant, at least until he gets angry - then run. He might be large and scary but if you become his friend, he will never leave you.
I might add more eventually, this is fun!
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caliawen · 1 year
Dating Rog (Headcannons)
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Rog is a very jovial and carefree elf
He is very affectionate and loves to cuddle, hug, kiss, etc
If you’re okay with it, he loves to show you off to people, in a “look how lucky I am to have my partner, they’re perfect!”
If you’re not okay with it, it’s fine, he’ll just pamper you
He likes to pick you up and just move you around
“Haha, meleth, don’t be angry! You were trying to reach that shelf and weren’t capable of reaching it! I’m only helping you!”
Of course, if you seriously tell him to stop, he’ll respect your wishes
He is very patient and helpful with everything you come to him for help
If you feel sad because people talk bad about you, he’ll listen to you and reassure you, before taking care of the people who made you sad
If you’re anxious about something, he’ll do his best to take your mind off things and help you relax
If you’re angry about something, he’ll listen to you and help you exteriorize that anger
Rog loves to just be around you
He’s perfectly okay to talk to you, ramble on and on about a project if you’re not in the mood to talk
He’s also perfectly fine listening to you talk if you need to vent or just want to ramble about something you’re passionate about
Rog loves to pull pranks on his fellow Lords and friends
If you want to help him, he’s more than happy to execute his plan with you
Running away from an angry Egalmoth, an amused Glorfindel and an exasperated Turgon is always fun
If you’re okay with it, Rog will throw you over his shoulder and run away with you clinging to his shoulders to keep your balance
If you’re someone with a lot of imagination, he’s overjoyed to listen to your ideas and bring them to life
He’ll forge your dream jewelry or weapons and he’ll love every moment of it
“Here you go, darling! I really enjoyed making this piece!”
He’ll ramble on about every aspect of the project, love and joy in his eyes
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twofoursixohjuan · 1 year
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Maedhros, Rog and Glorfindel with a thrall reader
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(Nothing much. Hope you enjoy!)
Warnings: Mentions of captivity, mistrust, death, slavery, killing, torture. Violence, scars, comfort and trauma. 
-Former thralls taking refuge in Himring were nothing new to Maedhros. He knew what they went through, so he welcomed them after making sure they weren’t possible threats and spies heavily influenced by Morgoth’s corruption. 
-He was no fool, so he was careful who to let in and keep out of his fortress despite the opinions of others who would rather see all of them out without giving them a chance. 
-It was because of the darkness that touched their kin ages ago, and now they lingered as their mangled selves in the forms of orcs. It made the elves weary as they looked for the signs of the same corruption in the faces of the escapees. 
-You were one of the refugees, seeking shelter and food after escaping from the iron hell and traveling by foot. 
-Like all the other thralls, you looked scarred and tired and must have lived in Angband for a long time since you gained some grey strands of hair. Maedhros pitied you since you most likely suffered a lifetime in that place, and he knew too well how cruel and kind your captors were. 
-He gained interest in talking with you after a rude confrontation with one of his people. They had begun insulting you while you were waiting on the side for some food. It was unprovoked, so Maedhros considered coming to your defense since you did nothing to deserve the slander until he noticed how other thralls came to defend you from the elf. 
-They became aggressive and would have ended up in a fight if you didn’t interfere and tell them it was alright. Your fellow thralls calmed down, and you managed to persuade the elf to leave without trouble. 
-How you interacted with other thralls gained his interest because they seemed to respect you and didn’t hesitate to come to your defense. You also bore a smile after the confrontation, like it was funny and nothing too big to get agitated about, even though they scolded you for being too soft to handle such rudeness. 
-Maybe it was your calm and peaceful nature that attracted Maedhros to you as he soon found himself talking to you. 
-You were respectful and soft-spoken. Your first thought you were causing trouble when Maedhros came to meet you. He assured you were not causing any problem, nor was anyone you knew, but you did make him curious and wished to converse with you. 
-So you two began talking a bit. 
-The reason you waited aside was to wait for others to take their share of the food before taking some for yourself. 
-Maedhros thought you were too humble until you smiled and mentioned you couldn't care for others without horrible consequences, so you were glad you could now and not feeling guilty about it. 
-He was curious what you meant, but he concluded you were forced to decide for someone’s fate like he once had. A terrible choice no one should have to make. 
-You then mentioned you just simply enjoyed the food. 
-You had almost forgotten how many flavors there were in the world, so you just want to enjoy it and savor every taste with no hurry. 
-The distributed food was said to be tasteless and gross, but it was better than what you had eaten in years spent in Morgoth’s prison, so you thanked Maedhros for his kindness. 
-Maedhros found somewhat enjoyment in your positivity despite what you went through. 
-When he questioned about your connection with other thralls, you explained you helped them during the escape from the iron hell. You traveled together, so you grew some bonds and became protective of each other. 
-He was impressed and managed to conclude a plan that might help the former thralls and his people to reconnect and heal, and you agreed to help him with it through your connection with your fellow thralls. 
-Maedhros found camaraderie with you as time passed, and you two managed to help the refugees to live among the people of Himring. The skepticism somewhat managed to subside.
- Since you two shared the experience of being former thralls, Maedhros found enjoyment in your company, sometimes coming for a simple talk over tea. You were always very welcoming to him and sometimes shared new recipes you learned from others. 
-You found a new hobby in cooking. It was relaxing and helped you cope with the things from the past. It was easy to control your restless thoughts in the soothing process of mingling flavors and textures. And it gave joy to others as a bonus since you often had dinners with those you considered close. 
-Maedhros respected that since it showed you were gradually healing. He envied you since his way of coping was a bit unhealthy, and he had not really considered finding a new way to cope with his trauma. He had given up hope for peace and acceptance long ago.
-He was used to living with it, not talking about it to anyone, and trying to appear as a leader his people needed. Even though: he was still haunted by his experiences. 
-He sometimes invited you to events so you could enjoy other delicacies of the culinary world. Seeing your smile and the expression of joy just felt right. The world felt brighter when you gushed about the slight citrusy flavor of the pie or the pleasant aftertaste of mint in the tea. 
-Seeing you happy might have turned into his new way of coping. 
-Even though: you two have grown friendly with each other. You did not share a lot about your past in Angband. You said it was hard to talk about, which he understood perfectly as he rarely spoke about his experiences. 
-You did share that you were forced to survive the fighter pits where they threw the thralls to fight for their lives. It was a sick form of entertainment for them. 
-You managed to fight the orcs and other monsters, but you got forced to fight your own people too, and you never truly healed from it. 
-Maedhros knew what you meant. He had seen the arena and watched how his people were ripped apart by the orcs and many other types of monsters. He understood that you got forced to fight and possibly kill those you did not want to kill. It was something he respectfully did not inquire more about from you. 
-Your soft-spoken demeanor and peaceful nature might have been misleading, but your scars and the callouses on your hands proved the truth in your words. He could sense the guilt that still bothered you to this day. 
-It motivated him to help you heal from the dark past that you both shared. 
-He thought he knew everything about you, but he was wrong when one day there was an ambush outside Himring. 
-When he heard about the ambush and remembered you were on that group that got ambushed, he rallied his men and hoped it wasn’t too late. 
-There were many dead, but you were standing before the orcs. Covered in blood and a sword in hand as the orcs ran away by the sight of you. 
-The look in your eyes showed many things to him. Fear, anger, shock, and emotion to fight for your life. It looked like you had conflicting memories running through your mind. It was the look of someone forced to fight, trying to survive. 
-Maedhros was glad, but he was careful to approach you and take you back to Himring since in your state you could have confused him as your enemy. 
-It took time for you to calm down, but when you did. You confessed about your past in Angband. The ambush made you remember things and feel like you were back in the pits. 
-You remembered all the orcs and monsters you faced and all the people you had killed because of your feeling of danger and urge to survive. 
-There was a lot of blood on your hands, the blood of the innocents, and the guilt ate you alive when you were finally out. 
-But this was not all…
-As one of the most surviving fighters in the pits, you received some special attention from the dark lord that still gave you nightmares. It was all because you refused to die. 
-You swore you would never hold a sword again so you wouldn't hurt anybody, but now it happened again, and all you could remember are the pits and what the dark lord had done to you. 
-Maedhros was understanding and couldn't do much but offer his comfort. One assuring thing he told you was that he was thankful that you saved his people from the ambush. 
-Maedhros felt inclined to keep you safe from the world. He had grown to care for you and did not wish to see that look on your face again. In his eyes, you were another poor soul who had suffered too much by Morgoth’s hands. 
-As a former thrall, Rog often welcomed former thralls to his house. 
-The people might be skeptical and mistrustful, so he tried to help them get comfortable and rehabilitate after years of trauma. 
-He did not expect to see you after the next group of refugees that arrived in Gondolin. 
-You knew each other, so it was a happy reunion between old friends. 
-Rog didn’t even mind that you came to hug him as he was just as relieved to see you alive and well. 
-He welcomed you and made sure you were comfortable before you two decided to catch up on the events. 
-You two had met in the mines. You two used to converse before you got taken away to fight in the fighter pits. 
-No one ever survived for long in the pits, so Rog assumed you had died since it was technically a death sentence to anyone. He had no idea you had survived and lived long enough to escape. 
-He apologized because if he knew you still lived. He could have come to rescue you. 
-You did not blame him. You assumed the same thing when you didn’t hear about him for a long time. You were happy to see him alive and well. 
-You two had spent some time, and Rog introduced you to many people.
-You found enjoyment spending under the sun in the gardens of his house. You would sit on the grass, close your eyes and just bask in the sunlight with a smile. Rog found your content beautiful and made sure no one would badmouth you for being a thrall and ruin your pastime of simply enjoying the sunlight. 
-The only warmth you ever felt was the burning steel and the uncomfortable heat in the caverns of Angband. The cells were deadly cold, so the sunlight was a gentle welcome. 
-You tried reading but soon figured your reading skills had diminished over the years in captivity, so you tried to ask for Rog’s help with embarrassment in your eyes. 
-Rog was understanding and only chuckled, trying to assure you that you could ask anything from him. He employed Ecthelion’s and Penlod’s help in educating you again in reading and writing, but he enjoyed reading to you when it was just two of you. 
-Sometimes you wandered into his forges, waiting outside with a book in your hand before finally mustering the courage to ask him to read to you in the garden. 
-It became a habit, and you always apologized if you were disrupting him at an inconvenient time. He always had to assure you never bothered him in the first place. He found your behavior amusing since the group you came along with held you in high regard, yet you were shy to ask for his help or time. 
-Your timid nature just made him more protective of you. You were short compared to him, and you confessed what you went through in the pits and how much guilt you still carried in your heart for taking other lives who were forced down there with you.
-Sometimes, you couldn't sleep properly and found comfort in his voice when he read to you. 
-Rog understood your pain well. It pained him to know what you went through. He sometimes only wanted to wrap you up and keep you safe in his arms. 
-One thing he and some people miscomputed about you was that you were a frail soul who suffered much, but the truth couldn't be more clear that you were still a pit fighter. 
-Rog once accidentally tripped on his foot when he came back, and you were there to catch him with no problem. He was almost double your size, and there you held him asking if he was okay. 
-The incident didn’t end there. Your strength became more apparent when you wanted to try arm wrestling against Egalmoth, who was one of the most powerful lords in Gondolin. 
-Rog was worried about you since Egalmoth was one of the buffer elves too, but his concerns soon flew away when you managed to flip Egalmoth off the table, silencing everyone who watched. 
-Rog couldn't help but laugh at the predicament. 
-You apologized in panic. You might have gotten too excited and gone all out. 
-Rog was to assure you that day Egalmoth would not hold it against you. He at least found a new rival in arm wrestling since his pride was damaged a bit, and so did his arm. 
-Rog introduced you to him. Glorfindel was curious about this old friend of Rog’s, so he took time to meet you and was kinda enamored with your shy and peaceful nature. 
-He was welcoming and friendly, so you couldn't help but be charmed by him. He had been more welcoming than many others who had met you and known you were a thrall. 
-Glorfindel showed you around and included you in engaging conversations, making you smile and giggle at his jokes and funny stories. 
-He didn’t inquire much about your past in Angband since many would rather not talk about it, but you did share how you knew Rog and how you got forced to fight in an arena to survive. 
-You were aware that your kind of thralls were perceived to be dangerous and killed without hesitation, so you thanked him for his generosity. You did not remember someone showing this type of kindness to you. In a place like Angband, kindness was a twisted thing that carried mangled promises of suffering and pain.
-Glorfindel was moved and could almost feel the pain in your heart, so he decided to try and make your life a bit brighter and happier. 
-He would invite you to spend some time and join a party or a special event. He made sure you would have fun, and no one would criticize you for your scars. 
-You didn’t mind the scars. People would see them as rather horrendous, but you liked to think they were your trophies of what you survived. You were not weak. You survived and proved to the dark lord you’ll be free one day. 
-Glorfindel liked the way you thought and considered you as one of the strongest people he had ever met. 
-He felt motivated to ensure your life would be filled with nothing but love and happiness. 
-One peculiar quirk you grew was collecting tiny toys or stuffed animals. 
-You explained there wasn’t a huge reason for it, except that it helped you to cope a little and maybe connect with the childhood you lost after being captured by the orcs. 
-Glorfindel would feel heart touched by that and made sure no one would mock you for it since it helped you to cope and make you smile. 
-One day, he invited you along to a festival. There was a stall where you could win prizes for hitting the hardest in the game. 
-You wanted to try it because there was this fluffy toy you wanted. 
-Glorfindel offered to pay for the trial and was slightly prepared to do it himself since he couldn't help but doubt you might fail.
-He slightly misjudged you because the next thing you did, you punched so hard the whole thing started to shake and broke apart. 
-He and the stall owner were shocked to see the broken mess and you standing there with an awkward expression.
-You felt ashamed, but the stall owner was too amazed to complain about it and allowed you to have the fluffy toy since you did win it fair and square.
-You were happy but couldn't help but still feel bad for breaking the thing. Glorfindel assured you it was alright even though he couldn't help but wonder what other things you could do with your arm strength.
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widowshill · 9 months
roger épée burke sabre.
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doodle-pops · 3 months
Lords of Gondolin | Being In An Arranged Marriage With Them
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Request: I’m excited to see what you have written :) if you think it would be fun maybe you could do it for the lords of Gondolin like Glorfindel or Ecthelion? – @hermaeuswhora
A/N: Following my arranged marriage AU, this one has been structured differently since a few characters did not originate in Valinor. Galdor, Ecthelion, Egalmoth and Glorfindel were all written having their arrangements in Valinor upon their return/rebirth, while Rog and Maeglin had theirs transpiring in Gondolin.
Warning: arranged marriage, resentment, negligence, angst, loneliness, mentions of Maeglin pinning after his cousin, sprinkle of fluff and comfort for some
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Galdor's demeanour is marked by silence, a weighty silence that those around him cannot ignore, especially in the wake of the news. However, despite his wordless protest, his parents press on with the explanation of his impending marriage.
Confronting this crisis proves to be a perplexing challenge for Galdor. Having traversed the treacherous Helcaraxё, faced numerous wars, and endured the Fall of Gondolin, the third kinslaying, and the War of Wrath, he finds himself at a loss. The complexities of this situation elude him.
Nodding along to the exchanged words, Galdor's mind is a whirlwind of thoughts as everyone joyfully anticipates the forthcoming wedding. Even during the meeting where he first encounters you, he seems neither present nor absent, caught in a state of detachment.
While greeting you with respect and learning about you with nonchalance, Galdor's distant gaze is unmistakable. It's not meant as disrespect, but the prospect of an enforced marriage weighs heavily on anyone's sanity.
As the entire arrangement unfolds, transitioning into shared living and wedded life feels surreal to Galdor. Despite your animated discussions about future plans, his aloofness persists, absorbing your words without full comprehension.
Playing the role of a perfect husband, Galdor fulfils his duties diligently—strolls, teatimes, meals, social gatherings, festivals, and even family dinners—all executed in quiet compliance. Eventually, a moment of realization dawns on Galdor, prompting him to address the lack of sincerity that has quietly persisted in the background.
“Forgive me if this seems all too sudden, Y/N, but…my behaviour. While you may not have noticed the way I treat and respond to you—without earnestness—I fear that you do not deserve the way that I am currently. Please allow me to explain—all this, the arrangement. I have yet to grasp the true nature and because of that, I have not been true to you as I have been with myself. And because of this, I wish to start over.”
Your innocence is the reason why you've struggled to reconcile with his apparent lack of seriousness. Yet, you graciously dismiss his explanation, assuring him that he exceeds your expectations. Galdor experiences a mix of relief and concern, sensing that you may be overlooking the depth of emotion behind his actions.
However, with his newfound awareness, his role as your husband remains unchanged, yet now, his gestures carry a heightened emotional resonance. Every 'good morning, evening, noon, and night' carries a weight of significance. His smiles and laughter become more genuine, and conversations take on a deeper sense of purpose.
Galdor gradually comes to terms with the marriage dynamics, understanding that you had no say in the arrangement. Despite any reservations, he chooses not to express dissatisfaction, focusing instead on building a foundation of trust and comfort for your shared life together.
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Upon his joyous return to the Blessed Realm, marking the end of his long sojourn in Mandos, Ecthelion is swiftly met with unexpected news: the proclamation of his intended marriage. In the backdrop of his years of carefree existence in Beleriand, this revelation catches him entirely off guard.
The nobleman is plunged into a state of incredulous uproar, vehemently opposing his parents' wishes. However, his return to Valinor signifies his subjugation to his father's authority as the true Lord of the House of the Fountain. Despite Ecthelion's resistance, he finds himself reluctantly compelled to meet you and your parents.
While you, elated at the prospect of uniting with the renowned Lord Ecthelion, bask in the glory of his Middle Earth victories, he languishes in the waiting room, brooding like a disgruntled child. The entire encounter is marred by Ecthelion's rebellion against the terms negotiated between his parents and yours.
Concern begins to gnaw at you, fearing that the esteemed Lord you heard tales of in Middle Earth might be a façade. Ecthelion, harbouring no ill will towards you, unfortunately channels his distrust of his parents and frustration with yours through piercing glares directed at you.
Despite Ecthelion's fervent protests, both sets of parents remain indifferent, leaving the two of you alone in the waiting room to familiarize yourselves, while they withdraw to deliberate wedding arrangements.
Ecthelion maintains a frosty demeanour throughout, unable to muster the warmth required to mask his displeasure. His attempts at melting the ice are restrained, and he refrains from taking the conversational lead, leaving you to navigate the uneasy exchange.
“I apologise if I have insulted you in some way, Milord. It was not my intention to make you feel discomfort through this arrangement, but if it pleases you, I will do my best to limit our interactions to reduce the ambience this arrangement brings you.”
As your words reach him, a subtle twinge forms in his heart, though all he offers in response is a nod in your direction, a silent acknowledgment of your compassion.
Living with Ecthelion demands a mutual respect for privacy, ensuring that both of you have your own space. Shared breakfasts and mealtimes are a rarity, occurring only if you manage to catch him at the opportune moment; otherwise, you'll find yourself dining alone. Much of your time will be spent in solitude, interrupted only by occasional check-ins to ensure your comfort is consistently met.
Despite his reserved nature, rest assured that Ecthelion strives to convey essential matters regarding the household or family. While he harbours resentment for the forced marriage, he recognizes his duty to fulfil the basic role of a husband in meeting your needs.
In the public eye, Ecthelion maintains a façade of unity, well aware that the whispers of Valinor surround your union. Whether at events or social gatherings, his pride compels him to wear a smile and engage in polite chatter with you on his arm, concealing the fact that the icy distance between you two remains intact.
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Upon his return to the Blessed Realm after years in Middle Earth, his parents warmly greet him, unveiling the surprising news of an ongoing arranged marriage. Glorfindel, caught off guard, contemplates whether to respond with a forced laugh or unleash a string of profanities at this unexpected revelation. Without hesitation, he turns to his father, demanding clarity in an instant.
Much to Glorfindel's chagrin, the reality of an arranged marriage for the esteemed young Lord becomes apparent upon his return. As the true Lord of his house, his father's authority leaves Glorfindel with limited options, compelling him to voice his protests and seek his mother's intervention, given the deep respect he holds for them.
This incarnation of Glorfindel is far from the merry and radiant being known during his time in Middle Earth. You who were acquainted with tales of Lord Glorfindel's past, witness a stark contrast. He avoids direct eye contact, concealing his anger and ensuring you are shielded from its full force.
His resentment is not directed at you, but rather at the arrangement orchestrated by both sets of parents. Despite his inner turmoil, Glorfindel endeavours to maintain composure in your presence, reserving his desire to flip tables and shatter glass for moments when you are not around. For now, he remains outwardly passive.
It's evident that he grapples with inner turmoil whenever you are nearby. Despite his sincere efforts, tension underscores his actions. The façade, crafted to sustain a smooth relationship given his dispute with both sets of parents, endures for a considerable duration before finally unravelling.
“I’m sorry! I truly believed that I could hold out while upkeeping this façade, but it has done more harm than good. Please do not believe that I hold something against you, it’s our parents. I know that you’re a lovely person to be around and do not deserve this lowly behaviour from me, so I wish to apologise and seek forgiveness while wishing to start anew. Perhaps with a friendship?”
While you may have hoped for a more immediate romantic connection, Glorfindel's desire to start as friends is a thoughtful approach, far preferable to the prospect of a sudden end, as you've heard in others' experiences. Throughout the relationship, Glorfindel consistently strives to be amiable and reliable, ensuring a solid foundation.
Glorfindel remains steadfast in controlling his temper, especially when his parents scrutinize your relationship. His commitment is not just to appear perfect but to genuinely be the best arranged husband possible.
As seasons turn, you witness the side of Lord Glorfindel that has captivated Middle Earth. Your days are infused with humour and comfort, and should you desire more of his company, it is readily available.
Throughout your marriage, Glorfindel is attuned to your needs, adjusting his actions to bring you comfort. Whether you seek space, a new garden, an expanded house, or simply wish to deepen your connection, he willingly embraces and supports your desires.
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Tables are being flipped and profanities are leaving his mouth in a swirl of furry. He can’t believe, despite how grown he is and all the things he has faced on his own in life, his parents still wish to dictate his love-life with an arrangement. He knew such acts were popular among the royal family, never suspecting that he would be subjected to the trend.
Egalmoth refuses to submit so lowly to allow someone to select a spouse for him to spend his eternal peace with. The power he once held as a Lord to Kings in Middle Earth is stripped away as he returned as the son of a Lord who he must abide to.
The room takes on an unprecedented chill, surpassing even the biting cold of winter. During the meeting, as your parents bask in their satisfaction, Egalmoth directs a piercing glare at the table, as if intent on searing holes into its surface.
Despite your attempts to bridge the gap and quell the fiery tension, Egalmoth remains steadfast in maintaining distance. His demeanour and actions are unyielding, operating on a frequency of self-satisfaction that defies your attempts to find common ground.
The living arrangement entails cohabiting with a virtual stranger; it's akin to sharing a dwelling with a spectre. Greetings are reduced to mere "good morning" and "good night," a routine destined to persist. Even the entreaties of fellow Lords fall on deaf ears as they endeavour to persuade him to give the relationship a chance.
Frustration mounts as Egalmoth actively avoids you, seemingly going to great lengths to dodge encounters that are not of your making. Despite your earnest efforts to cultivate some semblance of acquaintance, he prefers to exist as a ghost, perpetuating an unsettling distance between you.
“You seem to believe that I had something to do with this arrangement when I didn’t know who you were until your arrival. I hate it just as much as you do, so face it! We’re stuck like this unless you wish to separate which you can. I don’t know what’s holding you back, but I’m trying to make things bearable and you’re not helping. I’m tired, so please…just tell me you don’t want me around…”
Egalmoth was taken aback when he witnessed the tears welling up in your eyes in response to his distant demeanour. Though he never intended to inflict pain through his communication style, he found himself inadvertently doing so, leaving him feeling regretful and remorseful. His initial goal was to avoid forming deep emotional attachments, not to cause you distress.
Despite his reluctance to fully embrace the role of a husband to someone not of his choosing, Egalmoth recognizes the need to bridge the emotional gap between you two. While he maintains a certain level of distance in his affections and gestures, he is committed to projecting a more approachable and interactive persona whenever circumstances allow. One tangible step in this direction is sharing daily breakfasts and lunches with you.
Over time, Egalmoth acknowledges the importance of overcoming his reservations and investing more freely in your relationship. He endeavours to set aside his differences and foster an environment where a meaningful connection can thrive. Realizing that accepting the role of a husband may require an extended period, he opts to first establish a foundation as a supportive friend before gradually navigating the complexities of marital ties.
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The giant craftsman is confused at the words spilling from the lips of his advisor since Gondolin was a place of freedom. Having come from a rough background and learning about the Noldor culture, he felt like this was a contradiction, but obliges after they informed him it was frequently practiced.
Rog patiently meets his future spouse and their parents, wanting to go along with the arrangement as he complies with the customs of the Noldor. It does not come as a surprise the first time you meet the giant blacksmith; he is as gentle as ever and makes you feel welcomed. It’s your parents who treats the union as automatic boost in society.
As much as Rog wasn’t interested in getting married, the choice he was offered made his idea on the situation flip. You didn’t appear snobbish or greedy for power which made him all the more open to accepting to court you and proceed with a wedding eventually.
This being his first relationship, he is cautious to not mess anything up and pray that this marriage would be successful. He listens to all your needs and wants, going out of his way to fulfil them as best as he could. At times, he would turn to the other Lords, as unwedded as they are, for guidance.
The only thing Rog doesn’t like is addressing you in conversations as his arranged spouse or his spouse he earned through an arrangement. It never dawned on him the stain it would leave on your title when he agreed to wed you. Now he makes sure to never allow the terms ‘arranged’ to be used when addressing you. It makes him wish you two could have met another way because it’s a constant reminder how you were both forced.
“It never occurred to me how much I would come to despise the term ‘arranged’ when referring to you. I’ve grown fonder of you day by day as this marriage progresses. But rest assured, you have nothing to fear when it comes to our love. That, to shall grow stronger for you as the days wield overhead.”
You truly have no issues or quarrels with Rog through your entire marriage. As the Lady/Lord of his house, you will be spoilt endlessly with riches from his crafts that others may be jealous at the lavish life you are living and how dearly your husband spoils you rotten.
Attending dinners the other Lords hosted will be extended to you and even they would warmly welcome you as their friend’s spouse. Gifts would be exchanged, along with praises and jokes that their gentle-giant friend married before them, and he needed to teach them his tricks.
You don’t have anything to fear when it comes to your future with Rog. Out of all the Lords, even Glorfindel, Rog is most open to the idea and content with progressing things to truly become a happy couple, forgoing the friendship stage.
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Maeglin is confused and in a silent outrage because you were not the person he wanted to end up in a relationship with from the very start. His true desire was his cousin, and after being aware of this, his uncle chose to construct an arranged marriage to deter his focus on another person.
This isn’t going to be one of those ‘his heart turned from her to you to moment he saw you’ situation because his desire will continue to focus on his cousin, and it will be displayed through his protests when his uncle summons you all for a gathering to offer the arrangement.
Your parents are pleased since Maeglin is the King’s heir and by marrying him, it would make you a royal, so immediate status boost. You on the other hand have been aware of the Prince’s interest for another and already understood your position throughout this marriage whether you were for or against it. Your entire life would become nothing more than being his spouse with a title while he lusts after someone else.
Deep down, he has it somewhere that you are apart of this arrangement to sway his focus. Makes him distant and negligent all the more. You can try to reach out and pacify the situation for him to pardon your presence, but it doesn’t even make sense because Maeglin had never accepted you as his spouse.
To him, you’re like a guest living in his house after he was forced by his uncle to make your stay comfortable—which he does for the basic commodities. If you want to have a difference made, take it up with the King, but even he doesn’t have a say in the privacies of a married couple.
 However, Turgon does his best to ensure that you and Maeglin are allowed to spend more time together in hopes of building a relationship. You and Maeglin would be invited to dinners, balls and festivals as a couple in hopes of something blossoming. However, any conversations would have to be created by you, even when the other Lords congratulate you both or initiate conversations, it’s you doing most of the talking.
“My Prince, might we speak? I know that your focus lies elsewhere and I am not here to sway if you think so. All I wish is simply to live a peaceful life as your spouse until my presence is no longer required…I don’t know how long that would be. But perhaps during my time under your household, we can be well acquainted with one another a little more?”
It is an internal struggle in his mind to acknowledge your words because he doesn’t know if this is a trick where he would end up gaining interest or if you were being genuine. He was so focused on lusting after his cousin that your attempts at making your time with him bearable were shot down.
Maeglin truly doesn’t know at this point whether to shift focus onto you during your time with him or to let you go because he believes that you would continue to be hurt if you stayed at his side.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @hermaeuswhora
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missrosiewolf · 11 months
Thought of the day:
Rog towering over Celebrimbor and is stronk enough to lift him with one arm
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illfoandillfie · 2 years
I'm curious, from 1 to 10 how possessive is profesor Roger? I don't think possessiveness as a concept is hot or anything but... Prof Roger giving nasty glances at the flirty guys that talk to reader on the uni halls, right in front of him and he can't do anything because their relationship is a secret... What a concept 👀
hfhskhfksdh that is defs a fun concept
but i think professor rog would be around a 6 at most. in his younger days he was much closer to a 9/10 but things have changed as he's got older.
For one thing, he's matured a lot and while he's always been confident in himself he's learnt how to be confident in his partners and how to trust that their feelings for him trump flirty guys. (I think Margo probably played a part in his growing up. She's not the sort to let a guy be weirdly jealous for no reason.)
For another, I think being an active member of the kink community and especially having done scenes with multiple people within the community, Roger has become much more laid back about his partners receiving attention from others.
In regards to Reader specifically, I think any slight possessiveness he feels over her is partly because of the age gap and their relationship as teacher/student - he feels he has a duty of care to her, that he should be watching her back and making sure she's safe. So it's more a protectiveness than a possessiveness. Especially since she's often very vulnerable with him while he's teaching her kink, he really just wants to make sure she's okay. And part of that is a disapproval of Dylan, based entirely on what she's said about him.
I think if a random guy from uni hit on her he wouldn't necessarily want to see it but he wouldn't necessarily be super mad about it. He'd probably be happy it was someone other than Dylan lmao. While he might have caught some feelings, he understands their agreement is a limited time thing so if someone else caught her eye that would be okay. A little disappointing perhaps (especially if it intruded on their tutoring sessions), but understandable.
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echo-bleu · 6 months
Noldor Hair Headcanons (3/4)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | On AO3
Some lighter Kidnap Fam content, after the downhill freefall that was the last chapter. With a dash of Finrod in Valinor.
Elrond and Elros have never had their hair braided when they end up with Maedhros and Maglor.
They don’t realize what they’re asking when Elros grabs a hairbrush and puts it in Maglor’s hand.
Maglor understands that, but decides that the twins need parental care, even though he has no right. He brushes their hair and leaves it loose at first.
But the twins have watched Maglor braid Maedhros’s hair and they soon start asking for more interesting hairstyles.
Eventually Maglor explains to them that it can only be done by family.
The twins have a whole silent conversation.
“What does it take to be family?” Elros asks eventually.
Well, braiding an unrelated child’s hair is pretty close to informal adoption.
Elros forces the brush into Maglor’s hand again.
Maglor stares.
Elrond shakes his head and runs out.
Of course, Elrond must hate them. He has every right. Sure, Elros has started to warm up to them, but that’s just because he’s affection-starved, probably. They’re still kidnappers.
Maglor is about to put down the brush and try to refuse when Elrond comes back.
He’s holding a second hairbrush.
He hands it to Maedhros expectantly.
Maedhros cries.
Maglor cries.
The twins’ hair really doesn’t hold braids very well, and they’re still kids who run around and play, but damn them if Maglor and Maedhros aren’t going to do their best.
Now all of their people can see that the twins are well-loved.
Maedhros and Maglor also proudly sport a few clumsy, wonky braids each.
They’re less wonky with time, and eventually the twins are doing their fathers’ (kidnappers’) hair as often as not.
Finrod is reembodied shortly before Eärendil and Elwing gets to Valinor. It’s too early and he’s Not Doing Well. While in Middle Earth, he was the one who let basically every one of his friends braid his hair, now he can’t stand the thought of someone touching him that way.
But Beleriandic battle braids feel wrong in Tirion. And he’s desperately trying to reckon with his trauma, with Sauron defeating him by singing about the kinslaying, so he can’t leave his hair loose like the Teleri.
And he can’t quite get the sight of Edrahil’s bloody braids spat out by a werewolf out of his head.
He wears nothing but the very strange-looking (to Amanyar) Mourning Braids he designed after Dagor Bragollach for a couple of years.
Then after an episode of really bad depression and nearly fading, he cuts his hair short.
No-braiding-possible kind of short.
While not unheard of in Beleriand (sometimes former thralls keep their hair very short, like Rog), it’s unthinkable in Valinor, especially for the Crown Prince of the Noldor.
He is stared at a lot, his reputation goes down the drain, but to Finrod it’s liberating.
He does let his hair grow out again eventually, but only when other Exiles start coming back and choose to keep the Beleriandic braid styles, and it becomes a fashion statement rather than a mark of shame.
Finarfin is Very Shocked arriving in Beleriand when he finds his (single remaining) child with her hair loose and everyone else with weird self-braided battle hairstyles.
After a battle or three where he ends up with his hair matted with blood and mud, he caves and gets Galadriel to give him battle braids.
By the end of the war he’s even learned to do them himself! Let it not be said that King Arafinwë Ñoldóran didn’t rise to his calling.
The night before sending the Elrond and Elros to Gil-galad, Maedhros and Maglor undo all of their braids. Everyone cries.
Maedhros and Maglor meant this to minimize the ‘taint’ their names would put on the twins, by making it look like they were still hostages to the end, but the twins stop on the way to do each other’s hair because one does not meet a king with their hair loose, they have manners (which the Fëanorians taught them, so they’re Very Specific Manners), so the effect is lost. Gil-galad has Questions. The twins refuse to lie.
Then, before going to steal the Silmarils, Maedhros and Maglor do each other’s hair, in a style of their father’s that they haven’t worn since the Oath.
Maglor braids a single golden ribbon into Maedhros’s hair.
They have very few pieces of hair jewellery left of their brothers’, but they use all of them.
They both know it’s the last time.
To be continued
I did some sketches for visual reference of a few of the hairstyles mentioned here, if you want to see what I'm imagining!
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theelvenhaven · 10 months
Dating Rog
As a Human & Celebrating the Summer Solstice
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A/N: A special request from @nerdysimpy <;3
♕ When it comes to nature celebrations, the elves are certainly no strangers to them, including Rog.
♕ Though the human way of celebrating the Summer Solstice is completely lost on him.
♕ So when you first tell him about what it is you do for the Summer Solstice, Rog's curiosity is peaked and he is very interested in doing things the way you do them.
♕ Rog values putting in effort to make sure that your culture doesn't get left behind and forgotten in the world of Elves that you now live amongst.
♕ He asks you a lot of questions about Summer Solstice and how it is you celebrate the holiday.
♕ As you explain it to him, Rog is more than happy to get amped up and excited to do things your way instead of it being a quiet affair.
♕ Rog will of course go to the King with news of your festivities though he'd prefer to keep things private between the two of you and any of the few elves in his House who may take interest.
♕ It is not because King Turgon will disapprove, it is mostly to get the word out that you are celebrating a holiday from your culture so you aren't rudely interrupted.
♕ When the day of the Solstice comes, Rog gets just as excited as you asking what the first thing it is that you should do.
♕ Because you are human, your concept of the Valar differ from Rog's knowledge so you explain to him how traditionally this is a time where altars and offerings are set up.
♕ While it seems strange to him, nonetheless he works with you making a space to set up an Altar, and listening to you go through your prayers as you set up your offerings on the Altar.
♕ Rog is right there with you handing you things, and offering prayers of his own alongside you really getting into the festive spirit of ritual and celebration.
♕ With your Altar, offerings and prayers prepared, you move onto the next task that might seem more ritualistic and that is water work and eventually fire work as well.
♕ Rog will have made sure that you can go around and spend your time outside blessing the waters, and that a place for a bonfire can be held.
♕ Though Rog will be thrilled to know that one of the more fun practices of your Summer Solstice celebration is swimming and he will encourage his House staff to participate and enjoy themselves too.
♕ He loves how carefree yet important the Holiday is to you and in how you celebrate it.
♕ When it comes time to set up the bonfire, Rog would have made sure that everyone was prepared to have something made and brought to the tables he set up out there.
♕ Before letting you ceremoniously light up your bonfire with a cheering crowd from those in the House.
♕ Lively music will be played as he remembers you telling him about the revelry portion of the celebration.
♕ With outdoor games that you would've told him about that you did in your childhood.
♕ Even if that means it was just a simple game of tag or hide and seek, the fun would still be had amongst nerri and nissi.
♕ What he finds to be the most fun is the dancing around the bonfire with you, the heat reminds him of the forge yet he can be more carefree- to a degree- around this massive bonfire.
♕ Rog will sing with you all the songs you taught him, and teach it to the other elves who will catch on quick and sing along with you and the Lord of the house.
♕ His House will have come alive with other elves who are more than willing to indulge in your culture and celebrations as you guys spend it out enjoying a beautiful summer day and evening.
♕ As the celebration doesn't end until it's well into the next morning
♕ Either way Rog will make sure to make it a memorable experience for you both, and so you can enjoy your culture in your new elven home.
Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @celebrimbor-telperinquar @red-riding @miriel-estelwen @ta-ka-shi-ma @nerdysimpy @thegirlwithoutaname87 @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @eternalabysss @noldorinpainter
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