#genderfluid loki easy
radley-writes · 6 months
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[the two 'cover' images were generated with AI then edited by myself; the others were free from Unsplash or Canva. IDs in alt text.]
a project from B. L. Radley
Crumbling kingdoms. Hungering gods. One woman who will end the worlds.
Loki, Norse god of fire and mischief, will be tortured until the end of time. And he shall deserve every minute.
At least, that’s how the story goes.
Behind every great man is a great woman, and behind every genderfluid trickster-god is a spouse who darns his socks, plots his victories, and keeps his secrets, as well as her own. After a thousand years of agony, Loki looks to the woman who kneels by his side – his jailer, his torturer, his wife – and asks for a different story. Hers.
Down with the gods.
So swore Sigyn, a young mortal woman, after watching her father die at godly hands. A millennia later, she has joined the same pantheon she once despised. Now, as Ragnarok approaches – the end of all Nine Worlds – Sigyn narrates the tale of the Norse Gods’ fall, and her own.
(Let me know if you wanna be on the tag list! I will, um, actually try to keep a record this time. Prommy.)
Meet Sigyn (she/her)
Human. Powerless. Weak. At least, that's what everyone tells her - and what she would have the Gods believe. Conning her way into the heart of the Gods' court, a young Sigyn must navigate the treacherous thorns of Aesir politics if she wants to live long enough to avenge her father's murder and allow his vengeful draug to find peace. Fearing to love and lose again, as she lost her father, she shuns connections or intimacy, honing herself into a weapon of vengeance against the strongest men in all the worlds.
Meet Loki (any/all)
Ancient and unknowable, yet frightfully immature, Loki plays many roles: the Gods' jester, their monstrous pet, their simultaneous saboteur and saviour. He (or she, or they) is the most unpredictable thing about the Aesir's deadly courts. That makes him dangerous. Sigyn should avoid him, especially as a fragmented prophecy warns that their fates are intertwined. But as that prophecy unfurls into a plot to destroy the Gods and the Nine Worlds they inhabit, with Loki at its heart, Sigyn must venture close enough to the Liesmith to risk being burnt.
Quote: I was neither tall nor beautiful. I lacked the soulful eyes and luscious figure of a Vanir, or a Ljósálf’s slender limbs and sugar-spun features. My mousy-brown hair was my thinnest attribute, and I wore it in a sensible bun, which, by dint of its roundness, rather resembled the rest of me. But of all my many unremarkable qualities, most mundane by far was my face. With its weak jaw and beaky nose, a kind skald might call it ‘homely’, a crueller one, ‘huckery’. Yet all would agree on one thing: Sigyn Narisdottir was utterly forgettable. Who would see me in Queen Freyja’s shadow? Having conned my way into her service, it would be easy to journey to Ásgarð in her company. Then I would find the god who slew my father, and have my revenge.
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kurtiplier · 11 months
hey. hey wait a second. in mobius' life on the timeline as don, he had a wife. and she's said to be long gone. don also kept bringing up the fact he's single. he's probably lonely. not that he doesn't love and care about his sons, he does, but I think they remind him of his wife and their life together as well, and his kids are young and he doesn't want them to see their dad struggling. maybe it happened fairly recently. don, in fact, seems incomplete and a little discontent still. he enjoys jetskis though. fond memories? a distraction?
and now mobius doesn't have loki around anymore either. he's also long gone. mobius reads his own file...don's file, and then he goes and looks at don's life on the timeline and realizes he had two kids (who are interestingly into fire and snakes), had a wife at one point, and is a jetski salesman. but at the same time...it's not exactly him.
and our mobius doesn't even have any of that. and he can't, and wouldn't take that away from don to live that life himself. and from what we know from a bit of mobius' backstory, he hasn't always had an easy time making hard decisions, and he has a lot of empathy. he's also like, the resident loki expert of the tva. he's fascinated with him. maybe there's a reason. a memory slipping through, like the jetskis. having loki around made the tva feel more like home to mobius. now without him...why would he stay?
I don't think it's impossible that a variant of loki, whether she looked just like the loki we all know or not (doesn't matter being the genderfluid, likely all-pronouns using god that they are), that loki was mobius' wife.
in my opinion, they took a queer love story, and put it through a seemingly hetero lens that the casual audience, and homophobic viewers especially, wouldn't be able to pick up on. I think it was the only way the writers came up with to get a canon confirmation of lokius into the show.
maybe I'm wrong, but that's just my two cents. I just can't imagine they dropped all those clues and symbolism and were vague about things for no reason. well...homophobia and censorship reasons, they had enough issues when they confirmed mcu loki's bisexuality in season 1, but I'll be damned if canon lokius didn't genuinely matter to anyone in that writing room. everything that was written there felt deliberate. it's sad that it has to be queer-coded in a time where so many shows are able to be explicitly queer, but disney/marvel has historically always struggled with showing that, so I can't say I'm very surprised.
I know in my heart that lokius is canon because of that final scene. I just hope that some way, somehow, mobius finds loki again, or at least finds purpose again. he doesn't deserve to be alone, just like loki doesn't. that's all I want to see. that can't be the end. I just want them to be okay. :(
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lokiiied · 11 months
thinking about loki’s 400 year long stare at mobius when he says, “it’s about who”
and then how he looks at sylvie and says, “i can rewrite the story” and how she has her own story - without romance. how she told him to “write his own story” and how he’s now canonically god of stories/storytelling.
thinking about how if they make lokius canon, marvel’s first major canonically queer character will have “rewritten” the cishet centred narrative that a major audience is expecting and just how powerful that would be.
because, as much as i like the bisexual “confirmation” scene - it was very easy to look over if you’re a homophobic viewer or don’t know what bisexuality is. because they never had either of them say the words, “i am bisexual”. that and how they “dealt” with loki’s genderfluidity.
but a major gay couple?? with the healthiest and most intimate relationship i’ve EVER seen marvel write?? that would not be so easy to ignore. especially when you go back and see that it’s been there the whole time. if you knew what to look for. which, is honestly probably the queer vision in a nutshell. because cishets will be blind to anything if they see a man + woman option. they need “undeniable” proof. marvel knows that & it’s why they’ve gotten away with this. why they’re still “safe” for most of their anti-queer audience.
but just imagine, if loki fixes all this, get his friends back, and shows mobius know how he really feels and basically says “this has been the love story the whole time” THAT will be his legacy. in all the glorious i’m a god and i’ve been bad and i’m good and i’m queer and i have inherent worth just like everybody else and i don’t give a fuck loki fashion. and i hope to gods we get to see that.
that’s the story i want to see.
because if they turn around and give us sylki — (and in doing so say here’s a perfect example of a healthy gay relationship but instead we’re gonna give you a toxic genderbent selfcest romance) regardless of the fact we know they are both queer — that is not what a homophobic audience is going to see. they’re going to be satisfied that they didn’t see two men kissing on their screen and call it another win. and marvel would be continuing to encourage the idea that us queer fans are delusional - despite the clearly intentional writing.
not to mention the exhausting, intrinsically homophobic harassment & clowning lokius shippers have endured would actually not be for nothing if lokius were canon and marvel were to decide btw queer people are real and so are their stories and so is their love.
if the show about the genderfluid bisexual god of stories can’t accomplish that after all this character development then. idk.
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thewritergremlin-rae · 2 months
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Finding Your Forever Home
Part 2 - Under the Stars
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Mutant!Reader Alpha!Steve x Omega!Mutant!Reader Beta!Sam x Omega!Mutant!Reader Characters: Bucky, Reader, Miss Jones, Steve, Sam Rating: T Words: 3,456 Content: 2nd person, omegaverse au, mute reader, AFAB reader, polyamory, some angst from Bucky, talk of Loki being genderfluid and both Thor and Loki having fluid secondary genders Summary: You meet the Alpha and Beta visiting the school and quickly find out why they've been so desperate to meet you. Ao3: HERE Notes: PART 1 IS HERE Part 2!!! Finally got it finished - got most of the way done before I realised I needed Bucky to have a scene with omega this chapter. Urgh but anyway, thankfully only took me an extra day!
Hope you guys enjoy the next part
Banners by cafekitsune
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You didn’t come down the next day, needing the time to decompress and adjust back to being at the school. It always felt like a shock no matter how many times you transitioned between the two. 
You’d wondered about just staying with James. Plunging head first into whatever world he lived in. The one that meant he had a burner phone, a mattress for a bed and, you were pretty sure, no rental contract.
But he was warm, and home, and easy to communicate with. He didn’t ask a lot of questions, which meant you didn’t have to type a lot. Something your fingers always appreciated. 
The school wasn’t bad! Comfortable enough but, no pack. It just couldn’t be the same as spending time with James.
The morning you made your way down for breakfast, most of the kids already done and you delighted in the quiet. You gathered your favourite breakfast items and had begun to prepare when something tickled at your nose. 
Familiar, but a little different. The loud noise of the kitchen door almost busting off its hinges had you grabbing the sharpest knife on hand to defend yourself. 
An alpha stood in the doorway, blonde hair shining in the morning light. He was tall, broad shouldered - all more than James, who was the tallest and broadest man you’d ever met. His knuckles turned white holding himself back from you. “Omega?”
His voice sounded deep but not growling, not angry or intimidating. Begging, almost. You’d even go so far as to say whining, so you set down the knife.
You breathed in more deeply and realised what scent had tickled your nose. Home. Different to James, the undertones smelt different for this Alpha - clean - but it gave the same satisfaction. The same safety of home. His scent drew you closer until you stood just before him and you could see the vibrations as he held himself back. You smoothed your palm up and over his bulging bicep before observing his face. 
His expression was soft, watching your every movement, his eyes scanning your face. Silently begging for an answer. You nodded and he burst forward, arms wrapping desperately around you and picking you up off the ground.
Your arms wrapped around his neck to give yourself a sense of security as he buried into your neck. He took a deep inhale and a shudder ran through you, his nose pressed against your skin.
“Steve?” A voice called to the man holding you, you assumed, and you looked over Steve’s shoulder to see a man helplessly shaking his head. 
Steve’s arms tightened and a huff escaped him. You just waved at the new guy, who smiled and waved back. “Hey, sorry about him. Serum heightened his senses, he’s extra sensitive to scents and all of that. I’m Sam Wilson, beta, same pack as this guy.” 
You nodded a little and held out a hand to shake. The two of you shook hands before you patted your neck to try and explain why you hadn’t said anything. “It’s alright, Miss Jones told us. Guessing your phone is in ya pocket?” 
You gave him a thumbs up and Sam’s attention turned to the alpha, still holding you off the ground. “Come on Steve, time to let go.” Sam’s hand eased gentle circles over Steve’s back and eventually he set you back on the ground. 
“Hey,” Steve greeted, expression sheepish as he shoved his hands in his pockets. You suspected to stop himself from touching you again. 
Now that you could take the time to look at him, your eyebrows furrowed and you squinted at him. Steve coughed awkwardly and held out his hand. “Steve Rogers, pleased to meet you.” 
You took his hand to shake before the name dawned on you. You were behind, to say the least, on more modern news but you felt like you hadn't studied any subject more than you had World War II. So of course you knew the name and you looked him over again. 
The muscles made sense now. You grabbed out your phone and wrote out your pleasantries, though it seemed like they had heard about you already. 
You heard quick footsteps and Miss Jones appeared at the door. “Are you alright, Captain Rogers? The kids are ready for your talk.” 
“Oh!” He gave her a sheepish smile and nodded. “Sorry, I, right,” Steve turned back to you, his smile turning shy. “Can we talk at lunch? We’ll be eating at 2 - after the students.” 
You nodded in agreement and watched his arm flex like he wanted to do something, but he quickly turned away. “Classroom 2, right, ma’am?” 
Miss Jones gave him a nod and watched him leave. She looked at you, Sam, and then where Steve had stood. She shook her head with a soft laugh, adding; “Well, I suppose I’ll find out later. Mr Wilson, your time with the kids will be in an hour.” 
“Sure thing, Miss Jones.” She headed off - probably to help out in classroom 2 - and you took a seat, gesturing for Sam to join you. He pulled one out and sat himself down, pouring a glass of water from the jug on the table. “So, guessing the penny just dropped on who Steve is?” 
You nodded and tapped out a reply; ‘We study WWII a lot here. You’re an Avenger too, right?’
Sam smiled. “Yeah, Falcon. All of us back at the tower are a pack. I had no idea we were missing someone, but I think the Alphas are more sensitive to that. Well, you just met Steve, Tony Stark is the other alpha. They used to butt heads a lot more but they seem to have mostly straightened things out. So, I know your name and I know you used to be a student here - so you must be a mutant, right?” 
In reply, you whipped some air around the jug to take it off the table and up a few feet before carefully bringing it back down. 
“Wow,” Sam breathed and you felt heat rushing to your cheeks. You could count on one hand the number of people that had witnessed your mutation and expressed wonder at it. Besides teachers, but that was kind of their job - to be encouraging. 
A shrug moved your shoulders and your gaze slipped to your breakfast at the smile Sam gave you, not seeing the way it softened. He gently touched your hand, fingers stroking over your warm skin. “I bet you could fly using that power, sucks if you’re afraid of heights, though.” 
You met his gaze and managed a small smile as you shook your head no. ‘I’m not scared of heights but I haven’t tried flying - not high up anyway.’
“Well hey, we have a whole room we could fill with crash mats back at the tower if you wanna give it a try. If you wanna come see the tower and providing Steve learns to put you down for more than five seconds.” Sam watched as you laughed, brushing his thumb gently over the back of your hand. “So, where’d you grow up?”
The two of you talked and the hour before Sam’s class ticked by way too fast for your liking. Steve would have a different group of kids, so that left you some time before lunch to turn everything over in your mind. 
After all, a whole pack was almost overwhelming to think about. 
You grabbed lunch from the kitchen and joined Steve and Sam at the table, glad to know you shouldn’t be interrupted by anyone. Steve gave you a bright smile, pulling out your chair for you as you took a seat and tucking you back in. Huh… You could get used to that. 
“So, we’re gonna be at the school until the end of the week doing classes with the kids and stuff but maybe we could take you out on a date or two?” 
Heat rose in your cheeks at the idea of a date. You and James always stayed at his place, which was fine given communicating was hard enough - never mind in a crowded area - but a date… You’d never been on one before.
You nodded, giving them both a shy smile, Sam smiling back and Steve giving you one of relief.
You’d spent the time before lunch looking up the other Avengers and what was public about the pack. Sam had mentioned Tony Stark, then you’d found two more Betas in the group - Black Widow and Hawkeye. The last human of the group was a little confusing but from what you could grasp it seemed like Bruce himself was an omega. Until he turned into the Hulk and no-one quite knew what the Hulk was. 
Which had led to Thor and him not being human and nobody making up their mind if he was an Alpha or a Beta. Then there had been rumours about Loki - whether he was part of the pack or simply at the tower to pay penance. 
‘I read Thor and Loki are in the tower, they’re aliens. Are they different?’
“Yeah and you don’t need to be worried about Loki - he won’t be able to hurt you.” You nodded a little, though a small voice wondered what would completely stop him from doing so. Steve smiled gently. “Their second gender isn’t as rigid as ours, it’s… flowy.” 
They exchanged a look and Sam nodded, as though encouraging Steve to keep talking. “Loki spans the whole spectrum, but Thor… I’ve only ever seen Alpha- or Beta-like behaviour from him.” 
“To be fair with Loki, all his genders are fluid, So pretty much Loki is, well, Loki.” You nodded in a vague sort of understanding. It was new to you but not exactly stranger than you being able to control air. 
“Not put off yet?” Sam teased with a smile and you gave him one back, shaking your head. He brightened and squeezed your hand, keeping a hold of it as he relaxed back. 
Steve’s sigh of relief sounded more explosive but maybe this sort of thing worried Alphas the most. They were in charge of any pack arguments or issues, you guessed. A blush dusted the top of his cheeks as he gave you a soft smile. “I know it’s a lot to take in. I imagine even when you’re used to people having powers, superheros being on TV, and aliens being real. All the new scents too. I, well, it was pretty overwhelming for me so I kind of imagine it would be the same for you.” 
You gave a thoughtful nod, Steve was likely right as Alphas and Omegas were most sensitive to smells and scents, though Steve had the complication of the serum. 
“But don’t worry~” Sam hummed, tossing his arm over your shoulders and drawing you into him. His smell filled you with warmth and you automatically nuzzled close to him. “As you can see, Steve here is a real big softie and Stark isn’t that different once you get used to his smart mouth.”
Steve smiled but it was fond as he watched the two of you warmly. You nodded, cuddling up to Sam’s side as he rubbed your shoulder. “And hey, now that Steve learned to put you down, maybe you could come with us to the tower?” He looked over at Steve with a grin and you followed his gaze, laughing softly at Steve’s huffed embarrassment. Sam chuckled. 
“You don’t have to answer right now, obviously,” Steve insisted, patting your hand. “Take your time.” 
You nodded, touched by his patience. Yeah, maybe, you could get used to this. 
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James paced the living room. He didn’t like that you had asked to come over suddenly but you had something you insisted you wanted to discuss. It would be by text either way, so why did you feel the need to be in the apartment?
He huffed, aware his scent was probably turning sour with worry. He didn’t want to make you feel defensive as soon as you got here. So James slid the window open, that way it could be ready for you. 
You were surprised to find the window open, so you slipped straight in, glad to spot him immediately. You hated the wary look in his expression but you typed quickly and stepped closer to show James. 
‘An Alpha and a Beta came to the school. They’re in my pack. Our pack.’ 
James’ brow furrowed and he stared at the screen for a long moment. His gaze dropped away to his feet and you could feel the tension brewing. 
He reached up, hands shaking as they cupped your cheeks. He stroked a thumb over your cheekbone, looking lost. “Another Alpha?” You nodded; although you’d showered before coming over, maybe he could still smell Steve. 
‘And a Beta but there are more in New York.’ You weren’t sure why you hesitated but it was a moment before you wrote your next sentence. ‘James, our pack is the Avengers.’ 
He stilled and it felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room. You gave him a concerned look but he just gave you a smile, something hopeless in the expression before he buried into your hair again. “Did they ask you to go with them?” James whispered, stilling when you gave a small nod. 
He felt you tap furiously before trying to shove the screen in his face. James lifted his head, cradling your hand so he could read more easily. ‘They asked if I want to visit but I didn’t say yes or no yet.’
James breathed out in relief, turning his attention back to you. “Do… you want to?” he whispered. 
You paused. Of course, you wanted to go see what it was like… But you couldn’t leave James behind, certainly not forever. ‘Can’t you come too?’ 
He looked away from you but tugged you in for a hug. “I… can’t, omega. Not right away.” You could smell the fear on him and you whined, forgetting no noise would come out. “Sorry, sorry.” James whispered as he sunk to the floor and took you with him, pulling you close and into his lap.
He kissed your forehead and tried to calm himself. You, meanwhile, couldn’t understand why James seemed so scared.
“If you go… promise you’ll come back after, omega.” You nodded furiously and hooked your pinky finger in his as a silent promise. No matter what, you would come back to see him, to tell him what it was like. 
‘I promise. I’ll tell you all about it.’ You wanted him to come too, but… maybe he couldn’t leave the country… ‘Do you want me to not mention you?’ 
James sighed, finger tipping your chin up as he stared into your eyes for a long, silent moment. “Just… do like you do at the school, yeah?”
You nodded and held him tight until his scent soothed again.
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Returning to the school grounds, you found some shade to sit in and watch the last of the afternoon class that involved lots of running around, screaming, and yelling. Yeah, you were quite happy to stay here.
“The weather’s supposed to be clear and dry tonight,” Miss Jones hummed as she came over to join you. “Why don’t you take Steve and Sam up onto the roof? I bet they don’t get much stargazing in the middle of New York.” You nodded and she sat down with you.
‘Could we have dinner up there?’ You asked, the kids were great and all but seemed pretty enamoured with the two superheroes suddenly in their midst. Steve and Sam would probably enjoy a break.
“Sure, you can get the staff to put some aside for you to take up later.” Miss Jones let the silence pass comfortably for a moment. “I was worried you’d be wary of them but I never expected this.” 
You looked over at her but she was still staring ahead. You smiled and dropped your head onto her shoulder, cuddling into her. ‘They’re my pack.’ You typed on your phone, not hesitating to show her. 
“Wha-That’s-!” you could hear the excitement in her voice but she cleared her throat a moment later. “And how do you feel about that?” She asked, more neutrally but you could still feel her excitement. 
‘I’m surprised but good. My friend… he’s a little worried but I’ll come back and tell him what it’s like.’ 
“Why didn’t you say he was part of your pack? He could come here or, well, you don’t have to stay here, you could move in with him! You’ve lost enough of your life already, dear.”
You smiled and shook your head. It was complicated, too complicated to explain, and you felt sure you didn’t know everything either. ‘His job keeps him away from home a lot.’ You lied.
“That’s a shame, and now he’ll have to think about moving! Well, you too.” She squeezed your hand. “But no need to rush just yet, we still have you for at least the rest of the week.” 
You squeezed back and nodded. No rush at all…
Soft padding, blankets, and pillows later, you’d created a suitable nest on the roof with dinner and hot drinks ready now that the sun had set, leaving a chill in the air. “Hey,” Sam greeted, sliding up to your side with an arm around your waist and a kiss to your temple. “This looks perfect, honey.” 
You leaned happily into him, satisfaction purring in your chest. Hell yeah, you made good nests. Sam gave your hip a squeeze as he went to take a seat before you suddenly found your feet in the air. 
Warm, strong arms wrapped around your middle, carrying you over to the blanket. You laughed, body shaking from it as you were pulled into Steve’s lap in the pile. 
“I take it back, he still just can’t put you down.” Sam laughed. “She has legs, man.”
Steve laughed with Sam, despite embarrassment creeping up his spine. “Yeah, I know.” He cradled your wrist, thumb brushing the soft, tender skin. “Can I?” Steve breathed, leaning his head against yours. Waiting. 
You nodded. His head ducked, lifting your wrist as he scented your warm skin. Steve’s hum was deep and satisfied, nuzzling desperately. Home, that was the scent he’d caught that night. The one you’d let him greedily indulge in this morning but he needed more. 
He tore himself away from your wrist and offered his neck to you. Steve wasn’t worried now he knew you belonged but he’d played it cautious for you. It was impossible not to notice the scars on your necks and he knew mutants had it rough.
You pressed into him, confirming the scent of home, the clean, slightly flowery smell of Steve as it relaxed every part of you into him. You reached for Sam, greedily rubbing your nose along his wrist and differentiating the undertones of him, autumn leaves, against the strong hit of home. 
The three of you flopped back on the pile, stars bright above you all as you snuggled between them. 
“I haven’t seen stars this clear in a long time,” Steve hummed softly. 
“Better get comfy, baby, Grandpa Steve is setting up for an old folks story~” 
Steve snorted and an arm crossed your vision to push at Sam. “Shut up,” he huffed. “Ok, fine, yes. The last time I saw stars this clear was during the war.” 
“Ha! I knew it!” Sam laughed and you couldn’t help but join him. 
Steve grumbled about ‘youngsters these days’ and ‘damn pollution’ but you caught the smirk on his lips as he curled around you, nuzzling your hair. Steve gave Sam a tug and they shared a chaste kiss above you. 
“I keep telling you if you’d just take a couple of days off and come down my way, you’d be able to see plenty of stars. He doesn’t know how to relax,” Sam added to you in a conspiratorial tone, matching your smile. You patted him on the chest in commiseration, blinking at how firm he felt and starting to run your fingers back and forth. 
Sam ducked down and caught your lips, warm fingers cupping your cheek. He hummed happily, groan deep and warm against your chest. His tongue teased your lips, slipping between them and getting his first proper taste of you. 
He pulled you close, away from the warmth of Steve along your back, who growled playfully as he followed and pressed gentle kisses to your neck. His warm breath had you shuddering in their hold, stars and all worries forgotten for now.
Want to be tagged in future parts or future Bucky or Steve or Sam fic? Go here
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rebellionsuite · 1 year
loki season two is starting to be promoted and here’s your reminder NOT to watch it
the loki show did damage to not only loki’s character as a whole, but to bisexual and genderfluid people as well.
for years, loki has been a comic character that is well known for their bisexuality and genderfluidity. a huge component to this was the ‘loki: agent of asgard’ series written by al ewing (a personal favorite of mine). many queer people opened up their arms to welcome this representation. had i known i was bisexual at the time that mcu loki was my favorite character ever, i just know i would’ve been ecstatic, which i was when the first looks at season one came out.
the first red flag should’ve been when it was revealed that in loki’s tva files, his sex was labeled as “fluid” when it’s actually his gender. i remember people being skeptical and wary about it but continued to hope for the representation that the cast promised in interviews beforehand. (if anyone is able to find which interview this was in, please let me know so i could link it.)
then as the series went on for the next six weeks, hopes of there being representation dwindled. there was the line of “a bit of both” when sylvie asked if loki courted princes or princesses and he assumed it was the same for sylvie, which was SOMETHING at the time! people were happy… for the first few days or so. we quickly realized that this was probably disney’s way of telling but never showing considering their infamous prejudice against lgbt+ rep. it was quite literally the bare minimum — a throwaway line so to say that could easily be forgotten by the average viewer. i recall that lots of people were huge shippers of loki x mobius and thought that maybe, just MAYBE, there would be something more explicitly romantic between them and hey, maybe there will be in season two! but it’s disney. you can understand that there’s not a whole lot of hope.
then comes loki’s genderfluidity. to start off, the whole existence of sylvie is the most damaging. in agent of asgard, loki has confirmed that no matter how she presents, she is always loki. there’s no “female/lady loki”, it’s all JUST loki. so to change up loki’s name, bleach her hair, and contradict whether or not she IS actually loki throughout the show is… questionable.
the line of “have you ever met a woman variant?” was just insane writing. all lokis can identify/present as women if they please!!! their shapeshifting abilities give them an advantage of presentation being easy for them, but all in all, every single loki can canonically identify as a woman. when that line was delivered, all the other loki variants looked confused as if they didn’t know. loki’s genderfluidity was never at the forefront of the writers’ minds, writers that were caught to be fucking weirdos on twitter! you can find what old tweets i’m talking about on twitter… but i digress. why would the loki variants not know such an integral part of their identity?
and the KISS. THE FUCKING KISS. we’re not angry that loki kissed a female-presenting character instead of mobius like many wished, no no no that’s not the big issue because bisexuals should never have to prove their bisexuality to anyone and they can kiss whoever the hell they want. we’re angry because loki kissed a female-presenting variant of HIMSELF. all throughout the first season, the writers went out of their way to try to differentiate sylvie from loki despite sylvie having been born as a loki variant, but there’s literally no way to separate sylvie from their lineage because at the end of the day, that’s who she was born as. no amount of bleach will change that fact. (i hope i made this easy to understand; not a lot of people get why this is an issue.) and regardless of whether or not that kiss was romantic, the fact that it even HAPPENED was a slap in the face to genderfluid fans of loki, and if the leaks for season two are right, that whole thing between the two will be continued since most of the season one writers worked on season two as well.
on top of this awful rep, known abuser jonathan majors will be in season two as another kang variant. i’ve heard that marvel had bigger plans for him, but due to these allegations, they’re limiting his presence as seen in the trailer, obviously meaning that they know.
hence why i ask fans to boycott/simply not tune in for season two if you care about queer people. if you’re desperate to watch, at least don’t use disney+. just because s2d is gone doesn’t mean other websites don’t exist. i also recommend reading ‘agent of asgard’. if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me and please be respectful; your feelings about the show don’t dictate how hundreds of others feel, especially if their concerns are valid.
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tsibeyantiger · 3 months
I love Alex Fierro with all my heart, but she still confuses me a bit. Alex is genderfluid, that's the easy part and usually this would be everything you need to know. Unfortunately, this is Fantasy and Alex is a shape-shifter and this is where things start to get complicated.
Alex states at one point that she cannot willingly shift from a male to a female body or the other way around. This implies that her body shifts without her having any influence on it. (I've read the book in a translation, this might be a reason for the issue, especially since my language doesn't really distinguish between gender and sex). We know that her mother Loki CAN willingly shift and since Alex has inherited shape-shifting from her, it would make sense if her body just randomly changes. Also, Alex was afraid of Walhalla first because she feared to be stuck in the same gender forever. If only her gender changed, this would be still somehow understandable, but I mean, immortality doesn't change the way you feel about yourself or how you can present. If her sex changed, too, this would make so much more sense- she was afraid to be stuck in the same body forever! On the other hand, Alex tells Magnus: "Please don't ask me how I know whether I'm male or female right now. I just know." This implies that her body doesn't change because then it would be obvious how she can determine her gender??? (Though still: In case her body changes, too, her gender and sex don't necessarily have to align at any given time).
So I guess Alex is just genderfluid in the same way people without magical powers are???? but I wish Rick clarified this better, still some questions remain unanswered to me.
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dervampireprince · 7 months
dervampireprince’s Audio Request Guide
Since commissions are closed there's not an easy way for people to see what I am comfortable or not comfortable with being asked to record, so I'm just making a little post here that I'll add as a link in my pinned post. Frankly though, basic rule I think you should always follow is 'don't ask person to create something with a very triggering/serious topic when you don't know if it's a trigger for that person'.
I will not record:
voicing female characters (genderfluid characters who also at times identify as male are an exception (eg Loki, Crowley) but I only voice them when they're identifying as male)
voicing underage characters
the listener character being underage
comfort for serious mental health topics (eg suicide/suicidal ideation, eating disorders, self harm)
incest (including step-families, adopted relatives)
abdl/sexual age play (daddy/mommy kink is fine, non-sexual age play and age regression is fine)
misgendering/detransition kink
drug use
non-con, cnc
bestiality (monsters and anthros are fine)
anything containing bigotry/slurs
pregnancy/child birth
taking care of a child/interacting with any characters/listeners who are minors
degradation (light degradation maybe)
pain play (including spanking and slapping)
violence and torture
yandere (I did a yandere audio once to test the waters and really didn't enjoy it and so don't want to again. I just prefer making more comfy vibes audios, there's other creators out there if you want the darker topics (I personally would recommend Dark and Twisted Whisper if you want monster and yandere audios)
NSFW audios where someone with DID switches between alters, switching is not an easy sudden thing like it appears to be in shows like Moon Knight, it's stressful and tiring and the person is dissociating, whoever comes into the body during the NSFW activity has had no way to consent to the NSFW activity due to not having any memory of what's been happening while they weren't fronting, it would be wrong and a violation of informed consent to continue any NSFW activity in this scenario.
any characters from: Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, any real people (including their Vtuber characters, SMP characters, etc), any FNAF animatronics that have dead children's souls inside of them (the animatronics from Security Breach do not and so are fine to request, same with Springtrap), specifically the ascended version of Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3, Cazador from BG3 and any other characters who are canonically sexual abusers, Loki Series related audios (MCU film Loki is fine, but I will not be voicing the alternate version of him from the Loki Series or anything relating to that show).
Silco from Arcane. I have talked about this before, but in 2022 myself and friends spent time with Silco's voice actor in person at two comic conventions where he proceeded to make us uncomfortable, be inappropriate, threaten one member, and start a relationship with another (who was a fan, which is an abuse of that power dynamic). He was then also found to have been private messaging multiple fans, including sending them sexual messages. After all this happened I took a break from voicing Silco, tried to go back to it, but had to stop. Voicing the character brings all this back up and makes me too uncomfortable and distressed. Voice actors are not their characters and vice versa, but I can't think about Silco without thinking about all of this.
ASMR and comfort content are not replacements for actual therapy. I am not a therapist or psychiatrist, I'm not qualified or able to give out advice on serious mental health and other issues. There are always people around to help and listen but this is not the place to vent and please do not ask me to make content about trigger topics and serious mental health issues. If you are in need of help with serious issues please reach out to qualified individuals or appropriate hot-lines.
Please do not send me asks/comments asking for me to do comforts for serious mental health issues, not only is it inappropriate to ask of a stranger, I am in no way qualified to offer real comfort to strangers for this and could end up saying something that makes it worse by accident, and I personally find some of those topics very triggering to the point it makes me upset/uncomfortable to see them mentioned.
Me not being comfortable recording certain kinks does not mean I am kinkshaming anyone into those things, they just make me too uncomfortable for me to even act out in fiction.
Do not ask me why I don't want to record certain things or certain characters. Do not ask me why things are on this list. Everyone has different things they're uncomfortable with and their own boundaries and that should be respected.
This list is subject to future updates. Last updated: 14th September 2024.
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I just think if they had to give loki a romance arc, it would’ve been soo much better with someone who wasn’t a variant of him.
And it’s not even bc of the selfcest angle, it’s just.. he has so few people he positively connects to outside of his own circle. Giving him friends and love interests and allies who aren’t just himself from another universe would’ve made more of an impact.
And hey if they had to make it a woman, that would’ve been the perfect opportunity to slyly sprinkle in some actual genderfluid confirmation. Just have whoever the lady is (I vote Lorelei or Amora) be pretending to be a loki variant to throw off the TVA, and when she meets him she could be like “yeah it’s easy, I didn’t even have to change my gender since you guys are women sometimes.”
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countlesssorrows · 1 day
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i’m mortale/morte/liraz, i’m 15, almost 16, i use she/they, mostly they. genderfluid and a lesbian.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i speak italian and english, some spanish and some latin.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i study human sciences in high school, especially the psychological side, which i like to mix with my witch studies.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ my interests are witchcraft, tarot readings, paganism, poetry and mythology. (for now, i’m focusing on protection spells)
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ this blog will be about my practice, my e-offerings. my dreams, divination questions and experiences, tips, and possible collective readings.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i currently work with lilith, lucifer, aphrodite, apollo, loki and persephone. i’m starting to practice also with isis/aset, freyja and hermes.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i’m interested also in hypnos, thanatos, nyx, circe, selene, helios, eos, sekhmet, anubis/anpu, eros, the morrigan, asmodeus, naamah, baphomet and astaroth. this could mean i could start to worship them, and maybe have interactions with them. a lot, yes, but that’s because it’s easy for me to appreciate the gods.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i consider myself a eclectic witch, but i’m focused more on death and chaos witchery.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i’m a soulchild of astaroth, apollo and artemis.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ apart from witchy stuff, i am a fan of BOZ, dostoevskij, hades (1st aphrodite and nyx simp), you, if we were villains, but currently NOT a fan of pjo. i have a passion for uquiz quizzes because they give me the identity i don’t have.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ i can do free readings! esp deity channeled messages. just dm me.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ dms are totally open to not only tarot reading reqs but also to make friends! <33
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ∿ ⠀ ⠀ since i’m a minor, “MDNI” accounts DNI! terfs dni, homophobes dni, racists dni, white supremacists dni. basically basic dni criteria — -13 DNI, godspouses and pop culture witches CAN interact.
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lokidanger · 2 years
Genderfluid Loki imagines || Male!Reader is a tired college student.
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Quick note: Loki is Genderfluid, so expect me to use she/he/they on them.
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🐍 Loki doesn't understand much the struggles of Midgardian academics, but they know it stresses you out.
🐍 They remind you to take breaks, and make sure you're hydrated.
🐍 If you take a break, she'll offer you to lay on her and cuddle.
🐍 They'll study the subject behind your back so they can help you.
🐍 "How do you know this?." "Oh, please Y/N, I'm a god. This is easy knowledge for me."
🐍 It's not easy knowledge for them.
🐍 Sometimes you'll find some of your works already done, but you know it wasn't you.
🐍 If one of your works is norse mythology, he'll be ecstatic to help.
🐍 If you study something related to art, he'll try and convince you to draw him.
🐍 If you study something related with animals, she'll offer to shapeshift into them for you... However they'll all have that little horned crown she has.
🐍 You can bet Loki tried threatening your professors to let you pass.
🐍 You didn't let her.
🐍 They'll make sure to organize all your books, and notes.
🐍 They cuddle you as you study.
🐍 They'll get very cocky if you ask for help. They'll brag about it for days.
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That's all I was able to think about, sorry pff. I'm still pretty rusty with writing, haven't done it since I was 15... I'm about to be 21.
I just want to go back to my old Loki obsessed self skxbdk.
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therese-lokidottir · 1 month
Honestly I am fine loki just have one gender because well make it peoples easy understand but the main problem is that, are they seriously make her special just because gender?
I know in fantasy story some gender thing make that person special but I think loki showrunner forgets that in other fantasy gender being special not just because body but also personality and other inner things. And so far sylvie beside gender she is not special she is not kind, she's not genius and she's not powerful. Basically she's nothing and if she side by side with loki (loki 2012-2013) she will be like ant and as you can see when she compare to other loki in series she's not that special... She basically did what loki mostly do (evil loki comics) make chaos then go .
She's no special her gender not make her special, except she's pregnant. I find it's quite sexist for some reason
They could have made Loki series and never mentioned Loki's gender and they would have gotten away with basically no controversy. The problem was the creative staff and promotion acted like they were going to portray Loki's genderfluidity but then had lines that actively denied Loki being genderfluid.
The conception of sylvie is a problem because by concept they had her being a woman as something different and "surprising". Spiderverse didn't have it so a female Peter Parker was some shocking twist and Peter is cis
For no reason at all the show had to make it a point Sylvie was the only woman. Sylvie gender shouldn't matter, but it is absolutely portrayed in a way to make her unique from the rest
From that bit of concept art it's clear the writers didn't understand or care about Loki
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magpie-murder · 11 months
Someone beat me to your inbox asking about the "on her period" comment, lol! But I read that and started raging inside too. It sounds right on par with everything else they've said and done to Loki on this show. I didn't watch it but a friend of mine bit the bullet and watched it for both of us, and this is what she told me about his characterization:
They completely "feminized" him, in the way that he was very soft, his emotions were always completely exposed and constantly pouring out for everyone to see, he was constantly in tears and at times nearly hysterical. As for Sylvie, she told me she just was very blank and very stoic. It just proves to me that they're still stereotyping both men and women, but reserving it, making women more masculine, aka more "respectable", and throwing the "hysterical feminine mess" stereotype on the men. And to do this to Loki, who is genderfluid and who was an outcast among his people for pursuing magic instead of battle, it all just seems so...wrong.
it always reminds me of Alien, and how ripley was originally written as a man. how when it came out, everyone was like "wow!! how did you write such a believable female character??" and the answer was just "it was easy because men and women are the same and we wrote her the same way we'd write a man" and everyone went "wow! fascinating!" and then proceeded to ignore that for years.
i think it makes sense for sylvie to be very stoic, even though i feel that she never came across quite as traumatized as i feel that she should have given her backstory. (was her nexus event ever explained btw? wasn't that a huge mystery at the end of season 1?)
but LOKI is straight out of 2012, and he's always been kind of known as a very guarded character, and he's controlled by his emotions yes but he is RARELY honest about them. so for fresh out of 2012 loki to be written as a very bleeding heart character is. strange, to me
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somuchcoffeeandwine · 11 months
All right, fellow MCU fans
So, after seeing the Marvels today, it got me thinking. Now, you probably don't know who I am. But I do happen to be a writer. Not a very good one mind you (several people would say otherwise, but shush, give me my self-loathing) Phase 4 (and the current parts of 5) is not that great. So I want to rewrite the Multiverse Saga. Yes. The entire thing. Even though it's not finished.
Very long blocks of text below. It's really the only thing that keeps me organized. Please read it though if you are interested. It'll be split up into sections, for somewhat easy perusal.
Now, I know this is an ambitious project, and one not done. I am no stranger to things like this, see my own game/show I'm making. (This is the only time I'm going to mention it. But I am pretty proud of it) So, for my very small amount of sanity, I'm stopping it at The Marvels, and Loki season 2 (Oops, still not finished with it yet). And I wanted to ask people what they thought was lackluster, or mediocre. Not the Marvel I and many other people grew up on. I do understand that it was flawed before, but when I recently rewatched most of them, I found that my childhood love for them had blossomed into something new. I was 6 when the first Avengers came out. I learned how to shoot a bow because of Hawkeye in that movie. And I think it deserves better, especially after watching the Marvels.
Now, this means everything after Endgame. So from Black Widow to The Marvels in terms of the movies, and the Disney+ series from Wandavision to Loki Season 2. I have a feeling it's going to take me a second to get through the remaining 5 episodes of Loki S2. My family wants to watch it with me, and they're all decently busy... Anyways, that's 10 movies, and 9 series. Although I don't accept Secret Invasion. Like at all. Anyways.
I have yet to decide what I'm going to publish this on. Probably A03, just because that's easiest for me. And I can organize much easier. Do let me know what you think.
So, before I get into the problems I've identified, feel free to stop here, and reblog or ask me your problems with the aforementioned shows and movies. I'm talking writing or character problems, as we've seen in the series. I am a fan of the comics, but you can divert from that, or stick to them.
Oh, and if you say something like "Make it more queer", I am a raging bisexual enby. I will already be making it queer as fuck, and can be convinced to ship pretty much anyone, if I can get a good reasoning behind it. Minors should be shipped with only minors. That's one of my few rules, if you send anything to me. So yeah, I'm doing genderfluid Loki.
Thoughts on everything:
This is just here so that I don't get a ton of repeats. I'll go movies first, then the TV shows.
Black Widow (2021) - Honestly, this is too late of a movie. Natasha deserved this before Endgame or Infinity War came out. But release dates aside, Taskmaster needs more screentime, and a chance to show how menacing they are. Natasha also needs more time with her family, and the parents need to be fleshed out a bit more. Belova is far too smart to be tricked by the lady in the post-credit scene.
Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings (2021) - I don't have any major problems with this movie. The Great Protector, or the dragon, and the supernatural creature, I think he's called Dweller In Darkness, kinda felt a little blank, and the Dweller shouldn't have died, only been pushed back. And I don't like Katy that much. Trevor is much better comedic relief in my opinion.
Eternals (2021) - Oh boy, where do we start with this one? You know it's bad if I can't remember any of the main characters names besides Ikarus. And that's because I was laughing my ass off at him throwing himself into the sun. There was also the Celestial I think it was? Anyways that thing broke islands up, and then just became a massive statue, and like no one mentions it? I don't remember much else about this movie, even after having watched it like 3 times. Oh, and the Ebony Blade was shown off. I like that if they can do something fun with that.
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) - Dr. Strange feels a little shoe-horned in. The whole sanctum being overtaken by snow was pretty clever, but Strange being a father figure to Peter is not super well established. Could be fixed with a couple of rewrites. Or Strange and Stark being together. Peter is a dumbass, and the reason for him starting the whole plot... is so dumb. I understand, teenagers can be stupid, hell, I go to public high school, but Peter's shown he's a lot smarter than this. But I do like the crossover (Dafoe as Green Goblin my beloved) and the fact that the other Spidermen get to say goodbye in one last movie. Anyways, Ned's wizard connections need to be elaborated on as well.
Doctor Strange: Multiverse Of Madness (2022) - Alright, getting my biggest problem out of the way first. Wanda's corruption arc should have been shown. It should have been developed through the movie, and Wanda should have been with Strange and America. She can still be evil, and die after she realizes her actions, but this basically destroys the point of Wandavision. She was willing to say goodbye. Wanda has been a favorite of mine for years, and I read her comics religiously as a child. We need to see the power of the Scarlet Witch. What it did without Wanda. Her "No More Mutants" line sent chills down my spine the first time I read it. Sam Raimi directed this movie. Strange and Wanda should have had more horrific shit. And that one Strange with 3 eyes should have been the one from What If. We need horror in this. America also needs to be more fleshed out. I do love her, but we get like one scene of her being traumatized of basically growing up nowhere. Her moms get to stay though. I'm just going to ignore the last post-credit scene, because... that's setting something up I'm not sure of.
Thor: Love & Thunder (2022) - First up, Gorr has a great setup. He needed more screentime though. We need to see more of his god killing. They should rightfully be shitting their pants over this man. Thor leaving to save Sif was a good move, but that joke ruined the tension. She should have died there, proof of the god killer. Jane Foster is perfectly fine, and her arc is a lovely send-off. I would have loved some more stuff about the kids, especially Heimdall's. I don't even remember his name. He should have been shown doing something in Jane's return to Asgard, something that showed off his parentage. The meeting of the gods is a great scene, but there should have been people who spoke up, and then promptly getting thrown out, or even getting killed. Even more of a reason for Thor and crew to convince him. I think everything else is pretty good. Also Valkyrie is perfect in this movie. Bi queen. And her Loki knives are lovely.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) - I actually think this one just needs a couple of little tweaks. I understand why they couldn't have T'Challa show up in the spirit world, and Killmonger was great, but I still think something between the siblings would be good. Fuck, I love the funeral scene. It was a lovely sendoff to both T'Challa, and Chadwick. Namor seems a little rash though. Might just be the comics leaking through on that matter but I do like the Mayan inspirations in the movie!
Antman: Quantumania (2023) - I'm not really sure on this movie. I don't like Janet in this movie. She feels too secretive. She could have told them plenty, even lied that Kang had gone home. He'd gotten out somehow. Kang didn't seem scared enough of the others, but that might just be me thinking of that. Oh, and MODOK sucked. He shouldn't be a joke. But Darren could have done something else, because he is in there.
Guardians of The Galaxy V.3 (2023) - Perfection in every way. I'm not changing anything unless it involves getting everything I'm incorporating in. And the Christmas Special is also great.
The Marvels (2023) - Spoilers! Kamala needed more screentime, she just generally felt disconnected from the plot besides her bangle. And I also wanted a more menacing villain. That's been the problem with them recently. They don't make me think that they could actually beat them. I like everything else though. Flerkins were great as usual. I love these stupid creatures so much. That one scene was beautiful.
Now to the shows! These are going to be so much shorter.
Wandavision (2021) - I think this is good. No notes.
Loki S1 (2021) - Good, besides the Sylvie/Loki romance. They are siblings. I'm not sure if there's anything else that I really had a problem with. It's been a moment. Which is a shame. I love Loki (Also bi confirmation! I love it!)
The Falcon & Winter Soldier (2021) - I also think this is good, besides maybe having some problems with the villain. Bromance all the way.
What If...? (2021) - Also pretty good. Little self-contained story. I like the zombies.
Hawkeye (2021) - I also think this one's pretty well written. Macaroni is constantly referenced in my house. Lucky is also a pretty boy.
Moonknight (2022) - Honestly, god tier. Anyways, no one mentioned the stars literally turning in Egypt. But maybe it was just the people thinking that they were drunk as shit and seeing something.
Ms. Marvel (2022) - Second favorite being Moonknight. I also don't remember anything glaringly wrong.
She-Hulk: Attorney At Law (2022) - Besides the tone of the show being inconsistent as shit, I think this show should have dove into some of the topics it brought up more. It just seemed a little surface level. Maybe a WWDITS style mockumentary would work better.
Secret Invasion (2023) - THIS ENTIRE SHOW SUCKS ASS. THIS WHOLE THING WAS DONE SO BADLY. I am not taking anything from this show
Loki S2 (2023) - Too distracted by another season 2 coming out, so I have yet to finish. I have heard it's good though. I've seen the first episode, and it's going pretty good so far.
Well, you made it to the bottom! Yay!
...This took me an hour to write. I did get the doc set up. And got a bit of an outline set up.
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ralexsol · 11 months
Okay, so I just rewatched S1 of Loki. And since the last time I watched, so many opinions of mine have changed. Instead of focusing all on Lokius and their character arcs, I went into this viewing instead looking at Sylvie, completely throwing my initial dislike of her out the window to be unbiased.
And MAN, am I glad I did that. Because I connected to Sylvie on a WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL.
In my eyes, I see her as a trans allegory. Lokis are usually genderfluid, right? I mean, that's the impression I get - our main 2012 Loki, who's only difference from the Sacred Timeline was escaping with the Tesseract, is classified as genderfluid. And that makes perfect sense, he's a shapeshifter and all that, yadda yadda stuff that's already been said, love it.
But here's the thing. The thing that made Sylvie a Variant, to our knowledge, was that "she is a woman!" So, let's think about this for a second. She's different because she's STRICTLY a woman. Not genderfluid. She/her in her bio. And it finally clicked for me that she's... trans. Literally trans. AND THATS WHAT GETS HER ARRESTED BY THE TVA! She wasn't the right gender, she dared to do something nobody wanted her to. She was different, unexpected... a Variant. And she had to be annihilated because of that.
I know, I know, I'm just stating what all of us already know, we KNOW thats why she was arrested. But you have to actually think past the annoying "oohhh she's the only girl Loki great original idea Marvel" in order to sympathize with her character, because she is VERY sympathizable.
She's literally just a kid, living as her truest self. She's ripped from her family by essentially the government of the universe. She's taken to a trial that nobody walks away from innocent. But Sylvie is different. Lokis are the definition of chaos, the unexpected, defiance. And she's the most defiant of all, because she defied even the preset she was given as a physical person. Nah, she didn't want to be a man or even nonbinary. She was a woman, and they wouldn't let her be. That wasn't allowed. They would hunt her down just for fucking existing in a way that didn't match up with their perception of Lokis.
Her entire life was fighting against a system that wanted her dead. They would rather have order and their precious little clean, easy system (that in reality is harder to maintain than letting people be free) than to let her just fucking exist as she wanted to.
The resentment grows. Of course you want to take down the entire system. Of course you want to burn it all down. Because not only did the government hunt you down, they had already hunted down an infinite number of people just like you. People who didn't find happiness in what was force-fed to them. People who didn't want to tread down the only path provided.
Isn't that what all of us people in the LGBTQ+ community want? To tear the system to pieces, to start over anew? I mean, that's what I want. Because it's flawed right to the very core - at least, where I'm from (the USA), it is. It was made to keep rich, white cishet men in power. A system built from discrimination and power-hoarding cannot be reformed. And even if you tried, it would take too long. It HAS taken too long, and it's cost countless innocents their lives.
You can't undo all that trauma instantaneously. Of course Sylvie would burn it all down. Of course she would kill He Who Remains. Of course she wouldn't want the TVA to keep existing. Yes, there are people in the TVA now that want to change it for the better. Yes, she needs to open her heart and realize burning it down doesn't fix everything. Because you can't rip everything to shreds and not create something new in its place. Fighting tyranny doesn't just end with kicking the dictator out of power - you have to set fair rules to prevent the same thing or worse happening again.
I understand why she didn't want to come back. She had fulfilled what she thought was her only purpose, and finally settled down into the life she utterly deserves. But her story isn't over yet. She can be at peace with having created a new world in which the tyranny is over. In which everyone makes their own choices. In which she can be a woman and never fear time itself imploding. It's just hard to let go of something you've been holding onto for so long. You've been fighting to keep yourself alive and true, and it's hard to accept when maybe... you are winning.
You are not a Loki because you are Sylvie. You broke your guidelines so deeply that you are your own person. There is nobody like you because deep in your very soul, you are the truest Loki to ever exist. You defy. You survive. You and your glorious purpose, to smile and know you are a woman and nobody can tell you any differently. You are exactly whatever you choose to be.
THATS NOT EVEN ALL OF IT THOUGH. THERE'S MORE. And yes, it's about our main Loki and Sylvie's relationship.
I'll come right out of the gate: I've been a Lokius shipper since literal day 1, and nothing will ever change that. I don't ship Sylki and I never will, end of story. I don't see them as romantic at all. What I DO see, however, is looking yourself in the mirror and feeling love for yourself, having survived everything and still more. Let me explain what I mean.
The whole first season, Loki gets to know Sylvie and more of her backstory. And obviously they have the fun dynamic of being two "Lokis" (I hesitate calling Sylvie a Loki anymore) because they're both insanely arrogant and backstabby, yadda yadda. But Loki becomes fonder of Sylvie. Why?
Because they see this other version of themself that went through something so similar yet so incredibly different than them. They are still genderfluid - and bisexual - and they went through that journey of self discovery. They realized they didn't exactly fit the mold, classic trans story. But the difference is that while their family came to accept that and they got to live their life as themself, they see this distorted mirror of what could've been. They see a life where Odin and Frigga didn't accept them. They see the life they were lucky to escape, a life of hardship and a battle they never had to fight.
Sylvie was so brave. But she's been broken time and time again, and she's lonely, and she's never had anyone to care about her. It's you. She's alone and you've just been told by an old friend that you will be alone until the end of time. That you are unlovable. You are the same. You feel so much empathy and you realize something important.
You're looking at this beautiful person. A person who has endured so much pain, and she is beautiful because she is herself. She fought so hard to exist and she has never had a win and she's never had anyone who ever truly understood her. She is you but not you because she is herself.
It's a similar feeling to looking into a mirror and seeing yourseld as a child. Different but the same. Your lives as a whole are completely different. But you still face the same issues. You look in the mirror and the other you is broken. The other you, just like you, thinks they are unlovable.
But you know what they are going through. And you love them more than anyone ever could. You understand more than anyone ever could.
As someone who is on the aroace spectrum and struggles to parse if I'm feeling romantic or platonic feelings (I won't even get into that), I see the Sylki kiss as a complicated but understandable action. The idea of feeling romantic feelings towards yourself is something unfathomable as nothing really can equate to it in our world. I won't get into the morality of it, because honestly, the answer to that is completely based on subjective opinion, since it's an abstract concept. Anyways, my point.
My POINT is that Loki has a lot of feelings and doesn't really know how to express them. Also, like, I'm pretty sure Sylvie only kissed him because she wanted to trick him into letting his guard down to kick him back to the TVA lollll.
As for the end of S2? Well, after the incredible mind-boggling Ep4, I have no idea what way the plot will turn from here. But as for character arcs, I think Sylvie will come to realize that this new TVA can be a force for good. With a new code for keeping the timeline safe from multiverse jumpers who wish the conquer multiple planes - AHEM Kang or others -, and NO PRUNING INNOCENT TIMELINES, why not keep it around? It's a whole different system at that point. It's no longer forcing people to be exactly as intended. It let's them live out their lives however they want to, safe from existential threats.
Sylvie can sit in the back of her truck looking up at the stars in her McDonald's uniform, breathing in fresh air, and thinking about how good it is to be no longer the only one like her.
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criminalmutantsins · 10 months
Sylki Rewrite
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(Note: Although I don’t like Sylki, I don’t have a problem with anyone who ships them.) Warning: Internalized Homophobia Mention
Two weeks ago, I binged the Loki series. To put it shortly, I loved it! Loki has one of the best character development I’ve ever seen. He moved past his insecurities and realized what he truly wanted- to be loved and seen. The time aspect was easy to digest and didn’t complicate or overinflate the concept too much. I loved the new characters, especially Mobius and O.B. Mobius and Loki’s chemistry was amazing and so natural, which makes sense since Mobius was his first friend. O.B. was lovable and so nerdy. I hope they both return to future projects. Though I didn’t connect with her as much, B-15 was a good addition, and would be happy to see her return. When it comes to Sylvie, I'm mixed with her. She’s well-written for the most part, but I didn’t like the Sylki romance in S1, and her attitude got irritating in S2 (I'll most likely write a separate post on it). Alongside thinking Loki being attracted to a version of himself is weird, their romance felt rushed and unnatural. I couldn’t really see Loki being attracted to/like/in love with someone that quickly and Sylvie looked like she barely tolerated him, even in the second season. Honestly, I think this romance was pushed by Disney instead of the writers, mainly because there was a moment in Episode 4 where Mobius rants about how strange the attraction was. I’d like to think that was the writers calling out Disney for how weird this idea was. I would’ve liked it more if Loki and Sylvie had a sibling-like relationship. I would’ve written it where Loki feels protective of Sylvie because he sees a bit of himself in her such as his anger, loneliness, and wish to belong somewhere. But, he also respects her because she lived alone and in survival mode, teaching herself how to use magic and escape death. In turn, Sylvie sort of resents Loki, especially when he mentions his relationship with Frigga, since he lived in Asgard and had a family while she lived alone and in fear. I would have a scene where Sylvie lashes out at him (maybe when he accidentally breaks the Tempad), calling him a fool for taking his family’s love for granted. On the other hand, Loki snapped and said how she had the chance to be her true self while Loki lived under Thor’s shadow and Asgard’s expectations. Maybe go as far as to mention how he felt he had to hide his bisexuality and genderfluidity out of fear of not being accepted. By the end of the argument, both realize how their pain does not absolve others and that there is good and bad in their lives. Other than the kiss scene, the scene with Loki trying to stop Sylvie from killing He Who Remains was great. 
I was so glad S2 left the ship behind. It was one of the reasons why I think S2 is a big improvement. I can’t really describe their relationship since there are moments when they get along but there are others when Sylvie is really standoffish and doesn't seem to like Loki. Maybe the closest description would be bickering siblings, which is close to what I wanted.
Did anyone else get nervous that there would be a Sylki kiss in the S2 finale? I was, especially when he was trying to stop her from killing HWR again. If they did, it would've messed with my enjoyment since there was no indication in previous episodes that they were continuing the romance. Thankfully, they didn't and the finale was perfect, even if it broke my heart that Loki will live alone for as long as he's alive. I wanted him to be happy with everyone.
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I agree that the gender fluid thing is queerbait if I'm understanding you right. Like I think it's like one of the only instances of queer baiting in the show
yeah like i don’t think lokius is queerbait by the definition (they never actually said it was gonna happen, or heavily hinted at it, etc). BUT i do think that if you observe their interactions in the show it’s clear they were doing SOMETHING with that. just thinking in a sense of like, if they were a straight couple then people would absolutely be saying yeah there’s something there. but i don’t think it’s queerbait because while yeah it’s in there, the creators, writers, etc. never actually said anything about that.
and the whole thing about him being genderfluid. it. bugs me so much because before the show came out i was so hyped for that because they DID say like, yeah in the show he’s genderfluid and then didn’t actually do that. the credits scene with the file where it says sex: fluid was. idk not good rep at all because it’s SO EASY to miss even if you do watch the credits. and then playing it as if the loki variants think it’s strange that there’s a woman variant of them. it’s not at all what they made it out to be and it bothers me so much. like the queerbaiting there was absolutely intentional.
ALSO i was very disappointed at the bi rep. like it’s more than i expected from marvel honestly BUT they still hyped it up as this big thing like yeah loki’s bi!! it’s canon!! and then just threw in a 3 sentence thing that’s super easy to miss. and then like. never brought it up again ever. and that wouldn’t be a big deal to me in the sense of like “yeah, he’s bi, it’s normal it’s not a big thing, it’s just part of who he is” like i would think that would even be a great aspect of it IF they didn’t hype it up so much and make it a big thing outside of the actual show. it’s just. idk it bothers me
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