#genuinely really cool so like. i didn't have time to ask the others. but damn this was so fun
bratzforchris · 6 months
Ways to Say "I Love You", C. Sturniolo
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Summary: Five times you knew Chris better than himself, and the one time you didn't<3
Pairing: Chris x feminine reader
Warnings: Mentions of drinking/hangover (y'all i know he's techinally not of legal drinking age in the USA. this is fiction)
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: I genuinely need this man in my life so bad actually. Anyways, enjoy some tooth rotting fluff. XOXO<3
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“Bruh,” Chris groaned, leaning his head back against the couch cushions. “I feel like shit and I don’t even know why.”
You looked up from your phone, eyeing your boyfriend up and down. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know,” he whined, rolling off the couch dramatically. “My head hurts and I’m tired.”
You sat up from the gray couch, standing over Chris, who was sprawled on the floor, pouting and whining. You definitely felt bad for him, but at the same time, you knew Chris tended to over dramatize the smallest, most random things. “Do you have a fever?” 
Chris shook his head, rolling from his back to his stomach, but not getting off the floor. “I don’t feel sick, but I just feel like horse shit and I don’t know why.”
You observed him for a moment, before an idea dawned on you. Having ADHD, Chris tended to forget to eat and drink, so hyperfixated on something or too many thoughts in his head blocking the reminders to fuel his body. He was medicated for it, which both helped and hurt. Sometimes, he would be able to focus enough to remember his meals, but other times, the meds would dissipate his hunger cues. “When was the last time you had something to eat or drink?”
“Hmmm,” Chris’s blue eyes looked thoughtful for a moment before he shrugged. “Dunno. Which is weird because I’ve usually had like, six Pepsis by now, but we’re out and Matt didn’t go to the grocery store yesterday, so…I don’t know.”
You shook your head with a soft chuckle, helping your boyfriend up off the floor. “I think that might be the problem, sweetheart. Is there something you want to eat?”
“Do we have chicken nuggets?” Chris asked you, picking up one of the stim toys he had left on the floor last night as he followed you into the kitchen. “That reminds me, isn’t it weird that chickens can’t fly? Like…are they even real birds?” he asked you. 
“I dunno, hun. Google it.” You told him gently, pulling the bag of chicken nuggets out of the freezer.” 
“Do you think chickens are sad that they can’t fly? Like do they look at cardinals and go ‘Damn, why can he fly but not me’?” he hummed, flicking at the toy. 
Chris was wrapped up in his own little world as you made his lunch. He didn’t even get the chance to Google his chicken question before he was distracted by a Spotify notification, which led to him loudly singing a Lil Skies song, dancing around the kitchen. As much as you hated how difficult ADHD could be for him, Chris had one of the best personalities you had ever met; he was bubbly and outgoing, always the life of the party and always willing to cheer you up. You quickly plated his nuggets, along with some other random foods that you knew he would love, before sliding the plate across the island too. 
“See if that makes you feel better.” You explained with a soft smile. 
You watched as Chris downed the food, along with a Gatorade you had given him, only to see a smile dawn on his face. 
“I feel better now,” Chris mumbled shyly after a while. “Thank you. You’re the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. You literally always know me better than myself, it’s kinda weird.”
“Why is it weird?” You asked with a snort. 
“Cause it’s like you’re magical or something. Which it would be really cool if you were.”
You smiled, kissing Chris’s soft brown hair. “I love you too, hun.”
Tour life was difficult. No one would deny that. As much as the triplets were absolutely loving the Versus tour and all the antics they were getting to do, as well as meeting fans, they had to admit that it was exhausting. Not only were they running on an extremely tight schedule, it was wearing on Chris the most, simply because he was getting next to no alone time with you. It wasn’t that he simply wanted the alone time for sexual reasons, rather, you were the only person that could calm his mind, letting him just be. 
“Baby,” You hummed, softly stroking the brunette’s face. It was still dark out, just past six am, but you had a surprise for him, and you knew Chris would later complain about his sleeping in if he found the missed opportunity. “Wake up, honey.”
Chris wriggled beneath the blankets, sleepily blinking his blue eyes. He was freezing and it was dark out; way too early to be awake. “Too early.” he groaned in his morning voice, rolling over to face the wall with the blanket bunched around his shoulders. 
“I have a surprise for you.” You said, a bit more excitement in your voice as you shook him harder. 
The word ‘surprise’ immediately woke the boy up as he rolled to face you. You were already dressed in one of his hoodies and a pair of leggings, eager to get on with your plan. You were practically bouncing up and down like an excited little kid, hoping Chris would love what you had come up with as much as you did. 
“Why the fuck are you awake? It’s dark out,” he moaned. “Come cuddle me instead.”
You snorted at your boyfriend’s dramatics, quietly pulling back his blanket so as not to disturb Matt and Nick. “Get dressed, you big goof. We’re leaving in ten.”
As much as he wanted to argue and go back to sleep, Chris couldn’t deny that he wanted to understand what had caused the giddiness in your aura. He quickly pulled on his favorite hoodie and sweatpants, cramming his messy hair under a snapback as he followed you down the bus steps and out onto the quiet, dark sidewalk. He didn't know where the bus had stopped during the night. Philly maybe? But he didn’t get time to think about that as you simply nodded to one of the members of the triplets security and then took his hand, dragging him down the sidewalk. 
“Where are we going? I miss my blanket.” Chris pouted. 
“Me too,” You nodded, trying your hardest not to disclose the surprise. “But I do have something that’ll make you feel better.”
Chris didn’t know where you were going at this point, but he followed you anyway. He would’ve followed in any life, had someone asked him the question. You two continued to walk for a few more blocks until you stopped in front of a brightly lit diner, its neon signs illuminating the darkness of the street. 
“Pancakes?” Your boyfriend asked, perking up as the smell of bacon drifted from the restaurant. “Goddamn, I knew I made the right choice dating you.”
“I am pretty amazing,” You giggled, flipping your hair over your shoulder. “Let’s eat.”
You stepped into the diner together, immediately being sat at a booth and having your order taken. You and Chris both ordered an immense amount of breakfast food, quite tired of the protein shakes and cereal that came with bus life. 
“How did you, um, find this place?” Chris asked bashfully, stirring his straw around his Pepsi. 
You shrugged, taking a sip of your coffee. “I was just looking for things for us to do alone and it came up,” You hummed. “I love Matt and Nick, I really do, but I also like to have one-on-one time with you, and I could kind of tell you needed some, too.”
“How do you always manage to know exactly what I need when I need it?” he asked with a chuckle, brushing his hand over your knuckles. 
You smiled, a blush dotting your cheeks as your waitress came over with a tray full of all the food you had ordered. “I just do.”
“Baby,” Chris whined, sprawling out across your shared queen sized bed. “Don’t leave me. I don’t need food, nor do I want it.”
“But you do.” You said pointedly, looking him up and down as you slipped on your Uggs. 
“Nuh uh,” he fought back, smashing his face against a pillow. “You’re making me feel sick by not laying with me.”
“I’m not making you feel sick. Your choices are making you feel sick. No one told you to drink as much as you did.” You chastised gently, crossing the room to kiss his forehead. 
You and Chris, as well as his brothers, had gone out last night with a large group of friends, to include Johnnie and Jake, Tara, Larray, and Sam and Colby. Things had gotten a little…out of hand, leaving you with a very hungover Chris, who was making miserable noises as he clutched his stomach. 
“You’re not even laying with me,” Your boyfriend pouted. “My head and tummy hurt and I wanna be cuddled and you’re being mean.”
“You’re so grumpy when you’re hungover,” You snorted, kissing his forehead again. “I’ll be right back, babe.”
Chris whimpered again as you propped him up with several pillows, tucking him in and making sure he had water and a bucket nearby. You had opted to get him IHOP, figuring a good amount of carbs would ease the symptoms he was currently experiencing as a consequence of overindulging in alcohol. The time between you leaving the triplets house, picking up food, and returning home was less than forty five minutes total, but it felt like an eternity to your hungover boyfriend who simply wanted cuddles and for his headache and nausea to go away. 
You entered the bedroom, takeout bag in hand. “I’m back. Nothing to cure a hangover like a big, greasy breakfast,” You smiled, settling onto the bed and pulling out plastic containers of food. “Once you eat, you can take some ibuprofen for your headache.”
“I’m not hungry.” Chris whispered softly, feeling too unsettled to eat. 
“You know your tummy will feel better once you eat.” You cooed, stroking his stomach over the comforter. 
“Nuh uh.” he groaned, snuggling further into his pillow and blanket.  
“It will and you know it. You know you can’t drink that much, hun. I dunno what you expected to happen.” You explained softly, pushing some hair out of his face gently. 
As much as he wanted to continue to whine and be difficult, Chris had to admit you were right. A good breakfast and some sleep sounded really, really good right about now. He softly sat up, taking a sip of the Gatorade you had left on his bedside table last night. “Mkay…I’ll try to eat, I guess.”
You didn’t say much as you two began to eat your breakfast. You knew Chris probably had a raging hangover headache right about now, and you didn’t want to make it any worse. Once your boyfriend had had enough to eat and taken the pain relievers, he curled up into your side, placing your hand on his stomach. 
“...you were right,” he admitted quietly, always hating to be wrong. “Now I need belly rubs and sleep.” 
“So demanding,” You fake huffed, kissing his forehead. “Get some rest, hun. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
Chris Sturniolo was not the type to let anyone know he was upset. Sure, he would jokingly whine and complain about things when he felt like being irritating to his brothers, but he would never actually let anyone see when his feelings were hurt. You knew this about him, and after a little over a year together, you knew the signs that he was feeling this way as well.
The four of you were currently sitting in Matt’s car in a random parking lot, filming a car video. You opted to sit in the back and mostly listen with an amused look. After all, this was the triplets video, not yours. They hadn’t really planned a topic for today either, which ever bubbly Chris took to his advantage. 
“I need to pee,” he stated to no one in particular. “I got a new water bottle and so now I’ve been motivated to stay hydrated so I need to pee.”
“Why did you say water bottle like that?” Matt snorted. 
The boys continued back and forth with their bickering for a while, mostly making fun of the way Chris had said the word. You simply sat and laughed, enjoying all the weird conversations that came up, that is until Nick harshly interrupted Chris. 
“Do you ever shut up?” he asked. “Like genuinely, do you ever shut your mouth?”
“I do sometimes.” Chris protested. 
“Nuh uh,” Matt interjected. “You couldn’t go five minutes without talking. I bet on it. You’re one of those people on the list Nick was talking about. The one who could benefit from being quiet.”
“Fine. Time starts now.” Chris ‘locked’ his lips and pretended to throw away the key. 
You knew he was just going along with the video, but you could tell by the slump of your boyfriend’s shoulders and the way he had his forehead resting against the cool window that the comments had hurt him more than he let on. Nick and Matt continued to talk for a few minutes, before landing on a topic that immediately sparked Chris’s mind. He quickly decided to speak up, forgetting about their ‘challenge’. 
“You can’t do it,” Matt laughed, a triumphant look on his face. “Chris can’t stop yapping…wait, that should be the title of this video.”
Nick laughed and fist bumped his middle triplet, but you found the joke far from funny. Chris had slowly curled into himself throughout the duration of the video, speaking less and less. He was still appearing to be smiling and having a good time, but his overall demeanor had shifted, and you could tell his brothers’ teasing was getting to him. 
“We should get home. It’s getting late…” You mumbled softly once the car had quieted down. 
Chris turned around in his seat, giving you a thankful smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Matt nodded at your statement, turning the key in the ignition and beginning the short drive back to your shared LA home. Everyone was quiet, which was a rare occurrence in this car. You would’ve thought that Matt and Nick would’ve noticed Chris’s unusual silence, but somehow they didn’t. Your boyfriend lingered to get out as his brothers clomped inside the house, laughing about a random joke. 
“You okay, hun?” You asked, climbing from the backseat to the driver’s seat, resting your hand on his arm. 
“‘M fine.” Chris mumbled, leaning his head  against the window. 
“You don’t act very fine.” You whispered gently, running your fingers through the soft, brown curls at the nape of his neck. 
“Do you think I talk too much?” Chris whispered quietly, turning towards you. 
Under the bright light of the garage, you could see unshed tears welling in his lash line, threatening to spill. That’s how you knew Chris was upset. He almost never cried, unless he was really and truly upset. 
“Honey,” You said sadly, running your thumb across his cheek. “Of course not, bubba. I love listening to you talk.”
“Well Matt and Nick sure don’t.” he huffed grumpily, but a sniffle made its way out.
“Yeah…I was going to talk to them about that, actually. They were kinda being dickheads to you tonight.” You whispered, always hating conflict between the triplets. 
“They were right,” Chris groaned, burying his head in his hands. “I can’t shut my fucking mouth and everyone thinks it’s annoying!”
“Sweetheart,” You cooed, pulling him into a hug across the console. “I don’t, and I say that with every promise in me. I love listening to you talk, Chris. Your voice is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard and I learn so much from you every day.”
“Really?” he sniffled, a tear rolling down his cheek.
“Really, hun,” You smiled, softly brushing it away. “I love you.”
Chris smiled, giving you a soft peck on the lips. “You always just know, don’t you? You always know when I’m sick or tired or when something’s wrong. God, I love you.”
You had always loved music, ever since you were little. Something about how a simple arrangement of notes could make a person feel so many emotions captivated you. It was like a language that you didn't have to learn to understand. By the time you were eleven, you’d been playing guitar and ukulele, and that later expanded to piano and bass. Music was absolutely your therapy, and you took every opportunity you had to practice your craft. 
You were sitting on the floor of your and Chris’s shared bedroom, strumming softly on your acoustic guitar. For once, the house was quiet because the boys were out filming a video, so you took the time to practice one of the new songs you had been working on lately. Being a music major allowed you very little time for your separate projects, so you would take whatever chance you could get. 
The silence didn’t last long, though. Just as you were playing an Em chord, Chris burst into the room, flopping on the bed. “Hey mamas, how was your day?”
You playfully rolled your eyes, but continued to strum your guitar. “It was wonderful…until I was so rudely interrupted.”
“You know you love me,” Chris teased, rolling onto his stomach and propping his chin in his hands. “Play me a song.”
“God, you are so demanding,” You chuckled. “What’s next? An autograph?”
“Mhm. On my boobs.” Your boyfriend smiled.
You shook your head with a laugh, throwing a guitar pick at him. “You’re insane.”
You didn’t waste any more in Chris’s antics, though. You fulfilled your boyfriend’s request, quietly beginning to play Falling like the Stars and singing along. Chris said nothing more, cherishing the sound of your voice. He loved hearing you sing and play guitar. It soothed him, allowing him to see the passionate parts of you that only came out in your music. He wished that he could do the things that you did, but he had just never taken the time to learn an instrument. 
You looked up at your boyfriend on the bed after you finished the song, smiling softly. You watched Chris for a moment, observing his body language and the way he was looking at you. “Do you…want to learn?” You asked him quietly, a blush dotting your cheeks.
“You’d teach me?” Chris’s cheeks and ears grew pink as he looked at you shyly. 
“I’d love to.” You nodded with a smile. 
Your boyfriend clambered off the bed, sitting down next to you on the rug. You softly began to explain the different parts of an acoustic guitar and how to hold it, before moving onto chords and strumming. Chris had always been a fast learner when he put effort in, and right now was no different. Within the hour, he was already playing slow, soft songs. The chords were still vibrating and it took him quite a while to change them, but it was a song nonetheless. 
“I’m not as good at it as you are.” he pouted after a moment, setting your guitar aside gently. 
“Well I have been playing for ten years, bub.” You chuckled gently, kissing his face. 
Chris wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into him and kissing you back deeply. He loved you with all his heart, and you taking the time out of your day to share your passions with him only made him love you more. As the kiss grew heavier, Chris fell back onto the floor, still holding you as he giggled. 
“I’ve always wanted to learn how to play guitar, you know that?” he asked, pecking your forehead. 
“I could tell.” You smiled. 
“You always can.”
“It’s such a nice day out today.” You hummed, soaking in the sun as you laid on your towel. 
Chris fidgeted beside you anxiously, but made an acknowledgement towards you statement so as to ‘throw you off his scent’. He had been planning this surprise for months now and he was currently using every muscle in his body to keep his mouth shut so as not to spoil it.
You two were basking in the sun on the beach in Santa Barbara, towels laid out. You had noticed Chris had been unusually quiet all day, but didn’t really think much of it. The beach usually kept him in his own little world, too distracted by the roar of the ocean and the sand between his feet to notice anyone else. You both had always loved the beach, and moving to the LA area after living in Boston your whole life had been a welcomed change. You practically went to the beach every weekend, but today Chris had led you to a new spot he had found. It was rather secluded, but you loved it all the same. It made things more intimate between the two of you. 
“You’re quiet today,” You said after a while, rolling over and propping yourself up on your shoulder. You looked Chris over from head-to-toe, admiring the tiny features about him like the way his curls had grown more pronounced with the salt air and the birthmark on his back. “Beach getting you relaxed?”
“I, uh, yeah. You could say that,” Your boyfriend tried to smile sheepishly, looking you over. Your lavender bikini hugged you just right, making him even more nervous. If he fucked this up while you looked so gorgeous, he would never forgive himself. “Wanna take a walk?”
You smiled, sitting up quickly and beginning to gather your towel. “Sure!”
“No!” Chris said a bit too hastily. “I mean, you don’t need to bring your towel…I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“You can’t just leave your stuff on the beach, Chris.” You giggled. 
“It’s not like anyone’s gonna steal it. Just–trust me, please?” he asked, giving you those blue puppy eyes you could never resist. 
“I guess so,” you fake huffed, taking his hand in your own. “C’mon, let’s walk before the sun sets on us, silly.”
Chris smiled, taking your hand in his own and starting the trek down the beach. The ocean was calling him as you two strolled westward towards the sunset, but that would have to wait. At least until he had finished his plan. The silence between you was comfortable like always, but this time it thrummed with passionate energy. Chris was pretty sure you had no idea what he was  planning, but then again, you knew him like the back of your hand.
“This beach is so quiet. It’s nice when it’s just us,” You smiled. “How did you find this place?”
“Oh, y’know, doing what I do best. Poking around.” Your boyfriend laughed nervously as you came to a beautiful expanse of rock along the beach. 
You immediately ran towards the beauty, smiling up at the wonder of nature. “This is gorgeous.”
Chris took the opportunity of you having your back turned to feel in the pocket of his swim trunks for the tiny box that he had been hiding from you for over a month now. He would admit that he had definitely had a bit of a struggle keeping the secret from you, but it was worth it to see you now, on this gorgeous beach, looking even more beautiful than the view around you. The brunette turned his head to where Nick was hiding out of sight, holding his camera. As much as he wanted the two of you to be alone for this, he wanted the pictures infinitely more. He couldn’t wait to tell his kids about what would be the best day of his life one day, that is, if you said yes. 
He took a deep breath, pulling the box out of his pocket and then tapping you on the shoulder. “I have a question for you, ma.”
By the time you had turned around, Chris was on one knew, holding a tiny, velvet box that held a gorgeous, heart-shaped, diamond ring. “Oh my god…” You whispered, hand flying to your mouth as tears welled in your eyes.
“You are my best friend, baby. I’ve loved you ever since I saw you that day in ninth grade algebra class. Finding out you felt the same way about me was probably the best day of my life. You always listen to every crazy, stupid, and dumb idea I have and I love you for it. You know me better than I know myself. I love loving you; you are my first, last, and only love. Will you marry me, Y/N?”
“Oh my god, yes!” You squealed, throwing yourself into his arms as Chris slid the ring onto your finger.
Chris sniffled as he spun you around, hugging you tightly and kissing you. “This is why I’ve been acting weird today,” he chuckled and blushed. “I was worried you’d find out. You know literally everything.”
“Not everything,” You smiled, showing him the diamond. “You kept the secret so well. Who all knows?”
“Well,” Chris admitted shyly as Nick stepped out from his hiding spot. “Nick knows, obviously, because I needed his help capturing the moment. Matt knows too. Other than that, no one else.”
“You’re amazing, Chris,” You whispered, kissing him again. “I’ve wanted to marry you since I was fifteen years old, you know that?”
“I love you so much, ma. Always have and always will.” 
As Nick continued to snap photos of the two of you in front of the sunset on the beach, you couldn’t help but to feel your heart swell. You hadn’t known what was going on with Chris this time, but for once, you didn’t even mind. 
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @mattsfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxyz @mimi-luvzyu @mayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @idek3000hi @runasvengence
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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gamesetart · 2 months
Open relationship au I’m SICK!!!!
Approaching Art to ask if hooking up with girls is okay <3 that you met Tashi one of your classes and you might be interested in seeing her if he’s okay with that. And maybe he’s a little conflicted, he didn’t know you were into girls too, it makes him feel a little insecure about it maybe. First he has to worry about Patrick, and now Tashi?
And maybe it’ll make him feel better if he just watches. Just that once. Not because he’s a perv, just because he needs to know what it would be like, if he’d be okay with it again.
cat i need you to know i waited until i could sit with my laptop home from work for this <3
eyes on me (tashi's interlude i)
tags: tashi duncan x fem reader, voyeurism, cunnilingus, fingering, cucking (arts cool with it). nsfw. minors DNI.
"Baby, I'm not... homophobic," Art says, staring at you, nonplussed.
You fluster a little at this -- of course he isn't, one of his friends on the tennis team is gay (the only openly gay man at stanford as far as you're aware) -- but you were genuinely nervous. Art has a rosary hanging on his wall. He prays before bed. Your reservations were warranted.
"I-I know," you frown, "but I'm just asking if you'd be okay with it."
"I didn't know you liked girls," he says, casually avoiding the question. He's good at that, you've noticed. Sidestepping the uncomfortable stuff. (It's probably why he's never told you about Patrick.)
"I like this one," you tell him nonchalantly. "Her name's Tashi -- she plays tennis, actually, maybe you know her. We met in my kinesiology class."
For a moment, you swear his expression flickers. Swear something dark and angry and hurt flashes in his eyes. But the second passes, and it's gone, quick as it came. He smiles. Nods.
"Yeah, I do. She's good, really good. She won the US and the Australian Junior Opens."
"So... you're cool with it?"
Art pauses, cocking his head to one side. He pretends to consider it. Pretends like this is really weighing on him. He waits until he sees that moment of doubt in your eyes, like you're about to take it back, offer up something else to soothe the ache, to speak. He knows you better than you think. And he knows how to use it, more than you know.
"I don't know," he says slowly, rolling each syllable over in his mouth. "I'd have to think about it... maybe. I mean, it's so different from just some guy."
He makes you think it's your idea. It's easier that way, if you think you came up with it all on your own, if you think you're the one pulling the strings. (Both believe the other clueless. Both believe themselves the one in control. Both are sorely mistaken.)
Tashi was the one who suggested it to you.
"He could always watch," she'd said lightly, over your coffee and her weird green energy smoothie. "You know. Sit in. Cum in his pants, or pray, or whatever it is good Christian boys do when they watch their girlfriend fuck another girl."
You'd laughed. "I don't think good Christian boys watch their girlfriends fuck at all, girls or otherwise."
But the seed had sprung. She'd planted the idea in your head, and now it bloomed anew.
"You could aways watch," you say mischievously. "See if you're on board. Do some research."
His ears go red, and you giggle. It's adorable, how sweet he is. Art reaches up to run a hand through his hair, and that damn ring catches your eye. One day, you promise yourself. Soon.
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"You're so pretty," you mumble into Tashi's hair. Her lips catch on your neck, biting the skin soft enough that it won't leave a mark. "You're so so pretty."
She laughs breathlessly, and it tickles. You're in your bedroom. Art's sitting on your desk chair while Tashi hovers above you. You lost all your clothes a long time ago, and she's well on her way, in nothing but a thin pink bra and matching panties. Somewhere, in the back of your mind, you think she prepared for this. And you like it.
"You ever see her naked before, Art?" Tashi asks. (Something about the way she speaks to him is familiar. Like she's done it before.) But you can't think about that when she shifts above you, clears the view for Art to get an excellent view of your slick, sweet cunt. She spreads your folds with her right hand so he can see your perfect hole.
"N-no," he says, and you can't see him, but it sounds choked.
Tashi smiles above you. Her fingers - sweet, clever, calloused and warm - slide up your cunt, gather the wetness. Slit to clit. And then, slower than you expected her to be, she pushes a single finger into your quivering hole. You gasp, because Tashi doesn't waste any time. She curls right up, searching for that single perfect spot inside you. She wastes even less time finding it.
"Oh, fuck, Tashi, right there--" you moan, hips bucking wildly into her touch. Her wrist brushes your clit, and you sob.
Art's never seen you like this. You're so firm with him. Kind, gentle, loving, but firm. You're sweet, but he has no doubts about who you are. Didn't, anyway, before this. You're fire, you're thunder, you're lightning in a bottle. You're wild and wonderful and brilliant. But right now, you're a just quivering mess melting on Tashi's fingers.
Tashi pulls her two fingers out of your and brings them to her mouth. You watch her suck them clean with a vicious smile.
"Why don't we put on a show for the boyfriend?" Tashi asks you, and she's wicked.
Her bra and panties fall to the floor. She straddles your face. You take it willingly, licking and sucking at her folds. No technique, really, you've only done this once before, drunk at a party, but what you lack in skill, you make up for in enthusiasm. You eat her out like she's your last meal on death row, like she's water to you, the drowning girl.
Tashi laughs, but it's a little shaky. "Oh, babe. You've got a lot to learn. It's okay, I'll teach you."
She leans over, dipping her fingers back into your cunt. Two, and her other hand comes to toy with your clit, bracing most of her weight on her knees - on either side of her head - and her elbows, balanced gently on your hip bones.
"Watch closely, Art," she says. "Your girlfriend's gonna cum on my hand, and then my mouth."
Art whines. But he's good, he's patient, he's nice. He's not a sinner. He's only here to watch. And watch he does. He watches you come undone on her hand, true to her word. He watches her cum on your face - she's beautiful, the arc of her back pushing her tits up, her skin shiny with sweat.
"Fuck, yeah, that's it," Tashi moans, riding your face eagerly. "Yeah, god, you're good. No fucking -- god -- clue, what you're doing, but good."
And then he watches her eat you out, and by God does she know. She knows exactly what she's doing, tongue flat against your slit licking all the way up until she reaches your clit. She flicks that around, swirls the bud around gently. Sucks on it. You lace your hands in her hair and cry out her name, right up until you look up for the first time without anything in your path of vision and lock eyes with Art.
"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, cumming-- Art," you choke.
Tashi won't admit she enjoyed listening to you fall apart on her tongue, moaning your stupid cuck boyfriend's name. Art won't admit he's probably going to get himself off to the sound of you crying Tashi's name (he gets it, he's been in the same place). You won't admit you really enjoyed being watched. Especially by your sweet, lovely, innocent boyfriend.
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snail-migraine · 3 months
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Requested by: @elysiumrealms
Sure! I did think some fleshing out on how the rest of the family acts around them would be cool to write. Sorry this took so long btw, my inbox gets stuffed pretty quickly and it was finals week. Anyway thanks for the ask!
Anon-Yan 💌‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
Platonic Yandere Malleus
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For you, the time before your punishment was nothing but a blurry mess.
Genuinely you don't remember all your horrible habits and manipulative tactics, you just remember acting on your insticts and not really thinking before you acted.
The few things you do remember is the interactions you had with your other family members.
The most memorable were the ones with Grandpa Lilia, when you were younger he loved cuddling you upside-down. Even if his grip was iron-strong it still felt so warm that you didn't want to leave.
When you got older he would allow you to play with some of his video games, he was always so sweet and helpful. Making sure you never got too frustrated at one certain part before taking the controller from you and completing whatever challenge had you stumped.
Lilia just loves babying you in a way he never got to with either of his original children.
He never failed to make you feel like the spoiled little brat you were.
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"Ooh! Don't cry Darling, there's no need for that. Here, do you need Grandpa to help you? Okay sweet-pea. Don't worry, grandpa's here for you"
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Then there's uncle Silver, who whose probably the most boring person to hang out with out of everyone in the family.
Don't get me wrong, you enjoyed his company but nothing even vaguely interesting happened whenever you hung around him.
He always really apologetic about it though, even going as far to bring you a little toy everytime he was allowed alone time with you. Typically is just a teddy bear, so that at night when you fell asleep you would think of your uncle Silver.
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"Sorry we weren't able to play today. Here, have this. It's so when you fall asleep at night, you'll always remember your uncle Silver."
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Your uncle sebek on other hand, he was hard to forget.
He was always loud, his voice commanded battalions after all. So a voice like his would definitely need for job like that.
Or whatever that was supposed to mean. You never really understood his way of thinking. While he was screaming his head off about not being good enough for you, you had sit and listen to him whilst daydreaming of all the video games Grandpa Lilia would play with you later.
It was boring, and eventually as you grew older you learned to tune him out.
Though I guess that wasn't the greatest idea, because within a week of learning how tune out his voice he came to you sobbing on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness.
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But I guess that all leads you to where you are now. Stuck in a boring old rickety tower. Stuck studying and doing chores all day. At least Father allowed for your family to visit from time to time.
Their faces and voices make the endless cycle you've been going through day-to-day slightly more bareable. But to be perfectly honest, with every passing moment that you're stuck here; in this damned tower made to be your prison, you lose a small peice of your sanity.
A peice of your mind that can never be returned to it's owner.
Trully a cruel thing to do, especially to your own child. Isolating them from everyone and everything they've ever known to prove a point, when it wasn't even truly their own faults that caused such a mess? Foolish, and downright cruel if anyone asked you.
Ah, but what can you do?
You did do this to yourself after all, might as well own up to your mistakes and pay the price.
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
not sure if you're still doing the yan!jing yuan in the au where he spams the reader and stuff but like i just read all that stuff and holy shit i'm obsessed so i've been wondering, how does he behave when his darling is sick?
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CW: yandere, non-con, harassment
related content: yan! jing yuan keeps spamming you and calling you yan! jing yuan visits your home yan!jing yuan tricks you into answering the phone
Thank you, I'm still working on this au, just haven't received new ideas ☺️😂💕 And- as someone who has just recovered from a cold, I have a strong urge to reply to this-
One day, your itchy throat gradually evolved into frequent coughing, as well as classic cold symptoms such as fever, sneezing. The space age is more convenient than any other era. After a medical robot visits your home to treat you and give you medicine, you slip into bed and fall asleep. It's a bit lonely just being alone, with only the sound of classical music for company, but it's not like that anymore - a few hours later, a hand is touching your forehead. Those golden eyes are examining you with concern and tenderness.
Jing- Jing Yuan!
Your harasser, broke into your home to take care of you.
You scream involuntarily, but the voice in your inflamed throat is hoarse. You don't have the energy to fight anymore and just stare at him blankly.
"Are you okay, baby? I've received the report from Qingzu." The general didn't tease you like usual, but frowned. "Why didn't you tell me? I'm your boyfriend."
You don't have the energy to refute his "boyfriend" claim. Instead, point your finger at the water and then at yourself.
You want to drink water. You need a lot of water, actually.
Jing Yuan immediately pour water for you. He carefully puts it to your mouth, and holds the cup (you think, Jing Yuan probably can't believe you can hold the cup now, damn it…). The general is genuinely concerned about the future of short-lived species. You are too vulnerable and need protection and love.
How do you survive in the universe?
You pointed to the bedside again, indicating that you need to take medicine. The General fed you a bowl of warm soup first, then put those pills on the tip of your tongue. He basically doesn't allow you to do that for yourself. After that, you need a good night's sleep, again. You still stare at him vigilantly, thinking about all the harassment he did to you before. Maybe Jing Yuan will take this opportunity to rub your chest - isn't this the perfect time? As it turns out, maybe you have some bias. You fell asleep without knowing it, and you didn't feel any touch, except for the cooling patch on your forehead.
A ray of sunshine in the morning shines into your home. You are much better. Jing Yuan dozed off with his chin resting on one of his hand. After noticing your awakening, the general returned to sobriety, with a surprised smile on his face, and touched your forehead again. "Are you feeling better baby?"
He- has he been here all night looking after you?
What is your reaction to this:
→ You are grateful/not grateful for it. Although Jing Yuan took care of you, those harassments are really not good. Your gratitude may encourage this. / He shouldn't have broken into your house after all.
You take your pills and your breakfast (still soup) while the General watches. You want to ask him to leave. Jing Yuan expected this. He stated that meetings are canceled these days, and he will temporarily stay at your home, work remotely and take care of you^^ Expect a lot of forced touching and fondling.
→ You appreciate it, and thank him.
You pull up the quilt, only half of your face is left, and lips are covered by the quilt. Your cheeks were burning, and you whispered in a still hoarse voice. "…thank you."
…The next moment, you are stripped of your pajama bottoms/skirt and panties, your ass is grabbed from behind and separated, that thick cock is pounding and slamming inside you. It happened so quickly and abruptly that you didn't know how to react to it.
What's going on here!?
You look back at him, the General's utterly fascinated expression, and mutter "how cute…"
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having fontaine as a boyfriend hcs | (this is a long one y'all)
♤ fontaine is a very stoic man. he prefers to be reserved, only speaking a few words at a time when necessary. keep to yourself, you keep yourself alive. that's his motto. that's just life in the glen period.
♤ so everyone in his immediate circle was kinda taken back when you were spotted in the passenger seat of his car, one too many times. no one really hung round taine like except junebug. so no one expected him to actually get a girlfriend. a ting of the side, yes. but a girlfriend....nah.
"yo taine, who's that gurl we see you hangin' 'round? i ain' go hold you she fine asf" one of his 'buddies' straight up ask his boss what everyone's been thinking for weeks.
"my girl" he answered without missing a beat.
"by girl you mean main bitch right? i see you boss. how many more girls you got?"
"just the one. that's all i need" since then everyone in the glen knew you as taine's girl.
♤ if you were wondering how you guys met, it was a simple infatuation turned relationship. he was the regular plug for your brother, and would come by every once in a while. you rarely spoke to each other, just stole glances at each other for a while.
♤ fontaine knew he was only there for business. but he couldn't help actually looking forward to when your brother called, cause that meant he would get to see you again. things slowly progressed to the point he started coming over even when your brother didn't call. now yall are dating.
♤ he is a surprisingly attentive and supportive partner. if you have anything bothering you, you can always lean on him. he's not good on advice, but taine's a great listener and knows how to cheer you up. whether it's a late night drive, or stuffing your face over at his house on the couch, he'll do everything he can to make his girl smile again. and god help anyone makes you upset.
♤ despite his rough exterior and line of work, taine's super gentle with you. he'll open the car door for you, offer you food even if you just ate, and drive you anywhere you need to go, especially at night. he knows the glen ain't safe, he can't risk it especially with his reputation.
♤ he also doesn't mind buying you stuff too. he's not kingpin rich, but he's not broke that's for sure. from a simple drink at the corner store to a pair of gold earrings from the pawn shop. he buys, no debate.
♤ to many, he's an outwardly emotionless man. rarely expresses an emotion besides annoyance and anger. even slick, who's known him since grade school ain't never seen him smile before. but you have. yup you saw fontaine's laugh himself to tears. though the reason wasn't idle, you vividly how he looked when he genuinely smiled.
"t-taine that's not funny, i almost DIED. shut upppp" he snorted as you smacked his arm. you dipped you head on his shoulder in embarrassment cause he was still laughing at you.
"wha' ma- you expect me not to laugh at that shi' you just pulled. calm down you aight" he took back the blunt that nearly choked you out cause you wanted to look bad infront of your boyfriend.
taine knew you weren't that much of a smoker and smoked a blunt every once in a blue moon, or when you really needed one. so it surprised him when you walked over and took the blunt that was resting between his lips and took a drag.
a fast, deep drag, that he knew damn sure your lungs were not prepared for. so when you bursted into a fit of coughs, he couldn't help but laugh his ass off.
don't worry after he cooled down, he rubbed your back and assure you at you were still that baddest bitch on the block. even if you couldn't smoke a blunt.
♤ supppperr touchy. doesn't matter time or place. he has to have his hand resting on you, he just wants to make sure that of he turns his head your still there, and that your real.
♤ he introduced you to junebug once and ever since then he could never shake the thought of making you a mom one day. i know he doesn't look it but he's very family oriented person. he hopes to have one day. but that's a story for another day.
♤ he loves you. he won't out right say it but just by the way he treats you and looks out for you like no other, trust me he simply adores you. that nigga would take a bullet for you cause to him you're absolutely perfect.
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Let death be kinder than any x-men
Logan howlett x reader
Warnings: I still don't know 😭 the reader makes a massive mistake. Idek if this is how xaviers powers work but wtv. Major Canon divergence. 🎶 represents when Charles is talking to reader in their head.
I know that sometimes I ask for too much sometimes. And I think today I did. It really does depend on how you define mistakes.
I knew Charles would help me. How did I know that the 21 year old version of my old professor 60 years in the future would help me? Because I just knew Charles Xavier like that.
"You want me to what?" He scratched his jaw.
"I want you to get inside logan's head and tell me what he's thinking of," I gulped and leant against the wall.
I could only tell that this would have consequences beyond my understanding. Beyond perhaps what anyone could really understand.
"I can try. I would ask why you need this, but I already know," he grinned with his lips high to his nose.
I scoffed a laugh and looked out into the city through the trees. Dark lights and fireflies. Night-time and fireworks. Onyx that encased sparks of all colours.
"So you'll help me?"
"Of course I will. What else do have to do in this damn world?"
There was this one time at the mansion when I punched Scott summers in the mouth for telling Logan he was a coward. I let him drip blood on the floor and make noises of pain as he held his painful jaw that would be bruised and red by tomorrow.
"Don't you ever fucking say that shit again"
It was a warm night, though still cool enough for a bonfire. Even though we were supposed to be in the middle of a fight with the sister of the man, I was sitting beside and saving the other mutants, we had collectively agreed, Wade and I, that a night to sit here wouldn't hurt. And convincing Logan was not easy, but he pulled through with an offer of whiskey.
After a while, Wade passed out, and Charles was minding his own business on the grass, when we asked what he was up to he replied 'I'm on the phone' but he had no phone in sight, and it took Logan a few seconds to realise.
I didn't know what to say to Logan. I didn't feel like saying anything or if anything would even work. He probably doesn't want to say anything either. After our altercation in the void, I didn't know what the fuck was going on anymore. I wanted to ask about it, but I was afraid his answer would be exactly as I thought.
"I didn't mean it" he said suddenly "what I said in the void, I didn't mean it"
It had genuinely shook me that he was first to bring it up.
"Oh," I said. "I was gonna ask you what happened, but I wasn't sure if anytime was going to be right"
Logan chuckled. For an unknown reason, he just did and sipped his drink. "Anytime after I die is perfect for these kinds of things"
I tried to smile and act like I was cool but in reality I was dying inside. I was screaming kicking and crying and throwing up and tearing adamantium bars off jail cells.
"I don't know what came over me," he admitted. "The truth is in my universe my wife was experimented on by scientists. Fuckin mad men"
I couldn't tell in the light, mostly because I wasn't looking at him but I could hear it. He started to tear up. I could hear the tightness in his throat, the strain on his voice.
"And-" He stuttered.
"And do you know what the worst part is?"
I don't.
I should. I feel like I should. But I shouldn't. I couldn't. I didn't want to know. Or did I?
🎶 "You do"
"What's the worst part Logan?"
"They did it right in front of me. Right in fuckin front of me!" He lurched forward and slashed one of the trees, causing it to fall in threes.
He panted. Growled. Boiled with rage that set the ground alight in metaphorical fire. Raging flames, like wildfire. Upset and grief that acted fuel.
"It's not your fault, logan" I said softly
"BUT IT IS!" He yelled back at me.
He put his claws away and sighed, looking away for a moment to catch his breath "I'm sorry"
"It's alright" I replied
Logan rubbed his face "Let's call it a truce. I swear I won't try to turn you into shredded meat again" he held out his hand.
"Sure. No shredded meat" I put my hand in his, shaking it.
They were fucking hairy and calloused. And heavy. Maybe the world's manliest hands. And veiniest. Fuck what am I doing?
"No shredded meat" he repeated
And we both laughed
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aithusarosekiller · 11 months
An Extensive List Of Ouizzy Hcs
Frenchie is a cuddler. If he gets the opportunity to latch on like a koala you know damn well that he will do it. This is often paired with soft kisses to wherever is closest to his face. He and Izzy were initially very casual with very little intimacy, until one day Frenchie just decided to cuddle up and Izzy had the realisation of 'oh shit, this is actually really nice'
Izzy's response to the first 'I love you' was a very panicked 'fuck off' until he remembered how similarly Ed had responded to his confession and freaked the fuck out because he didn't want Frenchie to feel that way. He was too emotionally constipated to apologise so he just left the room. It took two days for him to approach Frenchie and manage an apology, which was accepted a lot quicker than he anticipated.
Frenchie is so proud that he managed to pull the Izzy Hands and will not fail to mention it to EVERYBODY he comes across. He is very much the 'Well, yesterday, my husband said...' 'According to Iz- that's my boyfriend btw-' 'hey, this is Izzy, he's my beautiful boyfriend' 'I'm so lucky to have a husband like Iz' 'I have a partner too, his name is Izzy and-' 'sorry, I've got a date with my darling Izzy today' type of partner
Frenchie smiles in his sleep. It's adorable.
Jim is their no.1 supporter. They gave Frenchie the shovel talk, which he genuinely did not see coming. They think their relationship is 'cute', which made Izzy particularly grumpy and reluctant to talk to them for a week.
Izzy is a sub
Izzy always falls asleep first but he's a super light sleeper so Frenchie is careful to not move or even breathe too loud because he is terrified of waking him
Stede knew they were dating before Izzy did
Izzy will usually shut down Frenchie's superstitious theories but will occasionally indulge him if he's particularly adamant and it won't cause any harm bc at least it makes Frenchie happy to be believed.
The room they choose to hide Izzy in when he gets shot is the room the two of them had been secretly meeting up in for several weeks before the canon s2 timeline picks up. Frenchie just panicked and took him right there, having to come up with an excuse to give to Archie when she asked why he wanted to drag Izzy behind a dusty shelf.
Frenchie gives neck hugs, Izzy goes for the arms around the waist + face in shoulder hug. Occasionally Izzy will come up and hug him from behind but he finds it more intimate for some inexplicable reason so he rarely does it, especially in the company of others.
They can't go anywhere without walking into some big, scary guy Izzy once hooked up with. But Frenchie quickly grew to not mind because out of all of them, Iz still chose to stick the superstitious barely-pirate with no survival skills whatsoever so are any of them really that cool after all?
Lucius takes every opportunity to tease Izzy about their relationship. He will not stop until he gets a satisfying reaction. Or until he gets bored enough to make up an excuse for leaving...
Frenchie is a biter. No further information.
They don't usually do anniversaries but they DO frequently pretend that it's their anniversary when they want to get out of doing something for somebody else
In S1E4, Frenchie is the one that left the prosthetic at Izzy's door. He's also the one that told Lucius what to put on the note.
Izzy sometimes sings when he's really focused on something but he'll deny it to the end of time. Frenchie hears sometimes and just quietly listens. He'll switch between languages when he sings depending on his mood and Frenchie loses all human cognitive abilities when he brings out the French.
One day, Frenchie 'adopts' a rat he found onboard and calls it Maddy, Izzy hates it but still manages to convince Roach not to skin it and feed it to a seagull, all bc it made Frenchie happy. Ofc if you asked him, he'd say he had nothing to do with the thing being kept.
Frenchie manages to somehow slip the word 'babe' into every conversation
Izzy's a hand kisser. Especially the palms.
They both go to Wee John when they're stressing about gifts or smth and it gets to a point where he knows more about their relationship than they do
Izzy accidentally let the words 'my love' slip ONCE and is not allowed to forget it
There is nothing Frenchie wouldn't do to hear that man laugh. He'll do absolutely anything just to see him smile or laugh, which initially proves to be quite difficult.
They are girl dads idec
Izzy occasionally smokes, and it's one of the key ways Frenchie can tell if he is in pain or stressed out
They make bets about everyone else on the ship constantly. About almost anything.
Izzy tried to teach Frenchie how to read but his reading skills are relatively limited so it really didn't go well. They end up going to Ed for help because Izzy banned him from asking Lucius.
Frenchie knows a lot about flowers. He never says how but he'll go on about them for ages. Izzy secretly gives it endearing.
The black jacket Frenchie wears in s2 was given to him by Izzy. He made some adjustments and added the cat to the back and then started to wear it constantly; he quite liked wearing it because it felt like a comforting layer of protection and familiarity from the horrors around them
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9haharharley1 · 4 months
for prompt requests - something involving Jack and Pitch admiring any scars/freckles/moles/etc. the other has? Or Nightlight and Kozmotis, if you so desire?
This is your fault, Gilly! You know exactly what you did, you can't keep doing this to me! I just wanted to write something short and cute!
The fingers of Jack's right hand tangled with Pitch's as they lay together in an empty Kansas field, snow falling lightly around them. He could feel the Boogieman's gaze on the side of his face, but his own eyes scanned over ashen grey skin, a stark contrast to his moonlight paleness. He brought his other hand up to trace rough knuckles.
"How'd you get these?" he asked curiously, noticing the faint scars there. Pitch brought their joined hands up to gaze at the back of his own hand.
"Huh..." he mumbled to himself, brow furrowing. "That... was a long time ago, I believe. Back before..."
"Nightmare King stuff?" Jack answered softly.
"Hm. Yes. Before that." Pitch gave a wry little grin. "If I recall correctly, I believe I punched a lieutenant in the face."
"What?!" Jack crowed. He tilted his head to grin at Pitch. "No way! You weren't military, were you?"
Pitch grinned back. "I was. A general, actually."
"You're lying," Jack said, but he was still grinning. "You were not."
"I absolutely was." Pitch's smile dropped a little, and Jack didn't push it. "This would have happened before that, though. I believe I hadn't even made commander rank when this guy mouthed off to me. I admit, I may have lost my cool and got into a nasty scrap with him. I was lucky I wasn't court marshaled."
"Military man," Jack muttered. "I should have known. You always hold yourself so straight-laced."
"I like to think I've relaxed over the years," Pitch murmured, scooting a little closer to mouth at Jack's ear. Jack giggled and shoved a hand in his face.
"Maybe over this past year," he said back. "You were still riding your high horse when we started really talking."
"As opposed to riding you?" Pitch murmured, dark and silky in his ear, and Jack's face flushed purple. He turned away.
"Wh-what about this one?" he tried to distract the Boogieman, running a finger along a long scar on the back of Pitch's left hand. Pitch looked, pursing his lips.
"Sword fight, I think..." His brow furrowed as he gazed at the back of his hand, bringing their joined hands closer to his face. "It was a... mission to weed out some dream pirates. One managed to nick me before I stabbed it."
"Wow, stabbing. Damn." Jack gave an impressed whistled. "Never knew you were such a badass!" He chuckled, but noticed Pitch was holding his hand tighter than before. Jack's brow furrowed. "Pitch? What's wrong?"
"These..." His gold eyes were troubled as he gazed at the back of his own hand. His other rose to trail his own fingers over the scars. He swallowed thickly. "These weren't here before..."
"What do you mean?" Jack squeezed his fingers gently.
"I..." Pitch raised his right arm, the shadowy sleeve of his room receding enough that he could gaze at a large scar on his forearm. His voice was distressed as he said, "I'm not sure..."
Jack got his arm underneath him, propping himself on his elbow but refusing to loosen his hold on Pitch's hand. "And that one?"
Pitch swallowed thickly. "Nightmare Man."
Jack didn't linger on it. "Pitch, talk to me. What's wrong?"
Pitch rolled on his back, running long fingers over his scars. "When did..." he muttered to himself. "These... I haven't seen -" He cut off with a shaking breath. He let go of Jack's hand, sitting up abruptly as he shrugged off his robe. Jack wanted to make a joke, but the genuine distress on Pitch's face made him hold his tongue. He gasped as his own eyes went wide, Pitch releasing a shuddering exhale as he ran fingers over his chest.
A large scar ran diagonally down Pitch's right pectoral, cutting from clavicle to just above his nipple. It had long faded with time, but the wound had been deep, and it carved a deep gouge into the muscle. Jack stared at it in horrified awe, suddenly understanding Pitch's distress over the seemingly sudden appearance of his scars.
Jack had seen the man naked plenty of times now. He would certainly have remembered a scar like that.
"When did this appear?" Pitch murmured, his voice distressed as he gazed off into the distance. Snow fell around them, soft and silent, and Jack swallowed thickly.
"That..." Jack swallowed around a lump in his throat. There was an itch under his skin, almost a burning that felt at odds with his natural cold. "That wasn't there last night..."
"Dream pirates," Pitch muttered. "It was always dream pirates. Dream pirates and their Nightmare Men, always running and hiding, always chasing after them so they wouldn't target another child..." His hand rose to clutch the golden locket he only wore when it was just the two of them. "There seemed to be no end to them..."
Jack scooted closer. "Pitch?" He rose a hand to cup Pitch's cheek, turning the old spirit to face him, concern making his eyebrows shoot up as his skin tingled, gazing at his lover in horrified wonder. "Your face..."
Pitch's own eyes widened as they gazed back at him, a long scar that hadn't been there mere moments ago slashing down the left side of his face. It ran from his forehead down over his eye - a miracle it hadn't blinded the man - all the way down over his lips to Pitch's chin. It ran in the same direction as the one on Pitch's chest, no doubt from the same slash, and Jack couldn't stop staring.
There was something in his mind, something buried deep and clawing desperately to get out, that couldn't help but focus on that scar. There was a memory there, one that hadn't been unlocked with his box of baby teeth, and Jack reached up, lightly running his fingers over the cut on Pitch's lips. The snow glowing gently in the moonlight lit up Pitch's dark features, and Jack traced the scar to the one on his chest.
"I... think I've seen this before..." he muttered, more to himself than his lover, but the shaky inhale of air from Pitch had him looking back up. He met wide gold eyes, wild with awe and shock as Pitch stared back at him, and Jack realized the glow off the snow wasn't coming from the moon.
There was no moon out tonight.
Pitch's hand shook as it rose, long fingers touching Jack's cheek so reverently it made something in him break. Tears filled his eyes unbidden, Jack startled to realize he didn't know why he was crying in the first place, but as he gaze back at Pitch, he was shocked to see the man silently crying. His shaking hand cupped Jack's cheek, hot and soothing on his skin, and Jack leaned into it. He closed his eyes, pressing a kiss to Pitch's thumb, and when he opened them again, Pitch was looking at him like he was someone he had lost long ago, someone he had never expected to see again.
Someone he loved dearly.
His voice was broken when he spoke again.
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imahinatjon · 2 months
Vampires and their Spawn
Dazai, Nikolai and Jouno.
It's been a while since I've written anything, I'll put my notes on that at the end, for now, enjoy some Vampire Lords while you play the part of their lovely vampire spawn.
Some dark themes at some point I guess.
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• I can imagine that, as a vampire, he's kinda useless in terms of being a vampire lord. Like, he's still Dazai, so he's still intelligent and sort of charming in his own way, quick thinker, all the usual, I won't drown you with the details.
• But I imagine his ability - no longer human - translates over to vampirism.
• If he were a spawn, this would be great! He couldn't be compelled like others. But he's not, he's a vampire lord, he cannot magically compel others, he can't change forms, he can't... anything cool or dangerous is off the table really.
• Expect for turning people - he can still turn others into his vampire spawn, not that he's really felt the need.
• Being a vampire means being able to roam freely only during the night, or sometimes on a particularly cloudy day.
• But that's probably the only reason he met you. His damned curse let him meet the most beautiful warm blooded, living person he'd ever seen.
• Your life wasn't difficult to infiltrate, for dazai anyway. Any other person might have had a hard time. But not this guy!
• The how's and the whys are all irrelevant now- facts of the past. All that's necessary to know, is that you became his vampire spawn.
• Not the first, but the only one at current. You never asked what happened to the one or ones before you, and he never told you (but you could probably guess)
• He doesn't treat you any differently from normal just because your now his spawn.
• Your in a relationship as healthy as a relationship with Dazai can be.
• He can't compell you and has no actual control over anything you do, so he has no need to worry that your not genuine, doesn't have to worry that your staying around against your own free will. He's content.
• Just worried.
• More for your safety than anything, you may be undead and permenantly by his side, but you could still die.
• As a result, he perfers you stay away from him in areas that are too public.
• If it's like a dark quiet park with barely any people there, or a really obscure unheard of restaurant, or even a tiny only movie theatre that no one goes to anymore - then its great! He likes having dates and stuff in places like these.
• He just won't take you anywhere with a lot of people incase someone spots you and connects the dots
• Overall - he's not controlling, obsessive, scary or even remotely threatening, he's just a little cautious.
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• This... is not a pleasant experience. At first anyway.
• Nikolai is a not so busy, busy guy. And isn't interested in serious romantic relationships, he's a vampire lord with no spawn and no intention to take any spawn.
• Claims he has no need for them. And he doesn't, I mean, his ability is pretty damn cool, and super useful, so that's that.
• How you became his spawn though? Totally an accident.
• You were someone he thought was hot, and someone he occasionally engaged in acrivities with. It was a mutually beneficial thing no harm was being done.
• Until he got a little too adventurous and bit you. It happened on occasion, and was typically fine, but he went too far and ended up turning you instead of just taking a little blood.
• He doesn't know how because that isn't what he intended, he didn't even recognise he was doing it until he realised you felt cold, but was very much still alive and moving about.
• It lead to a whole fight and everything - a massive argument and you didn't see eachother for months. You were understandably annoyed that he turned you.
• He just thought it was funny.
• I mean - he wasn't thrilled either, but like, it was kinda funny.
• Then he realised that he could essentially feel where you were all the time. That got old after a while though, as did avoiding you (technically you were avoiding him)
• So he approaches you. He's not really into the whole serious conversation, but indulges you nonetheless and listens to what you have to say.
• And in turn he tells you it was an accident.
• You leave on slightly better terms and go back to your old routine. Though now it feels slightly different.
• He doesn't realise he's doing it until its too late and he's talking you out on nice dates and looking out for you more often and asking how your day was - and of course, seeing you for more than just the benefits.
• The realisation was not a good one for him and he 100% tried to kill you over it.
• News flash - you survived and begun avoiding him again. Which honestly hurt him way more than killing you would have.
• Don't worry for too long though, after about a year or so, he'll settle down, it's just a matter of wether or not your willing to let him back into your life and potentially have a more serious relationship with him after everything he did.
• If you choose a relationship, he's actually sweet - doesn't use his powers on you unless your in imminent danger of literal death. Also very attentive and gives you basically anything you ask for, even if he has to steal it.
• If you'd rather not, we'll now you have an insane stalker who can literally sniff you out like a bloodhound. It's not fun, and the only assurance you really have is that he won't hurt you and will always keep a distance.
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• He'd be a scary vampire.
• He's scary enough as a normal human, as a member of the hunting dogs.
• But a vampire lord?
• He's not knowingly a bad guy - let's put it like that.
• Teruko is the only reason the two of you met. It took her a lot of convincing to even get him to agree to date anyone (he seemed tense and was being annoying. She thought he could do with going out and having a good time, a little relaxation, a little distraction, and thought a date was the perfect idea, but ovbiously she wasnt gonna go)
• When he meets you, he's all smiles, extremely pleasant, seemingly caring, AND he has some sort of job in law enforcement? He doesn't tell you what he does at said job, bit he presents as the perfect guy.
• If perhaps a little distant. See, he's good at putting up that act, but if you pay just the right amount of attention, and look closely enough, he's not entirely genuine. Not honest.
• You personally think it's because he's not interested, and your more than happy to leave it at that. It was still a pleasant time. And you weren't really looking for anything particular anyway.
• So it surprised you when he called and arranged to meet you again. He didn't really ask, more so just told you where he was gonna be.
• Still, you turned up.
• It's like this for a while. He's just enjoying your life presence, and it buds from there. He never tells you he's a vampire, he wants you to figure it out for yourself.
• He leaves little hints.
• He makes sure you notice how cold his skin is, he ensures that at some point (probably after a few months) he lays with you and has your head resting on his chest precisely where you should hear a heartbeat - your not going to hear anything, and it will all leave you questioning.
• Especially when his teeth, that are just that tad bit too sharp brush across your neck, surprising you and worrying you a little - why are his teeth so sharp?
• You don't believe in vampires, or didn't anyway. They couldn't have been real. But then he bit you, not enough to actually draw blood, but enough to let you know that he could, if he wanted.
• Of course it scared you, but he'd worked your trust at this point, so you weren't necessarily afraid of him.
• You looked to him, and though he couldn't see you, he could hear your heart rate pick up rapidly, before slowing back down to, only a slightly worried pace.
• And then you let him drink from you.
• That's how it was, for years. He cared about you, sure, he was more than happy to be in some sort of relationship with you, definitely, but it wasn't ever meant to go that far. It was just... well, your blood was not the only thing about you he found thoroughly enticing.
• Still, he kept you around, alive, for a few years until he eventually asked if you'll spend an Eternity with him, if you'll become his spawn.
• If you didn't agree - then the relationship was over. He wanted something more permenant with you than the fleeting moment that was a simple humans life time.
• If you agreed - well, he was quick to turn you. He told you about all the drawbacks, and made sure you understood - you were stronger and better, but you couldn't go out in direct sunlight, and would need to feed on blood.
• And then you were his for an Eternity.
• He was definitely controlling, definitely wanted to know where you were all the time. And definately used his powers on you.
• Granted that was on a very rare occasion and only happened when you put yourself in danger or someone else put you in danger.
• He hadn't noticed as much before, but he definatly noticed a lot more about you after he turned you, and ultimately determined you weren't safe on your own - he was wrong, and you can convince him to give you breathing space, because a bump against the side of a table is not a life threatening injury.
• So, after getting used to having you around permenantly and being his first 'spawn' and by extension serious relationship, he does calm down and leaves you to your own devices most of the time.
• ...by the way, he still never told you what his job was.
I am seriously out of practice. I've been ill for over 3 months now and still am currently ill 😅 it'll get better eventually but, there's been that.
That and baldurs gate 3 took over my life
I'll try and get back into writing. This was a warm up.
This hasn't been spell checked! Yet
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jonquilyst · 28 days
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Day 28 - Finale
After weeks of battle and triumph, it's time to lay the 2nd season of Total Drama Sims to rest and officially crown a winner!
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Our finalists, Liana Morris and Paulina Callaway, had the wits, guts, and strength to persevere through the entire game, outlasting everyone else in the process. Now, all of the eliminated contestants will be coming together to vote for a winner! Like last season, votes will be public and will go from the bottom of the leaderboard up! (aka last place to the most recently eliminated)
Let's see who will be winning Total Drama Sims and receive the grand prize!!
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"I'm voting for you Paulina, because we talked for a bit on the very first day and I thought you were pretty cool, so... yeah."
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"Liana, because you're nice, I guess, and I underestimated you a bit. But I never even talked to Paulina, so..."
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"Paulina, the fact that you got eliminated, lucked out and joined the other team, and then just... never got eliminated after that was pretty freakin' awesome! Sooo much cooler than Liana's run, if you ask me, so I'm voting for you."
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"This was a difficult vote for me since I felt like I was genuinely friends with both of you, but I'm deciding to vote for Paulina because I felt closer to her and Liana was part of the alliance that voted me out. Hope you don't take it personally, Liana, but that's just how I feel."
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"I'm obviously voting for you, Liana! Ever since Toni got out I was keeping my fingers crossed you'd make it to the end! While I would have liked to win, if there's anyone who should win instead, it's definitely you."
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"I did a lot of thinking ever since I was eliminated. While I was watching the rest of the competition, I realized that Liana was friends with everybody... literally! She went up and became friends with everybody, and because of that no one seemed to want to vote her out. She was also so sweet and humble, never once bragging about herself and comforting others when they were in a bad mood... And I just thought to myself: 'Damn... No wonder I got out so quick.'"
"I've kinda realized I'm not the best person around... I've had some beef with a few people here, and that's kinda what led to me getting out... So, out of respect for you Liana, I'm voting for you. I wanna try to be more like you in the future."
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"Of course you're getting my vote, Liana! I am so proud that you made it to the finale. You deserve the entire world, girly!"
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"I'm voting for you, Paulina, because you were very kind to me after you joined the Illustrious Star-Shines. Also, I believe that you did not deserve to be voted out of the Renowned Big-Names. It's so cool you made it to the finale despite being eliminated before, so I believe you deserve to win."
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"I knew you could do it, Paulina! You're so talented. Even though I couldn't win, I really hope you can. So of course, my vote is going to you, my love."
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"Liana! I'm voting for you because you're super nice and I think you deserve to win!"
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"Yeah, you're a real one for sure, Liana, so I'm voting for you! You deserve it!"
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"What Flo said! But also, that morning when you comforted me Liana... You didn't have to do that, but you did, and I really, really appreciate it... I honestly think both of you deserve to win; you're both my friends, but I have to choose one or the other, so... I'm choosing Liana."
With a vote of 7-5, the winner of the 2nd season of Total Drama Sims is...
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CONGRATULATIONS @bloomingkyras!! Liana has won the competition and has therefore won the grand prize! The grand prize consists of a small real-life award given personally from me (you will be contacted), while in-universe, whatever Liana receives is up to you! Whether it's 1,000,000 simoleons, a mansion, or even a dream vacation, it's hers!
There will be 1 final post to close out Total Drama Sims: Season 2 and celebrate our winner! Stay tuned…
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@cowplant-ate-my-sim @aniraklova @micrathene-w @shmoodlet @nakasumi-sims
@invisiblequeen @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants @simsinfinitylt @riverofjazzsims @seyvia
@stargazer-sims @akitasimblr @witheringscreations
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dealingdreams · 18 days
The Acolyte s01e08: The Acolyte
*sobs* didn't want the rewatch to end but here we goooo. Same as before, I'll condense all my thoughts then do some final general thoughts at the end
Spoilers obvi
In the moment thoughts:
Even the recap is like...they are a couple putting that anger fear desire voice over over Qimir touching Osha's arm all soft like
He looks so worried!!! Like immediately runs to her. Immediately concerned. He's so scared but so strong to actually be able to pull his helmet off her
Also the red saber light in her eyes is just damn
They spend a lot of time following each other around
Also their lil bit of banter is adorable
Sol is in fully unhinged mode and honestly...kinda hot. he looks all disheveled
Bazel was protecting Pip that's my theory at east for why he pulled those wires
"When you're looking up to heroes you don't have to face what is right in front of you" DAMN
The way he asks 'would you ever consider?' is so fucking adorable
'last chance' he says you know...like a liar
Plagie being a creeper
Osha shutting off his coms and his facial expression kills me.
Look at them in their matching outfits
Why you have to say 'are you sure' like that...that was so sexy. Also him like just vanishing still gets me
'thank you for leading me to her. We make a great team' so snarky...the double meaning of this also
I love this fight between Qimir and Sol tho so much. I love that like flying moment. They both are so cool
Amandla did such a brilliant job in this scene with Osha and Mae.
Osha's scream was so cathartic and Mae's face of surprise was just so good
I feel like Qimir had a few openings to kill Sol
Also I love that he took his helmet off to face Sol like..if you are gonna kill me you have to look me in the face
Osha's voice breaking when she asks 'is they true' hurts me
This scene hurts my heart
The shot of the kyber bleeding is a fav
The difference in reaction between Mae and Qimir to Osha killing Sol is so interesting to me. Mae looks proud but Qimir looks...not sure if sad is the word but he for sure isn't celebrating. I think he really gets what this cost for her
He looked genuinely scared when he felt Vern's presence
Osha looking for Qimir and looking all disappointed when he's not there
I think it's really interesting he didn't attack Vern either when she was alone (he left to go get his wife)
What do you want, Osha? And she TURNS TO QIMIR!!!!!! Still wrecks me truly
Him handing her the saber with the dangerous bit facing him is sexy
I also love that he waits to take Mae's memories till Mae gives him the go ahead.
Sol reminds me so much of Anakin.
Him only stepping closer after a bit of non verbal communication 😍😍😍
Also his slutty thumb
General thoughts:
Fucking love this episode
The fact that Qimir went into that fight with Sol knowing that he wasn't going to be the one to defeat him is so interesting to me. like was he just toying with Sol? Was he wanting to make it a little easier for Mae? Did he wasn't to just buy time? Like what was going thru your brain baby???
A Lightsaber also presents life. That's a big reason why Qimir and Osha holding the saber together is such a big deal. Their life is now tied together. They are married I swear. Had a hand tying ceremony. Mae gave her sister away lol
10/10 episode
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simpinformonkies · 1 year
YO may i have some hc about wukong and mac having an so whos a good fighter but is also hella clumsy? :P
Of course! I'll do my best! For this, I used a Fem!S/O! These are a... wee bit graphic violence, but just a little.
-When he first met you, it was because MK was wanting to introduce him to Tang's cousin (who acted like an aunt to MK).
-Imagine Wukong's surprise when MK pulls him to an underground fighting arena and points to a woman throwing fucking hands in the ring, matching punch after punch with a man three times her body mass.
-"That's auntie!" The boy had told him, pointing to you just as you slammed your boxing gloves against the opposing man's jaw, flinging his body against one of the four quadrant poles. "Isn't she cool?!"
-...Wukong was a little scared of you to be quite honest, no matter what MK said- you just seemed like a scary woman! (It was baffling that you were related to Tang of all people.)
-Then MK pulled him into the waiting room and called out your name while he pulled at his mentor's sleeve, and you perked up from your water bottle and brighten considerably when your eyes catch MK. You stand and move to walk towards him-
-only to trip over your own feet and slam your face into one of the metal seats, breaking your nose.
-It was really hard to fear you when you were that clumsy outside a fight.
-Given something to hold? Uh oh, butter fingers!
-Trying to get from point A to point B? You trip over your own feet upon taking the first step.
-Trying to eat with chopsticks? Good luck.
-Wukong found it genuinely difficult to fear or be wary you due to your overwhelming clumsiness, but the one time he saw it fail to appear is one he won't forget.
-MK had been fighting a demon that was playing tricks and being an asshole, and almost broke the poor boy's ankle, and you threw yourself into the fight and started wailing on the opposing demon with your lips curled in rage and eyes mere pinpricks.
-Wukong took care of MK with the others, but he was openly gaping at seeing you grab the demon's arm and just start slamming him down on the ground from side to side as if he was a goddamn children's toy.
-You finished it by smashing your fist against the demon's jaw and breaking it, the sick crunching of bone echoing through the air as the demon's body is thrown back against the wall, slumping pathetically as you stand across from him, breathing heavily with blood and bruises coating your knuckles.
-Wukong found that so absurdly attractive that it wasn't even funny.
-Then your personality flipped on a dime, and you turned to rush towards MK only to trip on a stray rock and faceplant.
-...Yeah, Wukong was in love.
-And if he asked you on a date the following week, with your favorite flowers and a box of chocolates and looking so damn nervous, you didn't mind.
-And if you just so happened to say yes to his proposal of dating, well, that's business between the two of you.
-(Except not really, because god forbid secrets be kept when you're dating the Stone Monkey himself, and the 'aunt figure' to the main crew.)
-The first time Macaque met you was when he stole food from your house, and it was only thanks to his sensitive ears and the whispers of the shadows that he managed to dodge your punch that shattered your counter like glass, your eyes glowing softly in the dark and a scowl curled on your lips.
-You kept trying to wail punches on the monkey demon, narrowly missing since he was just a little bit faster (well, a lot faster, but he was curious about you), and he only managed to slip away unharmed and with plenty of food when you slipped on the rug and tumbled to the floor.
-Macaque had a good laugh about that for days.
-Somehow, you ended up amusing him, and anytime he needed (or, well, wanted) food, he would just shadow-port to your home and steal it, making sure that you were home when he did it just to piss you off more.
-He honestly just wanted to see you trip on something stupid again, the bastard.
-But weeks of this same schedule, this same song and dance weighed on you, and you just decided 'fuck it' and didn't even attempt to fight the invading monkey demon anymore, merely rolling your eyes whenever he attempted to catch your attention.
-...Didn't mean you still didn't trip around your own goddamn house like a newborn fawn just learning to use its legs.
-Except you were an adult, and this is embarrassing.
-Anytime you'd see- or, god forbid, hear- him laugh at you, you'd flush red and grab the nearest object to throw at him, uncaring of its value or how breakable it is- you just wanted one clean fucking shot on that bastard monkey dammit!
-It wasn't your fault you were clumsy! It was your stupid body's fault! You were lucky to train the clumsiness out of your fights, but it seems like anytime other than that its 'Let's fuck up this dumb bitch's day and make her look like a failure' day.
-...You had insecurities, so what? You're an adult, you're allowed them.
-Months after meeting Macaque- and practically letting him crash at your place, because he's like a stray cat at this point and you're too tired to kick him out- you find him fighting some imp demon, and while he didn't look in trouble, Macaque was holding his side, crimson leaking through his fingers.
-You threw yourself at the demon as quick as a lightning strike, and tussle with the creature, slamming your fist against its upper stomach and crunching its ribs, and sending an twirled axel kick to the side of its head before grabbing Macaque and running towards your apartment while the demon was down and dazed.
-Once inside, you almost tripped again but managed not to (huge success on your part) and push Macaque to sit on the couch while you riffle around the bathroom for your first aid kid. Who cares if Macaque is a demon that heals quickly? You're going to bandage him up weither he likes it or not dammit!
-You wrap the cloth around his wound- pointedly ignoring looking anywhere else- and spit curses both at him and the demon, your words lacking any real bite (well, bite towards Macaque), but the shadow monkey is just silent, his tail swaying gently behind him- the motion slow. Thoughtful.
-Somehow, that event of beating up a demon for him and bandaging him up just made Macaque move into your house, and now you're not only rooming with the monkey demon, but dating him.
-Yeah, you have no idea how this happened either.
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aokoaoi · 2 years
Shuri x fem!reader request where she catches her as she’s falling somewhere relatively high? I just melt at the idea of Shuri just catching the reader mid-fall, not like a trip, like an *actual* fall; Shuri has the Black Panther powers (she’s super agile, great reflexes, can clearly move quickly, and I thinkkk would be decently strong) so she should get to put those powers use, dang it! Oh, and would it be cool if the reader is just like “oh. wow.” swoon and not really concerned at all while Shuri’s just freaking out (like “Are you OKAY?!? Are you HURT!!?!”)? I loveee smug/cool Shuri sm but having uncool/nervous/worried/sweet Shuri is such a rarity that I really love it. AND thank you so much for all your Shuri x Reader content. It’s genuinely so hard to find non-smut content of her and you just write her so well!
𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧?
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pairings : shuri x fem!reader.
authors note : im so sorry this took so long😭! I had a hard time writing for this request, my creativity and motivation wasn't really participating so this is just very horrible💀
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Your glare hardened on the enemies masked face as they inched closer to you, grabbing the stolen spear a Dora Milaje once held. You inhaled sharply, grabbing your own weapon tightly as you began to walk backwards, not noticing the edge of the cliff behind you.
Not wasting anytime, you striked your spear. The invader ducks, and a mammal behind them emerged and jumped on you. Your sword pierced through the animal instead, and it furiously let's out a pained roar.
The mammals impact on you semd you both backwards, and onto the edge of the cliff. Your eyes widened in realization when your foot felt nothing but air, and the mammals frightened look seemed like they realized it too.
The animal roared slightly as you pushed it away from you with harsh force, watching as it fell more faster than you.
You choked back a scream as you hyperventilated, unsure of what to do. Will you die? God no, you hope not. You'd rather die fighting enemies rather than a fucking mammal.
Your eyes stayed on the ground as the wind wiped on your face, your eyes dilated.
Your breath quickly hitched when you saw something from your peripheral vision, specifically, a black form from the sides of the cliff as it swiftly jumped on you.
A surprised yelp escaped your mouth when you were forcefully pushed to the side by someone's body engulfing your own. Your beloved savior clawed at another edge of a cliff, making a God awful scratching noise in your ears.
At the sound of the scratching, it gave you a clew who the hell decided to jump on a cliff to save you.
Shuris body collided with the rocky surface as she protected you from it by shielding you with her form. You breathed in a deep inhale, rocky huffing as you looked up to her.
Her black panther mask revealed her face, watching as she looked at you with worry as if she hadn't just threw herself on bulky rocks. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She hurriedly asked.
You shook your head incredulously, looking at her ridiculously. "..did you just fucking jump off a cliff to save me?"
Shuri opens her mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Her head tilted as if saying 'yeah, duh?'
"What was I supposed to do?" She questioned you, her hand on your waist gripping tightly as she looked down below you two. Her other hand remaind clawing at the side of the cliff.
You merely let out a chuckle, completely trying to forget the fact you were almost gonna die five seconds ago. Your head buried against the girls neck, letting out a sigh of 'holy shit im alive'.
"My love and savior."
Shuri sweatdrops at your words, unsure of how to feel. "Are you sure you didn't hit your head..?" She trails off, and you slightly grinned at her.
"I'm fine. I just fell off a cliff, that's all. You should be more worried about that damn mammal who attacked me." Shuri winced at that, glancing down as if she was looking for the said mammal.
A few breaths exchanged, and a spark went out in your head. "Shuri how the fuck will we get back up." You removed your head from her shoulders, looking at her incredulously.
She looks at you the same way, eyes wide. "You know how to climb right?"
"Shuri im not some fucking superhuman with panther abilities."
"I'm sure they'll find us here."
"Baby, what the actual fuck."
Shuri grins arlt the nickname, booping your nose with her own slyly. "Say that again?" She hums, coyly looking down at your lips.
You playfully slapped her shoulder, but then ended up letting out a surprised noise when you slightly slipped from her hold. Your arm quickly wrapped around her neck, afraid of falling again.
"Please get us out of this cliff. This'll forever leave a scar onto my memory."
"Hey, it's your fault. You let that tiger tackle you."
"It was a tiger?"
"..it wasn't?"
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envkys · 9 months
Party Favor
Prompt: It's Megumi's birthday today and all he can think about is you. (Fushiguro Megumi/reader)
Notes: I uploaded this on ao3 too, so if you see the same fic that's why LOL also happy birthday to my boy he deserves the world
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It's Megumi's birthday today and all he can think about is you.
The whole gang had thrown him a birthday party tonight, and that includes you. It was his day, but he couldn't help shifting glances at you every moment he could. You were just so beautiful, he thinks, he simply couldn't take his eyes off you. The moment he saw you walk in the room, he was practically a mess.
Megumi was never a big fan of parties, but it was different when you were around. You had always made everything so much more tolerable for him, he even stayed around longer than he could imagine. Nonetheless, he still decided to take a step outside as an escape from the chaos. He was having a good time taking in the scenery - that was until he heard footsteps, your footsteps, silently walking towards him. Of course the two of you had to be alone.
It took Megumi whatever courage he had and a deep breath to start a conversation with you. And even so, he was jittery the whole time; rubbing his thumbs against each other and never looking at you straight in the eye because god knows what he might do if he looked at the you that was standing before him. 
"Fushiguro-san, you always get so fidgety whenever I talk to you," a soft giggle escapes your lips and he can feel his face get red up to the tips of his ears.
He tried to explain it the best he can, in between all the nervous stuttering that was getting in the way of reaching to you. You were so close, close enough for him to hold your hand in his if he wanted to, yet you felt further than the mountains that expanded upon the horizons. His mouth ran dry; he was out of things to say. 
You let out another (be it melodic) giggle, "Sorry, I was just teasing"
Megumi freezes, his eyes could only follow your hands reach into the pockets of the coat you're wearing. You take your time feeling around before taking out something he couldn't quite decipher until you extended your hands towards him. On your palm lays a box, it's pink and the wrapping looks incredibly handmade. Additionally, you mention how embarrassed you are for having messed up a gift wrapper that bad, but if you did it, it's goddamn Pablo Picasso. He couldn't stop himself from shaking as you placed it gently on his trembling hand, he swore he could've exploded when your fingers made contact with his for a sheer second. He thanks you for the gift, shooting a rare, genuine smile; a smile, unbeknownst to you, he could only have when he was with you. 
Soon enough, his thoughts wander back to his first meeting with you. You were outgoing towards everybody else, but you always knew to be patient when it came to him. He could never forget the first time you spoke to him, because from that day on you were the only thing he could ever seem to think about. Wow, did you make that all by yourself? You're so cool, you complimented his Shikigami. It was simple, really, you praised him once and he began to yearn for more. Even though you guys talked frequently, interactions with you were mostly short, but damn did they keep him guessing for long. 
"The view is really pretty today, don't you think?" you ask him, gazing at the cityscape. Snow slowly fell down from the sky, coating the brightly-lit buildings with thin layers of white.
Your sweet voice made him feel funny and he notices the lack of distance between you two.
"You're prettier though."
The words just spilled out like water. Pools of anxiety bundled up inside his stomach, but he didn't regret what he said. He knows he's probably being obvious, he didn't care though. You're kind and smart and interesting and you deserve to know that. He looks at you, a smirk creeps its way into your cute face. Better yet, you move an inch or two closer to him. When he leans back, you lean forward. The red in his face has reached to his neck, it's becoming unbearable. 
"You think I'm pretty?" your teasing tone catches him off guard, bringing heat to his cheeks.
Megumi monologues to himself, the prettiest in the world. He wishes he was brave enough to say it out loud and close the gap between the two of you, if only he had the courage. The birthday gods must've felt generous, because you give him exactly what he wants. You tuck a strand of his dark, messy hair behind his ear. Then, your soft hands trail its way from his hair to his right cheek. Your gentle touch makes him melt like butter. He tries to mutter something, anything, as a response, but all he could do is hope that, amongst the distance (or lack thereof), you couldn't see what he was thinking of. It's just that nobody has ever touched him with such affectionate, nobody's ever made him so dizzy. Heck, he's never even considered the possibility of falling in love -- everything changed after he met you. 
"Uhmm... Errr... I..." were the only things he could muster up to tell you.
His face moves towards yours, still leaning to your touch. Now you were really close. He wonders if you know how worked up you're getting him, how nervous you're actually making him feel. You only smile, he realizes that you know exactly what was going on. Your pupils avert away from his eyes and onto his lips. Megumi's heart skips a beat. Out of instinct, he tilts his head and goes closer. Closer and closer until the distance between you was no more.
He's never had his first kiss before, so he doesn't really know what he's doing. All he knows is that he doesn't want this to end, not yet, not when everything he's ever wanted is right here. He decided to close his eyes instead of staring creepily at you. You could never guess how long he's dreamed of this. He guides his fingers atop the hand that you placed on his cheek and caresses it slowly. Your lips are soft and perfectly fit against his, almost perfect to how he imagined them to be. You bury your palm into his hair, making his head spin and face burn like heatwaves.
You pull away and he immediately yearns for your lips once again. After a few seconds, he allowed himself to open his eyes and look at you, directly this time. Upon meeting his gaze, your eyes soften and your lips, the ones you had just recently kissed him with, folds upwards into a smile.
"Hm. That was a rather strange answer to my question."
He chuckles at your comment; it eases him, although you always had that effect on him.
"Best birthday gift ever."
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delopsia · 5 months
Politely requesting Miles Miler thoughts in these trying times
aaaaa I haven't gotten anything for Miles in a minute 🥺 I have a bunch of oddly placed thoughts about the little guy, so I guess this is a *drumroll, please*
Random Miles Miller headcanons + NSFW
He. Sleeps. Everywhere. You leave him in the car to go get something in the store and come out to find him snoozing in the seat. If he lays on you, he'll be out in minutes. On the couch? Gone. Waiting for the waitress to bring your meal? Out like a light. Boring movie? He didn't stand a chance. Standing up? He's mastered it. Lawn chairs are off-limits because he will curl up and wind up with a ridiculous sunburn.
Quiet as all hell. Unless you're watching the door, you truly have no idea if Miles has come home or not. Sometimes, you'll turn around, and he's just there. When did he enter the room? Nobody knows.
Somewhat related, you getting frightened also scares him. Which means that if he accidentally scares you into yelping, then he's likely going to jump and yelp, too. His reaction to horror films is entirely correlated to how you react; if you're quiet, then he will be, too, but the moment you scream, then so will he.
Nothing on this earth will get between Miles and his ice cream; he loves nearly every flavor. Chocolate, vanilla, rocky road, mint chip, cookie dough, cake batter, salted caramel. Pistachio is one of the few things that he'll wrinkle his nose at, but he'll eat it if he's got no other option.
He's shy about it, but he loves it when you let him sit in your lap, his back against your chest while watching television, straddling you as his lips tangle with yours; he adores it all.
You've got to be so careful about when and where you choose to kiss him because anything longer than a few seconds has the little guy mewling into them. He can't help it! There's something so soothing about it that has those soft noises bubbling out of him. Not loud enough to be heard from the next room, but there's a reason why you can't sneak over and kiss him behind the reception desk.
When you ask about it, Miles has no clue what you're talking about because he's never spent money on cologne, but he smells like cinnamon rolls? Warm, fresh out of the oven, just cool enough to not burn your tongue when you take a bite.
It's only after you move in together that you realize he's been using a cinnamon-scented 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. You'd bug him about graduating to specialized products, but he always smells so damn good that you can't really complain.
Giggles when you maintain eye contact for so long. He doesn't even realize that he's doing it. One minute, you're gazing into each other's eyes, and the next, his lips are rising with a laugh.
Finger nibbler. His own fingers, yours, he doesn't discriminate; if they're near his mouth, then he's gently nipping at the tips of them.
Let! Him! Snuggle on your chest! Pepper his forehead with kisses while he's there! It's the easiest way to get him giggling, cheeks and ears twinged with pink.
Loves baking but isn't that great at it. He keeps trying, but regardless of the effort involved, there's always something wrong in the end. His pastries might be a little burnt, and you may not like them, but hey, he got his sweet treat, and he's happy about it :)
You're gonna have to get used to Miles mumbling to himself. It's not that he's trying to start a conversation or got too shy to continue on, he's just genuinely talking to himself. Sometimes, he'll be reading a book, and you'll overhear a faint, "Don't do that. Why are you doing that? Stop. Don't do that—oh my god."
Rapidly jumps between flighty, not wanting any trouble, and fierce protector. It's strange to watch.
Most of the time, Miles is very keen on avoiding trouble at any cost, steering clear of a restaurant where you got a rude waiter, backing off the moment someone snaps at him, apologizing the moment someone raises a problem with him.
But then there's a night when you wake to a crash downstairs, and he starts dishing out firm, quiet orders to stay near the phone until he comes back. Eyes narrowed, gun in hand, slinking out of the room like he's hunting prey. It was only a shelf that had fallen, shattering a vase on its way to the floor, but for those few minutes, you were the safest person on this side of the country.
Really does not mind it if you want to do 'girly' stuff with him. Paint his nails, style his hair, put makeup on him. He might complain a little if you try to put him in a skirt or a sundress, but he'll do it if that's what you want.
Probably not much of a headcanon, but Miles is such a good little housekeeper! He knows exactly what to use, how much, and how to maintain it. You haven't cleaned the bathroom in years because Miles has a way of doing it and doesn't like to stray from it. The house is immaculate, and Miles is so proud that he's purring like a kitten.
Stronger than he looks? You're still processing it; Miles is nothing but skin, bone, and a little bit of muscle, there's no reason for him to be able to lift that damn bookcase by himself, but he does it. Somehow.
Miles remembers every little thing you've ever told him. You once pointed at a pair of shoes while at the mall, talking about how you wanted them, but they were out of stock, and the store refused to sell the displays. Six months later, they're your birthday gift. You can ramble about a show he's never seen, and he's genuinely listening, keeping up as if he's watched it with you.
Kisses! French kisses, chaste pecks, butterfly kisses, neck, earlobe, hand, belly, nose, hello kisses, goodbye kisses, he wants to give and receive them all!
It wasn't something he was aware of before you got together, but Miles gets so damn squirmy when you kiss his thighs. Especially when you take the time to suck darkened marks into the sensitive skin there; it's the quickest way to have him leaking against his belly and babbling about how badly he wants you to touch him.
Slightly into voyeurism, but only in spaces, he knows don't get a lot of foot traffic. Ex. You sucking him off while he stands behind the reception desk, where anyone can venture through the front door at any minute. He loves clamping his hands over his mouth to try and muffle his whimpers when you're harshly sucking on his sensitive tip.
Raging praise and degradation kinks. You called him your pretty little slut once, and his knees nearly buckled out from under him.
You wouldn't think it, but Miles is surprisingly noisy in bed. He's always gotta be making some kind of noise, babbling your name, grunting under the effort of working his hips, keening high in his throat, senselessly grumbling when you kiss down his neck. The best ones are when you fuck him hard enough to wring those soft 'uh, uh, uh's out of him.
Speaking of. Pegging? Miles had never heard of it when you first met but now he's obsessed. Riding your strap until he's too sore to keep going, getting bent over the kitchen table in nothing but that cute pink apron, the tender closeness of you fucking him in missionary, where he can wrap his shaking legs around you. If you hit the right spot, he doesn't even need to touch his cock.
If Miles could make a full-time job out of eating you out, then he would. There's just something about the feeling of your thighs clamping around his head, your fingers pulling at his hair while he rolls his tongue over your sensitive clit.
Nearly proposes marriage every time you moan his name. One of these days, it's actually going to make its way out of his mouth.
Below the belt, he's pretty average. His cock is maybe a hair over six and a half inches, noticeably thicker but not enough for you to warrant any extra prep before sex, but there's a curve to him that he's learned to use to his advantage. Positions like missionary and cowgirl are where he stands out the most, dragging just right against all those little spots.
...mayhaps I got carried away
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Random assorted Ghosts headcanons
Keegan has an intense affinity for chocolate milk. Man enjoys it so much he'd probably drink it with every meal and fill his water bottle with it if Elias didn't interfere. (Elias has caught him chugging from the jug once. It was like three am and Keegan was too tired to get a cup. It's his personal jug so no harm done, but Elias just... he can't deal with it. Cardinal sin.)
Speaking of Elias, man knows the "youngin" lingo and uses it just to dick with Hesh and Logan. Likes dropping "You're cringe." at random times just to see the his sons crumble like he verbally shot them.
On the other hand, Merrick knows the lingo, but doesn't understand how to use it. He's right like once a day with it and the splash effect from it is marvelous. (Calls Hesh cringe when Hesh complains that he's too nervous to ask out this chick he's been talking to and Logan laughs so hard he genuinely can't breathe for a few minutes.)
You know those little mini skateboard toys? Kick has a collection of those, and he's entirely too good at doing tricks with them. Hesh thinks it's so fucking cool (He likes skateboards.) but sucks at tricks. (Trains in secret to try and impress Kick.)
Logan carries a tablet on him 24/7 so he can type shit out for people who don't know ASL, but also because he has a sound effects board and likes dropping random vine booms in conversations. "Me and Kick were hanging out the other day an-" *Vine boom* "Logan I am gonna take that damn thing away from you so help me-" *VINE BOOM* "LOGAN!" He will also walk past people and do a lil fart noise, it's hilarious cus he does to to Merrick the most and it makes him so mad.
Cuter hc. Elias asked Logan what he wanted to be when he got older (When he was like seven.) and Logan answered "David!" (I am a big fat sucker for the whole "Logan looks up to Hesh more than anyone else." headcanon okay? They're so cute.)
Hesh and Logan doing dumb sibling shit like "Beating the everloving fuck" out of each other worries Merrick because he didn't have siblings, so he always has to ask Elias is he should interfere. Elias's #1 answer is always "When one of them starts crying." because he knows his kids are tough shit. (And also that they won't hurt each other on purpose.)
Logan and Keegan both have such intense sweet tooths that they can and will just eat straight sugar out of the bag if there isn't any candy or other sweets at their post. Elias keeps an emergency jar of candy... which is also just his personal stash so he doesn't have to share with the fiends.
Hesh Logan and Riley are literally inseparable. It's ridiculous. If for whatever reason one of them is actually separated from the others, it's probably for a genuinely bad reason. (They had a fight, one of them got hurt, one of them got lost, etc.)
Despite Riley being younger than Logan, they consider him the "Middle sibling." Logan is always "little brother" and Hesh is always "big brother" that way.
Logan and Hesh constantly steal each others clothes to the point where their wardrobes have just fused. They can't even remember what piece of clothing originally belonged to who. The sizing can clue them in, but also: Logan likes baggy clothes and Hesh likes fitted. So the mixup intensifies. They also just steal their dads stuff from time to time. Mainly hoodies. Irritates the shit out of Elias. (Not really.) Uses his lack of hoodies to bitch about the weather 24/7.
Riley leaves dog toys scattered all over the ghosts current post and there's always a little "easter egg hunt" when they're moving places because of it.
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