#interdimensional travelling
bet-on-me-13 · 1 month
Amity is a Dimensional Dump
So! Amity Park is a hub of weirdness of all sorts, mostly undead, but there are also a bunch of Multiversal oddities connected to the small town.
There are the minor anomalies. 5th Street has a bad habit of slipping into the Backrooms, Old Lady Jenkin's House sometimes has snow in summer, and of course the Night Sky had a 20% chance of swapping views to another Galaxy. Danny likes that one a lot.
But the biggest Anomaly is how many Multiversal Travellers get lost there.
They are always finding somebody wandering the streets with no idea where they are, and have to help them find their reality of origin. Other times they decide to stay for various reasons, ranging from a bad home life to being the only survivors of a Dead Universe. Half of the population if Amity was made up of the descendants of Lost Travelers, so their DNA was really a mixed bag.
Danny was flying over town when he spotted a Blur on the ground below.
He flew down to intercept, and found a boy in red and yellow panicking over his situation.
"Hey! Can I help you?" He called out.
The boy looked up, and gasped "Are you a Hero? I need help getting back to the Justice League!"
Danny chuckled, "Which one?"
The boy looked confused, "The Adult One? I guess?"
"Not what I meant, sorry. I mean, which Dimension are you from?" He clarified.
"Dimensions? What is going on!?" He shouted.
"Okay, let's calm down and restart. My name is Danny, who are you?" He introduced himself.
The boy took a deep breath, calming himself, before saying, "Okay, my name is Kid Flash, but you can just call me Wally."
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badwaves · 19 days
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sorry i'm literally always only thinking about them. Anyway if you'd also like to see there's a bonus sketch on my cohost 😇 RIP cohost, it's on my neocities now
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zylev-blog · 10 months
Danny woke up with a jerk. He laid in bed for a long moment, staring at the ceiling and listening to the chaos downstairs. He could hear something running around the house honking, his dad yelling, and the sound of a gun going off. He didn’t have enough sleep to deal with this. All he had wanted was to sleep before school, but was that ever going to happen? No! Why was it always him that had to deal with everything?
“I KNOW, JACK!” Mom yelled, shooting her gun again.
Danny rubbed his eyes with a deep sigh, tossing the covers off of him and putting his feet onto the floor. Just as he was about to get up, he heard thumping coming up the stairs. Great! Now he would get in trouble if he didn’t try to head off whatever was running around their house. He ran over to his bedroom door and yanked it open, running down the hall until he was face to face with a black duck. It wasn’t even a ghost! The duck had a patch of blue around its eyes that looked like a mask, and blue markings down the side of it. In his confusion, the duck slipped between his legs and kept running down the hall.
Jazz screamed from somewhere downstairs. “There’s another one!”
“IVE GOT IT!” Dad yelled.
Cursing, he ran after the duck just as his Mom ran up the stairs. He grabbed the duck off of the ground, ignoring it as it hissed at him and tried to bite him.
“What the fuck?” He asked Mom.
“Language, sweetie.” Maddie said while she aimed the gun at the duck in Danny’s hands.
“What’s going on?” He had to raise his voice to be heard over the duck squealing.
They both ignored the sounds coming from downstairs. Danny decided it wasn’t his immediate problem, so he said nothing on what sounded like Dad plowing through a wall at top speed while running.
“We thought these ducks were ghosts at first, but they’re not. We don’t know where they came from.” Maddie took a step towards him, a frown on her face. “They came out of the portal.”
The duck was still trying to bite him. It couldn’t even break the skin of his hand, so he didn’t try to fight it.
“Weird looking duck.” He commented. “Ducks aren’t blue.”
The duck squawked loudly in protest.
“GOT IT!” Jack yelled from downstairs.
“Can we like… throw it back in the portal?” He asked.
“It could come back in. We don’t know where in the portal it came from.” Mom said, lowering the gun now that the duck had stopped trying to escape.
“You think another dimension?” He asked as they walked downstairs.
“Perhaps. For now we’ll put them in the holding pod and figure out what to do next.” Mom led him down to the lab.
When they got down there, he added the duck in his hands to the cell that housed the other duck. The other duck was differently colored from the first. It was black, with green feet, a green mask around its eyes, and red markings along its body. The duck seemed to be howling bloody murder.
“This one put up a fight!” Dad said proudly. “Too bad it’s not a ghost.”
“Great. I can go back to sleep now, right?” He asked tiredly.
“You sure you don’t want to help with the interdimensional search? You’ve always been the best at this.” Mom offered.
“No thanks.” He declined, yawning. “But if they’re still here when I wake up then I’ll help.”
“Okay. Good night, sweetie.” Mom kissed his forehead.
“Night mom, Night dad.” He waved as he walked back upstairs.
As soon as he got back upstairs, he found Clockwork sitting on his bed. He screamed in frustration.
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laquilasse · 1 year
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Some Atem and Thief King Bakura (and a little Kaiba)
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Nice Cosplay, dude!
It was supposed to be a simple mission. Just get in, beat the criminals, dismantle the bomb and get out again, preferably with no injuries so they all would get to enjoy Alfred's cookies at the end of the night.
But no. Of course things couldn't be simple. Not when Constantine suddenly enters their coms, screaming something about a multidimensional rip and then Jason shouting something about seeing a whirlpool of green that feels very very bad and then Dick started cursing at B being stubborn and....
Tim buried his face in his hands. At least thanks to Jason seeing that Lazarus Pit like Portal everyone believed him this time that Bruce was still alive but this time not lost in time but apparently thrown into another dimension. Though that wasn't making the situation any better. Because Tim was sure Alfred was the only reason the Manor was still standing otherwise his siblings and himself included would have destroyed it by now.
Damian's enraged shout echoed through the Cave, followed by another death threat made by Jason and then Dick's attempt at being the voice of reason. Dear god, they needed to figure out where B was or someone might die.... or at least get maimed by his siblings be it a criminal or one of them.
Hopefully Constantin or anyone else of the JL Dark will have figured out in which dimension B had gotten thrown into.
Batman was staring down at the white-haired kid with Lazarus green glowing eyes wearing a jumpsuit and still had green splatter on his cheeks. The kid was grinning at him with big round eyes that reminded him of Dick when he was younger.
He would have believed the kid innocent if it weren't for 1. The glowing green eyes that reminded him of his second oldest phases of pit madness and 2. The fact that he had just watched the kid beat up a ghost like being he, Batman, had not been able to land a single hit on before imprisoning that being into a thermos.
The kid clearly was a vigilante in the working and for a split second Bruce wondered how his children would react to an interdimensional sibling if he mentored the kid. First of all... the boy needed more protection. That flimsy suit was not offering enough of that. Second the kid should wear a mask. Running around with his face openly in view would only spell trouble for the boy and thitd training the kid needed to learn-
"Wow dude, that's an awesome cosplay of Batman! It looks like it's right out of the comics!"
Batmans thoughts on mentoring the kid came to a screeching halt as he stared at the kid. And gruffly repeated. "Comics?"
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kokoa-la · 1 year
Prompt from @help-i-need-a-cool-username
Jason has once again snuck into Gotham University. Now, before any assumptions are made onto why the crime lord would break into a college, the reason is because he likes the library. That's it. The public library is trashed and small, barely taken care of, but Gotham U's? It's beautiful. Multiple floors, organized and in sections, taken care of, alphabetical order, it's magnificent. The chairs were a reason alone to sneak in, but the students here added an extra charm. 
He had gone to the very back of the library on the second floor. This area was  pretty well hidden and enclosed. He would come here to read without anyone questioning him, even hiding the books he wasn’t finished with yet to continue on later. Jason wasn’t expecting someone to be so close to his spot though. A few tables across stood a student, thin, tall, with pitch black hair, baggy cargo jeans, and a white t-shirt. The other hadn’t noticed him yet, so he remained quiet and just watched. He was in front of a large white board on wheels, seemingly taken from the rooms he saw down the hall. 
“That doesn’t work, goddammit.”
On the white board was lines upon lines of equations- at least he thought they were equations, with most of them being letters and symbols rather than numbers. It made the vigilante’s brain hurt. The student - assumed STEM major - just kept mumbling to himself.
“Stupid physics, won’t allow interdimensional travel”
What? Jason may have been out of school since 15, but he knew no courses were asking for the answer to traveling between dimensions. It seemed the student had a habit of talking to himself when worked up or focused, possibly why he isolated himself from the rest of the library. 
“If your parents could do it, why can’t you? Think Danny, think!”
That sentence wasn’t concerning at all, but at least Jason learned the boy’s name. Danny seemed to have a strange background, what did he mean by ‘if your parents could do it’? Had his parents managed to travel between dimensions? The other was chewing on the cap of the white board marker, his other hand resting on his hip as he swayed back and forth.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! That! The thing! That thingy!”
Jason could practically see the lightbulb go on above Danny’s head. Just then the other erased a solid portion of the whiteboard and dropped to his knees, ouch. He started frantically scribbling, fast and messy, barely cohesive. Though, Jason was sure that if it was Tim sitting where he was instead, the boy could probably understand everything on that board. He’d stick to English literature, thank you very much. 
“That’s it! Oh my ancients! I got it!”
Danny practically jumped in the air, punching the air in triumph. Jason almost felt proud of him, this complete stranger he’s been watching, wow he was being creepy, huh? Danny shot both of his arms straight up, the marker gripped tightly in his right hand fist. 
“I did it!”
He looked so happy, so excited. He began to buzz, even spinning, before stopping mid loop and turning around slowly. Shit, Jason had been caught. To be fair, Danny hadn’t exactly turned around the whole time, meaning Jason was just watching his back the whole time as he worked through his… problem? It’s such a shame, Jason was thoroughly entertained by this random kid. 
“Uhhh, hi? How long have you been there?”
Oh shit, Jason had to talk now, didn’t he?
“Not very long, but long enough to know you were trying to solve interdimensional travel before apparently succeeding.” 
The color drained from Danny’s face. Whoops?
“Uhm, no I didn’t.”
Now that he got a closer look, the student looked like someone Bruce would adopt. Black hair, clear blue eyes, tan skin, sharp features, the whole nine yards. He was actually fairly attractive, maybe even cute. 
“Really? I could have sworn that you said ‘stupid physics won’t allow interdimensional travel’”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah sure, and I’m a student here.”
“Wait, you’re not a student here?”
“That’d only be true if you were lying.”
“Well I’m not so-”
“Uh huh, sure you’re not.”
“Look dude-”
“Look Jason, there’s no way that I could solve interdimensional travel, the multiverse doesn’t exist.”
“Look Danny-”
“How do you know my name?”
“I won’t tell a single soul if you explain how you did it to me”
Curiosity won his gambit. Would he regret what he was about to say? Perhaps.
“Maybe over a coffee?”
He knew it was worth it when the marker hit the floor and Danny moved his hand to cover his red face. Well, it wasn’t the first time he’s done something he regrets, maybe this time it’d be a cute STEM major who knows the secrets to the multiverse. 
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llithiumstars · 1 year
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@mcyt-trios the poll isn't even up yet but- listen, they could be besties, they don't have to fight
(vote honeyphosna though, yogs sweep)
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pinkd3mon · 1 year
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Magolor poor little meow meow
Day 5 of drawing kirby shitpost for every day of October
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silverskye13 · 6 months
wait silver if renbob visits hels has he met the red king? and if so are they disastrous or iconic together
"Deliiiiivery! :D" Renbob calls in a sing-song voice, holding a stack of boxes in his arms. "RK, where you at my brother?"
He stands in the empty loading dock at the back of the Colosseum, smiling expectantly at the vacant bay. He likes hels. It's warm, and the people are interesting. It could stand to be a little more colorful, but not all pretty places are colorful. Like the beach for example! It's mostly just yellow and blue and hot, and it's still pretty.
(That's perfect actually! Hels makes him think of the beach: hot and monocolor, but somehow still interesting once you get past all the sand. Hah! Imagine a beach in hels! It'd be like a sauna, all steam and rocks.)
"RK I know you can hear me," Renbob calls again. "I can't hold these boxes all day! Well I can, but I will get bored you know?"
There is a grumbling, growling sound that comes from everywhere, but mostly the back of his head. It starts as several whispered and snarled words, and slowly coalesces into a string of coherent thought, "I don't answer to the name RK here, lad."
"My bad, must've gotten you mixed up with someone," Renbob chuckles. "Do you want your delivery?"
"Loading bay?"
"They won't let me park the van anywhere else, my brother. Oh! Please bring your favorite sword, if you don't mind? :)"
There is a cacophony of barks and growls as Red's presence slips out of the back of Renbob's mind. He wonders if Red knows that's the sound his thoughts make: an angry pack of wolves. They aren't kind wolves. They whisper a lot of unkind things when they trail after Red's thoughts. He wonders if that's why Red is always so nice to people: he's keeping the wolves from the door, so to speak.
Red strides into the loading bay, one hand on the wall as a guide until it ends in the open room. He steps confidently even when the wall is gone. The iron crown, sunk down low over his eyes, either doesn't hinder his sight, or he's memorized enough of the Colosseum that it doesn't bother him anymore.
"What sound do my thoughts make :O ?" Renbob asks. Red, who'd been walking a little too far to the left of him, twitches his big, wolf-like ears and realigns his path, meeting Renbob where he stands in front of his camper van.
"What sound do ye... Thoughts make?"
"Yeah, do they make like, sound? I always figured you'd hear a pleasant background of guitar and ukulele music."
Red tilted his in an expression that probably meant he was raising his eyebrows. It was hard to tell with the crown in the way. "Ye thoughts sound like yer voice. Though there do be a slight... Birdsong type noise."
"Is it chillaxin?"
"Aye sure."
"Groovy! :D" Renbob laughed. "I'll take it then! And like, you can take these."
He passes the stack of boxes to Red, who struggles a bit with their weight.
"What all have ye brought for me lad?" Red grunts, giving up on holding them all and setting them down. "All I asked for were some of those hot chips, and ye lemon squares."
"Oh it's just some bits and bobs, mostly," Renbob hums brightly, counting on his fingers. "There's a shulker of emerald and lapis (you said you were looking for a new color to go with all the red? :V those are opposite on the color wheel might be a good place to start! :) ), a shulker of flowers for dyes (all labeled. Are you color blind? I can't remember. Anyway I labeled the dye colors they make ^_^), three boxes of lemon squares (for you and your hand and a box for your Colosseum buddies! I'm sure they'd love some :D), two bags of spicy chippies, and I got you two bolts of fabric (your cloak is getting so torn up :( you've gotta take better care of your stuff brother!). Oh, and there's a few diamonds in there I nicked from Ren. (He won't miss 'em I promise ;) )."
Red tilted his head to the side, "How...? In the world...?"
"Hmm? :)"
"How do ye make...? With your voice...? Ye know what, it be unimportant," Red chuckled, a growling noise that fractured on the edges, a hint of the wolf-thoughts that leaked into real life. "Alas lad, I did not know ye would bring so much, else I would have had payment ready for such finery."
"Oh perish the thought, RK!" Renbob grinned, waving a dismissive hand. "You know you don't have to pay me!"
"Er... Red."
"That's what I said. :3"
"I see, ye be jesting?"
"Jest so!"
"Ah," Red smirked and leaned against the tower of boxes. "Ye said ye visited Ren. How fares our little brother?"
"He's older than both of us Red!"
"Aye, but he also be shorter than both of us."
Renbob laughed, bright and hearty, and for a moment, sunshine flickered in the Colosseum. Flowers bloomed around Renbob's feet. "Right you are, brother! Though I think he might be taller than me if I took my platforms off."
"Aye, but I see no universe where ye be making that particular wardrobe choice."
"I dunno. I was thinking about going to the beach after this. Do you guys have beaches in hels?"
"Aye, if you fancy soul sand by the lava lake."
"Oh man, I haven't taken a good lava bath in awhile!"
"Ye do love those an uncanny amount."
"It's exfoliating!"
"Makes me smell like burning hair."
"Well, to like, really enjoy it you have to get past the-- wait! You asked me a question?"
"Our little brother."
"Right! Ren's doing well! Gave him a ride over to his new season with his boyfriend."
Red, who had found one of the boxes of lemon squares during the conversation, coughed out a bite of lemon. "Begging your pardon?"
"You know, those go down a lot better with milk. I think hels dries them out a little. :("
"Ren has a boyfriend?!"
"Oh! Yeah, mister Docm77," Renbob beamed. "I don't think they've made it like, Facebook official yet, but they sure were making a lot of plans together for next season!"
Red sighed out a breath of relief, holding a hand to his chest. "Ye be jesting again."
"Mostly. :)"
"Well, when this great Book of Faces writes their names side by side, ye let me know."
"Certainly!" Renbob crossed his arms behind his back. "Oh, hey, before I go, like, could I ask you a huge favor?"
"Aye, lad?"
"I need a sword. Gonna be hopping to some dangerous orbits soon I think, and like, I'm real peace love and plants and all, so I can't make my own. But I can accept a gift, if you catch my drift?"
"Ah, suddenly all the gifts make sense," Red hums. He reaches down to his sword belt and unbuckles it, passing it off to Renbob, sword, scabbard and all. "Must ye take my most precious one?"
"You know how I work, Red. Only gifts given with love," Renbob grinned. It was a little sharper than it needed to be. Red couldn't see all the teeth. But it was nice to smile wide sometimes. "I do really appreciate it, my brother."
"Of course." Red smiled back, also showing a few too many teeth. Renbob felt a swelling of fondness for Ren's helsmet.
(It really was nice to be with kin sometimes, the people you could really be yourself with. Red didn't think he was unsettling, or fae-like. Red didn't go making a big deal about how widely he smiled, or how much he changed when his whims stretched him around. Red didn't begrudge the odd little pacts and rules he had to follow.)
"Well I'll like, catch you on the flipside brother!" Renbob said cheerfully. "Don't die while I'm gone, ya dig? :)"
"Don't go being any stranger," Red returned, picking up a box to carry back to his rooms. He would need help carrying them all.
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mastercrowned · 11 months
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some magolor gijinka lore:
magolor doesn't have actual cat ears, but he has his hair styled into buns that resemble cat ears.
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the master crown's posession makes his hair grow out into horns, and they stay that way while magolor's trapped in another dimension.
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he slices it off at the end of the magolor epilogue, using the same sword he uses to defeat the master crown; officially severing his ties to it and freeing himself once and for all.
whoa... that's sick. i should draw that
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brosif40 · 28 days
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The billsona... is real
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gouinisme · 6 months
uhm... did y'all forget about worm portal? cuz i didn't forget about worm portal
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(from mag 41)
i don't think the worms in the magnus institute are from before the fire. i think these worms are from the tma universe
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zylev-blog · 9 months
Danny is Bruce Wayne
Lots of bad things had happened to Danny. He’d been turned into a half ghost, been cloned, been hunted for sport because of his new species, and had the government turn against him and his parents when they tried to support him. Needless to say, he wasn’t having a good time.
He had been in the Infinite Realm, trying to find a solution to their problems. Supposedly, out of all the dimensions in the Infinite Realm, none of them had ever declared war against them and declared them as a nonsentient species. It had angered a lot of ghosts, with good reason.
When the Fenton portal suddenly disappeared along with Vlad’s portal, he didn’t know what to think. He thought maybe the locations had changed, and searched all around the area, coming up empty. It wasn’t until Clockwork told the ghosts that the dimension had been destroyed did it really set in.
He was alone. The sole survivor. Maybe it was for the best. He just hoped it was quick for his family, and that they didn’t suffer.
What was he supposed to do now? Clockwork took him under his wing and showed him how to have inter-dimensional traveling adventures. The two would pose as father and son (not that it was an untrue statement at this point) and they explored the multiverse together. They’d fought demons, aliens, humans, and anything or anyone who threatened the timeline of that dimension.
Danny eventually got older. It took him a while, now that he wasn’t bound to his own timeline. He was around sixteen now, but he had seen and done so much that he didn’t even flinch at the scariest of threats.
“It’s time.” Clockwork told him.
“For what?” He tilted his head, looking at Clockwork.
“Your next task. This one will be solo.” Clockwork opened a portal and gestured for him to step into it.
“Will you come and get me when it’s done?” He asked, hesitating. Why did this feel like goodbye?
“I will. But I’m afraid it will be a while.” Clockwork smiled sadly at him.
He hugged Clockwork, partially surprised when the god of time hugged him back. “You’re sending me there to live, aren’t you?”
“I am.” Clockwork let him go, for once not being cryptic. “You’re ready.”
“Thank you for everything, Clockwork.” He smiled, then walked through the portal.
As he stepped into the cold autumn night, a glowing green sticky note appeared into the palm of his hand.
Do not let them see your ghost form.
He burned the note and shifted back to his human form. It had been a while since he had been in it, and he noticed that it was as tall as his ghost form was. He was still growing, of course. He was 5”11, and seemed like he was going to inherit his dad’s 6”7 stature, if he was lucky.
The first thing he noticed about the city was that it reeked. He wanted to pinch his nose, but he held back. He wasn’t going to let some stinky city make him gag. He’d literally gone to the stinkiest planet in the universe once! Now that he thought about it, was that training for living in… wherever he was? He looked around and saw a sign. Gotham. This should be fun.
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jadetheblueartist · 12 days
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*Sigh* this is ducktales, season 3 episode 24. I guess Bill was right with the whole “We’ll meet again” thing. This triangle will surely follow me everywhere.
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Fictober23 Prompt: 16 - "Do you know a way out of here?"
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: -
He flinched and slowly turned enough so he could look over his shoulder at the cockpit of the Fenton Speeder. Damian was staring at him with crossed arms and so was Jason, both looking very unimpressed with him.
"I got it! Don't worry!"
Damian was now glaring at him. "You said that ten minutes ago."
"Pretty sure we came past this floating rock over there before." Jason added to Danny's dismay. He floated over closer to the Speeder, his entire body language spelling out how nervous he was facing his twin and brother right now.
"I promise, I got this! A lot of the Infinite Realm looks very similar and aside from the floating doors nothing really differs here a lot. Unless you find the haunt of someone!"
"We know, you said that when we entered the portal, repeated it before that several times and every time we came here before, insisting on several safety measures." Damian retorted still with that unimpressed stare of his.
"Some safety measures that were, we still got attacked by one of your ghost rogues." Jason muttered, eying the thermos Danny had thrown at them when a guy, Walker, came at them with a bunch of other ghosts looking like security guards. They had sucked up most of them into it and then lost the last of them by zigzacking their way through this dimension.
It wasn't like this was their first time accompanying Danny into the Infinite Realms. Both Jason and Damian had come into this dimension several times before. Most of the time it was for checkups Jason or Danny had with Frostbite. Other times they just tagged along when Danny had to deal with something here. This was one of these times.
A floating eyeball had interrupted their breakfast and Danny after having gotten annoyed with it enough to shoot one of his ecto-blasts at it, hurriedly went down to the basement to the portal he had built there months ago. Jason just happened to be in the cave wanting to look something up on the batcomputer when he caught him preparing to go into the portal. And Damian as always, being the worried twin that still got an overprotective streak after months of having Danny with them also insisted on coming alone.
They had been lucky that it wasn't a school day or that Bruce had been busy with JL stuff to notice them going off into the Infinite Realm on their own. Now Jason regretted it just a little bit, because despite what Danny was saying, they were lost. It was probably only a matter of time until one of their other siblings noticed too. "So wanna bet how long it will take for the others to freak out on the coms of our disappearance? I don't think we left a note on where we went."
"I informed Pennyworth of our outing." Damian countered and Danny gave a nervous laugh. Jason couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him, fully knowing that Bruce was going to lecture Danny once more on safety precautions when traveling interdimensional. Like having someone man the coms at home base.
"This would be so much easier if I just had the map…" Danny muttered as he phased through the cockpit glass and stood next to them.
"The map you just happened to leave behind because you know the way to the castle by heart?" Damian rose an eyebrow at his now sheepish looking twin.
"I learned my lesson okay! I won't forget it next time!" Now Jason raised an eyebrow, he distinctly remembered Danny saying this before when they went to an appointment with Frostbite before and had gotten lost on the way back.
"Danyal. Do you know a way out of here? Or do we have to find a way to contact Pennyworth, father or any of the others?"
"I know where to go!" Danny jumped up phasing out of the Speeder again to look at their surroundings through the windows. Before pointing in a certain direction. "That way! If we get to Far Frozen we will be halfway back to the Manor's portal!"
Damian and Jason both arched an eyebrow once more nearly in sync. It wasn't Danny's fault, okay it was, but they were losing trust in his navigation skills. Especially since both were sure they had rounded that dead tree on a rock five times now. Just as the other was about to start leading them in that direction a blast hit the side of his head and both Jason and Damian shouted his name in worry.
"I am okay!" Danny shouted flying up to them before dodging more blasts that came his way. Damian then pushed Jason off the Speeders controls. Stirring it to follow his twin brother who was still dodging another one of his rogues that had decided to attack them on their way home.
"What is today?! Come and attack Danny day?!" The half ghost shouted as he flew zig zags around floating rocks and dodged ecto-blasts from a ghost, Jason remembered Danny called Skulker. This was the second one to attack them today, and one Jason knew Damian liked the least.
Damian had a personal grudge with this one, once he learned that the ghost was after his twin's 'pelt'. Personally Jason found it sort of hilarious considering Danny gets hunted by this Skulker and Skulker is getting hunted by Damian whenever the Demon Brat caught sight of him.
Though Danny had explained it to them once that it was just his rogues living out their obsession, it still didn't stop any of them getting at least somewhat protective when these ghost rogues showed up. After all their attacks were once that could hurt their brother and aside from the equipment Danny had provided they had nothing else to protect him with.
Not that Danny needed to know that Bruce and Tim were already working on something with the information he had provided behind the twins' backs.
Still this was the second time they got attacked now and all just because Danny had to deal with some nonsense the Observers had called him for. Yet Damian and Jason were sort of unable to help Danny right now and could only stir the Fenton Speeder to follow him, but the speeder wasn't fast enough and they lost sight of their ghost brother.
Frustrated Damian punched the consol.
"Now what?" Jason muttered, eyeing all the green and floating rocks around them. They didn't know how to navigate that place no matter how often they had accompanied Danny into this dimension. They were even more lost now and Danny was somewhere, hopefully still somewhat close, getting hunted by Damian's least favorite ghost rogue.
"I am going to skin this ghost and make him wish he never died in the first place, and you won't stop me Todd."
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the reveal in unmortricken that universes outside the central finite curve are just... inventing interdimensional travel all the fucking time is absolutely insane. like we know the central finite curve is just a tower the ricks built to place themselves forever on top, but the sheer number of people who have invented portal travel in other universes is completely mindblowing to me. all the portals are different styles, different colours - are these all different inventors across different collections of dimensions? it's unregulated, it's rick-free, it's only shown for like 30 seconds throughout the episode, and it's not even mentioned. i know we already know this, but rick sanchez really isn't the unique genius he pretends himself to be.
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