#generally accepted HAHA
isekyaaa · 1 year
this is like. a fun question. the gala boots reminded me of my school's own booths during festivals and i was wondering which activity do you think you'll realisitically be good at? or not good at? if the booth activities were done irl, i think i'll probably flunk Haravatat's booth LOL. i'm so bad at riddles and puzzles. -- @milkstore
Aaaaaa I wish we had school festivals here. That sounds like really fun. ;A;
But realistically looking at this? I think I would be the best at Kshahrehwar (Project Connectivity) and Vahumana's (Antiquity Hunt) booths. Definitely, Ksahrehwar would be the easiest. With things like that, there are so many loopholes you can exploit to just make getting from beginning to end work. Although I kinda learned how to fight dirty from my dad HAHA. As for Vahumana's.... well, honestly academically speaking I absolutely hate history and politics LOL. But I do enjoy scavenger hunts like that.
As for the worst? I'm absolutely terrible at Rtawahist's (Gathering of the Stars) booth. I kid you not I'm just trying to randomly move the stars around to get things to hopefully match up. LOL Irl, I would be terrible at Amurta's (Mimetic Replication) booth because me and biology just don't get along. I am simply Not Observant enough to understand plant and animal behaviors. LOL
In the middle would be Spantamad (Concocted Reaction) and Haravatat's (In Truth's Steps) booths. I'm not much of a fighter, but if I were, I'd probably find the potions intriguing. Not to use, but to see how it works in other people. I'd like to know how they're made. But I don't think I'd be too bad at the fighting part either. And as for Haravatat... Well, I'm honestly terrible at riddles as well, but I do enjoy riddles and puzzles. Escape rooms are my favorite. So I'd hope I'd know what questions to ask haha. I think I'd just be average overall.
But what about you? Which would be your strengths and weaknesses? *eyeballs emoji*
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ptanalo · 1 year
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I miss her o’clock
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sysig · 1 year
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Laptop, now available for 500 pet-tickets (Patreon)
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tianshiisdead · 4 months
Japan shaves just about everything. He doesn't think more hair=more manly. He infact has a whole different idea of what is manly compared to western countries or most countries in general. He also likes flowers and floral patterns.
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capfalcon · 9 months
i am actually hyperventilating oh my god. oh my god. so john actively asks if harold is okay after he talks to lou (the gambling guy). like, he cares about him so openly to ask if they're okay and well. and he cares and is vulnerable enough to listen to harold if he isn't okay.
also, john just throwing the ball to bear because the library is their home and bear is their dog...i cannot deal.
anyway, then harold asks him if he was listening and john says always. and it's the way he says it, so softly and yet so definitively. yes, always. yes, i listen to you, yes, i will listen to you forever. yes, you will always have someone watching you. oh my god.
oh my actual fucking god. i cannot handle this. and then john actively comforting harold and being his shoulder to cry on and someone to talk to. i am so overwhelmed.
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andersdotters · 6 months
Hi! I recently found your blogs, and can I just say how much I love your character analyses? Your portrayal of each character is always so in depth to the point where I can even picture them acting and speaking the same in game! I'm so impressed and I seriously don't know how you connect to each and every one of them so perfectly :O
If I may ask, what does your research and character profile process look like? As someone interested in writing, I hope to be as skilled as you with analysing characters (and writing plots and writing in general--) one day :) Any tips would be appreciated!
Thank you so much for all the hard work you do. I know I'll enjoy the story you come up with next!
Aww thank you so much!! Honestly sometimes I worry that my analyses won't be to everyone's tastes, so I'm very glad you think that they're good! I feel the same way about my writing because I know they're not the most romantic, so it's a relief to know you like it. ;v; <3 I have a lot to say about your questions though, so I'm going to put it under a readmore. It's an uh... infodump HAHA
When it comes to research, what it basically comes down to is reading everything. Read the character's lore, read their voice lines. Read what other characters have to say about them. Even talking to every NPC you see in the hopes that they'll talk about a character helps out a lot too HAHA. I also recommend going back to old events when doing research too. Reread them. Listen to the voice actor's portrayal of them. Read everything you can.
This is take three of trying to explain my character analysis process, but I'm going to give up and just explain to you the main logic that governs it. Basically what it boils down to is: we are not unique. Humans are not unique. What do I mean by this? People that are certain ways--for example, they have a low self-esteem, consistently overwork themselves, they want children when they get older, etc--they will typically share common characteristics. When you know the defining characteristics of each trait, you can potentially apply that trait to everyone you know that displays those characteristics.
For example, people that constantly overwork themselves typically have unhealthily high levels of perceived responsibility, typically with a self-deprecative trait that they don't deserve to be happy and rest. People that are very showy tend to care a lot about what people think of them. People that are extremely close to their families typically lose the ability to function properly without them.
If you know people that are like the examples above, you know that these observations are pretty accurate. And these examples represent pretty common types of people as well. Once you've seen one of them, you've seen them all. Nobody is unique. And because of that, you can apply these observations to characters because characters are meant to be human. Example one is Kaveh. Example two is Itto. And example 3 is Lyney. Now you've gotten a deeper dive into their psyche.
The way you become better at character analysis is by broadening your internal library of traits and their defining characteristics. This involves three steps: observation, drawing connections between observations, and fine tuning these connections by applying them to other people.
These steps are easy to understand, but let me go a bit more into step one. Observations come in two categories: physical observations and intuitive observations. Physical observations encompass things they physically do. Intuitive observations are larger statements that can't be tied to just a single physical observation. For example, physical observations may be that they don't go out much, they don't talk much in groups but do one-on-one, they wear bright colors, they're rude, etc. Intuitive observations are more: they seem to be uncomfortable around children, they act like they're scared to contact first, they're always on the move, etc.
The second step involves drawing lines between observations and trying to deduce meaning. For example, [they end their sentences using a rising intonation] + [they ask me my opinion a lot] = [this person cares about not sounding rude or unwelcoming]. Or, [they have a low self-esteem] + [they care about being seen as morally good] + [they engage in fandom] = [I probably should not tell this person I think Dottore and his penchant for human experimentation is hot].
Typically the logic goes: [physical observation] + [physical observation] = [intuitive observation]. [physical observation] + [intuitive observation] = [mid-tier intuitive observation]. [intuitive observation] + [intuitive observation] = [top tier intuitive observation].
But it does not end at step two. Step three basically tests to see if your observation from step two is valid or not. When you apply your observation from step two to a multitude of people, you're able to fine tune your observation to make it more generalized and more accurate. Maybe you realize that not everyone that ends their sentences in a rising intonation is necessarily polite, but it's more of a cultural thing. Maybe you see that having low self-esteem isn't always a symptom of having a high moral code. Test, revise, then test again. The higher the tier of your observation, the greater the chance it has of being wrong.
When I analyze characters, I go through my mental library and see which traits and characteristics I've catalogued before. And for things that don't have an exact match, I try to find ones that shares at least a few things in common that may follow the same logic. For example, I don't know anyone like Zhongli. However, I do have a friend that's very outgoing, but you can have a full on conversation with them and leave not knowing anything about them. Can I apply the logic of my friend to someone like Zhongli?
I will say this and I will say this again. People are not unique. Everyone is a copy of someone else in some way. When you treat the characters as if you were analysing any other normal human being, you can quite easily draw conclusions from what they have in common with people you know and have seen.
Anyway, this is so long I am so sorry. Hopefully I didn't completely bowl you over with information. OTL
#interactions#anon#another thing i want to say is like....#don't try to hold back the frankness of your observations#if you've ever read my analyses of kaveh they're uhhh.... not the nicest (tho idk if i only posted them on my personal...)#in order to become aware of flaws of characters you need to be able to accept the flaws objectively in others#if someone is mean then say they're mean. if they have a martyr complex then say they have a martyr complex#don't be afraid of being objective. that only hurts the process#some people think that it's not nice to give attention to the flaws of people you love#in my opinion that's complete bull#when you are aware of a person's flaws you understand them better and they become easier to forgive#you can rightfully say#'yes you may have flaws but knowing them makes me love you even more'#you get me?#also what helps is sharing your analyses with others and have them help you to refine your observations#also don't be afraid to observe and draw conclusions in general#sometimes you may feel you're invading a person's privacy#and uh..... to that....... um...#you have to decide what matters more to you. getting better at analysis or giving someone their privacy HAHA#by this i don't mean like... be a stalker or anything#but i think the biggest thing to actually remember the most is that....#CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION#just because a character shares all the traits a pattern you've seen in real life doesn't mean that's their issue#take everything EVERYTHING you deduce with a grain of salt#this is ESPECIALLY so when you are analyzing real people#no matter how accurate you think you may be you are not an empath nor are you a mind reader or god#do NOT act upon your deductions or think you know what's best for people from them#in the end analysis is purely theoretical so like... don't take yourself too seriously and have fun uwu
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creed-of-cats · 8 days
The amount of doomerism I've heard from fellow usamericn zoomers/millennials around me is starting to drive me fucking insane.
"We're all gonna die, it's hopeless, it's not worth doing anything. This is our penance as human beings/[insert other guilty identity]"
You know who you guys fucking sound like? Fucking Evangelicals.
Yeah it's fucking scary and big, I'm not trying to say it isn't. But what the fuck is your plan??? Sitting down and dying?? Are you really telling me that this world is not worth you even fucking trying?? That you're just gonna party it out until your miscellaneous end game apocalypse arrives?
This isn't the rapture. The apocalypse is a false concept. People have been living through "apocalypses" every day of their fucking lives for all of human history, especially during the past 400 years. Get up and stop the suicidal idealization of your own tragic death. Our lives in the first world are built off suffering. To lay down and say we don't have any power is to reject the duty we have as beneficiaries of that suffering.
If you are so convinced you're going to die young then die trying instead of baring your fucking throat.
#going to r/collapse pisses me off because some people are genuinely trying to do community gardens and become more self sustainable#and others are like “the third world is done for at least im safe for the time being in the first world :((((”#the “third world” isn't your fucking sacrificial lamb for climate guilt. acting like it's over for billions of people when people are tryin#to survive and innovate and prepare and help themselves is fucking selfish#and moving away from the usa may help you but everyone else is still fucking there and the us will still suck resources from everyone else#the same people who don't vote in anything and then go “oh well it was a given” when shit people get in office like babes you could've done#something about that#climate change#sorry im just pissed today. my housemate keeps saying stupid doomer shit like “hope i die before it gets too bad haha”#like we are both puerto rican don't you think our homeland is worth saving???#to be clear it doesn't have to be extreme action! its something im fighting through too#learning how to be more self sufficient outside of capitalism also conveniently means a more sustainable lifestyle!#and im not perfect at all i want to do more#but im so sick of people just accepting this shit and saying it like its a fucking joke#i get it is a coping mechanism and trust me i get sad too but like jesus christ people are eat the rich until its time to actually#think of a plan or what a survivable future might actually fucking look like and how we help each other get as close to possible.#whatv compromises we have to make until one day it's not a compromise but a goal#and yeah it might not work but i don't want to obliterate any chance of it either#what's the quote from the sophie video? “people can visualize the end of the world more then the end of capitalism”#doomerism#climate justice#gen z#generation z#millennials#climate
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justtogetthrough · 1 month
My step kid called me an egg yesterday and I wanted to be like “boy you don’t even know, I’ve been on a gender journey since my teens I just don’t fill anyone else in on it” lol. Thinks I’m ready to crack but they’re 15 years too late to me wondering what the fuck I am l o l
A little known fact I guess is I actually identify as genderfluid I just don’t care to let anyone know that because it’s not relevant to anything, including how I present or how people interact with me. E.g. no change in name or pronouns as I move through my own thang.
My step kid says I have hella non binary vibes and I nodded and went yeah that tracks, friendo sometimes refers to me as they/them and tbh I like that much better but I don’t care enough to actually ask people to change what they call me.
Is that me coming out to my kid? Lol. I’ve never even considered whether I’m out or not. I vibe with masculinity and femininity however I want and every couple years it changes and I just go with it and for the most part pronouns don’t bother me. There are certain gendered terms that do bother me but are infrequently used, and if particular people use them often I just ask them not to, and bam, good enough. It’s never occurred to me that I should tell people that inside it’s more complex than what they see.
I love Gen Z and their expansive but limited knowledge on LGBTQ things.
Me. An egg
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I really hope this is the first small step to a lot of great things. Life insurance at conception, child support during pregnancy, etc etc etc.
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scarecrow-in-a-hatake · 2 months
Hokage-sama! In the spirit of spring… what flowers do you appreciate the most?
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Irises. But it would be nice to see some calla lilies and daylilies outside of weddings and funerals, ne?
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vulpinesaint · 1 year
meds working is like. finding myself laughing at something. smiling big. crying easy cause i can feel again. anything beautiful or even vaguely sentimental sparks tears and sometimes it's such a ridiculous thing to cry at that i have to laugh again. not remembering the last time i felt really bad when i used to not remember the last time i felt really happy. saying that i'm doing alright and it's a good thing and not another way to say that i'm not doing well. things can be tough but overall i'm alright. things are alright. things are okay. driving with the windows down in late summer is fun and december's early nights are nice, actually, and maybe i just need to get out of bed and shower to feel less icky. i had a rough time today but it's not the end. happiness is not always transcendent. things are alright.
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lochley · 1 year
forever mystified by how the other races get politically trained diplomats but humans just get a military commander to resolve intricate interspecies disputes......... like...... i'm guessing/hoping they have to get some training there inherent to being a soldier, and then additional training before taking that post, but uh? where are the human diplomats. why are you letting hothead susan ivanova handle these things. why is john j space jesus sheridan president of the universe can he define different voting systems. does he know what a tetrarchy is. where's your political science degree my good cowboy dude who had to be hand-fed basic minbari cultural fun facts by his bridge between worlds wifey
#og#i see the value in having a military position there but i dont like the fact it's both military and diplomacy unless im missing something#like those feel very different#also brings up a few things i guess like...#how im sure g'kar had a military background (but while Also being part of the kha'ri)#or how delenn is a religious caste girlie BUT with political background so if a warrior caste diplomat was chosen#they would have likely had the same immersion into grey council affairs#its interesting that ppl dont Know shes a grey council girl but accept her because i suppose... maybe she had some other#qualifications and/or dont question the council it's rude and you;ll start another war#idk just like the diplomats have these rich histories that make them qualified (mostly lol) to be there#and im sure being a military commander means sheridan (and sinclair too!!) would have had a fair bit of#experience out in the galaxy and at showy events with other races (time in the outer territories aside) but....#idk is that really political training as much as it is 'i made the mistake of saluting a pakmara general once and#almost started a war! learned my lesson haha'#and then you do get the understanding that sinclair was chosen due to valen shenanigans but#STILL you can have a military position there AND some human diplomats beneath or above or adjacent to it#what am i not understanding j;lsalkjdfklsdjf#were there human diplomats or do i need to make an oc who's crushed by the weight of the military characters' bad decisions
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fierykitten2 · 1 year
I don't want to accidentally start an internet war or anything but I do want to put the point out there that the Pretty Cure fandom's reaction to the Glitter Force sub-fandom is basically like if I'm like "Hi, my favourite Animal Crossing villager is Megan, I think she's pretty, I love the colour purple and she has a great personality. Not the best personality, but her personality is cute so she's still number one in my heart" and someone responds with "*Candy"
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yuridovewing · 8 months
was reading through the ultimate guide earlier (the og to be clear) and boy it sure doesnt bug me at all that dovewing’s page mostly consists of just her love triangle with only a brief intro to her powers at the start
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isekyaaa · 11 months
To be honest, I think the thing about wanting to be liked by people, but not getting the validation you'd like about being a likeable person is like... people assume that people should like them for who they are. And when faced with this dilemma is that most people go in two opposite directions. They either stick adherently to the person they believe themselves to be or they change themselves into what they assume is the person most people would like.
The truth of the matter is that neither of these routes will get people to the place they want to go. When you stick to the first route, you become inherently self-absorbed. You show no consideration to the feelings and thoughts the people around you, what they are and are not comfortable with, etc. If you go the second route, you essentially become a robot following a preprogrammed path and responding in a preprogrammed way. Nothing you say is truly you.
I'm not going to say there is a magic formula to being the most likable, but the more you stray to the edges, the more conventionally unlikable you'll become.
I think the most difficult thing here for people is that the key to finding a good middle ground is confidence. It is only through confidence in yourself as a person that'll help you to stick to what your beliefs when you differ from others, but also being able to relax such convictions when there's no need for them.
Taking a chance by taking a step in the opposite direction of where you currently stand is scary. But you will never get anywhere if you stand still. All journeys start with the first step, as they say. But there's no rush. Everyone has the right to go about it slowly. But it will be worth it.
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aloverslonging · 1 year
she’s got a boyfriend she’s had since 2019 and she may not even like other genders other than males, so i don’t expect the feelings to be returned nor expect anything from her nor do i plan to say anything, but i sigh thinking about her bc she’s very cute lol
#tfw you have a work crush.#not the best thing to have LOL work crushes dont generally work out Anyway#and#these arent just the feelings i experience abt her i def have romantic feelings#but its always uplifting to see her in the midst of the chaos that is working retail#and while we work separate jobs - she’s online shopping i do stocking shelves#its just a relief to talk to her. she’s a breath of fresh air and even when we’re both frustratedbwith work#she’s always saying hi in such a genuine chipper and welcoming way haha#and when i shared the treats i made with her today as i was sharing them with other coworkers#and asked her if she’d be interested in trying any#as soon as i brought them to her she popped one in her mouth and gave compliments about it lol#but the way she grabbed one and quickly had at it was very funny and endearing/cute#and the compliments were sweet#i never expect anything to happen with this crush but hey. feelings of a crush always bring me just a little bit of joy at least#so im content to just admire!#which i usually do with crushes anyway because i have a hard time admitting feelings/confessing a crush#rejection is hard on me even though i accept & expect feelings to be unrequited#so i tend to admire til someone else makes the first step#but anyway. im just happy she exists. shes very sweet and i wish good things for her#maybe one day ill at least muster up the courage to ask if she wants to hang out outside of work or if she’d like to play a game together#sometime#i know she at least plays stardew so i think id be able to ask that#or lead into asking what other games she likes#ANYWAY.#i probably wont make another post specifically about her like this#even rbs will probably just be general vibes i like to post her#here#but in case i do#myosotis tag.
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