#gave him scars that look like mine btw. if you even care
corpsoir · 2 years
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more men with their transgender tits out now please
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fili-urzudel · 10 months
Hello!! Could you do 14, 15 and 31 with Fili? Romantic or platonic, up to you. Thank you 💜
13. Sitting together
14. Handholding
15. Sharing a blanket (potentially violent)
31. Stargazing
This combination is classic and oh-so-fluffy, and with my favorite Dwarf to boot! I went ahead and added another prompt as well.
Everyone lives AU, because there is no other ending in my mind.
BTW I'm sick :( but I'm going to try to get at least one other prompt request out this week
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.8k
Moonrise - Fíli Durin x Reader
The Durin's Day festival was always fun, but it was all the more spectacular in the newly reclaimed Erebor.
"The first autumn equinox since the mountain was reclaimed, can you believe it?" Fíli said with a bright smile, looking with pride at the crisscrossing bridges and vaulted ceilings of the entrance to the mountain. There was still plenty of work to be done, to be sure, but its improvement was impressive regardless.
"And in a couple days, the anniversary of when it was reclaimed," you nodded in agreement. "A few months after that, the anniversary of the first time you walked around by yourself."
"Hush, I'm trying to enjoy this," Fíli gave you a fake scowl, unconsciously probing the scar hidden beneath his tunic.
You changed directions. "Of course, my Prince," you teased. "You look very nice today."
You meant it. His hair was freshly washed, the slightly damp strands frizzing out in the cool morning air. Each bead was carefully placed, a few decorative gold ones added in place of a crown. His tunic was a smooth yet understated silk underneath his leather vest and wool coat. Every detail was precisely placed, the burnt oranges and browns blending seamlessly. He had clearly been seen to with the utmost care. He looked like royalty, even without the royal garb. Most importantly, he was healthy.
His smile softened, his cheeks turning a bit pink under his mustache. "Thank you," he glanced to the ground before looking back up at you. "And you're beautiful as ever."
You blushed deeper than him, unused to compliments. You plucked at the placket of your own wool coat, dyed a deep woad blue. It was your favorite. "Thank you," you said, choosing for once to believe him. "What duties do you have today?"
"None, surprisingly," Fíli breathed. "Thorin's let me have a break, so I can enjoy the first festival in our new home right alongside you." Something about that little word, our, set your heart ablaze. "You want to stick with me?"
"If you'll have me," he smiled again. That smile was impossible to resist.
"Of course I will."
Erebor had been steadily growing over the past year, but that day, it seemed more alive than ever. The market squares were full, overflowing into the wide side streets. Jewelry, blades, shields, ceramics, sculptures--anything made out of earth or in forges were certainly found somewhere in the expansive space. The Ereborian dwarves' tentative friendship with the Men of Dale caused new, less traditional stands to pop up as well: flower stalls, street food vendors featuring fish dishes, and clothing and homeware shops full of bolts of linen. The mountain had only dwarves—and Bilbo—in its halls, a presently rare occurrence, and so you were all free to speak Khuzdul, the sharp sounds ringing pleasantly in your ears.
The two of you strolled as quickly as possible through all the markets had to offer, determined not to miss the afternoon's performances. You exercised exemplary self-restraint, only stopping at one of every five stalls that caught your eye.
"No," became a very popular word as well, what with resisting Fíli's unceasing offers to purchase anything you liked.
"Well, if you will not spend any of your share of the treasure, I must spend some of mine and relieve what must be the terrible, stifling boredom of your living quarters, my friend," he teased, mustache beads swinging from side to side.
"I will have no prince wasting his money on me."
"Oh, it's never a waste if it's you," Fíli told you surely.
There he went again, saying things that made your palms sweat and your cheeks flush. "You're too kind."
Fíli smirked at the way you diverted your gaze. "Well, if I cannot buy you a rug, at least allow me to buy you lunch," he gestured to a permanent restaurant on the corner that was swarmed with dwarrow.
You couldn't help a smile at that. "Hot stew?" You asked, referring to the almost overpoweringly spicy meat-and-potato stew that was a dwarven classic. Benron's was your favorite.
"As hot as you like, of course," He agreed, guiding you forward with a gentle hand on your back.
The stew made your eyes stream in the best way, and you pulled Fíli out of the restaurant scarcely once he was finished eating. "We have to find good seats!" You reasoned as he raised an eyebrow, still wiping his mouth.
"You do realize that Thorin has the best seats, and by extension, we do as well?"
"Right," you said. You had forgotten. Somehow, none of the Durins were royalty in your mind. They were still your traveling companions, dirt poor and looked at as crazy.
"Still, it is sort of nice to take a seat before everyone starts filtering in and it gets too loud," Fíli reassured you. "After you."
The grand presentation began with a song to the mountain. In the ancient tradition, singing was a way to ask the mountain to reveal its secrets, a careful gathering of tones that would uncover its nature.
This song, however, was made more to please the ears of the listener. It was a song of thanks, of hardly believing that this mountain was once again the shelter for her people. You tried your best to control the tears that rose to your eyes.
Fíli leaned over, bumping your shoulder with his. You gave a small smile that he returned, and you could see in his eyes that he was thinking of all that it took to get there.
"We did it," you whispered.
"Yeah, we did."
The opening songs were followed by traditional dances, a speed-forging competition, and a few spars. You cheered on the brothers as they fought each other, with a healthy dose of brotherly teasing. Fíli let his little brother win, or so he told you. The look on Kíli's face was more than worth it. You congratulated him and let them both clean up as you headed to the gates.
The gates were still open, cool air pouring into the mountain as the sun dropped in the sky.
Dale was dimmer than usual—the city was empty. The men were lining the edge of the water with candles. This equinox now also marked the anniversary of the fall of Laketown and many of their loved ones. The dwarves tried their best to be respectful of their vigil.
You leaned against the wall and watched. You hoped they found peace and remembered to enjoy their new lives. Bard, standing at the back of the group, turned around. He caught your eye and nodded.
"Come with me, I think we should see something," Fíli's low whisper startled you from your reverie, and his hand wrapping around yours even more so.
"Where are we going?" You asked, not that it mattered. With his hand in yours, you'd probably follow him anywhere.
He led you on a trek around the front of the mountain, the setting sun turning everything orange and making his hair appear as flames as you went.
Caught in the daze of bliss, it took you a while to notice what was draped over his other arm. "Wait, is that—I told you not to buy that!"
It was the woven blanket you had noticed earlier, the tapestry depicting sunrays falling through a thick forest of firs. "And what if I bought this for myself? I have uses for it."
"Then it's alright, I suppose."
"You can keep it once I'm done with it, though."
"Sly fox."
"Coin pincher."
"Seriously, though, where are we going?" You asked.
Fíli smiled at you. "A certain very large staircase."
You gasped. "Leading to a secret doorway?"
"The very same. I figured, since we were both trying to help Kili, erm, not die, we missed the excitement, and now we can see it for ourselves."
"That's extraordinarily thoughtful of you."
"Eh, I'd say averagely thoughtful at best," Fíli shrugged.
"Perfectly suitable for me," you told him.
The achingly long trip up the staircase was rewarded with a very nice sight: another, less decorative blanket spread across the stone, a couple flat pillows, and three lanterns, already lit and ready to face the darkness.
"When did you find time to do this?" You asked Fíli, grinning from ear to ear.
"I have my ways," he said mysteriously. "And help."
"That's where Bofur, Bilbo, and Dori disappeared to," you observed. "I see. Well, it's very sweet of all of you."
"I'm glad you think so," Fíli said, still holding your hand as he guided you to sit on the blanket with him.
The stairs had taken longer than anticipated, so the sun was already almost gone. You quieted as you realized how close the time was. The two of you watched in quiet admiration as the moon rose, bright and perfect, into the sky, before you turned, hoping to catch a glimpse of the door.
You gasped. "There it is!" The moonrise revealed the shape of a perfectly hidden keyhole. "That is very neat, indeed."
"Mmhm," Fíli agreed. "Beautiful." The keyhole was not what he thought was beautiful. He wasn't actually looking at the door at all, but rather you, and the way the moonlight reflected off every spectacular detail of your face.
He had never known quite when he started to feel this way, only that he didn't in the Blue Mountains, when he barely knew you, and he did now.
You turned your gaze from the keyhole once the wonder had made a comfortable space in your heart, and looked to the stars, all too aware of how close Fíli was.
You read out the constellations to yourself in the comfortable silence, assuming the prince was doing the same. You then heard him shift.
"Lay with me," Fíli offered, and you turned around in record time, cheeks blazing and eyes wide.
He was already lying down with his head on one of the pillows. "To watch the stars more comfortably."
"Alright," you said, voice quiet. You scooted down until you could lay your head on the other pillow, before changing your mind. You decided to take a risk and settle your head on his chest instead.
"Is this alright?" You asked immediately. The last thing you wanted was for him to be uncomfortable in this situation.
"Of course it is," he said softly, his arm raising to hold your waist. "I enjoy being close to you."
It wasn't quite a grand confession, but it was good enough for your heart to begin hammering in your chest. "I enjoy being close to you, too."
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F/M Pairing: Y/N x Seo Changbin (SKZ)
Warnings: Smut, Smut, Smut (and explicit language with some mentions of violence)
Word Count: 3K
Summary: There was an undeniable relief when the referee held up Changbin’s hand to declare him the winner. Meanwhile, Y/N tried to relax inside his locker room, waiting for Changbin to return, just like he always promised.
A/N: Since everyone is losing their minds over Changbin today, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to release this little slice of smut. BTW I was kinda inspired by the movie Southpaw.
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“Ladies and Gentlemen, your lightweight champion of the world!”
I held my breath, watching the television screen as Changbin threw his fists into the air, celebrating his victory while holding his mouthpiece between his teeth. The crowd was screaming his name, roaring with their delight for his defeat of an opponent who had been taunting him for weeks at the press conferences leading up to tonight’s event. He had never once felt intimated by the man who was being carried out of the ring by local medical staff, and Changbin approached the camera with extra swagger in his steps, showing off the bruises and scars decorating his flushed skin. “I’m the champion,” he practically growled, revealing the title belt wrapped securely around his waist.
I shivered at the dark look in his eyes, leaning further back on the bench in his locker room. It was never easy to watch Changbin’s fights, wincing every time he was hit by a rival, or when he fell to the mat after suffering from a powerful blow. There was never a moment when he wasn’t a canvas of battle wounds, and I often took my time bandaging him after his matches, ensuring that I took care of my husband since he often disregarded such trivial affairs.
But they mattered to me, and I had voiced my complaints regarding Changbin’s chosen career path. It was a dangerous sport, and the risk of suffering from something greater than a few scrapes was constantly hanging over my head. Nevertheless, I was also aware that he had so much passion for the sport, and I would likely never convince him to stop because he was addicted to the rush of adrenaline that left him in a permanent state of exhaustion.
So, I always tried to support him, and I maintained a pleasant smile when I heard Changbin enter the locker room. He smirked in my direction, reaching behind him to undo his title belt before draping it across the long metal bench next to me. “Did you see me out there, sweetheart?” Changbin asked, seeking my approval which I always gave him.
“You did so good, Binnie,” I told him in return. “Will you let me take care of your hands?”
Changbin startled at the question, looking down at his fists as if just realizing that blood was steadily pouring from the knuckles. He nodded in response, keeping his eyes trained on the wounds while I fetched the first aid kit from the back room. Meanwhile, he carefully sat down on the bench. “I didn’t even realize...” Changbin trailed off, watching me as I knelt down in front of him to carefully clean the mangled skin with an antiseptic wipe before unwrapping a fresh layer of gauze to secure the wound.
“You usually don’t,” I said, pressing a soft kiss to the each hand before glancing up at him. “But I’ll always be here to take care of it.”
Changbin grinned, reaching out to brush a strand of hair away from my eyes. “I love you, Y/N.”
My heart ached in my chest at the meaningful sentiment, returning the words as I pressed a gentle kiss to his lips while also being mindful of the cut that had previously split the skin in a different fight. His lips were chapped, but I didn’t mind, tracing their shape with my tongue before I attempted to pull away from him. However, one of Changbin’s hands came around to the back of my head to hold me in place, chasing after my lips like a man starved for touch. “Binnie,” I whispered between kisses, growing increasingly breathless from his ministrations.
“Come up here,” he suggested with a sly smirk, patting his lap with both hands. I nodded before carefully straddling his thick thighs which were covered by the tight material of his shorts, wrapping my arms around his neck as he tightened his grip on my waist. “Beautiful,” he declared, reclaiming my mouth once again as his tongue made a leisurely swipe against my teeth, deepening our kiss and steadily grinding his hips into mine. I whimpered because the outline of his erection was even more apparent in the shorts that always complimented his lean body, hugging tightly to his legs and emphasizing the roundness of his ass. I moaned just thinking about about the mental image, remembering how the sweat glistened on Changbin’s well-built torso after his match, and I could feel his fingers working apart the buttons on my blouse.
I allowed the shirt to fall from my shoulders, collecting against the creases of my elbows in a delicate fashion. It exposed more of my upper body to the colder air permeating the locker room that was suddenly alive with the sound of our heavy panting and the wet smack of our lips. Changbin groaned low in his chest, allowing me to collect my breath while he trailed his lips down my neck and collarbones, brushing his mouth against the swell of my breasts. I met his dark gaze as he looked up at me, mouthing against my nipples through the thin fabric of my silken bra, forming a stain from the heat of his tongue. It was nothing short of sinful, and I couldn’t help but moan at the contradiction between the warmth of his mouth and the pleasant sting from his teeth.
“Yes,” I whispered, trembling because the friction was delicious against my sensitive flesh, watching Changbin leave behind colorful bruises to affect the pale skin of my chest. I closed my eyes in pure delight, moving my hands away from his shoulders to move down his massive chest, feeling the impossible strength in his pectoral muscles and the faint abdominal lines leading to the waistband of his shorts. His body was built like an Adonis, and I was incredibly lucky to have such intimate access to someone who dedicated a good portion of their time to sculpting those hard muscles.
I was drawn out of my lustful haze when Changbin finally removed my shirt from my arms, reaching behind me for the clasp to my bra, which left me bare and openly displayed for his eyes. “Now, we’re even,” he grumbled against my throat, nipping at the skin that was pulled taut as I threw my head back to allow him better access.
There was a noticeable air of dominance surrounding my husband, and his aggression was growing more and more apparent as he marked me with his teeth. As a result, my legs tightened around his thighs, and I could feel my panties growing damp with my arousal. “Changbin, please,” I said, desperate for more.
It caught his attention, and Changbin finally paused long enough to look at me before I suddenly found myself on my back, gasping because the cold metal of the bench was harsh against my exposed skin. His sudden display of strength caught me off-guard, and I watched as he moved further down the bench to wrestle my jeans and panties down my legs, growling low in his chest before throwing them into the floor. I whined again because there was something undeniably vulnerable about my current position: completely naked and exposed for Changbin who sauntered above me while palming his cock over the material of his shorts. “Touch yourself for me, slut,” he snarled, and I arched my back against the intensity of his gaze.
Nevertheless, I accommodated his request, jerking my hips at the first touch of my index finger against my throbbing clit, which was suddenly desperate for some form of release. I delicately circled the tiny bud, whining Changbin’s name after I realized that everything was too sensitive, and it hurt when I attempted to increase the speed of my touches. At the same time, I could barely stand to meet Changbin’s intimidating gaze, turning my head to the side as I parted the folds of my labia to tease one finger inside of my drenched pussy. “Oh!” I gasped, reacting to the sudden penetration and the way it caused my legs to shake as they fought to close against the intrusion.
“Keep your legs spread,” Changbin said, reaching down to interfere, and I moaned when he parted my thighs, fingers digging bruises into the skin. “I want to see you come like this.”
I shook my head because I was feeling overwhelmed, but I still continued to test my limits, adding another finger and using my free hand to tease my clitoris, increasing the pressure while timing the thrusts inside of my tight heat. I could feel myself clenching around my own fingers, responding to the light, but pleasurable touches. My entire body was shaking with my growing need to come, and my hips were grinding down in a desperate attempt to chase the irresistible vibrations that were contributing to the slowly building climax in my lower abdomen. 
However, even as I continued to pump my fingers inside of my warm cunt, I thought about Changbin and how much I desperately wanted him to take control, but he had an impeccable resolve. If he set his mind to something, then he would do everything in his power to see it come to fruition. The only way that I would see any kind of pleasure from his cock was after I managed to push myself over the edge on my own. It was still nice, though, focusing on how well I was stretching myself in preparation for him, and how good it felt to fill myself with anything, even if it had to be my fingers.
Thankfully, I was starting to approach my release, and I whimpered at the embarrassingly loud squelching sounds that were disturbing the quiet of the locker room. There was an undeniable pressure building in my tightening core, responding to an intense combination of the delicious friction from my fingers and the weight of Changbin’s gaze as he continued to watch me while stroking himself over his shorts. But then again, just thinking about his cock was enough to drive me insane.
I bit my lower lip to keep myself from moaning when I finally came, riding out the waves of my first orgasm as my hips continued to roll desperately, rising and falling against the metal bench underneath me. There were tears steadily falling from the corners of my eyes, and I had only started to remove my fingers when I felt Changbin grab my thighs to jerk me down to the edge of the bench. I looked at him through lidded eyes as he tugged down his shorts, allowing them to pool into the floor as he took another step forward. I groaned when I saw his cock, thick and erect, and I felt my mouth start to salivate as I remembered how it felt to taste him inside my mouth. The tip was painted with an angry red color, and I lifted myself into a sitting position. “Can I?” I asked him, placing a tender kiss against the underside of his cock.
Changbin inhaled sharply as he reached out with both hands, wrapping his fingers through my hair as he brought me even closer to his erection, allowing the head to slip obscenely across the seam of my lips. “My little slut can have whatever she wants,” Changbin replied, and I needed no further encouragement before opening my mouth and inviting my tongue to taste the bead of precum that had gathered on the tip. The result was bitter, but I relaxed my throat and took him as deep as I could manage, bobbing my head up and down the full length of his erection. Changbin grunted at my efforts, planting his feet on the floor as he gave an experimental thrust, and I started choking around him, pulling off to gather my breath before trying again. 
“Such a good girl for me,” Changbin purred, and he was more affectionate when his fingers traced my lips that were stretched around the girth of his cock. I moaned around him, watching as he closed his eyes to savor the vibrations that I had caused. “That’s right,” he said, gripping his cock at the base to feed me more of his erection until my nose touched his public hair, and the sting at the back of my throat had more instinctual tears falling down my face.
After several more successive thrusts into the warm heat of my mouth, Changbin pulled me away from his cock, breathing heavily as he reached for my waist. My legs trembled under me as he manhandled my body into the position that he wanted, bending me over the edge of the bench as he drug his cock against the crevice of my ass. There was no denying that I was a mess at this point, crying because of my overpowering need for him, and pushing back against his hips as he continued to tease me, dragging the tip of his cock against my wet slit. 
My breath caught around a moan when I felt him finally end my suffering, pushing the full length of his cock inside at a slow pace. My eyes practically rolled to the back of my head as I supported myself on my forearms, arching my back for a better angle until his hips were flush against my ass. “Changbin,” I whimpered, feeling incredibly full from the sensation of his cock stuffed deep inside where it belonged, and I was practically split open around his impressive girth.
I sniffled as I squeezed myself around him, grateful that he was giving me time to adjust, before I reached back for one of the hands that were still holding my hips. I gave him a reassuring squeeze, and he moaned in response. “So fucking tight for me,” Changbin said, and he started grinding his hips in steady circles, grazing over a pleasurable spot that managed to heighten the warm haze settling over the center of my chest. It was nice to savor the thickness of his cock, and I gasped when Changbin began to pull out, teasing me with just the tip before ending my pain and filling me again and again. In the meantime, he whispered words of praises, telling me how good I looked from behind, taking his cock like I had been made for him. His words mixed scandalously with the smack of his hips, joining the chorus of my moans and grunts as I felt myself quickly unraveling from the inside, crying even louder when one of Changbin’s hands tangled itself into my hair, pulling back and forcing me to arch my back even more.
The new angle was addicting, and my pussy was throbbing as he started to increase the pace of his well-timed thrusts, finding an easy rhythm as he played with my body like it was personal toy to be used whenever he needed pleasure. But I didn’t mind the idea, and I loved how much stronger he was, moving my body around to his liking. He liked to experiment with interesting positions, and I gasped when Changbin kicked my feet further apart, spreading my legs even wider as he somehow managed to leave me feeling utterly wrecked and destroyed around his cock. 
“It’s so good,” I slurred when Changbin brought another hand down between us, finding my clit with expert fingers. I moaned when he started to stimulate the throbbing organ with tight circles, knowing the best way to break me down. And the dueling sensations of his cock penetrating my desperate cunt and his fingers assaulting the swollen bud were bringing me even closer to the edge. 
I wasn’t surprised when my walls started tightening around his cock in response to my impending orgasm. Desperately, I started bucking my hips against his, meeting him on every thrust as I felt my vision start to blacken around the edges. Even so, I managed to look over my shoulder at Changbin, listening to his heavy panting as he closed his eyes and tossed his head to the side, thrusting even harder into my aching core and hitting my G-spot repeatedly from deep inside.
The visual was enough to break me, and I came around him with a muted scream, wrapping my hand over my mouth as he continued to push into me over and over again as I rode out my second orgasm. I cried when everything grew distorted around me, and Changbin was still chasing his own orgasm, dragging his thick cock against the fluttering walls of my pussy as I swallowed him again and again. Everything was suddenly veering on the edge of overstimulated, and I was whining and crying from the pleasure, chanting his name while my lower arms started shaking with the threat of giving out at any moment.
“Y/N!” Changbin grunted, and his hips stuttered in place once, twice, and then three times before he came inside, and I could feel his warm seed fill me to the brim. “Holy shit,” he cursed, allowing his flaccid cock to fall from my leaking pussy. 
I swallowed around a deep inhale, barely keeping myself up as I managed to  maneuver myself onto my back, looking up at Changbin as he towered over me. “Binnie,” I called for him, stretching out my arms in his direction.
“You look so good like this, sweetheart,” Changbin said, and he gently wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up into the air as he encouraged my legs to lock around his waist. “We can take a shower here,” Changbin said, pressing kisses against my lips. “Then, we’ll go home, okay?”
I nodded, feeling drowsy from everything that had happened. But there was no better place in the world than being wrapped around my husband, reveling in his strength as he supported both of us. I closed my eyes as I buried my face into the side of his neck, savoring his warmth because he always managed to make me feel safe and loved.
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Of Blood and Bonds - Chapter 5
"Father you know I respect you." Damian said and everyone at the dining table stilled as they were about to get up and leave. "But I must admit, as my brothers would say, you've majorly fucked up." 
Bruce sighed. He had thought about that - had Alfred scold him for having benched Damian - for doing as Damian had said and taking out his anger about his own failures on his other children. But that didn't make this any easier.
"Damian I know you're mad I didn't tell you about your sister-"
"Oh this is not about that. Well not entirely. They are connected but this is not about Marinette alone." When no one spoke, he took it as his cue to continue. 
"You saw in her files that there were some vague details about her being possessed by an akuma. Did you figure out what they are? Because I have an its not pretty. Actually, it's bad enough to warrant an intervention of the Justice League as a whole but my sister tells me that they were told not to waste the JL's time." 
His youngest's face was worryingly blank. It reminded him of all the times he was set upon something and right now it seemed that his new focus was his older sister. Bruce supposed, he should be thankful that Damian's attention towards her was not of the murderous kind. 
"What do you mean?" He made sure to keep his voice free from emotions. 
"From what she told me, they asked for help several times until someone from the JL dismissed their problems as a prank, a joke without any investigation or anything about their claims."
Someone was going to be hearing from Batman soon. 
"And what about the akumas?" 
"It's enough to need more than one member of the JL. I've see a video of one of the attacks, it's...horrifying and according to Marinette it was one of the tamer ones." 
"Do you have them?" His sons all looked annoyed and he knew they were probably thinking that he was letting superhero work take precedence over his family again. But that was how he worked. He didn't know what to do about the situation with Marinette but this - this could find a solution to. 
"There are videos of them online." 
Damian seemed to take that as his cue to get up and walk away. 
"I'll play the videos in the cave." 
Marinette hadn't necessarily had the best time in the last years but one thing he had definitely learned was who were her real friends and who weren't.
It was before the worst month of her life but things had already started taking a turn for the worse for her at that point. 
Her so called friends all started to believe Lila over her, started to - as she now knew - emotionally blackmail her, only gave her the time of the day whenever she did something for them or to scold her for whatever she apparently did for poor Lila. 
She was oh so tired and every second she wasted made her feel more guilty. 
Hawkmoth had come back more enraged than ever after the Miracle Queen incident and she had done the mistake of lending the more Miraculous out.
She had given Kagami and Luka both different Miraculous for them to fight alongside her because they both have strong spirits and a good resonance with several kwamis but... let's just say that she would never forgive herself for what they had to experience because of her.
In desperation, she tried to find other holders that she hadn't used before who resonated but that...that had been a huge mistake. She almost lost more than one Miraculous that day. 
She was their Guardian. And that day she vowed that she would die first before letting something happen to the Kwamis.
She was fighting alone now. Chat Noir...Chat Noir was even more pushy about revealing themselves after the the chaos that had occured. He hindered more than he helped, never showing up on time. 
Things had come to head one day as she walked into class. The whole incident had involved a bunch of sheep and a ripped sketchbook - hers to be precise. 
It proved to actually be a relief to let go if them. She had never realized how much their 'friendship' had been dragging her down. 
I got permission to use this fic as a reference for her backstory so check it out. Thanks for that btw.
That experience proved to be helpful later when she felt like there was no one she could trust. 
Apprenticeship with Master Fu had since long taught her that it was better to feel than to see. She had learnt to recognise auras rather than faces and in the end that might have been her saving grace - or well at least the start of her path back to sanity. 
She had learnt to see and remember the auras of her friends rather than anything else because afterall the soul didn't lie.
After everything, well her reliance on auras had only increased. 
Meeting her brothers had been amazing and even more so now that it seemed that they wanted to have a relationship with her.
But one things that bothered her were their auras. 
It wasn't that they were bad - it was that they were scarred, hardened and she could basically see that they had suffered in the past. 
The worst of them were probably Jason and Damian. Their auras made it very clear that they had been dipped in the Lazarus pits.
Jason...Jason's soul had been corrupted at such a point that she doubted that the pits had been used for anything less than bringing him back from the dead. 
And Damian - Damian's soul seemed to have some of the pits as a foundation. She gathered that he had been dunked into the pools more than once when he was a child. There was something else in his aura too that showed that he had died not long ago too. 
There was also another aura that seemed to have to have linked with both of them which made her sure of their last fates and Marinette shuddered to think what had happened to them. 
She had to remind herself that the past was in the past and while she couldn't change that, she could at least help them have a better future. 
So, one could say, that she was nervous for this upcoming dinner.
The dinner didn't go as expected - at all. 
Firstly, they were late. All of her brothers and sister were late, very very late. Marinette was not impressed, especially give that Damian wasn't answering his phone. 
But this was Gotham, the few kwamis she had brought with her reasoned, there was probably a problem and wasn't it better that were safe inside than stuck outside and hurt? 
Just as she was about to say screw it and transform using the fox Miraculous to see if she could help the bats, she felt the magic around the house shift. 
Marinette focused in the disturbance and closed her eyes reaching out for their auras. She soon snapped her eyes open and let a smile come on her face - she knew those auras. But why were they entering from the window? 
Marinette shrugged it off and signalled the kwamis to hide while she went to greet them. 
She was not ready for the sight that she came upon. Her siblings were all in a state of disarray and it looked like they were trying to be silent. 
They were of course failing miserably given what seemed to be a bullet wound in Jason and a stab would in Dick and the rest of them all seemed to have been beat up to at least some degree.
"What the fuck?" Marinette felt like the situation called for her language to be excused. 
They all froze in place before slowly turning to look at her. 
"Uh hey." Dick or should she say Nightwing because apparently she wasn't stressed enough gave her a short wave.
She cursed and buried her face in her hands. "Of course I can't have normal siblings."
"Siblings?" Black Bat seemed suprised. She couldn't recognize her aura, Marinette decided that she must have been Cassandra. 
"You must be confused ma'am." Red Robin jumped in and Marinette rolled her eyes. "I'm not stupid Timothy." And then just to prove her point she point at each one of them in turn. "Jason, Dick, Damian and who I'm guessing is Cassandra."
"What makes you say that?" Tim seemed to be ever the player of words. 
She sighed, knowing they wouldn't budge until she proved that she truely believed her words. 
"Well, why else would you be here?"
"Uh because it was the nearest place we found to nurse our wounds and last time we checked this place was abandoned?"
"Let's say that's true. Wouldn't it make more sense for you to go a place where you could actually have access to supplies to treat your wounds? Not to mention the fact that that-" she pointed at the hole in Jason's shoulder. "-is a bullet wound and I heard no gunshot. And lastly, what a coincidence it is that Black Bat who is known to work in Hong Kong comes back to Gotham at the same time as my sister Cassandra who from what I've heard also is currently living in Hong Kong too." 
No one replied. 
"So do you want to continue arguing or are you idiots going to let me help you before you bleed all over my floor."
Unsurprisingly it was Damian who moved the first - it made sense, he was the one who had spent most time with her and at least had a modicum of trust in her. 
He removed his mask and met her eyes. "Do you have a first-aid kit?"
She nodded. "Get in the bathroom and get those two in the tub." She nodded towards Dick and Jason. I'll bring it to you." 
Marinette hurried to her bed room to find her probably over-packed first aid kit. She had brought it for herself so that in case of a bad akuma attack she could take care of her wounds - after all her cure took care of everyone else before her, she had enough scars to prove that not that she could distinguish them from those the cat had given her.
She was glad to see that they had followed her instructions. Jason and Dick were seated in her honestly huge tub and they along with the rest had made themselves comfortable, having discarded their armor. 
She placed the first-aid kit down and kneeled next to Dick. She felt that the stove would in the stomach took more precedence. 
Jason reached out for the kit but Marinette batted his hand away. 
"You're injured, sit down quietly." She snapped and to everyone's surprise, he did as he was told. 
Marinette started treating their wounds, thanking the kwamis that she had done a medical course as soon as she had realised that her wounds could not heal from the cure. 
She had finally taken care of the more dangerous wounds and Marinette had enough of them squirming so she broke the silence "So, why in the world did you come here instead of going to your hyper-tech batcave with most certainly more medical facilities than my humble abode?"
She had to supress a smile as the boys looked among themselves. Finally it was Cassandra that replied. 
"Did not want to miss dinner. You." 
"Well you were already two hours late, you could just have sent me a text that you'd be a little more late."
"Didn't want to take chance."
Marinette smiled up at her. "Well I'm done, come on, I'll get you some clothes to change into."
"I don't think you'll have anything that will fit us."
"I'm a designer." She called over her shoulder. "I always have spares. Anyways, Cassandra-" 
"Right, well Cass come with me, we're about the same size, you can take something of mine."
She led Cass to her bedroom and guided her to her wardrobe while she picked something for the boys.
She totally hadn't hoped to see her siblings during this trip and had this made something for them. Nope. Absolutely not.
She handed each of them their clothes. "Choose a room if you want, I have more than enough of them, then come down, I'm re-heating the food."
She smiled at Damian as he came down the stairs. "I tried my hand at some Arabic food. I hope you like it." 
The boy looked awed. He walked to her and gave her a hug. "You're my new favourite sibling." Marinette laughed and pressed a kiss in his hair. "I love you too little brother."
She heard the disbelieving whisper of Demon Spawn? And looked up to see the rest. 
She squeezed Damian's shoulder one last time before she pulled away, guiding him to sit down.
"Well dig in. You must be famished after your fight."
They did exactly that and soon were making their appreciation known. 
"It's the first time I've attempted Arabic food, I don't know if I got the spices right.*
"It's delicious Pixie Pop. Don't worry.*
"Todd's right Mari. I haven't eaten anything this good since I came to Gotham."
"Really? Alfred didn't immediately dote on you and cook you all the food you wanted. "
He looked uncomfortable. "I was a difficult child back then."
"Was?" Jason snorted while Dick elbowed him. 
Casssandra intervened. "You good at cleaning wounds. Hands stable."
"Yes well unfortunately it's not the first time I've had to do this."
"How come?" 
"Did Damian tell you about the akuma attacks?" They nodded. "Well, Paris had since adapted to handle the akuma attacks. A lot of people have taken medical courses for extensive first aid to be able to help the unfortunate victims of an akuma."
"I thought that your superhero reversed all the damage."
"Well yeah. But Ladybug was insistent to make it clear that they couldn't bank everything on her. If she's taken down, everything's lost."
"This has been going for how many years. How do you still trust that hero?"
"And for how many years have the Joker been spreading his terror?" She asked drily and saw several of them recoil - Jason and Tim especially. 
"Ladybug is doing all that she can only get so far with Chat Noir around."
"Chat Noir? I thought that he was her partner?"
"He's supposed to be but we'll these days he causes more trouble than he stops. People hope he doesn't show up because the battles are always over quicker when he's not there." She could see that they wanted to ask more but number one she didn't want to talk about Chat Noir and number two she felt like if she continued talking, she would slip up and say something she shouldn't know and the risk of them catching it was greater since they were themselves heroes.
"And anyways, Hawkmoth only comes out in a blue moon and that's only when he has a lot of faith in his plans."
"So there are a lot of these akuma attacks?" 
"I guess it's kind of become a daily event by this point. People plan stuff taking it into consideration and if we're unlucky, there will be more than one in a day."
"So what type of akumas are there?"
"It depends really over what you've been akumatized. We've had a Pharaon, a Mime, Mr Pigeon and Mr Rat as well as Syren in the first year." 
"Those seem like... interesting characters." Jason said. 
"Wait until you hear this." Marinette snorted. "We had a Batman knock-off once, Owlman - he had his own electronic butler and everything."
The bats shared a look before they all bursted out laughing at once. 
How could they not, imagining Bruce's face upon learning of this?
"You need to tell us this story."
Marinette was more than eager to comply. 
It's too long so I'm gonna reblog the rest
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
Okay, I realize there's nothing in Noiren's tag so maybe you don't play him very much, but I'm a sucker for a SW so hurt-comfort prompt #1- Person A is feeling down and Person B does not like to see them this way, so they start to bring them food, a nice cup of tea and their favourite blanket.- wherein A is Noiren, maybe after a nice lightning session with Baras, and B is a dubiously-worried Vette, possibly doing a terrible job of this comfort thing?
So these are taking me forever and I am so sorry about that x.x my college work takes up so much of my time.
So in the story I've written for him and his siblings, Noiren actually doesn't have Vette(or any of the swtor companions) on his ship. BUT I love Vette and love writing my OCs in all sorts of situations and AUs!
I apologize if this is terrible btw, I have been so tired lately from school, but here's a little Noiren based drabble! Enjoy!
Everyone was confused. Noiren had always been stoic and quiet, but today was different. He was fumbling and muttering and trying to hide away from anyone that wanted to talk to him. Something was wrong. 
Vette knew that it had to do with the sith's recent visit with his master. Baras was a monster, but honestly what does one do to cheer up a sith lord? 
The small twi'lek managed to get her hands on a nice Alderaanian meal on their last trip and was quick to grab it with a nod to assure herself that this should do this trick. Once that was in hand she made her way to his quarters "Hey, ya busy? Or can I barge in?" She asked, though they both knew, no matter his answer, she was going to come in.
Noiren was sitting slumped over on his bed. He looked a little worse for wear. She frowned. Baras had always been tough on the male twi'lek, but he had never hurt him before. "I brought you some food. Knowing how you are, you probably haven't eaten." She continued to speak and sat beside him.
His yellow eyes glanced at her, then went back to the floor. It was hard to tell if he was seething, sad, or just plain frustrated. "Hello? Anybody in there? What happened?" She pressed. 
He rolled his eyes and turned his head to look at her. He had burns all along his ruby skin, littering the right side of his face and lekku. "I don't want to talk about it." He muttered. She tried to hide her offensive gasp, but failed. 
"That looks… yikes-" was all she managed to get out. He glared and turned away again. "I'm sure we can make sure it doesn't scar! But maybe you should eat first, huh?" 
"Not hungry." He replied. She frowned again.
"Come on! Where's the sith i know and fear! You're never like this" Vette tried again. He tensed a little. 
"You fear me? Even after I've done all I can to free you? You're not my prisoner or slave" he sighed "Honestly I would rather be in your position than my own…" he muttered. 
The woman almost felt bad for saying what she did, but it was true. She was still a little afraid of him, especially after watching him kill people ruthlessly. But seeing him now, he looked as fearful and tired as she had been when they first slapped a slave collar on her neck. "I thought you wanted to be sith" was all she could think of to say. 
"No." He frowned "I wanted to grow up on Ryloth with my sister and brothers. I never wanted to be sith. And now I'm tied down by a master and an oath. I have never feared for my life more than I did in that room. He threatened my life because I didn't agree with him right away." Noirens golden eyes narrowed. "I was taken away from my family so long ago by imperials and one day I plan to break free of this. Even if I have to kill baras and one thousand imperial soldiers. I'll do it."
Vettes eyes widened as he opened up to her. They were more alike than she had initially guessed. His slave collar was just a fancy title, and the shocks were just as painful. "Wow…" she mumbled. She had no idea what to say. 
"Wow?" He scoffed. "Vette, why did you come in here besides to try and force me to eat a meal that's not even warmed up"
She looked at the plate and her cheeks deepened in colour slightly. "I dunno I just, saw you were all droopy and wanted to help. And don't knock it till you try it. This stuff is great cold!"
Noirens eyes rolled yet again. "Then you eat it." He insisted and suppressed a snicker as her eyes shifted left to right.
"Nah I'm good" came her reply as she moved the food away "I'll get toovee to warm it up for you later." Once the plate was gone she got more comfortable, crossing her legs and looking at her partner expectantly. "Sooooo, sister? Brothers? Gonna share?"
His brow arched and he realized she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Though this was working as a distraction, so she was succeeding a little in her attempts to cheer him up. "I have no choice do I?" He asked. To this she just scooted closer. He sighed and got as comfortable as he could with his new wounds. "Yes I have three siblings." He started "a twin sister-"
"You have a twin?!" She gasped and interrupted immediately. "Is she all sithy too?" 
He scoffed "No. She was separated from us and sold off as a slave. They told me she made them a lot of credits to fuel my hatred." His fists balled angrily. "She was a little pink twi'lek. Skin lighter than mine, and eyes brighter. She had our mothers eyes." He was surprised to see vette actually listening, so continued. "Shes strong, so I'm sure she wasn't a slave for long. But I hope to find her someday." 
"What about your brothers?" Vette asked. "Do you know where they are?"
"Yes, more or less" he shrugged. "Only slightly younger than me, Aidesan, is training still on Korriban. Now that I'm a lord I've requested to have him as my apprentice. I want to keep him safe. And the youngest, Orkra… He was imperial military but I heard he was transferred to intelligence. So.. I may never find him with how well they hide their agents." He sighed sadly and looked at his burned hand. He had almost forgotten about his grievances of the day. Talking about his family was always a little bittersweet for him, but it was better than what he was feeling before.
"Thats all really sad.." Vette pouted. "Sorry, sith. I'm not very good at this stuff." She sighed "but uh- I can at least go get Toovee to come patch you up then we can-"
"Thank you" he silenced her with that simple phrase. The blue twi'lek blinked at him for a Moment.
He gave her the smallest of smiles "i'm not repeating myself." He teased. "But I really should get  a kolto pack." 
She was silent, looking a little surprised that just letting him talk, even about something so personal and sad, helped. Then what he said hit her and she hopped up "oh! Yeah! A kolto pack! Let me go get the droid!" Vette replied quickly, but before she rushed out she bravely gave him a gentle hug. "Baras is a jerk, but you're alright, ya know that?" She said softly before finally leaving to grab 2v-R8 to take care of him.
Noiren felt oddly at peace now. His master may be harsh and untrustworthy, but his crew was filled with people that would do anything for him, and that put his mind at ease and made him feel better about where he was. No matter what Baras had in store for him, he'd at least have good people behind him.
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weevil-wallflower · 4 years
Robotnik: Into the multiverse (part 1/?)
Word count: 12,395
A/N: a little-big story that was the result of a little roleplay me and my friends did. For some context btw, I’m going to mention who played which characters:
My characters: Zinnia Frost, Theodore Collins, Tweety & Dr Ivo Robotnik (aka Robotnik #2, who’s from another universe). @jimbotnik: Emil Sobel, Agent Stone, Dozy & Dr Robotnik (aka Robotnik #1, who’s from this universe). @blood-on-my-paws: Zonic the Zone Cop, an alternate version of Sonic. @stuffedfoxwiththewifipassword: John Constantine and Liam Constantine.
Have fun reading this convoluted mess of a story uwu. And yes, it loosely follows the movie-verse.
After Robotnik successfully made it into this universe, it took him barely an hour to locate Zinnia and his other self, along with a few unpleasant individuals. Instead of contacting them outright however, he first set up a base deep in the woods up in mountains a few miles from Zinnia’s house.
The mess that he’ll later find himself into, started with a series of text messages:
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter So Zinnia is your assistant. It seems I’ve crossed into another universe. A minor setback but it can be easily corrected.
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Precisely! You just toddle back into your universe before you ruin everything for me.
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Everyone How the FUCK did two Robotniks end up in the same universe?!
Dr Frost To: Everyone I’m sorry, what? OwO And who are you?!
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Everyone I’m a zone cop, and I have to get these guys back to their worlds...
Dr Robotnik To: Everyone Nice, TWO hedgehogs...
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Everyone I don’t get paid enough for this
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter Wait, you have your assistant but I don’t?! That’s unacceptable! I’m taking yours! She’s mine now!
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Just go ahead and try. Your head will be on a pike in my personal surveillance room if you go anywhere near her. She's MINE.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter I always like a good challenge.
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Have you ever tracked another man on foot through the moonlit forest, each breath burning your lungs, adrenaline racing as you close in? Have you ever been transfixed by the light of pure, primal terror in your victim's eyes? By the hitch of their breath as the knife goes in, the one shortly followed by a scream louder than they've ever produced? Have you ever truly relished the way that their cries for mercy and their begging give way to bestial vocalizations of fatal agony?
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot I look forward to meeting you.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter That’s quite a reply. I think you should relax. You don’t need to prove anything. We both know that I am the better one of the two of us.
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #2 So, there’s two of you now? OwO So different dimensions do exist! I’ve always been fascinated by this.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia Yes, unfortunately there is two of me. Although, you don’t exist in my universe anymore... But that can be easily rectified!
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #2 How exactly? OwO
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia You’ll come with me back to my universe, of course!
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #2 Ummm, no. Thank you for asking though.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia That wasn’t a question
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Robotnik #02 and Zinnia Do not steal people from their universes!
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Robotnik #02 If you don’t stop I’m going to arrest you
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Hedgehog cop Oh great. Another hedgehog. Just what I needed. It seems you can’t leave me alone even in another dimension! But don’t worry, I’ll deal with you later.
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Robotnik #02 I’m trying to protect the dimensions, that’s why!
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Hedgehog cop Not for long.
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Robotnik #02 I’m... I’m not gonna argue with you. But if you don’t go back to your world, I’ll take you back there
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Hedgehog cop You’re more than welcome to try.
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 The other you wants to take me back to his universe. But I don’t wanna go QwQ
Dr Robotnik To: Dr Zinnia I can see that. This sad imitation of me doesn't seem to realize that I can read his messages... It looks like he takes a lot of things for granted, actually. I'm on my way to your home, and I'm sending a fleet of drones and ground cover ahead of me. Hide someplace secure, and use your boyfriend as a distraction.
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 If Teddy found out there’s more of you, he’s going to have a breakdown. He already doesn’t like you 😞
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 I don’t want to get stolen either QwQ
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot You're outclassed, you lack passion, and you're not exactly playing in your home court, either. You're unworthy of my violent tendencies.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter Bold of you to assume I’m not always prepared.
John To: Zinna Oi, just saw Robotnik at the cafe and he didn't yell "GO BACK TO BRITIAN, LIMEY TWINK" is he alright?
Dr Frost To: John Yeah, that must be the Robotnik from another universe.
John To: Zinna ...May I have his phone number?
John To: Other Robotnik I'm John Constantine. I heard you're another Robotnik, eh?
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Constantine That’s classified.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter So I see you have your assistant’s house surrounded by drones. What makes her so special that you’re willing to go out of your way to defend her, I wonder.
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Come try to find out. Oh, and don't mind the whiny, poorly dressed British man. He hates fun.
Agent Stone To: Dr Robotnik Doctor! I just spotted the blue hedgehog in the compound! He was wearing an ugly helmet. I'm not sure what that's all about...
Dr Robotnik To: Agent Stone Did you catch him? Is THAT why you're bothering me?! I'M VERY BUSY RIGHT NOW!!!
Agent Stone To: Dr Robotnik Sorry, Doctor. 😔
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 Uhhh, I saw you outside my house just now. Or was it the other you? OwO
Dr Robotnik To: Dr Zinnia I'll prove it's me! Now open up! [sends a picture of his ungloved hand, showing the fucked-up finger that Tweety gave him]
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 Oh okay, it really is you. Can’t be too sure now that there’s another one of you.
“Okay, so my agents and my machines are staked out in all of the houses in your immediate area, and all of the entryways into the subdivision are being watched. No one is coming anywhere near you without my knowledge!” Robotnik now stood in Zinnia’s living room after he proved to her that he was their Robotnik by showing her his scarred finger that her parrot gave him. Agent Stone was there as well, standing to the side, waiting for the doctor to give him further orders. 
Emil glared at him, standing at a safe distance so he won’t end up doing something he’ll regret. “The only reason I haven't kicked your ass by now is because Zinnia hates violence. You're on thin ice, Ivo!” His growl turned into a shout when the scientist picked up Dozy. “PUT MY CAT DOWN!!”
“No. He likes me. See?” He held the cat closer as if to prove his point.
Zinnia on the other hand, looked on in mild confusion before speaking up. “Okay...does this mean I won’t be going to work? Can I go anywhere at all...?”
Robotnik’s response was quick and firm. “Unless you're accompanied by me, you're not allowed to leave the house. It's for your own good!”
A feeling other than confusion washed over her. Was it worry? Fear? It was difficult to tell. “But I’m sure I’ll be fine here on my own. There’s all your agents and drones watching.”
"Zinnia, this is for your own good! Don't you want to stay in this universe with your stupid boyfriend? The other Robotnik is inferior to me, but that doesn't mean he's completely stupid...” He trailed off, while still cuddling Dozy. Said cat didn’t care what was going on. As long as he was given affection, he was content.
“Of course I want to stay here! I don’t wanna lose Teddy and my friends. And for what it’s worth, I don’t wanna lose you...” There was anxiety in her quiet voice now that she finally registered the gravity of the situation at hand.
Hearing her say that, Robotnik was overcome with a feeling he didn’t really understood. But it wasn’t a bad feeling. Quite the opposite actually. It was pleasant enough to make him put the cat down, go over to where Zinnia stood, hesitate a bit before enveloping her in a hug in spite of Emil glaring at him.
The young woman didn’t hesitate though. She instantly wrapped her arms around his waist to hug him back. She needed all the comfort she could get. “I don’t understand why he’s so interested in me...” she whispered in despair.
“AHA! FOUND YOU!” What appeared to be a blue, mobian hedgehog, suddenly appeared in Zinnia’s living room, all his attention focused on Robotnik. The hedgehog was wearing some sort of red helmet and armour. It was Zonic the Zone Cop; an inter-dimensional counterpart of Sonic.
The scientist instantly pulled out his pistol. “Ohh you sure did!” He shoved Zinnia behind him and opened fire.
“Oh my God!” The young woman gasped and quickly moved away to stand next to Emil.
“MY CHILDREN! ATTACK THAT MOBIAN!!” Apparently, a pistol wasn’t enough because with a command using his gloves, Robotnik summoned all his drones that were guarding Zinnia’s suburb, into her home in order to catch the hedgehog.
Emil on the other hand, didn’t look amused one bit. “Do you really have to call them your children?”
“What the hell is going on?!” Theodore, Zinnia’s boyfriend, stood in the open doorway, observing at the chaos. His face twisted in anger and disbelief. He never expected to see his girlfriend’s employer in her home, along with his drones, trying to capture what looked like a blue, humanoid hedgehog. ‘I just wanted a relaxing evening with Zinnia...’ 
Zinnia did not waste a single second and ran into her boyfriend’s arms, clinging to him tightly. “I don’t know!” Her voice shook with distress as he wrapped his arms around her and caressed her back to sooth her. Before he could say anything else, Emil yelled out.
“WE NEED TO GO, NOW!!” He scooped up Dozy while frantically looking around for Tweety. “Where's the bird?!” He’d decided that they must leave for their own good lest they were caught in the crossfire.
Zinnia pulled away from her boyfriend and called out to the bird. “Tweety, over here!” Seconds later, the bird flew over from wherever he happened to be perched at that moment and gracefully landed on her shoulder. And with that, her, Theodore, Emil, Dozy and Tweety were all out of the still open front door.
But before they could go farther than the walkway, a car pulled in front of her house. And inside, was Robotnik. “Your saviour is here! Get in if you want to escape.” He called out to them, a bit too enthusiastically, through the lowered side window.
“What the fuck?!” Emil exclaimed. He couldn’t believe his eyes as. There was another Robotnik!?
“Oh no! It’s him...” Zinnia whispered in fright and clung to Theodore’s arm, pressing her body as close to his as possible. She did not like the way he was looking at her, his intense dark eyes boring into her. If she’s learned anything from their Robotnik, is that he’s unpredictable. His inter-dimensional counterpart may be just as unpredictable as him, if not more. Not to mention, she knows the Robotnik of this universe. The new one however, she knew nothing about.
Theodore was just as shocked as Emil, if not more. “Zinnia what...why are there two of them??” He questioned incredulously. Judging by her reaction, it seemed she knew who he was. But who, exactly? ‘Did that crazy employer of hers clone himself or something?’
“That’s a long story...” She murmured a reply back, never taking her eyes off the other Robotnik. The man who threatened- no, promised to take her away just hours prior. And unfortunately for them, their Robotnik had dedicated all his firepower into catching Zonic, effectively leaving them helpless. Something which the inter-dimensional Robotnik had decided to use to his full advantage.
Even Zinnia’s parrot, Tweety, looked surprised upon seeing the same man that was still in the house. ‘Unless he can teleport...’ His crest was raised in attention as he observed the scientist. No...It was not the same person. He looked identical but the bird could sense that he was different.
Back inside the house, Stone had unholstered his handgun and was firing shot after shot at the hedgehog. One of those shots successfully hit his intended target, causing Zonic to be shot on his side and fall back with a pained grunt
He stood back up, not expecting the aggressive attack in the first place. “Good Chaos, I was just going to give you a warning!” Unfortunately, unlike his other self, Zonic did not possess super speed, due to which he tried and failed to dodge the other bullets. “STOP!”
“FINALLY!” Robotnik shouted in triumph. “Agent Stone, you dependable little fool...” He grabbed Zonic by the arm and roughly hauled him to his feet. “Agent Stone! Cuff him and search him for anything that even looks like a weapon.”
“NO.” Zonic shouted in protest, despite the immense pain he was in. “OH MY CHAOS I’M JUST TRYING TO PROTECT YOUR WORLDS” He tried to escape from the house but the front entrance was guarded by the drones. “Where’s my team when I need them?!”
Zinnia shot a worried look back at the chaos occurring in her house then directed her attention at her friend. “Emil, what do we do?”
“You listen to me, of course!” The other Robotnik called out to them, sounding so sure of himself.
“The last thing we need is another Ivo in our lives...” Emil moved to stand between him and Zinnia.
“I’m trying to help you, you idiot!” The doppelganger just barely stopped himself from letting out an impatient snarl. “But by all means, if you want to stay here and get killed in the crossfire, be my guest.”
Emil weighed their options. The certainly did not have to leave with Robotnik. They could leave in his car, which was right there- “They shot up my fucking car...” He clenched his fists in anger. This felt planned. “Whichever one of them did this is dead. Wait... it's... I don't hear anymore gunfire...”
“Do...do we leave with him...?” Zinnia asked, looking from Robotnik to her house and then towards Emil, uncertain of what to do.
“I don't think we should. I don't trust this one any more than the other...Let's just go back in the house for now.” Emil said, turning to face the house, to which Zinnia replied with a small “Okay...”
The Robotnik in the car inwardly cursed, seeing as they were about to go inside, and quickly stepped out of his car and made his way over to them.
Emil was ready for that as he was quick to face him. “Time to see if this one's any stronger than the real Ivo.” He grabbed a roll of quarters from his pocket and clenched his fist around it. “COME ON! LET'S SEE WHAT YOU GOT!”
Robotnik #2 didn’t appear to be threatened one bit. Instead, he looked mildly irritated as he spoke in a deadpan voice. “If I was here to fight, you’d be dead by now.”
“Then why are you here?” Zinnia timidly spoke up despite her apprehension.
His attention switched from Emil to Zinnia. “Oh, I figured you all could use a little help to escape from my other, more volatile self.” He shrugged “innocently” and grinned down at her. It was meant to be disarming but to her it felt anything but that, causing her to unconsciously squish herself even closer to Theodore if that was even possible. His hands on her waist automatically drew her close, molding her body against his.
Robotnik stood in front of them, mesmerised by Zinnia, seeing her in the flesh after so long...It really was her. The same brown hair framing her beautiful face. The same fresh olive skin...Even the same voice. And those eyes...the very brown eyes he gazed into as he witnessed the life from them leave...His Zinnia was gone from his life, leaving a void no one could fill...Until he found her here...His fingers itched to reach out to her, brush through her silky hair, caress her soft skin. It had been far too long since he’d last had his hands on her. He comforted himself with the knowledge that he’d never have to wait this long again.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when as he noticed the pale, green-eyed man next to her draw her closer. So, this was the “poorly dressed British man” as his counterpart had put it. Robotnik’s laser focus now set on Theodore, observing him with narrowed eyes. He must be her boyfriend. Jealousy reared its ugly head but at the same time, he was gratified to know that this universe’s Robotnik and Zinnia are not together which meant he won’t have to worry about competing with his other self. After all, it’s not like he would care if his doppelganger took away the woman he does not even love.
“We already know how to deal with him. You, on the other hand? You're not one of us. Why are you even here?” Emil questioned further, pulling Robotnik out of his thoughts, to which he answered in a monotone voice, keeping a straight face, “There was a minor miscalculation in my latest experiment which transported me to this universe.” That was of course, a lie. He was not going to tell them that he had mastered inter-dimensional travel. He’s here for one thing and one thing only. And this is his only chance because Zinnia only exists in this certain universe besides his, out of many others.
“And LET me guess--you're either unable or unwilling to go back.” Emil crossed his arms, only to notice that his cat had wandered off. “WAIT! DOZY, GET BACK HERE!!”
Robotnik #2 took full advantage of that. He quickly snatched up the cat and held a knife to his throat. “That’s it! I don’t have time for this! Now you’ll all come with me! Or the cat dies!!” 
Emil saw red. “You son of a bitch...” He seethed as if he was off his meds. He looked at Zinnia and Theo.
“No, stop!” The young woman was quick to speak up. She could not let Dozy get hurt! He was just an innocent cat. “Don’t hurt him! We’ll come with you...”
“Oh, and the boyfriend stays.” Robotnik nodded his head at Theodore. That was jealousy speaking. He simply could not imagine his Zinnia being with someone else. Especially this someone. He remembered all too well how her boyfriend almost murdered her. Oh, how much he wanted to kill Theodore where he stood. But that would only upset her and make him look worse in her eyes. She already looked scared enough. Hence, it was better if the boyfriend stayed behind. That Emil guy, though? Well, he needed something to use as leverage against her if he ends up killing the cat.
Theodore obviously did not like his demand. “What?! No—” He was quick to protest but Zinnia cut him off. 
“—Theodore please!” She stared up at him pleadingly, silently begging him to do as the other Robotnik said.
Theodore internally seethed, his jaw clenching and his grip on her waist momentarily became tight enough to hurt. ‘Are they seriously going to listen to that madman because of a cat?’ His grip on Zinnia softened when he glanced down at her, genuine distress in her face. ‘Well, at least right now, it’s only the cat he’s threatening.’ He couldn’t care less what happens to the cat but who’s to say he won’t turn on any one of them afterwards?
So, Theodore nodded and, even though it pained him to do so, released his grip on his girlfriend, allowing her to step away. Emil grabbed Zinnia's hand and held it tightly for both her and his comfort. “I'll protect you, Zinny. I got your back.”
“Take care of her.” Theodore looked at him seriously. Emil nodded gravely as a reply.
“So we go then... Don’t worry, Theo. I’ll be okay...” The young woman’s doe eyes looked lovingly into his.
“Okay...I—” He was interrupted by Robotnik’s impatient growl.
“Come on! Enough of the niceties! Let’s move!” He hated the way the couple stared at one another. But even more than that, he hated how frightened Zinnia appeared. He knew his methods weren’t...conventional. Something a little like guilt tugged at his insides and he mentally swatted it away. He’d gone too far, was in too deep to be having regrets. He’d long since accepted that this was the only way.
Emil slowly approached this other Robotnik with Zinnia's hand in his, all the while keeping wary eyes trained on him.
“Get in. Now!” The doctor pressed the knife closer to Dozy to force them to move faster.
“Okay, okay! We’re going!” Zinnia scrambled to get in the car’s back seat, pulling Emil along with her.
“We're following orders. Now give me the cat.” Emil demanded once they were settled in the car.
“Not until we get to our destination. Now shut up!” Robotnik #2 yelled as he hopped in the front and carelessly deposited Dozy in the passenger seat.
Back inside the house, Zonic was cuffed and was barely able to stand upright due to the gunshot wounds he’d sustained, which were still bleeding. But he still put up a brave face. “No one’s going to listen to me, but for the sake of the balance of the multiverse, please go back to your worlds.” Stone did not like the way he spoke, however.
“Don't speak to the doctor. You don't have the privilege.” The agent kicked Zonic back into his knees.
“Excuse you, I’m an elite zone cop.” Zonic still spoke, a little too confidently for someone who was bleeding from several gunshot wounds.
“Should I kill him, doctor?” The agent asked all too eagerly.
“No, he's already been bound and incapacitated. Let's...” Robotnik paused and looked around the living room. “Where's Zinnia?”
“... WAIT DON’T GO WITH HIM! STOP!” Zonic mustered enough strength to  shout when he looked outside the still open front door to see Emil and Zinnia entering the other Robotnik’s car.
Zonic wasn’t the only one who noticed as Robotnik bellowed out, “ZINNIA! This is Emil's doing... Agent Stone! Take the blue rat back to the compound!” He ordered before marching out the front door. The doctor decided he would deal with the hedgehog later. Right now, stopping the inter-dimensional Robotnik was his priority.
The blue hedgehog coughed up blood, the crimson liquid staining his face. “F-fuck, stop! Your universes are in danger! Am I speaking Greek here?!” He choked out.
“I don’t care about the universes!” Outside, Robotnik #2 yelled back to Zonic before he turned his and looked over his shoulder at Zinnia sitting in the back. “I have everything I need now...” His voice had dropped to a low, sensual octave, the tone sending gooseflesh rippling along Zinnia’s arms and caused her to look away.
Agent Stone exited the house as well, dragging Zonic back to his SUV. “Just cooperate, and the doctor might be a little merciful with you...” He trailed off as their Robotnik fired at the other Robotnik, aiming for his head.
“Well don’t say I didn’t warn y- WHAT THE FUCK!?” Zonic let out a surprised shout as he witnessed that.
The bullet, however, missed the other doctor by inches. He cursed and hit the gas, driving off.
“You idiots will destroy your own worlds and timelines!” The hedgehog cop exclaimed. Despite being fatally injured and captured by the enemy, he cared more about the balance of the universe.
“TIME ISN'T LINEAR, YOU MORON!” Robotnik shouted back and sprinted towards his vehicle. He shoved Agent Stone aside and got in the Suburban.
“Excuse me, who is the universe expert in here? I am! I- you know what? Fuck this shit...” Seeing as no one was listening to anything he said, poor Zonic decided to just give up for now.
“Hey!” Theodore ran up to Robotnik before he could drive off. “If you’re done arguing with a blue hedgehog, you’ll notice that Zinnia and Emil have been abducted!”
“GET IN! You and Agent Stone are my gunmen!!! Get the rat into the car so I can follow them!!”
“Fine. Hand me a gun then...”
The two men did as instructed and soon, they're racing after the other Robotnik's vehicle. “AIM FOR THE TIRES!!” Their Robotnik yelled at his ‘gunmen’.
“Yes, thank you for stating the obvious.” Theodore said in a deadpan voice before he took aim through the vehicle’s window and fired the handgun.
At the very back of the Suburban, Zonic sat, mumbles a song, delirious due to blood loss before wondering out loud, “Am I dead yet?”
“Not until the doctor decides to kill you!” Agent Stone answered as a matter of fact while grinning as he opened fire as well. The hedgehog simply hummed in response.
“Damnit!” The other Robotnik swerved the car as the bullets miss by the tyres inches. “He’s not giving up, is he?”
Zinnia didn’t say anything as she got out her phone and proceeded to text her boss aka their Robotnik:
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 I have been kidnapped. In broad daylight. I’m scared QwQ
Dr Robotnik To: Dr Zinnia I'm close behind him and I'm not alone. I have a lot in store for that sad, pathetic imitation of me...
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 I’d appreciate it if there’s no bloodshed QwQ
Dr Robotnik To: Dr Zinnia Then politely ask him to pull over, and make sure you're buckled in since he'll invariably say no.
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 If he’s anything like you, convincing him will be difficult OwO
Dr Robotnik To: Dr Zinnia Just try it anyway before he runs himself into a ravine!!!
Zinnia decided to take her boss’s advice and spoke up, voice a little wobbly. “Stop! You’ll end up hurting all of us!”
Robotnik #2 shouted back, enraged. “And lose you after I just got you?! Never!”
“What??” The young woman mumbled, wide-eyed and stunned to silence. She was both frightened and confused. She didn’t know what exactly he wanted from her. But judging be his behaviour towards her...she was afraid to ask...
Next to her, Emil listened in as he begun praying under his breath in mangled Hebrew, barely being able to keep himself under control.
Back in the Suburban, Robotnik #1 was seething in rage at the other Robotnik’s audacity to abduct Emil and Zinnia. He decided to text his double himself seeing as he probably did not listen to anything Zinnia had to say:
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot You have NO IDEA how badly you've fucked up...
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter Hm, by taking Zinnia? She’s just your assistant. I’m sure you can get another one.
His idiotic imitation thinks that he doesn’t care about Zinnia. But little does he know... “KEEP FIRING!! HE'S TOO STUPID TO KNOW HE'S OUTCLASSED!!!” He bellowed out to Theodore and Stone before texting him again:
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot You might have a better idea than I thought. What's the matter? Did something happen to your Zinnia?
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter I lost her... But now I have a chance to get her back. And I’m not giving up!
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Ohhh... You happened to her, didn't you? You killed her!
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter IT WAS NEVER MY INTENTION TO!!! I loved her...
“They’re getting away!” Theodore interrupted his texting spree. A subtle hint of panic could be detected in his voice.
Robotnik floored it, the vehicle speeding up even more. “KEEP SHOOTING! I'll crash into it before I let him take them to his hell-dimension!!”
At the same moment, the other Robotnik took a sharp turn to throw them off. It caused Zinnia to jerk to the side and collide into Emil. “Just stop already! This is crazy...”
That turned out successful. Robotnik #1 barely avoided rolling the car as he swerved “You bastard...” he swore before he continued the messages to try and ‘reason’ with him aka taunt him. He does appear to be getting steadily more and more unhinged. If he can get him to stop...
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Was it your reckless driving that killed her? Your fits of rage? Your utter hatred for the world and everyone within it? Tell me
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter It’s none of your business! And don’t act like you care about her!!!
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Did you hit her too hard? Did you shake her until her neck snapped? Were you paranoid? Jealous? You just couldn't stand to let her out of your sight... Death was her only relief from your suffocating grasp, and oh, how dearly you must have made her pay for that bitter end...
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter I... I never hurt her! I could never... IT WAS AN ACCUDENT!!!
The messages almost triggered a very unpleasant memory, causing the inter-dimensional Robotnik to get distressed. He barely managed to stop from colliding into another car.
“Oh my God!” Came Zinnia’s frightened cry from the back of the car. She tightly wrapped her arms around Emil held on to him for dear life.
Their Robotnik was quick to notice as he sped after his counterpart. “He's becoming distraught... Don't give up yet!!” His messages were working...
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot It's never an accident. Not with you, and not with me. You know that, Ivo. Did she have time to beg for mercy? To scream, even?
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter I loved her...
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot No. You thought that you owned her. She was simply yours. You barely understand what it means to love someone! The closest you can manage is unmitigated obsession.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter So you know how I felt. Still feel... I made a mistake, I’ll admit that. But now I have a chance to start over!
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Listen to yourself! You think that she's replaceable. The woman that you've taken against her will is just a replacement part to you, isn't she? Any attempt that you make to start over will be forced at best. She'll wish that she could meet the same end as "your" Zinnia. She might even bring about her own end to escape your pathetic, crazed desperation.
The final message was the last straw. It triggered a flashback of his Zinnia dying:
=========== le flashback ===========
In San Francisco, what appeared to be a normal was interrupted by a shocking scene: an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog was running through the city at breathtaking speed while a flying machine called the Eggpod piloted by a moustached scientist dressed gave chase and fired explosive energy blasts at said hedgehog. Despite the Eggpod matching Sonic’s super speed, most of its lasers missed due to the hedgehog’s agility and instead caused immense destruction around the city. The lasers tore apart roads, blew up cars, killed and injured several innocent bystanders. Robotnik was unconcerned about all of that. That is, until one of the energy blasts struck a building a certain someone happened to be standing next to.
Zinnia had followed Robotnik to San Francisco, hoping to stop him from doing something he may come to regret. She had foolishly hoped she could stop him from putting anyone’s life at risk, including his own. But she was a bit too late. The fight, or the high-speed chase, had already begun. And Robotnik...was too far gone in his obsession and madness. He didn’t care about anything else other than capturing the hedgehog. Didn’t care who’s blood he had to spill as long as he successfully captures the hedgehog. The doctor didn’t take anyone into consideration. Not even Zinnia when she tried to knock some sense into him earlier. And that was his biggest mistake.
Zinnia stood next to the building as she looked up towards the sky, trying to catch a glimpse of the red blur that was the Eggpod. By the time she noticed one laser blast coming towards her direction, it was too late. The laser struck the building above her and the impact brought part of the structure directly down on her. The young woman had only enough time to take one retreating step before she was crushed under it. It all happened so fast.
The manic grin on Robotnik’s face was replaced by shock. At once, he stopped chasing Sonic and steered his Eggpod to where Zinnia stood earlier and brought it to a stop near the collapsed building. He hopped out and sprinted closer towards the destruction, trying to find Zinnia. When the dust cleared, he saw her lying on her back, among the wreckage, her lower half crushed under heavy rubble including an enormous metal beam. 
Zinnia whimpered in agony. Her face contorted in a grimace of pain and her breaths coming in little gasps. Her glasses laid off in the distance, the lenses broken. Everything looked blurry as if she was looking through a fogged window. She was trapped, in pain and was unable to see her surroundings well. All those feelings mixed up and panic swelled within her. Near hyperventilating, she tried to draw in deep breaths but instead, tears started spilling from her eyes and a choked sob tore from her throat. It hurt to simply breathe. Every breath she inhaled sent excruciating pain flaring through her entire body.
Her hands shook as she moved them lower and futilely tried to remove the structures pinning her to the ground. But they were too heavy. They didn’t move an inch. The simple movement caused her chest to heave in exertion and more pain flared up in her body.
“Zinnia!” Someone was calling for her. Her head weakly lolled to the side and she saw a red, blurry figure running towards her. Only when he came within three feet of her, she recognised who it was. 
“Oh no, Zinnia! No, no, no...” Robotnik got to work and managed to remove most of the debris but no matter how much he tried, he was unable to move the large metal beam. Not that it would have helped. Her lower half, including her lower spine, was already crushed. She was already losing the feelings in her legs.
“Ivo...I’m so sorry... the baby...” Zinnia weakly mumbled out while Robotnik was frantically removing the debris, immediately catching his attention.
“You’re sorry?!” He asked in disbelief as he kneeled down next to her. “Sugar plum, you don’t have anything to be sorry for!” Even while she was lying there, barely able to breath, all she cared about was the baby. He remembered how joyful she was when she discovered she was pregnant... He had never felt the need for children. But seeing her so happy like that made him happy...
The young woman shook her head in despair. “I-I lost...lost our b-baby!” she sobbed, as her hand unconsciously reached down to her belly but instead landed on the metal beam she was crushed under. She couldn’t even touch her belly. It brought even more tears to her voice.
“No, no! This is not your fault.” Robotnik reached over and held her hand. His larger one completely engulfing hers as he gave a gentle squeeze. “Don’t cry please, save your strength.”
But it was useless. What strength she previously had; it was no more. The pain in her body slowly turned to numbness. Her breathing slowed down. She only had enough strength to weakly whisper out one last sentence. “I-I... I love you...”
“And I love you! I’m so sorry! This is all my fault. I’m—”
—But alas, it was at that moment that Zinnia took her last breath and the light left her dark brown eyes, leaving then to stare vacantly up at the sky.
“—sorry... Please...forgive me.” A choked sob tore from his throat when he noticed she wasn’t breathing. “Zinnia? Zinnia...? Zinnia, please! Don’t-Don’t leave me! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!”
She was his wife! He was supposed to protect her! But instead, he brought upon her horrifying death. He killed her... And in spite of having all this immense wealth and power in his possession, he could not save the woman he loved. Still loves... He remembered how she cried and pleaded with him to not go after the hedgehog. How she clung to him and begged him to not go down that road. But he just brushed her aside. How could be do that? How could he stare into her tearful eyes and push her away as if she was nothing. He was so consumed by his madness and greed for more, he didn’t realise he already had the greatest gift anyone could ever have: Love. If only he’d listened to her in the first place. This would not have happened. Despite what many people believed, both him and Zinnia were so happy together. He was even starting to change for the better all because of her. And he was finally going to have something he never had but always wanted; A family. But he destroyed it before it could even have a chance to grow. He let his greed control him. And it cost him his sugar plum...He remembered how that name came about. She loves...loved plums...These thoughts and regrets were raging in his mind now. The loss he had just suffered by his own hand no less, brought upon the most overwhelming feeling of self-hatred. The likes of which he had never felt before. 
Robotnik could not tolerate to look in her blank eyes anymore. It felt as though they stared right into his wretched soul. The doctor’s hand shook as he raised it to gently close her eyes. Now if it wasn’t for the blood slowly trickling out of her nose and mouth, one would mistake her to be peacefully asleep. Oh, how he wished that was the case. He wished he could wake up and find out it was all a horrible nightmare. But alas, it was not. Now, he could do nothing but kiss her cold lips one last time, lay his head on her lifeless body and weep. He was useless.
========== flashback end ==========
So caught up he was in this horrendous memory, he didn’t notice the car to slow down and swerve until it was too late.
“If you two don't disable that fucking car he's--fuck!!”  Robotnik #1 was not just seething with rage anymore. An intense fear was crawling through him as well. The fear of not being able to stop his other self in time.
But just at that moment, Theodore was able to shoot one of the tyres. “I think I hit it...”
“God damnit! No!” The other Robotnik bellowed out in frustration as the tyres screeched and his car came to a jerking stop.
“IT'S OVER YOU SON OF A BITCH!!” Their Robotnik screeched to a halt a few feet away and he wasted no time in jumping out of the car, and sprinting toward the imposter's car.
“Oh, thank God...” Zinnia on the other hand, tried to calm her nerves as she slowly stepped out of the car, only to be grabbed by said imposter.
“Let us leave and no one needs to get hurt!” The other Robotnik snarled as he pulled Zinnia closer with both arms around her body, gripping her tightly but not enough to be painful. That however did nothing to ease the young woman’s fears. She was practically trembling.
Fortunately, Emil came to her rescue. With his face a mask of cold, focused rage, he struck Robotnik's double with a rabbit punch. The force staggered him back, making him let go of Zinnia. “No... No!” Then he remembered his gloves. Assuming both him and his counterpart had identical technology. It was worth a try... He punched a few buttons on his glove with practised ease and successfully activated the drones, commanding them to fire at the others, except Zinnia, of course.
But sadly, she still got shot in the side as she ran away. Her body seized under the white hot pain she felt, causing her to fall with a pained scream. 
Robotnik #1 tackled his doppelganger in spite of the sudden hail of bullets, and he laid into him with his fists. Zinnia's scream only stoked the rage and hatred in his eyes...
“THEO! Go grab her! I'll draw them to me!” Stone started providing cover fire the same time as Theodore bellowed out Zinnia’s name and sprinted towards where she had fallen and now laid on the road, unable to move due to the immense pain she felt in her waist’s left side.
Theodore quickly kneeled down next to her and put pressure on her wound. “Hey, I got you.”
“Oh God... it hurts...” She barely managed to speak, her eyes screwed shut and face scrunched up in pain.
“Hey, it’ll be okay. I need you to breath” her boyfriend cradled her close and kept pressure on her wound.
“Stop touching me...” She whimpered and tried to blindly push away his hands as the pressure aggravated her pain.
“Zinnia, I need to make sure you don’t bleed out. Take deep breaths.”
Back with the two Robotnik’s, the fistfight came to an end because the second Robotnik had managed to get out his taser and fired it at the first Robotnik, successfully incapacitating him and pushed him away, “GET OFF ME!”
But he wasn’t out of the water yet. Emil strode closer, his eyes as crazed as Ivo's as he stomped on the imposter's chest with all his strength which definitely fractured a rib or two. He grunted in pain before grabbing Emil’s leg, and managed to throw him off his feet and stood up.
Agent Stone noticed and took aim at the other Robotnik and nicked him in the leg, causing him to lose his footing. He looked back, enraged and directed a drone to shoot at Stone, who promptly took cover behind the car.
While the others were distracted, the other Robotnik took it as an opportunity to escape. He limped towards an abandoned car, probably left behind in a panic by a terrified civilian, hopped in and drove off. ‘Today didn’t go as planned. But I will not give up...’  While racing away in the car, he was torn up between wanting to go back and make sure Zinnia was alright, to help her but he knew if he didn’t escape now, he would never get another chance. He never expected his other self to care this much about her, to be this passionate when it came to protecting her considering she happened to be in a relationship with a man who’s not him. But it may work in his favour. Knowing this, he hoped his other self would do everything in his power to make sure she would be fine.  
Meanwhile, their Robotnik was still on the ground, barely able to breathe but he tried to struggle to his feet anyway. He was helped up to his feet by Emil, who brought him closer to Zinnia. The misty air was condensing into a soft drizzle. “Did he hit any organs? Is she gonna be alright?!” Emil frantically questioned.
“No, nothing vital. But we need to have the wound treated...” Theodore answered, worry evident in his voice.
“We... Oh Jesus... Uhh, we have a hospital wing back at the compound. I think it might be the closest place.”
“Good idea... we should move.” Honestly, the compound was the last place he wanted Zinnia to be, but looking at the condition she was in, Theodore was quick to agree.
Robotnik fell to his knees next to Zinnia, opposite of Theo. He was as pale as a burial shroud. “Zinnia...” 
“H-hey...” The young woman managed to give Robotnik a smile despite her pain when she saw how worried he looked. “I-I’ll be fine...“
Robotnik started to say something to Agent Stone, but he couldn’t get the words out. He started sobbing, and he was mortified that he could not make it stop. Seeing Zinnia like that, he was overwhelmed with a sense of helplessness.
Zinnia’s eyebrows knitted together in a little worried frown. “Don’t c-cry! It wasn’t your fault!” She tried to reassure him but to avail.
“Uhh, do you... I can help you carry her if you need...” Emil asked Theodore before staring at Robotnik. In shock at the sobbing mess he’d become. “Ah Christ, Ivo!”
“No, it’s alright. I got her.” Theodore stood with Zinnia in his arms, wincing at the pained gasp she let out.
“Y-yeah, you l-look after Rob...” Zinnia told Emil, breathing heavily. “I-I’m starting to feel sick...” Nausea was creeping in.
Emil assured her while removing Dozy from the car. “Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him. Stone, can you drive us?”
Agent Stone looked the SUV over for damage before answering. “I should be able to, yeah.”
“Emil... take Tweety with you too, p-please...” Zinnia requested when she noticed him getting Dozy. The poor parrot was still in the car, probably in shock after the crazy car ride.
“C'mon buddy. You can sit with me n' Dozy...” Emil cautiously held out his forearm to the cockatoo who hesitated before perching on Emil’s arm. The bird was very worried about Zinnia. She sounded like she was in distress and he could detect the smell of blood...
“Alright... let’s leave. Quickly now! The bleeding is getting worse.” Theodore hurried over to the SUV with Zinnia in his arms. He settled them both in, with her lying on his lap, making sure she was as comfortable as possible. He noticed her bleeding had gotten worse. The entire left side of her black shirt now completely soaked in her blood. He quickly removed his jacket and pressed it to her wound, causing her face to contort in pain. Hopefully, it will help slow down the bleeding.
Robotnik was very quiet as he got inside the SUV after Theo and Zinnia. He sat as near to them as possible.
“Alright, I think everyone's accounted for, right?” Emil closed the door after climbing in the front seat next to Agent Stone, who immediately had to give Dozy ear scritches before driving away.
The car ride was quiet for a while until Zonic, who had been in the back the entire time, started messing around with his communicator, trying to make any contact with his team while mumbling to himself. “Fucking idiots. This is so bad. Destroying your own universes like this... ughh.”
“Shut up back there! What are you doing?” Agent Stone called out from the front before turning to look at the man next to him. “Emil--”
“I got it...” Emil climbed out of his seat and into the very back where Zonic was and reached over. “Just gimme that... whatever that is. I don't wanna hurt you, but I will. I've had an EXTREMELY long day.”
Despite his still untreated wounds, the hedgehog oozed confidence and lazily looked at Emil. “Talking to me?” Or perhaps it was the blood loss.
Emil grabbed him by the wrist. “No, asshole! The blue alien midget behind you! Why the fuck didn't you take this off him, Stone?!” He yelled at the Agent as he tried to grab the communicator.
“Good Chaos, just take it, don’t break it! I never thought I would miss being alone in an office...” Zonic managed to send one message before Emil snatched it away. “... welp, you can take it now. And I’m a multiverse guardian, also known as a zone cop, thank you very much.”
“Pfft, whatever, space-pig. I fuckin hate cops... You're lucky Ivo wants you alive!” Emil just scoffed before returning to his seat.
“I’d rather be dead.” The hedgehog replied in a serious tone.
The silence was broken once again, by Zinnia this time. “A-Are we...t-there yet? I’m n-not feeling...so good...” She mumbled, starting to feel weaker.
“WHY AREN'T YOU DRIVING FASTER?! STEP ON IT!!” Robotnik was quick to shout at Stone. Seeing Zinnia like that...he felt so helpless...
“Hey, stay awake. We’ll be there soon, okay?” Theodore gently held her limp hand. “I’m here.”
“I feel so tired...” she just whispered in response, her eyes starting to close on their own. 
“Zinnia, no! Try to stay awake for a little longer, please.” Her boyfriend urged her.
At the same time, Robotnik was also quick to keep her from closing her eyes as he practically yelled. “NO! You can't close your eyes! Look at your boyfriend or something!”
“Hmm...” Zinnia opened her eyes weakly. “But I just want to sleep...”  The blood loss was making her feel weak and faint. But they could not let her fall asleep. Because if they did, she may never wake up...
“I know. Please stay awake for a little longer. You can sleep all you want after we get there.” Theodore squeezed her hand, trying to get her to stay awake.
“Okay guys, we're almost to the parking garage! A team of medics will be there to get her to the hospital wing.” Stone informed them as he drove past the compound gates.
“Good, we’re here...I just...wanna sleep...” Zinnia faintly mumbled.
“DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! YOU'RE STAYING AWAKE UNTIL I SAY YOU CAN FALL ASLEEP!!” Robotnik wasted no time in jumping out of the car and screamed at the nearest emt. “GET HER INTO THE HOSPITAL! QUIT STANDING AROUND!!”
Theodore was quick to exit next, carrying Zinnia in his arms and followed Robotnik towards one of the awaiting emt’s. Agent Stone must’ve called ahead and informed them of the situation.
As soon as other Robotnik retreated to his hidden base and treated his injuries, he messaged his inter-dimensional counterpart. As much as he loathed to talk to him, he had to find out if Zinnia was alright. It was unlikely he would get a clear answer from him but he was desperate...:
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter How is she? Tell me she’s okay!
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Well, considering the fact that you shot her while she fled terrified from you, what do you think?
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter This would not have happened if you hadn’t intervened! Everything was fine until you showed up! Why could you not have let me taken her? You don’t even love her like I do!
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot You're right. I don't love her like you do. Maybe that's why she wanted me to protect her from you. Nothing was fine. Even you, in your delusional state, must acknowledge that she had to be threatened and coerced into entering that car with you. What would you even do if you'd gotten away with her? Please, enlighten me as to how you'd force her to love you!
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter Please... Just tell me if she’s alive or not. Nothing else matters to me more than knowing whether she’s okay.
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot You're an idiot. She'd say the same thing if she could.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter “If she could”??? Is she..
Dr Robotnik [message left on read]
Back at the compound, Robotnik had moved to Zinnia’s hospital room soon after her gunshot wound was treated. He brought his work with him as well. He was not letting her out of his sight until he knows that the other Robotnik is either dead or never coming back.
Theodore sat on the hospital bed, holding Zinnia close to him while she slept and gave Robotnik a strange look. “What are you still doing here?”
Robotnik was furiously typing away at a portable workstation as he answered. “What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to work! There's a lot to do before that idiot shows up again. He's been texting me non-stop... I made it sound like she's dead.” He paused to look up at Theo and smiled grimly. “If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's a little unstable!”
The other man appeared a bit uncertain. “You made it sound like she’s dead...? If he’s anything like you, I don’t think that will be enough to deter him. What does he want with her anyway?”
The scientist scoffed. “He loves her, allegedly. He did something to his universe's Zinnia, and now he wants ours. He thinks that he loves her, but this is how he goes about it...” He shook his head. “If there's anything I know about myself, it's that I wouldn't know love if it slapped me in the face. I'd never pretend to know...” He fell quiet and stopped typing for a moment. Then, he went back to work.
Unaware to either of them, Zinnia was awake and was listening to their conversation. She pretended to be asleep for a little longer, lying on the bed with her body tucked against Theodore’s, trying to get the raging emotions within her to calm down.
“Do you? Love her, I mean?” Since they were speaking, Theodore took it as an opportunity to probe further.
Robotnik gave Theo a deadpan expression. “If I loved her, then she'd be about as miserable as Liz, if not more. I'm sure you've heard about what I did to her. Emil isn't a discreet person.” His answer only managed to baffle the other man even more, causing him to shake his head in confusion.
“Then why do you care about her so much?” During the time Theodore has known Robotnik, he has seen the scientist to show genuine concern for only a select few people. Zinnia being one of them.
Robotnik’s gaze shifted from Theodore to Zinnia as he looked at her sadly. “I respect her. I want her to be safe and happy. I don't want to push her away like I've done with everyone else in my life.” What Robotnik didn’t realise however, was that is exactly what love is. Zinnia on the other hand, did as she silently listened to what he said. She couldn’t help but feel content at what she heard. 
Theodore just nodded silently and decided not to inquire further.
After a few minutes of silence, Zinnia decided she was unable to fall back to sleep, despite the fatigue she felt in her entire body. She groaned and rolls to her back, immediately regretting it as pain flares up in her waist. “Ugh, what time is it?”
“Zinnia!” Robotnik's out of his seat and by her side immediately. “Stop moving around so much. A bullet tore through your body just a few hours ago! You're a doctor--tell her to stop!”
“He’s right, Zinnia. You need to be on bed rest for a few more days.” Theodore gently held her shoulder to stop her from moving too much.”
“I wanna go home...” Zinnia whispered, feeling overwhelmed, before bursting into tears, cuddling close to Theodore.
“Hey, Zinnia...” He softly whispered and gently held her closer. “It’ll be alright.”
Robotnik just watched silently from his seat by the bed and hoped she’ll be alright soon.
The next day, Zinnia had not one but two unexpected visitors.
The door to the hospital room burst open and there stood John Constantine, “ZINNA HOLY FUCK!!!!!! LOOK AT MY SON!!!” He held up a little boy high in his hands in an imitation of Lion king.
The young woman was resting on her bed and was startled a bit due to John’s loud entry before she looked at the baby in wonder. “Oh my God, so cute! What’s his name?”
“Liam Mary Constantine...” John replied proudly.
Robotnik took that moment to enter the room as well, yelling at John all the while. “GET OUT OF HERE!! Can't you see she's recovering from a bullet wound?!” He noticed the baby in the other man’s hands. “Will you PLEASE remove that infant from the premises!”
“Can I hold him?” Zinnia reached out her hands towards John before looking at Robotnik with her wide, doe eyes. “He’s just a baby.”
“Be gentle, Zinna...” John ignored Robotnik and handed over little Liam to Zinnia.
“Of course!” The young woman held the baby close as she cooed. “Aww he’s so cute!” That unfortunately, prompted Robotnik to let out another outburst.
“Don't let it touch you! A newborn's immune system is weak so that child is a walking disease vector. ZINNIA'S BOYFRIEND! SAY SOMETHING!!”
“What?? It’s fine!” Theodore just gave Robotnik an amused look.
“Liam was born a few days ago, Robotnik, he's perfectly fine!!!” John shot back, smiling proudly.
The scientist growled in frustration before redirecting his attention towards Zinnia. “Fine! Just don't rupture your stitches!” Zinnia however, didn’t seem to pay attention to him as she cuddled the baby close. She noticed something very interesting. Little Liam had one blue eye and one dark brown eye. “Oohhh heterochromia! That’s neat!”
“Heh...Are you alright? What happened???” John worriedly questioned, causing Zinnia to stop smiling and turn gloomy all of a sudden. She looked to her boyfriend and he answered for her. “She got shot in an incident regarding the other Robotnik.”
“The coward fled. He couldn't bear to witness the consequences of his actions...” Robotnik seethed.
“A part of me thinks he’ll be back. After all, from what I’ve seen, you’re not one to give up easily...” Theodore shot the scientist a serious look.
“Oh bollocks. Sorry luv. Can I getcha anythin'?” John asked Zinnia, expressing his sympathy.
“Nothing really... I just want to go home...” Robotnik was quick to disagree with what she said.
“You're not safe there! He knows where you live!!”
“...I could kill 'im if ya need....” John offered, which Zinnia was highly against.
“...John please... I don’t want any bloodshed.” 
“Alrigh'...” The mage sat down on a spare chair. “So...What are we gonna do? The bastard hurt my friend, he's gonna pay.”
Robotnik spoke in a grumbling voice. “Why don't you just call him and set him on fire?”
“I would, but since your the same person I'd need his DNA so I don't set you on fire. Lock of hair, fingerprint...”
“No, no. Please, no setting anyone on fire!” Zinnia frantically shook her head.
“Alright. C-can I have my son back...??”
“Oh,” The young woman noticed she still had Liam in her arms. “Of course!” She gently handed him over to John before turning her attention towards Robotnik, her expression determined. “Oh and just so you know, if I’m staying here, so is Teddy.”
“Hm? Oh, right. The boyfriend, of course he can stay here.” The doctor was surprisingly quick to agree.
“I have a name, you know.” Theodore shot him an annoyed look, while in the background, John was talking to Liam using a baby voice. “Hello little hellion. Who’s daddy's little hellion??”
“Of course you do! Anyway,” Robotnik turned towards John. “I'm sure whoever have birth to that child would like to see him, right? I'll have one of my agents show you out.”
“Bloody rude.” John grumbled but agreed to being escorted out, waving them goodbye.
Zinnia waved back before asking Robotnik a question that had been in her mind for a while. “Hey, I just remembered, what happened to that blue hedgehog?”
“Oh, well, he's under surveillance by Agents Sobel and Stone. We need him alive right now, I'm sure he's fine.”
“Last time I saw him, he was hurt pretty badly...” She remembered how he had suffered gunshot wounds, much like her.
“I have some vet technicians working on him. He'll be fine...” The scientist clenched his fist. “He'd better be, for their sake.”
“So... why do you want him alive?”
“The off-brand me has the ability to travel between dimensions, and so does the hedgehog. I'm going to track that bastard down and strangle him with my bare hands...”
“Okay...” The young woman hesitated a bit. “Do you know why the off-brand you was after me specifically?” She already knew but wanted to see what he’ll say.
“He's under the impression that he's going to make you love him. That alone is proof that his intellect is crippled compared to mine.”
“What... but why?...” Zinnia appeared to be deep in thought. “He and the me from that universe were together?”
“So he says.” Robotnik shrugged. “Honestly? I can't imagine any version of you who's stupid enough to fall in love with me. Maybe he’s making it up because he fell for you when he saw you.”
“Hmm...I don’t think he is. He wouldn’t have risked his life like that for something made up.” She suddenly looked at him with a teasing smile. “Are you saying that I’m smart?”
He smirked, feeling so much affection for her at that moment that he didn’t know what to do except pinch her cheek. “What if he made it all up on the spot when he first saw you? And of course you're smart! I don't hire idiots!!”
She giggled while lightly batting his hand away. “I doubt that. Why would anyone make something like that up. And mayhaps I’m not as smart as you say I am, considering I do...love you. Not like that, but as a friend...I do.”
Meanwhile, Theodore was silently watching their exchange with a raised eyebrow, his expression unreadable.
Robotnik was genuinely taken aback by what Zinnia said, and it showed. He literally had no idea how to handle that unknown emotion he was feeling. He hugged her briefly before he stood up and returned to his workstation. “I should let you get done rest. You've had a long day.”
Her smile fades a bit as she looked at him worriedly. “Hey, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable...”
“I'm... I'm not uncomfortable! I just have to ensure that the knockoff version of me doesn't hijack my machines again!”
“Oh! Right, he was able to take control over your drones. Same technology probably...” Zinnia appeared to be deep in thought. “I do wonder, what exactly happened to this other version of me. He told me that I don’t exist in that universe anymore...”
“I have a few ideas as to what happened, and all of them are his doing. I know myself, and by extension I know him better than he knows himself. That man is adrift in a sea of self-delusion.” He scoffed.
“But you’re not like that... Something terrible must’ve happened for him to become this desperate...” She sighed. “So anyway, I guess I should move my stuff to my old room here. The stuff which is back at my house...”
“Not until you're recovered! Or maybe Theo can do it. It's not like he's going to be abducted!”
“Yeah, I can bring all your stuff here. No worries” Theodore readily agreed.
“Oh, and you think I can maybe... get a room with a window this time?” Zinnia asked Robotnik a bit timidly, not knowing how he would react. “My previous one doesn’t have one and it can be a bit suffocating sometimes.”
“Of course you can! And it won't just be a studio apartment, either. I'll make sure that it's nice and homey for you!” The scientist was smiling, overjoyed at the thought of having Zinnia live under his roof again.
“Really?” The young woman smiled brightly. “That would be great, if it’s not too much trouble of course!”
“Of course it isn't! You can even let Theo live with you! And... that fucking bird...”
“Oh yeah! I think he’s with Emil right now. And... I get that you still have a grudge against him. I’m sorry once again that he bit you. But look on the bright side, now we have something we can use to differentiate between you and your other self!” She giggled.
The next day, Zinnia was visited by Agent Stone. She got up from her bed to greet him. After doing so, he asked about Robotnik. “Has anyone seen the doctor? I don't think he's eaten in the past 24 hours and that's upsetting...”
“He hasn’t?? He’s been so worried about me lately. I feel kinda bad. Her boss was so busy looking after her, he neglected to take care of himself.
“Right--that other doctor shot you! Are you feeling better? ... Do you think there's another Agent Stone?”
“I’m much better. It still hurts a bit but other than that, I’m okay. Hmm I don’t know actually. There could be a possibility if there’s another me.” She answered.
“Two doctors... Imagine...” Stone looked lost in his thoughts all of a sudden, which caused Zinnia to give him a deadpan look.
“Stone... please stop.”
“Sorry! I wouldn't leave this dimension anyway, not since I'm finally allowed to talk to my daughter! She's a freshman at UC Berkeley!” Agent Stone said with pride in his voice.
Upon hearing that, Zinnia perked up looked at him curiously. “Oh really? I didn’t know you had kids. What’s her name?”
“Just the one. Her name is Sina Contreras. She, well, she took her mother's name. And that's fine!” He took an old photo out of his wallet. “She's grown so much since I took this picture of her...”
The young woman smiled brightly as she took a look at the photo. “Oh, she’s adorable!”
“She really is! And she lets me call her every week now. I finally was able to give her all of the letters I'd written to her all these years--”
“Agent Stone! What are you doing in here?! You're supposed to be guarding that blue rat!!” Robotnik barged into the room.
“That’s great! I’m so happy for you--” Zinnia’s attention turned towards her boss. “Oh hey, he was telling me that you haven’t eaten anything in a while.”
“Sorry, doctor! I'll just leave now...” And with that, Agent Stone left the room.
“Please do. And I've eaten! See all of those bottles over there?!” The scientist pointed to a bunch of empty Soylent bottles on his desk that he had set up in her room.
“What?? That’s not real food! I can cook something for you if you want.” She offered.
“YOU CAN'T LEAVE YOUR BED! What if you tear your stitches? What if you fall?! You!” He pointed at Theo as soon as he entered the room. “Tell her! You're the one who's her boyfriend!”
Said boyfriend sighed in mild exasperation. “Don’t you think you’re being a bit too overprotective?”
“Yeah...like there’s no need for all the cushion mats and stuff.” Zinnia gestured around her room. Earlier, Robotnik had ordered his custodians to put down cushioned mats on the floor and padding on all the corners, as if he was having the room baby-proofed.
“Of course not! She can do whatever the hell she wants! If "Doctor Theodore" says it's alright, you can run around as much as you want!” The scientist threw up his hands and walked out of the room, only to poke his head back in a minute later. “Just don't leave the compound yet, not until I'm standing over my dead lookalike with his blood dripping from my hands.” Then finally, he left, leaving Zinnia to stare after him with wide eyes.
The silence was broken by Theodore. “Well, that was...something.”
A few hours later, after everything had finally calmed down, Zinnia received a text message while she was laying in bed and just passing time on her phone. It was from the other Robotnik:
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia Zinnia, you’re alive! That bastard made me think you were dead! But you got shot... I’m so sorry.
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #2 It’s fine... I’m better now. But how did you find out...?
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia I saw you... with that infant... You have no idea how good it felt to see you in person yesterday, after so long...
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #2 Listen, I understand it was very difficult to lose your Zinnia but you have to understand that I’m not her.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia But you can be her. No, you are her.
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #2 I’m not! I don’t belong in your universe. My home is here.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia Here with that uptight British man who clearly doesn’t deserve you? With my other extremely more volatile self?! None of those people deserve you! I expect you to trust me and know that I know what’s best. I can look after you better than they can! That’s what I’m trying to do!
Dr Frost [left on read, feeling very scared indeed]
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 He knows I’m alive. And that I’m here in your compound. I’m scared QwQ
Robotnik was in a room nearby, about to have a quick nap, but the moment he read Zinnia's text he was off the couch and back by her side in an instant. “He's insane if he thinks that he's going to bypass all of my automated defence systems! All of my private agents have been informed of the situation and if they see anyone who looks even a little like me then they're instructed to detain him if he can't supply them with the right passphrase. I'm going to issue your boyfriend a sidearm of his own in case I'm not here, okay? That lunatic will never get his hands on you!”
The young woman sighed sadly and nodded while sporting a very depressed expression. “So we just...wait now? I’m scared...”
"Hey..." Robotnik sat down on the bed next to her and took her hand. "We won't have to wait very long. I'm sure he has some idiotic plan to invade my compound, and he's a very rash and impatient man from what I've seen. When he finally shows his face and tries to use my own creations against me, we'll detain him and humanely dispose of him." he gave Theo a wink over Zinnia's head, and he didn't even attempt to hide the excitement he felt about the opportunity to kill his inferior self.
Zinnia looked up, still with that gloomy expression when she felt her hand being held by a larger one. She first thought it was Theodore but the feel of the glove suggested otherwise. She didn’t expect Robotnik to show this much affection towards her but then again, he’s been overly affectionate ever since she was abducted by him. She shuddered to think about the messages he sent her. She cleared her throat nervously and unconsciously squeezed his hand before speaking up. “You’re right. He has been... but he’s still basically you. He knows everything that you do. The odds right now... aren’t looking good.”
Theodore raised an eyebrow and gave the scientist an amused look but otherwise stayed silent and listened to whatever he had to say.
"He's in enemy territory though, and he knows that you don't want to leave with him. And what I've gleaned from taking with him makes me suspect that your interdimensional counterpart's demise might have been his fault. He probably lost his temper, or he treated her like an object even more than he does now... I know him better than he knows himself. Whatever his upbringing was, I can only assume that it wasn't quite like mine." His expression was grim. He didn't look at either of them. "Unlike him, I know what I am and what I'm capable of. I don't deny my true self."
“But...you don’t treat me badly,” Zinnia mumbled with a far-off in her eyes. “You both are identical...and yet different. I wonder exactly what lead him to become like this...”
Off in the distance, deep in the woods up in the mountains a few miles from Zinnia’s house was the other Robotnik. He had set up a temporary base, hidden within the mountains. Not many people travelled this far and even if some did, all they would see would be trees and land due to his cloaking device. And if for some reason they were to venture closer, his security drones would dispose of them.
The scientist himself was currently recovering from the injuries he had sustained during his fight with his other self and that strange Emil person. He has him to thank for his fractured ribs. While he recovered, he had successfully gained access into the other Robotnik’s security cameras. All his worries and rage dissipated, a soft smile replacing his frown as soon as he saw Zinnia in a hospital room, looking a bit weak and pale but alive. She was holding an infant. That image almost brought tears to his eyes as he was reminded of his late Zinnia who was expecting a child of their own. If he hadn’t screwed everything over, his Zinnia would be alive right now, along with their child. In fact, the child would be three years of age now...But he still has another chance to not only have Zinnia back but their child as well. 
’So that bastard lied to me.’ His mind went to that moment when his other self made him believe that she died. Considering he and Zinnia aren’t together in this universe, he was not expecting the response the other one showed when he abducted her. And he loathed to admit that he was unprepared for it. Looks like he’d have to hop back to his universe and get everything he needed to prepare himself for the next time. Because there will be a next time. He will never give up until he has her.
===to be continued? OwO===
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badboy-mysweetboy · 5 years
One Dangerous Stiff
Eric Coulter× fem reader
Ok..... Hear me out. Thus dude is just mighty fine and he could shove me off a cliff and id smile🙃 enjoy btw this don't follow the plot bro.
Warning: Sad, swearing, cute ending, badass reader
Random tags: @missmarrinette​ @pindragon​ @ericcoulterdauntlessdivergent​ @ericcoultergirl9499​
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"So who's it gonna be?" Eric, one of the leaders asked eyeing the new recruits. "Me," I spoke up walking from the back of the group, his cold blue eyes bore into the side of my head as I presented in front of the group. "Is there water? Or a net?" A boy behind me asks, approaching the ledge and turning to the group with a smirk.
Eric's eyebrow raises at the movement. "Boy, I sure hope not." Rasing my fingers in a gun motion to under my chin, pulling the trigger. Lifting my weight from me, the wind throwing my h/c flowing above me as the ledge above me got smaller and smaller. The darkness around it grew to tuck my arms under my head and crossing my legs as if I was on a couch, watching the game. Then my weight was caught in a net.
Landing, my weight shifted as I looked over at a familiar face. "Y/n?" His eyes wide and mouth agape.
"Oh look my least favorite number, how long has it been 7 years? I can't remember." Getting off the net walking away as Four sent up a whistle and another came down. Beatrice, from my old, shitty faction. Abnegation.
As he pulled the net down, their eyes met and never let go. Making gagging noises they caught on before another was sent down. Four kept a gaze on me before Eric leaped down. He walked in front of the group once again as more teens walked in but in all black. Standing in the back I made mental note of the people that stood in front of me, finally meeting with a blue pair already looking at me. Eric's smirk grew into a... Smile. Bouncing my eyebrows, erupting a chuckle. Continuing his speech, my mind wandered to younger days.
"You can't catch me!" A laugh left his lips as my smaller frame tried to keep up. "Slow down!" My younger squeaky voice called out to him, running in between houses and crowds trying so desperately to just graze his skin. Before abruptly stopping being met with a chest, looking up I was met with a scary, familiar face. "Daddy? What's wro-" His hands.
Dug into my arms as he pulled me back to the box-like house, a pair of familiar eyes followed what happened. Screaming and kicking, my cheek stung as my head whipped to the side meeting his eyes once more. "Help me! Big brother, please! Don't let him hurt me!"
Instead of a hero, I was met with a coward, him shaking his head.
But that wasn't new.
But was new was he never came back.
My body painted in splotches of dark shades, my memories even darker. Daddy.
He blamed me for mom, now brother. Brother never got hit, even though he made me so mad, I'm happy I can protect him from daddy.
I don't know where he went, he was only 9 and I was 7 but I hoped he was safe till 16.
"Follow me." Shaking my head I follow as he mapped out the place to me, "Badass" noticing the grunge military aesthetic. "You're a stiff?" A gruff voice from behind me, turning to see ice blue once again. "What? Happy to see me?"
"Ha ha very funny, but no I meant-" he started, smiling I winked. "I know what ya meant, just giving ya trouble." Chuckling he continued next to me as we were showed the bunking area, " change into new clothes, we burn your old ones in 5."
"Fucking finally" walking into the room while everyone else looked around. Stripping and diving into my new black ones, turning I caught the sight of a neck tattoo before it disappeared behind the wall.
Picking up my old gray clothes and gliding towards the bonfire already made. The heat made me smile. As Four went on and on about new beginnings I tossed my clothes in like it was trash while others held it dearly to their hearts.
"Get over it. It's not like you wanted to stay, throw it in the damn fire so we can move on." I grumbled before shadowing behind the crying group. Passing it. Training. Finally.
Fighting was the only thing I knew after that day with my brother. Relentlessly for 7 years. I built up my strength and got away from the man who hurt me day after day. "What do you got stiff?" A dude was mocking Tris, who was having trouble with throwing a punch. Approaching them and grabbing her hand and pulling her with me. Standing here in front of the bag next to mine, sighing before putting her in the most impactful stance. "Tension here" pointing to her abdomen, "not here" pointing at her stomach. "Weight here, then shift it as you swing" leading her on her back foot to her front. "Swivel your foot with it. Go, right hook it."
Swallowing, Tris did as told and landed a decent punch. Eyes widening she met my e/c eyes, "It didn't hurt." Going to my bag I responded, " because you're the one supposed to give damage not receive-" throwing a hooked punch, "now keep going it hurts less more ya do it, rookie." As my fists met the leather images from childhood flashed in my mind, faces, voices. Every memory leads to a harder punch.
"Y/n and Al, ring now." Eric's cold voice boomed over the cement room, turning to the ring a boy stepped in. Smirking I went in between the ropes and cracked my knuckles. "I can't hit her, Can I fight a guy?" Al asked looking me up and down, Eric's face went from his normal bitch face to disgust. "Really? Just fight her, she has over double your score. Go!" At his command All slowly approaches, scanning his stance I could tell his core was his main focus of strength. Sighing as his fist flew passed my head, grabbing his arm and launched my foot into his side earning a yell of pain. Before twisting the now dislodged shoulder so his arm was behind his back. Laying on the floor at my will, I sat on his back holding the position as I fake checked my nails. "I'm thinking safe word fellas, how bout pork and beans?"
The boy was groaning in pain when he and Eric in unison, "What?"
"I don't know I saw it in a movie. Now, Al, I want you to repeat after me. Four is the worst number." His eyes met mine, "I can't say that."
Pulling his arm farther and farther as he screamed and the group grew as Four and Eric watched me whisper in his ear. "Say It! Or else..." Pulling his arm he yelped, "Four is the... Worse number. Now please." Sighing thinking about it for a second, "I guess so." Getting up and jump out of the ring. Watching Four as his eyes connected to his shoes, walking to the knifes section. Practice, yes I was like a perfected machine but all I knew was to fight.
That's all I've ever known.
Throwing the heavy but not too heavy weapons, the figure of the tall man came back. Making the knives go further... Faster. Until I reached down and no knives were found. Looking up, Eric was holding the box. "Dinner was called 25 minutes ago. You need to eat."
"Why do you care if I eat? You have 45 new robots to program that is eating. I don't eat dinner. Not when I can be here." Never breaking the gaze as my hand refilled with serrated steel, he grabbed my wrist with the blades. " because I like you. And I don't like people, and you're easily the best fighter here. So shower and I hope I see you in the cafeteria, or I'll come lookin" He smirked at the end, "Is that a threat or a promise Eric?" Smirking stepping forward being so close I could feel the hot breath fan over my skin. Glancing between his icy blue eyes and his pink lips I lean in a bit closer dropping the knives in the box, "I guess we'll see then?" Backing away before swaying my hips all the way to the bunks, finding the showers. Peeling the grimy clothes off my body and stepping into the icy water. The colder the better, cleaning the sweat off my skin. I turned the water off and drying off and putting on my bra and underwear.
Walking passed the mirrors I stop in my tracks. I've never seen my self as a whole, damn I'm ugly. Glancing over the scars and abs carved into my skin. Placing the tank and jeans on over the marks, I swiftly make my way to my bunk. Pulling on my boots I hear boots hit the floor growing nearer, “I thought you may have gotten the hint by now but here you are.” Turning and seeing Four, “How’d you know it was me, Y/n?” 
“Because you’re heavy-footed, and you lead with your left foot instead of the average right. Now please excuse me, I’m hungry.” Walking passed him before I felt his hand around my wrist. Stopping in my tracks he let out a heavy breath. “Y/n I’m sorry-” 
Yanking my wrist out of his grip with a cold glare, “No you’re not. You left me alone with that monster for 7 years.
 Not 7 minutes, 
Not 7 hours.
 Not 7 days. 
7 YEARS! Catch my drift you ugly bastard? Even though you ran away every time he decided to punish someone, you’d come back. But at least you came back-oh wait. You didn’t. And really the name Four? Do you really hate me that much? We both know, that’s the time dad got home every day. Leave me alone, Good-Bye Tobias.” 
The cold glare I gave him could kill, another pair of boots could be heard but my eyes never left his. “You were supposed to be my big brother.” In a small whisper left my lips before turning back to the cafeteria. Eric stood at the end of the hallway with a curious look written on his face. “Come on Y/n, I am.” Tobias’s voice echoed, not even turning to meet his gaze. “You lost that title, You haven’t been in a long time. Do what you’re good at. Disappear, Tobias.” Before continuing to Eric as we made our way back.
“Don’t mean to pry but. Tobias? What is he to you?” Eric asked as we sat with our food in front of us. Sitting criss-cross on the bench I look over, “Tobias- I mean Four grew up together. But you would collect that since you heard our argument.” Giving a small smirk at the end taking a swig of water from my cup, he chuckled placing some of the ripped up biscuit into his mouth. “Sorry bout that, but like I said I was gonna come to look for ya. So you’re old friends?” 
Finishing the food in my mouth I answered, “Well not exactly a friend. A friend you can rip off like a bandaid, painful but gone. Nope. To- Four was like cancer, you can’t get rid of it. Somehow, he comes back. But I thought he was gone for good. Shows how much I know.” I chuckle coldly eating a bit more, we sat in short silence. I could see the gears turning. Before the girl from before sat down next to me, a- Tris was her name. “Can I help you?” I ask before plopping food into my mouth, she tugged at her long black sleeves. “I wanted to thank you for earlier, he was being a jerk. And teaching me how to...” She mumbled off, “Throwing a hook? No problem Rookie. Now if ya please, go back to your chair before Four thinks he can sit over here.” I grumble the last part, letting out a heavy sigh when Four plops down across from me. 
Standing from the table I turn and go up the stairs the second Four sat. Clenching my jaw I quickly make my way up the stairs and to the roof, slamming the door shut and grumbling. “Who the fuck he think he is? Walking in like he fucking did nothing? God, I wish I didn’t love him!” I rant sitting on the ledge letting my feet dangle. 
“You love Four?” I heard an angry voice from the doorway, his chest puffed up. Looking over at Eric, “Trust me, not the way you think. Come. Pop a squat.” I pat the cement next to me, he was at my side within seconds. “Then how do you love Tobias?” 
I gulped looking longing at the bright lights against the dark sky, “Tobias is- was my big brother. We had a rough childhood. My dad was an ass, and when my mom ran away he lost it. He took out that rage on me because Tobias ran into the shadows. He left me 7 years ago, I was 7 at the time. I never knew where he went, or if he was alive. I fought to get things since dad was broke, hence to now sitting on a roof with a ruggedly handsome man explaining why I want to kill a number.” I chuckled at the end, Eric watched as I spoke about my childhood.
 I don’t hide it. Because simply I don’t care about my childhood. I won't start crying because of it, not how I was built. 
“Brother? So I have a chance?” He smiled, letting out a laugh I replied. “Yes. Yes, you do Eric.” 
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moving-accounts-uwu · 4 years
Home Is Where The Heart Is {Pt. 1}
Fandom: Far Cry 5 
Characters: Seed Brothers x Serah (OFC) 
Story Type: Series 
Series Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, death, violence, romance, fluff, polygamous relationship, abuse, smut, slight dub-con, religious themes, kidnapping, brain-washing, Stockholm Syndrome & Lima syndrome, some elements of the games is used (locations, story/timeline, etc).
Chapter Warnings: None!
Word count: 2.3k words
Story Summary: Serah is a young woman living in Fall’s End, Hope County and has lived there all her life. She owns her own farm and B&B, nothing very exciting ever happens in Fall’s End - except for the occasional chaos caused by Sharky Boshaw. That is until one day, three men show up with a broken down car and seeking a place to stay. Serah, being the kind and caring person she is, lets these men into her home with open arms, but she truly doesn’t know what she has invited into her life. 
A/N: each chapter will have specific chapter warnings/trigger warnings at the beginning to help those who would get triggered to know what is about to happen in each chapter. I wouldn’t want to trigger anyone tho ;w; Other than that, I hope y’all enjoy this chapter 1 and updates to this story will be slow though. I know this first chapter is short but make sure to show it some love so I know y’all like it and I can continue it!! Gif is not mine btw~
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Hope County was never really busy or loud; it was mainly quiet and peaceful. People could leave their windows and doors unlocked during the nights because no major crimes were ever committed, and the fact that Hope County only had a small amount of law enforcement because of the low crime rate. 
Hope County was the perfect place for Serah. Serah had lived in Fall's End for nearly seven years, and her life has never taken a turn for the worst while living on her farm. She owned a few cows, chickens, pigs, and horses that she tends and cares for. Her large farmhouse has also been renovated to be Fall's Ends very own 'Bed & Breakfast'; getting the occasional tourist here and there, or sometimes it's a local needing a little change in scenery. Serah's main customer is Sharky Boshaw. 
Sharky liked to cause a little trouble, otherwise, Hope County would be too quiet. Whenever Sharky was too drunk to go home, he always managed to walk to Serah's farm and keep her company while tending to him. Serah was also good friends with Kim and Nick Rye, the couple being her closest friends since she moved to Montana from New York. Serah wanted a change of scenery herself, and she always dreamed of owning her own farm and 'B&B'. 
It was a warm morning when Serah woke up in the early hours on a Saturday. She groaned a bit, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and giving her muscles a good stretch before leaving the confines of her bed. Most of her farm chores were done the day before, so only a few small chores were left remaining. Serah planned to go to The Spread Eagle to visit Mary May, another good friend of hers from when she first moved to Fall's End and worked at the bar for four years. 
As Serah was doing some dusting around the house with only having to hang out the laundry after, she was excited to get a move on and get it finished. 
"C'mon, Serah, nearly done then we can have drinks to wash the stress away." 
Serah couldn't wait to relax before Monday began; the only days she really lets loose is on the weekends with Mary May, and sometimes Sharky if he hasn't already been drinking and passed out somewhere. When the chores were done, Serah took a quick shower to freshen up and put on a cute white, lace sundress that had a deep neckline that flashed a bit of her cleavage and stopped just above her knees. 
Serah parked her car in the parking lot before pushing through the bar doors, looking around at the few patrons already there just before 1 p.m. When she approached the bar, Mary May was quick to greet her. 
"Hey, beautiful! Just finished all the chores on the farm, yeah?" 
"You have no idea..." Serah gave a dramatic sigh of relief while Mary just laughed. 
"Don't worry, sweetie! Maybe you could ask one of the boys to help you out around that big farm of yours. You probably need to hire some farmhands, otherwise, you're gonna get tired and grey from stress." Mary May was very motherly for someone who was only a few years older than Serah. 
"You know I would if I had the money, Mary. I can't afford to hire farmhands while paying my bills, groceries, and animal feed. I'd either go broke or couldn't pay them enough to keep around." Serah shrugged before getting comfortable at the bar, trying to decide what drink she'd want to order first. 
Serah ordered herself a Bourbon and Coke while conversing with Mary and a few other patrons, having the day pass slowly and having a good time. It wasn't until two in the afternoon that Serah thought about heading back to the ranch. She asked Mary if she could leave her truck in the parking lot, which Mary said yes and that she didn't need to ask, while Serah called Nick for a lift. 
Serah didn't have to wait for Nick long; he came under less than 2 mins and picked her up. 
"Hey there, Serah! You have a good time?" Nick asked while he headed towards the ranch. 
"Oh yeah, I had a few drinks to help unwind. It's been a rough few days working, but I got everything done. Maybe I'll get a few new guests or Sharky might just crash at mine whenever he's too drunk to go home." Nick and Serah both laughed at the thought. 
Nick and Serah had a sibling bond; Nick was like an older brother and Serah being younger. Serah met Nick when she turned 21 and had her first drink at the Spread Eagle, where she was introduced to Nick and Kim Rye, then five years later, she was basically another Rye in their eyes. She had a second family after losing both her parents to cancer when she was 19. Nick and Serah even got tattoos of each other's names that Nick claims 'Now you're a Rye! You're now my little sister'. The memory always brings tears of pride and joy to Serah's eyes. 
Nick parked in front of Serah's ranch before hugging her tight. 
"You know, you could always ask me to help you out if things are too much, sis." 
"I know that Nick, but I couldn't possibly ask of that from you when Kim is this far along in her pregnancy. She'll need your help more than me. She could give birth next month or so." Serah tried to reason, but Nick just scoffed. 
"Kimmie is a tough son of a bitch, every time I offer to help her, she tells me she can do it herself. Trust me, I have plenty of free time to help you out." Nick gave Serah a comforting squeeze on her shoulder before she hopped out of his car, waving him goodbye and watched him drive away. 
With a sigh, Serah walked back into her home and started to plan out what to make for dinner. She heard the soft sound of her white cat, Alpine, purring away in his perch at the window sill, the sun coating him with warmth. 
"Hey there, Alpine, did ya miss me?" Serah giggled as she walked by him, scratching behind his ear as she went. 
*2 hours later* 
Serah always had a habit of making large portions of food as if other people lived in the two-story house. She couldn't help it, Serah just created that much food so she wouldn't have to worry about making more the next day. She guessed that it was because she would have to cook for the guests when they stayed at her 'B&B' and she just can't help it. While she let the chicken and corn soup to simmer, she started to get Alpine's food ready because she knew he'd become needy soon. 
"Alright, buddy, you'll be having some delicious prawns, your favorite!" Serah sang as Alpine came rushing over and meowing loudly at the smell of the prawns. 
As Serah put the prawns into a small bowl and placed it on the floor near the kitchen island, she heard the sound of a slam and a muffled, angry voice followed by a calmer voice. Serah's curious mind got the better of her and snooped near the front window and peeked out through her translucent curtains to see what the commotion was. There was a black SUV parked on the side of the road, small amounts of smoke coming from the hood while three men stood around the front of the car. One of the men had red hair and beard with scars covering parts of his face and forearms; he was the one who was angry at the fact that their car must have broken down while the two other men stood around letting the redhead vent. One of the other men was dressed in very luxurious clothes and had many tattoos covering his arms and hands, and he also sported a beard. The other man had his hair in a bun, wore yellow-tinted glasses, and looked to be trying to calm the scarred man. 
Serah was still in a daze by watching the men that she hadn't realized that the men had noticed her house, and one of them was making their way to her front door. The sudden sound of knocking on her door startled Serah out of her daze and she quietly made her way to the front door. When she made sure her little latch lock was in place, she opened the door slightly to greet the man with the tinted glasses and man-bun. 
"Hello my child, my name is Joseph, and my brothers and I happen to be in a bit of a predicament. It seems our car has broken down and we don't know how to fix the issue, would you happen to know of anyone who knows mechanics?" The man said. 
Serah blinked for a few seconds, registering what he had said. 
"Oh!" You looked at your little wristwatch to see that the time was now 4:30 in the afternoon and that the closest mechanic store is at least 45 minutes away and closes at 5 o'clock. "Um, the closest mechanic is nearly an hour away, and they'll be closing soon, so you won't be able to see them until tomorrow." 
"That is quite alright. I also saw that this loving ranch was a 'Bed & Breakfast', would my brothers and I be able to seek refuge here for the night until one of us are ready to walk into town?" Joseph gestured to the two other men still standing by the SUV who were looking at them from afar. 
"Oh, of course! And because of your circumstances, I won't charge you; I'd feel bad if I did. Save your money for when you get your car fixed." Serah gave him a warm smile, unlatching the lock on the door and opening it wide. 
Joseph motioned for his brothers to come forth while he continued to talk to you. 
"That is very kind of you, my dear. May I ask, what is your name? It's silly of me for not asking our host's name." 
She then made way for the three men to enter her house and they huddled in the open space living room. 
"My name's Serah, and I'll be your host. I've got some chicken and corn soup that's just settling and will be ready to serve. I also have spares bedrooms upstairs if you'll follow me!" Serah led the three men to the rooms and let them choose a room for themselves while also being introduced to the two men, John and Jacob. 
Jacob was the eldest Seed brother while Joseph was the middle child, and John being the youngest. Jacob served in the army and was a hardened soldier; John used to be a lawyer while Joseph claims to be 'The Father'. He preached about the gifts of God and how God would occasionally speak to him or give him visions about 'the Collapse'. Serah was never really religious; she never cared for religion but never stopped anyone who did. She politely listened to Joseph talk about this 'Project at Eden's Gate' and how he and his brothers have come to Hope County to save as many people as he can before the collapse because that is what God has told him. 
Serah started to serve the Seed brothers the soup when John spotted Alpine walk into the dining area. 
"Oh, and who is this little guy?" John asked while petting the white feline. 
"That's Alpine; he was a stray when I found him as a kitten. He was so small and malnourished, but he stole my heart the second I saw him. He's my little fur baby." Serah picked Alpine up into her arms and cuddled him for a bit. 
The four of them ate, Joseph and Serah doing most of the talking, John contributing now and then while Jacob grunted in acknowledgment. Joseph talked more about Eden's Gate then asked where would be the best place to buy a property big enough to host sermons for him and his followers or 'children' as he called them. Serah answered as many of Joseph's questions but told them that they would have to see sheriff Whitehorse about getting a license to carry when John asked about that. 
When dinner was over, Serah grabbed all the empty bowls and was prepping to wash them when John stopped her. 
"Please, you've cooked and let us rest for the night for free, the least we could do is wash the dishes. Go and relax, dear." 
Serah gave him a sweet smile, nodded, and thanked him before heading for the living room to read a book. Jacob seemed to already have worked out the TV remote, and he and Joseph were flicking through the channels. The sat in silence with only the noise of the dishes being washed in the kitchen to fill in as background noise. The rest of the evening went by with small talk and watching whatever is on TV before the Seed brothers and Serah bid goodnight to each other at around ten. 
As Serah was about to enter her room, she was stopped by Joseph yet again. 
"I'd like to thank you again, Serah. It seems God has led us to you, and to be blessed with your kindness and hospitality. Hopefully, in weeks to come, we'll see you again. Goodnight, dear." With that, Joseph went into his room, leaving Serah in the little hallway who was touched by his words. 
As Serah did her nightly routine and hopped into bed, she had a nightmare of an explosion and the world on fire.
Thank you for reading this short chapter!
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dismas-dumbass · 4 years
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Mom says that a house is like a body. And every house has eyes and bones and skin. A face. This room is like the heart of the house. No, not a heart, a stomach.
-The Haunting of Hill House
Hackett Siblings wanted for some absolutely chaotic drama!
CW: suicide, ptsd, mental trauma, death, substance abuse
henlo, welcome to the ad where i lose my shit cause i’ve lost control of my life. anyway! i have the idea for a rather messed up group of siblings slightly based off the Haunting of Hill House show. The basics are that there’s a large house, there’s a large family, something reaaaallyy rreeaally bad happens to the family when the kids are young that have fucked them up for the rest of their lives, fun stuff like that! obviously the situation is more subtle/personal rather than what goes on in the show [i’ll try to be vague due to spoilers] but i think it’s still something that can be rather creepy~ pretty much 95% of the info presented in this version of the ad is rather flexible and flimsy and i definitely don’t mind working with y’all to make it something amazing!! also, no knowledge of the show is needed whatsoever but just be a tiny bit careful if you do wanna see it/don’t like being spoiled mostly just due to the fact that with the themes that will be in the ad the show will probably be discussed as well!
a loooootttt of the details aren’t set in stone btw! i’m pretty much outlining my thoughts and the general concept but things may/will change and things will be added/subtracted as more people contribute to the idea!
if you have any questions or even if this strikes your fancy you can contact me on discord [mine’s dismas#9766]! if there’s more than one of ya then we can get a group chat going so that way we can see what ideas we all have for this! i can’t wait to write with y’all! <3
alright, so the gist is that the Hackett family used to live in a rather big and fancy house. why they were there is up in the air so here’s a few suggestions: A. like the show, their parents were fixing it up. now, whether that means they’re going to sell it right after or live in it is open since both angles are rather interesting! B. they inherited it. from who? who knows! could be a relative that one of the parents knew, could have been random. it’s just a harmless house right? it might be good for the family! C. they just moved there. weird house for a good price? why not! it might be fun! 
whatever the reason, the siblings were in the house for some time. whether they’re natives to Dyrne or outsiders is open since all of the concepts can cover those possibilities easily! there’s no strict timeline yet as to how old they were when they were in that house but more than likely the youngest [twin] siblings were no younger than 6 so make of that what you will with the age ranges~ i would say that they were in that house for about a year or so? technically not too long in their lives but enough to cause lifelong damage?
their parents were good people. they had their flaws obviously and raising literally seven kids was an undertaking but they managed fine enough. mostly through the power of having the older siblings taking care of the younger. but even then they were loving parents. their father was a bit of a mess but well-meaning [think: one of the little siblings learned a swear word from an older one and their father tries to track them down, shouting throughout the house ‘get your ass in here now or else you’re grounded!’] and their mother was more organized yet didn’t hesitate to create a tiny bit of harmless chaos every once in a while. they loved each other, they loved their kids.
now, obviously, there’s the subject of the house itself. what’s the history behind it? that’s definitely left open due to the very reason why they’re there. but there’s probably something wrong with the house. physically? spiritually? mentally? whoever walks those halls won’t exactly be coming back out the same, that’s for sure. And that’s sort of what happened. the official story was that the Hackett family lived in the house for year, doing whatever, and then a fire broke out which caused the death of their mother. the rest of the family was able to escape and the father gave the testimony that it was an electrical fire -when investigated, he was proven innocent of any wrongdoing.
so what’s the actual story? It’s a bit of a mish mash of weird memories, mostly. it’s not really known whether the house is actually alive alive or if its history is just a horrible set of coincidences of bad stuff happening to people. the actual night was a blur to the siblings, all of them being ushered out of the house by their frantic father and herded into the car. when they asked where their mother was their father didn’t answer so they were just left crying after their missing mother. they didn’t even know that there was a fire even though maybe one of them said that they smelled smoke. they didn’t find out until one of the officers at the scene talked about it. for whatever reason, each and every one of them were silent on why they were brought out of the house by their father.
it’s still something they don’t know about.
to be fair, it was almost a partial relief to be out of the house. as i mentioned with the family they were held together well enough and were loving but things started to change when they moved to that house. slowly, surely, they started to encounter strange happenings, feel strange things, and started to view each other differently. what exactly happened to each family member is left open since they mostly don’t speak of their experiences except for the youngest. even their father, who may have experienced quite a lot, was tight-lipped about what happened to him, especially on the night of the fire. the experiences changed them, messed with them, and caused them to splinter and falter and break. after the death of their mother there was obviously quite a few years before everyone split up but they eventually did, going off to do their own things with their own scars hidden beneath their lies. some moved away, some stayed, but they still stayed in touch in some fashion. just not enough to be considered personal anymore.
what brought them all back together was the death of their father not too long ago. The poor man must have been consumed by guilt of some sort and took his own life, leaving his children behind to deal with the aftermath. they still never got any secrets from him nor any answers so all that’s there are feelings of confusion and loss. where the story begins is the revealed news that all the siblings are going to be living under one roof -in that house. the youngest daughter, for whatever reason, decided to purchase their childhood home back and has been in the process of restoring it. the reason why each sibling decides to go along with this is up in the air but the end result is the same: all seven siblings, plus any other family they may have, are now living in that house again.
all the siblings except the one i’ll be playing are not set in stone! i’m going for a redheaded family sort of feel so the face claims i’ve put for each of them are something that i prefer but! tbh i’m super flexible and and at the end of the day it’s not a dealbreaker to choose someone else~ since i don’t wanna restrict folk’s fun over a fc choice! overall the sibling's interactions between each other are not that amicable -some may try to cooperate but old wounds come up and oftentimes a fight arises. they still have their weird traditions such as drawing straws if they need to do something and nobody wants to or they all fall silent at the same time [not often, obv., since they're mostly shouting over each other] that cause people on the outside to look at them strangely. at the end of the day, they can't escape the fact that they are siblings and are from the same disturbed family.
beliefs as well are varied and open! none say that they believe their youngest brother whenever he tries to convince them of what happened at the house though whether or not they believe that inside their heads is another matter entirely~
also! don’t feel as though you have to base your characters off any from the show! it’s just a nice start-off point and if you’re inspired but it’s definitely not a requirement whatsoever!
tbh a lot of the siblings aren’t fleshed out a lot & what happened to them in the house is also open so feel free to go wild!! i mean it; you can add as much as you want so that you can create a character that you’ll love to write for!
Eldest Son- 51. Toby Stephens.
being the eldest, he was the one to usually look after the younger children if their parents needed to do something. he built up a sort of protector complex where he has to make sure that he knows where all the other siblings are at all times. he fails constantly, of course, since he can’t even manage to have one of them listen to him. still, he feels responsible for all of his other siblings and takes it personally when he can’t get something done for them. he has his flaws, obviously, in that he tries to say that his way is the right way and can be as stubborn as an ox so despite his best intentions he clashes with some of the other siblings. this may be why none of them tend to listen to him.
Second Son- 50. Tony Curran.
He is one of the quieter siblings, preferring to be by himself when not needed. It isn’t that he dislikes his siblings; he just likes to be alone rather than among them. he’s kind and thoughtful so whenever one of the others needs help he’ll try to be there but besides that don’t count on him being somewhere on his own. Actually, it may be difficult to count on him in general because he loses track of time often and before he knows it he’s two hours late to moving some furniture for someone. this is probably the reason why he tends to be by himself -he doesn’t seem to grasp the passage of time as others have.
Eldest Daughter- 47. Sarah Rafferty.
she’s cruel. not absolutely cruel but cruel enough. she likes to poke and prod her siblings and see what sets them off. she thinks it’s funny and likes to observe the aftermath of her machinations. she likes to claim that she’s just bored but in reality she’s absolutely insecure herself and wants to bring others down to feel better about herself. don’t tell this to her face because she will absolutely try to turn it back on you and make you out to be the bad guy while she is the victim. also, don’t try to get revenge -she’ll just be more inclined to do something worse to you.
Second Daughter- 46. Amy Adams.
she’s neutral towards, well, everything. she kind of just exists and she doesn’t like that. not a lot of passion, not a lot of purpose. maybe she tries something daring once in a while to feel something but comes up short. it’s difficult for her to emotionally connect with others in a deep way and oftentimes she finds herself alone. she doesn’t like being alone, though, since being alone means she’ll be alone with her thoughts and she hates that. If she can even feel that properly, anyway. she’s not emotionless in the sense that she is sociopathic but her difficulty feeling things has caused her to have a sarcastic and thorny exterior towards anyone she meets, fueling her involuntary self-isolation.
Third Daughter- 43. Jessica Chastain. Reserved for spooky spice
she's the face of the family. the most energetic. the most chaotic. the one to threaten to break someone's kneecaps if they dare harm her siblings. she'll give a show-stopping smile and then tell you to eat shit afterwards. due to the minimal age difference she always had to watch the twins and therefore she is close to them, especially Thomas. some joke that she's actually Thomas' twin -she can sort of just sense whenever the youngest Hackett is in trouble. she's not happy about anything seeming messy, of course, so she spares no second to chastise anyone [including Thomas] about what they have done wrong. her status among stardom cannot afford any blemishes so catch her changing the subject whenever an interviewer brings up the fact that her younger brother is a drug addict. trust her, she knows. she knows all too well. and maybe her motivation for buying up the Hackett siblings' childhood house was to try to get Thomas some actual help after he failed out of rehab for the umpteenth time. their father's suicide may have just reinforced her decision to go forward with this.
Twin One- 42. Michael Fassbender.
maybe he’s one of the most normal. maybe’s he’s the most normal. maybe he has to be -his twin is an absolute trainwreck of a human being and his family is an equal amount of mess. maybe he’s just good at saving face and hiding the damage caused by the house [and maybe by his siblings]. some days, he sort of forgets that he’s a twin and that said twin is a drug addict. when they were young they were close though he would often play kind of cruel tricks on his younger twin such as locking the door to the basement after daring Thomas to go down the stairs, leaving him in a room alone with the lights off, and things like that. he grew out of it, matured, and tries to ignore the fact that he may or may not have been part of the reason why Thomas is the way he is now. he's too focused on being a professor at the college to fully see the cries of help his younger twin is showing.
Twin Two Thomas Hackett- 42. Michael Fassbender. Taken by Dismas.
so you’re asking me if i have a problem. i probably do. the youngest of the Hackett family; he’s probably one of the most heavily affected by the events at the house. for those familiar with the show think a combination of inspiration between Luke and Eleanor Crain, but also with even more issues maybe as well as none of the siblings being on his side whatsoever on anything. he had quite a few strange encounters ranging anywhere from encountering something in the basement when he was locked in one time by his twin to being trapped in a room with so much noise that he passed out for hours. now, figure, he’s a young kid when all of this happened [probably around 6 or so, could be a tiny bit older] so he doesn’t know how to deal with any of this. this really fucks him up. on top of that, whenever he told his family, none of them ever believed, further fueling the feeling of being unwanted. he was probably the closest one to their mother, being the youngest and the most vulnerable of the children, so he was absolutely devastated when she perished in the fire that fateful night. he blamed his father, thinking that he did something to her and tried to hide it with said fire. he never stopped believing in that, nor in the experiences he had in the house, and it pretty much ate at his soul. not only that but nobody still believed him so he always felt useless. he developed a bitter and angry attitude to try to hide this but the wounds were never able to be covered for long and so he eventually turned to drugs to soothe his pain. obviously, it never fully did so he just fell deeper into the rabbit hole. he dropped out of high school and started to do all sorts of jobs and favors in order to get his next fix, oftentimes winding up being arrested for petty crimes. he earned a bad reputation around town and the only reason why he didn’t face too much jail time is due to one of his siblings always bailing him out. wash, rinse, and repeat.
nowadays he goes between being sort of okay and having his own place to being absolutely drugged out of his mind and having to crash at a sibling’s place if they’re local -mostly his twin or the youngest daughter of the family. he’s failed out of rehab recently which may have been one of the reasons why the youngest daughter decided to purchase and fix up their childhood home; so that he can have a stable over his head for once and maybe recover from his habits. little does she know, or maybe care, that the house was the reason for his down spiral in the first place so he is not thrilled whatsoever to be stuck in the same building with all the same people who did not believe him. he hates it here.
Other Ideas
this is pretty much going to be only the possible family of the siblings woops but with the house being rather large there’s a ton of room for more than just the siblings themselves and more than likely some of the other siblings are going to be in some sort of relationship unlike Thomas. now, of course, maybe not all of the spouses/partners/children live in the house after all but then again they might! i have a few small ideas:
the loyal partner- this partner is loyal to the sibling they’re married to/with, always making sure they’re alright and making sure the sibling is well taken care of. maybe even spoil/indulge a little too much the whims of the sibling. they may seem a little more oblivious to the chaotic dynamics of the siblings and the strangeness of the house. they just think that everyone needs to get along and everything will be okay! except it’s never that easy and they probably just look foolish for suggesting that.
the angry partner- they hate it in the house. all the fighting and the tension and the drama; they think it’s a bunch of bullshit. they especially think all the spooky~ stuff that apparently happened in the house is all bullshit too and won’t hesitate to call anyone out if the supernatural is even entertained. they just want to live their life in relative peace with the sibling they’re with 
the mediator partner- they may not necessarily believe in the unbelievable -in fact, their career hinges on finding out why people process stuff the way they do [ex. a therapist or psychologist]- but they still try to see all angles. they’re typically the one trying to quell the arguments between siblings and trying to see why the siblings feel the way they do about things (and about each other). they’re curious, however, about the house itself and may start poking around in the wrong places to try to discover the truth.
[one tiny suggestion! perhaps the mediator partner is married to Thomas’ twin brother and they have a kid with the face claim of Reece King? ;^; he has slightly similar facial features to Michael Fassbender + i think it’d be sweet if the partner tries to see why Thomas is fucked up the way he is and maybe even begins to sympathize/believe him after they start to figure stuff out?]
alright! so the obvious plots are going to be the interactions between siblings~ their personalities may give a hint to who they do or don’t get along with but in all honesty they all have bad enough blood with each other to have issues one way or another. so! drama! one of those ‘if you leave them in a room for long enough they’ll find something to fight about’ type of things! they do love each other -really, they do- but their experiences in the house changed them forever and there’s no gaining that back. they can only move forward.
they’re already living in the house for a short period of time [maaaybbe a month? a few weeks?] so they’re all settled in and dealing with the presence of each other and it’s not going exactly swimmingly for obvious reasons. maybe some try to cooperate with each other? others not so much. there’s plenty of fighting and slamming doors and shouting and leaving the area/the house to cool off. on more than one occasion Thomas has already stated that he’s leaving for good and going out on his own. he never follows through with the threat -he can’t. he’s as tied to the house as everyone else is and now he can’t escape. but you get the gist. it’s going to take a while for them to see eye to eye with each other. if they ever do, anyway.
future plots to explore are, of course, up in the air but they can deal with the siblings learning more about each other, learning more about their parents, and learning more about the house. and, of course, learning more about their town as well! Whether things start to get better or if they down spiral even further is going to be rather interesting to see~
for initial threads it could be fun [in a morbid sense] to do a past one where they’re attending their father’s funeral since that was kind of actually a shitshow. imagine all the siblings, with their awful traits, having to deal with the death of their parent and just in terrible pain. so, what else to do than to cause issues with each other and create quite a few commotions? obv. when the sibling’s personalities are solidified we can discuss this further! overall the first types of posts will be their interactions with the site plots, the town itself, and between them when they’re at the house so there’s plenty of room for drama!
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abusedandromeda · 4 years
Since this is my vent blog and I’m allowed to talk about whatever, I’m gonna talk about my first and last suicide attempt cuz I just feel like if I talk about it, I’d feel okay I guess
It’s been about a year and a half since it happened(April 4, 2019). It was an award’s night for the school. The thing is that it was supposed to be a normal day. I wasn’t really too hyped for awards, I was actually happier to finally force myself to wear a suit, and egg donor wouldn’t tell me otherwise! At least that’s what I thought. We didn’t even know what the fuck she was angry about, but I just know that us wearing that outfit, looking masculine, was the last straw. Like an hour before then, we were trying to shop for clothes and I said I wanted to wear a suit or something like that and she said it was fine, but we could also tell that she was in a bad mood and she just decided to take it out on me. I was so happy in that outfit, but she didn’t care how it made me feel. She never cared about what made me happy, just how I looked in front of her.
(Excuse the shit formatting, tumblr’s a bitch)It was white floral dress shirt with loose dress pants and black marching shoes. We had decided at the time to wear my tight swimsuit to flatten our chest because at the time we didn’t have a binder and we tucked our shirt in. I was so happy. It filled me with confidence, I felt handsome, don’t y’all know how rare that is? But once she saw us, she just blew up at us. It wasn’t like the usual shit she pulled like “that shirt’s too tight, change it” or “cover your legs since you didn’t shave”. She just yelled at us, throwing all her frustrations onto us. She called us fat, said we looked ugly in that suit. Said to stop “going along with this lgbt+ bullshit”(this was before I came out btw). I don’t really remember the entire one sided shouting match, probably because one of my hivemates was co-conscious with me(I think it was Aurora because she was too tired to convince me to not attempt suicide), trying to protect me, but I just couldn’t let them even if I had wanted to.
I could remember the worst part of it though. She cornered me in a room and we were forced to undress and get dressed in front of her, in a feminine attire that she gave us. We couldn’t say anything to her, like “can you please leave?” because I think, according to one of my hivemates, she had hit me and we were afraid of getting hit again. I felt dehumanized and humiliated, I felt like an animal. She just watched me as I got dressed. I felt disgusting. All those months, years even, of personal body acceptence, telling myself that my body was perfect with all its scars and stretch marks was just *poof*. All gone. I felt so disgusted in my body because I knew what she thought of my body, she’s told us many times as a kid and even tells us to cover up my scars, cover up our muffin top and fat. I just can’t describe the disgust I felt in that moment, nor can I use the analogy without disrespecting someone else’s trauma, but I just felt so exposed and disgusted and dehumanized.
But it unfortunately didn’t end there. She dropped me off at the ceremony(I don’t remember being dropped off so I must’ve switched with someone at the time), but when I came to, I was sobbing in a stall in the girls’ bathroom, stuck in a black frilled top without a bra and I think some floral pants. I kinda cried there for a while, but sucked it up. It wasn’t the worst we’ve been through honestly. If we could survive egg donor shaming me for cutting myself multiple times and survive being guilted for running away, then we could survive another random barrage of insults, something we knew we dealt with weekly. At least that’s what I thought...
We didn’t really care to smile for the award we had gotten. “Most Improved mathematician” it said. Even now I still have it, and it feels like an insult, like a small “you got it but at what cost?”, a middle finger to ALL of our faces. We’ll skip to the moments just before it happened. Aurora, one of my protectors, said something about having to stay with sperm donor. We were okay with that, so we started packing . If it weren’t for the somber mood that hung in the air, I would’ve laughed along with my hivemates. They always knew to treat it like it was any other day, any other joke, and I was happy to joke with them. I’m not sure how to describe it, but it was like a bittersweetness in the air, like acceptance but happiness that it was over.
But it wasn’t. It started with a phone call telling us to “get the fuck out of her house”. We shrugged it off, she said it a million times before(believe us, we’re “getting the fuck out of her house” soon). But next was a phone call from sperm donor, telling us to “go to sleep” and “it’ll blow over”. We tried to tell him that we had to get out of her house, but it didn’t work. He just hung up on us. Confused, we tried to unpack our bag before we got another phone call, from egg donor. This time, she accused us of shifting blame onto her in a way to make one of them feel bad or make HER look bad. It was fucking hilarious, how she’s worried about her self image above all else, but not the feelings of her own kid. One of my hivemates tried to tell her that we’re just telling it how it was, but in the end, she just told us to get out.
There were too many phone calls being thrown back and forth, with Sperm donor saying we should “go to sleep” and egg donor saying we should get out if her house. I was so confused, because in this situation, it was clear neither of them were talking to each other. It was a double bind. They just pulled back and forth and back and forth, never caring about how I felf. I was also scared, scared of what would happen if she came home and we were still in her house. I didn’t know what she’d do, but I was scared to stay in that house. And yet all he said was “go to sleep”. But mostly, I was heartbroken. Egg donor made it obvious she didn’t want me at all, she just saw me as a punching bag, something that could be used before being tossed out. And sperm donor..I knew he didn’t care about me. Instead of comforting me, he just told me to go back to sleep. Even when I was clearly hysterical, he just told me to go back to sleep and hung up on us.
I even wanted to run away and die outside, but I don’t know...I don’t know what stopped me honestly. And my poor hivemates were feeling how panicked I was. I couldn’t think, my hivemates were arguing over what the hell we should do and how shoukd they calm me down. And then I decided right then and there: There was a strap for my DS case that was sturdy enough to hold my weight and I could use the door to my advantage. Before they knew it, I locked my hivemates away from the controls of the body and started fronting. I can still hear them screaming at me as I prepared, but I couldn’t hear anything. I was so mixed with confusion as to what to do, fear because of the person I was supposed to trust, and finally...acceptance that my own parents didn’t want me.
So, I used one end of the strap and made sure to close the top of the door on it. Then I used a box, a treasure chest to be specific so I could stand on it. It crumpled a little under my weight, but held as I put my large neck into the make shift noose. I can only thank any God out there that I was hysterical, because I didn’t do the preparations right. Now I could hear them. Hell, I could even see them in headspace from the body’s vision. They were all clawing and pounding at the barrier; screaming, begging, pleading for me not to take this life away yet. And Aurora, my poor adoptive mother, could only look on as she was too weak to do anything.
It was too late. I kicked the box and their screaming reached a new climax and then...nothing. The makeshift noose had slipped. Sometimes I make jokes about me being glad I was fat, but in reality, I didn’t adjust it properly. I let my guard down and my hivemates came swarming in. They were just sobbing around me, holding me so tightly to the point where it hurt. I don’t remember who put everything away(It might’ve been Quinn and Windfall), but in another impulsive act, I took control and I reached out to a close friend of mine who had saved me from suicide before. I think I accidently almost triggered a panic attack from himself as I was sobbing to hard to say anything.
They told me that they’d get off work and talk to me after. For once, it felt genuine that night, so I decided to finally sleep. It wasn’t exactly a good sleep. The sheets felt cold and uncomfortable, like I was in someone else’s bed. But I could finally live for another day in the security of my hivemates. And to think it was all because I demanded freedom to wear whatever the hell I wanted. So that’s my story. If y’all made it this fae, thank you for reading. I’m fine now and I don’t plan on attempting any time soon
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loudsuitlover · 5 years
Love is a lot of texts
Part 1. Love is a lot of doubts 
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Luke: I have to send you a voice mail telling you what happened to my wound
Anna: What happened to your wound? Oh boy! I can’t leave you on our own, can I? 
Luke: Haha nothing happened to the wound don’t worry 
Anna: Oh, thank God! My little girl! I have treated that wound with more love than I treat some people
Luke: lol it’s just they didn’t take out the stitches yet so I’ll have to go to Germany with them on haha family trip with stitches included haha If you want you can come to Germany with me, we have a spare spot, so you could continue taking care of it 
Anna: And of the wound as well ;) Like your personal nurse hey? 
Luke: HAHAHAHA you’re too much 
Anna: You make it pretty easy... Do you think you’ll surive all the way in Germany without me? Please don’t hurt yourself again, you won’t have a Med student around to take care of your injuries...
Luke: I don’t know... I’ll try... But in case I do get injured, I’ll think of you 
Anna: Given how clumsy you are, if you think of me every time you get injured you must be so in love by now... 
Luke: I’ll be careful then... I need to forget about you... 
Anna: Will you stay above me? Look my way, never love me. This is a joke only well-versed in music people will understand...
Luke: Of course I understand, you idiot. Your jokes keep falling, your jokes keep falling. 
Anna: Alright your chill hour of music before sleep was enough for that. 
Luke: It helps me fall asleep and forget people like you
Anna is writing....
Luke: who show up so frequently in my mind
Anna: I was writing that you’re despicable but you fixed it with that so I won’t. 
Luke: Haha we always end up talking about the same... Why is that, Anna? You tell me. 
Anna: Haha Idk...But they say between joke and joke the truth is shown ;)
Luke: Well, if you want me to show you something else, you just have to say the word ;)
Anna: haha you’re good. Maybe when you come back from Germany you can come over and show it to me. 
And the wound too. 
Luke: I’d love to, as long as some other time you come over and show me something else. 
Anna: Done ;)
                                                            - --- -
Anna sent a youtube video: Carrot cake with MasterChefStyle
Harry: bitch
Anna: Handsome. Love you. I’m gonna grab my headphones. I want to listen to MasterChefStyle before going to bed. I really do love you. 
Harry: Dude, I don’t know in which moment I thought it was a good idea to tell you about this. I changed my name afterwards. 
Anna: Don’t worry MasterChefStyle. Your secret is safe with me. 
Harry: To MisterChefystyles 
Anna: HAHAHAHA I was going to criticize you for changing such wonderful name 
Harry: Full incognito
Anna: But then I read the y in MisterChefystyles and I said mate just when I thought it couldn’t get better
Harry: That’s me
Anna: Did you wake your mum already or you’re still on the way? 
Harry: Actually I just got here, listen.
Harry sent a voice mail. 
Anna: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Your poor mum had to send you to hell 
Harry: I’m in for some slaps
Anna: Like the ones you gave me last night? ;) Oh boy, even me myself got scandalized
Anna: Thanks for sharing this moment with me really. It’s like just on one night I’ve gotten to know you like I’ve known you for years. You tell me about your sister, you show me videos of your family, I listen to your mum’s voice and I found out who MisterChefystyles was. I haven’t been happier in my entire life. I adore you. 
Harry: Yeah you’re really finding out about all my secrets... You’ll end up finding out the truth about my micropenis. 
Anna: That’s everything I want in life. 
Harry: Oh, no, another? It seems to be a lot of people’s principle goal. 
Anna sent a photo. 
Harry: Oh no. How do you even have that photo? 
Anna: Because I keep everything of yours because I love you. 
Harry: Oh boy.... I’ll believe you in the end. 
Anna: You can believe me. I never lie. 
Harry: You lie more often than you talk, Annie haha Good night beautiful X 
Anna: Good night MisterChefystyles xx 
                                                             - --- -
Anna: Oh boy, nobody cares about your stitches, except from me... You see when I’m a doctor this won’t happen to you. I might kill you with a wrong diagnose but you’ll never be unattended 
Luke: hahaha Idk what I prefer... But I actually believe in you even though you don’t haha 
Anna: Hey that was actually sweet. I love you shit. 
Luke: I do love you shit. 
Anna: Oh <3 x 
Luke: Got rid of the stitches :) 
Anna: Really? Awesome! Did it hurt? What did they say about the scar? That it looked so good because someone must have taken really good care of it? :)
Luke: haha it didn’t hurt and it was all very fast, they didn’t even say anything about how it looked haha but I know it’s all because of you if that means anything
Anna: Of course it does :) Anyway, how are you? How is Germany?
Luke: It’s actually very very pretty. It’s such a shame you haven’t been here, I reckon you’ll love it but don’t worry Anna, someday we’ll make a trip over here and I’ll show you around :) 
Anna: Well that would be great! I would love you a lot! 
Luke: Could you even love me any more than you do now? 
Anna: It’ll be hard that’s for sure...  And if you want we can rent a car and I can show you how to properly drive. I know you manage more or less but I’ll let you learn from the best.
Luke: HAHAHAHAHA very funny! You’ll be lucky if I let you drive at all. 
Anna: Of course you’ll let me drive! I’m such a good driver 
Luke: I’m actually curious about how bad you actually drive so I’ll let you even if it’s just to find out. I love you anyway but you already know that. 
Anna: hahaha you’re by far the silliest person I know. When you’re back I’ll win you at an illegal race in order to shut up that mouth of yours. 
Luke: If silly is the one who makes silly things then I admit I am sometimes but so are you ;) Illegal race her? What a good driver, lady! Challenged accepted. 
Anna: Actually, thinking it through, you already have a scar on your skull because of an opened window... I wouldn’t want you to kill yourself trying to pass me because then how would I get over that? 
Luke: Don’t worry, I won’t need to pass you because you’ll always be after me 
Anna: Excuse you, but you’re the one who’s always after me ;)
Luke: I don’t know if it was intentional but I got the double sense there and just so you know in that sense you’re actually the one who’s after me, I already got ya, love. 
Anna: Well it took you long enough! I don’t wash the hair of just anybody... 
Luke: Haha just thinking about it makes me laugh. Sometimes I still can’t believe you actually washed my hair ;) You’re funny, Annie, you should make stand up comedy... Or we could make a show together but we let’s do it soon
Anna: And the show as well. 
Luke: The show can wait 
Anna: And you?
Luke: I can’t wait to be back but it all depends on my brother... He’s sick and we’re still in the hospital, we don’t know what’s going on, some infection or something. 
Anna: Wait, are you serious? But how is he? Is it serious?
Luke: He’s good, yeah, he’s just got a fever and this belly ache that won’t fade away but don’t worry. I’ll keep you inform we just don’t know much yet. 
Anna: I’m so sorry, Luke. I hope it’s nothing because your mum already has enough on her plate worrying about you. 
Luke: hahahaha very true. She’s a saint. 
Anna: Well she’ll be proud of you when you introduce me to the family. 
Luke: Or maybe she disinherits me 
Anna: I hate you. 
Luke: Wow, that’s the ugliest thing you’ve ever said to me. 
Anna: Idiot. 
Luke: Look, our first fight. 
Anna: hahaha now the reconciliation. It’s your turn to wash my hair 
Luke: hahaha It’d be my pleasure. One of these days we can meet up and I’ll wash that beautiful hair of yours. Best plan ever. 
Anna: haha now I love you again. Can’t you see how easy it is for you? 
Luke: Yay! Does that mean I don’t have to wash your hair anymore? Nah, I’m kidding. Really I even want to haha 
Anna: Whenever you want. 
Luke: Want me.
Anna: I already do and if you wash my hair even more. 
Luke: Your house or mine?
Anna: I have a bath ;)
Luke: Then it’s settled. 
Anna: I don’t even know if you’ll manage. 
Luke: Why wouldn’t I? 
Anna: Because you’ll get nervous and get shampoo on my eyes. 
Luke: hahaha I would never do that! And btw the doctor just said the fever is gone and he’s free to go so we’re flying back home in the morning so he can go to the hospital at home and stuff. 
Anna: That’s so great! I’m so happy for my brother-in-law! I hope he gets well soon.
Luke: hahaha he said thanks but he still doesn’t aprove of our romance. 
Anna: He knows I’m too good for you...
Luke: hahaha I believe he thinks the exact opposite but whatever helps you sleep at night. 
Anna: I sleep perfectly fine thank you, I have no doubts. I think we all know what this is about already. 
Luke: I don’t ;)
Anna: Well if you’re as slow driving as you are thinking then I already won the illegal race
Luke: Thankfully I’m only slow on certain things... And driving is not one of them ;) 
                                                 - --- -
Harry: Well if I do the masters degree I’m not doing it here. I think I want to go to France for a while. 
Anna: Nooooooooooooooooooo
Harry: You’re going to Italy so don’t complain! Hey where the fuck are you going to be in August? 
Anna: Here :) And I’ll come back from Italy, it’s only for ten months not “for a while”
Harry: I’ll come back too. For you. I think. And if you’re gonna be here in August, get some of the guys together and come visit me to my sister’s :)
Anna: I’ll remember that
Harry: Or you could come on your own :) But it’s kind of far away... And you’ll probably forget because you’ll meet an Italian guy and fall in love with him
Anna: I can drive up to your sister’s and I won’t get a ticket because I do respect speed limits :) And I won’t fall in love with anyone. Now that I know God I won’t pray to saints.
Harry: I don’t know what to say to that. I’m speechless. 
Anna: hahah Cook me something
Harry: Anytime haha you’ll come then? To my sister’s? :) 
Anna: Yes :) I’ll surprise you guys. 
Harry: Stay for several days, we’ll spend the day at the beach and then you’ll sleep in my bed
Anna: Will I have to go in through your window like a thief? 
Harry: It has fences but I’ll get a rotaflex, don’t worry.
Anna: HAHAHAHA Yeah, surely your mum won’t hear that. 
Harry: well that’s okay, she’ll be proud when she sees you.
Anna: Yeah, right, like when my Aussie exboyfriend’s dad found us on the pool... Not cool. 
Harry: Wait, whaaaat? lol
Anna: Haven’t I told you about that? 
Harry: No. I mean I think you haven’t. You’ve told me many things but since you’re life is so fucking interesting
Anna: That was the cruelest joke you’ve ever said to me. 
Harry: It wasn’t a joke, silly. I’m serious. You’re probably the most interesting person I know. If only you ate meat... 
Anna: Well I don’t bite meat but sometimes I suck on it HAHAHAHA God I love scandalizing you. I know what face you made when you read it. 
Harry: I almost have a heart attack 
Anna; I love saying these things to you because I remember that one time we were playing truth or dare and you ask me something and I didn’t quite understand so I answered wrong and now you think I’m like such a fucker and I love that. 
Harry: What do you mean? 
Anna: You remember when you asked me if I had been with more than three guys?
Harry: Yes. 
Anna: And I said “sure”?
Harry: Yes.
Anna: Well I thought you meant kissing. That’s what I said sure like that, like it was so obvious that I had been with more than three haha 
Harry: Oh haha I mean it’s fine either way haha 
Anna: I know but it’s just not true and since you know so many things about me now, I thought you should know that too. 
Harry: Okay. So with how many have you been? Just curious. 
Anna: But what do you mean with “been”? Like- naked?
Harry: Well then you’d count that one time you went to the nudist beach with your girlfriends... I mean fuck for God’s sake. 
Anna: Hahaha then 1
Anna: hahaha no I didn’t lie! I told you! I just understood you meant kiss! And I mean I was three months living on my own in a foreing country... Of course I’ve kissed more than three guys... But this is a secret between me and you because I have no clue why but somehow in my group of friends everyone thinks I’m a sex goddess haha but it’s not true 
Harry: Don’t worry about that, you’d still be a sex goddess even if you were a virgin. 
Anna: HAHAHA I don’t know how I got that reputation but I kind of like that nobody knows the truth about that haha well now you do but you won’t tell 
Harry: Of course I won’t, don’t worry. And I don’t know either but to me ever since I met you you’ve been like the female version of Joey. Well no, you’re actually more like Barney Stinson. Yeah, that’s you, 100%
Anna: What? Haha that’s so funny. I must be so snobby then because that couldn’t be farthest away from the truth haha 
Harry: No, you’re not snobby at all because it’s not about what you say. You don’t ever brag about that. I think it’s just the way you are, you know? Like how you talk, the way you look, the way you smile... You’re confident and very attractive so... I guess we all just assume haha 
Anna: Are you serious? I don’t ever get anybody’s attention! That’s what I thought of you when I met you, you know? That you probably get any girl you want.
Harry: Oh, come on! Don’t come to me with the false modesty! And me? Getting girls? HAHAHA I am terrible at flirting! I always mess it up haha Everything I’ve had I’ve had it because it had practically fallen on my lap. If it had been for me I’d still be a virgin. 
Anna: Then just like me.
Harry: Yeah, right. You’re a goddess, mermaid. 
Anna: And you’re an idiot haha I’ve had guys rejecting me since middle school.
Harry: Did you check if they were blinds? 
Anna: Haha can you stop? I’m being serious!
Harry: So am I! But please do tell me, open up your heart. 
Anna: Well, you know how silly I am! I mean I did tell you about Lorenzo. 
Harry: Well, yeah, but that was just a bump in your impeccable carreer. 
Anna: Not at all haha I’m just an idiot, that’s it. When I like a guy I get all weird with stupid jokes and then guys just never notice me. 
Harry: Hahaha I can’t believe you. That’s impossible. 
Anna: Haha alright, we’ll see if you say the same five years from now when I’m a single surgeon. 
Harry: Trust me, what will surprise me about that would be the surgeon part. 
Anna: hahahaha you’re such a jerk! 
Harry: The only reason you’re single is because you want to. 
Anna: Don’t think so.
Harry: Know so. And anyway, you have a gay best friend. You’re already safe. You’ll always be the woman on his life. 
Anna: That’s true. Cody I love you. 
Harry: And if not, I can be you plan H. 
Anna: You’re my plan A. 
Harry: I think that’s the most beautiful thing a girl has ever said to me. Only second to my mum’s “you’re the most handsome guy in the planet” 
                                                      - --- -
Luke: Hey if you’re up tell me a funny story. 
Anna: Sorry I was asleep but I’m up now :) What was it? How are you? 
Luke: Well I was a bit worried because the doctor said the blood tests weren’t all that soothing but then he explained everything and it’s better. 
Luke sent a voice mail. 
Anna: Oh, well, chronic diseases do suck but at least they know what he has? I don’t really know what to say to you but just know I’m here if you need me, yeah? And you know I know nothing about medicine but if you wanna talk about alpacas just call me :) And I love you. 
Luke: HAHAHAHAHAHA I don’t know how you do it but you always get smiles out of everyone even when it looks imposible. I am so grateful I know you. Alpacas hahaha You always make me laugh. Thank you. 
Anna: Oh boy, you’re gonna make me blush haha 
Luke: Don’t get nervous ;)
Anna: So you still wanna hear a funny story?
Luke: I’m always in for that, am I not?
Anna: Well in that case. I’ve been playing on my own with one of the toys of the girl I nanny for like 25 minutes. She got tired but here I am still painting with these things. 
Anna sent a photo. 
It’s so calming. 
Luke: Hahaha that’s just pitiful. Where’s the girl you nanny? 
Anna: I’m not actually nannying now. It was her birthday and she invited me so I came, 
Luke: You went to the an eight-year-old birthday party for free?
Anna: She invited me! I couldn’t say no. She’s like a little sister to me now.
Luke: You’re something else. Anyway, tell her happy birthday from a random stranger. 
Anna: Will do :)
Luke: Thinking it through, I’m not even a stranger... If she’s like your sister, then she’s like my future sister-in-law...
Luke sent a photo. 
Btw that’s the best part of your drawing. 
Anna: Did you really just spend all this time searching for the error? 
Luke: I mean it wasn’t that hard to search. 
Anna: Yeah right. 
Luke: Hey Anna 
Anna: Yes?
Luke: I actually can’t wait to see you. 
Anna: Neither can I :)
Luke: And before we start declaring our love to one another, did I just see a picture of your dog on a mat in the middle of your pool? 
Anna: HAHAHA Yes you did! She’s so annoying! She wouldn’t let me lay under the sun because she just keeps laying on top of me and licking me all over so I have to get on the mat on the pool but now she jumps in there too. There’s no scape! 
Luke: Well they say love between two female dogs is the strongest ;)
Anna: Mate then if you come here, she’ll go crazy! 
Luke: Crazy jealous of seeing me with you
Anna: Haha She’s not jealous and I’m sure she’ll love you, don’t you know they say dogs do like their owners? 
Luke: Somehow that was actually beautiful. If you keep it up with those you’ll have my heart in no time. 
Anna: Good then :)
Luke: Good :) 
                                                           - --- -
Harry: Tell me another song. 
 Anna: You already learnt the last one? Man you’re fast. 
Harry: There’s nothing to do but play the guitar at my sister’s. 
Anna sent a song. Andrew Belle Pieces Acoustic      
Anna: I love that song and I think it’s easy on the guitar. You can learn it so you can sing it to me when you ask me to be your girlfriend. 
Harry: hahahaha I’ll hire eight to ten mariachis for that. I’ll search the chords but yeah it seems easy and I like it too. Thanks, muse. 
Anna: Haha you’re welcome, artist 
Harry: I think I can learn it and sing it to you on Tueday when I’m home
Anna: Wait, you’re coming home on Tuesday already? :)
Harry: hahaha no, I’m only passing by but I’ll stay a day or two. 
Anna: What for? 
Harry: I’m picking Mum up from the aiport and then we’re driving back to my sister’s. 
Anna: Oh, thank God, I thought you were just passing by because you couldn’t live without me and I was thinking how is this guy going to handle next year when I’m gone? 
Harry: Please don’t remind me. And even though it’s true I can’t live without you, that’s not the reason I’m driving three hours there and three hours back as you can see. Anyway, when the fuck are you coming to visit? Because I saw Cody two days ago and I told him something and I said “don’t tell anyone, not even Anna” and he said “no I won’t tell her because I want to see her face when you tell her”         
Anna: Hahaha I love that that’s the reason he won’t tell me. So you’re not telling me either until I go visit you. 
Harry: That’s right, you got it. 
Anna: Okay well I’ll go after you pick up your mum from the airport. 
Harry: In fact, why don’t you come up with us? 
Anna: In your car?
Harry: Yes, I’ll respect speed limits this time, don’t you see my mum will be in the car too? 
Anna: A three hours ride with your mum and you? Haha And then how do I get home? 
Harry: I can drive you. 
Anna: Three hours here and three hours back? 
Harry: I could still a day or two too. That way we’ll spend more time together too. 
Anna: Mmm I’ll think about it. 
Harry: I don’t wanna beg but I will if I have to
Anna: Haha you don’t have to. I’ll take it as the beginning of our visits. I visit you at your sister’s, you visit me in Italy.
Harry: Right cause it’s the same thing haha 
Anna: You have to come anyway, otherwise I’ll step on your throat and never talk to you ever again. 
Harry: Wow, so agressive. I don’t know what’s worse. 
Anna: That’s sweet? I guess? 
Harry: Haha Well, I’ll go but then you’ll have to come visit me when I move to Norway. 
Anna: You’re not moving to Norway because I don’t want to live there. It’s too cold. 
Harry: I don’t want you to go to Italy and you’re going anyway. 
Anna: It’s not the same because Italy is closer and the weather is nicer and I’m coming back. I’m not moving, it’s just a scolarship. Just wait for me, when I’m back I’ll confess my love to you. 
Harry: Didn’t you just do it? Now I won’t be able to look surprise when you get on one knee and ask me to marry you.
Anna: Well I wasn’t going to ask you to marry me so soon. I was just going to ask you to be my plus one to the family reunion, like my formal boyfriend as my grandma calls it. 
Harry: I thought that was Cody? 
Anna: Cody is my brother. 
Harry: Does he know that?
Anna: Cody is gay. You know what? I’ll have to invite another guy who understands my relationship with Cody. He’s more than a friend but less than a lover. You had everything Harry, if only you had understood that... 
Harry sent a photo. 
Harry: Cody says “siblings don’t know the way you taste” 
Anna: Cody if I end up single because of you I swear to God I’ll cut you from your throat to your anus and I’ll hang you from the wall like a salami. 
Harry: HAHAHAHAHA Don’t worry Annie. You won’t end up single. 
Anna: Well I don’t know because Norway is far away and it’s too cold and they see so little sun :(
Harry: Well okay, you win, I’ll stay home. 
Anna: I mean we can go elsewhere if you hate home so much. Just somewhere not that cold. 
Harry: I don’t care where if it’s with you. 
Anna: Oh, I love you. 
Harry: I love you too. 
                                                         - --- -
Anna: Remember when you told me I was going to break my back one of these days? I think the day has arrived :( 
Luke: What do you mean? Are you okay? 
Anna: My back hurts a lot :( I need a massage. 
Luke: Does your back really hurts or you just want a massage? haha
Anna: Well you’re a physical therapist, aren’t you?
Luke: Student* 
Anna: And you’ve never given me a massage 
Luke: I was going to say you’re a med student and you’ve never heal me but that would be lying
Anna: That’s right. That’s why you need to give me a massage, a good one that leaves me with a feeling of euphoria and light-weight
Luke: HAHAHAHA I’m so sorry to inform you I don’t think I can do that. So far I can only give therapeutic massages and trust me they don’t live you ephoric and light-weighted lol If you want euphoria you should try drugs
Anna: Man you’re idiotic. I had made the joke so easy for you, it’s practically told on its own but you let the opportunity passed. I’ll remember this. 
Luke: You mean I have to get myself another girl who actually appreciates my therapeutic massages? 
Anna: I think I could get over it
Luke: Well I guess it was beautiful while it lasted Anna. 
Anna: No, no, I take it back. Don’t get yourself another girl. 
Luke: hahahahaha what is it gonna be? 
Anna: Actually if you want, try to get yourself another girl. Let’s see if you can find some who washes your hair like I did. 
Luke: lol okay after this reflection time I’ve decided to keep you but on one condition: next time, don’t wash just my hair ;)
Anna: Well alright but I hope you know what you’re doing and by that I mean if you fall hopelessly in love with me I won’t be responsible for that 
Luke: hahahahaha I think I’ll take that risk
Anna: Good ;)
Luke: Anna my nose is bleeding. Come heal me. 
Anna: Are you serious? You’re always giving things to do haha What’s your problem?
Luke: You are! Nah, really I’ve always been a lot of work
Anna: Well that’s good, entertaining 
Luke: Yeah, I was very naughty when I was a little boy 
Anna: So was I. I know it’s hard to believe because I’m adorable
Luke: It actually doesn’t surprise me from you haha I just used to play hide and seek without warning. Mum wasn’t happy about it haha What was your problem?
Anna: I was just evil. My mum always tells the same story to illustrate my wickedness. When I was four years old I filled the bathtub and told my older brother that mum wanted him to have a bath with his clothes on so he did and then when mum found him I said “mum look! My brother got on the tub with his clothes on!” 
Luke: HAHAHAHA that’s just cruel! 
Anna: yeah I know, I’m not oroud 
proud* FUCK
Luke: HAHAHA what’s wrong with you?
Anna: I get nervous talking to you Luke 
Luke: I can tell haha Don’t be
Anna: Well what’s important is that I’m not evil anymore. Now I’m only naughty in my room ;) 
Luke: Now it’s you who’s making me nervous hahaha 
Anna sent a photo.  
Luke: And now you sent a picture of baby Anna after making me think of you being naughty in your room. I don’t know how I feel about that haha But you had such a good girl’s face! In fact you still do. Those are the worst...
Anna: I want to see a picture of baby Luke 
Luke: Oh, I wish I had one here but I don’t. 
Anna: Don’t worry, your mum will show them to me when she embarrasses you showing me pictures of little Luke nude like all mothers-in-law do 
Luke: Impossible. I look cute in all of them. 
Luke sent a photo. 
Luke: My mum just me that one with my brother. 
Anna: Which one are you?
Luke: That’s what I was going to ask you ;)
Anna: I hope you’re the one smiling into the camera. 
Luke: Do you really not recognize your future husband? 
Anna: Haha just tell me who you are! I’m going crazy with the zoom. The two of you are crazily cute anyway, my man and my brother-in-law even though I don’t know which one is you. 
Luke: lol okay well when we were little people thought we were twins so I’ll let you live with this because of that... I’m the one looking into the camera 
Anna: Really? Yay! The one I wanted! Our kids will be so cute! 
Luke: As babies yes, then they’ll grow and get uglier like we all do 
Anna: They won’t if they look like their dad. See how nice I am? You just get your brother in the bathtub once and you’re the devil. 
Luke: hahaha yeah how can I trust you won’t get our kids on the bathtub with clothes on just for fun? And btw I didn’t even know you have a brother?
Anna: Yeah well he doesn’t live home anymore but yes I do, he’s one year older than me. 
Luke: Really? 
Anna: Yes, Dylan’s the name of your brother-in-law
Luke: Mate, I know nothing about your life and you know everything about mine haha
Anna: I’m very shy 
Luke: Yeah, with me you are but I reckon that’s because I make you nervous... Oh I didn’t tell you! You know my hair is blond where the scar is? Because of you and the oxygenated water lol
Anna: Oh boy, really? I’m sorry! 
Luke: Don’t be. I like it, it reminds me of you. 
Anna: Oh <3 I’m gonna tell you something but don’t let it get to your head. I’ve looked up in our thread to when you told me you were coming back in five days because it’s feeling like an eternity. I mean if that’s not something a kind person would do, I don’t know what is...
Luke: Aaww Of course I know you’re kind- you’ve been nothing but kind to me- and it’s okay that you miss me, I miss you a lot too :) But don’t let it get to your head either hey? 
Anna: Don’t let it get to your head he says... Tonight I’m sleeping like this :D 
Luke: To be fair you won me over tonight with that looking up in the thread thing. If only we slept together tonight...
Anna: Slept... lol
Luke: What? haha What else would we do, young lady? 
Anna: Well you know... Watch Disney movies... Or read French poetry
Luke: Read French poetry haha You’ll have to read it to me cause I don’t speak French but we can hang out one day for you to read French poems to me. But just for that. 
Anna: Just for that. 
Luke: I gotta run but before I go I want to tell you that I’ve laughed a lot with you tonight and that you really always make me happier. Good night princess X 
Anna: Just come back 
Luke: I wish 
                                                            - --- -
Anna: I’m home. I love you a lot <3
Harry sent a voice mail. 
Anna: I didn’t get anything you just said haha you’re so wasted Harry 
Harry sent a voice mail. 
Anna: I would have gone home with you. You just had to invite me officialy. Then I would have gone. But you didn’t. 
This message was erased
This message was erased
This message was erased
Harry sent a voice mail. 
Harry: I erased the other three voice mails because I listened to them and I thought they were so pathetic... I mean if this wasted I thought they were bad, just imagine how pathetic they must have been  
Anna: More pathetic than you bailing out on that naked girl at the beach?
Harry: Oh, don’t remind me
Anna: haha it makes sense now that Cody would want to see my face when you told me haha And there I was thinking you got all the girls 
Harry: See? I told you I suck at it. But anyway I did good. Her friend told me she does that with all the guys.
Anna: So what? Her friend was just jealous. 
Harry: Well, that’s okay. If she wants me, she’ll have to proposition me again knowing I’m a slow guy. 
Anna: Oh how I wish I was her 
Harry: Dude, don’t tell me those things! You love teasing me. You know you just gotta say the word. 
Anna: That’s not true haha You just told me you liked this Maria girl! 
Harry: Well she’s not you. 
Anna: You should have officially invited me home
Harry: Dude I’m retarded. I just dig my own grave... But anyway if it means anything, even if you had come over... I’m so drunk I think when I get home I’ll just probably hit my head against the door of my room and fall on a coma on the corridor. 
Anna: Hahahaha you’re the funniest person I know I love you! But anyway I just wanted to sleep with you. Maybe even cuddle. Nothing more. I mean the other thing... I used to want it but... After the Maria thing... I am not so sure... 
Harry: Look Maria has nothing on you but anyway I’m reaching negative levels of dignity so I better just shut up. And fyi cuddling with me is such a privilege. I might even let you be the little spoon.
Anna: I should have gone home with you but boy your “you can crush at my place... if you want” didn’t seem like the kind of invite one takes. But anyway I should have accepted because we would spoon each other now but tomorrow morning... I’d wake up good. 
Harry: Fuck.
Anna: hahahah no, but really I give up on you. I didn’t know there was this Maria girl who has a history with you... I’ll just wait. 
Harry: Listen Anna, Maria is just a hook up. Well not even because I’m retarded but she’s just a girl. You are.... I love you. When you come back from Italy I’ll be waiting for you.
Anna: Don’t say things you don’t mean. 
Harry: Now that’s the pot calling the kettle back. 
Anna: You’re just drunk haha And so am I. I am actually making myself some soup. 
Harry: I wish you were cooking for me. 
Anna: Plus I’m on my underwear.
A thong. 
Harry: Fuck me. 
Anna: hahaha
Harry: Well no, fuck you. I’m gonna have a shower. 
Anna: At 4.30 am?
Harry: I could shower with you but no, the lady had to take an uber and go to her house and make vegetable soup. Fuck ubers.
Anna: hahaha I’m not going to Italy
Harry: I wish
Anna: I wish I was your room so you’d always sleep inside me. 
Harry: Fuck. That’s it. If you keep it up when you actually want to fuck me you’re gonna have to tell me “Harry make me yours” or I won’t take you seriously. 
Anna: Harry between joke and joke the truth is shown.
Harry: yeah, go on
Anna: hahaha just come see me when I’m in Italy 
Harry: And then we’ll fuck?
Anna: hahaha 
Harry: I hate you. I’m going to bed. I don’t hate you, I love you.
Anna: Love you too X
                                                  - --- -
Luke: So what plans do you have for august? 
Anna: None haha I want to save money for Italy so I’m not going anywhere. 
Luke: Good! I’m staying home too. 
Anna: Nice! Do you want to go watch the Lion King to the movies?  
Luke: Yes, I’d love to! What theatre do you usually go to?
Anna: Well this summer I’ve gone to the Odeon a couple times, I’ve also been to Icedure and obviously my beloved Eastside Movies in my hood but don’t worry I won’t make you come all the way to my hood haha 
Luke: No, that’s fine! I can drive there and you can show me around. I’ve never been on the suburbs :)
Anna: Are you serious? haha
Luke: Sure! It’s fine for me but whatever you want is fine by me really.
Anna: Okay well that would be very sweet of you actually! I can take you to the bars too! You’ll see how cool they are. You’ll be my third visitor :)
Luke: Cool haha Really? You poor thing! Well you can get happy because I’m the third visitor :)
Anna: I am happy! You’re the best! 
Luke: Don’t make me blush... I just want you to worship me like a god. 
Anna: Give me a massage which makes my toes curl and I will
Luke: hahahahaha so it’s not impossible! I’ll fight for it. 
Anna: The day you finally give me a massage I’ll have to look for another goal in my life. Maybe I even start crying because I’ll feel happy but empty in a way like- what now? 
Luke: hahaha Thank God you explained it cause otherwise I wouldn’t know what to do about the crying. Well, don’t get your expectations too high or I won’t be able to please you 
Anna: I’m sure you’ll be able
Luke: 100% sure?
Anna: 100%
Luke: Thank God
Anna: I trust you on this massage because I trust you on everything, except on changing lanes on the road. 
Luke: hahaha that was all Harry’s fault, the bastard sped up.
Anna: Sure
Luke: If you want to see how good of a driver I am, I’ll give you a ride when we go to the movies 
Anna: I know you’re a good driver, silly. Everyone says so. 
Luke: Who’s everyone?
Anna: Cody, Zara and Harry.
Luke: Harry? Lol I wasn’t expecting that
Anna: Haha he said you’re a good driver even though every time you’ve driven him somewhere you’ve gotten nervous and mess up a little
Luke: That’s not true! Fucking liar! 
Anna: Haha that’s what he said
Luke: Well, looking at it from the bright side, this just means you’ve been around talking about me and my driving skills... This proves how you can’t stop thinking about me. 
Anna: That’s right. I have another plan for us but we’ll have to do it some other day 
And the plan as well ;)
Because otherwise it’ll just be a way too cool day.
Luke: hahahahaha I’m all ears 
Anna: There’s a pub with a pool table. I’ll win whenever you want ;)
Luke: Wow you’re talking to the pool master 
Anna: Then you already won cause I’ve never played haha Just always wanted to 
Luke: haha really? That’s cute haha I’m pretty good at getting it in the hole
The ball
Shit I didn’t do it right
And the ball too*
Fuck, too late.
Anna: HAHAHAHA you’re so adorable
Luke: Not too much I hope haha Well whenever you want
Anna: Whenever I want what? 
Luke: The pool ;)
Anna: Alright.
Luke: Practice some first because otherwise I’ll get bored... 
Anna: If I eventually win I’ll never let you leave this behind
Luke: You wanna bet, clown? 
Anna: Whatever you want. 
Luke: Go. Just ask.
Anna: Mmm... Well you already know what I want. 
Luke: True. You know what I want too.  
Anna: Do I? I don’t remember now. 
Luke: I want a full body wash of course.
Luke: Nah, I’ll have to think about it. 
Anna: That was funny. Unexpected and funny. 1000 points for the man with the scar. 
Luke: hahaha I really want that but I’ll think of something for general audience. What you want is the massage, right?
Anna: How clever, how wonderful. 
Luke: See? Now I just have to think about what I want...
Anna: Shouldn’t be so hard 
Luke: Do you have any suggestions? Any secret talents that I might want to benefit from? 
Anna: You tell me but don’t be shy because in the face of the vice of asking, there’s the virtue of not giving. 
Luke: I want something that implicates my five senses. You gotta work with that.
Anna: Done. 
Luke: What do you mean done?
Anna: I already know what I’ll give you if you win.
Luke: Well what is it?
Anna: Win and you’ll find out ;)
                                                     - --- -
Anna sent a voice mail. 
Harry: HAHAHAHAHA I love your family 
Anna sent a voice mail.
Anna sent a video.
Harry: HAHAHAHAHA LOL Mate! Your brother is God! He does not have the voice you say he has. And he looks a lot like you.
Anna: That’s only because he’s not giving me a lecture in the video.
Harry: Seriously I’m still laughing. Eventually you’re going to get me to date you just so I can be a part of your family. In our anniversary I’ll be like “I’m hanging out with your brother” 
Anna: HAHAHAHA No way, you’re going to fall in love with me. I’ll make it, Harry.
Harry: Sure...
Anna: I just haven’t started my plan yet because I’m going away for ten whole months
Harry: Nah, you already did. The problem is just that, that you’re going away and you’re going to break my heart. Cody and I were talking about it the other day and we almost cry out there like the two grown up men that we are.
Anna: I’m going to miss you both so much. 
Harry: He said he had considered hacking the ministry of justice so he could give you a criminal record and you wouldn’t be allowed to leave the country but that then you wouldn’t be able to be a doctor either so he couldn’t do it. 
Anna: lol these are the reasons I don’t want to go to Italy...
Harry: I wish I had known you like this before you asked for the fucking scolarship. I would have convinced you to stay. 
Anna: No, you wouldn’t. You’d be supportive of me because you’re an angel.
Harry: I’m very selfish. I think I would have made you stay with me and for me. 
Anna: You probably wouldn’t have gotten my hints and wouldn’t even know I liked you.
Harry: Truer words have never been spoken, especially considering it’s you we’re talking about, the queen of inappropriate jokes. 
Anna: Yeah I know I joked too much about it. When I come back from Italy, I’m gonna have to press reset. Otherwise you’ll never know. 
Harry: Exactly. Well, maybe when you come back from Italy I’m already married. 
Anna: Well in that case I’d abandon my plan of conquest. 
Harry: Don’t. 
                                                          - --- -
Anna: Hey! Do you still want to go to see The Lion King? I mean since you’re so “fed up” with home blablabla I thought maybe you didn’t even want to go anymore. 
Luke: But what does one thing have to do with the other? Sure I want to. 
Anna: Okay, cool. When?
Luke: If you’re the one who doesn’t want to go just say it ;)
Anna: I’ll go with you anywhere even though you say I’m usless as a co-driver, you wouldn’t let me drive your car, you tell me I’m not singing when I am and you don’t want to have a swim with me...
Luke: All of that is completely taken out of context haha
Anna: I beg to differ
Luke: I was gonna tell you you were lying but actually all of that is true except from the swimming part because I am dying to go swimming with you. You were driving me crazy with your fucking bikini today.
Anna: You’re such a liar. You are the one who’s going to drive me crazy. I actually hate you for that.
Luke: I’ll take it because there isn’t love without a bit of hate. 
Anna: You’re the worst. 
Luke: xx
Anna: I’m gonna play the piano. Fuck you.
Luke: Yes, play some so you don’t sound like a robot next time ;)
Anna: Excuse me? I won’t play for you ever again for saying that, mister.
Luke: No! Please do play for me! You were the one who said that!
Anna: But it’s not the same when I say it that when the man of my dreams agree... 
Luke: Who is the man of your dreams?
Anna: You know what? I’ll stop so you don’t have to play it dumb anymore hahaha
Luke: I like playing dumb :) 
Anna: Sometimes I really think you’re not even playing... Like you just are that dumn.
Luke: What are your plans for tomorrow? 
Anna: Idk
Luke: Okay then we’re going to the movies. I’ll pick you up and you show me the way. I checked and they’re showing it at 19, 20.30, 21.30 and 22. Which one do you prefer? 
Anna: I think 20.30? 
Luke: Cool! 
Anna: You can still bail out. I mean if you want to go to another theatre that’s closer I understand. 
Luke: Oh boy, how many times do I have to tell you? If you don’t want to go there you can say it haha 
Anna: No, no, it’s perfect for me. 
Luke: Cool, it’s perfect for me too. 
Anna: Okay, then see you tomorrow.
Luke: Can’t wait xx  
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chemicalmagecraft · 4 years
The Gamer Hero, Deku Chapter 28
A/N: Sorry about the wait. I made a new fanfic (btw if you like ATLA but think it needed more deadly airbending ninjas check out A Black Wind Howls) aaand then college started back up...
I opened my eyes and deactivated my Quirks and skills, stepping on the perfectly generic object with one foot and jumping off a moment before it fully dissolved. "That was way smoother than it had any right to be," I muttered as I checked the time. About an hour had passed since I entered my mindscape. Huh. It felt like it was longer than that. Maybe time passes faster in the mindscape? I checked the text boxes that had popped up while I was meditating. It looked like the menus I'd tried to open when in my mindscape had opened in reality, for one... I closed them and looked at the ones that were left over.
Your WIS has increased by one! (x4)
Your DEX has increased by one!
Your CON has increased by one!
Shock Sphere (Active) LV1 EXP 1.49% MP 100
That was surprisingly good for an hour of meditation. Especially because neither of my stat boosts were set to WIS. I guess stumbling around in one's own mindscape is a great method of self-discovery. For one thing I decided I should probably stop raising All Might on such a high pedestal. Maybe I'd ask him if I could call him Yagi-sensei?
I shrugged. "I wish I could talk to the past bearers in the real world, though. They were really nice. Plus having seven seasoned heroes that I can ask for advice at any time would be really handy. Too bad I can't just invite them to my party." I thought about that for a minute. "Actually, can I do that?" I recited the party invitations and crossed my fingers. One by one they appeared in my party window and I opened up the voice chat.
"So is this how your party ability works?" Kaizen asked.
"Honestly I didn't think that would work," I said, "but I'm really glad it did."
"We're glad it worked too, kid!" Daigoro added.
I laughed. "Thanks! There are probably going to be times when I can't talk and have to use the text chat, and other times where I'll have to disband the party temporarily, but you guys don't mind keeping me company, do you?"
I heard Shimura chuckle. "I don't mind at all. And I'm sure the others don't either."
"I'd be glad to keep you company," Honenuki said.
"Better than playing another of Ichigo's stupid games," Hikiishi added.
"Hey!" Ichigo said indignantly.
"They are fun, but it does get old sometimes..." Sokolov muttered.
"Not you too!"
I laughed. This was going to be great.
Bakugou Katsuki: youre real fuckin blase bout the voices in your head deku
Shigaraki Ichigo: To be fair we are actual people and we can only be voices in his head using his Quirk.
I'd decided that, because Kacchan already knew about One For All, I would tell him about the past bearers. I did it on the morning of the day that we were going back to Yuuei. He was surprised, but almost immediately shrugged and said, "You know what, this might as well fucking happen." Currently we were on the train to Yuuei.
Hikiishi Jiroku: if you think about it, we're like ghosts haunting your friend.
Bakugou Katsuki: oh like thats so much better
I saw a young girl with bright eyes staring at us out of the corner of my eye. "Mommy, it's the magic people!" she shouted to a woman next to her that I assumed was her mother.
"Don't bother them, Chi-chan," the woman said.
"Are you talking about us?" I asked the girl.
She gasped. There were stars in her eyes. Literally. "Yeah! I watched you guys on the sports festival! Your fight was awesome!"
Kacchan smirked at the girl. "You know it, kid."
She bounced on her feet. "Yeah! You guys were all like bam, pow, woosh!" The rest of the people on the train were starting to look at us. The girl pouted. "I wanna be a cool hero like you guys, but my Quirk is dumb..."
"I'm sure your Quirk is great!" I objected.
"All I can do is make my eyes glow."
"Well I mean for one thing you can probably use it to see in the dark." Kacchan said.
"That's the only way I can use it, though!"
"I wouldn't be too sure," I said. "Can you control how bright it is?"
She nodded. "It's hard, but if I try really hard I can make it as bright as a flashlight for a bit."
I put my hand on my chin. "I'd bet that even All Might would be thrown off if someone he was fighting randomly shined a flashlight in his eyes. And if you practice really hard you should be able to make them even brighter." I poked Kacchan. "Believe it or not, when his Quirk first came in all he could do was make little pops."
"Just make sure not to hurt yourself practicing," Kacchan reminded her. "Quirk strain is not fun. I mean, mine was probably a lot fu- a lot worse than yours would be because it's caused by explosions and not glowing, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful."
The girl nodded excitedly.
"And be careful in general," I said. "Hero work is dangerous. I suggest you learn martial arts or something like that if you really want to be a hero."
"Like you're one to fuc-" Kacchan caught himself before swearing. "Like you're one to talk, Deku."
"Fair enough. You should also try to learn some magic. It's a lot more versatile than Quirks, plus you can probably enhance your Quirk with magic." I winked. "Just be mindful of property damage."
She beamed at us. "Yeah! I will!"
Her mother smiled. "Thank you. She loves heroes."
I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. "It's actually pretty flattering."
"Yeah, I got my first fan!" Kacchan said. He reached over to give the girl a high five. She looked really grateful, so I gave her a high five too.
"Thank you both sooo much!"
"Damn, this is some heavy rain," Kacchan muttered from under his umbrella while we were walking to Yuuei.
"What bad luck, huh?" I said. I also had an umbrella, but at the same time the water was subtly avoiding me so I didn't even get slightly wet. Having so many elementals can be very convenient.
"What are you two doing, you're going to be late!" Iida shouted at us from behind. He was wearing a poncho and jogging.
"What the fuck are you doing, Glasses!?" Kacchan shouted. "This is not the fucking weather for a nice morning jog!"
"There is no wrong weather for a nice morning jog!" Iida shouted as he passed us.
We managed to catch up to him in the entrance hall. "I heard about your brother, Iida," Kacchan told him while he was putting his boots in his locker. "If you need to talk to someone about it... well you probably shouldn't talk to me, but I speak from experience when I say that Inui-sensei is very willing to help."
"Inui-sensei?" I inquired.
Kacchan grunted, blushing slightly. "Hound Dog," he muttered.
"I appreciate your words, but I don't need to talk about it," Iida said as he closed his locker door.
"Iida, it's okay to not be okay," I said. "It doesn't make you any less strong. Even All Might has his bad days."
"Thank you, Midoriya," Iida said as he started to walk away. "But I'm okay. I promise."
I frowned at his title.
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
LV 36
Iida Tenya
"I'm gonna have to press X to doubt that one," I said after he was gone.
"Deku I know you have that whole gamer hero thing going on but that joke was so fucking terrible I think I'm legally obligated to give you a wedgie," Kacchan told me.
"Please don't."
"I have a few announcements before today's business," Aizawa-sensei said, acting like normal and not at all mentioning the fact that he was wearing, with the exception of the same scarf and possibly the goggles hidden under it, an entirely new hero costume. He kept the original color scheme, but his outfit looked like it was inspired by a more close combat-oriented fantasy wizard that wouldn't look out of place in a JRPG at all, complete with a wizard hat and a collapsible bo staff holstered on his belt that Observe told me was made with an experimental design that let it more effectively channel magic. He was also clean-shaven for once, though he still had the dark bags under his eyes. It made that scar he got from the USJ incident stand out a little more.
"First," he pointed to Shinsou, who was standing awkwardly next to him, "we have a new student. Make him feel welcome or whatever. Now sit down, Shinsou. There's an empty seat behind Midoriya."
"Congratulations, Shinsou!" I told him with a smile when he sat down. "I knew you'd get in!"
"Thanks," he said, then looked at Aizawa-sensei. "Was he always wearing that weird martial artist wizard outfit?"
"No, that's new. Scarf's the same, though."
"I thought so."
"If you're all done talking," Aizawa-sensei said menacingly. "We're having a very important hero informatics lesson today." He grinned evilly. "Pay attention, because this could affect your entire hero career." A terrified murmur broke out in the classroom.
"This is not what I was hoping for my first day..." Shinsou muttered.
Kacchan, who was sitting in front of me, looked back at him. "Eh, don't worry. Aizawa-sensei's just a fucking drama queen like that. Watch, he's gonna say that this is just us picking our hero names." He pointed at Aizawa-sensei.
"You'll be picking code names today," he confirmed, as if on cue. The class cheered, causing him to glare at us with his Quirk activated. His hat floated slightly before he turned it back off. "This isn't just for fun. You'll be going on a work study soon, so naturally you'll be needing a hero name to go by. Are there any questions?"
Kaminari raised his hand. "Why are you wearing a wizard outfit?"
"Are there any questions about the work study?" Aizawa-sensei glared at him.
"Is there any reason behind the work study?" Shinsou asked.
"It's meant to give you guys hands-on experience with hero work. Also, more than a few of you have already gotten a lot of draft picks from hero organizations already. Usually those offers are given to second and third years, who are more experienced, but there have been several unique circumstances for your class." He pressed a button on his remote, bringing up a list on the smartboard. "These are the offers that were extended to 1-A."
"Oh wow," I thought. My name was on the top of the board and I had almost five thousand offers!
"Congrats, Midoriya!" Shimura shouted through the party chat.
"Yeah, that's something to be proud of, I'm assuming..." Ichigo added.
"Good job, kid," Hikiishi said.
I sniffed and wiped the tears off my face... and desk... I thanked them over the text chat and looked at the rest of the board. Kacchan was below me at a little over four thousand offers. Aoyama, Todoroki, and Uraraka were next below us at around two thousand each. Iida, Tokoyami, and Kaminari had offers in the hundreds. Sero, Yaoyorozu, and even Shinsou had a few too.
"Don't worry, those of you who didn't get any offers," Aizawa said. "There are hero organizations that work with Yuuei to give students who don't have any offers work studies. And as I said, usually only second and third years get offers. So I'm sure you'll get at least a few by next semester."
"And that's what the hero names are for!" Hagakure blurted out.
Aizawa nodded. "That's right. Technically you can change your hero name at any time, but once you start getting popular chances are the public is going to call you the same name even if you change your name, unless it's accompanied by serious rebranding or something like that."
"Oh, is that what the wizard outfit is for?" Ashido asked.
Aizawa glared at her for a prolonged period of time. "No. Comment. Because having a good hero name before you even debut is so important..."
Midnight-sensei strutted through the door and stood next to Aizawa. "Yuuei strongly encourages the teachers of the hero course to organize a workshop session for their students before their work studies so they don't call themselves something dumb like, oh, I don't know... Eraserhead?"
"Fuck you, Nemuri," Aizawa muttered, causing Midnight to wink and stick her tongue out at him. He sighed and pulled a folding chair and some small dry erase boards out from behind his podium. "Midnight here is going to make sure the names we pick are all right. The annoying thing with hero names is that whatever you pick tends to end up reflecting on your hero career, so choose carefully."
"Wait, are you picking out a hero name, too?" Kaminari asked.
Aizawa grunted and started handing out the dry erase boards. "Against my better judgement I decided, for multiple reasons actually, to adopt a more public hero persona," he explained.
"WHAAAT!?" almost the entire class shouted at once.
"Yeah, yeah. 'Course, I need a new name for it, and the timing lined up so I unfortunately had the 'brilliant' idea of participating in this exercise with you guys, for solidarity or whatever." When he was done with the dry erase boards he put his folding chair next to Uraraka and sat down. "So for the next however long, just think of me like a fellow student. Plus Ultra or whatever."
I uncapped my dry erase marker and stared at the board. What kind of hero did I want to be? What kind of name did I want to have? I had a flash of inspiration, but... I sent Kacchan a message with my Quirk. I wanted his opinion on it.
He turned back to me. "Really?" he asked. I nodded. "Well I can see where you're coming from with that," he shrugged. "If ya really want to, go for it."
I wrote down my idea and waited for everyone else to be done. Kacchan looked like he was having a bit of trouble, but shooed me off when I asked if he needed help.
"And now you'll be presenting your hero names, starting with who's done!" Midnight said after more than a few of my classmates had put down their markers. Nobody said anything, but the air tensed when she said that. "Of course you have to present them!" she said with a grin. "If you can't stand proud and present your name to your own peers, how are you going to stick to it in the face of the public?"
Okay that made me a little nervous, but I shook it off. I was about to volunteer myself for the first presentation, but Aoyama and Aizawa both stood up before I could.
"I shall go first!" Aoyama glittered as Aizawa muttered, "Let's get this over with."
Aizawa sighed. "After you, kid."
"Thank you, my wonderful teacher!" He strutted up to the podium and stylishly revealed the name he wrote on his board. "'Shining Hero: I Can Not Stop Twinkling!' That means that you can't stop my sparkles!" As he said that, literal sparkles bloomed into existence around him. Honestly that was about what I was expecting from him.
"I like it, buuut maybe take out the 'I' and shorten 'Can Not' to 'Can't?'" Midnight suggested.
"Yes! That's perfect, mademoiselle!" Aoyama beamed.
"That's a good name?" Shinsou snarked under his breath.
"I don't know," I said, "I think it's kind of a nice name."
"Because you're a fucking sap," Kacchan added.
I shrugged. "Maybe a little."
Aizawa sighed. "Well, I guess that means I'm next." He walked up to the podium unenthusiastically and lifted up his board. "Magician Hero: Grimalkin," he read, blushing slightly. He'd put a cute little cat paw print on the end where a period would be.
"Ah, like the witch's familiar from Macbeth!" Yaoyorozu said.
Aizawa nodded. "Yes, exactly."
"I love it!" Midnight shouted. "Cute, but still bold!"
"Thanks," Aizawa muttered as he walked away from the podium.
"Now, do we have any more volunteers?" Midnight asked.
Kacchan got up. "I might as well get this over with too." He presented his name. "The Explosion Hero: Grenadier."
"Excellent! It's simple, striking, and goes with your hero outfit's theme!" Midnight commented.
"Thanks, teach." Kacchan said. "I figured it'd be way better than my first idea."
"What would that be?"
"King Explosion Murder."
Midnight winced. "Yeah, Grenadier's a lot better. Next!"
Shinsou nodded and got up to the podium. "I'm afraid it might be a little dark, but... Control Hero: Mindjack."
Midnight nodded with a grin. "I can see your concerns, but it's perfectly fine. Better than King Explosion Murder, at least."
"You're welcome for the example, I guess," Kacchan grumbled.
"Now, who wants to go next?" Midnight asked.
I stood up. "I'd like to," I said. I walked up to the podium, took a deep breath, and showed the class my dry erase board. "The name I decided on is the Gamer Hero: Deku."
A/N: The naming session went about the same as it did in canon from that point onward, just without Midoriya, Bakugou, and the grape.
Originally I was going to make this chapter longer but then I realized that ending the chapter on the first time the name of the fic is cool.
Elemental list: Midoriya: Halitus, Dune, Rayne, Blaise, Juniper, Mifuyu, Raimon, Iggy, Sonia, and Claude Bakugou: Pyra and Leaf Tokoyami: Corvo Uraraka: Nebula and Ion Hagakure: Lucy Tsu: Bubbles Aizawa: Charlie and Cassiopeia All Might: Seth O'Scope
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jawnjendes · 5 years
please don’t wake me up | shawn mendes
university au summer lovin/lovin in the summer time, shawn x goth gf/oc
AN: holy fuck its the season finale. yup this is the last chapter. imma keep writing tho... oh btw this is just smut
"Kiss me."
"You don't have to tell me twice," I breathed out before picking my head up to connect our lips together. My hands went to either side of Shawn's face, keeping him as close as I possibly could. I was desperate for something more than a simple peck, and I was determined to get it now that Shawn was back to where he normally was.
His big hands moved down my thighs and under my knees, hooking both of my legs around his waist. In the same move, Shawn moved his hands underneath me, tightly gripping my butt. My stomach fluttered with excited butterflies as I felt the heat from his body against mine. This went from chaste to horny so fast it was making my head spin.
I found purchase in the hair on the back of his head, letting my tongue slip into his mouth. The delicious feeling of making out with him along with the wet sounds of our mouths colliding sent me straight into the clouds. I sucked on his bottom lip just a little, and Shawn let out an equally small groan into my mouth, his hips rocking against mine once. It got me so hot I didn't know what to do with myself. I needed to hear more sounds come out of him.
We finally broke apart after a while, and a translucent trail of saliva was still connected between our lips. Shawn looked down at me with hooded eyes, his pretty lips swollen and pink like the patches on his cheeks. In a second, he was moving soft but desperate kisses down my neck, while his hand moved up my body. I tried to catch my breath as he suckled new spots onto the crook of my jaw but it kept getting knocked out of me the more he touched me. I wasn't wearing a bra underneath my black After Forever t-shirt, so Shawn was able to tweak my nipple through the fabric, making me lose my breath even more.
"You okay?" he mumbled against my neck, pausing his actions.
"Don't stop," I replied in a whisper. I slowly moved my hips up against his, my toes curling at the sensations. I wrapped my arms around his middle and put pressure on his back, wanting to feel him on top of me.
Instead, Shawn moved his mouth further down my body. He mouthed at the black cotton of my shirt, reaching my nipple. He wasn't one to shy away from using his teeth right off the bat, he knew I went crazy over the feeling. It was a reflex we both marveled at; The more he toyed with my nipples, the more my hips would buck up on their own. It didn't take long for me to pull on his pajama bottoms, or for him to tug on my shirt.
We both sat up and hastily pulled at whatever clothes we had on. Shawn was quick to get my shirt over my head, and then he was sitting back to yank off his pants. I was ready to get on my back, my front, whatever humiliating position he wanted, but he paused and stared at my nearly naked body, something twinkling in his eyes. I looked down at the scars on my abdomen, reminding myself that he actually had his mouth there. This wasn't a time to be feeling insecure on my part.
With my chin up, I leaned forward and placed my hands on Shawn's massive thighs. My eyes traveled from his crotch all the way to his eyes, letting him see whatever he wanted to see. I was nervous too. It felt like we were starting from scratch, and we had to do it right. I was able to compose myself enough to take the reins and make sure he was comfortable, like he did for me many months ago.
"You okay?" I asked softly.
He nodded. "You're just beautiful. I've missed nights like these."
That gave me the overwhelming urge to just pounce and let him have me, but instead I sat back and gestured to the headboard. "Sit here."
A smirk grew on Shawn's face as he crawled up to the front of the bed. He sat and leaned comfortably against the headboard, a knowing look on his face. I let him watch me as I pulled off my underwear, and apparently it was so attractive Shawn just had to palm himself through his briefs. I decided that at one point, I had to watch him touch himself. But that was for another time. He chewed on his lip as I crawled up to meet him, and I found my place in straddling his lap.
Tense eye contact only made things heighten even more. With a cheeky grin, I brought my hand up to his chin and pulled out his bottom lip with my thumb. His eyes were big and round, like he was ready to let me be in charge. I stared down at his lips, taking in just how pink and lovely they were and just how smug I felt knowing only I could kiss them as much as I pleased.
"Do we have condoms?" I asked, the thought smacking me upside the head all of a sudden.
Shawn blinked, clearly dazed. "Um… yeah, in the drawer. Babe, do we really-"
I placed my finger on his mouth. "Yes, my dear. We do."
He placed his hand on my bare back as I leaned over to the nightstand and pulled open the drawer. His fingers glided up my spine, giving me chills and the slightest thought to just ditch protection altogether. However, I found one square packet and tossed it onto the mattress. It helped me relax even more, so I sat up again and kissed him once again.
Shawn groaned as his hands found my tits again, thumbs rubbing fast at my nipples. Before I knew it, I was grinding on his hard cock and our breathing was way too staggered to keep our lips together. My fingers rubbed against the hairs on his chest, and I dipped my head down to his neck, biting into the skin. Shawn let out a low groan deep in his chest and tilted his head, accepting more of what I was giving him. My hips moved slowly while he remained compliant under me, his fingers slowly tracing up my spine and making my back arch.
"Mm, fuck," he mumbled as he cupped my ass cheek. "Need you, baby. God, I want you so bad."
"Touch me a little first," I told him as I leaned back, taking his hand and guiding it down between us. "Let me feel your pretty fingers."
I returned the feeling just as much. I reached into his black Calvins and squeezed his cock in my hand while he inserted a long finger into me. We both moaned out at the feeling, chasing the euphoria for the first time in far too long. My head tilted back, trying to split my focus between the feeling I was giving and the one I was receiving. But his finger was curling in just the right spot, and it only tightened my grip as I pumped his shaft. Shawn cupped my face with his free hand and insisted I look at him, coaxing me with his sweet voice. His hand was so close to my neck, it made me growl. I actually growled.
"I want your cock," I moaned, unable to control myself. "I want your big cock in me, baby."
In a split second, Shawn had both of his hands on the back of my neck and he was pulling me in closer. He had been so unnaturally passive before, and now that was gone. Perhaps he was just waiting for my domme facade to crack so he could take over. "What did you say?"
I was so thrown by his sudden change in his demeanor, I only made a stupid whiney noise. I was at a loss for words. There was my Shawn.
"Oh no, you need to say it again," he ordered, slightly tugging at the hair on the back of my head. "Tell me what you want."
My head tilted back from the pressure, and my breath hitched. "I want your big cock." My voice was small and shaky, filled with nothing but fervor. "Please… fuck me with your big cock."
"Wanna ride me, honey?" he egged on, an obvious smugness in his tone. He ground his hips upwards just slow enough to make me whine. "Is that how bad you want it?"
My head nodded, feeling the grip he had on my hair with each little movement. Shawn pulled even more and leaned in to sloppily kiss my neck when it was exposed enough. Then, he nosed his way up to my ear and spoke again in a deep voice.
"Better get fucking started, then."
I wasn't sure how or why I was so easily brought into submission, but I didn't care. I'd let Shawn order me around for hours between the sheets if it meant we would both feel so impossibly good. He sat back as I frantically pulled off his briefs. With shaking hands, I tore open the condom pack and rolled the thing down his length, making sure to keep my eyes away from him. He had gone from a sweet boy to the epitome of sexy intimidation, it was harder to keep eye contact. I was sure to pass out or combust or actually bust if I looked at his face any longer. My heart raced and my core burned as I prepared to take him like a fucking champ.
"Oh, that's it," Shawn moaned through his grit teeth as I sank down on him. A snarl came from deep in his chest as he reached around to grab my ass. "Oh, such a good pussy."
A shudder of arousal ripped through me at the sound of his words and the feeling of his cock splitting me open. I stilled for a moment, trying to relax myself and get used to the stretch. My fingers, on the other hand, practically clawed away at Shawn's chest. Red lines appeared where my nails hit, sending me even further than the clouds. I scratched even more as I slowly started to move my hips.
I won't lie, I wasn't on top very often. Shawn liked me in more submissive positions, like on my back so he could hover over me and shield me with his body, or bent over a surface so he could pull my hair and spank me as much as he wanted. Here I thought this position would get the tables to turn, but I was never more happy to be wrong.
He hissed, fingers digging into the plumpness of my ass cheek. "Oh god, baby… So good at taking my cock." He brought a quick slap to the cheek on the last word.
The movement of my hips caused the headboard to repeatedly smack against the wall, adding to the feeling where our bodies connected. I leaned back, planting my hands behind me for more leverage, and I rolled my hips with more vigor. Shawn took that opportunity to bring his fingers down to my clit. He didn't even have to do anything more, the rhythm I was going at was making me grind against the tips of his fingers.
I couldn't even form words to tell him how good he was making me feel. The only sounds that came out of me were breathy moans that coincided with Shawn's filthy words. Not to mention, the obscene sounds of our skin slapping together only added fuel to the fire. My thighs were starting to chafe and cramp, though, so I slowed down and placed my hands on Shawn's shoulders.
"Fuck, I'm getting tired," I said, panting heavily, resting my head on the crook of his sweaty neck.
He played with the long strands of hair cascading down my back, his nose touching my temple. "You're doing good, baby. Take a breather. You want some water?"
"Yes please…"
Shawn held my waist as he leaned to the side, reaching the bottle of water on the nightstand. I sat up again and took the bottle. He watched me as I took a hefty gulp, a sweet smile on his face. I was about to put the bottle back, but he grabbed ahold of it and drank the last bit of water before tossing it to the floor.
I got a good look at him now that I wasn't as occupied by his massive dick. Shawn's face and chest were blotched with red, and there were several scratch marks on his pecs. His cheekbones and collar bones were glowing with sweat, and his pink lips were swollen. He looked completely fucked, and we weren't even done yet. I didn't even wanna know how I looked. I could feel flakes of my mascara falling under my eyes, I knew that much.
With a smirk, Shawn took hold of my wrists and pulled me in closer. Our noses touched, and I felt his breath on my upper lip. Hands went up and down my body, but it was much softer than before. It was a little moment of just feeling each other without the desperation. Shawn pecked my lips, and then trailed more kisses down my neck. He didn't even hesitate to mark me up even more than he already had, leaving red and purple blotches on my collar bone. Finally, he dipped his head down to my tits, and he took a nipple into his mouth.
Like clockwork, my hips moved again from the sensation. I tangled my fingers in his hair and moaned softly, my entire body seizing up and clenching just from his mouth licking and suckling. Of course, that gave Shawn more stimulation where we connected and he groaned against my skin.
Then he smacked my ass again, indicating for me to keep it going. I pressed my hands down on his shoulders and started to properly bounce on his cock. He let go of my nipple and moaned against my cleavage, his tongue poking out to get a taste every so often. The dirty talk had ceased altogether, and it was replaced by his sweet moans that got higher in pitch the closer he got to the end. His fingers dug into my ass, leaving behind his own angry red lines on the skin. It felt so good to know he was feeling it just as much as I was.
Soon enough, he was fucking back into me, and I didn't even have to tell him. Shawn held my waist and growled deep in his throat as he thrust his hips upwards. The feeling got me tilting my head back and whimpering like nobody's business. My nails went down his chest again, making Shawn growl even more as he slipped his cock in and out of me with more vigor.
"Pretty baby," he grumbled, and then his hand was on the back of my head, harshly making me face him. "Open your eyes, baby. Fucking look at me."
The authority in his tone made me do it. My eyes opened and met his. Shawn's brows were knitted together, and his mouth was half open, intense fire in his eyes. His fingers fisted the hair on my scalp, keeping me in the position I was in.
Anytime my eyes fluttered shut, Shawn delivered another sharp slap to my ass. Our lips brushed together, but we were so caught up in the heat we couldn't properly kiss each other. It wasn't until Shawn's thrusts were staggering did I find my words again. This was when I loved to egg him on and get him to where he needed to be.
"Gonna come in me, baby?" I said breathlessly. "Gonna make this pussy yours, baby? Fucking come in me, daddy…"
Shawn squeezed his eyes shut, but only for a second before I grabbed his chin to catch his attention.
"Look at me," I said sensuously. "Look at me when you come."
"Mm, fuck!" he cried out, eyes narrowing as it finally hit him. "Aah, fuck, I love you, I love you, fuck!"
He pulled me in for a sloppy kiss, his tongue immediately finding mine, groaning into my mouth. I kept bouncing on him as I brought a hand down to my clit, now chasing my big release. Shawn kept moaning, getting a little more sensitive, and he grabbed my breast like it was a fucking lifeline. His incoherent noises alone sent me to the end, and I was clenching around him repeatedly, the heat expanding through my body. I cried out his name like a mantra, my thighs trembling with the release. As soon as it was too much for me, I pulled off of him and collapsed in the space next to him.
Shawn was quick to lie down next to me, letting me curl up into his side. His muscular arms went around me comfortingly, and he planted a small kiss on top of my head. Our legs tangled together, staying closer under the sheets. My breathing was still quick and heavy, and my body was craving affection and comfort. Shawn squeezed me once, and he gently told me that this wasn't over quite yet.
I wasn't sure how long I was lying on my back, staring at the ceiling in a euphoric daze until the sun creeping in through the window. The light hit my eyes, causing me to scrunch my brows and turn my head away. Shawn picked his head up in surprise, squinting at the golden light pouring into the room. Then, his gaze met mine, and we both laughed softly. We really went at it the whole night, only catching short power naps every couple of hours.
Shawn turned his whole body towards me, and I did the same. There was a bit of space between us, but our hands found one another and lazily intertwined at the fingers.
"You look like an angel," he mumbled. "The sunlight is like a halo around your body. It's beautiful."
"Well, you're glowing," I told him, "you've got that sweaty, orgasmic highlight going on."
He smiled, his fingers playing with mine. Neither of us were exactly sleepy, but we were completely fucked out. I was already feeling the ache in my legs and my back. I was so glad I didn't have anything else to worry about today.
"What's the weirdest thing I did when I was on morphine?" I asked, wanting to fill the air.
Shawn's eyes widened a little bit, and so did his smile. "You said a lot of things. None of it was weird, you were just a lot more affectionate. You hit on me in front of the nurses."
I chuckled. "I sort of remember that. What else did I do?"
He thought for a minute, and his smile faltered a little. "When you woke up from your first surgery, you kept saying that I cheated on you."
For a split second, I was confused but then I gasped. The dream and the unbearable feelings came to memory in seconds. Then, I explained to Shawn what I saw when I went under, and he was shocked.
"Why would you dream that?" he asked, pouting.
I shrugged. "I can't control the subconscious of my brain. It felt so real, though."
"You know I'd never cheat on you, right?"
"Of course, I'll kill you if you do."
He chuckled and stroked my cheek. His eyes lit up again. "When you were on drugs and delirious from your fever, you really wanted me to cup your face like this. If I pulled away, you kept my hand there."
Just as he said that, my hand went up to hold his wrist. I mean, I did love having my face caressed. There was nothing quite like the feeling of being held in such a sweet, intimate manner. It made me feel small, but not in the way I had gotten used to over the last few years. I felt small, but I also knew Shawn would put me in his pocket and protect me. Of course I wanted to feel that sense of security while I was hospitalized.
"It makes me feel safe," I told him, really milking this afterglow thing.
Shawn's smile grew. "That's the cutest fucking thing I've ever heard. I'll keep my hand here as long as you want, anytime."
The cheesy, goofy grin on my face was so unlike me. How in the hell did Shawn find a way to crack me open? How did he manage to tear my walls down? How did he make me so optimistic about what we had going on? I had never been so over the moon before. Is this how you're supposed to feel when your feelings are reciprocated?
"Remember our first date?" I asked. "When you asked me what it means to be a goth?"
"Yeah," Shawn replied. "Something about light and dark, but you couldn't find the beauty in it."
I nodded. "Yeah. There's no beauty in depression, or nightmares, or surgery. And there's far worse shit out there that make it even harder to find beauty in the dark. And that's not even the dark stuff that appeals to me."
"So what does appeal to you?"
"I could have died. It would have sucked for my parents, and for you, and probably Stella too. But for me, I could have gone on to the next thing, whatever it may be. And yeah, it scares me a little bit, because I don't know what's next. Not knowing is what scares me, not the act of death itself, and not the skulls or the upside down crosses or the cemeteries. Finding my own light in the dark things that people find strange or spooky is what's beautiful to me."
Shawn smiled at my rambling, his thumb brushing my cheek.
"And you're beautiful to me too," I added with a giggle. "You're a different kind of light."
He leaned over and kissed my forehead, and then our noses brushed together gently. "You're the beauty in the dark, honey. It's all you."
AN: LMAO I LIED ITS MORE LIKE A SEASON FINALE I AINT DONE WITH THESE FUCKS JUST YET HAHAHAHA anyways let me know if u wanna be added to the taglist
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your-highnessmarvel · 6 years
Distract Me From My Pain
Requested by Anon: I request Steve after infinity war where he is all destroyed by the events, and when he goes back to reader, all he wants is a distraction. So like smutty angst, please? LOVE YOUR BLOG btw! 
A/N: I love smutty angst, but Steve smutty angst, I adore it.
Warnings: smut, angst, Infinity War spoilers
*gif not mine
(Tags at the end)
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He walked into the darkness of the room, his steps brushing against the soft carpet. His shadow seemed to cling to every dark corner. Shoulders tensed. Breathing ragged. He’d been away and gone for so long that you’d feared he’d never come back to you. Especially after losing his friends and his best mate after the showdown with Thanos.
But now he was here, in the dead of the night, a feeling of darkness rolling off of him in waves. 
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You reached for the light on the table, but he was quicker than you. As always. 
His hand, rough and torn from battle, wrapped around your wrist. Your heart pounded in your chest, blood rushing in your ears like a roar of a crowd. 
You and Steve had been together for only a handful of months, and given Steve’s past and his present occupation, you’d never had the time to be together. The circumstances of your relationship remained romantic, but always surface. You could never dive into his soul the way you wanted to; to help him or to simply be there for him. 
You knew he was damaged. You knew he was pained. He fought his own demons that lived in the dark crevices of his mind. You wanted to be with him anyway. When it was real, you knew, you just did. And being with Steve, whether it be carelessly lounging around or out on an immersive activity, brought you solace and comfort. 
When he kissed you and held you, like you were fragile and precious, it made warmth buzz in the pit of your stomach. 
And now, in a moment you knew that he was completely destroyed by, all you wanted was to hold his head in the crook of your shoulder and rock him. You would do anything to assuage his pain. 
“Y/N.” Your name dropping from his lips, soft and sweet, made the heat in your cheeks rise. You were then, after all, very thankful for the cover of the darkness. What little light seeped through, made Steve look taunt, and his bruises and cuts peppered his face and arms. Maybe this would be better in the dark. 
He was wearing a soft cotton t-shirt. You felt the soft material under your fingertips as you rose to your knees to hug him to you. Braced against his hard chest, you heard his heart stuttering within his rib cage. He was warm, but tense. His entire body seemed to be a bruise to you; tender and beaten. 
“I am so sorry, Steve,” you murmured against his chest. He breathed in hard, hands finding your hair. Trembling, his fingers reached for the back of your neck and slowly brought you away from him. His hands then found home cupping your face. All you wanted was to see his face, but you knew that there was nothing but pain and failure written on his soft and beautiful features. 
Bucky. Vision. Wanda. Groot. T’Challa. The uncertainty of Tony. You knew Steve wore those losses on his shoulders. He made himself bare that loss, which he shouldn’t. 
“I thought I lost you too,” he whispered, nuzzling your nose with his until he could kiss you. 
He smelled clean. He’d been away at the compound, away from you. He’d made sure you were alive and not dust in the wind, but he had to take time to himself. 
He had lost the battle of the end game. Despite it all, he had lost and it had weighed on him.  
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him to you. With a grunt, he toppled over you onto the bed, nestled between your legs. You wore nothing but a nightgown and the friction of his sweatpants against your bare core made you gasp lowly. 
Either it didn’t register with Steve or it did and he decided to ignore it. All of a sudden, after that wretched sound came from you, it seemed like a race. You couldn’t get undressed quick enough. 
The silk nightgown was basically ripped from your body, exposing perked nipples and soft skin to the light shadows of your room. Steve’s shirt worked its way over toned abs, dark bruises, and fresh scars on his torso. 
Gripping your jaw, Steve pulled you in for a breathtaking kiss. “Yes?” he asked, breathless, as he worked on getting his sweats down his legs. 
Rubbing his shoulders, his body not unknown to you, you scooted closer to the heat of his flesh. “Yes,” you answered. 
Harshly, if not roughly, he pinned your shoulders to the bed, attacking your mouth with his. You could feel his chest scraping against your nipples as you dragged your nails along the ridges of his ribs. 
Fluidly, Steve kissed along your jaw and down your neck, softly scraping his teeth along your jugular. It was so unlike him. You’d never slept with him, but as far as you’d gone with Steve, he’d always been tender and sweet. Never teeth and nails. 
“Do you love me?” he gasped between kissed, holding down your wrists. The pleasure coursed through your skin with each press of his mouth, each ragged bite of his teeth. Your lids fluttered shut, swollen mouth ajar. 
“Do you love me?” he breathed against your skin again, hands leaving your wrists to cup your breasts. He popped one nipple into the warmth of his mouth, running his tongue along the perky nub. 
Arching your back into him, a soft moaned “yes” escaped your lips. 
He groaned lowly, and this time, he bit you hard. Just under her right breast. A mix of pain and pleasure worked its way across your flesh. A sound, between a yelp and a moan, ripped from your throat. 
He kissed his way down your navel until he was making you twist and moan in the sheets, hands clutching his hair. Steve had a way with his tongue and fingers. He knew that when he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked, he could bring you to climax just like that. And he did. 
And then he was over you again, your mind in a haze as you came down from your climax. He was kissing you, biting you, pinning you to the bed. He was everywhere, in all your senses. All you wanted was to belong to him in that instant. 
“Yes?” he whispered in your ear, nibbling on the lobe. 
You gripped his shoulders, shaking limbs tightening against his hips. “Yes.”
He aligned himself with you, already hard and slick. He brought his hand to yours, gripping your fingers, kissing your jaw. You were impatient. He was all you ever wanted. He was pained and conflicted. You were his solace and his comfort. He could have you. 
In one hard thrust, he buried himself to the hilt within you. Two simultaneous grunts left you both as he stretched you. He was slightly shaking, his skin glowing in the darkness, when he slowly pulled out and thrust back in. 
You’d never felt pleasure like that before. Even though your heart ached for him and his own was broken in a million pieces, this was the most pleasure you’d ever experienced. 
His free hand held your hip in a bruising grip as he settled into a rough rhythm. He was hitting a spot deep inside of you that was making you moan low and longingly. With his forehead pressed against yours and his lips claiming your mouth, he kept thrusting, faster and faster, each of his grunts low and feral. 
He was holding you down quite painfully, his teeth sinking into the skin of your shoulder, but you didn’t care. All you could feel was him. 
“Fuck, baby, I’m close,” he grunted against your neck, licking a long swipe. Your body jumped on the bed with the rhythm of his thrusts, your breasts tucked against his chest. He had you all to himself, to his pleasure, and he loved it. 
“Steve.” His name came out like a whine. Pinpricks of pleasure and pressure were starting to building in your belly. Stars began to gather in puddles behind your lids. A buzz crept along your flesh. 
“I know,” he breathed. Tiny little explosions crept along your skin until he hit a spot inside you and the bubble burst. 
He held you down tightly as you came, licking your nipple and biting the side of your breast, enjoying the low moans coming from your throat. 
Not long after, when you were a moaning soft puddle under his touch, he gave a few sputtering thrusts until he was spilling himself in you. 
Breathless, he lay over you. His lips kissed softly on the inside of your neck. Then he was kissing your temple and getting up on his hands. Nudging your nose with his. Sliding his hands along the curves of your body still splayed out for him. 
“I don’t want to lose you,” he breathed softly in the night. When you opened your eyes, all you could see were shadows. 
“I’m still here,” you breathed. “Always.”
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cami-chats · 5 years
Not Rock ‘N Roll Good
A/N: A modern Sandor/Arya fic so I can dabble in their characterizations. I think it’s obvious but just in case: lots of language ahead!
Tags: AU- Modern Setting, Wrong Number, Getting Together, Time Skips, Blind Character, Blind Arya Stark, Identity Reveal, Minor Sexual Content
Sandor's phone chimed with a message, and he frowned. Anytime someone texted him, he was suspicious. He pulled it out and checked.
Unknown Number: Dude where the fuck are you?
Unknown Number: And you don't get to be mad at me for cursing at you because you're THIRTY MINUTES LATE
He didn't have plans with anyone, and certainly not with someone whose number wasn't in his phone, so he ignored it. It was a wrong number, they'd figure it out soon enough. Sandor turned back to the computer and looked over the schedule. Bronn was going on vacation-- or so he claimed, frankly Sandor thought he was a fucking liar-- and with Ygritte reducing her hours so she could make her internship, they were stretched thin.
Unknown Number: Are you going to show up?
Great, this person was being stood up, and Sandor was going to have to be the one to break the news.
Unknown Number: Ramsey?
He sighed, typing out a reply. To Unknown Number: Think the arse gave you the wrong number mate.
Unknown Number: Of fucking course he did
Unknown Number: What a gods cursed cunt
Unknown Number: I should have known better than to make a date with someone I met at a club
Unknown Number: Sorry dude but I'm pissed. I had to cancel with my study group for this dick
To Unknown Number: It's fine. Vent all you want maybe it'll distract me from this boring shit.
Unknown Number: WELL IN THAT CASE
Unknown Number: Jk
A little bubble showed up to signal they were typing again, and Sandor gave up pretending to look at the schedule. He already knew what was going to end up happening: he'd ask Gendry, Gendry would look at his schedule and have to say no, and Sandor would cover it himself.
Unknown Number: I know you don't know me, but it's not like I welcome random arse people to hit on me. He had to go out of his way and spend TIME convincing me to agree to this, and then he doesn't even show up.
Unknown Number: And I only agreed because it seemed like he'd hop into bed with me.
Unknown Number: I just wanted to get laid.
To Unknown Number: Have you tried sex toys? They're better than most people think.
Unknown Number: Oooo personal experience talking?
To Unknown Number: Yes. People are disappointing.
Unknown Number: Well, you're not wrong.
To Unknown Number: When was the last time you were actually satisfied with someone else in bed?
Unknown Number: Not sure it's EVER happened. Mostly I get pity fucks.
To Unknown Number: Sounds shitty. Sorry man.
Unknown Number: Woman actually. Not that I care, but I thought it was weird that you might think I'm a guy.
To Unknown Number: Well I'd offer to have sex with you but I'm busy
Unknown Number: Lol
Unknown Number: I'm willing to wait for you to be free ;)
To Unknown Number: Might be waiting a while.
Unknown Number: No offense, but does it look like I'm in a big hurry? I've got a shit ton of time to spend waiting.
Unknown Number: But I can't wait rn cause my hero in a car has come to pick me up. Talk to you later future-babe.
Sandor shook his head, mouth curving up into a smile as he set his phone to the side. Chances were that they wouldn't talk again, but it picked up his mood enough that when he got home, he made himself food instead of eating canned stew cold because he was too lazy to put it in a bowl and then the microwave.
Sandor carried his phone with him while he worked in case there was an emergency or someone needed to call in sick-- he really fucking hoped that no one did that today because it was busier than most Monday's. Everyone that wasn't an employee had notifications muted while he was working at the gym, so it wasn't until he was taking a lunch break that he saw the _ unread texts he'd accumulated since getting up this morning.
Unknown Number: I'm beginning to think that someone put a sign on my back that says 'please bug me straight boys'
Unknown Number: Seriously this is getting ridiculous ffs
Unknown Number: Aha! Mystery solved, my sister Sansa has been at work here. Well, her and her girlfriend Margaery.
Unknown Number: My name's Arya btw. It seemed weird that you knew my sister and her girlfriend's name but not mine.
Unknown Number: All these mediocre bastards are reminding me of our future plans together, and all I have to say is that I'm glad we have this (joking) agreement. Cause not once in our ten minutes of conversation did you objectify me. A high bar, I know.
Unknown Number: You should tell me your name when you see these so that when I ride my dildo tonight I can think of you ;)
Unknown Number: Gods I hope that wasn't inappropriate.
Unknown Number: Sorry if it was, I was just trying to make a joke.
Unknown Number: You know, the more I think about it, the more it seems to have been in poor taste.
Sandor added her as a contact under 'Arya, the horny one' so that he'd remember.
From Sandor: Name's Sandor. If you haven't changed your nightly plans, that is He paused, then added a winky face before he sent it, just to be sure she'd know he was joking.
From Arya, the horny one: Oh thank the gods. I have like two friends, I didn't want to lose you
From Sandor: Am I friend #2 or would I be added as #3?
From Arya, the horny one: Don't be so nosy.
From Arya, the horny one: I'm sure you'll figure it out someday.
Sandor snorted and put his phone back in his pocket.
Incoming Call From Arya. Sandor checked the screen, then frowned. They'd never called each other before, and it was late. What was she doing calling him at this hour? "What."
"Saaaaandor you answered! See Sansa I told you he would, suck my dick."
Inexplicably, he was amused. "Are you drunk?"
"Only a little. If I drink too much I can't walk straight and I bump into all kinds of shit. Nearly got ran over once."
"You did get run over!" a different woman's voice said, coming through the phone's speaker.
"You got run over?" Sandor asked, even more amused than before. Drunk people annoyed the hell out of him and he didn't have the patience for it, but right now was different. Maybe that was because he was finally hearing her voice, and while she was definitely a woman, it wasn't high-pitched enough that it felt like his ears were bleeding.
"It was a tap," she argued. "I didn't even need stitches. I've given myself worse trying to do fucking needlepoint."
"You do needlepoint?" He found that hard to believe.
"Fuck no, that's why I was able to convince my mother to let me stop. It wasn't worth the cost of bandaids."
"Sounds safe."  
"You've got a sexy voice. Did I tell you that? I feel like I forgot to tell you that. I was busy proving a point to Sansa and got distracted."
Sandor snorted. "If you think my voice sounds sexy, you really do need to get laid."
"Is that an offer?"
"Fuck no. You could do better."
"Pretty sure we got talking because I haven't been able to do better. And what do you mean 'fuck no'? I'm a bloody catch, you twat!"
"How would I know? I haven't seen you."
"Well there's an easy solution to that. You free this Sunday? And I ask only to make sure you didn't make plans with your friends, I know you have the day off work."
"My friends are all working," he said drily. "I never have plans."
"Great, then you won't mind meeting up for coffee. Say, ten in the morning?"
"You want to meet me?"
"I don't know what- shut it Margaery I can walk and talk at the same time, bugger off. Pretty sure I've made it clear I want to fuck you, coffee is nothing."
"I ain't pretty, Arya. I don't know what kind of Prince Charming you've been imagining."
She snorted. "Yeah that's not gonna be a problem. I'm attracted to your voice and your personality, trust me, that'll be enough."
"I'm a miserable old shit." That much, he was sure of.
"All the more reason to get both of us laid. Happiness is one good round of sex away, do you really want to turn it down? Sunday, ten o'clock, the Godswood. I'll be the one with brown hair, a cane, and silly yellow sunglasses. If you're gonna be more than five minutes late, text me or I'm leaving. See you- seven hells Sansa! I was almost done mind your own fucking business. Bye Sandor see you then!" she called out hurriedly, like the phone was being taken from her.
"Er- bye." He hung up, then stared at his phone, bewildered. Guess he had a date. He didn't want to see what Arya's face would look like if her expression was just going to twist in disgust from his scar. He wasn't telling anyone about this. Bronn couldn't keep his fucking mouth shut, and Gendry would be all hopeful and give him that stupid puppy look and tell him that maybe he would fall in love and be happy. What a cunt.
He thought about dressing up.
He decided that was stupid.
He ended up in jeans and a worn, long sleeve shirt with his hair pulled back-- no point in trying to hide the burn scar. What was he doing? This was stupid. He wasn't so far removed from reality to believe that she'd run screaming, but it was going to change things. Arya didn't believe him when he said he was an ugly fucker, but now he was going to get to see her reaction up close and personal. Fuck everything. He still grabbed his keys and left the flat, heading towards the coffee shop she'd told him she would be at.
Fuck it all, he didn't even like coffee. Maybe they'd have something without that bitter shit in it.
Sandor grumbled to himself the entire trip there, but he showed up and that was rather telling. The shop wasn't packed, but it was comfortably full. They'd be able to have a conversation without the employees overhearing every word they said. It would also make it harder for him to find her, but what the hell. With a face like his, no one would be surprised that he was here for a blind date, and they sure as hell wouldn't be surprised if he got stood up. Not that he thought Arya would do that.
Brown hair, yellow sunglasses. She'd also mentioned a cane, but chances were he wouldn't be able to see it walking around like this. He passed three different hipster couples, and five single hipsters. Fucking hells he felt like he was going to lose his mind. Brown hair, yellow sunglasses. Brown hair, yellow- aha. Shit she hadn't been kidding when she described her sunglasses as 'silly'. They were large and garish and in the shape of stars. She had her dark hair pulled back in a half-bun, and the cane she mentioned was resting between herself and the wall. There was no drink in front of her, and her elbow was propped up on the table, resting her chin in her hand as she stared into space. She was pretty. Too damn pretty for the likes of him, but he couldn't turn around now.
She turned her head. It didn't seem like she was looking at him, more like she was looking a foot from where his chest was. "Sandor?"
He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Yeah that's me."
"Great," she said, grinning. "Have you gotten a drink yet? I hope not, because I'm buying." She reached for the cane and stood, and that was around the time Sandor realized it was a familiar white style. She reached out her hand, and he moved automatically, standing next to her and guiding her hand to the crook of his elbow. They started to walk. "So, did you need a drink or are you just enjoying me hanging off your arm?"
She snorted out a laugh.
"Few steps to the line," he warned as they slowed down.
"Know what you're getting?"
"You don't drink coffee, do you?"
"Not... usually," he hedged, and she laughed, but not cruelly-- which had been Berric's reaction when he learned that Sandor didn't drink coffee.
"Yeah most of it tastes like shit. I get the turtle macchiato because it's so sweet I can't taste anything else. Do you like sweet drinks?"
He made a face and said nothing. Then he remembered that she couldn't see him and said, "Not really." He liked sugary sweet, but dessert sweet tasted like liquid cavity and he hated it.
"And you don't like coffee." She hummed, thinking it over. "I think they have tea if you'd prefer that."
He grunted and scanned the menu. They had lemonade, he'd probably try that. The line moved forward, and he urged her to take a few steps, which she easily did.
"I'm not what you expected, am I?" she asked, a bitter note in her voice.
"No. You're a hell of a lot prettier."
She sighed. "You are sending mixed signals, Sandor."
"I am?" he repeated, confused. He'd thought it was pretty clear that he was happy to be here.
She gave a tense shrug. "You're not talking much."
"I'm talking more'n I usually do."
"If you don't want this to be a date, you can say so. We'll just be two friends meeting up, there's no harm in that."
"I don't talk much," he said. When that didn't comfort her, he added, "I wouldn't worry about it."
"If you say so," she said, which was noncommittal, but her mood picked up again.
A minute later, he told her, "It's our turn."
"Hey Arya," the man behind the register said.
"Hey Sam."
"Getting your usual?" Sam asked.
"I have a usual?"
"Large hot turtle macchiato, right?"
She groaned. "I've become predictable. This is like a nightmare."
"I wouldn't say totally predictable. Who's this with you, hm?" he asked, glancing at Sandor. His eyes darted to the scar, but he didn't look overly bothered by it. That was a nice change.
Arya snorted even as she leaned into Sandor's side. "Like you wouldn't tell Jon everything I say."
"I might not."
"Man," Sandor said, "I hardly know you and even I can tell that's a lie."
He gave a sheepish smile. "Well, he is my best friend. Anything for you today, Arya's mysterious friend?"
"What size?"
"Make it a large," Arya supplied so that he didn't have to worry about it.
Sam nodded, writing the order on a cup and setting it to the side. "Anything else?"
"Not for me." She angled her head towards Sandor. "Did you want a pastry or something."
"I'm good." Pause. "Thanks."
"Okay." She reached into her pocket and pulled out her wallet. It was a simple billfold, and Sandor noticed there was braille on the front of the card. Then he averted his eyes because what the fuck was he doing looking at her bloody credit card? She handed it over, and Sam swiped it, delivering it back to her waiting hand. When the receipt printed, he pulled it off and threw it away like he'd done it a hundred times before.
"Alright, you know where the hand-off bar is, Edd'll be the one down there today."
"Thanks Sam."
A few people stared at the pair of them, but for the most part no one cared. Sandor had dealt with far worse, so he ignored them without a second thought. Arya had probably dealt with worse too, even if she couldn't see the people currently staring.
Somehow one date turned into two, turned into eight. Sandor actually left the gym for lunch now, meeting Arya at the nearby deli every few days so they could eat together. The joking about sleeping together seemed less like joking and more like a legitimate question when Arya said it now.
Sandor shrugged uncomfortably, and Arya could feel it because she was holding onto his arm at the moment as they walked down the street. "We haven't known each other long."
"Oh please," she said, and Sandor got the sense that she was rolling her eyes. It was hard to tell through the dark lens of her sunglasses, but her tone made it rather clear that that's what she was doing. "We've been texting for four months, and seeing each other in person for another month. I think that's plenty of time. You weren't half as shy over text."
"It wasn't a possibility back then," he grumbled, and Arya sighed.
"If you don't want to, we don't have to. If you don't find me physically attractive- well, first of all fuck you, but that's fine too. I don't mind waiting as long as I know that's what I'm doing. But if we're not fucking because you think I'm not interested or some shit, you need to let it go."
"Of bloody course I know you're interested. You've made it pretty damn clear."
"So what is it? Are you not interested?"
"Course I am."
"Then what's the hold up?"
Sandor grumbled an answer under his breath, knowing full well that she couldn't understand him.
He sighed and said it again, clear enough for her to hear this time. "It's been a while."
"Aww are you nervous?" she cooed. When he didn't joke back, she dropped the teasing expression and tone. "Wait, seriously? Sandor, there's nothing to be nervous about. I have complete faith in your ability to fuck me blind." She paused. "Get it? Blind?"
Begrudgingly, Sandor found himself chuckling.
"Listen, I remember telling you that my sex life has been pretty lackluster. Even if it's not good, I've definitely had worse. And besides, those were one-off's. If the first time sucks, so what? The second time'll be better. All of this to say that I don't think you'll be bad, but whatever, I doubt you'd listen to me if that's all I said."
They slowed down for a crosswalk, conversation pausing in the presence of other people that would clearly be able to hear them. The light changed, and they started across, waiting a little longer to continue the conversation so they could get some distance.
"How do we plan that? I work all the fucking time and you have a roommate."
"You say that like we don't have time, right now, on our way to your flat."
"Right now?"
"Why not?" she asked, having to step away for a moment to avoid a shop's sign.
"It's the middle of the day."
Arya snorted, retaking her place by his side. "And you care? If you think you're going to be shit and shoot off early, then there's no reason why we should carve out three hours of an evening to do it."
He glanced down at her and found himself wanting. That wasn't anything new. She was not only bloody attractive, but willing. "Fine."
"Is that a yes?"
She grinned, holding herself just that much higher as they walked.
It took several more minutes before they reached Sandor's flat, and he cleared his throat before uncomfortably offering, "Did you want to come in?"
She squeezed his arm in comfort. "I'd fucking love to."
They walked to the staircase, and he gave it a look, counting the steps hurriedly. "Ten steps, then a landing a meter long, then seven steps."
Normally Sandor took the steps two at a time, but with Arya on his arm he took them the usual one at a time, feeling like he was moving at a snail's pace. Soon enough though, they were at his doorstep and he was unlocking the door. Despite all his arguing and this being the first time Arya had been to his place, he'd cleaned it up a long time ago and kept it that way. He didn't leave shoes and random bits of rubbish out anymore, making sure they weren't in the way for her to trip over. "Entryway's a few feet wide. You can leave your shoes on the right."
Arya tentatively poked her cane in that direction, the tip of it going over his shoes then the empty space of floor. She kept her cane in place as she slipped her shoes off and nudged them into place, using her toes and cane to make sure they were out of the way. "Show me around." She kept the cane in her hand, Sandor on one side and her cane in the other to watch that side.
He walked the perimeter of the living room and kitchen, making sure to detour inside so she knew where the tables were.
"And your room?"
He cleared his throat and they started walking again, down the short hallway and into his bedroom. There was no art anywhere in his flat, and for once he didn't have to hear someone bitching about the blank walls. His blanket was a faded black, something random hookup's always gave him a disappointed look for. Fuck them, it was comfortable and in good condition; he wasn't going to replace it just because the colour was a little off. He walked her forward until the edge of the bed was touching their legs. "This is the bed."
She unlaced her hand from his arm and held it in front of her, slowly lowering it down until she made contact with the top of the bed. With the cane, she reached to her left until she found the edge of the bed, then went to the right until she found the other side. She started around one side, hand trailing over the duvet as she walked to the head of the bed.
"There's a nightstand a couple paces in front of you."
She slowed, edging forward until she could bump it with her knee. Arya took her cane off the bed and set it on the opposite side of the nightstand, then climbed onto the mattress. She laid down, wriggling to get comfy on the pillows.
Her legs were spread and Sandor had to swallow past his dry throat. She held out a hand, saying his name, and he went like there was a rope around his waist, pulling him forward automatically. He kissed her like it was all he wanted to do, and she wrapped her legs around him to keep him there.
"You're glowing," Gendry teased at work the next day.
"Fuck off," Sandor grumbled. There was no denying that he was in a good mood, but glowing? That was a load of tripe.
"So when do we get to meet her?"
"As soon as she wants to meet you." Sandor looked directly at him as he delivered the next statement. "Which is never going to happen."
"Aw come on, mate. Anyone that's willing to date you has a thick enough skin to meet your friends."
"We're not friends; you're my employee."
"We're the closest things to friends that you have. You're grumpy as all seven hells, and you spend all your time here, making sure everything's working smoothly. Where are you going to find quote unquote 'real friends'?"
"I managed to find a girlfriend."
"Yeah and I'm still not convinced that wasn't an accident. Who is this magical girlfriend of yours anyways?"
Sandor rolled his eyes. "She's not magical. Stop whinging and get back to work."
"Yeah, yeah. You'd think getting laid would make you nicer."
But of course Arya chose that afternoon to spontaneously visit him at work. Which is to say that she didn't text or call, but Sandor was walking from the class rooms towards the rock wall to make sure everything was running smoothly, and he heard her talking to Gendry.
"What are you doing here?" Gendry asked her. Sandor couldn't see them yet, but sound bounced easily through the tile floor and clean walls.
"Gendry? What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Uh, I work here, and I know you hate exercise."
"You work at a gym?" she repeated doubtfully. "You're a twig, not a body builder."
"I'm not as small as I was the last time you saw me."
"Mhm," she said, clearly not convinced.
"Come on Arya, that was back in high school! You've grown a lot since then too. And you still haven't told me what you're doing here. Not hoping to catch up with me, I take it?"
She snorted. "No, but maybe we should schedule that in some time. I'm here to see my boyfriend. Who's definitely not a twig."
Sandor finally rounded the corner and saw Arya and Gendry. Arya, looking the way she always did: stunning. And Gendry had his flirting face on which made Sandor want to pick him up by the scruff of his neck as if to say 'seriously?'. Gendry had people hitting on him every week, but he was going to pick an old high school friend out of everyone in the world. "Arya?"
She turned towards him with a smile. "Sandor!"
"Sandor?" Gendry repeated, looking between the two of them. It was clear when he got it, because he straightened and took a step back. "I can't believe you're his secret girlfriend."
"I'm not secret you prat," Arya said, "I'm just private." She shooed him with her hand, still angled in Sandor's direction. "Now go away."
Gendry rolled his eyes. "Yes milady."
"I may not be able to see but I can still kick your arse."
He beat a hasty exit.
"You and Gendry?" Sandor repeated, raising an eyebrow as he walked towards her.
"It was a long time ago."
"I can't believe he convinced you to date him."
"Eh," Arya said with a shrug. "We were best friends and I needed someone to bring to my mother's parties." She flashed him a smile, and he could tell that she was mostly joking. The message was clear though: she had cared for him, but it wasn't like that anymore and it wouldn't become that way again. He reached her side and tapped her free hand with his own in offering. She took it, sliding her fingers up his arm to curve around his elbow and not caring that he was damp with sweat. "Speaking of parties, my brother's birthday is coming up and every year my gift to him is a surprise. Showing up with a big, grizzly boyfriend is sure to surprise everyone."
"And they won't think I'm manipulating you or some shit?"
"I can be very persuasive."
"I can also be very accurate when hitting people with my staff," she said, which confirmed Sandor's suspicion that she had very little in the way of regular persuasion techniques. "A little reminder and they'll leave us alone. For a while, at least."
"Is your family always going to be so fucking nosy?" The thought was annoying, but his example of a family was a father that drank and gambled too much and a brother that abused him.
"Yeah probably. They just worry that I'm going to get hurt. Eventually, they'll figure out that you're the second best thing to happen to me and they'll chill out."
"Second best? What's the first?"
"Electric guitar. You're good Sandor, but you're no rock 'n roll."
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gwenore · 5 years
The princess of Avonlea. Part 7
Happy birthday @dekujin! I hope you will like this next part of this story which has grown way more than I ever expected, but I really enjoy writing. After this I will do a tiny follow up for this part of the story.  Btw, everyone should see the awesome cupcakes she got for her birthday! I am so jealous!
“Urgh… nothing…” Neal was ready to slam his head into his laptop.
“What?” Emma, his girlfriend, glanced over towards him, looking at what he was up to. “The old rundown amusement park? Doesn’t your dad work there?”
“Uh… yeah… he has just discovered something… strange might have caused it to be shut down…” Neal was not certain if he should tell even his closest friend about the fact that his father had brought home a sentient animatronic.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her it was just… well… blabbering about sentient animatronics were an easy way to make people believe you are not quite there.
“Have you heard about what happened?” he asked, Emma having lived longer in this town than he had. Emma shook her head.
“No… it has been closed for as long as I can remember… but…” she paused.
“What?” Neal asked.
“Well… I did sneak in once as a child…” she then muttered.
“I am honestly surprised that you have only snuck in once,” Neal shrugged. “You like to sneak into all sorts of places.”
“Yeah… but… well… there is something wrong about that place,” Emma looked a bit uncomfortable.
“Did… did something happened?” Neal asked, moving a bit closer to her. Emma was quick to shake her head.
“No. I don’t actually remember much. I was like… five. Ran away from another home. Hey that is hardly new. I used to believe that my parents were prince Charming and Snow White. I was… a rather strange child. The orphan who had found parents who didn’t reject her… too bad they were not real,” she sighed. Neal swallowed. He knew Emma lived in a youth home, having run away from all the foster homes she had in the past.
“What?” Neal asked.
“You are going to think I am insane,” she then said.
“Look… I am not going to think  that,” he assured her. What could be more insane than a living sentient animatronic who he had eaten breakfast with?
“It is just… I could swear that if no one was around they… the animatronics I mean, would act different,” she then said.
“Different how?” Neal moved even closer. Could it be… that Belle was not the only one?
“Like… real? They would speak to me, like… not voice lines… but actually respond and praise me, ask questions and such… look I must have just imagined that part, but… the memories feel pretty real,” Emma then admitted. “I… I think that was why I thought they were my parents and I wanted to go live with them. But… something happened.”
Neal was practically at the edge of his chair. “What?”
“There was this monster… this monster with yellow glowing eyes. He tried to take me, but they protected me. I was found by them in the morning. I was scratched pretty badly on the arm,” she rolled up the sleeve showing a couple of old scars going across her forearm. “See. I have no idea where they came from had it not been from that monster. I cannot remember being hurt except for when that monster grabbed me.”
She took her sleeve down, Neal staring astonished. His father had said Belle could not remain at the amusement park which was why she was staying with them now.
“And you haven’t gone back since?” he had to ask.
“No… haven’t had a reason… and I haven’t dared to be honest. Hey, are you looking into this because your father has seen something?” she asked.
“Yeah… there is something strange going on there,” Neal had to admit that. Emma breathed out slightly leaning her chin on her hand as she thought.
“Hey, have you checked the library? They must have records of whatever happened right? Old newspapers and stuff like that?” she asked after a while. Neal light up at once.
“No. I haven’t. But I will, the moment school is out,” he nodded.
“I’ll come, you have me curious,” Emma nudged him. “Still class is starting. Miss Mills is such a pain.”
She rolled her eyes, Neal sighing too before they wandered to class.
  Rum Gold stirred softly, and seeing someone close caused him to startle, his forehead slamming into a metal skull, causing him to groan.
Belle’s glowing eyes widened with worry as Rum was clutching his head slightly.
“Rumple! You alright?” she asked, resting her arms on him, trying to figure out why he was acting so odd.
“I am fine… just… not used to waking up next to someone so close,” he rubbed his forehead, finding that he was actually pinned to the bed by the animatronic’s arms laying across his chest.
“I am sorry I was just… I wanted to be close,” Belle could not say why she wanted to be closer to the human, they were in the small room together and it was certainly not a big room. Rum gave her a gentle smile before nodding his head.
“It is fine,” he assured her. “I will get used to it.”
A smile came upon her faux lips.
“So… what are we going to do today?” she then asked as she watched him sit himself up when she allowed him to get up. Rum still had to rub his head, aching still. The human skull really did not have anything against metal it would seem.
“Well… I haven’t planned anything,” he shrugged her shoulders. “However…”
He hesitated slightly.
“I have to go back to Avonlea in the evening… being a security man… that is my job,” he then said. It was a job he would gladly quit… but living paycheck to paycheck… he had no other choice, but to go back. At least until he could find something else.
Not that there were anything other work in this little town.
The animatronic sat herself up, her blue glowing eyes meeting his.
“I’ll come with,” she said firmly. Rum visibly hesitated.
“Belle…” he began.
“I have to. I can keep you safe, trust me!” she grabbed his hand.
“But what if he hurt you?!” he then blurted out his fear. Belle shook her head firmly.
“He won’t. He won’t hurt me,” she said.
“How can you know that?” he said.
“Because I am like him… I...” her eyes looked down. “I do not want to stay there anymore. I do not want to be under his spell anymore. His curse… but more than anything I do not want him to hurt you.”
Rum lowered his head, her strong metal arms holding him in place.
“I… I do not want you to be hurt either,” he admitted his fear, looking into her glowing blue eyes.
“We… we can just stay in the office… I also have a taser. I do not know what that would do to him… but it is something…” he then said. “Also… we are close to the truck so we can get away if he appears,” Rum then said, though his face was filled with worry.
He didn’t want to go back. Belle was the only good thing about that place and now that she was here…
But he had no other choice.
“Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea!” She light up, the glow of her eyes growing stronger. “We could bring some books to pass the time!”
Rum had to give a soft laugh as he nodded. “Yes… we can certainly do that.”
  The hours before work started had gone far too fast in Rum’s opinion. Once Neal came back from school, no doubt having had some fun with his friends too as he was a bit late, they had all had dinner together.
Neal had gone to the library like he had planned earlier in the day, but they had to order the papers they needed from the archive on the other side of the town, but they should arrive tomorrow. They had asked the librarian if she had known what had done on there, but she had only moved to Storybrooke from Australia a couple of years ago.
Still… what happened must be in the archives right? The newspapers certainly must have written about what was going on.
For now he had decided to keep his investigation secret from his father and Belle. Best not to let them know until he was certain that he had something.
“Are you certain it is wise to go back dad? Didn’t you bring Belle here for a reason?” he asked. His dad and Belle hadn’t really said why she couldn’t stay at Avonlea anymore… not that he minded… the animatronic was really nice.
“I have no other choice, laddie,” Rum sighed.
“But don’t worry we will be careful. We will be in the guard office and read,” the animatronic mentioned to the stack of books that she had eagerly picked out for tonight.
“Well… that is good, just… be careful alright?” Neal clearly had a worry in his voice.
“We will,” his father informed him. “Reading is all the excitement we will have tonight.”
Neal really didn’t know how that was possible when you would be spending time with an actual living animatronic.
“Alright… but be safe… and if some animatronic… you know… other than Belle, promise you get out of there!” he then insisted.
Rum nodded.
“Yes, we will,” he said, swallowing nervously. It was nothing which could have him stay if that… thing, showed itself. Rum knew he was a coward, but in this instance, he was certain that no one would blame him.
“Alright then…” Neal swallowed as he nodded his head. “You two have a safe night, I will see you in the morning.”
“Tomorrow lad,” Rum nodded as he ushered the animatronic out to his truck. Luckily it was already getting dark, not that there were many who walked past the small house even during the middle of the day.
Most of the time… the street was practically abandoned.
Still with making sure that no one could see her they piled into the car and drove off towards Avonlea.
  Pulling into the parking, quite the large lot with the asphalt cracking and weeds growing up between them. Rum drove slowly, not wanting to hit a pothole, or the like… especially with the added weight of the animatronic seated next to him.
Finally they pulled close to the entrance where a car was already parked. Rum let out a sound of surprise.
“What is it?” Belle asked curious.
“That is Archie’s car,” he muttered in reply.
“Who is Archie?” she cocked her head towards.
“He works the shift before mine… he usually has gone before me… perhaps he is running late?” Rum didn’t believe this himself. Archie may be a bit of an airhead at times, but he was very eager to get away from the amusement park.
Rum didn’t know Archie well… but he did know that he was scared of the park, but like Rum needed the money. Finding work in a small town isn’t easy after all…
Belle’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
“So… is he still here…?” she asked. Rum froze. Archie seemed like a nice guy as far as he knew, but he didn’t knew how he would react to a sentient animatronic. He was rather… skittish.
“I suppose he is…” he glanced around. From where they were parked they could look into the office and there were no one there, but the light was on.
“But he should be in the office… unless something has happened,” Rum swallowed the dread building in his throat.
Belle was completely silent, the soft sound of the mechanical parts inside her.
“Um… you don’t think…” her mechanical voice came without her moving her lips as she stared at her.
Rum froze, gripping his hands on the wheel, his nails digging into the fake leather.
“I do know…” he whispered slowly.
“We have to help him!” Belle was already moving out of the truck, Rum feeling it move.
“Belle wait!” he rushed out the car before he followed her closely, grabbing her arm, glancing over at her. She stopped looking over at him, and Rum didn’t really know what he should say.
“We have to be careful!” he then burst out.
“I know! And we will, but… I… I believe… I believe that he was the reason… for all of this… and we cannot let him do the same thing again!” Belle insisted.
“Belle, you have to be careful! If he is in there…” fear was twisting his stomach making him practically tremble. He hated how scared that he felt. How many times had he been called a coward in the past?
Far to many… but here he didn’t care.
For the longest time Neal had been the only good thing in his life… and he still was the most important to him, but she… she had become so immensely important to him during the time he had known her.
More important than he could imagine.
So loosing her?
What worse dread could there be in this world?
“But your friend!” she insisted, continuing to walk on, pulling him along, hardly noticing the weight of the man she was dragging after her.
“What if he sees you! We do not know if he is going to keep you a secret… and if you are exposed…” Rum tried to get her to stop, but he was not strong enough. Belle turned towards him, blinking her eyes.
“It doesn’t matter if he is in danger! Look… you know him don’t you? Isn’t he a good man?” she then asked.
“I don’t really know him…” Rum hesitated.
“But do you believe that he is a good man?” she repeated. Rum hesitated for a moment.
“Uh… I mean yes… but…” he stuttered nervously.
“Then he will understand, come on!” her metallic hand wrapped around his hand and pulled him into the park. Rum still had a bad feeling in the bit of his stomach… but… if Archie was in danger… then again… what could they do?
He unlocked the door to the office, still feeling his hand tremble slightly. He prayed in his mind that Archie’s things wouldn’t be there… that perhaps his car had broken down and he had gotten another ride home.
But as he opened the door he saw the other guard’s coat, his thermos and his book… but no sign of the guard himself.
Rum took his taser out, feeling himself tremble so much that he struggled to keep his hand steady.
“Alright… let us just… look around…” he swallowed the animatronic nodding her head.
They started to walk into the depths of the park.
  Like always Avonlea was silent as the two walked along the paths, Rum holding the taser tight as he moved his flashlight around.
But there were no sign of the other guard.
“Where could he have gone?” he whispered.
Most of the attractions in the park was boarded up, so it was impossible to get inside them and they seemed so far to be undisturbed. The old theater which was where he had seen the monster animatronic was also silent. No sign of him.
Belle shrugged her metallic shoulders.
“I don’t know,” she whispered back. She kept close to the guard, trying to silence her steps as much as possible on the paved road.
“Archie hates this place,” Rum muttered, shaking his head. “He would never leave the path and would do his rounds as quickly as possible… or so he told me… I have no reason to believe that he was lying about that…”
“If only there was a way that we could contact him…” Belle tried her best to look in the windows of the abandoned attractions. She jolted a bit surprised when the security guard beside her slammed his and against his face and groaned.
“The phone!” he fished up his old flip phone. “Why didn’t I think to call him!”
At times he was marveled by his own stupidity.
“Oh that is a good idea!” the animatronic said as cheery as ever. Rum simply rolled his eyes. It would have been when they had first noticed the abandoned car… still… better late than never he supposed.
He pressed Archie’s number and called.
There were no one picking up. However they could hear a faint chime not far off.
“I hear something!” Belle tugged at Rum. “It is over there, by the Haunted house!”
Rum had never explained the buildings in the park and he was surprised that she knew the term… but she was correct.
The sound was coming from the haunted house… and he didn’t like it one bit. Still there weren’t really much that he could do, as he found himself pulled along by Belle.
The haunted house of Avonlea was a massive mansion of a building, clearly inspired by Old Hollywood horror movies. It had been boarded up for as long as Rum had worked there… and probably far longer than that.
However this night was different… this night the door was opened the sound of a ring tone coming from inside along with a very terrified whimper.
Something else were also moving inside… something large… heavy… metallic.
Rum was absolutely frozen in terror.
“That must be Archie!” Belle exclaimed and without concern rushed inside.
“BELLE!” the cry coming from the security guard betrayed the terror which came from the man as he ran after her into the haunted house.
There just beyond the hall laid Archie clutching his bleeding arm, looking frozen with fear into the distance, the phone was continuing to ring, but this went totally ignored by the terrified man. he didn’t even seem to notice them coming in.
Not daring at all to look away from whatever was terrifying him in the dark.
“Mr. Hopper! Archie!” Rum was the one to rush over to him, Belle standing a bit back, not wanting to scare the man more than he already was. When the security guard put his hand on him, Archie was able to pull his eyes away from whatever terrified him.
“Gold! We have to get out! It is here! There is more! The animatronics! They are STILL HERE! THEY ARE ALIVE!”
Rum swallowed.
“Calm down… we will get you out alright… alright?” he attempted to calm the guard down, so they could get to safety. However… explaining Belle would be hard… but he could not think about that right now.
Archie then let out a terrified sound as he clung to Rum.
That was when he heard it.
Very heavy steps moving closer to their position, and then he saw it. Yellow glowing eyes from the darkness… but this thing was much larger than the Rumplestiltskin animatronic. Closing in further he saw it looked like a big bipedal animatronic wolf. A werewolf.
He was frozen in fear when he saw Belle walk over, but she actually seemed excited to see this monster, waving her hand towards it.
“Hello Ruby!” she smiled happily. The large werewolf lifted its clawed hand and waved back excitedly.
“Hi Belle!”
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