#gen photo ops
laf-outloud · 1 year
So, I wasn't planning on sharing IG OPs and stories from FanX, but I did find a few that stood out (if you're interested in more, you can find them by going to Jared or Gen's IG pages and clicking Tagged.)
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@my.ostomy.and.me This weekend was Fan X in SLC, and one of my favorite actors came! It was so amazing to get to hug Jared Padalecki, to get his autograph, and to tell him how much his show has impacted me. With having an autoimmune disease life is so unpredictable. Having a show that can be a constant means so much. When you’re sick and hurting and lonely, you can turn on your show. Supernatural is a show that focused on family and how important family is. The show started the year that my mom died. It has meant so much to me to have a show that constantly reminded me how grateful I am for my family and our relationships.
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@allthingsjaredpadalecki Sept 22, 2023 — My goodness! ME SUPERNATURALLY HAPPY -how the photo turned out —
My surrealistic flash-moment Jared Hug experience was infinitely priceless — it was worth the five years of waiting for that BOTH TOGETHER Someday to come —
My intended pose was thrown out when Jared unexpectedly and gently pulled me in, squeeze-hugging me— as I was suddenly feeling dazed, utterly speechless upon being in his presence -
In fact, I mentally intended for Jared to be in middle to hug Gen and Me because I wanted him and Gen to stand together at least — for I drove down from Tacoma WA through my native Idaho to SLC to see just BOTH of them “BETTER TOGETHER”
I took several beelines to just see Jared 💕 Gen — even there were 100+ celebrities 😁
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@rachel.winchester.19 Genevieve Padalecki!! She's actually the reason I flew out here, not her husband 😂 She rarely does cons so I'm super stoked I finally got to meet her! She is genuinely a lovely person.
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@linneapugmire Thank you @jaredpadalecki for turning my worst week into my BEST! Thank you for the hug and the advice. They mean more than you know.
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lillysilverus · 2 years
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(Kyleigh's POV)
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We're back from camp and enjoying the last bits of the summer before the seasons change and the new school year begins, I've chosen to homeschool through the year just to lessen the intensity of the workload for the kids. Working all year means that I can tailor how much work they do in the average day/week in event that we need to travel somewhere for longer periods of time, that gives them days off when we're on holiday so I don't need to worry about meeting the quota for the day. The kids have been chatting excitedly nonstop and have spent hours and hours telling me all the stories of them playing with their cousins and their other friends at camp, hearing the joy in their voices bring a joy to my heart. This was the childhood that I had (without the siblings), seeing my friends every summer and growing up with friends that encouraged me in the Lord whilst we were also being taught how to be in him. These 5 girls right here were my right hand, so to speak, while we were at camp. Whilst at home they do help with the younger ones, but prefer to focus on the childcare and have them help with house chores since those are much more age appropriate than changing a baby's diaper. All my older girls took it upon themselves to use their mornings to spend time with their siblings after they'd eaten breakfast whilst Barrett and I ate our breakfast in the morning, afterwards we'd send them off to their respective zones. Being halfway through this pregnancy means that I tire easier than usual, so dealing with the littles requires a little extra help.
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The children have gone back to having their music time at the big house, either Macie, Annette, or another girl from church will give the children their music lessons. On special days when she's got the time, Casandra herself will give the kids their piano lessons, it's so great that the kids get to bond with their grandparents. Since there's relatives all over Newcrest, there's always someone dropping in to the big house to spend time, so the kids are always coming home with stories about chatting with Barrett's aunts and uncles. They say that it takes a village to raise a child, and I feel so blessed with our family and community that are as dedicated as I am in bringing up children in the way of the Lord. While we wish we could have travelled to Windenburg for the fundraising gala, but it just didn't fit in our schedule as well as planning for travel with all the kids for such a short period of time, we did watch the videos that were sent onto the different family group chats. It's so great that Brittany and Colton are working to make Windenburg better with legislation and helping put God back into the government.
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Recently, we got to head to a marriage retreat in a nearby town with Allan and Casandra. Both of them had speaking parts at various times so we planned ahead, left the kids at the big house with Macie and Annette and enjoyed the weekend away. It's so great being taught about the different ways that us spouses can show up for each other to continue to strengthen our marriage. It's so inspiring seeing Allan and Casandra still putting in the work on their marriage after all these years together, it shows that there's always work to be done!
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lightofraye · 14 days
Debunking Nonsense Against Jared
There's apparently some crap about Jared that is just absolute nonsense. Full of lies and bullshit.
It'd be one thing if people just didn't like him. It happens. Not everyone is likeable. You're not expected to like him. But don't pull up lies to explain why you don't like him. Especially when they've been debunked again and again and again.
1. The "racist" tattoo. Y'all, this is nonsense. It's been debunked over and over and over. It's not a racist tattoo. For one, it's lacking the logo of "Come and take it", which would make it a racist tattoo. But a lone star above a cannon does not a racist tattoo make.
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Jared is a proud Texan. He also donates to many a charity and organization that help people, speaking out about them often. Not to mention, prior to pro-gun rights appropriating the symbol and logo, it stood for a proud history in Texas. Jared would've known.
So how about instead of focusing on a mere tattoo, come up with more proof that Jared is a racist? Hmm?
Besides, if you're mad at Jared's tattoo, are you then mad at Jensen's t-shirt, which did show the saying as well?
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2. Fighting with fans online. Oh come on. Misha's done it. (Misha's done worse, in fact.) Danneel's done it. Jared doing it does not a bad person make. And I don't think he's done it in a long time.
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And of course, people will go "Danneel was hitting back!" And? What's the difference? Jared was hitting back too. Danneel went a step farther most of the time, siccing her followers on them, threatening them with Clif, even ran crying to Clif because people were being "mean".
3. RE: Prequelgate. Give me a fucking break! Jared was right to be upset! He called and texted Jensen for hours before he gave up and responded to that tweet about The Winchesters announcement. Jensen also lied about not being allowed cellphones on The Boys set. When they weren't filming, they were allowed. (Of course they can't have their cellphones on their person during filming, unless it suited the scene!) Besides all that, Jared honestly didn't know about it! Kripke was even shocked when he learned Jared didn't know! Supernatural and its legacy is as much Jared's as it was Jensen's! The whole freakin' industry gave Jensen a massive side-eye for his unprofessional behavior. Kevin Smith, a man who has directed, written, and acted in the industry, thought it was uncool. Also, Jared wasn't drunk.
4. Supposed bully accusations. I'd need to see more of this to believe it, but outside of occasionally putting Misha in his bullshit place, I've never heard of Jared bullying anyone. Everyone he's worked with has sung his praises. The only one who hasn't is Misha and that's because Jared won't let Misha put him down. And in fact, has had to step in to stop Misha from torturing Jensen. So fuck off with your noise.
5. His fanbase. Is he now responsible for his fanbase? I never knew that. What about Misha's fanbase sending Jensen death threats for denouncing Destiel? Has Misha ever stopped that? What about AAs hoping for Jared to suicide after Walker was cancelled?
6. What about Genevieve? Oh come on! Do I like that Gen is featuring the kids a lot? Myself, no. But if Jared was truly bothered by it, I'm sure he would've spoken to Genevieve. And Gen isn't any different than many other mommy influencers. I'm not keen on exploiting the kids like that, but would you say the same about Danneel abruptly grabbing the kids at Wales Comic Con and dragging them out for a photo op? All because she had no one in line for her autographs and desperate for attention?
7. Jared's Hair. Apparently there are some claiming Jared had gotten hair plugs. My response to that is: So what? Misha's had plastic surgery (trust me, it's obvious--his eyes and clearly lip fillers). Danneel's had worse--her hair is fried, bad extensions, plastic surgery galore that has ruined her hair line because of facelifts, fillers, Botox, and breast implants (twice!). Jensen's likely had a bit of work too.
So. Fucking. What. About Jared's hair?
Come up with truthful reasons to hate Jared, hmm? Not bullshit.
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syoddeye · 3 months
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gaz-centric, 141 gen. | ~800 words. tags: pure, heavy angst. alcohol. several major character deaths referenced. abuse of italics and parentheses. a/n: so i was thinking about gaz being the last to die. decided to ride the big sad wave into whatever this is.
he gets word that price finally kicked the bucket, upright and boots on. the old man pushed his luck to the cliff’s edge and camped there, years beyond when he should’ve retired.
the news forces him to look back down the long and bloody road to his current gig, desk jockey for laswell. (–analyst, cap. –a pencil pusher.)
it was kate’s hand—the only hand—that reached out after riley decided to run a suicide mission and died a ghost. a task force can’t be two people, she said.
he remembers thinking on the flight to the DMV about whether the american outlaw felt like that, felt the loss when the civilized world, the old west, decided they didn’t want men like them anymore. didn’t want men who took on the world, gloves off.
he books the trip. he returns to a town and landscape barely recognizable to him anymore, but he knows it like the back of his hand. could navigate it with his eyes shut. (he was the best at that, once.) a town where a clock tower looms with the names of his predecessors and his friends etched into its surface. he avoids it. avoids as much of the pomp and circumstance as he can. they–they aren’t his people. not anymore.
he wanted you to have this.
a cigar box. weathered, old. still reeks. in it, memorabilia: a clutch of ID tags with more of those dreaded names, cap’s favorite lighter, and a scrimshaw knife. he doesn’t look at the clip of photos. not right away.
he thanks the soldier tasked with tracking him down, tucks the cigar box into his bag when he returns to his hotel and hops a plane home. his other home, the one he shoehorned himself into at kate’s behest.
it takes the better part of a month to work up the nerve to open the box. to unclip the photos. a torrent of memory held back by a piece of flimsy metal. unleashed and saturating the room.
(they’ll leave a waterline, an impression that decades of life still left to live won’t be able to erase.)
most of them are candids. quick shots someone took, developed, and printed. probably left on the corner of price’s desk.
one of soap, mid-story, something raunchy—he can tell by the man’s smirk. one of riley’s chin, tucked over kyle’s shoulder with soap’s stubbly cheek pressed to his. all drunk and bleary-eyed, fresh off a fucked op. one of price, asleep with his heels kicked up and riley attempting to balance an unlit cigar on the tip of his boots.
a polaroid of nik and price sat in the corner of some bar. both men big and intimidating, faces stern and ringed by smoke. probably chirping like two old hens—the gossips. god, poor nik. they never found him.
an old, pristine copy of the photo of him, price, farah, and alex. all standing tall and proud. triumphant. hurts to look at them for too long. both gone before their time.
(price and laswell didn’t talk for weeks after he reamed her out. —shit intel. makes you wonder. the insinuation was the death knell for the 141 and riley going rogue was the nail in the coffin. after that, cap took his news as a personal affront. hard not to, in hindsight.)
defecting? don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
that insinuation led to months of radio silence between him and price. broken by an insured, over-packaged bottle of single malt that appeared on his desk one day. shit was worth more than his monthly rent.
(never mind he doesn’t even drink whisky. just like price to send a piece of himself in apology instead of picking up the phone.)
the gut punch is soap’s last identification photo. john mactavish. the smiling, joking oaf with his pressed mouth flat in a grim line. eyes wild, probably thinking of something filthy to say to the poor photographer. on the back, his birth and death dates. gone way before his fucking time.
the true catalyst. made them all more reckless. his lieutenant, most of all, grew hungrier and hungrier for the long sleep.
shuffling through the rest makes the ache worse. reopens wounds. grinds against his ribs and tunnels a hole to his gut. it takes a strength he hasn’t used in years to put them away, forced to draw from a well long covered.
he buries the box in the back of a closet and digs out an old bottle. pours an ample amount and chokes it down. goes to bed smelling smoke, praying he doesn’t dream.
he does, of course.
he dreams of chaos and a padlock in piccadilly. of olives and motor oil in urzikstan. of canals and juniper in amsterdam. of the tunnels and blood beneath london. of a bar in chicago. a pub in hereford.
in the morning he wakes. visited upon. heavy.
the last man standing.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 6 months
Who has the biggest social media following?
I think Sephiroth would either post every thought he has or he would post once every lunar month.
Genesis would have the highest quality camera, knowledge of all social media sites and plus being a queer.
Angeal could be an online dad who mostly posts/reblogs cute animals.
Lazard is legally obligated to have social media and post, he makes it well known to all.
Zack posts every 5 seconds and most of the time it is complaints or vague posts that scare Lazard.
Rufus has been a social media presence since he was five and he has dirt on all the most famous people.
Idk about Cloud.
• Sephiroth has the larger following, but he also has maybe 20 photos in total on his social media, and only one of those is of himself (a picturesque photo Angeal took of him in the mountains. Sephiroth posted it, thanking Angeal and complimenting his photography skills in the caption, but it quickly broke the internet and is one of the most liked images ever. He posts once every few months and it's usually obscure and done so only because PR nags him about his social media presence.
A photo of his food at a restaurant, a photo of his sword perched against the wall of his office, a box of chocolates with his face on it (a partnership Shinra did with a famous chocolate company that Sephiroth found amusing), a photo of a book he likes, several nature snapshots, a cat he saw in an alleyway and stopped to pet, and what was his favorite picture—a nice photo of him, Angeal and Genesis together that Lazard took. PR took it down because Genesis was throwing gang signs (he didn't know Sephiroth was going to post it)
Oh yeah, there was one other photo that had to be taken down.
*Lazard bursts into Sephiroth's office*
Sephiroth: I did.
*Lazard pulls up a picture of Sephiroth with the half-cropped out President Shinra*
Sephiroth: God I look stunning.
• Genesis is a close second in terms of following, a fact that will forever irk him—even though he acts like it doesn't bother him. He's very dedicated to his curated, themed social media feed filled with action shots of him in battle, photo ops of him attending events and plays, magazine cover shoots, countless book recommendations and walls of text where he's waxing poetic about Loveless. At a glance, one would think Genesis's life is effortlessly perfect, and that's exactly what he wants people to think.
But who needs reality checks when you're best friends with Sephiroth.
*Genesis posts a perfect mirror selfie alongside Sephiroth and Angeal, he captions it "We seek it thus"*
SephirothOfficial commented: He cried when he couldn't get the lighting right.
• Angeal is somewhere in the middle, and he's relatively normal about what he posts, preferring to showcase what his real life looks like. There's pictures of him with the Seconds, Thirds and select infantrymen he's befriended. He also posts his cooking proudly, and always makes sure to add the recipe in the caption of the photo. He even posts some post-workout photos of himself that garner a lot of attention. He posts proud pictures of his plants, and picturesque nature scenes from his missions. Angeal's social media is where you'll find lighthearted photos of his friends, as well as a heap of sillyness that has PR ripping their hair out every other week. But his ultimate sin is being the friend who has to take a photo of everyone's food before they eat.
*At the restaurant, Zack is slowly rocking back and forth*
Zack: I'm having unfriendly thoughts.
Sephiroth: Can we please eat now?
Angeal: In a bit. Let me just adjust take one quick picture of Gen's soup...and.....done!
Genesis: They all look a bit blurry.
Angeal: You're right. Let me start over.
*Zack starts sobbing*
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lol at your last post, she couldn't even pretend to be amused 🤣
is it weird how many times the pads have kissed this con?
like they were trying to make a point or sell it so hard it's ridiculous.
why are they like that who are they trying to prove this to?
plus jp's fans always said that he gets scared at cons because fans make threats or because they hate him, so he brings extra bodyguards or he got a dog for protection
but it that's true, why would he bring his kids to such toxic environment and subject them to such horror specially after one person said that he was touched on his ass by a fan of his in his m&g.
would any normal person bring his kids to this?
Whether or not you are of the part of the fandom that believes there is a sort of rivalry between Jensen and Gen, it’s no surprise really to see this much Pada-PDA. Of course it’s going to happen because their marriage is the whole reason she is there. It’s not because of her one-season arc on the show and 10-ish episodes. You really can’t draw another similar comparison to any cast member who would get similar top billing and a panel alongside one of the leads. She’s there because she got that ring, gets to kiss Jared whenever she wants, and spawned fandom royalty. That’s why the fans care about her.
And have you seen this? Even in a photo op…They’re just giving the people what they came for.
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The icing on the Con Cake was of course the addition of the kids on stage today. It feels like a new low in making them a commodity. It almost feels like a selling point and a way to help Gen get invited to more cons. Or a chance to promote her momfluencer brand.
My perspective is that it’s gross, but all you have to do is look at Twitter briefly and see all the heart-eyes from people who think it was a wonderful treat to behold. And as for Jared allowing this/it being dangerous? I have to believe the kids were well-protected to and from the stage. But let’s not pretend he’s ever portrayed himself as having much of a backbone in their marriage and as a parent. My guess is that he was told rather than asked about this appearance today and he probably quickly folded like a card table.
So in summary, yes there was a lot of Padalecki performance art happening this weekend. But isn’t that what the cons are for at this point? Gotta keep the people coming back for more.
Prediction: expect at least one more kiss in the inevitable family vacation photo dump on Gen’s IG in the next few days or whenever these very privileged people get home from their extended stay.
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fghniki · 2 months
After a certain German streamer goes viral, several bloggers speculate about his identity and origins. (Also available on Ao3. Based on these two posts: one, two.) 1,086 words. Teen And Up, Gen.
lollipop 🔁 thehatter Follow
💐 lamadrigal Follow
My latest obsession has been this german teenage streamer who stole chayanne’s stagename for his username and somehow hasn’t lost his valorant rank even once in the past four months of streaming
💐 🔁 lamadrigal Follow
carpenterbee replied to your post “my latest obsession has been…”
amazing. please tell me more
He has gay dads. One of them is an avian and the other one is chronically absent. He also has a younger sister whom he also sometimes refers to as “twin”. Apart from valorant he does cooking streams with ingredients some of which i have never seen. He hides his face behind a skull mask and always wears a duck floatie. his twitch icon is a blurry photo of a duck and he has like over a thousand followers already
💐 🔁 lamadrigal Follow
I SWEAR I didn’t make this guy up
#sure thing op
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thehatter 🔁 thehatter
🎩 thehatter 
🎩 🔁 thehatter 
🎩 🔁 thehatter 
i am watching chay stream rn and i just saw some THING pass by his window???????? what the fuck was that
🎩 🔁 thehatter 
janettree replied to your post “WAHT WAS WHTA…”
some animal or something ?
🎩 🔁 thehatter 
#also that thing was like black and green wtf #is that a fucked up creeper variant
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🎩 thehatter 
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lamadrigal 🔁 janettree Follow
🌲 janettree Follow
the architecture of that place is impressive considering the height
🌲 🔁 janettree Follow
carpenterbee replied to your post “the architecture of that place seems…”
are we having a house tour
yeah !! chay is showing around the house. apparently they live in a basement and their dads live on the ground floor ? they have a photo wall, it's very cute
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janettree 🔁 pedropascal Follow
🔥 fireup Follow
 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 BRAZIL MENTIONED 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷
#the photo wall in question #also lmao the brazilian flag one
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lamadrigal 🔁 janettree
☁️ manintheclouds Follow
Who is helping Chayanne today?
☁️ 🔁 manintheclouds Follow
lamadrigal replied to your post “who is helping chayanne…”
His cousin? I think his name was Richarlyson
Aww, that’s cute
Didn’t realize he had any
👨 🔁 pedropascal Follow
#what's up with this family and stealing famous people’s nicknames
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janettree 🔁 pedropascal Follow
👨 pedropascal Follow
Important context for that post is that Cellbit is a Brazilian serial killer who escaped from prison back in 2015 and then vanished off the face of the earth. Now, everyone kinda assumed that he just drowned, but unless whoever Richarlyson’s dad is has his exact face, he seems to actually be… wherever Chayanne lives?
💐 🔁 lamadrigal
so, Germany?
👨 🔁 pedropascal Follow
DOES he live in Germany???
🌲 🔁 janettree
i swear i heard someone speak french during the stream the other week
#thought i was tripping or something
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🎩 thehatter 
a plane at some point crashed into the wall they live on???
#maybe i should have gotten into jerma instead
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💐 lamadrigal
omg i love pomme’s outfit so much
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☁️ manintheclouds 
we’re making WINE??? HELL YEAH!!!
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lamadrigal 🔁 janettree
🎩 thehatter 
Pomme’s dad looks. uhhhhhh
🔥 🔁  fireup Follow
Chat asked what this guy was and Chay said “he’s French”
🌲 🔁 janettree
as a French person i can confirm that this is an average french male
#i hate it here
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janettree 🔁 lamadrigal 
💐 lamadrigal
is there a single mom in the picture
#pomme has a mom!
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janettree 🔁 pedropascal Follow
🐝 carpenterbee Follow
does chayanneLIVE pass the bechdel test
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janettree 🔁 leobonita Follow
🌲 janettree 
new sibling ! Leo, about Chay’s age, girl
🎩 🔁 thehatter 
does this make, like. ten siblings
💐 🔁 lamadrigal 
Tbh i thought most of those were his cousins? also yay, a new girl!
🐶 🔁 leobonita Follow
soy de género fluido
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☁️ manintheclouds 
hell yeah, black forest cake today!!! love those
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💐 lamadrigal 
Sunny and Empanada are the cutest ever omg
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lamadrigal 🔁 carpenterbee Follow
🐝 carpenterbee
chayanne will get banned for breaking dmca one day mark my words
#whoever this tubbo guy is #probably shouldn't be encouraging him tbh
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carpenterbee 🔁 lamadrigal 
🎩 thehatter 
Parents: two gay dads. First one: blonde, short, avian with black crow wings. Second one: “Missa”, absent but apparently coming back? Couldn’t decipher what his job was
Lullah (younger sister, looks pretty much exactly like him tbh. speaks fluent spanish)
Sunny (even younger sister, she’s like five??? Black, wears sunglasses non stop. Has a different dad. maybe their parents are in a polycule?)
Empanada (younger sister, speaks German. bio sister? looks pretty different from him tho. same mom maybe? she has at least two)
Ramón (brother about his age, sticks to Sunny like glue from what it looks like. has at least two dads of his own?)
Richarlyson (younger brother; speaks Portuguese. has a prosthetic leg)
Pomme (younger sister. speaks French. has a mom)
Dapper (same age sibling? idk its hard to tell, they only come if pomme’s around)
Leo (same age sibling, speaks spanish)
Pepito (younger sibling, speaks spanish)
Mentioned but never appeared on camera: bobby, juanaflippa, tilín, trump (?). seems like they’re either away or deceased? so probably older siblings our cousins
So wherever he is it’s a place where they speak:
and also which would harbor Brazilian Criminal Cellbit.
🌲 🔁 janettree
>she has at least two
bravo les lesbiennes
💐 🔁 lamadrigal 
So… Luxembourg?
🐝 🔁 carpenterbee Follow
lets not turn this community into discount kiwifarms maybe
#there are probably reasons why he doesn’t want anyone to know his location #for example the fact that he's a minor
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🐝 carpenterbee
thehatter asked:
Yeah, you’re right. i deleted the post. its just hard not to speculate, with how crazy his life seems to be
nah i feel ya
#replied to u in dms btw #don’t reblog
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thehatter 🔁 thehatter
🎩 thehatter 
chayanne ended stream early because of an emergency and i swear i could hear bombs??? does htis kid live in a warzone???
🎩 🔁 thehatter 
like genuinely should we be concerned? what happened?
🎩 🔁 thehatter 
apparentaly he just retweeted some cat video. wat
🐝 🔁 carpenterbee
🎩 🔁 thehatter 
this time i will really do it
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carpenterbee 🔁 thehatter
🌲  janettree
#i maintain that he would make an excellent streamer #give that engineer a twitch channel
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nightbringer 🔁 manintheclouds
☁️ manintheclouds 
Oh, Chayanne is making pozole today!
🌃 🔁 nightbringer
??? The singer????????
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Cute story about people excited about Jared at FanX
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Link, x, (Adding Gen because OP also had great things to say about her!)
There were so many smiles from people coming out of the photo op area after meeting Jared (and Gen), in addition to all the ones waiting in line. And it wasn't just fangirls. It was fanboys, entire families (grandparents, parents, kids), friend groups, etc. The diversity of fans was amazing to see!
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Question for loupy. What are some of the rare mons you have, besides the very obvious shiny mew.
Well, the obvious answer is that I’ve stockpiled a L O T of shinies over my years of Pokemoning. One of my favorites is a Fletchling that was shiny on the FIRST EGG—not even Masuda! I was just trying to hatch a Flame Body ‘mon for my bro. (Needless to say, he got the next one to hatch. XD)
There's also the Masuda-hunted Mist, a female Zoroark I hatched years ago. (Zorua has a 12.5 chance of being female, so it was a pleasant surprise~)
One of the rarest occurrences I’ve had is walking up to a Scyther outbreak in Legends Arceus, and I hear two shiny sparkles—one is a standard Scyther, and the other was an Alpha Kleavor. I named her Queen~
The Queen and her ward. :3 (This is a re-approach to get a good video, hence why I moved so carefully.)
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On the left is a different Scyther, my loyal girl Petal who replaced one of my main playthrough team members. She's unrelated to this occurrence but made for a great photo op~ The one on the right is the Queen's ward. He doesn't get a name. X3
I've also been fortunate enough to randomly encounter several Shinies in the original odds of 1/8192, from before Gen 6, almost exclusively the result of training a Pokemon. As well as getting a few other shiny alphas, either from outbreaks or the static spawns. (Never got a random shiny Alpha spawn.)
But I think my most favorite shiny story is that of Sable the Dewott. She (yes, she) was a character that I made up but didn't do anything with way back when BW were in their early years. I can't say I forgot about her, but she didn't join my at-the-time roster of main characters. Well, a few years ago I decided to start a White Shiny Badge Quest, going for Oshawott because I adore Dewott's shiny. I started soft-resetting in both White and White 2, and roughly one week and six-thousand-someodd resets later, I got it.
I got her.
It wasn't just a shiny Oshawott. It was a shiny female Oshawott. Against the odds, my old character Sable had become a reality. She showed up in White 2, but with my brother's techy know-how, he transplanted her into my White file.
But oddly enough, that's not the end of her craziness, as I later managed to get ANOTHER FEMALE SHINY OSHAWOTT in Legends Arceus! I don't know why the games insist this ancient character of mine should exist against the odds twice, but I appreciate it, and relish having this story to tell! ^U^
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
I try not to compare Gen and Danneel/the Ackles and the Padaleckis, but sometimes I just can’t help myself, and this past weekend was just too on the nose to not voice my thoughts. And I’m not saying these things to start a competition or shame Danneel. It’s just interesting how two women can have so much overlap/similarities and still be completely different. Execution is everything people!
Gen’s outfits from the con in Salt Lake this weekend were remarkably similar to Danneel’s outfits at Cross Roads Con back in March. Both women wore all black outfits with chunky black shoes. I’m guessing the thought process behind both their fashion choices was neutral outfits so they didn’t clash with anyone in the photo op but still stood out, and comfortable shoes for the long day. However, Gen looked great at her con and Danneel looked like a cheap clown throwing together outfits from the last of the clean clothes in her suitcase. Gen’s pieces were nicely tailored, nothing was attention grabbing and she hit that sweet spot between professional and casual. Danneel’s clothes at cross roads were poorly fitted, and she managed to look too costumey and too casual all at once (I’m still not over the fact that she showed up to an event fans spent big money on wearing track pants). Gen’s glam was very reminiscent of the clean girl trend, Danneel looked like she hadn’t showered in days and was just putting on another face of makeup every day for the last week over the old face. And again, I’m not trying to shame Danneel by saying these things. But pride in your appearance goes along way in a professional setting, and cons are a job. None of us would never show up to work looking sloppy.
And even the con behavior is so different. All of the stories from crossroads made it clear that all interacts with Danneel were very quick and impersonal. No cute stories, just fans trying to turn her not visibly cringing into being the best interaction they’ve ever had. There are so many tweets from RICC and FanX Salt Lake of fans talking with Gen about books and their shared hobbies. And Gen has reposted fans sharing their photo ops thanking them for their time on her stories after both cons.
The difference between their husband + wife panels was not unexpected, but it really just put into perspective just how bad Jenneel performed at CC. And their stans will try to say we can’t compare because there are no recordings, but we’ve seen enough clips, pictures and transcript tweets to know that it was awful. Jared and Gen are both really in tune with one another, and know how to work an audience. Their panel was playful and personable. Jensen and Danneel were so stiff and and distant, both with each other and the audience. They were constantly trying to one up the other and get all eyes on them, no interest in sharing the stage with their “partner”. They’ve lost all ability to pull over the happily married charade, and yet still insist on doing so. They had two angles to work off of that con, their personal and their professional lives, and they failed on both fronts.
It will be interesting to see if Danneel and Jensen try their hand at another husband and wife con, and if they learn anything from the Padaleckis.
Couldn't agree more. Gen has a warm energy and she knows how to style herself without falling into ridiculous. She styles herself gracefully. Wish I could say the same for Danneel.
The main difference between the two is that Gen genuinely loves her husband, Danneel has proven time and time again that Jensen is just her ticket to fame, for this reason I will never like her.
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deeptrashwitch · 4 months
Okay, this snippet is canon, because I wanna see Alicia as an auntie! And we oficially have the first member of the 4th Gen of the family ^^ this one:
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(He's 10 but looks like he's older :3)
And now up to the snippet!
All the family was having a good time inside grandpa and grandma's house, just passing the holidays with their usual happiness and chaotic existance. Although, Nicolás was a bit nervous and even Alejandro noticed it, so everyone was confused and a bit worried about him. No one said anything because the eldest Marchant sibling never spoke about his problems if he was pressured, so they gave him his space.
When midnight arrived they all sat around the tree as usual, with all the classics songs blasting on the speakers, chatting with a cup of wine. Once they wished each other a merry christmas, with Elías and Juan David pretended to gag when Alicia and Alejandro kissed, everyone gave away the presents. Mostly were little things, trinkets if you want, but all of it thought in base of their personality.
"Hey, Licia, Alejo" Nicolás called with a shy smile "my gift is for you both, it's kind of a surprise"
"Aww, thanks Nico" Alicia said as they recived the box
"Thanks hermano! Now let's open it" Alejandro murmured, absolutely curious
They opened the box in the middle of an expectant silence, and inside of there were two bracelets, both with a little crow charm. But the real surprise was the card inside as well, it had just a question written on it attached to a little photo of Nicolás and a kid. 'Wanna be my godparents?'
"...Wait" they said in unison, sharing looks before looking at the older one "YOU'LL BE A FATHER?!"
"Surprise-!" Nicolás exclaimed, just to be tackled in a hug by Camila, and the younger twins (Juan David's little sisters), María and Gabriela
"We're having grandchildren?" Andrea muttered, looking at Jack with surprise and then smiling widely "we are having grandchildren!"
"AHAHAHAHA! FUCK YOU DEATH!" Julio screamed and laughed maniacally, pointing to the nocturne sky through the window "I LIVED TO SEE MY GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN!"
"Julio! Enough!" Rosa scolded him, making him sit down again before looking at Nicolás "congrats papito! I'm so happy for you"
"Another one! Another one! Another one!" Elías, August and Juan David were chanting while their parents and uncle were looking at them with worry
"They are as weird as you" José murmured towards Gabriel and Isabel
Everyone was happy and celebrating the new member to come, all while Nicolás was all red in the face, but smiling happily. Then Alicia and Alejandro took him apart to talk, hearing the relieved sigh from the elder brother.
"So? Are you adopting?" Alicia asked with a side smile
"Yes, he's a little boy called Daniel" Nicolás admitted with a soft smile "I met him maybe two years ago, and last year I started all the process to adopt him. To be honest, last month they gave me the yes! So he'll be my son, at mid january if everything goes right"
"I'm an auntie!" Alicia exclaimed, really excited with a giggle
"And I'll be an uncle" Alejandro murmured with a chuckle, then looking at his brother-in-law "do you really want us to be his godparents?"
"Absolutely, I trust you! Also I'm relieved that my son has two spec ops officers as godparents in case something happens" Nicolas joked with a big smile "and we both know that Alicia's boys will treat my boy as one of them"
"That's true, they'll be like that..."
And like that they learned that Daniel Marchant, the first grandchild on the family, is a sweet, intelligent, determined and patient boy. They also knew that Nicolás had been telling Daniel about all of them, and the kid was so admired and happy to have such a big family, even already calling them uncles, aunties and so more. When he gave them the date when his son would arrive home, everyone just started to prepare everything to recieve him.
And when Alicia called her boys to tell them the news, all the soldiers cheered loudly, making Alicia silence the call with a chuckle. At the same time she considered tell Tiala, Kanoa and Aly, so she organized a call with them for a little later before going to celebrate again. Like that the time passed, and in the middle of january, Daniel arrived home with Nicolás and all the family fled to La Haya to meet the new member.
"HE'S ONE OF US!" the grandpa exclaimed, lifting the kid as if he was Simba while Daniel giggled, with a huge smile "HEY WORLD! BEHOLD MY GREAT-GRANDBABY!"
"Dad! Put my grandkid down!" Andrea shouted, running towards him
"...They're really happy, huh?" Camila murmured with a big smile
"Oh, definitely" August said with a chuckle "hey, you think he'll be another soldier or he stays as civilian?"
"I bet for civilian" Gabriela said, raising her hand
"That's something only his dad can tell" Elías reminded them, then looking at his cousin "what do you think, Nico?"
"...Whatever he chooses, I'll be proud of him" Nicolás said with a little smile "but knowing him, I wouldn't be surprised if he became a soldier"
"So he'll be a new member of the club" María joked "but he still need to wait that I join first!"
"Mom, put my nephew back on the floor!" Alicia argued, watching Andrea doing the same as her father "and you bicker grandpa? You're just like him!"
"Got him!" Alejandro exclaimed, carrying the kid as a potato sack when he got him back "let's go, enano"
"Yay! Thanks for the help, uncle Alejo" Daniel said, smiling happily while Alejandro also smiled
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chthoniccafe-blr · 20 days
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Yesterday was filled with only exploring and absolutely no work. The top photos are from hiking; we grilled hot dogs before venturing through the flora. The landscape reminded me of the Tolkien universe, lush and open. The bottom photos represent how we started our day. We visited a state park and admired the ocean. The beach used to be a nude beach, and I think some people still believe it is, so there was a naked man scaling the rocks.
I know I sound ancient as an older member of Gen Z, but times have changed so much since the ubiquity of social media eclipsed our generation (and the younger generation). As I was taking photos of the beach, I reminded myself that we were having an experience, not a photo op. There's nothing wrong with a photo shoot, either, but it seems that more recently, aesthetics and visual expectations have more weight than the experience itself. Despite the chilly weather, a plethora of 20-somethings were clad in swimwear, posing for photos. When they weren't taking meticulously posed portraits of one another, they were shivering and lamenting about the stinging air.
On the other hand, these planned photo shoots likely provide young beachgoers with a creative outline. They're thinking about the angle of the phone camera, the pose of the "model" (their friend), the scenery, etc. "At least I hope they enjoy the process more than they yearn for likes and comments on social media," says me, who hopes to receive likes and comments on Tumblr, a form of social media. Oops.
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twiceasfrustrating · 11 months
Lemon Tea
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: Gen Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Relationships: Riddle Rosehearts & Trey Clover & Cater Diamond & gn!Yuu Characters: gn!Yuu|Player, Riddle Rosehearts, Trey Clover, Cater Diamond, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Grim Additional Tags: fluff Summary: Yuu is trying to relax at Heartslabyul, but when the craziest house is involved something will always be happening. Thankfully for them, the upper years know how to ignore most of it and enjoy the moment for what it is. Word Count: 535
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“They’re at it again,” Yuu sighed as they tried (and failed) to focus on their cup of lemon tea. “Should I stop them?”
Cater laughed hysterically as he pointed his phone at Ace and Deuce chasing Grim around like a pair of dogs after a cat; dogs and cats with magic at their fingertips. “Why? This is hilarious."
"I'm not cleaning up their mess," Trey said as he placed a plated set of checker patterned cookies in front of the three of them "Enjoy."
"Thank you." Yuu smiled up at him as they lowered their teacup onto its saucer to take one of the cookies instead. "These are amazing!"
"They always are!" Cater turned away from the chaotic scene in the background long enough to rearrange his tea and cookies into the perfect aesthetic photo for Magicam. "Aaaand post!"
"Wonderful," Trey said somewhere between sarcasm, exasperation, and relief. "You may want to drink the tea soon."
"Is it that time already?" He didn't put his phone down, but held it in such a way that the inner camera pointed directly at him as he picked up and began to drink his tea.
"Is it always like this in Heartsbuyl?" Yuu asked as they looked over to where the trio of idiots – meant only in affectionate terms – were clearly slowing down as they exhausted themselves.
"Not quite," Trey's voice wandered off at the end of the last word, as if he was trying to figure out how to attach two disconnected thoughts, "but you're about to see a usual evening for yourself."
They raised a questioning eyebrow.
Ah! That's what Trey meant.
Yuu turned their head to see Riddle storming into their small enclave of the garden, stomping past the delicately laid table and marching up to where Ace, Deuce, and Grim had fallen flat on their faces.
They couldn't hear the ensuing argument clearly, but they knew it was a passionate one based on all the flailing going on as they spoke. Trey only laid out another teacup and poured a serving of lemon tea before returning to his own cup. Cater seemed to be indulging in his tea while avoiding the cookies for any reason other than a photo op.
Riddle's face burned red as a vein popped in his forehead. He pointed to some of the minor damage left in the wake of their usual comedy routine before turning away and heading back toward the table. The others seemed agitated based on their expressions and started bickering again as they began cleaning up their mess.
Despite his clear temper only a moment ago, Riddle seemed to be calm once he took a seat in front of the tea that Trey had just poured, lifting it to his lips and tipping it back into his mouth.
He sighed in contentment. "Lemon tea really is the best after a meal."
Trey looked at Yuu with a knowing smirk. "Rules are rules."
Riddle nodded in agreement before looking toward Yuu. "How do you like it?"
They glanced at Trey, returning his knowing smirk. "It's delicious."
And a great way to relax from the stress of dealing with the insanity of their friends.
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sapphyreopal5 · 5 months
I’d like to add a couple of interesting things to your last post, this is not the first s*x supplement she advertised/used.
She did an ad if I remember correctly when she had nowandgen ,and now this one , plus her very cringy replies on Sm saying she rides it every chance she gets and aother comments that suggest how very horny she is for him all the time, and that allegedly post s*x pic .
Now you know what’s so damn funny?
She made that super embarrassing shower video jared suggested that they should go have s*x and she asked him to promise her that it’s going to last more than five minutes 😂 (jared please wake up and stop doing everything she says, you look bad sweetie)
No wonder she needs that d*ldo (the one she posted by mistake😭) and God knows what that needle for .
And those awkward kisses where they miss each other’s lips after 14 years of marriage.
Plus him constantly going to breastrestaurant rather than staying with this s*xual Godes lol
Yeah , she’s not fooling anyone but herself and jared .
Hello Anon, thank you for the feedback. I did write before about who Gen is an incarnation of and who Jared is as well. I believe that even tough the mythologies aren't correct as far as divine match pairings go, it is worth mentioning here I think Jared is trying to come off as this super supportive husband when the two secretly can't stand each other. Between all of this and his flirty behavior towards fans, especially coming from a friend who went to the Nashcon and a few others in the past who made some very interesting observations (ex. has been a little more friendly and flirty than in the past, notices the women who have more cleavage, Jensen was talking to him for a few min before autos began at Nashcon longer than usual [you okay there, Jared?], etc.), I believe that Jared deep down believes his real love is out there somewhere and that she's gonna be waiting in line for him at a con for an autograph or photo op. Jared just wants to be genuinely loved and adored, Gen just wants his money. He is also 100% scared of being alone. I swear to you it goes back to that palm reading he got and where he said while talking about it he half expects his love life to get screwed up (right around when Sandy and him broke up, and right before him and Gen met). Also did Gen REALLY post that dildo photo by mistake Anon? I think we both know the answer to that one LOL!
Us women tend to be more "logical" about how we fall in love, whereas men are more emotional. Of course this is just a general rule here but it's also true that many times over, women are who ask for a divorce initially more often then men overwhelmingly so too. I feel like women have more of a checkbox with love (money/job, stability, sense of humor, intelligence, generosity, values, etc. while men are more about if she's cute, they can have good conversations, things like that. There are multiple reasons why women are said to initiate divorce more which has proven over several decades to be consistently true but the point is, I think that this also means women check out of marriages more. Even though Gen is scared of losing her following 'cause she decided it was a genius idea to sell the crunchy, homestead mom image with her TOWWN "organization", she does not genuinely love Jared. She loves his wallet and the prestige that comes with being his wife. Commonly cited reasons for divorce are as follows:
* Infidelity; (why is Gen REALLY buying this supplement given everything else that's coming into play here? Hmm...) * Spouse unresponsive to the other’s needs; * One spouse grew tired of making the marriage work; * One spouse thought the other was immature; * One spouse felt he or she was being emotionally abused; * Spouses had different financial priorities or spending habits, and * Alcohol and drug abuse by one spouse. * One spouse wanted to pursue a different life; * One spouse found out unknown revelations from the other’s past; * One or both spouses felt they married too young; * One spouse physically abused the other; * One spouse’s career came before family; * There were insurmountable cultural or religious differences between the spouses; * One or both spouses had problems with the other’s family, or * One spouse was addicted to pornography.
I highlighted the ones I could see being potentially relevant with Jared and Gen being marital issues. The infidelity is a big question mark and is highlighted in green because Gen seems to be letting the world know she is sexually repressed somehow. I can't seem to count how many supplements are in this woman's body but I am struggling at this point to see how she could be missing anything to make her not want sex. I think it's all in your head honey [Gen]...
I also decided to go look up the whole Community Property (Texas being one) versus Equitable Distribution State (such as Connecticut) as one of my besties decided to look into this about Danneel and Jensen. I found this tidbit interesting about Texas being a Community Property Jurisdiction state:
Marital debt is debt that is created or liabilities that are incurred during the marriage. It can include the balance of a car note, a mortgage, credit cards, personal loans, student loans, medical debts, and other liabilities. The court is not required to divide debt equally upon divorce. It is required only to make a “just and right division” depending on the circumstances of the parties. Both spouses are responsible for the debts and liabilities of the marriage, regardless of which spouse created it or the name that is on the title or note. A car purchased on credit during the marriage is community property. A divorce court can award the car (and balance owed) to one spouse, but does not have the power to remove the other spouse’s name from the contract that created the debt. The creditor can still look to the other spouse for payment. The same holds true for credit card agreements, mortgage contracts and other debts. If your spouse opened an account using your information without your knowledge or consent, it may be considered fraud or identity theft.
One thing that's interesting about the state I live in that's not a thing in Texas is the said waiting period. In Texas it's 60 days. In my state however, because North Carolina only permits no fault divorces, which require a 1 year separation at least. Here's something also interesting about no fault divorces in Texas:
No-fault divorces in Texas can be faster and less expensive than a “fault” divorce because there are no allegations of marital wrongdoing to resolve. In Texas, there are two types of no-fault divorce: (1) a divorce based on insupportability and (2) a divorce based on living apart for at least three years. A divorce based on insupportability does not require you to prove that your spouse did something wrong—you just need to show that the marriage is “insupportable” because of discord or conflict between you and your spouse that can't be resolved. Keep in mind that you don’t need to provide evidence of irreconcilable discord or conflict. In a divorce based on living apart for at least three years, the court must find that you have been living separately and apart from your spouse for three continuous years without any cohabitation (living together).
I suppose I'm sharing this stuff here because I sometimes wonder if they actually even sleep under the same roof anymore (Jared in guest house Gen in main house kind of deal). Someone brought up a very interesting point on one of my last posts about how Jared is signing up for more foreign cons and how it seems both Jared and Jensen feel like they're "guests" in their own homes. I believe Jared has been starting to catch onto this in more recent years and it's been a very painful awakening process for him. From stuff I recall also being told in PMs and also as I speculated in the past from divination readings, I believe that Jared and Gen are quietly "separated" but are trying to maintain their faux happily married public image for some weird reason.
Thanks for coming by Anon :)
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Does Gen have a purpose or identity outside of being Jared’s wife? Nothing wrong with being a SAHM but she doesn’t seem to embrace it, yet makes no effort to achieve something she can be proud of herself for outside of that. She just follows Jared around at cons or sits at home all day posting ads. What’s extra confusing is Jared bragging about how amazing she is. What has she accomplished to merit such praise?
Let’s not speak in hyperbole and broad generalizations. I’d say she puts in some effort, but she can’t avoid using Jared as a stepping stone. For example, she doesn’t just follow him around at cons, she is a part of panels and photo ops. Is that “work” as you or I would define it? Hell no. Is she there because of Jared? Obviously. And her socials being mostly ads IS the work of an influencer. It’s vapid and pointless, yes. But it’s her trying to make a name for herself through brand deals.
Everything you’ve seen her try to launch across the various social media platforms since she had kids and quit acting has been an attempt to achieve her “own” thing. But when you’re a privileged product of nepotism (you will never convince me that she got into NYU by her own merit), your work ethic kinda sucks. And when you’re a never-satisfied perfectionist, you’re gonna keep hopping around from thing to thing and never actually making anything great. This is also what happens when you are the wife of a celeb and people have kissed your ass for years and now you’re surrounded by “yes” people who have lead you to believe that your every idea is golden.
What Gen will never get away from is the fact that the only reason anyone cares what she does is because of her attachment to Jared and Jared’s children. She could be swapped out for anyone and that person would get the same amount of praise due to how lovely people believe Jared to be. And this has to be crazy-making to her as someone who knows him intimately well and all his flaws that he certainly has by nature of being a human, but which fandom also pretends don’t exist.
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