#gay Christian
undergiants · 1 month
@ all the religious queers who follow me (or don't lol), y'all should reblog this with what your favorite part of your religion is. it could be a particular ritual, an item, a belief within it, an experience you had, anything!
we should share some good against all the bad that we get <3
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lgbtqtext · 5 months
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daisy-mooon · 2 years
I love you gay Christians. I love you lesbian Christians. I love you bisexual Christians. I love you pansexual Christians. I love you asexual Christians. I love you aromantic Christians. I love you transgender Christians. I love you non-binary Christians. I love you intersex Christians. I love you genderfluid Christians. I love you queer Christians. I love you genderqueer Christians. I love you microlabel Christians. I love you LGBT Christians.
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Queer Christians Unite!
If you're a queer Christian, would you mind interacting with this post in some way? I would love to get to know more queer Christians in all different walks of life, as at least in my personal life it can feel rather isolating.
If you're not a queer Christian and would like to interact with this post as well, please feel free! Just please be kind, and also recognize that this post is about uniting people in what feels like rather small pockets of society. And please no hate, I understand that different beliefs, opinions, and standpoints/life experiences exist, and the more difficult conversations about those kinds of things can totally happen. However, I also happen to get a lot of difficult comments and hateful sentiments from people irl, and I would like this post to be a safe place.
Thank you and I love you all!
<3 Doodlebug
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cupcakegalaxia · 10 months
For those still thinking that you can be pro-LGBTQ or a gay Christian and still be a bible believing Christian, you literally can't.
You're either one or the other; not both. Homosexuality is still a sin. It doesn't lead to any amount of human flourishing. Doesn't contribute to the 'survival of the fittest' or any other materialistic naturalistic arguments that could be cropped up.
Sin is still sin regardless if its accepted in the society or not. Do I hate lgbtq folk? Nope, but I know people will call me every evil name under the sun because I point out that they live in sin which so happens to be apart of their identity. Ergo, that makes me look like I hate the person. But I don't!
I just see sin and call it as it is. Do I struggle with sin in my own life? Of course, all Christians still struggle with our out of place desires and selfish quirks but we fight. Not by our own strength but by the strength of God Himself; we do not have the power to resist sin on our own. Even in our own sanctification depends on the Spirit of God; not us.
But at the end of the day, you gotta love one or the hate the other. Which one will you choose? Hint: it's not both.
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gayleviticus · 16 days
I think the fine point of the appeal to 'love your neighbour as yourself' to put forward gay affirming theology is that it's not just saying that accepting gay people is loving your neighbour so checkmate - it's arguing that not being affirming is actively unloving and hurtful.
and so it's making the point that given a choice between addressing the issue of homosexuality in an affirming or non affirming way, we should err on the side of affirmation bc the alternative is to risk hating our neighbour.
I think that fine detail doesn't always get picked up on. the argument shouldn't be bare minimum 'well, being gay isn't hurting anyone so it doesn't violate the love your neighbour rule', but rather 'homophobic theology is harmful and makes you hate your neighbour'
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lost-in-octobers · 2 months
God is literally all powerful. He gains nothing from you praying or fasting. If you aren’t committing acts of devotion in the name of improving yourself and your relationship with God and the world you’re going to wind up hating said acts of devotion and for literally no reason because [TikTok loop around to my first two sentences]
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beloved-of-john · 2 months
I'm scared as a queer Christian :( any sources you know?
I'm sorry you're scared :( I understand why, but you have nothing to be afraid of. God loves you exactly the way He made you. ❤️
Here's a good source breaking down the Bible passages commonly used against LGBTQ people, which can help you understand that the Bible isn't against you.
And this is a page full of generally helpful resources by Queer Theology, who also have a very long running podcast.
I hope these are helpful! God bless! 🕊️
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fruit-spirit · 1 year
I wish people realized that the cure to religious trauma isn't inevitably losing your faith. That's how it goes for some people, and for others, it doesn't. I want encouragement in between non-religious people pushing irreligion and religious people pretending religious trauma doesn't exist.
Don't rip people away from faith that gives them hope and makes their life worth living if that isn't what they want
People ruined me, not God
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invisible-pink-toast · 6 months
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web-weaving: sapphic christians + love between women being holy
Sappho (attributed) / Gonzalo Orquin / Zolita “Holy” / Kelly Latimore “Ruth and Naomi” / The Bible “Ruth 1: 16-18” / tumblr user: thebichristian / AMES “Hymn For Her” / Warrior Nun / Yellowjackets / God Friended Me / The Expanse / Kittredge Cherry “Brigid and Darlughdach: Celtic saint loved her female soulmate” / Angela Yarber “Perpetua and Felicity” / Alice Walker “The Color Purple” / The Color Purple (1985) / Kittredge Cherry “The Two Rebeccas: Queer black pair founded Shaker religious community in 1800s” / As/Is “Can You Be A Queer Christian? • In The Closet” / Felix d’Eon “Sor Juana and the Countess” (Sor Juana y la Virreina) / The Bible “1 Corinthians 15:10” / Fly View Productions “Couple kiss during wedding ceremony in church stock photo” /  Joe Mikos Photography “Cape Cod Wedding With Chinese and Italian Elements” / Sabrina Lee “A Perfect Rainbow on our Wedding Day” / Javicia Leslie “Actress Javicia Leslie says ‘God Friended Me’ isn’t a religious show. It’s about human connection.” / Zolita “Bedspell” album cover / Mary Lambert “She Keeps Me Warm” / Galawdewos “The Life  and Struggles of Our Mother Walatta Petros: A 17th-Century African Biography of an Ethiopian Woman” / Maria Cristina “Felicity and Perpetua: Patrons of Same-Sex Couples”
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and-her-saints · 14 days
I want to be you holy shit (<- statement that comes from only knowing that a: you’re a lesbian b: a Christian and c: you give off cool vibes)
STOP. thank you. this is very sweet 😭
there are many like me (us?)!!! i have sosososo many queer (+ fellow lesbian) christian friends!!! we are a sizeable and diverse community, believe it or not!!!
(sidenote: there's this one UCLA/Williams Institute study that shows that nearly half of all LGBTQ+ adults in the United States are religious in some way. tbh it's a very interesting report!!! even if i'm not American lol. i recommend!!)
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awesomecoolswaggirl · 1 month
like this post if ur an lgbtq+ or an lgbtq+ ally christian/nf
i'm an aroace christian!!! who also fully supports my queer folks!!
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gaynglican · 4 months
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Happy Pride! I love being gay, and I love being an acolyte. My church is marching in Pride again this year!
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daisy-mooon · 1 year
Being a gay Christian is so powerful. I can use rainbows for whatever I want and no one can stop me.
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good-soupmens · 1 year
Maybe this is just me being a christian in the good omens fandom, but a lot of people say Aziraphale's arc needs to end with him *entirely* dismantling his religious beliefs and stop following God, and I would disagree (I do have religious trauma, so hear me out 💀)
Yes, it was VERY necessary for him to learn that heaven didn't have humanity's best interest at heart. In fact, the archangels are incredibly selfish. Questioning their morals led him to stop armageddon with Crowley. But as the narrator of season one, God is somewhat mysterious, even cheeky ("a dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time"). I don't think we're SUPPOSED to dislike her as a character, but we're meant to question whether heaven is really carrying out her plan.
I often see heaven as the equivalent of a corrupt church; the kind that scares you with hell, says they have power over the bible so you should listen to them, and asks you for donations when they'll probably just spend it on themselves. They're toxic.
Crowley is wise to want to distance himself as much as possible. But I can't say Aziraphale is wrong for wanting to fix it. Heaven existing at ALL isn't the problem, it's the way it's conducted. If they really cared about the earth, they could help people. Crowley saved a girl from killing herself, Aziraphale forgave Maggie's rent, Crowley helped Shakespeare get his plays off the ground, Aziraphale healed Anathema and fixed her bike. Both stopped hell from ending the earth (and heaven orchestrating it). Crowley saved things every time that he was sent to destroy them.
They're constantly doing little miracles, sometimes big ones, while still letting the earth run, where humans can make their own choices and decide what to believe. If heaven was anything like Crowley and Aziraphale, there wouldn't be a system in need of destroying.
I wrote more detailed meta on good omens God here (and my therory on the ineffable plan), but my point is to say that destroying Aziraphale's faith entirely is not the solution. He doubts that heaven is even doing God's work. The end goal for dealing with religious trauma isn't always letting go of your belief in God (that's okay if it is!) but many of us need to deconstruct toxic ideas taught by toxic churches. Some people wouldn't survive without their faith. And FAITH in God isn't the problem, people misrepresenting God in order to devalue, shame, and oppress others for personal gain is.
Given that she canonically exists in the good omens universe, that means that she created everything. She made Aziraphale, Crowley, the universe, the earth, everyone who went on to create anything else, and life itself. Every moment, every place, every feeling, every choice, and every experience was possible because it was created. She's the reason anything that in the history of time was able to happen at all, good or bad.
God may not tell anyone about her plan, but I have a feeling it's going to be the end result of the series, where Crowley and Aziraphale were a part of it (I could be kidding myself, but that's my theory)
The concept of the "sides" being heaven and hell doesn't work without everyone getting a real choice. Neither Crowley or Aziraphale truly belonged to their respective sides because they were morally against them. Just as heaven needs to be fixed, hell shouldn’t be run by *obligation* to do evil. The good omens book said that many demons just considered it their job ("Go up there and make some trouble")
Thinking back to Aziraphale's line, "But humans...get a choice" makes me think that THAT'S what will change.
It's not "this group is nice. go out and do good" and "this group is bad. go out and do evil", it'll be everyone making choices (whether they want to spread misery and destroy the earth, or truly help better the earth and show people the light in a flawed world). Heaven would have a real job of thwarting evil if they weren't the ones administering it, and maybe that's what Aziraphale will try to change.
(End of essay personal rant!!)
This is for queer christians especially, I know people forget us. My religious trauma comes from homophobia. I have to remind myself daily that it's not a fault of God, but people. It's PEOPLE who harbor hate for what they don't understand, and many use religion to justify their wanting us not to exist. They fundamentally misunderstand the point of following christ, and others have to work to change that.
It may seem like the best solution is to object to christianity entirely, but I find genuine happiness in it despite the bad eggs. I wouldn't be here if not for it, and it doesn't take brainwashing and manipulation for me to be a follower. I want to be. That's the reason I say any of this; for good omens to end on a positive note with God would mean a lot to queer christians. We're often caught between christians that hate gay people and gay people that hate christians, and it's hard for us to accept both parts of ourselves. Good omens helps me love both :) and thats why I relate to Aziraphale as a character
Also. queer christians and non-christian queer people with religious trauma, you're all so valid and cool, I love you <3
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