yodaprod · 11 months
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yuramoonbow · 2 years
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the god of death, the god of art
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digitalroot · 2 months
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When things were hard for me, I wanted to hear your rakugo. All the good, all the bad... Your rakugo has given me every emotion imaginable. That's why I can't be without it.
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docholligay · 9 months
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AHAHAHAHAHAH literal guffaw at my desk
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floorpancakes · 10 months
there comes a time in every dark haired glasses boys life where he realises that he must become mother
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wutaijiemei · 2 months
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showa genroku rakugo shinju is a show about two men falling in love and raising the world's first anime girl together
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pan-gaa · 1 year
5 Josei Recommendations
1. shouwa genroku rakugo shinjuu
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Anime: Season 1 (13 eps) Season 2 (12 eps)
Manga: Completed 10 vols, 31 chap
2.Helter Skelter
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Manga: Completed 1 vol, 9 chap
(TW: covers self harm, addiction, 18+ scenes)
3. Kids on the slope
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Anime: 1 season (12 eps)
Manga: Completed 9 vols (45 chap)
4. Paradise Kiss
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Anime: 1 season (12 eps)
Manga: Completed 5 vols (48 chaps)
5. princess jellyfish
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Anime: 1 season (11 eps)
Manga: Completed 17 vols (93 chap)
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dnana-2809-blog · 26 days
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mlm shojosei ships that should've been endgame
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grassbreads · 2 months
Man, genuinely there's little that excites me more than encountering queerness in fiction where I wasn't expecting it. I'm gonna be thinking about Kikuhiko/Yakumo from SGRS for so long.
Even setting aside the subtext of his feelings for Sukeroku, the narrative around his relationship to gender norms and his own expression is so fascinating. Guy who grows up steeped in rigid 40s gender roles and actively tries to enforce them, yet only truly feels like himself when he's acting on stage as a woman. Guy who says his life would have been better if he were born a woman and then refuses to elaborate.
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kumishona · 9 months
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y'all's memes are fucked up and I'm living for it
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I've been a longtime Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju fanatic. The historical theme is so well-done, it's engaging, the messy queer vibes are immaculate. I also love Banana Fish for its grungy city ambience, heart-wrenching romance and suspense.
I just finished watching Monster, which to me felt like a combination of the two (plus several other elements of course). It's seinen but honestly you could have fooled me—Women characters play prominent roles and are written to feel so real. There are subtle feminist undertones throughout, and sexual assault is very, very rarely used as a plot point. There's no service, and bodies are drawn so beautifully. There is a sense of precision towards each character’s race, backstory, and personality that also reflects in their design, no matter how unimportant they are. (Kenzo Tenma in particular was so swoon-worthy in the plain, fresh, Ghibli-esque way.)
Highly, highly recommended. Go watch it on Netflix, right now.
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(The animation is already spectacular, but there are also upscaled versions of the episodes available online somewhere if you'd like better quality.)
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TOP 10 personal Favorite Manga.
Here's just a couple of manga that I love & just think are top-notch.
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A series that means a lot to me in many ways. When I first got into Tokyo Ghoul it was by the very first season of the anime during 2014 and upon hearing the opening theme of Unravel and seeing the first episode, I was hooked and went into the manga series right after. A nuanced morally compelling storytelling with an array of so many cool and great characters and narratives, incredible art progression from Ishida Sui, and overall just a satisfyingly great conclusion to boot.
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On the surface, looks like a regular BL series, but underneath an emotional-roller-coaster and pretty heavy story about a transwoman named J. Set in the 40s /50s, you fellow J childhood and the awful, rough bullshit she deals with in life as well as her love & massive admiration of Marilyn Monroe. Really such a good story that deals with some real heavy shit...but still so good.
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Not only one of my favorite anime adaptations but also equally as wonderfully engaging & just as well done as a manga as well. Monster is such a captivating, intense story and truly one of my favorites from Urasawa's works. Following Dr. Tenma, a talented neurosurgeon who has grips with the moral dilemma of either saving the Mayor or saving a young boy who was shot in a murder. Tenma chose to save the boy instead and while it costs him being demoted he still believes he did the right thing. Unfortunately years later discovering the boy he saves...turns out to be a killer. This series is such a banger from its storytelling to the characters and just one of the best from Urasawa's.
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At first glance of this manga, you might think of it as something of a cute slice-of-life story about a cute cartoony bird. But actually when reading it...IT'S WAY MORE DARKER and GETS A LOT MORE FUCK UP! For real Goodnight Punpun is one of those series that's start-up pretty light-hearted and a little bit goofy with Punpun being a cartoony-drawn bird amongst very average-looking humans as a young kid in the first volumes of the series. But as things move forward within the story as Punpun gets older and his family situation gets more unstable as well as his life, the tone gets more depressing as a whole. Love the dark psychological storytelling, although it definitely the type of story you can only read once in awhile or in a good headspace because it definitely can be a hard read.
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Seriously, what can I say about Berserk that already hasn't been said on some level. But this manga is seriously, I feel one of the most top iconic series within manga as well as one of the most engaging, moving, fantastic, epic storyline I've read thus far. I know the series itself is still ongoing, and I've been keeping up-to-date with this story since reading the very first chapter. Hearing about Kentaro Miura death....was tough, I knew he had serious health issues, which is why volumes would tend to go on pretty long hatiuses... but man. Another influential iconic figure in manga gone, Berserk is definitely a series any manga-lover or anime fan should read once in awhile.
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Not only one of the most beautifully mature, well-written, compelling storytelling I've seen thus far in an anime series. But as a manga, even more so, a well-crafted story on the life and times of a sad, burden-ridden, slightly bitter, depressed, old man known as Yakumo Yurakutei, who is a highly skilled and experienced master of Rakugo, which for those who don't know is an traditional Japanese verbal form of entertainment. Think of it as something like a form of Improv done by only one person playing different characters to tell a story, This series has many layers to its storytelling that's is done so well dealing with Yakumo and those in his life that has impacted him as to the type of pained almost broken old man he is within the present time. Just a overall good & bittersweet but fantastic story that's deserves to be check out more.
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It is one of the most beautifully drawn manga series that I have read so far while also being equally gruesome as well. Innocent is a fictionalized historical manga set during 18th century France about the story and legacy of Charles Henri Sanson (actual real historical figure), who is the fourth generation of a family of Executioners known as the Sanson family who are the royal Executioners of Paris. The story follows Charles rough journey towards his path of becoming the Monsieur De Paris. This absolutely such a fantastic piece of work, both in terms of the visually amazing stunning artwork and along with the historical storytelling of Charles coming to terms with his hated lineage and becoming Executioner of Paris but also showcasing the societal/political chaotic changes and upheaval of France slowly leading up to the French revolution. Although some historical aspects are obviously fictionalized, but still such a good series.
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While my feelings on the anime are highly mixed due to really, really, really not caring for the way they handled parts of the storytelling from season 2 of the anime series. But the manga, on the other hand, is a totally different story. Seriously, reading this series was a blast and just an enjoyable experience from beginning to end, as well as seeing Emma and Ray also Norman grow & and develop throughout each arc was great to witness including seeing the rest of the kids thrive and survive the outside world. For this manga was a great read, and definitely, I'll say at least personally to me was done far better then the second season flimsy adaptation.
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Truly an mindfuck of a manga in more ways than one. But still a pretty damned good and wild story, Homunculus is a story about a homeless man named Susumu Nakoshi who ends up meeting a seemingly antagonistic young medical student named Itoh Manabu to do a little experiment on him by drilling a actual hole in his skull for a total of 700,000 ¥en. Itoh, who is very fascinated with studying the human minds and amongst other things such as ghosts and the occult, but ultimately he thinks he can unlock the hidden psychic potential of Susumu brain. Nakoshi goes through the process, and at first, nothing seems to happen after going through the the operation. Until he closes his right eye and starts seeing otherworldly nightmarish monsters and shapes with his left eye when he looks at other people. This series is truly a weird but also such a highly intriguing and fascinating psychological read while at the same time being a bit of a downer, but still an excellent but messed-up good story.
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Okay, so I just recently started reading this manga series not that long ago, about a couple of weeks ago, and now I'm so freaking hooked. Atelier of Witch hat has truly captured my heart and mind with its engaging and creatively fascinating world-building involving witches and magic to the just as highly interesting characters and storytelling. Which centers around our young protagonist Coco ( the girl on the cover) who is this super adorably passionate girl who has such a huge love for all things magical /witches and deeply wishes she could become one as well, but unfortunately normal people or "outsiders" can't become witches, you have to be born into it, but that's doesn't stop Coco from trying her hardest to still wanting to be a witch. One of the things I love most about this world and how it handles dealing with magic and witches is that magic is really normal within this world and how witches tend to uses it to help and serve regular people in need or even for lighting up a cobblestone pathway also I really like how the magic system is structured in this series, such as instead of casting spells or any from of magic with words or a phrase, magic is casted by drawing, Coco here ends up in a pickle with accidentally casting magic that ends up turning her mom into stone & thus Coco journey towards witchood begins.
Seriously, even though I've just recently gotten into this manga & and its ongoing tale it's already has captivated me on so many levels and I just can't get enough of it so far wonderful storytelling and amazingly beautiful drawn artsy apart of it which really adds a lot of this series fantastical elements. Definitely a must to check out!!
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Wanted to do a list of a couple of some of my most top favorite manga series and ones were I feel other's should give them a shot at checking out if there into any of these stories. (^ _ ^)
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floorpancakes · 3 months
first watch of rakugo shinju: this is culture
second watch of rakugo shinju: character studies of super flawed characters are so cool and makes hating their actions feel so constructive. however despite this guy sucking as a person he also slays and thats beautiful
third watch of rakugo shinju: hey guys thanks for watching with me now remember that one line in the final episode is FAKE and STUPID. anyway this is culture who wants to see the world's most fumbled situationship get slowly patched up by community, love and healing generational trauma
fourth watch of rakugo shinju: i NEED to impregnate this old man
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maddyshome · 11 months
List of anime with lgbt themes/subtext + MAL links
(just my absolute favess. watch them just for the plot too. most are very well written)
1. Gankutsuou (transexuality, mlm)
2. Read or Die (wlw subtext, one character seems nonbinary to me)
3. Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu (mlm HEAVY subtext, very tragic, author says it's ambiguous. i say you must be delusional to think those 2 are straight)
4. Oniisama e.... (transexuality ish, its complicated idk, HEAVY wlw)
5. Sakamichi no Apollon (very soft mlm subtext, more like what if for straights, to me it's seems like ain't no way he is not gay)
6. Revolutionary Girl Utena (wlw subtext, a classic)
7. Maria-sama ga Miteru (soft wlw subtext)
8. Hibike! Euphonium (wlw subtext)
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