#gamzee headcannons
clowns-ballpit · 1 year
Please suggest all those accounts that put all the lgbt/mogai flags behind a transparent picture of a character
I wish to see the Makara family headcannons
Or reblog this with your head cannons :0D
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m1k4-undersc0re · 8 months
karkar is there now woooooo
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i really wanted to point that out that gam<>kar match their earrings xo))
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Happy 413!
Here’s my (messy) beta trolls lineup.
Kinda rushed, but it went ok I think. This is the first time I ever drew all of them :3
Happy Homestuck day!
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grapefaygodude69 · 7 months
TC: EgGs aRe MiRaClEs
TC: NoT oNlY bEiNg ThE mOtHeRfUcKiNg ThInG tHaT lIfE cOmEs oUt oF
TC: bUt AlSo So ThOsE mOtHeRfUcKeRs HaVe lOtS oF dIfFrEnT wAyS tO bE cOoKeD
TC: iTs rEaLlY AmAzInG :o)
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day 35!!
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
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ethangelical · 5 months
My oddly specific headcannon for Gamzee is that he's one of those upper class white trans dudes who transitioned young and he's not transmed but whenever someone complains about dysphoria he's like "why dont u just go on troll testosterone lol"
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box-of-chaooos · 2 years
Homestuck stuff
Legally blind,Bpd, Plus size, Demi boy, alt
PTSD, depression, gay, grunge
Autistic, trans man, psychosis, plus size, gay clowncore
Lesbian, ocd, hourglass bod, milf
Albino genes, apathetic, ptsd, trauma
Disabled, anxiety, bi, autistic
Trans girl, autistic add, cat gender
Disabled, autistic adhd, age regression, dank memer, trans man
Demi boy, bi, disabled, caretaker of mituna, dank memer also
Autism , asexual, aromantic, not a dank memer
Selectively mute, autistic, trauma, depression, psychosis, nonbinary
Nonbinary she they, ocd, passed down trauma, lesbian probs a cat mum
Adhd, narcolepsy, furry, acearo, dog gender, pup gender
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mcbeetlebeeb · 9 months
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I'm currently getting into a fandom that isn't homestuck, but I can't turn down a request :3
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these will still be headcannons and- uhrm- yea
Gamzee Makara
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He is, talking about some mystical shit dude
I think hed appreciate someone who just listens too him blabber
don't ask me why but he'd like to naw on you
not full fledged biting a chunk out of you
I think he's too aware of how sharp his teeth are to go biting down that hard, but yknow
nipping at you gently, but not before he was smothering you in sloppy clown kisses
this is real specific but I think hed have the type of eyes that you can't seem to keep eye contact with
he's just so much taller and just has this lopsided shiteating grin, that shows most of his sharp ass teeth
I'd like to think his eyes are always that half lidded gaze, especially when it's at you
but no intent behind the looks he gives, fuck- probably no thoughts either
lights on no one home
don't get me wrong, he's not dumb,
in the simplest sense hes a big ol airhead
yknow a dingbat, a bit of a scatterbrain
but he's not like- vegetable for a brain dumb as hell
and thats another thing, it's definitely really convincing to probably think that he's yknow, not all there
but it throws you off gaurd x2 when he'd get all close and murmur and mumble certain things too you
he looked like he had a maximum of 3 thoughts floating around in his brain
but here he is, mumbling in a low almost gravely tone, right by your ear
I love to think he's one of those tall people to rest his arm playfully on your head if your shorter, which you most likely are-
can't recall if I mentioned the last time sense I have a rubber ducky keeping track of my memory
but I think hed be cold all the time
not like, bothersomely fridged
but enough to make you shiver and squirm if he were to press his hand to your skin, noticeable enough for you to verbally go "Damn-"
also!! I think hed be a huge sucker for you just holding his face with your hands, letting him relax against you, eyes shut
still grinning a bit and letting that low rumbling purr come from him
and this also means playing with his hair,
pet him damn it he demands it
no, not really more like laying and being in your space, following you round until you pay attention properly too him
sense most trolls can't- yknow- go out in the middle of the day because of their intense asf sun, trolls are nocturnal
so like if you ever took a photo with him with flash his eyes would do that reflective thing that cats have
or for another example, yknow how in the dark the first thing you spot about your black cat is its eyes?
yeah that
like I said in the other headcannon thingy, he's just always lurking and looming, he likes knowing what your doing even if he's not involved
and this comes with him trailing around you like a dog that sees you have food and knows you'll give it too them at some point
wether it be from afar or close, don't assume he's not close by, him being a purple blood im sure he's well aware of how violent trolls can be,
but with you around! oh he can't let you wonder off too far- Alternia's atmosphere is dangerous and the fauna is even more dangerous-
so don't expect to go very far without him trailing behind you
but he'd understand if you explained too him you wanted time too yourself or with somebody else one on one
I dont think hed be a jealous person, maybe a lil possessive! but he's not overbearing with it
he just wants you safe and content, and he wants you too feel that way around him
have a song I think fits his uh? vibe towards? significant other? because 🎉
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Dave Strider
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mm have I said he's a genuinely a big goof?
but I think that'd be something someone gets right off the bat
if you can pick up on someone trailing off on tangents of meaningless words that can go on and on without someone actually ever responding
than it's pretty visable
I think itd be pretty adorable though (I know I'm gay, whatever)
like if he were to start talking about something, anything, and you gave a simple short response, he's gonna take that and run with it
especially if he likes you
I think hed definitely be one too stare
but how could you tell? he's always wearing those shades
probably a good reason why he wears them other than ironic purposes
so no one sees what or where or in this case who he's lookin at
constantly staring though, wether it's you having a conversation with you or, you doing something random he's just watching
no actual thoughts id like to say
just observing
watching you be you, do your own natural thing, picking up on the way you talk or gesture at stuff
I cannot urge this enough but I still firmly believe physical touch would be a very special thing too him
it's not impossible or looked down upon too be able to hold his hand or lean against him
but he'd be mentally noting each touch, each expression you make, listening intently too your tone, hoping your doing the same
but with these actions he'd be straight faced as always, but he can feel his hands tremble ever so slightly, he recognizes his heart beat picking up
unfamiliar with these feelings with how they're being presented yknow?
most times he ever feels this way he's in danger
but he knows he couldn't be safer right now, like he wants to believe that, it's not hard for him to believe it
but his body is just hardwired to tense up, clench his jaw and steady the shakey breathing
but being patient and respectful would melt those feelings away really easy I'd like too think
just sitting there and slowly showing affection, brushing thumbs against his knuckles, tracing over fingers
you focus on his hand, flipping it over and thumbing at his vaguely sweaty palm, hand still shaking faintly in your gentle grasp
he'd just stare at you, in disbelief and adoration, and realization that he doesnt need to be poker faced round you
that he doesnt need to put up a front to protect himself, the squishy parts of him he learned to shove away to get along with life
a big sigh of relief to say the least,
but once he realizes he doesn't need to be someone else for you, he can just be him, no expectations or demands, he can rely on someone else for once
you ain't ever gettin rid of him after that, he's not clingy but he's no longer keeping you at arms length, not now, not ever again
AND HE GETS MUSIC THING because he is my favorite right next too the crab man <3
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author note: I feel this sucked a big booty buttload but I was already half way done with it when I dubbed it that, so have this anyway!!!
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starsnores · 5 months
nepeta is a freak, there is no doubt about it but she is not a freak with equius, in the grand scheme of things, nepeta is in the werido trenchs. Equius is a kink tourist.
personal headcannon, i think the only ones she has ever been a freak with was jane and the experience left her with a feeling only describable as catholic guilt, Karkat who took that with him to gamzee and rose who both left feeling Good about it But Werid in equal measure.
oh interesting. i think i agree i can't see her doing anything with equius, but i hadn't thought about anyone other then karkat and the other stuff seems fun.
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baby-blueblood · 10 months
HS Fingernail Headcannons
I don't know why I started thinking about this but I did. This includes the beta kids + trolls
(Disclaimer I am still on act 5 (Just got to grimdark Rose) so if there's some missing info that's why)
Jade, Dave, Aradia, and Feferi would probably cut their nails short. Aradia for archeology purposes, Feferi for taking care of sea creatures, and Jade for gardening purposes. Dave would probably keep his short to keep up his "cool dude" schtick.
Rose, Vriska, Terezi, Kanaya have manicured/painted nails. Kanaya likes to upkeep her appearance, Vriska probably got pointy claw like nails painted blue since Mindfang (I think) has them and Terezis are the same just painted black because why not. Rose's are also black but cut short
(I also believe during SBURB Rose kinda forgets about her nails so they're kinda overgrown and when she goes grimdark they become pointy + black)
Possibly Eridan has manicured nails because he's a little vain or just cares about his appearance like Kanaya does
Karkat, Tavros and John are nail biters. Karkat barely realizes he's doing it. John knows it's not good but does it anyway and Tavros is just a nervous nail biter.
Sollux is either a nail cutter for beekeeping or a nail biter like John is. I can't decide
Gamzee, Equius and possibly Nepeta let their nails just grow out. Nepeta does some small upkeep if they start to snag on things (And possibly helps Equius with his when they start snagging) while Gamzee's nails might not grow that fast in the first place so they look kinda short (maybe bc of the pies but idk)
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tempest-teacup · 3 months
okay here’s a ship that I hope you can hear me the fuck out on
Gamzee <3< Equius
my headcannon behind this is like,,, Equius, I’m an attempt to ‘be red with somebody with pure and noble b100d’ or whatever, becomes matesprits with Gamzee and mostly forces himself to stay in the relationship to keep with his moral code and stuff. Gamzee loves it, because usually nobody ever shows him that much attention, but Equius is very much not actually in love at all so this self-forced, one-sided relationship just devolves into a burning hatred for him. Then it just devolves into kismesis leaving Gamzee very confused and heartbroken
(I have a lot of weird ass ships but this one has always been a favourite)
Yoooo I actually love this and for some reason tumblr deleted my first response so let’s TRY THIS AGAIN!
This makes a lot of sense because even when we FIRST see the two of them interacting there is just so much of that bloodcaste self consciousness on Equius’ end. He so clearly just wants to be associated with someone of Highblood by any means necessary, even though he admits that he doesn’t actually even like Gamzee much. (I JUST read this part yesterday so it’s fresh in my mind, haha.)
And then, y’know, with everything that happens after Gamzee snaps? And even the parallels of their ancestors. Even if and when Equius gets over his obsession with the caste system, he still would be repulsed and fascinated by Gamzee. Yeah, I can totally see these two in a full blown kismesissitude.
Man, I have to look up the correct spelling of ‘kismesissitude’ EVERY time.
I also think these two really highlight the aspect of kisme— kismess— you-know-what that I feel sometimes gets forgotten in fandom which is: it’s not REALLY the same as just hating someone. You enjoy sparring with them, they’re your foil, they’re the Red to your Blue (only 90s kids remember). In terms of quadrants and giving pails to the mother grub, it’s about genetic diversity and traits that strengthen your own… it’s someone whose passion you admire even though they’re on the other team.
In other words. These two doofuses would do kismesissitude SO WELL!
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mmmmalo · 7 months
I never thought of Equius being coded/headcannon as indigenous/
the idea of the classist, casteist, boy who submitted to his socially assigned supieor and was killed.
but it was the Saggtirus coding, he also is coded as a white/ nobility. a literal blue blood
Nobility yes, and Equius is accordingly confused by the compulsion to submit to someone he views as inferior -- he expresses this conflict in conversations with both Gamzee and Aradia. I tend to think that the noble status of rap on Alternia serves a similar purpose, offering the impression that social inferiors (from a racist POV) have achieved cultural dominance. The same goes for the nobility of archery, if you buy into the idea that the bow and arrow can be deployed in Homestuck as a stereotyped symbol of indigenous peoples (obscured though it may be by the unobjectionable motif of Sagittarius).
My strongest direct example of association between archery and Native Americans is probably this series of puns by Roxy, in conversation with Dirk. More abstract examples would involve Hussie's use of the 4th wall to depict racial tensions and the related use of the command arrow ==> for colonial motifs.
Tangentially, I'd note re: Equius white-coding that he owes his design to Nicolas Cage in Con Air -- the mullet, widows peak, and wife-beater are all very Cameron Poe. Vriska later underlines this resemblance by calling Arquius a "national fucking treasure", which is the title of another Cage flick. Hussie's deployment of racial ambiguity is still something of a mystery to me (outside of its ability to invoke anxieties about race mixing), but I'll say that stuff like the Cage-coding forms an interesting contrast to Equius's racially-charged inability to touch various feminine-coded items (milk, "bows", Karkat) without destroying them
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atomic-sludge · 1 year
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Yooo is that ^2 posting???? In 2023??? Anyway
Redesign/rewrite rambling under the cut
Mostly their appearances are based off of my headcannons for their parents (they have the same parents as in the original, sort of. more on that in a second.) some of my hcs have changed since the last time i drew them.
As for anything not genetic, it was just stuff that was bothering me personally. I gave them each a symbol to kind of represent them. Also changed Harry and Vriska's colors. This was just because it kind of peeved me that there were two blue kids, so I made Harry more of a bluish-purple. I also lightened Vriska's cerulean to give her a distinction from her ancestor.
Most of the outfit changes are minor, tbh they were already pretty good
As for family stuff, like i said about the same parents. I'm gonna make the distinction that most of them were made via ectobiology to avoid implying anything about their parent's AGABs... Jane and Jake had Tavros Jr. (Named after Jake's friend.) Roxy and Jegbert had Harry Anderson. Jade, Rose and Kanaya are in a healthy three-way relationship and decided to have Ruby, and shortly after they adopted Vriska. They love each other and both of their children! Tavros Crocker, Harry Anderson Lalonde, Vriska and Ruby Lalonde-Harley-Maryam.
Uh, no more weird romance between Vriska and her cousins, either. No romance period! They're cousins and they're friends and they're the only ones who understand eachother and they all love each other and aren't mean to one particular part of their friend group for no reason. They all go to school together
Ruby is mostly nonverbal, but nontheless outgoing and charismatic. She is a preppy jock type. She's nice when she likes you, but quick to defend herself and the people she cares about. Vriska struggles with her self-image, and idolizes her namesake. She can be a bit blunt at times, though she means well and isn't often mean on purpose. Tavros is a bit more sheltered than his cousins, and as a result is often unsure of what he wants for himself. He is smart and talented at things that he puts his mind to. Harry is extremely energetic and outgoing, and at surface level it looks like he has a lot of friends. There are only a few people who he really trusts, though. He has a penchant for what's current and trendy, especially when it comes to fashion.
Anyway uhm. Idk why I felt like doing all that. I'm not planning on rewriting the story or anything, I wouldnt even know where to start apart from changing gamzees arc... I just wanted to draw these kids I guess.
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
The only thing i can think of that i have as a headcannon atm is that JohnRezi would have been healthy for both of them in a kismitude way. Like, Terezi antagonizing John out of his depressive episodes while he kinda just falls for her japes and keeps her on her toes prank wise. Also while giving her an outlet to hash out her stuff too. I dont even know if a ship counts as a headcannon or if this is a lukewarm take but they would have been so good for each other T_T
definitely a more functional and ideal kismesissitude than terezi and gamzee for sure
it is rare since a bit of loathing is always involved which can usually spiral from rivalry to abuse, but i think kismesissitude can be healthy especially if one of the parties is depressed and it takes them out of it and gives them motivation to work on themself. in that sense i think john and terezi would be a good example of that
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puccalamb · 5 months
I made Mizzlebip sprites + her disguises/personas + one without the makeup + headcannons
huge credit to farragofiction and everyone who pitched in to farragofiction, they're the one who made all the sprites, i edited the sprites a lot as well!
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Mizzlebip is transgender and uses any pronouns, (but prefers she/them pronouns)
Kept their gender a secret
Aroace Swag
Exists in epilogues, works with and is very close to Gamzee (better future)
After Gamzee died, Mizzlebip came up with different personas or "disguises" to cope
Is a Witch of Heart Lord of Void makes so much more sense, i think they'll act like a heart player tho
Still immortal, age is unknown but not a minor, just short
May be God Tier? Nobody knows since she never wears their godtier outfit
these "disguises"/personas are kinda her trollsonas as well, as they wear gray paint and sometimes wears horns
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Yk none of the trolls are related, right? Gamzee doesn’t have a dad, or this like a headcannon thing?
Incestuous slurry. All related through the mothergrub. Ancestors. Trolls have what's called sex. Yk what sex is right? WAIT, MAYBE NOT. :o)
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mcbeetlebeeb · 1 year
OOOOkaay time to dump homestuck garbage on here cause although only my friends look at my barely active page, I can't ever garble my stupid gobbles out to my friends in actual person so here I am
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anyways have some? domestic?? relationship? crap? headcannons 🤷
🫐John Eg fart bert☁️
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typw of mfker to be out in public and just rest his head on your shoulder, causally getting groceries? in supermarket? head on shoulder. making fuckin pancake? head on shoulder. literally standing doing nothing? head on shoulder
even if he's shorter, he will do it,
don't doubt him
I think he'd have god awful pick up lines but not, like, offensive or crude, just plain stupif bad- some garbage like
"I'd bring you too the movies but they don't let you bring your own snacks :("
like sneaky almost, some would genuinely be so thought out it'd just smear right over your smooth brain
fuckin- breath pick up lines, always-
"I hope you know CPR! you just took my breath away!"
whata fuckin dork
but he takes pride in that and if your interested in him you automatically become a dork yourself
you can't not get looped in with his garbage movie taste and stupid shenanigans
silly pranks with him
he'd pull pranks on you, matter fact if your his partner he'd probably pull pranks on you the most
genuinely sucha simp-
not clingy simp or overbearing simp just, yknow, can't help but go on and on about his significant other if ever brought up in a situation, probably brings them up just to do that
I think hed show physical affection in soft, gentle ways? nervous.™
like im talking hesitantly moving to hold your hand, or doing that stupid move of yawning and placing your arm around the other person and bringing then closer
holding you by the sides of your arms, gently trailing down to hold your hands
so soft for you, an even bigger dork when its just yall, absolute bafoon, a fool for you I'd even say
he 100000% babbles about you to his friends, and your friends, and you- lmao, his whole friend group will and can not escape his wrath of adoring you
absolutely talking Jade and Rose's ear off about you cause Dave can't take another moment of it-
will tell you how amazing and cute and this and that you are
no hesitation
I think hed be more than comfortable with pda, holding hands?
face smooches?
picking you up like a damn bag of flour over his shoulder?
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🪅Gamzee Makara🧫 (gamgee maraca)
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gonna be honest with you? probably a bit stinky
and not in like a swamp ass way like, he just distinctly smells like face paint and whatever who's guess at sopor slime smells like if it even has a smell-
mfker looms over you
he doesn't get like half of the words you say into his brain a lot of the time unless you specify its importance
he's trying his best
but regardless of not actually listening to your words, he loves listening to you talk, just speaking, he could stare at your face all day
like- in an unblinking manner but still lovingly
speaking of your face, that's what he'd mostly end up hugging, he's already hunched over a shit load so when he hugs you he just hugs your whole dome to his chest
probably garbles some silliness to you in a drunk/high like state, just holding you impossibly close to him and mumbling some junk like
"YoU..yOu GoT a NiCe..A nIcE fAcE..aNdD..sMeLl GoOd,,..WaRm"
I like to think the higher up on the hemospectrum(?) idk that trolls gradually get like more cold-blooded? if that makes sense?
okay like the higher it goes up the more the troll has a tough time gaining and keeping warm
he'd love warm stuff, like some big cat he'd just flop on it and purr away
you get clown makeup on your face each time he gives you a smooch, I don't make the rules
honestly would sniff you, and like, not subtly like straight "SNIIIFFFF"
can seamlessly re-create the actually honk squeek sound, but yknow, saying honk is much easier
and god forbid he finds you sitting or relaxing
all up in your biz, not like, verbally but he's already waddled over and rested his head on your lap or wrapping his arms around your waist and tugging you closer
I think hed be really mushy gushy over physical affection, not like embarrassed but he just enjoys it greatly and will do anything for you to play with his hair more
tbh a bit scary ngl, like, has that uh, union effect from Steven Universe, just sorta appears sometimes, there, observing,
he'd try and get you to eat sopor slime, he wouldnt force you but he'd definitely like, lean in with a tin of it and try and convince you, but he's not shoving it down ur gullet
probably great at taking snuggle naps, like he could most likely just drape all his limbs over you like some limp cat and just peacefully snooze away
also that whole shit of trolls having nightmares if not all snuggled up in sopor slime?
I love to believe it's canceled out by another person snuggling with them,
and that person is you of course,
you can't leave his presence without like a visable mark somewhere on you that you where around him
wether that be clown make up or sopor slime smeared somewhere on you
or you wearing his shirt, or his incredibly long pants
he's also a dork
I think hed enjoy how squishy humans are in general
he'd hold and love every part of you with a lopsided smile
hugging his arms around your hips as he leaves sloppy kisses against your tummy, smudging clown makeup on you
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aahugh sleepiness is kicking in but I don't care I must persist because I'm. GAY.
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Dave Strider (who names their child this)
breaking news! he's also a major dork
but in secret?
and an even bigger dork when its just yall
type of mfker to just pour his heart out to you in a way that makes you blank in the brain and then go "haha sorry that was weird" or "my bad that was probably cringe"
so unbelievably soft for you behind door, cannot do pda- for the life of him-
"hey, uh I made us a playli-" "YES."
listening to music with you at any given chance, likes sharing music genres and songs
if you dont make mention of him not smiling or laughing often around others he'll just let himself slip like that yknow?
like he'll giggle and laugh at more things, stupid, silly things,
comfortable with you to say the least
like mentioned above- if you got the chance to snuggle up close to him he'd drape his silly cape over yall both,
mostly you but 🤷
probably had a god damn coronary trying to figure his feelings out
talking with Rose or John like
"I dunno the fucks wrong with me, my heart hurts and my gut feels likes its in knots like im gonna barf?- "
"you like them dave‐ you like _____."
stammering and studdering round you like he has a speech impediment, has words in his head but just cannot execute them at all-
not with you around
it legit don't matter to him, he will call you bro, dawg, dude, homie, homeslice? home dawg?
probably would use these in an endearing way tho, just "dude?...bro?" in a loving way
"you have a smoochable face dude"
"fuck you-"
very hesitant on touching, not that he minds, he just will mentally perish if he ever made you feel weird
he'd definitely be the mfker to when cuddling with him to just to nestle and nuzzle the top of his head into the crook of your neck
mentioning cuddling- like whilst asleep, he'll still have a part of him touching you, wether it's his foot against your calf or his entire leg draped over you
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