#genuinely shocked I’ve been able to write anything at all
septembersung · 6 months
@fictionadventurer re: your tags:
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So, full disclosure, this particular messy (nigh unreadable) first draft (the Odyssey poem) was preceded by a free write. I didn’t know it was a free write until I felt it go off the rails and let myself finish the train of thought anyway, but then I realized I could start over with the first line. Then when I recopied, I changed a handful of words. So it’s not 100% raw? But also not what I’d consider actually revised and ripened. I’ve been writing last thing at night so the whole process of finding prompt to posting takes 20-30 minutes tops. Which feels reckless and daring, like dictating into a tape recorder 😂
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makelemonade · 5 months
Both the parts for people finding out we're dating the characters are so good! Can I please request you to include Wriothesley in the next part if you're writing it?
how people find out you’re dating them
Wriothesley, Capitano
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Most specifically SIGEWINNE.
she’s such a cutie patootie. you just wanna eat her up whenever you see her! Sigewinne, the adorableness she is, is not the smartest.
Whenever you come down so often to come visit Wriothesely, she comments on how you are such a good friend to always keep him company! and you just can’t bear to explain to her that is not the case!
This goes on for A MONTH. A GODDAMN MONTH and she has not figured it out.
Even when she bursts into his office to find you maybe massaging his back, arms, hugging him, holding him- she is completely OBLIVIOUS to the point Wriothesly wants to test out kissing you in front of her.
However, her obliviousness comes to a stop one day and for the stupidest yet funniest reason;
He’s not drinking his tea.
She’s shocked. Like jaw dropped, absolutely still shocked. She’s constantly trying to get him to drink or EAT anything other than tea so when she sees him with a MILKSHAKE?! A FUCKING MILKSHAKE.
She’s ready to lose her shit.
and then she sees YOU with the opposite flavour milkshake and she immediately knows and screams it out for the ENTIRE prison to hear.
A prisoner comes in injured; “Have you heard Wriothesly and Y/N are together?!”
On her next vacation, she’s running to Neuvillette, Furina, Clorinde- EVERYONE.
Well, it was a month of peace.
It’s funny because he genuinely isn’t even trying to hide it from the Harbingers.
He doesn’t not tell them because he’s worried for your safety- he’s the fourth fucking harbinger he will GLADLY beat anyone’s ass for you even if it means it’s his own coworkers.
The man just doesn’t talk. That’s literally why no one knows. Like yeah, he’ll murmur a few words every now and then but like, he doesn’t see a reason in bringing something up if someone doesn’t mention anything related so he stays quiet.
He does talk a bit more though, and he’s willing to actually sit with the harbingers whenever they sometimes hang out.
It’s weirding them out.
The weirdest thing though,
Is when he speaks to Childe.
Even Childe is absolutely shocked- like what do you mean the guy he’s been like practically simping over fight wise is actually soeaking to him?!?!!!
They have to ask Pierro if he’s sick, and even Pierro doesn’t know and Pierro is the ONLY one capitano talks.
They literally find out from YOU.
You walked into the castle once, being escorted by a guard who is quick to leave once he’s finally let you reach the insides of the castle.
“Sorry to disturb,” You spoke nervously, somehow ending up in some sort of lounge room with the Harbingers. “I’ve brought lunch for my…boyfriend? Uh, Capitano? Do you know where I could find him?”
“Yeah, down the hall, first room on the left.” Arlecchino murmurs, reading through the latest Snezhnaya newspapers.
You smile at her, although she doesn’t see and everyone just returns back to normal.
Until they all realize WHO the hell are you and BOYFRIEND?!?
They all give each other a look before they are RUNNING to you, ready to ask questions and capitano is shocked when suddenly all the Harbingers are in his office and he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop them from questioning you on everything.
He likes the way you laugh at them all- it’s cute. He should bring you more often.
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follow me on Twitter!; @II_makelemonade
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hischierswhore · 1 year
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pairing: Lando Norris x gf!Reader
tw: none
a/n: me? writing fluff for once? well it's semi fluff. kinda like a comfort fic?? maybe? i don't really know tbh
You and Lando enjoyed hanging out with friends. Whether it was his friends or yours, you both had a great time regardless. There were also times when you would hang out with your friends alone and he would hang out with his friends alone, which of course you had no problem with. You’ve been together for 8 months now, so you had plenty of security in your relationship.
Lando currently had a few of the other drivers over at his house. All the drivers were on holiday so you were able to spend some time with Lando before he had to go back to his hectic race schedule. Unbeknownst to everyone except your boyfriend, you were upstairs watching “The Summer I Turned Pretty” on your TV.
Midway through the first two episodes, you got hungry so you went downstairs to get a snack. Just as you approached the bottom, you heard someone mention your name.
 “Is anyone elses girlfriend super clingy?” Charles asked
“Kika and I just spend a lot of time together” Pierre added
“Y/n is sometimes clingy. It can be a bit overwhelming at times” Lando answered. You heard your name and frowned as you took in his words. You were overwhelmingly clingy? You barely ever saw him.
Hearing that, you turned around and made your way back up the stairs, your appetite suddenly gone as you rushed to pack your bag and leave.
“Oh shut up, mate. Y/n is not clingy from what I’ve seen. Usually it’s you jumping on her for comfort, not the other way around. You’re absolutely whipped” George threw a bouncy ball at Lando’s head.
“Yeah I know, I’m only joking. She’s just so perfect. I love her” Lando blushed as he grabbed the bouncy ball and threw it back at George.
Just then you quietly made your way down the stairs and brushed past the group of guys without a single word as you crossed through the living room to get to the front door.
“Where are you going, love?” Lando stood up from his seat and walked towards you, grabbing your wrist to halt your movements. You turned around to face him.
“I uhm- forgot I have to go walk my sister’s turtle. Bye” You said the first lie you could come up with as you pulled your wrist out of his hold and turned around. You opened the front door and shut it behind you, praying that Lando wouldn’t follow.
Lando turned around and went back to his spot on the couch.
“Is that a thing people do here? Walking turtles?” Pierre asked, confusion written all over his face as he looked around the group for an answer.
Ever since that night, you hadn’t been over to Lando’s house. He would call and text you to make plans, but you would come up with excuses to not be able to go. You didn’t want to seem any clingier than you supposedly were, according to Lando’s words.
After nearly a week of avoiding Lando, he’d had enough of it. You were in the process of making yourself some pancakes when your doorbell rang. You turned the stove off as your grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders, since you were lounging around in a sports bra and shorts. You couldn’t see anything through the little peep hole so you opened the door, shocked to see Lando standing there with flowers in hand.
The smile that was once on Lando’s face turned into a frown when he saw the blanket wrapped around your body.
“Oh baby, are you feeling ill?” He was genuinely concerned. He thought you had the blanket around you because you were sick, and you still weren’t fully up to seeing him, so you joined in on his misconception.
“Yeah, I’ve got a massive cold. I don’t want to get you sick too” You made your voice sound as scratchy as possible before pretending to cough.
“I don’t care if I get sick. Let me take care of you” He said as he pushed himself into your flat. He grabbed one of your arms and dragged you to the couch, where he grabbed both of your shoulders and pushed you into a sitting position. He ran across your flat to your bathroom to get the thermometer so he could check your temperature. You knew you’d be screwed if he actually checked.
He came back moments later, the little green thermometer in hand as he took the clear cover off.
“So uhm… I don’t exactly know how to work this” Lando held the tool in his hand, trying to figure out how to use it.
“No worries. I’m just not feeling great” You fake coughed again. Lando placed the thermometer on the coffee table in front of the couch and placed his hand on your forehead. All you could think was ‘shit’.
“You feel normal. What’s going on, love?” He asked as he slowly sat down next to you.
“What do you mean?” Your voice was back to normal, yet it was quieter than it usually was.
 “You’re being all distant and shutting me out. We haven’t seen each other much. I just…did I do something?” He asked, the hurt in his voice evident as he spoke.
“I’m giving you a break” You answered and he just stared at you.
“Wh—what? A break?” He asked.
 “ Yeah, a break. I heard what you and the other drivers were saying the other night, Lando. I didn’t-” you took a moment to breathe.
 “I didn’t know that I was somehow clingy and that it bothered you” Your voice cracked as a tear streamed down your face.
He wrapped you in his arms and held you as you cried into his shirt.
“Oh my god. Let me explain everything, okay love?” He said as he slowly let go of you.
 “I did say that but what you probably didn’t hear is that I said it was a joke. You wanna know what I told them?” He said and you nodded your head.
 “I told them that I love you and that you’re perfect, because I truly do love you. You’re my girl forever. And if anyone’s clingy in this relationship, it’s quite obvious that it’s me” He joked, hoping to get a smile out of you. You laughed at his words, which resulted in a smile erupting on both your face and his. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before engulfing you in a hug.
“I love you. I can’t stand seeing you so upset like this. Plus the house was so lonely without you. Let’s go home?” He asked.
You always thought home was a physical place, a location. It turns out you’d found you home eight months ago.
“Home is wherever you are” You pressed a soft kiss to his lips before resting your head on his shoulder.
“By the way, you’ve made Pierre question whether or not walking a turtle is a real thing”
“If Pierre was confused, I know for a fact that Charles was just as confused. Plus I’ve seen people do it on TikTok, so I guess it’s a real thing”
“I also feel like they would be the type of people to actually walk around Monaco with a turtle on a leash”
side note: rip to the pancake Y/n was making before Lando showed up
@firehazardxx @judesgfirl @celestialams @xjval @chelseagirl98
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pokechbi · 8 months
Healing Simon (Chapter 2)
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Psychiatrist!femreader
WC: 2.1k
enjoy lovies <3 I missed you all! pray to the writing gods that I get out of this funk lol
You stared at the email on your laptop, the cursor blinking on the empty reply line. You chew your nail as you think of a reply. You had given your email to Simon to contact you whenever he needed to talk outside of your office, but never expected him to actually use it considering how he was practically forced by Price to attend your sessions. Although something in you knew it wasn’t so forced anymore. It had been a week since your last session, the night before you’d see him again. 
Having a hard time tonight. Can you talk? 
You typed your reply, hitting send without a second thought.
Absolutely, Simon. You have my number :) 
Less than a minute later, your phone rang. You let it ring twice before picking it up. 
“Hello?” You say, a slight shake in your voice. You definitely weren’t used to clients calling you personally. Especially this late. 
“Up at this time?” He says smugly. You hear the smirk in his voice. You smile, scratching the skin behind your ear. 
“Couldn’t sleep. What about you?” You reply. 
“Same here. Don’t you have to be up early?” 
You lick your lips, biting back a smile at his concern. His voice gruff, yet gentle and warm in your ears. 
“I’ll be alright, Simon. What’s been on your mind?” 
He takes a pause before speaking. The line is quiet, a stark contrast to your TV running in the background. You grab the remote, muting it. 
“Just need to talk, love. That’s all.” His change of tone has you concerned, realizing you need to distract him. But nothing has you captivated more than his painfully British nickname for you. Love. It flows off his tongue so easily, so sweetly. Feels like sugar running through your veins, sweetening you. 
“I’ve been gardening lately. Probably not the right time, considering how it's almost winter.” You chuckle. You replied on a whim, knowing he probably could not have cared less about your failed gardening experiments. You hear him chuckle on the other end, the sound shocking you as you haven’t heard his genuine laugh in the months he’d been seeing you. 
“What are you growing? Or trying to, at least.” His sarcastic remark makes you smile wider, a small giggle leaving your lips. It was nice, being able to hear how he sounded outside of your office, talking about things that seem small and insignificant. Like a close friend. 
“Well, I’ve managed to sprout a few tomato plants, some green onions too. Those things grow like crazy.” You respond. 
The line goes quiet again. You fill the silence. 
“I’ve got some nice indoor plants too, they’re less complicated to care for, you know?” 
“What kind?” He asks. 
“The easy kind” You reply, the smile evident in your voice. He chuckles. You feel good, knowing you’re helping him. Even if it’s the smallest bit. 
“I can’t keep a plant alive to save my life. Just got no time for it.” He continues with a gentle sigh. You smirk to yourself, imagining Simon overwatering a plant, thinking he was helping it rather than killing it. 
“I can show you a thing or two, if you want?” You ask. You don’t know what came over you, or why you thought he’d want to learn how to care for a plant by his psychiatrist. “I’m no expert, though.” You continue, not wanting to break the moment. 
“I’d like that.” He seems to jump at the opportunity, not regarding the insinuation that he’d need to come to your apartment to do so. You lie down, turning on your side as you stare at the wall ahead of you. 
“Who knows, maybe you’ll become good at it.” You say gently, a hint of hopefulness in your voice, fully knowing Simon was not the type of man to be good at gardening. It couldn’t hurt to try, though. 
“I’m sure with a teacher like you love, I’d be good at anything.” He catches you off guard, your eyes widening and mouth hanging agape. You try to find the words, but he interrupts you. 
“Thank you for taking my call.” He says, his voice sounding distant. “I needed it.”
You take your lip between your teeth, biting back a smile. “Of course, Simon. I’m here for you. Always.” 
“Night, love.” He says, the smirk evident in his voice.
“Goodnight, Simon. See you tomorrow.” You hang up. Your mind races miles a minute, repeating his words in your head. 
With a teacher like you, love, I’d be good at anything. 
So you weren’t the only one feeling it. 
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You sat at your desk, the clock creeping to 2:00PM. Your appointment with Simon was in less than 10 minutes, and you were still strongly feeling the effects of what he said to you last night. 
Am I overthinking this? Is he just being friendly? Is he naturally flirtatious? 
The questions ran through your head and swarmed through your subconscious. There was no possible way he was actually into you. There were plenty of factors at play. You had been the only one picking at his brain for the past six months, the only one who seemed to care enough to know what was going through his head. Was it that? Or was it the fact that you had been the only consistent thing in his life, and it was taking a toll on him? 
You got up, pacing behind your desk as you waited for him. Sure, you were attracted to him. You liked his presence, his strong, unwavering aura. He was a man who was sure of himself, and that was a guaranteed turn on for women who had only managed to attract the wrong types of attention from all the wrong kinds of men. 
And yet, there you were: spraying extra perfume in all the most intimate places. Behind your ears, your upper forearms, your ankles. Today, your dress being shorter than the pencil skirts you usually wore, the v-cut just a tad bit deeper. Your heels just a bit higher and your legs just a smidge more shaved than usual. 
A knock at the door brings you out of your head. You throw your hair behind your shoulders, walking over to the door. You pause for a moment, then swing it open. Simon stands there, in his usual attire. You notice his eyes shift under his balaclava, a glint of something different in him today. You take notice of this, stepping to the side as you let him in. You close the door behind you, directing him to the chair as if he hadn’t been sitting in it every week for months now. You walk to your desk, your strides slow and calculated. 
“I like your dress. What’s the occasion?” He asks suddenly. You turn to him, noticing how his eyes slightly struggle to stay above your chest. You smile to yourself at him noticing your change in attire. 
“No occasion, I just felt like looking nice today, that’s all.” He hums in response, nodding his head slightly. 
“You always look nice.” You chuckle softly. You walk towards the chair across from him, sitting slowly, keeping your eyes on his. You notice his gaze flit to your legs, and back up to your eyes. The boldness of his glances made your heart leap in your chest. 
“Well thank you, Simon. I’m glad you think so.” You fidget with your fingers, keeping eye contact with him. “Do you want to pick up where we left off last week?” You open your notepad and uncap your pen. “What’s on your mind today?” 
“Not letting me forget why I’m here, huh.” He chuckles softly, resting his right ankle on his left knee. Simon was often hard to read. And he knew that. He only expressed what he wanted people to see, and it frustrated you. You were putting some serious elbow grease into picking at his brain, yet he kept his walls impenetrable, letting you in slowly but surely. 
You capped your pen, setting your notepad aside. You looked at him and smiled gently, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You leaned back in your chair, folding your leg over the other. You had a feeling this day would come, when Simon needed a break from the professional shrink-talk. He needed a friend, one that didn’t constantly remind him of his duties as a soldier. Someone to get away with. One that wasn’t legally obligated to share his thoughts and innermost secrets with his superiors. 
You see a hint of amusement in his eyes as you continue to exchange looks to each other. The silence was growing, but not uncomfortable. He watched as you got up and walked over to the door where your jacket hung. He kept his eyes on you while you put it on, your dress rising slightly as you raised your arms. 
“You like coffee?” You ask, grabbing your purse and opening the door. He chuckles, rising from his seat and following you out. 
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ 
“They’re closed.” Simon says, bending down to read the cafe’s open hours. You peer inside, seeing nothing but chairs on the tables and the lights completely off. 
“Well, shit.” You say, laughing to yourself. He looks down at you, and you swear you see a hint of a smile in his eyes. “What now?” You say shyly, the embarrassment evident on your face. 
“Your offer for the gardening lesson. Does it still stand?” He says. You smile, hearing the smirk in his voice. Your breath catches in your throat, thoughts racing through your head. Surely it would be unprofessional. It was completely forbidden in the psychiatry world to allow a client into your home, much less a client who had unbearable tension with you. It scared you. The thought of being alone with him, in close quarters. What would happen? You’re sure Simon wasn’t stupid. He knew what was at play. The stolen glances, the slight flirting between you two over the months. It was obvious. 
“Of course. We can have coffee at mine instead.” You say, breaking the silence. He nods, following you back to your car. As you walk back down the street, the wind picks up and your hair flies everywhere. You give up on trying to keep it in place, letting it flow wild. The wind blows your dress uncomfortably high, and you feel a breeze hit you in places that shouldn’t be hit. You look back to Simon, noticing how he watches you struggle to keep it down. You smile at him, smiling nervously. How embarrassing. 
You reach your car, pulling your keys from your jacket pocket. Before you could pull the door open, you feel a strong hand wrap around your wrist. His touch on your skin feels comfortably warm, in contrast with the biting cold. You turn, meeting him eye to eye, your lips hanging agape. He takes a step towards you, your chests only inches apart. 
“Thank you. For getting out with me.” He says, the look in his eyes sincere. You stare up at him, looking between his eyes. Oh how badly you wanted to reach up and kiss him. The urge settles deep in your stomach. You place your hand on his bicep, squeezing gently. He looks at your hand and places it over yours. He takes it in his, interlacing your fingers. The warmth from his hand spreads throughout your body, settling in your core. It was strong and big, his grip unwavering and protecting. 
“Anytime, Simon.” You reply, the shake in your voice giving you away completely. He leans down, pressing his forehead to yours. You close your eyes, tightening your hold on his hand and wrapping your other arm around his neck instinctively. 
What the hell has gotten into me? This can’t happen. It feels wrong. He’s my patient, for Christ's sake. But fuck, does it feel so good. He’s so warm. So..big. 
You feel his hand rest on your hip, squeezing slightly. You relax into his touch, his body heat practically melting you. You open your eyes, and take a step back. 
He wastes no time in lifting his mask, and pressing his lips to yours. 
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roachfun · 4 days
This is probably a wild thing to get but your “Gojo should stay dead” post has got my unmedicated ass vibrating.
(I’ve only read jjk0, besides that literally all of my exposure has been via 3 video essays and fanfic… I basically got into the series backwards and tbh it’s an interesting experience…)
And tbh I agree with you more than not. Even though the view I have of the character is so fucking warped because jjk fanfic is too the gills filled with smut.
Because what I’ve gathered from the video essays and the few bits of fanfics that actually tried getting into his mind… is that the man is gd tired.
A god complex the size of the sun, that’s only ever been challenged once by one of the few people he ever formed a genuine connection with, and it was challenged as that person was leaving him. That incident may have motivated him to change, but that change was predominantly if not exclusively external, he didn’t really do much self reflection.
After Geto left, Gojo did better (became a teacher, warding Megumi, not letting Yuta be executed) but he didn’t work on being better (god complex, recklessness, belief that his way is the only way with no real consideration for the effects those decisions have on others)
He’s selfish, arrogant, and reckless, he doesn’t seem to take much of anything seriously and that may be a persona (again, I haven’t actually read jjk yet… the ending of mha did the characters, narrative, and audience so gd dirty I need to know how jjk ends so I set my expectations accordingly) but I can very much see this man never really developing his sense of empathy because he never really had any stakes… like he has some understanding, but the god complex and the fact people around him constantly reinforce it… he can’t put himself in other people’s shoes, there’s a detachment from reality that would read as delusional for anybody else, but he has spent his entire life being told he is the strongest with nothing ever being able to prove him wrong.
Than on the flip side of that god complex, honestly for a good while, and still sorta kinda… to me he reads as passively suicidal. (I know “Word of God” can be controversial regarding character analysis because of its absence in the base text) but the fact Gege’s rough rundown of Gojo’s daily schedule was basically “he sleeps for about 3 hours and spends the rest of his time working, his sweet tooth is actually somewhat practical as he uses sugar as a stimulant.” That’s not good for your noggin. Add the isolation caused by his status and his god complex, I see him coming to the conclusion that the only way he should die, is in battle.
And he did! Even if wasn’t in the “final sacrifice that ensures he becomes a legend” sort of way I think he would’ve hoped for.
But that also felt… right? (Certainly not fair, Gege openly admitting he kills off fan favorites for the shock value does dampen the possible emotional impact that could’ve been achieved… but I digress)
Every time Gojo fights, and I mean properly fights, he’s smiling, it’s a game to him, a chance to show off, to assert his dominance and reaffirm his status… so him dying so suddenly that his legs are still standing as his upper half falls to the floor, he’s lying there choking on his own blood as he bleeds out and Sukuna saying it “cleared his skies” (weird phrasing, but I think that’s a cultural/translation thing) it could’ve been a gut punch of a tragedy that amped up the stakes of the final conflict! The protagonists’ trump card is gone in a handful of panels and a flick of the wrist! He’s bleeding out on the ground as the big bad seems to reach a moment of genuine inner peace! But the backtracking and Gege’s history lessened that significantly
tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that Shonen Jump had something to do with it… the motivations for Gege’s writing choices are questionable to me (it feels spiteful and cheap) but they’ve been consistent until now, what changed?
Anyway it is… 5:45 am… I should be asleep, but I’m here vomiting character analysis based on partial information in your inbox… I hope you have a good day/night/whatever is appropriate for when you receive this
I hate that you had me read all that, but I couldn't agree more with most that you said (except maybe where you call him selfish and I lowk think geges killing system is fair and I like it a lot but🤷).
Anyways, I don't know how to really respond to this since you basically did all the talking lol (plus I'm tired from reading all that and just got out of school).
I do have a question tho. how did you start with jjk0??? Like how does something like that happen. Also you haven't watched the anime or anything😭???
Anyways, thanks for dropping this essay on me have a good day/night or life in case we never speak🩵
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newtthetranswriter · 10 months
Mike schimt x reader but
as bodyguard!mike x shy!reader
I’m not the best at requesting things so I hope this helps
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Word count: 2040
Paring: Mike Schmidt x Gn! Reader
Summary: After Freddy Fazbear’s, Mike takes a job as a local singer’s bodyguard.
A/n: Thank you for requesting, I enjoyed writing this for you. I hope this is what you were hoping for,but it’s the idea I got from seeing Bodyguard. Anyway keep requesting and have a good day. Just remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.
    Shortly after the events that happened at Freddy Fazbear’s, Mike desperately needed a new job. Sure he could still keep an eye on the place but after all that happened to him and the fact that he almost lost Abby, he decided finding a different job was for the best. Luckily while looking for work he saw a job posting for a bodyguard position. It wasn’t the best job but the details were simple in it was keeping any eye on a local singer who had a somewhat of a large fan base, and had recently started receiving some unsettling messages and just wanted some extra protection. Upon considering it he figured why not as the chance of animatronics being the culprit was pretty slim, so he applied and waited for a response.
    About a week later he received a call offering him the position and requesting he meet with his new boss at Sparky’s dinner. After taking Abby to school he went back home dressed in his best outfit and headed out to meet with the person he would now be protecting. When he entered the dinner and moved to the booth he was directed to by the nerd waiter, he was shocked to see a person wearing a beanie and sunglasses paired with a large coat covering their figure.
   “Excuse me, I’m looking for Y/n.” he said to the figure as they turned to him quickly and looked back at the table. They gave a small nod, motioning him to sit down with them. “So are you Y/n?” Mike received a nod in response. It didn’t take long to figure out that this person was extremely shy and it probably took a lot for them to have even agreed to hire a bodyguard, let alone become popular enough to need one. “Can I ask what it is you would like me to do as your bodyguard?”
   Y/n nodded their head before seemingly realizing they would need to speak to this new person. “I just need you to come with me to my shows on the weekends and keep the creeps away. Nothing has happened yet, but I’d rather be safe. Plus some guy has been sending me mail that says some messed up shit, and I think that if I have someone with me when I go to shows he might stop.” They explained quietly. If Mike hadn’t spent so long with Abby who spoke rather quietly for a while he probably wouldn't have been able to understand what was said, but he understood.
    “Not to sound ungrateful for the job, but why get a bodyguard instead of going to the police?” He asked genuinely confused, if some guy was making threats shouldn’t the police do something.
    Y/n turned away and mumbled a response before looking at the confused man in front of them. “They won’t do anything. I’ve tried but because there is no proof they are real threats they say there’s nothing they can do.” They spoke a little louder this time.
    Mike continued to ask questions about the job, and about Y/n. He learned quickly that they were the lead singer of a local cover band who played at clubs and stuff around. It seemed many people truly enjoyed their music and they apparently had a larger following on the internet as well. Mike also learned that Y/n was always pretty shy and it was their bandmates who pushed them to get a bodyguard. With some sound knowledge of his new job he bid his boss farewell, agreeing to meet them two hours before their next show that friday.
    Friday came quicker than he thought it would. But as the time to meet with his boss came closer he realized he had no one to watch Abby while he was working. Everyone he tried was busy and he cursed himself for waiting until the last minute to find a babysitter for his sister. Running out of time he decided she would have to go with him and hopefully beagle to wait backstage during the show. “Abby come on grab your bag and a blanket, you’re coming to work with me tonight.” Mike shouted as he scrambled to find his keys.
   The young girl quickly grabbed her backpack and blanket excited to see what fun job her brother had now. “What is your job now?” She asked as she got in the car.
    “Just keeping someone safe while they sing for some people. While we are there, either color or sleep, don't go running around, I won't be able to watch you.” he said looking at Abby in the rearview mirror. Receiving a nod he smiled and then headed to the location he was meeting with Y/n at.
    When they arrived they went around the back of the club to the employee entrance Mike had been told to go through. He texted Y/n, informing them that he was there and needed to be let in. After only a few minutes, he was greeted by a familiar face opening the door. Y/n greeted him and motioned for him to come inside quickly, noticing the young girl following behind. 
    “And who is this?” They questioned after greeting Mike. Y/n reached their hand out for Abby to shack.
    Before Mike could respond Abby spoke up. “I’m Abby, my brother forgot to find a babysitter before today and didn’t want to leave me home alone.” She said, shaking the kind stranger's hand.
   “Sorry about this, I hope it’s okay. I totally forgot to find a sitter and it wasn’t a good idea to leave her home, if it’s okay she can just sit in the back and draw or sleep, she won’t be a problem.” Mike went on explaining why he brought his sister to his first day on the job.
   Y/n placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, I understand she can sit in the dressing room, I’ll have some of the kitchen staff bring in some food for her as well.” Y/n explained before guiding the pair to the fitting room.
   After getting Abby settled in the dressing room, Mike sat and watched as Y/n and their band practiced, enjoying the music and completely amazed at how well the different genres of music flowed and worked together. The band played anything from My Chemical Romance to Bon Jovi, even some older country music. It wasn’t necessarily the kind of music you would think would fit a club but after rehearsal Y/n had explained that all kinds of people visited the club and over time requested most of the songs they played in their sets now, and so it evolved into this crazy mixture of music from every genre.
   A few hours later Y/n’s band had finished their performance and decided to enjoy the rest of the night while a different group performed. Mike decided that since he noticed Y/n head to the bathroom he would quickly go in the back to check on Abby. When he got to the dressing room he saw Abby asleep on one of the chairs and headed back out to keep an eye on Y/n. Reaching the busy club he spotted Y/n trying to get a drink from the bar. Keyword there being trying, there was an older man who kept talking to them, completely ignoring the fact they were trying desperately to ignore him.
   Seeing this as one of the things he was hired to help stop he approached the pair. “Excuse me Sir, but I’m gonna have to ask you to leave them alone. They're not interested and I would hate to cause a scene.” Hearing his voice Y/n moved to stand behind Mike. 
   The man that had been bugging Y/n turned to Mike. “And why do you think such a pretty thing isn’t interested in me? What are you their boytoy coming to protect them?” The man sneered at Mike. He then reached his hand out to grab Y/n’s arm. “I think we were having a pleasant chat.”
    Spotting the hand reaching for Y/n, Mike quickly threw a powerful punch into the man’s face, receiving a resounding crack as his nose broke under the force. “They aren’t interested in you because you’re a creep. And I’m just here to keep creepy bags of trash from making them uncomfortable.” With that Mike quickly guided Y/n back to the dressing room apologizing for punching the guy even if he deserved it.
    Once in the safety of the dressing room, Y/n couldn’t help but cry. “Thank you for stopping that guy, he just kept on insisting that he buy me a drink when all I was trying to do was get some water.” They said quietly, having noticed Abby asleep when they came in. Even though they had barely known Mike for a week they couldn’t help but to fall into his chest hugging him thanks.
    Realizing how distressed Y/n was Mike made a decision. “How about you tell your bandmates that I’m gonna give you a ride home, that way you can get out of here and not deal with any more crazy people tonight.” He offered gently running a hand down their back in a comforting way.
    Y/n nodded in agreement accepting the offer and then quickly texted their friends explaining what happened and that Mike would be taking them home. After that Mike gently woke Abby, grabbing her bag and blanket. He guided a half asleep Abby, and Y/n out to his car. He got Y/n’s address from them and proceeded to take them home before going home to sleep himself.
    After a few months of working for Y/n, Mike grew closer to them and found himself hanging out with them even when it wasn’t for work. They had become great friends, and instances like the first night he worked for Y/n happened less and less. It also seemed their band’s fans ahad noticed him not only at the clubs they performed but the online fan base began to notice him in videos and were asking for answers. They all wanted to know who the guy always hanging around Y/n was and why he just suddenly appeared. Don’t even get them started on the theories, most of which were that Mike was Y/n’s boyfriend and they were trying to keep it quiet.
   With the growing speculation, Y/n decided (more like the band told them) that they need to address this with their fans, and asked Mike to join them for a quick Youtube video. Mike met up with Y/n at their apartment, ready to address the concerns. After setting up the cameras Y/n had Mike wait out of shot before starting the video.
   “S-sso we have seen your questions about the guy who can be seen near the stage in all of our videos over the past months, and have decided It’s time to tell you guys the truth. So without further ado this is Mike, My bodyguard.” Y/n motioned for Mike to sit next to them. He gave a small wave to the camera and a quiet hi. “He’s been working for me for a few months because someone was making threats and he’s been at all the shows to make sure nothing happens to me, and he has saved me from so many creeps in that time.” Y/n smiled. “And with the pressure from my Bandmates, and you guys of course I’ve decided to introduce him.”
   They recorded for probably twenty more minutes answering some questions that had been asked over the past few months before signing off and sending the video to be edited. Deciding to not let the day go to waste, Mike Invited Y/n out for lunch and a movie. Maybe he started as just their bodyguard but he was slowly becoming more. If the fans were right about him being Y/n’s boyfriend was unclear right now but it was starting to look like that would soon change. Though they wouldn’t tell them that yet.
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HEELLOOOO!!! hope you're having a great day!!! 🌈
if it's not much of a problem, may i request Enchanted for Nami x fem!reader? It's my favourite song ever<3
HI! I'm having a great day! Thank you for asking and thank you for requesting! I would be more than happy to write this request for you! I love Nami more than anything 😭 I spent all night thinking of what to do for this so I hope you like it! Have some fluff after the angst that was the last Nami fic 👐. Flower Asks Hozier Asks Taylor Swift Asks Masterlist Rules Taglist Request Enchanted: You have a fated encounter with a good-looking stranger. She’s all you think about. What happens when you meet her again? Characters: Nami, Fem!Reader Pairing: Nami x Fem!Reader TW: Controlling parents. Other than that, I don't think there's anymore but let me know if there is!
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Your life was boring. It was as simple as that. You were the daughter of people in high society. From a young age, you were forced to take classes on etiquette and politics, along with all the other dull subjects. When you weren’t taking classes, you were attending parties and being forced to interact with people you’ve never met. Almost all of them attempting to set you up with their son to try to gain some status. Like that would ever happen.
Tonight was like any other night. There was a party happening in your parents' big mansion. You were forced into a poofy dress with your makeup and hair done. Your parents had been throwing a lot of parties lately. They acted like it was for no apparent reason but to spend time with their friends. You knew exactly what it was. You overheard them talking about how they needed to find you a suitor. “All girls her age are engaged already so she should be too!” That was your father’s exact words.
You were entirely against the idea. As soon as the party started, your parents tried to introduce you to all the available men who showed up. They weren’t fast enough to catch you though. You were already tucked into a corner on a balcony where no one would be able to find you unless they stumbled upon you accidentally. You doubted that would happen. It rarely ever did when you hid away like this.
There was something about tonight that was different. Someone did stumble upon you. A girl with orange hair. You were almost as shocked as she was. The two of you just stood there staring at each other, waiting for the other to do something. Your eyes fell onto the bag that she was holding. It was full of something. If you had to guess, this woman was probably a thief.
Any other person would’ve shouted for one of the guards. They would’ve tried to stop the thief themselves. You were not any other person. This had to be the most interesting thing to happen to you in all your years of life. Your shocked expression turned into a grin, “Well, hello, miss thief.”
“Thief?” The girl questioned. She shot a look at the bag she was holding and hid it slightly behind her. She slapped a smile on her face and rubbed the back of her head with a sheepish expression, “Oh, no, I gave the wrong impression, didn’t I? This is just trash. I’m one of the janitors here.”
You hummed. You weren’t convinced. You prided yourself in knowing all the staff who worked for your parents. They were probably the realest people out of all the ones you’ve interacted with. People of the lower class usually were the most genuine. You crossed your arms, “Really now? I thought my parents weren’t hiring anyone else. After all, we have about 30 people on staff at the moment. I always said it was a bit overkill,” Those words seemed to catch the girl off guard. You found yourself laughing. The girl was confused. Why weren’t you shouting for someone to take her away? You waved off her concern, “Don’t worry, I’m not saying anything. This party is too dull. Giving you away would take away the only entertainment I’ve had all night,” Hearing this made the girl relax slightly. She was still on her guard. “My name’s Y/N. You?”
“Nice name. It means wave,” You spouted out. Pretty girls did this to you. You had a tendency to say whatever was on your mind every time you saw one. The girl, Nami, raised an eyebrow at this. You shifted a little nervously, all that false confidence from before fading away. “I do a lot of reading,” No response was given to you by Nami. The two of you fell into awkward silence once more. Neither girl could force themselves to leave the awkward conversation. There was something about the other that drew them in. You gathered together you thoughts and asked the first thing that came to mind, “So what is it like?” Nami shot a look at you, showing you she didn’t know what you meant. “Being a thief. It seems like it would be fun.”
There was no way Nami was having this conversation right now. This had to be the most strange conversation she's ever had. Still, she chose to indulge the girl, “It’s okay. I like money so that part’s nice.”
You hummed, nodding. After a moment, you found yourself saying, “I don’t like money. I have too much of it. I don’t need it. All the responsibility that comes with it is also a downside. If I had a choice,” You looked up at the night sky. Nami could’ve sworn that she saw stars in your eyes. They looked exactly like the stars that lit up the sky. “I would leave this place. I would travel the world. No one to tell me what to do. No one to tell me that I need to get married. All I would have is myself and the vast ocean below me.” A sincere smile appeared on your face. You’ve smiled more talking with Nami than you ever had at one of these parties.
Those words reminded Nami of herself. She too wished that she could leave behind all the responsibilities that she had. In her situation, it was basically impossible. She needed to buy back Coco Village, that was the most important thing. But this girl didn’t have any of that to worry about. Nami placed the bag of gold and riches on the ground. She walked over and joined the girl at the edge of the balcony, “Then do it.”
“Leave this place,” Nami stated. There was a small grin on her face. “Travel the world. You don’t look like you enjoy staying here too much so just go.” It was a nice thought. Leaving behind this place, your controlling your parents, the parties, and the fake people. Being able to go wherever you wanted and do whatever you wanted. It was a dream.
You turned to the girl with a mischievous glint in your eye, “Then take me with you.”
That took Nami aback, “Wha-”
“You said it yourself,” You shot a glance back at the party. Through one of the many windows, you could catch your parents looking around the ballroom. You wouldn’t be too surprised if it was you that they were looking for. You turned your attention back to Nami, “I should leave here. You’re planning on leaving here too. So why don’t you just take me with you?”
“I can’t,” Nami was snapped back into reality after that demand. She went back to her bag of gold and riches and picked it up. She hauled it over her shoulder and gave the girl a stern look, “You can leave, that’s fine. But you can’t leave with me.” With those final words, Nami jumped off the balcony. You leaned forward in alarm. Instead of seeing a splat on the ground, you saw her land in a crouched position before she ran off into the night. You pursed your lips in disappointment as you watched her get farther and farther away.
After the encounter, all you could think about was her. You kept daydreaming about what it would’ve been like to leave with her. You could be free from all the stress you were under every day. You would have someone to talk to who wasn’t just being nice to you because they had to. Someone who was genuine with you. You keep hoping she will show up on the balcony again, telling you to come away with her. Every party after that one, you would wait for her to miraculously show up again. This didn’t happen but it was nice to dream. Well, it was nice to dream until it kept you up at night like this whole situation was.
It took a lot of courage, but you did eventually leave. You could imagine how livid your parents were when they found a note on your vanity telling them that you’d left. You headed out into town and went straight for the dock. You paid off a group of sailors to let them on board their ship and you were finally off. You would finally be able to travel the world like you wanted to.
During your travels, you find yourself thinking about Nami every once in a while. You were starting to think you were crushing on her. Maybe that’s why you wanted to leave with her so badly. Either way, you hoped that one day your paths would cross once again.
And they indeed did. You eventually got a boat of your own and taught yourself how to navigate, along with how to operate a boat. It was a little tricky and you ended up in the middle of nowhere a few times but you finally got the hang of it. You’re not sure how many months had passed since you last saw Nami. But it all seemed worth it when you ended up at a random town in the East Blue called Coco Village. You found yourself bumping into her again after what felt like forever.
The both of you were shocked to find the other standing in front of them. Your shocked expression quickly turned into one of ecstatic joy. Nami had changed since the last time you saw her. She didn’t seem so burdened anymore. She looked like a weight had been taken off her shoulders. Just like you were happy to see her, Nami looked happy as well.
There was one thing you kept repeating in your head as you stared at her, “Please don’t be in love with someone else. Please don’t have somebody waiting on you.” To your luck, she didn’t.
.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.
Taglist: @3v37773, @marevllousdaisy
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acourtofthought · 7 months
hi I am a new ACOTAR reader 👋🏼 and I was so shocked to enter this fandom and see all the ship wars going on. I guess I’m more of a casual reader? But I thought SJM was going for elucien which listen - adorable - but then she spend the books after they were declared mates just dissing that entire plot line? Like ok I get it they don’t HAVE to be head over heels like feysand and nessian yet, but since ACOWAR there’s barely any elucien interactions and they’re all described as uncomfortable and idk why she would have them be mates and then turn around and just wreck that setup? Lucien barely is in the books anymore?
And then Sarah started writing these “looks” and shy smiles between elain and azriel and I was like ok I get it too I guess, if Lucien is like not even present in the books anymore? I feel like she straight up changed her mind or something because why did she do all that setup and now is introducing a new love interest? Being mates MEANS something right? Idk it seems like she’s abandoning elucien to me which is sad bc they could’ve been so good together 😭 like bat boy is great don’t get me wrong but we don’t know shit about him other than he is vaguely menacing and has shadows
He’s not shown interest in anyone except Mor or Elain so idk what his plotline will be (if he gets a book even). And yes, I did read this controversial bonus chapter and I genuinely saw it as a nail in this elucien coffin instead of gwynriel as people are saying. Like why would Elain kiss HIM when she has a mate? Lucien is RIGHT THERE ?? It just seems so convoluted for no reason. Like is this a love triangle setup? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ it would be easy if Gwyn and azriel were mates so elucien could nicely work out but I barely remember anything about Gwyn and Az interactions let alone anything to suggest romantic themes. So I don’t get that ship at ALL. Like azriel could be shipped with anyone at this point if Gwyn is being considered an option.
Idk I assume there’s hella analysis on this but I just don’t know why SJM would make elucien mates and then throw this random emo bat boy plotline in the mix. I’ve kind of abandoned that hope after ACOSF unless there’s something I’m missing that brings Lucien back in the game? (Genuinely where even is heeee like sir get your girl - respectfully)
Welcome to the fandom! And I'm sorry ahead of time, it's simultaneously fun, exhausting, and infuriating, haha.
I do understand why it feels like she set Elucien up with a bang and just let it fizzle but if you consider why she might have done that, I think it makes sense.
Are you in love? Have you been in love?
Imagine if you are a month away from your wedding. It's your first love, your first experience with intimacy, and the person you have imagined the rest of your life with. Maybe children, a home.
And overnight that dream is ripped away from you.
Not only is it ripped away from you but you're suddenly feeling a connection (because I fully believe Elain knew Lucien was something to her before he ever whispered that they were mates) to a random stranger who you have never seen before.
Your heart was promised to another but now you're chanting "traitor, traitor, traitor" over and over in your head because you're looking at this stranger and feeling big things for him.
But you're whisked away and the connection is broken and you're taken to a strange land where you're forced to think of everything that you've now left behind in the human lands. Where your fiance is probably wondering what happened to you, where you're no longer able to spend time in your gardens, see the people in the household you've grown to care for, knowing your father will be wondering what happened to you when he returns.
But through that depression you feel the tiniest bit of hope that you can go back. That your fiance will love you despite this new thing you've become and were taught to fear. That maybe, the life you loved can still be yours again.
But the stranger comes back into your life with it a torrent of emotions that you're struggling to understand and to control and it's all too much, it's too overwhelming so you shut down. You're not ready to face what it means when you're desperately trying to hold on to what was lost because if you can get that back, maybe things will make sense again.
But your fiance cruelly rejects you. The one who swore he'd love you until you were old and gray and he tossed you aside as if none of it mattered. As if you didn't matter. And he mentions the stranger to you as if it's a dirty word and maybe some of this is his fault. It's not, you know it's not but it's easier to blame someone.
But then you all nearly lose someone you care for during the war and suddenly, maybe that misplaced anger is easier to let go of.
But the war ends and you slowly settle into a new life, trying to forget about what you lost. Your fiance. Your home. Your friends. And even your father. So you put up a wall and you refuse to engage with your "mate" because some of that anger is back. You didn't ask for any of this. You don't want to be dealing with emotions you can't control when he's around when you're already dealing with so much. He makes it impossible to think straight. He makes everything confusing. But when you ignore him, it's easier to pretend. Everything is easier because you don't feel and when you feel right now, it hurts and it's too much and it's overwhelming.
But you can pretend around your sisters because they don't push you to deal with those emotions. You can pretend around Az because he keeps it light and you have no pull to him. He's handsome of course. But the conversations are surface level and you don't have to think about the things that plague you when it's late at night and you're alone. But you are lonely and comfort from another would be nice, wouldn't it? So you engage in a flirtation with Az. You avoid your mate when he's around because feeling too much is not something you can handle in the same year of your fiance's rejection and your fathers death and your lost humanity. You want to escape and you can do this in this school girls crush with him.
You alternate between dying inside while trying to make the best of your new situation and moments where you can fool yourself into thinking that infatuation is just the thing to help you get by but deep down you know you're avoiding everything. You hate yourself for ignoring your mate, knowing how patient he is, how kind but knowing that you're afraid. Afraid to love someone else. Afraid to lose someone else. So you'll keep taking the path of safety. Living in the NC, making Feyre's found family your new family. Liking the available brothers. It's all perfect and easy and safe.
Until the rejection on Solstice and your illusion comes crashing down. It doesn't matter what you do, you can't hide from reality for long and the time is coming for you to face everything you've been avoiding.
So yes.......Elain and Lucien on the surface appear to be lukewarm as of late.
But I think that when we finally get an Elain POV, we're going to see how intense and deep those still waters go. I think that's why SJM has hidden her POV because I think Elain's true feelings are going to bowl us over.
And I wouldn't say Lucien is not in the books anymore. He was heavily featured all the way up into the novella. SF of course was Nessian's story and since the POV shifted from Feyre to Nesta, it's understandable why Lucien was somewhat absent as he reports to Rhys (not Nesta) and lives in the Human Lands. SJM actually went out of her way to include Lucien on a few occasions in a story where his presence would have been odd when you consider his relationship to Nesta (non existent). I think people also fail to remember that everytime Eris and Helion were on page, that's information that can be applied to Lucien's future story too.
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More Than Anything (Trolls Version)
(AKA what happens when you listen to the Trolls: Band Together and Hazbin Hotel soundtracks back-to-back. Also, I recommend keeping tissues nearby and reading this in a secluded area, as chances are you WILL cry while reading this, continue at your own risk.)
(So for context, Branch and John Dory are stuck together in a cave somewhere, and Branch is on the verge of a breakdown due to the stress of his brothers returning to his life, and John Dory possibly moving to the village permanently.)
Branch: You all remember when
We tried this all before
Our mistakes were too hard to repair
And in the end
I could lose it all again
So how do I know it’s worth fighting for?
More than anything
More than anything
I’m scared of being lonely more than anything…
John Dory: Branch, you don’t need to be worried anymore- -
Branch: I’m ALWAYS worried! You know why? Because at any moment, something’s gonna snap, or I’m gonna snap, and you guys will freak out and leave and I’ll never see you again! I know that’s gonna happen eventually, I just…don’t want it to be because of me this time.
John Dory: Branch…
When we were young, I didn’t really know you at all
‘Cause you were still so small
But I’d hear you singing from right down the hall
(A flashback shows a teenage John Dory working on writing a song, only to be distracted by something from outside the room. He peeked his head out and could vaguely see baby Branch in his room, singing happily while playing with his toy Croco. John Dory chuckled fondly at the scene.)
Sometimes, you tried to join the show
You danced so happily
It filled my aching heart with glee
(A different flashback showed BroZone during one of their concerts, about halfway through a song. Branch is seen eagerly watching from backstage, before sprinting out to join them, having become accustomed to most of their dance routines since his brothers rehearse in the house so often. His older brothers paused their routine in shock, including John Dory, who had been struggling to keep up his tired, fake smile throughout the song. But the smile became genuine as he hoisted his baby brother up and hugged him tightly, the others joining in soon after.)
So in the end
It’s the view I had of you
That showed me trolls could find hope anywhere
(Another flashback skipped ahead a couple of years, when John Dory had originally returned from his hike on the Neverglade Trail, only to find nothing, as the Pop Trolls had been captured by the Bergens and taken to Bergen Town. But John Dory didn’t even know the Bergens existed back then, so he was left with no clue as to any of there whereabouts, including what remained of his family. He then pulled out a photo from his hair of him and Branch, the baby grinning as John Dory put a pair of sunglasses on him. Somehow, looking at this fueled John Dory with a renewed determination, as he then adjusted his goggles before setting off into the forest to continue searching.)
More than anything
More than anything
I want to help our family more than anything…
(Sadly, John Dory was never able to find the other Pop Trolls, as they wouldn’t escape and flee even further into the part of the woods that would become their new home for another year or so. But by then, John Dory had given up his search and returned to the Neverglades, never finding a trace of his youngest brothers’ survival…until he heard a story on the radio about two Pop Trolls stopping what had become known as the “Rock-Apocalypse.” John Dory knows he messed up, he knows the way he treated Branch after their first reunion was wrong, but he wants to make up for it by being there for his baby brother when he needed him the most. Thankfully, it seemed like he and Branch were getting through to each other for the first time and finally getting to know the brother they knew the least about. Ironically though, it seems that they might be the most similar ones)
John Dory: I’ve been dying to find out who you are
Branch: I’ve been waiting, wanting the same thing!
John Dory: Nice to know that branches don’t fall far
Branch: Took you a while
John Dory: I’ve missed that smile
Both: All that I’m hoping
Now that my eyes are open
Is that we can start again
Not be pulled apart again
‘Cause in the end
You’re a part of who I am
John Dory: I’ll be by your side, whatever lies in store!
Branch: And who could ask for more?
John Dory: More than anything
Branch: More than anything
John Dory: More than anything!
Branch: More than anything!
Both: I’m grateful you’re my brother more than anything!
More than anything…
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holy shit IM LOSING MY MIND??? I’m done it’s over and
I- I’m running out of ways to express my obsession with your Sickfics… I need to invent new words? Or new ways to scream in text form because I need you to understand how fucking AMAZING this new fic is 😭😭😭😭
It’s so damn good???? It’s SO SATISFYING????? HELLO?? oh my word cyno cyno cyno what an absolute mess you are.🥺 poor poor thing!! I love everything in this fic. I love their relationship and how comfy they are together - how much Cyno loved spoiling nari (and tighnari deserves it let’s be real) I love the use of implied both ends!! I feel like it works really well in this case and it’s subtle but I love the implication that maybe Cyno was coming down with a bug before hand since he wasn’t feeling hungry? But then it’s like the heavy food expedited that process. I love the descriptions of fullness and how he just- very quickly - is NOT okay anymore. UHG HIS ANXIETY??? you captured the thought process perfectly of just being seen and being seen too much and the constant what ifs. Idk if Tighnari knew cyno hated being sick in public but he ABSOLUTELY gets the picture now.
OMG and Cyno just refusing to be sick in the public restroom sent me. I was genuinely shocked he managed to not lol 😂😅 like you know you just KNOW that’s so much worse feeling in that situation. Tighnari must have been so concerned and absolutely not buying it at all. Cynos little “I’m fines” when he sounds like he’s close to tears STOP. AH!! And the weakness??? OML his faintness was just so good and I’m feral over all the little details with nari being like “ok if he doesn’t sit he’s going to collapse it’s time for mom mode” and how he takes command in those moments. So damn GOOD. don’t even get me started when Cynos finally sick I can’t. My heart. Just all the worst things he wants to lay down his stomach feels so sick and now there is puke everywhere and- It was such a perfectly written scene 🥺🥺🥺 and the little FOX TOY THAT HE CUDDLES??? I’m gonna DIE?? IM TRULY DEAD?? I LOVE how attentive Tighnari is with his fussing and then very tactful more subtle support, just giving him the toy so Cyno can hug something on the way home cuz even if Tighnari knows cyno would never in public he knows him and knows he wants to be held rn and i -
I believe it’s 100% a tummy bug and not the food and that the ‘heat’ he was feeling was for sure fever and nausea and that maybe it wouldn’t have been this bad but anything he ate that day was going to more or less rot inside him. I have no doubts he was not done with the restroom for a number of reasons after getting home but I absolutely know he was 1000% times more at peace. Except for him replaying the events in his head for all eternity.
I’m truly never going to recover.
amazing fucking work. I’ve already re read this and I will re read again and again and yeah. That’s it. I’m just. Simply. Deceased. 😭😭😭
Thank you for this gift 😭🩷
I AM SCREAMING, I WOKE UP TO THIS IN MY INBOX THIS MORNING AND I WASN'T ABLE TO STOP SMILING AS I READ THROUGH IT 😭 You have no idea how much these comments mean to me, you made my whole day with this!
I am SO HAPPY you enjoyed it this much!! Allow me to get sappy for a moment, it already makes me so happy that people are actually reading what I'm creating, but knowing people enjoy it so much?? It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and it makes me so happy. I enjoy writing sickfics so much, it's just a fun, self-indulgent hobby that I also happen to post online. And just knowing something I created, purely by having fun, is being enjoyed this much?? All the happy emotions!!
Alright, happy sappy earthquake out, let's scream about Cyno!
HE IS, he is such a mess, this poor boy 🥺 I definitely had it in my head that he was beginning to come down with something before the date even started, but having a heavy restaurant meal just made things go south so much faster. I'm really glad to hear I was able to pull off the implied both ends without it seeming too out of place!! It definitely felt like if I was going to have it anywhere, this was the fic for it, Cyno had a very unhappy stomach. He went from "i can handle this" to "i am NOT okay" in the blink of an eye and I feel so bad for doing that to him. THE ANXIETY! THE VULNERABILITY!! He can't stand that other people might just THINK of him as vulnerable, the smallest sign of weakness and he wants no eyes on him immediately. I definitely think Tighnari knew he didn't like being sick in public, but he didn't know it was this bad. He definitely hadn't expected Cyno's anxiety to go through the roof like that.
He BARELY held it together in the bathroom, I think Tighnari was just as surprised that he didn't throw up. Oh Cyno baby, I know you didn't want to get sick in a public bathroom, but you could've spared yourself getting sick in the parking lot. You just know he's going to replay this event in his head a million times thinking where he should've done something differently to make the day somewhat less mortifying.
THE LITTLE FOX!! PLEASE THAT WAS SUCH A FUN LITTLE DETAIL TO ADD. I have a feeling that little thing is going to become a big comfort item for Cyno. Only private because you know he would NEVER let anybody outside of Tighnari know that he even has a stuffed animal, but it'll become a massive comfort for him. We love Tighnari just knowing. He's so good at handling these situations and we adore him for it. He's giving Cyno so many hugs when they're home.
I definitely agree with you there, boy was feverish. His body temperature was all over the place, first the hot flashes and sweating, and then he was feeling shivery?? He's definitely sick sick 🥺 He's definitely not going to be done with the bathroom for a while. In my head I imagine even the drive home is going to be hell, I mean can you imagine being in a moving car on the road when your stomach is feeling as bad as his was? Yeah they definitely pulled over more than once.
ARGH THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! I'm genuinely happy you enjoyed it as much as you did!! Again, thank you so much!!
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hi!! no need to reply since this does not pertain to writing or your stories (though there all SO GOOD!!) but i’ve been trying to get my account off the ground for a while now after loosing my old one (i had a following but i wasnt active for like a year before i lost it 🥸) if your willing to share any tips i’d appreciate it so much! if not that’s okay too! regardless you are so talented and i love your work! xx
hii!! aw omg you’re so sweet, thank you!!🫂
okay so this might sound completely pointless and annoying, but I have honest to god no idea how my account does so well, it’s a genuine shock to me as I never thought anyone would read my stuff
so im not able to say specifically what helps, as I have no idea how
- but for me, I think consistency, posting a good solid amount definitely helps. I went through a stage a while back where I wrote all the time so that helped (but don’t tire yourself)
- I think knowing your audience helps as well, like knowing what they like, if you have more of a fluff following and what they like specifically or if they’re more into smut, like what kind and how. also some writers are known for their angst while some are known for their headcanons. so I think maybe a specialty helps. I have more of a smut following, I have some feral bitches (I say with love) in my inbox, so i rarely get angst, (which is good bc im not good at it)
- this might sound utterly stupid, but I think have fun with it, post things bc you enjoy it and are proud of them, and hopefully that confidence will attract some attention etc
- make things clear and easy to see, idk if it’s just me, but if I can’t see clearly what it is im gonna be reading, I’ll probably won’t read it- so I think that helps
- broaden out who you write for, or be open to write for other people (if that suits you ofc) or a lot of the time, some writers have a decent following bc of one character who they write really well. like some are known for strictly writing one character and they do it so well, but also, some that write for a few and still do it really well. I guess it just depends on how comfortable you are with other characters (but don’t exert yourself)
- reblog and share other peoples stuff (feedback and stuff), and I feel like you get good karma from it, like you’re thanked for being so nice I guess
- be flexible (within reason) make sure it’s not too much for you
- might be corny as shit, but be yourself or if you’re not comfortable be what you want to be, and be how you wish to be interpreted
- also I think making sure you come across friendly helps make you more approachable and easier to talk to. I feel like a lot of the time people are scared to talk to mutuals (dw I am too) but making sure that it’s clear that you’re kind, definitely makes it easier
sorry if these are too much or not enough, or wrong😭 but hope these help!! if you anything else you can message me💌
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girlfictions · 1 year
hari need to know your thoughts on the succession finale once you finish it 🙏
i’ve genuinely been in a state of shock since i finished the ep so i’m probably going to ramble terribly bc my brain will explode otherwise.... thoughts under the cut!!! and massive spoiler warning obviously 💪
OKAAYYY in no particular order:
greg getting whacked was beautiful i wish he'd been stomped into a pulp honestly sorry for not being able to separate the art from the artist but nicholas braun is a weasel and i hope he gets hit by a car
that being said tom and greg's interactions this ep were top tier i'm not a tomgreg enthusiast like That but i think every scene of theirs was hilarious as it was twisted
tom this whole episode... phenomenal. matthew is just a cut above in terms of acting he embodied tom's hunger and desperation and patheticisms so perfectly i really felt more and more unsettled by him every appearance
i do wish we had more stewy screentime but i also wish that for every single episode arian moayed is so freaking talented and charismatic and amazing and he ate up every second he was on screen
speaking of stewy. "you kiss guys on molly" <- BITCH.....? i actually don't know if i've mentioned this on tumblr but i'm a kenstewinator for life and frankly this was confirmation that they explored each other's bodies at college idgaf what anyone has to say about it
ohhhh my god the fucking "meal fit for a king" scene. i can't even find the words for it. seeing them all so happy and having so much fun with each other in that moment was just so heartbreaking bc i KNEW it wasn't going to last 😭 like my mum and i literally checked how much time was left in the episode after that scene and looked at each other like Wellll something terrible is going to happen isn't it.
kendall My beautiful baby boy kendall IM SORRY I WASNT YOUR MOTHERRRRRRRR . i could honestly write an essay about kendall in this episode alone i have never seen such a tragic crumbling of the self maybe ever. him sitting at logan's desk thinking he's finally won... his reaction to shiv betraying their deal... him attacking roman like i was seriously breathless my god that entire sequence was fucking crazy
and to be quite honest if i was kendall in that situation well i would have killed myself in that damn board room and changed the trajectory of all those old hags lives forever . like "i'm a cog built for one machine" And now he has nothing no father no siblings no wife no kids no company my fucking goddddddd 🤦‍♀️
i started chanting "please please please dont kill yourself" out loud in the final scene and i'm dead serious the kendall water motif HAUNTS ME and i was so freaking scared . but that final frame is honestly equally awful like kendall alone with colin in the background him basically becoming logan with none of the power this is seriously the worst possible ending for him.....
shiv doomed to repeat the pattern of being under a man's thumb is genuinely so deeply demented jesse armstrong sleep with one eye open. and i hate it so much because it makes so much SENSE like yeah she's lady macbeth she's caroline she's the wife she's the mother and she will never be anything else okay OKAYY.
like that scene w her and tom in the car where he waits for her to hold his hand was so fucking spine chilling also the ambiguity of us not knowing whether tom knows that shiv was the deciding vote in his favour is crazy <- i do think it makes sense that he would know but just shiv having that as a bargaining chip so they can sting each other over and over again like its all about the cycles i fear
roman being so resigned to it all by the end was sick like ok that comment about kendall's kids was evil but i still felt for him howeverr i do think out of the trio he will be objectively the most okay in the future... like he's free from it all in a way shiv obviously isn't and kendall literally can't be
honestly i'm struggling to articulate anything more i'm still so overwhelmed by how it came to a close.. never have i watched a show that left me so heartbroken and hollow but also absolutely satisfied narratively like succession is going down in the history books FR 😭
also they're def going to sweep the emmys and it will be so deserved i seriously think they need to invent a new rule to allow for a tie because i cannot imagine how they're going to decide between kieran and jeremy for best lead... <- i do lean a little towards jeremy bc i'm a biased kendall girl but kieran's performance esp in the first half of this season was just jawdropping so who knows
this got really long i'm so sorry but i feel like a crazed woman what a fucking show what a fucking ending i will never be the same after this SUCCESSION YOU WILL ALWAYS BE SO FAMOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!
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everygame · 1 year
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A Mind Forever Voyaging (PC)
Developed/Published by: Infocom Released: 14/8/1985 Completed: 17/11/2022 Completion: Finished it. Trophies / Achievements: n/a [Apologies for interrupting, but before we get to the article I'd like to mention that you can pre-order a copy of exp. 2600, my brand new zine, right now and get more of–and help support–writing like what you're about to read. Unless I've put you off, but this is a good one so I hope not.]
Do you have any famous works that you’ve always been… scared to start? I don’t mean intimidated–I haven’t read say, Infinite Jest not because it’s long, but because [jerk-off motion]–but that something is talked of in such hushed breaths that you’re worried it just won’t live up to whatever you might have imagined?
I have it a lot, and because I generally try to read as little as possible about things before I experience them, it’s not so much that I’m imagining these incredible things, as much as there’s this astonishing possibility space out there that it almost feels… wrong to cut it down to just the one thing. Schrodingers’ video game.
For A Mind Forever Voyaging, all I’ve known until now is its striking cover art, and that it’s Steven Meretzky’s attempt to grapple with Regan’s then-recent re-election by landslide. So it was with some trepidation that I started pouring over the box, feelies and manual.
The manual is worth reading, with the most empathetic piece of writing I’ve experienced by 1985 in video games, as we’re introduced to the game’s central concept: you, the player, are “PRISM” who, raised in a perfect simulation believing themselves to be the real person Perry Simm, discovers that, well, no, they’re actually just an AI.
It gave me enough pause that I actually put the game down and didn’t start it for several more weeks! If anything, the possibility space had got larger.
A Mind Forever Voyaging, now I’ve played it, is kind of a hard one to discuss. On hand, it’s flawed. As deeply flawed as any Infocom I’ve played up to this point has been, and for many of the same reasons. On the other, it’s a genuinely captivating piece of speculative (interactive) fiction that will probably stick with me forever, not least because while it might over-extend itself on specifics, politically and thematically it is one hundred percent correct. 
Let’s get to those specifics. First up, the game really requires you to read the manual. While it’s nothing as complicated as Suspended (which I still can’t believe was only Infocom’s sixth game) there’s a similar sort of “mode switching” as you begin not able to walk about and pick up stuff but can simply switch between locations in communication mode (largely able to just see the same locations, or veg out and watch the news) or read backstory in library mode. It’s really here that you get to what could be considered the game’s most major flaw–how self directed the player has to be for most of the time.
This isn’t the same as something like Planetfall, where the player is primed “you’re stuck on this planet bro” it’s actually literally like “you’re a computer and there’s nothing to do?”
There are big swathes of this game where you’re stuck typing “wait” or even resorting to “wait 120 minutes” which I found almost… shocking. It’s made all the more baffling by the fact that the game has a news network that you can “watch” but when you’re in the mode time passes at a crawl, meaning that you’ll probably burn through basically the entire thing (hundreds of lines of script) just waiting to get to the first simulation!
The meat of the game is in that  simulation, however, and this was a massive surprise to me. The game presents what is pretty much the only direction the player gets–that as PRISM, you’re supposed to do a lot of very mundane things in a simulation of a small town, Rockvil, ten years in the future, like eat in a restaurant and speak to a clergyman–record them, and then deliver the recordings to see if the government’s transparently republic agenda known as “the plan” will work. It’s here the game takes a massive diversion from what I’d expect from a Infocom game at this point, because you enter a genuinely huge recreation of a town that is nigh-unmappable, with hundreds of rooms and most rooms having as many exits as there are compass points.
Don’t get me wrong, this is a meticulous recreation of a town and is an extremely intentionally designed space, but it’s also not a “designed space” as any video game developer would know it now. I quickly gave up any pretense of mapping the space–relying on the one decent map I could find online–and began wandering.
And wander I did. To be honest, you don’t genuinely need a map outside of the one that comes in the manual, as you aren’t really needing to hunt anything out. As has been written elsewhere, in A Mind Forever Voyaging, you are an observer, not an active participant, and as a result, simply wandering as your wont takes you and recording what you find interesting or pertinent is genuinely enough to progress.
Of course, that’s as long as you understand that, because once you’ve managed to “complete” the tutorial-like first simulation, the game literally goes “oh, we don’t have anything for you to do now. Entertain yourself.”
I know that it’s easy to accuse modern players of wanting everything on a silver platter (or at least, with a silver arrow pointing in the direction of the platter) but I really do find it hard to believe that even players in 1985 didn’t find this kind of thing frustrating. Noodle around long enough, and you’ll work out that you can get to a simulation twenty years in the future. But what do to there? Might as well just record the same stuff you did ten years in the future, right?
And it’s here we hit what is–confusingly–A Mind Forever Voyaging’s most glaring flaw but also what might be the thing about it that makes it the most memorable. For the majority of the game all you do is revisit Rockvil and record how it changes across the years. It’s repetitive, and by the fifth time you do it you are almost certainly tired of the same interactions.
But it’s also a perfect experience in seeing the slow decline of society under rule by Republican values. In 1985, this was just a scary warning of how the future could look. In 2022, it’s a sharp shock to the player, showing them how much has been lost and how much more will be lost if we continue the way we have. It is too easy to experience the decline of our civilization as a frog, slowly boiling, and A Mind Forever Voyaging asks you to remember what temperature the water actually is.
As Steven Meretzky noted in 2017, everything came true. The game features a border force who act as judge, jury and executioner; viciously racist policing, and the complete MAGA-fication of politics long before anyone even imagined such a thing. Even the things that seem far fetched in the moment–a supreme court giving the ok to religious fundamentalists seizing government property?–doesn’t seem that absurd when you ask “could the current supreme court have sided with the far-right extremists in the Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge?” the answer is yes, obviously yes.
And isn’t it disturbing that you’ve probably already forgotten about it?
It is painful, genuinely painful at points, to be playing a game that shows horrible things happening in a decade to represent a society that is past the point of no return and recognise that these things are already happening around us. That Meretzky was far too kind to expect things to not have gone to totally hell until 2050 at the earliest.
To be honest, a game like A Mind Forever Voyaging is as vital now as it’s ever been, and while I can’t recommend it without caveats, I actually rather like that I’m not completely certain that my instincts on its subtler “flaws” are correct or not. Lack of direction and the need to endlessly wait at points? Yeah, those are bad. But I can’t decide if choosing to create a huge, often samey and empty Rockvil is actually worse than making something more tightly designed. Rockvil might feel more real to me because I had to traipse through several parking empty parking lots; I can’t tell if it’s an acceptable price to pay that so many descriptions are generic (I got tired of things being described as a “totally ordinary [noun]”). Wouldn’t it be more interesting to have puzzles to solve? Like, shouldn’t I have to steal a ration card to make the ration card fraud arrest happen so I can record it? Or would the ludic nature of that undo that sense that Rockvil is real, and I’m genuinely experiencing it?
With modern eyes, I think I would prefer the latter (tighter, have some puzzles) but I don’t actually blame Meretzky for going the other direction at all–especially considering the one puzzle in the game (avoiding being killed in act 3) involves, annoyingly, having to wait (again!) in the right place at the right time to even notice what’s going on (I really don’t know what the hell was going on with Infocom’s playtesters sometimes.) But the only thing I really don’t think works in the game is the saccharine epilogue. The digital antiquarian goes into probably too much detail on it, but he successfully raises that A Mind Forever Voyaging’s setting, movingly portrayed or not, doesn’t make a ton of sense if you go one level down, and ultimately only serves as backdrop for a polemic, which would ring more true I think without the San Junipero wish-fufillment. There’s no guarantees a utopia awaits if we do the right thing now. It requires constant vigilance.
(And I have to agree that casting Perry Simm as mere observer does him a disservice–memory was at a premium even with a new extended Z-Machine interpreter allowing 128k instead of 64k to fit the game into, but that the game’s descriptions are often so dispassionate, and we never see or experience Simm grapple with his new existence as an AI is a disappointment. But A Mind Forever Voyaging is already doing so much, probably too much.)
So after all that, how do I feel now that A Mind Forever Voyaging is the thing that it is, rather than whatever I imagined it could be? Incredible, honestly. I’m richer for having played it, warts and all.
Will I ever play it again? It’s an interesting question. I’m not sure I’d choose to play it again–the slow decline of society is… slow. However, it’s a game I would relish showing to others.
Final Thought: Late summer/early autumn in 1985 was insane. A Mind Forever Voyaging was quickly followed by Super Mario Bros. in September and that was followed by Ultima IV days later. Hard to argue that these three don’t represent in many ways the peak of creativity in video games even now.
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dilfgmancoolatta · 1 year
I think it’s very funny that Gio turned out to be Gman, I did not suspect that at ALL it was such a jumpscare but like absolutely AMAZING
I loved the recreation of the scene where Benrey interrupts Gman while he’s talking to Gordon but with Gordon being the one to do the interrupting, oh my GOD I did not expect that to be recreated at ALL but it was SO GOOD
I found it very funny every time Benrey and Forzen interacted because if it had happened in the original stream it would have just been Scorpy talking to himself LMAO but you did a really good job distinguishing their characters despite there only being a couple minutes of Forzen content
Just all of the general nods and recreations of scenes in the original story were so good I stimmed SO HARD every time it happened oh my god!! Gordon teleporting behind the door into the test chamber and asking Benrey for ID. Benrey arguing with Gman over Chuck E Cheese being an entertainment center or restaurant. I cant think of anything else right now but oh my GOD it was so funny
I also like how in character they were even outside the context of previous RTVS bits, and it was still HILARIOUS. Benrey and Gordon fucking around with Gman in the tram scene absolutely FLOORED ME I was reading it at like 2 am when everyone else in my house was asleep and I was dying trying not to laugh and wake everyone up
Also I find it very funny that the video game was like “yeah Gordon so I’m gonna trap you here for 6 years and leave your entire family to wonder if you’re dead and slowly take all of your memories one by one until you forget even your sons name” but then it realizes he’s trans and is like “oh wait. I gotta hook him up with T tho.” LMAO
I also liked the genuine mystery of not knowing if that’s Benreys Gordon or not. Like, I had kinda a feeling but there were so many red herrings that it was genuinely a shock to find out that he had been finger spelling Joshua!! The twists!! The turns!! And it makes perfect sense that Benrey wouldn’t recognize Gordon after 6 years of being fucked up by a haunted video game, T, and depression!! My man’s tortured!! And the idea of the game slowly replacing Gordon’s memories with Gordon Freeman’s makes SO much sense oh my GOD
The fact that Gordon became physically less and less human over this time makes so much sense too. I mean bro has been exposed to so much Xen radiation and shit over the years it’s a miracle bro didn’t grow a third arm
Benreys struggle of trying to keep the fact that nothing is real from the ai was also so interesting?? Like everyone had such an interesting arc over the course of the story it was just so well written holy shit!!
POOR JOSHUA!! My little man got his bio dad taken away from him and now his other one- the chapters centered around him broke my fucking HEART. I wanna see him get reunited with them again so bad but I get not being able to finish the fic, life gets in the way you know and honestly it’s impressive you were able to write as much as you did!! You wrote a fucking novel-length fanfic with interesting plot, characters, and story completely for free??? Like what the hell?? You’re incredible and I hope ur proud of your work!!
Thank you so much for writing this incredible fic, I had such a fun week or so reading this before bed. I actually clicked on it by accident while looking for Ultrakill fanfics in someone’s bookmarks haha, but thank god I did!! I don’t think I’ve ever been this pulled in by a fic, and it was so satisfying to see it mostly finished!! Thank you so much for your work, I hope you have a wonderful day :]
Oh my god you’re gonna make me cry!! Thank you so much!!!! I’m gonna keep this screenshotted 5ever ok
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
daddy’s home part 2 🗣️ greetings my dear zadie :D popping back after cold hearts ended and no amount of words could possibly articulate the emotions and feelings that i’m feeling right now.
first of all i’d like to start off with the story itself, ever since the letter got revealed i feel like that was the chapter that really engraved this story into my heart. in the written chapter where you were able to write every emotion and scene really made me panic and feel like i was in the room with them as well. your written chapters never disappoint and there are absolutely no words that could describe the way they make me feel. (fyi. i took more than 7 breaks and each of them lasted 10-25 mins while reading the written chap.)
now after that seeing the way hoon & yn forgave each other and began to get closer again and actually not hide their feelings anymore and act on them instead made me feel like a proud parent :,) honestly out of all the previous smaus or stories that i’ve ever read this one captured the enemies to lovers trope so perfectly and i will think about this one for the rest of my life 😁🙏🏼.
now onto the final part of the story, i found it so so beautiful how you have a thing for happy endings because they always are the cherry on top for the story for me, the fact that they had such a beautiful wedding with heeseung as the best man (sorry riki & yunie) and tsuki as the maid of honour was such a sentimental and wonderful touch i adored it so much. and getting to know that they had a daughter which will be raised by everyone in the story is so :0 like i can’t even imagine how entertaining and funny the moments with the younger triples and the older triplets are 😭 anywho before this gets too long i would just like to say that i absolutely loved the way you ended this beautiful story. cold hearts was the actual definition of an emotional rollercoaster, i don’t think i read a chapter that didn’t have me gasping in shock like ever and i think that speaks volumes about you and your work.
anywho, this was one of thee most stunning stories ever. one that captured so many human-like emotions and genuinely didn’t feel like a fan fiction anymore, it was so clear and obvious that you poured a whole entire precious part of yourself for this story and dedicated so so so much to create this masterpiece and words cannot describe how proud i am of you as someone who’s been with you since hype boy ☹️ your talent of having the perfect balance between describing and capturing emotions in the prettiest words in your written chapters and then having thee best humour and hilarious jokes in your texting & smau chapters is so impressive and admirable you genuinely are one of thee best writers on enhablr.
now with that whole part being said, i really hope that anon comes back to their senses and realise that you don’t owe anyone anything. cold hearts is another perfect smau that you’ve written and completed with one of the most emotional storylines and if they’re not happy with that they can just scroll away. anywho, im very proud of you zadie :) you did amazing and put in so much effort and dedicated all parts of yourself and more to this smau and anyone who can’t tell that is completely blind. the all nighters that you’ve pulled the amount of mental and physical and emotional hard work that you went through to push out such a heartfelt smau is so insane. you deserve all the love and praise the world has to offer and more my dearest <3
anywho this got way too long but i love you a lot zadie :D sorry for disappearing constantly and always remember that we love and care for you so so much <3 good job on doing such an incredible job on finishing cold hearts :D sending u thee biggest smooch and the warmest hug <3 (i will be back soon !!)
- ⁉️ <33
oh my GOD GUYS LOOK WHO'S BACK ITS MY BABYYYY😭😭😭😭😭 hi there my sweet love 🥺 i hope life's been treating you well snd that you've been taking care of yourself, pls accept all my kisses ☹️☹️🤍
i've been super emo lately so this ask made me tear up and maybe even shed one i cant lie 🤕🤕 thank you SO much baby. for literally everything. your constant feedback, your reactions and reassurance, your kind words and just how much you care about me. i hold everything you send my way so close to my heart and will forever chrish it. thank you so much 🥺
i love and appreciate you with my whole heart and cant wait to chat more regularly again, please take care of yourself my sweet angel!!!🤍
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starlightelegy · 2 years
Starlight Elegy - Chapter 3
The thief
“I saw you in my dreams, many times. I knew you before you even existed.” I was shocked by this revelation. So I wasn’t the only one? There was really something going on between us? Something that did not bring me to them, but to him specifically? But how? Why? Everything was so confusing in my mind.
“So you knew from the beginning that there was something between us? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I tried to ignore it at first. I didn’t know you, and didn’t want to influence your feelings. But ignoring the truth only made it more present, it was stuck in my head and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And about your feelings, considering how comfortable you are with me, I suppose it’s too late to say “don’t try to get close to me”, right?” 
“Even without knowing that, you didn’t really help me not getting closer. Everyone told me at first that you were often cold and rude and to be careful not to anger you but from the beginning you’ve always been kind to me. I mean maybe not the very first time but you know what I mean. I wouldn’t say that you’re the opposite of what they told me, but not the exact same either.” I explained calmly, trying to ignore my own feelings.
“I just…Can’t bring myself to be like that with you. Because of these dreams I had.” He frowned, and suddenly he didn’t seem as stoic as before.
“And do you know what all of this means?”
“I have absolutely no idea. Maybe it’s just a coincidence. We should forget about it.” He started walking faster, as if to avoid the conversation. Did he really mean that? How could I ever forget about something like this? I walked faster too to catch him, and noticed he seemed to be uncomfortable. I decided not to say more, not wanting to make things worse, but still confused at the sudden mood change. I kept following him, and we ended up at the spaceship, where the other crew members were already waiting for us.
“We’ve been waiting for you guys! Were you lost? Or too busy flirting?” Said Helios, chuckling, Mars staring at us with a large smile behind them, and Asteroid sighing.
“I just took my time in the shop. We also got Nyx some stuff.” Ganymede replied quick, completely ignoring their remarks about us. And I was really glad he did that before I got embarrassed. 
“Sure man, whatever you say. Anyway, Nyx, we got your registration done so you’re officially a member of our crew! To celebrate, let’s all go to a restaurant! There will be plenty of these on our way back.” We all went to the spaceship again and got ready to go. Ganymede stayed alone in his room, probably working with his new stuff and refused my help. So I stayed with the others.
“So, Nyx, tell us about your life on Earth!” It was Helios again, always curious about everything. I liked that about them. And they made talking easy, even for me.
“Oh, well, there’s not much to say. I’ve never been able to go for a spatial career so I was just trying to survive I guess, going from jobs to other jobs because I have never found something I was really interested in.” I knew this wasn’t the most interesting life. But what could I say? It was how mine was back on Earth.
“But what about your personal life? What do you like outside of space and writing? How were you before meeting us? I’m curious!” Forgot what I said, talking wasn’t always easy, even with them. I hated talking about myself, but I guess these guys wanted to get to know me, as we were going to spend a lot of time together.
“I don’t really like many things besides space…maybe video games and mythologies. Animals too. I enjoyed their presence more than humans because humans always deceived me. I guess I was used to being on my own and never really had friends either.” I explained, trying to keep a neutral expression.
“Oh man, what happened for you to think that?” Mars asked, genuinely curious.
“I don’t…really want to talk about it.” I didn’t want to, I really did not. I knew it would make me feel awful, and I couldn’t be like this in front of them. I wasn’t even sure they would understand, they all seemed to be pretty comfortable around others.
“Are you sure? We can make you feel better!”
“Dude, they said they don’t wanna talk about it, leave them alone.” It was Ganymede, and for some reason, he seemed irritated. He crossed his arms and frowned. “They love to talk, too much. But don’t let them invade your space. Tell me if they bother you again.” His mood seemed to have changed again, his tone was softer now, but still with some hint of anger? and it seemed like he was irritated by Mars’ and Helios’ questions, and not by me or our conversation like he was earlier.
“They weren’t bothering me…And I wouldn’t say something I don’t want to say anyway.”
“Good.” And he left. What was that? Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter. Mars spoke again.
“You mentioned you like animals from Earth right? Do you have a favorite?”
“Well, I love horses, birds, cats…” He cut me off.
“Cats? Oh yeah those creatures!! They’re funny!”
“Talking about cats, there’s a planet close to here, where all the species are cat-looking. There’s a good restaurant, also. We could go there?” Helios said, excitement in their voice. I replied, just as excited to see some alien cats.
“Sounds good!”
“Then let’s go darlings!”
The rest of the trip went calmly. We played card games while listening to music and even Ganymede joined us. We arrived at the restaurant, and it was full of cat-looking people. By the look on their faces, they were clearly used to the presence of other species on their planet. Which was a relief for me, scared of having the same treatment as earlier in the space shop. We sat and ordered. Of course, I had no idea what to choose, since I didn’t know any of these things. It was like eating in a different country, but the country was a whole planet in another galaxy.
“I recommend this. It’s similar to those creatures you call fish. I have a feeling you’d like it.” Asteroid said calmly, keeping his eyes on the menu as he spoke.
“I will try that then.” I smiled. The atmosphere here was great, literally. It was the same as on Earth, so I could breathe normally. Now that I was thinking about it, it was the same on Asteri Alpha, I didn’t wear my space suit and was able to breathe just fine. Maybe they had an artificial atmosphere or something after all.
We started eating and the fish was better than anything I’ve had on Earth. It was cooked with some plants and other things I couldn’t describe. But I looked away for a second to get some water and the fish disappeared. “Where is my food?”
“Look, over there, this little guy stole it.” Mars said while pointing at something that was running away. It looked like a kitten, but it had two tails, had bigger ears than Earth’s cats, and its fur was glowing white. It had a few black markings that contrasted with its bright fur, it was stunning. The little creature stopped to look at us and ran away, again. I stood up and ran after it.
“Wait, I’ll help you!!” Mars ran after me as I tried to catch the little fella. But it was fast, being able to levitate was also a big advantage. It ran into an empty, abandoned street to eat its food.
“Don’t move too fast. It’s a Floatten, they are very shy and often fear people because they are being rejected.” Mars explained, almost whispering. I imitated him.
“Why? I find it cute.”
“Their glowing fur makes them look like ghosts and they tend to appear near graveyards, so the people from this planet started to think they were spirits of dead people and that if you see one it means something bad is going to happen. And seeing many of them is a sign of the end of the world. So people avoid them.”
“I don’t believe in superstitions. An animal is an animal. And this one seems to be hungry.” I approached the creature slowly, and calmly talked to it.
“Hey little guy. I don’t want to scare you or hurt you. You seem to be hungry, so you can keep the fish, I hope you will enjoy it! I am sorry people are scared of you. They don’t know that you are more scared than them. Don’t blame them, sometimes people believe stupid things. Anyway, enjoy your meal!” The kitten looked at me the whole time, its eyes big, round and full of interest. Suddenly I had an idea.
“Mars? Can we keep it?”
“I doubt it will follow us. It’s a wild animal.”
“But look at it, it seems to be less scared and it doesn’t run away anymore.” I was genuinely concerned for this little guy and really wanted to help it. Also, it was probably one of the cutest things I have ever seen.
“Well, Floattens won’t follow someone they don’t trust. Let’s go back to the others and see if it follows you.” I smiled and we walked back to the restaurant where the others were probably waiting for us to return. And I noticed that the little floating creature was following us, keeping a safe distance between us.
“See? It's still there.”
“I suppose it likes you. Let’s see what the others think of this idea.”
“Wait a second.” I approached the cat and gave it my hand to let it sniff it. It did, and rubbed its head in my hand, like a cat from Earth would. I grabbed it and took it in my arms and it didn’t try to fight me. “Now I’m ready to go!”
We joined the others, apparently done with their meals.
“So you finally caught that little thief?” Asteroid spoke first, looking at the little guy in my arms.
“Yes and I would like to keep it, I promise it won’t bother any of you.”
“I don’t see a problem with it. But it’s Helios’ spaceship.”
“I don’t mind either but you’re the only one taking care of it. If there’s something to clean because of it, you’ll do it.” Helios said, clearly unbothered by the idea, which made me happy.
“Yes! Thank you so much!”
“What are you going to call it?” Asked Mars.
“Hmm…Let’s see…Is it a boy or a girl?”
“Floattens are genderless. So, do whatever you want with the name.” Asteroid explained. Genderless? I wished humans could take these creatures as an exemple. It sur would have made my life easier. I thought for a moment, then found something that suited it.
“Orion? Isn’t that the name humans gave to one of their constellations?”
“Yes! Its name comes from a hunter in Greek mythology, and this little guy is kind of a hunter itself!” I proudly explained, happy to be able to teach these guys something for once.
“I see, then that’s a good name.”
“Can we go now? I need to work.” Oh, Ganymede, who hasn’t talked since that “incident” in the spaceship, finally found his voice again. Everyone laughed, except him, of course.
“Yes, let’s go back to Earth!”
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