#smile geist
red-documents-redo · 6 months
Smile Geist: So... you're jeff's "precious cinnamon bun" that he won't shut up about
Liu: Yes...?
Smile Geist: Hmmm... I don't see the appeal.
*Jeff kicks open a nearby door*
Jeff: U WOT!
Smile Geist: Oh god forgive me!
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inky-evergreen · 5 months
I think he just wanted his cheese
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Og pic:
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clockwayswrites · 11 months
Danny & Constantine, Orange, Butterscotch Ripple
@imbreonix Prompt fill set #4
It started out as a joke that turned into an actual event: Bring Your Sidekick To Work Day. It sounded absurd, of course it did. The Justice League was hardly work and certainly not a social club, but once it had been said people started to actually think about it. More and more of the heroes were taking on mentorship rolls for the next generation. While the heroes, of course, tried their best to provide what their mentees needed, they were still grown, experienced heroes and their sidekicks were kids.
Kids who lived a life that most could never understand.
Eventually it have been talked about enough in passing and over rushed meals and before meetings that it ended up on the agenda.
“Robin believes it would be beneficial for the younger heroes to know others in the same positions as themselves,” Batman had explained, as if that answered anything. The Big Bat wouldn’t even clarify who Robin was.
But there they were, Bring Your Sidekick To Work Day. It actually was a pretty nice event with snacks, drinks, and several enthusiastic sidekicks. It turned out Robin was Batman’s sidekick.
“Partner,” Robin insisted boldly, whenever the term sidekick was used within his hear range (which was disturbingly good).
The kid was the very opposite of Batman: bright, personable, and always in motion. Flash was more than a little concerned how quickly Robin and Kid Flash seemed hit it off. “They’re plotting something.”
“Hn,” was Batman’s reply, though he was watching the two whispering sidekicks too.
All in all it was a cheerful success.
It made John’s skin crawl. He jiggled the unlit cigarette in his fingers. He didn’t do social events, not outside of bars, and he really, really didn’t want to be here.
“We can just go back to the House,” a small, nervous voice suggested hopefully from behind John.
That was the thing, though, he wasn’t here for his own sake.
“No, we can’t,” John said with a sigh.
“We really can, though. We haven’t even talked to anyone. I bet they haven’t even noticed we’re here—”
“John! I did not think you would be attending,” Wonder Woman said as she approached, a smile in place. A good chunk of the founding members trailed after her.
“Yeah, well,” John said with a little shrug. He didn’t admonish the kid for cussing, he didn’t have a leg to stand on there, but by Superman’s puzzled face the Big Blue had clearly heard it. “Figured I had better bring the kid.”
“The kid?” Hal repeated incredulously.
John reminded himself he really shouldn’t punch his teammates.
“Yeah, the kid,” John said. He stepped aside to reveal Danny who had been hiding behind him. “Geist, Justice League, Justice League, Poltergeist.”
“Um, who, Constantine?” Flash asked, sounding nervous.
John looked to his right, which for all appearances, was an empty spot of air. “Seriously, kid?”
“Sorry,” Danny whispered.
“It’s okay, kid,” John said, holding back a sigh. The kid was sensitive to that sort of thing, so John had been trying. (He still messed up plenty, but he was trying.) John looked back the Justice Leaguers and shrugged. “Ghost. Visibility is like that sometimes.”
“Ah,” Diana said with a sage nod. John admired the woman for how nothing seemed to phase her. She simply looked to where John had been looking and smiled. “Hello, Poltergeist. Welcome to Bring Your Sidekick To Work Day.”
“Partner!” a kid dressed like a damn traffic light called from across the room where he was talking to who was clearly a mini Flash.
“Oh,” Danny said. (It was clearly weirding out some of the heroes to hear Danny but not see him.) “I’m not… John doesn’t let me help that much? I don’t know if I count as a sidekick.”
“That’s because last time you tagged along you went intangible and fell through a bridge, kid,” John grumbled and then immediately felt bad. “You know we’re working on it.”
“Yeah,” Danny mumbled.
John couldn’t see Danny, not any more than the others, but he could picture the way the kid would be scuffing his toe on the floor, head down as he rubbed at the back of his neck.
John sighed. “Ain’t your fault kid, powers take time to master.”
“Robin,” Batman called.
Immediately the tiny traffic light was literately bounding across the space to stand next to Batman. The kid smiled up at the Big Bat like the man had hung the moon.
“Yes, B?”
“This,” Batman said, nodding to the empty space, “is Poltergeist. He came with Constantine.”
“Oh,” Robin said. He spun to face the spot of air and held out his hand without hesitation. “Come, Kid Flash and I are— um,” Robin shot Batman a look, “talking. You can join us! I bet you will be really useful!”
Flash mouthed the word ‘useful’ with a terrified look on his face, but no one actually said anything while Robin just stood there, smiling, with his hand out. And then Robin’s grin impossibly widened, his hand closed around nothing, and he took off across the room.
“…anyone else worried about that?” John asked after a moment.
“So worried,” Flash said.
“Hn,” Batman added.
“Right then. I need a glass of shitty punch to spike,” John said and abandoned his teammates to find the refreshments. Thank the gods, the fuckers, for hip flasks.
“I live with a ghost now, Bats, you’ve got to up your skills if you want to sneak up on me anymore,” John said before taking another sip of his much improved punch.
Batman stepped up into the corner of John’s vision, which felt like such a Bat thing to do, so John felt the placement was very purposeful. John wouldn’t complain, it let him watch Batman without taking his his eyes off where Danny was sitting with Robin, Kid Flash, and Wonder Girl. Danny was pretty see through, but he was slowly becoming more visible the longer he spent in the company of the other teen heroes.
“How long have you had him?” Batman asked.
John snorted. “That’s what you go with? Not how it works to fuck a ghost?”
Hal and Aquaman weren’t as quiet as they thought they were, but maybe that was on purpose. Maybe they had wanted John to hear. He just hoped the kids hadn’t. He might not have a clean mouth, but even he had limits.
“He doesn’t have to be your blood to be your son,” Batman said in that certain way of his.
It had John finally glancing over at Batman. It was a lot to admit and John hated to be on uneven grounds. “How long have you had yours?”
No one would ever believe him, but John could swear that Batman almost smiled.
“Nearly five years.”
John hummed and took another sip of the punch. “Only six months, not even. And he’s not my son. Kid deserves better than me as a da.”
“They always deserve better,” Batman said, his voice a low rumble that John swore he could feel in his battered bones. “We just have to try to be better.”
“Yeah, well,” John said with a bitter chuckle. “I’m not you, Bats, I don’t think I have better in me.”
“Yes you do, you’re here, after all,” Batman pointed out.
John swallowed and looked back the kid, his kid. Danny was almost solid now. His white hair floated as he threw back his head in laughter at something Robin had said.
“Yeah… yeah I am.”
AN: So. So. This has gotten away from me. I blame Moku. So much blame. I can't promise I'll continue it but there is... there is a good bit of plotting TO continue it. It would be after I get done with City Pigeons Bleed Green though, as that's my current family feels fic.
If it gets continued we have a John/Bruce tired dads with issues slow burn fuck buddies to lovers, Danny and Dick being friends (and family), canon divergence, Tim joins the Bat family early, Bats with magic (and the world should fear them), and Alfred's judgemental eyebrow.
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snaileer · 1 year
Free advertising Part 3
Parts 1 & 2
If one has spent a decent amount of time in an engineering lab, perhaps even been raised above (and in) such a lab, it would come as no surprise that the construction of potentially hazardous items can sometimes be accidental.
Danny’s teachers and classmates evidently do not share this sentiment when he attempts to leave their group to disarm the pipe-bomb in front of them during their field trip to the Gotham railroad museum.
Danny doesn’t get it.
“Once you accidentally make one, you figure out pretty fast how to unmake one,” Danny shrugs in reason, it’s not like it’s hard. Well, it’ll probably be a bit different because it’s not from spare pieces of a microwave but still!
“Microwaves don’t have spare pieces, Danny,” One of the chaperones says. Oh, she must have heard Danny’s mumble.
“Sure they do! Everything has spare pieces if you do it right!” Danny smiles, “Here, watch this!” Danny lunges for the bomb, dodging a reaching arm with practiced expertise.
Once he has his hands on it, he’s pulling his Fenton family goggles from his pocket and the mini toolkit his parents got -made- him for his 12th birthday. Complete with a laser cutter!
Danny uses the magnification of the goggles to get a closer look at the design, holding it up to his face. The timer seems to be a separate connection… hmm.
Danny turns his ear to it, shaking vigorously, but he pauses as shouts sound from behind him sitting criss-cross on the floor.
Except…when he turns around, nothing’s different except the group looking startled and pressing themselves farther against the wall.
“Nightingale!” Damian hisses from the herd, “What are you doing!?!”
Danny tilts his head in confusion, vision tinted slightly green through his goggles, “I’m..deconstructing it??” Danny looks down as he unscrews a few pieces, listening for the disconnection of the timer, “Thought that was obvious,” He grumbles.
Danny pulls his goggles to his forehead to get a better gauge of the wire colors before pulling two of them out. The timer display turns off.
The group seems to sag in relief as the red numbers go dead.
Danny barely notices, looking intently at the object as he turns it in his hands.
He flips his goggles back down and reaches blindly for his toolkit. Danny continues unscrewing, grabbing a different screwdriver and his mini weld set, before setting two metal grids to the side and holding it back up.
“See! Spare parts!” He says with a smile.
The green goggle tint prevents him from seeing his chaperone’s face drain of color.
It does not prevent him seeing Batman crash through the window three seconds later.
Tags for those who asked:
@channajen @halfblackwolfdemon @epilepticnerd @busterkeel @samgirl98 @quirky-gardener @kitsunesflames @ace-aro-agender @whathehe11 @56thingsinaname @overtherose @i-dont-want-to-think-of-a-name @i-always-say-yea @the-legal-shipper @aph-mable @rowanaway-fromthisbs @punderfulfandoms @sjrose1216 @akikkobara @stargirl1331 @somecrappyclone @decadentbatbagelscissors @thatonegaybitch68 @cyber-geist @girlnic @seraphinedemort @alcorbearson @meira-3919 @joseph557 @cutelittlebeanie @fandomnerd103 @avelnfear @readerzj @snorlaxly-tired @thedragonqueen1998 @serasvictoria02
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awakenedsalamander · 9 months
This is gonna be a long walk. But I’ll get there. I promise.
In a lot of Chronicles of Darkness games, there are “minor templates” for players to take for their characters. These are basically lesser types of supernatural beings— undeniably marked by magic, but not transformed by it like the main templates are. So instead of being a werewolf, you might be a Wolf-Blooded, i.e., not the monster your stronger cousins are, but still recognizably having a connection to that world.
Again, a bunch of games have these. Mage has Sleepwalkers (and Proximi), Vampire has ghouls, Geist has the Absent, Demon has stigmatics, etc.
In Changeling: The Lost, there are the Fae-Touched. We’ll get to them in a bit. First, more on Lost.
In Lost, like many stories about faeries, oaths and vows are very important. They are, in the form of magical Contracts, the source of many fae powers. Changeling have a neat ability to make any spoken promise binding, invoking the force of the Wyrd to force even minor vows to be taken seriously. And many changelings are taken by the True Fae by getting ensnared in some kind of oath.
See, if you didn’t know, Changeling: The Lost is about humans taken to the home of the True Fae, and then transformed into changelings as the True Fae torment them. The game is very much about the way trauma changes a person, and how even recovering from trauma still doesn’t bring you back to the way you were— you’re healed, but you’re not the same.
And much like trauma changes a person, it isolates them too. Lost represents this in the fiction with fetches— the faerie-forged simulacra left behind in the stolen person’s wake, acting the roles of parent, sibling, friend, and so on while the original person is actually suffering with no escape.
But the Fae-Touched won’t stand for that.
Because while Changeling: The Lost recognizes that many promises aren’t serious, that when people swear, “I’ll always be there for you,” they don’t always live up to that, it also recognizes that some promises are different.
The Fae-Touched are the mortals who remember the words they swore, and will not ignore them. They can tell, in their dreams, through the nagging impulses they get in their waking moments, that the person they promised to help needs them now more than ever. They are lead by the Wyrd into the land of faerie to live up to that promise, and they follow it gladly.
A Fae-Touched is the father who knows the smiling fetch who claims to be his daughter isn’t the real thing, and that somewhere the girl he swore to protect is in mortal danger— and so he delves into a world of dreams and nightmares to bring her back.
A Fae-Touched is the woman who fights off briar wolves in a mad, twisting forest so she can find her wife, because when she said “I will never abandon you,” she meant it.
A Fae-Touched is the young man staring down a Lord of the True Fae and refusing to yield. He and his brother went through hell together years ago when their parents died, and they promised one another then that they’d always stand by each other, and some monster in a crown can’t change that.
Not every changeling is helped by a Fae-Touched, and not all of the Fae-Touched succeed. Sometimes you have to claw your own way back home. But God, what a beautiful concept.
I know that Changeling: The Lost is very dark, and the reason I love the Fae-Touched isn’t really because they’re the light to that darkness— I think that simplifies it too much.
I like the Fae-Touched not because they take away the darkness, but because they remind me we don’t always have to face the darkness alone.
Sometimes, when you think there’s no point going on, when you think it will just be the pain and the fear again and again and again… it’s not true. Because sometimes, maybe even more often than we think, there’s someone out there who knows you need help. And they ready themselves, they set out into the darkness, saying only,
“This is gonna be a long walk. But I’ll get there. I promise.”
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ichikopotato · 7 months
Hi! Could you write about Tom just having the fattest crush on a girl?
Yes, YES
First request bitches!
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It was weird for him, having a huge crush for a girl he barely even knew. It was like a dream to him, not knowing what to do with it.
It started when he was just watching TV with his brother in his hotel room, just munching on skittles. And low and behold, the Band, B/N goes on air. When he first laid eyes on her, he sweared that he had never seen a much beautiful woman than her.
Bill looks at him weirdly, as he stopped eating the skittles with him. “Geht es dir gut? Du siehst aus, als hättest du gerade einen Geist gesehen” he laughed. His brother had stopped chewing. “Nein, holy shit. What’s that girls name?” Tom had muttered.
“Oh, her? Y/N. Why?”
“She’s so..”
Bill laughed, in awe as he saw his brother’s face completely starstruck from this single girl. Tom immediately got off the couch, grabbing his laptop to search more about her.
After endless hours of him searching and finding more information about this girl, Bill hyping him up to ask her, he finally gathered up the courage to ask her out on a date. He booked a ticket for one of her shows, shaking.
“holy shit! You actually have the balls to go and see her.” Bill muttering. Tom laughed his ass off, happy as ever.
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It was the day he was finally going to see your show. He got ready, adding extra effort to look good and presented for her. (he really doesn’t have to)
He got into his car, driving off to the venue- He was swarmed with hundreds of fans, practically screaming at him “Holy shit, I love you!” Holding up signs saying, “Fick mich!” . He finally got into the venue and into front row, of course. He was in complete awe, as he saw her and her band walking onto the stage, waving at the crowd. His heart skipped a beat, as he saw her waving at him.
His lips slightly parted, as he was in complete starstruck as he shyly waved back, at her. After the concert, he gathered up the courage to speak and approach you. Her security let him go backstage, and letting Tom talk to her.
Tom knocked on her dressing room, shaking slightly. His cheeks turned slightly pinkish, as she opens the door, “Oh my god— Tom Kaulitz?! Woah- what are you doing here?” She muttered, smiling up at him.
“I-I was wondering if I could get the honours of taking you out tomorrow night, if you’re not busy.” He stuttered, smirking slyly as he played with his lip piercing.
Her heart skipped a beat, as she hesitated for a moment. She nodded, “Of course, i-ill call you—“ she was cut off by him grabbing her phone, typing in his number. “I’ll pick you up, 6:30 sharp.” Tom winked, smirking as he left her alone, leaving her blushing and shy. He finally got what he was wanting for.
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Ill tag the people who i got these dividers from later, thank you!
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fodlansbestmom · 2 months
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A smile crossed her lips at the kiss and she returned the eye contact, going so far as to not blink. She didn’t really need to, but she did moments later. Don’t make this awkward!
“Mm, something good for both of us.” So purred as she turned her head to capture Geist’s mouth in a kiss. “I get a delicious treat and you feel good~”
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spacedace · 1 year
Chapter 4 is here at last haha
Somehow, Oswald wasn’t expecting how young the kids were.
He knew how old they were, obviously. Jazz a few months shy of her eighteenth birthday, Danny sixteen as of October. He’d seen their records and their ages and even their pictures leading up to their sudden arrival in Gotham. Even so, he still found himself taken aback when he saw them in person for the first time.
It was the way that the pictures - school photos, artificial and flat by their nature - didn’t capture how fragile they actually were. The dark circles beneath their eyes, the slouch of their shoulders, the way they kept close, hands tangled together and knuckles white. It was the way that Danny, only a few inches taller than Oswald’s short stature, looked hollow-boned and breakable with his too-thin frame and worryingly pale skin and the mottled brown-green-yellow of half-healed bruises just visible where his long sleeves failed to hide them. The way that Jazz, taller than even Cosmina’s towering height, curled in on herself to try and look smaller, the pretense of a neat appearance falling apart in the face of polite smiles with fraying edges and bleeding nail beds and bloodshot eyes.
They were so young.
Tag time below the cut:
@depressed-bitchy-demon @spoopyspoony @meira-3919 @eiderdown-eider @temporalhunter @rhymey-workshop @tired-yet-awaken @mnemovoid @theauthorandtheartist @darkhinauniverse @moonlupine @aconitewolfsbane @phantom-dc @undead-essence @sroomheaddoc @readingalldaysleepingallnight @larkcoe1 @malice-of-the-sunrise @overtherose @freakofyournature @introvert-even-on-the-internet @nutcase8691 @runfromthemedic @seraphinedemort @cutelittlebeanie @psycoaces21 @evilminji @screamingtofillthevoid @sunflowershine03 @avelnfear @impulsiveasshole @persephoneblackrose @gearstorm @s-ourbuns @mynameisdoofthelizardandamlesbi @cat-in-a-fedora @illya-roma @cursivemissive @my-nameis-apollo-kid-number7 @the-legal-shipper @treepainting @mouzerequis @regressor-marina @mimilikey @aarinisreading
@mentalcarebear @thegatorsgoose @samgirl98 @cocopopm @24-7shipping @sakitsune-09 @stargirl1331 @fictionsthings @terzatheunderscorerima @agent-jaselin @nomorefuckstogive0 @theauthorandtheartist @joseph557 @tncreep100 @alonedustspeck @ascetic-orange @boredteen19 @bonestasteweird @alexzandria-747 @56thingsinaname @cyber-geist @dolfay @nixthenerd @roman4517 @thermitecookies @rainbowbunny0159 @longlivethefallen @thecatchat @goodfish-bowl @coffeeandcrown @f4nd0m-fun @mygood-bitch99 @razieldjinn @hallowsden @saltyladynightmare @lumosfeather18581 @whitetigerdemoness @birdie-24-05 @lyra689 @jayphoenic @alcorbearson @iosonotoro @akikkobara @firedrakegirl @ae-vixrose @ladythugs @felicityroth @capricedhusara @saltyladynightmare @lumosfeather18581 @whitetigerdemoness @birdie-24-05
@listen------sleep @ashoutinthedarkness @serasvictoria02 @uraniumwizard @la-bruja @3hobbitsinatrenchcoat @roseverdict
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notthesomefather · 10 months
Loki's Journey to Hel
[[A story I wrote for the Godsring's Halloween ritual.]]
It was a hallowed evening and all gods and men had partaken in revelries.  It had been a day of celebrating life and vibrance in Asgard and Midgard alike, yet an ill-humor had befallen the quick-footed Trickster, Loki. 
“It is a sorrowful man, he who welcomes Death,” one God had remarked during the festivities. “Not I to welcome that cold, hungry abyss.”
This aroused the Sly One’s temper.  “My daughter’s halls are as fair as these you call home,” Loki declared.  “If I bring you three gifts from Helheim, you must admit I am correct.”
“Ah, and what use have we for gifts such as this?” they replied.  “What need have we of rot and bone, when the shimmer of vitality here beams so brightly?”
“No morbid gifts will I bring,” Loki promised.  “But they will be such gifts as you have never seen before, not even among all your splendor.”
And so the bet was on.  
Once the lights had been extinguished and the sounds of mirth subsided into gentle snores, Loki began his work.  Loki approached the stables of Odin, wherein slept their child, the Eight-Hoofed Sleipnir.  
“Only you may carry me swiftly between this realm and Helheim,” Loki whispered, “I pray you be swift.  We must return before first light.”
And so they began their journey towards Helheim.  The wind blew more timidly, the stars shown more sparsely, and Loki’s very breath and heartbeat seemed to quiet until only Nothing remained.  On they went through the black stillness until a voice called out.
“Who is he that would enter our hall?” 
“One who would carry on your memory to the gods themselves,” Loki replied.
Before Loki’s eyes a geist appeared, fair of face and steady of speech.  “My memory has long since been lost,” he said forlornly.  “I would appreciate my name being welcomed into the ears of the gods.  What ask you in return?”
“Why, a handshake to seal the agreement,” Loki said.  “Nothing more.”
“It is done.”  The geist told Loki his name, shook the Silver-Tongued one’s hand, and vanished in peace.
Loki and Sleipnir continued on their trek to Helheim.  The blackness had begun to subside into a mist, and the air felt warmer.  On they went through the grey stillness until a voice called out.
“Who is he that would enter our hall?” 
“One who would carry on your memory to the gods themselves,” Loki replied.  Before Loki’s eyes a geist appeared, dark of face and gentle of speech.  
“I have no family left to utter my name,” the geist murmured.  “It would be heartening indeed to hear it from the tongues of gods.  What ask you in return?”
“Why, a dance to seal the agreement,” Loki said.  “Nothing more.”
“It is done.”  The geist took Loki’s hand and they danced upon the air and ground until a sigh of contentment filled the void, and the geist vanished in peace.
And so the Mischief-Maker and his steed rode on until the mist subsided and the air awoke with smells of jasmine, apple blossoms, and grass.  Loki approached a mighty gate until a voice cried out.
“Who is he that would enter my hall?” 
“One who would carry on your glory to the gods themselves,” Loki replied.
There was silence until the Lady of Terrible Beauty herself appeared at the gate.  She stood before her realm yet would not permit her father to come any closer.
“The gods have oft compared my hall to a punishment,” Hel said.  “It would make my heart glad to have them know the truth.  That I welcome all into my hall who have been allowed the gift of rest and calm.  Famine and hunger!  What famine are you to find in my orchards?  What hunger will you see when reunited families and friends toast one another at my tables?  We host those who have come before just as nobly and comfortably as my kin who rule Valhalla and Fólkvangr, this they must know.”
“They shall know it,” Loki promised.
“What ask you in return, Father?”
“Why, a happy sigh to seal the agreement,” Loki said.  “Nothing more.”
And it was so that his daughter smiled and sighed and the two parted ways once more.  Loki and Sleipnir rode back before dawn and found some of the gods still stirring.
“Well?” asked one.  “Have you made it to Helheim?  Have you seen the dullness of Death?”
“On the contrary,” the Silver-Tongued replied.  “It is as I said: the grandeur of Helheim matches that of these halls in Asgard.  Beauty and peace and joy can be found there as much as anywhere else in the nine realms.”
“We don’t admit it so!” cried the gods.
“Then may I remind you of our bargain, dear family,” Loki said.  “Our agreement was that I shall present you with three gifts, the likes of which you’ve never seen, and you shall concede I am right.”
“Let’s have these gifts then,” the gods demanded.
“My first gift is the handshake of a dead man,” Loki said, extending a hand into the air before him.  “My second gift is the footfall of a dead man,” Loki said, extending a foot into the air before him.  “And my third gift is the breath of the dead,” Loki said, blowing into the air before him.  “These three gifts I have brought you, and so you must agree.”
“Tricks and lies!” the gods bellowed.  “You have brought us nothing!”
“I have brought you three things you have never seen.  The fact you don’t see them now either is no matter to our agreement.”
The gods begrudgingly admitted that Loki had won the bet.  Loki spoke the names and tales of the geists he met on his travels, and relayed his daughter’s pleas for understanding.  And so it was that the forgotten were remembered and the reputation of Helheim was seen with more fairness by gods and men alike.
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googlekromer · 2 months
Till's poem today inspired me to write this, this isn't to try and take away from his piece, this is to process my own feelings about it. No beta, I apologise for any mistakes. I hope you enjoy.
The 50ft creature stood their ground, gazing down at the small man below them. The man, equally as awestruck, couldn't help but keep his eyes affixed to the figure's obscured face. He could've sworn he saw more than two piercing blue eyes staring back at him. But the creature didn't seem aggressive. In fact, it was almost as if they expected the man to cross their path.
Gulping slightly, the man spoke. "Um, hallo?" he greeted uncertainly, the creature probably didn't mind his East Berlin accent which prickled his soft baritone voice as he spoke lowly, or the nervousness in his voice. It's not every day you meet a Lovecraftian entity.
The creature's silken garments swayed gently. "Till..." they replied. Till could've sworn their voice was as airy and cool as the wind that allowed the garments to blow graciously. And they knew his name.
"Who are you?" he asked.
The Eldrich creature took a deep breath. "We are the Geist. The amalgamation of all of your fans, in one vessel. We do not have a set name, nor a set nationality. We are Rammstein, yet we are not. We are our own people, but one in the same. We exist here and on a different plane, everywhere yet nowhere."
Ah, a hive mind, thought Till.
The Geist took a look around their surroundings. The forest that should be engulfing them both, instead engulfed in flames. Burnt to a crisp. Till lay amongst the debris, covered in ash.
"Stand up," ordered the Geist. Till obliged, gently pulling himself to his feet. He maintained eye contact with the Geist, once he found his balance.
"It's a tragedy," said the Geist, tutting slightly. "All of this beautiful forest, destroyed. It feels horrible, doesn't it Tillchen?"
Till's eyes widened at the nickname the Geist gave him, but didn't answer the question. In the distance the Geist spotted 5 lone flowers that sprouted from the ash. They knelt down on one knee, causing a small thud, and caressed each flower, admiring their pretty colours and resilience despite the environment they lived in. Gold and grey and red and black and white, with different patterns, like thin gold petals sprouting from the main petals, or a red X crossing through the bud.
Under their enormous hat, with lanterns dangling from the brim, the Geist smiled. "What pretty flowers. It's amazing that they can sprout so boldly amongst the burnt wood and grass."
"They shouldn't be here," said Till, looking away, tears prickling his eyes. "This is my mess to clean. This is my forest that burned."
The Geist cocked their head. "Oh? Wouldn't having these flowers make the process lighter?"
Till squeezed his eyes shut. "They would, but it's not fair. Why should these pretty flowers suffer how I have? I dragged them into this forest, and now it's burned to the ground. They would've been caught in the flames. They have been caught in the flames. If things were different, I would've destroyed them. They don't deserve that. They never deserve it!"
He made eye contact again, this time tears filling his eyes as he glared at the Geist. They put their hand on Till's head. Within seconds Till could hear all that had been said about him by the entities the Geist possessed in their body. Creeping him out at first, he soon sank into the calmness of their touch, and listened to what the voices told him. They were praising him, telling him how much they loved him, hoping that he'd be ok. Their whispers soothed the storm in his heart.
"Is all this true?" Till asked, his eyes wide, like a child being told a huge secret.
The Geist nodded. "Yes. We never speak lies. We love you, and always will. No matter how long it takes for your forest to be replanted, we will always be here with you. You invited us into your heart, and there we shall sit, for years and years to come."
Till's lip quivered a little. He wasn't expecting anything the Geist said to be said today, but nevertheless he appreciated it immensely.
"And there's more. Lean your head over to the flowers. They have something to say to you."
Till did so, and pressed his ear to each flower. The voices were scrambled and jumbled, vaguely familiar, yet Till could not make out their owners. But he did hear one message very clearly.
"We love you. We love you. We love you."
Each flower repeated this infinitely, sending Till to his breaking point. He sobbed, lifted his head from the flowers, walked over and dropped to his knees in front of the Geist. He bowed deeply in eternal gratitude, his sobs muffled by his face being close to the ground. The Geist knelt down once again, and picked Till up into their arms, cradling him like a baby. A soothing rocking motion soon followed. Till soon felt at peace within the Geist's presence, closing his eyes to soak in every last piece of serenity that trickled within his heart. This feeling might not last, but it was here now. That's all that mattered.
Once Till had calmed down, the Geist put him down on the ground.
"Would you like to get a start on rebuilding your forest?" they asked.
Till thought for a second. "I'm sorry, but I think I need some rest. It's been a very turbulent time for me. I need to pause and just... exist. For a while."
The Geist nodded. "That's ok. You can allow yourself to recenter. Take all the time you need."
"But, what about you? Or well, you all?" asked Till.
"We'll be fine. We have our ways of entertaining ourselves," the Geist chuckled, prompting Till to chuckle too.
Till glanced over at the flowers. "I think... they should come with me."
He plucked each flower and bundled them together. "They are very special to me."
"We know. They are very special to us too."
Till turned to the exit of the forest, where his seaside village home lay.
"Come, we will walk you," said the Geist, gesturing their hand towards the village.
Till held onto a piece of fabric on the Geist's garments. They smiled down at him, and they walked together, out of the forest, and to the village. The forest lay burnt behind them, but not for long. Till would return to it when he was ready.
He was glad the Geist understood.
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red-documents-redo · 6 months
Slender: Not to mention they'll lose the farm!
Vel: My children never caused such trouble; they all became acupuncturists!
Zalgo: Well, we can't all be acupuncturists!
Smile Geist: No! Your daughter had to be a CROSSDRESSER!!!
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inky-evergreen · 5 months
Yes I have more
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muttship · 19 days
F/O List 💫
for easier viewing/editing accessibility compared to the carrd
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Jesse Pinkman 💍🥀 [Breaking Bad]
J. Schlatt 💍🐐 [Dream SMP]
IRL Partners
Lucifer Morningstar 🍎🐍 [Hazbin Hotel]
Primary f/os
Beelzebub 🍾🌈 [Helluva Boss]
Sebastian Tute 🎹🎶 [Wil Music]
Asuka Langley Soryu 🇩🇪📌 [Evangelion]
Karma Akabane 💥🍦 [Assassination Classroom]
Secondary f/os
Emberlynn Pinkle 💞🍡 [Helluva Boss]
Kitty 🐾♥️ [Helluva Boss]
Zack Addy 🧬🦴 [Bones]
Strade 🔨⛓️ [Boyfriend to Death]
Dr. Masacrik 💉💌 [Psyco Cuties]
Oliver 🌊🕊️ [Vocaloid]
Ren Hana 🦊🔪 [Boyfriend to Death]
Seeley Booth 🍮🌹 [Bones]
Charlie 🍔🔆 [Smiling Friends]
Allen 🖇️📌 [Smiling Friends]
Stanley Pines ❔💸 [Gravity Falls]
Tirtiary f/os
Lemon Zest Cookie 🍋🌱 [Cookie Run]
Zoe 🔮💫 [Monster Prom]
Polly Geist 👻🍸 [Monster Prom]
Party Favor 🎉🌀 [MLP:FiM]
Pacific Glow 🪩💞 [MLP:FiM]
Derpy Hooves 🫧🧁 [MLP:FiM]
Shane 🐓🍻 [Stardew Valley]
Rockstar Cookie 🎸🤍 [Cookie Run]
Princess Luna 🌙🌌 [MLP:FiM]
Gordon Freeman 🔭☣️ [HLVR:AI]
Asmodeus 🌃💙 [Helluva Boss]
Blitzø 💣💋 [Helluva Boss]
Andrew Graves 💚🥩 [TCOAAL]
Monokuma ⚫️⚪️ [Danganronpa]
Emily 🍃🥄 [Class of 09]
Queerplatonic f/os
Emu Otori 🎀🎉 [Project Sekai]
Fizzarolli 🎪🎠 [Helluva Boss]
Familial f/os
Tubbo_ 🐝🌱 [Dream SMP]
Charlie Morningstar 🍎⭐️ [Hazbin Hotel]
Valentino 🎥❤️ [Hazbin Hotel]
Bee [Bee & Puppycat]
Stella Goeatia [Helluva Boss]
Medic [Team Fortress 2]
Princess Cadence [MLP:FiM]
Princess Flurryheart (aged up) [MLP:FiM]
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danco110 · 4 months
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"Within every angel is a spirit of light that will fight as long as there is darkness…Am I saying it right, Lady Feyn?”
“Yes, that’s correct, Hayna! Now just channel your magic and…”
The angel and her human student reached out in unison and cast a spell on the fallen seraph lying on the altar before them. The body glowed with a glorious light before fading away, leaving in its place two identical winged spirits who quickly eyed each other with shock as they lifted into the air above the platform.
“…You’re me,” one of the angelic spirits stated in a surprised, ethereal voice.
“And you’re me,” parroted the other.
While the two spirits fell into an awkward silence, Hayna and Feyn retreated off to the side to convene privately. There they swapped back and forth between shooting the twin spirits confused looks, and quietly murmuring to each other.
“Lady Feyn, was our magic supposed to do that?”
“No. No it was not.”
“Did I mess something up? I’m very sorry if-”
“No, Hayna. You didn’t do anything wrong, not as far as I’m aware.”
“Was she possessed?”
“I don’t…think so.”
“Heh, and you’re supposed to be teaching me?”
“Wh- Huh- What happened to the manners you just had while apologizing-”
Hayna and Feyn looked up to the spirits, who were now smiling warmly at each other. Confident now that the angelic geists were benevolent, the living duo sheepishly waved in greeting.
“Er, hello there.”
“Ah, Lady Feyn!” chimed one of the spirits. “I take it we have you to thank for the like-minded company!”
Hayna held up her hand like a student asking a question. “Wait. So, you don’t mind that we messed up your…ascension? Resurrection?”
“Not at all!”
“Neither of you mind?”
“Well if one of us doesn’t mind, I doubt the other would. We’re the same angel, after all!”
“Oh yeah.”
“Now, you might want to go comfort your friend over there. Looks like she’s despairing somewhat.”
Hayna looked behind her at Feyn, who was still staring distraughtly at the two spirits.
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[Inside you there are two geists.
If you control both Bishop of Wings and Requiem Angel when another angel dies, you make two spirits!]
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howlingday · 2 years
The Dirge
"That should do it for the fire tonight." Lie Ren said as he swiped his palms together, clearing off the residual sawdust from his hands. It had been a week since Team JNPR, or rather Team JNR joined Ruby Rose in her quest to head east, towards Mistral and Haven Academy. The past few hours have been strenuous to say the least.
"Finally." Nora Valkyrie huffed as she dropped her load next to the pit. "It feels like we've been carrying logs for hours!"
"It was only for ten minutes." Ren assured. A crack from behind alerted him to the sudden presence of his team leader, Jaune Arc, and their friend, Ruby Rose. He turned to find them walking away from the makeshift tent. Looking past, he could see Ruby's uncle, Qrow Branwen, laying inside. "How is he?"
"He doesn't look good." Ruby said, voice full of concern. "That weird guy stabbed him with his tail, and he's been running a fever ever since."
"He'll live, though." Jaune voiced in a very matter-of-fact tone. "He just needs rest and antibiotics."
"The second of which we don't have." Ruby pointed out.
"He'll live." Jaune repeated. "Haven's only a few miles away."
"Can we make it, though?"
"We can," Ren said, though not without a very begrudging tone, "if we cut through Kuro Yuri." Nora flinched at the name. "I'd prefer not to, but it is the fastest way there."
"Anything you want to share, Ren?" Jaune asked.
"No." He shook his head. "There's nothing but ghosts there."
"...Like, real ghosts, or...?" Jaune let the question hang.
"No. Ghosts aren't real."
"Are you sure about that, Ren?" Jaune knelt next to the pit and began scraping flint and sent sparks flying into the dried leaves. Almost instantly, the fire came alive with a crackling snap and pop. Jaune then seated himself on a log. "We've already seen a lot."
"Grimm." Ren clarified. "A ghost is different from a Geist."
"I wonder about that." Jaune said with a smile. It then faded as his blue eyes stared into the contained inferno. He almost looked hypnotized by the dancing flames.
As the others sat down, Jaune began to start humming a tune. It was deep and low, like a bellow from Ursa, yet softer and somehow more wild. Nora opened her ration pack, carelessly tossing half a granola bar to the blaze. Jaune reached across, through the fire itself, to snatch the healthy treat from it's scorched fate.
"What were you singing?" Ren asked, choosing to ignore the self-inflicted burning his leader had placed upon himself.
Jaune smiled. "Just an old song I used to sing for my family." He continued to stare into the fire pit. "I usually sing it to myself when I miss them, or whenever I need to ready myself for the worst possible scenario."
"Like a song of bravery?" Ruby asked, biting into her granola.
"Not quite."
"Can you sing it for us?" Nora asked.
"I don't think you want to hear it." Jaune waved his hand. "It's not very good."
"Come on!" Ruby whined.
"Pleeeeeeease?" Nora pleaded.
"Another time." Jaune said, standing up. "I'll go check on your uncle. Maybe get him to keep some food down."
"Aw! Okay..." Ruby and Nora pouted.
Ren watched as Jaune entered the tent, and noticed something off. In the encroaching twilight, darkness settled in, and the sky dipped from it's orange hue to a more violet and blue shades. Yet Jaune's eyes remained an icy blue, clear to be seen in the approaching dusk.
This was a dumb idea. Stupid! Idiotic! Hands down the worst idea Ruby ever made in her entire life, and possibly the last she ever made in her life.
Twigs and dried leaves crunched as she hammered her feet through the forest. She could hear the growling Beowolves behind her over the thundering in her chest. She should have stayed at camp, stayed where it was safe. In her excitement, she left behind her precious Crescent Rose; a sin she would never repeat so long as she lived.
As for now, she chose to follow a phantom she caught floating amongst the shadows of the forest. A phantom she recognized from only a month ago. Her curiosity would be paid in full by the Grimm if she slowed down.
She tripped over something, and her body's momentum carried her over the ground. She fell down a hill rolling along the ground until she came to a stop. Her back slammed against the boulder, knocking the air from her lungs. Cornered by two Beowolves and out of aura, Ruby knew it would be where she died.
"I'm sorry, Mom..." Ruby wept a single.
As the cold wind blew, a low hum carried through the air. Beneath the shattered moon, she saw him. His piercing blue eyes the only light within his indistinguishable silhouette. With a click, a red block held by the end shifted and extended into a long-bladed scythe. It was Crescent Rose, and without a care, she flew through the chilling night air, landing at her master's boots.
"Pick it up." The voice growled. Ruby looked confusedly between the shade and her weapon. "Pick. It. Up."
Without a second thought, Ruby scrambled to her feet, gripping her baby tightly in her hands. The ghost began to hum, and the night suddenly grew colder. Especially in Ruby's spine as she noticed the two Beowolves had multiplied into almost two dozen.
"This is it, Little Rose." The shadow called out to her. "This is where you prove to me how bad you want to be a huntress."
Before Ruby could ask what he meant, her battle began as a Beowolf lept for her. With a turn, she twirled her scythe and rended the Grimm in two. Without hesitation, the next one came, swiping it's insidious claw. Ruby ducked, then severed it's legs from it's body. As she spliced it's head apart, two more jumped at her from behind.
On and on, her dance of death continued. Her muscles ached and her breath grew more and more ragged. The air grew colder, and the humming grew louder. She could almost hear words echoing from all around.
She was down to the last Grimm. Her lungs ached as her throat burned. It was the only warmth her body felt as the night air grew colder and colder. She lept for the last remaining Grimm, when her body suddenly seized itself. She watched in horror as the Beowolf stalked closer, pure malice glowing in it's eyes. She choked back a scream as it's fangs drew closer to her eyes.
In a blink, it was all dust. The Beowolf suddenly died, and she uttered a silent prayer of gratitude to whoever it was that saved her.
"I wouldn't start praying yet, Little Rose." The voice came back, and she felt herself being turned over. A hand found it's way to her throat, and her head was forced to turn with bony thumb and index finger. The digits were cold as ice, and the chill bit into her skin. "Oh, there's still some life in you. Too bad about that last one, though. If it was your time, you would have died there, unfulfilled."
"Please, don't kill me." Ruby's eyes welled with hot tears as she stared at the gaunt face in front of her.
"Oh, I don't kill people, Little Rose." His hand released from her neck. "I simply watch them die, and then help them move on to their next life."
"Who-" She swallowed as she sat up. "Who are you?"
"I am the last thing you will ever see." His eye seemed to twinkle at her. A flash of blue. Just like that night. "Oh, that wasn't me." He said, as if reading her thoughts. "That was somebody else."
"What?" Ruby wiped her eyes. "I don't understand! Who are you?!"
Taking a deep breath, the figure turned and began to hum. The wind blew again, only it was accompanied by singing once more. However, Ruby then noticed that these voices in the night air weren't singing. They were screaming. Begging. A thousand souls, maybe more, all pleading with agonized voices.
"Please, no!"
"I'll do anything!"
"Take it all!"
"Take me, not her!"
"It's not my time!"
Ruby blinked and she was elsewhere, laying on a tree. She clutched her chest, trying to steady her beating heart. The tears poured hotly from her eyes as she panted.
"Ruby?!" She looked up to see a familiar face running towards her. "Are you okay?! Where have you been?!"
"I..." She panted. "I-I-I saw a shadow, and I followed it, and then there was a Beowolf, then another Beowolf, and then I fell, and- and-!"
"Easy, Ruby." Jaune held her hands and rubbed her back. "You're okay. Everything's okay."
"I... I almost died." Ruby gulped.
Jaune didn't say anything. He simply sat next to her and held her. She looked up to see Crocea Mors laying against a tree, next to a scroll. The scroll was powered off, and the tree was dead. Every tree around it was alive, but this one was dead, and being carved into by Jaune.
"Were... Were you training?" Ruby asked.
"Yeah." He looked up. "I found this dead tree earlier, so I thought it would be good practice."
"Wouldn't one of these other trees be a better target?"
"Yeah, they would," Jaune nodded, "but I don't want to cut their lives short. Not before their time."
Ruby looked to the ground and saw a pile of dead leaves laying at the base. For some reason, she felt her soul resonate with the dead, scarred tree.
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starsaroundsaturn · 9 months
because others (@catkin-morgs-kookaburralover @eleilinnrallin gave me the idea)
@syls-chaos you are so kind and cheerful and your writing makes me laugh and cry. I loved getting to hike together and you showing me mountains for the first time. I love you so much and you continue to be one of the most marvelous humans alive. if we ever do get to be roommates, we probably will take over the universe.
@thistelltaleheart you have my entire heart. let's get married. you are truly one of the most wholesome people I know. You are so passionate and driven, and your kindness and compassion towards others are always an inspiration. You make me smile with every tag, phone call, and joke about the Magnus Archives. Happy new year.
@tashah-geist 10/10 human. you continue to be a pessimist, you funky cat-lady. you always show up when I need you most. you never judge me when things go wrong. you know all my secrets and you keep them like it's your full time job. this is, if I am not mistaken, our 10th year of best-friendship. here's to another 10 years. <3
@catkin-morgs-kookaburralover my dear friend, you never cease to amaze me with your courage. you never bend in your convictions, you constantly keep fighting, and you find it in yourself to still put so much love out into the world even while dealing with so much pain. I love you, dear heart.
@get-loved-nerd best roomba ever.
@eleilinnrallin don't die. your sense of humor, your soft voice, and your kind heart make you stand out in a crowd. you give amazing hugs. I don't know what else to say. thank you for existing <3
@gryphonlover from your memes to your smile to your voice on the phone, you are incredibly kind. you constantly send me things that make me smile and laugh, and you are so faithful to your friends. life has been beating you up with a baseball bat lately, so if you ever want me to grab the baseball bat and beat up life for you, tell me so.
to all of my followers and mutuals: thank you for existing. you make the world brighter by doing that. have a good new year, and don't forget to dance and splash in puddles and eat cake once in a while. the universe looks back at you with stars in its eyes.
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