#german language learning classes near me
verbalbridgesllc · 2 years
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Online Learning Language - Benefits Of Learning
Stop getting embarrassed while talking in other languages! Verbal bridges bring an online language learning program that supports talking in English, Spanish, and German. Enhance your skills with our 24/7 home study learning program. Learn more - https://verbalbridges.com
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mybritishexpress · 2 years
How a French Language Course is the Best Way to Learn French?
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Deciphering and understanding a new language can be a slow burn, but it can also be an exciting and rewarding experience. With so many resources available today, it can be difficult to decide which method of learning is right for you. For those looking to learn French, taking a language training-based course can be a great way to get started. Such courses are always compact, and they deal with the real problems you face in reading, speaking, understanding, or writing a language. The best part about these courses is that they offer a 360 approach to meet your language-related issues more carefully.
French is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with over 275 million people speaking it worldwide. It is not only the official language of France but also spoken in other countries like Canada, Switzerland, and parts of Africa. Additionally, the French language plays a vital role in various industries like business, fashion, and the arts.
So, why should you consider taking a French Language Course?  It provides you with a solid foundation in the language in the first place.
A good French course will teach you basic grammar rules, vocabulary, and pronunciation, allowing you to communicate effectively in everyday situations. This is particularly important if you plan to travel to a French-speaking country, where speaking the language can make a significant difference in your experience.
But beyond the basics, a comprehensive language training course can help you develop advanced language skills as well. By taking a course, you'll have the opportunity to practice writing, reading, and listening comprehension, which will enable you to understand and communicate more complex ideas. You'll also learn about French culture and history, which can deepen your appreciation for the language and the people who speak it.
While there are many online resources available, taking a French language course has several advantages. When you as a learner begin working with the skilled instructors, they will provide you with personalized attention and feedback. They can guide you through more advanced topics, answer your questions, and ensure you're on the right track. This type of personalized attention is challenging to find with online resources, which are often self-paced and impersonal. However, joining a place where you meet your trainer face to face can be of a great help. These classes work as catalysers for passionate people to learn a language. Plus, it streamlines the time that it would require otherwise to master various complex and dry concepts.
Another advantage of taking French Language Courses is the chance to practice your language skills with other students. Participating in group activities like conversations or debates can be a fun and effective way to improve your language skills. By doing that, you'll also get the opportunity to make new friends and learn from others who are also studying French. This helps to build confidence in the language, which is crucial for effective communication.
Moreover, taking a foreign language learning course is not just about learning the language; it's also about understanding the culture. A good course will immerse you in the French language and its culture, helping you to better understand its nuances and subtleties. You'll learn about French customs, traditions, and etiquette, which can be helpful if you plan to visit or work in a French-speaking country.
On top of that, such a language course can open up new career opportunities. French is the official language of many international organizations like the United Nations, the European Union, and the International Olympic Committee. Knowing French can be a valuable asset in various industries like hospitality, fashion, and international business.
In conclusion, taking a French Language Course is the best way to learn French. It provides you with a solid foundation in the language, helps you develop advanced language skills, and allows you to understand French culture better. Working with a skilled instructor and practising your language skills with other students can also iron out the wrinkles in your ability to speak the language. So, if you're looking to learn French, why not sign up for a French language course today? It's an investment in your future that you will never regret.
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gubbles-owo · 27 days
i adore seeing brazillian miku make the rounds, and by extension all the other regional variants that proudly showcase all these rich cultures. it's super sweet (while also demonstrating just how malleable miku is as an icon!) but i suppose it's also brought a long-standing personal frustration to the forefront of my mind again, namely... i don't really have a heritage or culture that i can call my own. be warned, stupid american white girl rambling under the cut lmfa o
so yeah im like. "white", or whatever. it's critical to acknowledge that "whiteness" is ultimately a contrived social construct meant to elevate those to a certain class above others in order to oppress and silence those who did not fit this construct. it's fucked. the definition has changed and morphed over time, blurring those included into some homogeneous mass devoid of any real culture, but its purpose remains much the same. so in order to break down this shitty concept of "whiteness", i break down my roots into components, right? a more detailed, nuanced set of backgrounds and traditions that all define me as a unique being, yeah? it just kind of... doesn't work in my case. my own heritage is.... murky. my father's side of the family reportedly includes a mix of things— welsh, german, fuckin english— but all of those were rattled off once by my father in a tone bereft of confidence, pausing for long periods between each as he struggled to recollect any of the details. so very broadly some sort of "western europe" deal, but not much specific beyond that. i cannot recall any particular traditions or anything from his side of the family that were drawn from these various cultures. here's the real kicker: my mother? adopted. legally could not dig up who her biological parents were until legislation allowed it... after their passing. for the longest time we had zero fucking clue where she really came from, the circumstances of her birth and subsequent adoption, all of that. the non-biological maternal grandparents i grew up with at least had their own strong ties; my grandfather immigrated from france after WW2, and my grandmother and her family from poland around much the same time. they spoke their respective native languages alongside near-flawless english, and god, during large family gatherings around christmas and whatnot i ate the best goddamn perogies i probably will have ever had in my life. but see, that's the thing... that's the only time i ever really had those. or had all that much cultural interaction, really, were confined to those transient blips of holidays and events. it was all with extended family that i barely knew because i only ever got to see them once or twice a year. somehow they all knew my name, but i never knew theirs. it felt so... distant. like i was observing a warm and loving family behind a thick wall of glass. it's not like they ostracized me or anything, i just. felt so hopelessly out of the loop. my mother never learned of her true background until very recently. lithuanian, as it turns out. at least for her mother, no clue where her father was from. so in a way, lithuanian is the single one hereditary thing i can point to and say "yeah, i guess that is technically me," but it's not like i grew up around it. i never met my biological maternal grandparents, or Anyone biologically on that side. i know nothing about the culture or the language or their traditions. perhaps if i had grown up with some of that it would've felt more core to my being, but learning so late after the fact feels... almost pointless? like what am i supposed to draw from this?? -------- An idea introduced to me at one point was the idea of region as culture. but augh. oouuggghhh we are opening a nasty can of worms here. (thanks tumblr for nuking this next paragraph for no fucking reason, so u get a screenshot, sry):
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algonquian. quinnipiac. pequot. mohegan. connecticut. those sure ain't names carried over from england unto unclaimed soil that's for fucking sure. thanks the horrific methods of colonialism, the place i grew up and hold dear to my heart is, ultimately, built on tainted soil. how closely can i really hold onto any of that when it is built up on the very names of those that were eradicated?? god it is all just so fucked. yeah, i know, fuckin, "privileged white girl whining" here. and you'd be correct. i'm not holding the short end of the stick here, and it's necessary to acknowledge that. sure, i can stake claim to "gay" and "transgender" and "chronically ill"— but my heritage, and the ground on which i've lived all my life, is absolutely not one of them. what our dumpsterfire of a country did to the indigenous people that once thrived here is just... absolutely fucking horrific. ------- to be clear, i don't think there's anything inherently wrong with mixing cultures. like i'm not really on about some """purity""" shit where i have to have One Single Background; i'd say it's probably good and healthy to have different things to draw from! but i dunno, there's a point for me at which it all feels so fractured that it's impossible to derive any sort of identity from it all. where do i come from? what am i?? and at the end of it all the only really thing i can say for myself is.... "white". and i fucking hate that. it feels as if trying to further adopt traditions of any of these aforementioned cultures feels like some sick and twisted form of cultural appropriation. it feels wrong. it's theft. to tie it back to where this post began, how would i design a fuckin miku to represent where i'm from? and i just... don't have an answer. i have nothing. i remember a poll going around here on tumblr that was like "which of these languages would you want to learn?" and while i considered picking smth and rbing it i just could not pick one that didn't somehow feel wrong. the closest from that list i could answer was like... danish. why? not because i have any ties to denmark. but because there is a single prog metal band from denmark that is incredibly important to me. but they don't even sing in danish!! all of their lyrics are in english!! i don't even know what the language sounds like!! in fact i keep mixing it up with dutch!! fucking hell my uncultured ass needs to learn a Lot of things. i just wish i had roots that i could be proud of, rather than confounded by and ashamed of.
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uchiha-gaeshi · 5 hours
10, 13, 18 🙏
Thanks for the ask :)
Just as a warning, I ramble a lot, so be prepared for that. And if you (or anyone else who reads this) want to ask any follow up questions feel free :D
10: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Ok, so I've gotten really bad at doing the things I actually want to do in my free time because I usually spend that time thinking of what I want to do but instead scrolling social media. And it's weird too because right now I do have an abnormal amount of free time, but due to certain circumstances I can't really do everything I want with that time. At least with Tumblr, I'm engaging with things I actually like (vs mindlessly scrolling on TikTok).
Now that I've discovered that fandom is a thing, I think I'm trying to make up for all the years in middle/high school where I went "I can't do that, it's too cringe." Now here I am in my early 20s obsessing over Naruto. Idk if 10 year old me would be proud or disappointed...
Embarrassingly, I spend a bit too much time thinking of ideas for my Warring States/Founders era SI/OC fic I thought I was gonna start writing like 3 months ago. Thankfully, as I've let it marinate in my head it just gets better and better (read: crackier and crackier). Maybe if other people ask me about it, I might actually revisit my Google Doc dump and overcome the "he/she/they wouldn't say that" in my head (something something do it scared, tired). I also want to try my hand at drawing, and at least put a solid effort into it before I fully decide to quit haha.
In the past when I had my shit together, I spent a huge chunk of my free time in the gym training with free weights. Like, up until say 1-2 years ago I was a gym rat, and I might get back to that because my mental health was marginally better during those times.
I also spent a lot of that time invested in language learning activities. Back in high school, I spent a lot of time hyperfixating on my Mandarin homework/extra practise while neglecting my other homework (oops...), and that continued a little bit into my first year of university. I also took some classes in Japanese (I took about 4-5 semesters of Japanese), but I'm reeeallly rusty rn.
I'll definitely pick this back up in the near future, because it's lowkey been my dream to be a semi-polyglot. Idk what counts as "polyglot level", but if I get my executive functioning bullshit sorted out, I'd like to be proficient in Mandarin, Japanese, French, and maybe Spanish or German. Oh, also being able to speak Twi (one of the languages in Ghana) would be nice too.
13: Your dream place to visit.
Japan and Taiwan have been on my list of places to travel to since forever. I'd also like to explore other places around Canada (stuck in southern Ontario).
I'd also like to visit Ghana again someday, but mostly just to see long lost relatives and learn more about my culture (there's a whole thing of Ghanaians from abroad flooding back home during Christmas and it seems that locals have...mixed thoughts about that, but that's not really a topic I'm qualified to dive into in depth).
18: Do you like reading? If yes what's your favourite book?
Oof, so I am part of the majority of Americans who has not read (specifically original fiction) in an embarrassingly long time. In terms of original fiction, I really enjoyed what I read from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (was really disappointed to see her parroting terf talking points tho....). I read Americanah way back when and I really liked it. Tbh, reading actual books is on my never-ending to-do list of things I should do.
What I've *actually* been reading these days has been, you guessed it, fanfiction. Honestly, I think what brought me back to my years-long Naruto hyperfixation was some random youtube video/comment talking about fanfiction and AO3. So, me being me (I was going down like 3 rabbitholes at the time I think) I wanted to know more about this AO3 thing, so I explored some of the fics in the Naruto fandom (the first piece of media that came up in my head at the time). To keep a long story from getting any longer, I've been stuck here in this fandom for the past... 5 or so months now.
At the time, I was just reading through any fanfiction I came across, some good, some so-so, and some, in retrospect, pretty bad. But, one of my favourite fics has been Out of Time by Mari_kel (@mira--mira). I have to give it a re-read so that I can properly show my appreciation on the actual fic.
You can look at my AO3 profile for some fics I recommend/have publicly bookmarked (warning: most of them I believe are hashimada. I started getting in the habit of actually bookmarking/commenting once I bumped into that subfandom). Please ignore the unfinished crack multisaku/uchisaku fic under my profile (I don't ship Sakura with any of those characters, it was just something I thought would be funny. Once I actually come around with this writing thing, you'll see that a lot of shit in my fics is there just because I think it would be hilarious).
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fractured-shield · 4 months
Requesting for the WIP Bingo—
Half coherent ramblings about langauage
*grabs popcorn and a blanket* okay I’m ready!!!
ok so!! *pulls out my super long disorganized notes document and spends like 20 minutes looking for the right notes* I'm gonna put the map here too just for ease of access
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So first of all, we have the god-tongue, Vakran, which originated in Vehtel Eromel, the city on the western expanse where the five four gods live. It's spoken by any mage or priest who serves in the city, and known to varying degrees by common people in the surrounding kingdom of Vinahri, and a bit less-so in Fairalme further east. On the eastern expanse, it's exclusively used by mages, sort of in a church-latin kind of way: used in written manuscript and recitation but not casual conversations, since they've long since stopped trading with the western half of the continent. The Lochieru dialect is essentially a heavily modified version of Vakran (like sharper consonants and less dropped/modified sounds), so it gives them an edge in actually learning spoken magic, but makes them sound sort of off-putting to other mages...in addition to the whole "they worship the banished fifth god and the dragons that god created" thing.
So I mentioned Vinahri and Fairalme in the west speak varying degrees of Vakran, but Fairalmin is their native language. In Vinahri, it's got more of a slow pace with a heavier rhythm and uvular r sounds to it, and the further you get to the Fairalmin coast it's more like...imagine the rhythm of a west wales accent and some of the vowel sounds, smushed on top of an irish accent but specifically something around galway. i realize that's incredibly specific and convoluted but it makes sense in my head and this is important to me bc Idhren's originally from the Fairalmin barrier islands lmao. it used to be a sort of trade language, but the trade isn't there anymore because the coastal kingdoms on the eastern expanse also aren't there, so it's pretty rare to hear on the eastern expanse now.
And speaking of that, in the eastern expanse the three original elf kingdoms (Linador, Ngelorim, and Silorn) spoke Cenaith. The new ones formed from their remnants in the last war do too, but like...you can tell the someone's age based on what their Cenaith sounds like. Older speakers have a lot stronger regional accents, if you're familiar you can be like "that's a middle class accent from the city of Thiamal in Ngelorim" but with anyone born after the most recent war, they grew up around a bunch of varied accents from all three kingdoms and sort of have this distinct "I think someone in your family was from that region based on that one single slang word you use but you sound like your accent is influenced by like ten things" kind of vibe. Since like, elf kingdoms and all, and there's such slow dialectical shift in any instance other than a huge upheaval that changes what accents everyone grows up hearing.
There's also Common, which is the trade language of the Hyse (humans) that was adopted by the Alliance council once the two Hyse kingdoms were allowed to join. It comes from Ilgost, and has a ton of variation in accents compared to Cenaith. And there's Riddana, which is spoken in Rhorn (although Common is also pretty...common there). It's got a lot more of a germanic feel to it I think, just based on vibes? And then there's Ikhanan which is spoken near the eastern shore and by a few isolated groups elsewhere and I still need to figure out a lot of what I'm doing with that, but it's a shared tongue of goblins and dwarves since they've historically coexisted in that area.
Also like, final note (although I'm sure I've forgotten something), Therien's accent is an absolute mess. She's already got that muddled post-war young person Cenaith accent, but with hints of her father's Fairalmin accent, and when she speaks Common you can tell Cenaith is her first language but there's a very noticeable Riddana undercurrent to it too from her time spent there and it's very confusing to anyone who doesn't know how she ended up with such a weird style of speaking
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leilawoo · 11 months
Returning to Tumblr...
After some much needed time away from this site following the untimely loss of my original blog, I think I'm finally up for slowly rebuilding a semblance of what I had before. Although, I don't think there are as many artists on this platform as there used to be, so I doubt I'll be getting back up to over 1000 people to follow.
On my old blog I had an entire About page set up that one could get to on the desktop, but I don't think it ever once got seen so I'll make this a pinned post instead and include some short info below the read more.
I go by either Leila or Lupo. Just default to they/them with me (you can unlock extra pronouns through friendship :3). I've been using Lupo as part of my handle online for the longest time, so if you're looking for one to go with that's a safe choice.
This blog will primarily be filled with reblogs instead of original content, and mostly just of anime art (with sources of course, added by me if I have to). While I don't plan on having explicit stuff here (but it's not a non-zero chance), I'm just going to enforce that this should be considered an 18+ only space. If I think something is ecchi/nsfw/sensual it'll be tagged with #e (for ecchi); other sensitive topics will probably get a tag of some sort too.
#dalle dita del lupo = my text post tag
#dalla bocca del lupo = my ask tag
A little about me:
My most heavy interest is linguistics, specifically historical linguistics / philology, and conlanging. I'd love to talk about anything languages and if you want to know more about my conlangs please ask!
With my interest in languages came also the interest in learning to speak a foreign language. Sadly I am not fluent in any second languages yet. I had 4 years of Spanish in high school but I never used it so I've lost a lot of what I learned. I self-studied German and then Dutch to near B1 level after high school, even getting good enough at the former to understand most of what my German teacher would say when she would be teaching the class entirely in German in my intermediate classes at uni. But like with Spanish I have not used either of these languages consistently and lost a lot of what I gained. My current focus is learning Japanese, which I have been off and on at technically since middle school, but I am now taking it more seriously. Eventually I also want to learn Korean and some Chinese languages.
I got my Bachelor's degree in Cognitive Science with a computational emphasis, but this wasn't what I was accepted for in the beginning. That was Astrophysics. I'd like to return to school sometime soon to pursue higher degrees in CogSci and Linguistics, working toward doing research in what I'm calling Cognitive Computational Linguistics. I worked as a math tutor for community college and high school students for a while during my time as a community college and university student. My favorite subject to tutor was Statistics.
I'm looking to improve at programming in general but I lack any projects that I want to work on (I gained two ideas shortly after I made this post lol. They're both beyond my current ability but hey, they're something to aim for). I also only really know fundamentals in several languages and not enough to actually accomplish significant things with them. To be honest, I could really use an experienced mentor and some challenging projects to work on.
Hmm, not much else to say here. Thank you for reading, and I hope you'll stick around :3
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beforeiread-studies · 2 months
✏️, 🌟 & 👻, pleaseee?
Hi anon, nice to meet you & thank you for the ask :)
✏️ a big misconception about your field/a popular, but wrong fact related to your field that makes you cringe?
I study both languages and literature. I cringe when people say "I'm too old to learn a language" or "This language is too hard to learn". No it's not!!! You can do it if you really want to! Maybe you'll never get to a C2 level but you will get damn near close if you let go of this sort of excuses. I just want to grab those people by the shoulders and shake the low self-esteem out of them.
🌟 share one of your academic “core memories”!
I'm not sure what defines an academic core memory but uhm... During COVID most lectures were online. One of my professors had a cat that would sometimes end up on camera and one day every student started showing their own pet. And we are talking about a 200-student class! So many proud pet owners, hehe.
👻 share an academic horror story! (bad group projects, missed an exam, etc)
I don't think I had real horror stories, thankfully. More like stressful ones, like having 7 exams in one week or waiting from 9 am to 8 pm to take an exam. But one time I showed up at an exam and the professor didn't, lol.
It was a German exam and the guy was in charge of the written part. We wait for him for more than one hour and then the faculty finally manages to contact him. As it turns out he didn't have internet at his house so he hadn't received the email with the exam dates??? Anyway, we did the speaking part first with another professor while he ran to the university (which took him another hour). When he arrived he did not have a written test prepared so he just printed random exercises from the workbook.
They were way easier than anything he could have prepared so his mistake was actually convenient. I would have never gotten such a good grade otherwise. (ach, this is making me miss German)
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giiwedinongkwe · 4 months
What's it like to learn anishinaabemowin?
it is a lifelong process. i am still only at the very beginning of that journey myself. i can introduce myself, where i'm from, recognize plants and animals and colours, but i am nowhere near fluency; i can barely string sentences together. the way it is interwoven with our belief systems and our land is beautiful, but it is also what makes it very complex to understand at the very start. to try and learn when it isn't something that i really grew up hearing is strange, because is it built very differently from english and french. everything is connected, and there are several layers of understanding because words are usually made up of other words, kind of in the way german does? i am not sure if you're just curious or thinking about learning yourself, but if it's the latter, immersion is definitely key. taking non-language indig classes, working the land, spending time with elders... everything that i've learned of the language has been in that way, the way that it's always been done in our communities. it feels very unnatural to do in a classroom when you could be outside showing me the plant when you say it's name, you know? it's hard. i stick with it because it's important to me to honour my culture and my ancestors in that way, but also because i genuinely just think it's very cool and interesting. i like being able to make connections when i pick up little fragments of the language. it's like an auditory puzzle.
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pariahfox · 1 year
Finally going to try to embark on a new study plan, of slightly more structured DIY SFI.
The actual classes are free--but logistics, neurospiciness, and rolling burnout have been getting in the way of enrolling in any. Even what distance options I was finding for our area. But yeah, that is at least intended to help get immigrants up and at least semi-functional in daily Swedish ASAP.
As befits my nerdy, "unusual relationship to language in general" ass, I am currently all over the map in terms of skills here. Deciphering some written Icelandic and spotting German cognates, sure! Scanning "normal" written material, and at least getting the gist of maybe 50%-90% depending on subject matter? Usually yes, by this point. Formulate a halfway comprehensible e-mail with some vocabulary help from a dictionary? It'll take at least 3x longer than in English, but I can mostly manage. Just don't ask me to carry on a basic conversation, or do much more than (badly) order some coffee.
The osmosis approach really hasn't been helping so much with this. Neither has the fact that I haven't been able to get out and interact with people even anywhere near as much as my awkwardness could handle otherwise. Honestly haven't had the best luck trying to figure out how exactly to remedy any of this either.
So, my idea to get my ass in gear now is to pick up the appropriate textbooks (likely through less-than-official means) and follow along with at least one of the frequently recommended folks like Peter SFI covering this shit less officially online.
Also, suck it up and practice on the household captive native speaker more than I have been up to this point. If anybody is used to ridiculousness coming out of my mouth, it would be him. It just feels harder when it is someone that you do care what they think of you, who was also at near-native level in your primary language when you met them over 20 years ago. 😬
There are obviously the executive function pitfalls to keep in mind, but yeah. Trying to get more organized on my own is probably a better approach than doing much on a more formal basis. So, we'll have to see how putting an hour or two a day into this semi-structured approach might go.
My brain is pretty fried tonight, so I intend to start into that tomorrow. (Cue "Jane Says"... 🙄)
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heavensenthale · 2 years
the taste of your vowels in my mouth
Multiamory March Day #7: Language
Fandom: Sense8 Relationship: Kala/Wolfgang/Rajan Rating: Mature Word count: ~700
Read on AO3 or
Rajan never thought he’d find the sound of German as hot as he did. He’d never had a reason to think he and his wife would have a German boyfriend either, so it was no wonder he still wasn’t accustomed to the rise and fall of pitch in his boyfriend’s voice when he was fucking him against the mattress.
Most of the time, Wolfgang spoke English around him. Sometimes he’d tease Rajan and Kala in Hindi, but it was short-lived and he seemed to go back to English effortlessly. On rare occasions, he’d slip into one of the languages spoken by the cluster when they visited. Most noticeable for Rajan though were the occasions when Wolfgang spoke German.
It wasn’t the big things, but the ease with which the words spilled from his lips always made him do a double take. And when Kala replied without a hitch in the same fashion, Rajan started paying attention.
Wolfgang used German for things that did not have an English equivalent, usually when he was watching one of his singing competitions, and he never expected an answer. Rajan could see that the man was still surprised when Kala replied in her accented German by the way his eyes opened up, his breath hitched, and the corners of his mouth curved upwards.
However, Wolfgang also spoke German when they were having sex and if Kala’s eyes were anything to go by, Wolfgang was filthy in bed. Don’t get him wrong, Wolfgang could be filthy in English as well, but Rajan was extremely curious as to what he was saying when he was blind with pleasure.
So, like any good boyfriend would, Rajan booked an online lesson the first chance he got.
At first, while they were still in France because of the threats to his family, Rajan hid his classes by passing them off as work meetings. Neither Kala nor Wolfgang interrupted him for the hour he spent trying to distinguish the difference between an S from an ẞ.
Eventually, they went back to India —Wolfgang didn’t have to be convinced to go with them— and it became harder to hide what he was doing. He had to take his lessons at the company: first, in his office; then, as interruptions became the norm, he took the lessons at a café near the building, sometimes having to excuse himself from lunch with his beloved partners because of it.
Rajan had always been a fast learner and in a couple of months, he managed to go from zero to ‘I understand very slow German’, so he decided to test his new knowledge one lazy Saturday morning. Kala had barely left the room to go to the bathroom and Rajan asked Wolfgang —in what he imagines is very basic German— what he would like for breakfast.
The man, still fighting the remnants of sleep, turned his head to look at him, “what did you say?”
Rajan asked in English, “what would you like for breakfast?”
“No, no, say it in German again,” he replied.
With an amused smile, he repeated himself one more time.
“I’m gonna suck you silly,” Wolfgang said, a soft smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
“That’s not on the breakfast menu.”
“Well, it should be,” Wolfgang replied. “When did you even learn that?”
Proud of himself for managing a simple sentence, Rajan continued in his choppy German, more confident in his knowledge than he was before, “I’ve been taking lessons.”
He didn’t have time to say anything else, as Wolfgang pulled him down by the front of his t-shirt and kissed him, hard and filthy, trapping his bottom lip between his teeth and biting down. Rajan moaned when Wolfgang’s hand slid to the back of his neck and gently tugged his hair, angling his head for a deeper kiss.
“I leave for three minutes and this is what happens,” Kala said from somewhere around his back.
Wolfgang let him go and said, “Rajan, can you ask Kala what you asked me?”
Smiling, Rajan said it again. Kala looked at him with a glint in her eye. “Since when do you speak German?”
“He’s been taking lessons,” relayed Wolfgang. Something in his tone made Rajan look at him again but all he could find in his eyes was kindness and the adoration usually reserved for Kala.
Kala, catching on something left unsaid, added, “well, are we having breakfast or not?”
Dropping a final kiss on Wolfgang’s lips, then a quick kiss on Kala’s cheek, Rajan stood up and made his way to the kitchen.
Before he was gone though, Wolfgang spoke up, “main tumse pyar kartha hoon.”
“Ich liebe dich auch, Wolfgang.”
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verbalbridgesllc · 2 years
New Year Traditions in the USA, Germany, and Mexico
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itsmylosssherly · 2 years
Things in YuuMori that could be the authors not quite knowing or it could be part of the story - Part 1
So, we can all agree that YuuMori takes quite a few ... artistic liberties, when it comes to western historical accuracy, christian themes etc. (Which I, as a christian-raised european, actually quite enjoy, it takes the forced "perfection" out of the equation and makes for a much more pleasant reading of the actual story)
Now I was thinking of some things, that stood out to me, when reading the manga, that I wanted to talk about
(This will mostly focus on the english translation of the manga, because my japanese is not yet good enough to reliably understand the whole context, so if you see something, that doesn't come across in the english translation very well, but is in the japanese, please do not hesitate to tell me)
This will also be a multi-part-series, because it goes on longer than I thought it would
Sherlock's Cockney Dialect
As people have previously pointed out, Sherlock and Mycroft were born in "North Riding" (presumably "The North Riding Of Yorkshire", which is a historical region near York in, you guessed it, Yorkshire), as per the official character sheets in Volume 18
In Volume 2 Chapter 5 "The Noahtic, Act 1" William says Sherlock "[CHOOSES] to speak with a Cockney Accent"
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And while Sherlock doesn't actually speak in a Cockney Accent in the manga (because american translators can't write british dialects apparently) it does get implied every now and then
Now, Cockney is a VERY regional dialect and sociolect of english, that is basically only spoken by the working class and lower middle class in London (which is about 300 km away from Yorkshire (which doesn't sound like a lot, but for a dialect it is))
Side Note - Cockney can also historically more or less refer to people, things, culture etc. from London's East End (The place where William and Louis grew up, before they were adopted into the Moriarty house hold, and I think it's quite funny to imagine William and Louis being able to switch between Cockney and The Queen's English quite easily, and maybe even other dialects)
So Sherlock was born in Yorkshire, has a brother who speaks The Queen's English and chooses to speak in Cockney ... How does that make sense?
And some people have proposed that Sherlock might have commuted between Yorkshire and London when he was younger and therefore he might have picked up Cockney on some or other escapades to The East End Of London, but that doesn't seem completely right
And honestly I did think at first that it was just Miyoshi-Sensei and / or Takeuchi-Sensei not being quite aware of english dialects (and granted, that could be the case)
BUT it could also be, that Sherlock and Mycroft's The Queen's English speaking father, married their Cockney speaking mother
(At this point it should be stated that "proper" The Queen's English is more or less an "artificial dialect" (as artificial as english dialects can get, (which is not very)) and learned and used a lot by for example the BBC (that's why it's also sometimes called BBC english) and government officials (at least until a few decades ago) and about as close as you can get to a british "high english" as some other languages have "high languages" (high german, high arabic etc.))
So father Holmes, presumably a government official, might actually come from The North Riding Of Yorkshire, learned The Queen's English, met mother Holmes, had children with her
And while Mycroft, probably already early on, was involved with the Holmes' legacy and almost always has to hold himself in a "proper manner"
Sherlock, as the second son, probably didn't feel as much pressure to conform (or he just didn't really care) and if he has a better relationship with his mother than he has with his father, then maybe he just decided he did not want and / or need to "[FIX] his accent" (as he says to Billy in Chapter 67), the dialect of his mother, Cockney
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He might consciously choose to speak in Cockney and not force himself to speak The Queen's English, because he is proud of his and his mother's roots, like William says
I will for now try to ignore the fact that it doesn't really make sense for someone like Sherlock and Mycroft's father (who is presumably a relatively high-ranking government official like Mycroft) to marry someone from a class in London that speaks Cockney (like Sherlock and Mycroft's mother and / or her family apparently does)
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Can I request for a bridgerton male ship headcanons and the vampire diaries male ship headcanons?
My name is Tanu and I'm an author and a law student. I'm a happy go lucky person. I love spreading happiness and love to the people around me. I'm a very empathetic person. I work for NGOs and I love to make someone's life better and help them. I love giving hugs and making people comfortable around me. I think of other people's comfort and happiness before mine. I'm a very emotional person and an innocent person. Little things and the behaviours of the people around me affect a lot. I'm a bit childish and I really don't take life seriously but, when the situation comes I act very maturely. I'm a mix of being a child at heart and bring matured at the same time. I love traveling around the world and meeting new people and to know about their culture and tradition. I love reading and I'm a voracious reader. I have been singing and dancing and giving performances since the age of 10.
I love intellectual and philosophical discussions. I'm a very simple girl with very few close friends. I love being around kids as they effortlessly make me smile. My family is my biggest strength and support. I'm fluent in 5 languages and even manage by german blog with my book writing. I take language classes and it empowers me that I help people learn and grow and have different experiences in life.
Thank you so much.
Hope you like them!
Ships are under the cut~
I ship you with Anthony.
I think Anthony would hold your love for family in high esteem. You make him smile and laugh, and you bring him and excitement and love he never he'd have.
Runner Up: Colin Bridgerton
You are quite a bit different than Anthony, and others have said so, but that is why Anthony adores you so much. You are like two sides to the same coin.
Anthony, when he has time, loves to read as well, so you two often talk of books and recommend them to each other often. When you were first courting, he would invite you to his home and allow you to look through the library, encouraging you to read as many of their books as you'd like.
Something Anthony's family adores about you, if you easy way of making Anthony smile. You could enter the room and his face brightens. You know how to make him laugh, and you have many inside jokes that have left you giggling, much to the confusion of those around you.
Anthony adores (and is a bit jealous) that you know so many languages, and often asks you how to say certain words or phrases in those languages. He also likes to brag to people about your multilingualism.
You get along so well with the rest of the Bridgerton's that it took them no time at all to warm up to you. And many of Anthony's siblings were often telling him that if he did not marry you, he was an idiot.
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I ship you with Elijah.
Elijah would admire your loyalty, love of family and range of skills. He would be attracted to you from the moment you first met.
Runner Up: Matt Donovan
There is nothing ore important to Elijah than family, and you are his family. He would burn the world down to keep you safe. Luckily, if people tend to hate the Mikaelson's, they like you and avoid going after you (or they are too scared too)
Elijah loves language, music and new cultures, so any time he can, he will whisk you away to some new part of the world for the two of you to explore.
He also often takes you to past places he has been (since he's been around for so long lol). He will show you all of his favorite spots, restaurants, hotels, etc.
Elijah adores your ability to get along so well with people, as well as your loyalty, and your drive to help people. He often describes you as the sun in a world of shadow.
One of Elijah's favorite relaxing activities is sitting beside you as the two of you read. No need for words, just your presence near him as you both enjoy a shared hobby is enough for him.
If he has to go somewhere without you (on a trip on family business and whatnot), he will always bring you back something. A book, a unique piece of jewelry, food, etc.
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anaalnathrakhs · 1 year
Money - what would you do with your life if money was no object?
Hobby - what hobbies do you have or want to get into?
Daisy - do you have any pets? If not, do you want any?
Bees - what’s your go to spring outfit?
Sage - what life advice would you give to someone younger?
Vernacular - what language do you wish you could speak or want to learn?
sorry these are not in order
Money - what would you do with your life if money was no object?
the hard hitting questions first i see :') i think i'd love learning to be a handyman so that i can help around my neighborhood with anything, cause in general i thrive doing straightforward tasks on comission, but that would require a place that needs this kind of help in the first place. my neighborhood currently is nowhere near that close-knit. so i don't know. if it's not about money, that means i can work for a number of hours adapted to my capability, so i think i'd love having a basic fast food job if not for the money/time ratio. or a compromise like mail carrier, or maybe janitor but that's a little more boring cause it's neither outside nor people-oriented.
i think there's some artisanal crafts i would love to learn if i had the peace of mind that i don't need to wear the small business owner hat for it to be a viable career, but most of them i don't think i can develop the skills or the passion for it. and the ones i do i am somewhat seriously considering anyway.
can you tell i have no idea what to do with my life rn
Hobby - what hobbies do you have or want to get into?
Main hobbies are writing fanfic sometimes and baking some stuff when inspiration strikes, so not much. I already sew a little but I'd love to get more into it and develop more skills! I really ought to take classes one of these days. I've thought about going back to doing sports now that I get out of the house more, but no particular one has caught my attention. I've heard rowing is fun, so. Possibly that. And I've been trying to make myself read more again, since that was my number one time sink back when I was a kid.
Daisy - do you have any pets? If not, do you want any?
I do! One cat! I love him but adopting him taught me that I'm not built to have pets lmao so I'm doing my best to take care of him but he'll likely stay the only pet I'll ever have. Definitely the only cat.
Bees - what’s your go to spring outfit?
Same as all year round fdgjfhj baggy yoga pants & powerwolf tshirt i'm not really an outfits person. i do get a little more creative some days but nothing like a go-to outfit unfortunately
Sage - what life advice would you give to someone younger?
That's... complicated. I don't really feel like I've got much figured out honestly, and I'm still very young. I guess my advice is that everything is subjective and also that happiness and open-mindedness and kindess are all virtuous circles. If you make yourself be happy and open-minded and kind and you make yourself like things, it starts becoming real. It's more something targeted towards tweenage me in particular than any younger person tho :')
Vernacular - what language do you wish you could speak or want to learn?
THANK YOU for asking this question omg. Let's get the obvious answer out of the way first, I would LOVE to speak german cuz it's a school requirement and I'm really not doing well so far. But also more good-naturedly, it's a pretty fun language, and likely one that would be useful to speak in my particular geographical situation so to say. It's mostly a problem with learning methods, I did have fun learning the vocabulary when I could do it more on my own.
Beyond that, I'd love to learn latin. I'm a romance language native so it's especially useful for etymology, and I think being able to understand sayings, old texts, church latin, pig latin, etc, better, is so interesting.
Then uh, all the usual answers I guess. Russian and arabic are two big ones, first because seeing scripts I don't understand makes me cranky >:( and also for the number of speakers. Always useful. The other big languages don't appeal to me as much, some of them because I'm a little scared of the complexity (mandarin, japanese) and some of them just cause meh (spanish, portugese is a little more interesting but not much). Of course theoretically I'd like to speak as many languages as possible, but realistically... I'll stick to maybe learning the basics one day. Korean is sorta advertised as a very easy writing system and so with the cultural relevance of korea today I think if I end up trying to be solidly multilignual I might go for it?
The big problem for me is more the learning process than the motivation, so I don't think most of these are realistic enough, at least as far as I can tell. I'll go as far as I can with german and maybe try to pick up another language later on based on what would be useful in my circumstances.
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evsvolunteerstotem · 2 years
My name is Hannah and together with Blau, we are the current volunteers in TOTEM right now. I turned 19 in October (which is longer ago than it feels like:/) and am from a middle-sized city called Cottbus an hour away from Berlin.
I just finished school last year and because of not really knowing what and where to study, I decided on applying to TOTEM.
I know that Blau and I took a long time to finally post something on here, but better late than never I would say. We had to get used to Pilsen, Czech culture and language, this new workplace and new co-workers, and of course to each other. To be fair, I underestimated the change which happens when moving to another country, even if it is not that far away from my home and does not differ that much from culture back home.
The first months were interesting to say the least. The conversation classes did not start until October which was great because we first could get a bit more used to TOTEM when it was still remotely quiter and not as many people were here. But that changed very fast when all the different activities started. Before October I could have never imagined that so many people would join the different classes; mostly of course in English and German. But it was a nice suprise!
You can imagine how sweaty my hands got everytime I had to teach a German class all by myself (in English Blau and I do the class together) in the first few weeks. I could tell you that it is super easy to do and that I have never struggled because of nervousness but that would be a lie. There are always days which go by as smoothly as ever and there are always also days where you question yourself in the smallest little things. But that is what humans do and nothing to be ashamed of.
The seniors are super interested in every new thing you tell them, they love to listen to you talking about your home, your daily life and for me personally also in the different accents. Because of Pilsen being quite near to Bavaria and Austria a lot of them go there for trips or holidays and of course practice speaking there. And just like that they learn phrases and words I have never ever heard. And of course the other way around, sometimes I use vocabulary they are not used to it. Honestly, that are my favourite moments in class, because often it is super funny when everyone is confused for a moment and then it clicks and one after the other gets the misunderstanding. 
About Pilsen:
It is an experience. In the first two months there was something going on in the city centre every single weekend and often there were different festivals, events or concerts happening at the same time. And you had to choose between them which was not always an easy task to do.
I believe that in November there was a small comedown in activities, but for me personally it did not feel like one, because I started travelling a lot. I visited some friends at home which of course is easier for me to do than for Blau. I became an aunt
And of course, let’s not forget about the Christmas market in Pilsen! It was super nice and I could also get small things for my family back home. And the mulled wine was amazing, I loved the white and blueberry one!!
But I also could do some travels to Krakow, Prague and Bratislava which I enjoyed a lot. I thought about which one of them was my favourite but all of the travels were so different for me which is why I cannot really choose. All of them have their charme and if you meet the right people I think every solo travel, which I mostly do, can be great. Just look after your things (I lost and got stolen way too much stuff,a nd believe me it is no fun having to buy a new jacket in -8 degrees in Krakow just with a sweater on).
Sometimes I feel like I have still not realised that I am now in Pilsen, in Czech Republic, now. The last few months moved by way to fast. For me it could be early November as well. And you know that you enjoy doing what you do if the time goes by too quickly. So on that note:
You guy will hear from us again, next time probably from Blau. Until then,
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menalez · 2 years
Hey! Just wanted to ask you a few questions about Germany if it's not a problem! 😊
First things first, how are you doing there? I hope you're doing good, immigrating to a different country doesn't sound easy and personally I've been thinking about doing the same once I'll get my bachelor degree, but... I'm really scared and anxious...
I also wanted to ask you how did you learn German, if you studied it in school or if you took extra classes or something, because I would like to use an effective method to learn the language 😅
And also, if you don't mind the question, which level did you reach? (I mean the CEFR level, if you're acquainted with that scale)
Lastly, I wanted to tell you that your English is amazing and if you had any tips on how to improve my English skills (I speak English as a third language) I would be really grateful! ♥️
Have a nice day! 😊❤️
hey sure thing!!
im doing well, im really lucky that this time ive moved to a country where my gf is and where i also have family in the same city. being near my aunt has really helped make me less homesick! she will often invite us over and make bahraini food for us. she also often invites us to events about arabs in exile and middle eastern events which also make me feel not too far from my culture while also making me feel lucky that i can see stories that wouldn’t be allowed to be shared in my country.
i can imagine how you feel for sure bc i also felt similarly! but don’t let that angst and fear take over. focus on what you want to do with your life and what you want to achieve and remind yourself this is a good opportunity you wouldn’t want to lose out of fear.
for how i learned german, i finished A1 in university but didn’t have the ability to learn more german then. last year i learned some german in online classes while waiting to move to germany and once moving here, i started taking real life classes at a language school. outside of that id consume german media and read some books in german, as well as watching german shows and movies. also used the apps duolingo and drops on the side. things i didn’t understand i would search up on youtube bc there’s many videos of ppl explaining language stuff on there! also ppl on here would send me anons in german to help me practice and that also helped. in real life i also often will approach people in german, they’ll notice im not a native speaker bc im slower but when they ask me if i prefer english i insist on german instead and having convos in german with people also really helps!
im currently at the C1 level. last year around this time i was at A2! i hope eventually i can be at C2
id say in general with languages, it helps to just keep practicing it by using the language, reading stuff in that language, being acquainted with native speakers, and also writing in that language helps. find people who are very annoying about every mistake you make, my english only got this good bc i was among several westerners in middle school who would mock me whenever i made a slight mistake in english 😭 besides that, reading and writing a lot in english really helped me improve!
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