#genuinely please feel free to answer any of my questions and explain it to me
inlovewithl3vi · 2 months
Wait till the boys learn my joints can predict the weather. 😆
(Feel free to ignore this! I just thought of this after reading what you wrote for my last message)
-bad joint anon
ok totally off topic I think that the name "bad joint anon" is hilarious!
also please never expect me to ignore an ask I literally love getting asks!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought about this too tbh lmao. mostly since growing up my grandparents and parents could smell when it was gonna rain and I fear that I have actually developed the ability to do so too.
My mom also can somewhat predict the weather too so I kinda get this (she has arthritis so yk) so I'm just gonna use the fact that her bones start to hurt when its gonna rain or when its getting colder. sorry if that's not how it works for you! anyway I'll shut up and write-
"you can what?!" Asmo looked at you, clearly surprised. "My joints predict the weather." you responded, not looking up from your DDD. you had mentioned only a few minutes before that its probably gonna rain tomorrow, when asked you had to explain that you could quite literally feel it in your bones. "how does that even work? do humans have magic I didn't know about? Solomon never mentioned this to me..."
you set your phone down to explain a little more. "remember how my joints sometimes pop or crack? yeah well sometimes my bones kinda just start to hurt when its gonna rain. I don't know how it works, it just does." Asmo nods as Satan walks in. "Oh! Satan! did you know the humans body predicts the weather?" Satan looks up from the book he was holding and glances over at you. he raises an eyebrow before speaking. "really? how so?"
of course then you have to answer all his questions (and point out every inaccuracy in human anatomy books from the devildom)
The next day, before you head out to RAD you glance out the window and see a nice light rain. you sigh and grab your umbrella from your bag, already prepared. "MC! you were right!" you glance behind you as you start walking to see Asmodeus dragging Solomon with him as he runs up to you. "It is raining!" he laughs slightly as him and Solomon fall into pace with you, continuing to walk to RAD.
Bonus: Diavolo gets really concerned about this when you tell him, more so than the brothers (mostly since the brothers have had some human interaction but Dia was mostly kept only in the castle). He genuinely freaks out when your joints crack or when you tell him its gonna rain or snow and it actually does. He'll get used to it (eventually) but till then he's gonna have a small heart attack anytime your bones make any sort of noise. (even if its normal)
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fairuzfan · 5 months
I'm sorry for being so stupid with this stuff but what exactly is not voting supposed to do?
I always see people say not to vote and just leave it at that with nothing to do beyond that and I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of not voting is anyway because I don't think the movement is big enough for politicians to really care. I would love it if you could explain it to me please.
I guess my question in response is that I don't understand what *voting* is supposed to do? Like what are your goals for voting? For the "vote uncommitted" campaign, it's to scare Biden enough that he takes some sort of a stance. But for voting for him...? What does that do other than not have trump in office? And "not having trump in office" is an ideologically meaningless position if the person you're voting for is an out and proud genocider. So like, who are you helping if you claim to care about Palestine?
My point is, I genuinely don't understand that if you're someone who cares about people dying — which is what Biden supporters say is the reason they're voting Biden no matter what — then why are you voting for the guy that is killing people so openly? What is the moral reasoning? Is it "sacrifice the few to save the many"? If so, then you're not voting on the basis of caring, you're doing a cost benefit analysis using human lives. That's at its core a morally flawed way to look at the world.
So how can you, as a moral person, agree to subscribe to such an immoral system that forces you to make this "decision"?
I know I'm getting more ideological than practical here but there needs to be a serious reckoning behind why everyone is ok with being part of this system we are in. "Well what else would you have us do?" Some might say. And in response, I'd say, I don't know. But to be a moral person as you claim you want to be, should you not refute immorality as a structural system?
I'm not sure if this answered your question, if not feel free to send again but honestly, my only real response to "what does not voting do" is a headscratch because I don't understand what *voting* does that you believe will fix any of the problems we have?
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bellanoche-oxo · 8 months
I'm sorry this isn't a commission, but I just have a question about your art. Feel free to ignore this, of course. I was really amazed by your Miku drawing from December 16th. Seeing such a high-level piece, I wanted to achieve something similar, but no matter how much I try, I can't replicate your shading and highlights. I was so genuinely curious that I couldn't sleep. Could you possibly give me any hints or advice?
Hey, sorry for making you wait so much for this answer, i've been finishing some projects and i barely had free time. Anyways i'll try to do my best on explaing my coloring and lighting methos and you also asked me to explain how i create the folings of the clothes. Please take in consideration that 1 i am not native in english so it's a bit difficult for me to explain myself sometimes in this language and i may have some misspelings, sorry about that, and also 2 i am not great at explaing my drawing process bc i kind of turn off my brain when i draw lol, but i can explain the fundamentals that i know and help me create! Last thing i want to let you know is that i've started glazing my art, this is a metho to protect the images for AI images generators and it leaves a kind of pattern /effect on the image that i did not put there during the drawing process.
with all of this said let me start explaining things!
Learn the basics:
This may come as a cliche i guess, but yes my first ever advise to anyone is learn the basic theory on lighting and colors (on anything related to art tbh). You don't really need to spend a lot of money on books and such as there are lots of resources online like videos and documents you can read for free. It's not necesary to be an expert and even the smallest mount of knoledge is enought to inpruve your art a lot! , i find it very interesting to learn the way things work too so don't think you'll get bored of it!
To be frank, i am actually not very good at lighting lol. My lights and shadows are not very correct, but since i do have a lot o control over my colors and i know very well how to used them it kind of compensates and creates a very recognisable (i think) style.
just u know basic shitty advise that everyone is going to give you but it works! if you have free time try watching some videos or reading some documents about color theory shadow and lighting!
Your working space:
So this is something that works FOR ME not everyone likes it, you can try it see if you like it and if you do, cool! if you don't … that's cool too! When drawing on digital i prefer it when my base layer is grey instead of white. It helps with my headaches too but it's more about the fact that starting in a middle tone when coloring (in my opinion) makes the process of briging out both shadows and lights easier, let me give you an example:
Drawing from complete light (white) to compplete darkness (black) may condicion you to actually lose control in the contrast betwen these areas, i prefer staring in a middle place (grey) and that way is i want to show darkness i'll use a darkr color and if i want to show light i'll use a lighter color, but if i start on white i can't use anything lighter. I think i did a HORRIBLE job explaing myself there, but yeah it just helps me control my color valius a bit more lol.
this is the color that i used:
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Another inportant thing about your woking space is you brushes, in my case i prefer using textured brushes that mix well, and i prefer using very thick strokes, if it's too think i'll just color pick the transparent color and ease it! I work in CSP i don't know what you use, but just in case i'll give you the setiings of the brushes i use the most with their codes so you can find them
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Sculpting with lights and shadows
As i said before, i am not very good with light yet, so this is something that i do to help me with the process. When you think about it, lighting is used in art to give volume to the piece, not in every case bc rules in art are not there to be followed but to asist us when we need to take a creative decision. The way that we can start with our Sculpting is by creating a very easy first guide othe the shadows and lights and to do it with very big block, so that we get the general shape first,we don't neet to get lost in the detailds yet
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The actual coloring
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When drawing my process is divided in three stages. I first create the doodle/lineart, that doesn't neet to be super neat as i will fix it during the rendering. The basic colors, and the rendering.
During the preparation for the rendering when doing the base colors i recomend that you give special atention to the focal points of your illustration, in this case for example that's her face and the top of the hair, that's why i gave so much more atention for this part in comparation to the shirt, that it's literally not shadowed yet. Then another step that i use normally before rendering and that i can NOT RECOMEND ENOUGHT!!!! GO WILD WITH THE COLOR CURVES!!!! OMG!!!! THAT STUPID LITTLE TOOL IS SO FUCKING COOL!!!!!!!!! like for real, it gives effects that i have not been able to achive in any other way and omggggggg use the fucking color curves pleaaaaaaseeeeee
ok i'm notmal again , lets continue.
For the rendering i usually convine all the layers of the drawing on one layer, then use a textured brush that has low opacity of mixes very well fot the actual work. Tbh here is very i can't really help you a lot, bc i have no idea what i'm doing when i render i just don't know, the only thing i recognise is that i try to esare or clean the lines from the doodle/lineart, and i focus a lot on creating volume in the places that are more important.
An specific thing that i do a lot when it comes to coloring skin is using an undertone in red (literally) I will put the basi color, use the brush to mark where i want shadows to be in a very vibrant red and then use a blue / green / pruple (depends on the skin) to finish the shadowing. Thios metho is nice for lots of occasions, but take in consideration that it doesnt work for example for very dark scenarios where the character is suppoused to be in the shadows, as that red tone works as a outline for the light. It just depends on the situation.
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Clothes foldings:
Ok so here the only thing i can give you an advise with is to remember that the way that clothes fold dependes on gravity and that gravity works in curves most of the time that have two (or more) attachment points that are going to determinate theit trajectory. Example:
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And remeber that this creates (again) a volume, that there is an inside part, that it's probably going to be draker, and an outside part, that it's going to be lightter. With this info you can start practicing with images of clothes.
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this is as much information as i am able to recolect on my coloring process bc i am horrible explaining , spacially on text and in english, and i am also not very much aware when i draw, i kind of disconect. I still hope this is enough to help you a bit on your learning journy.
I may try doing a video at some point if i ever have the time so i can explain my coloring while i actually do it bc if not in that situation i'm not sure i'll be able to remeber what it is that i did.
My last piece of advise is to watch speedpaints and livestreams of artists you like during their drawing process and maybe even tray to imitate them while they are drawing to see what it is that they do exccly.
hope you have a good day and lot of lucks ! be proud of being able to create and be proud of being an artist!
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luckybunny555 · 11 months
Secret admirer
You make the final choice in relation to your secret admirer after the revelation of their motivations.
Amber Freeman x GN!/Fem!Reader(no pronouns but for sapphics)
Warnings: creepy behavior, stalking, cursing, usual Ghostface behavior, a little bit of trust issues, being "attacked" but not harmed, mentions of murder and violence(no big description tho), a little suggestive in the end(as a treat ;) )
a/n: Part 3. I didn't proof-read it. I had to divide it three parts bc I thought it was still too long, so this is the last and shortest one.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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You close your eyes, trying to make sense of everything and calm your mind, that was still taking in her whole monologue. You regain awareness of your body, finally noticing the hand on your hip. The sensation clouded your thoughts again. You open your eyes, feeling her breath mingling with yours. With a deep exhale, you finally speak, "Wait, so..." you start, sounding a bit breathless and confused, "you sent me all those letters? And you attacked Tara, and killed that guy? I don't get it, why did you do all of this?" If her goal was to make you a little scared, there was a whole collection of horror movies waiting for the two of you.
"Because it wasn't enough," she explained with passion, trying to get you to understand her, the side of her that was still new to you. "I needed you closer. I needed you to need me. And only me. Not Tara, not Mindy, or Wes, or Chad," with that, you understand the first attack. She noticed you were getting closer to Tara, but she couldn't go all the way, or you wouldn't forgive her. Or be scared of her, instead of looking for her to protect you. That's not what she wanted. She just had to show you Tara was vulnerable, and couldn't keep you safe like she could.
"And come one, didn't you enjoy it? My gifts, my letters, even the creepy ones?" She asks you with that wicked, charming smirk imprinted on her face again.
"I stopped answering you because I was scared," you emphasize your words. "Because I knew someone was watching me, and I was worried I'd get hurt, or kidnapped or worse," your tone escalates, and your gaze is locked on hers.
"Because you didn't know it was me! But now you do," that smirk won't leave her face, and curse you for your taste, because you love the way she looks right now. "Do you really hate that I was the one keeping an eye on you? That I knew you so fucking well, maybe even better than you know yourself, that I gave you exactly what you wanted and needed?" She asks, and you can tell it's a genuine question.
But you can't bring yourself to answer her, not without judging yourself for it. You know you shouldn't admit it. You know you shouldn't give her the satisfaction. But why would you lie? The anger had mostly passed, and you still loved her. And you didn't even hate it. It felt good, to love and to be loved by her. Most people would beg for an ounce of the effort she puts into you. Who else would kill someone to protect you? Who else would watch over you, and get you out of uncomfortable situations without hesitation, and stay up late to comfort you when you're scared, always being there for you? Who else would remember every single one of your favorite books and movies, listen to every word you say, and be this devoted to you? Who else would become a fucking serial killer just because they love you so much?
She laughs, clearly amused by your silent answer. "See? I'm right. You love it," She's so pleased with herself. You close your eyes in defeat, earning a giggle from the girl. "I know that..." she brings her free hand to your face, brushing your hair behind your ear with a careful, gentle touch. Everything about her was two opposites extremes, "because I know you," she smiles, tilting her head to the side. She carefully gets closer to you, her body softly pressing against yours. "C'mon, baby, just admit it."
You see no point in resisting her any longer. It might've been a sick way to get you, but she wasn't wrong: you loved it. From the mysterious letters to the depth of her devotion. And now that you knew it was her, you weren't so scared anymore. You never got hurt. On the contrary. Everything she had done only kept you safe. And it worked like a love spell, captivating you.
"You're insane," your eyes meet hers, and she once again pretends to be offended by your comment. "But I love you," you confess in surrender, making her smile grow wider. She is clearly pleased with the answer she earned from you. "Can you drop the knife now?" The tension in your body gradually dissipates.
She chuckles, dropping the weapon to the floor. She might be the one in control, but she depends on you. To you, she's harmless.
Hesitantly, you bring your hands up, placing them on the nape of her neck. Your eyes are still locked, and this time, your heart races for a good reason. Her expression is softer, satisfied, yet with a remaining trace of venom. Just how you like it. "You're not gonna hurt me, right?" You had enough proof, but you wanted her to admit it again. She loved the way you sounded sweet and vulnerable.
"Never, baby," her voice is tinged with tenderness, and she places a kiss at the top of your cheek, her hands finding your waist. "Not unless you want me to," she adds, teasing you. With the terror melting away, you finally let out a soft laugh. Amber's attention is focused on your smile, and you notice that.
Gently, you bring her face closer, taking your time to connect your lips. Impatiently, she leans closer, kissing you as her hands pull your body against hers. She smiles against your lips, satisfied for finally getting what she wanted for so long. And you reciprocate it.
The two of you get lost in the moment, her lips staining with passion and satisfaction the memories of the scary scene she just made you experience. Now that you know the source of your fears is Amber, you can enjoy the frightening and exhilarating sensations that come with that. This might be what it feels like to enjoy horror movies, but better. Because right now, you could feel her lips on yours. You feel her hands on your lower back and hip, yours entangled in her hair, and your bodies pressing against each other. You never expected your night to turn out like that, especially not when you were crying for your life just a few minutes ago. But wasn't it worth it?
All the desires and feelings you bottled up for so long were finally spilling out, clear in the way your intensity increased. Amber took that as a silent confirmation of your craving for her, the delight of the achievement consuming her. Knowing how much you wanted, and needed her, filled her with a sense of accomplishment. And she was determined to keep that feeling alive.
Momentarily breaking the kiss, her lips trail down to your jawline. Your left hand grips her arm, pulling her even closer as you giggle in satisfaction. You can feel her smile on your skin, your reaction to her kisses pleasing her, as she continues to leave kisses on your jawline, slowly reaching your neck.
Snapping you out of your trance, the sound of your phone ringing causes Amber to groan, displeased with the unfortunate interruption. She moves away from your neck, scanning your expression. "This time it's not me," she teases, feigning innocence.
You playfully scoff, reluctantly pulling away from her and leaning down to grab your phone, that was still on the floor. It was your mom. Amber attentively observes you as you pick up the call.
"Mom?" mindlessly heading to the kitchen, you wonder why she was calling you.
"Hi, sweety," the familiar voice speaks on the phone. "Did you get home safe? Is everything alright? I didn't want to leave you alone, but I had that meeting, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
You look over your shoulder at Amber, who was picking up her mask and knife from the floor. "Uhm, yeah, everything's fine," Amber looks at you with curiosity and a hint of gratefulness. "Amber's here," you catch the girl's attention again, "I didn't wanna be alone so I asked her to come over. Can she stay for dinner?" Your request earns a smile from Amber as she walks towards you, placing her items on the kitchen counter.
"Oh, she's there? Of course, sweetheart, I'll get home soon," your mom sounds pleased with the idea. Obviously because she doesn't know the whole story. But she wouldn't get it. "Amber's a good girl, I like her," she adds.
Her words make you chuckle, and Amber, overhearing the conversation, tilts her head to the side in amusement. "I also think that," you smile, playfully teasing the girl in front of you, despite the truth in your statement.
Once the call ends, Amber can't hide the satisfaction on her face. "I'm a good girl?" she continues to tease you, making you giggle.
"Amber, don't start," you don't resist the urge, kissing her once more. "You better hide this whole costume or you'll lose your nice reputation with my mom," Amber nods, pretending to be concerned.
You look at the box she sent you earlier, then look at her with a pout and annoyed expression, "I can't believe you cut my favorite plushie's head off. That's cruel."
She gives you a mockingly apologetic look, "don't worry, babe, I'll fix it."
The both of you put away the props from Amber's staged attack, hiding the traces of Ghostface's appearance. You would never give away her identity, not now that you knew you had Ghostface infatuated with you. In return, you mentally vowed to protect Amber too, in your own way. With that, she maintained her cool and careless attitude around your friends, her sweet and caring image around your family, and her obsessive, devoted and endlessly loving demeanor with you, and you only.
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Okay every time I read one of your celtophobia posts I am filled with immediate and incandescent rage, enough to propulse the responsible idiots into space but not to bring them back again. I'm really sorry about the """""lecturer"""""" you had to sit through this morning, and any other instances that happen. Hugs.
That said, I am very worried of doing the same thing and want to make my utmost sure I don't, so I thought it'd be okay to ask someone from a language that has to fight for space for politeness tricks. Apologies if this is not okay!
Context: I'm from continental Europe, which means English is my second language (I speak three languages and a half ish, the half is in process, because #languagenerd). I'm moving to Ireland come September, and I'm absolutely terrified of offending the good Irish people when I don't know how to pronounce their names, surnames, street names, or anything else; or, worse, try and end up butchering them in the manner of the British.
Dilemma: How can I ask for help when pronouncing things in a delicate way? I was thinking of signing up to Irish courses once I'm there, but for now I'm panicking about the actual move so I can't get a head start with that because my brain space is limited, and other than watching YouTube videos with the most common Irish names/words ahead of arriving, I honestly don't know. I want to be culturally sensitive and make sure they feel respected and not Colonised, Part Three Hundred, but also they shouldn't have to bear the weight of my lack of cultural knowledge and Teach Me? Idk. Just thoughts.
Good question! I suppose it's a two-part procedure:
Step 1: Learn a pronunciation guide. By that I just mean get to grips with the alphabet, common phonemes, etc and how those are said. With something like Welsh it's super easy (because phonetic), something like English it's super hard (because not phonetic); Irish is a bit more complex than Welsh, but still more phonetic than English. You might not be able to get to a "perfect every time" place, but you can get yourself to a "right most times" place.
Step 2: If you encounter a name you aren't 100% sure of, offer your best educated guess when asking. This shows that you have done the work, you are making a genuine attempt, but you still have the humility to ask to make sure.
When I say "best educated guess", I mean it's clear that you're guessing based on a working knowledge of the language rules in question. In Welsh, for example, if someone asks me how to pronounce "Cymru", there is a world of difference between someone saying "Sim-roo" (based on English pronunciation rules transposed onto Welsh) and "Kim-ree" (based on Welsh pronunciation rules, they just forgot which pronunciation of 'y' to use for the syllable it's in.) If someone says to me "How do you say that? Sim-roo?" then I know they haven't attempted any prior learning (though points for being interested enough to ask.) But if they say "Am I right in thinking it's Kim-ree?" then I know they've made the effort themselves, they've done the work, they just have a carry error that's skewed the answer.
Plus, you may well be right! And will be right more and more often the longer you're in Ireland.
If it helps, there's an Irish pronunciation guide here that's pretty good (or was back when I used it), and teanglann.ie is a pretty good resource for this, as it's a dictionary that lets you hear the words aloud and explains grammatical uses. (Irish people please feel free to add any other resources to the notes if you feel so inclined!)
As a final note, mind, given that you don't have time atm to dedicate brain space to this, speaking as a Welsh person I would be absolutely fine with someone saying to me "Sorry, I haven't had chance to learn yet, how do I say this?", or some variant thereof. Or, frankly, anything that's just... a polite request, and not laughing about it. I would take a thousand instances of "How do I say that? Sim-roo?" over even one "I don't know how to say that, haha" because the former is still caring enough to ask. So don't panic! A polite request will see you right.
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lemotmo · 15 days
You have already answered similar questions so feel free not to post. I just thought I would share 😊
Q. Where is the Promotional stuff?! What is going on? I need answers. Every show now has a trailer but 911. Is he coming back or not? I need to know something other than Tim is still obsessed with Ryan, haha.
A. Lol, the man is very transparent about his Ryan/Eddie love. He always has been. They're clearly hiding something. I think it was pretty much confirmed that The Rookie was the show something got spoiled for, I don't watch it so I have no clue how big of a spoiler it was. But obviously 911 took the opportunity to button everything up on their end. They clearly don't want something spoiled about the 3 episode event. I think we can pretty safely say there is no kind of AU happening. What we saw was most likely the television show Bobby is consulting on. For all the SPN ptsd's out there freaking out in my ask box, this is an entirely different show. It's not the same thing. However , it would make sense, and in fact be hilarious, if the characters on the show mirrored the real 118. There will be nothing wrong with doing that. We are talking about a Ryan Murphy show. I would be more surprised if they didn't do that.
I think if they drop a trailer it will be during the Family Fued episode. Double the PR in one sitting. They are doing things completely differently this time around. So it's hard to predict. I would imagine we'll get interviews the week leading up to the premier at least. We know Ryan has some sitting out there, and so far they're following the same pattern with Ryan/Eddie that they followed with Oliver/Buck last off-season. Everything else is different. But I would imagine the week leading up to the premier will be pretty PR heavy. Unless they want to hold everything until after the premier. If they're hiding something big we may have to wait. I'm going to address Tommy one more time and one more time only. He is not important enough to feature in anything that is currently taking place. He was made much more important by both fandoms than he ever was going to be to the show. Period. He was never going to be a main. He was never going to be main adjacent. He was a guest star with less than 30 total minutes of screen time. If we get a trailer and he isn't in the trailer I don't think he's returning. The previous seasons love interests have almost always featured in the trailer in some capacity so if they exclude him from that I think it's safe to assume he was let go. The only reason I'm hesitant to say he was fired is because they pinned his Instagram comment. I don't see them pinning a comment from a fired employee. However given everything we have learned about how control heavy Disney is I don't see how he kept his job following the cameo garbage. He clearly broke Disney protocol. So I genuinely don't know. He is very low hanging fruit by Disney standards though so it is what it is. If he shows up for a scene or two or an episode or two it doesn't really matter. He's not going to play any significant role one way or the other. And there is no need to keep talking in circles about it. We have 20 days to go. I'm looking forward to the FF episode and the stuff we will be getting once the season starts (hello Eddie in a church talking to the priest). We'll see what if anything juicy the FF episode provides and we will go from there. 💗
Thank you Nonny! I'm definitely posting this one, because people have been asking for Ali's opinion on the lack of promotion for Tommy, which is about the same opinion as mine, only more eloquently explained. 😉
So I'm not adding any of my opinions on this one, since all of you already know exactly what I think about most of this. :)
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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blnk338 · 2 months
Notice of Hiatus
As you may have noticed, after returning from all my fun work and school, I dipped out for a bit, and I want to explain it briefly. In my attempt to reread (and therefore get back into) RWYS, I found myself further away from my writing than when I initially wrote it. It's not that I dislike how it turned out, or even don't want to continue it, it's just I don't have the same motivation to write. I thought I did, but as it turns out-- eh, not so much.
I understand all of you were excited to have me back and believe me, I have loved reading all of your kind messages, asks, and comments, and I therefore don't want to leave you hanging and wondering why I haven't posted anything.
As of today (7/29/2024), all of my fics are on an indefinite hiatus until I get more time and/or motivation in the future to write for them. Ultimately, posting work that I feel like I half-assed or don't feel passionate about feels like a backstab to all of you, knowing how much love I had previously poured into my fics.
I want to answer any and all of your questions about my fics, including spoilers for the (so far) unwritten endings. Please feel free to send asks (rather than DMs so that all can read, but of course, I'm not going to bar you from contacting me directly) about anything, and I'll do my best to respond to them.
Before I add anything else on, thank all of you again for how much love I received in my time writing. I made so many genuine friends and had so many wonderful interactions, I cannot thank you all enough. To those who I talked to every day, to those who lurked, I wish all of you the very best.
Until next time :)
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saytrrose · 4 months
2024 Introduction Post!
Please Read.
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About Me
- You can refer to me as Kenji or Rose
- I am 19
- Any Pronouns, Apagender
- Aparomantic, Aegosexual
- INFP, Hufflepuff, Capricorn
- I only speak English
- Hobbies include drawing, writing, sewing, crafting, rollerskating, gardening, etc.
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Tumblr Activity
- My inbox is always open for doodle requests
- No that does not mean it's guaranteed I will even reply or draw them, but most of the time l should reply. Also make sure a request is sent via ask form, I likely won't draw it if it's commented.
- If you want to ask me questions that are not related to art requests then redirect to my other blog, @kenjirose. Kenjirose is for my personal thoughts, rambles and bullshit. Saytrrose will be for my genuine posts. If you send asks here that don’t relate to the above, you will be ignored.
- I'm uncomfortable with minors interacting with me as l'll likely share a lot of suggestive content. I have this in my main bio, and my pinned post. There will be no excuses for if you follow me and end up blocked.
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- You may view what I will and won't draw here.
- My commissions are currently closed! I accept paypal through my kofi or cashapp, and if you'd like to inquire about this any further then feel free to dm me.
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- I'm still working on a proper commission sheet. But again, just ask anything! I'll work with you. It is unfortunate I don't have a listing for prices yet but hopefully I can make something soon, so again just dm and ask.
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mama-vaggie · 5 months
Hi! Please feel free to ignore this, I am not trying to hate at all! Just curious!/gen Why do you tak care of Rhea but not other vent littles?/lh /gen /curious I know your mental health isn't the best, so I now that could be reason, I just thought that if it was, you would take a step back form Rhea too. Again no hate what so ever!/gen sending lots of love Sorry if this came off as rude or offensive!/gen
Dear Anon
I am Mod E, I dont normally answer asks in anyway on Vaggie's blog. Im just here to monitor the inbox, make special announcements, and block problematic blogs, however, Mod Ocean (aka Vaggie) and I agreed that its probably best that I handle your ask in particular in order to allow you to help you get a better understanding of what actually is going on here.
We know you meant nothing offensive in your ask and that you are genuinely concerned about Mod Ocean and her mental health. However 'stepping back' from Rhea is not possible. This is because Mod Ocean and Rhea are the same person. 
Now its a little hard for me to explain. Im going to be using terms generally used by systems (I myself am part of a system) but I want to make it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR:
Mod Ocean has a diagnosis of BPD. One of the effects of BPD is (quote taken from the NHS website) "disturbed patterns of thinking or perception – "cognitive distortions" or "perceptual distortions" " I personally dont like the use of the term 'disturbed' here but that is straight from this website: https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/borderline-personality-disorder/symptoms/
There isnt a lot of research into BPD and how these distortions manifest in individuals but for Mod Ocean, it manifests in almost alter-like personalities that have taken on an appearance and have histories all their own. They tend to 'come to front' to help Mod Ocean process the extreme emotional disregulation that comes with BPD.
Mod Ocean is my best friend, she has been a massive support in my own journey of discovering that im part of a system and encouraging me to speak to a therapist. Rhea is real. She has her own thoughts and feelings that can be hurt. I can always tell there is a massive difference when im talking to Ocean vs when Im talking to Rhea or Jadie vs when im talking to Vaggie. 
So your ask was sent with good intentions, yes. But you also sent it under an incorrect assumption. Vaggie cannot take a step back from Rhea. 
This is also part of the reason why Mod Ocean isnt always comfortable handling other vent regressors. They are always welcome to reach out to her, vent and cry and that but when they start getting violent/aggressive towards themselves or her is when she has to step back. 
I hope this makes sense and helps explain the situation a bit better. If you have any further questions please reach out to me on my blog @the-hellion-collective and ill answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability.
~Mod E 👾
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May I ask for a Subnautica Cookie Run AU Licorice x Reader? Feel free to snipe me to heaven if you wish ^^
A necromancer’s favorite, that’s what you are.
When the Celestial crashed you were both lucky and unlucky enough to have your escape pod land in the Dead zone, the “Dark cookie’s” territory. You were lucky in the sense that the leviathans let you live, you were unlucky in the sense that you were being held prisoner and had to eat whatever they brought you, if they remembered to at all. The one known as Pomegranate was the least attentive to you, in fact she barely cared. The most attentive though…was a shadow leviathan named Licorice. When it was his job to do so he always made sure to bring food back for you, he’d talk to you and seemed to enjoy the chats.
His presence made you fascinated by the natives here, even if he tried to act like he didn’t like you. Whenever you spoke to him you could see a slight grin on his face, you could hear that genuine laugh at your jokes. He’d get so flustered whenever you pointed it out.
“Licorice, thanks for being so nice to me, I really appreciate it.”
“W-Well yes! Be grateful!” He stuttered.
“Don’t worry, I am grateful.” You replied with a genuine tone.
Sometimes you’d talk about your home planet, all the bad things that happened to it, Alterra, etc. He himself was fascinated by outer worldly things and on some occasions would ask about it without prompt. It made you feel appreciated and heard, especially when you’d lament about wanting to leave Plant Cookie as it was called here. Any mention of you going home was met with swift denial from him.
“Licorice please, I want to try to find a way home.” You spoke.
“No!” He replied, arms crossed.
“Well why not?”
“Because you’re our prisoner!”
“I’m starting to feel like it’s more than that with you…”
“No, it’s not!”
Back and forth with this, Licorice would keep denying you a proper answer to the question, you knew it was something else other than “being their prisoner”. You could see it on his face, something he was hiding. So, you kept poking and prodding at the topic every chance you got, until he snapped.
“Just NO! Okay? The answer is NO I will NOT let you go!!” He shouted.
You flinched, drawing back at his snap and harsh tone. You immediately saw regret cross his face as he muttered an apology, then a slightly more audible one. Arms crossed again as he refused to meet your gaze. Reaching over you placed a hand on his shoulder, this time he was the one to flinch despite being so much bigger than you.
“Fine…I have two reasons… One…I NEED to prove to my master that I’m worth something and two…I…I don’t want you to go. I’m so happy having you around that I don’t think I can go back to being without you…” He explained.
“Oh licorice…” You sympathized with him.
The giant mer creature let out an exhale before his head sunk more into the water. You reached out again and pet his head with your hand gently, Licorice’s eyes went wide for a bit before he relaxed and purred. You thought that was adorable, you didn’t know he could purr!
But soon the purrs stopped as his face became downtrodden again…
“I know it’s wrong to keep you here but, I just…don’t want…”
“Licorice it’s okay, really. I’ll try to find a way to visit you without getting blasted out of the sky!”
“Or, you could live here on one of the islands! That way I could visit you!” He said with desperation.
“Licorice, this is my whole life we’re talking about…it’s not that simple of a choice…”
He splashed a hand down, creating a wave that soaked you.
“Ugh! Why must things be so difficult?!” He cried out before gripping his hair and diving underwater.
You didn’t see him for the rest of the day, nor the next few days. You were getting worried when one day you woke up to feel your life pod moving. Poking your head out of the top you spotted Licorice moving it to a safer location. He didn’t answer when you called out to him, so you just decided to enjoy the ride. You were moved as far as his large body would allow him to go comfortably.
“Thank you.”
“…You’re welcome.”
With that, he swam away back to the Dead zone. You were sad but relieved at the same time, he decided to let you go regardless of what punishment he might receive for doing so.
Days passed and licorice would come to visit you, helping with whatever he could due to his giant size compared to yours. The two of you were closer than ever now and you liked it, surviving here got fun with Licorice there to protect you. You’d tell him how much you appreciated it and how much he meant to you. You could see it fluster him even when he’d try to coolly brush it off.
“Licorice, thank you for everything.”
“You’re welcome…. dear…”
He started to get more flustered by just being around you. Stuttering a lot more and not knowing what to say at some points. You thought it was so cute and you were convinced he was in love with you. To be honest, you were in love with him too. You loved everything about Licorice! But that’s what made you sad…you’d have to leave him, go home, return to Alterra. You couldn’t truly promise to see him again…
After exploring the remains of the Celestial, you got the blueprints for the rocket that would bring you home. Licorice flinched when you told him but he assisted in gathering the materials so you could build it.
Finally, everything was built, and you looked at your creation with him.
“I feel like I keep saying this but thank you Licorice, thank you so much!”
“You’re welcome…can I at least give you something before you go?”
“Of course.”
Then he leaned in, giving you the gentlest of kisses. Your cheeks flared and you return the kiss, causing his cheeks to flare as well. You boarded the rocket…waving as it took off. Licorice waved back as the only one he ever loved left the atmosphere…
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
you seem to have a good read on HQ and your takes are great, so i have a question...and if you'd rather not go there, please ignore this! but i see oikawa get called "arrogant" quite often and i'm curious, would you say he is? what is it that makes people think that? imo he has a plenty of flaws, but i truly don't think arrogance is one of them. self-centered, sure, but not arrogant i think. i'm open to being wrong, i'm just legit so confused by that particular criticism, it makes me doubting my reading comprehension. i feel like that one post that's like "free my man, he didn't do that. he did a lot of other stuff tho" LOL. if you do answer this, then thanks for your time!
oh, dear anon. this is a very very big question and i'm honored you think i am capable of providing an answer that does it justice!! i don't consider myself an oikawa expert by far, but i'll do my best because he's still very beloved to me, and i hope whatever i say helps!
(but also - maybe take what i say with a grain of salt LMAO)
anyways, to get the main point out of the way: i completely agree that oikawa isn't arrogant! i actually haven't seen any commentary about that myself (bless!!!), so i can't say for sure why some people might think that, but my guess is that they think his pridefulness = arrogance — they think that the confidence he has in himself and seijoh contributes nothing to their actual power and is utterly meaningless if they don't win, especially in the face of ushijima. which, like, come on. what kind of captain would he be if he wasn't confident in himself and his teammates? is he supposed to tell them that they're going to lose??? is he supposed to discourage their hard work and effort???
or maybe it's because oikawa acts like he's all that, but doesn't have anything to show for it. who does he think he is? what does he think his pride is worth? what right does he have to go around making grand declarations when he has nothing to his name?
(which isn't entirely true, either, but we'll get into that, promise.)
now, do i think that he can, occasionally, be flippant, shallow, and/or petty? yeah, sure. he's got one hell of a personality about it. even iwaizumi says as much. oikawa is great at being a little shit. it's one of my favorite things about him!
but is oikawa genuinely arrogant, or self-centered? well . . . i don't think so.
see, here's the thing about oikawa: he knows he's good, but he doesn't think he's good enough. i think it'd be easiest to really explain what that meant if we broke this down into two separate parts, so let's give it a go, shall we?
(buckle up, friends, because it's about to get LONG. also: TIMESKIP SPOILERS!! and there's a tldr at the start of the tags because. WOW.)
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so, first things first: if people are calling oikawa arrogant, then i'm like 99% sure that they don't actually know what the word "arrogant" means.
"arrogant" is used to describe someone full of themselves. it's used to describe someone conceited and pompous. it's used to describe someone so assured of and invested in their self-importance that they don't care for other people, and if it seems like they do, then it's usually wildly off the mark and still serves to inflate their own egos.
oikawa has never once been like that. he's been pretty much the exact opposite, in fact.
and yeah, sure, by his third year of high school, he knows he's good at volleyball, and that's fine! it's perfectly all right to claim you're good at something if you have the skills/experience to back it up. confidence is healthy as long as it isn't in overabundance, and we actually see a lot of this throughout the series!
(not to mention that this was where ushijima fell short. he was overflowing with confidence. he did not believe, for even a single second, that hinata shouyou and his meager, scrappy little flock of crows could beat him.
but oikawa? he knew. he knew what it looked like to make something bloom.)
the key to oikawa's confidence that made him better was that he could pinpoint others' strengths and weaknesses just as well as he could with his own. and (bear with me, please, i might get kind of boring here bc it's nothing that hasn't been said in the manga before) i don't mean it in the way we see the coaches or more analytical players do, as observations to be taken advantage of by everyone else; i mean that in the sense of how vital it is to his position as a setter. that was always the biggest difference between oikawa and kageyama: no matter how much more raw talent kageyama had, no matter how much better oikawa believed him to be, kageyama, especially in the beginning, struggled to do what oikawa could with a team. kageyama struggled to bring out the best in each player. and it wasn't because he didn't know how -- oikawa freely admitted that kageyama had the skill for it, that kageyama, once he got his shit together, could win against him -- it was because kageyama didn't have that same confidence in himself.
(not until much later, anyways. but that's another story, for another time.)
so, oikawa's confident. he knows he's good. he can bring out the best in each player. he's got a killer serve (and a killer smile!), a mind for tactics that borders on machievallianism, and cherishes the trust he is given like it's something precious. his coaches let him lead without leaning on them. his team has the utmost respect and admiration for him. he has a reputation. from karasuno to shiratorizawa to the whole of miyagi -- there is not a single character who knows oikawa tooru and would believe that he is, in any way, bad at volleyball.
but it's not enough. despite all of that, oikawa still doesn't think he's good enough. and that, friends, brings us to the second point.
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oikawa tooru is nothing if not passionate.
so were the others, of course. kageyama kept going after his grandfather's death. hinata kept going while being a nobody from nowhere with no one to back him up. atsumu kept going while osamu didn't. it's not even about just those who went pro -- kenma, kuroo, noya, and everyone else found things that they were passionate about and kept going with it. the entire story revolves around loving what you do and trying to keep that love alive, and, sometimes, that can be really, really difficult when it seems like it doesn't love you back.
oikawa was so insecure over kageyama to the point where he nearly decked the poor kid. oikawa got crushed by ushijima-- who kept telling him that his team was not good enough, that his choices were not good enough, that there was nothing good enough to be proud of -- for years in a row. oikawa was taught that there would always be someone better than him no matter how skilled he was, but if he let that stop him then he didn't fucking belong on the court in the first place.
oikawa tooru is intimately acquainted with not being good enough, but he keeps trying to be. he keeps going. he tries to keep the love alive even if he's not loved back. he pushes and practices and takes a plane far from home to become even better. even if he doesn't have the skill, even if he doesn't have the talent, even if he doesn't have the love -- he still has his pride. and what does that mean, in the end? how far does that take him?
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in the end, oikawa tooru walks across a world stage and sees people who believed in him on the other side and calls it a family reunion. in the end, he gets to play the volleyball that reminds him of why he loves it and how it gives him so much love back. in the end, his pride is unyielding and unbreakable, a product of the forge. he molded it with his own two hands. he will not let it falter so easily.
arrogance would not have taken oikawa tooru this far. i hope this has proven that he is anything but.
remember: instinct is something you polish. talent is something you make bloom. and never, ever let anyone else tell you what your pride is worth.
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ovaruling · 1 year
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hey girl! happy to—the buccal fat removal was pretty simple compared to the other surgeries, but it was still very painful. as i understand it, the surgeon made incisions on the inside of both of my cheeks, and entered that way, and sucked out the “buccal fat yolk,” as he called it. he explained to me that there’s a pouch of fat there that is yolk-like, and does not usually disappear, even with dramatic weight loss, except in cases of extreme malnutrition where there is no reserve left. that’s how he put it, anyway.
so, he essentially stabbed inside my cheeks through up where the “cheek fat” was, just under my cheekbones, and sucked the fat through those incisions and stitched them from the inside. it was, as i said, extremely painful, and eating and drinking was very difficult for a long time. the scars are inside my cheeks and i can still feel them if i run my tongue over them.
the entire cheek area on both sides, inside and out, is mostly numb. sort of like… when Novocain has started to wear off at the dentist.
but i get sudden, electrifying wallops of pain where the buccal fat used to be at completely random times. i get at least one or two a day. it is pretty agonizing, ngl. it feels like instantaneous nerve pain, if you’ve ever had a dentist nick a nerve on a sensitive tooth. it runs through the cheek into my sinuses and down into my gums and it takes my breath away. when these episodes first started happening i genuinely thought i was having a stroke.
i get a lot of migraines now (brow and temple) and my jaw sits really uncomfortably—i’m always having to bite my inner cheeks or suck my cheeks in manually, or else they become fatigued.
a good experiment is—try to hold your mouth open as long as you can. just—open like a crocodile. as wide as you can go, until your cheeks reach the utmost point of fatigue. that’s what it feels like all the time if i try to relax my face—unless i am constantly drawing in my cheeks or making a “duck face,” my cheeks feel fatigued. i don’t know why—maybe they’re strained without the fat there to support them. collapsing, i guess.
it’s really uncomfortable tbh. i’ve gotten used to it, but it sucks.
and it just looks weird as hell too. all it did was age me and make me look dehydrated and starved.
ykw, i guess it really has affected how i do everything with my mouth and facial expressions. they all had to change in some way to accommodate the new “dimensions.” i wish i could show a before and after pic, bc i had a ton of nice healthy buccal fat and now i just look soooo hollowed out and honestly i look so bad lol. i smile differently, i make all my expressions differently. what feels “natural” is kind of weird—cheeks sucked in manually, or lips sucked into my mouth manually. biting of upper and lower lips into the mouth. just… a constant need to draw the face inward to relieve the cheek fatigue.
which leads me to say that once again there does not seem to be a resting position for my face anymore. it’s a neverending strain on the cheek muscles. maybe that’ll change over time—or maybe i’ll strengthen the cheek muscles with facial yoga, idk. but for now it’s a constant nagging need to keep my cheeks sucked in or my lips drawn into my mouth, like this…
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…so that they’re supported in some way from the fatigue. idk, it’s really weird. hate it.
the sudden pains are pretty bad too esp bc i never know when they’ll happen. there’s no trigger, really, but i have noticed that cold or hot drinks/foods mean they’ll happen within the half hour. the worst is when they happen WHILE i’m drinking hot coffee or am mid-chew in food. i’ve almost choked a few times that way, lol. super annoying.
that’s all i can think of for now! hopefully that helps a bit. please feel free to ask any specific questions i didn’t answer!
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moonchild-in-blue · 8 months
Hey there! A bit late but i'm here for the ask game! (*´v`*) I'd like to ask 1, 11, 23, 63, 78 and 88 but i know it's a lot so no pressure, please feel free to ignore any of them if you don't feel like answering it! 🫂💖
Hi!!! Not late, never late! I will put this under the cut because ~lenght~. These are all very good questions, thank you Lev 💙🪲
(What’s your biggest insecurity? Do you like who you are around people? Do you believe in an afterlife? Do you ever get paranoid? What’s one thing you don’t feel comfortable doing around your friends? What kinds of things confuse you?)
1 - What’s your biggest insecurity?
My body, which is such a sad answer, but it's true. I'm working on it. My voice - some people do not take me seriously because I have a "girly voice", especially when stressed, even though it's really not that high pitched. I had to force my Big Girl Sexy Deeper Voice out at my previous job just to get my points across. Again, sad.
Also my inability of expressing my feelings out loud. I write it a lot, but I can't genuinely remember the last time I said the words "I love you" with my own voice.
I know why I am the way I am, and I wish it didn't get to me, but this will be my cross to bear until the end of my days. I think I try to be as loudly affectionate as possible here, because I'm hoping it will make it easier for me irl.
11 - Do you like who you are around people?
Depends on the people, really. I like the way I am around my friends, even if there are parts of me I supress. I wish I was better around my sister - she deserves more than I am, and it frustrates me that I sometimes act like our parents towards her. It kills me inside.
I don't know how to answer in relation to my parents. On one hand, it's very relieving to be amongst people who understand certain parts of me without me having to justify or explain (something about being a 1st gen immigrant child lol). On the other, being at home puts me back to my 16yo mindset, when I was really angry and sad and struggling, and I hate it.
With strangers, it really depends. I am too anxious to notice haha. I just really like to be alone, I suppose. It's easier that way, at least.
23 - Do you believe in an afterlife?
Yes! I am very much Christian, so I do believe in heaven/hell, and the concept of an afterlife.
I don't really talk about it much here, because I know there are so many of you who have been failed and mistreated in the name of religion (which was not how any of this was supposed to happen, and it really breaks my heart) and prefer to steer away, which I 100% understand. Also, some people get extremely weird around Christians, and assume a number of things without even talking to them, so I spare myself the unpleasantness. I hope this makes some sense!
63 - Do you ever get paranoid?
Baby, anxiety is my middle name. I get paranoid about things you could never imagine. 😎 But yeah.
Every time I hear my door bell ringing, or knocking, I always think it's the police coming to get me, even thought the most illegal thing I've done is download music?? And my family is... normal. No suspicious activity or anything, so I really don't understand why. Make it make sense.
78 - What’s one thing you don’t feel comfortable doing around your friends?
There isn't much I'm not comfortable with tbh. My friends have seen me at my worse, and we know almost everything about each other. We've been friends for a very long time.
Maybe just being affectionate? I have a really hard time with that, but it gets easier around them. And they know how unhinged I am about my blorbos, so I don't really need to censor myself haha. I do a little code-switching. I speak a bit differently around my family, and with them I tend to use a more generalised/commonly accepted language, rather then my parent's countries expressions.
88 - What kinds of things confuse you?
LIFE IN GENERAL. How do you make decisons? How do you know you're in the right path?
Math. Cars. Sports. It's all Simlish to me lmao.
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nrdmssgs · 11 months
Many questions about Zhar incoming!
I love her being always in control of situation and seeming to have a plan. But are there any situations, that unsettle her, make her "I`m so confused, I dont know what to do about that"?
Ohhhhh, LOVE))) Believe me, she is so much NOT in control in Matters. She will eventually come up with a plan, but for now the girl is doomed.
But I don't want to talk about the sad stuff today. So there is another thing, she will never understand and never know what to do with it. And that is Kruegers chest tattoo. So she is not the biggest fan of official soviet or Russian symbols because of all the bad memories, she got from the motherland. She can bear with Nikolais telnyashka (as long as she is allowed to take it off him), but a Russian coat of arms on her favorite Chimera??? Oh, she will be devastated. I even cooked a little scene.
TW: swearing
AN: I don't approve of her behavior here and personally find it very unprofessional to make any commentaries on others ways of self-expression. Kruegers body is HIS BUSINESS! If anything, Zhar must apologize for being an absolute asshole. Also, there is a very short appearance of Phayvanh "Nak" Sotsvahn (she belongs to @vasyandii). I couldn't help myself, because in my hear KruegerxNak is a canon. Of course, I'll remove any mentions of Nak if Vasya doesn't find it amusing, what is happening here.
"Verdammter Scheiß!*" Krueger frantically shook his shirt over the sofa, not paying any attention to the cold wind touching his bare skin. His jacket laid on the armrest nearby. The only thing, that mattered to him, was to find that goddamn...
"If that's a part of your tactics to convince me for a rise - then my answer is 'no'." Familiar voice, but not the one, Krueger awaited to hear - Zhars voice. She turned on a lamp and proceeded to the desk, not paying that much attention to him.
His initial reaction was automatic. 'It's not, what you think.' thrown over his shoulder abruptly, as he continued searching his own clothes. But then Krueger froze. "Wait, commander, it is Nikolai's office, right?"
By that time Zhar already settled in front of the computer and waited for the tables she needed to appear on the screen. She looked too concentrated on her work to pay any attention to Krueger, but answered him nevertheless.
"It is my office. Niks is next door. Feel free to go charm him with your bare back, I'm sure, he'd find it quite amusing..."
"I'm not... Oh, fuck! Did you two absolutely had to get the same couches in your offices? I thought, only Nikolai had it!" Krueger cursed under his breath and added, "I promise, I'm out of here as soon as I find it!"
Olga finally shifted her concentration from the work and stood up.
"Ok, Krueger, do I need to know why the hell you've lost something on my couch, while I was attending meetings?"
"I didn't lose it on your couch, I lost it somewhere in my pockets! So I was trying to shake the goddamn thing out, but I didn't want it to fall on the floor and roll somewhere. That's when I remembered about Niks... well, yours sofa." By the time, he was done explaining, Zhar already stood beside him and searched the couch to help the poor man.
"At least enlighten me, what are we looking for," she muttered.
"A rock. Tiny lil shit! She always gives me the best ones, and for once in my life I finally found a rock to match her gifts, and it gets lost!" Krueger sounded genuinely annoyed.
Zhar paused for a moment. "So you say, we are looking for your gift for a girl... and it's a rock? Sebastian, please, at least tell me, it is attached to a piece of metal in a form of a ring... Otherwise, I'll start to worry about your relationship with whoev-"
"So keep your nose away from my relationship!" He was ready to verbally attack Olga, not carrying for her higher rank, when she pulled a little rock out of a fold between couch cushions. Kruegers face instantly softened. "Thanks, commander!"
He extended his hand to the stone, turning completely to Zhar and her gaze fell somewhere down. Olgas expression changed in a second, going from tired, but friendly to lost and angry.
"What the hell is that?!"
At first, he didn't understand her, thinking, there was some kind of smear on his bare belly or pants. Krueger checked himself, but he was completely clean. But when she poked her finger under his chest and growled, 'as far as I know, you are even not from there. Why the hell would you need this thing on you?'.
"Ah-h-h, you're about my ink? What's with it?" He looked confused down, then raised his gaze back on her.
"Krueger, how on earth did you think, it would be a good idea to leave this on your skin?!" Krueger seen Zhar angry, even pissed on the battlefield. But now she looked a hundred times more dangerous. So he quickly pulled on his shirt, not quite understanding, what did he do wrong. Somehow, his commander was absolutely ok about his criminal record, but his choice of tattoos drove her mad.
Nikolai was smoking with Yegor leaning against the wall, when Krueger practically flew out of a main building, dodging a heavy folder of papers thrown after him.
Olga's scream followed. "Hide this mark of shame and don't even think about showing it to anyone! Especially her!!"
"There is my treasure." Nik huffed with a wide grin, watching as Zhar left a building, following Krueger.
It seemed, only Nikolais open arms and soft smile saved Sebastian from being followed by the same folder, thrown yet again at him. Olga sighed, turned back and hid her face on his broad chest.
"Synishka sovsem otbilsya ot ruk?*" Yegor smirked, taking another drag.
"Ne nachinai...*" Zhar grumbled, still pressed firmly to Nikolai.
They stood like that for some time: men smoking in a comfortable silence, Nikolai playing with Olgas hair, looking somewhere deep in shadows between the hangars, Yegor smiling to his own thoughts. After a few minutes, they've heard Phayvanhs voice.
"For me? You really spent so much time, to find a rock, that looks like a head of a guy, I flatlined on the last mission? And saved it for me??? Man, you are the best, you know that?!"
She sounded so happy, that both Yegor and Nikolai couldn't help, but smiled with the utmost tenderness. Only Zhar froze for a moment only to hug Nik firmer and mutter "Ok, maybe I do need to raise Kruegers payroll after all..."
Verdammter Scheiß! - bloody hell
Synishka sovsem otbilsya ot ruk? - Has your son completely gotten out of hand?
Ne nachinai... - Don't even start...
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lemotmo · 24 days
This was an interesting ask. Also I never thought of them as maybe being the same person. Do we think they might actually be the same person? Because that kind of makes sense 😳
Q. I know you're not answering anymore B/T questions but I would like your advice or opinion on something. I was/am a Buddie shipper. I will fully admit that I went over to the B/T side of things when they went canon but the closer it gets to the new season the more my Buddie heart is re emerging. But I'm concerned with how I'll be received back in that tag. I made B/T edits and everything so I'm not sure I'm welcome anymore. Should I change my blog name and start over? Just pretend like it never happened and hope no one calls me out? Or make a post about it and then not talk about it again? Genuinely interested in your opinion. Thanks in advance!
A. Hi anon, obviously I can only speak for myself here, but I would say it depends on what your behavior was like this off-season. It was not unexpected that some people would ship the current canon. What was unexpected was how nasty everything became as a result. I'm not going to point fingers one way or the other in this reply. Because we all know where everyone pretty much stands on that issue. If you stayed in your lane, so to speak, and just made your edits and enjoyed the content you saw, I don't think most people will have an issue. However if you were one of the ones going from blog to blog threatening people, calling them names or sending them hate messages, you're going to have a harder time. How you choose to re enter the tag is entirely up to you. If it were me though, I would probably make a post about it just so everyone knew where I stood now. But I'm analytical that way and that does not work for everyone. You're not obligated to defend or explain your taste. If you feel your behavior requires an explanation of some kind then how you choose to explain yourself is entirely up to you.
I will say that you're not the first person to message saying you've decided you really do prefer the other ship. Myself and many other blogs have received lots of similar messages. That was always going to happen. The novelty was always going to wear off. It's part of fandom. People come and people go. It's a ship with very little context. So it's difficult to keep large numbers of people interested. It's why they've resorted to suddenly having insider information from multiple, completely made up, sources. None of these people are real. They're trying to convince people to stay and this was the best they could come up with. I will say the set designer insider was the most amusing. Because basic media knowledge should have figured into their nonsense at least a little bit. You don't build sets for non main cast members (and we already have confirmation that he didn't get promoted to a main). And you certainly don't give the directive of 'masculine with MMA stuff' as your set description( give me a call break). It's utterly nonsensical and ridiculous that anyone would believe any of it. Or that anyone would be that desperate for followers. There are two people, anon, that I can think of who would never be welcome on my blog, and I'm starting to believe they're both actually the same person. If anyone has proof of them really being two different people please feel free to share because I really am starting to think it's all one person. As long as you're not that person/people then I think you can find your way back. It's fandom and at the end of the day fandom is supposed to be fun. Enjoy what you enjoy without insulting others and you will be fine. 😉
Thank you Nonny!
I admit that I hesitated on posting this. I don't want people to come jump at me for posting this ask. But the original asker asked a very interesting question, so here goes nothing...
Listen, fandom is supposed to be fun. It's a happy place where we indulge in our love for fictional characters. It isn't all that serious. I love coming online in the evenings (or quickly in the mornings) to look at some fandom stuff and reblog some things. I love it here and I love 911, but it doesn't consume me.
I wouldn't have time to let it consume me. I'm a single working mom. For me fandom is a nice way to relax. A place to get lost in for a while and then go back to the real world. It's fun.
So yeah, there is no requirement or list of things you need to get through to step inside of a fandom. You just start posting about it.
When 7x04 aired, I never made it a secret that I didn't vibe with Tommy. I posted about it, looking for like-minded people. That's when I got my first hate messages about being homophobic for not liking Tommy or not vibing with BT.
As time went on, I admit that I got angry there for a while for being accused of things that weren't true. I 'stayed in my lane' and, after my initial BT posts where I was critical of their relationship, I stopped using the BT tag or Tommy tag, because it didn't feel right and I wanted to avoid getting hate.
But yeah, I was angry for people getting upset for my opinions on a fictional character. So yeah, I lashed out in a few posts and I'm not proud of that, but I also soon realised that it didn't solve anything. It only created more hate. (That's also why I don't post anything BT fandom related these days, except for this post. But this isn't about hate. This is about answering someone's question.)
There's also the fact that I've been shipping Buddie for years now and yes, I still wanted them together. Finally our moment was there. Buddie was in reach. I don't multi-ship. All respect to you if you can, but I can't do it.
All of this to say that while I am upset and angry with people who accused me and others of doing terrible things, accused me of homophobia and biphobia, dropped really nasty messages in my ask box... I'm not angry or upset with people who actually ship BT in a normal way, like we ship Buddie here on Tumblr. I'm not talking about Twitter here, because that's a very different environment than Tumblr. Tumblr makes it easier to just avoid things you don't want to see.
So ship what you want to ship. I don't care one way or the other. It's all okay. We're all in the same boat. People love what they love. But don't be nasty about it and harass people over it in their asks and comments. That's all. And this goes both ways by the way. No matter which fandom you're in, don't go seeking out people or posts to comment to or to harass. I quite often come across posts I don't agree with from both sides of the fandom, so I just ignore that post and move on. It isn't that difficult.
So yeah, if some fans want to start posting Buddie again, I don't care. Good for you. If you only want to post BT, I still don't care. Good for you! It's all good. It's only fandom.
I do think that the biggest hurdle for the OP will be the blocking. At this point half of the Buddie fandom has blocked a ton of BT fans for various reasons and yeah, half of the BT fandom has blocked a ton of Buddie fans for various reasons. It will be hard to start communicating again if we can't even see each other's posts anymore and can't communicate directly.
That's all I have to say about this. I won't be answering any more asks on this topic, because I really want to focus on the show and Buddie now.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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bbsourchef · 7 months
hihi! :D i am chef mio (it/itself or she! but mostly it!!)!! of class 3-2!! it is!! so very nice to meet you all!! on this little screen. it must be oh so cramped in there :(
but hi! hihi!! uh. what can i say about myself?? hum. well! i like pincurchin! they are!! friend shaped!! my partner pushpin is the one i am closest to. :) but they are not the only ones i like! it is!! good!! to have varying taste in pokemon. it improves team percentage, or something?? but i want to have the highest percentage in pokemon friendship :D
it requires being smart though!! so i'm a part of a few different clubs!! the biome club is where i usually am though! i am overseeing a project now! it's very cool! but i'm also a member of the cooking club!! because i want to improve!! my cooking skills for people and pokemon!! even if i mostly just want to make all of the world's best sour foods :D
hum. i think that is enough for now! but i want to make lots of friends!! with people too!! so i hope to be able to talk to lots of them! i'm good with food and biome research! but i will try to answer anything asked of me! :) byebye for now!
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((ooc info below the cut!!))
Another character in the Sable's Pokemon IRL Cinematic universe, apparently people really liked her, so! I have made a blog for Mio! Basically, she was supposed to just be an NPC for Ren's Orthworm project and my hand proceeded to slip and make a whole ass design. Whoops.
Anyway, Mio is a minor! For the love of god no NSFW or I will block you on sight.
Pelipper Mail/Malice are on, Musharna Mail/Malice are off. The Pelipper one may change, but the Musharna will not.
If you want your character to have history with Mio, please, feel free. Her blog is probably gonna be updated the least out of my four (yes i have a fourth in progress don't you DARE at me), but she is a background NPC for the people okay.
To basically sum her up: she's a girl who worked at the Sinnoh Battle Factory and learned a lot about utilizing Pokemon from a young age, serving as one of it's trainers up until she started attending Blueberry Academy. She basically got there on a scholarship, lmao.
Mio is a very silly lil chef who's basically to sour food as Crispin is to spicy, but she's genuinely a good cook! Like with Pokemon battles, a meal must be well balanced.
She's also a member of the Biome Club! I will probably have to google-fu any answers to advanced questions but Mio knows a hell of a lot about Pokemon adaptation and environmental effects of invasive species and the like. She's just below the Club's leader in terms of intelligence, pretty much.
Mio. Absolutely comes off as a dumbass with a weird typing style, but she basically makes up for it in competence in what she does best, and the work ethic of a god. This is a girl who multitasks her way into straight B+s and nobody knows how.
Feel free to throw some silly shit this way, this blog is very unlikely to dip into the high stakes waters at any point. This is a firm Silly Only zone. (maybe with some minor drama/angst but we're mostly gonna be silly here)
Any long absences are going to be explained by her phone breaking. She's a walking techbane but literally only for phones.
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