#generation lost spoilers
c0ntr0lledchaos · 1 year
oh god the brain rot.
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generation loss brain dump under the cut as I go back and analyze the vod
so, my first thoughts are the set is very different in this episode, and we see that the more gl!ranboo moves around. The first episode was very much a stage-like set while this one was set in what looks like a mall. if that has anything to do with this episode showing more characters becoming aware of their situation and it not being just a show anymore idk.
It's fairly obvious that while looking for the key in gl!Charlie something happened so that the act was dropped for a couple seconds and what was 'really' happening was shown. I wonder if that was due to the person who has been communicating with gl!ranboo (I'm assuming they're 'the savior') trying to hack in.
that last point also makes me wonder if at the end of this, we will see clips from the first episode shown in a 'new light' and see what was actually happening. I already saw someone point out that the bowl of slime looked the same as the guts. was gl!charlie covered in blood actually? Were some of the ingredients not what they seemed?
Mr squiggles saying 'Hey new friends!' to a group of people tied up with bombs around their necks was just the start of all the creepy vibes I was getting from them this episode
THE HAT. Mr squiggles did not like the hat. the hat is defiantly the one gl!Sneeg wore in episode 1 but it is also implied it was planted in this episode since Mr. Squiggles says 'Who put that there.' (That is later confirmed by the savior as he was trying to save gl!Sneeg as well) as soon as gl!Sneeg put the hat on he immediately started freaking out and his eyes start darting around the room. we already saw that the slime was guts but what else did he see I wonder
the chills I got when the showfall masks came into view
gl!Sneeg gets back in place, the mind-control mask is removed, a new hat is put on his head, and the person doesn't even bother to handcuff him again before leaving, confident that he wouldn't try to escape. then everything goes back to normal and gl!Sneeg is notably using his 'streamer voice'
in that scene the camera also focuses on the puzzler's face a few times, showing a look of what I believe was confusion. he didn't know what was going on but was aware of what was happening unlike everyone else
Mr squiggles also goes on as if this is the first time they are acknowledging gl!Sneeg
again, Mr squiggles with a cute little animation saying 'I like them all, I wish they could all live' just unsettling now
The puzzler seems to have just a little bit of knowledge about what is actually going on, hinting to Chat being in control of helping during the choosing of who gets to live and also when gl!Sneeg and gl!Niki are about to go through the tunnel
shout out to @twilight-trix who translated the winding:
"Ah it's simple you just have to find the cage"
"The cage that's in Charlie remember?"
"Another piece is in a jar of something sweet"
"The last one comes at a price :/"
the fact that all the other victims were kept alive means they planned for all of them to die in the games and puzzles. for gl!Niki's death even though Mr squiggles had already said a price needed to be paid, the puzzler still acts surprised that she had to die even though he was the one who killed her
also, I scanned the QR code, it just takes you to the genloss website. buy their merch, this shit is fantastic
this fucking screenshot has no business being that creepy
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so showfall grabbed the back of the mask and the light on the logo came on but what exactly did that do? did it just up the filtering considering what was 'really' about to happen would have been pretty gruesome. EDIT: so I didn't notice before but the mask flashed and turned off as Ranboo went to leave the room. maybe the mask only works for so long before it has to be turned back on?
again, the puzzler seems as if he is talking about chat, saying that someone is saying his puzzles are too easy and 'is this one too easy' before another pipe puzzle shows up on the screen. he even finish the puzzle for us
gl!ranboo said a few things threw out the episode that sounded like generic videogame protag dialogue but it felt strange having the prompts like 'where should I search?' but not giving us the option to actually choose. I wonder if that is due to the first episode being a point-and-click style while this one was more dedicated to puzzles. is he still stuck on point-and-click mode? or are the other NPCs searching before we even get the option?
speaking of protag dialogue, gl!ranboo says 'It must not be the way, maybe there is somewhere else' in the same tone while staring hard at gl!Ethan, the next person to die. I've been thinking about how much control showfall has over everyone in this episode since they seem to have at least a little control over everyone except the savior trying to help gl!ranboo. I don't think gl!ranboo knew that gl!Ethan was next to die but I also don't think he is the one talking when he says stuff like that. just like a game's dialogue is supposed to prompt the player in the right direction, I think showfall is using him to prompt their show in the direction they want it to go. not all the time but at least sometimes
he also does not react at all to gl!Ethan dying or the pool of blood, speaking again in the same tone
and now that gl!Ethan has died, gl!ranboo is the first to say the other door is the exit even though he had just said that it must not be that door. he even volunteers to go first! I wonder if in the next episode, gl!ranboo will feel guilt over the deaths he was forced to help cause
the puzzler is fiddling with the detonator, working on it for some reason. why?
'I hope he's ok' gl!ranboo says in the same unfeeling protag voice. there is a chance he is just doing it whenever to drive home the fact of he is a protag but whatever
gl!ranboo solves a freaking Rubix cube in less than a minute then immediately says that he doesn't know what to do. yes, it might have been just an excuse to flex his Rubix cube skills but him saying that after makes me think. Gl!ranboo is a really smart person but is being controlled by showfall to forward the plot whenever they see fit. just how much of the actual gl!ranboo have we seen and how much has been showfall speaking through him?
I think this is further proven when he declines to solve the other cube in favor of looking around more even though we saw how fast he could do it the first time
the puzzler says he had been prototyping toys that go on people's heads, could he have helped make the mask gl!ranboo is wearing? what if he is an ex showfall employee and that's why he seems to know a little bit about chat
I think the fact that the camera remains on the empty chair for so long means that showfall was not prepared for us to go into that room. gl!ranboo was not supposed to go in there
the puzzler knew he was going to die but didn't know how. he knew that showfall was going to kill him
the puzzler tells gl!ranboo to go, to be set free, and gl!ranboo ignore it. once again showing how he is under Showfall's control
even while the savior talks Mr squiggles is trying to tell gl!ranboo and us not to trust him
gl!ranboo looks at all the cameras, looking at the one that was following him just as it fades out
closing thoughts:
the cast is made up of npcs, gl!ranboo (who is the only playable character), and the savior who is not under showfalls control.
the 'vilians' are not actually villains, seen as gl!charlie (and I do mean gl!charlie and not cc!charlie) played a random person this episode and also the villain from the first episode. the npc's are random people who have had personalities programed by snowfall to help push the protagonist forward, like most story. I made a joke to my partner about gl!sneeg being 'factory reset' when the mask was put on him but I think that is more true than I realized.
the puzzler is still an npc but is special, he was on showfalls hitlist for some reason. I am going to go ahead and guess he was a former employee and because of that he has managed to retain some of the information even after being put in the show. that is why he knew he was going to die and spoke to chat a couple times.
finally, gl!ranboo, the only playable character but not to us. I belive it is showfall who is 'playing' gl!ranboo and is simply letting us make a few choices along the way. that would explain why we didn't get to control gl!ranboo as much as we did in the first episode. we are the viewer's, not the players. why we get to control him at all? I'm sure that will be discovered in the next episode now that the fourth wall is gone.
also, the mask is definitely who gl!ranboo is being controlled so storywise it would make sense if at the end of this, when he truly brakes free, he takes it off. while I'm not entirely sure if that is going to happen I have two guesses on what might happen if it does.
he takes the mask off and this is the biggest fucking face reveal ever that will be extremely difficult to beat
or he has some really cool gory sfx makeup under it that will be horrifying.
I will not be disappointed no matter what happens though so until then, we will just have to wait for the next episode.
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ditzybat · 5 months
tim: sweet dog you got there. gordon: yes, this is our new drug-sniffing dog. tim: still training huh? gordon: red robin.. what do you mean? tim: ... tim: nevermind...
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gojonanami · 7 months
there’s something about gojo from the shinjuku showdown arc that is so special to me—
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panic-flavored · 5 months
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If the Knuckles show won't give me an Agent Stone cameo, I'll do it myself!! 😤
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ms0milk · 3 months
thinking about mithrun dunmeshi who could incapacitate most opponents in hand-to-hand (update: he’s a trained knife-fighter!) but chooses to use extremely fastidious teleportation magic without blinking at how easy it would be to accidentally blow himself or everyone involved, friend or foe, all the way up
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(and finding something in all of his lackthereof, to smile about here which only ever happens one more time SPARE me SPEAR me anything love this guy forever)
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pinkcadavart · 7 months
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You can tell I don't like drawing the other eye lmao
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
imogen fumbling shit is just eternally good fodder for memes, alright. and its at least partly BECAUSE of how powerful she is. someone tripping while using a nerf gun? funny. someone dramatically hoisting up an outfit matchin heavy death laser gun and then immediately tripping and landing on their face? phenom. sometimes she goes "GROVEL" and the enemies grovel and we all go "oooooh" and "aaaahhh" and sometimes she just gets fully ignored and gets so huffy and petulant and ineffectually burns a cantrip just to be petty about it. sometimes she smites her enemies into dust with one move and renders a tree in half after threatening and other times she fucking. falls down a flight of stairs and accidentally sets everything on fire. fires a gun at her own team. loses all her hair. turns blue. etc.
Imogen lifts a humongous sand squid into the sky with her mind powers. Imogen is also falling out of a sky ship and landing on the desert sand far below and just. lying there. while her friend plays the flute in the background. epic hot failgirls NEED the HEIGHT to FAIL FROM. u gotta swing and miss sometimes!!! AND you gotta be REAL petty about it when u miss!!!! fucking fantastic.
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ariadne-mouse · 6 months
Still thinking about just how deep in it Liliana Temult is. Like in the eyes of the narrative she went from
absent & possibly dead, very sad -> alive just estranged?? mysterious! -> possibly involved in a cult, tragic, can her daughter reach her? -> uncomfortably high up in said cult -> the cult's goddamn General and striking such terror into the local population of the Ruidus that they are afraid of even her appearance or someone who looks like her
Ordinary people who are trying to resist the dictatorial Imperium/Ruby Vanguard alliance and their iron control of the populace are terrified of her. You don't strike terror just by "being there". Terror happens because of actions. And it leaves us to wonder what exactly Liliana Temult has done during her time on the moon to make the citizens fear her so much.
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Lea… do you remember what a clear sky looks like at night?
Out in the countryside, no town or city nearby?
I hope one day you will…
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starfall-isle · 25 days
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kimi-no-chikara · 1 month
I'm sorry, I've been trying so hard to accept Izuku becoming a UA teacher but I just can't. I love Horikoshi for the happiness he and his story have brought me over the years, but Izuku being a teacher is just bugging me so hard. I know he'd be an incredible teacher, I'm not arguing against that. But beyond the fact that I think Izuku himself would want to at least stay in the hero industry, I don't think there's any chance Katsuki would've let him give up on being a hero.
I think that's why Horikoshi at least made it a point in canon to emphasize that Katsuki especially was behind funding Izuku's hero suit. Because he of all people could not let Deku go. He needed him to be a hero. And I appreciate that we at least see that much in canon. But honestly I think Katsuki would've stepped in sooner than 8 years later and never would have let Izuku give up on being a hero in the first place.
I don't know at what point Izuku gave up on being a pro hero and started looking at other career options, but whenever it happened, I just know he must have spoken to Katsuki about it. Izuku, unreliable narrator that he is, probably fooled even himself into thinking that he's okay with it. That he's blessed to have lived his dream as long as he did. That his time is over. But Katsuki would've shut that shit right down.
Kacchan Bakugou did not watch Izuku spend 10+ years wanting nothing more than to be a hero, while quirkless, just to then watch him give up on being a hero because he lost his quirk. He would've called bullshit on that immediately.
Katsuki knows Izuku intimately. He knows how badly Izuku needs to be a hero. Being quirkless never stopped Izuku from wanting to be a hero before. There's no reason it should stop him now. And he'd say as much. Ain't no way he'd let Izuku give up on being a hero just because he lost OFA.
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c0ntr0lledchaos · 1 year
i am not ok after that episode jesus christ...
but I do have some thoughts
assuming that hetch was telling the truth, he mentions that the company 'moved into' the mall. they didn't rent a space, they moved in, like a parasite. this is also shown by the wires and cords in the server room and other places in the mall resembling veins and looking like they were infesting the place.
that would also explain why the security is a strange amalgamation of wires and other technology
hetch talks about showfall in a very specific way, calling it 'the company' in a way that sounds like he is talking about it like a creature. a singular entity.
the office is a creepy concept. to have the mind-controlled people stationed as if they were in a snapshot of an office, and with the row of them standing in the window like mannequins. it felt weird the first time watching but now that I'm going back and analyzing it, they were set up like this for us, the viewers. there is no reason why a hivemind would need whiteboards or computers, or even to talk by the water cooler. Gl!ranboo didn't notice the corkboard with the clue about the color red, that was all for us to see and help with the next puzzle. why else would they be posed like that, who else would even see them
hetch talks again about how something 'moved in' and 'repurposed' the people in the office. I know a lot of people didn't trust him at all anyways but right there was a very clear sign that he was not a good guy. he talked about people and objects like they were the same thing
I also think that the showfall staff were people who were unfortunate enough to have been inside the mall whenever showfall first infected it. the mall was probably already dying but that was probably a good thing with how big that mall was.
'they set up these missing posters just on the off chance you managed to escape' is such a weird line to me. was Hetch just trying to convince gl!ranboo that he was special? what was the purpose of telling him that? All it did was prompt gl!ranboo to question how long he had been there which hetch doesn't even answer
I can't make out some of the smaller red writing on the first whiteboard shown but the rest is defiantly just the general idea of what happened in episode 2.
there is a bunch of letters that represent all the characters from that episode with all of them except for R (gl!ranboo) being crossed off.
part of it is covered in a smudge of something (kinda looks like slime? idk could just be a spot where the whiteboard got fucked up) but it says 'audience will choose N' I believe. did they predict we would choose gl!Niki? she was crying the hardest out of all of them which would have gathered the most sympathy and emotion from us. in the same bullet point, it also says 'two plus two equals five' which could indicate towards them guessing we would make an emotional decision rather than a logical one.
I did have a thought that started with episode one about showfall knowing how to control our voting. The Create a Creature section at the beginning of episode one was a normal vote at first, with four equally good options. yes, shark probably won because of the meme but that meme is kinda old now so idk how much it actually affected the outcome. but in the second vote when 'pickle' was randomly thrown in as an option, of course that was going to be the one to win, it's the funny option, it's not like the rest, it's a bit. the slime demon even mentions how the other options got barely any votes in comparison to pickle. this happens a few more times in the episode, with the funnier choice winning. Mr. Squiggles also demonstrates how our choices can be easily manipulated in episode 2 during the first pipe puzzle. when chat was about halfway through the puzzle he mentioned how we could also turn pieces that were not directly next in the sequence and immediately people started clicking on other pieces. he then came back a moment later bragging about how he divided our attention.
'play me in case of death' proves my theory about the puzzler's death being planned and not from him accidentally blowing himself up like how it was made to look for the show and I really wish I could read what it says in red next to it but I can't. maybe ranboo or someone else will post pictures of the whiteboards or something so we can read them better
the next whiteboard doesn't reveal much from what I can see, but there is still some text that is hard to read. what it doesn't say though is interesting cause it appears to only have notes about the cooking show portion of the episode with no mention of gl!Sneeg or Frank from what I can see
there are two pictures next to the printer, one being just an employee of the month picture but the other one looked like it could be an area view of a rural area? It's kind of hard to tell but I think I see a lot of trees and a building or two. It's not directly what's outside the mall most likely so what is it?
again, I really wish I could read all the stuff up on the cork board but some is just too small so oh well
I've already seen some people point out the paper that says a person named Frank is deceased meaning that Frank was a real skeleton this whole time and we just couldn't see
there is also a color blind test that has the colors red and green on it which is probably a reference to the gl!charlie vivisection
and right smack in the middle is the hint for us about the color red for the code. it's not even subtle, just a note that says 'The color of the wire is RED' just like you would find in a point-and-click video game. a convenient note that has no other reason to be there. that was just another hint that this was still part of the game
I think its interesting that gl!ranboo says 'your not giving me much here' he has spent the past who knows how long following a script and now suddenly is left with little to no guidance, it makes sense that he is confused
I am pretty positive that ranboo was never going to be able to shut the server room down at all, but I don't know what would have happened if he had put in the right code. maybe a false victory that just would have ended with Hetch betraying him anyways?
I just realized something kinda sad. so gl!ranboo has not made many choices that were his own, all before this being either scripted or left up to chat. with these codes though, he was made aware of the choice as hetch gave it to us. It's understandable that gl!ranboo didn't wait for us, he's almost free and still having other people choose for him? no thank you (Plus not trusting us which is also understandable, all he knew was the viewers were watching a show about killing people how was he supposed to know if they wanted to help or not). but he chooses wrong. the first real choice he made on his own and it was wrong.
Charlie was live during this but does anyone know if any of the other streamers were also live? I imagine it would be confusing for their chat to just hear ranboo yelling in the background of the stream randomly lol
while it could be just for convenience that the streamers are all set up in part of the old food court but I think it's also a bit on the nose. showfall is getting something from viewer interaction during these episodes but what if they get something from viewer interaction in general? what if they are feeding on it? that would explain why they have just a bunch of streamers that aren't even a part of projects or anything.
(I have to put a brake here cause of a text limit)
I think it was really funny that gl!Charlie got his own sign. also him being actually live was perfect. I wasn't watching his stream but was anyone suspicious of his background or did they get it accurate enough that no one questioned it?
the shrine for the puzzler is a bit strange but it again confirms that he was a part of showfall and killed by them. the thing is who is this shrine for? like, who is going to see it besides us? As far as we know there isn't and hasn't been anyone with free will inside the mall for the entirety of the show. it could be like the office again, set up just to get information to the viewers, possibly attempting to get another emotional reaction out of us.
on second thought that most likely is the case since the puzzler was just playing into Hetch's plan anyways. who knows if the puzzler actually wanted to help gl!ranboo or if he was just unconsciously following a script. plus the notes I can see are very emotion-driven but short, saying they loved the puzzler and one of the flower arrangements having a note that just says 'DAD' on it.
the map doesn't have a lot of information on it but it does show a blinking red dot that we soon see is the security, meaning they have trackers on them. it makes sense but I feel like it is a bit unnecessary for a hive mind to need. (not that they would need a map at all either) another thing that is just a prop meant for the characters and viewers probably
this dead body is interesting cause it shows two things. 1) that the security creature does not care about who it is attacking, attacking even people who are still under mind control and 2) this person is/was bleeding. that is important to remember later
the bucket of slime in the supplies room just confirms what most people were already suspecting for episode one. all the slime we saw was actually blood and gore seen through a filter
as cool as it was when gl!ranboo destroyed charlie's camera, can you imagine how cool it would have been if the stream was left going and caught them on camera when they eventually came back around?
I mentioned earlier that I believe the showfall staff are just people that were in the mall at the time of it being infested by showfall but what if that goes for the characters as well? what if no one was 'chosen' for this show and it was just a case of wrong place wrong time? would add just a bit into the tragedy, their whole lives stolen from them on random chance
the kill button sounded too good to be true and it was, especially after trying to take down the server room it didn't make sense. we know Hetch wasn't helping but gl!ranboo didn't. hetch must have been taking advantage of them being scared and confused to give them instructions that conflicted with other things he had told gl!ranboo
gl!charlie asks 'is this even what you want?' and I think that is an important question. gl!charlie, while still being scared and confused, can tell that there are still other ways to control people and is at least starting to question if that is happening to gl!ranboo, which it is. while not directly under mind control anymore, gl!ranboo is being manipulated just like Chat is being manipulated, using strong emotions to push them in the direction showfall wants them to go
remember how I said it was important to remember that the body earlier was bleeding? the one ranboo kills does not and I don't think it's because of a filter since we haven't had a filter on anything else in this episode. what we see with the person gl!ranboo kills is what I believe a late stage of showfall infestation looks like on a person, the wires literally growing inside them and slowly replacing their organs and tissue
going off that theory, that would mean that the security could have been a person at one point that was just completely turned into a mess of wires and other tech
the button is huge and red and right out in the open, it should never have been trusted. it was connected to showfall though, as seen by the wires on the floor and walls around it. it's not a normal prop like the slime or anything on the cabin set we just saw.
hetch gives us a lot of information in his villain speech and I am going to attempt to dissect it to the best of my ability
so first he says 'I have a role to play' suggesting that he is not completely of his own free will either, although it's probably more like a job to him and not complete mind control but his wording is interesting. it would not surprise me if we find out that Hetch is just as much of a pawn in showfall as anyone else is
he also says 'The founder gave me a purpose many many years ago' implying that showfall is old. just how old is anyone guess. it also shows though that Hetch isn't the founder but did know them, perhaps was even close to them to be given such an important role
'to repurpose this company and create these experiments' again has interesting wording since he has used the word 'repurpose' other times, usually while refusing to the people or tech that was taken over by showfall. I am not sure what it means though to repurpose the thing that is repurposing other things though. what did showfall do before Hetch took control of it?
and its experiments, plural. again we are reminded we have no idea how long this had been going on or how many experiments have been conducted
he says the experiments were to find people for 'future shows' but what could be the qualifications to be cast in future shows? could it be a hunger games situation? whoever survives these shows makes it onto the next ones
he also says 'Who in your world' which could imply Hetch and showfall are from a different world. could be aliens, a different dimension, or maybe even just something that has been there but hasn't made itself known to most of the world. what I'm curious about is if chat is from the same world as gl!ranboo or not as well
hetch mentions 'real human emotions' is 'where the real fun is' which could confirm my theory about them controlling our votes and some of gl!ranboo's choices by influencing us with emotions. yes, the choices were manipulated but at the same time we still up to us. like then gl!ranboo stabbed that person. yes it was understandable, yes gl!ranboo probably deserved to do a little killing but in the end he still did it. he still choose to do it, with no one forcing his hand
I wonder if that is how the mind control actually worked. It didn't outright tell gl!ranboo what to do but instead controlled his memories and emotions to get him to do what they wanted
hetch says this is the first time they have a live audience meaning the other shows were not live like this one. I'm curious what the other shows were like if they were not live
as the camera zooms out we can see we are back in the server room, the 'heart' as Hetch called it earlier. gl!ranboo is being held in place by the wires growing on the walls and I wonder just how much control hetch has over the wires themselves
I do think that death was the best option, as sad as it was. if gl!ranboo had been kept alive he would have just been thrown into another show, maybe not even as the hero this time. there would have been no guarantee for his survival just like how the other characters were killed off on this show
I really hope the tapes at the end imply more shows, I would love to learn more about this universe and what is happening. I wonder if the order is important, which would mean there would be four shows before this one and three after. at least out of the ones that were kept on tape for one reason or another. the tapes being blank is also a possibility since none had any writing on them. new shows are yet to be recorded maybe? either way, I am excited for more genloss stuff
closing thoughts:
my main theory is that showfall is more alive than previously thought. showfall is a parasite-like thing that takes over whatever it infests, whether that is a person, a place, or any tech it comes in contact with. I think it feeds off viewer interaction and with the ability to now stream to a live audience, it can get so much more than it could any other way. what we choose didn't matter, just the fact that we chose did.
I also want to say I am kinda happy with how this ended. it was sad but still satisfying. I know I had guessed ranboo might take his mask off but I'm kinda glad he didn't mainly due to the fact that it would have set the bar too high lol. no other faceless streamer or youtube would have been able to top it.
I really hope we get more genloss stuff in the future, this was so amazing and impressive and defiantly fun to watch.
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iamhereinthebg · 8 months
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Mirai is so cute here I am ascending
Anyways, I will be honest I have some mixt feeling rn :00
About the clock keepers themselves?? I don't have that much fear tbh, they are supernaturals in their boundary, and contrary to number 3 they don't have hearts that Tsukasa or anyone else can consume. I think they will be fine (or I am being delusionnal to protect myself, you choose rip) I love them very much they will always live in my heart.
I was REALLY not happy with chapter 109, having to be focused on little crumbs was really hard when I have been waiting for their focus for more than 4 years. Having the joke that is chapter 109 absolutely destroyed me, they are my fav mysteries and I want something good for them, unfortunately I am not sure they will get it.
Chapter 110 gave me some hope because yes what is happening is not normal, and I am glad it was adressed. For me it was obvious af it' wasn't, but I really needed confirmation from the author to be sure.
I have always said that the clock keepers were unique and Teru confirms it in this chapter with the official translation:
'The clock keepers are clearly unique even among the school mysteries, and go beyond the average supernaturals'
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They are n°1, the only mystery with three beings in it and with a human, one of the last two mysteries left with the other one being the main focus on the manga. Of course something is strange with how they are treated right now. What is happening?
None of them used their time powers expect for Mirai once as the judgment. The stuff they are saying to punish Tsukasa seems more like jokes and they aren't treating the trial as they should be (but this may be just because chapter 109 is bad af lol). Mirai can litteraly see the future if she wants to.
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The owls, their shikigami/familiars don't move at all when their masters are attacked, they are in their own boundary, their shrine. Maybe their powers are related to the clock Natsuhiko destroyed (and I would be sad af if this is the reason and nothing can be done) we just don't know what is happening. Do they have a plan? Are they playing a part (which would be funny because some stuff about the clock keepers are related to theaters and plays) Did someone forced them to do something? We don't know anything about the clock keeper, them being in the same spot as n°6 before we got to his story.
We just know they are special among the mysteries, they are the oldest ones, Kako and Mirai are made of gears and a human has a seat in it.
I am pretty sure Teru had this conversation with Akane here because he knows the clock keepers are special.
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The two mysteries being the more visible here being the god of death and the clock keepers.
It's also the only mystery Hanako didn't want to destroy right away because they could be useful. All mysteries had their yorishiro destroyed/were planned to be destroyed once they got students in danger. (expect for Tsuchigomori who just, accepted it as a precaution rip) The clock keepers are the only ones who got a free pass on this even after getting the whole school involved.
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Their powers are just above a lot of the others, and everyone know how useful it can be, so once again why aren't they using it?
Not caring about their yorishiro is also super strange. Especially when the one the most against Hanako's plan to destroy the yorishiros in the manga is Kako.
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A mystery has to choose a yorishiro to be a proxy of the gods, to be able to have this status.
They have to choose a yorishiro so they don't run away from the job, it's the thing the most important to them so they would never destroy it. They have to protect it. Teru assuming they don't care is just so so strange. Why wouldn't they? That's the whole point of what a yorishiro is! They even hide it in one of them as an extra precaution! A lot of things go against what has been established before for yorishiros it's just plain out suspicious.
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Kako and Akane are also really really duty centered characters. Akane will do a job even if he doesn't want to if he is asked to do it and Kako is the one being represented as the observator over the mysteries to see if they are respecting their sworn duty.
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I also don't know what to think about their yorishiro for now. What does it open? A door to another room? Is it to protect something? Is it to activate another automaton? Can it be related somehow to the old clock keeper of the present? (delulu land again)
Idk I am really curious. I really hope we won't have the answer right away though, they were defeeated way too quickly and I hope they have more stuff to them. We got Hakubo's and Sumire's story and a part of the Yugi twins beforec their yorishiro got destroyed, so I hope it will be the same for them. That we will have time to get to know them a little bit more.
And after all, neither Nene or Hanako want to destroy any more yorishiro for now, and Tsukasa apparently lost it at the end of the chapter (we can see the hand who had it being empty. But AidaIro has sometimes a problem of coherence with their right and left and objects disappearing and appearing which I can understand with the rythm they have to keep with the manga, so I am not sure)
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I have a lot of fears about this tbh, because maybe AidaIro will just give us the reason why they are weak rn and continue the story without explaining anything about them, not giving them the spotlight I think they truly deserve. The worst for me would be they work for Sakura, I really really hope it's not this, but I am really scared :///
So I will go for this for now, even if this is really depressing for me, but I don't want to have my hopes up with how the writing have been really ups and downs since the start of this arc (the only good chapter for me being chapter 108).
I am still really intrigued by what is Akane's real duty and why is he so reluctant to do it but still does it? Why Akane said they had to do the trials now? Honestly I have a lot of questions and I know no matter what happens, the clock keepers make me super sad (in a good way) and happy at the same time. And this last chapter with Mirai and Akane was a blast (I am actually writing a whole document on them rn it's long I will link it later ahah)
I also wonder if any of the clock keepers can use the others' clocks or not? Does this mean like Kako can go full OP while using all three powers at the same time? (let's go grandpa give us everything) I am curious since they are a mystery where having an object is important for their powers (Kako and Mirai being able to use their with bare hands because they have their clocks on them, I can be wrong about it though)
We are also left with only Akane as n°1 rn and idk what it will mean for him.
So yes full of fears, but also I know I will find crumbs to go delulu on :DD I would try to stay full positive but with the focus being on Tsukasa and on how secondary characters rn are mostly as 'objects for the plot' (I mean, look at Nene :')) I can't really ://
But be sure, I will forever love the clock keepers even if the plots are not respecting them
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charlie-artlie · 2 months
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Glitch just sitting in the background like O_O while they discuss megatron is so funny to me like "Hu maybe I should read megatrons manifesto i hope it doesnt awaken anything in me"
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mars-wuz-herez · 1 month
“I’ve made my peace of what that says about me. You guys have no idea what it’s like…
he knows what a shitty person I am but he still smiled at me…”
This is something Shadow would say to anyone really
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knockknockitsnickels · 4 months
Honestly I've set myself up for disappointment because when the new arc comes out and it does NOT contain Tawnypelt x Leafstar Yuri with their adoptive daughter Moonpaw I'm going to be devastated
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