#gentle cottagecore afternoon
Pick a Picture: Where do you shine?
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♡﹒ ♡﹒ ♡﹒ ♡﹒ ♡﹒ ♡﹒♡﹒ ♡﹒ ♡﹒ ♡﹒ ♡﹒ ♡﹒ ♡﹒ ♡﹒ ♡﹒ ♡﹒
images sourced from pinterest. take what resonates, leave what doesn't. My Masterlist
Pile 1: The star
You're an artist at heart. Rockstar gf much? Like a vibrant palette bursting with colors or a melody that comes alive in an instant, your true brilliance emerges when you embrace the power of imagination and embrace the thrill of the unknown.. It is through spontaneity that you find your greatest sparks, igniting the fire of innovation and breathing life into even the wildest dreams. Embrace spontaneity! Have fun!
Pile 2: The flowers.
It's giving cottagecore! Away from the bustle! A sun-kissed afternoon where you do nothing but lounge in a hammock and feed the occasional squirrel! You most shine in the realm of comfort. You're someone who embraces simplicity, or craves it very intensely. Organized spaces are your happy place, and you may feel like you don't fit in with the go! go! go! nature of society.
You thrive where you can relax. Prioritize self care. Lounge outside, and find moments where you can just take a breath and leave. Box-breathing meditation is always a good start.
Pile 3: Beams
Chill out! Chill out! Chill out! You were not meant to be so firm. I'm getting a lot of sensitivity here, a gentleness. You may not treat yourself as well as you treat the world. Putting off your shadow work? Your potential is behind a wall of your selflessness. The "go go go" nature of the world isn't working for you right now...you're allowed to rest. You succeed when you make room to see what you really want.
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candied-boys · 1 year
🍯 Honey Cakes 🍯
Luke Randolph x fem! Reader
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Tags: merpeople au, lazy!Luke, happy!Luke, possessive!Luke, romance, picnics, cottagecore, eventual smut, happy ending
Part three
2,400 words
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The muggy heat of July isn't as bad now that you've learned how to not drown. It wasn't easy being taught by someone born in the water though. Luke couldn't understand why you kept kicking your feet to stay afloat, but after you swallowed too much water down the wrong pipe he finally stopped trying to get you to swim with your legs locked together and taught you how to swim like a frog.
You may not be elegant, and you never had a hope of keeping up with him anyway, but when you tire he supports you — letting you rest your head in his shoulder like the first day or lie atop his chest while he floats on the surface like your own personal raft.
Some days you spend the whole afternoon in the cool depths of the lake; dancing where he twirls you around in the water, having splash fights that he invariably wins, playing hide and seek in which you're always it and wind up scared half to death every time Luke sneaks up behind you to pull you under when you take too long to find him.
Other days you lie on the picnic blanket, sunbathing by the shoreline together or drying out after a swim like today. No matter what you're doing the space between you is always filled with sweet nothings and curious banter.
“How long can you stay out of the water?”
“I’m not a fish. I wunna ever die.”
“Really? But your tail…”
“It’s just more comfortable to keep it in the water, but birds and turtles dunna die ‘cause they spend time on land. We’re the same. It’s just dangerous cause y’ silly humans’re so greedy,” he scolds playfully and pokes your nose.
“Very greedy. I want to keep you all to myself,” you smile and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him down over you.
“Good — ‘cause that's what I want too. I wanna be the only one who knows what y’ feel like to hold close… the only one who gets to see how hazy y’r eyes get when y're kissed… the only one who knows where y're sensitive…”
Like a twilight sky his eyes darken with each honey coated word. Slipping a hand beneath your knee he continues, “And I wanna know more… I wanna know whether y'll whimper or whine, whether y'll shake or arch with tension, and whether y'll dig y’r nails into my skin or melt under my touch.”
Nose to nose, his breath is shallow as it caresses your cheeks.
“I wanna know what y’r bare skin feels like pressed against mine. I wanna memorize every inch o’ y’r body with my hands… inside ‘n out…”
As your lips slot together, his hand wanders higher beneath the hem of your chemise. Calloused and rough, the pads of his fingers scrawl his affection into your skin as they trail along your inner thigh.
Relaxing under his weight where he pins you to the ground, you let your hands explore his body. There is much you too long discover — whether his soft, slow drawl will deepen with desire, whether his eyes will close with pleasure or hold fast to yours, whether his skin tastes sweet with lake water or salty from the sun. A thousand temptations swirl in your mind when his tongue entwines with yours.
But suddenly he breaks away, his mild gaze hardening as it slides from you to glare at the side.
An annoyed growl tainting his usually gentle tone, he snaps, “Jin, whady’ want? I’m busy.”
“Yeah, you look real busy, Luke,” a deep voice replies from afar.
“F’ck off,” he quips lazily and looks back over his shoulder while still keeping you hidden beneath his torso.
“Oi, be nice to your big brother!”
“I am bein’ nice. Now, get lost,” Luke replies, turning his gaze back to you in hopes of more kisses.
“C’mon. Not gonna introduce me to your girlfriend? It’s not like she’s a secret when you come home covered in her scent every day.”
“Nope. Not sharin’. She’s mine,” he returns with acid on his tongue and a sugary gaze only for you.
“Hey, I’d never steal a girl from the baby prince. I just want to see how pretty she is.”
“Prince?” you repeat baffled.
“Yeah, it's no big deal,” he says petting your cheek before growling back at Jin. “You wouldna, but y’ wouldna keep y’r mouth shut about her neither. Then, I’d have to fend off the other family slut.”
“Oh, you could take him with your eyes closed and your hands tied behind your back. What are you worried about? None of the others are going to go after her.”
“The girls like him for a reason,” he mumbles to no one in particular.
“How many brothers do you have?” you query after processing 'others’.
“Eight, but the only decent one is the oldest one over here buttin’ in. Seriously, Jin. Beat it!” he drawls in exasperation and splashes the water with his tail.
You hear a faint hum of a amusement before the silky voice counters, “You know you're not supposed to be up here. I won't tattle to the king if you introduce me.”
Rolling his eyes where he hovers above your form, Luke answers, “There's no way Chev doesna already know where I am 'n what I'm doin’. Y’ know that as well as anybody.”
“Sure, but if I mention it, he might not let you get away with this anymore.”
Bolting upright he demands, “Since when do y’ blackmail me?!”
“Since when are you so heartless to your dearest brother?”
You can hear the faux hurt in his voice and giggle, “Is it really that big of a deal, Luke?”
Whipping back to you, palm on your cheek and eyes full of emotion, he defends himself, “Yes! Y're adorable! If they get one look, they'll all be comin’ after y’!”
“Oh, you're right. She is adorable,” the older one purrs, suddenly right next to you, lying on his side with his chin propped up on his palm.
Startled, you find yourself already hidden beneath Luke.
“Y're scarin’ her,” he hisses low, a sound in the back of his throat you've never heard before.
Curious to see another real merman, you turn your head and peek through the gap in the crook of Luke's elbow.
“Hi beautiful,” he grins down at you and winks.
His unbelievably mesmerizing orbs of polished copper make you wonder if all merpeople have eyes like precious gemstones.
“Hi,” you answer shyly and wriggle out from beneath Luke's heavy form.
Your boyfriend groans in annoyance, letting you out of his makeshift cage, but still keeping you within his protection — arms and tail wrapped around you from behind and his chin resting in the crook of your neck.
“See? She's not scared - are you, gorgeous?” He smiles broader at you before flicking Luke in the forehead. “Quit your glaring. I'm not going to touch her.”
Luke only growls in response, no doubt his eyes burning all the more with displeasure from behind you.
Free to satisfy your curiosity you let your gaze wander from the man's copper eyes, across his luxuriously dark skin, down his sculpted torso, and along his golden tail.
“You two look nothing alike. Is that normal for mersiblings?” you query up at Luke who is now pouting upon catching you eye up his brother.
With a huff he explains, “We're half siblings. Same father, different mothers. All my siblings have different mothers except my sister. She's got a different father.”
“When are you going to introduce me to her? You promised, Luke…” you pout back as you recall the day he told you all about how much he adores Leyla.
Luke probably wouldn't have ever come up to the surface to cure his boredom if she wasn't at that age where other boys are more fun to spend time with than her doting — read overprotective — older brother.
“Yeah, when're y’ gonna introduce me, Luke?” a sweet voice sings from the water.
“Oi!! Y’ know y're not allowed up here!” Luke snaps as he sits upright once more, this time yanking you along with him.
You've waited months to meet her and can't resist waving excitedly at the enchanting mermaid bobbing in the water not far away. She smiles brightly and returns the gesture before swimming over.
“You must be Leyla! I've heard so much about you,” you babble enthusiastically and introduce yourself.
Over your shoulder you hear Luke growl again at his brother, “If y’ put her up to this, Jin, I swear—”
“He didna do nothin’, Luke. Calm down.”
“See,” the golden tailed brother affirms with a sly grin to match the cheeky look in her pair of golden eyes identical to his. It makes you suspect the whole thing was her idea to begin with.
Clicking his tongue Luke gives in, “Alright. Alright. Now, y’ got y’r introduction. What more d’y want?”
“I wanna go for a swim together!!” Leyla chirps and looks right at you.
Luke's gaze turns to you too, silently asking if you feel comfortable swimming on your own. You nod confidently, and with a reluctant sigh he frees you from his strong embrace and watches you slip into the water.
As you swim away leisurely Leyla keeps pace with you, asking you all kinds of things about life on land. Her honest smile is exactly like her brother's and so is her straightforward curiosity. Her laugh is as bright as a wind chime when you tell her about your first encounter with Luke.
“Y’ know, he's so much happier these days — since he met y’, I mean. He's always only had me. I've been surrounded by affection from my parents, him, and my friends… but he's never cared for no one else, and nobody’s ever cared about him neither. I'm really relieved he found someone he can open his heart to.”
“Mmm…” you hum neither agreeing nor disagreeing.
“Y’ dunna sound like y’ believe me…”
Staring down into the black depths of the lake beneath your feet you decide to confide in her.
“I know the lake will freeze over and the days will be too short to come visit soon…”
“And?” she coaxes gently.
“And I'm worried I'll miss him so much I'll cry all day and Mrs. Baker will get mad at me for making the bread soggy,” you try to laugh but choke on your emotions instead.
“He's gonna miss y’ just as much. I'm sure o’ that,” Leyla coos, tilting her head to look up into your eyes with the same long lashes and warmth to her gaze as Luke's.
“But he hasn't said anything about winter yet… and I'm starting to think that it's selfish of me to want him to wait… to keep him to myself… I think he'd be happier with someone he can spend the whole year with…”
“Well, all us merfolk sleep through the winter, so he wouldna be awake to be with no one else anyways. But more importantly, I think he doesna want no one else…”
“You really think so? I'm not just the new pastry in the shop window?”
“I don't really know what that's suppos’a mean, but if y're worried he's with y’ ‘cause y're different, y're not wrong. He is with y’ ‘cause y're different, but not ‘cause o’ the novelty. 'Cause y’re what let's him be himself,” she smiles.
All the while a different conversation ebbs and flows out of earshot between the two brothers.
“I'm worried about you, Luke.”
Flopping back down on your sheet and plucking a stem of sweetgrass Luke doesn't answer.
“It's the first time since you came to the palace two years ago that I've seen you open up to anyone…”
“And it's obvious you really like her.”
The only response the older brother gets is an unintelligible grumble as Luke chews the rapier between his teeth.
“Have you told her yet?”
“Told her what?”
“That she'll be alone all winter while we hibernate?”
A sigh punctuates the silence before he answers, “Nah. She'll forget me soon enough. There’re plenty o’ better men out there.”
“So you're just going to let her walk away? Is that what you really want?”
“What I want dunna matter. She deserves someone who can be by her side all the time, not someone stuck in a lake who canna even look after her.”
“Well, what if that's not what she wants?”
“Whad’y mean not what she wants? It's what's best for her,” Luke snaps back, jade finally meeting amber.
“I think what's best for her is up to her to decide, Luke, not you. The only part you get a say in is whether or not you're going to be honest with yourself and her about how you feel.”
“The hell am I suppos’a tell her? Dunna worry about the royal guards arrestin’ y’; just chop down a few trees and build a hut by y’rself on the edge of the lake so y’ can stay with me forever — except y'll be alone every damn winter because I'll be sleepin’, so sorry I canna even bring y’ fish to eat. See y’ see next spring! That's just the stupidest thin’ I ever heard, Jin!”
“Leyla said you've been spending your nights in the caverns reading through the ancient texts carved into the walls. I know what you're looking for. If you like her that much she deserves to know, Luke.”
“I'm not tellin’ her nothin’, so just drop it.”
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Part five
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daydream-cement · 1 year
👄 from your nsfw prompt list with Jane Murdstone?
👄 making out headcanon
jane: while janey does love sloppy desperate make-out sessions, i firmly believe she is the ultimate dark cottagecore lesbian so she would be incredibly happy with a soft make-out session in a meadow. jane would just adore a gentle and yearning make-out in a meadow. it would be one of her dream afternoons
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cupidstwin333 · 1 year
Hi! May I request a romantic matchup for Obey Me and BNHA? 🙏💕
For the description:
•I'm a 21 yo and also an Aquarius.
•I'm Pansexual and use He/She pronouns.
•I'm a INTP-T and my enneagram is 4w5.
•My hobbies are: Vulture Culture, Writing, Poetry, Reading, Video Games, Anime, Crafting, Singing, and Witchcraft (Ik a lot lol).
•I dislike: Pregnancy (Big irrational fear lmao) Having to plan/organize and/or lead a project and people who're too similar to me.
• My passions and long-term dreams are: Cottagecore (y'know, the fantasy of escaping and living in a self-sufficient cottage with your partner surrounded by animals and nature 💀), Psychology and Music (I also play the Ocarina :D)
*My physical appearance is:
•Voluminous, wavy, dark brown rooted with coral-dyed and upper-back length hair. It's usually tied up in a messy, high ponytail.
•Chubby and baby-like face with droopy, semi-small eyes, a small nose, and big lower-lipped lips.
•My body is on the femenine side, light skin-toned and apple-shaped (chubby); it has large stretch marks, scars, lunars and moles everywhere, including my face. I'm also 5'1.
•I tend to avoid shorts (lol thick thighs struggle) and heels. I often (and only) wear monochromatic, simple and comfy clothes (hoodies, leggings, boots, etc.)
*My personality is:
To strangers, I appear as anxious, shy, quiet, humble, gentle, reserved, unnerving (this was said by a close friend) and somewhat serious and mysterious.
Those closer describe me as quiet, mysterious, mischievous, sarcastic, cranky, realistic, procrastinator, funny (cue dark humor and lowkey sadism), flirty, blunt, overprotective (if we are VERY close), untrusting, loyal, prideful, assertive, and temperamental.
I'm also the therapist/older sibiling (only if needed be) friend that dissapears at random times but gives strangely good or shady (and still, good) advice that can listen to you for hours if needed. Not good at consoling or drama tho (I'm no good at words of affirmation and physical touch lol) I do tend to
My love languages are friendly banter/teasing/flirting and being a simp (platonic or romantic)
Large much? Yes 💀 I'm sorry- (Still love your content tho 💖)
After a long time of thinking 💭 your match is…
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How it started:
One day, in the heart of the Royal Library, Mammon's blue and yellow gradient eyes locked onto you. "Hey, you! What're you doing here, reading all by yourself?" He calls out to you in an attempt to make fun of you.
You glanced up, a mischievous grin forming your lips. "Oh, just educating myself. You should try it sometime."
Mammon scoffed, his pride taking a hit. "Hey, I know stuff! I ain't some dumb demon."
You raised an eyebrow, the playful challenge clear in your gaze. "Really? Because last I heard, you mixed up a potion and turned Beelzebub's snack into a dancing frog."
Mammon spluttered, his cheeks flushing. "Th-that was a one-time thing!"
Your banter became a familiar melody that echoed through the halls of the Devildom. Every encounter was punctuated with teasing remarks and quick comebacks, each exchange sparking an unspoken connection that left Mammon eager for more.
On a sunlit afternoon in the garden, you found yourselves alone. Mammon leaned against a tree, a smirk tugging at his lips. "You know, you're pretty feisty for a bookworm."
You chuckled, your eyes twinkling with amusement. "And you're pretty full of yourself for someone who always falls for Lucifer's tricks."
Mammon's grin widened. "Tch, like you're one to talk! I've seen you struggle with potions enough times."
You crossed your arms, a smirk matching his own. "True, but at least I don't pretend to be the greatest demon in all the realms."
As the days turned into weeks, you found yourself drawn to his unpredictability. He was a challenge you couldn't resist.
One evening, beneath a sky painted with hues of orange and purple, you shared a moment by the riverbank. Mammon's voice was softer than usual. "You're different, you know."
You tilted your head, curiosity dancing in your eyes. "Different how?"
He hesitated, a rare vulnerability surfacing. "You're not like the others. You see through my act, and you don't let me get away with it."
Your gaze softened, and your tone held a note of understanding. "Maybe because I see a bit of myself in you."
Mammon raised an eyebrow. "You? The mysterious bookworm?" He retorted with a hint of confusion.
You chuckled, your voice more gentle than usual. "I may be quiet, but that doesn't mean I can't see past the facade. We're both hiding something, aren't we?"
Your eyes met in a shared understanding, a connection that transcended the teasing banter. Mammon took a step closer, his heart racing. "Maybe we can stop hiding, just for a moment."
You smiled, your hand finding his. "Just for a moment."
General headcanons:
💘You share a love for video games, and late-night gaming sessions become a common activity for you both. The banter continues, but it's laced with camaraderie and genuine enjoyment.
💘He secretly treasures the little gifts you craft for him, even if he tries to play it off as no big deal. Your thoughtfulness touches him in ways he doesn't always express.
💘Mammon might struggle with expressing emotions directly, but he shows his affection in his actions. Whether it's protecting you, playfully teasing, or joining in on your hobbies, he's always there, finding his own way to convey his feelings.
💘Music holds a special place in your relationship. You might serenade each other with playful songs or share quiet moments listening to music that resonates with both of you.
And Dabi
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How it started:
You, a 21-year-old villain with an air of mystery, possessed a quirk entwined with the mystique of witchcraft. You didn’t choose this path of darkness but with your quirk and your misunderstood personality, it seemed like it was inevitable. Your presence held an allure that drew curious glances from the darkness.
Dabi, a figure draped in cerulean flames and enigma, found his path crossing with yours in an unfortunate twist of fate.
One rainy evening, you found yourself seeking refuge under a shelter, drenched by the downpour and some blood that was seeping through your reopened wounds after an unexpected encounter. Dabi appeared like a phantom from the rain, his voice carrying a hint of concern. "Need some help?" He wouldn’t have shared a second glance if it had been anyone else, but you..? You were different, at this point he had known and heard about you just enough to recognize your archetype among the rain and darkness. You were quite the topic among the villains in this area.
You managed a wry smile, Your damp hair clinging to your cheeks. "Someone managed to catch me off guard tonight." You say almost bittersweet as you remember the fight you went through earlier.
As he offered his coat to shield you from the rain, your fingers brushed against his—a fleeting touch that sent shivers down your spine. It was a moment that hung in the air, but both of you didn’t speak of it.
"Thanks for the save," you said, your gaze locking onto his with a mix of gratitude and curiosity.
He shrugged, a small smile forming his lips. "Guess it's the least I could do." He says while glancing at your wounds. They weren’t big or deep but they seemed to bother him nonetheless.
Still, your conversation flowed effortlessly, as if you were old friends catching up. Time seemed to lose meaning as you shared stories and exchanged laughter, the rain creating a cocoon of intimacy around you.
"Flames and spells," you mused, your eyes holding a spark of playfulness. "Not exactly a common combination."
He chuckled, the sound like a rare melody. "But an intriguing one, don't you think?"
As the rain subsided, he offered his hand. "How about we continue this conversation somewhere drier?"
Your heart raced as you placed your hand in his, feeling a rush of warmth that had nothing to do with the rain-soaked evening.
In a cozy and empty cafe, your dialogue evolved into something deeper. Shared interests and whispered secrets created an unspoken connection that felt both familiar and exhilarating.
"You're different from what I expected," he admitted, his gaze steady on yours.
You smiled, a glint of mischief in your eyes. "Expectations are overrated, don't you think?"
As the night wore on, your shared laughter filled the air, punctuated by stolen glances that spoke volumes. You were strangers who felt like kindred spirits, as if the universe had conspired to bring you both together.
Underneath the city lights, he walked you home, your footsteps echoing in the silence of the streets. Before parting, he hesitated, a question lingering in his eyes.
"Can I see you again?" he asked, his voice soft but earnest.
Your heart skipped a beat as you nodded. "I'd like that."
General headcanons:
💘You have a favorite hideaway, a forgotten rooftop overlooking the city, where you meet up with Dabi whenever you feel like hiding away and spending time with him.
💘He reveals his real name to you in a moment of vulnerability, a testament to the depth of your trust.
💘You introduce him to the concept of cottagecore, and you share a dream of escaping the chaos to find solace in a self-sufficient cottage.
💘You use your witchcraft to weave protective charms into his clothes, secretly ensuring his safety during fights and battles.
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t-nd-rfoot · 2 years
🌻 Sunflower: What is one thing that brightened your day today? 
Hello, JJ darling!!!
One thing that brightened my day today was facetiming with my baby nephew 🥰 I miss him a lot and my sister (his mom) surprised me with a call this afternoon!
Gentle Cottagecore Emoji Asks
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lowlights · 2 years
20. “Breathe through your nose.”
With our favourite horticulturalist, Gardener Din. ♡
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Of course, Flora. I'm borrowing your cottagecore vibes for the setting here.
Gardener!Din x f!reader. Din teaches you how to go down on him. He's very gentle about it.
He found you under the tree, your tree, reading in the late afternoon shade of the protective tent. You were both hidden from view, and he didn't try to stop you when you started unbuttoning his pants.
"Are you sure, sweetheart? You don't have to."
You're on your knees, cushioned by the small pillows. You look up at him with wanting eyes. "I'm sure. You promised I could...do it to you some time. I like it when you put your mouth on me, Din. Teach me?"
Something in Din breaks and it takes everything for him not to push you on your back and bury his face in your cunt. But he wants this just as much as you do.
You help push his pants down and he springs free, half-hard. His hand grips his cock and gives it a few squeezes and strokes, coaxing his arousal. You can't look away from how large he looks in his wide hand, and you wet your lips as he quickly stiffens.
Next thing you know, Din is telling you to open up and take what you can in your hot mouth, and shivers when you start bobbing on him without any instruction. You're so eager that you go too fast at first, choking a bit. He pulls you off, his hand resting on your cheek.
"No, sweetheart. Don't hurt yourself. Slowly, so I can feel your tongue. Yes, just like that. Oh my...yes. That feels so good. Now take your other hand and hold me like that. You've got it. Yes, it feels so good when you suck on me. Just a little more, now. You can do it."
Din tries to warn you when he knows that he's getting closer, but he's so overcome by how you're looking up at him - mouth stretched wide around his cock - that he loses the ability to think. His balls pull up tight and he's coming in your mouth.
Your eyes go wide and he frantically tries to guide you off of him, but you stay latched on to his cock and try to drink him down. His cum fills your mouth and you start to cough a bit, lungs burning for air. But you want this. You want everything he can give you.
"B-breathe, sweetheart. Breathe through your nose. L-like that. Good girl. Oh god," Din moans out, finally pushing you off when as he softens in your mouth.
You wipe your lips from where a mixture of saliva and his spend has dribbled down. You watch as he tucks himself back in his pants as he pulls them up, eyes still wide and wild. "Did I do alright?"
Din looks at you with disbelief. "Did you...did you do alright? Oh sweetheart, come here," he says, helping you stand and catching you when you falter a bit from being on your knees for so long. "You were perfect."
You want to kiss him, but don't know if people do that sort of thing. Din answers your unspoken question by crashing his lips against yours. You moan into his mouth, suddenly very aware of how wet you feel between your legs.
"Do you have some time still?" he asks, with a softness you can't quite place.
You nod, biting your lip as he lets his hands trail down your stomach.
"Good. I think I need to return the favor."
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rosie-zia · 2 years
A/N: Greetings! I am Zia and I usually only read stuff on tumblr but since I really love Finn from Yuurivoice so much, why not write a fanfic about him! Happy birthday to our cottagecore boyfriend, Finn! This is inspired by the Finn scenario that I once commented to @talkfloraltome. Enjoy!
Wordcount: 1.4k
~The greatest gift of all~
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It was 3:19 in the afternoon when you arrived at Finn’s house, already passed out on the couch. You didn’t bother to change clothes nor sleep on the bed from exhaustion. No, you weren’t exhausted from work, it was from planning and setting up your date in the park. Since it is Finn’s birthday, August 14, you decided to do something nice for him and surprise him on a date in your favorite spot at the park with Jack’s help.
You felt a bit guilty this morning when you told Finn you were going to work, but the truth is you asked a day off to really plan this. The original plan was to get dressed and wait for Finn to come home, but you were already too tired. “Sleeping for a few minutes won’t hurt right?” you said as you doze off.
Finn arrived at home shortly. As he entered the house, he looked at any sign if you had come home already. He was a bit surprised when he saw you sleeping on the couch. He then smiled at your sleeping form and gently picked you up bridal style to place you on your shared bed. Finn then tucked you in and kissed your forehead. Something about you makes his heart squeeze a bit, so he stayed to admire you and look at your features more. He really felt like the luckiest person in the world to have you.
“Sigh, sometimes I wonder if I really deserve someone beautiful and hardworking like you. You must be really tired from working so hard today, you should rest more often.” Finn said as he sat at the edge of the bed. “I never had the chance to say this but thank you. You are really one of the best things that has ever happened to me, my sunflower.” He then rant about his day at the shop.
After an hour of Finn ranting to you in your sleep, you finally woke up. As you sat up, your vision got clearer and saw your boyfriend in front of you. “Finny? You’re home so early.” you said hazily. “No, I already arrived an hour ago. Do you want me to brew you some tea?” “Yes please, thank youuu.” Finn stood up and went out to brew some tea. He then came back with some oolong tea and handed it to you carefully. You then proceed to drink the tea he made.
“So, how was your work?” you asked him, letting him rant about his day at the shop. He rant away for the second time, but well this time you are awake. You can’t help but love and admire him. “It’s the usual but I received many orders today, maybe because of the increasing popularity of the shop.” Finn said as he helped you set aside your teacup at the night stand. “Oh really? That’s great! Anyway, thank you for carrying me to bed, you don’t have to.” “Well I don’t want to make your sleep more uncomfortable, so I carried you to bed.” if it was possible to fall in love with him more, then that’s your answer.
It was silent for a bit, but then Finn remembered something. “O-oh, I got something for you! I saw this while passing by at one shop. I thought you’ll like it. It reminded me of you, so I bought it for you.” Finn gave the present to you which was neatly wrapped in a small box. It was ironic for you because today is his birthday and yet he got you something. You opened it and it was… “Ta-da! It’s a pink crystal rose. I know it’s a bit cheesy and cliche but the meaning can say itself what I wanted to tell you.”
From the past flower lessons with Finn, pink rose symbolizes admiration, gentleness, and sweetness. It was a bit embarrassing because he may or may not have seen you looking at that crystal rose one time when you both visited the store. You didn’t buy it that time because it was a bit expensive, but seeing Finn bought it for you made you really happy.
Without thinking, you launched yourself to Finn and gave him so many kisses on his face. This flustered him so much he turned red. No words were uttered but from the hugs you both shared between you two expressed enough appreciation to each other. You two cuddled for a bit, wishing this moment could last forever but it didn’t when you suddenly remembered the plan you had in mind.
“Finn, what time is it already?” you asked him. “It’s already 4:35, why’d you ask?” He replied. You immediately get out of bed, already getting some formal clothes and heading to the bathroom. “H-hey! Where are you going?” “We’re going to the park, get dressed, Finn.” you shouted from the bathroom. He did what you instructed him. By the time you were done fixing yourself, he was done as well.
“You look absolutely stunning.” Finn commented. “You’re so sweet, thank you! Now let’s go before we get late.” As you walk with your boyfriend, Finn asks some questions on the way to the park, and you answer them. “Why are we going to the park? Is it a date, perhaps?” “You’ll see for yourself when we’ll get there.” “Then, I’ll be looking forward to it.”
By 6:00 p.m., you both got to the special part of the park where you two have picnics occasionally; however, this time, it was way different. Lights were flashing brightly, a picnic was already set with food along with rose petals around it, and flowers were blooming with the meaning of love. Finn was really amazed by the beautiful scenery in front of him. “Did you do all of this?” “Hahaha yep! I also got some help from Jack. I’ll thank him later.” you mentally in your mind to thank Jack tomorrow for guarding your favorite spot.
“It’s amazing, Orchid! But what’s the special occasion?” you cannot believe this gorgeous man had forgotten his own birthday. Maybe he’s pretending? “It’s your birthday, silly haha. Happy birthday, Finn!” What he said next put you in disbelief.
“Wait… is it my birthday today?” This made you cry a bit because he forgot his own birthday from working super hard to making flower arrangements in the shop. “Yes, it’s your birthday!” “I’m so sorry, I haven’t checked my phone since this morning! It was a busy day at the shop.” Even on his birthday, Finn is willing to fulfill his customers’ orders…
“But thank you for not forgetting it. This makes me really happy.” What Finn said made you look up to him. You can see him smile with tears of joy in his face. This really made you worry a bit, you reached your handkerchief and tried to tiptoe and wipe his tears. Small laughs were shared at that moment. After that, you both sat on the picnic cloth and just celebrated the night away.
“Happy Birthday, Finn! Now, make a wish.” you said after you lit up the candle on his cake. Finn closes his eyes for a bit before opening them and blowing the flame off the candle. You two then ate the food, especially the cake. The night was not so eerie and lonely anymore by the laughter you both shared. The very highlight of this night is that you two danced under the stars while vintage music was playing in the background.
“You know…” Finn started. “The wish I made—” “You don’t have to tell me or else it won’t come true!” you interrupted him before he could even tell you his wish. Finn softly laughed while shaking his head. “Actually, my wish came true. My wish was you, my love.” You become speechless from what he said. He continued, “You’re the greatest gift I could’ve asked for. You made me feel special and loved. I hope I could do the same for you, and I wish our love will last for a lifetime. They say if you told your wish to someone, it won’t come true but with you, I know we will last. I love you, my sunflower.” A hint of red spread across your cheeks from the confession. Finally, you both closed the gap between you two.
A kiss was then shared between two lovebirds under the stars.
A/N: Again, Happy Birthday to our beloved cottagecore boyfriend, Finn! Thank you for making us happy with your cute smile <33
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luminois · 4 years
ok omg prompt idea!! where do you think the boys would take someone they love on vacation? like a resort/city/diff countries!! and what would they do <3
idk if this makes sense but yeah
omg yes this is super cute bby thank you for requesting it 💞 and yes it totally makes sense!!
i think chan would take you somewhere where it’s just the two of you (not the creepy kind ofc)
maybe a chalet in the mountains!!
you’d wake up and drink hot chocolate while enjoying the snowy view from a wall made of all windows
and chan is curled up around you, with his chin resting on your shoulders as you whisper to each other to not break the early morning magical atmosphere
then you’d go on hikes or just play around in the snow making snowmen and angels
or maybe you’d just stay in and do something fun inside the chalet, like playing games
imagine curling up in front of the fireplace with him in the evening
complete bliss
and sexy times are bound to happen, maybe in front of that same fireplace, being just the two of you in such a romantic place
he feels like another nature vacation
probably a lake house, like a lovely house made of wood on a lakeshore
days spent having picnics on soft grass
he would probably attempt to fish and catch something to cook for dinner and i feel like he could even succeed
it’s just so blissful, with just the sounds of nature filling the silence
and it’s warm like early summer days
you’d probably spend the entire day in a swimsuit or soft shorts
you’d definitely find a cute little boat to lay on while minho takes you around the lake
who’s going to tell him you’re not actually looking at the beautiful trees around you but at his arms, courtesy of the sleeveless shirts he’s been wearing for the entire vacation?
somewhere super relaxing like a spa
just getting massages all day and eating fruits served on polished trays
trying out healthy smoothies that don’t taste that good but make you feel cleansed
yoga classes but for couples!!
you’d both most likely start laughing while trying to get into proper positions
doing each other’s facials instead of having the staff do it for you because it’s so cute
lounging around and feeling like royalty the entire time
he’d take you there after a very stressful couple of weeks so you can escape from both of your busy lives for a little while
or maybe for a special occasion like an anniversary!! in that case he would make sure you’re even more pampered than usual because he doesn’t mind spending money at all if it’s to make you feel good
definitely a city man, new york kinda style
getting settled in a cute apartment in the middle of the city that you’re probably only going to be in to sleep
wearing matching outfits and going around the city to take cute pictures of each other
trying out all the most popular food places and typical dishes because “that’s the most important part of traveling”
getting lost trying to follow what the gps says and just giving up and wandering the streets aimlessly because there’s something to see in every corner
visiting museums and taking aesthetic pictures with the art
totally taking advantage of the nightlife and going dancing in the most iconic clubs
going to sleep late and waking up early because you don’t want to waste any second of your vacation
once you’re back home, decorating your apartment with memories from your trip and sighing in content every time you think about it
... and already starting to plan the next one!!
a fun kind of vacation
definitely will insist on staying at the park’s hotel which is all disney themed, like every room is a different disney movie and it’s all so magical and fun
entire days spent around the park trying out every ride and watching the daily shows the actors perform
he would totally try to get as many autographs and pictures with the actors as he can
buying couple mickey mouse ears and taking the iconic picture in front of the castle where people always propose even if he’s not going to propose (or is he????)
eating all the most unusual disney themed dishes and also the most delicious ones from the movies that you’ve always wanted to try
waking up early to get in line before the park has even opened and staying until it closes and the staff has to convince you to get out
at the end of the vacation you’re exhausted but you haven’t felt that happy since you were kids and it’s now one of your favorite memories
cottagecore vibes, like a cute little house in the middle of a flower meadow
laying in the grass and letting the sun warm you up while you read to him and his head rests on your lap
baking cakes and cookies and the whole house smelling like a bakery
afternoon naps on soft sheets that always feel freshly washed because the room is chilly
picking up fruits and berries and playing with the little bunnies living in the meadow
visiting the small town nearby and being greeted by gentle grandmas who insist that you two stay over for lunch
bike rides with the wind messing up your hair and making you laugh
doodling and playing games while sitting on the house’s porch
stargazing without any light pollution blocking the stars and wishing on falling stars that you’ll be together forever
i feel like he would love to visit a european country, like italy or france
just being surrounded by beauty and art all day
finding a cute local cafe to have breakfast at every single morning
and a bakery to pick up lunch from as well as small family managed restaurants
visiting nationals parks and beautiful villas and taking aesthetic pictures with the sculptures in the lush royal gardens
going shopping and dressing up just to wander through the streets
being mistaken for a young couple on their honeymoon and being flustered while asking people to take pictures of you
going to watch operas or plays in theaters and getting lost in libraries
lowkey actually fantasizing about your honeymoon and thinking of ways to permanently move to the beautiful place you fell in love with, with the man you love
he feels like another city man, but tokyo style
staying in an extremely modern hotel and feeling like you’re in a sci-fi dystopian movie
sleeping all day and being out all night
eating out for every single meal and basically stacking up food to bring back home
geeking together over how your favorite characters can be found in every corner
finding an arcade to play the most futuristic and complex videogames you can find
taking a day to explore the historic parts of the city and actually enjoying the culture for a while instead of just the city life
asking to take pictures of the best dressed people you find in the streets and then going shopping after you fall in love with a particular aesthetic
buying tech gadgets you’ve never seen before
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starryasmo · 4 years
Cottagecore MC x Demon Brothers
this has a bonus chapter with the undateables in the making!! cross posted on my ao3, which can be found in my bio ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ☆☆
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Sometimes, Lucifer wondered truly how innocent you could be.
You were simply the purest. You were like a little woodland fairy, flitting about and bouncing upon mushrooms and through the foliage of the Devildom as you skittered about, doing your tasks diligently and with a warm smile all the while. Your delight at seeing a tree in your room was like that of the warm sun of the human world, the sun that Lucifer remembered as golden rays and a warm embrace. You would hum as you completed your tasks and when you finished, you would beam proudly at your handiwork, and Lucifer would swear on his life that he could see the pale white sparkles surrounding your face as you preened at your hard work, bringing an innocuous light to the usually dark and enigmatic Devildom.
You were as cute as a human could be, with doll lashes framing sweet gentle eyes and fluttering against cherubic cheeks that flushed with pink. Mammon had even tried to market you as a doll to sell at one point, and Leviathan liked to have you standing next to his Ruri-chan life-sized cardboard cutout or figurines to make it feel like his collection was complete. You smelled of tea leaves and spring petals and warm sugar cookies and soft cream puffs, and the scents brought a small dosage of serotonin to Lucifer’s heart whenever you passed by. When you weren’t in your RAD uniform, you liked to dress up in pale peasant blouses, flouncy pinafore dresses, and cozy knits that Satan would gift you. You were like a forest wanderer, skipping along the trails of the Devildom as if it were a leisure stroll through the woods, wicker basket hanging off your arm as you hummed, carefree and bright. Had you been anyone else, Lucifer would have scolded you for your naivety as to walking carelessly in a world of ravenous demons, but one look in your pure, sweet eyes, and the words died on his tongue like melted snow.
You had even managed to attain the favor of the other six brothers, albeit you had no clue that you had six of the seven overlords of Hell vying for your attention and your gentle smile as you invited the Little D’s to have tea with you in your room.
Mammon would accompany you to the human world market on Wednesdays when you went to go shop for groceries and to buy little trinkets. He’d trail after your happy figure, your linen apron fluttering in the early spring breezes as you filled your basket with vegetables and meat, as well as sweet bread, milk, and sugar. At first, he’d been reluctant, trudging after you boredly because it had been his obligation to accompany you to the human world and bring you back. However, after he’d noticed you always tucking the afternoon tea menus into the pockets of your dress and buying hand painted teacups from the shop with the elderly owner more often than not, he’d questioned your motives, and you introduced him to starting collections of things that you found pleasing. Now, whenever Wednesday struck, he was pulling you along excitedly to the human realm, eager to add on to his collections of cute rings, little trinkets such as lockets and charms, and other treasures that caught his eye. You had even bought him a comical-like treasure chest for him to store his newest finds in. Every time he finished a collection, something new would catch his eye, and he’d be rushing to buy it. It was one of the perfect ways to spend leisure time with the second born. He especially loved it when you invited him to bake with you, surprisingly. He passed it off with the excuse that he could sell some of the pastries and make good money, but he found himself eagerly looking forward to you waking him up gently in the wee hours of the morning on the weekends so you two could sneak into the kitchen and bake something. Those hours were usually spent baking batches upon batches of treats, enough to satiate Beelzebub’s ravenous urges and still have enough left over for everyone else. You two would dust powdered sugar on each other’s cheeks, sharing laughs and jokes as you cleaned each other up. The treat that Mammon liked to bake with you the most was your infamous honey tarts. They tasted delicious, and they reminded him of gold, therefore combining his two favorite things — gold, and you. He loved spending time with you that way, and when you’d offered to feed him a honey tart once, he was sure that something in him short circuited.
Leviathan wasn’t as easily convinced as Mammon had been. Being someone who preferred to stay in his room, he was a lot more hesitant to allow you to visit his room, especially considering your fondness with nature and his aversion to it, as cute as you were. However, you had noticed the plants that he’d gotten just to give his limited edition porcelain Ruri-chan flower pots a purpose, and your sweet and gentle smile had twisted into a slight frown, which had caused his heart to shrink and tighten up in slight fear upon seeing your calm and loving demeanor fade, although he would deny it to this day. When you lifted the pots from their shelves, he’d tutted anxiously, warning you with rushed words to be careful. You had sighed and carefully emptied out the pots, filling them with richer soil from the farms of the human world. You had brought some flower seeds with you, and you had pulled Leviathan over from his game to help you. He couldn’t deny that the way that your soft and gentle hands guided his to tend to the flowers was something that pleased him greatly, and when the first blooms had sprouted from the soil, you had smiled before giving each bloom a small kiss on the bud, and while the sight was totally moe, it sparked up that familiar twinge of envy in Leviathan’s heart, which he shoved down quickly in favor of seeing your beautiful smile as you kissed the blossoms. Your hands were gentle in handling both the flower pots and in squeezing his and untangling his fingers from his hair during anxiety attacks or episodes, and they were probably his favorite thing about you. They were incredibly soft, and your fingers were delicate and smelled like the light lemon pies you would bring in during gaming sessions to feed him while he played. You loved baking for him, and he loved it when you baked for him, especially when you would decorate the desserts to make them seem like they were straight out of a fantasy anime. He honestly liked sneaking peeks into the kitchen to see you baking more than he liked the desserts themselves, but he’d be damned if he ever told you that. After all, he needed the perfect dating sim route to go slow and steady, right?
Getting along with Satan was something that had come surprisingly easy to you once you got past his distrusting facade, because nobody, especially not a human, could possibly be this gentle and sweet . When you had earned his trust, however, you two would pass the wee hours after studying by curling up before the ornate fireplace and reading together, cups of enchanted cocoa steaming next to you. You enjoyed reading with him — his presence was comfortable and warm, and more often than not, he would read to you in a silky smooth voice that you absolutely adored. When Diavolo had sent you to the human world to retrieve some of your belongings in order to make you feel more at home, one of the things you had brought back was a thick book full of fairytales and worn pages. That was the thing that had caught his eye the most, and when you’d noticed him reading not-so-subtly over your shoulder, you had shot him a gentle smile and began to read the story of Hansel and Gretel aloud to him. Of course, he didn’t understand the merit of the story, but hearing your voice reading all these fantastical stories of grandiose warriors and heartwarming romances was enough to make his heart melt. Your voice was probably his favorite thing about you — it was soothing and sweet, like a sip of his favorite tea. Earl grey, which you somehow knew already because you were a clever little pixie of a human who could read him like an open book, no pun intended. You even made it the way he liked it. He especially loved hearing you talk to his cats about mindless little things, even if he thought that they couldn’t understand you and you couldn’t understand them. Truth be told, he liked hearing you chatter to any woodland creature; when you two went to the human realm together, he noticed that you would always stop to tell the birds about your day, or strike up a friendly conversation with the bunnies who lived in the rosebushes, or tell the deer that seemed to draw towards you about Satan himself and how kind he was. You always seemed so happy to talk to them, even if they couldn’t understand you. He was becoming unsure of that, however, but he ignored it. Why dwell on that when he could watch you chatter with the frogs and ducks by the pond instead?
Asmodeus was quick to smother you with affection. How could he not? You were as cute as a button and twice as precious, and you smelled like honey and wild berries! You were simply too cute for him to resist. Almost immediately after your transfer to the House of Lamentation, he’d whisked you into his room and sat you down for an impromptu makeup session. You’d been a bit overwhelmed at the fast pace, but eventually just let it happen as you let him do your makeup. He couldn’t stop crooning at how cute you looked, both naturally and with touches of subtle but elegant makeup here and there. He had definitely taken you out to find clothes that you liked at Majolish, and he’d entertained your hobbies of collecting little trinkets by taking you to shops that sold items that you liked. In return, you gifted him little homemade pieces of jewelry you made, such as the gold necklace with flower charms and little baby buds on it that you’d given him for his birthday, or the honey earrings and bee pendant you’d made him as a thank you gift for taking you to a farmer’s market when everyone else had been busy. Picnics in the human realm were also a common occurrence with you two, and they usually ended in you two weaving flowers into each other’s hair and telling each other stories as you snacked on blueberry cheesecake and passionfruit tarts. You would bring two portable cups for the two of you, and the drink would be different every time — some days, it would be raspberry cordial for him and a berry mix for you, and other days he would get a sweet latte while you sipped on honey tea. There was never a dull moment with you two, and you loved running through grassy lavender fields with him, especially when he would catch up with you and lift you by your waist, the breeze filtering through your hair and ruffling the skirt of your dress as you let out giddy giggles that brought a blossom of warmth to his chest, right under his heart. The sun would beam down upon you two and kiss your scalps gently, and you would lean on Asmodeus’ shoulder with a contented smile, never really noticing the faint twinges of pink on his cheeks or the way he subtly pulled you closer to him.
Beelzebub, truth be told, didn’t really like you at first, although he never expressed it. You reminded him too much of Lilith, too much of her breezy laugh and gentle smile and pure demeanor, and even though he knew that you weren’t trying to replace her and that you didn’t know what had happened, it still hurt to look at you and see Lilith’s face flicker behind his eyelids. However, when the events of freeing Belphegor and you dying had occurred, Beelzebub had felt a primal desire to protect you, defend you, save you , rip through his body like a papercut. He wanted to protect you. You , not Lilith. So he embraced that change and tried to be a bit more friendly with you, which he found surprisingly easy. No doubt had you noticed the shift in his demeanor around you, and while it miffed you slightly that it took you dying and freeing his twin brother for it to happen, you were still happy that he didn’t seem to hate you anymore. You weren’t Lilith, he knew. And he didn’t see her when he looked at you anymore. What sealed the deal for him, however, was when you were put on cooking duty. He’d tried Solomon’s cooking before and left his plate untouched for the rest of the night, but when he came downstairs on your first night to see what you had prepared for them, he was met with a pleasant smell that had his mouth filling with drool as he trailed after the scent, right into the kitchen, like a moth drawn to a flame. Luckily, you were plating the food by the time he made it into the kitchen, and his eyes roved over a main course of sweet chickpea potato curry with halloumi and roasted cherry tomatoes, accompanied with mushrooms and sauced lamb chops. Next to the bowl of curry was a plate of strawberry beignets dusted with powdered sugar and drizzled with maple syrup. You had ever so kindly offered him one — one , mind you — and he’d been stunned at how incredible your cooking was. Needless to say, with your constant gifts to Beelzebub in the form of steamy homemade soup with toasted croutons or treacle tarts with dollops of cream, it wasn’t a surprise that he found himself adoring you and showing you more affection than any of the other brothers.
Belphegor, of course, hadn’t met you until a bit later after your transfer. Despite your frankly adorable features and demeanor, he wasn’t below deceiving you and killing you. Although he acted like he adored you and was smitten with your gentle and sweet personality, his hands still gripped your throat until what was supposed to be your final breath. However, unlike all of his other victims, something in him had shriveled up in horror upon seeing your delicate eyes wide with fear and pain. Something in him had eaten at his stomach uncomfortably when he saw the blood from your neck dripping down his nails and staining the pure white of your linen apron. His mind had been flooded with a split second tidal wave of pure shock and horror at what he had done when your fragile body ceased to move. When you came back due to Barbatos’ power, he couldn’t help but throw his arms around you desperately after he got over the tiny spark of anger in his mind. You, being the sweet and forgiving angel that you were (not literally), dismissed it, and although you were weary around him, you soon learned to lighten up and trust him again. You did slip a few times around him due to reflex, like when you’d accidentally burned your hand against the tray of pastry croissants and golden twist rolls that you’d pulled out of the oven when you turned around and he was suddenly there, sitting on the counter, towering over you. However, you found yourself warming up to him in time, and when you’d invited him to come up to your own little leafy treehouse in the mossy forest, he’d felt a bit honored that you had invited him out of all the brothers. There, you two had shared snacks and pressed your hands against the lilypads in the pond. You two had sat at the edge of the lake, looking around at the variety of mushrooms surrounding you two while your feet dipped in the water, talking about everything and nothing at all. It was just the two of you enjoying a quiet moment together, and when you two had climbed the tall tree back to the treehouse, you fell asleep with your legs loosely tangled together, listening to the sound of rain pattering the windows.
With how quickly you charmed his brothers and were able to get them to be at your every beck and call, even without the pact, Lucifer would have thought that you were an angel in disguise, or perhaps a magical being. Perhaps a pixie, or a woodland fairy, or maybe a little doll come to life.
But he was soon to find out that your charm was all natural, no magic.
It had started when you’d knocked gently on the door to his study, carrying a tray in your slightly shaking hands. Perhaps you were intimidated by him — the thought of your sweet and cheerful nature being withered by fear of him was a thought that made his chest swell with pride. Either way, you had let yourself in upon his approval, setting the tray down on the part of his desk that wasn’t swamped in paperwork.
With a small voice, you explained to him that you’d learned a bit of magic due to your time in the woods, and you had charmed the treats that you brought him — soft tea cakes with sweet glaze and your signature ‘lucky tea’; a brew of dried gold clover, lotus petals, and enchanted honey. The tea cakes were supposed to relieve pains in your muscles and bones, and the glaze was steeped in mountain snow, so it was supposed to relieve Lucifer of the burn in his body due to stress. The tea had calming properties, as well as being charmed to grant the consumer good luck for a short amount of time. You said that you hoped it would help Lucifer breeze through the paperwork stacked on his desk. He hadn’t reacted much other than a slow eyebrow raise, a nod of thanks, and a dismissal. You bowed at the waist and scampered off, clutching the hem of your apron anxiously.
Most of your other interactions had been more lighthearted, like when he’d swiped a small dollop of ganache from where you were baking molten lava cakes. He’d used his finger to smudge the chocolate across your nose, and you blinked, snapping out of your baking trance, before giggling slightly and wiping it off with your thumb, sucking the sweet concoction off of your finger. Lucifer had followed the motion with his eyes and briefly wondered what else he could get away with, if only to elicit those soft little reactions from you.
He also noticed that you never reacted the way anyone else would have when Asmodeus made a dirty joke, or when Mammon nudged you into the more scandalous clothing sections of Majolish. When you heard those comments from Asmodeus, you simply blinked and voiced your confusion. When mammon tried to get you to dress in skimpy leather or latex, you frowned slightly and said that the clothing wasn’t really your type before opting to go over to the sections you usually shopped in.
Later, he learned that you had grown up alone, with only the woods and your otherworldly connection with nature keeping you alive. You had only started interacting with others at the ripe age of eight years old — before that, you lived amongst the small creatures of the forest, feeding off of the foods they brought you, as if they were your family. Perhaps they were. You spent most of your life building shelters for yourself, until you were old enough and experienced enough to begin building your own cottage. It was a quaint little stone cottage, nothing fancy, and it was humble and hidden away, and you absolutely loved it. You had spent most of your life in it, baking tarts and pastries with the ingredients you bought from the merchants in your village in exchange for rare mushrooms, seeds, and plants with healing properties that you seemed to have a sixth sense for finding. Most of your life had been spent frolicking in the woods, swimming in the lake and snacking on pastries of your own creation and chatting with the woodland creatures you encountered. You were a creature of the forest, a creature of flower scented skin and a honey voice.
What an innocent being you were, Lucifer mused over a cup of your lucky tea. The teacup, he noticed, was one of your favorites, the porcelain one with the gold rim and the hand painted floral design. Briefly, he wondered how you found the time to collect all of these things, all while pulling together so many gifts for him and his brothers and still miraculously completing each of your tasks with perfect marks.
His eyes flickered to the plate on the same tray — hand carved and painted by you yourself, and he was the only one who got this privilege; honestly, it was going to make his heart combust — that the tea had come on, the circular dish scattered in crumbs and smears of cream and jam from your latest impulse baking session; heart shaped waffles with cream and raspberry puree. Of course, Beelzebub had immediately poked his head into the kitchen at the smell of fresh fruit and waffles, but you had managed to hide some from his hungry eye — just enough to give to the rest of the brothers. Of course, you had taken the liberty of drawing a little panda bear on one of the two waffles you’d given him, using chocolate and cream, because he was special to you, he knew he was, and because he was special, you gave him special treatment. Just the thought of it brought a prideful smile to his face, lips twisted somewhat informally.
Perhaps he’d made the right choice in sneakily slipping your folder away for future reference during the selection process of the exchange students.
But nobody needed to know that but him.
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erosofthepen · 4 years
Hello! I hope you're doing well, happy holidays! Thanks for doing those really self-indulgent Dark Academia asks for me, I really appreciate it! I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a similar Imagine about which Lotr and The Hobbit Characters would most enjoy having a Cottagecore s/o. I really like Aesthetics, so I thought this idea might go well with the Academia one. Thanks so much, I hope I'm not bothering you with all these Aesthetic-themed Asks. Best wishes!
Happy Holidays! It’s never a bother to do these, I enjoy them immensely! It’s actually quite funny that you asked this today, because I spent maybe two hours watching cottagecore tiktok compilations on youtube today, so i’m most definitely in the mood for this! I hope you enjoy!
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This one is a no brainer. Of course this Hobbit would absolutely love a Cottagecore s/o! He is a cottage core icon. Expect early mornings out in the garden, tending to the flowers and vegetables. He would probably teach you the different names and meanings behind all the flowers, and you can bet that he would then place said flowers behind your ear, kissing your cheek in the process. Such a sweet Hobbit. Afternoons would be spent baking all sorts of breads and pastries and cookies, and probably getting flour everywhere too! After dinner, you both would sit in gardens and sip tea or read to one another (Sam is very proud that he is learned in his letters). He would love everything about a cottage core s/o!
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Legolas, in my opinion, is a very gentle elf, despite being able to kick-ass. He loves how nature-centered his s/o is, and adores everything about them. He would totally be down to flower pick any time of the day, and would most definitely end up weaving them into their hair, singing elvish melodies all the while. And given that elves are so good with animals, he might even attract some little bunnies or deer! For clothing, he would commission fabrics from the shire to Mirkwood for his s/o to ensure cottage core authenticity. Because everyone knows that the Shire is where cottage core was born. Legolas with a cottagecore s/o would make for a very soft couple.
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The best man in Middle Earth, Faramir is perfect with any type of s/o. He’s incredibly sweet with a cottage core s/o, always making sure fresh flowers are delivered to them every morning. He is always looking for books or poems that give off cottage core vibes in the Gondor libraries, and when he finds one, he delivers it alongside a warm cup of tea. If you fall asleep reading, Faramir might bookmark your place with flowers, so when you open it up the next day, you are greeted with some lovely, fresh-pressed flowers. In return, his s/o would bake for him, and whether it’s sourdough or muffins, Faramir will savor every bite.
The Hobbit:
~Bilbo Baggins
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Again, this is a no brainer. Bilbo is ✨soft✨, and will forever enjoy his books, his garden, and his cup of tea. However, he enjoys them better when his cottage core s/o is around. Both his s/o and him would bake nearly everyday, and would totally make and store jam for whatever fruit or berry is in season. Berry picking and mushroom foraging are daily hobbies, and picnics in the garden happen at least once a week. Bilbo is also a fashion expert, and will forever help his s/o with their outfits, and would probably like coordinating the colors to compliment each other. That’s just what he does.  
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Ah, my favorite little lion dwarrow, who i’m pretty sure everyone in the fandom would die for. Fili is naturally very protective, so him having a soft and sweet cottage core s/o would triple his protective instinct. He’s very worried about his s/o going off on their own, so he always comes along for walks in the meadow or foraging in the woods. During picnics and such, he would find different flowers and ferns and braid them into his s/o’s hair, probably while they read him stories and/or facts about nature. Gifts are a big part in dwarrow culture, so expect plenty of pretty jewelry and such that matches with his s/o’s outfits and hairstyles. He would also probably make his s/o a special knife for foraging that is decorated with dwarrow runes and flower designs.
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Bofur would absolutely love a cottage core s/o, and would love nothing more than living a quiet life with them in the forrest. Again, with dwarrow, there’s always going to be gifts involved, and I believe Bofur would make his s/o lots of little wood figures and carvings, bring pretty crystals or gems from the mines, and perhaps write a few songs in his s/o’s name. He’d love helping out with baking/cooking (though, he says he could never match his s/o’s skill when it comes to the kitchen), and there will certainly be times when Bofur steals all the sweets before they were meant to be eaten. He’s sneaky like that. I imagine while his s/o tends to the garden, he’d be off gathering/chopping wood for the fire. The dynamic of Bofur with a cottage core s/o is very sweet.
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Beorn, the man, or bear, depending on his mood. We all already know that his Halls are the cottage core dream, complete with a humongous garden, giant bumblebee hives, and all sorts of animals, so it makes sense that this skin changer would be attracted to a cottage core s/o. They would spend much of the time storing honey, taking care of the bees, and making candles out of beeswax. There would be a great deal of woodworking (I mean, the interior of his house is practically all carved with norse-inspired designs), and I believe reading by the fire after a hard days work would be common. Baking would occur often, as well as playing chess with his giant chess set (I want it sooooo bad). He would be incredibly protective over his s/o (as his entire race was killed off), and would be wary of them going out alone. When he cannot come along, he sends one of his dogs with his s/o (in the books, his dogs were so smart that they could talk).
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mcnobi · 3 years
🐓 🌲🕯 for the emoji asks 👀
just so you know, I just kept reciting cock-tree-candle to myself over and over so I could match them up with the questions until I realised what I was doing. 😆 thank you dearest!
🐓 Chicken: What is a comfort movie/show for you? comfort TV is actually a bit of a weird thing for me at the moment because it's pretty much all medical documentaries all the time. i can watch hours and hours of anything that focuses on trauma doctors, paramedics, emergency departments. 🩺 🌲  Pine: Do you prefer the cold, or the heat? both. which is useful, living in the UK. i love being in the sunshine, i love long afternoons in beer gardens and feeling the warmth on my back and not having to wear a jacket, but i'm not a sun worshipper most of the time. BUT there's also something really special about when the weather turns and you have to get your snuggly scarves and hats and gloves out and you switch to your winter coat and the cold on your face makes your cheeks glow. ❄️
🕯️ Candle: What is something you can’t go to bed without?
a drink. medications i take make my mouth really dry so i keep hydrating right up until i finally drop off to sleep if i can.
gentle cottagecore ask game
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nishimochas · 4 years
❁﹝ enha!tegories ﹞
‣ ⒈  enhypen as some of my favorite cottagecore-esque songs.
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❁﹝ lee heeseung as like the dawn by the oh hellos. ﹞
“ and like the dawn, you broke the dark and my whole earth shook. i was sleeping in the garden when i saw you. ”
light crept through the windows over your slumbering figure, heeseung's eyes steady over your face, studying every curve, angle, every dip and crevice. a sigh escapes him, content, as his fingers brush over your features in a soothing manner. the soft simper he wore blooms into a smile as your eyes begin to flutter open. you share his smile with a sleepy one of yours and snuggle closer to his frame.
"good morning, sunshine."
the moniker is met with a chuckle as he leans in to press a gingerly kiss on your crown. your arms circle his frane loosely, savoring the warmth. heeseung's heart swells when his eyes meet yours. he knows he hasn't yet seen a more beautiful sight, and he doubts such a sight to even exist in earth.
to wake up next to you for all the mornings of his life, to have you as his first sight with each break of dawn – nothing would ever compare.
“ you were the brightest shade of sun i had ever seen. ”
× 🌼 ×
❁﹝ jay park jongseong as home by jacob banks ﹞
“ so baby, baby, won't you let me in? i'm knocking on your door so let me in. i just need someone to love, i just need someone to hold. ”
the afternoon had been quaint, pleasant and proper enough for a leisurely nap. you curled up within the blankets as your system drowns out the tv noise, thoughts drifting away. as if in instinct, your hand reaches for the mess of pillows by your side – where jay usually sits, limbs in a tangle with yours as you both doze off. you couldn't hold back a sigh; it wasn't quite like home without him there.
buzz buzz.
you check your phone for the notification. an immediate smile tugs on the corner of your lips upon reading the message.
[ from: jjongddaengie 😎 ]
i'm almost home, baby. wait for me?
and so you set your phone aside and envelope yourself with the soft fabric, fighting the urge to giggle in anticipation. as the white noise of the movie you half paid attention to lulls you to sleep, you enter oblivion in the knowledge that in not very long, jay will come back home and see you as you are. you know you'll be greeted with two arms around your waist and a kiss on the shoulder; and at that moment, you know you'll always find home right where he is.
“ i need someone to kiss goodnight, and to give my heart a home. ”
× 🌼 ×
❁﹝ jake shim jaeyoon as coffee by beabadoobee ﹞
“ don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed; i'll make a cup of coffee for your head, i'll get you up and going out of bed ”
nights like these, when it is calm and the winds are gentle, are best enjoyed with a cup of hot coffee. it's become a habit for you jake to lounge on your front porch, each with a steaming cup with hand as you two chat about everything there is under the sun and beyond. this night was not very different; same seat, same sweaters, same mugs, only this time, there was complete silence between the two of you.
you'd expected it to be tense, for an unsettling echo of quiet to descend between you. but much to your surprise, this... this was comfortable.
"yes, love?"
you breath almost hitches at his answer – no matter how many times he's been affectionate with you, it'll always feel special. different. like there was no other soul in the entire universe who could ever say it the way jake does.
you take a sip from your coffee cup and glance back at him, wearing a proud grin only he could ever give you.
"let's do this more often."
“ won't you come down and get me? i like it when you hold me tight. ”
× 🌼 ×
❁﹝ park sunghoon as yellow by coldplay ﹞
“ look at the stars, look how they shine for you and everything you do; yeah, they were all yellow. ”
driving out at such an ungodly hour was, prior to being an impulse, something you and sunghoon have given much thought to. it was only when the two of you were still wide awake after having tried everything that you hopped into the car for your late night escapade. a song you weren't familiar with played in the radio station to fill the silence, but you were far too focused on counting the billboards to notice.
"twenty two... twenty three... ooo look, it's one of those ads about billboard ads–"
you roll down the car window to see further out, still counting under your breath each time you pass one by. he glances to his side and sees you; you two looked so cliche, almost straight out of a music video. he pulled over at an empty park and your displeasure was immediately made known.
"hey, i wasn't done counting..."
sunghoon chuckles from the driver's seat and pulls you in by the wrist, lips pressing softly against your temple in the most delicate of brushes.
"you can go back to counting when i'm done kissing you."
“ your skin and bones turn into something beautiful. do you know i love you so? ”
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❁﹝ kim sunoo as strawberry blonde by mitski ﹞
“ i love everybody because i love you – i dont need the city and i dont need proof. all i need, darling, is a life in your shape; i picture it, soft, and i ache. ”
the sun was especially kind today – it's warmth remained watchful over the grass you and sunoo sat on, but through a veil of clouds so as to not be so glaring. the perfect day for a picnic, as he said so himself. he always goes all out for them; whatever you craved for, he had it all. you looked through his basket with a giggle, noticing a few delicacies he doesn't usually bring.
"why macaroons?", you ask while helping him set up the mat and the containers.
"didn't you say you wanted macaroons last week? i thought i should bring some for you! i tried baking them but they didn't turn out very nice–"
his babbling was halted with a macaroon to the mouth, sending you both into a fit of laughter. you'll never get tired of how considerate he is, how much he pays attention to the things you say and how much sunoo truly cares. you popped a strawberry macaroon into your own mouth and rested your temple against his shoulder. now, you couldn't help but wonder: would it have tasted better if he made it?
“ look at you, strawberry blonde – fields rolling on, i love it when you call my name. ”
× 🌼 ×
❁﹝ yang jungwon as santa monica dream by angus and julia stone ﹞
“ goodbye to my santa monica dream – fifteen kids in the backyard drinking wine. you tell me stories of the sea, and the ones you left behind. ”
it's nearing three in the afternoon and jungwon's just about finished with helping you pack. he ushers the last suitcase out and into the car where your father waits for you. it wasn't difficult to tell that he was trying to avoid your gaze.
"hey..." you take his hand in yours, making him see you eye to eye. there's something quite crestfallen with how he looked at you; you had to go and pursue your dream away from home, he knew that, and he was happy for you. but you knew him better than that.
"i'll miss you, dork."
he could only give you a little smile, but it was more than enough. you look behind him and see the fridge door, battered with polaroids, receipts and letters. reminders of you, so he'll never forget.
you wave goodbye and so does he, not caring at all to wipe the tear streaking down his cheek. he'd miss you so and you all the same, but no matter where you are, or where you'll go – jungwon knows he'll be dreaming of you each and every night.
“ i'm singing songs about the future, wondering where you are. ”
× 🌼 ×
❁﹝ ni-ki nishimura riki as kiss me by sixpence none the richer ﹞
“ nightly, beside the green, green grass. swing, swing, swing the spinning step, you wear those shoes and i will wear that dress. ”
"hurry, we'll miss the fireworks!"
ni-ki half dragged you through the open venue, clad only in socks and you in his shoes with you broken heels in one hand. you could barely hold your laughter; you'd assume the punch had no alcohol, but given how giddy you were, it wouldn't have been surprising if it were revealed to be booze.
"cinderella! wanna get out of here?", he shouted beside you, the sentiment almost drowned out by the cacophony of fireworks and cheer. you took him by the wrist and maneuvered you two through the crowd. he'd figured that was a yes. you two found a cozy nook under the garden tree, spending the rest of the prom night watching from afar and laughing at his dirty socks.
"man, i'm seriously convinced that thing had alcohol in it." he laughs and nods along, peering over for a better view of your face.
"is that why you're so pink, then? drunk blush?"
immediately flustered, you hurry to cover your warm cheeks with two hands. another laugh escapes him – you almost expected him to tease you. but instead, ni-ki takes your hands away from your face, nudging your chin up so your eyes will meet his. you couldn't miss the smug grin he wore even if you wanted to.
"hey, kiss me."
“ lift your open hand, strike up the band and make the fireflies dance; silver moon's sparkling, so kiss me. ”
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❁ :: i'm honestly kinda disappointed in this HSHSB brain go brr, but i hope u guys like it 🥺💕 (edit: i really should have proofread this wow)
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frostfireft · 3 years
what are your gender headcanons for the pink haired Fairy Tail characters?
Okay because I know who sent this, and I know you’re expecting my long winded bullshit, you’re getting my long winded bullshit and weird way of describing gender that probably only half makes sense. 
1: Natsu Dragneel  
Genderqueer, All pronouns, he/she/they/it/neopronouns, doesn't matter. Gender is a spectrum and they're the whole fucking thing all at once. Feral energy. non-symmetrical clothing, but all matching colors. Feminine in the way guys are feminine and masculine in the way girls are masculine all at the same time. Long hair with an undercut and braids vibe. Skirts and thigh highs and doing ballet in black platform boots vibe. Would also kick your ass in the same outfit. Somehow graceful while causing utter chaos.
2: Chelia Blendy 
Demigirl, shey/they pronouns. Soft chaos and wildflower kind of vibe. Flannels tied around your waist and hanging over long skirts vibe. hidden thigh strap with a dagger sharp enough to to cut steel energy. Falling short of graceful the same way Icarus fell from the sun, lost only at the last moment and when they reached too hard for it, but keeping all the grace in the world when not trying. 
3: Sherry Blendy 
Trans woman, She/her. Lyon helped her transition and became her first real friend in a long time this way. Reds and pinks and soft purples swirled together on cupcake icing vibe. Paper hearts and secret wishes vibe. Platonic cuddles and whispered reassurances. Pink leather chokers with hearts that hide bruises vibe. killing fear and fighting trauma with all kinds of love (romantic, sisterly, platonic, motherly ect).  Strong in ways that people mistake for weakness.
4: Aries 
Genderqueer, She/they. Soft cottagecore and butterfly pea tea on a warm summer afternoon. Light filtering though a stained glass window and onto the hand wuilted blankets vibe. Cotton candy and sweets until your teeth hurt. The way the sky looks when the sunset has just begun and the sun is barely touching the horizon, but trapped in a tiny bottle of mirrors and worn around her neck. Softeness when the word is harsh
5: Virgo 
Genderqueer, they/she. Leather straps hidden under cute dresses. Unapologetic and unwilling to falter. A lighthouse in a storm so all encompasing that the light is barely visible though the rain, but nevertheless it persists and you will see flashes of it until the rain is gone and it stads tall and bright once more. Loud and proud no matter how many hits they take. Strong and unflinching. 
6: Porlyusica 
Trans woman, she/her. Silk hidden under leather vibe. Tough as nails and harder than steel vibe. Could and would flatten you like a pancake, and only the laws of the land hold her back. And her status as a healer of course. A rose bush with no roses, only thorns, because the world has pulled away all the petals and left behind only what they believe to be undesireable. But there will always be those who love the thorns just as much. 
7: Ikaruga
Trans woman, she/her. Femme fatale vibe. Acrylics coated with cyinide. Pretty in the way that Oleander is beautiful. Bright and eyecatching and sweet until you make the mistake of trying to use it. Toxic in a way that that pulls you under as it slowly kills you without you knowing. Needles and vengence against the world vibes. 
8: Meredy 
Trans demigirl, she/they. Thought she was just a girl at first and then realized she wasn’t quite at the end of the scale. Plush stuffed animals handsticked by friends and colored to match an aesthetic you feel most. Mood rings and tarot cards with mood descriptors. poloroid photos taken and burned slightly at the edges from dropping them too close to the campfire while making smores vibe. Emphathetic yet preserving every detail of everything and accepting it as is.
9: Ginger 
Demigirl, she/her. Fire and ice, yin and yang, two sides of a coin. Duality in way that’s unexpected. dresses feminine but it doesn’t stop her from doing anything. Fights like a feral cat, all instinct and pride. 
10: Cosmos 
cis woman. She/her. flowers and kisses in the sunrise. Cafe au lait and crepes for breakfast. A meadow full of flowers as you run though, butterflies flying upwards behind you as you disturb them. A knife stabbed upright in the cutting board as a reminder than no matter how gentle she is, she can still fight anyone and win. Several more in the bullsye of a practice target outside as a promise she won’t miss. 
11: Mary 
Trans woman, she/her. Wild as a large cat but just as graceful. Just as playful. could follow you through the night and you wouldn’t notice. Could do it during the day too. some one could pat her head without realizing the danger. Gentle until provoked. Power and adorableness rolled into one. 
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itseivwhore · 4 years
|Ezio Auditore x Reader| (Modern)
My house is just beside a little forest,so I often go there almost all the time.But during the Summer I specifically go in that forest to pick up some blackberries that grow there every year.The other day I went there to pick them up…for finding out that there was absolutely NOTHING.I honestly was pretty disappointed.But I enjoyed walking in that forest like always,it was like:COTTAGECORE VIBES CHEEEEEEEKK!!!And why just a mini one-shot with Ezio?I don’t know,most likely because me and my friend have been talking about him A LOT lately ( ;) ti amo tanto),and he was the first one that came in my mind.So sì,have this little little little drabble I wrote just for fun.
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°Of sunkissed skin and brown eyes°
Slowly,almost lazily walking side by side,shoulders brushing against each other,the sound of their light,velvety footsteps on the grass was the only sound that interrupted the quiet of that late August afternoon;a fresh breeze moved the branches of the tall trees that flanked them;the sun,shyly hidden behind thick,grey clouds-a presage od an eminent rain-still gave out some weak,warm rays that blended into the treetops,casting a carpet of strange shadows on a soft,green ground.
The wind that there was on that evening carried with it the pleasant and light smell of the last trees in bloom;and it also carried away,and above all,their discreet and silent promises of love,whispered in barely audible murmurs,their happy phrases,their delicate laughters:that quiet breeze led them away,held them and kept them with it,making them slowly dance in the air for a few endless moments,and entrusted them to the dark sky.
They walked together,side by side,talking,smiling,kissing,laughing:fingers touching each other slowly,craving their delicate touches,shiny eyes meeting,the intense gaze of him lost in the soft one of her,looking at her as if she was something unique,rare,ancestral,a precious to treasure:Y/n was the object of a deep and unimaginable admiration for Ezio.
He loved to see her walk,so gracefully,among the tall trees,her hands resting gently on their old dark barks;he loved to see how her h/c hair fluttering slightly when she moved,and how she closed her eyes,being caressed and rocked by the breeze,to say the least;he adored,in a boundless and indescribable way,how the corners of her mouth raised up in a proud and mischievous smile whenever she discovered he was watching her;he adored seeing her e/c eyes litting up with a genuine happiness when she managed to find more blackbarries;he adored how she lowly hissed when some thorns of the tangles stung her.
The young Auditore was totally and utterly enamoured by every little gesture she did,by every word and sound that left her lips,by every aspect of her whole being:he was anamoured by Y/n.He loved her madly,insanely,immensely.
And she loved him just as much:Y/n loved the way he followed her every steps;loved how she caught him-very often too-watching her with a dreamy expression on his face;she loved how the weak sunbeams kissed his tan skin,and how it made his brown eyes became lighter,pools of acient honey;she loved how he always guided her through the old path,his warm,big hand on her shoulder,adoring at how his touch and grip felt firm yet gentle on her skin;she loved to hear his warnings,said with such a caring and worried voice.
They were both glad and happy to be there,on the green hills of Tuscany,undisturbed,together.
It was Ezio’s idea to go and pick up some blackbarries that grew right on some hills,that gave a wonderful view of the vast green fields not far from his villa;and certainly Y/n did not think twice about it,accepting.
The young woman sharply turned around when she heard Ezio humming loudly:an expression of pure pleasure was on his face,eyes closed and lips wet and dirty with the dark juices of the blackberries he was eating,one hand inside the wooden basket full of those little black fruits he was holding.
“Ezio!“ Y/n shouted,trying to assume a serious expression,but failing miserably in seeing his face.Hearing himself called so loudly,the guy opened his eyes in a flash,finding himself in front of his fiancée.
”Cosa?“ he asked her,raising up an eyebrow,throwing yet another blackberry inside his mouth,a provocative gesture on his part,smiling smugly when the young woman gave him an exasperated look,amusement glistening in his brown eyes.
"I told you that you can’t eat them” she answered him in a calm voice,taking a few steps forward and approaching him,gently taking the basket from his hands,turning around again and resuming on picking up some more blackberries.
“Sì,you told me that I can’t eat some of them…” he started in a nonchalant tone “But you didn’t tell me that I couldn’t eat them all,dolcezza” Ezio replied in a smart voice,stretching an arm out from behind her and taking another little fruit,swiftly taking his hand away when she slightly slapped it.
“I remind you that we need them for the cake.We can’t eat the cake if we don’t have enough blackberries.Simple as that” Y/n explained calmly,her concentrated gaze did not move from the tangle where the berries grew,carefully picking them one by one,for then placing them in the basket.
As she continued to do this,she heard Ezio chuckling silently,and almost suddenly she felt his hands resting on her hips,taking in her curves,humming lowly,endless shivers running along her back when she felt his velvety touch on her body,his hot breath against her skin.
“I would rather eat something else…” the young man purred in a low,sensual and temptalizing voice;and she swore to feel and perceive a smug little smile when he pressed his lips against her neck,leaving a trail of lazy and chaste kisses allong her skin,smiling against the soft flesh when he heard her laughing,writhing under his touch when he playfully bit her cheek.
Grabbing her waist,squeezing them sometimes,he suddenly turned her around,making the young woman face him.She tilted her head to one side in an interrogatory gesture when she noticed that he was looking at her in a confused manner,thick eyebrows frowning in a thoughtful expression.
“I’m worried” he finally spoke,raising his chin up and looking down at her,only the cheerful singing of the swallows interrupting the quite that had suddenly fallen between the young couple.Y/n meanwhile,looked at him with an expression of pure concern,her e/c eyes never leaving his brown ones.
“You didn’t kiss me yet” Ezio concluded in a strong tone,taking an attitude of sorrow,looking at her with a false disappointment,the slight smirk he had on his scarred lips just miserably betrayed his offended expression.On the other hand,she burst into a purely amused laugh as she heard the firm statement of her boyfriend,deteaching from him slightly.
“I thought you were serious!” she exclaimed,looking at him in a surprised way,laughing again:but the young Auditore always kept his seriousness.
“What makes you think that I was not?” Ezio asked her with a determined tone,raising an eyebrow in a smart way,spreading his arms,amazed when he saw Y/n take a few steps back and come back to pick up the blackberries.
“I kissed you some minutes ago” she defended herself,making a vague gesture with her hands,biting her bottom lip when she was sure that he couldn’t see her action:she knew very well that nothing and nobody would stop him to get what he wanted…and she also knew,very well,that Ezio knew how to be persuading.
“I will die” he replied promptly,
his loud voice,his theatrical and dramatic ways;and once again on that late afternoon at the end of Summer,she found herself in his strong arms,swinging gently and slowly from one side to the other,as if he were cradling her.
“Of what?” Y/n then asked,resting a hand gently on his arm around her side,beginning to caress his knuckles,her voice only a light,barely audible whisper for the rest of the world if not for him.
“Of starvation.I need your kisses.Ora” saying that with such need and desire-nowhere close in being malicious-he gently took her chin between two fingers,moving her head to the side,bringing his face closer to her one.And they kissed,slowly,lovingly,soft lips against each other,the hand that previously was on his arm,slided up behind his neck,pulling him closer.
They both deteached from the long,almost breathtaking kiss,him only humming lowly as he pressed yet another kiss on her cheek,purposedly snuggling his bearded face on her skin,closing his eyes when he heard the melodic sound of her giggles leaving her mouth once again in that endless afternoon.Y/n sighed slightly,relaxing,leaning her back against his broad chest,his chin now placed on her shoulder.
“Happy?” she suddenly asked him,looking over her shoulder to caste a small,pleasured smile forming on his lips as he nodded slowly,the arms around her middle just tightening more.
“Tantissimo” he murmured in a low and happy voice,Y/n only smiling more widely every time he spoke in Italian;she loved everything about that part of him:when he would mutter curses under his breath when he was focused,or when he would call her with sweet nicknames that never failed to make her heart flutter;or when,in the heat of the moment,with her between his arms,with his forehead pressed against her own,with a burning flame in his eyes,he whispered on her lips how much he loved her in his language.
But the young woman shook her head slightly,feeling her cheeks heating up at the memories of all these passionate nights.Ezio’s low voice near your her helped her to concentrate again.
“Guarda” he whispered to her in a thread of voice,his arm sliding from around her body,his hand now resting on her waist,squeezing slightly,enough to completely catch her attention.Y/n closely followed his gaze,beyond the hills,where vast green soils alternated with numerous orchards and vineyards.
“There is an abandoned church,beyond that hill…do you see it?” Ezio pointed out to her,stretching an arm out and pointing to what used to be a stone building,erecting,though in its smallness,among the sumptuous and shapely hills,a small tower supported next to the church.
“One day I will take you there” Ezio promised her,whispering this in a candid tone,pressing a light kiss on her cheek.She turned around slowly,her e/c eyes meeting his brown ones,getting lost in these two big cesspools,no longer illuminated by the rays of the sun.She looked at his calm face for a few moments,thoughtful.
“Why not now? Why not today?” Y/n asked,hoping that made her beautiful e/c eyes glisten;the corners of her mouth that rose in a small smile fought between hilarity and seriousness when she saw that,once again,Ezio quickly took another blackberry from the basket.Holding the fruit,he pointed up at the sky:the grey clouds,which used to be just a few dark wads in a bright sky,were now bigger,obscuring the sun’s rays once and for all,thus hiding a magnificent sunset hidden under that thick layer of clouds.
“It will rain soon” the young Auditore explained to her,chewing the little berry fruit with taste,humming loudly,savoring its sweet taste.A thunder growled loudly all of a sudden,the loud sound that,once repeated in deep echoes in that quiet atmosphere,was gradually fading away.
But when Ezio lowered his gaze on her,seeing how hopeful her eyes where,how pleading her face looked,a low chuckle left his mouth,stretching a hand out and carressing her soft cheek with the back of his hand.He slightly sighed,a ghost of a smile tugging his lips up.
“I just am not able to say ‘no’ to you,mh?”
They immediately arrived in the abandoned church,both of them breathlessly,pants taking their breath away,their chests rising and lowering quickly,their hearts beating wildly,their hair wet and sticky on their faces.It started raining just when they had just begun to make their way to the church;at first walking quickly,and then beginning to run under what had become a downpour,holding hands.
Y/n let go of her hand from his own,starting to slowly walk inside the church,her soft and flush steps resounded in a thousand echoes,breaking against the old dark walls of the church.Stretching a hand out,she started to trace the dirty stained glass of the long,tall mosaics with her fingers,looking with absorbed and amazed air at all that surrounded her.The wild ivy had penetrated through the chipped windows,continuing its path and climbing even the cold walls of that forgotten place,though fascinating in all its decadence.
Ezio,who up to that moment had been bent in two,with his hands resting on his knees to catch his breath,looked fascinated and captured by the figure of Y/n,who had now stopped in the middle of old wooden benches while she was looking at the paintings ruined by the years.He smiled to himself,his eyes did not move away from her even for a moment,observing her intensely.
“I just could take you right here,you know that,tesoro?Mh?” he uttered from all of sudden,smirking with a knowing grin when she turned around and looked at him in an amazed way,his excited eyes wondered all over her body,noticing how her wet clothes hugged her body more.
All thanks to the rain.
“In a church?” Y/n asked in a perplexed tone,raising her eyebrows,gesturing at the place around them,stepping forwards towards Ezio,placing both of her hands on his chest,running them up and down on his broad shoulders,playing with some strand of his wet,dark hair.His hands found her hips,pulling her closer against himself,squeezing them,grimacing a bit as he placed and moved his glance around the church;then lowering his gaze down on her again,humming,giving her an inviting smile.
“It’s deconsecrated.I do not see the problem”
And perhaps Ezio was persuadable enough,with his soft gestures and with his velvet words,to convince her;and perhaps,most probably,in that place which had once been sacred,holy,both the noisy rain and their heated,passionate sounds resounded inside that church.
°*~ TrAnSlAtIoNs! ~*°
“Cosa?” = what?;
“Sì” = yes;
“Dolcezza” = literally,sweetness.Sweetheart/sweetie;
“Ora” = now;
“Tantissimo” = very much;
“Guarda” = look;
“Tesoro” = darling.
103 notes · View notes
kaetastic · 4 years
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pairing: Agent Whiskey x F!Agent!Reader
summary: After a mission gone awry, Agent Whiskey and Agent Brandy had no choice but to find refuge at an isolated lodging. It seemed only one of the pair seemed open to the idea of adjusting to the change of plans.
word count: 3k+
warning: nothing spicy, just fluff, angst, mention of death, mention of violence, discreet mention of sexual intercourse oop
note: when i was making this, i based this whole thing around cottagecore aesthetic, however, i want to say that there had been some things in said-community where it’s not right. so, i will not associate cottagecore with this. i honestly just wanted to write this very descriptively, then, i was unforunately hit by w****r’s b***k :( i’m sorry i haven’t been writing much, or i haven’t been that active on this platform :(( x
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The creaking of decaying wooden hinges shrieked into the light air. It scraped along the canal of ears, leaving back permanent damage. The rusted flakes that coated the hinge looked like a shy amount of shredded slice of chocolate, the thin line would melt into one’s tongue within seconds. Although, the taste wouldn’t be as delightful as the sweet delicacy. The noise of soft rustling from the leaves from birds who have finally arrived back to their home from their exhausting journey danced with the orchestra of petite lambs. Their gentle ‘baa’s lingered longer in the air, the conversation extended in the warm afternoon sky. Well, it could’ve been assumed it was an argument for it went on and on. The weaving of grass padded by their fluffy feet stomped a song of approaching closing to the day.
The scent of freshly plucked out grass (consumed by the wandering animals) lingered in the air, a refreshing smell- almost comforting. There wasn’t much controlling of the weeds and the greeneries for the only two humans who had occupied the lodging had no experience with said- mowing. Whiskey had been nudged at an attempt; however, with scissors, it would’ve taken hours... or years. So, that task was left behind to be the factor for the spurting growth of grass. Even though the memory of Whiskey suggesting the idea of using his lasso to possibly cut the grass still remained in the jar, it wasn’t brought up much. Disasters then lead to a small branching river of fires, nothing the two agents couldn’t stop by scurrying with horrid-to-the-eyes stitched blankets in their arms.
The blanket of wearing-off white paint peeled away from the wooden fence, creating waves of thickness. There were random bulges and bumps, an inconvenience- more like an uncomfortable blotch of area to graze one’s fingers over. Y/N let out an exhausted huff, arms aching from the hefty wicker basket that hung in her arms. It was her underestimating the fresh fruit from the ground that caused the heavyweight of possibly two dozen ripe strawberries to only bring one basket. If she had not thought less of the weight, she would’ve either brought another basket or have dragged her other accompany. Although, he was quite occupied with his own set of chores. All the ones he had proudly chosen. Y/N couldn’t help but be amused at the thought of Whiskey leading the cattle. It would be an entertaining sight. One she had been blessed to graze her eyes upon once. 
While making her way towards the petite cottage that contrasted warm tones to the walls of glowing trees, she couldn’t help but let out an exasperated sigh. It had been roughly a week and a half since they had found shelter in the lodging. Rough weeks for the two, although, rougher for the woman since she had been the one to have to put up with the other. Hours of Whiskey had somehow made her want to regurgitate whatever she had consumed at the thought of him and the drink. 
Even though the mission was going great, the inches at the ending had not been so great. There was joy at the realization that it was going smoothly before it churned into moments of disaster. Chaos. That was the reason for their staying at the cottage. Somehow- as if it was written in prophecy, a perfectly maintained house had resided in layers of forest trees, bedded by greens and towering weeds. The only reason they even stayed there was to stay off-radar from those who were chasing the pair. They stalked nearby. 
Stranded with no way of communicating the agency as there would be a chance those they were running away from would be able to pick up the signal, there was not much they could work with. It only made sense if the two agents had stood in front of the wallpaper, blended within barks. An idea that neither of the two liked. Something they had in common, other than the fact that they were both agents at the Statesman. Whiskey had been rambling on and on about having no way of communicating with Champagne or anyone at the agency. Y/N just wished he would zip his lips up or else she would have the dig through the stacks of books on the Leaning Tower of Pisa’s bookshelf.
The man had tried every possible method of initiating communication. Although the reason he told Y/N was to inform them of the intel they had received, she knew otherwise. Whiskey wanted to do nothing but flee away from the pesky bugs that crawled up his walls. Within a week and a half at the cottage, he had at least complained five times a day about the littlest things. It all piled up to his objection to staying at the ‘abandoned’ cottage, so he says. In parentheses because there was no owner- no one who roamed the property, not even a sole photo frame. However, it was peculiar since there had been animals who did not look slightly malnourished. There had been water in their pots, their grass had been at a perfect height as if gingerly trimmed and looked after, and there were no quivering traps spun by spiders. Almost as if the house was cared for, loved.
With every feathery graze of her foot against the odd shapes of the stone steps that seemed as if it had been watered down by rough bites of water, she made a step closer towards the cosy house. It was indeed comforting, almost too comforting. The wallpapers were warm yellow, brown stripes splayed in random measurements to create a soft pattern to the eyes, and the floor let out gentle cries that played a lullaby if one choreographed the notes.
Despite Whiskey facing the truth and embracing the fact that the house wrapped his chest in a fuzzy feeling that he had never felt before, the words had not clawed out of his throat. He refused to say so even though he had accepted the feeling that he would not usually feel in the puzzles of skyrocketing towers. 
Digging into the soil-packed ground were heavy slabs of stone which were placed as if thrown. The steps were bubbly shapes, set apart from each other quite spaciously. An extended skip hop with a rise of land between each level. The front of the house had already been a sight, the appetizer to what rested inside the walls. Shrubs ruled over the small land, vibrant flowers peeking out of the twigs while packs of rocks splayed over the ground.
A squeaking plea from the door trickled into the tranquil air. Even though the animals that were in the fences within the properties boundaries, a slight smear of noise only made way into the house. Muffled ‘baa’s from the lambs was replied with guttural ‘moo’s from the cows. It was boisterous outside the house, now it’s just a forgotten radio player that caused chaos for people who are in search of the sound. The hallway welcomed a new path to her right, the petite kitchen that she had somehow made possibly to cook meals in. 
Y/N let out a huff as she swung the basket onto the small island in the middle of the kitchen. The aching in her muscles was no different from the time she had her arms chained up in the air. Although, that’s a story for another time. Once she had slipped her way through the small space between the island and the counters, and she had managed to pull out a bowl from the ancient cabinet without having the stack tumbling down upon her, she gingerly went through the fruits individually- with care for any visible faults. That was when the time she was enjoying all by herself eradicated with a blessing of presence by none than the other, Whiskey. Whiskey and his infamous Stetson-Cowboy hat. Just when her head and mindset was in a tranquil and quiet place.
The man let out an exasperated groan, either from his time wasted on scrambling about his horrible time at the cottage or since he had been the one to put at task to chop a bundle of wood. All so they could be warm.
“You know, if you actually helped me, you would be doing much more important work.” Whiskey murmured while his eyebrows quirked towards the victorious strawberries that managed to pass the trial of being without fault. Y/N rolled her eyes at his words. Of course he would jab at the chore she had was assigned to do since it was him who decided to take upon the manly job of chopping up wood. The man had to swing an axe while she hummed a song, caressing strawberries. It was all his fault. Although, every time she confronted him about the truth, he just grunted in frustration before he stormed off. 
“If I left them there, it would’ve been a waste.” 
Whiskey made his way towards the small circle table that resided in the sad corner, the ragged wooden planks he had pierced through had jagged ends, splinters bulging from the surface from his frustration, “It should be enough for two days unless someone demands for more warmth.”
“It was an exceptionally cold night.”
Whiskey hummed, “Sure,” He pushes down the planks to flatten them on the surface before a cranky groan let his lips- most likely from his ageing body. “Goddamn it, these woods.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes at the sight of his hand resting upon his aching back. As she hurled another bright red strawberry onto the cascading pile, she inquired without glancing up, “Did you water the plants?”
“Yea, gave them plenty of water, too.” Her eyes hurled to gaze into his dark ones. His pupils had been painted with slight humour, almost as if he had been amused at what he told her. Y/N did not need any more explanation as she understood what he meant perfectly. She exhaustedly groaned, feeling the weight on her shoulders at taking care of the man as if he was a child. 
“I told you not to drown the pots, you just- I’ve shown you how to do them before.” Y/N hissed out. The thought of the soil being soaked in litres of water had done more than annoy her.
Whiskey hummed, “I must’ve forgotten how to do it.”
The devil crawled onto her shoulder, the corners of its lips curled up at the tainting thoughts it had plagued her with. Anger, frustration, yet, somehow- Y/N did otherwise. She felt her energy balled up from his stubbornness, thrown out of the window, “I’ll teach you again tomorrow, just start the fire, it’s nighttime.”
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Heated waves crawled up her arms in shy bites, fearing for what would be inflicted if they had blanketed her whole body in one engulf. Despite the generous percentage of warmth she had embraced all to herself from the dancing flames, she could still feel her toes shiver. The cottage would be warm during the day; however, with cracks in the walls, at night, it was bound to offer the frigid air a place to rest. 
The noise of the fireplace crackling, a sound she had got used to, well, more like forced herself to get used to, trickled along her ears. Y/N would drift off to sleep, her eyes fluttering to shut while the natural music sang her a lullaby. Except, the night did not apply that same ending to the day. No, Y/N could not find an ounce of willingness to melt into the small tattered loveseat even though minutes ago, she had been shaking the whole house with her series of exhausted yawning. It was either from the stuffings of the seat that had been harder than bone, although, Y/N liked to believe that she had got used to the way disobedient stitches would pierce into her back with every shift of her muscle, or the credits for her to wander away from the path of sleep was all handed towards the presence in the living room. The same presence that would find comfort elsewhere- his designated room. 
Whiskey was the one who claimed he wanted the only available room which had no fireplace, unlike the living room, saying he had gone through terrible weather conditions whilst working in missions- something he kept bragging on about, even though Y/N had been on the same list of terrible weather missions about seventy-five percent. “Nothing I can’t handle.” The man would say. That night, Whiskey couldn’t peel his eyes away from the gentle swerving of the flames. His arms were crossed, legs tensed, yet, he could feel himself drift away faster than the time he had spent in his own room. Maybe warmth wasn’t so bad after all. 
“What do you think they’re doing?” Whiskey quirked up, his southern accent smeared along the heated air. It was the first thing he had resounded in the room in hopes of steering him away from the need for sleep. He knew he deserved every fraction of slumbering from the chores he had worked hard for, but he didn’t quiver under the thought of it. 
“Hm?” Y/N grazed her eyes across the room to land on the man who perched himself on an uncomfortable, solid-looking armchair. The main fabric seemed to be a young teal, something Y/N had assumed ever since the day they had arrived at the cottage because no other cloth overlapped or covered said-colour. Other places were patched over with square cloths of floral designs, some atrociously hard to the eyes. 
“Do you think they’re looking for us?”
The woman let out a chuckle before a shiver crawled down her spine, “They just lost one of their best agents, I’m sure they’re doing everything they can,” Y/N spotted the smug smirk growing on Whiskey’s face. Only a second of pride lingered before it flattened back to his pressed lips. “I’m not talking about you.” 
Oh, she knew how to press his buttons. She knew what to say, she knew the perfect speed of the syllables that would fall off her tongue for the best reactions, and the following actions- everything. It had always bothered the man. Sure, they had gone to missions together. And sure, they had been side by side in moments where death stood in front of the door. Yet, the chemistry seemed to only spark up in situations where their adrenaline gets fired up. Y/N managed to bring his hopes up, filling his container by caressing his ego, fuelling up till the brim. Then, within milliseconds, all of it vanishes into the air. Not a speck of dust remained. 
“What makes you think you’re the best agent?” The man finally squeezed out the words. He had been slightly reluctant to the thought of saying it, yet, his tolerance was only so limited. Even though he was holding back the whiplash of his tongue, he couldn’t help it.
“I don’t think it, I know it,” Finding her words amusing as it brushed on a familiar set of egoism from the man, she let out a chuckle, “I’m sure Ginger just says it to butter me up.” Another sentence rested on her lips, ready to be launched into the air when another chilling shiver spiked down her body.
Whiskey quirked his eyebrows in confusion. He pushed himself away from the chair to sit on the edge, “Do you need more blankets? I’ll go grab some more.” 
“All of them are here.” His eyes brushed over the cocoon Y/N had wrapped around her body. It seemed to be a thick mess of heat, possibly suffocating her blood vessels, ready to crack her ribs. Her cheeks reddened. Although, she wasn’t sure if it was from the confession of her using all the possibly blankets offered by the house or the last reminiscent of heat she had to quench upon.
“Well, there’s no point in adding more wood, it’ll just be the same. We’ve already shut every window, you’ll have to bear with it. Unless…” Y/N pulled away from the brim of the blankets where some had poked out to cover her lips, her eyes meeting his in hope. In hope of getting away from the annoying coldness. 
Whiskey glanced at the fireplace before suggesting the thought while his eyes gazed into hers, “Unless we make use of our body warmth.”
Maybe he should’ve said the words better, he could’ve rephrased the suggestion in a more… approachable setting. Or maybe, it was Y/N’s head that was stuffed in the gut, because his idea had not been comprehended the way he thought of it, “Whoa! I’m not sleeping with you.”
The man could feel his eyes roll at her words, “I’m not saying I wanted to sleep with you, I’m a gentleman- I wouldn’t ask so straightforward.”
“That definitely makes it better.”
Having enough of her opposing to his only possibly good idea, he hovered over her resting body, “Move, I’ll sit at the edge.”
“Such a gentleman.” There weren’t any other suggestions they could take. They had done everything so Y/N wouldn’t feel cold during the night. She had no choice. She had to comply with the much more friendly idea, compared to that of diving straight into the fireplace, if she didn’t want to be shivering all night. 
Slightly reluctant to the thought of slumbering the night away on a cramped loveseat, Y/N shifted away to press her back against the backrest. Whiskey nudged his shoe down before slithering himself into the cocoon. The first thing that came to Y/N’s mind was the extremely close distance between the two, while Whiskey inquired himself to how she had not fainted at such a temperature, especially with the addition of the fireplace. 
“Okay, get some sleep, a day’s waitin’ for us.” No rules had been hung upon the board, no restrictions, yet, during the night, unconscious two pairs of arms slithered to snuggle the other. 
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coquillagean · 4 years
GENDIES PT. 1/1 (54 gendies)
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Biscottaregender: a gender that feels slightly baked, small, warm, and toasty to the user. From Italian “biscottare” meaning “to bake”
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Coctagender: a gender that feels cooked, large, and expansive with dozens of other small baking-oriented genders incorporated into this one gender. Related to Biscottaregender. From Latin “coctus, cocta, coctum” meaning “cooked”
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Cuoceregender: a gender that feels related to Coctagender and Biscottaregender. These genders are considered in a group together, but they all have different components. Cuoceregender is a small, warm, and cozy gender that is completely revolved around cooking, baking, and cottagecore. From Italian “cuocere” meaning “to bake, cook”
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Cottogender: a gender that feels calming, related to baking, and overall small and sweet. It is a part of the group that Cuoceregender, Biscottaregender, and Coctagender is in. From Italian “cotto” meaning “cooked”
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Crudusgender: a masculine gender that feels raw, bloody, and hellish. From Latin “crudus, cruda, crudum” meaning “raw, bloody”
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Crudumgender: a nonbinary/agender gender that feels raw, bloody, and hellish. From Latin “crudus, cruda, crudum” meaning “raw, bloody.” A part of the Crudusgender system.
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Crudagender: a feminine gender that feels raw, bloody, and hellish. From Latin “crudus, cruda, crudum” meaning “raw, bloody.” A part of the Crudusgender system.
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Incinerogender: a gender that feels like it is constantly being reduced due to a “fire” in the overall identity. From Latin “incinero” meaning “I incinerate”
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Incineratagender: a gender that feels like it has been burned to ashes. From Latin “incineratus, incinerata, incineratum” meaning “burned to ashes.” Related to Incinerogender.
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Alghegender: a gender that feels small, aquatic, related to seaweed, summer, and plants. It is also slightly fluid, and feels slightly feminine. From Italian “alga, alghe” meaning “seaweed” (this gender is in the plural).
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Paisgender: a gender that feels peaceful, placid, calming, but full of love. It is a quiet, softly fluid gender that has little to it other than it is never too fluid nor flux. From Middle French “pais” meaning “peace.”
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Raccenderegender: a gender that feels like it had once went out, and went from being a gender to an aporagender/agender-aligned identity. It has been relighted and now is a somewhat fluid gender that is related to fire, the Sun, and weather. From Italian “raccendere” meaning “to relight, rekindle”
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Seccaregender: a gender that feels like it has “dried up” into being a skeleton of what the gender was before. This can be interpreted many different ways, it is up to the user. From Italian “seccare” meaning “to dry, dry up”
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Asciugaregender: a gender similar to Seccaregender in that it is dried up, but still has at least some kind of life or fluidity into it. From Italian “asciugare” meaning “to dry up, mop up, etc”
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Asciuttogender: a gender that is simply dry. It is related to deserts, summer, and sand dunes. From Italian “asciutto” meaning “dry”
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Spaziogender: a gender that feels so spread out and thin that it cannot be determined by a human mind, and is ineffable to the point that it is nearly useless. From Italian "spazio" meaning "space"
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Hodeitsugender: a gender that feels vague, cloudy, small, related to clouds, summer, and stormy days. From Basque “hodeitsu” meaning “cloudy”
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Stremefluid: a fluid gender that flows like a small stream. it is related to the seasons, streams, water, and rivers. From Middle English “strem, streme” meaning “stream”
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Ryverefluid: a fluid gender that flows like a river, it is powerful, related to summer, rivers, and water. From Middle English “ryvere” meaning “river.”
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Hyysfluid: a frosty fluid gender that feels connected to ice, water, and winter. From Middle English “is, hyys” meaning “ice”
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Hagolfluid: a fluid gender that feels cold, wet, and flows between small, water-aligned genders. It is connected to hail, summer, and winter. From Middle English (early Middle) “hayle, hagol” meaning “hail”
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Vlodefluid: a fluid gender that floods the identity with new, water-aligned genders that causes the gender to become more and more revolved around water. From Middle English “flod, vlode” meaning “flood.”
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Drygegender: a gender that feels like it is becoming dry and withering slowly. From Middle English or Old English “drye, dryge” meaning “dry”
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Botymfluid: a fluid gender that feels that it has no bottom, and that there are hundreds of millions of genders not discovered deep inside the identity. From Middle English “botym” meaning “bottom of something”
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Brynkegender: a gender that feels connected to both the land and the sea, and has a huge variety of feelings and connections. These range from a warm gender related to tropical summers and the sunshine to a cold gender that is frosted and cold like the ocean in winter. It is up to the user what they would like to use this gender for, I personally use it for the first definition, hence the flag. From Middle English “brynke,” an alternative to “brinke” meaning “ The coastline or shoreline; the place where land meets sea.”
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Drynchefluid: a fluid gender that feels submerged or taken in by the ocean. it is fluid between ocean, animal, and sky genders. it is also connected to summer, rivers, lakes, ponds, and oceans. from Middle English "drynche," a variation of "drenchen" meaning "to submerge, to put underwater"
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Lampic: a gender related to Lamphead OR a term for a system with a Lamphead alter.
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Sirenic: a gender related to Sirenhead OR a term for a system with a Sirenhead alter.
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Obtenebrogender: a gender that feels darken, gloomy, uncomfortable, and cold. It is infinite, but still never fully discovered what lies inside of it. From Latin “obtenebro” meaning “I darken”
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Offuscaregender: a gender that feels darkened, quiet, and infinite. Related to Obtenebrogender. From Italian “offuscare” meaning “to darken”
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Annebbiaregender: a gender that feels cloudy, uncomfortable, and nebulous. It is almost ineffable, but still has some use to it other than that. From Italian “annebbiare” meaning “to cloud” 
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Otttenebraregender: a gender that feels dark, hellish, and small. From Italian “ottenebrare” meaning “to darken” (again)
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Tepefaciogender: a gender that warms up, becomes fiery, and is as hot as the Sun, stars, and the seven hells combined. From Latin "tepefacio" meaning "I warm up"
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Teporgender: a gender that feels gentle, warm, and loving. it is related to small candles, warm weather, and summer. From Latin and English “tepor” meaning “gentle warmth”
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Tepidagender: a gender that feels tepid, lukewarm, and related to autumn days, falling leaves, and pumpkins, as well as campfires, fireplaces, and hot coals. From Latin “tepidus, tepida, tepidum” meaning “tepid”
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Tepescogender: a gender that grows warm, is related to summer, spring, and fire. It is a slightly masculine gender, which is different than others. From Latin “tepesco” meaning “I grow warm”
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Intepeogender: a gender that is lukewarm, it grows slightly warmer under certain circumstances, but eventually cools off and becomes essentially unknown. From Latin “intepeo” meaning “I am lukewarm or tepid”
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Tepeogender: a gender that feels warm, tepid, or even lukewarm. It is large, fiery, and loving. It can also be slightly fluid, but is also flux. From Latin “tepeo” meaning “I am warm, lukewarm, or tepid”
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Epeltasunfluid: a fluid gender that feels fluid like warmth, is related to summer, autumn, and fireplaces. It is also connected to forests, evergreens, and mountains. From Basque “epeltasun” meaning “warmth”
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Berotasunfluid: a fluid heat-aligned gender that feels connected to summer, fire, furnaces, and flames. From Basque “berotasun” meaning “heat”
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Lainotsufluid: a gender that feels misty, fluid like water, and slightly masculine, but most nonbinary. From Basque “lainotsu” meaning “misty”
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Zerugender: a gender that feels expansive, infinite, and almost impossible to see all at one time. it is connected to the sky, summer, rain, winter, and clouds. From Basque “zeru” meaning “sky.”
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Kolorefluid: a fluid gender that is connected to all colors and is fluid based on what color is most prominent at the moment. From Basque “kolore” meaning “color”
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Eurigender: a gender that feels rainy, small, and cozy. It is related to rainy days, storms, and summer afternoons. From Basque “euri” meaning “rainy”
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Euritsugender: a gender that feels rainy, large, and calming. It is related to rainy afternoons, summer, and winter. From Basque “euritsu” meaning “rainy.”
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Eguzkigender: a gender that feels sunny, large, connected to the sun, summer, and tropical environments. From Basque “eguzki” meaning “sun”
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Elurgender: a snowy, frosty gender that feels connected to snow, winter, forests, and frosted mornings. From Basque “elur” meaning “snow”
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Selvaggiogender: a gender that seems to be more wild than other genders, and can simply disappear into a wilderness of other genders. From Italian “selvaggio” meaning “wild, savage”
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Posebangender: a gender that feels alienated, special, and weird. It is connected to outer space, exoplanets, and aliens. From Serbo-Croatian “poseban” meaning “special, particular”
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Barranigender: a gender that feels foreign, alien, and unknown. From Maltese “barrani” meaning “foreign”
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Gharibgender: a gender that feels alien, weird, strange, foreign, or odd. It is connected to aliens, summer, and the planet Saturn. From Maltese “gharib” meaning “strange”
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Rhyfeddgender: a gender that feels weird, odd, and out of kilter. It is connected to the genders above, and is synonymous with each other. From Welsh “rhyfedd” meaning “strange, odd”
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Endeleasfluid: a fluid gender that is endless, ineffable, astounding, and wild. From Old English “endeleas” meaning “endless”
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Txikigender: a gender that feels small, tiny, related to candy, candles, and sweetness. From Basque “txiki” meaning “small”
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