#garlic scones
crushoncinthia · 6 months
Quick Bread Recipe
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This is my favorite, very simple, recipe for savory scones. They are wonderful served hot, spread with a little butter, and eaten alongside a steamy hot soup. It's important not to over handle these scones, as they will be heavy and tough.
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nishiyudai · 11 months
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Easy Cheese and Garlic Scones Recipe This is my favorite, very simple, recipe for savory scones. They are wonderful served hot, spread with a little butter, and eaten alongside a steamy hot soup. It's important not to over handle these scones, as they will be heavy and tough. 1 cup milk, 1 clove garlic minced, 2 cups self-rising flour, 2 tablespoons butter, 1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese, 1 pinch salt
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morethansalad · 2 months
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Spring Onion Potato Scones & Cucumber Garlic Dip (Vegan & Gluten-Free)
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veganmade · 1 year
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Wild Garlic Scones | lazycatkitchen
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laptopcamper · 18 days
Smoking Tiger, 15545 Whittier Blvd, Whittier, CA 90603, Score: 43/50
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Smoking Tiger is a Korean bakery in a strip mall in Whittier. They have a wide variety of baked goods and lots of coffee and tea drinks, including Korean drinks.
Score: 43/50
Food: 4/5 – Freshly baked offerings include cookies, scones, croissants (Nutella, guava, almond, matcha pistachio), financiers, cream cheese garlic bread, Basque cheesecakes, etc. They invented a cross between a cookie and a scone. The baked goods are less sweet. They’re good but I wouldn’t say that they’re fantastic.
Coffee: 5/5 – They serve espresso drinks, signature drinks, Jeju matcha, and Korean drinks like the banana milk latte and Korean honey oat.  It looks like they have their own coffee (coffee that is roasted for them or that they roast themselves). They’re known for their Jeju matcha drinks. My latte was quite good! As good as what you’d get at a good coffeehouse.
Wi-fi: 5/5 – Free, unlimited, seemed fast
Ambiance: 5/5 – Spacious, lots of seats
Noise: 3/5 – Loud music but otherwise quiet
Plugs: 3/5 – Some along the wall
Parking: 5/5 – Park as long as you want in the strip mall
Comfort: 5/5 – Chairs are padded, lots of two top tables
Bathroom: 5/5 – Two restrooms
Art: 3/5 – None, framed pictures of their drinks
Tips: Coffee beans and coffee accessories for sale. They sell some of their own merch.  
“Laptop Campers Unite!”
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hodgepodgedays · 1 year
7 things to do with Wild Garlic
I love cooking with wild garlic, and it’s a nice thing to do with my son, both collecting it and making delicious things with. Over the years we’ve made many tasty things, so I thought I’d share some of our favourite things to make with wild garlic. They’re in no particular order, some are quick and simple to make, some take a few hours, but all of them are very tasty indeed. When you go foraging…
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eudico-my-beloved · 1 year
im hungry...
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greenwitchcrafts · 5 months
February 2024 witch guide
Full moon: February 24th
New moon: February 9th
Sabbats: Imbolc-February 1st
February Snow Moon
Known as: Eagle Moon, Horning Moon, Solmonath Moon, Bear moon, Ice Moon, Wild Moon, Raccoon Moon, Big Winter Moon, Groundhog Moon, Quickening Moon, Storm Moon, Goose Moon, Hungry Moon & Red/Cleansing Moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Aquarius & Pisces
Nature spirits: House Faeries
Deities: Aphrodite, Brigid & Nut
Animals: Otter & Unicorn
Birds: Chickadee & Eagle
Trees: Cedar, laurel, myrtle & rowan
Herbs: Balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage & spikenard
Flowers: Primrose
Scents: Heliotrope & wisteria
Stones: Amethyst, jasper, moonstone, obsidian, onyx , rose quartz, topaz & red zircon
Colors: Light blue & violet
Energy:  Astral travel, banishing, beginnings, breaking bad habits, creativity expressiveness, empowerment, energy working to the surface, fertility, forgiveness, freedom, friendships, future plans, growth, healing, problem solving, purification, responsibility & science
February’s full Moon is a “Micromoon” this year. Think of this term as the opposite of a “Supermoon.” It simply means that the full Moon is at its farthest point from Earth (not the nearest point).
The explanation behind February’s full Moon name is a fairly straightforward one: it’s known as the Snow Moon due to the typically heavy snowfall that occurs in February. On average, February is the United States’ snowiest month, according to data from the National Weather Service. In the 1760s, Captain Jonathan Carver, who had visited with the Naudowessie(Dakota), wrote that the name used for this period was the Snow Moon, “because more snow commonly falls during this month than any other in the winter.” 
Known as: Feast of Torches, Feast of Waxing Light, Oimele & Brigid's Day
Season: Winter
Symbols: Besoms, Brighid's crosses, candles, candle wheels, fertility symbols, fire, ploughs, priapic wands & white flowers
Colors: Black, brown, Earth tones, lavender, light green, orange, pink, red, white & yellow
Oils/Incense: Apricot, basil, bay, carnation, chamomile, cinnamon, dragon's blood, frankincense, heather, jasmine, myrrh, neroli, red sandalwood, sage, vanilla, violet & wisteria
Animals: Badger, cow, deer,groudhog, robin, sheep, snake, & swan
Mythical: Dragon
Stones: Amethyst, bloodstone, citrine, clear quartz, garnet, green tourmaline, hematite, iron, lodestone, onyx, red zircon, rose quartz, ruby, turquoise, yellow tourmaline
Food: Breads, chives, curries, dairy products, grains, garlic, herbal teas, honey cakes, lamb, muffins, onions, peppers, poppy seed cakes, pork, poultry, pumpkin seeds, raisins, scones, spiced wines & sunflower seeeds
Herbs/Plants: Angelica, ashleaf, balsam, basil, bay laurel, benzoin, blackberry, clover, coltsfoot, coriander, dragon's blood, garlic, heather, lemon, myrrh, rosemary, sage, vervain, wheat & witch hazel
Flowers: Celandine, chamomile, iris, rose hips, snowdrop, sunflower, tansy, violets, white flowers & yellow flowers
Goddesses: Anu, Aradia, Arianrhod, Artio, Athena, Branwen, Brigid, Danu, Februa, Gaia, Inanna, Juno, Selene, Sirona & Vesta
Gods: Aegus Mac Og, Bragi, Cupid, Dian Cecht, Dumuzi, Eros, Februus & Pax
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Activation/awakening, animals, beginnings, fertility, healing, hope, illumination, inspiration, light, pregnancy/childbirth, prophecy, transformation, well-being & youth
Spellwork: Air magick, banishings, candle spells, divination, fertility spells, prosperity & purification
• Make & light white candles
• Clean/decorate your altar & consecrate your  altar tools
• Go on a walk in nature & look for signs of spring
• Make a Brigid's Cross
• Have a feast with your family/friends
• Give thanks & leave offerings to the Earth
• Set intentions, reflect & look deeper into your goals for spring
• Start a bonfire
• Find Imboloc prayers & devotionals that bid farewell to the winter months, honor the goddess Brigid, as well as seasonal blessings for your meals, hearth, & home.
• Pepare plans for your upcoming garden
• Craft a priapic wand
• Spend time with children celebrating Imbolc by making crafts & or baking
• Practice divination & fire scrying
• Draw a cleansing ritual bath for yourself
• Meditate, reflect & say your farewells to winter
• Cleanse & clean your house to prepare for spring
• Create a Brídeóg: a doll of Brigid made of straw
• Make Bride's bouquet satchets & exchange as symbols of good luck and fertility
• Set aside food & or drinks as an offering to Brigid to invite her in your home
Imbolc is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of spring. Most commonly it is held on January 31 – February 1, or halfway between the winter solstice & the spring equinox. The holiday is a festival of the hearth, home, a celebration of the lengthening days & the early signs of spring. 
The word "imbolc" means "in the belly" and refers to the pregnancy of ewes at this time of year. The term "oimelc" means ewe's milk. Around this time of year, many herd animals give birth to their first offspring of the year or are heavily pregnant & as a result, they are producing milk. This creation of life’s milk is a part of the symbolic hope for spring.
Imbolc is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and it is associated with important events in Irish mythology. It has been suggested that it was originally a pagan festival associated with the goddess Brigid and that it was Christianized as a festival of Saint Brigid, who herself is thought to be a Christianization of the goddess.
Some use Imbolc to celebrate the longer days which herald the return of Spring & The Goddess's recovery from giving birth to The Sun (The God) at Yule. The God & The Goddess are children symbolizing new life, new beginnings & new resurrections.
Related festivals:
• Groundhog Day-  Is a tradition observed in the United States & Canada on February 2 of every year. It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day & sees its shadow, it will retreat to its den & winter will go on for six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow, spring will arrive early.
While the tradition remains popular in the 21st century, studies have found no consistent association between a groundhog seeing its shadow & the subsequent arrival time of spring-like weather.
•St. Brigid's Day- 1 February. It was originally Imbolc, the first day of spring in Irish tradition. Because Saint Brigid has been theorised as linked to the goddess Brigid, some associate the festival of Imbolc with the goddess. St. Brigid is the patroness saint (or 'mother saint') of Ireland. She is patroness of many things, including poetry, learning, healing, protection, blacksmithing, livestock & dairy production. In her honour, a perpetual fire was kept burning at Kildare for centuries.
A recent campaign successfully established her feast day as a national holiday in 2023.
• Chinese New Year- (February 10th) the festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. In Chinese, the festival is commonly referred to as the Spring Festival,- marking the end of winter and the beginning of the spring season. Observances traditionally take place from Chinese New Year's Eve, the evening preceding the first day of the year, to the Lantern Festival, held on the 15th day of the year. The first day of Chinese New Year begins on the new moon that appears between January 21st & February 20th.
The Chinese New Year is associated with several myths and customs. The festival was traditionally a time to honour deities as well as ancestors. Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the New Year vary widely & the evening preceding the New Year's Day is frequently regarded as an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner.
It is also a tradition for every family to thoroughly clean their house, in order to sweep away any ill fortune & to make way for incoming good luck. Another custom is the decoration of windows & doors with red paper-cuts and couplets. Popular themes among these paper-cuts and couplets include good fortune or happiness, wealth & longevity. Other activities include lighting firecrackers  & giving money in red envelopes.
•  Candlemas- is a Christian feast day on February 2nd commemorating the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. It is based upon the account of the presentation of Jesus in Luke 2:22-40. 
While it is customary for Christians in some countries to remove their Christmas decorations on Twelfth Night, those in other Christian countries historically remove them after Candlemas.On Candlemas, many Christians also take their candles to their local church, where they are blessed and then used for the rest of the year.
•Setsubun- (February 3rd) Is the day before the beginning of spring in the old calendar in Japan. The name literally means 'seasonal division', referring to the day just before the first day of spring.
Both Setsubun & Risshun are celebrated yearly as part of the Spring Festival (Haru matsuri ) in Japan. In its association with the Lunar New Year, Setsubun, though not the official New Year, was thought of as similar in its ritual & cultural associations of 'cleansing' the previous year as the beginning of the new season of spring. Setsubun was accompanied by a number of rituals & traditions held at various levels to drive away the previous year's bad fortunes & evil spirits for the year to come.
Other Celebrations:
• Lupercalia-
In ancient Rome, this festival was conducted annually on February 13th through 15th under the superintendence of a corporation of priests called Luperci. The origins of the festival are obscure, although the likely derivation of its name from lupus (Latin: “wolf”) has variously suggested connection with an ancient deity who protected herds from wolves and with the legendary she-wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus. As a fertility rite, the festival is also associated with the god Faunus.
to purify the city, promoting health & fertility.
Each Lupercalia began with the sacrifice by the Luperci of goats and a dog, after which two of the Luperci were led to the altar, their foreheads were touched with a bloody knife & the blood was wiped off with wool dipped in milk; the ritual required that the two young men laugh. The sacrificial feast followed, after which the Luperci cut thongs from the skins of the sacrificial animals & ran in two bands around the Palatine hill, striking with the thongs at any woman who came near them. A blow from the thong was supposed to render a woman fertile.
In 494 CE the Christian church under Pope Gelasius I forbade participation in the festival. Tradition holds that he appropriated the form of the rite as the Feast of the Purification (Candlemas), celebrated on February 2, but it is likely that the Christian feast was established in the previous century. It has also been alternately suggested that Pope Gelasius I replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14th, but the origin of that holiday was likely much later.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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kitchenwitchtingss · 11 months
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I love making these oh my gosh.
It's really fun
It's been a while since my last one
I get an excuse to try yummy recipes
You all are way too good at what you do
It's fun x2
Teas, Drinks, And Syrups
🍊 Orange Peel Tea 🍊
Violet Lemonade
Coconut Summer Drink
Dandelion Honey
The Best Hot Spiced Cider recipe you’ll ever try
Apple Cider is basically a homesteading spell
Rose Lemonade Syrup
100-Year Garlic (Garlic Honey)
Fire Cider Spell for Winter Protection
Blackberry & Apple Jam
Witchy Recipes - Blackberry Lemonade
Baked Goods + Sweets
Prosperity Bread
Lavender Earl Grey Cookies
Easy Rosemary Focaccia Loaf for Love and Protection
Heavenly Lavender Scones
Honey Vanilla Peach Butter 🍑
Pumpkin Pie Dip 🎃
Vanilla-Pumpkin Cupcakes
Soups, Stews, And Dinners
Super simple secret potato soup
Forest Porridge
Heartwarming potato soup
Perfect Homemade Garlic Bread
Creamy vegetable soup
Springtime Soup
Stuffed Maple dijon glazed roasted butternut squash
Summertime stir fry
Sabbat Stuff
Litha Orange Honey Cake
Litha Thyme Chicken
Stuffed Apples for Mabon
Mabon Mug
Imbolc Pretzel wreath
Oatmeal Bread for Lughnasadh
Samhain Mulled Cider
Samhain Irish Apple Cake
Angel's Best
(my favorite recipe posts I've made over the years, plus backstories that sound like your grandmother's reminiscing over the past.)
My first post I ever made. I was pretty new to the tumblr community at the time. I loved kitchen witchcraft, and I'm the type of person who will ramble on about how much I love cooking and baking. This blog gave me an outlet to express my love of cooking, baking, paganism, and witcraft. And these rolls are very tasty, I make them to this day!
Tasty, simple, and a crowd-pleaser. It's perfect for a beginner kitchen witch! It was also the second recipe I ever posted.
It was a recipe given to me by one of my good friends at the time. Every time I make it, it gets devoured in less than 10 minutes. It was also my first recipe to get over 50 notes. I was shocked but ecstatic that so many people would even give it the time of day lol.
These ones were just fun to make and delicious lol.
A quick soup that feeds a lot of people during the fall season. Fall is my favorite season, so of course I'm very biased lol.
I love pumpkin bread and apple cider... So why not combine the two? This one was definitely one of my favorites of all time. Moist pumpkin bread and chocolate chips have to be one of my favorite things on this planet. It also makes for the perfect gift for friends and family. Yummy!
I love dessert loaves of any kind, so naturally, this would be on the list lol.
Super simple comfort food! I love any time of cookie with brown sugar.
I love French toast, and I love positivity~
These are really good! And traditional. If you celebrate Samhain, I recommend you make some soul cakes and have friends and family help decorate. I give the littles a bag of orange frosting and let them go crazy lol.
One of my most recent is my witchy twist on chicken noodle soup!
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the-iceni-bitch · 1 year
She’s Many Places
Relationship: amazon!lawyer Natasha Romanov x petite!curvy fem reader (Big Red and Peach, NLLYL AU)
Word Count: ~1.4k
Summary: You love when Nat comes home.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (titty worship, petting, teasing, f/f sex, mentions of f receiving oral sex), good natured teasing about sugar mommy/baby relationship even though that’s not what they have, so much fluff, age gap relationship, an offended kitten, SMUT! 18+ ONLY!
A/N: Some sapphic fluff for pride (yes I know it’s not still Pride, but that’s a technicality) and oh my god I love these two. They’re so sweet together and playful and they give me the heart eyes 😍
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on my fics, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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Natasha hummed to herself as she shook the rain off her umbrella, grabbing the mail out of the box and taking one last look at the gray sky before walking into the brownstone.
“Baby?” She took off her coat and kicked off her pumps, unpinning her hair as she moved down the hall while Gus wound between her legs. “Peach, are you here?”
“I’m in the living room!” You beamed at her over the top of your book. “Is it still raining?”
“Yeah, it’s gloomy.” She scooped up the kitten and sank next to you on the couch, kissing your cheek before resting her head on your lap. “And work was long. How do you feel about ordering in?”
“I feel fantastic about it.” You ran your fingers through her hair while she pulled out her phone to order something. “I want pasta.”
“Pasta?” She kissed your fingers after you poked her nose affectionately. “We can do pasta. With garlic bread. Split a tiramisu?”
These soft domestic moments were everything with Nat. It was like every moment the two of you spent together just being close made you fall in love with each other even more. Saturdays at the farmers market always left you smiling when she would buy you flowers and you would share fresh blueberry scones. Sunday mornings in bed together where you made her pancakes and the two of you ate in bed and did the crossword while the kitten napped in a sunbeam would set her heart fluttering. And every time it got rainy and gloomy outside when the two of you would just cuddle were perfect.
“Hey peach?” Nat beamed up at you when you peeked down at her, turning and wrapping her arms around you so she could nuzzle into your stomach. “I love you, baby girl.”
“I love you too, Nat.” You giggled when she kissed your tummy, trying not to squirm when she pinched your side and tickled you a little. “Hey!”
“Hey yourself, wait a minute.” She scoffed when she pulled the blanket aside and saw what you were wearing, sitting up and pulling you into her lap while you squealed. “This is my sweatshirt!”
“It’s so comfy!” You laughed when she growled playfully and bit your neck, wiggling in her arms and gasping when she gave you a hickey. “Natasha!”
“What? It’s not like you have to go to the office.” She kissed the mark before pulling the collar of her sweatshirt aside to make another on your collarbone. “Bucky and his beefcake say hi, by the way.”
“My boys! I do miss them.” You tried to stay focused when she started kneading your ass but it wasn’t working. “I am enjoying my life as a sugar baby though.”
“Of course you are.” Nat purred when she edged her fingers under the edge of her sweatshirt and found you were only wearing panties. “Don’t even have to wear your own clothes, get to cuddle the kitten all day, and your pretty little pussy gets all the attention it deserves.”
“Wait, let me mark my page!” You screamed and laughed when she flung you down on the couch and climbed on top of you, your face heating up while the kitten ran off after screaming at the two of you for disturbing him. “Sorry Gus!”
“Gus will be fine.” Natasha grinned as she straddled your hips, her pencil skirt rising up her thighs until you could see the tops of her stockings while she tapped her finger against her plump bottom lip. God, she was hot, you still couldn’t believe she was in love with you sometimes. “Now, the food isn’t going to be here for twenty minutes, should I suck on your tits the whole time or just until your little pussy is all hot and wet then eat you out until you scream for me?”
“Well, I’m already wet.” You bit your lip and arched your back so the sweatshirt started to ride up your tummy, gasping when she reached between the two of you to rub your pussy through your panties. “Feel?”
“Yeah, I feel.” She started petting you while she leaned down to kiss your neck, tutting when you started to take off her sweatshirt. “That stays on. You wear my clothes, you get fucked in my clothes, new rule.”
“Okay.” You whined when she continued rubbing your cunt as she kissed her way down your chest. “You realize that’s not going to discourage me though?”
“It’s not supposed to, hush.” Nat winked at you before pushing her head under the sweatshirt and kissing the undersides of your breasts. “So soft.”
Natasha had never thought of herself as a tits man, but something about yours drove her fucking crazy. Maybe it was the way your pretty nipples would pebble as soon as her breath fanned over them, or when you shivered while she ran her nose along their soft curves. But she was pretty sure it was just because they were yours, and that you were so damn responsive when she paid any attention to them at all. So she started covering your chest with kisses, humming against your skin when you squirmed and whined for her.
Your eyes fluttered closed when she pulled as much of your breast into her mouth as she could and sucked softly, moaning as her tongue swirled around your nipple. She kneaded your other breast with her hand, smiling around your soft flesh when you arched your back to get even closer to her. When she felt you start to vibrate she bared her teeth, biting your nipple gently until you squealed.
“Natasha…” You laughed when she just grunted before kissing her way to your other breast. “One track mind.”
“Yep.” You could practically hear her smirking, but then she sucked on your nipple and pressed her fingers against your swollen clit through your panties and all you could do was whimper.
The rain kept pattering against the window as she worked you over like only she could, adding to the pleasant haze you were in while you gasped and sighed underneath her. She was so warm, so gentle with you. Her fingers kept stroking your pussy while she nibbled on your breast, rubbing your sensitive button until she heard your breath catch. All it took was a little pinch and you came with a squeak, your panties getting even more sticky as you gushed your release.
“Such a messy baby.” Nat ran her nose down your soft stomach slowly, her head slipping out from under her sweatshirt so she could grin at you. “You’re lucky I like it when all my furniture smells like you.”
“Oh my god, perv.” You giggled when she nipped at your hip before rubbing her nose over the gusset of your panties. “You’re such a dirty old lady.”
“Watch your mouth or I’ll spank you instead of licking your pussy.” She buried her face in your cunt and moaned even as she pinched your thigh in warning.
“Oh nooooooooo…” You yelped when she pulled back and swatted your pussy over your panties. “How terrible for me.”
“Oh… shut up.” Nat rolled her eyes before going back to work, taking the crotch of your panties between her teeth and growling mischievously when she started to drag them down your legs.
“Nat!” She didn’t stop when the doorbell rang, just grumbling as she kept dragging your underwear off like she was a riled up frat boy. “That’s the food!”
“But I’ve already got a warm, delicious meal right here.” Nat huffed when you poured at her, sitting up with your panties still in her mouth and giving you a show of sucking your juices out of them before she tossed them aside. “But I know you want your pasta.”
“Thank you.” You tugged the sweatshirt down to cover your hips and covered yourself with the blanket, clapping excitedly when you smelled the bolognese. “You’re the best sugar mommy ever.”
“You’re such a tease.” She pulled you into her lap after handing you your container, kissing your temple when you bit into your garlic bread. “I do love spoiling you, though, sweet little peach. So eat your pasta, and I’ll let you eat all the tiramisu while I have you for dessert.”
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lord-amaranth-12 · 1 year
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(Almost) every food/drink etc. mentioned in obey me nightbringer and shall we date
I'll update with links to the sources soon just bare with me. Also please tell if the link arent working
Update: ill stop linking stuff for now
Update: i alphabetized everything (using https://onlinetoolz.net/alphabetical-order) and removed the ingredients for potions cause i will be moving it to another list. I also edited the layout abit to make it more readable
Update: ill start linking stuff now, have to get all out of my storage and posted here before i get full storage again
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• Abyss crimson bee honey
• Abyss crimson wasp honey
• Alla death cream
• Artic butterfly scales
• Ash fall chocolate brownies
• Assam
• Backstabbing sandwich
• Barely cooked black tapir steak
• Bat leaves
• Bavarian cream
• Bell peppers
• Black cloud chocolate gâteau
• Black coffee of melancholy
• Black shark flavored gummies
• Black tapir casserole
• Bloody marmalade
• Bloody rice omelets
• Bloody soda
• blood-red velvet cupcakes
• BLT devil sandwich
• Blue rose crystal pickles
• Blue rose petals candied in crystal syrup
• Bufo egg milk tea
• Bufo egg milk tea hell poison honey flavored
• Bufo toad
• Bufo toad sushi
• Bulbul bird eggs
• Butter pancakes
• Castella
• Cat cookies
• Colossal jumbo surprise parfait
• Comfort candy
• Crazy ghoul hamburger
• Crimson bonito flake
• Crimson bonito flake dressing
• Crimson dogwood
• Crimson tea
• Crispy chicken nugget LXXXIII
• Crushed millefeuille
• Dark star fruit sandwich
• Death maggot sauce
• Death mask bat chips
• Deaths door sauce
• Deep-fried devil zebra skewers
• Demi-glace sause
• Demon salmon
• Demonic Sausage
• demon silk moth-flavored gummies
• Demonkiller remora
• Demonkiller remora sauté
• Demonus-infused chocolate
• Demon-luring seaweed salt kalbi chips
• Devil cabbage
• Devil cacao bean
• Devil canelé
• Devil chocolate
• Devil chocolate canelé
• Devil duck confit
• Devil flower fruit trifle
• Devil ham
• Devil lohas milk tea
• Devil moray sushi
• Devil salmon meunière sandwiches
• Devil salmon rolled sushi
• Devil salmon terrine
• Devil zebra bacon
• Devil zebra meat sushi
• Devilbee popcorn
• Devildom gummy Horror house flavored
• Devildom-style boneless pararucu
• Devildom-style vampire bat sandwich
• Devils soft serve
• Dragons mark pie crust
• Dreamfeather cookies
• Dreamfeather meringue cookies
• Dried bufo egg
• Earl grey cookies
• Eternal night herbal tea
• Family pack sushi
• Fish meunière
• flaming hot mushrooms
• Flaming toad
• Fluffy egg pancakes
• Fluorescent rich yogurt
• fried devil chicken
• Fruit of wisdom jelly
• Galaxy burger
• Galaxy fries
• Garlic anchovy dip
• Giant shadow sea cucumber cream pasta
• Glazed Shadow chestnut
• gold demonus
• Gold hellfire newt syrup
• grilled vampire bat
• Hamburger gummies
• Hamburger stake
• Hamburger steak
• Haunted hamburgers
• Havoc devil
• Havoc devil ribs
• Hawthorn berry powder
• Hell demon salmon
• Hell pudding
• Hell velvet parfait
• Hellfire chocolate pie
• hellfire curry rice
• Hellfire mushroom rooled cigar
• Hellfire mushrooms
• Hellfire rose
• Hells kitchen hamburger combo
• Heros herbal tea
• Horror's horror cheesecake
• Hunter sandwich
• Instant noodles (hell-sauce flavor)
• Juicy shadow hog rice bowl
• King-sized fried devil chicken
• King-sized hellfire curry rice
• King-sized poison bleu cheese hamburger
• King-sized shadow hog ramen
• Laughingshroom powder
• Little devils white sauce
• Madam scream's super sweet scones
• Magma butter
• Magma butter pasta
• Magma butter scone
• Mandragora powder
• Marinated bufo toad
• Melted cheese
• Mimic latte
• Mint chocolate chip
• Mont blanc
• Nightshade cream
• Ocean of cloud cake-parfait
• Ocean of Clouds cake
• Ordeal orange fondae
• paradise blue
• Pasta alla death cream
• Pickled vampire bat
• poison bleu cheese hamburger
• Poison strawberry
• Poison veggie juice box
• Poison viper worm al ajiilo
• Poison worm sauce
• Poisonous cheese burgers
• Poisonous cheesecake
• Poisonous marsh pudding
• Princess poison apple
• Promised glory donut (?)
• Purgatory mustard
• Quattro Hungry Pizza
• Quetzalcoatl brains
• Quetzalcoatl brains soup
• Rainbow paw print chocolate
• Red riding hood sandwich
• RedxRed apple pie
• Region exclusive Devildom gummy
• RIP burger
• Ruby chocolate éclair
• Sabbat salad
• Salted hell rose petals
• Salt-grilled black goat bat
• Scorpion syrup
• Shadow caramel
• Shadow chestnut
• Shadow chestnut paste
• Shadow chocolate
• Shadow chocolate brownies
• Shadow hof stir fry in demi-glance sauce
• Shadow hog
• Shadow hog buns
• Shadow hog dumplings
• shadow hog ramen
• Shadow hog soup
• Shadow hog steamed bun
• Shadow hog stir fry
• Shadow pork ragu pasta
• Shadow tuna sashimi
• Silver birch sap
• Simeons special BLT devil sandwiches
• Siren bench caviar
• Smoked cocktraice glizzard
• Smoky black loco moco
• Spicy rainbow pizza
• spiderweb powder
• Sponge cake
• Stardust soda
• Starry-sky waffle
• Stonefish Meunière
• Strawberry shortcake
• Super-sized limited-edition beef
• Sweet and salty canned kraken assortment
• Sweet milk tea
• Sweet tears donut
• thick-cut giant devildom slug sauté
• Thunder sparkle flavored gummies
• Toe bean stamp salad
• Troll coffee
• Ultra D
• Unhappy Mega Combo
• Vampire bat
• Venti brashberry frappuccino with double whipped cream and extra berry powder
• Whole roast shadow hog
• Wicked cupcake
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Not in devildom
• Camping meal (Witch camp)
• Cursed goat cheese tartar sandwich (TSL)
• Ema datshi (human world)
• Ginger ale (human world)
• Hamburger (mama's cooking) (levis animes)
• Herbal tea (celestial realm)
• Huckleberry (human world)
• Hyper chili dog (human world)
• Japanese giant salamander (human world)
• Mapo tofu (human world)
• Tornado tomato (human world)
• White mochi balls in syrup (march comes in like a Panda)
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• Barbatos's homemade cake
• Barbatos's homemade pudding
• Celestial tea
• Demon lords castle edition premium demonus
• Demonus with scorpion syrup and spiderweb powder
• Devilcats favorite food
• Leviathans homemade granola
• Lobster
• marshmallow
• Moryo Town's special demonus
• multi colored Jelly
• Popcorn Deaths door flavored
• Popcorn lava salt flavored
• Popcorn magma butter flavored
• Popcorn Tree sap caramel flavored
• Pudding from devilmart
• Ramen infernal bahamit flavor
• Rare flower used in baking as a sweetener
• Really big chocolate bar
• Really big chocolate coin
• Salad from Sound Off, Symphony! Summer band camp storyline
• Sheep cake
• Star-shaped chocolate
• Sun and moon cookies by simeon
• "Little cake thingies"
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• Chocolate mold
• Devildom miso
• Egg berry whole mil
• Marinated bufo toad
• Marzipan
• Meunièr
• Newt
• Surströmming
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cupcraft · 5 months
Im trying to learn to cook, do you have any good recipes for a complete beginner?
Hello anon I am going to link you my fav easy recipes that I've bookmarked over the years. You can also modify these easily for dietary restrictions (use other meat/vegan meat. Use coconut milk/cream instead of heavy cream. etc.). Also add things that make stuff easier for you too like instant rice/pasta!
Turkey meatballs
How to use crockpot/slowcooker drippings to make gravy
Sesame Garlic Pan Fried Tofu
Bison Chili (can use other ground meats & also use a slow cooker btw I've done it)
One pan baked fish & potatoes
Spaghetti Aglio e Olio
Easy chicken marinades
Parm crusted Tilapia
Roast chickpea cous cous bowl
Shrimp & Grits
Ricotta lemon spinach pasta
Super crispy tofu
Shrimp Scampi
Cheeseburger soup
Garlic & Butter shrimp (can server over many easy sides!)
Japanese Curry with Roux Cubes (you can buy any roux cube you like this guide helps you make the curries!)
Slowcooker/crockpot chuck roast
Coconut tofu curry (ive also made this with chicken!)
Cheddar Rosemary Scones (ive also replaced the rosemary with chives before to great success!)
Shepard's Pie (you can also use instant mashed potatoes to make this a lot easier!)
Roasted potatoes
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treason-and-plot · 11 months
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“Where’s Roy?” says Sonia after she has hugged all the children and given Violet a quick but loving kiss on the lips. “Isn’t he coming?”
“Yeah, he's here. He just had to go to the bathroom,” says Henrietta. Violet gives Sonia a knowing look. Sonia arches her eyebrows high in reply. “Later,” Violet mouths. She isn’t going to let Roy ruin her reunion with Sonia, who looks incredible- clear- skinned and animated and glowing with health.
“Are you all better now, Mummy?” says Alexandra.
“Very nearly,” says Sonia with a smile. “I just needed a lot of rest. And some…tools.”
“What kind of tools?” says Angus.
“Coping tools,” says Sonia. ”For when things get a bit too much.”
“Cool,” says Angus. “Are you coming home soon? I’m getting sick of Apollo’s cooking. He puts too much garlic in everything.”
This makes Sonia and Violet laugh. The girls fill Sonia in on what has been happening at school, and the fact that they have all lost baby teeth since Sonia ‘went away.’ Angus’s football team made the semi-finals. The Book Club selection for this month is ‘Down the River Unto the Sea’ by Walter Mosley, chosen by Violet. And their friend Effie announced at the Book Club meeting last week that she’s pregnant!
“That's wonderful. She must be so happy,” says Sonia. “Where was the meeting held? At Lyndall’s house?”
“Yeah, and everyone was bitching about how cold it was, but she wouldn’t turn the heating on,” says Violet. “She served up some delicious lemonade scones, though. I got the recipe.”
“What reason did you give them for me not being there?” says Sonia.
“I just said you weren’t well,” says Violet. “Nobody asked any questions. Well, nobody except Judy, of course. You know what she’s like. But she realised I wasn’t going to tell her anything so she shut up. Eventually.”
“She’s such a gossip,” says Sonia. Angus and the girls ask if they can go for a walk around the grounds.
“There’s a lovely fishpond down the end of that path,” says Sonia. “You should go and have a look. Please makes sure nobody falls in, Angus. And don’t talk to anyone.”
"I've missed you so much," says Violet after the kids are our of earshot, plonking herself down next to Sonia. "I need to give you a proper kiss. Come here."
They are so engrossed that they don't hear Roy approach.
"HELL YEAH," he whoops, punching the air. "That's what I'm talking about. Hey, is either of you hungry? How about both of you scooting over and making some room for a Roy sandwich?"
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morethansalad · 3 months
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Vegan Wild Garlic Scones (Gluten-Free)
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ktarsims · 6 months
Life Updates and Such...
Soooo.... many things! At the moment, I've finally pulled myself somewhat out of the doldrums caused by lack-of-job + job-search-sucks and am making all the preparations for celebrating the end of this year and the start of a new one.
I think I've binged something like 30+ anime series in the last month or so, along with reading many many books.
Today, I've finally got some bots working in the Creator's Cave discord, to make things a bit easier there. There are more updates I still need to do, but it's a start.
My hope for this week, is that in addition to my preparations for New Year's, I'll be able to actually finish my project of turning some of my flower photos into TS3 art. No promises, but I'm hopeful.
Below the cut, for the curious or nosy, the menu and preparations for New Year's.
Before anyone starts to wonder... two of the friends coming to my place for New Year's are really really into Pumpkin, so this is reflected here. Yes, this is probably too much food and drink for... 6 people, but hey... leftovers.
**Food** 1 frozen lasagna, family size 1 batch homemade mac&cheese (made by not me) Cheeses! (Extra sharp white cheddar, brie, various spreadables, 3 varieties of goat cheese) Crackers! (Ritz garlic butter, rosemary flatbread, 5 other assorted) Meats! (Summer sausage, dry salame, fig salame) Tea Sandwiches! (Cream cheese + smoke salmon or cucumber or jam) Scones! (I plan to make at least 3 varieties, but haven't yet decided which.) Oven ready appetizers! (Takoyaki, bagel bites, baked potato skins, loaded tater tots, mini quiches, mozzarella sticks, and more.) Shrimp Cocktail platter Veggie Platter Sweet Maui Onion potato chips Homemade snack mix (Corn Chex, Rice Chex, Pretzels, Cashews, Pistachios, white cheddar cheeze-its, white cheddar cheese puffs)
**Sweets** Pumpkin Spice Twinkies Iced Pumpkin Cupcakes (this is also hostess brand) Yackwa Korean donuts (gift from a neighbor) Assorted flavors of KitKats Pumpkin Pie yogurt covered pretzels Butter Rum Crunch popcorn Bourbon Crunch popcorn Milk Chocolate cherry cordials Other assorted chocolates
**Non-Alcoholic Drinks** Five different flavors of Martinellis sparkling cider Pumpkin Spice cold brewed tea (caffeinated) Pumpkin Creme Rooibos cold brew tea (herbal) Pumpkin Pie cold brew tea (herbal) Various Gatorade
**Alcoholic Drinks** 'Strong Mead' from a cider festival (gift from friend) Expensive bottle of Sake 'Demon Slayer' 1 bottle Louis Perrier Champagne for ringing in the new year Berenjaeger Green Apple Sake Peach Sake Umeshu Plum Wine Matcha Plum Wine (I'm really curious about this one) Butterscotch Shnapps Pumpkin hard Cider Dark Chocolate Cherry Moonshine Eggo Brunch Sippin' Cream A cupboard full of other assorted things that probably won't be looked at.
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laptopcamper · 7 months
Smoking Tiger Coffee & Bread, 2445 E Imperial Hwy, Unit D, Brea, CA 92821, Score: 42/50
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Smoking Tiger is a Korean coffee and bakery in a strip mall in Brea. They serve some Korean coffee roasters (but not exclusively Korean coffee). They’re known for their Jeju matcha drinks.
Score: 42/50
Food: 5/5 – Freshly baked offerings include cookies, scones, croissants, financiers, cream cheese garlic bread, etc. They have so many different kinds of croissants, including milk strawberry, halloumi, and double corn. Grab a tray and help yourself. They can heat up pastries.
Coffee: 4/5 – Beans sourced from Korea and SoCal. Cappuccino was nice but a little bitter.
Wi-fi: 5/5 – Free, unlimited, password posted at the coffee station
Ambiance: 5/5 – Small place, newly remodeled, white tile, purple accents, cozy bakery feel
Noise: 3/5 – Pretty quiet except some people can be very chatty. Loud pop music (not Kpop though)
Plugs: 3/5 – Some along the wall
Parking: 5/5 – Park as long as you want in the strip mall
Comfort: 3/5 – Wood bench style seating, padded chairs, small tables
Bathroom: 4/5 – One unisex, cute decor
Art: 5/5 – Contemporary Korean art
Tips: Coffee beans and coffee accessories for sale. They sell some of their own merch. They sell cold Korean drinks.
“Laptop Campers Unite!”
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